Adult Video Store #2 free porn video

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I got up and walked into the next room as she closed the door behind me.

I took a second to look around the room. First I noticed the desk she had been leaning against when she first appeared on the tv screen. Looking to my right, I saw a nice camera on a tripod. Behind it was another desk with more camera equipment and a computer with a large monitor. On the monitor, I could see the room I had just been in. The chair I had been sitting in was clearly visible in the center of the screen. I had a feeling, while I was in the other room, that she was able to see me somehow. Now I knew she had been watching me the whole time I was watching her. There must have been a camera in there that I didn't notice.

As the door clicked shut, I turned back towards her. We just stood there smiling at each other for a moment, looking each other up and down. I'm sure I looked a mess. I was slightly out of breath and I could feel her thick cum on my face slowly sliding down. She, on the other hand, was a vision of beauty. Wearing only her high heels and panties, her large tits moving up and down as her breathing calmed back to normal after her explosive orgasm. Her huge cock hung out the side of her panties, reaching down almost to the knees of her long toned legs. It seemed to have gone mostly soft but was still almost the same length as when it was fully erect. It glistened from a mixture of cum and saliva. This girls dick was mind blowing! I couldn't look away from it!

I noticed it was getting closer and finally tore my eyes away from it when she reached up to put her hands on the back of my head. We made eye contact briefly and shared another smile. With her heels on, she was about the same height as me. Then she leaned in as she pulled my head towards hers. "Time for some making out!" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and parted my lips. But to my surprise, she began licking her own cum off my face instead. And on top of that... she was swallowing it!

I must have had a surprised look on my face because she stopped to say, "Sorry... but I can't resist licking up my yummy cum anytime I get the chance! I just love the taste and texture and how naughty it is!"

I responded by saying, "Oh it doesn't bother me! It's actually quite a turn on! You just caught me off guard is all."

Then she said, "Well it turns me on knowing that it turns you on!"

She returned to licking my face clean but stopped briefly to add, "My favorite way is directly from the source!" Then she winked at me and went back to her task.

An image popped into my head of her bent over, both hands jerking her shaft, and the end of her long dick in her own mouth. "Could she really do that!?" I thought to myself. I had to know! So I asked her.

As if it was no big deal, she responded with, "Oh yeah I suck myself off all the time!"

Reading my surprised face again, she went on to explain, "Remember those experimental d**gs I mentioned earlier? Well not only do they enhance my size, but also my sex drive. I'm horny almost all the time! I need to ejaculate at least twice a day... some days three or four times!! Unfortunately there's not always someone as willing and as talented as you around to help me out." I blushed as she grinned at me. Then she continued, "So I quickly discovered that sucking myself off was my favorite thing to do with my alone time."

"Wow! I'd love to see that!!" I said.

"Oh I'm sure you will... eventually." she said. Then she returned to licking the rest of her cum off my face.

When she was satisfied that she had gotten all of it, she finally brought her lips to mine. Her mouth tasted like her delicious cum. I couldn't blame her for loving the taste and how naughty it was. Her cum was definitely the naughtiest thing I had ever tasted... not to mention swallowed!!

As we kissed, she began pulling my shirt up and my pants and underwear down. Momentarily breaking the kiss so she could pull my shirt over my head and toss it on the floor. Seconds later, breaking the kiss again so I could remove my shoes, pants, and underwear. At this point, she removed her panties. Again my eyes were glued to her massive cock. The way it flopped around from her movements had my mouth watering. It wasn't overly thick... just very long. Which is good, because if her girth had matched her length then I probably wouldn't have been able to take the whole thing in my mouth and down my throat like I had just done.

We stood face to face again after removing our clothes and just stared at each others bodies. It was almost funny that we both reached out with our right hands and grabbed the other ones dick at the same time. We shared a quick smile with each other then our eyes went back down to what we had in our hands. I hadn't had an orgasm yet, even though I had gotten close just from getting her off with my mouth. So my dick was still rock hard, but average sized. My left hand joined my right hand around her long floppy shaft and I held it as straight as I could... comparing sizes. It was no contest! She was easily twice my size... despite her being flaccid and me being fully erect! But it only turned me on even more!

She broke the silence by asking, "So what's your favorite way to get off?"

"Any way I can!" I quipped.

A big grin spread across her face and she asked, "ANY... way?" putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'any'.

I had an idea of where she was going with this. I felt comfortable with her and that I could be completely honest with her. So I decided to tell her something that I had never told anybody. Something that I never thought I would tell anybody!

"Well... there have been a few times, when I was taking a shower, that I would start daydreaming about... well... someone like you."

"I like where this is heading!" she said with grin.

I smiled nervously and continued, "and I started wondering what it would feel like... to have something... in my ass."

Her grin grew wider and she said, "Well we've all been there. Please continue."

I continued, "So, being in the shower while fantasizing about hot girls with big dicks, I quickly discovered that sticking a finger or two up my ass was my favorite way to get myself off."

She looked as if she couldn't have been happier with what I just told her. But then I thought about what could be a very important detail. So I quickly added, "But I've never had anything besides my fingers in my ass. I would probably be nervous to take a real dick up my ass... especially one as big as yours!!"

She thought for a few seconds, then asked, "Were you nervous to suck my dick a few minutes ago? You said it was your first time, right?"

"Yes, it was my first time. And yes, I was very nervous. But it soon felt natural, felt... right. Like I had been doing it for years yet it was still exciting and new!" I answered.

Then she said, "I'll be honest, there is some pain at first, but everything you just said... that's pretty much the way it is the first time you take a real dick up your ass too. And soon enough you'll be begging for more! At least that was the experience I had!"

"Yeah, it's that pain part that worries me! I've heard that it hurts at first. And I'm willing to bet that's with a regular normal sized dick! I would think it would hurt much worse taking a huge cock like yours up the ass for the anyone's first time!!" I said, kind of joking but mostly serious.

She laughed a little and finally said, "Of course that would hurt! What did you think, that I would start off by just ramming the whole thing up someone's ass?" We both laughed and before I could answer, she continued by saying, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing here and you have to start small and work your way up to something this big. Take it slow and make it pleasurable."

I could see the compassion on her face and I felt like I could trust her. I again remembered what the girl that greeted me had said when I first walked into the store, "There's nothing here that'll hurt you... unless you want it to!" This all sounded good to me. To be honest, I really wanted to do it. The thought of her huge cock pumping in and out of my ass made my virgin hole quiver with excitement. I decided it was now or never! I would always wonder if I didn't at least try it.

When I was done thinking it over, I said to her, "Can I at least get the name of the beautiful woman that's going to take my anal virginity, before she takes it?"

The big grin returned to her face and she said, "Of course! My name's Angela!" She let go of my dick and stuck her hand out.

"Nice to meet you, Angela. I'm Will." I responded, releasing her cock and grabbing her hand for a friendly hand shake. We shared another laugh at how backwards it was to let go of each others dicks for an introductory hand shake.

"Nice to meet you too, Will." she said as she kept a hold of my hand and walked past me, leading me over to a nice leather sofa against the wall. She leaned over, pulled up and out then down on the seat part. Turns out it was a futon. She turned around and sat down on the edge. Still holding my hand, she smiled up at me and said, "Why don't you sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?"

We both laughed again. I knew she was joking but it sounded like a good idea to me. I looked down between her slightly spread legs and could see her long cock hanging so far down that it almost touched the floor. She started pulling me towards her so I just straddled her legs with mine and sat right down on her thighs. I think it surprised her that I actually did it. She was about to say something but I just leaned in and started kissing her. I was ready to get down to business!

It felt backwards to be sitting on her lap but at the same time it felt natural. Our kiss soon became very passionate. Our hands exploring each others bodies. My hands found their way to her mountainous chest. I was surprised at how real they felt. As big and perky as they were, I would have guessed they were fake. But all thoughts about her big breasts were soon replaced by thoughts about her big cock. She was getting hard again and it was now touching me in places I had never been touched by anyone but myself. I could feel the heat from it as it rested on the under side of my balls and reached all the way back past my ass. She moved her hands to my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. At the same time she flexed her huge cock and I could feel it touch my hole. She was driving me crazy! I started grinding back and forth against her, wanting to feel more of her tool rub on my hole.

I reached back behind me and grabbed the end of her cock that was sticking out past my ass. I was in awe at how much there was sticking out to grab. I pulled up on it and ground my ass down harder on it. I felt like a dog in heat. I wanted something in my ass as soon as possible! No, I needed it!! So, I told her that.

She just said, "It would be my pleasure, Willy boy!" She smiled at me. I smiled back, thinking over her nickname for me. "Willy boy, huh? Yeah I suppose that fits." I said.

Still smiling, she said, "Oh trust me..." she looked down at our crotches, "I'll make it fit!" then she punctuated her statement with an upward thrust. After a quick laugh, she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to the side and onto the futon beside her. She moved to the opposite end and opened the drawer of an end table next to the futon. She soon returned to lay beside me, holding a large folded towel in her hands. We laid on our sides, facing one another.

"What's this for?" I asked.

She unfolded the towel to reveal a bottle of lube and three butt plugs. Small, medium, and large. The smallest one was a little smaller that my dick. The biggest one was a little smaller than her dick. And the middle one was halfway in between. I had an idea what they were for, but she finally answered my question with, "This is to help you work your way up." She grabbed her cock and thrust her hips forward until it parted my legs. Then she continued with a devilish grin, "Gotta loosen you up for the main event!"

I was so ready for it that I just reached out, picked up the bottle of lube, and said, "Then let's get started!!"

She took the bottle from my hand. We both scooted towards each other and began kissing passionately again. Her huge tits pressed against my chest. Our dicks pressed together between our bellies. The tip of hers disappearing between her tits. I know because I reached between us to stroke her cock and I could feel her tits on both sides of my hand while I was holding the tip. She could easily titty fuck herself!! This girl continued to amaze me!

I was brought out of my trance by the sound of the lube bottle clicking shut. She moved her free hand down and nudged my legs to get me to spread them apart. I did and soon felt her rubbing a cold, slick finger around my opening. I jumped at first but tried to relax. It felt like she had a lot of lube as she rubbed all her fingers around in my ass crack. It felt really good so I let go of her cock, grabbed my ass cheek, and pulled them apart to give her more access. I could feel her smiling. Then she stopped with just one finger on my hole and started pushing it in.

Finally I was being penetrated! It was a familiar feeling and I was loving it! The best part was that I wasn't daydreaming in the shower, doing it to myself. It was really happening and it was someone else doing it to me. Not just anybody... she's hot, she's smart, she's funny, she's stacked, and she's definitely hung! And she wants to fuck my ass with that giant girl cock! I was falling in love with her!

She went as deep as she could with that finger and wiggled it around inside me a little before pulling out and doing it all over again. After a few minutes she added a second finger and continued the same motions. It felt amazing! A few more minutes later, she added a third finger. I was beginning to feel the stretch but it still felt great.

After about ten minutes of that, she pulled out completely, broke our kiss, and told me to lay on my back with my legs up. She grabbed the smallest butt plug, the bottle of lube, and moved down between my legs. This time she started with two fingers. In and out a couple of times. Then she added the third again. In and out a couple of times and then out completely. As soon as her fingers left my hole, the little plug was going in.

She took her time and worked her way up over the next half hour or so. Just as she said, she knew what she was doing. She took it slow and made it pleasurable. I barely felt any pain at all. She had been slowly working the biggest plug in and out for about ten minutes when I decided that I was ready for the real thing.

I told her to stop and set up. She got up on her knees and sat on her feet with a puzzled look on her face. I just smiled, grabbed the lube, and motioned for her to come closer. She stood up on her knees with her cock pointed right at my face. It was still hard and dripping precum. I took a hold of it with one hand and sat up until my tongue reached the head of her drooling dick. I licked it clean and gave it a big kiss before laying back down. With my other hand, I started pouring the lube down the length of her long shaft. When I felt it was enough, I clicked the lid closed and tossed it aside. With both hands, I spread the lube over every millimeter of her huge cock. She smiled down at me the whole time. Finally she asked, "Are you ready?"

"More than I've ever been ready for anything in my life!" I answered.

And with that, she moved back and positioned herself so the tip of her dick was near my hole that was currently occupied by the largest butt plug. She slowly pulled it out. As soon as the plug left my hole, her big dick was going in. It felt much different than the plugs did. Much hotter. Much more textured. She worked it in slowly, giving me plenty of time to get used to it. In an inch or so, then stop. In an inch or so, then stop. She continued like that until she was in a little past where the biggest plug had reached. I had my eyes closed and heard myself moaning like a slut. But I didn't care. I was in heaven!

Now she started pulling out slowly. Almost all the way out. Then slowly back in. I'm sure she could tell by the look on my face that I was loving it because she began a slightly faster in and out rhythm.

I asked her if she was all the way in yet. She said she was only about halfway in.

"Only halfway!?" I opened my eyes and looked down best I could. Sure enough, half of her long cock was still exposed. I looked up at her and said, "That just won't do! I want it all!!"

I wrapped my legs around her waist and gently pulled her in a couple more inches. I moaned out loud and my eyes rolled back. She stopped there for a minute. Then I let her pull out until she was about halfway again. Then I pulled her back in. Soon she had a good rhythm going again. Thrusting in a little further each time.

I heard myself yell out, "FUCK ME!!"

And with that, she slammed her big fuck stick all the way in! Again I moaned out loud and my eyes rolled back. She leaned over me and said, "Is this what my little Willy boy wanted?" She flexed her dick a few times, bringing moans out of my mouth each time. I found myself unable to speak. Just moaning.

She pulled out slowly. About halfway out. Then she stopped and told me to open my eyes. I looked up and saw her smiling at me. Then she slammed her cock all the way back in. "Is this what you want, my Willy boy? You want to get fucked by 14 inches of girl cock?" she asked.

This time I was able to moan out, "Mmm Hmm!"

"Good!" she said before leaning down and giving me a quick peck on the lips. Then she sat back up and really started fucking me. I could feel her rubbing a spot inside me that felt especially amazing. I found myself saying, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" in time with her thrusting. I lost all track of time. I don't know how long she fucked me but I loved every second of it.

Before I knew it, she asked me where I wanted her to cum. I had to think fast. I loved the taste of her cum... but then I realized I felt like I was close to having an orgasm and I wasn't even touching my dick. So I definitely didn't want her to stop fucking me. I decided I wanted to feel her cum blast the inside my ass. I told her and she smiled briefly before returning her attention to the task at hand. I reached up and took a big bouncing breast in each hand, squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

Soon her whole body tensed and her huge cock swelled up even more. It pulsed on that amazing feeling spot inside me. I could feel each shot of cum. The whole thing was more than I could handle and I felt the beginning of my own orgasm. Without even thinking about it, I quickly grabbed my dick and aimed it at my face, just a split second before the first jet of cum. It was the most powerful and intense orgasm I had ever had. The first shot surprised me by hitting me hard in the middle of my forehead. But the second and third shots landed right where I wanted them to... right in my mouth and on my tongue. Each shot after that landed on my chest then on my stomach. As my orgasm tapered off, I instinctively swallowed the cum in my mouth. It didn't taste as delicious as Angela's, but it was still good. And I felt very naughty.

"Oh baby that was so hot!! You're such a cum slut!! My cock loving Willy boy." she panted.

I couldn't argue with her. She was right. I just smiled and nodded as I panted myself. I was in a state of post orgasmic bliss. But I was soon snapped out of it when she yelled out, "Damn it, Alexis!!" I saw that she was looking over at the computer monitor. So I looked to see what she had yelled about.

"Who's Alexis?" I thought as I tried to focus on the screen. I could barely make out what I was seeing. It looked like the attractive young woman that had greeted me when I walked into the store. She was in the private viewing room that I had been in. She was sitting in the chair and had one hand in her shirt, playing with her tits. Her other hand was on her pants leg, rubbing her inner thigh from her crotch to her knee.

Angela spoke to the monitor again, "You're supposed to be watching the store!"

"I know! I know!" I heard her say through the speakers, "I'm sorry! But you know I get just as horny as you do. And you know girls like us gotta stop what we're doing sometimes and just jack off."

"Holy shit!" I thought to myself, "Is she like Angela!? Is that a bulge she's rubbing in her pants!? Does she have a cock too!?"

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Journey Into A Special World My name is Hannah Stone. I've been a reporter for a newspaper for years. A couple of days ago I ran into an old sorority sister and good friend Linda Hart. It's been a few years since we last saw each other and we decided to do lunch together. At the beginning of lunch we had the usual light chat. Then we sort of got on the serious side of chat, when I asked Linda how her marriage to Bob was going. "Oh, Hannah I divorced that bastard years ago. He was...

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Adult Empire Indian

When it comes to looking for top-quality Indian pornography, you may think that this is a simple process. Not for the mother fucker that is picky as hell, though! If you want to watch only professional Indian pornography from studios, channels, and brands that you love, you would otherwise have to sign up for those site’s premium memberships to get off. However, that does not have to happen when you have Adult in your fucking corner!What makes me so fucking sure of that? Why,...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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XVideos Big Tits

It is time to talk about a porn tube giant called I know you all have heard about this massive porn website. is a free porn website filled with millions of porn videos. When searching for certain porn movies on Google, there is a high chance that is suggested at the very start. I mean, this website basically has it all.I have already reviewed the beauty of and what it has to offer. I am not here to talk about that again, do not worry. I am here...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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XVideos Horror Porn

Have you ever found yourself browsing around ThePornDude and thinking to yourself, ‘gee, there are lots of sites to beat off to, but what I really want to watch is a werewolf bukkake’? If so, it’s your lucky day! I have just the tube site that you can visit where you can find exactly that kind of content! It’s over on Porn, and you will find a substantial number of videos that are just waiting for you to cum to!If horror porn is your thing, know that Porn...

Extreme Porn Websites
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XVideos Masturbation

Are you fucking horny as hell to get off to a wide variety of content that is certain to get your ass off in a hurry? Specifically, if you want to jerk off to masturbation content that will have your cock spewing bucket loads of cum before you know it? Then I urge you to get on over to so you can see a whole wealth of masturbatory content that is certain to fucking get you off right where you are sitting!What makes me so fucking sure? Because

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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XVideos Taboo

There isn’t a shortage of porn you can find on the internet. It’s basically impossible to watch all porn there is in several lifetimes, and yet there’s more being produced every day. As a result, porn consumers have developed various tastes in the content they like to jerk off to, and producers try their best to satisfy their needs.Among the genres that have gained so much popularity in the last two decades is Taboo. I’m sure you’ve heard or seen the taboo variety of porn, but are taboo videos...

Incest Porn Sites
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Adult Empire Interracial

One of the high points that comes to mind when I think about Adult Empire is its huge library of premium porn content. It's not like the Empire itself is coming with its own. You're entering this store packed with great porn from a variety of adult entertainment studios. What I'm focusing on this time around is Adult Empire's interracial porn section. Imagine a thick Asian girl taking a BBC into her pussy or a petite ebony girl being as naughty as can be with some white guy.Interracial porn is...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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XVideos Piss

Are you a person that enjoys watching fluids flowing out of a penis? And no, I’m not talking about semen. Or even the gelatin fruit a dude maybe jerking themselves off with! I’m referring to watching pissing videos where beautiful women are taking long yellow streams to the face and mouth.Well, if that’s the kind of content you get off to, I suggest that you head over to (Piss). The platform hosts a wide variety of videos that will certainly satisfy any horny fucker who wants to see...

Scat Porn Sites
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XVideos BBW

Do you crave fat ass bitches? I know I do! They suck dick better than any other type of woman! If you don’t believe me, go get your dick sucked by a BBW!Oh, you can’t find someone willing to suck that tiny little penis? That sucks! You can, however, go to and take a look at the fantastic selection of BBW videos that will get your dick off in no time. Imagine that it’s one of these lovely ladies stroking and fucking that dick that needs to get laid. Use your imagination, and...

BBW Porn Sites
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XVideos Red Trans

XVideos Red includes Shemale videos, though I didn’t really touch on the subject of trannies when I wrote up my full review of the service last time. Chicks with dicks occupy kind of a weird place in pornography; some folks swear it’s gay if the girls are packing, but the market caters mainly to dudes who call themselves straight. I’ve never been one to split hairs or over analyze things, though. If it gets you going, that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?Just about everyone is familiar with...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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XVideos Lesbian

Need lesbian XVideos content? Everyone knows about and all of the amazing videos that they offer you. One of the most popular sections on the website has to be the Lesbian category though and it definitely makes sense since it’s one of the most popular categories in America which is the primary consumer of You’ll definitely see a shitload of videos in this category and they simply never get boring. I mean I’m as straight as they get, and I love fucking chicks really...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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XVideos Red

What in the world is better than mountains of free porn? You already know how easy it is to score nearly unlimited amounts of anal bang smut and teen lesbian group-sex movies on the free tubes. I’m sure you’ve also seen those ads promising to enhance your free tube experience for a few bucks. As distracted as I usually am by the free public threesomes and airtight orgies, my curiosity finally got the best of me, and I ended up checking out fapper on the Internet has rubbed out...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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XVideos Cams

Did you know XVideos has a cam site? Honestly, it’s one of those things that’s easy to overlook because cam ads are a common sight on any of the web’s many free tubes. You may well have been jerking off to the website all morning. But you didn’t notice the Live Cams button in their header because you were too busy gawking at the lesbian stepsisters, ebony interracial encounters, and whatever else their algorithms have figured you’re into. The joint gets three billion visitors a month, and I...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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XVideos Arab

I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a single person on the internet that hasn’t heard of Today we’re checking the place out but we’re going to check out the Arab section and see what that shit is all about. I’m telling you, while you might not be a fan of Arab chicks, they’re some of the freakiest girls in porn. Especially the ones wearing a veil, they’re the biggest freaks since they’ve been suppressing their sexuality for so long and they’re finally setting it free as the suck cocks...

Arab Porn Sites
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XVideos Handjob

Are you trying to find the perfect free porn tube site? Well, XVideos is definitely one of the top, and for a good reason. This site has been alive for a long-ass time, and it has provided many of us with some of the hottest porn videos… covering all kinds of categories. The site has it all, so if you are in the naughty mood, you know where the fuck to go.Well, I am here to tell you all about XVideos and what it offers while focusing all my love on the handjob category. So, if you just came...

Handjob Porn Sites
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XVideos Gangbang

Since our law firm was shut down after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, my life has never been the same. I can longer spy on my colleague paralegals during our businesses. I could sit and just think about what is hidden under the tight short black skirts, stockings, and white blouses. Could she be pantiles, shaved, or trimmed? Is her pussy pink? What about the nipples and breasts under the bras? It was just a hot environment because my dick was ever hard. Being a jobless clown, I had to sit my...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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XVideos Blowjob

As much as I love watching a good creampie video or seeing an orgy of sexy lesbians eat each other’s pussies, there’s a time and a place for blowjob videos. It’s tough to beat the best of them, too. When a hot bitch is slobbering all over your cock and jerking it like they know how to work a dick or three, nothing is fucking better.That’s why if you’re in the mood for some of the sexiest blowjob videos on the Web, you need to pay a visit to Since 2007, XVideos has been...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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XVideos Interracial

I’m going to tell something that a bunch of you horny fuckers may not like to here, but I don’t really give a fuck. All white bitches masturbate to the thought of getting their snatches pounded by huge black cock, whether they admit it or not. Yeah, they may tell you that they think of nothing but your tiny little penis all day long, but they’re fucking lying to you. When the lights are down and their fingers knuckle deep inside their loose and wide pussy, their minds are on dicks that make...

Interracial Porn Sites
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XVideos Teen

Ah, my favorite category of porn. Teen porn. Who doesn’t like seeing a tight teenage pussy get demolished in a porn video? I know I do. I love it when the tiniest of teens get bent over and destroyed like they’re someone’s property. Anyway, if you want to talk about an excellent place to find teen porn on, you can’t just gloss over the fact that has one of the biggest selections of porn in general, and it’s only one of those places that you go to no matter which genre of porn you’re...

Teen Porn Sites
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XVideos POV

Ah, POV porn, the crown jewel of feeling like you’re the one sticking the dick into a pornstar. I remember many times when I went over to POV porn for a good time, and I didn’t want to go out. Don’t get me wrong, scoring sex with hot chicks is like my specialty, but sometimes I don’t feel like going to a bar or a club, and picking out a girl, then getting her a drink and all that bullshit. Sometimes I just want to relax, sit back, and start jerking off like a real gentleman! And what better way...

POV Porn Sites
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The Video Store

  The beginning of this starts slow but gets better, Names and places have been changed so as not to identify the persons involved but if they read it I am sure that they will recognise themselves. The events described her took place 20 years ago in Ilkeston and Peterborough. I had used the local Video Shop for some time and had flirted with the owner Jane as I rented Videos It was sad then to see one day a sign on the door that said business closed.   I found out that Jane had gone to live...

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XVideos Anal

I am like 95% sure that everyone has already heard about before, and in case you have not, where the fuck were you looking? It is safe to say that this site is one of the most popular free porn websites, for many reasons, that I shall briefly mention here… what I shall mostly pay attention to is their hot anal section, so if you love to see tight asses getting spread with hard rods, you have come to the right place.Simple design, lots of free content.Is there a need for me to...

Anal Porn Sites
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Adult Empire BBW

Call them big-breasted women or big beautiful women, BBW porn is arguably bigger (no pun intended?) than ever before. There are plenty of places to find it online, but as is typical with porn, it can be hard to find the best of any genre in one spot in cyberspace.Fortunately, I have been working over the years to find, categorize, describe, and rank all of the notable nudity sites online. It has been hard (and I am not just referring to the typical state of my dick when working) but very...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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XVideos Black

My mom told me she’s a huge fan of watching BBC, so I sent her a link to the collection of black porn movies. It turns out she was talking about Dr. Who, but now she keeps sharing interracial porn videos on Facebook, so she must be enjoying herself. She’s not alone, of course, since XVideos is one of the biggest and most popular free tubes out there. Not counting my mom’s daily visits for IR cuckold movies, they get well over 2 million visits a day.Let’s not beat around the bush too...

Black Porn Sites
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XVideos Voyeur

Do you like to watch people without their consent? Then you’re a creepy mother fucker! If you prefer to keep that shit in fantasy land like any law-abiding citizen though, then that is something I can fucking get behind. Instead of making people feel uncomfortable and wondering just why in the hell you are creeping on them, you need to visit a tube site that can help you to get off without ending up getting another dude off – in jail.That’s why you should consider visiting

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Adult Empire Granny

Fridays had become the worst days of the week. I never had afternoon classes, and rather than spend it seducing bimbos on dating apps or fap to the latest porn content, I had to sit my ass in a nursing home that smells like shit and death with my eight years old grandpa with dementia to be taught Calculus. The fact that he would repeat the same thing for two hours made more. Until this fine afternoon, when I was strolling in this hellscape's corridors, I heard some sounds I could only associate...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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XVideos Granny

I had a bro over at my pad one night. Yeah, we were partying. Yeah, we were FUCKED UP. And yeah, we got so fucked up we started dishing about the bitches we’ve fucked, the porn we watch, and what it would take to bag a hot alien bitch if she teleported right here, right now in my living room.As I said, we were fucked up.I started telling him about the hot grannies I've fucked and all the sexy, granny porn all over the interwebs. He gave me this putrid look like I had just taken a giant,...

Granny Porn Sites
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XVideos Amateur

Do you know what I like more than pornstars dressed up as the girl next door? The actual girl next door, of course. That’s one of the main reasons I’m so into amateur porno. Speaking of, have you seen the XVideos stash of homemade sex movies? I’m actually just finishing a days-long binge of their DIY blowjobs, home orgies and basement BDSM parties. I’m dictating this review today because my hands and forearms are so cramped and aching.Are there Internet perverts out there who still haven’t...

Amateur Porn Sites
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X Videos is one of the largest porno websites in the world. To be exact, since 7th July of 2018, it ranked as the 43rd most visited website in the world with an estimated 1,6 billion visitors /month. That's a ton of jizz that goes to waste on a daily basis, which makes those cum craving sperm banks jealous as fuck. Then again, good riddance! We don't need DNA from fucking losers in the gene pool! was launched way back in 2007, so it currently is around 11 years old. Little is known...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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XVideos Shemale

What is it about women that gets you all fucking hard and drippy? Is it their pretty faces, or do your eyes go straight to their titties? Maybe you’re a leg man, or perhaps you love ass, and I’ve known more than a few dudes who love nothing more than a woman’s foot. Then there are dudes like you, whose favorite part of a broad is her penis. Have you checked out the Shemale section over at XVideos? is one of the net’s biggest sources of free smut. The site gets almost 2.5 million...

Shemale Porn Sites
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XVideos 3D Porn

What’s up, you filthy freaks? Boy, have I got something for you today. Do you ever just get tired of reality? Like, what the fuck is even up with people? Think about it. You’re inside every day, beating your dick to girls that wouldn’t even look twice at you. At some point, that’s got to feel a little shitty, right? I don’t know; maybe you’re into that kind of stuff.But what if it was different? What if you could jerk off to girls that didn’t have pesky human limitations? What if you want to...

3D Porn Sites
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XVideos Mature

In the chaotic world of online porn, you can trust ThePornDude to be your guide to good porn. If you have a thing for older women, specifically 30+ up to 60, pay some close fucking attention. I'm about to introduce you to yet another source of porn featuring mature, ridiculously sexy, and dick starved MILFs. These women will command both your respect and your attention with their hot bodies and experience.These moms are so fucking horny, and all they need is to release the tension. When their...

Mature Porn Sites
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XVideos Vintage

Do you love watching porn from before you were born? I’m not talking about a few years before your birthdate either. I’m talking about porn that was filmed over a fucking hundred years ago!Or maybe you don’t find a crash course in pornographic history all that interesting. Perhaps you want to watch hot professionals getting their fuck on from the era when you grew up. Or maybe you get off to watching pre-HD content for some reason.Whatever the case may be, has the content...

Vintage Porn Sites
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XVideos ASMR

To many, XVideos is known as a platform that can provide you with a pretty substantial number of porn videos. And while that may be true, it’s also a website that can provide you with some more niche categories of content. One such category is ASMR porn. I know, it sounds silly to think that ASMR has made its way into the porn industry, but it’s true. On this website, you will be able to get ASMR porn and enjoy it as much as you want, and all for free. Well, if that doesn’t sound like a good...

ASMR Porn Sites
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XVideos Twitter 754000

Unless you're new to Twitter, you've probably had someone follow you with big tits, a round ass, and a link to their only fans page. Twitter has become a huge platform for adult entertainers to post NSFW content. You don't even have to go to google anymore to watch porn. As a matter of fact, most major networks now have Twitter accounts that post hot clips daily. One of those platforms is one of the biggest porn tubes on the internet. Have you ever heard of XVideos? Of course, you have because...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Adult Empire Celebrity

Ever since Paris Hilton's ex, Rick Salomon, released the pair of them porking, celebrity sex tapes became super popular. Then after a while, they seemed to die down for a bit until The infamous Fappening happened. Nowadays, it seems like famous (non-porn) people fucking seems to serve two functions, being 1.) it's good publicity for stars who are no longer in the news, and 2.) it is a halfway decent cottage industry for adult entertainment.Whatever the reason, past, present, and future, I am...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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XVideos Cartoon

Let’s talk about animated porn, and more specifically, let’s talk about the animated porn that xVideos has to offer. By now, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about since this site has been here for quite some time. It is a free porn place with millions of porn videos for you to enjoy, and I particularly love their cartoon porn section.Since you are here, reading my shitty review, it is safe to guess that you are also a big fan of animated tits, right? Well, my friends, you...

Cartoon Porn Sites

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