Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 07 free porn video

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Despite the early hour, Holly had already showered. The shrill ring of her cell phone disturbed her thoughts. It was that phone. She allowed the phone to ring out and listened to the message.

‘You know who this is?’ asked the voice when she returned the call.


‘It’s Big Eddie.’

She sighed. ‘I said I know who it is.’

His voice sounded agitated. ‘We have a slight problem.’

She did not like problems but in her line of work they were inevitable. Overcoming them was what counted. She picked up the cup and sipped at her coffee.

His voice became more stressed. ‘Did you hear? I said we have a slight problem.’

‘I hear,’ she softly responded.

She replaced the cup and picked up her silencer. ‘Which is?’

‘The target has flown to Los Angeles today. Some pow-wow with his father. He won’t be back until tomorrow morning.’

Damn, she thought. Tomorrow was the Final Table. She had hoped to still be involved. She looked along the sight of the gun, aiming out of the window at a passing cab before pulling away.

‘Then tomorrow it will be,’ she said. She laid the silencer back on the bed. ‘Get me the number of his return flight.’

Before he could reply, she closed the call. With time on her hands, she would seek out Daniel. They could breakfast together.


Despite his early morning session with Rosie, Daniel awoke early. Her agreement to stay with him until she returned to work had lifted his spirits. The quiet call he made to Norman Chad had not disturbed her and he left her sleeping as he headed down to the Rio All-American Bar and Grille.

He had told Chad about Katherine. Not everything, but enough. He could have contacted the police himself but had he done so, they would undoubtedly have taken him in for questioning. That would have meant missing a substantial part of the Main Event today. So Chad agreed to be the conduit.

He was on his third cappuccino when he saw Chad. He was with a thickset well-dressed man in a dark blue suit. They headed straight over to Daniel.

‘Daniel,’ Chad said. ‘This is Detective Williams. He’s just the man you need.’

‘Call me Dan,’ the crinkly haired Detective said as he shook Daniel’s hand. He sat down in the chair across the table.

‘I’ll be back shortly,’ said Chad. ‘I’ve related what you told me, Daniel. I’ve also explained that I know nothing of any of this. Detective Williams knows you’re at the poker tables at noon. Catch up with you in half an hour.’

Daniel watched his friend leave and then slowly sat back down. When his waitress returned, Williams ordered an espresso. Then he turned to Daniel.

‘Quite a win of yours last year,’ he said.

His tone made Daniel wonder whether it was a compliment. But then he didn’t really care.

‘I play a little poker myself, but not in your league. I watched all the broadcasts of the Main Event, always do. You were pretty lucky.’

Daniel ignored the jibe. He was pretty well immune to the barbed comments he’d been subject to since his win. And right now, he was as nervous as hell. He needed to get this over with.

‘Okay,’ Williams said as the waitress returned with his drink. ‘Tell me what you told Chad.’

Daniel waited until the waitress had returned to the counter and then explained all he knew.

Williams occasionally interrupted to pick up on points requiring clarification but otherwise sat silently. From time to time he nodded knowingly, but in the main seemed content to simply make notes.

‘That all?’ he asked when Daniel had finished.

Not quite, Daniel thought. I fucked Katherine before we went back to her flat and then watched her having sex with a guy through the window of the mansion.

‘Isn’t that enough,’ he responded, keeping his thoughts to himself. ‘Don’t you need to find out what went on?’

‘Oh, I have a good idea of what’s happened,’ drawled Williams. ‘The question is proving it.’

Daniel stared at him, his brow furrowed. Williams smiled as he leant forward across the table. His eyes narrowed as if he was attempting to read Daniel’s mind. Then he smiled again and ran his hand through his heavily gelled black hair.

‘We’ve been after this guy for some time and this could be his first real mistake. You realise you’ll have to testify’

Daniel started to object but Williams held up his right hand. ‘That wasn’t a question,’ he coldly said.

‘It was a statement. But…’

He eased himself up from his chair, flicking his notebook closed. He stared at Daniel for a moment and then gave another cold smile before finishing his sentence.

‘Don’t worry. The deal with Chad was that we wouldn’t interrupt your poker today. And if by chance you get through to the Final Table, we’ll let you play tomorrow, too.’

He slipped his hat onto his head, flicking the brim. He was a caricature of so many of the Police Detectives that Daniel had seen on television.

‘You staying at the Rio?’ he asked.

Daniel nodded.

‘We’ll be in touch. And good luck with the poker. Let’s hope lightening does strike twice.’


Carly slipped into the restrooms at the Carousel Club. Having just re-opened after the shooting, it was relatively quiet.

Everyone was still feeling jittery and Ming had spoken that morning. Rosie had been given a couple of days off because of the traumatic circumstances. The rest of them would receive double pay. The news had immediately changed the mood and the normal buzz quickly returned.

She dialled Joshua’s number and was relieved when he answered in seconds.

‘Joshua, baby. It’s Carly. I was hoping I might be able to sneak away to see you today but I’ve gotta work.’

‘Just as well,’ he grunted. ‘I’m in Los Angeles.’

She paused. ‘Los Angeles…. but what about me?’

‘Take it easy,’ he grunted. ‘I’m back in Vegas tomorrow. I just need to talk to my father.’

‘There’s been a shooting here,’ she whispered.

‘I know. I arranged it.’

‘You arranged it? Joshua! Why didn’t you tell me?’

‘Better not to involve you, baby. The less you know the better. What’s happening now?’

She sighed heavily. Murder was one thing she had not bargained for.

‘Joshua,’ she began. Her voice was faltering slightly. ‘Good news. I’ve got the job.’

‘I knew you would. What’s happened?’

‘Apart from murder?’ she rather petulantly asked.

‘Watch that tone, babe,’ he responded. The coldness in his voice indicated she had gone a step too far.

‘Sorry,’ she replied. ‘The shooting’s just got everyone a little jittery.’

‘Go on,’ he simply said.

‘I was interviewed by the owner, Ming. I convinced her I was right for the job. They have no idea I work for you.’

‘Good girl. It’s essential it stays that way. What have you found out?’

‘A couple of things,’ she answered. ‘The Club definitely has some connection with Big Eddie.’

‘You’ve seen him?’

‘No, from what I can gather he never makes an appearance. But someone called Desmond does and Ming seems wary of him.’

‘Not for much longer,’ he coldly said. ‘He’s next on my list.’


‘I don’t have fucking time for questions,’ he snapped. ‘What else do you know?’

‘I’m pretty sure they pay protection money…’

‘That figures!’

‘And there’s a guy here called Parker.’ She hesitated. She wasn’t going to tell Joshua too much about Parker. ‘He looks after the financial side here.’

‘What about him?’

‘He produces blue movies on the side.’

‘Well, I’ll be damned.’

‘Yeah, he was pretty cagey when he told me. I don’t think Ming knows.’

‘Why did he tell you?’ he asked, his voice suddenly wary.

Carly thought quickly. ‘He wants me to appear in one.’

Joshua burst out into a loud guffaw. ‘That’s priceless! You’ll have to send me a copy.’


‘Find out whatever else you can about the movies,’ he instructed. ‘That little piece of information could come in very useful. By the time I finish, neither Big Eddie nor the Club will still exist.’

‘Hold on, baby,’ she whispered, hearing the click of heels just outside the door.

Her heart leapt as she waited, covering the mouth of the phone as if it would make her invisible. At last, the footsteps faded. She heaved a long sigh of relief.

‘This is dangerous, baby. I’ll call again when I can.’

‘Anything else?’ he barked.

‘Isn’t that enough?’

His voice softened. ‘You’ve done very well, babe. I won’t forget to reward you when I’ve figured all of this out. Okay?’

‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘You know I’d do anything to help you, Joshua.’

‘I know babe. Get me anything else you can…’

She flicked her cell phone closed. Grinning at herself in the mirror, she quickly left. It was time to get back to the bar before she was missed.

As the door closed behind her, the door to one of the stalls opened. The look on Ming’s face was one of quiet determination.


Daniel pushed his half full plate away. He and Holly had enjoyed their breakfast in Norman Chad’s company but the conversation with Williams was heavy on his mind.

‘Nervous, Daniel?’ asked Holly. She could not know the real reason for his pensive mood.

‘Kind of,’ he replied with a wistful grin. He decided to ignore his meeting with the surly Detective and play along with Holly’s theme. ‘But in a strange way, it still feels like I’m on a rollercoaster.’

Her raised eyebrow asked him the silent question.

‘To begin with, my biggest fear was making a fool of myself and losing all the credibility I’ve built up during the year.’

The sexy blonde laughed. ‘Surely last year’s victory gave you all the credibility a person could get?’

He smiled ruefully and glanced at Chad, who replied for him.

‘The thing is, Holly,’ he smiled. ‘Nowadays, winning the Main Event is no guarantee of greatness. People look at Chris Moneymaker and think he got lucky. And as for Jamie Gold…’

They all laughed. Most people’s opinion of Jamie Gold was similar.

‘But Daniel here,’ he continued, ‘He’s shown with his performances this year that he’s a true champion. He’s now regarded as highly as say, Raymer and Hachem.’

‘I think I understand,’ she said, attracting two pairs of eyes as she straightened her blouse.

‘And the thing is,’ Daniel said, drawing his gaze away. He picked up on his earlier theme, ‘My survival to this stage has brought me that additional credibility. So now, rather than worrying about that aspect, I want to go out and win the damn thing!’

Chad nodded. ‘And you’ve put yourself in a good position to do so. Luck will play its usual part, but with nine tables and forty-five players left, you and Doyle are the only two people remaining that have experienced victory!’

Holly nodded, looking sombre for a second before breaking into a broad smile. ‘The problem is,’ she eventually said, ‘you’ve got to get past me first.’


Parker wondered why Ming had suddenly left the club that morning. But with Julie asking to see him, it was convenient she was out of the way. The twenty year-old gave a soft, nervous tap on the office door.

‘Come in,’ he drawled.

She fidgeted nervously as she entered, unsure whether she wanted to be there at all. But there she was.

‘Well, well,’ he said. ‘You usually run away from me, not towards me.’

She made no move. Her eyes flicked around the empty office.

‘Better make your mind up, darlin’. If you are coming in, close the door.’

The raven-haired beauty slowly turned and closed the door behind her. Parker feasted his eyes on the firm buttocks pushing against her skirt. At most, she wore a thong he imagined. Hopefully, he’d soon find out. When she turned back towards him, her sparkling green eyes were apprehensive.

Her superb unsupported breasts heaved in time with her heavy breathing. But it was the nipples, temptingly in evidence against the material of her thin cream blouse, that aroused him most.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence lingered in the air between them. His mind raced as to why she wanted to see him. Suddenly, the light in his brain went on. It was his proposition! She needed the money!

He gave a reassuring soft smile and motioned toward the chair opposite Ming’s desk.

‘Okay, Julie. I’m not going to bite. You really have the wrong impression of me, you know.’

The look in her eyes told him she didn’t believe a word. That didn’t prevent him from shooting another comforting look as he leant back in his seat.

‘I assume you are here for a reason?’

The brunette made no immediate answer. Instead she silently sat down. She crossed her slender legs and kept her eyes down, looking into her lap. Eventually, she met his gaze.

‘You said you could help me and Bobby,’ she said.

He nodded thoughtfully. Thumping both feet onto Ming’s desk, he responded, ‘Well actually, Julie, I said I could help you, not Bobby.’

‘That’s the same thing,’ she retorted.

‘To you it is, not to me. I take it this has to do with your money trouble?’

She nodded. For a second, Parker thought she was going to burst into tears. But she threw her head back. Her short black hair bounced for a second.

‘We… we need money,’ she softly said. Her voice was so low he could hardly hear her.

‘You need money,’ he corrected. He locked one foot across the other on the desk.

Her eyes flashed. She wasn’t going to play games. ‘Okay. I need money.’

‘How much?’ he asked. His eyes locked on her face.

‘Five thousand dollars.’

Parker let out a low whistle. Her eyes widened. She looked close to tears again.

‘I knew I shouldn’t have asked,’ she half sobbed. ‘You can’t help me.’

She was halfway out of his seat when his words stopped her.

‘Oh, I can help you, Julie. In fact, that’s around the amount I had in mind when we spoke the other day,’

Her green eyes widened even further. As she sat down again with a slight bump, her breasts bounced deliciously under her blouse. Parker licked his lips at the sight. Play this right, he told himself, and you’ll be sampling those soon.

She tried to speak but the words would not come out. ‘H… how….’ she eventually managed to stutter.

Parker rose and walked around the desk. Her sparkling eyes nervously followed him. He straightened his red, silk tie, smiling at his reflection in the mirror on the wall next to her.

‘I produce films,’ he simply said.

He smoothed a hand through his hair as their eyes met in the mirror. The raven-haired beauty looked away. He saw the frown cover her forehead and knew the next few seconds would determine whether she would bite.

‘What kind of films?’ she asked, glancing nervously at him over her shoulder.

His smile was chilling. ‘Julie. You’ll appreciate my films aren’t exactly mainstream. They involve… a little sex.’

He felt her gasp. She started to rise, but the hands he slipped onto her slim shoulders held her in the chair.

‘Julie, you’re not an innocent,’ he persuasively rasped. ‘We both know you would not be here right now if you were not desperate. My reading is that you need this money pretty quickly?’

She made no answer but let out an involuntary whimper.

‘And we both know that five thousand dollars doesn’t fall from trees, don’t we?’

Parker began to rub her shoulders. His strong fingers dug into her tense muscles through the material of the blouse.

‘Julie,’ he continued, his voice cajoling. ‘I’m making a film in two days time. For one days… wo
rk… I’ll pay you five grand. Just think about it.’

She sat quietly. He knew she was tempted by his proposition. In normal circumstances, the girl would not have gone within a million miles of such an offer. This Bobby of hers must be in serious trouble.

‘Julie,’ his soft, comforting voice continued. ‘It’s a way out of all your troubles. I know how tough this must be for you. I can feel the tension in your shoulders. Try to relax and think about what I’m saying.’

As he spoke, Parker eased his fingers forward. They dipped down over the slope of her shoulders and edged closer to her unfettered breasts. He continued his persuasion.

‘Don’t throw this chance away. One day’s work, Julie. What do you think?’

Once she had complied, she would be his to use time and time again. The threat of showing the film to all and sundry would see to that. He was close to getting her to that point. Otherwise, she would have been out of that chair and the office by now.

‘When do you need the money?’ his cunning voice asked.

She gulped. ‘A thousand by the day after tomorrow.’ Her voice was hoarse. ‘The rest within two weeks!’

Parker kept the pressure on. ‘I’m assuming bad things will happen to Bobby if you don’t find the money?’

She slowly nodded.

He smiled. This was getting better and better. ‘Let’s work on that tension whilst you think,’ he whispered.

Parker lightly massaged her lower neck. His fingers dug into the soft skin just inside the fabric of her blouse. Each stroke edged a little more of the material apart and gradually revealed the swell of her cleavage. He could feel himself growing hard.

‘Please, stop, Parker,’ she said, her voice a strained whisper. It was difficult to think. She lifted her right hand onto his.

He could see her nipples pushing against the material. His soft caresses were having the desired effect. So was his promise of a way out. He needed to help her find a way across the mental barrier.

‘Julie, we need to get rid of all that tension. You know that. And five thousand dollars… five thousand dollars! No more problems. You and Bobby will be free to move forward. Isn’t that what you want?’

She dropped her hand away from his. ‘I… I don’t know…’

‘You don’t know if you want to help Bobby?’ he asked, twisting her words. ‘You don’t know if you want to free yourself from all that debt and start a better life?’

‘Of course I do,’ she quickly answered. Her voice was sharp.

‘And I’m making it possible, Julie.’

His stroking fingers dipped lower inside her blouse. They flirted with the swell of her breasts. Her delectable mounds erotically rose and fell.

‘Parker, I can’t think straight,’ she whispered. Despite herself, she rested her head back against his stomach.


Following her phone call to Desmond, Big Eddie wanted to meet Ming. It was an opportunity to assess this dame for himself. Desmond had given him good reports and he needed to validate them.

The large mansion he chose as a meeting place was the home of a business friend. Bruno had earned a worldwide recognition for the quality of his photographic work and his model wife Amaka had regularly appeared on the covers of just about every famous magazine across the world.

The owners made themselves scarce for the duration of the meeting and Eddie carefully evaluated everything she had to say. Once she had given him the low down on Carly’s infiltration and Parker’s sideline, he thanked her and held her arm as walked her out to her car.

‘I hope I’ve done the right thing,’ Ming said, looking down at the contrast between the blackness of his hand and her pale arm.

‘Absolutely,’ he replied with a soft smile. ‘I needed to know about both of those situations.’

She gave a nervous smile as she unlocked the car.

‘The one thing I’ve learned in business, above everything else, is that you need people you can trust.’

Eddie’s eyes never left hers as he spoke, even now looking for a reaction that would send an alarm bell chiming in his brain.

‘By contacting us, you’ve proven that, Ming,’ he added.

His eyes devoured her legs as she opened the door and eased herself into the driver’s seat. Despite her skirt riding up her thigh, she made no move to cover herself. He nodded in appreciation as she willingly allowed him to feast on her long legs.

‘At some stage,’ he growled, ‘You and I are gonna have a more intimate conversation.’

Ming smiled as if she could imagine what that conversation would involve.

‘But for now, we do as we agreed. You leave this Parker and his film making to us. But you tell him about the Carly broad. We’ll take care of the rest.’

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Winterfell, The North Not bound by space or time, at least not in this dramatic multiverse, I found myself quite easily at the godswood just as Sansa Stark was supposed to wed Ramsay Bolton. Beautiful, I thought, even as I led my party of vampires and humans together in a sudden nighttime raid on the Boltons’ new holdfast of Winterfell. Sansa was just about to join hands with Ramsay and bind herself to her intended before the Old Gods of the Forest when we burst forth as if from nowhere...

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months after harvey

After our first mmf with Harvey, she and I talked a lot, and the sex just got hotter and hotter. Instead of me getting fucked outside our marriage, I was completely satisfied at home. Our honesty with each other fueled our passion. She confessed she was really surprised at Harvey going down on my cock but extremely turned on by it. Not to mention when I went down on him. She said it was so sexy to watch me sucking his big black cock. Harvey’s cock was the first in many years, and I really...

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MomPOV Kaitlyn Cheetah from the Midwest does porn E406

From now on females with no kids in their 30’s will classified as a Cheetah – 34 years old – Innocent type woman from the midwest – She is single and has never been married – Has friends with benefits – No kids but wants them someday – Amateur model does photoshoots on the side – Turned on by the idea of an anonymous sex partner – Is into anal sex and took it like a pro pornstar – She is a closet freak for sure, enjoyed her shoot – All natural with nice nipples and a sexy bubble butt – Wants to...

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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 6 the end

ArchieStanding outside the house, we wave with Kate as Christine and Julien drive away. Watching them get into the car, the last hug and kiss with Christine, the last shake of hands with Julien, it all now reminded me of my own departure soon to come. So I have all the more reasons to feel a bit melancholy this beautiful morning. Even though we all knew this moment would come, the moment where we would have to say goodbye, the breakfast this morning was still a bit difficult for all of us. At...

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AnimeCon Harem pt 01

Half the drawers on the dresser hung open and empty, the bed was stripped bare of its sheets, and the mattress sat askew atop the box-spring frame. The shelves beside the desk had been rummaged through, and what remained was cluttered in small piles here and there. In this disheveled, half-furnished room, a young man slumped in his computer chair with a vacant expression, chin resting on his knuckle.A break-in? That would’ve been messy. But a break-up can turn out to be so much messier. Brian...

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My Vidster! Youtube completely altered the course of the internet when it first launched on Valentine’s Day of 2005. It established the precedent for how video sites would be designed from that point forward. This is important for us pornoholics to recognize and respect because so many of our favorite sites are based on the Youtube model. I mean, think about it, even the most popular porn sites on the web are referred to as porn “tube” sites and are designed to emulate Youtube.Youtube was the...

Porn Aggregators
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 7 Tuesday at School

Tuesday seemed to be a little bit more back to normal for me. At least it started out that way. I got up, showered, shaved, etc. -- the normal routine. I was still in a bit of pain from the ribs and the stab wound still hurt as well. Overall, I was much better than a week before, but no where near 100 percent. Let's just say that I wasn't ready to go back to the gym with Larry to workout quite yet. Everything was pretty normal for the first few classes except for the fact that more people...

1 year ago
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Late Bloomer

Her eyes gleamed at me as she sipped her chai latte. Her heart-shaped face seemed to radiate a feeling of utter contentment I was just glad to be in the company of a truly sexy, down-to-earth female, with whom I had, less than an hour ago, a mind-blowing sexual encounter. We decided to celebrate our concurrence by going to our favorite coffee shop. Seated at a corner table with no one near us, my feeling was that we could discuss any subject without worry of overactive ears. So when she said,...

3 years ago
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Sex in village

This was the story of a villager. The person about whom I am telling is a middle status family and was much worried about their economic problems. That person has three sons and he is retied army man. He usually went away and not of that caliber to do any business his wife was very clever and sexy too. She buys some buffaloes and sold their milk by this she bought a taxi car and give it t o his sons for driving. Other sons went to school and his men went away to his friends. She had a servant...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Vanessa Vega Can8217t Stop Cumming On Jay8217s Cock

Petite wild girl Vanessa Vega is ready to get wild and naughty with Jay Romero. She loves to tug on her thick trimmed pussy hair while she uses her toys to make herself cum but what she really wants is that big hard cock of Jays to fuck her deep! Jay knows how to hit that spot just right making Vanessa shake as her orgasms overtake her. She uses her toys too double penetrating her pussy to see if she can squirt too. Jay may have a big cock but Vanessa sizes up his hand and wonders if Jay can...

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Career Cocksucker 7 Last Night at IML

I got up, showered and headed out, thinking I would run across Leo at some point. Having heard raves about it, I decided to check out the orgy room for the first time. It was guarded by two big bearish guys who were checking badges to make sure guys were registered. One of them, a Black bear, was definitely returning my stare. I noticed a huge bulge in his tight-fitting jeans that I wanted to reach out and grab. When I walked in there was a room with food and drink with a lot of guys standing...

1 year ago
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Getting caught both ways

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was getting to the end of the school year and we were having a party to celebrate with a few friends at my brothers house. We had been at the lake all day and all the tan lines and sunburns were obvious. All the girls went to the master bedroom to clean up and shower while us guys sat around drinking a few beers and chilling. While we were all chatting it up I got up to go around the side of the house to take a piss when I noticed the window was...

2 years ago
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A Hard Day Work

I just got in after a long day of work. My girlfriend Megwas supposed to be meeting me at the office but she never showed up, so I was pretty surprised when I saw her sat in my apartment watching T.V. “Hey Meg.” I said, making her jump, she must not have me come in. “Hey hun, hard day?” She said, I could tell there was something wrong because she was twisting her hair. “Yeah, lots of work, no rest. Could have done with meeting you where we said” I murmured as I leant down to give her a kiss....

Straight Sex
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Padosi 50 Ki Aunty Ko Behos Karke Choda

Hi,dosto aur auntiyo Main aapka dost vishal meri purani story se mujhe bauth mail aaya meri story aaplogo ne pasand ki iske liye shukriya.Mail me Chalo aab story sunno dhyan se Ye story 17.02.2016 ki satay ghatna hain Mere ghar se thode durr par ek 50 saal ki aunty rehti hain naam savitri hain boobs 39 honge gaand 50 ki mooti maal dekhte he maal gir jaye dekhne se wo 35 se 38 saal ki lagti hain.Hua yu ke ek din main jogging kar raha tha tabhi wo aunty market ja rahi thi main unhe dekha aur...

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Introduction: A man trapped in a loveless marriage has some help from nature. I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didnt mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. Its easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends cant. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany...

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My Secret sexual desires forced

My story takes place in the middle of the desert. So most times I find myself driving to Palm Springs, from Las Vegas, as I decided to take a last minute ride to Palm Springs, it was kind of late and I wasn't really feeling like sitting around Las Vegas and all the flaky ass men, who claim they are looking for sex, but don't really want it. So I am horny as fuck and said to hell with this shit here in Vegas, pack my up my raunchy white pissed stain Jockstrap, my leather cock ring, lube and a...

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Mothers Animal LoverChapter 6

The lights in the Double-X Theater flickered on uncertainly at the end of the passionate full-length film. The three squinty-eyed young college students sat numbed for several seconds, the same thought flashing through their minds. They had all actually seen young Cecilia LaFruta in person, before the movie had begun... They had seen the girl who let herself be ass-fucked by a dog! What was that dainty but voluptuously proportioned teenager doing now? Had she brought the German Shepherd with...

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 12 Hana

When all was in order and the ship was well out to sea, Admiral Hargreaves turned to the Second Officer and said, "Mr. LeBoeuf, you have the con." "I have the con, Sir." Henry went below and in his stateroom he ordered the new concubine to be brought to him. A few moments later she entered, still shrouded in her abaya, and made deep obeisance before him. When she showed no sign of standing again he asked her to rise and she did so. The eunuch came forward and at Henry's nod lifted the...

4 years ago
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Robbing the BunkerChapter 9 The Day After

After cuddling for a while, Andrea, Lucy, and I unstuck our bodies from each other. The girls went to Lucy's room and I snuck back upstairs to my apartment. My head throbbed, like a massive hangover after a night of drinking cheap tequila. Pitching forward into bed, I fell unconscious. Dreams came to me; slowly coming into focus like the light of the sun becomes clearer to a diver ascending from the depths. In my dreams, I was climbing stone stairs. Drums boomed out the cadence as I marched...

3 years ago
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For Stacy

For Stacy By Jennifer Adams To get to where this all started I have to give up a little background. My name is Brian S. I don't want to give my whole name for anonymity. At the time I was twenty-five and a couple years out of college with a BA in business. It turned out that getting a job with that BA was a little harder than I had thought since I didn't have any work experience to go with it. I ended up working in a factory for just over minimum wage. Shortly after that, I met...

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Second Chances Chapter 12 TGIF

Friday, September 26, 1997 I woke up to my alarm. I sat up and turned it off and stared in the darkness of my bedroom. The pain of last night was still there. But in some ways it was cathartic. I took a deep breath. Today is a new day. All I can do is make today great for Christina, and try to find a way to get Tony back to the future so he can move on with his life. I felt a cold breeze come from the open window on my legs. It felt nice. A nice late September morning. I love...

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 13

Lauren let all the information sink in and floated to her room. She couldn't remember what he looked like, except that he needed a wash. She wondered what she would wear for tomorrow's lunch. Searching through her cupboards made her miserable - she had either T-shirts and her bikini, or jeans and sweaters. Nothing much in between. She thought for a moment and decided that she might drag Emma down to the clothes shop again and buy a couple of things. She glanced across the corridor into...

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The Witchs Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

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One Stone

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: "Yes, Yes, Oh my God, Yes!" I cried out in overwhelming joy as my boyfriend Aaron got down on his knee and opened the little box. Tears filled my eyes and I started crying softly as I looked down at the golden ring with the beautiful stone on it. "I love you so much babe" Aaron said as he moved in and started kissing me after a powerful embrace. The fire crackled behind us and we kissed passionately in the cool night air, a gentle breeze ruffling...

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The Kindergarden Blues

By Lubrican Buddy was a very unhappy young man. He had gotten caught driving with an open bottle and the judge hadn't been very understanding. He sentenced Buddy to community service - six months of community service. And Buddy was on his way to the court clerk's office to find out how he was going to have to spend those six months. The clerk was a dried up older woman whose name tag said "Fran". She wasn't impressed with Buddy and made no attempt to convince him...

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Love in the Time of War Ch 04

Dinner was a much better occasion tonight. The conversations didn’t seem forced and there was a lot more laughter around the table. Perhaps it was James’ presences or Charles being home for a second day but it as close to the days before the war as possible. Charles found himself seated between Patricia, James’ wife and Catherine. It was no mistake that his mother placed him there. He always liked Patricia and believed she made a great wife for James. Her quiet demeanor offset James’ bombastic...

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Mojo Rising

A hundred tiny mechanical legs legs skittered over the tile floor of the long hallway as they hauled the bloated yellow body of Mojo, the ruler of this dimension. Mojo was not in a good mood today because the ratings for his television stations had come in today. His seat of power was based upon his ratings because to the people of the Mojoverse, bad programming equalled a bad ruler. Mojo had to do some serious rewrites if he wanted to remain in power. As he reached the end of the hall, a door...

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Panty story found in web

I was house sitting my girlfriends (now ex girlfriend) family house for a night while they went to see family. I had to work so couldn't go with them...Bit of background first: So my ex gf had a sister that was a couple of years older and very attractive. I'd also heard from rumours that she was a slut although she was good as gold with me and nothing flirty or anything ever happened until one time... I ended up seeing her on a night out and both drunk, we went over to each other and started...

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A Night to Remember Chapter 1 Introduction

It was a warm Saturday night in the middle of August. I own a restaurant at the base of an apartment building in NoHo, also known as North Houston Street. Well it’s only smart because I live upstairs on the 22nd floor of this building. It is a nice little loft/condo: on the first floor there is a living room, balcony, kitchen, and a bar, upstairs (yes, I said upstairs) there are three bathrooms and three bedrooms, two are guestrooms and the other is my master bedroom. I live by myself but my...

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EchoChapter 5

I heard the front door shut and footsteps in the entry way, so I closed the book, with my finger marking my place, and was rising from the couch when they walked in. The expression on her face was less than welcoming, but I smiled warmly. “Wayne, this is my daughter Liesl, Liesl, this is Wayne. There is only six months between you, so I am sure you will find you have things in common. I would really like it if you two could become friends.” Dennis said, smiling at each of us. “I have a...

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A Stones Glow AwayChapter 8

Ledger woke with the cheery, bright morning sun shining directly on his face from the high window. His eyes immediately rebelled, squeezing shut in reaction to the unwelcome, cheerfully bright light. Rather than fight them to re-open, he rolled over to his right side and promptly hit the wood floor face first. His faint groan of pain sounded like the screaming of several banshee’s singing loudly in the middle of his head. Next, he tried to move his arms to push himself up a little. They...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 36

Saturday - Day 36 I woke up in the morning of my wedding when Jill led Becky into the room. "She couldn't sleep," Jill explained. "She says she misses the feeling of a cock in her mouth in the morning." Becky was standing next to Jill, still or once again dressed in the white babydoll. Cindy led Jamie in a moment later and said, "This one couldn't sleep either, but she didn't say anything about cocks." Since I had just woken up, I still had my cock nestled in Chrissy's ass. Jill...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 11

Mindy woke, suddenly and with a feeling that something was terribly wrong. Because of the level of the light, she rolled to look at the alarm clock. It was almost nine-thirty. She sat up so quickly that the sheet she had pulled over herself filled with air and slid off the bed, puddling on the floor. She was naked. Like her daughter, she had masturbated after tasting Bobby and then going to bed ... unsatisfied. She had a dildo, something else her daughter didn’t know about her, and she had...

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Hina and her cousin ff soft lesb

I was seriously lectured to not have humongous parties at home while they been away. I agreed any query they had. I was so happy to see her again. Damn, how could i let pass last four years without seeing her? Was i been so stupid cause now i was in college and she still in highschool? Or did procrastination ruled me for this long? I thought about us having fun and sharing secrets all those years. It made me melt. Again. Like anytime i thought about the naughty games we played when we were...

2 years ago
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sr Act

It’s had seemed hours that she had been on the bus and it was only a 30 minute ride to Prince’s Street in Edinburgh. Having not seen me for almost 10 years, but having stayed in touch on or off for a good part of that time Melissa or Mel as she liked to be called was final going to see the guy who had fucked her around all that time ago. Dressed in a brown leather jacket ,tee shirt, jeans and black leather thigh high boots, Mel knew that I would want her again as I had always wanted her. We...

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