SamChapter 18E free porn video

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Since I was still naked, Neeka didn't bother to change back either. She just toweled off and came out au natural. As she passed by, Jim tried to pull her into his lap, but she gently slapped his hand and sat down next to Evie and me, leaving Steve to take the other chair.

"Am I overdressed?" Evie asked, smiling. "Or do you two just have no shame?"

"We're shameless," I agreed, laughing. "Seriously, I think we both want to take a shower before we get dressed again. We wore some nice dresses over here tonight, and there's no telling how much chlorine they put in that pool!"

"I noticed that when Bev handed you the towel, you didn't bother covering up. You just dried your hair."

"When I had just performed naked in front of nearly fifty people? Why bother? As for being naked now, these two have seen everything before." As I said that, I remembered that Steve hadn't seen Neeka, and Steve might not have known that Jim had seen me, although he had certainly fantasized about it. But since our performance, it was all a moot point anyway.

"Does it bother you?" I asked. "Would you rather we got dressed?"

Evie thought it over. I loved doing that to people. Making them think, that is. If there was something I wanted to be remembered for when I was gone, it wouldn't be the Superheroine stuff, it would be someone saying, "She made me think." In my opinion, there wasn't nearly enough thinking going on in the world.

"It bothers me. I can't explain why," Evie said. "But please don't dress on my account."

"Would you feel more relaxed if you were naked, too?" I asked.

"You mean, if I didn't stand out? If I conformed?" Evie was really thinking. I was happy.

"Yes, your choice is to be dressed and stand out because you're not naked, or to get naked and be just like every other girl here, but you get ogled by these two strangers. Pick one."

Evie chewed a fingernail for a moment, then she stood up and said, "Amy is not going to believe this." And took off her top, her shorts, and a pretty pink thong. "I don't believe it either!"

She sat down again and Neeka and I took turns kissing her on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Evie asked.

"Positive reinforcement," Neeka said, a beat before I did.

"Is this some kind of Psych project?"

"No. This is a Sam project," I said. "We haven't had Psych yet. Although I'm looking forward to it, in a couple of years."

Evie didn't bite on my bid to change the subject. She said, "I don't feel as strange as I thought I would."

"Because you're following convention? Or because you're not?"

"I don't know! I just feel more at ease about being naked than I expected. Maybe it's because I'm such an exhibitionist. Now this is fun, but this isn't what I wanted to tell you."

I had assumed it was our great bodies and sparkling personalities that attracted Evie. I thought she wanted to have some fun with us. Now she sounded positively conspiratorial.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, if you'll stop touching my leg for a minute. You're distracting me."

I hadn't even thought about it. I suppose my hand wandered over to her thigh just to say, Hi! She didn't seem offended, though, just distracted.

"Sorry. Go ahead with what you wanted to say. I promise to keep my hands to myself for awhile." As I said it, I realized that I really did want to run my hands over her flat, muscular abdomen. And her pretty pink nipples that were the exact shade of some divinity candy that Yvette had bought for us last Christmas.

"OK. When I got through dancing, I went back to my and Amy's apartment to dry off and put my clothes back on. We live across from the Resident Manager, Mr. Thompson — the older guy you may have seen around. Well, Mr. Thompson is pretty cool about all the parties and stuff. He even has some fun himself. But he can be a tight-ass when something serious goes down, like drugs, or breaking stuff, or when it looks like people are going to get hurt. He's got, like, 911 on speed-dial or something.

"Anyway, I'm coming out of our place and here is Mr. Thompson talking to these two cops. He's telling them how he saw some girl he's pretty sure is underage drinking liquor — like this is some big deal, right? Anyway, he's going on about how he could get fired and all, because the owner has a couple of teenage daughters who are always sneaking out to party, so he's got this bug up Thompson's ass about it.

"This is all fascinating stuff, so I hopped back inside and scoped it all out with the door cracked open enough to poke my nose through.

"Thompson could really give a shit, right? But he's got to report it, blah blah blah. So the cops do their 'thank you, good citizen' routine and ask Thompson to step back inside for a minute while they check it out. One of them sneaks around the corner and has a peek at you doing your thing on the board. When he comes back, he's got this weird smile on his face. The other cop looks at him and goes, 'It's her, isn't it?' The first cop just nods and says, 'Yeah, she's blowing off steam, I guess.' The second cop pokes his head around the corner and comes back like, 'Shit, man! She's stripping!' The first cop says, 'I think we need to be somewhere else before we screw up her party.' Then they knock on Thompson's door and give him this 'everything's cool' BS and they split.

"So I came out to ask you what the fuck is up that the cops are scared to mess with you. Are you some Senator's kid or something?"

Neeka turned her head so Evie wouldn't see her trying not to laugh. That left me to try to talk my way out of this.

"Do these look like bodyguards to you?" I asked, pointing at Steve and Jim.

"This one does," Evie said, pointing at Steve, who casually flexed his muscle-on-muscle bicep in response. Even under his loose woven shirt and curly hair, his chest looked darn sexy with his bulging pectorals and broad shoulders.

"But this one..." Evie probably started to say that Jim was too young-looking to be a bodyguard. She stopped in mid sentence and I followed her gaze to see why.

Jim's inebriation had got the better of his self-control. The sight of three naked girls in such close proximity had him all hot and bothered again. We could all tell because of the conspicuous bulge down the inseam of his lightweight slacks. It was this lump that had caught Evie's attention and derailed her train of thought.

Neeka leaned over and whispered something in Evie's ear, making her turn a bright shade of crimson from her face all the way to her puffy nipples. I didn't catch it, but I didn't need to read her mind to know the sort of comment she might have made.

Evie shifted her rear and crossed her legs as though she suddenly had an itch she wanted to scratch, but couldn't in polite company. Jim had no such compunction. He reached down and tugged his pants-leg to give his big cock some more room to expand into. Evie followed the action like there would be a test later.

This turn of events was taking Evie's mind off her question of why a pair of law enforcement officers would go out of their way to avoid raining on my parade when anyone would logically expect them to march in and demand ID from the suspect, a lowering of the decibel intensity, and a general reduction in the fun level; so I planned to fan her flame as brightly as I could to keep her distracted. I could hardly explain that my stock was so high at the moment that if I had passed out drunk and naked in the middle of downtown, the cops would probably have carried me home, tucked me into bed, and tiptoed quietly away. It would be true, but very egotistical to say. I felt guilty even thinking about it. Well, just a little guilty.

Neeka got up and leaned over Jim to whisper in his ear. This time she clued me into the conversation.

I put my hand back on Evie's thigh and stroked it very lightly with my fingertips. I felt her muscles twitch, but Evie didn't object this time, probably because Jim had got up and was casually stretching, as though he had been sitting too long and she was still fixated on the bulge in his slacks. Evie apparently hadn't met one as big as Jim's and the possibility of getting acquainted with it had her mesmerized.

The idea of vicariously reliving the experience of being totally filled with cock for the first time through Evie was very tempting. I might have thought of it myself even if she hadn't told us about her friend Amy and how Amy used Evie to spy for her and report back on what it was like to have fun. We could give Evie a story to carry back that Amy would want to hear more than once — preferably with diagrams and footnotes.

Evie's pretty puffy nipples were growing as she imagined what Jim could do to her. Mine could get nice and puffy, but I'd never seen ones quite as large as hers were becoming. I watched them grow until I thought they'd pop and then they grew some more.

Neeka knelt on the low coffee table and put her hand on the bulge in Jim's pants to give Evie a better perspective on the scale of his organ. Even if she had used both hands, it wouldn't have been enough to cover Jim's cock. Neeka watched Evie's eyes get almost as big as her nipples, then she slid her hand up to Jim's fly and take hold of his zipper. When she started to pull it down, Evie made a squeaking noise deep in her throat and she leaned back against the sofa like she thought something might jump out at her.

I dipped the hand I had on Evie's leg deeper between her thighs and she responded by moving her legs apart. I wasn't sure if it was to allow me to reach higher or if it was just a reflexive leg-spreading reaction to the presence of a giant cock. I certainly know how strong that compulsion can be, especially after you know how it's going to make you feel.

Neeka had to tug Jim's slacks over his butt so that she could reach in and haul out his big cock. She scooted around on the low table so that her back was against Jim's legs and she draped his cock over her shoulder, where it lay in the hollow of her collarbone, still swelling as she stroked it. It made a lovely picture, her dark red hair cascading down one shoulder and his pink and tan cock down the other, lying against her alabaster-white skin with the sprinkle of red freckles across her chest.

Neeka turned her head and began to kiss Jim's shaft. Her nipples were as dark and red as her hair and they were very stiff. I could feel how hot she was getting by showing off for Evie like this and it was making me hot, too.

I looked over to see how Steve was taking our little show for Evie. He had a grip on the arms of his chair that threatened to tear it to pieces and his own cock was also about to rip through his slacks, it was so hard.

This wasn't going to go on much longer. Someone was either going to get fucked right here or there would be a general rush into the bedroom. I pressed my hand all the way between Evie's legs and slipped a finger between her pussy lips. She was so wet that my hand was soaked instantly. As soon as she felt my finger looking for entry, she jerked her hips and tried to fuck my hand. She was as thoroughly turned on as any of the rest of us.

I put my free arm around Evie's shoulders and put my mouth up to her ear, pausing a second to nibble her earlobe before whispering, "We're going to go into the bedroom now. Would you like to join us? Would you like to get to know that nice, big cock?" I asked, teasingly. Then I whispered to her all the fun things that might happen. I told her all about the nasty stuff she might get to do, and might get done to her.

"Oh, yesssss!" She said, just when I was getting into telling her about it.

The eagerness in her voice put an end to the show and the discussion. We all ran for the bedroom. Those who still had clothes on shed them along the way. If Steve or Jim had reservations about the idea of being in the same bed together, they didn't mention it.

When all three of us girls jumped onto the bed, it became clear that there wasn't room for the five of us at one time. Jim and Steve seemed to recognize this and instead of jumping on with us, they stood on either side with their lovely cocks at full erection, prepared to service whoever needed it. We all did, but with three wet pussies and only two cocks, some organization was needed. I pulled Evie to the middle of the bed and stuck my head between her limp and unresisting legs while kneeling on the edge so that Steve could ram his cock into me at the same time.

Neeka crawled on top of Evie, offering her pussy to Jim in the same way, but with Evie's head directly below, so that she would have a close-up view of Jim's huge cock sliding into her. She then joined me in clicking Evie's clit to attention and beyond.

Neeka and I were in tune, so we started cumming in a matter of only a few minutes, egged on by each other's heat and erotic thoughts. But judging from the way she squealed and screamed, Evie was ahead of everyone. She even raised her head up and licked Neeka's clit and Jim's cock while Jim pounded away, something that made Neeka, and then me, lose control.

Having cum once already that evening, our two studs were able to stay in the saddle for a nice long time on the second go-round. Steve's cock was so hard that it felt like a fat steel bar as he shoved it into me over and over again. He seemed to be trying to see how many times he could make me cum before giving in to his own needs.

Jim, Neeka, and Evie got into a rhythm of cock in, cock out, Evie suck cock, Evie suck clit, cock back in again. I tried to watch while keeping my tongue on Evie's clit, but I kept getting distracted, especially when Steve would make me cum and I would get lost in the sensation.

At one point, Neeka had to lie down and rest. You know you're out of it when you can't maintain enough muscle control to stay on your knees and elbows. Evie immediately crawled around to offer her pussy to Jim as a replacement, since it looked like his alcohol-numbed cock was going to outlast everyone.

I managed to force my eyes open when this happened, since I wanted to watch Evie getting 'deflowered'. Even if a girl has an active sex life, if she hasn't had a really big cock, her first experience is just like never having had sex before. It can be a really profound moment and something you don't want to miss if you get the chance to watch.

Evie was almost limp by this time, so I helped her out by holding he head up so she could watch as Jim pressed the broad head of his cock into her slit. I heard her breath hiss through her teeth as he leaned into her, forcing himself inside. I heard her fingernails skritch across the sheets as his cock stretched her wider and deeper than she ever thought possible, and I heard her sob as she realized that all the sex she had had before only qualified as foreplay for this moment.

Steve pressed into me, Jim pressed into Evie, and I pushed Evie back against Jim. In this way the three of us were connected and Jim and Steve fell into synch as they fucked both of us.

Neeka lay on her side, watching us with one eye open. She had a 'terminally-fucked' look on her face and she was barely conscious, but she wanted to see this, too.

Jim pressed his cock into Evie as hard as he dared, bottoming out with three or four inches still left outside.

If Evie missed getting it all, I couldn't tell. Her face was screwed-up tight and her body was rigid as she fought futilely to impale herself even further. After a few seconds of trying, she lost the battle and started to cum with a total loss of control that had her legs and arms twitching, her eyes rolling, and her abdomen convulsing as her pussy went crazy on Jim's cock.

I think she quit breathing then and I was just becoming concerned, when the whole scene got to be too much for me and my own orgasm peaked so high that I thought I would scream.

Steve must have been right there with me, because as soon as I lost contact with the world, he came too, filling me so full of cum that it ran out of my pussy and down the backs of my legs.

The next thing I remember was waking up with my legs apart and someone's tongue licking my pussy. I was so dizzy from all the intense orgasms that it took me a coupe of tries to raise my head to find out who it was.

Whoever it was, they were doing a magnificent job of bringing me back from a nearly comatose condition and getting me back into the game. The touch seemed very familiar and seeing a cascade of red hair across my stomach confirmed my suspicion. I looked around and saw Evie lying on her side with her knees near my head. Her face was stuck between Neeka's legs and she was taking long licks at her pussy.

My first reaction was to close the circle, but first I wanted to see where the guys had got to. I twisted my head around to take a look at the rest of the bedroom. Jim and Steve had dragged a couple of bar stools into the room and were leaned up against the folding closet door, each with a cold drink in his hand. I was glad to see that they were drinking Cokes instead of beer.

They looked pretty worn out, but both their faces wore smirks that might be hard to remove. They just sat there with their gorgeous cocks dangling fatly over the edge of their stools, watching us three girls on the bed, sipping their soft-drinks and enjoying the show. I could tell they appreciated what they saw because their cocks were just starting to rise from a straight-down dangle to a higher angle. This was my first chance to compare them side-by-side, and it was very interesting to see that although Jim's was quite a bit longer, Steve's was much thicker, even more so than I remembered Bud's as being.

As wiped-out as I was, an opportunity to show off was something I couldn't turn down, as Neeka knew perfectly well when she decided to wake me so I could get in on the performance. With those lovely cocks as an infallible audience appreciation indicator, I could hardly refuse. I reached out and pulled Evie's legs closer. She must have been hoping for something of the sort, because she raised one knee up when she felt my hands on her butt.

I gave her a long, deep lick, plunging the tip of my tongue into the now well-dilated sphincter that was her vaginal opening. When I came up with a coating of slick stuff with a salty-metallic flavor, I knew that Jim had favored her with one of his huge loads. Rather than let it ooze out onto the sheets, I opened my mouth and sealed my lips onto Evie's pussy-lips, sucking gently to coax Jim's cum out of her.

This must have felt pretty good to Evie, because she tried to clamp her legs around my head. I had to change my grip on her from her ass to her legs, so I could hold them open enough for our audience to be able to see what I was doing to her.

"Eeeee! Unnngh! Mmmmf." Evie said, the sound of her voice partially smothered by Neeka's pussy. She squirmed a bit, like she was trying to get away, but it was too late for that. Her pussy belonged to me now, and I was going to give as good as I was getting.

What I was getting was darn good, too. Neeka already had an advantage then it came to knowing just how to lick me, but it seemed that she had been picking up pointers from Bambi, too. I didn't know if I was feeling this good because of the cumulative effect of lots of climaxes, or because of what she was doing with her mouth. I was inclined to award her all the credit, but it really didn't matter a bit. All I could think of was passing on the sensation to Evie, who passed it on to Neeka, who... well you get the idea. I think the technical term would be positive feedback loop. When it happens to your music system, it's bad. When it happens to your pussy, it's freaking marvelous!

I sucked on Evie until I had sucked, licked, and drunk all the boy-cream she had in her. Then I sucked some more, making her squirm even harder in a futile attempt to escape. When I felt my tongue brush her cervix, I knew I was on the verge of turning her pussy inside out, and maybe I should ease off.

Before I did, though, I gave the little round knob a couple of swirly licks and flicked it into the tiny hole in the middle. Immediately, she went rigid and I felt her hard knob start to jerk up and down as it tried vainly to find a pool of cum to suck up into her uterus. I plugged the hole with the tip of my tongue and I was surprised that I could actually feel some suction. It's no wonder they say that your chances of getting pregnant are much better if you climax. Your womb is literally trying to vacuum cum out of your vagina to get you knocked-up.

Same as Sam
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Caught by Uncle in Aunts things

When I was a young boy, I started to find a fascination with feminine things.  Not sure how it started, but one day I found myself trying on some of my Moms things and enjoyed the feeling.  The issue I found early was that my Mom was very vanilla in her things, so I started to explore with an Aunts things, one I spent a lot of time with, as her son and I were very close.  She had very sexy panties, bras, slips and pantyhose, so I would sneak them into the bathroom at her house, put them on and...

3 years ago
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The Story of Master McBridepart 5

The rest of the day d**g by. All I could think about was what was going to happen if I showed up. Who all was going to be there, how many, and what would they be doing next? If I didn’t show, was I going to find more of the pics possibly hung up around school? What would my friends think?, My teachers? Or even worse, my parents? As I thought about what happened in the park, and the things that took place, I came to the realization that it wasn’t that bad. I liked being naked and in a way, it...

1 year ago
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...

2 years ago
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Meri Behan Ko Choda In Goa 8211 Part II

Hi to all friends, thanks for the reading story which I have written and also thanks for the likes of the story. Now I am going to write 2nd part of the story (Meri behan ko choda in goa part-2. Fir hum dono ne ek sath shower liya aur shower lete waqt hum logo ne fir lip kissing ki. Aur shower lekar bahar aagaye aur bed par dono nude let gaye, aur chadar oodhliya dono bohar kareeb aagaye Mera lund fir baji ki chut ko touch kar raha tha aur hum dono lip kiss kar rahe the aur mera hath baji k...

3 years ago
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Dungeon Keeper Rise to Overlord

There once was a young man, a youth from another world who fell into this one. He rose from nothing to accomplish great things, terrible things yes, but great nonetheless, for he was a Dungeon Keeper and his quest was to rise to become the Overlord the unchallenged Master of Darkness and King of the Underworld.

4 years ago
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A Promotion at Work

Once we got home it was supper time, the house was cool and Catherine stoked the fire and soon got a nice fire going, I fixed myself a drink and settled into one of the chairs by the fire while she busied herself fixing supper. I recalled the events of the afternoon and how it had affected me, I had to watch everything. I couldn’t have averted my eyes if I’d wanted to, to me it was incredible to see how they endured the punishment. I was too busy taking it all in to really notice how the other...

3 years ago
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The Nanny Share

"Hello? Anyone home?" I called out, hearing no signs of the children, nor Mr. M. In the distance I could hear Mrs. M click-clacking in her heels in the dining room. I found her fixing a martini from the bar. "Oh hi, Mrs. M. Are the kids on a playdate? I didn't have anything in my calendar." "No, Mr. M took them to the museum today so that you and I could have an important discussion." "Oh," I stammered, "of... of course. What is it?" "As you know, Mr. M and I put a great deal of trust in you,...

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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 18

“Heels off, everyone.” Donna spun the wheel, and her car fishtailed around a curve in the rough road. Weightless for a split second as the car hit a bump and bounced sideways, the three Lannits in back jostled together. When they returned to solid ground, the spinning tires caught. The ride turned back into something less than a trip aboard Sputnik, and the women reached down and removed their shoes. “Done.” Susy said. “Anyone back there a strong runner?” Donna glanced in her...

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Mary and Chris May September Roamnce

My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...

3 years ago
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Lucky at a bachelor party

My best friend was getting married and I was asked to be his best man. I was shocked by the request but I agreed. I had thought that his brother was gonna be the best man but I felt honored. Had to plan his bachelor  party and couldn't figure out where to have it so I asked his brother to help me. He agreed and we set a nice party at a little bar that was a grungy place but set up for our kind of party. We booked a stripper and ordered the food and then the night came. I was excited to get...

3 years ago
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Twos company fives orgy

I am a 24 year old guy, fair, about 5 foot 8 in tall, of average build with a 6 in cock. But, what makes me not so average is that three gorgeous women fuck me every once in a while. Gorgeous does not even begin to describe these women. I do not know if they are hot enough to melt steel but they certainly get me as hard as steel! What’s more, they know exactly what to do with a nice hard piece of meat, and very few Indian women know that. Kavita and Mili are both 25, 34-28-36, and have mouths...

2 years ago
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The Holiday i Wish for

After I settled in the hotel, finally the holiday can start. I had not been away other than for business for a while, so these two weeks will do me good, no obligations, no appointments, just enjoying myself. all unpacked and after having had some food, time to go out and see what the surrounding area has to offer, tomorrow I would do some more of the tourist stuff then here.After wandering around a while I found a little bar, the gay flag next to the leather flag on its outside lead me to...

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Smurfberries The beach was hot, the sand was white, and the sun glinted off the reflecting crystals in it. I'd been walking along the shore for the last hour, just aimlessly wandering. My name is Kevin, and I was only 16. I'm about 5'8" with short black hair, brown eyes, and I'm not going to be winning any beauty contests anytime soon. It's not that I'm ugly, it's just that I'm not handsome. I was only about 110 pounds, really light for my age. I'm on vacation with my family...

4 years ago
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My Encounter with My best friend Latha

Hi my friends, I have been an ardent reader of this amazing website where we can share our personal sexual experiences which we keep so closer to our heart. I have also been blessed with many such incidents in my life which I enjoyed a lot and it’s my great pleasure to share those with the millions of fans of this great website. I have posted few my ‘sexual events’ with the great girls I met in my life with you guys in the past. This time I am going to tell the wonderful day I spent with one...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Tiffany Watson Alina Lopez She Isn8217t A Masseuse

Tiffany Watson is lying down getting a massage. Mercedes Carrera’s powerful hands work out all the knots in her back, and Tiffany is exactly where she wants to be. A short time later, Mercedes informs Tiffany that the massage is over. She mentions taking her time getting up since she might become lightheaded. Tiffany relaxes for a moment, then gets up and gets dressed. When Alina Lopez walks in the room, she asks if Tiffany will be massaging her today. Tiffany can’t believe how hot...

3 years ago
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Adventures in FloridaChapter 2

My sweet Erica. I wanted to see her again. I wouldn't get many chances. My wife and I were in Florida for only a week. We had been here three days already. We had arrived late on Friday afternoon. Time was passing and growing shorter. If a person could fall in love in such a short time, it must have happened to me. I had fallen in love. I had known Erica online for over a year now, but this was our first chance to meet in person. It had been enough to prove to me that I adored her, and I...

4 years ago
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Sleep Sex

I’m quite active and versatile in bed. I like to take control and get physical. Bouncing up and down on a fat cock is deliriously nice. Making him squirt inside me and then just carrying on is simply divine. My man makes ludicrous sounds that almost sound like he is in agony but never tries to stop me. And then all his juices start leaking out of me and I just carry on squelching up and down until my buttocks and thighs are burning. Awesome! But sometimes I get lazy. My man is quite happy to...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Brother Fucker Pt 2

Through lots of small talk and constant touching each other, soon we reached home. My Mother emerged outside. Mintu bent low to touch her feet. My Mother said, "Bless you. How thin you have become. You must rest for a few days, before you start getting into a new job."We walked in. Tea and some snacks were ready, kept in the first floor balcony. We sat there together, having tea and chatting with my Mother and my younger brother. He spoke of his experience in IIT and asked about my course and...

2 years ago
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A Threesome And The Cuckold

I finally got to meet Leo and his lovely wife Amy. He rang me one afternoon and asked if I could meet him at a club in town the following night. I was more than pleased to make arrangements to meet him at 8.45pm. When I arrived outside the club Leo was quick to recognise me and invite me in for a drink. We had a quiet drink and discussed the previous months of not being able to organise a meeting, and also why we were looking for some fun. Leo suggested I follow him back to his place. He was...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy of Aunty

I picture you in black seamed nylon stockings, tight white sweater, black skirt and 5inch black suede high-heeled pumps. Since it is just you and I, I can see the outline of your sexy black bra against the white sweater, your full red kissable lips and sexy eyes. You would look so hot in front of me in your high heels and black seam stockings, (Whoops, getting hard again). Your hot sexy red lips going up and down on my hard cock would be more than I could bear. Since you are so good and I...

1 year ago
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PetuniaChapter 18

Alex stared at the phone. It was only about the fifth call that had ever been received on this phone in the eleven or so months they had lived here, other than the ones from the credit card companies who always called at dinner time. There was no question in her mind that this was the call she was supposed to be waiting for. It had come sooner than she expected, but not soon enough, either. She wanted a resolution to her internal conflict. She needed to have only one man, not two. She needed...

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Kleines Einmaleins der Abspritztechniken

Kleines Ein-mal-eins der AbspritztechnikenProfessionelle Spritzer sind mit der Theorie der Cumshot-Techniken vertraut.Für alle anderen möchte ich hier eine kurze Einführung in die angewandtenAbspritzmethoden geben.Straight-CumshotGeläufigste Art eine Frau anzuspritzen. Man zielt direkt auf die Stelle, die vollgespritzt werden soll.Sprinkler / rain CumshotDie Theorie hinter einem Sprinkler Cumshot (auch bekannt als cum rain) ist, dass man nicht gezielt auf die Stelle spritzt die man treffen...

3 years ago
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No Rights Movement

New year's eve and spirits are high in central Gerwick. Big band is playing in the old statehouse as Frickers and Sons host the biggest New Years ball in all of the city, probably one of the most expensive ones in all of the county. I flick my black hair back and giggle at one of Harald Peirce's remarks, tilting a champagne glass in my hand. “So how did you get us tickets here anyhow? This place is classy, even for you!” Stella Fitzgerald asks, peering at Freddy Strieger, the fourth one at our...

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Marriage Boot CampChapter 2 Reflection Day Eight

"Good afternoon Karen, this is Dr. Robertson from the Lab. Sorry, I have a problem for you. I've just done the final screening on your boot camp candidates and Peter John Rossman's has come up HIV positive. Must have been a very recent infection because it didn't show in the preliminary checks but is beginning to show after being incubated for a week. Most likely he had sex with another male as nearly all UK women are vaccinated against it early on in their lives. As you know the vaccine...

3 years ago
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Suddenly A Girl Part 3

(Rob faces the second day after a chemical spill that changed him into a 15-year old girl.) "Here's the plan for today," said Deb, Rob's wife. "We have to go shopping to get you some clothes of your own. Then we go back to the doctor's office. Dr. Mann said the tests came in and he wants to talk to us this afternoon." Rob wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea. "Do I really have to?" he said. Frustratingly, his voice sounded whiney. "I think there's no choice," Deb answered. "You...

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Perks of the Job

“Dress like you mean business.” That’s what the job description had said. So I did. I wore those mid-height black pumps that say “I’m not a stripper but know how to wear heels.” I had black leggings because this was a more formal business environment. My skirt and blouse were form fitting, but sleeveless and ending at mid thigh. Was it too bold? Maybe, but everyone knows that men like something to look at, and I was going to use every advantage I had today.This was an ‘interview day’ for a new...

Office Sex
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White Christmas

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas eve, and my girlfriend (our first Christmas together) and I spent it doing simple things. Seeing a movie, dinner, Christmas shopping and people watching. I found myself staring at her, watching her watch, as a sexy half smile began, before quickly fading away. A hot guy walked by, who had been smiling her direction. This only made things worse for me. I had been married, and much of the reason we split was a kink of mine, in which we tried. In the...

1 year ago
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David and Sarah

script"David and Sarah"Copyright2005, Steve chaseFADE IN:EXT. Backyard pool party -- AFTERNOON -establishingTwenty or so young people, men and women in their mid twenties in swim suits in the afternoon.The camera focuses on different groups and different activities and we see that this is a fun party with fun people.SARAH, a young blonde is sitting on white lawn chair. A young brunette approaches and sits in lawn chair next to the blonde.brunetteThis must be heaven for you, Sarah.SARAHWhat do...

4 years ago
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Anastasias Life

Hey everybody I'm back. The first three chapters are Autobiographical after that however I started to mix reality, fantasy, and just some good fiction. I included the first three chapters that I submitted almost a year ago. I thank everyone for all the wonderful comments and encouragement to come back and write some more so please enjoy the story from the start. I hope to continue this series. It will primarily be whether or not the response is good or not. If you don't...

3 years ago
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Pretty Girl

"It's just a tube of lipstick..." This was the thought that started it all, but back then, all I wanted was to know what it was like, what it was for, but above all, how I would feel after using it. I was seven years old, and this wasn't the first time I'd ever had worn makeup of any kind, but it would be the first time my curiosity would allow me to do something like this... I was four when my mother decided to dress me up as a fairy princess or something for Halloween, and she...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 8 The Princessrsquos New Toy

Princess Ava – Echur, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch My awareness fell into my new proxy. I experienced a bodiless rush that lasted a heartbeat and then new, hard flesh cradled my thoughts. The world swam for a moment before becoming clear, changed, my perspective so much smaller as I inhabited the jade beetle held in my own hand. I stared up at my towering self. My face blank, my strawberry-blonde hair falling loose about my head. I hadn’t bothered to put it in my usual braid...

1 year ago
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Dosto ki madad se maa ki chudai 8211 Part 7

Karan – Aunty, yahi to woh cheej hai jo uncle aapko nahi dete hai. Sach sach batao kabhi 2 lund ek sath lene ki sochi thi? Mummy ne Karan ki baat sunke naa mein sir hila diya. Karan – Aunty, aaj jee bhar ke maze le lo. Fir ye raat kabhi nahi aayegi. Aur na hi hum dono aapko milenge. Fir Karan ne mummy ko aapne upar se utha diya. Aur mummy bhi Karan ke upar se hat gayi. Aur Sahil ke lund par aake beth gayi. Aur fir Karan ne aapna lund mummy ki gaand mein daal diya. Ab Sahil neeche aur Karan...

2 years ago
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Annie and Michelle Part 1

Michelle glanced over at Annie from her desk at the office. Her beautiful long strawberry blond hair was combed neatly away from her face, and her long, smooth legs slid gracefully out from under her mini-skirt. Looking at Annie's legs always made Michelle happy, because they reminded her of that one day after school, five years ago, when they were both 16, that had changed her life forever. Michelle had always been shy and reserved about her sexuality, whereas Annie was brash and open. She had...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 8

I woke up alone the next morning, showered, dressed and found Juan and Ivan wearing identical sappy smiles. Yann arrived for breakfast considerably happier than he had been the day before. "Ok, Papi." Juan had my calendar. "Today you're pretty busy. You have a breakfast at the NRAA office downtown and then you're having a late lunch with State Real Estate Commissioner." "I thought I was retired." "You are." Juan chuckled. Great. "So when do I fuck Yann?" "Anytime you want."...

3 years ago
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Chapter 31 Guilty Of Deadly Sin

In my school years, friends drifted in and out.  Fickle fate granted a lifelong few. Afterward, they were temporarily shipmates to a common port of call.  Unloaded, we embark to our different shores.I was blessed with a lifelong friend, Julie. We met in grade school.What first attracted us? I can’t remember. I was a protean, rural, Asian of dark complexion who snuck on a public-school bus. She was a pedigree, urbane, freckled girl with almost translucent skin, driven to school from afar by her...

2 years ago
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I had a bad cold. It was just before Thanksgiving. Wearinga heavy brown flannel robe, I sat up against the headboard asMartha Jane settled near me on the bed and sat Indian-stlye. Inher hand she had a bottle of green cough syrup, a bottle of codliver oil, and a bottle of ear drops. "Okay, hon, time for dessert." "That's not dessert," I complained. "This is dessert for sick folks." She shimmied her hips intothe mattress to get comfy. "Now, let's see, what does thissay...?" She examined the label...

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Swatis crushed

(by Pandorius999) They say love happens in heaven. maybe, but it's definitely made on earth, and by humans. humans who aren't angels, not by a long shot. But I guess girls at 18 like to think that way. Swati definitely did, and paid the price for it. But first let me describe her. Imagine a 5'4 girl, weighing a shade under 55kg, slim and by most boys, beautiful. Problem was, she was not very rich, and as is usual for the middle of middle class families, not exactly liberal either....

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