Vegas Baby: Deuces Wild free porn video

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the next installment of my series. I am not connected to anyone who uses Brett Lynn, since Brett Lynn is a pen name of mine. If this is illegal where you're at, please don't read this. Also, if you want to check out more, visit my website. All commercial and non-electronic rights are reserved. Now with no further ado, let's get on with the show. VEGAS BABY: DEUCES WILD By Brett Lynn "Is everything OK?" the woman asked in particular as she walked back into her living room, wondering what that bell sound from her computer was about. She smoothed down her jersey dress - a UNLV Rebels Larry Johnson jersey, of course - and pulled out her office chair to take a seat. When she was able to focus on the screen, she saw it was yet another urgent message about payouts for some set of machines. "Yeah, yeah, Craig, whatever," she said to herself as she clicked OK on the on-screen alert. She called up the various terminals to see how they were humming along. Seeing that they were working well, she queued up the various backups and reports for the servers, then leaned back, taking a sip of the can of store-brand cola on her desk. She shivered a bit when her breast pushed the satiny fabric onto her arms, making her shiver a bit. She sat up, putting the soda down, and readjusted her dress, making sure her boobs sat down well inside them as well as making sure her scrotum as in place with her panties. "Go freakin' figure. It's weird enough that I became hung like a stallion thanks to my crazy sister's hormones. Now I'm losing weight, and it looks like my boobs are getting bigger if anything," she said to herself. She turned to the door when she heard a racket of knocking at the door, wondering who the heck it was. To her relief, it was her wacky next door transgendered neighbor Jesse, and she figured that since things were slow, she could hazard a visit. "Who is it?" "It's Jesse, Marilyn. Who else knocks on your door during the day?" "Oh, yeah. Good point," Marilyn said as she turned her chair towards the door. "Come in. The door's unlocked." "Thank you, darling!" Jesse said as she strutted her way in the room, her long legs leading in bright red heels sticking out of some daisy dukes. She plopped down on the couch, making a show of crossing her legs. "You're off the clock, Jess," Marilyn said as she looked back at her friend. "You don't have to be so leggy there." "Well, the only show I'm looking for is one between your legs, sugar!" "Ever since you walked on me..." "...peeing like a butch when you could be a pretty girl on the stage with me?" Jesse said as she leaned forward. "Hey, maybe you could give a gift to your fellow transgendered sister. Or is your sis still on ya?" "You, just chill, OK?" Marilyn said as she shivered a bit at that last remark. "I-I mean, Shari is nuts, but I think I can handle her." "Hey, when does Mai get home? I got a proposition for ya that's a bit adult." "Another curious chick?" "Yep." "I got a few minutes," Marilyn said as she made the last few keystrokes emphatically before turning around in her chair. "What freak show curious straight chick have you steered my way?" "Like you mind," Jesse said as she sat up on the couch. "Remember that last one?" Marilyn leaned back a bit and shook her head, looking up into nothing. "And to think I was this close to introducing Mai to her..." "Earth to Marilyn!" Jesse said to Marilyn. "You do miss your late wife, ya nut. Anyway, lemme tell you about this one. She's cute, a pale little redhead and thinking Black people are the sexiest thing in the world. What do you say?" "Gee I dunno," Marilyn said to Jesse. "I mean, it has been a while since the last one ran off, and my sister has bugged off for one. I mean, I wish she'd get past that high school stuff, but damn..." she trailed off. "Anyway, did you pass my phone number to this one?" "With email as well. Check your phone. I think you might have a pleasant surprise from this one." Marilyn picked up her phone and noticed she had received a photo message from someone. When she opened it up, she noticed a smiling redhead holding up her cell phone camera up to a mirror, her lips curled into a grin as her cleavage fell out of her tank top. Below the picture, it said "call me. Can't wait to see if Jesse's right!" Seeing that message, Marilyn's grin matched the one in the picture, getting her to nod her head. "You always amaze me Jess," Marilyn said. "I mean, I don't know how you find these women? I mean, I can't exactly go into a bar and meet women like this, ya know? Even among the lesbian set, there's a difference between a strap-on and the, um, genuine article." "Come on, hun. You'd be surprised how often women flirt with me. Besides, since I can't get you in a little black dress with heels and that anaconda tenting for me, I figure that I'd get my kicks wishing I was one of those lucky women." "Thanks," Marilyn replied. "I mean with all that body you got there, why the heck do you dress like a boy so much? I would kill my mother for a body like that," Jesse said as the screech of the school bus breaks filled the room. "Here comes Mai now," Marilyn said as she saw the school bus door open and her daughter come bounding out. Her bookbag and long, straight hair were bouncing behind her as she ran to the door, opened it and pounced into her mother's arms. Marilyn gave her daughter a hug and a peck on the cheek before letting Mai out of her arms. "How was your day at school, Mai?" "It was fine. I don't have much homework today, so can I watch Disney Channel first?" "Sure, daughter of mine," Marilyn replied. "Have you said hi to Aunt Jesse?" "Hi Aunt Jesse!" Mai said as she bounced over into her arms. "How's everything with you?" "Fine, kiddo! Hey, you're looking cute! When's momma gonna get you some lip gloss?" Jesse said. Marilyn glared at Jesse for a moment after that remark. "I'm not getting her lip gloss this young. She's a eight year old for crying out loud. So Mai?" "Yeah, mom?" "Do you want to go over Aunt Jesse's tonight? Mommy needs some alone time tonight, and you have fun with Aunt Jesse, right?" "Aunt Jesse? Are you gonna get make me cupcakes like last time?" "Sure kid!" Jesse said with a smile. "But in order to come over, you gotta have all your homework done, because once you're at my place, it's fun time!" "Alright!" Mai said as she bounced out of the living room towards her bedroom. "She's gonna be a pretty woman when she grows up," Marilyn said wistfully as she bounded away. "My height, her mama's build, and apparently the best of our features. Kat would have been proud." "Yeah, yeah, whatever," chuckled Jesse. "I mean, I thought you came out here to start over from her." "True," Marilyn said as she eyed her phone, checking out the photo message she received. "Anyway, let me give this chick a call." "Spending time with the youth and helping a single mother get laid? I think I've done my good deeds for the day. Mind if I come over tomorrow with a bottle of wine to chill out and dish a bit?" Jesse said as she got to her feet. "Sure, why not? I love hear about America's esteemed closet communities." "Like you're Miss Liberated yourself, with your sis. I remember the stories you told me." "Alright, alright. Tomorrow night then, after Mai gets to bed?" "Sure," Jesse said as she looked over her shoulder walking out the door. "See ya then!" As soon as Jesse was out of earshot, she gave her new admirer a ring. "Hello? Is this my admirer?" "Hey, are you the hung pretty black stud Jesse told me about?" Marilyn fell out onto the couch chuckling to herself, wondering what tales her friend had told this latest woman. "I guess so. A woman has her friend walk in on her while peeing and Lord knows what happens next. But yes, I am transgendered and well-endowed. So how did you meet up with Jesse?" *** Marilyn batted her eyelashes at the mirror, trying to wipe a clump out of her eye before putting on her lip gloss. Her long hair was pulled back into a neat pony-tail, and her face was lightly kissed by foundation. As she reached down for the lip gloss, she could see her cleavage peeking out from her white blouse ever so slightly, her black lacy bra peeking out just a bit. She stepped out on her low heels a bit, shaking her dick down one loose pant legs to make sure it didn't make any surprise appearances as she put on a coating of metallic pink gloss on her lips. She hurried to slip her diamond studs into her ear, then stepped out of the bathroom, making a bee line to the fridge to check the temperature on the beer she purchased. "I hope she has a taste for microbrews," she said to no one in particular as she heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" she called out as she hurried towards the door. "Get here soon as I'll let the neighbors know what you said!" "Alright, alright..." Marilyn trailed off as she took in the vision in front of her. The auburn-haired woman smiled brightly through her red lips, and her hair framed a spaghetti-strapped tank top cleavage that, while not lascivious, definitely let her know that she was amply padded in the right places. Her jeans well filled out nicely, and her hands stared to feel a bit numb from the blood that was pumping elsewhere. "Come, come on," Marilyn said as she got her wits about her and opened the door. She watched and smelled Jesse go past her as she made her way to her couch, looking at the ass that she hoped would be grinding on her hips soon. "So Natasha," Marilyn said as she closed the door shut. "So, I have some barleywine in the fridge. Mind if you join me in one?" "What's that?" "Oh, just really strong beer. Think of O.E. if it were made with actual ingredients." Natasha chuckled a bit. "Damn! Haven't messed with that since high school. That brings back memories. Yeah, bring me one." "Not a problem," Marilyn said as she darted towards the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles. She popped the tops and tried her best to walk gracefully into the room, feeling Natasha's eyes on her as she handed her a bottle. She took a seat next to her new friend on the couch and took a large sip of the beer in her hand, finishing with a smile as a drop slipped down her chin, dropping into her cleavage. "Ooh, sorry there," Marilyn said as she wiped the drop from her breasts. "Don't be," Natasha replied. "They call attention to what I hope is your second nicest feature. And I can't believe Jesse clocked you looking like that. You definitely have a good shape." "I know, I know," Marilyn said with a smile. "I try to keep in shape, plus my little girl helps with all that running around." "Aww, that's sweet!" Natasha said. "I know you must love her, since you mention her so much." "Thanks, I guess," Marilyn said as she trailed off into her own thoughts. "And thank you for hitting on Jesse. It's amazing how she can get women to hit on her." "C'mon, it's Vegas!" Natasha said as she wrapped her arm around Marilyn's shoulders and squeezed them as she chugged from her bottle. "I mean, come on. Everyone's here to live a little. I know I am, right?" "I hope so," Marilyn said as she put her bottle on the floor after taking a sip. "Um, so, um..." "So you want me to lead, huh?" Natasha said as she licked her ruby lips. "Allow me, then!" Natasha leaned over and mauled Marilyn's tits through her shirt as she surprised her with a firm, passionate tongue kiss. Marilyn felt Natasha's cool hand slip into her shirt as she felt the other hand squeeze her balls through her pants. Her nipples perked up as she felt Natasha's cat-like tongue swirl around her areola, and her dick started to swell as Natasha pawed at it through her pants. "Wow, Jesse wasn't lying huh?" Jesse panted as she bent down and took the whole of Marilyn's areola into her mouth and sucked hard. She felt her tits expand into Natasha's mouth, her nipple rubbing the roof of her fuck buddy's mouth with each suck. She gently held onto Natasha's hair as she felt Natasha nurse on her tits and stroking her hardening dick through her pants. Her hips pumped forward into the ivory hand, while the rest of her body fell slack onto the couch. She felt Natasha unbutton and unzip her pants, then struggle to pull her dick out before simply pulling her pants down over her hips, making it slap loudly across her thigh. "Shit, that's big!" Natasha hissed as she held it up to her forearm, her elbow slightly digging into Marilyn's crotch as the tip pulsed in the palm of her hand. "I guess bigger than someone's forearm isn't just a porn clich? huh?" Natasha moved her arm and looked hungrily at the rampant staff as it fell back into Marilyn's boobs. She licked her lips as she hefted it back up with both hands, drooling at the thought of the spongy head filling her mouth. She took it into her mouth, slurping wetly on it as she felt it throb. She stretched her lips to take as much of the tip into her mouth, but gagged when it hit the back of her throat. Realizing her limits, she pulled her head off to catch her breath before swirling her tongue on the head, her hands massaging the length. She rubbed the head along the roof of her mouth as she sucked again, feeling Marilyn's legs thrash around her as her pussy lubricated thinking about what the weapon in her hands could do to it. She closed her eyes and pumped and sucked, her nipples hard and her panties soaked, thinking about what that big dick could o to her. Just as se felt it get close to the edge, she let the dick go to fall back on Marilyn's stomach and licked it from her balls to her tip, punctuating it with a kiss. "Wanna go back to the bedroom and impale me with this." "Sure," Marilyn said with a nervous laugh. "Besides, it's been a while." Natasha climbed up onto her feet, then tugged Marilyn by her dick. "Big as this thing is, I could pull you up by this!" "Eh, hush!" Marilyn said as she kicked off her shoes and pulled her pants all the way off. "I do appreciate the love though." Marilyn stood up and led Natasha into her bedroom, the only light from a lamp on the nightstand. Natasha brushed past her to flop face down onto the bed, using her feet to kick her sneakers off. She then popped herself up on her knees and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them off to reveal her boyshorts stretched across her fleshy round ass. "Eat me, you big dicked babe! Get me wet for that thing of yours," Natasha panted as she wiggled her ass in the air. Marilyn wordlessly unbuttoned her shirt and let it slide to the floor, revealing the push-up bra she wore for this lady caller. She kneeled down at the foot of the bed and pulled aside the gusset of Natasha's panties, lapping up at the visible wetness on her bare lips. She freely drank of Natasha's essence, feeling the cunt grind on her face as Natasha reached back and pulled on her hair. She spread Natasha's labia, found her small clit and sucked it between her teeth. She held onto Natasha's hips as they rocked back and forth over her knees, her tongue swirling over the small head. She then worked her tongue into those almost-white sugar walls, pulling out more juices from Natasha as she groaned through gritted teeth and held onto Marilyn's head. Suddenly, Marilyn was pushed off of Natasha's head, making her tumble to the floor. "Get your condoms and try to put that thing in me, now!" Marilyn got onto her feet, her huge dick bobbing in front of her like a nightstick, as she went to the nightstand and fished out her condoms. She tore open the gold wrapper and rolled it out until it reached two- thirds of the way down her shaft, giving it a few more strokes for emphasis. She moved around kneeled on the edge of the bed, her dick resting on the crack of Natasha's ass as she slid her ass back and forth over it. She saw Natasha get up on her knees and reach back, grabbing her and aiming her right for her wet cunt, which distended just as Natasha let out a primal scream. "Fuck, you're big, bitch!" Natasha screamedas she eased off the tip. "You're like one of those fucking gag dildos, but I know you're real right?" "Yeah," Marilyn whispered in reply as she felt the slickness and heat through the latex, wanting to push in. "Lemme...lemme get it in as much as I can, then you work it, OK?" "Alright." Marilyn watched her huge dick being grasped by Natasha as she lined it up with her pussy once more, enjoying the show the redhead was performing on her huge object. The visual of those tiny lips splayed wide open on her dick gave her a shiver as she felt the slickness slid over her condom. Bit by bit, Natasha's impalement was matched by the rigid tightness and friction on her tip as Natasha struggled to get as much as she could inside her. When Natasha couldn't take any more, her hands fell flat to the bed, her breath short with overstimulation. Once she got her hands back under control, she reached back and grabbed the shaft with both hands, feeling Marilyn's balls just brush the pinky of her second hand. She pumped her hands on the shaft, flexing her pussy on the dick inside her, her ass and lips flushing as she gritted her teeth and came, the wetness dripping down onto the bed. Marilyn felt Natasha milk her dick hard enough that she swore the condom was torn, and saw the end result leave a fine sheen on Natasha's prone form. "Oh, shit. The thought of that big dick just, there made me cum," Natasha said. "I didn't know something like that could do it to me." Marilyn took a deep breath with that remark, feeling her shiver as Natasha hit one of her triggers. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down, slowly pumping her hips to keep herself turned on. "Ah, fuck, keep doing that. Pull out when you wanna cum, 'cause I wanna taste it!" Marilyn grabbed onto Natasha's lush hips and slowly stroked half of her dick in Natasha. As she got a smooth rhythm going, she let go and held onto her shaft, not wanting to hurt her partner. With all that friction, all she wanted to do is let go in some wet hole surrounded by smooth skin, and the blood rising to the surface of every inch of skin seemed to agree with that assertion. As she felt Natasha about to cum again, she stopped moving and started stroking herself with the half of her dick still outside the woman, thinking of great sex of days past. When she felt herself edge to the point of no return, she eased her way out of Natasha and quickly shucked the condom, stroking her head just slow enough that she wouldn't cum yet. "Ready for my fucking cum?" Marilyn seethed through her teeth. "Give it to me!" Natasha replied as she sat up on the bed, pulling the straps of her top to bare her huge round tits before sucking on what bit of the tip could fit in her mouth, letting her flicking tongue do the rest. She felt Marilyn grab onto her hair hard, her lips being smacked by Marilyn's jerking off. She felt that familiar throb and in an instant, the creamy sweet nectar hit her lips, her mouth swallowing as much as she can while a few drops landed warmly on her cleavage. As she felt the squirts call down, she leisurely nursed on her huge toy, humming to herself as the semen slid down her throat. When she felt Marilyn let go, she felt back onto the bed, rubbing the cum on her tits into her skin with a huge smile on her face. "Hey, that dick is for real, right?" Natasha said as she playfully kneed Marilyn in the balls. Marilyn froze with a bit of discomfort, then smiled as she realized that her friend was just playing. "I think that's a yes," Natasha said with a chuckle as she rolled onto her side, Marilyn climbed onto the bed and spooned behind Natasha, loving her soft, plaint, warm body against hers. She gave Natasha a kiss on the back of her neck and hugged her tits tight, a smile of relief on her face. Her hands idly toyed with Natasha's nipples, and her breath was very calm as they laid there. "Can I say one thing, uh, Marilyn?" "Feel free." "Never has eight minutes of sex felt so good. I guess you can get away with a lot with size, huh?" "Yeah," I guess, replied Marilyn, her voice sounding crestfallen. "Ah, don't worry. I like hanging out with my toys. Besides, the convo during my recovery time should help, right?" "Yeah," Marilyn said as she spooned tighter into Natasha. "So, how did you end up in Vegas?" *** Marilyn sat at her desk, going through the motions on her terminal. She pulled up the files from the slot machine, making sure they were properly set up. She went ahead and started the weekly backups, then set up the regular bookkeeping routine to see what the casino's take was this week. Once she got everything up and running, she leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her store brand cola. "Looks like the backups should be finished in the normal amount of time. Here's to hoping no other issues come up," she said to no one in particular before taking another sip. She checked her email to keep abreast of the latest foolishness, when she saw her personal email flash an alert on her screen. Curiously as to what it was, she clicked on it and was pleasantly surprised to see that her new friend Natasha wrote to her. "Hey, Marilyn! Last night was fun kickin it and stuff. You're one cool chic, and that thing you have...dammm!!!1 Anyway, let me know when you're free this weekend. Oh, and check the pic out. I went to the sex shop and got the only toy as big as you. Chcik was shocked when I told her the reason. I'm not going to let you fuck me again until I can fuck the whole thing, but I think I can help ya out, ya know? ;-) Laterz..." Marilyn scrolled down to look at the picture, and saw Natasha's alabaster face smiling next to something she couldn't believe. Of course, she'd seen herself getting head before, but the sheer size of it in the picture shocked her. The base of the dong was resting on the side of Natasha's collar bone, yet was able to stretch up to the top of her head, making Marilyn glad she wore her granny panties along with some baggy jeans. She stared at the pic for a while, then snapped out of it and closed her personal email. She sat up bolt straight and got back to monitor her various servers on her job, hoping the concentration would make her crotch feel a bit less tight. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit until she heard a jangle of a set of keys at her door. Once the door gave, she looked over her shoulder to Sherilynn walking in the door and closing it behind her. Her waist length hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and her feet were in her customary six inch platform stilettos. She stood there wearing nothing but bright red lip stick, a white sports bra holding onto her massive tits and a matching tennis skirt. The feelings came rushing back, making her dick pulse and her stomach turn. "Hey sis!" "Hey," Marilyn muttered, trying to focus on the work on the screen. "I just drove in from Pahrump to get my monthly tests taken care of when I figured I hadn't stopped by in a while." "You know why," Marilyn said as she turned around in her chair. "I mean, yo...we were kids back then in the Boogie Down. I mean..." "I mean, get over yourself," Sherilynn said as she walked in front of her. "So you fucked your sister a lot. So your sister drugged ya and made your body strange. So your sister wants to keep fucking you ever after you moved out here to move on. Big deal," the tall Black woman said to her transgendered sister, lifting up Marilyn's chin in her fingers for emphasis. "I know your body's still hot for me, I know you've still got the biggest dick I've ever had, and I know you're gonna fuck me in the ass. Hey, your nipples agree with me, right?" Marilyn watched as her sister's hands reached down and flicked her nipples with her blood-red talons, making her shake and flush with arousal. She bit her lip as she felt Sherilynn slip in behind her chair and start roughly pawing her tits, her sister gently kissing and nibbling at the nape of her neck before her body relaxed, submitting itself to Sherilynn's touch. She slumped back in the chair as Sherilynn tongued her ear, her wifebeater being tugged out of her pants and over her tits for easy access. She felt her head being nudged over as her sister kissed her lips, opening her mouth and sucking her tongue out as her nails rolled her nipples just so. She felt Sherilynn walk around her and pull her to her feet, and she followed behind in a trance, her body betraying her need for distance. Sherilynn tugged her sister behind her as she stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom. She reached behind and, with practiced ease, reached into her sister's jeans and tugged the crotch of her panties to the side. Once she removed her hands, her huge ass planted itself right on Marilyn's crotch, grinding on the fullness through the thick denim. She took her sister's hands and placed them on her tits, guiding them to molest her through her sports bra. As she let her get tight to her sister's form, she pulled Marilyn's head down into her neck, where she felt it getting sucked and licked on. She reached down under her skirt and rubbed her huge clit, the sensitivity causing an electric shock when she first touched it and her lips dripping with moisture. She slid her ass up and down Marilyn's crotch, feeling the dick underneath pulse and fill with blood. As she rubbed herself on the member, she felt it spread her asscheeks as it grew, making her wetter with desire. She bit her lip as she stroked her clit, making her cum hard a she thought about how that tool would impale her. Not being able to take much more, she slid down onto her knees, then turned around and slowly unzipped and unbuttoned Marilyn's jeans, letting the huge truncheon hit her in the face as it slipped from its restrictions. She took the dick in her hands and started sucking hard, bobbing her head fast to get it to pulse in her mouth. She hummed to herself as she felt a few drops of pre-cum hit her tongue, giving her an excuse to swirl her tongue around the massive head. With a sudden plunge, she took most of the dick in her mouth, letting her throat tug on it before slowly pushing the rest into her mouth, her nails digging into her sister's ass. Using her nose to breathe, she sucked hard on her sister, her tongue snaking around the base and down to the balls with she hefted up. She looked up into her sister's eyes and saw how lost she was, knowing was made her tick and made that cum pop out of her heavy balls. As she felt her sister ease a bit close to the edge, she pulled off in one stroke, gasping for breath as a line of spit dangled from her mouth to her sister's hanging spit-drenched member. She gave the head a few sucks and kisses and got back up on her stiletto heels. She locked eyes with Marilyn as she climbed up on the bed, then stood up on her knees as she crooked her finger and lifted up her skirt to reveal her bare ass, begging her to come over. Marilyn's head was foggy, but her body was alive with lust, her dick bobbing in front of her in tune with her heartbeat. Acquiescing to her sister's call, she turned to her sister and shuffled towards the bed. Knowing what was requested of her, she squatted down a bit and lined her dick up with Sherilynn's asshole, her tits mashing into her sister's back. One hand grabbed Sherilynn's hips, while the other helped guide her dick up her sister's ass. She stopped to let her sister's elastic colon stretch around the head, then slowly impaled her sister on her dick. Holding back her emotions, she bit her lip and grabbed her sister's huge breasts once again, kissing on her neck as she knows she loved. Her hips began to flex, working that dick of hers in and out of Sherilynn's ass. She felt a nail nick her balls as her sister began playing with her clit once more, and the resulting waves of ecstasy hand that ass clamping hard on her dick. As that ass began to open up, Marilyn in turn opened up her hips, driving deeper and deeper with her big dick. She felt her sister squeeze back on her dick with her ass, making her body shiver as it eased its grip. When she was able to focus her eyes again, she saw her sister's outrageous hourglass figure bouncing up and down on her dick, the incredibly huge ass swallow up her equally large dick with each pass. Marilyn stood there, looking at the sex as if it were happening to someone else. She thought her sister was a bitch for forcing the sex to continue from their past, but that ass felt incredible on her pulsing dick. She'd rather being at her desk working, but her body sent signals through its nerves that there's no other place it would rather be than right here, right now. She felt her mind and her body fight for control, with her mind trying to avoid incest and her body wanting that soft piece of ass on its dick. Finally, as Sherilynn started swirling her hips on her dick, her asshole milking that dick hard, Marilyn's body took over, with her hands grabbing on for the ride. She started pounding that body like the living fuck doll is was, using that asshole to jerk herself off. She constantly changed motions and rhythms, feeling the change of pace boil her balls. She looked down at her sister's body, loving the way her huge tits splayed underneath her body in the doggie position. She looked that tiny waist framed by such a huge, round soft ass. She loved the heat and friction inside of her sister and the soft, wet pussy her balls bounced off of, her one concession to her true feelings being the avoidance of those sugar walls. Finally, her body couldn't take anymore, as she familiar tightening and contractions began to take hold. She pulled Sherilynn's hips tight and let go, feeling her juices coat the inside of her sister's rectum. As she felt the orgasmic haze roll over her and her body start to relax, she eased out of her sister in one slow stroke, passing out on the bed on her back once she was free. Marilyn looked up and saw her sis in her orgasmic glow, her body covered with a light sheen and her face covered with a bright smile. Sherilynn rolled onto her side, inevitably showing off the cartoonish curves that got Marilyn off. "See, sis? It wasn't so bad. You hadn't fucked me like that since we were back east! I dunno what got into you, but you need that more often. I'd visit more often from the ranch, ya know?" Sherilynn beamed. "But what about your niece M..." Marilyn tried to say before she saw cut off by Sherilynn grabbed her head with one hand and giving her a long, firm French kiss. "Anyway, gotta run, sis. I gotta get some grub before I make the drive back to make some money!" Sherilynn said as she bounded up to her feet. "Tell little Mai her aunt said hello, alright Donnie boy!" With that, Sherilynn clicked her way out the bedroom and the apartment, the screen door closing with a thud. Marilyn rolled over onto her back, her softening dick alying across her thigh, her breasts splayed off to the sides of her chest. She looked down at her body, taking in the supple cruves and the potent looking dick, noticing on virile and sexy everything looked. She then started up at the ceiling, thinking about what just happened to her, not just her body. She closed her eyes, a small tear dropping out of her eye and rolling past her ear before hitting the bed sheet. *** Questions? Comments? Email me at [email protected]

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Vegas Baby

Something for the straight peeps . Why am I here? What the hell am I doing?Those questions raced through Shelley’s mind over and over. She came down the boarding ramp from the plane and stepped into the terminal at McCarron International Airport. Nervously, Shelley scanned the crowd that was heading towards baggage claim. He was there. Leaning against a pillar near Ben & Jerry’s. Shorter than she had pictured him in her mind, but otherwise just like the images she had seen on the computer. His...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Vegas Heat Part 1

VEGAS HEAT (Part I) (I'm Baaack! - Another Twisted Tale of Poetic Justice) By Jennifer Miller SPECIAL THANKS: It's hard to believe that it's been nearly 20 years since I last published a story, yet despite my apparent disappearance, I was never truly gone and enjoyed coming back home to Fictionmania frequently to see what the many talented authors of today had been up to. Like all of you, I of course love a good story, but over the years I've watched as our genre has branched...

2 years ago
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Vegas Show Guy Part 4

Vegas Show Guy - Part 4 Susan was having quite a good time. Her former dominating husband Dan was now her wife and she was now the husband. While she was eager to put her shapely and petite husband through more female scenarios she just had to learn more about how Hal had gained these amazing powers, why he had used them to do this to Dan and how he had used the powers to make dramatic changes to the power...

2 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

I sauntered towards the long bar, noticing that I was getting appreciative stares from all the people I passed. Two days in the Vegas sun had left my skin golden and sun-kissed, making my long blond hair seem brighter as it bounced around my bare shoulders. I was wearing a short white strapless dress that hugged my tight little curves in all the right places. I immediately caught the attention of the bartender. And asked "another margarita and please make it a double". As I rummaged in my...

3 years ago
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My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for over forty years and have had an open marriage for all of that time. We were careful about our activities while we were raising our daughter but still got away to an on site swing club once in a while. The club we went to was couples or single women only. We had made some good friends there as well as some fuck buddies.Our daughter, Darlene, was to put it mildly a wild c***d. She was more interested in partying than school and 2.0 her way to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Show Guy

Vegas Show Guy February 28, 2005 Brief: Suzy agrees to move to Vegas because her husband Dan believes it is the place that will give him the opportunity to perform in live dance shows. Dan discovers that there are plenty of dance shows for attractive female dancers, but that there are very limited opportunities for men. When an unexpected opportunity comes along, it has consequences he never...

2 years ago
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Vegas WeekendChapter 2 Friday Hop on the Bus

(Friday early afternoon) "Do we have everyone?" Jim Keegan asked, turning around to see if he could account for the entire party. A useless wave of "I'm here"s flooded over his ears. "Okay, okay," he said holding up his hands. "I'm just going to get confused here unless we do this sensibly. Hush, hush. Everyone quiet." He counted off one finger. "First, there's my family. My loving wife Denise?" "I'm here, honey." Denise had dark, shoulder-length hair, large beautiful...

3 years ago
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Vegas baby

On a vacation to Las Vegas I had some of the best sex I have ever had. I was staying at the Wynn resort and casino, which is a beautiful place, and on the first night I ran into a small party from the Chicago area. They were a cool group of friends out to have some fun. I talked to a guy who was there with his beautiful girlfriend - a tall blonde with a classic face and great boobs. She was a head turner for sure! They had rented a big suite together with her girlfriend. She was also a blonde...

2 years ago
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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as ‘Tattoo Girl’. She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says ‘Marks Girl’. (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

2 years ago
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Vegas Reunion Part One

I gazed excitedly out the tiny square window as the airplane banked towards McCarran airport and started its final descent. At night, Las Vegas was a seemingly endless sea of glittering lights rising up from below. I’d read somewhere that the lights of Vegas are visible to astronauts in space. I was skeptical at the time, but what I saw below me over the shadowy outline of the wing turned me into a believer. I’d wanted to visit Las Vegas ever since I got my first job out of law school and had...

1 year ago
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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as "Tattoo Girl". She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says "Marks Girl". (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

2 years ago
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Vegas Night

VEGAS NIGHT By Harry Krytzer Coming out of the bathroom, toweling off his hair, Jack was startled to see his wife preening in front of the mirror in their Las Vegas hotel room. She was looking over her left shoulder and straightening the seams in her sheer black nylons. The sight of her in strappy high heels, nylons, garter belt and bra was exciting and startling. "Baby, you look fantastic; but we don't have time for sex right now, we're going out." "I know we're going...

4 years ago
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Vegas Ch 08

Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. But as it is the central tenet, you may feel you lose the whole ambience of the story. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to...

2 years ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 01

The following is a sequel to ‘Vegas’. You may gain more enjoyment by familiarising yourself with that story before reading on. CHAPTER ONE: ONE YEAR LATER Daniel sat quietly at the final table, waiting for the television formalities to be completed. It would soon be time to resume play from where they had finished the night before. It was the last tournament before he defended his Main Event victory last year. He had been desperate to put on a good show. As one of the last five standing,...

3 years ago
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Vegas Weekend

Summary: mind control, Mf, some ff, incest, some preg Aahh, time to head with the family to Vegas for an exciting weekend, to sink into the pits of sin with the one-armed bandits and the slut machines there, finally emerging as shiny, freshly-minted whores and cuckolds to carry a little more sexy joy back to the mundane world. Compliments from Vegas. See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply...

1 year ago
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Vegas Ch 02

I have long wanted to write a storyline that is different to anything else that has been published on this site. This is it. Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their...

3 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had. Alittle about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown kids and why I did what I did is still a...

2 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had. A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Hotel Spanking Service Part 1

"Tell me again why we're going to Vegas together and you have signed up for a room in another wing of our hotel? Honestly Sheila you're taking this spanking kink a bit far don't you think," Christie asked earnestly."Tell me again why you don't want to sign up for the kink spanking service?" Sheila giggled. "Don't be such a worry wort. I've signed up for the vacation program so we'll have plenty of time to gamble, sight see, and take in some shows. We simply will have to schedule our time,...

2 years ago
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Vegas Jackoff Party

Hi my name is Rob and the story that you are about to read is completely true. It happened two years ago and I have to say that it was probably one of the strangest nights that I have ever had.A little about myself, I am 50 years old, 5ft 10 inches, 185lbs, with about a 7 inch cut cock. My wife doesn’t like a hairy man so I do manscape and keep myself trimmed close or completely shaved. I live in Las Vegas, I am happily married with 2 grown k**s and why I did what I did is still a mystery to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Voyeur

I had been a week since my wife Jill had walked in on my jerking off to porn. That led to a huge fight and her allegations that I didn’t love her and so on. We had barely spoken the rest of the week and tomorrow I was leaving for Vegas for a business trip. We usually have great sex the night before I leave, helps to keep me satisfied until I get home. That night we had sex but Jill just lay there while I fucked her missionary. She didn’t even get up to clean herself up after I dumped my...

4 years ago
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Vegas changes a man part 1 Adopted cousins and

So newly not a virgin anymore me was in Vegas to visit family. I was hornier than ever and in the city of sin I was ready to have fun. The type of fun I encountered turned out to be extremely different than what I expected, but I'll remember it forever.My whole family except me and my adopted cousin went out to drink for the night. Being in Vegas a couple a days I was starting to get board so I sat on the coach and started to watch tv. That's when I saw my cousin walk from her bedroom towards...

1 year ago
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Vegas Pantyhose Group Sex Part 1

I recently went on a seven day trip to California and Vegas. My wife Kate was due to meet me after a few days in Vegas as she couldn't get away from work for the full amount of time. We were due to meet up with a couple, Paul and Sarah, who Kate new many years ago in college who had emmigrated from the UK out to Phoenix some fifteen years earlier.Little did I know, but Paul Sarah and Kate had arranged a little more than just meeting up for a meal and a friendly drink, which I was soon to find...

2 years ago
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Vegas Show Guy Part 3

Vegas Show Guy - Part 3 Part III - Early Saturday Morning Dan slowly returns to the conscious world and finds he is again in their bed and again on Suzy's side. He rolls his head carefully to the right, not wanting to stir Suzy and risk once again flaming her newly found male libido. But to his happy surprise, Suzy is not in the bed or anywhere in site. Apparently she awoke first and has started her day. Dan struggles to clear a very foggy and confused mind. He tries...

3 years ago
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Vegas Captive

Brian, at 5’6? tall, 170 lbs, late forties, takes a trip to Vegas once a year. He flies out on Thursday morning and flies back home on Monday. On the weekend visits, he likes to bet on college and pro football games during the day, take a nap, and then visit one of the many strip clubs available at night. He usually brings about $1,000 to bet on football, and around $4,000 to play with the dancers. He never takes credit cards to the clubs, knowing he would spend way more than intended if he...

3 years ago
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Vegas Ch 06

This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that will help me...

2 years ago
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Vegas Adventure Part 2

This is part 2 of Vegas Adventure…. We partially dressed and decided to have a couple drinks and recover a bit from what had just happened. I could see the look of lust and satisfaction in Ellie’s eyes and I knew this would be a night to make fantasies come true, for both of us. As we drank and talked about what had just happened, Bill and my mystery woman (I will call her Kate to make things easier) joined us. We talked about how this was our first time doing anything like this and so far the...

2 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

I sauntered towards the long bar, noticing that I was getting appreciative stares from all the people I passed. Two days in the Vegas sun had left my skin golden and sun-kissed, making my long blond hair seem brighter as it bounced around my bare shoulders. I was wearing a short white strapless dress that hugged my tight little curves in all the right places. I immediately caught the attention of the bartender. And asked ‘another margarita and please make it a double’. As I rummaged in my...

3 years ago
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Vegas Honeymoon Horror

18 year old Daisy Mae Barker smiled as she looked out the jet’s window at the city of Las Vegas below her. The newlywed glanced down at her shiny new wedding rings as she remembered that just a few short hours ago she and her husband, Billy, had just gotten married in their little hometown of Hartsville, AL and were now on their honeymoon in Las Vegas, NV. This was the first time either of them had ventured out of their tiny town and Daisy Mae was excited to be a new bride and have the...

3 years ago
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Vegas Skyline

I met Jeff at the blackjack tables at the MGM Grand. I wore white heels, sheer white stockings (clipped to a garter belt, also white) and a sleeveless, short white dress that comes down to my mid-thigh and has a plunging neckline. I also wore a red lace bra underneath (sometimes peeking out) and dangling garnet earrings plus a necklace with a red heart pendant resting between my breasts. I sat down at the table, certain that I’d finally learned enough about the game to at least let my chips...

2 years ago
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Vegas Always Bet on Black Blacken

I was in Las Vegas for a 3 day conference and staying at the Bellagio. After the third day I had enough of the conference and was extremely glad it was done. I decided I wanted a drink to relax before retiring for the evening for the fly back tomorrow.I'm a 49 year old divorced woman. I've been divorced for 3 years and haven't been with another man in that time. I have my friend which is a 6 ½ inch dildo and he takes care of me when I have a need. I just don't feel the need for any more drama...

2 years ago
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vegas road trip

about 6 months Before I married my now husband, we took a spontaneous trip to vegas from LA. We woke up early and I slept for the first couple hours....once I woke up, I woke up like a usually do....horny.I was wearing sweatpants and a white wife beater with no bra....comfy but he's told me how much he loves it when I wear a white wife beater with no bra.....and I love the feeling I get when he and others stare at me when I do.I reached over as he was driving and started playing with his penis...

3 years ago
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Vegas weekend

My husband and I spent the weekend of the 4th in Vegas. Flew out Friday morning. Stayed at the MGM, and flew back Sunday night. Saw the show Absinthe at Caesars Palace Friday night. What a funny show. Very crude but hilarious. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. What you do want to hear, is all about what happened Saturday night. After dinner at the buffet. My husband heads off to play poker, the kind they show on TV. I enjoy playing roulette. I find a table. It's crowded, but there...

3 years ago
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Vegas birthday gift

My wife gave me a pleasant surprise last week when she informed me my birthday present was a weekend in Vegas. We’ve both been working hard since college and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam.I’m 26 and Laura is 23. We met in college; we were both on the tennis team. I’ve been in the accounting field and Laura is in marketing. The two incomes gives us a great lifestyle.Laura reserved a great suite at one of the big casinos, I was really pleased with the large suite. We checked in...

3 years ago
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Vegas birthday gift

My wife gave me a pleasant surprise last week when she informed me my birthday present was a weekend in Vegas. We’ve both been working hard since college and I was looking forward to blowing off some steam.I’m 26 and Laura is 23. We met in college; we were both on the tennis team. I’ve been in the accounting field and Laura is in marketing. The two incomes gives us a great lifestyle.Laura reserved a great suite at one of the big casinos, I was really pleased with the large suite. We checked in...

1 year ago
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Vegas Sissy

So me and my girl friend Michelle split up, we'd been going out for 2 and a half years but the arguments just got too much for both of us. Unfortunately we'd booked a holiday together to go to Vegas, something we'd planned for a while. After compromising with other things I ended up getting the holiday to Vegas, I was still hurting from the split but I also thought about all the hot bikini clad women that were gonna be around the pool. I thought it would be great for me and one of my mates to...

4 years ago
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its monday morning.ur sisters and jeff r all gone to vegas..u start waking up with ur shake...talking to me at on my phone ,wich is weird acording to u.what u dont know that i didnt realy tell u the whole truth.coz i wasnt working at all when we fact....i was allready pretty close to u.while we talk at aim....u keep doing ur things in the bathroom.....singing.......brushing ur teeth..doin ur hair and make up after ur shower...ill tell u uve got a...

3 years ago
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Vegas Trip with Dani

**The two main characters are real, but the story is mostly fantasy. Enjoy**It had been a good 3 months since we had really talked. The last time we did she asked if we could put our relationship on hold due to a family crisis. I told her that it would be fine, but we needed to stay incontact with each other. We got to the point of sending a few messages each week to each other. Then all of a sudden i was getting no respose back from her at all. I would send a mesage to her every couple of...

1 year ago
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Vegas Adventure Part 2

This is part 2 of Vegas Adventure…. We partially dressed and decided to have a couple drinks and recover a bit from what had just happened. I could see the look of lust and satisfaction in Ellie’s eyes and I knew this would be a night to make fantasies come true, for both of us. As we drank and talked about what had just happened, Bill and my mystery woman (I will call her Kate to make things easier) joined us. We talked about how this was our first time doing anything like this and so far the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Vegas Adventure

My name is Keith, and my friend Ellie and I have a lot in common. We are married….but not to each other and we have an incredible sexual attraction to each other. We also like to explore new things and just go with what feels good. We are both much more adventurous than our partners and have, over the years, explored that side of ourselves. Recently I found myself in Vegas for a week long convention and made arrangements for Ellie to join me. In anticipation of the trip, I had done some...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Vegas Ch 11

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. This is the final chapter…. CHAPTER 11: THE FINAL TABLE Daniel woke up with a king sized headache. How long had he been sleeping? He checked the time. An hour and a half’s sleep before the biggest day in his...

3 years ago
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Vegas Ch 05

This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that will help me...

2 years ago
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Vegas Ch 09

A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I immensely admire. I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story, in tribute to them. Without their inspiration, this story would not have been told. CHAPTER 9: GRACE AND LISA PERFORM Daniel was exhausted when he returned to his room, the happenings of the entire day had him running on empty. Grace had not yet arrived back from the club and although he...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 06

CHAPTER SIX: KATHERINE IS FOUND Rosie made no mention of her encounter with the hit woman. She told the cops she’d fainted when Tommy had his brains blown out. She’d seen nothing. That was her story and despite intensive probing, she stuck to it. It was the early hours when they released her from questioning. She crawled exhausted and shell-shocked into bed. Her dreams were confused. They were a mixture of murder and fucking. Somehow Daniel and the hit woman featured in both aspects. She...

3 years ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 07

CHAPTER SEVEN: THE COPS ARE INFORMED Despite the early hour, Holly had already showered. The shrill ring of her cell phone disturbed her thoughts. It was that phone. She allowed the phone to ring out and listened to the message. ‘You know who this is?’ asked the voice when she returned the call. ‘Yes.’ ‘It’s Big Eddie.’ She sighed. ‘I said I know who it is.’ His voice sounded agitated. ‘We have a slight problem.’ She did not like problems but in her line of work they were inevitable....

3 years ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 02

CHAPTER TWO: SUGAR AND STRIFE It was twelve noon when Katherine arrived at the Rio. She threw away the half smoked cigarette and checked with a receptionist she knew. Daniel was indeed staying there, and by a remarkable co-incidence, in a suite on the same floor as Mario. When she alighted from the elevator, she resisted a strong urge to turn left and see if he was there. That could come later if things turned out that way. Instead, she headed left and gently knocked on the door to Mario’s...

4 years ago
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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 04

CHAPTER FOUR: INVESTIGATIONS Holly was wrapping herself in a fluffy, cream towel after a long, pampering soak in her jacuzzi bath when her cell phone rang. From the tune, she knew this was the second of her phones and the one that only rang on specific occasions. As was her routine, she allowed it to ring and then waited to see if the caller left a message. Thirty seconds later the message came through. It took her an instant to retrieve it and she leant back against one of the four pillows...

2 years ago
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Vegas VIP Concierge and High Roller

I grab Kate's collar and in one vicious move, tore her blouse open, scattering buttons across the floor and exposing the white lace bra she was wearing.She screamed " STOP! STOP!" and tried to fight as I pulled the blouse off of her shoulders and down around her arms. " STOP IT ! PLEASE STOP IT!" She pleaded as I crushed her body aganist mine. My face was buried in her neck and one hand groped her ass. " LEAVE ME ALONE ! STOP IT ! LET GO OF ME ! Kate screamed.She felt panic rising as I...

2 years ago
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Vegas Adventure

My name is Keith, and my friend Ellie and I have a lot in common. We are married….but not to each other and we have an incredible sexual attraction to each other. We also like to explore new things and just go with what feels good. We are both much more adventurous than our partners and have, over the years, explored that side of ourselves. Recently I found myself in Vegas for a week long convention and made arrangements for Ellie to join me. In anticipation of the trip, I had done some...

3 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

Kevin has been your best friend ever since that fateful day in 5th grade, when you met in detention hall. You attended the same college, helping each other out in class whenever possible. On the social front, neither one of you needed much help. Kevin was about 6'2", thin, blond hair, blue eyes, with a cut body from all the hours at the gym. You were 5'11", brown hair, brown eyes, and also with a muscular, well toned body. You both had faces that were described by the girls as less rugged than...

2 years ago
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Vegas party week

I love going out to Vegas, stay up all night gamble all day. I have even hired a few hookers out there. Hookers are great but it just seems like they are acting or always have some place better to be so its rare to find any worth paying. I enjoy the drinking gambling and if some pussy falls in my lap I will fuck it. This story happened to me 20+ years ago.One time at the blackjack table I fire up this convo with this hot red head. She must have been in her mid 40s, me in my early 20s. After...

4 years ago
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Vegas Porn Theater

I was having fun and Vegas when at around 3am my friends decided to head back to the room and call it a night. I was not ready to stop so told them I would catch up with them in the morning. I was horny and looking for fun so decided to try one of the adult theaters. Fortunately, there was one within walking distance so I headed out. This place had booths and 2 theaters. I gave the clerk my money and headed into the theater. I was hoping that there would still be someone up looking for fun.As...

4 years ago
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Fresh out of the military, I start the the trip home with a planned stop in Sin City. I get a room on the strip, and call home to let the family know how and where I was. Mom suggests I get in touch with family friends that lived close by and gave me the phone number to Ernest. Ernie is one of the reasons for my planned stop. We had fooled around a bit before I had entered the service. Actually, I lost my virginity to him when I poked him in the ass five years before. Now that I am out of the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sally went to Vegas once a month just for sex. She always managed to pick up a man and go to hers or his room. Tonight she was playing cards when a handsome older man sat beside her. They chatted a little and had a couple drinks. Sally at one time reached under the table and rubbed his cock. She liked that he felt nice and thick. He then ran his hand up her dress and shoved a finger in her wet cunt. She wore no under clothes of course. He then took her hand and walked her to the elevator. Once...

3 years ago
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Vegas Wife trys a BBC

Which brings us to Las Vegas. Wow! The first day and night we spent in the casino that we were staying in. The next day, we rented a car and drove around. The casinos were awesome, but what caught our eye was a sign on a store, "Adult Books". We didn't go in, but we saw it and Claire talked about it. That night I asked Claire if she wanted to go to the store. Like little k**s, we were almost afraid to go. But like k**s we were drawn to what we thought of as something a bit bad.We found our way...

Porn Trends