The Morning I Ran Out of Tissue
- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
“Is that all you’re taking?”
Lynn’s face matched the tone of her voice and also the arms stretched out to her sides, an expression of incredulity.
I shrugged and looked in the trunk at the two plastic bags and a couple of taped up boxes. There were two suitcases in the backseat but those were Lynn’s. “Yeah, well, like you said, I shouldn’t be dwelling on the past.” I slammed the trunk closed and walked around to the driver’s door.
“There must be more than that, some keepsakes, or something,” Lynn said.
“Nope, I gave some of my stuff to friends and threw the rest of the crap away. All Mom and Dad’s stuff is still in there,” I waved at the house, the only home I’d ever known.
“You’re not going to stay and sort through it?” Lynn sounded understanding with barely a hint that she was pissed off.
“Nope. You want to sell the place, so sell it.” I didn’t try to hide the fact that I was pissed off.
“Tyson, you know it’s for the best. We’ve been over this.”
“I know, Sis. I know I’ve got to get out of here, it’s just that, it’s just...”
Lynn stepped close and threw her arms around me, tears in her eyes. “Oh, Ty,” she cried, hugging me tight and starting to cry.
“Don’t, Sis. You’ll get me started,” I patted her back and stroked her hair.
Lynn drew back, smiled, sniffed, and bravely wiped the tears from her eyes. “Right, you’re right.” She took a big breath. “Ok, then.”
“Look, how about I go have my last burger here and you take a look inside and see if there’s anything you really want to save. If there is, I’ll help you go through it.”
“No, Ty. I’ve already been through everything. I was just surprised there wasn’t more that you wanted.”
“Just those two boxes. The rest is just furniture and stuff,” I said.
“Okay, then. Let’s go have that last burger together.” Lynn started around the front of the car.
“You’re not really going break down and ruin three years of work, are you?” I laughed.
“One burger isn’t going to kill me,” Lynn laughed back.
My sister had had a hard time shedding the weight she gained after her second child. The first hadn’t been difficult. She had been careful about what she ate and exercised throughout her pregnancy but with the second, she just couldn’t find the time or energy with another kid to look after. She had gained a lot more and hadn’t lost it, not until recently, that is. Now, she looked great. She wasn’t much heavier than she’d been in college, maybe even lighter than she was in high school. She was a pretty good-looking thirty-three year old, especially one that had two kids in school. In fact, the maturity wrought from bearing children made her even better looking, more appealingly feminine than before. Motherhood had been kind to my sister.
I got in the car. Lynn was snapping the seat belt shut. Even her breasts were better, I thought, noting how the belt separated her breasts as it crossed her chest. They were larger than before but I supposed that was to be expected after two children.
“I’ll drop you at the airport after the burger,” I said, “and then get going.”
I backed the car out onto the road.
“I’m coming with you,” Lynn said.
“You’re coming with me? It will take two or three days to get there.”
“I’m not in a rush.”
A car honked its horn and swerved around us. I ignored him instead of offering my normal salute.
“What about your ticket?”
“What about it?”
“Can you get a refund?”
“I’m not worried about it.” Lynn said. “You better get going before you get a ticket.”
“What about the kids?”
“What about them?”
“Don’t you have to get back to look after them?”
“Rosita will look after them. Quit stalling and get the show on the road.”
I got the car moving. I knew better than to argue with Lynn once she had made up her mind. I knew what she was doing. She was worried about me and wanted to make sure I made it to her place and didn’t wander off somewhere which is what I had intended to do. What the hell. I’d take my sister for a nice relaxing drive for a few days, avoiding the interstate as much as possible, stay at her place for a week or so, and then bugger off.
I sat reminiscing about the afternoon’s drive. The TV was on and I appeared to be watching it but I wasn’t. I was more aware of the sound of the shower than what the talking heads were saying. That was a great burger. I hoped there would be somewhere they could make something half decent in West Palm Beach; not great, just something more than passable. That burger had been the start of a very nice afternoon. After that, we blew out of town in my baby, a rebuilt, red with black stripe and black leather interior ‘68 Camaro hardtop that ran like it was brand new. Quite a few miles had gone by and we had left the interstate when Lynn rolled her window down and shook her hair out in the passing wind.
“I can’t believe you still have this thing,” she yelled over the wind and the roar of the engine. “It used to be such a piece of shit.”
“It’s been completely rebuilt, a frame-up restoration,” I yelled back.
I started to itemize the work I’d put into it over the years, the time and dollars spent always a bone of contention with my girlfriend, but Lynn smiled and turned away, uninterested. I rolled my window down too and turned the music up so we could hear it. Lynn’s head nodded with the beat and her hand tapped the top of the door. “Yeah,” she said.
Some miles down the road, Lynn looked less the harried young mother and more the attractive young woman she was despite her conservative dress. The tension had drained from her face and her whole body seemed to be more fluid though she was just gazing out the window. Lynn kicked off her shoes and lifted her feet up to brace them on the dash on either side of the glove box. Her loose skirt skidded down her thighs and Lynn trapped it, pushing the extra material between her legs. She turned to look at me and I quickly looked back at the road.
“Do you mind?” she asked, nodding at her bare feet on my dash.
“It’s cool,” I answered.
Lynn turned back to the scenery and a few seconds later I did too. I had forgotten how nice Lynn’s legs were. Whenever I thought of her, I always remembered her breasts, those gorgeous things I had seen so fleetingly years ago. Sometimes, I had to admit, I had pictured them when I was huffing and puffing over my ex-girlfriend and several women before that. However, I hadn’t done that since the birth of Lynn’s second child. She had kind of let herself go during her second pregnancy. Looking at those legs now, that was clearly well behind her and I knew I would be dreaming about her tonight.
It wasn’t just because Lynn had shed weight. Lynn had a nice body, again, true, but the problem really lay in how much she looked like Mom when she was in her thirties, a time when my voice changed, I shaved for the first time and, yes, I almost wore out my cock masturbating. I thought that was a teenage thing then but I still did it, a lot.
Despite my objections, Lynn refused to stay in a cheap motel. She booked us in as Mr. and Mrs. Thompson.
“It’s easier,” she explained as we rode the elevator up to our room.
The room was large and expensively decorated. The two king-sized beds were each fronted with flat screen TVs. I went straight to the minibar but Lynn picked up the phone and asked, “What do you want? I’m having wine.”
I said that I’d go for that too. What the hell, there was no reason for me to be an impolite guest.
“For the tip,” Lynn said, handing me a ten. “I’m going to freshen up.”
“I can afford a tip,” I said, refusing to take it.
“Suit yourself,” she said, dropping the ten on the bed and brushing past me to the bathroom.
After she closed the door, I changed my mind. When the guy arrived, I directed him to put the wine and glasses on the table between the beds and gave him a five. I grabbed a beer from the minibar, kicked off my shoes, and settled in to watch some TV.
Lynn was in the bathroom for quite a while. When she finally emerged, she had one towel wrapped around her body and another piled on her head covering her hair.
“What are you watching?” she asked, sitting on the edge of her bed nearest mine.
“Football,” I answered, as if it wasn’t obvious.
Lynn swung her legs up on the bed and settled back into the pillows. It wasn’t long before I lost my focus on the game. The distraction was Lynn smoothing lotion down her lower legs and onto her feet, and then touching up the polish on her nails with a little brush. She asked questions about the game like she used to do, only now I didn’t think she was doing it to be annoying. I think she really wanted to talk to me.
“Oh shit,” Lynn suddenly exclaimed. “We forgot about the wine.”
I nodded and waved my beer bottle at the wine.
“You’re having beer? I can’t drink a whole bottle of wine by myself,” she complained.
“No problem, “ I said, tipping up my bottle and finishing it.
I poured us both a glass and Lynn got me talking about the old days during half-time. I muted the TV and didn’t notice when the game started up again. Lynn leaned across several times to clink glasses which rewarded me with a view of the upper part of the breasts I used to fantasize about, except now they were bigger, like Mom’s. I noticed by the third quarter that I had forgotten about the game but by then I didn’t care. Lynn mostly looked straight ahead as she talked, which allowed me to admire her legs and to really take in how much she looked like Mom. After a while, I just enjoyed listening to her voice.
As I refilled our glasses, Lynn got up and told me to close my eyes, which I did. I heard the towels falling to the floor but kept my eyes closed tight. After a lot of rustling, Lynn told me I could open my eyes again. I handed her a glass of wine and she thanked me for being a gentleman.
“I’m not a kid anymore,” I responded, thinking about that day I had burst in to find her topless.
“No, I guess not,” Lynn replied wistfully.
We drank that glass more quickly than the first but with fewer clinks which was too bad because it was awkward for Lynn to keep the bed covers pressed to her chest as she leaned across and there was always the chance of an accident. Well, I suppose that wouldn’t have been a good thing, really. It probably would have just embarrassed us both. I knew it would embarrass me. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking that Lynn was naked lying in the bed next to mine.
While I poured the third and final glass, Lynn pulled her knees up under the cover and leaned forward, ruffling her hair. Positioned the way I was, I could see her entire naked back and the side of her left breast jiggling as she shook out her hair. Lynn’s narrow waist dipped in under her breast and then flared out to her hips and buttocks. I spilled the wine, overflowing her glass.
“Hey, keep your eye on the job, buddy,” Lynn laughingly admonished me.
I was wrong. I wasn’t embarrassed. The casual way my sister handled catching me cruising her body made it all part of brother-sister banter, like in the old days. I felt quite relaxed as I handed her the glass and then poured my own. We took up our conversation where we left off and talked long after the wine was gone.
Eventually, we decided to hit the sack and turned off the lights. We hadn’t closed the curtains so the room was dimly lit by the ambient lights of the city below. I went to the bathroom to wash up and do my teeth. Lynn was lying with her covers pulled up to her neck facing my bed. I thought she would turn around when I started getting undressed but she didn’t. I stripped down to my underwear and got into bed. Her eyes were closed but I was sure I had seen a glint there while I was undressing.
During the night, Lynn got up and went to the bathroom. I watched her shadowy form go but couldn’t make out any details in the semi-darkness. After the toilet flushed, I waited with slitted eyes for her return. The gods shone on me that night as Lynn forgot to turn out the bathroom light. Her heavy breasts swayed beautifully in the gloom and I could make out a dark triangle that must have been her pubic hair.
“Damn,” she whispered, turning around to get the light.
Ah, what a lovely derriere. My brother-in-law was a lucky man.
Dale was a heart surgeon and fourteen years Lynn’s senior. This was his second marriage and second set of kids. He had missed the early years of his first set and, like many successful men his age, succumbed to the attraction of a younger woman and eagerly embraced her desire for a family, one that, this time, would be enjoyed. But the attraction often waned and Dale seemed to be following the path that had led to his first divorce — work was his primary focus.
I was surprised that Lynn hadn’t talked about her husband and kids. I hadn’t noticed it the night before but thought about it the next day while Lynn drove. Yes, I let my sister, the one whose driving I had always criticized, drive my baby. She loved it and I had to say, she looked beautiful driving my classic Camaro. They could have sold a lot of these using her in a commercial.
Somehow, Lynn didn’t look anything like the efficient mother that had arrived ten days ago to settle up the house. She seemed free as a bird as we sped down the county roads. She was gorgeous with her hair lifting from the open window and her loose dress billowing from the same wind. She had long since stopped trying to smooth it back up to her knees and let her long legs stay bare. Yep, I thought, my sister was definitely Camaro material.
“Be good,” Lynn laughed, looking over and catching my eyes running over her legs.
I was a bit amazed by how unruffled she was by my attention to her physical attributes and how little it seemed to bother me at getting caught. In fact, it seemed almost like a game. Lynn caught me several more times that day and I think she enjoyed it. She almost glowed after catching me and seemed to bask in my admiration. I think my attention was good for her, as was the glances she attracted when we stopped to eat for lunch and dinner. There was something about Lynn that made her more fun than her usual self and I think she was aware of it, and liked it. That, and the attention she garnered, probably took her back to the old days, before kids.
We shared a bottle of wine at dinner before going upstairs to our room. Lynn ordered a bottle before going in for a shower and I settled on one of the beds, queens this time and just one TV, after it arrived to browse through the movie offerings. Lynn exited the bathroom in the same garb, a towel around her body and one covering her hair. When I asked which of several chick flicks she wanted, she took the remote from me, found a football game, and tossed it back to me. I shrugged, and picked up one of the glasses. Lynn ignored hers and set about getting ready to paint her toenails.
“What color do you like, Ty?” Lynn asked, wiggling her toes at me and holding up two bottles of nail polish.
“That one,” I said, pointing to the one on the left.
“You don’t like the pink one?” she seemed disappointed.
I looked back. “That one, then,” I said, pointing to the other one.
Lynn smiled and started painting her toes. She held them out and wiggled them once in a while, waiting for me to acknowledge their presence and to nod approvingly, which I did. I pretended it was an annoyance but, truth be told, I enjoyed it and I think Lynn knew it. I liked the way she held her leg out, the way her pretty foot curled, and the way her toes wiggled for attention. I looked over to monitor her progress a few times between the toe-wiggling and admired the muscles in Lynn’s calves and the tender underside of her left flank that was, as far as I could see, completely devoid of cellulite. If this woman wasn’t my sister, I would be all over her in a flash.
Lynn finished her toes and flaunted them in front of me but I pretended to me more interested in the game. She got up from her bed and circled around to the end of mine, then sat on it blocking the TV.
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xmoviesforyouIntroduction: It takes a heap of sex to train a Texas Debutant. I want to hear from you, the negative as well as the positive. Oh So Friendly Part 2 I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was...
I met Cassandra in college during my sophomore year. I'd seen her around campus since my first day as a freshman, but our paths had never crossed. One night I was at a party and there she was, surrounded by a platoon of male admirers. We made eye contact, I smiled, she looked away and I went and got myself another beer. I was outside on the back patio catching a breath of fresh air. It was a clear night and I was looking up at the stars when a voice behind me said, "Which one do you think I...
Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part I By Janis Elizabeth Prologue: Janet stood in line in eager anticipation outside the auditorium waiting for the processional to begin. Under her gold graduation robe, she wore a short-sleeved white dress, which fit nicely across her teenage bosom and then flared at the waist into a knee-length skirt. Beneath her dress, she was wearing a lovely white satin bra ad panties set and a white satin garter belt that her mom had gotten her especially...
Tex was a tit man. He loved a big set of tits. Today he drove to where the whores hung out and he saw the young girl with enormous saggy tits. He guessed she must be a double G size. She was young and wearing just a thin t-shirt and a very short skirt. He pulled over to the curb and she came over to his window. She said "My name is Jane. Do you want some pussy?" Tex replied "I sure do but I really want those huge tits. Pull your shirt up and let me see them." She pulled her shirt up and Tex...
After enjoying many of the stories on the net, I've decided to try and share my story about being a blowjob girl. What I mean when I say I'm a blowjob girl is that I regularly perform oral sex on groups of guys. To try and keep it short I will tell you briefly the highlights of my sex life from age 14 to now. I haven't used any real names and changed enough details to insure my anonymity, and with all the changes I've made you should just consider this story to be fiction. When I was...
Chapter 1 Kerry and I showered in silence, then she locked me up again and we began to prepare dinner. “I cant believe what I did today baby" she said, finally breaking the silence. “I know, you were crazed" I said holding her in my arms. Over dinner we discussed the days events and whether or not it was a good idea to continue. I told her I’d never enjoyed sex so much or even denial of sex. I also told that she had clearly been driven to a new level of lust by Malcolm. I said that It...
As Tina pulled back the curtain on the shower my heart was pounding. Only minutes earlier I had seen her Dad and other male relatives acting out a Turkish bath house scene in that very shower. Mentally the images were seared into my mind!! But the sounds coming from behind the curtain now were much more feminine. Tina turned and grabbed my cock and kissed me savagely! I could feel my cock swelling and I thought again about just possibly mounting her instead of interrupting her Mom and oldest...
The evening was a typically hot, sticky summer night, with the temperature in the mid-nineties and humidity to match. Cathy mopped her forehead with a wet washcloth, then squeezed it, causingsome of the cold water to run down her face, over her chin, and into the dark valley formed by her voluptuous breasts. At 28, she had a great body, due to her disciplined devotion to working out regularly. Her long legs were muscular but sexy, and her firm stomach and tight ass helped compliment her...
In this random sunny day we ended up finding this chick in front of the jail house. After a quick glance i noticed that she got out of that place so i decided to talk to her. We found out her name is Alex More and that she got into some trouble so after some cash offerings she hopped into the bus. We asked a couple of sexual questions and she stepped out of the van and i quickly offered a couple of hundred more just to get her back in and quickly i just decided to offer a thousand to have sex....
xmoviesforyouCUCKOLD CRIES By Donald CuckAs always, our story is the cuckold's recollections of events that transpired. Cuckoldress such as my WIFE Agness and alpha males like Brett are always capitalized to show THEIR positions in superior relationship to myself. Reference to my WIFE will not be capitalized when SHE is in Brett’s loving embrace. The word MAN and WOMAN capitalized is for the respect all alpha males and Cuckoldress warrant. This evening the BULL will deposit HIS cum deep into the cuckold’s...
When one day, the Goddess of Luck showed her liking of me, and granted me a gift of opportunity. I was rifling through her computer comfortably in my room one day with the help of a RAT like I do at least once per day since first seeing her. As per my usual routine I turned on her webcam and screen tracker, what I saw shocked, surprised, and turned me on like no porn can ever do. On her computer, she was looking at a redhead getting fucked hard doggy style while another guy was fucking her...
"Mayday! Mayday! We're losing power! Mayday!" It was tense in the chartered Twin Otter, a reliable aircraft that had flown many similar routes in its life. This flight was taking it over the vast Landes forest on the way from San Marino to the beaches at Mimizan on the Gold Coast of France. But the Atlantic was still a long way off. Here there were only trees out to every horizon. Along with the frantic pilot two passengers were on board: Steven Muir, a successful middle-aged broker and...
I note this as BDSM, but those who like that may not like this story, on the other hand, those who do not may. It is a minor element in any case. This one is a couple of years old, actually. I lost the disk it was on for a while and rewrote it, but was never satisfied with the new version. I have not been writing stories for a couple of years, being busy with other things. There are a few incomplete items still around, which may show up sometime. (They literally need to be written down – I...
Personal NarrativesNerine, Drax, Flavia, LeoNerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaI feel sorry for the new girl, Flavia. She is very delicate, very pretty. Obviously so sensitive. Rather like myself in many ways. So I understand all the better what she is going through.At the same time, when I say I am sorry, I am also glad. Because whenever a new girl arrives, it takes the pressure off some of the slaves of longer standing like myself. To some extent we get less attention pais to us. That is...
This week was quite the treat, we have 21 year old Colombia native Summer on the couch. She’s smiley, she’s petite, and she’s an absolute freeaaaaak. Summer came to the USA recently and she’s actually a nanny, or I think they call them “au pairs”. These rich folks pay pretty exotic and foreign girls to come to the states and help look after their infants while they’re off doing whatever rich people do. I always wondered if these girls were just little sex toys for the dads, turns out that’s NOT...
xmoviesforyouAs usual I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Also for the speed in which they both turn around the chapters of this story. As I often play around with a story after they have read it, I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. I regret that the posting of this chapter has unfortunately been delayed by circumstances outside of my control. ‘Tony! Tony, wake up! Where have you been and...
Hi all – In the first part I have described the preamble and environment about the real story and the run up to the scenes that unfolded in part 2. Now further…..She poured couple of mugs of water on her beast cleaning them also of my saliva. She twitched her face in pain. I asked do they hurt? She showed the nipples which were ripe and swollen. I said no more touching them tonight. She pulled my hand to her breast and started squeezing my hands on them. “They may swell and bleed. You will keep...
Design a Life By Bloodhand Disclaimer: Yes this has been done to death, I don't care, if you don't like it don't read it. On a more important note, everything in here is fictional, none if it will work. All the usual disclaimers about how if you shouldn't be here get out, I won't apologise if I offend you, half of this stuff slightly offens me, and I wrote it! ***** When you get a free beta test invite on steam, you expect it to be legit, but sometimes it turns out that it isn't...
Hi all, I have been thinking about a story to write, I no longer need to think. This past Friday, an event took place that I believe will interest you. It will be a short story, but a hot one, I hope. We’ve had record warmth for the month of March here. Some days last week reached the high 70’s, although today, Winter has returned. It’s a nice day to put on a cup of coffee and write a story. Every Friday, after my boys go to school, I try to spend my day running errands. I usually start by...
Scott continued to stare at this 'new' Lachlan who was the spitting image of his old friend from the ninth century. Nothing would do but that Lachlan handed his responsibility for the group he was leading over to someone else and follow Scott immediately. The slightly bigger group made their way to the elevator and descended below ground once more. They were on their way to the Transport Room when William piped up. "Your Grace, I'm receiving a message from the AI asking us to return to...
A few nights ago my girlfriend Amber and I were watching TV on the couch. Amber is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met, let alone slept with. She’s 5’2”, straight blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. She’s got a near perfect rack of 36D-sized tits, a real nice ass, just a perfect body. We had been together for almost 3 years and she was the love of my life. We were all cuddled up on the couch, loving the feeling of each other’s bodies, and we had no idea our whole world was about to be...
Marco was stalling now. He was early to work this morning, earlier than usual, to avoid the unexpected spring heat. It was mid-morning. He cast long looks back at the house hoping to catch a glimpse of her in one of her bright dresses, the wind making the light fabric dance around her knees. Maybe she’d wave, bring him some cold water. He squinted at the house, wiping his face with his forearm, removing his hat. Marco sighed. He couldn’t see much from this distance, the wide veranda drenches...
A New Relationship with my Mother My Mother took care of my basic needs but she always seemed closed off from me. She would flinch when I hugged her. That all changed after she had an unexpected pregnancy. I was 17 at the time and she was forty, a menopause baby. Mom was a new woman, smiling and huggee, sporting bigger, firmer breasts than I had ever seen. I noticed they were growing when she complained that her bras were too small. This surprised me because mom had large breasts. I used to go...
By the end of the following week, I was falling-down exhausted, both physically and mentally. Riding herd over sixty kids between the ages of seven and twelve wasn't the fun and games I had thought it would be when I accepted Duane's invitation to join his staff. But, on the other hand, I got to watch Duane, Nicholas, James, Katrina, and Tasha in action, and even provide a little help as they lectured, cajoled, whistled, directed, pointed, stopped, persuaded, maneuvered, and otherwise...
Scarlit lived with 2 guys when she first moved to L.A. They were supposed to split bills 3 ways, but Scarlit was always short with her share. This really made her roommates mad. Well, they didn’t know that Scarlit finally got a second job….as a stripper!! When they confront her for her monthly share…she throws a a bunch of one dollar bills. Immediately they ask her if she’s stripping and to her surprise…they think it’s pretty cool. Well, shit, she should...
xmoviesforyouAt bedtime three days later, Mary laid her hand between John’s legs. His dick was limp. “The good thing about a limp dick is you can get it all in your mouth if you hurry,” he smiled. A good cue, she thought, leaning over and taking the entire penis into her mouth, and remembering the many times over the past several years when he would just turn over and lay on his stomach, pretending to be sleepy. It’s “cuddly”, she thought, mushy, and delicious. Tastes good like a good cock should. ...