An ClochánChapter 76 free porn video

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It was the morning of the 24th of Twelmonth when Sarah’s Clan stepped on to Dóchas’ bridge. “Good morning, Star.”

“Good morning. Are you going to Tara today?”

“Probably not,” replied Sarah. “Are we overlooking something?”

“Not that I am aware of,” replied Star, the AI. “At 06:00 hours we received messages from two of our special courier drones. These indicated that the drones were in this System and operating cloaked. Their primary destination is here, and they will arrive at about 12:10 hours. According to their ids they are from Marthanóir and Fiontar, and the ids have been verified. Rather than wake you all I chose to have FOC send two flights of Star Fighters to check the drones out as this seems a little unusual.”

“Good choice,” noted several of the Clan.

“It seems strange that both would send a drone, especially since they are traveling together and can mind-link?” queried Alison.

Terry said, “Especially as it is the most secure way that we have to communicate.”

“True. At times we do sort of treat our mind-link as secure, but is it? Now I am anxious to see their messages,” added Sally.

Star said, “The Star Fighters will use ferrets and their associated spiders to confirm that the drones are from Marthanóir and Fiontar and then shepherd them here.”

“Good call. Was System Control Center informed?”

“Only that we had sent out 2 flights on an unscheduled exercise.”

“When is our group projected to exit FTL?”

“In 42 hours, or 22:00 hours tomorrow.”

“We need to let the other Command Staffs know,” noted Erin.

“Yes,” added Sarah. “I’ll contact them and schedule a meeting here for when the drones arrive.”

“Agreed,” the others replied.

Later, after reviewing the couriers’ messages with the other Command Staffs, Sarah said, “An interesting synopsis of their journey. While taken together the evidence indicates a stalker, if you left anything out then it doesn’t. The only hard evidence is their sensors detecting an FTL transition several hours behind them at the last jump point.”

Crystal of Maureen’s Clan noted, “To me there are several soft events that justify their decision to contact us. One is that apparently quite a few of the crew and passengers felt a significant level of fear or danger during this last leg, beginning just before making their last FTL transition, a feeling that hadn’t occurred prior to that point. They didn’t notice that their sensors had detected an FTL transition several hours behind them until later. Another is that three different passengers expressed concerns prior to that jump point, all relating to a potentially dangerous event occurring during the remaining leg of the trip. These concerns have validity as among their people these three have a good reputation of sensing future events. To me the fact that Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans chose to contact us using the drones rather than mind-link is an indication of their concern.”

Chester of Keriann’s Clan suggested, “Concern about contacting us via our mind-link raises a couple of questions that I don’t think we’ve considered. One is can a telepath eavesdrop on our mind-link exchange? Another is whether others can sense our ability to mind link?”

“Well I think the latter is true when someone see us apparently loose awareness of our surroundings. As to eavesdropping we could set that up as an exercise for our Security Teams.”

“We need to discuss that. Now as to their concerns, the Sentinel Ring data may give us an indication of whether they are being followed, and if so how far away their shadows are.”

“I will contact the Intelligence groups when we finish here,” added Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan.

“Okay,” declared Kelly, “now that we’ve sorted that out, what defensive measures do we want to set up? We don’t have a clue as to the size of this group and we won’t really know until they come out of FTL.”

“We agree,” responded Maureen.

“Well,” said Rusty with a smile, “Taiséalai and Iolar were scheduled for exercises next week. You could initiate these to start earlier when we get finished here. It will take an hour or so for those at Tara to return.”

“I like that idea,” responded Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan. “Doing that will make the exercise a bit more realistic. If I estimated correctly we should be within a light hour of their projected FTL exit location before our incoming group arrives.”

Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan added, “We have some of our cruisers out of service. Although the maintenance could be pushed, I think it would be better if we could borrow some temporary replacements.”

Kelly of Keriann’s Clan said, “We will lend you one, with its Star Fighters.”

The Flight Operations members of Sarah’s, and Siobhan’s Clans chimed in with, “We will as well.”

Keriann added, “Even though the crews have worked closely together this will be a good experience for them.”

Maureen said, “Moncha has been advised of our intent and is initiating preparations.”

“Scathach has initiated preparations for us,” added Rebeca of Kathryn’s Clan.

“Shouldn’t we let the Atewa and Monque know what’s up?” inquired Aisling of Siobhan’s Clan.

“Yes, but I don’t think we’ve reached that stage in the planning yet,” responded Alison with a smile.

“Are we over reacting?” questioned Amber.

“Maybe,” mused Alena. “However, it’s been too quiet.” Her response caused them all to chuckle lightening the mood.

Aoife said, “I’ll advise the Monque and Atewa of the situation and our response.”

“Fine,” responded Aisling. “Don’t be surprised if you get a lot of questions.”

“Oh, I am expecting them, but with what little we know there is not much more to say, is there?”

“I wonder what Aine and her sisters know about the distance that a paranormal can project emotions,” pondered Jill.

“Aine, are you available?” inquired Aoife.

“She isn’t in System at the moment,” responded Morrigan. “She should be back tomorrow. What’s up?”

“Well a courier arrived a little while ago from Molly’s and Jackie’s ships. They suspect that they are being stalked,” answered Aoife, and then shared what they knew.

“Interesting combination. We’ve heard claims that a very strong paranormal could instill sensations of fear or foreboding at great distances. Supposedly the entity would need to see the target for it to be effective, but just seeing the ships could be sufficient.

“What are your plans?”

After hearing what they had planned she said, “Mind if I go with one of the ships.”

“Not at all.”

“Knowing Creidne it is likely that she will join one of the other ships.”

“Fine. We are going to let the Atewa and Monque know of the pending arrival as well as the possibility of stalkers.”

“Good idea.”

It was shortly after the other Command Staffs had left Dóchas when Aoife said, “Good morning, Captain Reyonte.”

“Good morning, Admiral Aoife. How are you all doing this morning?”

“We are just fine. I am calling to let you know that Jackie’s and Molly’s Clans will enter our system around 22:00 hours tomorrow the 25th. Due to the position of their FTL transition their projected path to Ananu has them passing over your position. The separation will be greater than 5,000 km.”

“I’ll bet you all are pleased to know that their arrival is eminent,” he replied with a smile. “It is good timing as the New Year celebration is only 2 weeks away.”

“Oh, definitely. They wanted to be back for it if the timing worked out.”

“Is there anything else about this that we should note?”

“Well we aren’t certain whether there is more to this situation or not.” She then shared the contents of the message they had received.

“Interesting, there have been reports by some of those rescued from pirates about feeling overwhelming fear and terror shortly before being attacked. The timing seems a little different this time, although our information is quite sparse, primarily because victims of pirates are seldom heard from again. I gather you are planning a welcoming party near the FTL transition coordinates.”

“Yes. Since we don’t have any idea of the number of ships, or types, that may be involved, we’ve decided to start an exercise in the arrival area. It has just started, so those taking part should be in the area well before the projected FTL transition.”

“Let us know how we can assist. We will be ready.”

“Thank you. We will have a better idea of whether or not their concern was valid early tomorrow morning.”

“Interesting. I like your idea of an exercise in that area. Would you mind if one of our Task Groups was nearby, or joined you, at some point?”

“Not at all. Our exercise is for Iolar and Taiséalai groups. As we get more information we will pass it on to your CDC. Now I am going let Captain Tuska know.”

“Good. Before you go, we recently received a listing of ships suspected of piracy and have authorization to detain them. I’ll have a copy sent to all of your ships. Take care.”

A short time after Aoife had spoken with both the Atewa and Monque the piracy listings were received.

After looking them over Sally said, “This list has quite a bit of detail.”

“Yes it does,” responded Terry, “a lot more than I expected.”

“We should bring our fleet readiness level up a notch,” said Sarah.

“It is,” noted Sally. “Now we’ll just have a few more things to monitor for the next couple of days.”

“Well you need more to do so you don’t get into so much trouble,” retorted Erin with a smile.

Laughing she responded, “Yea, right. I think it is time for us to go to our martial arts exercises.”

“Darn, I was hoping you were distracted,” groaned Jill.

As Sarah’s Clan was preparing to leave their quarters on Dóchas for dinner Keri said, “We heard that Molly’s and Jackie’s Clan will be here tomorrow.”

Chuckling Sarah replied, “Currently we expect them to transition late tomorrow evening. They won’t be near us until the morning of the 26th.”

“That is great,” cheered the children.

“It will be great to see them again,” added Iris.

“So how was your day?” inquired Tara as they walked toward the dining room.

As they selected their dinner and went to sit down the children related their day’s adventures. Corey said, “It seemed like there was more activity in Flight Operations than usual when we came up from Tara.”

Terry glanced at her spouses before saying, “There is a suspicion that something, but probably a group of ships, is following Molly’s and Jackie’s group, so preparations are being made to deal with whatever it is. We won’t know until late tomorrow if they are being followed, and if so what it is even later.”

“So they aren’t in any danger?” queried Deirdre.

“It doesn’t appear so.”

“Is that the reason Iolar and Taiséalai left today?”

“Essentially, yes. They did have exercises scheduled to begin in a few days, we just decided to move them up. We thought that doing this added a bit more realism to the exercises.”

“Too bad it wasn’t us going.”

“Oh, I just remembered!” exclaimed Moya, “Earlier today when Victurcz saw me at Tara she asked where she could find Sarah and Maeve. When I told her you all were on Dóchas today, she seemed disappointed. So I told that I would let you all know that she was looking for you.”

“Well we will be at Tara most of tomorrow,” responded Sarah. “I wonder what she wants.”

“Life to be perfect,” blurted Kennith. His face turned red as the others chuckled.

“I suspect that is true for all of us,” murmured Iris.

Before their parents could respond Moya chimed in with, “Based on comments Winz and Maz made, it could be because she is having trouble understanding how we function. Part of this could be that there aren’t any obvious financial transactions associated with our activities. There aren’t any barriers to facilities, food, etc. We have given our friends a brief outline of how things are currently set up, although I am not sure we fully understand all of it.”

“Okay,” said Maeve, “we will look for her tomorrow. We may refer her to Staffing as finance is being handled by them.”

“That seems odd,” commented Jordana.

“It is,” sighed Alison. “It is a temporary arrangement that will likely last for another year or two. At some point we need to have a visible monetary system, especially with the prospect of monetary transactions with other Worlds. So far our transactions with Alliance of World members have either been a form of barter or as credit.”

“Some of our lessons have discussed financial systems and how they work,” observed Corey. “At first they were difficult to comprehend, but once they included examples it was a bit clearer. Even so, it seems odd to have to pay for what you need to live.”

“Well in a way we are paying every day for what we have available to consume and use. We are receiving them in return for the work we do. A currency is simply a way of setting values on each aspect of living, such as food, a place to live, working, etc. The way we are operating at the moment suits our current needs, but as we grow and become active at more locations the need for a currency will grow.”

“That is the impression we gained from our lessons,” responded Iris.

“So everyone in the Órarduine family has a share of its assets?” questioned Earnán.

“Yes,” said Janet. “The size of the share is based on an individual’s contributions. These include time among us, work time, responsibility, roles filled, and etc. Everyone is included, both logical and biological Family members. I don’t remember all the details but we worked them out as a group not long after our Family began to form. Participating in that made the finance courses I took in college worthwhile.”

Jill added, “For me the concept is that we are essentially functioning as the crew on a very big ship. This conceptual ship encompasses all of our operations and assets. Currently we are focused on establishing a physical location on a planet that we can call home, grow and prosper. At some point we will begin spreading out across this planet, and perhaps to other planets. This will result in a divergence of interests at each location with somewhat different needs and priorities. However, even if we live at separate locations we will still retain our core Family bond.”

Keri said, “By ‘divergence of interests’, you are referring to the fact that local needs can differ from the overall group’s needs.”

“Yes. As an example, the daily needs of this ship are different to those of other ships, and different again from Tara.”

“And by the time I am 100, we may have an idea as to whether the right path was chosen,” added Marnia.

“Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell,” responded Claudette.

“We haven’t mentioned the contributions of our visitors,” noted Keri.

“When they leave they receive their compensation. The amount is based on what their contribution would be valued at in their World, less the value associated with them living with us. This compensation is usually in the form of precious metal.”

“So we have assigned values to things?”

“Enough that we can adequately compensate contract employees when they leave, which is how this started.”

“Well this has been an interesting dinner discussion,” noted Judy.

“You’ve been quiet,” chided Claudette.

“My specialty is the medical area. As far economics go, I understand just enough to be able to evaluate what I read and hear as well as its impact on me. As to our current situation, I believe our use of telepathy is a key reason that we are making the progress that we are. Another reason is that we are very open about everything and everyone has the opportunity to participate. Our Family link through telepathy is a key aspect of our Family bond.”

“That was another point noted in our lessons,” responded Keri.

The next morning as Sarah’s Clan was leaving for breakfast at Tara Ardchlár Joyce asked, “Judy, is the effort to bring the Oreschre refugees out of hibernation proceeding as we hoped?”

“That effort will be complete this week. The only issues we’ve had are those related to them adjusting to the dramatic change in their situation and its implications. Some are taking longer to come to terms with their current situation than we experienced with previous groups.”

“I’ll bet that those having the most difficulty are the mini-tyrants.”

“Pretty much. We should plan to meet with all of them within the next week.”

Joyce said, “We have a meeting on the calendar for eight days from now.”

“You know, that might be the reason Victurcz was looking for us,” said Sarah.

“Or a combination of that and the points we noted last night,” added Maeve.


Later as Sarah’s Clan reached Tara Spaceport Star said, “The Intelligence Groups have identified the presence Molly’s and Jackie’s group of ships in the Sentinel data. They won’t know whether there are any stalkers until this afternoon.”

“Thanks,” they replied.

Sarah added, “We plan on dinner here before coming back.”


Looking at the children Alison inquired, “What interesting things do you all have planned for today?”

“Some of us will spend the morning on field exercises,” responded Keri. “Everyone else will be in the Learning Center for at least the morning and some will be there most of the day. A group of us are going to help out at the Medical center after lunch. If it all works out, we plan to play volleyball late this afternoon. What about you all?”

“Maeve, Sarah, Aoife, and I will be at Central Square most of the day. The others have meetings with various groups, Intelligence and Security being two prime ones. Why? Do you need us to join you at some point?”

“Just curious,” replied Jordana with a smile. “Perhaps we will see you at lunch. We will definitely join you at dinner.”

“Agreed,” responded many of her siblings.

Sarah’s Clan was preparing to exercise and freshen up before dinner when Clarence said, “Councilors, Molly and Jackie’s group is projected to exit FTL at 22:10 h. It appears that the stalker’s group of ships will reach the same region at 24:00 h. Some of us think their intended FTL transition is a bit further into the system, which could put them closer to our ships.”

“Strategy?” inquired Sally.

“First is to place Ferrets on the stalker’s primary ships as soon as possible. At the moment we don’t plan to challenge them until at least 30 minutes after they emerge from FTL. How much after depends on their actions and how close we are. This is to our advantage as it gives us time to improve the position of our ships. The ships with Molly and Jackie will maintain flight plan, although they will be at combat stations.”

“Do you know who is taking the lead?” asked Rusty.

“Kathryn’s Clan. Iolar and Taiséalai Intelligence groups plan on conferencing with Marthanóir’s and Fiontar’s right after they exit FTL using lasers. They will then forward us the data. The Atewa are about 6 hours behind Taiséalai but further out. Their position increases the difficulty the stalkers will have if they attempt to leave this system without our permission.”


“Morrigan is on Iolar. Creidne is there for now but she plans to change ships before the other ships begin arriving.”

“Okay. We will link with Jackie’s and Molly’s Clans once they’ve contacted System Control Center.”

“Mom Sarah, did you see Victurcz today?” asked Earnán.

“Yes. Several of us met with her and a couple of her associates. I think they were happy with the answers we gave them. Whether the others in their group will be is another issue. Getting together with them did give us an opportunity to discuss our meeting with their group next week.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Similar to our Family meetings, but this time we will use the partial bowl shaped area south of where we have the temporary residences. It seems to have good acoustics and lines of sight.”

“Do you think any of Them will be there?”


“Well They were there first time you met with the Elders.”

“That was a special situation. Whether They make an appearance this time is unknown so you will just have to wait and see.”

Keri said, “Earnán, the reason They came to that meeting was due to the actions and intent of the three Coschenz. I don’t know whether Victurcz, Nuqarz, or Utezc realize who they have been chatting with but I have seen them with both Cabd and Ariu at various times since then.”

“While it didn’t sound that way, I didn’t intend to imply that I expected to see Them there.”

“Well it wouldn’t surprise me to see Them at our New Year’s celebration.”

They were just getting ready to leave for dinner when Star said, “Molly’s and Jackie’s group of ships have completed FTL transition and are talking to System Control Center.”

Sarah’s Clan said to the Councilors at Ananu, “Are we ready?”

“Yes,” came the reply.

Together they said to the crews on the ships with Fiontar and Marthanóir, “Welcome home.”

“On behalf of all of us we are glad to again be this close to you all,” responded both Molly’s and Jackie’s Clans.

Molly said, “Our ETA is 10:00 h tomorrow.”

“We are anxiously awaiting your arrival,” replied Keriann.

Maeve added, “We are planning to visit your ships once you are on station here.”

“Great. I hesitate to ask but, were our suspicions correct?”

“Yes. We are expecting an unknown group to exit FTL in about 4 hours. Arrangements have been made to greet them, so come on home.”

“We are.”

“We are on our way to dinner. Once we are all back on our ships, we will reconnect.”

“Aye. We will be doing the same.”

At 25:45 hours a group of 23 ships exited FTL just inside the orbit of Celia system’s 9th Planet and only 1 lh behind Molly’s and Jackie’s group. The new arrivals consisted of 1 very large cruiser, 3 large cruisers, 9 small attack ships, and 10 commercial ships.

On the very large cruiser’s bridge the Captain and his staff were watching the monitors. This was their first time entering this system, and it was also their first time in this region. As soon as they exited FTL their sensors started scanning the surrounding area.

Just as the monitors began to show data, a red warning began flashing on one of them. Seeing it the Astrogation Officer said, “Captain, this system has been designated as a closed system by the Alliance of Worlds. Entry is only with prior approval.”

“So what!” snarled the Captain. “Our quarry should only be a short distance ahead of us. We’ll just gather them up and be on our way before anyone can reach us.”

Turning to the witch doctor he said, “What have you learnt about our quarry?”

Frowning he replied, “This is their destination and they are rejoicing. There is an unusual amount of telepathic chatter but it is difficult to understand.”

“Well sort it out. Make sure you scare the shit out of them like you did the last group. We need to get this done quickly and be on our way!”

The Weapons Officer said, “Captain, sensors are indicating Atewa and Monque Fleet ships near the 7th Planet. There is also some spaceship activity near the 5th Planet and the emissions are not in our database.”

“Great! It won’t be long before they know we are here.”

“You are prophetic as we’ve identified a group of Atewa ships headed this way. Their vector indicates that they are coming from closer to the edge of this system.”

The Communications Officer said, “Captain, there are several sources of electronic transmissions, but we haven’t found their communications channels.”

Captain said, “Have you identified our quarry?”

“Yes, sir,” replied the Weapons Officer. “Their path indicates that they are headed toward the 5th planet. Current projections show them passing over the activity near the 7th planet. We haven’t determined any details about the ships in the group.”

“We need that before we commit to an intercept.”


Turning to his Exec, “This had all the appearances of being an easy grab until we exited FTL.”

“I agree. The thought of capturing the number of paranormals that he thought was on those ships, probably distorted our assessment.”

“I am inclined to start an intercept while we gather more data. If it looks good then we send two cruisers with the cargo ships on to our nearest rendezvous position, while the rest of us go for the quarry. If the risk is greater than it now appears then we will depart.”

“That should work, although I don’t have objections to bailing right now as this doesn’t feel right.”

“I agree, but let’s pursue it a bit further.”

“Aye. I’ll let the other ships know the plan.”

The Captain said, “Astrogation, set a course to intercept the quarry as quickly as possible but maximize distance from the 7th Planet.”

Looking over toward the witch doctor the Captain was surprised to see him sweating and shaking. Based on his expression it appeared he was in intense pain. He said, “What is your problem?”

When he didn’t answer the Captain reached for him but the Weapons Officer blocked his move, drawing an angry look. Seeing it the Officer responded, “You really don’t want to touch him barehanded, especially when one of them looks like that. I’ve had it on good authority that doing so could kill you, or worse.”

“Thanks. I’ve heard of that but have never seen one in that state.”

“He really was enthused about finding paranormals, and the number that he suspected were on those ships. Did he ever indicate what the cargo was?”

“He thought it was primarily grain and machinery.”

“You know I really prefer ambushes, as it gives us more control over the situation.”

“Agreed. So you still want to skip this one?” smirked the Captain.

“Well the way I see it we are trying to capture a group of ships within a few light hours of Atewa and Monque Task Groups. I am still game to give it a try, provided we establish a clear cut loss point and leave.”

“We are going to do that.”

“Good. While the quarry appears to be very valuable, we have to succeed to benefit. Besides, we could always come back and see if we could pick something off leaving here. Since the Alliance is claiming it is closed and they have two task groups here, the pickings could be very good with a different approach.”

“Good point.”

It was several minutes later when the Astrogation Officer said, “Sir, the best path to intercept them will take us well above the plane. This will put us in a position to engage them in 9 hours.”

“Captain,” exclaimed the Sensor Officer, “The group of ships we’re chasing consists of 2 ships twice our size, a large passenger ship, a large cargo ship and several others.”

After looking at the projected vectors and their relationship to the Monque and Atewa ships he said to the Astrogation Officer, “Set a course for a point 4 ly from our trading partner.”

Just as he finished speaking the Communications Officer said, “We are being hailed by Celia System Control Center.”

“While I am talking with them, notify our ships that we are departing as soon as possible. Astrogation send departure coordinates to all ships.”

“Yes, Sir,” replied the two officers. They looked at each other with a raised eyebrow as his commands surprised them.

“Put them on the speaker.”


“This is the Captain of Z1TW.”

A feminine voice said, “This is Celia System Control Center. You have entered a closed system without permission. You have 30 minutes to bring your ships to a halt and hold that position. You will be contacted within an hour of coming to a halt. Any movement after 30 minutes will be interpreted as hostile. Confirm your intention to comply.”

The Communication Officer said, “We heard your request and will respond momentarily.”

“Are there any ships near us?” queried the Captain.

“The closest ships are the Atewa group. Their current vector has them passing us on the outward side.”

“Helmsman, maintain course until Astrogation has jump coordinates.

“Aye. Maintaining course.”

“What is the composition of the Atewa group?”

“The Atewa group consists of 1 heavy cruiser, 4 cruisers, and 4 Spec Ops ships. Sensors are giving odd responses at 2 other locations. Both are 30 degrees to port. One is up 15 degrees and the other is down 33 degrees. Distance indeterminate.”

“Are they ships?”

“A reasonable possibility.”

Maureen said, “Captain Laonize, this is Iolar. We are only several light minutes from the group of unknown ships.”

“Aye, Kathryn, we see you and Marthanóir. Our records indicate that they are pirates. We expect to be able to confirm it when we contact them. We have the contact protocol from SCC.”

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The Head Mistress continued to listen to the younger red-haired woman sniff and sob into the cushion for a while before she began to wipe the cooling antiseptic wipes over every inch of Amber’s red, hot and sore bottom. Miss Marks paid particular attention to the series of twelve deep red lines that had been left by her cane and she gently ran the cold wipes over them, smiling as she heard Miss Fox wince as she applied a little pressure to them.Amelia carefully touched the woman’s thighs with...

4 years ago
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Donna and the Work of Art and Donnas Appetite

Donna and the Work of Art Donna’s new job led to a number of good things. The gallery in which she worked was nearer to my home than her own and so she was inclined more often to stay over with me. She’d stay a night or two and leave her laundry for me to do. I didn’t mind. I really enjoyed her company, her mind and her body. Another benefit was that she took me occasionally to exhibitions at the gallery where I met the owner and her other staff. I got to drink good champagne, something that I...

2 years ago
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Beautiful and voluptus lady

Hello Everybody, I am Amit, married and 30 years of age. I have always been fascinated at the sight of beautiful Indian women’s in sarees especially a little plumper, but not fat This particular fantasy is about a beautiful lady I always wanted in my neighborhood. I imagine to be a young boy going to school. As I am growing up, I begin to get attracted towards beautiful women’s around me on roads, gardens or any other public place where I see them. One day as I returned from school I find that...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 159

I was as glad to see my mates as they were to see me. We went back into the White House to the residential section where we could talk without interruption. The presidential business day was over an hour ago. Many of my staff had already gone home. After hugs and kisses - out of the sight of the media - we debated supper; did we want to eat in or go out to a restaurant? There were plenty of swanky places where we could be whisked away to and enter through a back door to a back dining room...

3 years ago
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Jackies Family LessonsChapter 7

I soaked in the tub for a long time early next morning as if that would shrink my orifices back to their virginal condition. Actually there wasn't all that much of a difference when I inspected myself later. The body, obviously, was made to be fucked. Everybody's was, even my mother's. In the clear light of morning that thought struck me with redoubled force. I couldn't imagine her doing the things I'd been doing so much of this past week. My mother was quiet, reserved, beyond all that....

3 years ago
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Twins n best buds IX

Introduction: More with Gavin Taylor and tits lol Twins n best buds IX Since a lot of people wrote and told us we should keep the stories shorter thats what we are going to try and do. Let us know what you think. The next morning we were awakened around 10:30 when the phone rang. I answered it. Since it was Gavins dad I threw the phone at him and he woke up when it hit him. As soon as he finished talking he threw the phone back at me and said he had to get going because his parents were...

2 years ago
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Day After Liquor Store Booty

Geneva Campbell put on her small silver hoop earrings and walked to the kitchen. She said to her husband, “I’m going out now.” “Alright,” replied Barry Campbell. “I’m going to watch the game this afternoon at Phil’s. So I’ll be gone when you get back from church.” “Okay. I’ll see you tonight,” she offered as she walked out of their house and got into her white 2014 Lexus LS 460. Barry continued watching ESPN. He picked up his phone and made a call. “Hello,” answered the sweet angelic accented...

1 year ago
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MylfBlows Megan Maiden BlueEyed MILF Blowjob

Silky black hair, beautiful blue eyes – there is little explanation needed when describing thicc hottie Megan Maiden’s sex appeal. This MILF loves using her mouth to please big cock, and she does it well! She gets on her knees and take our stud’s girthy boner on her hungry tongue, sucking and slobbering while she makes gorgeous eye contact. Her blowjob skills impress as she licks the head of his boner rapaciously. And she doesn’t stop there… this lucky guy gets the full MILF experience as Megan...

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Jule Loved by Everyone

PART ONE Chapter One ----------- Harry and Julie fell in love their senior year of high school, they couldn't wait for graduation and as you can imagine one month before the big day Julie discovered she was pregnant. Luck was on their side and no one could tell by looking but eight months after graduation and seven and one half after marriage they had a son, who was the image of his father. They had moved several states away and Harry had a good job with a company installing HVAC...

1 year ago
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DarkX Stella Cox My Special Roommate

Ricky Johnson is looking for a roommate. While interviewing a bunch of people he decides that Stella Cox is the winner. She’s well-kept and normal. That is until she actually moves in. She has this strange issue with walking around naked all the time. Calling it an air cleanse. Ricky finally confronts her about it and tells her that it is awkward. She laughs at him and tells him he just can’t handle it because it turns him on. He definitely won’t deny that. She teases him with...

2 years ago
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Good Time in A Shower

I was getting ready to take a shower after PE. The class hadnt been that hard so I didnt sweat alot. I took off my shorts, shirt and boxers, grabbed a towel, and walked over to the shower completely naked. Some of the boys noticed as I walked between some of the lockers. I found an empty shower and turned on the water, gently rubbing my self around my abs, chest, and slowly moving down to my dick. After I was completely wet, I grabbed some soap and started to lather up. I reached around...

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A Time Ago or AheadChapter 12

My shot was a little high and hit him in the throat. He fell backwards and the knife he was holding fell down from the altar and stuck in a seam in the rocky platform. The high priest shuddered once and died gurgling as he choked on the blood that swiftly drowned him. There was a loud moan from the crowd and the girl sat up on the altar. She screamed at the sight of the high priest dead beside her and her nude state and position. She tried to cover her body. Another priest grabbed the knife...

4 years ago
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Blondie and the Angel from Hell

I woke with a lurch, the sound of gunfire and shattered plaster yanking me from my dream in a panic. It took exactly five seconds to struggle free of the layered covers I’d tangled myself beneath in a pathetic attempt to ward off the hard chill of winter and hit the floor, wedging myself between the box springs on the floor and the wall. It was dark, too dark to see a thing, the heavy blanket hanging in substitute of curtain, keeping the harsh glare of the street light, as well as the prying...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 11

It’s another Thursday. I’m home alone. Nadine’s mom, my soon to be ex-girlfriend Katia, is away for business as usual. I’m working in my study. I’m hearing the front door. “Hi Frank!” “Hi Frank!” I know those voices! Nadine of course and… Mike! Mike again?! “Hey Nadine and Mike!” “You won’t mind if I have Mike over again?” Nadine yells from the hall. “All good! You guys have fun!” I’m yelling back. Of course it is NOT all good! She made me so jealous last time. And I told her I didn’t like...

4 years ago
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Switch Part 1 Der Herr

Die hier beschriebenen Ereignisse sind etwa ein Jahr vor verfassen der Geschichte geschehen. Die Dame aus der Geschichte wird im Folgenden auf eigenen Wunsch als „Arschhure“ bezeichnet. Ich kann mich aber noch sehr gut dran erinnern, als meine Arschhure mich zu sich bestellt hat. Draußen war es kalt und es lag eine matschige aber dichte Schicht Schnee auf der Erde. Ich hatte an dem Tag Zeit und Lust mich mit ihr zu treffen. Sie sagte ich solle einfach ins Treppenhaus kommen und an ihrer Haustür...

2 years ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 7 Overhearing a Conversation

For the rest of August and into early September we frequently had guests to view the stables and see the races. I was fascinated to see my uncle becoming more and more jealous and protective when the younger gentlemen or the sons of the older gentlemen paid attention to me. I was somewhat curious as to this, especially as, other than my attire, I never gave him the slightest cause for concern. Inasmuch as he had no apparent slaking in his thirst for the ladies of the household, I failed to...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 02 Desire

I had never felt nervous excitement to the degree that I experienced on the day we arrived at Desire resort in Cancun, Mexico. It felt as though every one of my senses was heightened. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. We were hurtling toward a strange new world completely foreign to everything we had ever known – one that could very well change our lives forever. I squeezed Kathleen’s hand as we checked in at the front lobby. Her sweet smile calmed my nerves only a...

Group Sex
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Interrogating You

You are a mess, a beautiful mess, but still a mess.Your arms and legs are tightly secured to floor and ceiling to form a human “X”. Your hair is damp and limp. A light sheen of sweat covers your nude body in the flickering candle light. I do love the ambience that candles give to an interrogation, don’t you?I must say, the glistening sweat on your tightly stretched limbs really brings out your muscle tone. Have you been working out? Difficult for you to answer with the ball gag in place, but it...

3 years ago
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Left Field

Left Field By Dee Eon Stacey socked the baseball almost clear over the fence and by the time her leggy frame bounced second base everyone knew she'd be scott-free sliding home in a cloud of brown dust. "Alright, Stacey!!!" I cried and with the rest of our Little League team we all slapped high fives and I tossed her cap into the air. At that moment I felt a rush to kiss her--I mean really kiss her like big kids do, right on the lips, not the cheek. I'd been dreaming a...

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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 6

The three bandits ran as fast as they could, holding the sacks of gold behind their backs. The darkness of the night helped to conceal their retreat. The surroundings were dark; the cloudy sky hid the otherwise-full moon. Their plan was perfect. Their timing was perfect. The village of Lindenwood hadn't expected their coming. At last they arrived at their hideout. It was a small cave hidden behind waterfall. Inside the cave was another small lake with a small ledge at the other end. The...

2 years ago
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Missionary Impossible

( A Darkniciad story. About 8 mos. after ‘Queen Alicia’ ) Arilee checked her blonde locks in the mirror, and then turned to the half-elven woman at her side. “Thank you for coming, Cris.” “I have seen the change in Christi’s letters as well. I share your concern and love,” Crystania said, and gave a little bow of her head. “I pray you may aid her, as such emotional turmoil could prove troublesome for her pregnancy. If you are ready?” Ari nodded and closed her eyes, having discovered that it...

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Its My Party

I remember a period of 6 months or so when I was 15 during which I would have the house to myself for 3 or 4 hours everyday after school. My sister was 20 and had an after college job in a caffeine town and my mother had begun to work again in the evenings now that we were old enough to take care of ourselves. During this time I actually enjoyed doing my homework, simply because I could do it dressed like a schoolgirl. I would throw off my offensive boy's uniform of grey pants, white...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister

Allison is older my sister – being 23, six years older than me, a natural blonde, about 5ft4 in stocking feet. She has blue eyes, a cute nose, and really pretty lips. 32C-23-33! I'm 17, a natural blond as well, 5ft9 with blue eyes. My name is Terrance, but everybody calls me Terry. While the family lives in Casper, Wyoming, she goes to school, three hours away, at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley Colorado. Besides being beautiful, she's very smart and is about to get her...

2 years ago
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Helping the wife recruiting new cuckolds

All this started when one night I shared my fantasy with my wife. Being married to a five foot four one hundred pound blonde hair and blue eyed spitfire with perfect thirty four b cup tits caused it all. I told her that I'd like to watch her have sex with a well hung guy. She always dresses to please and for years I have witnessed my friends and strangers seeking looks at her body.At first she thought I was giving her a hard time, but when I convenienced her I was serious she said she would...

1 year ago
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Big bicock saves my relationship sort of

After a few years of marriage our sex life began to wane as people say. We enjoyed all types of foreplay, which we both enjoyed. My wife was good at slurping and swallowing my 5 inch cock, she could easily swallow me down to my balls no problem at all, most women before her could do the same. I'm not exactly hung lol. When it came to fucking, I knew I was lacking, I could get her to a point but not over the plateau, I had to make her cum by eating her hot, little shaved pussy and ass instead of...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 6

Around about midnight, I got back to the cabin. As I was getting close, I heard Shadow start barking. Not his intruder alert bark, but the welcome home bark. I called out, “Yo, the cabin. Is anybody there?” A quiet voice behind me and to my left startled me, “It’s about time. I was about to take your dinner off the stove.” I looked her way but danged if I could spot her. “Lady, you’re good. Can I get down and take care of my critters?” She stood up from behind the fern she had been using...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Calls Me Daddy Now

My Dick Gets Rock Hard Jus Thinking Of Her...I remember our first nightIt started when we were in my room watching TV and she seemed a bit strange of course i didnt pay much attention...shes biologically my auntbut were only 8 years apart s0 i jus call her my older sisterAnyway...Shes clicking threw the channels when she suddenly comes to a porn movie it was softcore so we jus laughed...then she said "if only they had the ones where u actually see the dick go into the pussy" i pulled out a...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VI A Very Strange Dream

“You’re such a doll. I think I’ll keep you.”Alice shivered at Captain Honeyglass’s words, squirming uncomfortably in her grip, her toes wiggling in thin air as she was lifted up until their faces were level.“Keep me?” Alice squealed softly as sharp fingernails dug into her flesh.“On a shelf. I’d take you off every morning and dress you up in pretty things. Wouldn’t you like that?”“I don’t believe that I would, your ladyship. I imagine it would be awfully boring to sit on a shelf all day, even...

1 year ago
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Subjects 0 Ch 01

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATUS REPORT: Using substance gleaned from Subject 0, test a****ls seem to go into a mating frenzy. The chances of offspring seem to increase, even when the females are not in heat, before applying the chemical. END STATUS REPORT.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Damnit Mom! Don't you know how to knock?" Adam yelled as he closed the lid to his laptop. He had...

3 years ago
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Broke Fat Black and UglyChapter 6

I left the apartment building before hitting the callback button. “It’s late, Cunt.” He answered surprisingly quick, for what I assumed was somebody else’s phone. “Where is it?” “Right where it’s always been, but I’m at a flophouse.” He gave me directions. “Get your ass here before ten. They close up.” He dropped the connection. It wasn’t far. I didn’t know the neighborhood had a flophouse. It wasn’t a charity either. It was a home business on a main drag. “Mulgrew’s Beds for Dollars” In...

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The Perfect Pieces Ch 11

Author’s note: Chapter 11 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 11 The smell of coffee woke me from my uncomfortable slumber. Amber was in the kitchen, once again in my robe. She smiled when she saw me sit up. ‘Lizzy is still asleep,’ she whispered and pointed to the porch door. I stood, stretched some couch kinks out of my muscles and followed her and the coffee to the porch. She handed me a cup when I sat down. ‘Good morning,’ Amber said when she...

2 years ago
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Initium NovumPrologue

As the people of Initium Novum, Antarctica, and a bunker in the mountains of Eastern California woke on November 11 to watch the Veterans Day Ceremonies there seemed to be nothing amiss. The members of Congress that attended were planning flights to return home for the Thanksgiving Day break. There were thousands of out of town visitors that attended those ceremonies, and who would return home within twenty four hours. The amount of people they would infect would be in the tens of thousands,...

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The Deckhand Thursday Cruise Part 3

Sam slid his hands around to my ass and began kneading my cheeks.  As one of his fingers meandered toward my needy hole, I again asked, "What did you have in mind?"Sam finally spoke, "How about we head below and see what develops?"I leaned into his ear and whispered, "I need you inside me now."As I backed away, I pulled him toward the steps, and we headed down below.  Once we were inside, I tore off his clothes and pushed him down onto the bed.  With him watching intently, I did a slow...

Gay Male
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 11

Frank, Tim’s brother, after running all his various tests, had first decided to try the drug out on his wife, Elisabeth. She had been a virgin bride and was taught that if a girl enjoyed sex, she was a slut. Her mother had drilled into her ever since she’d had her first period that the only reason to have sex was to have a baby and fulfill her marital obligations, and only after marriage. That only sluts enjoyed sex. Even after seventeen years of marriage, Elisabeth still did not like Frank...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 33

Tarras stopped at a corridor junction. Directly ahead was the tower, while another passage opened to his right. He could glimpse the open area before the tower entrance. The guard was likely standing just out of view. He did not dare go any further. If Q'yros had placed another of his "trip-wires" keyed to the enchantment on his possessions, he would bring the Mage running. He knew that Q'yros would be called to this area eventually, but it had to be someplace away from the...

3 years ago
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Down to the Last Man

Kateri Waters (Pen Name) 7,100 wordsDOWN TO THE LAST MAN by Kateri Waters "Men, this is it, the Midway of our time," the crackly male voice spoke boldly through the speakers. "The Targ have sacked their last planet. No longer will we give them ground. No longer will we let them threaten our existence." It was April 5th, 2365. Humanity faced a threat from the stars unlike any other, and for the astrosailors of the 3rd Fleet, part of humanity's Space Navy, this was the day that...

1 year ago
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Shweta Ki chudai

Hi iss readers n sexy aunty, girls my friends. Mera naam amit hai. Aur main lucknow ka rehne walahu. Meri age 28 yrs hai mughe ladkiyo ko patane me bahut maja aata hai. Maine ladkiyo ko pattane 18 yrs ki age se suru kya tha and mughe ladkiyo ke sath sex karne me me bahut maja aata hai. Yeh meri first story hai by the way me yeh sab story read karta hu jab time milta hai aksar raat ko. Yeh meri first or real story hai. Yeh sab to mera introdution tha ab main aap ko apni story sunnaane jaa raha...

4 years ago
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Shelter Ch 0910

For being as free-spirited as she was, Ginger had a few dyed-in-the-wool convictions. One of those was that Christmas decorations were not to be put up until the first weekend in December, anything earlier than that, she’d said many times, was just plain gauche. (She’d said it so often, in fact, that Archie had won $20 off a volunteer at the shelter three years ago, who bet that Ginger didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘gauche.’) So, the first Saturday in December saw Ginger, Archie,...

3 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 11

Daniel's POV Morning after the night before.... My mind is spinning. I have lots to prepare for. I may need some help from Katy. If I really wanna pull this off, she's the best person to go to. I wake up early at 7:00, it's still dark but the sun is creeping over the clouds. Thr sky is a beautiful purple that morphs into orange as the sun rises. I look behind me at my beautiful girlfriend lying in bed, her beautiful red hair flared over the pillow. I'm dressed in my white top, jeans,...

2 years ago
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The Kinky Auditor

It was going to be a tough week. The NGO where I work was going through its annual audit by an external finance company. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it is always a bunch of work that comes at the most inopportune moment for my job. I breezed in and the auditors were already at their laptops in the conference room. Last year’s lead followed me to my office already asking for reports and documents, and I really wanted a cup of coffee, to check my email, and start MY day. Of course, she...

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Matrix Residual SelfImage

Matrix: Residual Self-Image By Lynn Lefey I walk from the stage, alive with the sound of eighty thousand cheering fans. I glisten with sweat from the exertion of the performance. I've done my two encores; I'm done for the evening. The backstage area is alive with life. Roadies, reporters, groupies, performers... and the last thing I expected to see. I gravitate to the man, painfully professional in his black suit. He has the short, immaculate haircut and dark glasses marking him...

4 years ago
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Mom Wants Wants To Have My Baby

A 46 year old woman is desperate waning a baby, she gets more then she bargained for when her breasts fill up with milk. In need of some help with her breasts, she turns to her only son, who helps her in more ways then just one.Mary couldn't believe it. This was now her third 46 years old friend who had become pregnant in her neighbourhood. Her friend had announced that she was expecting over lunch, to the delight of her two other heavily pregnant friends. Mary didn't want to admit it, but she...

2 years ago
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Mera Pahela Sex Experience

Hello Friends,Mera nam siddharth hey. Me Mumbai se belong karata hu. Me married hu aur meri sadi ko aabhi 2 saal ho gaye he. Waise to akshar meri sex fantasy ko me kisi k sath disclose nahi karta lekin pata nahi meri life ki anokhi aur paheli sex fanrasy ko me jab yaad karata hu me romanchit ho jata hu… q ki wo pal bas ek iqtefase aaya tha… Abhi me aapani marriade life se bahot khush hu. Aur aj me aapane best frnd ki shadi me jaane ki taiyari me laga hu..!! Me :- Ragini(my wife)…… Ragini :- ha...

3 years ago
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Hannah lief mit den Akten unter dem Arm in Richtung des Büros von Daniel Anders. Sie trug einen engen grauen Rock und eine nylon Strumpfhose sowie High Heels mit Riemchen und eine weinrote Bluse. Sie trug einen Pony der Rest ihrer braunen Haare fielen ihr wellig, knapp über die Schultern. Sie Klopft an der Tür. Mr Anderson bat sie herein und sie schloss die Tür. „Schließen sie bitte ab.“ Mr Andersen war Mitte dreißig und hatte einen braun, blonden Seitenscheitel. Hannah schloss die Tür ab und...

2 years ago
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Come Into My Arms Jack Pt 01

CHAPTER 1 Five dolphins played off the bow wave of the Lady Helena and then sliced forward like torpedoes just below the surface. Sunlight glinted off the crests of the swells rolling through the Hauraki Gulf and the spray thrown by the bow waves. Idyllic, spoiled only by the thump-thump of the big marine Caterpillar down below. Something a little smelly arrived beside Jack Garland as he watched the dolphins and a metal mug of hot coffee with one sugar banged on the safety rail beside his...

3 years ago
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Lady Ironside Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

3 years ago
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Never Try to Screw a Whore Gay

J complimented me on my balls; he liked that I kept them shaved. I laughed and said I keep every part of my body shaved! I see that, J said, giving my ass a swat. I didn't actually shave my ass, I Naired it. My ass, my lower back, the backs of my thighs...the hard to get-at places. I'd offered to dress fem for J but he said he wanted me masculine. Masculine and naked. I was relieved that my hairless body didn't seem to be a turn-off for him.J gave my ass another swat and I looked back at him...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 20

Roger had passed me a message from Emma offering me a chance to dominate Janice. I was sceptical at first how could one person control the mind of another person. Roger implied that it was not the only Janice on the allotment site that was controlled but most of the female tenants and some of the men. Roger pointed me to two pornographic sites where I viewed videos of both Janice, Julie and Louise. The videos both convinced me and turned me on. There was one catch. Roger wanted me! I was...

3 years ago
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Friends family part 2

“Hey John you wanna sleepover tomorrow night cause Monica is having Devon sleepover so I can have one too,” said Mat. “I’m getting that new video game that day so it should be a fun one.” “Yeah I’ll sleepover,” said John. “Okay see ya tomorrow at about 7 okay?” asked Mat. “Yeah sure,” said John. For the rest of the night John went onto AIM and talked to his friends and he looked at porn. Suddenly an AIM conversation popped up. Thank God it was his girlfriend. SEXYgirl24: hey...

2 years ago
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Fun With My Lovely Aunt Part 8211 4

Hi this is Sanjay back with another episode, as you know I went to one of my friend’s marriage to Shimoga and I came back after 2 days. After I had an encounter in train I could not any other due to busy at work, so after coming back I directly went to my aunt’s house, when I came to my aunt’s house it was morning 7, so she was preparing breakfast, I directly went to the kitchen and hugged her from the back, she got shocked due to my action, but after few seconds she got to know that it’s me...


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