Fanny and the Boys
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The girls all this time did not in the least smoke the mystery of this new customer; but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire; for that by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures upon.
And effectively, in a few hours, her intelligence serv'd her so well that she learn'd that this conquest of mine was no other than Mr. Norbert, a gentleman originally of great fortune, which, with a constitution naturally not the best, he had vastly impaired by his over-violent pursuit of the vices of the town; in the course of which, having worn out and stal'd all the more common modes of debauchery, he had fallen into a taste of maiden-hunting; in which chase he had ruin'd a number of girls, sparing no expence to compass his ends, and generally using them well till tired, or cool'd by enjoyment, or springing a new face, he could with more ease disembarrass himself of the old ones, and resign them to their fate, as his sphere of achievements of that sort lay only amongst such as he could proceed with by way of bargain and sale.
Concluding from these premises, Mrs. Cole observ'd that a character of this sort was ever a lawful prize; that the sin would be, not to make the best of our market of him; and that she thought such a girl as I only too good for him at any rate, and on any terms.
She went then, at the hour appointed, to his lodgings in one of our inns of court, which were furnished in a taste of grandeur that had a special eye to all the conveniences of luxury and pleasure. Here she found him in ready waiting; and after finishing her pretence of business, and a long circuit of discussions concerning her trade, which she said was very bad, the qualities of her servants, 'prentices, journey-women, the discourse naturally landed at length on me, when Mrs. Cole, acting admirably the good old prating gossip, who lets every thing escape her when her tongue is set in motion, cooked him up a story so plausible of me, throwing in every now and then such strokes of art, with all the simplest air of nature, in praise of my person and temper, as finished him finely for her purpose, whilst nothing could be better counterfeited than her innocence of his. But when now fired and on edge, he proceeded to drop hints of his design and views upon me, after he had with much confusion and pains brought her to the point (she kept as long aloof from as she thought proper) of understanding him, without now affecting to pass for a dragoness of virtue, by flying out into those violent and ever suspicious passions, she stuck with the better grace and effect to the character of a plain, good sort of a woman, that knew no harm, and that getting her bread in an honest way, was made of stuff easy and flexible enough to be wrought upon to his ends, by his superior skill and address; but, however, she managed so artfully that three or four meetings took place before he could obtain the least favourable hope of her assistance; without which, he had, by a number of fruitless messages, letters, and other direct trials of my disposition, convinced himself there was no coming at me, all which too rais'd at once my character and price with him.
Regardful, however, of not carrying these difficulties to such a length as might afford time for starting discoveries, or incidents, unfavourable to her plan, she at last pretended to be won over by mere dint of entreaties, promises, and, above all, by the dazzling sum she took care to wind him up to the specification of, when it was now even a piece of art to feign, at once, a yielding to the allurements of a great interest, as a pretext for her yielding at all, and the manner of it such as might persuade him she had never dipp'd her virtuous fingers in an affair of that sort.
Thus she led him through all the gradations of difficulty, and obstacles, necessary to enhance the balue of the prize he aim'd at; and in conclusion, he was so struck with the little beauty I was mistress of, and so eagerly bent on gaining his ends of me, that he left her even no room to boast of her management in bringing him up to her mark, he drove so plum of himself into every thing tending to make him swallow the bait. Not but, in other respects, Mr. Norbert was not clear sighted enough, or that he did not perfectly know the town, and even by experience, the very branch of imposition now in practice upon him: but we had his passion our friend so much, he was so blinded and hurried on by it, that he would have thought any undeception a very ill office done to his pleasure. Thus concurring, even precipitately, to the point she wanted him at, Mrs. Cole brought him at last to hug himself on the cheap bargain he consider'd the purchase of my imaginary jewel was to him, at no more than three hundred guineas to myself, and a hundred to the brokeress: being a slender recompense for all her pains, and all the scruples of conscience she had now sacrificed to him for this the first time of her life; which sums were to be paid down on the nail, upon livery of my person, exclusive of some no inconsiderable presents that had been made in the course of the negotiation: during which I had occasionally, but sparingly been introduc'd inbto his company, at proper times and hours; in which it is incredible how little it seem'd necessary to strain my natural disposition to modesty higher, in order to pass it upon him for that of a very maid: all my looks and gestures ever breathing nothing but that innocence which the men so ardently require in us, for no other end than to feast themselves with the pleasures of destroying it, and which they are so grievously, with all their skill, subject to mistakes in.
When the articles of the treaty had been fully agreed on, the stipulated payments duly secur'd, and nothing now remained but the execution of the main point, which center'd in the surrender of my person up to his free disposal and use, Mrs. Cole managed her objections, especially to his lodgings, and insinuations so nicely, that it became his own mere notion and urgent request that this copy of a wedding should be finish'd at her house: At first, indeed, she did not care, said she, to have such doings in it... she would not for a thousand pounds have any of the servants or 'prentices know it... her precious good name would be gone forever--with the like excuses. However, on superior objections to all other expedients, whilst she took care to start none but those which were most liable to them, it came round at last to the necessity of her obliging him in that conveniency, and of doing a little more where she had already done so much.
The night then was fix'd, with all possible respect to the eagerness of his impatience, and in the mean time Mrs. Cole had omitted no instructions, nor even neglected any preparation, that might enable me to come off with honour, in regard to the appearance of my virginity, except that, favour'd as I was by nature with all the narrowness of stricture in that part requisite to conduct my designs, I had no occasion to borrow those auxiliaries of art that create a momentary one, easily discover'd by the test of a warm bath; and as to the usual sanguinary symptoms of defloration, which, if not always, are generally attendants on it, Mrs. Cole had made me the mistress of an invention of her own which could hardly miss its effect, and of which more in its place.
Everything then being disposed and fix'd for Mr. Norbert's reception, he was, at the hour of eleven at night, with all the mysteries of silence and secrecy, let in by Mrs. Cole herself, and introduced into her bed-chamber, where, in an old-fashioned bed of her's, I lay, fully undressed, and panting, if not with the fears of a real maid, at least with those perhaps greater of a dissembled one which gave me an air of confusion and bashfulness that maiden-modesty had all the honour of, and was indeed scarce distinguishable from it, even by less partial eyes than those of my lover: so let me call him, for I ever thought the term "cully" too cruel a reproach to the men for their abused weakness for us.
As soon as Mrs. Cole, after the old gossipery, on these occasions, us'd to young women abandoned for the first time to the will of man, had left us alone in her room, which, bythe-bye, was well lighted up, at his previous desire, that seemed to bode a stricter examination that he afterwards made, Mr. Norbert, still dressed, sprung towards the bed, where I got my head under the cloaths, and defended them a good while before he could even get at my lips, to kiss them: so true it is, that a false virtue, on this occasion, even makes a greater rout and resistance than a true one. From thence he descended to my breasts, the feel I disputed tooth and nail with him till, tired with my resistance, and thinking probably to give a better account of me, when got into bed to me, the hurry'd his cloaths off in an instant, and came into bed.
Mean while, by the glimpse I stole of him, I could easily discover a person far from promising any such doughty performances as the storming of maidenheads generally requires, and whose flimsy consumptive texture gave him more the air of an invalid that was pressed, than of a volunteer, on such hot service.
At scarce thirty, he had already reduced his strength of appetite down to a wretched dependence on forc'd provocatives, very little seconded by the natural power of a body jaded and racked off to the lees by constant repeated over-draughts of pleasure, which had done the work of sixty winters on his springs of life: leaving him at the same time all the fire and heat of youth in his imagination, which served at once to torment and spur him down the precipice.
As soon as he was in bed, he threw off the bed-cloaths, which I suffered him to force from my hold, and I now lay as expos'd as he could wish, not only to his attacks, but his visitation of the sheets; where in the various agitations of the body, through my endeavours to defend myself, he could easily assure himself there was no preparation: though, to do him justice, he seem'd a less strict examinant than I had apprehended from so experienc'd a practitioner. My shift then he fairly tore open, finding I made too much use of it to barricade my breasts, as well as the more important avenue: yet in every thing else he proceeded with all the marks of tenderness and regard to me, whilst the art of my play was to shew none for him. I acted then all the niceties, apprehensions, and terrors supposable for a girl perfectly innocent to feel at so great a novelty as a naked man in bed with her for the first time. He scarce even obtained a kiss but what he ravished; I put his hand away twenty times from my breasts, where he had satisfied himself of their hardness and consistence, with passing for hitherto unhandled goods. But when grown impatient for the main point, he now threw himself upon me, and first trying to examine me with his finger, sought to make himself further way, I complained of his usage bitterly: I thought he would not have serv'd a body so... I was ruin'd... I did not know what I had done... I would get up, so I would... ; and at the same time kept my thighs so fast locked, that it was not for strength like his to force them open, or do any good. Finding thus my advantages, and that I had both my own and his motions at command, the deceiving him came so easy that it was perfectly playing upon velvet. In the mean time his machine, which was one of those sizes that slip in and out without being minded, kept pretty stiffly bearing against that part, which the shutting my thighs barr'd access to; but finding, at length, he could do no good by mere dint of bodily strength, he resorted to entreaties and arguments: to which I only answer'd with a tone of shame and timidity, that I was afraid he would kill me... Lord!... , I would not be served so... I was never so used in all my born days... I wondered he was not ashamed of himself, so I did... , with such silly infantile moods of repulse and complaint as I judged best adapted to the express the character of innocence and affright. Pretending, however, to yield at length to the vehemence of his insistence, in action and words, I sparingly disclosed my thighs, so that he could just touch the cloven inlet with the tip of his instrument: but as he fatigued and toil'd to get it in, a twist of my body, so as to receive it obliquely, not only thwarted his admission, but giving a scream, as if he had pierced me to the heart, I shook him off me with such violence that he could not with all his might to it, keep the saddle: vex'd indeed at this he seemed, but not in the style of any displeasure with me for my skittishness; on the contrary, I dare swear he held me the dearer, and hugged himself for the difficulties that even hurt his instant pleasure. Fired, however, now beyond all bearance of delay, he remounts and begg'd of me to have patience, stroking and soothing me to it by all the tenderest endearments and protestations of what he would moreover do for me; at which, feigning to be something softened, and abating of the anger that I had shewn at his hurting me so prodigiously, I suffered him to lay my thighs aside, and make way for a new trial; but I watched the directions and management of his point so well, that no sooner was the orifice in the least open to it, but I gave such a timely jerk as seemed to proceed not from the evasion of his entry, but from the pain his efforts at it put me to: a circumstance too that I did not fail to accompany with proper gestures, sighs and cries of complaint, of which that he had hurt me... he kill'd me... I should die... , were the most frequent interjections. But now, after repeated attempts, in which he had not made the least impression towards gaining his point, at least for that time, the pleasure rose so fast upon him that he could not check or delay it, and in the vigour and fury which the approaches of the height of it inspir'd him, he made one fierce thrust, that had almost put me by my guard, and lodged it so far that I could feel the warm inspersion just within the exterior orifice, which I had the cruelty not to let him finish there, but threw him out again, not without a most piercing loud exclamation, as if the pain had put me beyond all regard of being overheard. It was easy then to observe that he was more satisfy'd, more highly pleased with the supposed motives of his baulk of consummation, than he would have been at the full attainment of it. It was on this foot that I solved to myself all the falsity I employed to procure him that blissful pleasure in it, which most certainly he would not have tasted in the truth of things. Eas'd however, and relieved by one discharge, he now apply'd himself to sooth, encourage and to put me into humour and patience to bear his next attempt, which he began to prepare and gather force for, from all the incentives of the touch and sight which he could think of, by examining every individual part of my whole body, which he declared his satisfaction with in raptures of applauses, kisses universally imprinted, and sparing no part of me, in all the eagerest wantonness of feeling, seeing, and toying. His vigour however did not return so soon, and I felt him more than once pushing at the door, but so little in a condition to break in, that I question whether he had the power to enter, had I held it ever so open; but this he then thought me too little acquainted with the nature of things to have any regret or confusion about, and he kept fatiguing himself and me for a long time, before he was in any state to resume his attacks with any prospect of success; and then I breath'd him so warmly, and kept him so at bay, that before he had made any sensible progress in point of penetration, he was deliciously sweated, and weary'd out indeed: so that it was deep in the morning before he achieved his second let-go, about half way of entrance, I all the while crying and complaining of his prodigious vigour, and the immensity of what I appear'd to suffer splitting up with. Tired, however, at length, with such athletic drudgery, my champion began now to give out, and to gladly embrace the refreshment of some rest. Kissing me then with much affection, and recommending me to my repose, he presently fell fast asleep: which, as soon as I had well satisfy'd myself of, I with much composure of body, so as not to wake him by any motion, with much ease and safety too, played of Mrs. Cole's advice for perfecting the signs of my virginity.
In each of the head bed-posts, just above where the bedsteads are inserted into them, there was a small drawer, so artfully adapted to the mouldings of the timber-work, that it might have escap'd even the most curious search: which drawers were easily open'd or shut by the touch of a spring, and were fitted each with a shallow glass tumbler, full of a prepared fluid blood, in which lay soak'd, for ready use, a sponge that required no more than gently reaching the hand to it, taking it out and properly squeezing between the thighs, when it yielded a great deal more of the red liquid than would save a girl's honour; after which, replacing it, and touching the spring, all possibility of discovery, or even of suspicion, was taken away; and all this was not the work of the fourth part of a minute, and on which ever side one lay, the thing was equally easy and practicable, by the double care taken to have each bed-post provided alike. True it is, that had he waked and caught me in the act, it would at least have covered me with shame and confusion; but then, that he did not, was, with the precautions I took, a risk of a thousand to one in my favour.
At ease now, and out of all fear of any doubt or suspicion on his side, I address'd myself in good earnest to my repose, but could obtain none; and in about half an hour's time my gentleman waked again, and turning towards me, I feigned a sound sleep, which he did not long respect; but girding himself again to renew the onset, he began to kiss and caress me, when now making as if I just wak'd, I complained of the disturbance, and of the cruel pain that this little rest had stole my senses from. Eager, however, for the pleasure, as well of consummating an entire triumph over my virginity, he said everything that could overcome my resistance, and bribe my patience to the end, which not I was ready to listen to, from being secure of the bloody proofs I had prepared of his victorious violence, though I still thought it good policy not to let him in yet a while. I answered then only to his importunities in sighs and moans that I was so hurt, I could not bear it... I was sure he had done me a mischief; that he had... he was such a sad man! At this, turning down the cloaths and viewing the field of battle by the glimmer of a dying taper, he saw plainly my thighs, shift, and sheets, all stained with what he readily took for a virgin effusion, proceeding from his last halfpenetration: convinc'd, and transported at which, nothing could equal his joy and exultation. The illusion was complete, no other conception entered his head but that of his having been at work upon an unopen'd mine; which idea, upon so strong an evidence, redoubled at once his tenderness for me, and his ardour for breaking it wholly up. Kissing me then with the utmost rapture, he comforted me, and begg'd my pardon for the pain he had put me to: observing withal, that it was only a thing in course: but the worst was certainly past, and that with a little courage and constancy, I should get it once well over, and never after experience any thing but the greatest pleasure. By little and little I suffer'd myself to be prevailed on, and giving, as it were, up the point to him, I made my thighs, insensibly spreading them, yield him liberty of access, which improving, he got a little within me, when by a well managed reception I work'd the female screw so nicely, that I kept him from the easy mid-channel direction, and by dextrous wreathing and contortions, creating an artificial difficulty of entrance, made him win it inch by inch, with the most laborious struggles, I all the while sorely complaining: till at length, with might and main, winding his way in, he got it completely home, and giving my virginity, as he thought, the coup de grace, furnished me with the cue of setting up a terrible outcry, whilst he, triumphant and like a cock clapping his wings over his down-trod mistress, pursu'd his pleasure: which presently rose, in virtue of this idea of a complete victory, to a pitch that made me soon sensible of his melting period; whilst I now lay acting the deep wounded, breathless, frighten'd, undone, no longer maid.
You would ask me, perhaps, whether all this time I enjoy'd any perception of pleasure? I assure you, little or none, till just towards the latter end, a faintish sense of it came on mechanically, from so long a struggle and frequent fret in that ever sensible part; but, in the first place, I had no taste for the person I was suffering the embraces of, on a pure mercenary account; and then, I was not entirely delighted with myself for the jade's part I was playing, whatever excuses I might have to plead for my being brought into it; but then this insensibility kept me so much the mistress of my mind and motions, that I could the better manage so close a counterfeit, through the whole scene of deception.
Recover'd at length to a more shew of life, by his tender condolences, kisses and embraces, I upbraided him, and reproach'd him with my ruin, in such natural terms as added to his satisfaction with himself for having accomplish'd it; and guessing, by certain observations of mine, that it would be rather favourable to him, to spare him, when he some time after, feebly enough, came on again to the assault, I resolutely withstood any further endeavours, on a pretext that flattered his prowess, of my being so violently hurt and sore that I could not possibly endure a fresh trial. He then graciously granted me a respite, and the next morning soon after advancing, I got rid of further importunity, till Mrs. Cole, being rang for by him, came in and was made acquainted, in terms of the utmost joy and rapture, with his triumphant certainty of my virtue, and the finishing stroke he had given it in the course of the night: of which, he added, she would see proof enough in bloody characters on the sheets.
You may guess how a woman of her turn of address and experience humour'd the jest, and played him off with mixed exclamations of shame, anger, compassion for me, and of her being pleased that all was so well over: in which last, I believe, she was certainly sincere. And now, as the objection which she had represented as an invincible one, to my lying the first night at his lodgings (which were studiously calculated for freedom of intrigues), on the account of my maiden fears and terrors at the thoughts of going to a gentleman's chambers, and being alone with him in bed, was surmounted, she pretended to persuade me, in favour to him, that I should go there to him whenever he pleas'd, and still keep up all the necessary appearances of working with her, that I might not lose, with my character, the prospect of getting a good husband, and at the same time her house would be kept the safer from scandal. All this seem'd so reasonable, so considerate to Mr. Norbert, that he never once perceived that she did not want him to resort to her house, lest he might in time discover certain inconsistencies with the character she had set out with to him: besides that, this plan greatly flattered his own ease, and views of liberty.
Leaving me then to my much wanted rest, he got up, and Mrs. Cole, after settling with him all points relating to me, got him undiscovered out of the house. After which, as I was awake, she came in and gave me due praises for my success. Behaving too with her usual moderation and disinterestedness, she refus'd any share of the sum I had thus earned, and put me into such a secure and easy way of disposing of my affairs, which now amounted to a kind of little fortune, that a child of ten years old might have kept the account and property of them safe in its hands.
Fanny Farmer was a happy young girl who liked what she saw when she looked into any mirror. She was forever primping and posing with this look and that look unable to find a single flaw. Her doting parents were much pleased with their handsome daughter with her natural curls and her budding bosom. At the beginning of this month she had passed her 18th birthday with a party celebrated with much gusto and the eating of a beautiful cake that was covered with the whitest icing ever seen in the...
I'm Fanny. Papa named me after the girl in that smutty book called Fanny Hill. I think perhaps that Papa wanted to do naughty things with me, but he died before I turned five years old. Mama and I had to go and live with mean old Uncle Alfred. Then Mama died last year, just before I turned eleven. I think that Uncle Alfred worked Mama to death; he made her do all of the housework and cooking after we came to live with him. Only being twelve now, I can't do anything about it now. But I'll get...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 8 Phœbe, my kind tutoress Phœbe, was at the time gone out, perhaps in search of me, or their cooked-up story had not, it is probable, passed smoothly. This negociation had, however, taken up some time, which would have appeared much longer to me, left as I was, in a strange house, if the landlady, a motherly sort of a woman, to whom Charles had liberally recommended me, had not come up and borne me company. We...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 7 It was then broad day. I was sitting up in the bed, the cloaths of which were all tost, or roll'd off, by the unquietness of our motions, from the sultry heat of the weather; nor could I refuse myself a pleasure that solicited me so irresistibly, as this fair occasion of feasting my sight with all those treasures of youthful beauty I had enjoy'd, and which lay now almost entirely naked, his shirt being trust...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.- or FANNY HILL LETTER THE SECOND Part-1 Madam, If I have delayed the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes, that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloyed and tired with uniformity of...
-------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 1 Madam, I SIT down to give you an undeniable proof of my considering your desires as in dispensible orders: ungracious then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scandalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd at length, to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love, health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of youth, and not too late to employ the leisure afforded me by...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 2 About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having received rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown’s return, they came thundering up stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 3 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who could...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 4 To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 5 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 6 My eyes were instantly filled with tears, but tears of the most delicious delight; to find myself in the arms of that beauteous youth, was a rapture that my little hear swam in; past or future were equally out of the question with me; the present was as much as all my powers of life were sufficient to bear the transport of, without fainting. Nor were the most tender embraces, the most soothing expressions...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.Letter the First - Part 4To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at dinner mention was made of the...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 9 I had now got down at least half a partridge, and three or four glasses of wine, which he compelled me to drink by way of restoring nature, but whether there was any thing extraordinary put into the wine, or whether there wanted no more to revive the natural warmth of my constitution, and give fire to the old train, I began no longer to look with that constraint, not to say disguise, on Mr. H...., which I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-2 In the order of our sitting, it was Harriet’s turn to go on. Amongst all the beauties of our sex, that I had before, or have since seen, few indeed were the forms that could dispute excellence with her’s; it was not delicate, but delicacy itself incarnate, such was the symmetry of her small but exactly fashioned limbs. Her complexion, fair as it was, appeared yet more fair, from the effect of two black eyes,...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-3 “What shall I say? my emotions of fear and surprise were instantly subdued by those of the pleasure I bespoke in great presence of mind from the turn this adventure might take. He seemed to me no other than a pitying angel, dropt out of the clouds: for he was young and perfectly handsome, which was more than even I had asked for, man, in general, being all that my utmost desires had pointed at. I thought then I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...
About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...
I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I...
Madam, If I have delay'd the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloy'd and tired with uniformity of adventures and expressions, inseparable from a subject of this sort, whose bottom, or groundwork...
On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by...
My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part of his weight on. Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had procured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he...
Notes on setting: The story occurs in Summer 2002. Much later than that creates plot problems of "social media" and phones with cameras that would make their Summer program an international scandal. The school being founded much before 1997 would make it difficult to represent as an economically viable or socially acceptable enterprise. The other essential element of the setting is that it is not some "Miss Millicent's Forced Feminization School for Wayward Boys" that...
It turned out that the woman was an accomplished seamstress, so she thought that she could make a decent living with that after her nest egg ran out. Her husband had been a prosperous merchant in Philadelphia, but, as a Quaker, had wanted to escape the turmoil of the big city. Unfortunately, they had run afoul of the Comanches. John helped them find a boarding house, and the militia left on patrol the next day. John had found the woman attractive, but knew that there was no way they could...
I woke up early the following morning, with a mixture of nerves and excitement at the prospect of meeting Melissa later. Allen was still sleeping beside me, and I lay a still as I could as I didn't want to waken him up. We had had sex twice last night and I was relieved to have woken up without the horniness that usually plagued my mornings. I lay thinking about what to talk to Melissa about tonight, where we could go to? My thoughts were interrupted by a big hairy arm reaching around...
This is a true story and I will recount it the best I can's been almost 20 years since this happened I had been with Krystal for one year and she was a sexy little bitch of Indian decent and just barely 19 and for all purposes she was a "good" and loyal woman who would not think of anything immoral or sexually perverse . She had a really hot thin body with long legs and was model material with the darkest nipples I had ever seen and when her pussy was spread it was so red it looked like a...
Chapter 8 I have only been a toilet for a few hours, but time moves slower when you have shit in your mouth. Ms. Stone's diarrhea was brutal. I felt shell-shocked, and was convinced the shit inside me was eating away at my brain. It's as if I'm turning into a real toilet, losing my humanity one shit at a time. I had no dignity left. I entered this club with the hope of seeing my ex-girlfriend Lauren. But the reality is inescapable, the only human connection I can expect is having my lips...
Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister, Peregrine's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales ssistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine; AKA...
Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...
Free Porn Tube SitesYou have been with your girlfriend, Ava, since you were in high school. She is fairly tall, thin, and has long, blonde hair. She was and is your first love, and you experience everything together. This story is about your sexual conquests as a couple. You love to seduce innocent virgins, usually those aged 18 or 19, and give them a great "first time." Your typical plan of seduction: Ava befriends a high school senior/college freshman, and gets to know them. You and Ava pretend to not know each...
BDSMAlthough we knew it was wrong, it felt so right Sharon was eleven years younger than me when we got together, and Mary, her mother was about the same older than me. I got on well with Sharon, but some things were lost due to the age gap, and still had a good sex life.Mary was a very sexy lady, a lady who I got on with extremely well. She used to have some emotional issues from Sharon's Dad, who used to hit her, visiting a shrink for her problems. Part of her treatment was massage, for...
AffairThis happened in the summer of 1972. I'm writing now because I recently saw a girl on TV whose unusual name and resemblance brought the memories flooding back...She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman I’d ever seen and I’d lusted...
MY SISTER MYSELF BY PAUL G JUTRAS Gabby Cruz was sixteen years old and loved her life more than anything. She was very fem as much of the time as she could. Her trouble and life changes happened one night when she was making out with her boyfriend George. She was dressed in a tan sweater and skirt that came just above the knees of her bare legs. George had on his sports jersey and brown slacks. When she heard some giggling, Gabby turned to see her 12 year old brother peering...
Within a week, Shelby and Jennifer moved in with me for good. We went out and bought a pink canopy set with pink sheets for Jennifer’s princess room. We let her choose a few decorations and the three of us finished her room. I had brought Ryleigh and Molly into my office and explained to them that Shelby would now join us as our newest employee. Ryleigh jumped at the idea of having some help and volunteered to start working nights since her husband worked night s as well. That way, they...
He was thinking about that rickety set of wooden stairs going up the side of the house. Rickety house. Rickety love. Then the train banked at speed and Bill listed sideways into a much bigger, dark-skinned man sitting a space away. The man hardly budged. Bill was sure he was the only one in the entire car who swayed as far as the train. He mumbled a garbled apology and righted himself again, thumbing his glasses back at the top of his nose. The man nodded without looking. Diagonally across the...
Love Stories“We're here,” Becca announced, as she parked her car and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out of the car, but Becca grabbed my left shoulder and motioned for me to remain in my seat. “Hold on,” Becca said. “There's something that we need to talk about first.” “A couple family rules?” I wondered. “For the most part, we don't have any rules,” Becca replied. “But there are some... boundaries.” “Boundaries?” I repeated. “What are you...
IN THE AMAZON EMPIRE: AN AMAZON WIFE & MOTHER SPEAKS OF HIS LIFE by Ginny Wolf The dinner party lasted much longer than the governor had expected. However, the guests were politically and financially important to him and to the decision he had to make. Finally, he entered his private office. After double checking to make sure the door was locked, he settled into his favorite reading chair with the brandy bottle close by. He carefully decoded the locked brief case and lifted...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My fling in Paris with a pretty, tall Dane named Inga was rather satisfactory, but she and I were headed to different places. She wanted to star in European cinema, and I was a busy, successful corporate attorney. She was a real delight, with her leggy, shapely form, her total lack of inhibitions, and her tendency to act like she was dying from excitement every time I fucked her. She especially loved it in the butt, so I made sure to properly use that...
IncestI groan knowing trouble when I hear it. "What is it now…" Probably just more of her homework. She's a senior now while I'm only a sophomore, but she has me help her out with homework, which end up with me doing it for her more often than not. I want to tell her to do it herself, but she's always been like a big sister to me, even if I had all the book smarts, so she always has been the boss of me. She's pretty much ruled my life even more than my own mother. When we were very...
Your name is John Doe and your twenty years old. You haven't had the best luck so far in life. You spent all of school being bullied and teased. You were a bit of a geek with your glasses. You had next to no luck with the ladies either. You were too nervous to talk to them. Even when you did talk to them they just laughed. You were always a nice person very polite to people always holding doors for people letting them on the bus first. Picking up thing kids have dropped. Anyway you were...
Hello dosto mera naam rohit im from chennai, Vaisey tou main delhi ka hoon lakin mera job chennai main hai. Main dikhney mai smart hoon meri age 24 hai aur apney land ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Ab main aap ko jayada bore na kartay huey apni story par aata hoon. Main daily iss padtaa hoon socha aaj mai apni story bhi aap ke saath sair karu. Chennai mai north side ka khana milnaa bhout muskil hai es leye maine apney office main kaam karney wala staaf sey punchaa ki khana kaha achaa...
The next morning I was up before Sean. I snuck out of the bedroom and made coffee. I made bacon and toast and put them in the oven so that when Sean got up I would only have to cook the eggs and breakfast would be ready. Sean had put in a lot of long days in the past week and he was really tired. It was another hour before I heard him moving around. I poured him a cup of coffee and got the eggs out. By the time he got to the table breakfast was ready. We ate and talked and then, after I...
Angelica scrambled up the tree, hugging the trunk between her thighs as she reached for one of the top branches. Deftly, like the thousands of times she had done it before, she pulled herself up into the little treehouse before anyone could spy her outfit. Angelica was eighteen and enrolled at one of the city’s most prestigious all-girls Catholic high school for her final year. Next year she would be off at university, but until then she was living at home, under the watchful eye of her...
"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...
My wife wanted to lose some weight and get fit. We’d been married for a while, and like most couple we’d grown complacent and overweight. So she signed up for a gym membership that she planned on using while I was at work during the days. I didn’t think she’d stick with it, most people don’t, but after six months she’d lost a lot of weight and was back to the incredible shape she’d been in when we got married. It has also affected her libido, because she was super horny all the time and in...
Well it's fund raiser time again for the Girl Scouts and as you know, they go door to door selling their cookies. This is my first time at trying to sell my cookies, and I'm not having much luck. I've tried a couple dozen houses in my neighborhood and have found that someone from another troop has already been there. I was feeling rather defeated as I walked up to the last house within walking distance from my house. It was an older home and I knew that an older man lived here because he...
Part six,In this part of the story Tony (ex-wife's husband) and the priest got their comeuppance. Oh and there's a wedding for the romantic amongst youAfter giving my ex-wife a glimpse of what we could make available to her myself and Cindy decided to mess with her head. Every day for the next two weeks we would arrange for Tracey to send some guy with a huge cock to visit us. Every day she would come into the living room where invariably Cindy was on her knees between my legs. She would Have a...
I sat in the chair, waiting. Waiting as my wife was fucked in the room next door, and my cock was harder than I can ever remember it being. I checked my phone, and looked at the images some guy had sent me last night, images of my Elle being fucked by him, images of her laying on a hotel bed, her legs spread wide as she held her cunt open. Her wet cunt. Another image, of him penetrating her arse, another of her sucking his cock, her red lips around it, and so much of it in her mouth. Fuck when...
Hello everyone, this is a continuation of my story from a few years back. For some reason, I couldn’t finish my story, but here I am back with the continuation. Please read the second part first (link on top). Hope I get the same love from the ISS family. Also, this story is dedicated to someone special. She will know when she reads it (please no queries about her on email). The next morning, when I got up, Annie, who is 23 years, extremely fair, 5’4″, 34-28-34, (more details in the previous...
first I want to start by saying that I know there are a lot fake stories on here and that is just fine and eventually I will try to write a fake one and post it for entertainment, but for now I have enought experiences to share all of the 100 percent true events first. the only thing in these true stories that I will change are some of the names. other than that it all actually happened and I will try to give and most exact details that I can. Enjoy!this all started when I was about 18 years...
Now coming to the point…. I am 28 Married and am enjoying a very good sex life with my wife Pooja. My wife… she’s beautiful & sexy like many of you girls there. We were living alone in a flat in new Mumbai, India and were enjoying each other’s company. My sister in law Deepti, who is a twin sister of my wife was working in some company & got transferred to Mumbai. As we were the only relatives in town we offered her to stay with us till she finds some accommodation for herself. She was not...
Introduction: Iv\e been very naughty lately… My name is Chloe, and something happened about a week ago that has completely changed my life in a way I never could have imagined. I just turned 31 and celebrated my ten-year wedding anniversary by myself. My husband, 42, has been incredibly successful with his work, which has allowed me to stay at home and live the life of a well-off housewife. Unfortunately, his work has often kept him out of town for months at a time. In fact, within the last...
The employees’ share co-operative was announced to the staff and received a less than rapturous welcome when the figures were announced. Most of those eligible thought the sums involved were trivial; most of those excluded thought that all the staff should be eligible on the first day they joined the company. David was surprised when Colin asked him to meet him immediately when he walked into work two days after the announcement. “What’s the problem, Colin? Are the natives getting...
Gracie was attending a birthday party at her friend Rachel's house, who's son was turning 18... Gracie:"I've known Rachel for more ten years now and she is one of the few type of friends who actually stick around. It felt as if not too long ago I was turning 18, but I was now in my early thirties and Rachel probably felt old too now that she was was nearing forty!... But anyways let's continue with the story...There was plenty of alcohol available, for those in the appropriate age range of...