Fanny HillChapter 9 free porn video

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My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part of his weight on.

Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had procured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he assured me, that he was ready to give up to me any engagement I might deem myself under to stand him, as he had done me, but if that proceeded in my consent to it, he would consider the difference of my sex, its greater delicacy and incapacity to undergo pain. Rehearten'd at which, and piqu'd in honour, as I thought, not to flinch so near the trial, especially as I well knew Mrs. Cole was an eye-witness, from her stand of espial, to the whole of our transactions, I was now less afraid of my skin than of his not furnishing me with an opportunity of signalizing my resolution.

Consonant to this disposition was my answer, but my courage was still more in my head, than in my heart; and as cowards rush into the danger they fear, in order to be the sooner rid of the pain of that sensation, I was entirely pleas'd with his hastening matters into execution.

He had then little to do, but to unloose the strings of my petticoats, and lift them, together with my shift, navelhigh, where he just tuck'd them up loosely girt, and might be slipt up higher at pleasure. Then viewing me round with great seeming delight, he laid me at length on my face upon the bench, and when I expected he would tie me, as I had done him, and held out my hands, not without fear and a little trembling, he told me he would by no means terrify me unnecessarily with such a confinement; for that though he meant to put my constancy to some trial, the standing it was to be completely voluntary on my side, and therefore I might be at full liberty to get up whenever I found the pain too much for me. You cannot imagine how much I thought myself bound, by being thus allow'd to remain loose, and how much spirit this confidence in me gave me, so that I was even from my heart careless how much my flesh might suffer in honour of it.

All by back parts, naked half way up, were now fully at his mercy: and first, he stood at a convenient distance, delighting himself with a gloating survey of the attitude I lay in, and of all the secret stores I thus expos'd to him in fair display. Then, springing eagerly towards me, he cover'd all those naked parts with a fond profusion of kisses; and now, taking hold of the rod, rather wanton'd with me, in gentle inflictions on those tender trembling masses of my flesh behind, than in any way hurt them, till by degrees, he began to tingle them with smarter lashes, so as to provoke a red colour into them, which I knew, as well by the flagrant glow I felt there, as by his telling me, they now emulated the native roses of my other cheeks. When he had thus amus'd himself with admiring and toying with them, he went on to strike harder, and more hard; so that I needed all my patience not to cry out, or complain at least. At last, he twigg'd me so smartly as to fetch blood in more than one lash: at sight of which he flung down the rod, flew to me, kissed away the starting drops, and sucking the wounds eased a good deal of my pain. But now raising me on my knees, and making me kneel with them straddling wide, that tender part of me, naturally the province of pleasure, not of pain, came in for its share of suffering: for now, eyeing it wistfully, he directed the rod so that the sharp ends of the twigs lighted there, so sensibly, that I could not help wincing, and writhing my limbs with smart; so that my contortions of body must necessarily throw it into infinite variety of postures and points of view, fit to feast the luxury of the eye. But still I bore every thing without crying out: when presently giving me another pause, he rush'd, as it were, on that part whose lips, and round-about, had felt this cruelty, and by way of reparation, glews his own to them; then he opened, shut, squeez'd them, pluck'd softly the overgrowing moss, and all this in a style of wild passionate rapture and enthusiasm, that express'd excess of pleasure; till betaking himself to the rod again, encourag'd by my passiveness, and infuriated with this strange taste of delight, he made my poor posteriours pay for the ungovernableness of it; for now shewing them no quarter the traitor cut me so, that I wanted but little of fainting away, when he gave over. And yet I did not utter one groan, or angry expostulation; but in heart I resolv'd nothing so seriously, as never to expose myself again to the like serverities.

You may guess then in what a curious pickle those soft flesh-cushions of mine were, all sore, raw, and in fine, terribly clawed off; but so far from feeling any pleasure in it, that the recent smart made me pout a little, and not with the greatest air of satisfaction receive the compliments, and after-caresses of the author of my pain.

As soon as my cloaths were huddled on in a little decency, a supper was brought in by the discreet Mrs. Cole herself, which might have piqued the sensuality of a cardinal, accompanied with a choice of the richest wines: all which she set before us, and went out again, without having, by a word or even by a smile, given us the least interruption or confusion, in those moments of secrecy, that we were not yet ripe to the admission of a third to.

I sat down then, still scarce in charity with my butcher, for such I could not help considering him, and was moreover not a little piqued at the gay, satisfied air of his countenance, which I thought myself insulted by. But when the now necessary refreshment to me of a glass of wine, a little eating (all the time observing a profound silence) had somewhat cheer'd and restor'd me to spirits, and as the smart began to go off, my good humour return'd accordingly: which alteration not escaping him, he said and did everything that could confirm me in, and indeed exalt it.

But scarce was supper well over, before a change so incredible was wrought in me, such violent, yet pleasingly irksome sensations took possession of me that I scarce knew how to contain myself; the smart of the lashes was now converted into such a prickly heat, such fiery tinglings, as made me sigh, squeeze my thighs together, shift and wriggle about my seat, with a furious restlessness; whilst these itching ardours, thus excited in those parts on which the storm of discipline had principally fallen, detach'd legions of burning, subtile, stimulating spirits, to their opposite spot and centre of assemblage, where their titillation rag'd so furiously, that I was even stinging mad with them. No wonder then, that in such a taking, and devour'd by flames that licked up all modesty and reserve, my eyes, now charg'd brimful of the most intense desire, fired on my companion very intelligible signals of distress: my companion, I say, who grew in them every instant more amiable, and more necessary to my urgent wishes and hopes of immediate ease.

Mr. Barville, no stranger by experience to these situations, soon knew the pass I was brought to, soon perceiv'd my extreme disorder; in favour of which, removing the table out of the way, he began a prelude that flatter'd me with instant relief, to which I was not, however, so near as I imagin'd: for as he was unbuttoned to me, and tried to provoke and rouse to action his unactive torpid machine, he blushingly own'd that no good was to be expected from it unless I took it in hand to re-excite its languid loitering powers, by just refreshing the smart of the yet recent blood-raw cuts, seeing it could, no more than a boy's top, keep up without lashing. Sensible then that I should work as much for my own profit as his, I hurried my compliance with his desire, and abridging the ceremonial, whilst he lean'd his head against the back of a chair, I had scarce gently made him feel the lash, before I saw the object of my wishes give signs of life, and presently, as it were with a magic touch, it started up into a noble size and distinction indeed! Hastening then to give me the benefit of it, he threw me down on the bench; but such was the refresh'd soreness of those parts behind, on my leaning so hard on them, as became me to compass the admission of that stupendous head of his machine, that I could not possibly bear it. I got up then, and tried, by leaning forwards and turning the crupper on my assailant, to let him at the back avenue: but here it was likewise impossible to stand his bearing so fiercely against me, in his agitations and endeavours to enter that way, whilst his belly battered directly against the recent sore. What should we do now? both intolerably heated; both in a fury; but pleasure is ever inventive for its own ends: he strips me in a trice, stark naked, and placing a broad settee-cushion on the carpet before the fire, oversets me gently, topsy-turvy, on it; and handling me only at the waist, whilst you may be sure I favour'd all my dispositions, brought my legs round his neck; so that my head was kept from the floor only by my hands and the velvet cushion, which was now bespread with my flowing hair: thus I stood on my head and hands, supported by him in such manner, that whilst my thighs clung round him, so as to expose to his sight all my back figure, including the theatre of his bloody pleasure, the centre of my fore part fairly bearded the object of its rage, that now stood in fine condition to give me satisfaction for the injuries of its neighbours. But as this posture was certainly not the easiest, and our imaginations, wound up to the height, could suffer no delay, he first, with the utmost eagerness and effort, just lip-lodg'd that broad acorn-fashion'd head of his instrument; and still frenzied by the fury with which he had made that impression, he soon stuffed in the rest; when now, with a pursuit of thrusts, fiercely urg'd, he absolutely overpower'd and absorb'd all sense of pain and uneasiness, whether from my wounds behind, my most untoward posture, or the oversize of his stretcher, in an infinitely predominant delight; when now all my whole spirits of life and sensation, rushing impetuously to the cock-pit, where the prize of pleasure was hotly in dispute and clustering to a point there, I soon receiv'd the dear relief of nature from these over-violent strains and provocations of it; harmonizing with which, my gallant spouted into me such a potent overflow of the balsamic injection, as soften'd and unedg'd all those irritating stings of a new species of titillation, which I had been so intolerably madden'd with, and restor'd the ferment of my senses to some degree of composure.

I had now achiev'd this rare adventure ultimately much more to my satisfaction than I had bespoken the nature of it to turn out; nor was it much lessen'd, you may think, by my spark's lavish praises of my constancy and complaisance, which he gave weight to by a present that greatly surpassed my utmost expectation, besides his gratification to Mrs. Cole.

I was not, however, at any time, re-enticed to renew with him, or resort again to the violent expedient of lashing nature into more haste than good speed: which, by the way, I conceive acts somewhat in the manner of a dose of Spanish flies; with more pain perhaps, but less danger; and might be necessary to him, but was nothing less so than to me, whose appetite wanted the bridle more than the spur.

Mrs. Cole, to whom this adventurous exploit had more and more endear'd me, looked on me now as a girl after her own heart, afraid on nothing, and, on a good account, hardy enough to fight all the weapons of pleasure through. Attentive then, in consequence of these favourable conceptions, to promote either my profit or pleasure, she had special regard for the first, in a new gallant of a very singular turn, that she procur'd for and introduced to me.

This was a grave, staid, solemn, elderly gentleman whose peculiar humour was a delight in combing fine tresses of hair; and as I was perfectly headed to his taste, he us'd to come constantly at my toilette hours, when I let down my hair as loose as nature, and abandon'd it to him to do what he pleased with it; and accordingly he would keep me an hour or more in play with it, drawing the comb through it, winding the curls round his fingers, even kissing it as he smooth'd it; and all this led to no other use of my person, or any other liberties whatever, any more than if a distinction of sexes had not existed.

Another peculiarity of taste he had, which was to present me with a dozen pairs of the whitest kid gloves at a time: these he would divert himself with drawing on me, and then biting off the fingers' ends; all which fooleries of a sickly appetite, the old gentleman paid more liberally for than most others did for more essential favours. This lasted till a violent cough, seizing and laying him up, deliver'd me from this most innocent and insipid trifler, for I never heard more of him after his first retreat.

You may be sure a by-job of this sort interfer'd with no other pursuit, or plan of life; which I led, in truth, with a modesty and reserve that was less the work of virtue than of exhausted novelty, a glut of pleasure, and easy circumstances, that made me indifferent to any engagements in which pleasure and profit were not eminently united; and such I could, with the less impatience, wait for at the hands of time and fortune, as I was satisfy'd I could never mend my pennyworths, having evidently been serv'd at the top of market, and even been pamper'd with dainties: besides that, in the sacrifice of a few momentary impulses, I found a secret satisfaction in respecting myself, as well as preserving the life and freshness of my complexion. Louisa and Emily did not carry indeed their reserve so high as I did; but still they were far from cheap or abandon'd tho' two of their adventures seem'd to contradict this general character, which, for their singularity, I shall give you in course, beginning first with Emily's:

Louisa and she went one night to a ball, the first in the habit of a shepherdess, Emily in that of a shepherd: I saw them in their dresses before they went, and nothing in nature could represent a prettier boy than this last did, being so fair and well limbed. They had kept together for some time, when Louisa, meeting an old acquaintance of hers, very cordially gives her companion the drop, and leaves her under the protection of her boy's habit, which was not much, and of her discretion, which was, it seems, still less. Emily, finding herself deserted, sauntered thoughtless about a-while, and, as much for coolness and air as anything else, at length pull'd off her mask and went to the sideboard; where, eyed and mark'd out by a gentleman in a very handsome domino, she was accosted by, and fell into chat with him. The domino, after a little discourse, in which Emily doubtless distinguish'd her good nature and easiness more than her wit, began to make violent love to her, and drawing her insensibly to some benches at the lower end of the masquerade room, for her to sit by him, where he squeez'd her hands, pinch'd her cheeks, prais'd and played with her fine hair, admired her complexion, and all in a style of courtship dash'd with a certain oddity, that not comprehending the mystery of, poor Emily attributed to his falling in with the humour of her disguise; and being naturally not the cruellest of her profession, began to incline to a parley on those essentials. But here was the stress of the joke: he took her really for what she appear'd to be, a smock-fac'd boy; and she, forgetting her dress, and of course ranging quite wide of his ideas, took all those addresses to be paid to herself as a woman, which she precisely owed to his not thinking her one. However, this double error was push'd to such a height on both sides, that Emily, who saw nothing in him but a gentleman of distinction by those points of dress to which his disguise did not extend, warmed too by the wine he had ply'd her with, and the caresses he had lavished upon her, suffered herself to be persuaded to go to a bagnio with him; and thus, losing sight of Mrs. Cole's cautions, with a blind confidence, put herself into his hands, to be carried wherever he pleased. For his part, equally blinded by his wishes, whilst her egregious simplicity favoured his deception more than the most exquisite art could have done, he supposed, no doubt, that he had lighted on some soft simpleton, fit for his purpose, or some kept minion broken to his hand, who understood him perfectly well and enter'd into his designs. But, be that as it would, he led her to a coach, went into it with her, and brought her to a very handsome apartment, with a bed in it; but whether it was a bagnio or not, she could not tell, having spoken to nobody but himself. But when they were alone together, and her enamorato began to proceed to those extremities which instantly discover the sex, she remark'd that no description could paint up to the life the mixture of pique, confusion and disappointment that appeared in his countenance, joined to the mournful exclamation: "By heavens, a woman!" This at once opened her eyes, which had hitherto been shut in downright stupidity. However, as if he had meant to retrieve that escape, he still continu'd to toy with and fondle her, but with so staring an alteration from extreme warmth into a chill and forced civility, that even Emily herself could not but take notice of it, and now began to wish she had paid more regard to Mrs. Cole's premonitions against ever engaging with a stranger. And now and excess of timidity succeeded to an excess of confidence, and she thought herself so much at his mercy and discretion, that she stood passive throughout the whole progress of his prelude: for now, whether the impressions of so great a beauty had even made him forgive her her sex, or whether her appearance of figure in that dress still humour'd his first illusion, he recover'd by degrees a good part of his first warmth, and keeping Emily with her breeches still unbuttoned, stript them down to her knees, and gently impelling her to lean down, with her face against the bed-side, placed her so, that the double way, between the double rising behind, presented the choice fair to him, and he was so fairly set on a mis-direction, as to give the girl no small alarms for fear of losing a maidenhead she had not dreamt of. However, her complaints, and a resistance, gentle, but firm, check'd and brought him to himself again; so that turning his steed's head, he drove him at length in the right road, in which his imagination having probably made the most of those resemblances that flatter'd his taste, he got, with much ado, to his journey's end: after which, he led her out himself, and walking with her two or three streets' length, got her a chair, when making her a present not any thing inferior to what she could have expected, he left her, well recommended to the chairman, who, on her directions, brought her home.

This she related to Mrs. Cole and me the same morning, not without the visible remains of the fear and confusion she had been in still stamp'd on her countenance. Mrs. Cole's remark was that her indescretion proceeding from a constitutional facility, there were little hopes of any thing curing her of it, but repeated severe experience. Mine was that I could not conceive how it was possible for mankind to run into a taste, not only universally odious, but absurd, and impossible to gratify; since, according to the notions and experience I had of things, it was not in nature to force such immense disproportions. Mrs. Cole only smil'd at my ignorance, and said nothing towards my undeception, which was not affected but by ocular demonstration, some months after, which a most singular accident furnish'd me, and which I will here set down, that I may not return again to so disagreeable a subject.

I had, on a visit intended to Harriet, who had taken lodgings at Hampton-court, hired a chariot to go out thither, Mrs. Cole having promis'd to accompany me; but some indispensable business intervening to detain her, I was obliged to set out alone; and scarce had I got a third of my way, before the axle-tree broke down, and I was well off to get out, safe and unhurt, into a publick-house of a tolerable handsome appearance, on the road. Here the people told me that the stage would come by in a couple of hours at farthest; upon which, determining to wait for it, sooner than lose the jaunt I had got so far forward on, I was carried into a very clean decent room, up one pair of stairs, which I took possession of for the time I had to stay, in right of calling for sufficient to do the house justice.

Here, whilst I was amusing myself with looking out of the window, a single horse-chaise stopt at the door, out of which lightly leap'd two gentlemen, for so they seem'd, who came in only as it were to bait and refresh a little, for they gave their horse to be held in readiness against they came out. And presently I heard the door of the next room, where they were let in, and call'd about them briskly; and as soon as they were serv'd, I could just hear that they shut and fastened the door on the inside.

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MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.Letter the First - Part 4To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at dinner mention was made of the...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part3

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part5

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part6

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...

1 year ago
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Fanny HillChapter 2

About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...

4 years ago
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Fanny HillChapter 4

I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I...

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Fanny HillChapter 6

Madam, If I have delay'd the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloy'd and tired with uniformity of adventures and expressions, inseparable from a subject of this sort, whose bottom, or groundwork...

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Fanny HillChapter 7

On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by...

2 years ago
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Fanny HillChapter 8

The girls all this time did not in the least smoke the mystery of this new customer; but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire; for that by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures...

3 years ago
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Breaking in the New House

A little background, as this is my first time to post here. I am an older married white guy and Christopher is a little younger (20 years younger black guy) and we have been having sex together for sometime now. He and his wife Terri are both absolutely stunning to look at. They are both bi and she was able to turn my wife, Sandra, bi. So, the 4 of us have become very close. Christopher wasn’t my first man to have sex with, but has certainly become the one I love fucking the most. I have been...

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Marys Marvelous Family Chapter 11

Kara heard a roar of thunder from the other room and saw a bright flash of light under the door and a second later the door opened to let Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel enter Billy Batson’s bedroom. “Well it’s about time you joined us,” Supergirl managed to gasp as Junior’s mouth and tongue threatened to send another orgasm through her pussy. With sigh she managed to open her thighs enough to free Freddy’s head and pull away from his incredible tongue. “Looks like you two have been...

4 years ago
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Her First Time Ch 10

Feb 23“You want to talk about it?” I asked Dani. We’d just dropped Jenny off at home and were on our way to Pasco to pick up Dani’s Lexus.She looked out the window, “I… it was a little more than I thought…”“But? I hope you’re not unhappy with Jenny.” She wasn’t acting angry, but sometimes….She turned toward me, “No.”“Me?”“No, I’m fine, better than okay. Last night was… I can’t even describe. And I know Jen is, too. Have to wait and hear how Richard reacts.”I wondered if he’d be disappointed...

Wife Lovers
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Jacob made me a sissy

All this was going on for a few weeks. I particularly liked gay older men specially those who are hairy. I mostly sexted with men, i never met anyone. I was still a virgin. Now i never revealed my identity or shared any pics. One day i received a message from a hunky bear. He was hairy in his 50s. I really felt attracted to his body. He even had a monster cock. He had a veiny 9 inch cock. Now we talked and we sexted, like sexted alot. I was really into him. He would often send me pics of his...

3 years ago
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Birthday present for a nice lady

I was around 27 when this night happened. I was single and had not had sex in a while. Still this was not on my mind when I went to this club in downtown Oslo. I went to listen to a friend of mine and the band he was playing with. The room was fairly packed but there was a spare seat between two tables by the wall. I sat there for a while with a beer in my hand just enjoying the music and not really pay attention to the people next to me. This was while you could still smoke at a club so I went...

2 years ago
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The Crossing part 11

An escaped PoW now living as a woman in Nazi Germany, I had reluctantly become the girlfriend of Count Helmut von Rumstahl. Now that we had had sex, what happened next? THE CROSSING - part 11 by BobH (c) 2015 - 25 - Now that we were lovers Helmut and I shared a bed every night. Sometimes we slept in his bed, sometimes in mine. This was the pattern we settled into the week after Helmut took my virginity. And every night we had sex, just as I...

2 years ago
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Size Queen Wife Chapter 4 Expert Touch

Later that day, after dropping off her two young daughters at a birthday party, Karen found an envelope clipped to the mailbox.It was an apology note from Brandee, along with a gift certificate for a free massage at a spa in the suburban town where Karen and Craig lived. Karen appreciated the gesture, especially that Brandee had driven all the way from her condo in the city to deliver it.Telling Craig she'd be back in an hour or so, Karen set off on foot toward the spa. On the way, she stopped...

4 years ago
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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 1

( First month at work. ) My first week at work was rough but not as bad as I thought it would have been. I felt like everyone that looked at me knew about my gender switch. It was quite the opposite though. Most people just saw me as a girl working the register like on any other day. I was still getting used to this life myself and each day posed a new challenge, yet seemed to get easier. I know that sounds weird. While ringing up customers, my mind focused on that and pretty much nothing...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend and Me Part 1

The following story is mostly real. Some small parts like names and wording have been modified to make for a better story.I grew up in a town of 100 or so people, just outside of a town with a few thousand people. At the age of 16, I had a lot: a hot girlfriend, a nice house, a nice car, and an awesome best friend. My family had plenty of money as my dad was the prosecuting attorney for the county and my mom was a teacher, but my friend Josh grew up in an average household. I was always kind of...

3 years ago
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TotemChapter 17

Sam and Gina hardly made it into her room before they were madly tearing each other's clothes off. "Oh, God," Gina moaned, as Sam tossed her bra aside and took a hard nipple into his mouth, "I've *never* been this horny." Sam paused long enough to say, "It looked like your Dad and Angie were feeling kind of hot and bothered, too." "Yeah. Oh... yes... please, keep doing that. I've never seen them act like that. It must be catching." "Mmm." Sam moved up to Gina's lips and...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Katrina Jade Perfect Blowjob

This brunette beauty does not wear the “slut” tattoo on her juicy ass for no reason. Katrina Jade is one of the leading ladies in the adult industry, and for good reason. This slut loves to suck cock, and she came to the home of world class adult entertainment to prove it. You are in luck though. She will be sucking YOUR cock in this hardcore POV BJ. This girl cannot get enough cock in her mouth. Just when you think she cannot deep throat you, she takes the rest down the...

2 years ago
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My First BJFacial Fantasy

Due to being bored and very horny, I figured I'd share how I'd want my first BJ and Facial to go down if I ever decided to act on my bi-curious urges and could find the right person to help me out.If you'd like to skip right to my story, skip the next paragraph.I wouldn't be looking for anything extreme or experiment too far. I've always considered myself straight. I love women, breasts, pussy, the whole lot. I find women attractive and can see myself romantically attached to women. But for a...

3 years ago
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Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale

a man and his shemale lover get down to businessWill led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock.“Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to break out in goosebumps. She...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 13 September 1983 A Myrtle Beach Motel

"Tell me again how you're gonna do this," Conrad asked her. "I show up around three; Room 450," Leah answered. "I ask to see the money. There is supposed to be $300 grand -- preferably in hundred's, but we really don't care. I count it. If it's all there, and doesn't look like Monopoly money, I stay with them and the money. Maybe one of them comes to this room where you have the coke." "Right," he said. "Maybe they'll want to test it, maybe not. I think they will. They're...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 3

It’s always a treat to meet with and renew old friendships. My first stop was the Bar T to see Pete and Agnes. I had been down a lot of trails with both of them, and I was missing them badly. We spent a couple of days shooting the breeze and relaxing in the spring weather. I didn’t say anything, but Pete seemed to be preoccupied with something. And it wasn’t anything to do with the ranch. As far as I could see, everything there was running smooth as glass. I asked Agnes about it. She said...

4 years ago
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A Farmers LifeChapter 05

Senior Constable George Rochester races out of the courthouse to his police car while talking on his radio. He soon confirms he’s the closest to the farm with the fire. He’s also a member of the local RFS so he has one of their radios as well. On the RFS radio he gives out the alert about the fire and its location while he starts his car, turns on the lights and siren, then he races out of town at high speed. Mark Meadows, the RFS sub-captain for that part of the Hartman RFS District lives on...

2 years ago
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Hard Day At Work By Sumisa Pura

You are having a very stressful day at work. No one is doing anything correctly and you've had enough. Your phone buzzes and it is my noon check-in text. I say I am at work and exactly what I'm wearing today. "Black scrubs, black and pink bustier with stockings underneath- no panties" Instantly you become upset and say "I did not give you permission to not wear panties. You will be punished for this pet!" I, on the other hand am giddy, because that's exactly what I wanted. "You will drive...

3 years ago
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The Tale Of Love Vol1

Many of the students were sad that they failed in the exams. Savita should be very sad as the teacher said that if she fails in this she will not be promoted to 12th grade, that too when she is 18 years old. After teacher Girish finished giving the paper he called Savita. She was prepared for everything. She removed two of her shirt buttons. What a relief to those melons which were trying to get out all the time. “You know what is going to happen,” said Girish. Savita bent down and fell on his...

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Job HuntChapter 16

When we went out by Sarah's desk, she was still with Dave. I suggested, "When you have him done and sworn in, call Ms. White and have her meet you at this place." I wrote the name of the Mart and the address on a piece of paper. "She'll help you pick out clothes. When you're done there, take the man to Wal-Mart for underwear and socks then take him home to get settled. Tell Howard what you're doing and I'm sure he will agree. Before you go though, check him out a piece like mine so...

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New Secretary Chapter 1

When I bought the company I had the opportunity to pick my own personal secretary. So I asked HR to send up some suitable resumes for me to review. Thank you to the government because all of the files had copies of the candidate’s driver’s license – I get to see what they look like first. I interviewed three but as soon as Marie walked in I knew who it was going to be. She was about thirty, and according to her license, five feet six and 120 pounds. She had a nice pair of tits and great legs...

2 years ago
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Another Favor

A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. * Leaving town for a while was the smartest thing to do. He needed to get away after a startling end to a relationship he once felt was going to be permanent. At least leaving town sounded like a good idea, but he wasn’t sure where to go. He didn’t care to stay around and risk running into her or her lover and he didn’t want to go on a vacation. He wasn’t in a vacation mood. When...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 72

After graduation my focus changed to my wedding. I know I was obsessive about the dress. I had been accompanied by my mother, Sunny, Sandy, Jen and Jeff when I originally bought it. Ha! Even if I had been able to hoodwink Jeff into coming, his most incisive comment would have been, "It's white." The most fun part of the excursion for the others came when I asked, "Does this look alright on me?" Jen was the first to break out in laughter, but the others followed immediately. "The...

1 year ago
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Amelie part 7

Thursday Amelie got told by Mr Bergman to go to the basement archives to find all she could on any art related to the Spanish civil war. Not really her field, and she knew that it was another punishment for mixing up 2 famous artists (and nearly sending the wrong picture to the owner in Switzerland), but she didn´t really mind. All her male colleagues had begun to look at her in a strange way and not just those that had been present during her involuntary strip-act the previous week. The...

3 years ago
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Half a Biscuit

‘As long as I’ve got a biscuit, she’s got half.’ Vic’s wife plumps the pillows to prop up his newborn-baby-red head. Her muffled chuckle tells me it’s a well-worn sentiment, her warm smile says it’s not one she’ll tire of any time soon. I am ashamed of the quick hit of envy that runs through me, as I survey the ease and love between them. These are good deserving people. Years of shared struggle have pumiced them to this soft oneness. The past seven months — the greatest joint hardship...

2 years ago
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How i became a cockaddict

Now coming to the part where everything changed. I was hanging out at Joes lodge. He and i were fishing. After fishing we were really tired and sweating. I immediately stripped down and went to take a shower. It was something i had never done and it did shock Joe. He had not seen me naked and watching me run towards the shower with my bubble butt jiggling. It definitely made him hard but i had no sexual intention but since he was my gramps i was comfortable stripping down infront of him. Joe...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Holly Whore Part Two The Firemanrs

It had been just over a month since my encounter with dirty John. I had tried to keep my innocence and self respect. However, I found myself desiring more degrading sex, one night stands I masturbated more now; it had become a frequent activity done in public toilets, hot tubs anywhere i wanted. Things had got much better at home now. Mum got a promotion at work and I began working in a supermarket. A few weeks ago we had a new neighbour move in, he worked as a fireman and was absolutely...

4 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 26 Reese Witherspoon

The light was very dim inside, the only illumination coming from the streetlight that seemed miles away down the street. The older, decrepit building had indeed been an apartment at some point, although since then had fallen into great disrepair. The front door inside was off it's hinges and lay against the wall at an angle, the wood of it long since rotted through by termites and was dotted in what appeared to be bullet holes. Heading towards the shaky looking stairs, I noticed the graffiti...

2 years ago
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Watching her Syntribate in the Library

I worked in a university library one summer shelving books. Since it was summer quarter, there were maybe about 10% as many students as in the other quarters. I routinely walked the entire place each morning with a book cart, picking up unshelved books to take downstairs for organizing them and later bringing carts back up for shelving. I had seen these two together there many times, and while shelving had overheard parts of a few conversations that told me that one was a law student studying...

1 year ago
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Getting kinky while shooting a porno Banging the BlondePart 3

The day had arrived when I was going to shoot the movie. Jofre was on set and there were more people than last time. I told Jofre that I was uncomfortable with so many people on the set. He assured me that once they set up, the actual shoot would only have a handful of staff and they would be discreet. That gave me some courage and then I saw Joanne walk in. She was looking good but had too many clothes on I guess, so she went to the changing room and then re-emerged in a transparent shirt and...

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smoking crack with wifes friend pt 1

after a night clubbing my wife ann invited liz her friend back for a toke I got a crack pipe out as liz asked what it was as I told her asking if she wanted one after me and ann had a couple eachliz said yes and as she took a smoke she said it was amazing and as we smoked chatting we got round to sex as ann said to liz I always wanted to stick my 8 inch cock in her saying the thought turned her on as we had fantasised about it many timesliz was red faced asking what we thought about as I told...

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The Ring AOChapter 35 Back in AU

On returning to Australia, Bill drove all parties home. Suzanne being the last home. In her letterbox were four letters from that pesky Real Estate Agent. he had other four other people interested in her properties. Suzanne decided to stop him pestering her tomorrow. She would call at his office. Calling around at 10am he was there, by himself. Shaking hands Harry mentioned ‘He does not have a buyer. He wants them for himself to develop. He has stolen homes from many people. A nasty person....

3 years ago
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Fucking the Mother in law Wendy again

The Mother in Law...Again?"Shit," I thought to myself as I lay on the couch watching TV. What a crazy last few days it had been. I needed to get some sleep, but my mind was racing, and thinking about what had happened earlier in the night. I had fucked my mother-in-law, Wendy, and it was so damn hot. She was one of the best fucks that I had ever had. Certainly better than Arielle, my wife had been in years, which made me wonder if I could get more of that pussy. As I lay on the couch, I was...

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