Family Knows Best Chapter 2 Revised free porn video

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Just to recap for those continued readers, my name is Jeremy, I’m a 17 year old slightly athletic average joe at high school, with brown hair, standing at 5’10”. My sister, Ane, is 15, has dyed blonde hair (naturally brown)stands 5’6”, with a D cup bust. We are, or rather, were, both virgins. She had just finished giving me my first blowjob, and brought me to the hardest orgasm I’d ever had.
I smiled down at Ane, and blushed.

“You…got something on your face…” I whispered and she blushed darker, quickly running her fingers over her face, scooping up the cum that had hit her face, before quickly putting it in her mouth, to my shock.

“It…tastes pretty good…” She whispered, and it made me blush darkly. “Can you move yet?” She asked, fidgeting, and rubbing her legs together, and I realized just how turned on she must have been. Still unable to really form a sentence, I nodded and sat up, before pulling her gently to the bed.

“My turn now.” I whispered to her, blushing as I slowly slid my hands up her thighs, towards pussy. She hadn’t put panties on, and was wearing an overly long shirt. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before, but she’d really been ready for bed. Slowly, I pushed the hem of the shirt up, past her thighs, revealing her hidden beauty to my eyes, and I licked my lips, staring at her shaved womanhood. Slowly, I leaned close, inhaling her scent, and gave her a slow lick, just brushing the tip of my tongue against her, tasting her a little.

She groaned a little, and I felt her hands gently rest on my head, tangling her fingers in my hair, before gently pulling me closer, encouraging me. Blushing slightly, I licked her again, more this time, using more of my tongue, licking her more, tasting more. It was something I couldn’t quite place, but I knew that I liked it. I really liked it. I noticed a small little nub above opening, and for once, I said a silent prayer to the gods of porn. Her clit. Porn had taught me enough to know what it was, and that she would love to have it teased and played with.

Getting a little braver, I leaned close and slipped my tongue slowly into her, tasting her wetness again. It came stronger now, and it was still an indescribable taste, but I knew that it was a taste I loved. I started licking slowly inside her, and she started shivering, whimpering quietly. Slowly, I let my nose touch and brush against her clit as I continued to lick her, and she started to squirm harder. Looking up, I saw she had her hand in her mouth, and she was biting it gently to keep from crying out, so I knew I was doing something right.

Slowly, I moved my right hand up from her thigh, and rested it just over where my tongue was busy licking, and rubbing, and exploring inside her. I shifted my head, so my face was clear, and my thumb replaced my nose, rubbing faster than I could before, and I felt her body clench around my tongue, and she cried out softly.

“Fuck! W-what…what are you doing to me?” She whimpered, her legs closing around my head as I licked her, stroking her clit again. She kept squirming and whimpering, and I just had to smile. I was doing something to her, and though I couldn’t feel it personally, I knew it was pleasure, and that knowledge alone gave me some sort of sense of accomplishment and pride.

I started licking faster, and kind of thrusting my tongue into her, licking here and there where I could, still trying to explore her body, find where she liked, where she got pleasure from, and where it didn’t do anything for her. Figuring this would (hopefully) become something we did frequently, I wanted to know what to do in order to get her off better and harder each time.

“S-shit…fuck yes…there…go back to where you…yes! R-right there!” She hissed as I followed her commands, and kept licking, focusing on that specific spot, rubbing her clit faster and a little harder, noticing it felt slightly different from the rest of her. Before long, within minutes actually, she cried out again, and her body started to actually milk my tongue as she convulsed a little on the bed, and I knew then and there, what I’d done. I’d just made her orgasm, something that so many guys in my group had wanted to do, some claimed to have done, and from whispered conversation’s I’d hear passing groups of girls, their boyfriends had failed to do.

I tasted something different from her juices before, but it was still something that I liked. It tasted…I don’t know, the only thing that I can really attribute to it, isn’t a taste, but just a sense of right. It tasted right, as weird as it sounds, that’s the best thing I can say about it.

Slowly, I pulled back, and looked up at her again, moving from between her legs, since she’d gone limp, and there was this dazed look on her face that made me not just smile, but have this shit eating grin on my face as I looked at what I’d done. Leaning down, I kissed her deeply, and it made her snap out of it, and kiss me back. I could taste myself on her lips and tongue as we made out again, and I just knew she could taste herself as well. I didn’t mind the taste, but it was a little weird, not that I cared by then.

“That…I don’t think I can move my legs at the moment.” She whispered when we broke off for air, and I laughed a little, stroking her cheek. I kissed her again, and laid beside her, waiting for her to catch her breath before we did anything.

“Where…did you learn to do that?” She whispered.

“Honestly? Porn. I know you can’t hold most of it to any merit, since almost all the time they’re full on faking it…but they did teach me what I needed to know.”

“Well, thank God for porn.” She said with a laugh, grinning happily, snuggling into my side lightly, resting her head on my shoulder, and I slipped my arm around her, and started stroking her arm softly. Leaning close I started to kiss her again, smiling lightly as I did so.

“I…want you….again…but…I want you inside me.” She whispered lightly. “And…not your tongue or your fingers…I want you inside me.” Blushing, I nodded, understanding, and gently moved first away, then opened her legs again, and moved between them. Leaning down I started to gently kiss her, slowly rubbing against her. Her words had gotten me hard again, and I was about to fix that. Kissing her, I pressed lightly against her, feeling her pussy resist me at first, but with a little pressure, I got a small gasp from her as I slipped into her. Not far, just the head, but I immediately felt pleasure hit me. She was like an oven, a hot wet oven. I loved the feeling, too. It was amazing.

“You…feel amazing sis.” I whispered, and slipped deeper into her body, stopping when I felt something, and got a pained hiss from her.

“Sorry!” I said quickly, and pulled back away from it, and she whimpered a little, before nodding at me. Chewing my lip, I started remembering some things I’d read in several porn stories, mostly on XNXX. I kissed her deeply, and lightly started thrusting into her, avoiding that barrior. She started to whimper lightly in pleasure, and then while she was in mid-moan, I buried my entire length into her body, causing her moan to turn into a cry of pain, which I quickly cut short with a deep kiss.

She was whimpering into the kiss, tears running down her cheeks. I stopped kissing, and she started to sob softly into my shoulder, and I stroked her hair.

“Shh, shh…it’s okay. I’m not gonna move yet.” I whispered, stroking her hair as I held her in my arms, just trying to ease her through it. Her sobs became soft whimpers, and over a few minutes it stopped completely.

“Okay…” She whispered. “I…I feel better now. You…you can start moving.”

I blushed and nodded, and started to thrust again, trying to make her feel better. Just as she opened her mouth to moan, something happened that made me go soft faster than seeing an old fat woman at a nude beach.

“Kids! We’re home! Get off the computers and get into bed! Just because it’s Friday doesn’t mean you’re sleeping until 2!” My father’s slightly slurred voice called from down stairs, and we both jumped, me pulling out of her quickly. Before we could even be caught, we both fixed ourselves as best we could, me closing my boxers after tucking myself back in, her pulling the shirt down to cover herself, and I saw the blood lightly seep through her shirt. She cursed a little, but quickly hid under the covers, and I joined her, knowing that our dad would be coming up soon to make sure we’d listened.

As if on cue, 4 seconds after we both got under the covers, and pretended to be sleeping, the door opened, and our father peeked in. As quickly as he came, he left, shutting the door, and creeping back down stairs without making a sound, trying not to wake us. I gave it five minutes before letting out a sigh of relief and sat up a little.

“That…was too fucking close.” I whispered, and she nodded.

“Yes. We have to be a lot more careful. But…at least…you got the worst part done with. It was just starting to feel good too, you know? Why couldn’t they have stayed out for another half hour?” She asked with this most adorable pout I’d ever seen. I almost spoiled it all by laughing a little, but I managed to smile and pulled back a little.

“Well…maybe next time we do this…we’ll be able to finish it in a way that feels good for both of us.” She whispered to me, and my heart soared, and my eyes widened. She wanted to do this again. She wanted to have sex. With me. Again. I could have started dancing in joy, but I figured I’d do that later, when I had time, and I was alone.

“Yes…but for now…let’s just try to get some sleep.” I whispered, and laid back down, gently pulling her into my chest, where she snuggled up happily. I had to smile, and just watched her as she fell asleep. I don’t know how long I spent watching her, but the next thing I knew, it was 10 in the morning, and our dad was knocking on the door. Sometime during the knight, I’d fallen asleep.

Ane opened her eyes slowly, looked around, saw me, gave this adorable little squeak, and pulled away from me, blushing darkly.

“I…I should get dressed. In my room…before they see me.” She managed quickly, before pulling away and scampering over the side of the bed, giving me a perfect view of her pussy again. It was a little red, and looked a little sore, but it was still the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, giving me an instant hard on. I pulled my boxers down a little so I could quickly rub one out, when I noticed that there was a bit of dried blood stained on it. It also brought back memories of her crying last night, and it got me soft just as fast as dad interrupting us did.

Sighing, I got up and slipped into the shower before anyone saw me too, and I noticed a few marks on my back from when she’d clung to me the previous night. I hadn’t even realized they were there, or that she had scratched my back a little while I’d been inside her.

Deciding to think about it later, I hoped in the shower, under the warm water and just started to clean myself, while also exploring, trying to see if there were any other marks or anything that might get me busted by our parents. Thankfully, the scratches were the only things, and those could be hidden with a shirt. I made a mental note to mention to her that we couldn’t suck on each other’s necks or leave hickeys or anything, mostly because I was worried about how we’d explain them.

Some 20 minutes later, I got out and dried off, and focused on the day ahead of me again. I was going to the gym, like I usually did. My thoughts stopped wandering and I smiled. That was one reason I loved showers, they gave me time to think about things and just wonder about different things.

As I quickly crossed to my bedroom, I saw Ane peek out of her room. She saw me, and gave me this smile. I’m honestly not sure what she meant by it, but it wasn’t your normal sibling smile. It was more…flirtatious. I went to smile back, but she was already gone, so I quickly slipped back into my room, and got dressed before heading down.

“Hey sweetie. Conned your sister into watching horror movies again I see.” Mom said with a smile, her auburn hair slightly messy, telling me that she hadn’t had a shower yet, as she sipped on a coffee, eating some scrambled eggs, with bacon and toast.

“It was my turn to pick the movies.” I said with a smile, as I grabbed a plate, and loaded it up with some of the same eggs that she’d made and put on a plate so we could load up on our own when we were ready. I also grabbed some bacon, probably more then I should have, but what can I say? No one can deny bacon. It’s like crack or something. You don’t say no to bacon, unless you’re Jewish. I sat down at the table, and started eating quietly, smiling to myself.

My dad walked in, smiling a little as he saw us.

“Got your sister so scared she had to sleep in your bed to feel safe again huh?” He asked with this sort of cocky smile. “I used to use the same move on your mother when we were dating. It’s a good one.” He ducked a swat that my mother sent his way, but it was obviously teasing.

“Don’t give him any ideas dear.” She said with a grin.

“Aw you don’t mean that. At least he’s getting practice in for when he gets a girlfriend.” My father responded with a grin, and went about making his own meal as my sister came down. “Morning sweetie.” He said as he saw her.

“Morning Dad.” She said, mumbling it a little so it looked like she was still half asleep, though we all knew better. Her hair had this…almost frazzled look about it, and I shook my head quietly. It was usually only weekend breakfasts or dinners that we ate together, otherwise we were all too busy doing our own things to really sit down together. Sometimes, we wouldn’t even eat dinner together, because we were all too busy. Me with homework or at the gym, when they made dinner, Dad staying a little later at work, or finishing off some paperwork in his home office. Only mom and Ane really sat down to eat meals together all the time.

I smiled a little, as the morning conversation turned from last night’s horror movies, to just how school was going, and general breakfast conversation. When I’d finished mine, I stood, washed the plate off, and put it in the dishwasher, before grabbing the water bottle I’d prepared the day before, and waved to them.
“See you in an hour!” I called, grabbing the backpack I prepare specifically for the gym, and took off on my bike. I kept asking for a car, hinting that I’d really like one. They kept saying that when they got a raise, or won the lottery, I’d get one, and I’d grumble a little, but go along with it.

After an hour of lifting weights, and doing some hardcore cardio, I biked home on my last reserves of energy, and promptly collapsed on the couch. I knew my peace wouldn’t last long though, I’d learned that a couple weeks after I started working out. I had five minutes of rest, before Ane came into the room, and lightly poked me, making me whine tiredly. It was her favorite pass time. Wait until I was weak and sore from working out, the come annoy me, by tickling or poking me until I called for help.

This was different though, because after a couple pokes, she looked around, and leaned down, and kissed me, making my eyes widen in surprise.

“Don’t be too tired big bro…I don’t want you to push yourself so hard that we can’t have fun anymore.” She whispered in my ear, before bouncing away, leaving me laying there stunned. Not knowing what else to do, I turned on the TV, and fell asleep a few minutes later.

I woke up to my dad calling me to come help him in the back yard, and I groaned, pain already setting in, as my body ached and went stiff. Ignoring it, I went out to help with some house work. He tended the garden, and I cut the lawn. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem, but our lawn mower had broken, and we were waiting for it to either get fixed, or for dad to decide to get a new one…which meant I had to use one of those ancient push mowers.

After almost an hour and a half, I stiffly moved back into the house, aching all over again, when I saw Ane. We were alone for the moment, so she moved close with two drinks in her hand. She passed me one, and I smiled appreciatively, sipping on the coke. She gave me this soft smile then leaned close and started to kiss my jawline, before grapping an ice cube from her cup, and ran it slowly up and down my neck, making me gasp a little, and break out in goose bumps as I shivered.

I didn’t know why she was doing this, but I had to admit, that I liked it. Her teasing and flirting. She winked at me, pulling away before we were caught, and blushed a little.

“I left you a present on your pillow.” She whispered, then scampered out of the room, leaving me standing there blinking. I finished my drink and went up to see what it was, and felt my mouth drop open. She’d left a pair of panties on my pillow, and from the wetness, she’d obviously spent a lot of time masturbating in them, trying to really get them to smell like her.

Blushing, I locked the door, and stripped down to my boxers, hard as hell again, and started to sniff them as I wrapped my hand around my cock. It didn’t feel the same as before, it felt a little weird. I guess it was true, once you’d had a blow job or sex, your own hand just wasn’t the same, but it would do the job. Smelling her woman’s scent, I stroked myself hard and fast, shutting my eyes, picturing her masturbating in them to leave her scent like she had. I groaned in pleasure, and gently licked a particularly wet spot, and groaned, cumming hard without warning. I’d never cum that hard, or that fast. What had she done to me? No…scratch that. I didn’t care. I was hooked on her.

I fell back exhausted and smiling, managing to tuck myself away before I fell asleep again. Going to the gym always did this to me. I’d push myself so hard, that I’d be dead pretty much all day.

I woke up to someone opening my door, and looked up quietly, and half asleep, to see Ane standing there with a plate of food.

“Hey sleepy head…dinner’s over, but well…I saved you some.” She whispered, making me smile gently as I sat up slowly. My arms and legs, hell, my whole body, felt like lead. She smiled a little as she saw how slow I was.

“Don’t worry…I plan on feeding you.” She whispered quietly, and I blushed. This was definitely not something that was normal. I had to wonder if this was something she’d always wanted to do, or if she was starting to want to because of what we’d done.

“Say ah.” She said holding out the fork with some pork chop on it, and I obeyed. She smiled as she fed me, and I remained blushing through the entire event, though it did start to fade near the end.

“Is…it okay if I stay here tonight?” She asked quietly, and I nodded. She smiled and clapped a little. “Okay, I’ll be back then.” She whispered, and carried the plate and cutlery out of the room, and returned five minutes later, wearing her night shirt again. Well, it was a different one since I didn’t see any blood this time and she gently cuddled into me as she climbed under the blankets with me. We just cuddled together, and I blushed, slowly sliding my hand up her leg.

“We…shouldn’t. They’re home.” She whispered, and I nodded.

“We’ll just have to keep quiet then.” I whispered back, sliding my hand further up until I found what I wanted, her panty less crotch. She took a shakey breath as my fingers started to gently brush against her nether lips, and I kissed her gently to try and help keep her silent, knowing if our parents caught us, they’d kill me, and send her off to a monastery or something.

Slowly, I let my fingers brush up and down her lips, while my thumb brushed against her clit, and she gave a gentle whimper into my kisses. Smiling, I slipped two fingers into her tight hole, and she moaned slowly, her back arching slowly as I started moving them in and out of her, still using my thumb to try and pleasure her as best I could.

Panting a little, I started to wiggle my fingers as I thrust them into her, and she kissed me hard, and I smiled a little, hearing her moan louder. I curled my fingers inside her, not knowing why, but I felt the change in texture, knowing full well what it was. It was the same place I licked the day before, her special pleasure button. Moving faster, I pulled back so I could watch her. It was amazing, the look of pleasure on her face.

Without warning, she gasped, and I quickly kissed her, cutting off the cry of pleasure. Suddenly, something warm hit my hand, and it smelt different. It wasn’t pee…she hadn’t wet herself…it slowly dawned on me. I’d made her squirt. Something only a few women could, and it was such a turn on for me. I stared down at her as she blushed, and I kissed her again, before running to get some towels to clean up.

I realized as I came back in, that I wasn’t feeling sluggish anymore, and I didn’t care. I’d just done something, that had always been a secret kink of mine. Of course, it was only added onto the fact that incest had been something that had always gotten me off quickly. I had no idea that I’d be lucky enough, to actually sleep with my own sexy as hell sister.

“Sorry…about the mess.” She whispered as I came back in, her knees pulled up to her chest, trying to hide her blush, as I cleaned up the mess quickly, blushing a little, looking up at her.

“It, was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” I whispered to her, smiling a little.


“Yes. I’m sure.” Leaning close, I kissed her, and smiled at her. I heard some grumbling, and someone walking down the hall, and I quickly dove under the covers with her as we listened. I’d been so hard and wanting, but we both shared a knowing look that said tonight would not be a good night to continue.
Snuggling close, I kissed her once more, and she rested her head against my shoulder. I’d have to do my sheets in the laundry the next day, but I didn’t care…I had her.

Sleep claimed me quickly for once, since more than once I’d lain awake for hours trying to sleep.
The next morning I mumbled sleepily, and pulled away from her, my body aching in pain, but I managed to stumble to the bathroom. After getting the water temperature just right, I climbed in under the spray and let out a sigh of relief, the warm water splashing against my body, and soothing my aching muscles.
I don’t know how long I’d been in there, but I heard the bathroom door open and someone step in.
“Oi! Occupado!” I cried out over the spray, and got a giggle in return. The door shut soon after and I had to blink as my sister, stock naked, joined me in the shower.

“They left to do some shopping. We’ve got at least half an hour.” She whispered, and clamped her mouth over mine, and I moaned hungrily into the kiss.

“I want you to finish what we started.” She whispered in my ear, before gently nibbling on my earlobe. I stared at her, rock hard, and she giggled. “I’m already wet and waiting.” She whispered again, and I picked her up, pressing her against the wall, and slowly slipped inside her.

I gasped in pleasure, her own face matching mine, as I felt her hotness, her wetness, and just how tight she was. I was born to be in here. Thrusting slowly, I almost came right then and there as pleasure ripped through me like a chainsaw, and I moaned in her ear. She giggled a little, and started to grind her hips against me.

Gripping her hips, and keeping her against the wall, I thrust hungrily into her hot body, but there was still something passionate about it. A hungry lust, but a baseline love behind it. Moaning in each other’s ears, we thrust against one another, whimpering and moaning in pleasure, panting as well.

“Fuck…right there big brother.” She whispered as I hit a particular spongy spot, and I grinned, thrusting harder and faster into her, targeting that spot again and again, moaning in lust. Her body was convulsing, and squeezing me, trying to get me deeper, or at least to go faster.

Groaning in bliss, I reached between us and started to rub her clit as I made love to her, panting in her ear as I got closer to my peak. I loved the way her body reacted, the way her breath felt against my skin, and just how she seemed to milk me.

“Fuck yes…right there…oh god…right there.” She cried out, and her body convulsed harder, milking me, actually milking my cock as I fucked her, pumping harder and faster into her, listening to the sound of our bodies meeting and separating, the sound of wet flesh hitting flesh, and I cried out with her, spilling my hot spunk deep inside her waiting pussy. I didn’t care about getting her pregnant…I didn’t care about getting caught, or making a mess, or anything. I had her, and I loved her.

“You…make me feel so good…big bro.” She panted weakly, staring at me and I smiled.

“That’s my job sis.” I whispered and kissed her again, feeling myself go limp, but knew I was up for more.
“Next time…in our bed…I don’t care which….” She whispered.

“How bout yours, since mine’s gonna be out of commission for a little while. I gotta clean the sheets up after our fun last night.” I teased, and she giggled.

I don’t know how things would work out, but I knew that I was going to make her feel as special as I could…as loved as I could. I wouldn’t do something so stupid as to hurt her, at least not intentionally…but I hoped that we could stay together for a long time. Hopefully…this would be the start of a long relationship.

End chapter 2.
As always, constructive criticism is welcome, and any ideas (besides inviting the rest of the family in) are just as equally welcome.


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The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...

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Margaret Jeanettes Sperm Count Revised

Margaret Jeanette?s Sperm Count [Revised] With an alternative ending by Samantha Jay ? I like Margaret?s stories immensely, but I feel unsatisfied with some of her endings. As an author I write mainly for myself so I write the endings I want and I suspect that Margaret probably did too. When I read this story an alternative ending suggested itself, now I would normally ask the author?s permission to change a story, but since Margaret tragically died early February I am unable to do...

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Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help Revised

*Author’s note: This is the third time I’ve submitted this story. The first edition mysteriously disappeared. The second version got corrupted and garbled, rendering the story unreadable. Hopefully this latest attempt will be successful.Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help (Revised)By billy69boyMy sister-in-law and her two young daughters came to visit us for a week in the summer. They live out of state, and we only get to see them a few times a year. With each new visit, I am amazed to see how...

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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch 2 Revised

Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...

4 years ago
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Devils Due revised

Devil's Due (Revised) By Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note: This was originally posted on my website for Halloween. While not exactly new it's almost a complete rewrite of Devil's Due which was originally a Mixed Tape entry, and is more than double the length of the original. I'm finally going to bring this story into the official cannon for my open universe Tales from Meridian the rules of which can be found by visit the open universes page on my website. The original can...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Daughter Revised

Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...

1 year ago
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A Flair For Trouble Revised

When Judge Carlson calls, I always know that the job is going to be interesting, and when he called me this time in the dead of night I just knew that this particular case is going to be 'unusual'. He had the talent for pulling the one 'odd ball' court filing out of a stack of about 100 other nearly identical ones, that seemed to have 'special features' of interest to him. The judge is a great guy and has given me a lot of business over the years and I've learned to trust his 'nose for...

2 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Revised

(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...

4 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 7 8 Revised

Master Rob Judy and Daisy Master Rob- I had Vanessa give these two some reading material while I was at the house. Judy-16 virgin from Florida sold to us by her step-father, who taught her how to suck his cock. Daisy-16 country girl I know they like to fuck nice tits big 40 B. Daisy- Damn Master Rob is cute I wonder if he will fuck us now I need some good dick they won’t let me get myself off. Judy-I hope he doesn’t beat me some of the girls in the hall were really beat up and that big mouth...

4 years ago
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The Lonely Wife Chapter 2 Revised

Chapter 2 - A New JobDarren could not believe he had to take a job as window cleaner after his Uncle fell and broke his leg. Here he was a qualified teacher and was reduced to washing windows for a living mind you if yesterday was anything to go by he was going to enjoy this job. His cock already started to harden just thinking about what he did with that Anita yesterday, and she also paid him £500 for the windows and he supposed his services to her.Well now he had his Uncle’s biggest client...

1 year ago
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Trixies Big Case Chapter 2 Meet Tammie revised

Chapter 2 Meet Tammi It had been 2 long days since Trixie had enjoyed her black cock session with the Chief and Officer Owens. Trixiei sat in her office at BNWO HQ feeling depressed that she may not get her BBC fix for sometime, as her new mission once again forced her to go undercover to flush out pathetic white breeders. She did have a job to do as her new mission began the next day so Trixie, ever the dutiful agent, began reviewing the files of her upcoming case. Starting with the...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 4 revised

"Ohh fuck... Sarah..." he whispers. She crawls up to him, and kisses him softly on the lips. "Mmmm..." She pulls away, and brings her mouth to his ear. "I set my alarm," she whispers, "we can do whatever we want." She sits up, and gently rocks her hips, rubbing herself against Steve's crotch. "Ohh god..." Steve moans. Sarah looked so hot. She was wearing just her panties, and a thin shirt. Her young, petite body sat on top of him, with her legs wrapped around either side. Her...

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Revenge Chapter 1 Revised

Perhaps it wouldn't hurt anything to visit his page? He wouldn't be able to tell she was visiting his page, and it could only be this once. She decided on clicking on his name and casually browsing his wall. He never deleted her as a friend, so it was nothing she hadn't see-. What the hell is this? She thought. Her eyes were not deceiving her. His page said in a relationship with Sage Adkins. She couldn't help herself. She clicked on her name and was relieved when her profile wasn't...

3 years ago
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Revenge Chapter 1 Revised

Introduction: My first story. Apostrophes got messed up in the last one, so Im reposting so that its less annoying. Comment for part two! This is just a warm-up. Carmen Fox was sitting in her dark bedroom with the laptops glow the only source of light. Her hip-length, straight, jet black hair was splayed around her and she knew her light blue eyes reflected the laptops light. She hadnt been busy doing anything since Ross broke up with her. Now she spent the majority of her days doing this....

1 year ago
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Victorian Days and Nights Chapter 3 Revised

We have nothing we want to talk to you about." Rachael shook off Osgar and brushed off her robe. Luna gave her a toothy grin. "Rachael, I thought we were best friends." "No." She shook her head sadly. "I was best friends with Leila; you are nothing more than an undead abomination. You of all people should know that." The Vampire stared at her old friend for a moment then turned away to face Michael. "Are you interested in what I have to say or not?" Lord Kinsley looked at Luna,...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 1 Revised

It has been three months since Terry and Beth's wedding. The wedding went off without a hitch, but the ceremony was anticlimactic for Terry and Beth. All the groomsmen, other than Kim, did not hide how disinterested they were to be there. The toast which the best man, Kelly, made was as bland and flat as a can of Budweiser which has sat open on a hot summer day for hours. Three of the five bridesmaids also showed disinterest in the celebration of the union. After the wedding, the...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 2 Revised

The shock from Melody's question and Steve's response made everyone at the BBQ overlook an important fact which should have made Mel being a bride not possible. Mel's parents would disown him if he paraded himself in a bridal dress at his own wedding. Well, what they thought was an important fact was not. Mel's parents, Theodore and Michelle "Shelley" Blake already knew and accepted their only son's feminine side when Melody was forced out of the closet by his ex-friend, Terry. ...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 3 Revised

"Come on honey you know I will," Kelly said a little defensively while driving home from Jessie's cookout. "I know you would not take light your friend's wedding day, my sweetie. I just know how you get nervous." Simone was right, when nervous, Kelly would turn up his joke more than a headbanger listening to his favorite Metallica song. She did not know Kelly's nerves were normal because of a couple of reasons. Her husband was used to being in a dress from Steve's attempt at...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 4 Revised

Mikey Hull walked into the dining commons of his assisted living community looking for one of the case workers. He did not want to say 'deal' with them, most of them were so condescending with their interactions with the residents. Instead of seeing the residents as people who needed a little help, they treated the residents as if they were incapable of doing anything on their own. Even without wanting to even say hi, Mikey made sure to make eye contact so he was seen. The man who...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 5 Revised

"I do not need yours or Alan's permission to see my brother," Steve told the receptionist, Sherri Lima. "Steve, please call our Operating Director, Mr. Wheaton. That is what he goes by. Also, we know you do not need our permission, Mr. Wheaton just wants to talk with you about some changes in our policies. He'd much rather do it right now for it will only take a minute." Steve knew that the receptionist was stonewalling him. Sherri was acting like a gatekeeper and not allowing him...

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Obsession Chapter 1 Revised

I will write it short and concise. But, if you guys will want me to expand it into a complete storyline, I will do it thenceforth. DAY 1 It was a normal north Indian evening in the month of June. After a day, of scorching sun and burning loo, people from around the neighbour get to come out and socialize in the park, made alongside an ancient pond with its mystic stories. Therein under the shade of numerous Mango, Tahli, Jamun, Deor trees, was made a spiral footpath. Alongside it...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 19 revised

Katie lay very still as consciousness came upon her. Early morning sunlight wasn’t penetrating her eyelids yet, so it was probably still early. Then she felt the nudge of an erection against her arse; that must have been what had woken her. It took her a moment to remember that it should be Charlie’s. His arms were wrapped around her possessively, and she was sweaty where her back rested against his hairy chest. Her back, arse, and legs were sore and somewhat stiff. She took a deep...

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RebelChapter 78 following Orders Revised

I was sent, orders in hand, to a militia company which was, for all practical purposes, in a state of mutiny. It was neither a big company nor a particularly good one, but we could not afford the loss of any men just then, good or bad. The problem, I was told was the vanity and stupidity of the company's officers, a father and son of rank habits and cowardly disposition. I found the men where I had been told, their tents in disorderly ranks, their pickets slovenly and inattentive, and made...

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Our best vacation EVER Revised

Hello my name is Mike, and with me is my wife Kate. We are new to this site, but would like to share one of our best vacation experience ever. Me and Kate were to meet up with some friends at a beach house in another state below us. We were meeting our friends Jake and Kim (the names have been changed to protect their identity). So these friends of ours are kind of a bore. They have no fun ever, and have no sex life at all, but me and Kate think its because Kim is really over weight and her...

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Family Knows Best Chapter 2

Just to recap for those continued readers, my name is Jeremy, I’m a 17 year old slightly athletic average joe at high school, with brown hair, standing at 5’10”. My sister, Ane, is 15, has dyed blonde hair (naturally brown)stands 5’6”, with a D cup bust. We are, or rather, were, both virgins. She had just finished giving me my first blowjob, and brought me to the hardest orgasm I’d ever had. I smiled down at Ane, and blushed. “You…got something on your face…” I whispered and she blushed...

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Mommy II Revised

Hi, all. After I posted the first version of this story, a lot of feedback was about how many holes had been left in the thing. Or if there was some hidden conspiracy to force Jack into becoming Jacqueline, why hadn't it been at least shown even briefly? This revision, in several installments, will hopefully fill the holes, and give explanations as needed or desired. I guess it won't be giving much away to tell everyone that there is indeed a conspiracy to completely...

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Abu Ghraib Revised

Chapter 01 Please take note! Adults Only LiteratureThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.Email [email protected] with your comments.Copyright 2006 Chapter 1? ? Abu...

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SHAKE IT UP revised

Hermaphrodite: male or female with both sex organs Shemale: a female or male with the appearance of the other sex(guy looks like girl. girl looks like guy) All right people I know all of my other stories I created and copied off of were complete and total crap. I am not the best writer and this is where that will change. This is my try hard story if it is bad sorry the only thing you will see abused in grammar is a lot of run on sentences, but I will try to do better with...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Teacher revised

This is a revision of my first story. I hope you will enjoy it.I was in town for a comic book convention. I was promoting a new title created by me. I was sketching and signing autographs when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw a woman I haven't seen in years. Her name was Pamela and she was my high school gym teacher. I had a serious crush on her. I used to daydream about her. "I'm your biggest fan Tony." she said. I didn't think she liked comic books. Boy was I wrong. She invited...

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Ill Dance at Your Wedding Revised

Thanks to DragonsWeb, OldFart, RastaDevil, WanderingScot and Sweet Sue for their innumerable edits to this gentle revision of an older story! I knew now that she was the one and only true love of my life. I'd fondly remembered Linda Monroe throughout the years, but it wasn't until I unexpectedly saw her again nearly twenty years later at a wedding reception that my heart reminded me with a loud thump just exactly what I had been missing. Mercifully, it wasn't her wedding, or even mine....

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Different Pastures Revised

Thanks to my original Editors for this story — Zaffan, Gandalf4217 & Duffiedawg, and also to Dragonsweb & Sue who offered their suggestions for this revision! I admit that I made a terrible mistake when I married Cynthia, and it was mostly my own fault. I had been terribly lonely that winter and, when I was introduced to her at a holiday party, I allowed myself to be smitten by her. She was a bit too young for me, being still in her early twenties while I was nearly twice that age,...

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FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY(BLACKED)::PART 4Sometime after arriving back at the plantation house all 4 adults each in their own way thinking and contemplating in their minds the events they had just seen and witnessed::Maryellen wanting to go back to Aunt Esters and get her some of that young hot pussy herself:: Irene wanting to go back,and watch,more depraved things,fuck her damn daughter at Esters, and her other daughter being black bull fucked in the massage cabin!! She was afire with lust,...

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Waiting Game revised

Introduction: Lalala Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out three words explaining what is going on in my head I want...

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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 4revised

----------------------------------------------------- Except from the end of Part-3 - ... I squeezed my first ejaculation forcefully into Susan’s hand. Then a second, and a third, and several more before the semen finally dribbled down my hand onto my pubic hair. It all happened so quick. My orgasm was over. I was totally spent, my heart pounding, and my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. She lay her head on my chest, and we talked quietly as a deep feeling of fatigue descended...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 2 revised

When I awoke, Barb had already taken the car and gone to work. Classes had ended for me. Having just graduated with a degree in Physics, I was preparing to teach a course in Computer Programming during the summer session before starting graduate school in the fall. The course didn't start for two weeks, so I was still planning my lectures and preparing materials for the students. I glanced over at Barbara's night-table. The silver tray had been cleaned and put away. I was thinking about how...

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The Retirement Village REVISED

After my retirement from the police department and the passing of my wife, I moved into a Retirement Village out in the Southwest. If you think old people don't enjoy sex, you are mistaken. I’m currently single. My most recent romantic relationship was Katelyn, my deceased wife who was the same age as me. She's been gone three years, and I miss her very much. My best friend is a retired municipal judge named Howard Cook. We get on well most of the time when we are not arguing politics. I...

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Katie and Ted and Reggie REVISED

This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

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East of Nowhere Part 3 Trying Again Revised

It was on the edge of a beautiful lake, crystal clear and deep. As she hoisted her pack higher on her shoulders she walks into the town. It was very seedy and run down. It only had a few rundown, small stone and mud houses, and a couple stables, some shops and one inn. It had one very huge, grand looking stone house in the distance. It looked like a small castle. In front of the inn was a big notice board with wanted posters, and job postings and such. That was the first place to stop when...

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East of Nowhere Part 5 Exploring Hartford and More Revised

Sasha grabs some armor, leggings, boots and gauntlets for Winter and heads up to the front of the store and sets them on the counter and told the shopkeeper, “I want to buy these, a one-handed sword, and if you could, could you repair my armor and boots? We’re leaving sometime tomorrow.” The shopkeeper says “Would you like to sell your old armor and weapons? I can repair your things, and here is your bow, arrows, sword and armor. Give me until later tonight to repair your stuff, come back...

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East of Nowhere Revised

(Man, I’m beat…. Working 13 hours on your feet all day, and dealing with rude ass customers and their kids is a living hell; especially when the parents aren’t paying attention to their kids, and the kids are running around and screaming like little monsters…) 25-year-old Carrie said to herself after she got off her shift at the diner at 9 PM. She clocks out in the back of the diner near the kitchen, swiping her keycard, and says good bye to her coworkers and best friend Kristie. After...

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East of Nowhere Part two Carries dream Revised

The woman was naked and crying, her body was bruised and cut up. There were six bandits there, three were trying to set up camp, ignoring what was happening to the elf, and the other three were dealing with her. Carrie stood behind a tree near the clearing, watching what is going on in the clearing. She slowly walks up behind one of the men who’s standing at the edge of the clearing watching the show. She stands behind him and holds her sword to his throat, and demands angrily “What are you...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Top revised

I was asked to help move a boat to a town about 18hrs sail away. I loved sailing so I readily agreed. I was only 20 and very fit and tanned from many outings on boats. My mate George and I enjoyed a great day's sailing and as the sun was heading for the horizon decided to overnight at a small county port. We anchored out in the harbour to avoid paying any jetty fees and once dinner was done we started making up the beds. Unfortunately the starboard bunk was soaked from a leak and...

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Paying My Rent Revised

All characters involved are 18 or older and some themes may not be suitable for all. The door wouldn't open at first, it's always given me problems and of course on a hard day like this it decides to be at its worst. After a few minutes of struggle, I finally push it open and am hit with a rush of cold air, a welcome feeling mid-summer. Walking into the hallway my first-floor apartment door is a few steps away. Where I live in is just a house split into an upstairs and downstairs...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2 Revised

It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school... And that's not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we weren't having sex) were spending so much time together, but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend...but at the same time we were. I don't know what you would call our relationship. Maybe friends with benefits or just his side bitch. But we were much more than that. He'd leave...

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Forbidden Attraction 1 Revised

Physics class was over, and next was my favorite class of all... Choir! Everyday, before going to class, I would stop in the bathroom to freshen up for my hot Music teacher Mr. Connor. I sprayed on some coconut body spray, unbuttoned my blouse to show a little more cleavage and headed up to his room. "Hey Erica, how are you?" Mr. Connor asked smiling as I approached his room. "I'm great. You?" I cheesed. "Up with my babies again. I'm so tired. But I'm glad to see...

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The Cove Ch 1 Revised

I had moved to a house just three blocks off of the Pacific Ocean. At the end of the cul-de-sac, a trail led downward to the edge of a cliff overlooking the water. Below the cliff was a wide, smooth, rock ledge, facing due west, that when the ocean was calm, became a secluded, sunbathing haven for coeds from the local university. It was a perfectly formed v-shaped cove, about 100 feet wide at its widest point. With all of the natural bougainvillea growing around the top of the cliff, made...

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