My Not So Happy Ever After - Chapter 5 free porn video

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My Not So Happy Ever After - Chapter 5 I didn't sleep well that night. Philip didn't come to bed until well in the early morning. He had been discussing possible defence strategies. No place for a lady. Not even one who was technically queen now. I was made slightly happier that Philip had called for my family to take up residence in the palace. I didn't believe that they were safe at their home, especially since it was directly in the path of Margaret's forces, should they start their offensive. It also meant my mother, the one person I believed had the power to reverse my original spell was now close to me. When he did come to bed he was so distant, just climbed in on his back, totally still, clearly deep in thought. I didn't know what to do. He still hadn't been given chance to grieve for his parents. I draped my arm over him, my head resting on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat as he pulled me in closer. I awoke at dawn to the sound of knocking at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. Philip was still asleep. He definitely needed it. "It's the servants, my Queen," I heard the servant girl Ellie say. "We've come to get you ready for your coronation." My coronation? We only found out that Philip's parents had died yesterday. They hadn't had a funeral yet and already people were wanting us to take their place. How insensitive can you get? I threw myself out of bed and stormed to the door opening it a crack. "AND WHO, MAY I ASK, HAS DECIDED ON THIS?" I yelled at the suddenly nervous looking girls. "Don't take it out on them," I heard Philip say wearily from the bed. "It was decided last night" "I'm sorry, can you give us a moment," I said to the servants. "Yes your highness." I turned to Philip. "What possessed you to arrange this?" I asked. "There is already so much going on, this is the last thing you need!" "That may be," he calmly replied. "But it's what the people need". I looked at him with confusion. "Things are in a state of pandemonium," he went on. "Their King and Queen have been murdered, their realm has been declared war on by a tyrant who has admitted she isn't afraid to kill anyone who gets in her way and they have nobody officially in charge. There's nothing we can do about the first two at the moment, but the least we can do is rectify the third. It won't be the usual big ceremony, but we need to go through the motions." "But what about what you need?" I asked. "Your parents have been murdered and you haven't even had chance to grieve." "I'll have plenty of time to grieve at the funeral tomorrow." Having agreed, I went on to receive a pampering that I was less than enthusiastic about. I was bathed and washed, my hair was curled and piled upon the top of my head and I was helped into a puffy, gold and emerald green gown with a huge bow at the back. Finally, my princess tiara was placed on top of my head. When we were both ready, we were led into the throne room to sit in the thrones. This was incredibly uncomfortable for me. Even though it had been a couple of days since Queen Juliette had last sat here, I swear it felt like the throne hadn't even had chance to get cold before I gently placed myself in it. We went through the vows, of how we would protect the realm to the best of our ability and how we would rule, justly but firmly. After that my princess tiara and Philip's prince crown were removed and they were replaced with our crowns that would be the symbol of us being King and Queen. It was now official and it felt so heavy, both literally and figuratively. The messengers were sent out into the realm to announce the news. Hopefully this would help bring some calm back into the Kingdom. Afterwards, Philip was straight off to see General Simmons and the rest of the war committee. I just wish he would rest a moment. He was likely to have a breakdown if he carried on like this but he was being far too stubborn to even think of taking a break. I took this as an opportunity to go and see Appleby in his dungeon. Now I was Queen, I had direct access to the Kingdom's wizard. "My Queen," he announced when I walked in. "I can't remember the last time somebody who looked so regal came into my dungeon." "Hello Appleby," I replied. "I haven't had chance to change after the coronation, and please don't call me Queen. It makes me feel so uncomfortable, knowing the reasons why I have that title." "Your Highness then," he amended. "What can I do for you? I am rather busy looking into ways we can defeat an army of the undead." "Just a moment of your time, please," I requested. "I have recently been having day dreams and night dreams of another world. A world where everything is different but full of the same people. A couple of people I have spoken to have had similar experiences." "The mind is a curious thing," Appleby replied. "Not even wizards and witches have complete control over it." "I was just wondering," I mused. "If you may have a spell that could unlock lost and forgotten memories?" "No spell my dear, to be frank I never got far past potion making, my mentor was the only other magic user except for me and he died while I was still in training," I started to lose hope at that. "However, I do have a very simple potion that can do exactly as you ask." "Really?" I had hope again. "Indeed, in fact I have a bottle ready as it happens." He turned to his shelf and grabbed a bottle of dark blue liquid. "One sip of this and the person will automatically regain any lost memories, however depending on the strength of the mind and how important the memory is." "Thank you Appleby," I said, taking the potion and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." "Your Highness," he said rubbing his cheek and blushing furiously as I left the dungeon and immediately made my way to my mother's bed chamber. I gently rapped on the door before entering. Inside were my mother and Kayleigh. Mother was brushing Kayleigh's long hair. "Nicole," my Mother said in surprise. "My Queen," Kayleigh said, with a smirk. "I'm sorry Kayleigh, but please don't joke about that. It makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable," I asked of her. "Of course," she said, "I understand." She had grown so much more mature since the "curse" incident. "I was wondering if I could have a word with Mother?" I asked Kayleigh. "You can, it gives me chance to stalk that sergeant in the Royal Guard," she said with a grin. "He seems to have his eye on me." She left with a little skip in her step. "It doesn't take her long," Mother said, shaking her head. "Anyway, what can I do for you?" "I was wondering if you could have a sip of this drink," I said brandishing the potion. "I believe it tastes of blueberries, my servant, Ellie, says rasberries." Mother looked at me with a curious look in her eyes. I could understand why. Why would I need to send Kayleigh out of the room for her to just taste a drink? But she went along with it anyway. "Hmm, I would say it doesn't taste of either," she said after a sip, before her eyes went wide, as if sudden realisation had just hit her. "You're not Nicole," she said, pointing at me accusingly. "You're Nick, my son! What the hell is going on here?" She was back! She remembered. Everything was going to be okay! I explained to her what happened. Being 100% truthful as I knew it to be, including why I believed certain people had taken certain positions, especially why I believed I was now a girl married to Philip. "So you went against my rules, cast magic that you didn't understand and now look at where we are. Poor Philip's parents are dead because of you!" she ranted at me. "I know Mum, I know. I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I wailed as the tears started flowing. Mum looked at me with sympathy "But you can fix this can't you?" She took me in her arms and started cuddling me. "I don't know, honey," she said. "If a spell affecting reality had been cast, I should be able to feel it. I think, like you, I have lost my magical ability." "Fuck!" I swore. It felt good to swear in front of somebody. Something told me it wasn't Queen like behaviour. "What about Appleby?" she asked. "He's a magic user." "He just admitted to me that he can't do much more than potions. He wouldn't have the knowledge, even if he did know what he was trying to counteract," I replied. "But if he has the ability, but not the knowledge and I have the knowledge, but not the ability," Mother mused. "If we work together, we should be able to find a way!" "The wizard will only work with the King or Queen, but if I give him his memory back, he should be happy to work to get the old world back!" I surmised. We had a plan. A while later I was back in the dungeon (hey, I was still in my coronation gown. I may have gotten used to getting about in this kind of attire, but it still wasn't practical) with a glass of water that had been mixed with the memory potion. "Your Highness." He looked at me surprised. "Twice in one day?" "Yes," I replied. "I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier, I noticed how stuffy it was in here and thought you could use a drink." "Your Highness is very kind," Appleby replied as he took a drink. The same wide-eyed look of realisation came upon his face. "I'm not a wizard!" he announced. "I'm a physics teacher! And you're not a Queen. You're Nick! You were one of my pupils." I had the same long drawn out discussion with Mr Appleby (that's how I knew him as my physics teacher) that I'd had with my mother. I didn't want to let him know that in the other world, my mother and I were magic users, but I didn't want to hide anything that may be important to reversing the spell. Our fate was in his hands. Mum spent the rest of that day, sneaking down to see Mr Appleby whenever my father was in council with Philip, which was most of the day as it happened. I was helping where I could but since I had neither the knowledge or the ability in magic, I wasn't much use. And whether my Mum knew I wasn't really a Queen or not, I still had an image to uphold. We had spoke about bringing the memories of others back, but since we weren't sure if we could reverse the spell, we needed everybody else focussing on defending the people from Margaret. "But if in this realm, true love's kiss can break any spell" Mum was saying. "Why hasn't it already been broken? Philip and Nick..." "Call me Nicole Mum," I interrupted. "I don't feel much like a Nick right now." "Too true, you are much too beautiful to be a Nick. It's almost a shame that you'll lose that beauty when we change back, but one teenage daughter is enough of a handful I suppose" Mum joked "But as I was saying, Philip and Nicole have kissed plenty of times and they are definitely in love." "No no, it's not like that," Mr Appleby responded. "It can break any curse. Not any spell." "But there is no real difference between a spell and a curs," Mum stated. "Only the intention of the spell caster," Mr Appleby explained. "If the caster means ill, it is cast as a curse, but since Nicole's intentions were good, it came off as an ordinary spell." "I get it now," Mum replied "But anyway, back to it. There is a magic that is creating this reality, I need to train you to be able to sense magic. When you can sense it, you can feel any active magic nearby. When you can feel it, that's when you can understand it." This was when I was beginning to realise that my input to this would be minimal. I decided to make myself useful and see if I could help Philip any. It would also be handy to know when my father was finished in the council so I could warn Mum. I quietly entered the council chamber. "But we don't have to go to war," Philip said. "What other option do we have?" my father asked. "Hand the Kingdom to Margaret? She's a tyrant!" "We still don't know how to kill a single one of her undead army," argued General Simmons. "Sources report that more and more empty graves are appearing by the hour. This army could well be in the thousands. At the moment our choices appear to be either hand her the Kingdom and live, or sacrifice tens of thousands of lives fighting the inevitable. If we live, we can carry on searching for a weakness. Even if you abdicate the throne Philip, the people will still follow you over her." "The wizard has said that the undead can't cross water," announced Lord Jeremy. "We can survive as long as we're in here, surrounded by the moat!" "And what do you think will happen everywhere else?" said Simmons crossly. "They will slaughter everybody else they come across, providing more bodies for this undead army. They will lay siege to the palace and starve us out. That is not an option." "Let the people decide," I announced. "Nicole," Philip said, shocked. "This is no place for you my love." "Hear me out," I said. "Send the messengers out to the villages telling them that the day after tomorrow, we shall have a vote on whether or not we go to war. Everyone who comes to the palace that day can have their say. This is just as much the people's decision as it is ours, they have a right to decide." "What madness is this?" Lord Jeremy stated, obviously finding the idea outrageous. "Democracy," I answered simply. The day after was the funeral for King George and Queen Juliette. It was a very sombre day although the crowd was alive with chatter about the upcoming vote. These kinds of decisions had never been put into the hands of the common folk before. As the service proceeded, I tightly gripped Philip's hand. While tears flowed down my face, his remained unemotional. I had hoped that today would be the day he finally managed to grieve but there was still nothing. After the service everybody seemed to go back to their usual day to day activities. That seemed to include Philip. As soon as humanly possible, he was marching off back inside the palace. I grabbed my skirts and hurried after him. "Philip! Where are you going?" I asked as I caught him up. "I need to get back to the council room. We still need to figure out how to defeat our enemy," he calmly replied. "Philip, you don't have to do this," I tried to reason with him. "And what do you expect me to do?" he said harshly. "Sit around doing nothing while Margaret plans our deaths?" "I expect you to grieve for your parents," I said, gripping his hands. "You haven't shed a tear since you found out they had died. You've been so incredibly distant lately. I'm worried about you." "You may worry about me, but I'm worried about the entire kingdom. It's what I've inherited." "You're no good to the kingdom like this!" "I'M NO GOOD TO THE KINGDOM AT ALL," Philip screamed at me in despair. I took his hand. "Come with me," I said gently as I led him to our bed chamber and sat him down. I looked him in the eye. "My dear Philip, you've had so much to deal with, you've had so much thrown at you yet you refuse to back down." "And look at where it's got us! Tomorrow I either send soldiers to their deaths against an army that we cannot hope to defeat or we condemn the kingdom to be slaves to Margaret!" "Forget about that for now," I said. "You need to sort your head out first. When you can think clearly, you'll think of the solution. Your parents are dead. They are never coming back. You need to grieve." He looked at me with tears welling in his eyes. "I can't be seen to be grieving. It's a sign of weakness. I can't show weakness." I gently stroked his cheek. "You can to me." The damn finally broke, tears rolled down his cheeks. I pulled him into a hug, resting his head on my bosom as he unleashed days of sadness, grief and frustration. Relieved that he was finally confronting his emotions, I started to think about how we can fight an undead army. We might not have to yet, Mum and Appleby were working their hardest to cancel my spell, but who knows how long that could take, or if it's even possible. Come on Nicole, you've watched enough horror films to know how to deal with the undead. This army of Margaret's are bodies that have been reanimated. So basically zombies. In zombie films, you kill them by decapitating them or destroying the brain. That's it! If she's got an army of thousands, she can't be controlling each one individually, so there must be some kind of brain function going on in each zombie. And the soldiers guarding the King and Queen were more than likely going for body shots, especially with the arrows. That's why they didn't kill any of them. I looked at Philip, he had fallen asleep. For the first time in days. I laid him down and quietly left the bed chamber to tell my thoughts to Mum and Appleby. "Of course!" Appleby exclaimed after I had explained my thoughts. "It seems so simple now. They are essentially the Hollywood zombies! Have you told the council?" "They wouldn't listen to me," I said. "They freak out whenever I enter the council chamber. But if you were to suggest it, it would make it look like that's what you've been working on down here!" "Fantastic suggestion your Highness, I mean Nicole... erm Nick?" he stumbled questioningly. "We'd best keep it formal," I giggled. "You never know who might be listening" "Of course my Queen," he said as he exited the room. I turned to Mum. "So how's it going?" I asked. "He seems to be getting there. He can do the basic spells and he's starting to really sense the magic in the air. It's too early to say if he's going to be able to reverse anything though". The next morning I woke up next to my husband for the first time in ages. He was still asleep so I cuddled up to him, resting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. I hadn't felt at peace like this in a long time. Philip woke up shortly after, looking like his usual self again. The whole palace was buzzing today. Not only was it the day of the vote, but word had gotten out that the King's wizard had a plan to defeat the undead enemy. There was hope again. The entire day was spent with the common folk as they came in to give their view as to what should be done about Margaret's attack. As the day drove on it became clearer and clearer. We were going to war. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. As the evening came drew in, it was time for the King to announce to the people what was going to happen. "People of the Kingdom," he bellowed from the balcony, down onto the crowd below. "Today, you have decided the fate of our land, of yourselves and of myself and my dear wife." The crowd cheered. "Today, you have decided that you will not bow down to Margaret's tyranny. You have decided that we will fight back!" The crowd cheered even louder. It wasn't surprising, only around one in a hundred wanted to surrender. That was when the sky turned black, the wind howled and thunder bellowed across the skies. The clouds swirled to form that same image of Margaret that we had seen but a few days ago. "FOOLS," her voice bellowed across the wind. "You have chosen your own doom. I was going to give you a few more days before my invincible army started it's march upon the palace, but now I have already sent them on their way. They should be at the village of Skeltonia within the hour." Panic slowly started spreading throughout the crowds. "Fear not," she continued. "For those of you who are killed in battle will become my loyal subjects for eternity. However, if you do not wish to become a walking, mindless corpse, I will accept your surrender if you bring me the heads of your fake King and Queen." I looked at Philip, very worried. Would our people do that to us? "And one more thing," the cloud image spoke. "Don't be getting too excited about the 'weakness' your wizard has discovered in my army, that has already been dealt with." And at that, the skies cleared. The panic amongst the crowd however, did not subside. I suddenly felt myself being grabbed by one of the Royal Guard and being led off the balcony and into the council chambers. "My King, what are your orders?" General Simmons asked my husband. "Take a third of our forces and march towards Skeltonia," he ordered. "The rest are to remain on stand by. Margaret may well be directing her forces to other locations as well. As soon as we hear of where they are, we will march upon them as well with our remaining forces." "But what of their weakness?" Simmons asked. "Margaret says she has it neutralised." "We have to hope it is a bluff," Philip responded. "As soon as we engage the enemy, have a raven sent back here to give us as much information as possible." "Yes my King," Simmons responded. "One more thing Simmons," Philip said. "Yes?" "Have a small group of riders go around the villages between here and Margaret's castle, telling any people there to evacuate and head west, away from the danger. Any villages west of here are to take in the refugee's." "Very good Sir." It was now a waiting game. I had tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I needed to hear some kind of news. Anything that would provide some kind of hope that we could succeed. Nearly a day later we finally had word from Skeltonia. A raven had arrived with a message. It was not good. Philip read it out. "Margaret's army are invincible," he started, his voice filled with dread "We have tried attacking their heads, but it's like they have some kind of invisible shield. As the bodies of our fallen comrades hit the ground, they almost immediately rise and march upon us. I have survived to send this message by hiding. Skeltonia has fallen. As will anything else that gets in the way of this undead army." "Is it genuine?" I asked, hoping it was some kind of hoax. "I'm afraid not," he replied as he showed me the official seal. "I'm afraid we are going to have to surrender ourselves." He was right. We couldn't risk the lives of everybody else to save our own skins. "I have to agree with you my love," I replied with tears in my eyes. "Have a raven sent to Margaret's castle immediately. My wife and I surrender and will take ourselves to the guillotine at dawn. Nobody else will die in vain for us!" The room was deadly silent. There was almost a sense of relief that we were going to sacrifice ourselves and that nobody else had to try and force us. The goodbyes were tearful. Father tried to force me not to go. Mum was almost collapsing in tears, barely holding on to the hope that Appleby could reverse all of this before it was too late. Kayleigh just hugged me. We didn't have to say anything to each other. We exited the front gates of the castle, both of us dressed completely in black and my hair tied back in a simple braid, down towards the courtyard where the guillotine had been erected. "I will go first," Philip said to me. "I cannot bare to see you die, but please do not watch." We shared one last deep kiss before he walked himself to his doom. I turned and buried my face in my father's chest as the blade was released. I stayed like that until his body had been carried away. Now it was my turn. "Please don't do this Nicole" my father begged me. But I had to. It was my foolishness that had led to all of this. I caused it and now I had to pay the price. I pushed myself away from him and walked to the guillotine that was stained with my husbands blood. The blade was raised. I counted to myself. 1... 2... "STOP," I heard a voice yell. But it wasn't my father's. It was Appleby. "I've got it!" He was so excited. "I've got it," he said again as he threw a bottle of strange coloured liquid on the ground. The executor, shocked at what was going on let loose of the rope holding the blade. I could hear it sliding down towards my neck. Then everything was black. I was on the ground. I felt so dizzy. What had happened? Was I dead? I opened my eyes. I was in the school hall. Decorated as it had been for the school prom. Were we back? We were. Appleby had done it, he'd reversed the spell! But not quite. I looked down at myself. I could see the cleavage that my canary yellow party dress was showing off. I brushed a strand of long brown hair out of my vision. I was still Nicole. I looked up. Philip was there! He was alive! I got up and ran at him - it seemed my skill of walking in heels had not been diminished - and launched myself into his arms. "Philip, you're alive," I almost screamed at him whilst peppering him with kisses. "I can't believe it." "Nick?" Philip questioned. "You're Nicole? What the hell is going on here?" "I don't know," I responded. And it was kind of true. The spell had been broken but I was still Nicole. "All I know is that we're both alive. I thought I had lost you!" "If I'm alive... Does that mean, my parents?" he questioned out loud. He quickly got out his mobile phone and dialled a number. "Mum? You're alive?" he said with joy in his voice. "And Dad? Ok, I'm coming straight home, I'll see you soon!" he said as he turned and ran out of the hall. I was left feeling a little put out. He didn't even say goodbye. I looked around the hall. Everybody was here, just as they had been the night of the prom. From what I could tell, this was still the night of the prom. It was as if the past few months hadn't ever happened. I saw Stephanie. Except she was back to being Steve. Why had she changed but not me? "Nick?" I heard a voice from behind me say. It was Phoebe. Along with Caroline and Emily. "Yeah, it's me," I said. "What's happening here?" Caroline asked. "It's like the past few months were just a dream. But you are still Nicole." "I know," I replied. "I don't get it either" "Aww, looks like our little princess is still here," a snide voice said from across the room. Jessica. I was just about to say something just as snide back when I heard, "Oh fuck off Jess!" "Yeah, fuck off." "She was about to have herself killed to save the rest of us!" "Your bitch of a mum was going to kill us all so that you could be queen!" And the insults at Jessica built up. Even the bitchy crowd were distancing themselves from her. Just then a sandwich from the buffet flew across the room and hit her square in the face. Jess ran out of the hall as the laughter built up around her. "Hey guys," I said to the girls. "I'm going to head home, let my parents know they still have a daughter. You coming?" "We would be honoured to escort our queen," said Emily as she pulled a curtsey. "Not funny Emily," I replied, but struggling to hold in a smirk. "Come on, let's go Queenie," said Caroline linking her arm with mine. "In here Nicole," I heard my mum say from the living room as I entered the house. She knew? I walked through. She was on her own. "Where's Dad and Kayleigh?" I asked. "I sent them away, told them you might be freaked out about still being a girl and I wanted to talk to you alone." "How did you know?" I asked. "I had a look in your bedroom. It isn't your typical teenage boys room, unless teenage boys now like pink, frills and teddy bears." "Do you know why I'm still a girl?" I asked. "Everybody else has changed back, but not me". "I have an idea," Mum replied as she stood up and walked to me. "You see, a curse can be used to take lives, but a spell can't. Not even in the process of reversing a spell" she said as her hand began to glow white when she hovered it near my stomach. "And if you had been turned back into a boy when the spell was reversed, you would have lost the baby you're carrying." "You mean?" "Yep, you've got a little life growing inside you," she said with a grin. "A little princess to be precise." Epilogue So life in the area carried on as normal, or as normal as they could. If it wasn't for the fact that I was still a girl most would have probably put the whole experience down to some kind of mass hallucination. Margaret and Jessica were driven out of town by an angry mob. While there was no physical evidence that Margaret had tried to kill us all, having the entire town wanting your blood (including the local police force) was not an easy thing for them to live with. Even Margaret's husband managed to grow a set of balls and divorce her. Steve was having a difficult time adjusting. He confided in me that he had never been happier than when he had been Stephanie. Eventually I managed to convince him to see a psychiatrist and was diagnosed as being transgender. He is now she and is happily living as Stephanie again, with the full support of everybody who knows her. Mr Appleby was the only one who didn't remember anything about the whole experience. That was down to Mum. She'd added a little extra instruction for when he broke the curse so that he wouldn't remember that she was a magic user in this world So what happened with Phil and I? I suppose you're expecting us to carry on together and bring up our baby while living happily ever after? Unfortunately, no. He was over the moon to hear that I was pregnant and we tried so hard to make it work between us, but the intimacy between us had gone. Phil was gay again and there was nothing either of us could do about it. We remained great friends though. Eight months after the world changed back, I gave birth to a little girl. We called her Bella. Phil was a fantastic father to her and happily looked after her at every opportunity. With help of my family and many other people, I managed to bring up Bella and pass my A levels at college. It was at this time when George (Phil's Dad) approached me asking if I fancied getting into politics. He said from what he had heard, I had made a fantastic queen and would likely have the support of the town if I were to push to be a member of parliament after I had been to university. It seemed to make sense in a weird kind of way. So here I am today. The MP for my town. Representing us in government. Bella is now eight and doing well at school. She finds it very funny when people curtsey to me in the street and loves the story of when Mummy was a princess. It was almost idyllic. Except... I never did get over Phil. I loved him with all of my heart and there was nothing I could do. If he could have changed his sexuality, I believe he would. But he couldn't. And I lived, not so happily ever after.

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Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 6 One Confused but Happy Chappy

As Keith followed on into the camp grounds’ mess hall he heard Gemma calling out, “MUM ... MUUUMMMM ... is dad about anywhere?” As the girl called out they both passed through a doorway into the kitchen area where a naked woman was bent over the front of a large, and very new looking, commercial grade oven. The woman’s bare legs were splayed out at about 60 degrees to the ground and converged at the top into a glorious bare arse with one small, round brown eye staring out from between those...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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beverlys holo fantasy

said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....

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The Halloween Ride of Paula Revere

(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...

2 years ago
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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

3 years ago
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Long RelieverChapter 10

Arlie slept on the issue and didn't write to Susan's mother until after breakfast the following morning: To: [email protected] From: "Arliss Stone" [email protected] Subject: Your Visit to Baltimore Dear Mrs. Munger: I'm here at home with Susan and my children for the remainder of this week and next, before the team is off on its next road trip. I imagine now that it's close to time for your trip to Ohio and to Baltimore, you must be getting excited about seeing your...

1 year ago
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Beverlys Love

100% fiction! One day while I came back from high school, mum told me that my cousin Beverly was coming over to stay with us the next day as her new workplace is quite near to our house. I was so happy hearing this because Beverly is my cousin sis who's 3 years older than me, by that time I was 18 and she 21. She's super hot, with her big boobs and sexy looking ass. Everytime I masturbate, she's the one I fantasize about. Simply knowing that she's coming to stay with us had made my cock hard...

4 years ago
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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

2 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 6

She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...

3 years ago
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Evergreen Forest Ch 01

There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 40

It felt good to be home, back in our house and on solid ground. I helped Eddie and Dad unload the van, sorted the dirty clothes and took my suitcase to my room. Once my bag was emptied and everything was put away, I flopped on my bed. After kicking off my boat shoes, I pulled my legs onto the bed and nestled my head into my pillow. I lay quietly for a while, got up and removed my clothes, putting on an old comfy tee shirt. I went out to the living room and sat on the floor, my back against...

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

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Androids of Evergreen pt1

Thomas Evergreen sat alone in his little corner of the world. He lived on a hundred acres of land, uninhabited except for him. He was an only child, never married, and never had any children. His parents had passed away years ago and he had no other relatives, except for a few distant ones that he shunned. They were only after his parent’s wealth after all. The mansion and property were worth millions upon millions to the right buyer or inheritor. At 42 years old, Tom wasn’t likely to have...

1 year ago
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Any reader old as me or any one that watches old tv sitcoms will know the Beverley Hill Billies, all about hill billy Jedd Clampett Who was out hunting raccoons with his coon hound in Kentucky and shit at a coon, but missed, but the shot brought up a fountain of black ooze which turned out to be oil or “Texas Tea”. He immediately sold his mineral rights for a fortune and decided to buy a mansion in Beverley Hills, California so loaded up his old 1929 Ford Truck with Granny, Jedd,s Daughter...

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The Reverend

THE REVEREND Joseph wasn't the sharpest pin stuck into that weird little tomato shaped sewing accessory. He did however find an interesting niche to take advantage of in the current situation. He worked for the reverend, a scary small-time gangster that nobody would ever go up against. The reverend was small in stature but had none of the so called "small man syndrome," There was something in his aura that reeked of true power. There were bigger fishes but the reverend had an aura that...

2 years ago
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Youve Got to Be Kidding More Action From Everett Mountain

✧ ✧ ✧ Special thanks to Jim7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No Bunnies were harmed during this edit!! ✧ ✧ ✧ It had been a long hellish week. Thankfully, today was Friday. Even so, I was three hours late leaving the job site. A stupid boring machine decided to seize, thus making it a very shitty ending for a totally fucked up week. Murphy’s Law had found a seat on my shoulder all week, as breakdown after breakdown challenged my ability and sanity. ✧ ✧ ✧ My name is Ron Wreckler,...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 4

"Uncle Don, mom's in some kind of trouble!" That's how it started. My sister is a piece of work, the comment 'absolutely useless, ' is a high complement if you are referring to her, it goes downhill from there. The only good thing to come from her pitiful life was the result of a one-night stand, is my niece, my lover, my Jayden. My life revolves around her. Jayden is fourteen going on twenty-five. I get tingles in my stomach just thinking of her. What the hell has my sister done...

3 years ago
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More Big Black Cocks For Beverly

This is a continuation of a story called ‘A Big Black Cock For Beverly’ its not imperative you read that first but if you wish to get the whole story then I suggest you take a look at it. Once again thanks to couple4hunghung for the inspiration. check out her pics and give them a thumbs up! The butterflies were racing around Beverly stomach as she watched the clock tic by. Today was the day she had waited for, the day she had ached over arriving. Today was the day she was going to meet up with...

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Beverly and Deanna

" ... and Ensign Murphy continues to show improvement following reconstruction of both his right tibia and fibula ... Crusher, Chief Medical Officer ... U.S.S. Enterprise." Beverly Crusher eased back into the soft padded chair behind her desk as the computer shut off her medi-recorder. Medical science might have advanced to the semblance of magic in the last few hundred years, but that arch enemy of all physicians —paperwork— remained -- even if it now resided on a computer disk. She...

2 years ago
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A Big Black Cock For Beverly

Big thanks to Couple4HungHung[/username] for providing the inspiration for this story. If you haven’t already then please check out her beautiful pictures and give them a Thumbs Up!Beverly’s heart raced and her palms were sweaty on the wheel of her car. She stole a quick glace sideways at the man sat beside her in the car. God he excited her, she could already feel her crotch itch and the lubricating fluids prepare her for what she needed.She forced her eyes back onto the road and as she looked...

4 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 2 The HMS Beverly

I was on the return leg of a cargo run to some obscure star system when the distress call came in on the FTL communications system. I was totally alone on the Zeus because the two ladies I took on the outbound leg found male friends at the port on the planet and asked if they could stay. I can handle the return leg on Zeus myself, so I paid them off and let them go. This was not that unusual an occurrence, since long haul trips often are taken by people who are trying to forget someone or...

3 years ago
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The Everetts A tale of severe domination

REGIME IMPERIA: COPYRIGHTED 2004THE EVERETTS/ CHAPTER 1?Donald? you asshole, where the fuck are you?  Get your ass in here right now?? Seventeen-year-old Mary Everett was getting furious.  Was her stepfather being purposely stubborn?  Did he actually believe he could get away with such disobedience?         Finally, Donald Everett arrived at his stepdaughter’s bedroom.  He’d been down the hallway, in his own bathroom, trying to urinate through the tricky restrictive chastity device locked...

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Beverlys Holodeck Fantasy

" ... All's quiet tonight, Doctor Crusher." said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by...

4 years ago
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Beverly Ascending

She was laying on her side, facing away from the bathroom door. Looking out the window, she could see, across the Intracoastal Waterway, the cement tile roofs of Ft. Lauderdale as it stretched all the way to the Everglades. Bill emerged naked from the bathroom and slid back into bed with her. He pressed his lean, smoothly muscled body along the length of hers and wrapped an arm around her waist. She savored the silken sensation of his skin against hers. A glance at the clock at her...

4 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake1

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake0

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

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Spicy Story Mom wants to make her family happy0

Kyle had wildly mixed feelings when he saw his mom walking towards him. He kept his feelings to him however and forced a big smile to welcome her back from the Adult mental refuge. He had not seen her since he was child, yet he was glad to see she looked healthy and happy. “Hey Sara”, he grimaced, “How are you? Sara had spent the last 11 years in a refuge for the mentally ill after her husband died which resulted in a mental breakdown. She checked herself into the psychiatric hospital...

3 years ago
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Happytime Butterfly Girl

Yoshi was proud of her tongue technique when sucking her partners. She had learned many tricks from the Lord Takimoto who gave her extensive training in oral love-making. She never encountered a cock or a pussy that she could not bring to a happy ending making her partner explode in a frenzy of juicy liquids. She had even gotten the nickname of "Juicy" because of her expertise. The one thing that Yoshi was afraid of was to be asked for anal copulation. She had been impaled back there a few...

1 year ago
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If you're familiar with Happy 2 Hub's Hindi selection of free movies, you've probably heard of their porn and sex drama movies. What's better than cheesy drama films and some of your old favorite porn films? Here's a website with some hidden gems you've forgotten about. There are many sex movies and even funny drama films that had me laughing my ass off all night. There are many Hindi drama softcore movies, so for all you hardcore fuckers, this isn't going to show you bukkakes and glory holes....

Indian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Ingrid Willem and Jan Happy or Unhappy End

I was lying on Ingrid’s couch, completely exhausted with sexual and emotional tension. I had wanted to go home, but it had been too late to catch the bus, so Ingrid allowed me to stay overnight. After reminding me, with a naughty grin, “But please don’t forget our little agreement! You’re not to come while you’re under my roof!” But she and Willem had gone upstairs, to her bedroom.And there I was. Horny and desperate. As long as Ingrid was with me, looked at me, smiled at me, said sweet things...

3 years ago
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Dever Aur Usake Dosto Se Sath

Ye mere sath huvi sachhi ghtana hai, halaki ye 2 sal pahele ki bat hai. Mera naam madhu hai,aur me married hun, meri shadi 3 sal pahele rajiv ke sath huvi thi , hamari married life normal hai…mere pati gusse vale hai, aur sex ke doran kabhi kuch nahi bolane , na pyar jatate, par hamari sex life bhi achhi hi hai. Parivar me hum dono ke alawa , sas aur dever rahete hai. middle class family hai. Par jo bhi 2sal pahele huva vo aam baat hogi ye muje nahi lagata… Ye bat mere devar se judi hai, usaka...

4 years ago
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Ragini Bhabhi Ki Expert Chudai With Dever

Hi dosto mai Ajay ek baar phir se hajir hoon ek nayee story ke saath ee story ekdum real hai jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe bataya hai ki usne meri story padhi hai aur wo bhi apni story share karna chahta tha isiliye Uske request pe mai uski story jaisa ki usne bataya tha likh raha hun aur ab mai aapko usi ki words me aage bataunga jo iss prakaar hai. Mera naam Ravi hai mai Mumbai me apne bade bhai Rajan 35 bhabhi Ragini 32 and mai Ravi 30 Saath rahta hai mere bhaiya ki shaadi 6 mahine pahle...

3 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 03 Troy and Beverly

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...

2 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 3 The Order of the Brush

At this point I left the bridge and knew Mother would take care of the Beverly. I went to the emergency airlock near the middle of the Zeus. Once at the airlock, I put on my environmental suit for my own safety. The Zeus's emergency air lock has a flexible docking tube that allows me to connect to another ship's airlock even if the other ship was three hundred feet (100 meters) away. This was ideal for the current situation because with the Beverly being a smashed and twisted wreck I...

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The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas

The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas It had been a long dull week of living and working in Nassau in boy mode and I was looking forward to some action. I parked in front of a motel not too far from the seedy side of town. I went up to my room and proceeded to strip off my clothes and soaked in the bath tub, and then I shaved my body to a nice silky smoothness. I attached my breast forms with adhesive and slipped into a lacy little bra that supported well but concealed...

3 years ago
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Summer Job with The Reverend

A friend told be about his hot time, and now here it is for you! The ReverendIt was summer and I had just finished my first year of college. I knew I was gay and had played with some of the guys in my dorm. I loved to suck cock and guys would often compliment me on my ability, telling me that I must have sucked a lot of cock. I hadn’t, it was passion for cock that showed, not experience. I loved to look at cock, play with it and of course feed on it. I needed a summer job and my dad suggested...

2 years ago
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Hypnotised to Quit Smoking Ch 01

My name is Kate and I am 28 years old. I have been married for 5 years and have a little boy. I started smoking when I was 14 and just before I gave birth I was smoking 20 a day. I managed to cut back but soon after giving birth I was quickly back to 20 a day again. Whilst my husband has never smoked, he has never pressurised me to quit. That was until our little son had arrived. I love smoking. Despite all the negatives, I find nothing better than kicking back lighting up and indulging in...

3 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 18 Reverend Gibson Relents

Sherry had been surprised that her father's office was locked and, even though the sign said that he was out, she'd had doubts. She was sitting on a bench not far from the door when young Debby came out and Sherry had no doubt at all about what had just transpired in her father's locked office. The buxom youngster's awkward waddle told her enough but even if it hadn't, the girl's slack-lipped expression and her heavy-lidded eyes would have been sufficient confirmation of her suspicions....

4 years ago
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Beverly Taught Me

Beverly Taught MeBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I did not lose my virginity to the mom of one of my friends, but honestly, it was no less an experience than losing my virginity. She must be around 40, very shapely, good looking and divorced already. All of the young testosterone ravished boys dreamed of doing her; I was the lucky one to actually fuck her and fulfill my fantasy.We had graduated from the high school and this was the day; the army recruiters were coming to school to enroll the guys...

4 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 2

With far too much time on my hands, my mind starts to wander, thinking of crazy things I could be doing or problems to solve. One of the easiest times for my mind to ramble is after breakfast while I enjoy a good cup of coffee; one of my vises, and I am referring to good coffee. However, the real problem is, after I come up with some stupid, lame brain idea; later at night in bed, my mind has a heyday trying to enhance the stupid idea. This is how it began. After the 'Shootout on Everett...

2 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 7

"Don, I am going to need some funds, the cleaners are nearly done. Need a hundred and thirty thousand cash." I nod and get up off my butt; shit, I ache all over! "Don, I also need another twenty thousand for the metal haulers. They are policing the mountain face for brass and ordnances of any kind. They will remove all of the crap Riggs's men left behind; but, they are not happy about the foam." There are four men, in coveralls, wearing what appear to be gasmasks, walking the face of...

1 year ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 8

When Skip departs the Chevy, I can hear him swearing at the slight incline. I am out to welcome Peanut, who is smiling knowing that am tweaking Skip, our ongoing task of aggravating each other. "Welcome, Peanut! I was waiting for your travel information, so I would be there to pick you up. How come you brought Grumpy with you? He told me, in no uncertain terms, that he did not wish to see me, or my friendly, happy mountain, in this lifetime. But, here he is, with his usual scowl. Come on...

1 year ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 9

For the past two weeks, I have been spending time at Leo Haley's office. Now in his new digs, he gives the impression he is granting you an audience rather than an office visit. He now has a permanent secretary plus the two individuals that handle my or, should I say, CBHF Corp. holdings various needs. The financial officer is a young lady, who is very proficient at her job. I found it very difficult to get my mind around the enormous amount of funds generated by the rents from the...

2 years ago
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Climbing my own everest

His name reminded me of mount Everest and in time he became to symbolize it too - an unreachable, mysterious goal. Our friendship began quite unexpectedly. I knew of him from high school but it wasn't until we were in the same college that I realized him. He was, and is the sort of geeky guy, that you would not recognize if you did not go up and talk to him; and maybe even then. He does not have the body of a god, nor is he an amazing speaker. But I knew from that moment that I was really...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 4 Beverly

Being Saturday afternoon, Dean's barber shop was crowded. Dean was no longer the proprietor, but his son had kept the same name. Looking around the shop as I waited for my turn in one of the chairs, I wondered if anyone recognized me. Did they remember that my brother had stolen my girl? Did they talk behind my back, whispering that Jen couldn't wait for me? A sinister thought crossed my mind; had Ed paid my college tuition to keep me away from home for long periods of time? I left the...

3 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 8 The End of the Beverly and Birthday Spankings

Now that the rescues were complete I went to the bridge. Sally was in the pilot's seat with the widest smile I have seen in a decade. She was flying the ship herself. She clicked the autopilot on when she saw me. She said, "Hello Sir, I have been waiting for over three centuries to get a chance to pilot a ship manually for real. I know every ship system. I have a pilot's license and have piloted many ships, though never off automatic, except while training". I said, "You'll have plenty...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

4 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...


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