Fanny and the Boys
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I had it now, I felt it now, and, beginning to drive, he soon gave nature such a powerful summons down to her favourite quarters, that she could no longer refuse repairing thither; all my animal spirits then rush'd mechanically to that center of attraction, and presently, inly warmed, and stirr'd as I was beyond bearing, I lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as mere woman, those effusions of pleasure, which, in the strictness of still faithful love, I could have wished to have held up.
Yet oh! what an immense difference did I feel between this impression of a pleasure merely animal, and struck out of the collision of the sexes by a passive bodily effect, from that sweet fury, that rage of active delight which crowns the enjoyments of a mutual love-passion, where two hearts, tenderly and truly united, club to exalt the joy, and give it a spirit and soul that bids defiance to that end which mere momentary desires generally terminate in, when they die of a surfeit of satisfaction!
Mr. H... , whom no distinctions of that sort seemed to disturb, scarce gave himself or me breathing time from the last encounter, but, as if he had task'd himself to prove that the appearances of his vigour were not signs hung out in vain, in a few minutes he was in a condition for renewing the onset; to which, preluding with a storm of kisses, he drove the same course as before, with unabated fervour; and thus, in repeated engagements, kept me constantly in exercise till dawn of morning; in all which time he made me fully sensible of the virtues of his firm texture of limbs, his square shoulders, broad chest, compact hard muscles, in short a system of namliness that might pass for no bad image of our ancient sturdy barons, when they wielded the battle-ax: whose race is now so thoroughly refin'd and frittered away into the more delicate and modern-built frame of our pap-nerv'd softlings, who are as pale, as pretty, and almost as masculine as their sisters.
Mr. H... , content, however, with having the day break upon his triumphs, delivered me up to the refreshment of a rest we both wanted, and we soon dropped into a profound sleep.
Tho' he was some time awake before me, yet did he not offer to disturb a repose he had given me so much occasion for; but on my first stirring, which was not till past ten o'clock, I was oblig'd to endure one more trial of his manhood.
About eleven, in came Mrs. Jones, with two basins of the richest soup, which her experience in these matters had mov'd her to prepare. I pass over the fulsome compliments, the cant of the decent procuress, with which she saluted us both; but tho' my blood rose at the sight of her, I supprest my emotions, and gave all my concern to reflections on what would be the consequence of this new engagement.
But Mr. H... , who penetrated my uneasiness, did not long suffer me to languish under it. He acquainted me that, having taken a solid sincere affection to me, he would begin by giving me one leading mark of it by removing me out of a house which must, for many reasons, be irksome and disagreeable to me, into convenient lodgings, where he would take all imaginable care of me; and desiring me not to have any explanations with my landlady, or be impatient till he returned, he dress'd and went out, having left me a purse with two and twenty guineas in it, being all he had about him, as he expresst it, to keep my pocket till further supplies.
As soon as he was gone, I felt the usual consequence of the first launch into vice (for my love-attachment to Charles never appear'd to me in that light). I was instantly borne away down the stream, without making back to the shore. My dreadful necessities, my gratitude, and above all, to say the plain truth, the dissipation and diversion I began to find, in this new acquaintance, from the black corroding thoughts my heart had been a prey to ever since the absence of my dear Charles, concurr'd to stun all contrary reflections. If I now thought of my first, my only charmer, it was still with the tenderness and regret of the fondest love, embitter'd with the consciousness that I was no longer worthy of him. I could have begg'd my bread with him all over the world, but wretch that I was, I had neither the virtue nor courage requisite not to outlive my separation from him!
Yet, had not my heart been thus pre-ingaged, Mr. H... might probably have been the sole master of it; but the place was full, and the force of conjunctures alone had made him the possessor of my person; the charms of which had, by the bye, been his sole object and passion, and were, of course, no foundation for a love either very delicate or very durable.
He did not return till six in the evening to take me away to my new lodgings; and my moveables being soon pack'd, and convey'd into a hackney-coach, it cost me but little regret to take my leave of a landlady whom I thought I had so much reason not to be overpleas'd with; and as for her part, she made no other difference to my staying or going, but what that of the profit created.
We soon got to the house appointed for me, which was that of a plain tradesman who, on the score of interest, was entirely at Mr. H... 's devotion, and who let him the first floor, very genteelly furnish'd, for two guineas a week, of which I was instated mistress, with a maid to attend me.
He stayed with me that evening, and we had a supper from a neighbouring tavern, after which, and a gay glass or two, the maid put me to bed. Mr. H... soon follow'd, and notwithstanding the fatigues of the preceding night, I found no quarter nor remission from him: he piqued himself, as he told me, on doing the honours of my new apartment.
The morning being pretty well advanc'd, we got to breakfast; and the ice now broke, my heart, no longer engross'd by love, began to take ease, and to please itself with such trifles as Mr. H... 's liberal liking led him to make his court to the usual vanity of our sex. Silks, laces, ear-rings, pearl-necklace, gold watch, in short, all the trinkets and articles of dress were lavishly heap'd upon me; the sense of which, if it did not create returns of love, forc'd a kind of grateful fondness something like love; a distinction it would be spoiling the pleasure of nine tenths of the keepers in the town to make, and is, I suppose, the very good reason why so few of them ever do make it.
I was now establish'd the kept mistress in form, well lodg'd, with a very sufficient allowance, and lighted up with all the lustre of dress.
Mr. H... continu'd kind and tender to me; yet, with all this, I was far from happy; for, besides my regret for my dear youth, which, though often suspended or diverted, still return'd upon me in certain melancholic, moments with redoubled violences, I wanted more society, more dissipation.
As to Mr. H... , he was so much my superior in every sense, that I felt it too much to the disadvantage of the gratitude I ow'd him. Thus he gain'd my esteem, though he could not raise my taste; I was qualify'd for no sort of conversation with him except one sort, and that is a satisfaction which leaves tiresome intervals, if not fill'd up by love, or other amusements.
Mr. H... , so experienc'd, so learned in the ways of women, numbers of whom had passed through his hands, doubtless soon perceiv'd this uneasiness, and without approving or liking me the better for it, had the complaisance to indulge me.
He made suppers at my lodgings, where he brought several companions of his pleasures, with their mistresses; and by this means I got into a circle of acquaintance that soo strip'd me of all the remains of bashfulness and modesty which might be yet left of my country education, and were, to a just taste, perhaps the greatest of my charms.
We visited one another in form, and mimic'd, as near as we could, all the miseries, the follies, and impertinences of the women of quality, in the round of which they trifle away their time, without its ever entering into their little heads that on earth there cannot subsist any thing more silly, more flat, more insipid and worthless, than, generally consider'd, their system of life is: they ought to treat the men as their tyrants, indeed! were they to condemn them to it.
But tho', amongst the kept mistresses (and I was now acquainted with a good many, besides some useful matrons, who live by their connexions with them), I hardly knew one that did not perfectly detest her keeper, and, of course, made little or no scruple of any infidelity she could safely accomplish, I had still no notion of wronging mine; for, besides that no mark of jealousy on his side induced in me the desire or gave me the provocation to play him a trick of that sort, and that his constant generosity, politeness, and tender attentions to please me forc'd a regard to him, that without affecting my heart, insur'd him my fidelity, no object had yet presented that could overcome the habitual liking I had contracted for him; and I was on the eve of obtaining, from the movements of his own voluntary generosity, a modest provision for life, when an accident happen'd which broke all the measures he had resolv'd upon in my favor.
I had now liv'd near seven months with Mr. H... , when one day returning to my lodgings from a visit in the neighbourhood, where I us'd to stay longer, I found the street door open, and the maid of the house standing at it, talking with some of her acquaintances, so that I came in without knocking; and, as I passed by, she told me Mr. H... was above. I stept up-stairs into my own bed-chamber, with no other thought than of pulling off my hat, etc., and then to wait upon him in the dining room, into which my bed-chamber had a door, as is common enough. Whilst I was untying my hat-strings, I fancied I heard my maid Hannah's voice and a sort of tussle, which raising my curiosity, I stole softly to the door, where a knot in the wood had been slipt out and afforded a very commanding peep-hole to the scene then in agitation, the actors of which had been too earnestly employ'd to hear my opening my own door, from the landing-place of the stairs, into my bed-chamber.
The first sight that struck me was Mr. H... pulling and hauling this coarse country strammel towards a couch that stood in a corner of the dining room; to which the girl made only a sort of awkward boidening resistance, crying out so loud, that I, who listened at the door, could scarce hear her: "Pray sir, don't... , let me alone... I am not for your turn... You cannot, sure, demean yourself with such a poor body as I... Lord! Sir, my mistress may come home... I must not indeed... I will cry out..." All of which did not hinder her from insensibly suffering herself to be brought to the foot of the couch, upon which a push of no mighty violence serv'd to give her a very easy fall, and my gentleman having got up his hands to the strong-hold of her VIRTUE, she, no doubt, thought it was time to give up the argument, and that all further defense would be in vain: and he, throwing her petticoats over her face, which was now as red as scarlet, discover'd a pair of stout, plump, substantial thighs, and tolerably white; he mounted them round his hips, and coming out with his drawn weapon, stuck it in the cloven spot, where he seem'd to find a less difficult entrance than perhaps he had flatter'd himself with (for, by the way, this blouze had left her place in the country, for a bastard), and, indeed, all his motions shew'd he was lodg'd pretty much at large. After he had done, his DEAREE gets up, drops her petticoats down, and smooths her apron and handkerchief. Mr. H... look'd a little silly, and taking out some money, gave it her, with an air indifferent enough, bidding her be a good girl, and say nothing.
Had I lov'd this man, it was not in nature for me to have had patience to see the whole scene through: I should have broke in and play'd the jealous princess with a vengeance. But that was not the case, my pride alone was hurt, my heart not, and I could easier win upon myself to see how far he would go, till I had no uncertainty upon my conscience.
The least delicate of all affairs of this sort being now over, I retir'd softly into my closet, where I began to consider what I should do. My first scheme, naturally, was to rush in and upbraid them; this, indeed, flatter'd my present emotions and vexations, as it would have given immediate vent to them; but, on second thoughts, not being so clear as to the consequences to be apprehended from such a step, I began to doubt whether it was not better to dissemble my discovery till a safer season, when Mr. H... should have perfected the settlement he had made overtures to me of, and which I was not to think such a violent explanation, as I was indeed not equal to the management of, could possibly forward, and might destroy. On the other hand, the provocation seem'd too gross, too flagrant, not to give me some thoughts of revenge; the very start of which idea restor'd me to perfect composure; and delighted as I was with the confus'd plan of it in my head, I was easily mistress enough of myself to support the part of ignorance I had prescrib'd to myself; and as all this circle of reflections was instantly over, I stole a tip-toe to the passage door, and opening it with a noise, pass'd for having that moment come home; and after a short pause, as if to pull off my things, I opened the door into the dining room, where I found the dowdy blowing the fire, and my faithful shepherd walking about the room and whistling, as cool and unconcern'd as if nothing had happened. I think, however, he had not much to brag of having out-dissembled me: for I kept up, nobly, the character of our sex for art, and went up to him with the same air of frankness as I had ever receiv'd him. He stayed but a little while, made some excuse for not being able to stay the evening with me, and went out.
As for the wench, she was now spoil'd, at least for my servant; and scarce eight and forty hours were gone round, before her insolence, on what had pass'd between Mr. H... and her, gave me so fair an occasion to turn her away, at a minute's warning, that not to have done it would have been the wonder: so that he could neither disapprove it nor find in it the least reason to suspect my original motive. What became of her afterwards, I know not; but generous as Mr. H... was, he undoubtedly made her amends: though, I dare answer, that he kept up no farther commerce with her of that sort; as his stooping to such a coarse morsel was only a sudden sally of lust, on seeing a wholesome-looking, buxom country-wench, and no more strange than hunger, or even a whimsical appetite's making a fling meal of neck-beef, for change of diet.
Had I consider'd this escapade of Mr. H... in no more than that light and contented myself with turning away the wench, I had thought and acted right; but, flush'd as I was with imaginary wrongs, I should have held Mr. H... to have been cheaply off, if I had not push'd my revenge farther, and repaid him, as exactly as I could for the soul of me, in the same coin.
Nor was this worthy act of justice long delay'd: I had it too much at heart. Mr. H... had, about a fortnight before, taken into his service a tenant's son, just come out of the country, a very handsome young lad scarce turn'd of nineteen, fresh as a rose, well shap'd and clever limb'd: in short, a very good excuse for any woman's liking, even tho' revenge had been out of the question; any woman, I say, who was disprejudic'd, and had wit and spirit enough to prefer a point of pleasure to a point of pride.
Mr. H... had clap'd a livery upon him; and his chief employ was, after being shewn my lodgings, to bring and carry letters or messages between his master and me; and as the situation of all kept ladies is not the fittest to inspire respect, even to the meanest of mankind, and, perhaps, less of it from the most ignorant, I could not help observing that this lad, who was, I suppose, acquainted with my relation to his master by his fellow-servants, used to eye me in that bashful confus'd way, more expressive, more moving and readier catch'd at by our sex, than any other declarations whatever: my figure had, it seems, struck him, and modest and innocent as he was, he did not himself know that the pleasure he took in looking at me was love, or desire; but his eyes, naturally wanton, and now enflam'd with passion, spoke a great deal more than he durst have imagin'd they did. Hitherto, indeed, I had only taken notice of the comeliness of the youth, but without the least design: my pride alone would have guarded me from a thought that way, had not Mr. H... 's condescension with my maid, where there was not half the temptation in point of person, set me a dangerous example; but now I began to look on this stripling as every way a delicious instrument of my design'd retaliation upon Mr. H... of an obligation for which I should have made a conscience to die in his debt.
In order then to pave the way for the accomplishment of my scheme, for two or three times that the young fellow came to me with messages, I manag'd so, as without affectation to have him admitted to my bed-side, or brought to me at my toilet, where I was dressing; and by carelessly shewing or letting him see, as if without meaning or design, sometimes my bosom rather more bare than it should be; sometimes my hair, of which I had a very fine head, in the natural flow of it while combing; sometimes a neat leg, that had unfortunately slipt its garter, which I made no scruple of tying before him, easily gave him the impressions favourable to my purpose, which I could perceive to sparkle in his eyes, and glow in his cheeks: then certain slight squeezes by the hand, as I took letters from him, did his business compleatly.
When I saw him thus mov'd, and fired for my purpose, I inflam'd him yet more, by asking him several leading questions, such as had he a mistress?... was she prettier than me?... could he love such a one as I was?... and the like; to all which the blushing simpleton answer'd to my wish, in a strain of perfect nature, perfect undebauch'd innocence, but with all the awkwardness and simplicity of countrybreeding.
When I thought I had sufficiently ripen'd him for the laudable point I had in view, one day that I expected him at a particular hour, I took care to have the coast clear for the reception I design'd him; and, as I laid it, he came to the dining-room door, tapped at it, and, on my bidding him come in, he did so, and shut the door after him. I desir'd him, then, to bolt it on the inside, pretending it would not otherwise keep shut.
I was then lying at length upon that very couch, the scene of Mr. H... 's polite joys, in an undress which was with all the art of negligence flowing loose, and in a most tempting disorder: no stay, no hoop... no incumbrance whatever. On the other hand, he stood at a little distance, that gave me a full view of a fine featur'd, shapely, healthy country lad, breathing the sweets of fresh blooming youth; his hair, which was of a perfect shining black, play'd to his face in natural side-curls, and was set out with a smart tuck-up behind; new buckskin breeches, that, clipping close, shew'd the shape of a plump, well made thigh; white stockings, garter-lac'd livery, shoulder knot, altogether compos'd a figure in which the beauties of pure flesh and blood appeared under no disgrace form the lowness of a dress, to which a certain spruce neatness seems peculiarly fitted.
I bid him come towards me and give me his letter, at the same time throwing down, carelessly, a book I had in my hands. He colour'd, and came within reach of delivering me the letter, which he held out, awkwardly enough, for me to take, with his eyes riveted on my bosom, which was, through the design'd disorder of my handkerchief, sufficiently bare, and rather shaded than hid.
I, smiling in his face, took the letter, and immediately catching gently hold of his shirt sleeve, drew him towards me, blushing, and almost trembling; for surely his extreme bashfulness, and utter inexperience, call'd for, at least, all the advances to encourage him: his body was now conveniently inclin'd towards me, and just softly chucking his smooth beardless chin, I asked him if he was afraid of a lady?... , and, with that took, and carrying his hand to my breasts, I prest it tenderly to them. They were now finely furnish'd, and rais'd in flesh, so that, panting with desire, they rose and fell, in quick heaves, under his touch: at this, the boy's eyes began to lighten with all the fires of inflam'd nature, and his cheeks flush'd with a deep scarlet: tongue-tied with joy, rapture, and bashfulness, he could not speak, but then his looks, his emotion, sufficiently satisfy'd me that my train had taken, and that I had no disappointment to fear.
Fanny Farmer was a happy young girl who liked what she saw when she looked into any mirror. She was forever primping and posing with this look and that look unable to find a single flaw. Her doting parents were much pleased with their handsome daughter with her natural curls and her budding bosom. At the beginning of this month she had passed her 18th birthday with a party celebrated with much gusto and the eating of a beautiful cake that was covered with the whitest icing ever seen in the...
I'm Fanny. Papa named me after the girl in that smutty book called Fanny Hill. I think perhaps that Papa wanted to do naughty things with me, but he died before I turned five years old. Mama and I had to go and live with mean old Uncle Alfred. Then Mama died last year, just before I turned eleven. I think that Uncle Alfred worked Mama to death; he made her do all of the housework and cooking after we came to live with him. Only being twelve now, I can't do anything about it now. But I'll get...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 8 Phœbe, my kind tutoress Phœbe, was at the time gone out, perhaps in search of me, or their cooked-up story had not, it is probable, passed smoothly. This negociation had, however, taken up some time, which would have appeared much longer to me, left as I was, in a strange house, if the landlady, a motherly sort of a woman, to whom Charles had liberally recommended me, had not come up and borne me company. We...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 7 It was then broad day. I was sitting up in the bed, the cloaths of which were all tost, or roll'd off, by the unquietness of our motions, from the sultry heat of the weather; nor could I refuse myself a pleasure that solicited me so irresistibly, as this fair occasion of feasting my sight with all those treasures of youthful beauty I had enjoy'd, and which lay now almost entirely naked, his shirt being trust...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.- or FANNY HILL LETTER THE SECOND Part-1 Madam, If I have delayed the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes, that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloyed and tired with uniformity of...
-------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 1 Madam, I SIT down to give you an undeniable proof of my considering your desires as in dispensible orders: ungracious then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scandalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd at length, to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love, health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of youth, and not too late to employ the leisure afforded me by...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 2 About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having received rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown’s return, they came thundering up stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 3 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who could...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 4 To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 5 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 6 My eyes were instantly filled with tears, but tears of the most delicious delight; to find myself in the arms of that beauteous youth, was a rapture that my little hear swam in; past or future were equally out of the question with me; the present was as much as all my powers of life were sufficient to bear the transport of, without fainting. Nor were the most tender embraces, the most soothing expressions...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.Letter the First - Part 4To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at dinner mention was made of the...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 9 I had now got down at least half a partridge, and three or four glasses of wine, which he compelled me to drink by way of restoring nature, but whether there was any thing extraordinary put into the wine, or whether there wanted no more to revive the natural warmth of my constitution, and give fire to the old train, I began no longer to look with that constraint, not to say disguise, on Mr. H...., which I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-2 In the order of our sitting, it was Harriet’s turn to go on. Amongst all the beauties of our sex, that I had before, or have since seen, few indeed were the forms that could dispute excellence with her’s; it was not delicate, but delicacy itself incarnate, such was the symmetry of her small but exactly fashioned limbs. Her complexion, fair as it was, appeared yet more fair, from the effect of two black eyes,...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-3 “What shall I say? my emotions of fear and surprise were instantly subdued by those of the pleasure I bespoke in great presence of mind from the turn this adventure might take. He seemed to me no other than a pitying angel, dropt out of the clouds: for he was young and perfectly handsome, which was more than even I had asked for, man, in general, being all that my utmost desires had pointed at. I thought then I...
----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...
MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...
About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...
Madam, If I have delay'd the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloy'd and tired with uniformity of adventures and expressions, inseparable from a subject of this sort, whose bottom, or groundwork...
On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by...
The girls all this time did not in the least smoke the mystery of this new customer; but Mrs. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insur'd me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, that for this bout my charms had not miss'd fire; for that by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her sufficient acquaintance with, to take her measures...
My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part of his weight on. Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had procured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he...
Matt Mcguire was like any other normal boy. However, even though Matt was only 11, his hormones were already kicking into gear. He recently discovered jerking off, which now had become a 3 time a day habit. Matt was also able to shoot a load of cum and had been doing so for over a week now. When it first happened Matt was completely shocked but having talked to his best friend Lanny, Matt found out it was quite normal. However to be shooting at 11 years old was not that normal. Matt was also...
I’m Sam I am 19 I live with my mum her boyfriend my 2 sisters and little brother one summer my mums boyfriend had to go away for 2 weeks and my sisters wore both on a collage trip for a week so there was only me her and my little brother so we took a drive to Brighton and stayed in this nice little hotel me and my brother wore right next door to mum.On our first night mum went out on the town for a drink she was wearing a tight black spandex skirt that hugged her hips thick thighs and fat ass...
Hello friends. Itis Rakesh, after a long time, again. It’s been boring a few months after college. Let me tell about myself again. I am Rakesh. Age 24. Graduate and working as a freelancer. I have a not so good-looking body though I am mediocre-looking. Sorry for the long post for but I think it is worth it. Let us jump right to it. I was bored one weekend and thought of installing a dating app. After successfully failing in my search in various dating apps like ‘Tinder’, I thought I had my...
After I had nice sex with Revathi I started to my home. I saw there were so many guest in my home. I greater everyone and went to mom and asked why they are here. My mom told day after tomorrow my uncle Prasad’a engagement. I got shocked he is just 4 years elder to me and he don’t have proper job also. I congratulated him and went to my room. There I see 3 kids and my cousin simran are playing cards in my bed I got irritated and pushed everyone out. I started to changing my dress, suddenly...
Hammering and nailing, nailing and hammering — that’s all Jenna J Ross sees he new neighbor Mike doing as he helps her hang some art in her home. Freshly divorced, Jenna’s doing a bit of cleansing in her sanctuary, and that means looking for new means of satisfaction, too! Good thing Mike and his cock are available for her at the moment! He takes a break from his handiwork to nail his hammer right into Jenna’s pussy! A throat fuck and a facial later, Jenna’s ready for Mike to get back to...
xmoviesforyouThe reason for it was simple, the "love" songs were slower and a bit less interesting for the audience. Eye contact, however, got the girls going and that giddy excitement spread to everyone around them. The never-continuously-look-at-a-girl rule helped to save them from the over zealous female admirers, though that couldn't be completely avoided. The male performers who were interested in more than just getting the crowd going would shift back to the same girl, one who looked willing, a...
I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before my group showed up for our reservation and checked in with the hostess. She showed me to our table while I waited for my five dining guests to arrive. This was a dinner event to celebrate a friend’s birthday so we chose a special restaurant that happened to be near my apartment downtown. The usual white table cloth, mood lighting, and finely dressed staff type of place in Denver, CO. To my pleasure our waiter arrived to introduce himself to me...
Gay MaleIt's been a few weeks since we last met and you've been sending me naughty messages to organise our next session! You've told me you've got some new toys to try out so to come round that night. After an afternoon in the bath, preparing my body, making my skin silky smooth and painting my nails a dark red. I pull on leopardskin stockings and clip them to my brown suspender belt with sheer lace dark orange knickers and bra on top. Step into a figure hugging one piece black dress that zips up the...
It's mid-summer, and I've taken the some time out before final year to earn a bit of money as a nanny in France. It's incredible how much parents will pay for you to look after their children. I've landed a fantastic deal, a young couple and their adorable children in the south of France, complete with my own top floor suite.Late one evening I had decided to take a bath, it was warm enough to keep the long french doors wide open in both my bedroom and bathroom, and with the moon streaming in...
ReluctanceWelcome to First Time Videos Girls aka FTVGirls! Has it ever occurred to you just how many dicks you have inadvertently fapped to in your life? Think about it. Nearly every porno out there features a chick getting dicked down by some muscular, well-endowed stud. In fact, the guy is actually sort of the main event in a lot of these videos. Think of series like Teens Love Big Dicks or videos like “Monster cock ravages tiny teen pussy.” At least some part of you is clicking on these videos because...
Premium Porn Pictures SitesI slept rather well that night. It was almost worth giving the pig a blowjob just to give him a beatdown. I didn't enjoy the blowjob, but I did enjoy the look on his face as he lay gasping for air. I really shouldn't have. His only crime was supply smuggled Chili Peppers. I honestly just didn't like him and he threatened me. I acted more on instinct than anything else. A few days later I went for my morning run, since it had set into rain for a couple of days. When I got home, Wilson...
It was a hot summer day in sunny Las Vegas. I was driving back to my house from a hardware store when I saw a car broke down on the side of the road. Normally, I would absolutely stop and help. If you’re able to and don’t, you’re an asshole. I especially wanted to stop when I saw the girl on the sidewalk talking on her phone. I pulled just past the car and parked, and walked towards the car. As I walked up, the girl finished her phone call in anger and stressfully looked at me and with a...
He was now looking over his glasses at me, “Twice my current market share?” “Yes, Sir! We will need to spend a little money to do it, OK! Have we got a deal?” I said thrusting my hand out for him to shake. He was thinking about it. “What about you Sarah, are you willing to help out your brother on this?” dad asked her directly. “Daddy, as much as I love you – I also love my big brother. I can help him every day until school starts, and I’ll come here right after school to help him help...
She was so tight on me that I knew I wouldn’t last long, but the interruption as she’d switched from blowjob to mounting me had given me enough of a respite that I was good for the moment. In fact, I was just noticing that her movements were becoming less measured and more erratic when she said, “Ohh, fuck, I’m gonna come!”I was surprised. “Really? Just from having my cock up your ass?”“Ohh, god yes! It feels so fucking good! Dan…” She’d been about to ask me something but instead decided to go...
BisexualI entered the hotel lounge, and wandered over to the bar, looking over the room. It was somewhat dimly lit and about half-full of people at booths and tables. I took a seat on a stool, flipping my short skirt out behind me as I sat down, putting my bare rear on the leather of the seat. I hooked my heels into the rung of the stool, and let my knees fall open about a foot or so. The bartender appeared in front of me, a cute blonde, and I asked for a glass of white wine. When it arrived, I took a...
Harley is excited to take her sissy out for a dirty adventure and to meet some hot boys. She takes sissy to her corner glory hole and puts him to work sucking at a fucking machine while she takes on the real cocks. And Big Cocks they are, so big in fact that after a few minutes she decides to invite them back to her place to keep the action going. Back at their place sissy is on her knees rubbing his Mistress feet when Harley’s delivery dicks ring the door bell. Not one to wait, she is on...
xmoviesforyouI am a full time mom now but this story all starts back when I was younger in High School. High School was the days for fun. You could hang out with your friends, have lunch, or just chill out before the next step of classes began. It was there that I met him, the man that would change my life forever. Let me explain first about me. I grew up in a upper middle class family . My grandparents always around I learned morals and common sense and everything else that you needed in life. We were very...
First TimeShe was my best friend, Jodie was her name and she was a regular in the bar where I worked. I never would of guessed that she was interested in girls, she always told me she loved me and that I was her baby but I guessed that to be affection.Then one night after she had been drinking in the club where I worked, I invited her to follow the night through at my flat which I shared with a friend, my friend was out for the night looking after her mum. Jodie, Isobel and Darren came back to my flat,...
When Justin Hunt walks in and sees luscious teen Catarina Petrov with her legs spread to show off her panties, he can’t help but come in for a deep kiss and slide his hand onto her tender boob. Catarina is totally open to Justin’s advances, and soon she has pulled out his dick so she can suck the tip. Enjoying her treat, she opens her mouth wider to deliver a delightful blowjob. Justin returns the favor by unwrapping Catarina from her dress and underwear and then laying her back on...
xmoviesforyouA few weeks had passed since Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had viciously invaded my neither regions and introduced me to a world that I never new in my deepest imagination...Briefly, the three of them had lured me willingly to the basement apartment in one of their parents home. Once inside I was made to feel at ease and then with out warning, I was set upon and sexually assaulted by all three of them. My virgin anal opening was bust open and made to accept their mammoth size sex tools. For...
"So what exactly is the purpose of you bringing me out here?" Daisy asked as we walked together through the town. "I didn't realize I needed a purpose." I answered her. "Don't you ever hang out with your friends after school or something?" "What friends?" she asked me with a sarcastic smile. "Nope. My best friends are my computer, my books, Khan Academy, Project Gutenberg and Duolingo." I chuckled to myself. "You know, my friends call me a stiff for working too hard." I told...
Disclaimer: This is my intellectual property, as such, do not plagiarize it. This will be posted to and and possibly other places in the future. Any wo wish to post this elsewhere, must do so with two conditions, it must remain free, and I must be informed. This story also has adult themes involving sex, trangendered individuals, and other controversial subjects. Please be 18 years or older (depending on the laws where you live) before reading...
Ye mere ghar ki real story hai. Mere abb ki age 31 hight 5.8″ fair aur acche hai but not too handsome.Aur maa name Daisy age 30 hight 5.6″ khoobsoorat aur bahot hi sexy oarat.hain Me Ravi age 10 aur ghar main hara sath hamre dadi bhhi rahate hai. Mere dad Office main job karteain hain aur maa ghar par rathi hian.Mere jankari me mere dad maa jaisa ek dusare ko chahne wala aur mitual under–standing couple maine dekha nahi.Aap meri story padhakar jan jaoge to dosto meri story aisi hai ki maine...
Seductive blonde Brill Barbie is always hungry for sex and since she has some free time she decides to masturbate and finger her juicy pussy while relaxing on her bed. She slips on some lace topped stockings and bends over into the doggystyle position to continue her pussy play. Breaking out a glass dildo, this hottie slides it into her pussy and leans up against the doorway to fuck herself even quicker. She gets herself all dressed up when she hears someone at the door. Her guest, Jay arrives...
xmoviesforyouEk din somi kitchen may bartan dho rahi thi aur maine 3 din se usay nahi choda tha… To mera lora sakht tha randi ki maa chodne ko… Hamare ghar may koi aur nahi hota hum 2 k ilawa to nanga ghumnay may koi masla nahi… Maine shorts utaray aur lund ki muth lagane laga… Phir uth k dekha to somi bartan dho rahi thi aur us ki qameez mammon par se geeli thi pani lagne se… Mujhe tharak charhi… Aur mai peche se gya aur usay pakar ke us ka badan sehlane laga ahista ahista… Aur hum gandi sexy baten karne...
One day me n my girlfriend Swati went to watch a movie show start we hold each other hand. She seat on my left side. I hold her right hand on my left hand, and moving finger of my right hand with gently on her hand. I take my finger to her shoulder. And I moved with a gentle and passionately. Sometimes she says stop it or I will go. I stopped and after moments, I start again and again. The time is running very fast I do not know how the interval comes. We stood up, she went for toilet, and I...
Cuckold couple dirty experiment with house servant to fulfill their fantasies. Hi guys I am back with a true incident and thanks for response of all last written incidents. We all moving on a fast pace in life and missing the true love and spark in sex life. I keep getting mails from husbands who are more than willing to try new things to bring spark in their bedroom life and major ones wants to see their wife enjoying with other men and in different situations. I even get mails from couples...
CuckoldWednesday, June 6, 2007 When I got back to Anaconda Three, I was relieved to find that nobody had given Third Squad away. It was still mine. When Platoon Sergeant Willister asked me how my leave had gone, I simply held my hands apart about a foot and said, “Remember how I told you why Kelly loved me so much?” I brought my hands together about half the distance. “Things got a little worn down.” “Reaper, now I know you’re full of shit. My four-year-old has a bigger dick than you do!” “Then...
It was just a test.” my wife said.“And you failed terribly.”a week ago Angie (my wife) left to go shopping leaving me alone. I hurried upstairs to our spare bedroom window just in time to see our divorced neighbor Jill strip down to her skimpiest bikini near her pool in her back yard. my cock was in my hand in a second. She was a gorgeous 32 yer old woman and I just couldn’t get enough of fantasizing about her.Suddenly the phone rang. It was Angie asking me to take some sunscreen to Jill next...
I wanted to punch the bitch’s lights out. But, what would that accomplish? Maybe the Big Chicken Dinner, a Bad Conduct Discharge. I have three children that I spend way too little time with now. If we divorce I may never see them again. Do I love MaryAnn? Shit, I really don’t know. I never analyzed it. MaryAnn was just my wife; my children’s mother. You are supposed to love your wife, right? We’ve gone through everything together. Then it really hit me. We haven’t gone through the last two...
In the same email where she asked to stop the game, however, Denise also asked (sort of off-handedly, it seemed) if I ever chatted via instant message, and if so, what was my username -- she said that her username was the same as her email address. I knew this, of course, and had even seen her online, many times. I had, however, decided to try to avoid appearing pushy or "stalkerish," and so I had never mentioned it and had remained committed to not pressing my luck, unless she invited....
_I didn't see niche for this kind of topic so I'll let you know that it is mind control and humor. Thank you for reading_I'm a pretty impressive guy, 5 feet 10 inches tall, mocha skin color, big biceps and a six pack the ladies love. Were it all falls off is my pick up game, I suck at hitting on the girls. My one liner cliches are gut wrenching. "Hey baby want me to google your twitter?" seriously i'm probably the only man in extistance that has used that crap. So while i'm sitting at the bar...