Fanny HillChapter 7 free porn video

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On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by a light scarce inferior, and perhaps more favourable to joy, more tenderly pleasing, than that of broad sun-shine.

On my entrance into the room, I had the satisfaction to hear a buzz of approbation run through the whole company which now consisted of four gentlemen, including my particular (this was the cant-term of the house for one's gallant for the time), the three young women, in a neat flowing dishabille, the mistress of the academy, and myself. I was welcomed and saluted by a kiss all round, in which, however, it was easy to discover, in the superior warmth of that of the men, the distinction of the sexes.

Aw'd and confounded as I was at seeing myself surrounded, caress'd, and made court to by so many strangers, I could not immediately familiarize myself to all that air of gaiety and joy which dictated their compliments, and animated their caresses.

They assur'd me that I was so perfectly to their taste as to have but one fault against me, which I might easily be cur'd of, and that was my modesty: this, they observ'd, might pass for a beauty the more with those who wanted it for a heightener; but their maxim was, that it was an impertinent mixture, and dash'd the cup so as to spoil the sincere draught of pleasure; they consider'd it accordingly as their mortal enemy, and gave it no quarter wherever they met with it. This was a prologue not unworthy of the revels that ensu'd.

In the midst of all the frolic and wantonnesses, which this joyous band had presently, and all naturally, run into, an elegant supper was serv'd in, and we sat down to it, my spark-elect placing himself next to me, and the other couples without order or ceremony. The delicate cheer and good wine soon banish'd all reserve; the conversation grew as lively as could be wished, without taking too loose a turn: these professors of pleasure knew too well, to stale impressions of it, or evaporate the imagination in words, before the time of action. Kisses however were snatch'd at times, or where a handkerchief round the neck interpos'd its feeble barrier, it was not extremely respected: the hands of the men went to work with their usual petulance, till the provocations on both sides rose to such a pitch that my particular's proposal for beginning the country-dances was received with instant assent: for, as he laughingly added, he fancied the instruments were in tune. This was a signal for preparation, that the complaisant Mrs. Cole, who understood life, took for her cue of disappearing; no longer so fit for personal service herself, and content with having settled the order of battle, she left us the field, to fight it out at discretion.

As soon as she was gone, the table was remov'd form the middle, and became a side-board; a couch was brought into its place, of which when I whisperingly inquired the reason, of my particular, he told me that as it was chiefly on my account that this convention was met, the parties intended at once to humour their taste of variety in pleasures, and by an open publick enjoyment, to see me broke of any taint of reserve or modesty, which they look'd on as the poison of joy; that though they occasionally preached pleasure, and lived up to the text, they did not enthusiastically set up for missionaries, and only indulg'd themselves in the delights of a practical instruction of all the pretty women they lik'd well enough to bestow it upon, and who fell properly in the way of it; but that as such a proposal might be too violent, too shocking for a young beginner, the old standers were to set an example, which he hoped I would not be averse to follow, since it was to him I was devolv'd in favour of the first experiment; but that still I was perfectly at my liberty to refuse the party, which being in its nature one of pleasure, suppos'd an exclusion of all force or constraint.

My countenance expressed, no doubt, my surprise as my silence did my acquiescence. I was now embarked, and thoroughly determined on any voyage the company would take me on.

The first that stood up, to open the ball, were a cornet of horse, and that sweetest of olive-beauties, the soft and amorous Louisa. He led her to the couch "nothing loth," on which he gave her the fall, and extended her at her length with an air of roughness and vigour, relishing high of amorous eagerness and impatience. The girl, spreading herself to the best advantage, with her head upon the pillow, was so concentred in what she was about, that our presence seemed the least of her care and concern. Her petticoats, thrown up with her shift, discovered to the company the finest turn'd legs and thighs that could be imagined, and in broad display, that gave us a full view of that delicious cleft of flesh into which the pleasing hair-grown mount over it, parted and presented a most inviting entrance between two close-hedges, delicately soft and pouting. Her gallant was now ready, having disencumber'd himself from his cloaths, overloaded with lace, and presently, his shirt removed, shew'd us his forces in high plight, bandied and ready for action. But giving us no time to consider the dimensions, he threw himself instantly over his charming antagonist, who receiv'd him as he pushed at once dead at mark like a heroine, without flinching; for surely never was girl constitutionally truer to the taste of joy, or sincerer in the expressions of its sensations, than she was: we could observe pleasure lighten in her eyes, as he introduc'd his plenipotentiary instrument into her; till, at length, having indulg'd her to its utmost reach, its irritations grew so violent, and gave her the spurs so furiously, that collected within herself, and lost to everything but the enjoyment of her favourite feelings, she retorted his thrusts with a just concert of springy heaves, keeping time so exactly with the most pathetic sighs, that one might have number'd the strokes in agitation by their distinct murmurs, whilst her active limbs kept wreathing and intertwisting with his, in convulsive folds: then the turtle-billing kisses, and the poignant painless lovebites, which they both exchang'd in a rage of delight, all conspiring towards the melting period. It soon came on when Louisa, in the ravings of her pleasure-frenzy, impotent of all restraint, cried out: "Oh Sir!... Good Sir!... pray do not spare me! ah! ah!..." All her accents now faltering into heart-fetched sighs, she clos'd her eyes in the sweet death, in the instant of which she was embalm'd by an injection, of which we could easily see the signs in the quiet, dying, languid posture of her late so furious driver, who was stopp'd of a sudden, breathing short, panting, and, for the time, giving up the spirit of pleasure. As soon as he was dismounted, Louisa sprung up, shook her petticoats, and running up to me, gave me a kiss and drew me to the side-board, to which she was herself handed by her gallant, where they made me pledge them in a glass of wine, and toast a droll health of Louisa's proposal in high frolic.

By this time the second couple was ready to enter the lists: which were a young baronet, and that delicatest of charmers, the winning, tender Harriet. My gentle esquire came to acquaint me with it, and brought me back to the scene of action.

And, surely, never did one of her profession accompany her dispositions for the bare-faced part she was engaged to play with such a peculiar grace of sweetness, modesty and yielding coyness, as she did. All her air and motions breath'd only unreserv'd, unlimited complaisance without the least mixture of impudence, or prostitution. But what was yet more surprising, her spark-elect, in the midst of the dissolution of a publick open enjoyment, doted on her to distraction, and had, by dint of love and sentiments, touched her heart, tho' for a while the restraint of their engagement to the house laid him under a kind of necessity of complying with an institution which himself had had the greatest share in establishing.

Harriet was then led to the vacant couch by her gallant, blushing as she look'd at me, and with eyes made to justify any thing, tenderly bespeaking of me the most favourable construction of the step she was thus irresistibly drawn into.

Her lover, for such he was, sat her down at the foot of the couch, and passing his arm round her neck, preluded with a kiss fervently applied to her lips, that visibly gave her life and spirit to go thro' with the scene; and as he kiss'd, he gently inclined her head, till it fell back on a pillow disposed to receive it, and leaning himself down all the way with her, at once countenanc'd and endear'd her fall to her. There, as if he had guess'd our wishes, or meant to gratify at once his pleasure and his pride, in being the master, by the title of present possession, of beauties delicate beyond imagination, he discovered her breasts to his own touch, and our common view; but oh! what delicious manuals of love devotion! how inimitable fine moulded! small, round, firm, and excellently white: the grain of their skin, so soothing, so flattering to the touch! and their nipples, that crown'd them, the sweetest buds of beauty. When he had feasted his eyes with the touch and perusal, feasted his lips with kisses of the highest relish, imprinted on those all-delicious twin orbs, the proceeded downwards.

Her legs still kept the ground; and now, with the tenderest attention not to shock or alarm her too suddenly, he, by degrees, rather stole than rolled up her petticoats; at which, as if a signal had been given, Louisa and Emily took hold of her legs, in pure wantonness, and, in ease to her, kept them stretched wide abroad. Then lay exposed, or, to speak more properly, display'd the greatest parade in nature of female charms. The whole company, who, except myself, had often seen them, seemed as much dazzled, surpriz'd and delighted, as any one could be who had now beheld them for the first time. Beauties so excessive could not but enjoy the privileges of eternal novelty. Her thighs were so exquisitely fashioned, that either more in, or more out of flesh than they were, they would have declined from that point of perfection they presented. But what infinitely enrich'd and adorn'd them, was the sweet intersection formed, where they met, at the bottom of the smoothest, roundest, whitest belly, by that central furrow which nature had sunk there, between, the soft relieve of two pouting ridges, and which in this was in perfect symmetry of delicacy and miniature with the rest of her frame. No! nothing in nature could be of a beautifuller cut; then, the dark umbrage of the downy spring-moss that over-arched it bestowed, on the luxury of the landscape, a touching warmth, a tender finishing, beyond the expression of words, or even the paint of thought.

Her truly enamour'd gallant, who had stood absorbed and engrossed by the pleasure of the sight long enough to afford us time to feast ours (no fear of glutting!) addressed himself at length to the materials of enjoyment, and lifting the linen veil that hung between us and his master member of the revels, exhibited one whose eminent size proclaimed the owner a true woman's hero. He was, besides, in every other respect an accomplish'd gentleman, and in the bloom and vigour of youth. Standing then between Harriet's legs, which were supported by her two companions at their widest extension, with one hand he gently disclosed the lips of that luscious mouth of nature, whilst with the other, he stooped his mighty machine to its lure, from the height of his stiff stand-up towards his belly; the lips, kept open by his fingers, received its broad shelving head of coral hue: and when he had nestled it in, he hovered there a little, and the girls then deliver'd over to his hips the agreeable office of supporting her thighs; and now, as if meant to spin out his pleasure, and give it the more play for its life, he passed up his instrument so slow that we lost sight of it inch by inch, till at length it was wholly taken into the soft laboratory of love, and the mossy mounts of each fairly met together. In the mean time, we could plainly mark the prodigious effect the progressions of this delightful energy wrought in this delicious girl, gradually heightening her beauty as they heightened her pleasure. Her countenance and whole frame grew more animated; the faint blush of her cheeks, gaining ground on the white, deepened into a florid vivid vermilion glow, her naturally brilliant eyes now sparkled with ten-fold lustre; her languor was vanish'd, and she appeared, quick spirited, and alive all over. He now fixed, nailed, this tender creature with his home-driven wedge, so that she lay passive by force, and unable to stir, till beginning to play a strain of arms against this vein of delicacy, as he urged the to-and-fro confriction, he awaken'd, rous'd, and touch'd her so to the heart, that unable to contain herself, she could not but reply to his motions as briskly as her nicety of frame would admit of, till the raging stings of the pleasure rising towards the point, made her wild with the intolerable sensations of it, and she now threw her legs and arms about at random, as she lay lost in the sweet transport; which on his side declared itself by quicker, eager thrusts, convulsive gasps, burning sighs, swift laborious breathings, eyes darting humid fires: all faithful tokens of the imminent approaches of the last gasp of joy. It came on at length: the baronet led the extasy, which she critically joined in, as she felt the melting symptoms from him, in the nick of which glewing more ardently than ever his lips to hers, he shewed all the signs of that agony of bliss being strong upon him, in which he gave her the finishing titillation; inly thrill'd with which, we saw plainly that she answered it down with all effusion of spirit and matter she was mistress of, whilst a general soft shudder ran through all her limbs, which she gave a stretch-out of, and lay motionless, breathless, dying with dear delight; and in the height of its expression, shewing, through the nearly closed lids of her eyes, just the edges of their black, the rest being rolled strongly upwards in their extasy; then her sweet mouth appear'd languishingly open, with the tip of her tongue leaning negligently towards the lower range of her white teeth, whilst the natural ruby colour of her lips glowed with heightened life. Was not this a subject to dwell upon? And accordingly her lover still kept on her, with an abiding delectation, till compressed, squeezed and distilled to the last drop, he took leave with one fervent kiss, expressing satisfy'd desires, but unextinguish'd love.

As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais'd her head, which she declin'd gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had pass'd, till by degrees she recomposed herself and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it her, whilst her own was re-adjusting his affairs and buttoning up; after which he led her, leaning languishingly upon him, to our stand of view round the couch.

And now Emily's partner had taken her out for her share in the dance, when this transcendently fair and sweet tempered creature readily stood up; and if a complexion to put the rose and lily out of countenance, extreme pretty features, and that florid health and bloom for which the country-girls are so lovely, might pass her for a beauty, this she certainly was, and one ot the most striking of the fair ones.

Her gallant began first, as she stood, to disengage her breasts, and restore them to the liberty of nature, from the easy confinement of no more than a pair of jumps; but on their coming out to view, we thought a new light was added to the room, so superiourly shining was their whiteness; then they rose in so happy a swell as to compose her a wellformed fulness of bosom, that had such an effect on the eye as to seem flesh hardening into marble, of which it emulated the polished gloss, and far surpassed even the whitest, in the life and lustre of its colours, white veined with blue. Refrain who could from such provoking enticements to it in reach? He touched her breasts, first lightly, when the glossy smoothness of the skin eluded his hand, and made it slip along the surface; he press'd them, and the springy flesh that filled them thus pitted by force, rose again reboundingly with his hand, and on the instant effac'd the pressure: and alike indeed was the consistence of all those parts of her body throughout, where the fulness of flesh compacts and constitutes all that fine firmness which the touch is so highly attach'd to. When he had thus largely pleased himself with this branch of dalliance and delight, he truss'd up her petticoat and shift in a wisp to her waist, where being tuck'd in, she stood fairly naked on every side; a blush at this overspread her lovely face, and her eyes down cast to the ground seemed to be for quarter, when she had so great a right to triumph in all the treasures of youth and beauty that she now so victoriously display'd. Her legs were perfectly well shaped and her thighs, which she kept pretty close, shewed so white, so round, so substantial and abounding in firm flesh, that nothing could offer a stronger recommendation to the luxury of the touch, which he accordingly did not fail to indulge himself in. Then gently removing her hand, which in the first emotion of natural modesty she had carried thither, he gave us rather a glimpse than a view of that soft narrow chink running its little length downwards and hiding the remains of it between her thighs; but plain was to be seen the fringe of light-brown curls, in beauteous growth over it, that with their silky gloss created a pleasing variety from the surrounding white, whose lustre too, their gentle embrowning shade, considerably raised. Her spark then endeavoured, as she stood, by disclosing her thighs, to gain us a completer sight of that central charm of attraction, but not obtaining it so conveniently in that attitude, he led her to the foot of the couch, and bringing to it one of the pillows, gently inclin'd her head down, so that as she leaned with it over her crossed hands, straddling with her thighs wide spread, and jutting her body out, she presented a full back view of her person, naked to the waist. Her posteriours, plump, smooth, and prominent, form'd luxuriant tracts of animated snow, that splendidly filled the eye, till it was commanded down the parting or separation of those exquisitely white cliffs, by their narrow vale, and was there stopt, and attracted by the embowered bottom-cavity, that terminated this delightful vista and stood moderately gaping from the influence of her bended posture, so that the agreeable, interior red of the sides of the orifice came into view, and with respect to the white that dazzled round it, gave somewhat the idea of a pink slash in the glossiest white satin. Her gallant, who was a gentleman about thirty, somewhat inclin'd to a fatness that was in no sort displeasing, improving the hint thus tendered him of this mode of enjoyment, after settling her well in this posture, and encouraging her with kisses and caresses to stand him through, drew out his affair ready erected, and whose extreme length, rather disproportion'd to its breadth, was the more surprizing, as that excess is not often the case with those of his corpulent habit; making then the right and direct application, he drove it up to the guard, whilst the round bulge of those Turkish beauties of her's tallying with the hollow made with the bent of his belly and thighs, as they curved inwards, brought all those parts, surely not undelightfully, into warm touch, and close conjunction; his hands he kept passing round her body, and employed in toying with her enchanting breasts. As soon too as she felt him at home as he could reach, she lifted her head a little from the pillow, and turning her neck, without much straining, but her cheeks glowing with the deepest scarlet, and a smile of the tenderest satisfaction, met the kiss he press'd forward to give her as they were thus close joined together: when leaving him to pursue his delights, she hid again her face and blushes with her hands and pillow, and thus stood passively and as favourably too as she could, whilst he kept laying at her with repeated thrusts and making the meeting flesh on both sides resound again with the violence of them; then ever as he backen'd from her, we could see between them part of his long whitestaff foamingly in motion, till, as he went on again and closed with her, the interposing hillocks took it out of sight. Sometimes he took his hands from the semi-globes of her bosoms, and transferred the pressure of them to those larger ones, the present subjects of his soft blockade, which he squeez'd, grasp'd and play'd with, till at length a pursuit of driving, so hotly urged, brought on the height of the fit, with such overpowering pleasure, that his fair partner became, now necessary to support him, panting, fainting and dying as he discharged; which she no sooner felt the killing sweetness of, than unable to keep her legs, and yielding to the mighty intoxication, she reeled, and falling forward on the couch, made it a necessity for him, if he would preserve the warm pleasurehold, to fall upon her, where they perfected, in a continued conjunction of body and extatic flow, their scheme of joys for that time.

As soon as he had disengag'd, the charming Emily got up, and we crowded round her with congratulations and other officious little services; for it is to be noted, that though all modesty and reserve were banished from the transaction of these pleasures, good manners and politeness were inviolably observ'd: here was no gross ribaldry, no offensive or rude behaviour, or ungenerous reproaches to the girls for their compliance with the humours and desires of the men. On the contrary, nothing was wanting to soothe, encourage, and soften the sense of their condition to them. Men know not in general how much they destroy of their own pleasure, when they break through the respect and tenderness due to our sex, and even to those of it who live only by pleasing them. And this was a maxim perfectly well understood by these polite voluptuaries, these profound adepts in the great art and science of pleasure, who never shew'd these votaries of theirs a more tender respect than at the time of those exercises of their complaisance, when they unlock'd their treasures of concealed beauty, and shewed out in the pride of their native charms, ever-more touching surely than when they paraded it in the artificial ones of dress and ornament.

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...

5 years ago
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part5

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...

2 years ago
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part6

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...

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Fanny HillChapter 2

About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...

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Fanny HillChapter 4

I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I...

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Fanny HillChapter 6

Madam, If I have delay'd the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloy'd and tired with uniformity of adventures and expressions, inseparable from a subject of this sort, whose bottom, or groundwork...

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Fanny HillChapter 8

The girls all this time did not in the least smoke the mystery of this new customer; but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire; for that by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures...

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Fanny HillChapter 9

My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part of his weight on. Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had procured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he...

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In lustvoller Mission

Sie sind ein Außerirdischer vom Schwesterplaneten der Erde in einem Paralleluniversum. Wie ihre Wissenschaftler festgestellt haben, wird ihr Planet aufgrund des stark ausgeprägten Sexualtriebes seiner Bewohner in wenigen Jahrzehnten eine Bevölkerungskatastrophe bisher ungeahnten Ausmaßes durchmachen. Ihre geheime Mission ist es nun, auf lange Sicht eine unfreundliche Übernahme ihres Schwesterplaneten, der Erde vorzubereiten, indem sie mit geeigneten Menschenfrauen möglichst viele Nachkommen...

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Long desire

My name is Anil and I am 35 years old. I am married to Madhu, a beautiful women and we are really enjoying our sexual life very much. My wife is having a beautiful younger sister binita and she is approx. 30 years old and married, having one kid. She is extremely fair complexioned with big pair of tits and specially her ass is the sexiest part of her body, big butt really rounded in shape. Any body would like to fuck her from rear and since my marriage i also had a desire to fuck her ass badly....

4 years ago
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Hawley BattleChapter 5

“Hawley, I f’n LOVE the taste of your cum. I could drink it all day if you’d let me.” “We’ll have to try that one day when we’re not in school. I love the way you suck my cock. I can’t imagine, that putting my cock in a girl’s pussy would feel any better than you sucking me off.” “I feel the same way when you suck my pussy. If getting fucked by a cock like yours feels any better than getting my come while you’re sucking my pussy, I may need CPR afterwards.” “Do we need to start on your...

3 years ago
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Suck That Dick

Some guys like to have their cock sucked. Some guys like to suck cock. And then some guys .. like myself .. will take a hard dick down their throat or up their ass. It doesn’t matter if I have to spread my lips or my legs just so I get some dick! But this little story is about an acquaintance of mine .. Stan .. who liked to have his dick sucked .. and me .. Clayton the sissy .. who was always ready to suck on it. The relationship I had with Stan was based strictly on sex. No dinner dates....

3 years ago
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Dealing With JessieChapter 9

So it had off to Denny’s where they ate and went back home, where he’d been told someone had pooped in the pool. They’d gone to bed, had some more fun, and Jessie went to sleep. He didn’t; she was a lot sicker than he thought. He wondered if the psychiatrist knew more than he’d shared. Jessie’s comment about semen slurping almost pushed him over the edge. Edge of what he didn’t know; at the moment he was ready to just walk out but what really scared him had been her emotional disappearance....

4 years ago
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Our first time

I had been going out with Christine since I was fifteen, she was only six months older than me but as the school year went this meant she was a year ahead of me in school. I’d just turned sixteen two weeks ago. I had just finished playing tennis and was on my way to Christine’s house. I knocked on the door and Christine answered, I looked into her crystal blue eyes and she smiled back at me, the little dimples on her cheeks deepened. ‘Hiya.’ She said. ‘Hiya.’ I replied. ‘Come in then, we’ve got...

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Mourning A Mother and Son Tale

Mourning A Mother and Son Tale By Spectre It was two days after the funeral that Mom had her worst breakdown. Nobody expected Dad to die, though many of us had long wished he would. He was a mean d***kard who regularly beat us as k**s, although Mom worshiped him. So when he died she was the only one who took it hard. ‘She’s not going to make it,’ Carla was saying to me in the kitchen when Mom walked in, shuffling in her stocking feet, hair a mess, still in her black dress. We fell silent and...

4 years ago
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A Lovers PromiseIll do anything for yo

A Lover's Promise                                " I'll do anything for you"..................................   This story was sent to me by one of my readers who has asked me to edit and post it – in both our names – so on behalf of Noveltask and myself I present you with this True story – the names have been changed to protect the people concerned. This is a love story and pretty tame to start – but it gets better…. Michael and Sara had grown up in the same town, gone to the same school and...

Group Sex
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Airstream Dreams

Authors Note: This story is pure fiction and/or fantasy. We all have dreams, and this is just one of them from my warped mind while I was trying to clean my hands after working on the lawnmower. * Chapter 1 Getting out of Dodge It’s strange how sometimes the worst kind of crap that falls on you can turn into an opportunity for something that you might think is the best. That’s just how it works now and then, and that’s just how it worked for me. Anyway you slice it, divorce is the shits....

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TeamSkeetXJavHub Mai Kawasumi Mai I Cum Hard

Mai Kawasumi is a tiny girl who loves to cum hard. She loves to show off her petite little body whenever she can. She keeps her jet black bush nice and big to give her men something to look at. She’s always challenging herself as well. She likes to find men with cocks that are so thick she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to take them all in. She always tries, though. That’s why she’s usually on her back desperately trying to muffle her own moans while her tiny little pussy gets stretched right...

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Its a Knockout

I had lost everything, but the clothes on my back. I watched as several diverse groups of tourists and locals passed by the bench I was slouching on. I wondered what great things awaited them tonight. The flickering candle of the desert was filled with more opportunities than usual tonight. A large neon sign towering over the Las Vegas strip boasted the boxing match of the century set to go down that night. Heavyweight champion Carlson Fedder and ‘Russian Revolver’ Miak Slovak were ready to...

Straight Sex
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Greater Than Expectations

Greater Than Expectations By Supposition Life I was born four months premature and spent my first six months of my life in the hospital. My early birth was brought on by a car wreck that my mother Mary Kinsman Raul, didn't survive but before she died she named me Sean Kinsman Raul. She was sole heir to the Kinsman fortune which was large and very old money. My father William Raul was from old money too and his parents were dead also. I had the best medical care at birth that money...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 32 The Haunted

Ken walked down the passageway towards the medical bay. Stopping at the door, he paused to gather his courage for what he was about to do. Then he walked into the room. The noise of the wounded assaulted him. The mangled bodies frightened him. He felt all this was his fault. Looking around the room, he saw Molly and her mother rushing around getting the wounded up on to the medical beds for the healing they needed. Gretchen helped by stopping the bleeding with pressure bandages. Tina walked...

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Commander Feanaur

I come over to you and pick you up. I bring you to my quarters, which are in the base. I lay you down on my bed, putting the blankets over you. I then start a pot of Hothi Tea, which is the strongest and most tastful tea in this galaxy. When you awake, I say to you. "Hello." You jump up and curl up to the back of the bed. "No. I am here to hurt you not." I say, assuring your safety. "Who....who are you?" You ask sheepishly. "I am Commander Feanaur Dur Ithil-Hir of the Sith...

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Trucker get a grip on yourself

I was rolling down I-81 in Virginia thinking my thoughts as my big diesel ate white stripes on the two-lane interstate. My thoughts were currently on my internet friend/lover Sarah.I'd met Sarah some months previously in an online chatroom. We'd hit it off very well and become cyber lovers. I know, many of you think that's stupid, icky, gross. I have found it to be stimulating. It titillates my biggest sex organ, the soft round one which is located between my earsWe'd explored many scenarios...

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Sex With Busty Women Escort In Radha Escort Agencies 8211 Part 1

This is the real story happened in my life which anybody can never forget. This story is very lengthy . You need to be patient while reading this as it is very interesting as far as myself is concerned. My name is harikrishnareddy 22 years old. My father is a famous realtor in Hyderabad. My mother is house wife. We are very rich by grace of god. Even though I started earning separately which my parents do not know.i started HR Technologies. Through which I do material contract for security...

2 years ago
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Get Me Off

"Oh my God, I can't take it any more," Katie walked through the front door and straight to the living room. "Coffee?" I asked. "Yes," she sighed and collapsed on the couch. "Did you get any last night?" "No," I chuckled as I filled a mug, "he was a disaster." I walked into the living room and found Katie on the couch in a pair of khaki shorts and a white top. She looked tired. "I told you those websites are shit," she smiled up at me and took the steaming mug,...

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In the hospital II

I drifted back off and woke the next morning when a morning nurse came in. She gave me my medicine and water, then asked how I felt. I told I was fine, good she said. Let's get a look at you stiches, she pulled the sheets back and propped my leg up. She uncovered and checked the wound, then recovered it. Nice and dry, she said. She looked over at my other leg and smiled sheepishly. I asked her what was that about, she said it was nothing. Jokingly I said " don't make me chase you to find out "...

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My unexpected journey part 1

I heard the door slam shut behind me and the click of the lock being put into place. The lights flared on, blinding me for a few seconds before my eyes finally adjusted to them. The woman was even more gorgeous in the light and I made no hesitation in telling her so. Her cheeks began to redden as she blushed at the comment and suddenly threw her arms around my neck pulling me to her. Her lips met mine as she began kissing me, and with only a moment of pause I joined in kissing her back,...

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Nylon Lexis sissy training part 4

I was untied from the bench and sir liften me up onto my heels and led me over to some stocks. I was made to kneel down and my wrist and neck placed in the stocks, then he closed them down on me and clicked it shut. He gave my ass a slap as he pulled the hook out of my tight hole and grabbed my waist. I shivered as I felt his cock press against my stretched hole. In one movement he pushed his cock into my boy pussy up to the hilt and held it there. My ass pushed back against him, squeezing it...

4 years ago
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Pennys Second Day

Penny’s Second Day at Finishing SchoolPenny was very satisfied with herself and her first day. She finally got some real cock penetration but only in her arse. She thoroughly loved it, in fact, she was now an addict for anal penetration. She loved everything about it, the way it made her feel like a filthy whore, perhaps even the thought that she had probably gone a lot further than her mother ever would have. Perhaps it was some kind of weird Electra complex playing out but what she couldn’t...

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Finding Angela

Howdy, Readers! I wrote this little appetizer for you to enjoy. My little story is an amuse bouche to wet your appetite for an all new Wildcats epic. I've taken all the old stories about Terry and his adventures with Lisa's all girl band and rewritten them to streamline the story. And, I've added TWO NEW novels to round it all out. It's one big package of almost 150,000 words and it's now available on Amazon. It's called The Big Book Of Wildcats! Hope you look through the free...

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Strangelings Artifacts The Ring

Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...

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Village FeteChapter 9

That admirable man of business, Mr Fenton-Jones had shepherded the last of his charges into the coach, which then glided smoothly away on its journey to Little Sprodwell under Fosse and tea with his Aunt, the redoubtable Mrs Jenkinson, while the tourists drank in their fill of the fete and its lurid attractions. This lady had phoned him a minute or so before his departure to brief him on the latest developments and he had been able to assure the excited party that they would arrive shortly...

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Office Colleague Ko Pooery Din Choda


3 years ago
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Sophie and her Mother

I had often wondered what became of Sophie Dupree, and was absolutely delighted when her name popped up on Facebook. I sat back in my office chair and memories of a wonderful summer came flooding back. It was our final year of school when boys and girls were mixed for the first time, eighteen year olds full of shyness and bravado. No one would have described Sophie as the most beautiful girl in the class. To be honest, she was more pretty than beautiful. I remembered the heady combination of...

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Licking Subina8217s Armpits while cumming in her pussy

Hi, I am Uday, a 25-year-old from UP. I am working and staying in Delhi alone in a rented flat. I belong to a Hindu Family. My height is 5’10 feet decent body weight is 76 k.g. I live on the second floor. On my first floor (Landlord floor) lives a girl named Subina Khan with her parents and 1 brother of 19 years. Subina must be around 28 years old. With a whitish complexion, she is 5’6 feet tall and weighs around 52-56kg. She has 32-30-34 structures and an average build. She always wears a...

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Complete Fun In The Park In Bangalore

Hello Everyone. I am Ravi staying in Bangalore. I want to keep writing all my stories here and share my fantasies with readers. I would request you to share your feedback on my email id ravi.fro For all pretty women in Bangalore, please feel free to contact me over my email. I assure you that confidentiality will be strictly maintained. This story is all about a long back while I was doing my project work in Bangalore. My classmate Meena (name changed for confidentiality) also came to Bangalore...

4 years ago
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RansomeChapter 11 Back To The Chase

I’m getting rather bored by the effort needed to get and keep these women in my bed. I think the idea I put to Yvonne was a good one. I’ll set my sights on a second wife who will conform to my idea of obedience. True to type as ever, David made up a list of specifications. No younger than half my age. I don’t want a stupid child. No older than thirty. I don’t want anyone who can’t look after me physically in my old age. Preferably a poor family, but not a gold digger. I want her dependent...

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Ron Stoppables Nightmare

Ron was walking with a grin as he said good bye to Kim. As soon as he turned his head Kim grinned with eyes half closing. She then licked her lips as she said with a growl, "Time to get some Ron Shine."

3 years ago
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Senior Moment

I'm 60, recently divorced and horny just about all ofthe time. It rained today; the tale end of HurricaneIvan passed over the Cape. I needed to get out of theconverted cottage in Eastham where I've lived for thepast year. I retired, left Boston and my selfish k**safter the divorce. IThe cottage, some small savings,my car and my pension are all that survived thenastiness. I drove the short distance over to theocean and parked just beyond a now-closed restaurantwhere the surf was easily...

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I met a old women on a dating site

I had been on a dating site looking for a women for a bit, but I couldn't find one near then I spot this 76 year old, so I started to chat to her , she lives in Sheffield, we had been chatting for a week & then this morning I went to meet her at her house just for a drink of tea & a chat, I parked out knock on the door, she open it & asked me in, I followed her down the hall to the kitchen, where she put the kettle, we kissed & started to chat, She had got some big tits & a...

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