- 2 years ago
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A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told.
Daniel was exhausted when he returned to his room, the happenings of the entire day had him running on empty. Grace had not yet arrived back from the club and although he wondered if she was okay, his tiredness soon overtook him and without bothering to take his usual shower, he crawled into bed. He hoped that Grace would not be feeling amorous when she returned, but then that was unlikely as it seemed to be some time since she had felt that way with him.
As he attempted to drift off, his mind was preoccupied by poker. The anticipation of competing against Esfandiari and Annie Duke refused to give his mind peace and despite his tired state, he tossed and turned for quite some time before sleep eventually found him. The ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on their door was doing overtime as he slept until late morning.
It was late when he awoke and he jumped up, panicking, as he ignored Grace’s sleeping body and showered and dressed in record time. Even the connecting shuttle bus had departed when he raced downstairs and he had no option but to abandon his usual walking routine and give the taxi driver instructions to get him to the Rio as quickly as he could.
As he entered the main floor he cursed himself for turning up late again, albeit for different reasons this time. In his flustered state, the numbered tables appeared to be in no particular order and for a while, he found he was wandering around aimlessly attempting to find his table. He looked around to see if he could spot Esfandiari or Annie Duke, but could not find either of them. But he did see Norman Chad. He grabbed the television pundit’s arm but before he could speak, the small commentator pointed at him.
‘Where have you been?’ he asked.
‘Long story,’ Daniel replied, realising that he had promised Norm an interview that morning.
‘Well, it can wait,’ came the reply. ‘You’re supposed to be at the TV table.’
Ignoring Daniel’s gasp of surprise, Chad pointed in the direction he should be heading and pushed him on the arm.
‘Go on kid, get yourself over there.’
Daniel’s mind raced as he hurried across a crowded room, which this time seemed to contain more spectators than players. He instinctively felt uncomfortable as he thought of what awaited. Coping with the superstars was bad enough in normal circumstances, but to do so in the full glare of the television cameras was something else.
He returned to his familiar defensive mindset of playing as tightly as he could so that when he was knocked out it would be through someone else’s good play rather than his own embarrassing errors.
The television table was over the other side of the main room, with its own railing separating it from the other tables. With the reducing number of tables as a result of players being knocked out, he saw that the viewing areas were increasing in size. There was much more room now for the eager galleries of family, friends, players who had been eliminated and interested spectators and fans.
All tables were becoming more prominent and none more so than that set up for the television cameras. As he approached his seat, a member of the ESPN production team intercepted him. He explained what was expected, the most intimidating of which being the requirement to look at his cards in such a way that the lipstick cameras built into each seat position at the table would capture them.
It required a slightly different technique to check his hole cards whilst protecting them from other players but after a few practice sessions it did not take long to get the hang of it. Of more importance, he thought to himself as the session commenced, was the class of players at the table.
Apart from Antonio Esfandiari and Annie Duke, he recognised Joe Awada, a very successful former dealer. And then there was Phil Laak, commonly known as the ‘Unibomber’. He had for some time been the boyfriend of the poker-playing actress Jennifer Tilly, was also still in the tournament. Tough competition all round.
He stared bright-eyed around the table and thought that he might as well have been wearing a big bull’s-eye target on his white Practically Poker shirt.
Katherine had received a call on her cell phone late morning, telling her that today’s work had been cancelled and that instead, Mario would drive her to the Club to see Joshua mid afternoon. She was unsure if she had upset her employer and even wondered if the request had something to do with her meeting with Grace at the promotional event. Mario had said nothing when he collected her, other than to make sure she took her usual snort in the back of the car during the journey.
In truth, she had not needed reminding, as she now looked forward to her morning and evening doses of coke on her way to and from events. Somehow, it made her feel much better. But the call to see Joshua had had prayed on her mind throughout the journey there. Could it be that Grace had found out about her and Daniel? No, that was simply not possible. Perhaps Joshua had seen the photos from the shoot? If so, perhaps it was the two of them kissing? She felt a sense of foreboding.
This job had worked out fantastically for her and the pay was so much more than she could earn anywhere else in Vegas. And whilst another couple of days would see her able to return home in a much sounder financial position than she thought possible, her mind had been thinking that she would stay on at Samuel Smith’s for as long as she possibly could. That would help her to further improve her financial position and after that, who knows where it could lead?
And if continuing to work at the Club allowed her to see how things would develop between her and Grace, then that was an added bonus. She was still shocked that Daniel’s girlfriend had come on to her and equally surprised that she had so readily responded. There was no doubt the singer was hot and fitted both of her cardinal rules about sex. She had to fancy the other person and there had to be danger involved. The fact that it was a woman, and this woman, only added more spice.
She entered the Club with some trepidation, wondering what lay in store. Mario escorted her to Joshua’s office and when she walked past the booth in which she had seduced Daniel, she could not help but give a small inward smile. She really would have to find a way to see him again.
She must have appeared really nervous as they waited, as Mario stood closer to her than he ever had and stroked her bare arm. He attempted to reassure her that there were no problems and to help, gave her a second snort of the white powder.
And Mario had been right as when Joshua arrived, he greeted her warmly. The impressive young man took her shaking hand as he dismissed the driver and put Katherine immediately at ease. In his crisp suit, he cut an impressive figure and she nervously accepted the drink he handed to her.
She had no way of knowing he had placed in it a small quantity of the same powdered tranquilliser his father had given Grace during her first visit to the Club, and that Mario had administered to her during her very first limousine journey.
He waited until she had nervously consumed half the glass before asking her to take a seat, watching as she crossed her tanned, shapely legs as she did so. He felt a familiar stirring in his shorts at the sight and thought that if it were not for the fact that he had only just fucked Grace, and that he had other plans for Katherine, he could have some fun with this woman right now.
Instead, he sat beside her, smoothing his suit jacket and explained how pleased he was with her w
ork so far. He suggested that they could employ her permanently, and with a significant raise, too.
Joshua stood up to refill her drink
‘You see,’ he continued. ‘At Samuel Smith’s, we operate one overriding policy. Where we have good employees, we treat them well. Good people are so hard to find in this City. And you are a good employee, aren’t you Katherine?’
‘I try to be,’ she stammered, a freckled hand running through her red hair. She was still feeling a little overawed and wondering where this was going.
‘Oh you are, Katherine,’ he said, this thick voice rumbling as he spoke. ‘I have had excellent reports of your promotional work. Mario tells me you do what he asks… and that is important, Katherine. We need people to fit in with our culture…’
He paused for a second before continuing, ‘And it seems to me that whatever we ask, Katherine, we can rely on you.’
Her green eyes stared into his, her pupils slightly defocused, as she wondered what he meant. His dark, deep eyes stared back at her, a soft smile running across his lips. Thick, attractive lips, her fuzzy mind thought, and she momentarily wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. The arousal she had felt with Grace had returned, even more strongly.
‘So many young people are prima donnas today, Katherine. Whereas I get the feeling that you are a free spirit, willing to go wherever life takes you, happy to carry out whatever duties are laid in front of you. That’s the sort of person and attitude that Samuel Smith’s needs. Am I right, Katherine?’
‘Absolutely,’ the attractive red haired woman replied, wanting to please him. ‘I give everything to my work and my employer.’
Her blurred thoughts wondered why she had been worried when in fact it was clear that this man was so kind and considerate. He was attractive too, she realised, and as she uncrossed her shapely legs she felt a surge of excitement run through her body. She sat back, ensuring that her arched back allowed her to display her full breasts and was rewarded when she saw his dark eyes take in her movement.
The quality of the wine must have been exceptional, she found herself thinking, if two glasses had her feeling this light headed and aroused. As she played with the buttons on the front of her blouse, just below her cleavage, her eyes trailed down his body and she was sure that she could make out a bulge in his trousers. Yes, there was no doubt about it. This impressive young man was reacting to her.
She briefly wondered what he would do if she reached across and stroked him, only for her blurred mind to realise that he was talking again.
‘Whilst it is a shame that today’s work was cancelled, Katherine, it also happens to be a help. By co-incidence, there is still some work that you can support us with.’
Her hazy head nodded, willing to do anything she was asked.
‘We have a big night, tonight, Katherine. A big night. You met our new singing sensation at yesterday’s promotional event, didn’t you?’
Katherine’s dull eyes were still focused on the bulge. It was growing, if anything, but the mention of Grace jerked her head back to meet his gaze. For a brief moment, her fuzzy mind recalled images of Grace’s hands and lips.
‘I see you remember,’ Joshua said.
He recognised the faraway look in her eyes. His eyes dropped and took in her full, thrusting breasts again as she continued to be lost in her recollection. She would be ample reward for Mario’s loyalty, he thought, but wondered whether he should sample the goods first? He sighed as he realised he had to push that thought out of his mind. Such ideas had occasionally got him into trouble in the past.
‘Katherine,’ his deep voice boomed, bringing her out of her reverie. ‘Tonight, Grace is performing with Lisa Welles.’
Katherine’s eyes widened. She had heard that Lisa Welles was singing at the Club that evening, but not that she would be appearing with Daniel’s girlfriend. She had not appreciated quite how highly Grace was regarded.
‘That’s won… wonderful,’ she gasped.
‘Yes it is,’ responded Joshua.
He stood up from the seat and took her hand, pulling her to her feet beside him.
‘And as you’d expect, Grace is very nervous. So I want you to take care of her, help with her make-up, that sort of thing. I need a good performance tonight. And I need you, Katherine, to do anything you can to help her relax. Anything! Am I clear?’
Katherine’s still blurred mind raced. Here she was thrown together with Grace again. She felt her body respond. There was definitely a wetness between her legs and she felt her nipples begin to stiffen involuntarily against the tight top.
Joshua watched in amazement as the red haired woman’s eyes glazed over, his eyes devouring the sight of her jutting nipples denting the sheer fabric as she recalled her time in the car with Grace. This was splendid, quite splendid.
He told himself not to… but he could not help himself.
Her green eyes closed as his hands slid beneath the red sheaf of hair and gently caressed the tension from her slender neck. After hearing another moan, he replaced his hands with his soft lips, beginning to slide them over the muscles of her neck as he pushed his hardening erection against her smooth, rounded buttocks.
‘You will do anything we ask, won’t you Katherine,’ he murmured as his insistent mouth glided across her ear.
The redhead dreamily nodded as she felt his hands slide down her body and inch up the hem of her skirt. She gasped loudly as she felt his fingers made their way around to her waist, and then down to caress her through the hot, damp crotch of her panties. Her toned legs opened wider in encouragement as he stroked her pubis through the wet, silk, his fingertips sliding under the material and immediately seeking and finding her eager clitoris.
Her shaking body trembled and she realised she had placed her slim hand on his forearm, her fingers moving on him in time with his motions, whilst her rounded hips responded to his masturbation of her by churning backwards into his hardness. Her head was thrown back against his chest as she began a long, deep moan, only to find it stilled in her throat as his fingers disappointingly left her body and his hands turned her round to face him.
God, he had just stopped himself in time, he thought, realising that he was so close to fucking this sexy, curvaceous woman. But as he allowed his breathing to calm, he realised that working her up to this state would serve a purpose and make the next part of his plan that much easier. He looked down at her pleading green eyes, hooded with arousal and knew that he had to get her out of the office right then otherwise he would not be able to contain himself.
‘Grace is in the dressing room,’ he muttered as he pushed her towards the office door, his penis aching.
As it happened, despite Daniel’s self image of having a bull’s-eye on his shirt, it was another amateur who was the first to be knocked out. The Swede, also wearing a Practically Poker shirt, had been fairly loud throughout his short time at the table. Possibly inspired by his appearance at the television table, he stood up and punched the air with every success, letting out a blood curdling cry as he did so.
This time he made a sizeable raise in early position, only to find himself re-raised by Phil Laak. Confidently, he pushed all-in and when Laak instantly called and turned over pocket rockets, he stood up and let out a loud shriek. He flicked over pocket Kings and held his hand to his head, walking away from the table.
‘Unbelievable,’ he shouted and then repeated himself with a sad shake of his blonde head, adding, ‘I hate this game.’
But when the flop brought Queen-Eight-King he went beserk, rushing back to the table and leaping up and down, throwing his hands in the air as if there were some poker justice after all.
‘One tim
e,’ he shouted, imploring the Kings to stand up.
He smacked his fist into his hand when the turn brought the Two of hearts. Laak sat with a gloomy smile, waiting patiently whilst the Swede paced up and down, once again the loudest figure in a loud room.
‘One time,’ he repeated, glowering around at anyone in his eyeline.
The river brought the Jack of hearts and the Swede threw his hands upwards in delight, whooping loudly several times as he headed to the rail.
But the reaction of others told him something was wrong and he scampered back to the table to check the cards, moving his shaking hands back to his head when he realised the river had given them both a flush, but Laak the better one. He sank back in his chair, deflated, and left the tournament no more than ten minutes later when his over enthusiastic all-in in late position with Three-Two failed to improve.
The table quietened for a while after that and Daniel, who was particularly interested to see how Annie Duke would play, did not have long to wait. When a player Daniel failed to recognise pushed all-in for 40,000 chips, Annie ran a well-manicured hand through her perfectly groomed hair as she called. She turned over her cards, displaying Ace-Queen to the All-In suited Ace-Ten.
The flop came down King-Jack-Ten and with rags on the turn and river, and the table lost its second player of the day.
A few hands later Phil Laak pushed in a raise of 25,000 chips and Annie went over the top, resulting in him needing to risk his tournament if he was to call. After attempting to engage Annie in some banter, he reluctantly folded. Closely watching both hands, Daniel became even more determined to take a back seat in this high-powered table until he had the cards to work with. And in the meantime, he intended to pick up any information he could.
As the session continued Annie continued to dictate play and when a real gentleman known to the table as ‘George’ made a big opening bet, she flat called. The flop came Ten-Jack-Queen and Gentleman George pushed the rest of his chips in. That doubled the pot size and Annie immediately called, turning over Jack-Ten, a very nice two pair but well behind to George’s Ace-King straight.
After a rag on the turn, the dealer turned over a Jack on the river to give Annie an unlikely full house. Gentleman George had become the third player to be eliminated from the table and Daniel had yet to play a hand.
Annie now had a substantial chip stack to go with her momentum and as the day progressed, even Esfandiari and Laak were staying well out of her way. Daniel was at last able to pick up several pots, even making the occasional successful move, which gave him some breathing space whilst the action went on around him.
There were long periods when he reached levels of concentration with which he was previously unfamiliar, always stroking the crystal at moments when calm thought was required. There was no doubt that he had needed to up his game and he was pleased at how well he had responded, and how good his focus had been. But he also came to realise that one of the things about being at a table with Phil Laak was that there was plenty of fun to be had, and plenty of opportunity for losing that focus, too.
Halfway through the afternoon, Laak made a pre-flop raise that was immediately called by Annie Duke. Determined not to be outplayed, he threw in a big raise after the flop to protect his hand. Then, in true Phil Laak style, he pulled down the hood of his jacket to cover the whole of his head, fastening the two ties so that his face was completely hidden from view.
Annie joined the rest of the table in laughter and when she folded, he unfastened the hood and jumped from his seat, erupting in a few moments of mock sparring like a boxer before a fight. Daniel quickly realised that there was method in Laak’s madness. His actions threw others of their guard whilst Laak himself remained fully focused. Daniel promised himself that whilst enjoying such moments he would not be taken in by such actions. He needed to remain vigilant and he would.
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xmoviesforyouIt was the morning of the 24th of Twelmonth when Sarah’s Clan stepped on to Dóchas’ bridge. “Good morning, Star.” “Good morning. Are you going to Tara today?” “Probably not,” replied Sarah. “Are we overlooking something?” “Not that I am aware of,” replied Star, the AI. “At 06:00 hours we received messages from two of our special courier drones. These indicated that the drones were in this System and operating cloaked. Their primary destination is here, and they will arrive at about 12:10...
Freddy walked out of the airport the Californian sun hit his face. Ok so what to do now Freddy thought to him, how about a car. He made his way to the parking lot. In the parking lot Freddy saw a women who looked to be in her mid thirties getting out of a red BMW he watched her throw her keys in her suitcase and that is when Freddy jumped on this opportunity. He paused time and went through her suitcase and found the keys, Freddy thought about doing something to her but he did not want her to...
In Colonial Times By Kathy Smith Peter Goldstein was an MD in family practice. He had an office in Charlottesville, VA. He was doing pure medicine, no research. He said that the joy of seeing patients is the best. He has a lovely wife, Rachelle and 3 children (8, 5, 2 years old). They are reform Jews, going to a fab synagogue about 8 miles away. He has the good life. As a hobby, he reads and gets information of early America (before 19th century started). He found fascinating...
A kiss alights on my cheek. It’s feathery light. It’s not the first one that’s landed there in the last little while, but it is the first that I haven’t mistaken as being part of my dream. Opening my eyes slowly, I smile up at the handsome young man that’s leaning over me. God, but those ice blue eyes are deep enough to get lost in. He smiles back at me as he leans in to kiss me again. ‘Mmm… Trev… you even taste good… even in the morning!’ I joke. ‘And you, Jos, are simply good enough to...
THE JACKSON SCHOOL FOR GIRLSRose Jackson sat down at her desk, and seemingly looked into space. She put both her hands over her face and gently started to cry. Over the last five years her life had changed so much she did not recognise herself. Here she was at 41 years of age the principle officer of the Jackson School for girls, an institution for young ladies for the sole purpose of becoming victims for old men and women, who were not only able to abuse the...
I adore your feedback as always. I am trying to get this out as fast as possible. Please enjoy *** Part 4 The next week passed very quietly. Grace kept her promise to Miss Em and had dinner with them every night. She and Lucas were very careful around each other. Miss Em kept looking from one to the other in exasperation at their overly formal manner. Grace wouldn’t have minded so much about the situation but those green eyes did something to her. The curve of his lips made her want to run...
This is, in some way, the story of my life, plus some fantasy, which I included; pretty obvious which is which if you ask me. This is my story: Where It All Began By MOTA I never thought I would be telling this story, yet here I am, this started when I was about 18, but, looking back on my life, I realize that it started much more earlier. Please let me describe myself as I was then, I was short (about 1m 75cm I don't know how many feet that is) but I wasn't skinny, I...
The strange thing about this school is that although it’s a private school, you’d think it was just for posh snobs who just want a decent education. But today I found out that that wasn’t always true. Sometimes those boys sent this school, just wanted to mingle in with other people and get a nice good relationship going, like me! Sometimes we can make ends meet and get some hot sex in too (see previous story for more juicy info!). But never have we ever had a public school reject be sent to our...
Hi ISS readers, this is Raj Mathur from Mumbai and any one from Mumbai who want to have enjoyment with me can contact on my e-mail ID I am 22 years old average built guy and average looking. This Story is about my true experience which I had with my best friend Vishal I am leaving in Mumbai and working in very reputed company middle level profile it was Friday and i was thinking about my week end plan. I was not able to decide that should I go for outing with my friends or should stay at home...
Gay MaleHelen’s Ordeal – Part 1By: Hooked6 ?Copyright September 2009 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an...
Lips curved in a seductive grin, Alyssa sauntered over to the corner table of the smoky bar. Leaning forward to give the gentleman a peek of her cleavage, she gestured toward the seat. ‘Mind if I sit down?’ Motioning with a gloved hand, he smiled back. ‘Please.’ She set her glass on the table, sliding into the seat next to him at the same time. Making a show of looking him up and down, the smile never left her face. ‘Rumor has it that you ordered this drink.’ ‘Rumor could be right.’ He...
Poor Gina was disconsolate when her brother had to leave for military service. After all, it was only recently that they had discovered the joy of sex together that seemed so right even though the Good Book told them it was wrong. Actually, it was Gina that found all those references in the Old Testament about brothers and sisters doing it and it not being sinful after all. It was her that convinced her brother to allow her to take him into her lot little mouth and eventually to get him to...
“Bring hope to a hopeless world and help young heroes arise.” —Phillip Wayne Wright, The Breedite Invasion: Book One: Origins THE HOT REDHEAD I was with drew stares and wolf whistles. Not at the airport, but when she walked through the door at Donna’s farmhouse. My pod mates were all over Rachel. “You look so hot!” Desi exclaimed. “Do they teach you to look like that in service?” Beca asked. “I think I’m ready to enlist.” “Do you look as yummy without clothes as with?” Em asked. “Why... very good this video :-P also i have had a nice situation like in this video a day at home with my sister. An afternoon i'm at home in my room, it was end summer-beginning autumn, i finish printing several papersheets of the computer and i go out of my room and i call my sister that coming out of her room and she wearing a clear tunic for the house of color yellow-white-cream (but not transparent...
Va redau in textul de mai jos intamplarile traite de un barbat cu ceva timp in urma. Nu-l cunosteam si nu stiu nici acum cum naiba a aflat de mine si nici de la cine, cert este ca a reusit sa ma contacteze si a insistat sa-i ascult povestea, apoi m-a rugat s-o scriu eu si s-o public aici, pe site-ul asta. Mi s-a parut interesanta si am decis ca merita a fi scrisa si postata. Daca am avut sau nu dreptate, va las pe voi sa decideti! Enjoy it!…………………………………………………………..Numele meu este Alin, sunt...
One warm summer afternoon, a long time ago, I found myself wandering off to the local supermarket. It was good to get out of the flat and into whatever gentle breeze was on offer by way of fresh air. I didn’t want much. Which was just as well because I couldn’t afford much. My dole money was enough to cover the basics, but little else. Fortunately we tend to eat less in warm weather. Three years of working hard at university had earned me a respectable degree, which, bolstered by the...
It takes a whil to get to the sex and all but its worth it i promis so read it all befor you judge it please.. Sean awoke on his 15th birthday with a grunt and a frown when he thought to him self "another boring birthday where im ignored and forgotten. As he dressed and headed to the kitichen for breakfast he felt grumpy caus no one gave a danm for his birthday. Well that wasnt entirely true last year he got a new bag of sox and a happy birthday frome his mom and grandmother and was allowde to...
First TimeThis is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. And...
Yeh meri real story hai, , mai rahul thane me rahne wala hu , yeh baat us samay ki hai jab mai mulund me coaching k liye jaata tha. Vaha mai ek t.v. Mechanic se mila mujhe 1 t.v. Assamble karma tha. Usne mujhe apne ghar aane ko bola mai uske ghar gaya uske ghar me uski maa aur uski ek bahan thi jo pregnant thi. Uski maa aur bahan andar wale room me thi usne mujhe bahar gallery jo ki charo taraf se ghiri thi usme rakhe table pe baithne ko kaha mai uspe baith gaya , vo mere samne khada tha usne...
George rummaged through the exercise videos. After turning 30 he decided that some toning up was in order. Not that he minded the slight bulge over his middle, but he realized that his chances with the ladies were getting less and less. "Maybe some kind of ab workout will improve my image some." But there were too many to choose from. "Can I help you?" the woman behind the counter asked. She was attractive, but looked at him with a strange expression, partly amused and...
Well after being friends for a few months, Wendy and I had always liked having Emily in our company. Emily was only 19 but also enjoyed being with us and due to the fact that she had been our baby-sitter many years ago we had always got on well together. With Wendy and me both being in out forties it was good to have a young women who told us about all the new music and things going on and it made us feel a lot younger about ourselves. We had meet in the local pub and took her under our wing...
When Dr. Pistol has problems getting his wife Alana Cruise to agree to anal sex, he ties her up and holds her captive in the closet while he concocts an Anal Love Potion for his reluctant love. Alana’s loving husband is merely trying to unlock her deepest darkest desires, desires she doesn’t fully realize that are lurking just beneath the surface. If the magic potion works she will soon discover she wants her ass filled with Tommy’s hard cock and fucked good, so good in fact...
xmoviesforyouI moved to Nashville from Philadelphia 4 years ago. Since the moved I picked up a new hobby, hiking. It's a stress release, a good way to get in shape and get outdoors. I don't don't go to bars or clubs like I use to back in Philly so meeting women isn't as easy. Besides, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet down here. "Boring is nice." That's what my friends back in Philly like to say. Anyways, I went hiking one day and about 1 hr, and maybe about 1 1/2 mile into this thick, cute white girl passed...
Iranian Slave Wife by Angela Collins I used to be a man, now I'm a woman and recently divorced from a vicious husband. My story is an unusual one but a warning to anyone who travels alone to eastern parts. This is the account I wrote at the British Embassy while awaiting my return to England. My story starts in 2004 about 25 years after the Iranian revolution in 1979. I was on a carpet buying trip to Iran and having visited many of the outlying carpet areas such as...
“Last minute of play in the third period!” Was announced, and the Kingston players sighed, wanting their nightmare game finally come to an end. The fans stood and cheered for their team as the seconds counted down. The face-off was at the Falcon’s blue line with twenty-five seconds remaining. Coach Stanton rewarded Brad’s effort by finishing off the game with him, Mike, and Jake on the ice. Mike won the face-off, passing to Mario. He had no play, so he shot the puck off the boards to clear...
If they did care to have more sex later that night, Ryan had decided to leave Matt and Amber alone in Matt’s room, because Amber had to leave the next day. Instead, he spent the evening in his own suite with the video feed to Matt’s room up on the big screen by his bed. He had a couple projects to work on, and kept any eye on the screen for when things got interesting. Ryan sat there with his laptop and researched more on the internet about the lady in the house across the inlet. It appeared...
That night… I came home quite later after doing overtime at the hospital. I used to live with my seventeen year old son Stan. I wanted him to become a doctor, as I couldn’t be one. I was just a nurse. I was living in a small one bedroom apartment, and Stan had to share the bedroom with me, but we had separate beds. After putting down all the stuff including my handbag on a small table in the living room, I went to our bedroom. Stan was sleeping in his bed, and like most of the time… he again...
IncestMy mobile rang the following day. It was Kelly. "Hi," she said. "I didn't know you were going to the Fetish Fair. Why didn't you say? We could have gone together?" I made some, eh? who? what? noises and said that I would have called her but I had to be there on business. (Which was true.) I'd been looking over the hall as a possible venue for an exhibition that one of my clients was planning. (Which wasn't.) She asked if I'd seen Hettie's "kidnapping". I didn't want to tell too...
Trishna was really excited and was recalling our threesome with Kelly, saying she wants to have another one but wants to try other things like a having black woman, or 2 men as these were fantasies of hers and she wanted me to be a part of it. I’m not going to lie, I was pissed off. The way I felt Kelly could fuck off and so could Gary. Me and Trishna spoke throughout the night, she was of the thinking that Kelly was a bitch and Gary just listens to her, I didn't care for their dynamic...
CuckoldWhen I awoke in the early morning I was feeling horny, still pleasantly excited from the previous evening and wasn’t surprised to feel my erection pressing hard against the shorts I was wearing. The latter part of the previous evening had been spent drinking and talking to Bob and Tony about anything else that came to mind but mainly sex. From his manner and the way he behaved, it had been obvious that Bob was a little shy and unsure of us, and had eventually when pressed by Tony, admitted they...