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Μια ξεχωριστή εμπειρία....

Είχε έρθει η Πέμπτη..η αγαπημένη μου μέρα!!! Θα συναντούσα και πάλι το μωράκι μου, το οποίο μου είχε ετοιμάσει και εκπληξούλα!! Θα κοιμόμασταν αγκαλίτσα το βράδυ!!! Πόσο απολαμβάνω αυτές τις στιγμές μαζί του, την αγκαλιά του, την ανάσα του, τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του!!!
Βρεθήκαμε το απογευματάκι... ήμασταν ήρεμοι, χαλαροί.. Καθόμασταν γυμνοί και αγκαλιασμένοι στον καναπέ και απολαμβάναμε τα χάδια μας. Όταν νιώθαμε το πάθος μας να φουντώνει, με έστηνε το μωρό μου στα τέσσερα και με ξέσκιζε την μουνάρα και την κωλάρα μου! Με έπαιρνε απο παντού και με έφερνε απανωτούς οργασμούς! Ήταν όμως μια διαφορετική αίσθηση, δεν υπήρχε η πίεση του χρόνου, δεν υπήρχε το άγχος του ρολογιού...
Απο μέρες συζητούσαμε ποσο θέλαμε να μοιραστούμε μια συνάντηση μας με ένα πιπινάκι.... Το γουστάραμε, το ονειρευόμασταν, θέλαμε να βγάλουμε γούστα!! Η συνάντηση μας λοιπόν έκρυβε ακόμη μια έκπληξη! Είχα πιεί τα τζινάκια μου, είχα καβλώσει τρελά όταν χτύπησε η πόρτα και ήρθε το πιπινακι που ονειρευόμασταν! Μια 20χρονη κουκλίτσα έτοιμη να εκπληρώσει τα γούστα μας!! Μετά τις πρώτες γνωριμίες ξεκινήσαμε δράση!! Ετσι όπως ήταν το μωρό μου γυμνό δίπλα μου έσκυψα και πήρα την πουτσάρα του στο στόμα μου ενώ ταυτόχρονα φώναξα το πιπινακι να έρθει κοντά μου και να στείλουμε την μωράκλα μου στον παράδεισο!! Είμασταν και οι 2 σκυμμένες και τον παίρναμε τσιμπουκάρα..μπερδευόταν οι γλώσσες μας με την γκαβλάρα του και με τα παθιασμένα μας γλωσσόφιλα! Ήταν σκέτη τρέλα ....χουφτώναμε με το μωρό μου τα βυζάκια της και ταυτόχρονα γευόμουνα τα ζουμακια της καυλας του!! Τρελάθηκα ... ήθελα να πηδηχτώ! Ενιωθα μεγάλη πουτάνα!! Στήθηκα στον καναπέ και το μωρό μου με ξέσκιζε ...δεν μπορούσα να ελέγξω τους οργασμούς μου! Ήθελα να νιώσει όμως και το πιπινάκι το ξέσκισμα απο τον αντρούκλα μου.. Στήσου της λέω να σε ξεσκίσει!! Ήταν η σειρά της να νιώσει την καύλα... Όσο παράξενο κι αν ακούγεται με κάβλωνε τρελά η εικόνα! Πήρα τον δονητή και άρχισα να ξεσκίζομαι ταυτόχρονα και να χύνω ...να χύνω δίνοντας τους γλώσσόφιλα! Κάποια στιγμή ενώσαμε και οι τρεις τις γλώσσες μας ....τρελάθηκα! Έλιωσα!!! Απίστευτο γλωσσόφιλο..πάθος ...τρέλα! Ο αντρούκλας μου μας έπαιρνε και τις δύο ασταμάτητα , κωλάρα...μουνάρα.. στα τέσσερα ... στα όρθια... ξαπλωτά.... Απόλαυση, ηδονή, τρέλα...
Πήγαμε και οι τρεις στο κρεβάτι. Ξάπλωσε η μωράκλα μου στο κρέβατι και εγώ απο την μια πλευρά και το πιπινάκι απο την άλλη τον τσιμπουκώναμε! Μας χούφτώνε, με έριχνε μπάτσες στην κωλάρα μου και εγώ καύλωνα και τον καβαλούσα μια απο τον κώλο ... μια απο το μουνι ... χυσια.. χύσια... χύσια! Ανέβαινα στην πουτσάρα του ξεσκιζόμουνα... ανέβαινε το πιπινάκι ξεσκιζότανε ...μια εγώ μια αυτή!!!
Μέσα στην καυλα μου ζήτησα απο το μωρό μου να στήσει την χερούκλα του για να καρφωθώ!! Γουστάρω πολύ το φίστινγκ, γεμίζει η μουνάρα μου καυτά ζουμιά!! "Σκίσε με" του φώναζα και ξεσκιζόμουνα στην χερούκλα του ενω το πιπινάκι ξεσκιζότανε στην γκαυλάρα του!! Το μωρό μου όμως ήθελε να βιώσω και την εμπειρία απο το γυναικείο χεράκι! Ξάπλωσα στο κρεβάτι και έβαλε το πιπινάκι το χέρι του στην μουναρα μου...μέσα έξω...μέσα έξω. "Βάλε και τα δυο σου χέρια" της λεει το μωρό μου!Τρέλααααααα! Ενιωθα τα χέρια της να μπαινοβγαίνουν στην μουνάρα μου και μούγκριζα απο ηδονή!! Το πιπινακι καυλωσε ..στηθηκε στα τέσσερα και το πήρε το μωρό μου άγρια .. δυνατά!! Το κοιτούσα να πηδιέται και ένιωθα απίστευτη ικανοποιηση γιατί ήξερα ότι αυτός ο αντρούκλας που την πηδούσε είναι δικός μου... είναι ο άντρας που με έκανε γυναίκα, που μου χαρίζει την ηδονή!! Ήθελα να νιώσει για μια φορά αυτό που εγώ νιώθω συνέχεια.. ήθελα να νιώσει πως είναι να σε ξεσκίζει ένας πραγματικός αντρούκλας!! Μετά απο αμέτρητες ώρες σεξ ξαπλώσαμε χορτασμένοι στο κρεβάτι.. το πιπινάκι είναι η αλήθεια ενθουσιασμένο δεν ήθελε να μας αποχωριστεί!!
Ήταν τρεις η ώρα όταν μείναμε μόνοι και ........προσωρινά χορτασμένοι!! Κοιμηθήκαμε αγκαλιασμένοι... μεγάλη απόλαυση! Το αγαπώ τόσο πολύ το μωρό μου! Όλο το βράδυ το έχω αγκαλιά, απολαμβάνω την μυρωδιά του, γεμίζω το σώμα του φιλιά!! Ξυπνήσαμε το πρωι ξεκούραστοι και έτοιμοι για δράση!! Μετά απο την απολαυστική τσιμπουκάρα ο αντρούκλας μου, μου πρόσφερε αμέτρητους νέους οργασμούς! Απο το κρεβάτι βρισκόμασταν όρθιοι στο παράθυρο, απο εκει στον καναπέ, στην μπανιέρα, στην πολυθρόνα... με ξεσκιζε με πάθος,με τρέλα!!! Ήθελα να απολαυσω όμως και την τρυπούλα του! Την θέλω σαν τρελή!! Πήγε στο μπάνιο, ετοιμάστηκε και με φώναξε!! Εκεί μέσα στην μπανιέρα βυθισα το χέρι μου μέσα στην καυτή του τρύπα, το έβαζα, το έβγαζα, το έβαζα, το έβγαζα...Εσταζε ζουμια.... έχυνε ασταμάτητα και εγώ γευόμουν στο στόμα μου το σπέρμα
του..... το νοστιμότερο του κόσμου!!

Μωράκι μου έζησα για άλλη μια φορά μια μοναδική εμπειρία μαζί σου.... έχεις καταφέρει με την αγάπη και την αφοσίωση που μου δείχνεις να ζω και να αντιλαμβάνομαι τα πάντα διαφορετικά! Εχεις καταφέρει να εκμηδενίσεις την ζήλια και την αμφισβήτηση και να κορυφώσεις την εμπιστοσύνη, την αφοσίωση και την αγάπη!! Μαζί θα ζήσουμε τα πάντα..... ΣΕ ΛΑΤΡΕΥΩ!!

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Susans Curiosity

Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to. Over...

3 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 4 Dogs Cant Wrestle

The next morning the Ryan family rose early and Linda set out a quick breakfast of cold cereal. Greg did the dishes while his parents prepared the motor home for travel. Everything had to be put away and all doors and drawers checked to make sure nothing would come open on the road. Dog sat back under the dinette table out of the way. Finally they were on the freeway headed north. Greg sat in his usual seat and looked out the window. His mind wandered loose, flitting from one thought to...

4 years ago
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A Midsummer Nights Fantasy

Martin Bishop opened the door to his apartment, glad to finally be home. It had been a long week for the twenty-five year old photographer, having had three major projects to complete. Now he was looking forward to a quiet night at home. The door hadn't even fully closed behind him when a tall, long-haired redhead, appeared from the kitchen. With a warm smile on her face, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. The press of her body against his was enough to make all the problems...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Love chapter ten

They reappeared about half an hour, two beautiful little schoolgirls dressed identically in tiny micro kilts, crisp white shirts, a tie each and little straw hats perched cheekily on the back of their heads. Black court shoes and knee length white socks completed the picture and left me absolutely drooling, these two were a dream, a bloody wet dream!"We thought you might like to help us on with these Terry," mum said, and they each held out identical white panties."I don't trust her, she'd take...

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Emperors BodyguardChapter 9 Gamma Station

The first few hours were tense as we accelerated quickly. We received updates on the Duke and Michelle’s family. We were two days out and I had just gotten to sleep when Michelle had Silvia wake me up. I walked out of my cabin blinking and Brit handed me a cup of her coffee. I looked at the coffee and Silvia laughed. I took a sip as I walked toward my seat, “What do you have Kitten?” She gestured to Peaches, “A Major Alterson wants to speak with you?” I looked at Peaches before taking my...

4 years ago
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The Pleasures of Three Ch 3 Exhibition in broad daylight

Deana, John and Mathew enjoyed their threesome so much they couldn't wait to get it on again, but it was two months before John could make another visit. Deana and John couldn't get their little rendezvous in the parking lot out of their minds, and she secretly hoped that he would want to repeat it. Sure enough she had the same email in her Inbox at 10:00 that very morning. The only difference is that this time John added, "Wear the same dress you wore last time."This time when Mathew suggested...

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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 3 Terrace Sex

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the third part of the story. Simi and I had wonderful terrace sex under the blue skies. If you haven’t read the first two parts, please go through them to get the story’s context and characters. After reaching home that night, I received a message on WhatsApp, and it was from Simi. The message said that it was the most erotic sex she had in the last few years, and she enjoyed it like anything. The message ended...

2 years ago
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NaughtyAmerica Aubrey Sinclair VR 22399

What’s the best part about staying at some rat-hole motel? Hot, horny chicks like Aubrey Sinclair are always going to the vending machine! Lucky for you Aubrey’s in dire need of some pop, and you have the change she needs! But everything has its price, right? Aubrey’s willing to sneak you her dad’s sixer o’suds if you can change her some cola coins. But wait, the horny blonde has a better idea: how ’bout she bang your brains out, too?! Not a bad deal, if I...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Trap 2 Suck Her Dry

For the first chapter of this story look for “Beautiful Trap” I parked in the parking garage and took the elevator to the mall. We were going to meet on the other side of the food court from where I entered the mall. It was under construction past that area so the entry way she wanted to meet it was basically empty and secluded. I had an idea of why she chose that place to meet. I got to the long corridor and I saw her standing near the exterior door. She was exceptionally hot. She had her dark...

4 years ago
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Makin Pagans

Thanks to John Freer for most of the nifty ideas for this story; the un-nifty ones are mine. Appalling gaps in Homer's classical education heroically filled by Felix Lance Falkon and Allison George's Encarta encyclopedia. Artie pitched in with some proofing of an early version, but is not responsible for remaining errors. Also, I have gotten some comments from readers put off by some of the obcure references and the "menageire" of Greek gods. Therefore I have some eplanatory...

2 years ago
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Peen Has a Stay In Hospital

Peen opened his eyes and grunted up at the bright light above him. "Aye?" he questioned. Then he winced and tried to swallow. The overhead fluorescent light crackled."You're fine, sir. You're just coming awake. It went well. We got rid of that nasty bone spur on your heel." The nurse was making adjustments on the monitor attached to the wall. "You know you'll have to stay overnight? Doctor spoke to you about that, I'm sure. We just need to make sure the anesthesia didn't give you a...

5 years ago
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Weekend with friends

Saturday, we all met for lunch in the city, (we don't see much of Ann, she can only come out with us a few times a year, her husband is a jerk) after lunch we went shopping, just having a bit of fun, but there were little casual touches, and bumps and the occasional rubbing of tushes. This went on all of the afternoon, just laughing, giggling, along with suggestive comments, and that was getting me worked up. I was getting turned on by this. I think at about 6 PM we got to Beck's...

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Karen and Stacey

Chapter One“OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD!” With a loud moan, Karen’s orgasm rocked her body as her hips pumped a steady rhythm. Darnell tightened his grip on her hips and threw his head back as his balls started to pump his white seed deep into Karen’s ass from behind. Finally, he fell back, his long cock pulling out of her tight ass and collapsed onto the bed. She slid forward, her huge tits splayed out to each side from underneath.A short while later, Darnell came out of the bathroom after...

4 years ago
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Halloween Trick

For comments, send an email to [email protected]        Halloween was always my favorite time of year.  Girls got to dress as sluts and guys simply got to enjoy the view.  My costume that year wasn’t all that creative.  I was simply going to be a construction worker, I had a jean vest, yellow hard hat, and a tool belt equipped only with an old hammer I had found laying around my house.  My friend Bill was having a party that night and it was supposed to be legendary.  I showed up around...

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The unknown

I open the door and you step forward, looking into my eyes. Our gazes lock. You feel the electricity of passion and lust pass between us. Your gaze moves lower, taking in my moist lips, the gentle swell of my breasts with their hard points poking through the thin material...down further to the graceful curve of my hips. I smile and blush a little, being examined with a look of such lust. "Won't you come in?" I ask.> > You can feel the heat rising in your face as I realize how you been staring...

First Time
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CrosswordsChapter 5

“Is that all you’re taking?” Lynn’s face matched the tone of her voice and also the arms stretched out to her sides, an expression of incredulity. I shrugged and looked in the trunk at the two plastic bags and a couple of taped up boxes. There were two suitcases in the backseat but those were Lynn’s. “Yeah, well, like you said, I shouldn’t be dwelling on the past.” I slammed the trunk closed and walked around to the driver’s door. “There must be more than that, some keepsakes, or...

3 years ago
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the girlthe bf and me

Alright this 1 night I was at this bar I know when I meet up with this girl well we started talking -n-drinking,1 thing led to another,her ol man shows up I thought I was gonna get into a fight,so I walked away,she comes up to me bout 20 min.later said everything was cool she broke up with him...I thought "alright im getting laid for sure" well we have a few more drinks head back to her place(I had no idea me an her would be fucking at her place,thought we would have been back at mine)but then...

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Vacation with my girlfriend

Back in the early eighties my girlfriend and I went to the Dominican Republic for vacation. I don’t remember the name of the resort but it was nice and it had a nude beach. I had never been to a nude beach and was anxious to try it out. So we headed down to the beach. We found a spot off to the side and spread our blanket and just kind of looked at each other not knowing what to do. Finally my girl pulled her top off and I followed her lead and took my trunks off. Nude meant women topless men...

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A Weekend at the Cabin Ch 2

How can I ever thank you but to continue the story in part 3? **kiss** my darling Amanda ‘May I have this dance?’ I ask. Your eyes smile as you reach up and take my hand. The electricity of our fingers touching causes jolts to run up my arm. Oh how much I love this man. I hear the music you’ve picked, a salsa, and my hips begin to sway seductively. I see your expression change to one of surprise and pleasure. ‘Dance for me, darling,’ you tell me. With a smile in my eyes and my heart pounding,...

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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 14 Conclusion

We separated after dinner. I had headed back to my place and Klara and Khrystiana headed back to Khrys' place. On the Uber ride back home I started thinking about our upcoming ‘farewell’ picnic for Klara on Saturday. One thing that struck me was Khrys’ comment about how provocative she found the idea of being spanked in a way that could be viewed by others. I had also noticed the sparkle in Klara’s eyes when Khrys made her comment.I realized as soon as Khrys suggested the picnic that this might...

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Summer of Love Week 10 part 1

The beginning of August coincides with the Valley Vista region’s first real heatwave of the summer. Until now, the weather has been warm, but pleasant, with low humidity and rarely getting above the eighties for daytime high temperatures. This week a sultry weather system is settling over the area; today, the daytime temperature will reach 90 degrees, coupled with high humidity and it’s only going to get hotter and muggier later in the week. J.J. and Aaron both know that work this week, as...

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The Chance

I’d been watching Gavin for several weeks. He was the new guy at work and was really good looking. I didn’t want to seem overbearing. So, I kept things light and friendly. I didn’t want to scare him off.Gavin was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He had a great laugh and was a fun addition to the office. He fit right in and seemed to get along with everyone.I observed his interactions with the women in his work area and tried to get a feel for whether he showed any romantic interest in...

Gay Male
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Whispers From Down Below

If someone had been asked to characterize Gerald Flemming, one possible term used would most likely have been ordinary or maybe average. Truth be told, that was probably an overly generous assessment. Gerald was actually below average in almost most aspects – intelligence, looks, ambition, social skills... Despite all that, he would eventually become quite a wealthy and powerful individual. And it would be all thanks to the whispers. Gerald, in his mid-thirties, was living in his uncle's...

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Bus Ka Rangeen Safar

Hello Dear All Iss Readers Am Sidhu From Punjab And its May First Story On Iss. I Aaproximatliy Read All Stories on this site most of stories are fake but some stories r really hot .Forget everything am come to the pointe and write my realy life storie in Hindi. Baat dec month ki hai jab main apne kaam k silsile main Una (HP) se aa raha tha mujhe hoshiarpur se chandigarh ki bus pakadni thi par main thoda late ho gaya Maine last bus 9:30 ki bhaag kar pakdi to mujhe ek seat mail gai bus abhi...

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