Fanny HillChapter 6 free porn video

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If I have delay'd the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain.

I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloy'd and tired with uniformity of adventures and expressions, inseparable from a subject of this sort, whose bottom, or groundwork being, in the nature of things, eternally one and the same, whatever variety of forms and modes the situations are susceptible of, there is no escaping a repetition of near the same images, the same figures, the same expressions, with this further inconvenience added to the disgust it creates, that the words JOYS, ARDOURS, TRANSPORTS, EXTASIES, and the rest of those pathetic terms so congenial to, so received in the PRACTICE OF PLEASURE, flatten and lose much of their due spirit and energy by the frequency they indispensably recur with, in a narrative of which that PRACTICE professedly composes the whole basis. I must therefore trust to the candour of your judgement, for your allowing for the disadvantage I am necessarily under in that respect, and to your imagination and sensibility, the pleasing task of repairing it by their supplements, where my descriptions flag or fail: the one will readily place the pictures I present before your eyes; the other give life to the colours where they are dull, or worn with too frequent handling.

What you say besides, by way of encouragement, concerning the extreme difficulty of continuing so long in one strain, in a mean temper'd with taste, between the revoltingness of gross, rank and vulgar expressions, and the ridicule of mincing metaphors and affected circumlocutions, is so sensible, as well as good-natur'd, that you greatly justify me to myself for my compliance with a curiosity that is to be satisfied so extremely at my expense.

Resuming now where I broke off in my last, I am in my way to remark to you that it was late in the evening before I arriv'd at my new lodgings, and Mrs. Cole, after helping me to range and secure my things, spent the whole evening with me in my apartment, where we supped together, in giving me the best advice and instruction with regard to this new stage of my profession I was now to enter upon; and passing thus from a private devotee to pleasure into a public one, to become a more general good, with all the advantages requisite to put my person out to use, either for interest or pleasure, or both. But then, she observ'd, as I was a kind of new face upon the town, that it was an established rule, and part of trade, for me to pass for a maid, and dispose of myself as such on the first good occasion, without prejudice, however, to such diversions as I might have a mind to in the interim; for that nobody could be a greater enemy than she was to the losing of time. That she would, in the mean time, do her best to find out a proper person, and would undertake to manage this nice point for me, if I would accept of her aid and advice to such good purpose that, in the loss of a fictitious maidenhead, I should reap all the advantages of a native one.

Though such a delicacy of sentiments did not extremely belong to my character at that time, I confess, against myself, that I perhaps too readily closed with a proposal which my candor and ingenuity gave me some repugnance to: but not enough to contradict the intention of one to whom I had now thoroughly abandoned the direction of all my steps. For Mrs. Cole had, I do not know how unless by one of those unaccountable invincible sympathies that, nevertheless, form the strongest links, especially of female friendship, won and got entire possession of me. On her side, she pretended that a strict resemblance she fancied she saw in me to an only daughter whom she had lost at my age, was the first motive of her taking to me so affectionately as she did. It might be so: there exist as slender motives of attachment that, gathering force from habit and liking, have proved often more solid and durable than those founded on much stronger reasons; but this I know, that tho' I had no other acquaintance with her than seeing her at my lodgings when I lived with Mr. H... , where she had made errands to sell me some millinery ware, she had by degrees insinuated herself so far into my confidence that I threw myself blindly into her hands, and came, at length, to regard, love, and obey her implicitly; and, to do her justice, I never experienc'd at her hands other than a sincerity of tenderness, and care for my interest, hardly heard of in those of her profession. We parted that night, after having settled a perfect unreserv'd agreement; and the next morning Mrs. Cole came, and took me with her to her house for the first time.

Here, at the first sight of things, I found everything breath'd an air of decency, modesty and order.

In the outer parlour, or rather shop, sat three young women, very demurely employ'd on millinery work, which was the cover of a traffic in more precious commodities; but three beautifuller creatures could hardly be seen. Two of them were extremely fair, the eldest not above nineteen; and the third, much about that age, was a piquant brunette, whose black sparkling eyes, and perfect harmony of features and shape, left her nothing to envy in her fairer companions. Their dress too had the more design in it, the less it appeared to have, being in a taste of uniform correct neatness, and elegant simplicity. These were the girls that compos'd the small domestick flock, which my governess train'd up with surprising order and management, considering the giddy wildness of young girls once got upon the loose. But then she never continued any in her house, whom, after a due novitiate, she found untractable, or unwilling to comply with the rules of it. Thus had she insensibly formed a little family of love, in which the members found so sensibly their account, in a rare alliance of pleasure with interest, and of a necessary outward decency with unbounded secret liberty, that Mrs. Cole, who had pick'd them as much for their temper as their beauty, govern'd them with ease to herself and them too.

To these pupils then of hers, whom she had prepar'd, she presented me as a new boarder, and one that was to be immediately admitted to all the intimacies of the house; upon which these charming girls gave me all the marks of a welcome reception, and indeed of being perfectly pleased with my figure, that I could possibly expect from any of my own sex: but they had been effectually brought to sacrifice all jealousy, or competition of charms, to a common interest, and consider'd me a partner that was bringing no despicable stock of goods into the trade of the house. They gathered round me, view'd me on all sides; and as my admission into this joyous troop made a little holiday, the shew of work was laid aside; and Mrs. Cole giving me up, with special recommendation, to their caresses and entertainment, went about her ordinary business of the house.

The sameness of our sex, age, profession, and views soon created as unreserv'd a freedom and intimacy as if we had been for years acquainted. They took and shew'd me the house, their respective apartments, which were furnished with every article of conveniency and luxury; and above all, a spacious drawing-room, where a select revelling band usually met, in general parties of pleasure; the girls supping with their sparks, and acting their wanton pranks with unbounded licentiousness; whilst a defiance of awe, modesty or jealousy were their standing rules, by which, according to the principles of their society, whatever pleasure was lost on the side of sentiment was abundantly made up to the senses in the poignancy of variety, and the charms of ease and luxury. The authors and supporters of this secret institution would, in the height of their humours style themselves the restorers of the golden age and its simplicity of pleasures, before their innocence became so injustly branded with the names of guilt and shame.

As soon then as the evening began, and the shew of a shop was shut, the academy open'd; the mask of mock-modesty was completely taken off, and all the girls deliver'd over to their respective calls of pleasure or interest with their men; and none of that sex was promiscuously admitted, but only such as Mrs. Cole was previously satisfied with their character and discretion. In short, this was the safest, politest, and, at the same time, the most thorough house of accommodation in town: every thing being conducted so that decency made no intrenchment upon the most libertine pleasures, in the practice of which too, the choice familiars of the house had found the secret so rare and difficult, of reconciling even all the refinements of taste and delicacy with the most gross and determinate gratifications of senuality.

After having consum'd the morning in the endearments and instructions of my new acquaintance, we went to dinner, when Mrs. Cole, presiding at the head of her club, gave me the first idea of her management and address, in inspiring these girls with so sensible a love and respect for her. There was no stiffness, no reserve, no airs of pique, or little jealousies, but all was unaffectedly gay, cheerful and easy.

After dinner, Mrs. Cole, seconded by the young ladies, acquainted me that there was a chapter to be held that night in form, for the ceremony of my reception into the sisterhood; and in which, with all due reserve to my maidenhead, that was to be occasionally cook'd up for the first proper chapman, I was to undergo a ceremonial of initiation they were sure I should not be displeased with.

Embark'd as I was, and moreover captivated with the charms of my new companions, I was too much prejudic'd in favour of any proposal they could make, to much as hesitate an assent; which, therefore, readily giving in the style of a carte blanche, I receiv'd fresh kisses of compliment from them all, in approval of my docility and good nature. Now I was "a sweet girl..." I came into things with a "good grace..." I was not "affectedly coy..." I should be "the pride of the house..." and the like.

This point thus adjusted, the young women left Mrs. Cole to talk and concert matters with me: she explained to me that I should be introduc'd, that very evening, to four of her best friends, one of whom she had, according to the custom of the house, favoured with the preference of engaging me in the first party of pleasure; assuring me, at the same time, that they were all young gentlemen agreeable in their persons, and unexceptionable in every respect; that united, and holding together by the band of common pleasures, they composed the chief support of her house, and made very liberal presents to the girls that pleas'd and humour'd them, so that they were, properly speaking, the founders and patrons of this little seraglio. Not but that she had, at proper seasons, other customers to deal with, whom she stood less upon punctilio with than with these; for instance, it was not on one of them she could attempt to pass me for a maid; they were not only too knowing, too much town-bred to bite at such a bait, but they were such generous benefactors to her that it would be unpardonable to think of it.

Amidst all the flutter and emotion which this promise of pleasure, for such I conceiv'd it, stirr'd up in me, I preserved so much of the woman as to feign just reluctance enough to make some merit of sacrificing it to the influence of my patroness, whom I likewise, still in character, reminded of it perhaps being right for me to go home and dress, in favour of my first impressions.

But Mrs. Cole, in opposition to this, assured me that the gentlemen I should be presented to were, by their rank and taste of things, infinitely superior to the being touched with any glare of dress or ornaments, such as silly women rather confound and overlay than set off their beauty with; that these veteran voluptuaries knew better than not to hold them in the highest contempt: they with whom the pure native charms alone could pass current, and who would at any time leave a sallow, washy, painted duchess on her own hands, for a ruddy, healthy, firm-flesh'd country maid; and as for my part, that nature had done enough for me, to set me above owing the least favour to art; concluding withal, that for the instant occasion, there was no dress like an undress.

I thought my governess too good a judge of these matters not to be easily over-ruled by her: after which she went on preaching very pathetically the doctrine of passive obedience and not-resistance to all those arbitrary tastes of pleasure, which are by some styl'd the refinements, and by others the depravations of it; between whom it was not the business of a simple girl, who was to profit by pleasing, to decide, but to conform to. Whilst I was edifying by these wholesome lessons, tea was brought in, and the young ladies, returning, joined company with us.

After a great deal of mix'd chat, frolic and humour, one of them, observing that there would be a good deal of time on hand before the assembly-hour, proposed that each girl should entertain the company with that critical period of her personal history in which she first exchanged the maiden state for womanhood. The proposal was approv'd, with only one restriction of Mrs. Cole, that she, on account of her age, and I, on account of my titular maidenhead, should be excused, at least till I had undergone the forms of the house. This obtain'd me a dispensation, and the promotress of this amusement was desired to begin.

Her name was Emily; a girl fair to excess, and whose limbs were, if possible, too well made, since their plump fullness was rather to the prejudice of that delicate slimness requir'd by the nicer judges of beauty; her eyes were blue, and streamed inexpressible sweetness, and nothing could be prettier than her mouth and lips, which clos'd over a range of the evenest and whitest teeth. Thus she began:

"Neither my extraction, nor the most critical adventure of my life, is sublime enough to impeach me of any vanity in the advancement of the proposal you have approv'd of. My father and mother were, and for aught I know, are still, farmers in the country, not above forty miles from town: their barbarity to me, in favour of a son, on whom only they vouchsafed to bestow their tenderness, had a thousand times determined me to fly their house, and throw myself on the wide world; but, at length, an accident forc'd me on this desperate attempt at the age of fifteen. I had broken a china bowl, the pride and idol of both their hearts; and as an unmerciful beating was the least I had to depend on at their hands, in the silliness of those tender years I left the house, and, at all adventures, took the road to London. How my loss was resented I do not know, for till this instant I have not heard a syllable about them. My whole stock was too broad pieces of my grandmother's, a few shillings, silver shoe-buckles and a silver thimble. Thus equipp'd, with no more cloaths than the ordinary ones I had on my back, and frighten'd at every foot or noise I heard behind me, I hurried on; and I dare swear, walked a dozen miles before I stopped, through mere weariness and fatigue. At length I sat down on a stile, wept bitterly, and yet was still rather under increased impressions of fear on the account of my escape; which made dread, worse than death, the going back to face my unnatural parents. Refresh'd by this little repose, and relieved by my tears, I was proceeding onward, when I was overtaken by a sturdy country lad who was going to London to see what he could do for himself there, and, like me, had given his friends the slip. He could not be above seventeen, was ruddy, well featur'd enough, with uncombed flaxen hair, a little flapp'd hat, kersey frock, yarn stockings, in short, a perfect plough-boy. I saw him come whistling behind me, with a bundle tied to the end of a stick, his travelling equipage. We walk'd by one another for some time without speaking; at length we join'd company, and agreed to keep together till we got to our journey's end. What his designs or ideas were, I know not: the innocence of mine I can solemnly protest.

"As night drew on, it became us to look out for some inn or shelter; to which perplexity another was added, and that was, what we should say for ourselves, if we were question'd. After some puzzle, the young fellow started a proposal, which I thought the finest that could be; and what was that? why, that we should pass for husband and wife: I never once dream'd of consequences. We came presently, after having agreed on this notable expedient, to one of those hedge-accommodations for foot passengers, at the door do which stood an old crazy beldam, who seeing us trudge by, invited us to lodge there. Glad of any cover, we went in, and my fellow traveller, taking all upon him, call'd for what the house afforded, and we supped together as man and wife; which, considering our figures and ages, could not have passed on any one but such as any thing could pass on. But when bedtime came on, we had neither of us the courage to contradict out first account of ourselves; and what was extremely pleasant, the young lad seem'd as perplex'd as I was, how to evade lying together, which was so natural for the state we had pretenced to. Whilst we were in this quandary, the landlady takes the candle and lights us to our apartment, through a long yard, at the end of which it stood, separate from the body of the house. Thus we suffer'd ourselves to be conducted, without saying a word in opposition to it; and there, in a wretched room, with a bed answerable, we were left to pass the night together, as a thing quite of course. For my part, I was so incredibly innocent as not even then to think much more harm of going to bed with the young man than with one of our dairy-wenches; nor had he, perhaps, any other notions than those of innocence, till such a fair occasion put them into his head.

"Before either of us undressed, however, he put out the candle; and the bitterness of the weather made it a kind of necessity for me to go into bed: slipping then my cloaths off, I crept under the bed-cloaths, where I found the young stripling already nestled, and the touch of his warm flesh rather pleas'd than alarm'd me. I was indeed too much disturbed with the novelty of my condition to be able to sleep; but then I had not the least thought of harm. But, oh! how powerful are the instincts of nature! how little is there wanting to set them in action! The young man, sliding his arm under my body, drew me gently towards him, as if to keep himself and me warmer; and the heat I felt from joining our breasts, kindled another that I had hitherto never felt, and was, even then, a stranger to the nature of. Emboldened, I suppose, by my easiness, he ventur'd to kiss me, and I insensibly returned it, without knowing the consequence of returning it; for, on this encouragement, he slipped his hand all down from my breast to that part of me where the sense of feeling is so exquisitely critical, as I then experienc'd by its instant taking fire upon the touch, and glowing with a strange tickling heat: there he pleas'd himself and me, by feeling, till, growing a little too bold, he hurt me, and made me complain. Then he took my hand, which he guided, not unwillingly on my side, between the twist of his closed thighs, which were extremely warm; there he lodged and pressed it, till raising it by degrees, he made me feel the proud distinction of his sex from mine. I was frighten'd at the novelty, and drew back my hand; yet, pressed and spurred on by sensations of a strange pleasure, I could not help asking him what that was for? He told me he would show me if I would let him; and, without waiting for my answer, which he prevented by stopping my mouth with kisses I was far from disrelishing, he got upon me, and inserting one of his thighs between mine, opened them so as to make way for himself, and fixed me to his purpose; whilst I was so much out of my usual sense, so subdu'd by the present power of a new one, that, between fear and desire, I lay utterly passive, till the piercing pain rous'd and made me cry out. But it was too late: he was too firm fix'd in the saddle for me to compass flinging him, with all the struggles I could use, some of which only served to further his point, and at length an irresistible thrust murdered at once my maidenhead, and almost me. I now lay a bleeding witness of the necessity impos'd on our sex, to gather the first honey off the thorns.

"But the pleasure rising as the pain subsided, I was soon reconciled to fresh trials, and before morning, nothing on earth could be dearer to me than this rifler of my virgin sweets: he was every thing to me now. How we agreed to join fortunes; how we came up to town together, where we lived some time, till necessity parted us, and drove me into this course of life, in which I had been long ago battered and torn to pieces before I came to this age, as much through my easiness, as through my inclination, had it not been for my finding refuge in this house: these are all circumstances which pass the mark I proposed, so that here my narrative ends."

In the order of our sitting, it was Harriet's turn to go on. Amongst all the beauties of our sex that I had before or have since seen, few indeed were the forms that could dispute excellence with her's; it was not delicate, but delicacy itself incarnate, such was the symmetry of her small but exactly fashion'd limbs. Her complexion, fair as it was, appeared yet more fair from the effect of two black eyes, the brilliancy of which gave her face more vivacity than belonged to the colour of it, which was only defended from paleness by a sweetly pleasing blush in her cheeks, that grew fainter and fainter, till at length it died away insensibly into the overbearing white. Then her miniature features join'd to finish the extreme sweetness of it, which was not belied by that of temper turned to indolence, languor, and the pleasures of love. Press'd to subscribe her contingent, she smiled, blushed a little, and thus complied with our desires:

"My father was neither better nor worse than a miller near the city of York; and both he and my mother dying whilst I was an infant, I fell under the care of a widow and childless aunt, housekeeper to my lord N... , at his seat in the county of... , where she brought me up with all imaginable tenderness. I was not seventeen, as I am not now eighteen, before I had, on account of my person purely (for fortune I had notoriously none), several advantageous proposals; but whether nature was slow in making me sensible in her favourite passion, or that I had not seen any of the other sex who had stirr'd up the least emotion or curiosity to be better acquainted with it, I had, till that age, preserv'd a perfect innocence, even of thought: whilst my fears of I did not well know what, made me no more desirous of marrying than of dying. My aunt, good woman, favoured my timorousness, which she look'd on as childish affection, that her own experience might probably assure her would wear off in time, and gave my suitors proper answers for me.

"The family had not been down at that seat for years, so that it was neglected, and committed entirely to my aunt, and two old domestics to take care of it. Thus I had the full range of a spacious lonely house and gardens, situate at about half a mile distance form any other habitation, except, perhaps, a straggling cottage or so.

"Here, in tranquillity and innocence, I grew up without any memorable accident, till one fatal day I had, as I had often done before, left my aunt fast asleep, and secure for some hours, after dinner; and resorting to a kind of ancient summer-house, at some distance from the house, I carried my work with me, and sat over a rivulet, which its door and window fac'd upon. Here I fell into a gentle breathing slumber, which stole upon my senses, as they fainted under the excessive heat of the season at that hour; a cane couch, with my work-basket for a pillow, were all the conveniencies of my short repose; for I was soon awaked and alarmed by a flounce, and the noise of splashing in the water. I got up to see what was the matter; and what indeed should it be but the son of a neighbouring gentleman, as I afterwards found (for I had never seen him before), who had strayed that way with his gun, and heated by his sport, and the sultriness of the day, had been tempted by the freshness of the clear stream; so that presently stripping, he jump'd into it on the other side, which bordered on a wood, some trees whereof, inclined down to the water, form'd a pleasing shady recess, commodious to undress and leave his clothes under.

"My first emotions at the sight of this youth, naked in the water, were, with all imaginable respect to truth, those of surprise and fear; and, in course, I should immediately have run out, had not my modesty, fatally for itself, interposed the objection of the door and window being so situated that it was scarce possible to get out, and make my way along the bank to the house, without his seeing me: which I could not bear the thought of, so much ashamed and confounded was I at having seen him. Condemn'd then to stay till his departure should release me, I was greatly embarrassed how to dispose of myself: I kept some time betwixt terror and modesty, even from looking through the window, which being an old-fashinon'd casement, without any light behind me, could hardly betray any one's being there to him from within; then the door was so secure, that without violence, or my own consent, there was no opening it from without.

"But now, by my own experience, I found it too true that objects which affright us, when we cannot get from them, draw out eyes as forcibly as those that please us. I could not long withstand that nameless impulse, which, without any desire of this novel sight, compelled me towards it; embolden'd too by my certainty of being at once unseen and safe, I ventur'd by degrees to cast my eyes on an object so terrible and alarming to my virgin modesty as a naked man. But as I snatched a look, the first gleam that struck me was in general the dewy lustre of the whitest skin imaginable, which the sun playing upon made the reflection of it perfectly beamy. His face, in the confusion I was in, I could not well distinguish the lineaments of, any farther than that there was a great deal of youth and freshness in it. The frolic and various play of all his polish'd limbs, as they appeared above the surface, in the course of his swimming or wantoning with the water, amus'd and insensibly delighted me: sometimes he lay motionless, on his back, waterborne, and dragging after him a fine head of hair, that, floating, swept the stream in a bush of black curls. Then the over-flowing water would make a separation between his breast and glossy white belly; at the bottom of which I could not escape observing so remarkable a distinction as a black mossy tuft, out of which appeared to emerge a round, softish, limber, white something, that played every way, with ever the least motion or whirling eddy. I cannot say but that part chiefly, by a kind of natural instinct, attracted, detain'd, captivated my attention: it was out of the power of all my modesty to command my eye away from it; and seeing nothing so very dreadful in its appearance, I insensibly lock'd away all my fears: but as fast as they gave way, new desires and strange wishes took place, and I melted as I gazed. The fire of nature, that had so long lain dormant or conceal'd, began to break out, and made me feel my sex the first time. He had now changed his posture, and swam prone on his belly, striking out with his legs and arms, finer modell'd than which could not have been cast, whilst his floating locks played over a neck and shoulders whose whiteness they delightfully set off. Then the luxuriant swell of flesh that rose form the small of his back, and terminated its double cope at where the thighs are sent off, perfectly dazzled one with its watery glistening gloss.

"By this time I was so affected by this inward involution of sentiments, so soften'd by this sight, that now, betrayed into a sudden transition from extreme fears to extreme desires, I found these last so strong upon me, the heat of the weather too perhaps conspiring to exalt their rage, that nature almost fainted under them. Not that I so much as knew precisely what was wanting to me: my only thought was that so sweet a creature as this youth seemed to me could only make me happy; but then, the little likelihood there was of compassing an acquaintance with him, or perhaps of ever seeing him again, dash'd my desires, and turn'd them into torments. I was still gazing, with all the powers of my sight, on this bewitching object, when, in an instant, down he went. I had heard of such things as a cramp seizing on even the best swimmers, and occasioning their being drowned; and imagining this so sudden eclipse to be owing to it, the inconceivable fondness this unknown lad had given birth to distracted me with the most killing terrors; insomuch, that my concern giving the wings, I flew to the door, open'd it, ran down to the canal, guided thither by the madness of my fears for him, and the intense desire of being an instrument to save him, though I was ignorant how, or by what means to effect it: but was it for fears, and a passion so sudden as mine, to reason? All this took up scarce the space of a few moments. I had then just life enough to reach the green borders of the waterpiece, where wildly looking round for the young man, and missing him still, my fright and concern sunk me down in a deep swoon, which must have lasted me some time; for I did not come to myself till I was rous'd out of it by a sense of pain that pierced me to the vitals, and awaked me to the most surprising circumstance of finding myself not only in the arms of this very same young gentleman I had been so solicitous to save, but taken at such an advantage in my unresisting condition that he had actually completed his entrance into me so far, that weakened as I was by all the preceding conflicts of mind I had suffer'd, and struck dumb by the violence of my surprise, I had neither the power to cry out nor the strength to disengage myself from his strenuous embraces, before, urging his point, he had forced his way and completely triumphed over my virginity, as he might now as well see by the streams of blood that follow'd his drawing out, as he had felt by the difficulties he had met with consummating his penetration. But the sight of the blood, and the sense of my condition, had (as he told me afterwards), since the ungovernable rage of his passion was somewhat appeas'd, now wrought so far on him that at all risks, even of the worst consequences, he could not find in his heart to leave me, and make off, which he might easily have done. I still lay all descompos'd in bleeding ruin, palpitating, speechless, unable to get off, and frightened, and fluttering like a poor wounded partridge, and ready to faint away again at the sense of what had befallen me. The young gentleman was by me, kneeling, kissing my hand, and with tears in his eyes beseeching me to forgive him, and offering all the reparation in his power. It is certain that could I, at the instant of regaining my senses, have called out, or taken the bloodiest revenge, I would not have stuck at it: the violation was attended too with such aggravating circumstances, though he was ignorant of them, since it was to my concern for the preservation of his life that I owed my ruin.

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Fanny Hill Letter the First Part 3

Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 7

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 7 It was then broad day. I was sitting up in the bed, the cloaths of which were all tost, or roll'd off, by the unquietness of our motions, from the sultry heat of the weather; nor could I refuse myself a pleasure that solicited me so irresistibly, as this fair occasion of feasting my sight with all those treasures of youthful beauty I had enjoy'd, and which lay now almost entirely naked, his shirt being trust...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part1

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.- or FANNY HILL LETTER THE SECOND Part-1 Madam, If I have delayed the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes, that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloyed and tired with uniformity of...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 1

-------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 1 Madam, I SIT down to give you an undeniable proof of my considering your desires as in dispensible orders: ungracious then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scandalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd at length, to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love, health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of youth, and not too late to employ the leisure afforded me by...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 2

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 2 About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having received rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown’s return, they came thundering up stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 3

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 3 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who could...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 4 To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 5

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 5 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 6

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 6 My eyes were instantly filled with tears, but tears of the most delicious delight; to find myself in the arms of that beauteous youth, was a rapture that my little hear swam in; past or future were equally out of the question with me; the present was as much as all my powers of life were sufficient to bear the transport of, without fainting. Nor were the most tender embraces, the most soothing expressions...

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Fanny Hill Letter the First Part 4

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.Letter the First - Part 4To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at dinner mention was made of the...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 9

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 9 I had now got down at least half a partridge, and three or four glasses of wine, which he compelled me to drink by way of restoring nature, but whether there was any thing extraordinary put into the wine, or whether there wanted no more to revive the natural warmth of my constitution, and give fire to the old train, I began no longer to look with that constraint, not to say disguise, on Mr. H...., which I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part2

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-2 In the order of our sitting, it was Harriet’s turn to go on. Amongst all the beauties of our sex, that I had before, or have since seen, few indeed were the forms that could dispute excellence with her’s; it was not delicate, but delicacy itself incarnate, such was the symmetry of her small but exactly fashioned limbs. Her complexion, fair as it was, appeared yet more fair, from the effect of two black eyes,...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part3

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-3 “What shall I say? my emotions of fear and surprise were instantly subdued by those of the pleasure I bespoke in great presence of mind from the turn this adventure might take. He seemed to me no other than a pitying angel, dropt out of the clouds: for he was young and perfectly handsome, which was more than even I had asked for, man, in general, being all that my utmost desires had pointed at. I thought then I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part5

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part6

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...

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Fanny HillChapter 2

About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...

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Fanny HillChapter 4

I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I...

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Fanny HillChapter 7

On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by...

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Fanny HillChapter 8

The girls all this time did not in the least smoke the mystery of this new customer; but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire; for that by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures...

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Fanny HillChapter 9

My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part of his weight on. Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had procured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he...

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Boyfriend Ka Gift 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, mera nam Kanika hai and mai mumbai se belong karti hu.Meri age 26 hai and aab meri shaadi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai.Mai bahut salo se iss ki regular reader rahi hu so aaj apni bhi 1 story submit kar rahi hu mujhe lagta hai ki aap ise pasand karoge. Ha toh baat tab ki hai jab mai college ke final year mai thi aur mera pehla aur last boyfriend tha ritesh uske pehle mai ladko se dur rehna pasand karti thi but phir bhi jawaan hu last year ke starting mai hi ritesh boyfriend ban chuka tha...

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Surf Shark sounds like the name of the gargantuan beast that attacked me off the coast of Hawaii, but nah, this shark is here to protect you as you surf, not bite your dick off. Unlike most of the websites I review here at ThePornDude, this one ain’t even dick-oriented. Of course, one of their main functions is helping you surf the web anonymously and privately, and we all know exactly what you’re going to do with all that extra anonymity and privacy. (In case you’re a little dense, that’s a...

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Eating Pussy in the Kitchen

Eating Pussy in the Kitchen “Twas the night before the wedding… The rehearsal dinner went just as we planned and only the overnight hours separated Liu and me from our wedding day. My best friend Melinda, Liu and I went to his place (soon to be our place) all smiles and laughter. The three of us stood in the kitchen, talking about the big day tomorrow. “I don’t believe you’re really going to go through with it, Kait,” Melinda said as if she was still in shock. “Yep, you heard mom at the...

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aunt and me

We grew closer when i was eighteen and her husband passed away. I'm now in my mid twenties and have watched her go in and out of many bad relationships. She was always telling me how they mistreat her. I grew to see her as not just an aunt but, as a woman. It all started when she lost her licence. Once in a while she would need a ride to her job. So, one night she called me and asked if I could take her into work. I was off and told her I would gladly give her a ride. It was bright and...

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Boy Slut In Train 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! This is Vijay with yet another experience which happened while traveling. I’ve been gay for a while and am used to it. I’ve seen and had a good number of cocks and am always eager for more. I’m getting fleshier and have been developing softer boobs and a plump ass slowly. This is an experience which happened while going to Pune by train. A train to Pune from Salem takes around 24 hours to reach. I made that journey because I wanted to meet some friends who stayed there. I told a...

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blackmailed wife part 1

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 57

The next few months went by in a blur. Studying for and taking final exams, finalizing plans for my last summer break, and then my new life come August. Linda and I made several calls to Kim and her parents to narrow down our stay. We had decided that the last week of June and the first week of July would be best, which would give us about a week and a half not counting drive time.Then right before graduation it was the 7 of us going to the Memorial Day convention near LAX. This time I had a...

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Since boyhood I have been blessed with a prodigious fertility, and a prodigious appetite to accompany it. My loins have always been most excessively fruitful and I did sprout forth like a veritable fountain day upon day before even a fit age. The manifestations in my tights were a constant source of embarrassment to my parents when in company. In my youth I impregnated a dozen reluctant serving maids to the annoyance of my father, who found them expensive to silence and difficult to replace....

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Nicole my first girl

This happened a few years ago… the fucking weirdest weekend of my life… when I got fucking laid by the hottest young chick EVER!!! Not to mention, she busted my cherry- female-wise- and addicted me to women ever since!. Her name is Nicole, and even though there is another woman in my life these days (and different in every way!), she will always be my first!I used to have this dumb-ass job as an attendant at a male sex club called MACK Folsom Prison… and yeah- that it is a whole different...

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Not Dead

As the Earth wheels through space, the vast majority of its inhabitants are oblivious to the eternal war that is about to be reignited. Equinox. Equilibrium – a deadly alignment. The enemy is massing. Not here in our world but in another place, another side that’s not parallel, nor a shadow world, although it is dark. It’s just… separate, misaligned, two worlds inhabiting the same location but oblivious of each other. Except for the special days of perfect symmetry, when night and day become...

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AnythingChapter 2

I stirred a short while later as my stomach beginning to rumble. Forgetting my circumstances for a second, I tried to roll out of bed quietly, but the ribbon attached to my left wrist held me back. I heard a groan from the bed as she stirred as well. “We need some food”, I said. “I’m starving.” She groaned again, but didn’t move. “Come on”, I said with a bit of irritation creeping into my voice. “Let’s eat something!”. She finally stirred and we made our way to the kitchenette. We had...

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Going for the Juggler6 Rings

Three days later, we crossed the border into Chang's province with pledges that we would see Khan again at Beilong. It was still several days to Chang's citadel. In that time, our party had a chance to solidify and work out our differences. I was happy to be reunited with Saul and the twins. I complimented him on his dancing and acrobatics. He was pleased to see me and demonstrated a balancing act that he was working on with his sisters. He climbed to the top of a ladder, balancing it as...

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ConradChapter 12

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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 8

While I was waiting on the women, I dropped by my favorite saloon to talk to my favorite bartender, Sandy McGregger. "Howdy, Sandy? Anything new on the home front?" "Ah, good afternoon, Mr. North. Did you have any luck finding that blackguard that has been plaguing the road to Eagle Pass?" "First of all, Sandy, please call me Jesse. You make me nervous wondering where Mr. North might be. "As to the other matter: well, I ain't sure. I did pick up a bandit that could be the man you...

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Chores for the neighbor

My name is Lori Samuels, I am thirty four years old. Married these past ten years to my wonderful husband Marty. I’m 5’ 6” about 135 pounds. I think I in fairly good shape with full 34 C breasts that I like to show off. For the first three years of our marriage Marti and I tried to have a child but failed. We found out that I had cysts on my ovaries that would prevent me from having children. We considered adopting but decided against that option.Our sex life had always been good but I was...

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Little Slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! We walked into the lobby of the huge hotel. We walked up to the counter and you asked for the honeymoon suite. You told the man to have a bottle of honey, and a bottle of whipped cream sent to our room. After that you asked that we not be disturbed, under any circumstances. We walked into our room, shut the door and in one swift movement you had me smashed against the door and your tongue in my mouth. I could hardly stand up, my legs were shaking so...

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KarlaChapter 12

Elise's face was priceless. She had started to berate me for forgetting my keys again, when the two other felons stepped forward from their hiding place. "Hello, Elise. Please take pity on us and let us have a few drinks before applying your third degree tortures. How are you, dear? It's good to see you!" Elise didn't answer Alfred, she just slid into his arms, pulling Jake into the embrace as well, after a little while. Apparently, she did not favour me with over-much affection just...

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Always on GuardChapter 34

The real battle began in Vecad. The Umbrian soldiers were well trained but they were no match for the combined efforts of Emertland, Longview, Domita and Tark. The rangers from Longview could track the army without delay. Tark's archers rained death from a distance. The Domitian Cavalry could force the flanks to cave in a few minutes. And the Emertland Guard battled fiercely from the front. The healers who volunteered, Alite and Usala, were kept busy during the battle for Gobrik after...

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Fucking My Hot Bhabhi While Bro Was Out For Work

To begin with, i am 22 years old Gujju boy from Ahmedabad. Well-built athlete body and well to do looks. Any unsatisfied sisters/aunties/bhabhis from all over the Gujarat can contact me at [email protected]. You’ll definitely have the best sex of your life, that is guaranteed, that too free of cost. Coz i believe in making women happy..!!It all began last month when my brother went abroad due to business. Bhabhi was okay 1-2 days, but then she started feeling lonely and she used to whatsapp...

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Starting Another Year Of Marriage

The time was 3:15, and the last guest just left our anniversary party. Although the place is a mess, we’re very happy because the party went so well. Also, we know that now we have our own personal celebration to look forward to. After all, we have to start off another year of marriage right! I take you by the hand into the bedroom, our shadows dancing in the candle’s glow. We sit down on the edge of the bed, next to the ice bucket & champagne I strategically placed earlier in the evening. I...

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Jenola and Anita Ch 02

CONTINUED FROM PART 1 As soon as I walked back into my apartment, I went straight to bed and lay down. I was still very fucked up from the weed brownie and probably would be for about another hour. And my hard on was already back. This was the first time I’d ever been so simultaneously consumed by two women, and I loved it. I wanted to continue to worship Anita’s soles, as well as she and I get fucked up and completely explore our sexuality together. I hoped that she would eventually let all...

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Leben 18

Truda -    Fighting woman Varick -   Protecting Ruler Harman -   Man of the army "You cannot win," the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. "You may have placed blocks in me it won't help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!" An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind! "You obviously haven't looked at all I...

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The Strip Ch 14

This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 14: Final Table The promotional interview was straightforward enough. But then, it should have been. Norman Chad, the renowned poker...

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The Blarney Boys

There was a time that seems to us so far away—but it's not so distant when we measure the span of years. It was the waning of an era in which people cared more for preserving traditions than for throwing them away. March 1970 It was a gray afternoon, following a gray morning in that limbo time of year between winter and spring. It wasn't yet time to be thinking about St. Paddy's Day; people were tired of snow. It had arrived pretty and white but time had turned it dirty and stale. A strip...

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A Spy Too FarChapter 7 In Nazi Hands

Tony awoke as Janine whispered. "I am sorry to wake you Tony. You have been recalled to London and there is a plane to catch. So you will please get dressed and come with us immediately." As she spoke she put her pistol back in her raincoat pocket, but he was sure that she would use it on Helga if she had to. She stood back while Tony quickly dressed. Their was a rustle of bedclothes and Fraulein Helga rose up on her elbows. "Where are you going mein liebchen, then she became aware of...

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Learning to French

Tim was Amy’s cousin. Their families were descended from the Navajo nation and they both had light brown skin. Amy and Tim both had thick black hair. Tim grew his hair past his shoulders, nearly as long as Amy’s. Tim had offered to teach Amy how to ‘French’. He told her that that’s how boyfriends and girlfriends kissed. Like in the movies and on TV. She wanted to do that. She didn’t know they were touching tongues. Amy grimaced. “Ugh. Really?” she said. “Yep,” he said. “That’s how...

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Jerrys World Revelations

Waking up is becoming much more pleasurable and sometimes surprising and waking up to my sister’s smiling face is always somewhat arousing, today along with my fresh coffee was a pill and a tape measure.I think she was taking her monitoring duties too seriously but if it meant her measuring my dick every morning then who am I to complain and I can always supply the goods as I looked down at my morning wood barely covered by the thin sheet.I took the pill with a mouthful of coffee and I noticed...

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After The Fall The Beginning

A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve. Her face was radiant as she came down the stairs. John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John tonight. Caesar had said the most awkward sting of wife sharing is when...

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She wrote finis to her marriage

She wrote Finis to her marriage. A story of cheating, regrets, pain, divorce, and forgiveness. What I did, I did of my own free will, most of the time with pre-planning. I cannot blame my drinking, I was never drunk enough not to know what I was doing. I was sober at the planning stage, some of the deeds, I did cold sober. I have no excuses for what I did. After it was over. I went in therapy. I still did not accept full responsibility for my actions at the time. I was looking for some...

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Passionate Sex Teens First Time

Introduction: A story about two teens losing their virginity Passionate Sex: Teens First Time Please note that this story does not have a plot. It is just simple, sexy erotica. So enjoy! Ashley sat on the couch, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her boyfriend. Tonight was the night: her parents were gone, her boyfriend was coming over, and she was ready for action. Tonight she was going to lose her virginity. The last couple of months had been mostly just fooling around. But things were...

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Eliza Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems adream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that hashappened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. I should never have been a Good Samaritan. It's against my nature. But thewoman's screams were so - so piercing, they touched my very soul. What month was it? November?...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 21 A Wife8217s Confession

Our sexy bhabhi Savita and her new friend Shobha were shopping for clothes in the mall. “Doesn’t this dress look adorable, Shobha?” Savita had found a particularly sexy dress and asked Shobha for her opinion while trying on a pink salwar. “It’s good bhabhi, but why don’t you try this one instead?” Shobha handed Savita another dress. “How does this one look?” asked Savita after considering it. “It looks great, much better than the last one!” Meanwhile the salesman at the shop was looking at...

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