Abu Ghraib Revised free porn video

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Chapter 01 Please take note! Adults Only LiteratureThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.Email [email protected] with your comments.Copyright 2006


Chapter 1? ? Abu Ghraib


???? ?That will be all, Sergeant,? said Major Nancy Grace Trevor as she and Captain Cynthia (Cindy) Mariah Caldwell entered Interrogation Room 1.? It was one of the sixteen rooms designated for questioning of prisoners in the enormous stone facility built by Saddam Hussein to imprison and torture enemies of his regime.

???? During the first days of the American occupation, the US Army had allowed the media to view the horrors of the facility.? Television screens in the United States had been filled with images of torture devices in what was referred to as ?Saddam?s Chamber of Horrors?.? After warning their viewers of the graphic nature of what they were about to see, the telecasters narrated a brief description of the rooms dedicated to various forms of rape and torture.? Not surprisingly, considering the audience was the prominence given to rape rooms where female prisoners were gang raped while relatives were forced to watch.? Interrogation Room 1 had gotten little media attention but it was the Major?s favorite.?

???? It was smaller than the other rooms and simpler.? Stark white tiles covered the floor, walls, and ceiling.? In the center of all four walls was a tile mosaic containing the smiling image of Saddam Hussein.? Major Trevor interpreted the mosaics as his way of informing the victims he heartily approved of their suffering.?

???? The center of the room contained something that could easily be mistaken for an oversized bathtub.? A bathtub with benefits was how the Major characterized it.? The faucets were labeled with the single letters H and C, indicating American or British origin.? Built into the wall behind an access panel were a hot water heater and a cold-water chiller.? The hot water reached temperatures hot enough to remove flesh and the cold could produce hypothermia in a matter of minutes.

???? The Major liked to slip off occasionally and bath in the tub rather than use the communal showers in the officer?s quarters.? ?There?s nothing like a warm bubble bath to help me relax,? said the Major to her subordinates.? ?Even though we?re killers by profession, we need to stay in touch with our girly girl selves.?

???? At the end of the tub there was an odd looking contraption whose purpose would be immediately recognizable to a select few.? Certainly, a small coterie of individuals employed by the CIA or the Mexican Federal Police would immediately discern its raison d?etre. ?Its most sizeable component is a rectangular flat surface made of a sturdy sheet of resin plastic.? The Major had recorded its measurements precisely in case she decided to one day build her own.

???? It was exactly one meter wide and two meters in length.? Numerous two-centimeter holes were cut into the surface to allow it to easily slip below the surface of the water.? Nylon straps and latches located along its length allowed the prisoner to be tightly secured on their back.? A series of smaller straps at one end restrained the prisoner?s skull.

???? But to the Major, the creative portion of the machine was a series of wheels and pulleys that allowed the prisoner to be easily submerged in the tub then raised almost effortlessly by a single lever.? A stack of counterweights permitted the one hundred and twenty five pound Major to submerge a two hundred pound prisoner with the application of a few foot-pounds of energy.?

???? The elimination of the need for the interrogator to be assisted by two or three muscular helpers gave the process a feeling of intimacy the Major greatly appreciated.? As a result, the Major had made extensive photographs and line drawings of the device?s construction then searched through the prison?s extensive files and located the engineering blueprints used in its fabrication. She had also found numerous photographs and videos of prisoners being subjected to what was in torturer?s parlance, a water board.? The Major viewed the artifacts, as an important part of the memorabilia professional soldiers tend to collect during a lifetime of service to their country.? She had carefully packed them and arranged for them to be placed in storage near her parent?s home in West Palm Beach.

???? Water board techniques were highly regarded by those charged with extracting useful information from detainees.? Throughout the world, any intelligence service worth its salt practiced some form of water boarding.? Major Trevor had been favorably impressed with the equipment she found in Interrogation Room 1.

??? ?Saddam couldn?t govern worth a shit and his army was piss poor but he had a way with pain,? was the Major?s comments to her subordinates.

???? The Major and Captain had made use of the room on numerous occasions but today was going to be special.?????

???? ?Yes, Sir,? said Sergeant Devlin smartly.? He and the two privates left quickly, leaving the room to the two female officers and the prisoner, Colonel (Retired) Abdul Hakim Zawahiri.?

????? Abdul was naked, lying on his back strapped to the water board.? His clothes were piled in a nearby corner.?? Nylon straps secured him to the point movement was limited to an inch at most.

???? Colonel Abdul of the Republican Guard had been one of the favorite interrogators of Saddam Hussein.? He had worked in Abu Ghraib for six years prior to the US invasion.? A heart condition had forced his early retirement.

???? He shared the Major?s preference for Interrogation Room 1.? In fact, he had designed the equipment and documented the techniques he was about to experience.? That prospect left him completely terrified.

???? In spite of the straps across his forehead, he was able to turn his eyes and see, to his shock, the two American officers were undressing.? He had heard rumors the Americans used naked females to interrogate Iraqi prisoners but had not believed them.? When he was assigned to Abu Ghraib, there were no women in the elite Republican Guard unit that ran the prison.? He had not understood America?s dedication to eliminating gender discrimination extended to the interrogation and torture of prisoners.

????? ?No point in getting our uniforms wet and having to go back to our quarters and change,? said Captain Crawford slipping her cotton panty down her legs.??

????? ?Besides, its more fun,? whispered Major Trevor.? ?Don?t you just love the way, the poor bastards look at us when they see us naked.? They actually think we?re going to fuck them.?

?? ????Men are such idiots,? said Captain Crawford.? The Captain was from a middle class suburb located in what is termed Chicagoland.? Her degree in secondary education from the University of Illinois had lead to a teaching job she quickly came to despise.

???? She had joined the army in her mid twenties after a disastrous marriage that left her with a decidedly negative view of the male sex.? She had changed from enthusiastic heterosexuality to dedicated and committed homosexuality.? After a brief association, her male counterparts labeled her a castrating bitch dyke from hell.

???? The Captain?s drastic change in outlook was brought about by four years of marriage to a domineering and controlling husband who did everything possible to mistreat her mentally and physically.

???? Captain Crawford considered Major Trevor the best officer she had ever served and was willing to follow her anywhere, doing her bidding without the slightest hesitation.? The Captain was desperately in love with her commanding officer and never missed an opportunity for sex.

????? Major Trevor?s background was very different from the Captain?s.? Her parents were wealthy plastic surgeons with a lucrative practice in South Florida.? The Major?s military career was unexpected, the result of a life-changing encounter that occurred while a junior at the University of Florida.

???? One of her ROTC instructors persuaded her to take a serious look at the frivolous, hedonistic life she was leading.? Colonel Alice Todd saw the hidden potential in Nancy Trevor.? Nancy for her part had become disenchanted with the pointlessness of the drugs and sex she was experiencing on a daily basis.?

????? Nancy, much to everyone?s surprise, changed almost overnight from the campus?s quintessential party girl to a serious student.? It turned out she had a gift for languages.? With Colonel Todd?s encouragement, she mastered Arabic and Farsi making her an invaluable asset to a military heavily engaged in the Middle East.? Upon graduation, Nancy received a commission in the US Army and was assigned to the Intelligence Branch.

???? She had proved to be an excellent officer and was rapidly promoted.? At Abu Ghraib, she had achieved outstanding results where others failed.?? Her commanding officer gave her carte blanche to do as she wished as long as she got the intelligence considered crucial to crushing the insurgency.?

???? Must be like old home week for you, Abdul,? said Major Trevor taking a seat on a wheeled stool and rolling it to his side.? The Major firmly believed in maintaining close proximity to her subject even though it had gotten her a face full of spit on several occasions.

???? However, it had not happened since she reacted against the last prisoner who expressed his contempt by expectorating in her face.? After she calmly wiped his sputum off, she had him taken to the middle of the cell block where other prisoners watched her masturbate him to full erection then insure its continuance by tightening a leather cock ring around the base of his penis and balls.??

???? Aware of the need for showmanship, she had donned a microphone and narrated her actions in excellent Arabic as she inserted a long thin glass rod in his piss hole.? The prisoners had watched fascinated as the rod slowly descended into the man?s bladder evidenced by a thin stream of urine that bathed the Major?s hand.

???? The climatic moment occurred when she began striking his penis along its length with a rubber mallet.? The shattering of the glass rod into tiny shards left the man in a state of untold agony.?

???? Afterwards, the MP?s forced the man to drink several litters of water.? The results were long streams of blood red piss accompanied by screams so terrifying that spitting in the Major?s face immediately became a thing of the past.??

???? After that episode, the American Major acquired an almost mythic stature among the prisoners.? The superstitious declared her to be the bride of Satan averting their eyes and reciting phrases from the Quran to ward off evil when she passed through the corridors outside their cells.

???? ?Please, I have a bad heart,? said Abdul conscious of the two nude officers sitting on each side of him.? The back of his head was only inches from the surface of the icy water.

???? ?I know.? Your medical records were on file in the headquarters building.? I have to hand it to you Republican Guards, you wrote everything down, very complete records.? I was favorably impressed,? said Major Trevor speaking in a business-like clipped military tone.? Technically, Colonel Zawahiri outranked her.?

???? ?Please, Major, my tribe will pay a large ransom to free me,? said Abdul.

???? ?Did you patent your design,? asked Major Trevor casually placing her hand on his limp penis?? At the Major?s nod, Captain Crawford placed her hand on his testicles, gently cupping them.? The only contact the Captain had with male sexual organs was at the Major?s direction.?

???? ?Patent, I don?t understand,? said Abdul acutely aware of the presence of their hands on his sex.? It brought to mind the many times he had groped female and male prisoners in that very room.

???? ?This device for water boarding, Colonel.? I love the way you counterbalanced the prisoner?s weight so even a female like myself can easily submerge a full grown man,? said Major Trevor taking hold of the handle to dip Abdul down into the water for a brief second before pushing the handle in the other direction to lift him.

???? ?I said my heart is weak.? You will kill me,? said Abdul after he sputtered free of the ice cold water.

???? ?That?s the idea, killing you that is,? said the Major.? ?Several prominent Iraqi families have kicked in a few dollars to pay for your elimination from this earth.? It seems you tortured the wrong people and they want revenge and are willing to pay for it.? You know what they say.? Whatever comes around goes around.?

???? ?I don?t understand.? You are being paid to kill me,? said Abdul.

???? ?Captain Crawford used her computer skills to correlate the names of families you tortured in the last three years to a list of wealthy Iraqi clans.? We managed to locate five who were willing to pay ten thousand dollars apiece to pay for your demise as long as done in a suitably horrifying fashion.? Five hundred Ben Franklins are resting in my top right hand desk drawer,? said Major Trevor squirting a warming jelly over Abdul?s cock and balls.

???? ?This is against the Geneva Convention,? said Abdul feeling his penis swell as the Major and Captain began to masturbate him.

???? ?God yes, it is.? I totally agree.? Cold-blooded murder for hire is certainly not in line with the Convention?s rules for treating prisoners of war.? Nor was what you did in this very room to women and even children.? How many pussies did you finger fuck right before you dipped them in the icy water?? Was it five hundred, a thousand?? We have only begun to go through your files,? said Major Trevor stroking his lengthening cock.

???? ?Those people were criminals.? They were disloyal to the President.? They were traitors and spies,? said Abdul.

???? ?So did you patent your version of the water board or not?? I need to know.? I found your drawings.? They?re pretty impressive.? But then again, you went to engineering school in the United States.? I understand Rensselaer Polytechnic is second to none in basic engineering,? said Major Trevor as she handed Captain Crawford a disposable razor.?

???? The Captain shaved a small square in the center of Abdul?s chest then cinched a heart monitor around his chest placing the sensor on the bare spot.? ?We?re set.? His pulse is one hundred three, a little high,? said the Captain after plugging the monitor into a scope.

???? ?Getting excited, Abdul?? Is that because of the terrific hand job, the Captain and I are providing?? asked the Major.

???? ?Allah and the Prophet protect me,? whispered Abdul.

???? ?Sorry, Colonel, Allah is on break and the Prophet don?t give a shit about your murderous, thieving ass,? said the Major slowly stroking Abdul?s cock as the Captain massaged his gonads.?

????? ?You Americans are just as bad, no worse, than the scum we kept here,? said Abdul trying to distract himself to prevent an erection.? He was not aware the lunch he ate an hour earlier contained a strong dose of an erectile dysfunction drug.? He was surprised at his growing erection since he had been impotent for the last six months.

???? ?Not quite as bad, we draw the line at age fourteen.? You have to be fourteen years old to ride on Major Trevor?s torture machines,? said Captain Crawford dipping the tip of an inflatable butt plug in a jar containing a cream laced with crystal meth.? ?You were dumb enough to leave file cabinets showing you sticking your dick in little girls as you drowned them while their Mom and Dad watched.?

???? ?The Captain?s correct. We found pictures of you and six year olds.? That?s why tomorrow when you?re a pile of ashes in Saddam?s crematorium, nobody, absolutely nobody, will miss your pedophiliac ass.? And don?t expect Allah to form a welcoming committee when you reach heaven.? Torturing and raping children is sinful according to my reading of the Quran.

???? ?Please, I was just following orders,? said Abdul in a tone of utter despair.? Tears began to flow from the corner of his eyes.? He gave a small start as Captain Crawford inserted the inflatable anal butt plug in his rectum then wailed aloud,? ?What are you doing??

???? ?The Captain has placed an inflatable butt plug in your asshole, Colonel.? It has been dipped in a cream containing crystal meth.? Are you familiar with Keistering?? asked the Major.

???? ?Please, stop, my family can pay,? said Abdul groaning as the large plug entered his rectum.

???? ?Also called a booty bump in SanFrancisco.? The mucous membranes of your rectum with take the crystal straight into your blood stream.? You last fuck is going to be so hot your heart explodes.? The hissing sound you hear is the plug being inflated,? said the Major.

???? ?It?s hurts. Take it out,? whined the Colonel.

???? ?Of course it hurts.? The walls of your rectum are expanding to accommodate the plug?s increase in girth.? For a top man like yourself who has never taken it up the butt, I imagine it?s very painful,? said Major Trevor.

???? ?You?re hurting me,? whined Abdul. ?I have a bad heart.?

???? ?Yeah, we know all about your bum ticker.? Now quit whining and die like a soldier,? said Captain Crawford.

???? ?Right, the butt plug is not that bad.? We can?t have you shitting all over the place when you croak,? said Major Trevor.

????? ?He?s not getting any harder,? said the Captain noting that the Colonel?s cock was only semi-erect.

????? ?I?ll take care of that,? said Major Trevor leaning forward to take Abdul?s cock in her mouth.? She quickly assumed a full lip stroke starting at the tip of his penis and ending with her lips buried in his pubic hair.? His cockhead lodged in her pulsating throat as her tongue slipped past her lower lip to lick his scrotum.???

????? ?You lucky prick, the Major is giving you a final blow job,? said the Captain admiring her superior officer?s dedication to getting the job done.

????? After several minutes, Major Trevor stopped and issued an order.? ?Tie him off.? He?s as hard as my tenth grade Algebra teacher.?

????? Captain Crawford quickly slipped a rawhide thong around the base of Abdul?s cock and balls and pulled it very tight.? He screamed when she drew the leather so tight the blood in his penis was trapped.?? ?That should keep him hard till we?re done,? she said.

???? ?Excellent work, I need to take a leak,? said Major Trevor standing up.

???? ?Me too, Chai tea flows through me like a mountain spring,? said Captain Crawford.

???? Abdul watched as the two officers straddled the tub and urinated.? He was shocked to see them embrace and kiss as two healthy streams of urine noisily landed in the water.

???? ?Wow, I really needed to go.? That was strong yellow,? said Major Trevor as they finished.

???? ?Take the paint off a Humvee,? added Captain Crawford.

????? ?Here, lube me up.? This fucking desert dries out my pussy,? said Major Trevor handing a tube of lubricating jell to the Captain.? The Major assumed a wide legged stance as she bent at the waist.

????? ?My cunt gets dry as sand, too,? said the Captain squeezing jell on her fingers then working it around the entrance to the Major?s vagina.? The Captain took the opportunity to lean forward and lick the yellow drops off her vulva.

???? ?We need to have another piss party.? Every one had such a good time at the last one,? said Major Trevor watching the Captain?s tongue capture the golden droplets.

???? ?It was a lot of fun.? I will never forget watching that Kurdish girl drink a whole gallon of pee all by herself.? She must have been hollow inside,? said Captain Crawford as she worked the lubricant deep inside the Major.

???? ?What are you going to do to me,? asked Abdul as the now lubricated Major straddled his body.

???? ?The same thing you did to those little girls.? I?m going to fuck you while you either drown or your heart explodes.? Whatever happens first,? said Major Trevor positioning Abdul?s cock head in her opening then slowly lowering herself.? She groaned with pleasure as it filled her cavity.

???? ?Please, no,? pleaded Abdul.

???? ?I do promise to quit fucking you once you?re dead.? I won?t be like you and keep pounding away ten minutes after their heart stops,? said Major Trevor as her bottom came to rest on his groin.? ?Now, that feels damn good.? Your cockhead is nuzzling my cervix.? Feel it??? The Major moved her bottom in a circular motion enjoying the sensation of having her pussy filled by a man who would be dead in a few minutes.

???? ?Thirty seconds to start then go to forty five and finally a full minute,? said the Captain positioning herself to operate the controls.

???? ?Right, let?s not rush.? Asphyxiophilia and necrophilia are uncommon pleasures.? They deserve to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace,? said Major Trevor as she flicked her already hard nipples with her fingernails.? ?Ready.?

??? Captain Crawford pushed the lever to lower the top half of Abdul?s body into the bath of ice water and piss as the Major began a rhythmic raising and lowering of her body.?

????? Abdul?s struggles under water resulted in an incredible flow of energy to his cock that in turn was transmitted into the Major?s body causing her to react violently, slamming her sex down on his cock.

????? ?Death is one incredible fuck.? You should try it some time, Captain,? said Major Trevor her head back and her eyes closed as she felt the power of what was happening to the Colonel.

????? ?Maybe I could go down on a female prisoner while the bitch drowns.? That would be hot.? Especially when she lets it all fly and pisses in my mouth,? said Captain Crawford visualizing cunilingus on one of the females from the cell they reserved for especially attractive prisoners.

????? After thirty seconds, the Colonel was raised to the surface.? Once he caught his breath, he screamed in terror only to be lower again.

????????? ?Orgasm one,? shouted the Major working her clit furiously as she slammed her vagina down on the Colonel?s rock hard cock.?? ??Fuck me, you piece of shit,? screamed the Major.

???? The process continued for several minutes filled with the sounds of Major Trevor announcing the onset of another powerful orgasm while the Colonel screamed for them to stop.? The Major?s climaxes grew more powerful as the Colonel?s cries weakened.

???? As the Major screamed,? ?Orgasm Ten,? Captain Crawford announced the Colonel?s heart had flat lined.? ?He?s gone.? Bastards heart blew out like a busted balloon.?

???? Major Trevor reached back for the end of the rawhide thong binding Abdul?s cock and balls and untied the knot.? The thong loosened and the built up pressure sent a stream of semen and urine into her vagina.? The Major squeezed his balls and groin to empty both reservoirs of their fluids.

? ???Oh shit, God damn, motherfucker, if I live to be a thousand years, this will be remembered,? said Major Trevor leaning back to tighten her pelvic floor muscles and experience the full impact of the high velocity of Abdul?s body fluids as they surged into her vagina.

??? ?Share, please,? asked Captain Crawford slipping to the floor to lie on her back?

??? ?Always, with a comrade in arms,? said Major Trevor carefully raising herself off Abdul?s body.? She tightened her vagina to retain as much of its content as possible.

???? The Major positioned her body over the Captain?s.?? She straddled the Captain?s head with her knees as she lowered her vagina.? Sensing the Captain?s lips surrounded the opening; she relaxed her muscles, allowing the fluids to escape.

???? Major Trevor licked the engorged clitoris as she listened to the sound of Abdul?s urine and semen being drawn from her pussy.? She sensed the Captain?s lust was building as she swirled her tongue around her clit while penetrating her anus with two fingers.? Sensing the rhythmic contractions of the rectal walls, the Major added a second finger stretching the sphincter adding to the intensity of the pending orgasm.

??? The Major hung on as a powerful climax racked the Captain?s larger body causing it to buck wildly off the floor.? It was several minutes before they recovered enough to speak.

???? ?I?d say it was the best so far.? Your idea of inserting an inflatable plug in his ass to stop him up was a good one.? The smell of shit took the edge off the last one,? said the Major.

???? ?Definitely, the best so far.? Your cunt was yummy,? said the Captain licking her lips.

???? ?You like dead man?s come and piss but have no taste for the living,? said the Major.

???? ?The fact they?re dead is what makes it taste so good,? said the Captain.

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. 
If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.
Email [email protected] with your comments.
Copyright 2006


Chapter 1? ? Abu Ghraib


???? ?That will be all, Sergeant,? said Major Nancy Grace Trevor as she and Captain Cynthia (Cindy) Mariah Caldwell entered Interrogation Room 1.? It was one of the sixteen rooms designated for questioning of prisoners in the enormous stone facility built by Saddam Hussein to imprison and torture enemies of his regime.

???? During the first days of the American occupation, the US Army had allowed the media to view the horrors of the facility.? Television screens in the United States had been filled with images of torture devices in what was referred to as ?Saddam?s Chamber of Horrors?.? After warning their viewers of the graphic nature of what they were about to see, the telecasters narrated a brief description of the rooms dedicated to various forms of rape and torture.? Not surprisingly, considering the audience was the prominence given to rape rooms where female prisoners were gang raped while relatives were forced to watch.? Interrogation Room 1 had gotten little media attention but it was the Major?s favorite.?

???? It was smaller than the other rooms and simpler.? Stark white tiles covered the floor, walls, and ceiling.? In the center of all four walls was a tile mosaic containing the smiling image of Saddam Hussein.? Major Trevor interpreted the mosaics as his way of informing the victims he heartily approved of their suffering.?

???? The center of the room contained something that could easily be mistaken for an oversized bathtub.? A bathtub with benefits was how the Major characterized it.? The faucets were labeled with the single letters H and C, indicating American or British origin.? Built into the wall behind an access panel were a hot water heater and a cold-water chiller.? The hot water reached temperatures hot enough to remove flesh and the cold could produce hypothermia in a matter of minutes.

???? The Major liked to slip off occasionally and bath in the tub rather than use the communal showers in the officer?s quarters.? ?There?s nothing like a warm bubble bath to help me relax,? said the Major to her subordinates.? ?Even though we?re killers by profession, we need to stay in touch with our girly girl selves.?

???? At the end of the tub there was an odd looking contraption whose purpose would be immediately recognizable to a select few.? Certainly, a small coterie of individuals employed by the CIA or the Mexican Federal Police would immediately discern its raison d?etre. ?Its most sizeable component is a rectangular flat surface made of a sturdy sheet of resin plastic.? The Major had recorded its measurements precisely in case she decided to one day build her own.

???? It was exactly one meter wide and two meters in length.? Numerous two-centimeter holes were cut into the surface to allow it to easily slip below the surface of the water.? Nylon straps and latches located along its length allowed the prisoner to be tightly secured on their back.? A series of smaller straps at one end restrained the prisoner?s skull.

???? But to the Major, the creative portion of the machine was a series of wheels and pulleys that allowed the prisoner to be easily submerged in the tub then raised almost effortlessly by a single lever.? A stack of counterweights permitted the one hundred and twenty five pound Major to submerge a two hundred pound prisoner with the application of a few foot-pounds of energy.?

???? The elimination of the need for the interrogator to be assisted by two or three muscular helpers gave the process a feeling of intimacy the Major greatly appreciated.? As a result, the Major had made extensive photographs and line drawings of the device?s construction then searched through the prison?s extensive files and located the engineering blueprints used in its fabrication. She had also found numerous photographs and videos of prisoners being subjected to what was in torturer?s parlance, a water board.? The Major viewed the artifacts, as an important part of the memorabilia professional soldiers tend to collect during a lifetime of service to their country.? She had carefully packed them and arranged for them to be placed in storage near her parent?s home in West Palm Beach.

???? Water board techniques were highly regarded by those charged with extracting useful information from detainees.? Throughout the world, any intelligence service worth its salt practiced some form of water boarding.? Major Trevor had been favorably impressed with the equipment she found in Interrogation Room 1.

??? ?Saddam couldn?t govern worth a shit and his army was piss poor but he had a way with pain,? was the Major?s comments to her subordinates.

???? The Major and Captain had made use of the room on numerous occasions but today was going to be special.?????

???? ?Yes, Sir,? said Sergeant Devlin smartly.? He and the two privates left quickly, leaving the room to the two female officers and the prisoner, Colonel (Retired) Abdul Hakim Zawahiri.?

????? Abdul was naked, lying on his back strapped to the water board.? His clothes were piled in a nearby corner.?? Nylon straps secured him to the point movement was limited to an inch at most.

???? Colonel Abdul of the Republican Guard had been one of the favorite interrogators of Saddam Hussein.? He had worked in Abu Ghraib for six years prior to the US invasion.? A heart condition had forced his early retirement.

???? He shared the Major?s preference for Interrogation Room 1.? In fact, he had designed the equipment and documented the techniques he was about to experience.? That prospect left him completely terrified.

???? In spite of the straps across his forehead, he was able to turn his eyes and see, to his shock, the two American officers were undressing.? He had heard rumors the Americans used naked females to interrogate Iraqi prisoners but had not believed them.? When he was assigned to Abu Ghraib, there were no women in the elite Republican Guard unit that ran the prison.? He had not understood America?s dedication to eliminating gender discrimination extended to the interrogation and torture of prisoners.

????? ?No point in getting our uniforms wet and having to go back to our quarters and change,? said Captain Crawford slipping her cotton panty down her legs.??

????? ?Besides, its more fun,? whispered Major Trevor.? ?Don?t you just love the way, the poor bastards look at us when they see us naked.? They actually think we?re going to fuck them.?

?? ????Men are such idiots,? said Captain Crawford.? The Captain was from a middle class suburb located in what is termed Chicagoland.? Her degree in secondary education from the University of Illinois had lead to a teaching job she quickly came to despise.

???? She had joined the army in her mid twenties after a disastrous marriage that left her with a decidedly negative view of the male sex.? She had changed from enthusiastic heterosexuality to dedicated and committed homosexuality.? After a brief association, her male counterparts labeled her a castrating bitch dyke from hell.

???? The Captain?s drastic change in outlook was brought about by four years of marriage to a domineering and controlling husband who did everything possible to mistreat her mentally and physically.

???? Captain Crawford considered Major Trevor the best officer she had ever served and was willing to follow her anywhere, doing her bidding without the slightest hesitation.? The Captain was desperately in love with her commanding officer and never missed an opportunity for sex.

????? Major Trevor?s background was very different from the Captain?s.? Her parents were wealthy plastic surgeons with a lucrative practice in South Florida.? The Major?s military career was unexpected, the result of a life-changing encounter that occurred while a junior at the University of Florida.

???? One of her ROTC instructors persuaded her to take a serious look at the frivolous, hedonistic life she was leading.? Colonel Alice Todd saw the hidden potential in Nancy Trevor.? Nancy for her part had become disenchanted with the pointlessness of the drugs and sex she was experiencing on a daily basis.?

????? Nancy, much to everyone?s surprise, changed almost overnight from the campus?s quintessential party girl to a serious student.? It turned out she had a gift for languages.? With Colonel Todd?s encouragement, she mastered Arabic and Farsi making her an invaluable asset to a military heavily engaged in the Middle East.? Upon graduation, Nancy received a commission in the US Army and was assigned to the Intelligence Branch.

???? She had proved to be an excellent officer and was rapidly promoted.? At Abu Ghraib, she had achieved outstanding results where others failed.?? Her commanding officer gave her carte blanche to do as she wished as long as she got the intelligence considered crucial to crushing the insurgency.?

???? Must be like old home week for you, Abdul,? said Major Trevor taking a seat on a wheeled stool and rolling it to his side.? The Major firmly believed in maintaining close proximity to her subject even though it had gotten her a face full of spit on several occasions.

???? However, it had not happened since she reacted against the last prisoner who expressed his contempt by expectorating in her face.? After she calmly wiped his sputum off, she had him taken to the middle of the cell block where other prisoners watched her masturbate him to full erection then insure its continuance by tightening a leather cock ring around the base of his penis and balls.??

???? Aware of the need for showmanship, she had donned a microphone and narrated her actions in excellent Arabic as she inserted a long thin glass rod in his piss hole.? The prisoners had watched fascinated as the rod slowly descended into the man?s bladder evidenced by a thin stream of urine that bathed the Major?s hand.

???? The climatic moment occurred when she began striking his penis along its length with a rubber mallet.? The shattering of the glass rod into tiny shards left the man in a state of untold agony.?

???? Afterwards, the MP?s forced the man to drink several litters of water.? The results were long streams of blood red piss accompanied by screams so terrifying that spitting in the Major?s face immediately became a thing of the past.??

???? After that episode, the American Major acquired an almost mythic stature among the prisoners.? The superstitious declared her to be the bride of Satan averting their eyes and reciting phrases from the Quran to ward off evil when she passed through the corridors outside their cells.

???? ?Please, I have a bad heart,? said Abdul conscious of the two nude officers sitting on each side of him.? The back of his head was only inches from the surface of the icy water.

???? ?I know.? Your medical records were on file in the headquarters building.? I have to hand it to you Republican Guards, you wrote everything down, very complete records.? I was favorably impressed,? said Major Trevor speaking in a business-like clipped military tone.? Technically, Colonel Zawahiri outranked her.?

???? ?Please, Major, my tribe will pay a large ransom to free me,? said Abdul.

???? ?Did you patent your design,? asked Major Trevor casually placing her hand on his limp penis?? At the Major?s nod, Captain Crawford placed her hand on his testicles, gently cupping them.? The only contact the Captain had with male sexual organs was at the Major?s direction.?

???? ?Patent, I don?t understand,? said Abdul acutely aware of the presence of their hands on his sex.? It brought to mind the many times he had groped female and male prisoners in that very room.

???? ?This device for water boarding, Colonel.? I love the way you counterbalanced the prisoner?s weight so even a female like myself can easily submerge a full grown man,? said Major Trevor taking hold of the handle to dip Abdul down into the water for a brief second before pushing the handle in the other direction to lift him.

???? ?I said my heart is weak.? You will kill me,? said Abdul after he sputtered free of the ice cold water.

???? ?That?s the idea, killing you that is,? said the Major.? ?Several prominent Iraqi families have kicked in a few dollars to pay for your elimination from this earth.? It seems you tortured the wrong people and they want revenge and are willing to pay for it.? You know what they say.? Whatever comes around goes around.?

???? ?I don?t understand.? You are being paid to kill me,? said Abdul.

???? ?Captain Crawford used her computer skills to correlate the names of families you tortured in the last three years to a list of wealthy Iraqi clans.? We managed to locate five who were willing to pay ten thousand dollars apiece to pay for your demise as long as done in a suitably horrifying fashion.? Five hundred Ben Franklins are resting in my top right hand desk drawer,? said Major Trevor squirting a warming jelly over Abdul?s cock and balls.

???? ?This is against the Geneva Convention,? said Abdul feeling his penis swell as the Major and Captain began to masturbate him.

???? ?God yes, it is.? I totally agree.? Cold-blooded murder for hire is certainly not in line with the Convention?s rules for treating prisoners of war.? Nor was what you did in this very room to women and even children.? How many pussies did you finger fuck right before you dipped them in the icy water?? Was it five hundred, a thousand?? We have only begun to go through your files,? said Major Trevor stroking his lengthening cock.

???? ?Those people were criminals.? They were disloyal to the President.? They were traitors and spies,? said Abdul.

???? ?So did you patent your version of the water board or not?? I need to know.? I found your drawings.? They?re pretty impressive.? But then again, you went to engineering school in the United States.? I understand Rensselaer Polytechnic is second to none in basic engineering,? said Major Trevor as she handed Captain Crawford a disposable razor.?

???? The Captain shaved a small square in the center of Abdul?s chest then cinched a heart monitor around his chest placing the sensor on the bare spot.? ?We?re set.? His pulse is one hundred three, a little high,? said the Captain after plugging the monitor into a scope.

???? ?Getting excited, Abdul?? Is that because of the terrific hand job, the Captain and I are providing?? asked the Major.

???? ?Allah and the Prophet protect me,? whispered Abdul.

???? ?Sorry, Colonel, Allah is on break and the Prophet don?t give a shit about your murderous, thieving ass,? said the Major slowly stroking Abdul?s cock as the Captain massaged his gonads.?

????? ?You Americans are just as bad, no worse, than the scum we kept here,? said Abdul trying to distract himself to prevent an erection.? He was not aware the lunch he ate an hour earlier contained a strong dose of an erectile dysfunction drug.? He was surprised at his growing erection since he had been impotent for the last six months.

???? ?Not quite as bad, we draw the line at age fourteen.? You have to be fourteen years old to ride on Major Trevor?s torture machines,? said Captain Crawford dipping the tip of an inflatable butt plug in a jar containing a cream laced with crystal meth.? ?You were dumb enough to leave file cabinets showing you sticking your dick in little girls as you drowned them while their Mom and Dad watched.?

???? ?The Captain?s correct. We found pictures of you and six year olds.? That?s why tomorrow when you?re a pile of ashes in Saddam?s crematorium, nobody, absolutely nobody, will miss your pedophiliac ass.? And don?t expect Allah to form a welcoming committee when you reach heaven.? Torturing and raping children is sinful according to my reading of the Quran.

???? ?Please, I was just following orders,? said Abdul in a tone of utter despair.? Tears began to flow from the corner of his eyes.? He gave a small start as Captain Crawford inserted the inflatable anal butt plug in his rectum then wailed aloud,? ?What are you doing??

???? ?The Captain has placed an inflatable butt plug in your asshole, Colonel.? It has been dipped in a cream containing crystal meth.? Are you familiar with Keistering?? asked the Major.

???? ?Please, stop, my family can pay,? said Abdul groaning as the large plug entered his rectum.

???? ?Also called a booty bump in SanFrancisco.? The mucous membranes of your rectum with take the crystal straight into your blood stream.? You last fuck is going to be so hot your heart explodes.? The hissing sound you hear is the plug being inflated,? said the Major.

???? ?It?s hurts. Take it out,? whined the Colonel.

???? ?Of course it hurts.? The walls of your rectum are expanding to accommodate the plug?s increase in girth.? For a top man like yourself who has never taken it up the butt, I imagine it?s very painful,? said Major Trevor.

???? ?You?re hurting me,? whined Abdul. ?I have a bad heart.?

???? ?Yeah, we know all about your bum ticker.? Now quit whining and die like a soldier,? said Captain Crawford.

???? ?Right, the butt plug is not that bad.? We can?t have you shitting all over the place when you croak,? said Major Trevor.

????? ?He?s not getting any harder,? said the Captain noting that the Colonel?s cock was only semi-erect.

????? ?I?ll take care of that,? said Major Trevor leaning forward to take Abdul?s cock in her mouth.? She quickly assumed a full lip stroke starting at the tip of his penis and ending with her lips buried in his pubic hair.? His cockhead lodged in her pulsating throat as her tongue slipped past her lower lip to lick his scrotum.???

????? ?You lucky prick, the Major is giving you a final blow job,? said the Captain admiring her superior officer?s dedication to getting the job done.

????? After several minutes, Major Trevor stopped and issued an order.? ?Tie him off.? He?s as hard as my tenth grade Algebra teacher.?

????? Captain Crawford quickly slipped a rawhide thong around the base of Abdul?s cock and balls and pulled it very tight.? He screamed when she drew the leather so tight the blood in his penis was trapped.?? ?That should keep him hard till we?re done,? she said.

???? ?Excellent work, I need to take a leak,? said Major Trevor standing up.

???? ?Me too, Chai tea flows through me like a mountain spring,? said Captain Crawford.

???? Abdul watched as the two officers straddled the tub and urinated.? He was shocked to see them embrace and kiss as two healthy streams of urine noisily landed in the water.

???? ?Wow, I really needed to go.? That was strong yellow,? said Major Trevor as they finished.

???? ?Take the paint off a Humvee,? added Captain Crawford.

????? ?Here, lube me up.? This fucking desert dries out my pussy,? said Major Trevor handing a tube of lubricating jell to the Captain.? The Major assumed a wide legged stance as she bent at the waist.

????? ?My cunt gets dry as sand, too,? said the Captain squeezing jell on her fingers then working it around the entrance to the Major?s vagina.? The Captain took the opportunity to lean forward and lick the yellow drops off her vulva.

???? ?We need to have another piss party.? Every one had such a good time at the last one,? said Major Trevor watching the Captain?s tongue capture the golden droplets.

???? ?It was a lot of fun.? I will never forget watching that Kurdish girl drink a whole gallon of pee all by herself.? She must have been hollow inside,? said Captain Crawford as she worked the lubricant deep inside the Major.

???? ?What are you going to do to me,? asked Abdul as the now lubricated Major straddled his body.

???? ?The same thing you did to those little girls.? I?m going to fuck you while you either drown or your heart explodes.? Whatever happens first,? said Major Trevor positioning Abdul?s cock head in her opening then slowly lowering herself.? She groaned with pleasure as it filled her cavity.

???? ?Please, no,? pleaded Abdul.

???? ?I do promise to quit fucking you once you?re dead.? I won?t be like you and keep pounding away ten minutes after their heart stops,? said Major Trevor as her bottom came to rest on his groin.? ?Now, that feels damn good.? Your cockhead is nuzzling my cervix.? Feel it??? The Major moved her bottom in a circular motion enjoying the sensation of having her pussy filled by a man who would be dead in a few minutes.

???? ?Thirty seconds to start then go to forty five and finally a full minute,? said the Captain positioning herself to operate the controls.

???? ?Right, let?s not rush.? Asphyxiophilia and necrophilia are uncommon pleasures.? They deserve to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace,? said Major Trevor as she flicked her already hard nipples with her fingernails.? ?Ready.?

??? Captain Crawford pushed the lever to lower the top half of Abdul?s body into the bath of ice water and piss as the Major began a rhythmic raising and lowering of her body.?

????? Abdul?s struggles under water resulted in an incredible flow of energy to his cock that in turn was transmitted into the Major?s body causing her to react violently, slamming her sex down on his cock.

????? ?Death is one incredible fuck.? You should try it some time, Captain,? said Major Trevor her head back and her eyes closed as she felt the power of what was happening to the Colonel.

????? ?Maybe I could go down on a female prisoner while the bitch drowns.? That would be hot.? Especially when she lets it all fly and pisses in my mouth,? said Captain Crawford visualizing cunilingus on one of the females from the cell they reserved for especially attractive prisoners.

????? After thirty seconds, the Colonel was raised to the surface.? Once he caught his breath, he screamed in terror only to be lower again.

????????? ?Orgasm one,? shouted the Major working her clit furiously as she slammed her vagina down on the Colonel?s rock hard cock.?? ??Fuck me, you piece of shit,? screamed the Major.

???? The process continued for several minutes filled with the sounds of Major Trevor announcing the onset of another powerful orgasm while the Colonel screamed for them to stop.? The Major?s climaxes grew more powerful as the Colonel?s cries weakened.

???? As the Major screamed,? ?Orgasm Ten,? Captain Crawford announced the Colonel?s heart had flat lined.? ?He?s gone.? Bastards heart blew out like a busted balloon.?

???? Major Trevor reached back for the end of the rawhide thong binding Abdul?s cock and balls and untied the knot.? The thong loosened and the built up pressure sent a stream of semen and urine into her vagina.? The Major squeezed his balls and groin to empty both reservoirs of their fluids.

? ???Oh shit, God damn, motherfucker, if I live to be a thousand years, this will be remembered,? said Major Trevor leaning back to tighten her pelvic floor muscles and experience the full impact of the high velocity of Abdul?s body fluids as they surged into her vagina.

??? ?Share, please,? asked Captain Crawford slipping to the floor to lie on her back?

??? ?Always, with a comrade in arms,? said Major Trevor carefully raising herself off Abdul?s body.? She tightened her vagina to retain as much of its content as possible.

???? The Major positioned her body over the Captain?s.?? She straddled the Captain?s head with her knees as she lowered her vagina.? Sensing the Captain?s lips surrounded the opening; she relaxed her muscles, allowing the fluids to escape.

???? Major Trevor licked the engorged clitoris as she listened to the sound of Abdul?s urine and semen being drawn from her pussy.? She sensed the Captain?s lust was building as she swirled her tongue around her clit while penetrating her anus with two fingers.? Sensing the rhythmic contractions of the rectal walls, the Major added a second finger stretching the sphincter adding to the intensity of the pending orgasm.

??? The Major hung on as a powerful climax racked the Captain?s larger body causing it to buck wildly off the floor.? It was several minutes before they recovered enough to speak.

???? ?I?d say it was the best so far.? Your idea of inserting an inflatable plug in his ass to stop him up was a good one.? The smell of shit took the edge off the last one,? said the Major.

???? ?Definitely, the best so far.? Your cunt was yummy,? said the Captain licking her lips.

???? ?You like dead man?s come and piss but have no taste for the living,? said the Major.

???? ?The fact they?re dead is what makes it taste so good,? said the Captain.


Same as Abu Ghraib Revised Videos

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East of Nowhere Part two Carries dream Revised

The woman was naked and crying, her body was bruised and cut up. There were six bandits there, three were trying to set up camp, ignoring what was happening to the elf, and the other three were dealing with her. Carrie stood behind a tree near the clearing, watching what is going on in the clearing. She slowly walks up behind one of the men who’s standing at the edge of the clearing watching the show. She stands behind him and holds her sword to his throat, and demands angrily “What are you...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Top revised

I was asked to help move a boat to a town about 18hrs sail away. I loved sailing so I readily agreed. I was only 20 and very fit and tanned from many outings on boats. My mate George and I enjoyed a great day's sailing and as the sun was heading for the horizon decided to overnight at a small county port. We anchored out in the harbour to avoid paying any jetty fees and once dinner was done we started making up the beds. Unfortunately the starboard bunk was soaked from a leak and...

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Paying My Rent Revised

All characters involved are 18 or older and some themes may not be suitable for all. The door wouldn't open at first, it's always given me problems and of course on a hard day like this it decides to be at its worst. After a few minutes of struggle, I finally push it open and am hit with a rush of cold air, a welcome feeling mid-summer. Walking into the hallway my first-floor apartment door is a few steps away. Where I live in is just a house split into an upstairs and downstairs...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 7 8 Revised

Master Rob Judy and Daisy Master Rob- I had Vanessa give these two some reading material while I was at the house. Judy-16 virgin from Florida sold to us by her step-father, who taught her how to suck his cock. Daisy-16 country girl I know they like to fuck nice tits big 40 B. Daisy- Damn Master Rob is cute I wonder if he will fuck us now I need some good dick they won’t let me get myself off. Judy-I hope he doesn’t beat me some of the girls in the hall were really beat up and that big mouth...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2 Revised

It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school... And that's not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we weren't having sex) were spending so much time together, but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend...but at the same time we were. I don't know what you would call our relationship. Maybe friends with benefits or just his side bitch. But we were much more than that. He'd leave...

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Forbidden Attraction 1 Revised

Physics class was over, and next was my favorite class of all... Choir! Everyday, before going to class, I would stop in the bathroom to freshen up for my hot Music teacher Mr. Connor. I sprayed on some coconut body spray, unbuttoned my blouse to show a little more cleavage and headed up to his room. "Hey Erica, how are you?" Mr. Connor asked smiling as I approached his room. "I'm great. You?" I cheesed. "Up with my babies again. I'm so tired. But I'm glad to see...

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The Cove Ch 1 Revised

I had moved to a house just three blocks off of the Pacific Ocean. At the end of the cul-de-sac, a trail led downward to the edge of a cliff overlooking the water. Below the cliff was a wide, smooth, rock ledge, facing due west, that when the ocean was calm, became a secluded, sunbathing haven for coeds from the local university. It was a perfectly formed v-shaped cove, about 100 feet wide at its widest point. With all of the natural bougainvillea growing around the top of the cliff, made...

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The Cruise All Chapters Rewritten and Revised

Chapter 1 Last year I decided to treat myself to a vacation I would remember, I work hard as a computer systems consultant and thought I deserved it, so after a little research into the different types of vacations available a cruise round Europe caught my eye, this was duly booked and preparations made. I really need to describe myself, I'm 36 years old, six foot tall fairly well built blue eyes and short cropped fair hair I'm not too bad looking although I say it myself, I've never...

2 years ago
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Little Piggy The Awakening Revised

Laura Peel was her name. Her father always called her Little Piggy or LP. He said it was because she always ate her meals without reserve. Even with strange food. She may have waited and watched her parents at first but as soon as they made the first 'mmm' sounds after tasting it she would clean her plate of food. She tried everything they did and it became a habit of hers. She's 18 years old and just taking classes at the local college. Everyone in her high school was going as soon as...

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Brandys Nightmare Part One Revised

1 Brandy was on the sofa watching TV, enjoying the cool air inside the trailer. It was a typical humid summer night in East Tennessee but the little air conditioner did its job well and they could at least be comfortable, even if the show was stupid. Something about two guys traveling around and paying big bucks for junk no sane person would want. Her dad was in his chair as usual, the remote in one hand and a Mountain Dew on the table beside him. “Brandy, come over here and suck my...

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Gym Teacher 3 Revised

I awoke at 6:45am, which is not unusual for me, for many days I am already gone to work. But I figured I could sleep in some, especially after the workout we gave one another until midnight last night. We were still in the same position that we fell asleep in the night before, with her leg over mine, and somehow intertwined, her arm over my chest and her hear nestled on my chest and shoulder, and my arm around her neck and hand resting on her lower back. I looked over at her and saw she was...

4 years ago
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My transistion revised

It was my 30th birthday, I went out with my friends and a couple cousins to the bar. Since I was also going through a divorce I decided I needed to forget my problems for the night. We all had fun that night, so much so that when I woke up in the morning in a hotel with 3 naked woman in bed I wanted to remember the night before. I lied there trying to price it together but just couldn't so I got up and took a shower. When I came out only Lisa was still there. Lisa is a good friend. I've...

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Asian Dream 1 revised

It was early morning. I was returning from a very early breakfast with a friend. Driving home in my neighborhood, I saw her the first time from about 50 yards away. She was walking away from the school bus. Wearing a simple long black dress and her hair was in a bun at the back of her head. She was Asian and I think I could see she had a really nice body. It was hard to tell. But, I loved Asian women. I was determined to see her again. It had been almost a year since the passing of my...

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Jens Birthdat party Revised

Jennifer's Birthday party I came home from work and Jennifer did not look happy as she usually did. She comes over to me and places her arms around my neck and hugs me . Hello Daddy how was your day at work today it was good angel thank you. How is daddy's little lady today not good daddy I'm sad today . I need to talk to you it's important I went and sat in my favorite chair. I motioned for her to come over angel here please sit on dad's lap . we will talk about...

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marching Band Sex trip revised

So we went to Disney and marched in the parade, which was kinda cool. We played Disney's magical marches, which is actually pretty freakin hard piece. I marched my Yamaha YTR-4335 and my friend marched his bach strad, which is like a $3000 horn. Our drumline had Yamaha sfzs and that year we used innovative mcintosh sticks. It was 2 hours from our school to disney and I had to sit next a dude who played tenor sax on the bus, but he was cool. He was a talented jazzer. So after the parade, we...

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Jackie at the driveIn Revised

Jackie the hot eighteen year old Chapter One Jackie came in looking for a job she was just out of high school and eighteen without a summer job. well we hired her. she started memorial day weekend now it is about August , we close the theater about late September first week in October. On this one Friday Jackie was late was late, I ponded why. I know she shows up by four pm, to help me get ready to to open the snack bar. I am at the drive in working getting ready to open for the...

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The Terrible Ts Part 2 Revised

The next part hasn't been written yet (I know, lazy). But I'll be working on soon. Thanks for reading and commenting. ~~Shel99 ******************************************************************************************************************** Taurean POV: Oh man. Even her moan made me hard as fuck. I...

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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor Revised

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

3 years ago
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Family Knows Best Chapter 2 Revised

Just to recap for those continued readers, my name is Jeremy, I’m a 17 year old slightly athletic average joe at high school, with brown hair, standing at 5’10”. My sister, Ane, is 15, has dyed blonde hair (naturally brown)stands 5’6”, with a D cup bust. We are, or rather, were, both virgins. She had just finished giving me my first blowjob, and brought me to the hardest orgasm I’d ever had. I smiled down at Ane, and blushed. “You…got something on your face…” I whispered and she...

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I wont tell if you dont Part 2 REVISED

The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beth’s help in writing all this, I promised to include this painful, funny, but less sexy part of the tale so we don’t seem like mindless, sex-obsessed teenage characters in low budget porno flick. Tolerate...

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I wont tell if you dont Part 1revised

The event occurred about 35 yrs. ago in my teens and is the most favorite memory from I and my sister’s special relationship. Even though I’ve revisited that memory many times, I admit to not remembering the exact words people said and even with my sister’s help have had to fill in some but it’s all very close to what occurred. As this is the first story I’ve ever submitted about my experiences I apologize for any and all spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes, and would appreciate any...

4 years ago
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Damn Mister The school teacher and student Pt 1 Revised

One day during our class, as he was teaching, one of my class-mates made a joke in regards to his last name. He's pretty lenient, and has a pretty good sense of humor. “Ah, so you like to talk about masturbating huh?” he asked and turned around to look at the student, who just idiotically nodded. “Ya know, they call me the master for a reason” as he stepped forward towards his desk, folding his arms in front of his chest. “Damn..” I thought to myself as I was staring at his...

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Hitchiker 1 revised

"Can we ask you a favor?" It was the blond who spoke. She was obviously the leader of this little duo. I looked her up and down with a slight smile on my face. She was wearing a short skirt that came up mid-thigh and gave me a peek at two long sexy legs. I couldn't help myself but wonder what it would be like to rub my hand up those delicious thighs to find what she was hiding between. "How can I help you ladies," I said. My eyes shifted over to the tiny brunette next to her. She...

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The Horse Experiment Revised

"I bet you are wondering why you are here", he says. His sister and him don’t respond. "You are here because we are doing an experiment and you were chosen because of some certain qualities…" "But we are only 16", Matt pleads. The man continues, "This experiment will hurt, I will tell you that, but when it is over we will have created something miraculous." He then walks over to Matt and says, "We will start with you." Then he opens his bag and takes out some lube...

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