- 3 years ago
- 29
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The following weeks were difficult not only for Vanessa but for everyone in the office. She was, as one person put it, constantly on the ‘war path’. These were periodic moods of hers, and, unknown to her associates and subordinates, always corresponded to those times, when she went ‘prowling’ and let out her ‘Nessa’ personality.
In the wake of this past experience, she was more determined than ever to keep ‘Nessa’ under wraps and just get all that ‘shit’, as she described it, under control. She had, to use her own words, ‘prowled’ for the last time.
A part of her mind still insisted that the incident with Dave and his middle aged, rednecked pals was the hottest sexual encounter that she could remember. But she suppressed that kind of knowledge or acknowledgement also. She simply set it aside and went into one of her periodic celibacy periods. (Is how she referred to them.) The result was almost always the same: her energy was put into work and making sure that the work was being done timely and in as correct a fashion as humanly possible.
During those weeks, she ruled her roost at work and made constant demands on the crew that worked under her. She got results also! People tiptoed around her and tried to anticipate what was wanted or needed, in order to not come under her withering stare.
Her newly shaved head only leant to the whole mystique. It made her look more formidable, in a way, and exotic. It simply added to the ‘hard assed’ image that she was interested in projecting at work.
Part of this syndrome, that had become so normal for Vanessa that she didn’t notice how difficult she was being, was brought home to her by her secretary, Gail. It was that time of the morning, when she’d been giving Gail instructions about the day’s events. As Gail was leaving the office she ventured, and was perhaps the only one in the office that could get away with it:
‘Are you okay, Ms J?’
Vanessa looked up and smiled, she did like Gail very much.
‘Why, yes, why?’ Vanessa asked.
‘You seem to have been so much on edge these past weeks,’ Gail answered.
Vanessa sucked in a soft breath, realizing that Gail had indeed picked up on the storm and stress within her for the past few weeks, since her latest ‘prowl’.
‘It’s nothing,’ Vanessa said, with a smile, ‘Just some personal things, and they are fine now.’
‘I must say,’ Gail continued, changing the subject to a more pleasant one,’That those lovely hoop earrings are marvelous with your new look.’
Vanessa looked up at Gail a look of inquiry on her face.
‘I mean the shaved head look and all, very mysterious, really exotic, and the loop earrings that you’ve been wearing really add to the look. I like it!’
Vanessa was prodded out of her personal reveries by what Gail had said. She said ‘thank you’ with a smile and Gail was gone. It was only then that she realized the truth of what Gail had said: she had been wearing those earrings, ‘his earrings’ every day since she’d gotten them.
‘Ohhhh,’ Vanessa moaned and sat in her chair. She didn’t like this, didn’t like this at all. She spoke to herself then:
‘Ignore the earrings, tomorrow I’ll wear different ones, it means nothing, nothing at all.’
She sat back in her chair feeling more satisfied that she’d allowed herself that little reverie but had a momentary notion that maybe it was more than the ‘nothing’ that she proclaimed it to be. She shoved that thought back into the dark closets of her mind as quickly as possible and got on with work.
The next morning Gail greeted her with her customary cheery politeness: ‘Wearing your loops! I see! Lovely!’
Vanessa tried not to look shocked but when she got into her office, she simply leaned against the door with her hand over her eyes.
‘Done it again, girl!’ she said severely to herself. ‘Wearing his earrings! Damn it! Straighten up!’
But the major shock for Vanessa was still to come that day. It was in the afternoon that Gail buzzed Vanessa on the intercom to tell her that Mr David Ross was there to see her. Vanessa didn’t immediately recognize the name but thought that he might be a sales rep, since some of her suppliers had indicated that they’d be sending new reps to see her.
She got up from her desk and walked forward, as the door opened and Dave from her ‘Nessa’ evening encounter entered her office. Vanessa was too shocked to say anything right away.
He stood and let the shock settle in, only smiling at her.
Finally, Vanessa pushed her shock away and said softly:
‘Mr. Dave, . . .’
She hesitated as he looked at her, still smiling, and seemed to be enjoying her discomfiture.
‘I’m sorry,’ she said, finally, pushing a smile onto her face. ‘Nice to see you . . .er . . .sir?’
She realized immediately what she said and how she was simply lapsing into the old way. She tired to shake it off but he spoke up then, not giving her a chance.
‘Very lovely, Nessa, very pretty, exotic even, with the gorgeous bald head and the looped earrings. Nessa, you are beauty itself.’
‘Thank you, sir!’ she said, without thinking and immediately got angry.
‘Why are you hear? I don’t want to do this!’ she said all in one breath.
Dave just smiled at the agitated woman, who was looking caged in her own office just then.
‘But I think that you do! Maybe not enough right now but the feeling will grow and you’ll want to act on the feeling. Nessa, I can guarantee that.’
‘Don’t call me that!’ she rasped at him.
His eyes flashed and he barked at her: ‘Shall I slap you, girl? You think you’re okay, protected here in your office? Do you want me to out your little ‘Nessa’ games to all your co-workers.’
Vanessa lost ground immediately. She realized, quickly, that it wasn’t so much his threats, although they were potent, but the very tone of his voice. She was getting lost in it, losing ground.
‘Ohhh,’ she wailed, her face in her hands then, ‘I don’t want to do this, I don’t, I don’t!’
‘Not now, pretty Nessa, now just now but I guarantee that you will want to do it, and soon, and,when you do, you’ll need to find ‘Massa Dave’! Won’t you?’
He waited for a moment and said to her softly: ‘Now, Nessa, if you don’t answer Massa Dave right now, I’m going to slap you and humiliate you in front of your pretty secretary. You don’t want that, do you, honey?’
‘No, Massa Dave,’ she said softly, losing the battle, and so quickly, all her reserve and resolutions gone that quickly, ‘Dis nigger don’t want dat no how, Massa Dave!’
‘Better!’ he said to her. ‘But we don’t want that now, we don’t want that Nessa here now, it’s not why I’m here. So, dear, take a moment, compose yourself, we both know what just happened, don’t we?’
‘Yes, Massa Dave, we does!’ she said in her broad patois, making him smile broadly.
He reached out and touched her cheek, she flinched.
‘No, no, sweet love, not now, we’re not going to hurt our Nessa, that time might be coming, oh, yes, Nessa, we both know that but we’re not going to hurt our Nessa now.’
Vanessa stood like the proverbial animal in the car’s headlights. She was shocked right to her core that he’d penetrated her defenses so quickly and so completely. She had thought that she was immune now, under control but realized, in a flash, that the storm and stress of the past two weeks were only barely hiding ‘Nessa’, who, it seemed, was lurking just below the surface, just below the surface.
‘Yes, Massa Dave,’ she said softly, ‘It comin’, I knows that, jes knows that!’
‘Good, Nessa,’ he went on, ‘Then we’ve got that settled, but let me tell you why I’m here.’
She was paying close attention, since she really didn’t know why he was there, or hoped that she didn’t.
‘When you’re all ready, hot and steamed and ready to have a Nessa adventure, I want you to be able to find me. Do y
ou understand, Vanessa?’
His using her name helped to bring her out of the Nessa control a bit but didn’t alleviate the total situation at all.
‘Yes, sir,’ she said, in her normal voice.
‘So, I’ll write down my number and my address for you. You just come around and I’ll fit you into my schedule,’ he said.
‘Yes, thank you, sir!’ she said, not able to bring herself to use the ‘Massa Dave’ title, hoping it was a sign that she was regaining control but then Dave, a seeming master at this kind of game, did something that showed where the control really was.
‘Now you just unbutton those lovely linen slacks and let them fall to your ankles, don’t be a bad girl and try to be stubborn!’ he said in an emphatic voice.
Vanessa was both taken aback at that and also outraged. She let out a small squeal of displeasure, however, when she realized that she’d done exactly what he’d told her to do. She had instant tears in her eyes, as she realized that, without even a thought or an objection, beyond the feeling of outrage that she’d felt, she had indeed unbuttoned her linen slacks at the waist band and let them fall to her ankles. She stood there, in front of this commanding man, in her own office, her pants around her ankles and her pearl gray panties showing.
A second before she was able to grab the slacks and right them, retrieving the situation for herself, he spoke again, and she automatically acted again:
‘Panties down, Nessa, to your ankle, there’s a good girl.’
‘Yes, Massa Dave,’ she said, giving in, just giving in.
She hooked her thumbs inside the waist band of her panties and pushed them down, past her knees and calves to her ankles, where they puddled along with her slacks.
‘Turn around and bend over a bit, grab the desk,’ he said softly.
There was no resistance in her any more. She was caught by him, maybe had let herself be caught by him but in any event, she was doing what she was told to do. She assumed that position. He surprised her then by taking out a felt tipped pen and writing on her ass cheeks.
‘Here it all is,’ he said, ‘My phone number and address. You just come along, when your hot and ready, Nessa, and we’ll play some more. You’ll like that.’
‘No,’ she said in a tiny voice, and he laughed.
‘You say your ‘no’ now, but we both know honey that you will do it, the time will come and you’ll be as hot as a pistol and you’ll want to play the games again with ‘Massa Dave’. I’ll have some special surprises for you, when you do.’
She croaked out a soft ‘no’ again but knew, as he did, that it wasn’t really what she was feeling.
‘So, look what I’ve done,’ Dave went on. ‘You will either have to have that lovely secretary of yours read off my number and address from your pretty, black ass or you’ll have to do the double mirror trick. I wonder which one . . .’
She was trembling a bit, once he was finished writing.
‘I have to go now,’ he said, ‘But first, call that secretary on the intercom and send her someplace. Do it, Nessa.’
Vanessa bent over the desk a little farther, and buzzed Gail. She had no resistance left. She’d given in to him, was sick about it but realized that it had happened.
‘Gail,’ she said softly, ‘Would you please go and get me a cup of coffee? You know how I like it.’
‘Yes, ma’am,’ Gail said.
‘Now,’ Dave went on. ‘I’m just going to give you something to hold you over, and for being such a good girl.’
Before she could react, he gave her a tremendous slap on the ass, followed by four more. She put her mouth against her arm and shrieked into her arm, as he slapped her naked ass.
‘That’ll have to do, until you’re ready and come to visit me. Come anytime. If I’m busy, I’ll just give you someplace to wait for me.’
Saying that, he reached up and kissed her on the cheek, whispering as he did:
‘Vanessa, you are the most beautiful of the beautiful!’
‘Thank you, Master Dave,’ she said in her own voice.
‘Now, when I’m gone,’ he went on, ‘You just shuffle into the bathroom and look at the decorations on your lovely ass. Don’t you dare pull up your panties or your pants, until you’ve done that.’
‘I won’t,’ she said, and she heard him leave.
It was a sign of her frame of mind that she didn’t, when he’d gone, pull her pants or panties up. As he’d told her, she shuffled along the length of the office to the bathroom, the panties and puddled pants impeding her every step. She felt foolish but didn’t even think of not doing it that way.
When she got into the bathroom, she looked at her ass in the full length mirror and saw the writing. She knew immediately that she’d use two mirrors to decode it and get the number and the address right. She did that before she had any time to change her mind.
She shocked herself right them by almost automatically reaching her finger down and pushing them past her pubic hair into her pussy. She let out a huge sigh, realizing what she was doing and stopped.
She was on the verge of tears, when she heard Gail’s voice:
‘Boss? Ms J?’
‘Yes, hon,’ Vanessa said, struggling for normalcy. She righted her panties and her slacks and then flushed the toilet before she went out.
‘Sales Rep?’ Gail asked pleasantly.
‘No,’ Vanessa said, ‘Old friend, good to see him. Thank you for the coffee.’
When Gail was gone back into her own office, Vanessa took the coffee into the bathroom. She knew that she could use the mirror from her purse and the floor length one in the bathroom. She never even thought of not getting the phone number and the address from her ass.
It took her about ten minutes but she finally managed to get the information. She used a handy wipe then, that was there by the sink but noticed that the writing wouldn’t come off so easily. She sighed and left it there, determined not to think about it any more.
A little inner voice reminded her at that point that there was no way that she wouldn’t think about Dave’s visit. It would be there to haunt her, and, the voice whispered, for her to use.
She put her hands over her ears and refused to listen any more.
Gail interrupted her then saying that she had the end of the month stats for Vanessa to review. When she was in the office she looked at Vanessa and said:
‘Are you okay? You don’t look well.’
Vanessa smiled at the loveliness of Gail’s concern:
‘Just a little tired is all, I think.’
Gail nodded and replied: ‘Maybe you should have a short day today? We’re pretty much caught up around here just now.’
Vanessa smiled at her lovely secretary, more of an assistant than anything else, and said:
‘Yes, I think maybe you’re right, Gail. Thank you for the concern.’
She hugged Gail and then went about gathering anything that had to be taken home with her.
‘Call me, if you need at all,’ she told Gail, as she was leaving the office.
‘Will do, Boss!’ Gail said brightly, ‘But we’re okay here, I believe. See you tomorrow.’
As she left, Vanessa felt that Gail’s concern might just have been the correct one for the day. An early day sounded like such a nice idea. Her mind was pretty much at ease, as she left the building, heading for her car in the parking garage.
Vanessa found herself releasing from her mind the many various concerns that were work concerns about tasks, reports and work to be done, farmed out, assigned and checked on. It was a pleasant feeling to let those things go.
It was only after she’d gotten her car and was on the way home that other ideas and concerns began to crowd her mind. Unbidden, almost out of nowhere, came the remembrance of the visit from ‘Master Dave’. Vanessa even surprised herself with that form of address for him.
‘Get a grip, girl!’ she said out loud to herself.
But the unbidden answer came back to her: ‘It’s who he is, nigger!’
It was
like a slap in the face, and showed Vanessa that the idea of leaving work behind to have leisure for herself might not just now be the best idea. She attempted to push the idea of dealing with ‘Dave’, making the effort to not call him ‘Master Dave’, out of her mind altogether, but it lingered there. As she cruised home, her mind trotted out the picture of her, without complaint or gainsaying, releasing the waist band of her slacks and letting them fall to her ankles, exposing her panties to ‘Master Dave’. It was suddenly there and Vanessa could feel herself becoming wet at the gusset of her panties, in reaction to the scene.
‘Oh dear!’ she said, and her hand moved involuntarily to her thigh and just between them.
Vanessa shook her head and said a loud: ‘Stop it!’ to bring herself around and began to concentrate only on her driving and the route that she was taking homeward.
‘Gotta get this junk out of my mind,’ she said to herself severely. ‘Just out of my mind.’
(The often insistent inner voice put in its own two cents at that point: ‘Got his writin’ on yo’ black ass, girl!’)
Vanessa moaned and said, again out loud: ‘Go away, Nessa, you’re not wanted here!’
Only to be answered quickly: ‘Nigger gal doan know what’s good for her! Dat Massa Dave is good as gold for her, jes good as gold!’
Vanessa snapped on the radio to try to drive the voice from her mind. She was determined not to sink into all that shit again. But her determination was only met with the still insistent inner voice: ‘You hope!’
‘Yes,’ Vanessa said out loud then, ‘I hope.’
She could immediately here the voice of her inner Nessa laughing, almost cackling at Vanessa’s vain hope.
At home she decided on a glass of wine, not too usual for her, and a hot bath. With a huge sigh, Vanessa sank down into the bubbly, hot water and let it surround her, caress her skin and sooth herself. She reached off to the side and took the fluted wine glass and took a sip of the sweet, white Rhine wine, and simply thought.
She wasn’t trying now to censor her thoughts, just let them happen. She knew that this might just be dangerous, but she was doing it anyway.
Her mind was calm and fairly blank for a while, and then the thoughts, images began to creep in. Unlike her time at the office, she was alone now, relaxing and allowing the thoughts to come, if they would.
Her mind was flooded with those images, and they were, indeed, images of that evening at Master Dave’s. Her thinking was crowded with the images of her trying to get away, those middle aged men with the white tee shirts and confederate flags, and erections, waiting for her, surprising her! Such were followed by the image of her being toted like an animal, her arms and legs fixed to the pole land her naked and fearful. The feeling was delicious, dangerously delicious for Vanessa, and before she knew what she was doing, her fingers were entwined in her pubic hair.
She let out a loud moaning breath, when her fingers penetrated her vagina and found their goal: ‘Awwwwwwww!’
The insistent alien voice was back and talking to her but this time, with the bath and the wine and the solitude, she was listening:
‘Like those things, girl? Like them? Think of them! Taste them! Be them! Do them! It’s the way you likes to be, our Nessa! Jes’ the way you likes to be!’
The language trailed off into that awful slave sounding patois and Vanessa just listened to the voice and the slangy words and played with herself, one hand busy with her pussy and the other fiercely pinching a nipple.
She came with a shout! And only then fully realized how she’d given herself over to the enjoyment of those dirty images, of her sucking cock, being beaten, being fucked, pissed on! With a throaty cry she came to the realization and pushed it all away:
‘God damn it!’ she almost shouted. ‘Get a fucking grip, Vanessa! You’re not going to do that shit. Just not!’
And then, realizing that she not only had done it, but enjoyed it a great deal, she wept into her hands, long and hard. She thought at one point that she might even be sick from what she’d just done, what she’d just allowed but she fought that and was okay.
She got out of the tub and decided to go out to dinner, to be in a crowded place, where she wouldn’t be alone with these dirty thoughts.
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Lance thought he was content with his minimum wage night shift job at the gas station, living in the small shed-turned-house behind his grandmother's home. It was small, cozy, and his blackout curtains afforded him optimal privacy. His grandmother didn't make him pay rent and hardly ever bothered him. Mostly because they lived in Arizona, and the hot summer months made walking the 15 or so yards from the main house to the shed way too much for his frail grandmother. Thank god he had a small AC...
Hey! My name’s john and this is the story of my first time with a man! First of all a little something about myself! I’m around 5’11” with fuzzy brown hair and brown eyes. Now I’ve always been curious about gay sex but never did anything about it till one night while drunk in a hotel!! I was out for a friends birthday a few weeks ago and as I lived far away I was spending the night in a hotel . I was the last person in the pub (as usual!) and more than a little drunk when I got talking to a big...
GayNote : This story is completely fictional! "By honey we'll be back at around 4 so make sure everyone is asleep"yea sure have a fun night!.. and so my night began with my folks leaving to go gamble yet another night, me only being 19 only had strip clubs and porno's to check out. My cousin had just bearly turned 18 and she was sexy. her brown hair shoulder lengh, her moms beautiful tits, and her sweet ass, lets not forget her sexy eyes. my cousin lived around 5 min. from me, and was babysitting...
Incest‘I don’t believe this,’ Lily said, standing up and turning away. ‘Where is he?’ Ty wanted to know. ‘It’s a long story,’ Greg told his son. ‘Well, you’ve made it impossible for us to go anywhere, so why don’t you explain?’ Lily snapped. ‘Did your mother ever take you or Eli to visit your grandmother?’ Greg wanted to know. ‘No, she didn’t. Mom always said her parents were dead,’ Eli said from the doorway. ‘What’s going on?’ Grace wanted to know. Greg sighed but ushered them both into the...
. Time: Monday, June 11, 2019 9:02 PM GHT (Great Hexagon Time). Fatima was having a hard time talking to the people that had abducted Aggie. The group was asking for so much and as of yet they were offering almost no information about themselves. Fatima didn’t even know their number and she was winging the negotiations, placing a great deal of faith on Aggie’s short but cheerful comment that she was with good people. Fatima explained her unease to the new group. “I would feel a lot more...
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It had not been easy traveling across multiple states with limited money she had earned babysitting. It didn't take her long to realize it also wasn't easy to find even the most basic job without any type of identification or a birth certificate. She didn't know if her mom had reported her missing but not wanting to take a chance she took the first name of her beloved childhood dog, Sammi, and thought herself clever to take the sir name Shepherd. Sammi was a chocolate lab but she had...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter fifteen Lise laid in bed and felt her husband’s body pressing against hers, then his hand slid up her body and cupped one of her breasts through her nightgown. Tingling warmth began to fill her body. ‘At last!’ she thought, as desire began flooding her, ‘Rod’s finally going to make love to me!’ She was elated. After virtually ignoring her for several weeks, Rod was making love to her! Her nipple stiffened in response to her...
Zahra was a Moroccan goddess. She had curly blonde hair and smile that could make you do anything she wanted. Her breasts were not that large but her arse was the size of melons. However, her best feature was her legs and her beautifully white size six feet, which would make your jaw drop and your dick hard the second you saw them. She was my science partner. Every chance I got, I would stare at her feet and legs and I would get hard straight away, she was beautiful in every way. After we were...
FetishStory: #29 Copyright ©2005 Written: March 29 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 4 - Round 3 After the lights dimmed from Jessica's eyes Gene began the process of butchering the her body into easy to cook cuts of meat all the while thinking to him self, "This was she will last longer" he thought with a laugh as he took...
"You don't give me a chance," Charlie said. "Oh, Charlie," Brenda said. They were at a drive-in movie, sitting there in the dark watching the screen. The picture was a bore and once again Charlie was talking about marriage. She slipped her hand into his lap and squeezed the bulge of his cock. Charlie grunted. "When are you going to marry me?" "I haven't said Yes. "Then say it now." "I can't make a commitment now, I really can't. Let's not talk about marriage, let's talk...
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Premium Lesbian Porn SitesI am hungry for someone who can ignite a fire within me, someone whose touch can make my skin burn. I want skilled hands and a strong body to take hold of me and make me feel something new. I want to be satisfied selfishly; I want my thirst for an extreme height of passion quenched. Making love is never new or different and it doesn't leave me breathless. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place...I am Victoria, a single, Senior Partner Attorney at a very successful firm in a busy city. I lead a...
March came in like a lion with PMS as Lisa Carver did all she could to attract my attention, and Peter Hawkins, as Gail had warned me, had it all backwards. He threatened me several times, despite my assurances that I had no interest in his bottle blonde girlfriend. This madness only served to bring Missy and I closer together. We shared memories from our past. We shared our impatience with the present. We shared our hopes for the future. I told Missy about my dreams, and she told me about...
My wife and I decided to go to Toledo to visit her parents. We went by ourselves, no k**s just us. We have in the past had lots of naked fun in hotels, and we seem to be getting more daring as time goes on. At a hotel in Vegas, my wife was walking around the room naked, and I needed to go and get ice, so I had her open the door for me, and she opened the door wide, and stood there in the doorway so that if there were anyone in the hallway, they would have surely seen my naked wife standing...
I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen. My mother...
Alone in a darkened corner of the room, my eyes follow you as you enter. You look around, surveying the room, searching for me. My eyes feast upon you. Standing so tall, so sure of yourself, tension radiating off of you like hot steam. I watch your eyes as you spot me. Waiting. They widen just slightly and I can see your nostrils flare as if you can smell my hunger for you. Stopping to exchange pleasantries along the way, you make your way towards me. I imagine I can...
AnalFawn stayed the night. She and Danika didn't fall asleep until midnight. By that time they were so exhausted and sore from fucking that they could barely drag themselves into the bedroom. They had done as Fawn had suggested, having another martini, then dinner. Then they had put on some music and danced naked for one another, but quickly fell to hot, feverish fucking again on the living room carpet. It didn't seem that either one could get enough of the other. Each girl knew how to make...
Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...
Hello friends, my name is Sameer. I am back with another story of me and my mom. Again, this is a fictional story. Us din ke bad mom mujhe ‘aai-zavadya’ (Marathi word for motherfucker) bulane lagi. Aur main usko randi, chhinal, item aur bhi gande words se address karne laga. Mom ko ye sab bahot hi pasand aata tha, aur mujhe bhi. Hum log har roj phone pe bate karne lage. Apne-2 fantasies share karne lage. Agar main kisi aur ladki ke bare mein bat bhi karta to use gussa aata tha. Ek din aise hi...
"You look worried." Hope dropped into one of the chairs, folding her legs beneath her on the deep cushions and resting back, letting her violin case slide to the floor. "Money troubles." Marcus frowned, scribbling furiously on a clipboard as he leafed through paperwork with one hand. "How come?" "Still haven't managed to find another job." "Why don't you go back to working on the door at... what was that place?" "Montagues." "Yeah, why not go back there?" "I can't, I...
The Theory of Toon Physics By: Lyrissa "And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes today's lecture. I know that maybe about half of you were even listening and of those maybe fifty percent understood what I said, but the exam is next week nevertheless," Professor Brown said to the class at large. There was a subdued groaning and mumbling among the students as they started gathering up their phones, pads, sketchbooks and whatever else they had scattered around their seat during the...
During the few days after Kathy was fucked by Frank as I watched we talked about many possibilities for her next play time. Kathy stayed as turned on as I had ever known her. I would come home from work and she would be watching some porn, which before she hated, and telling me that she want to try what ever was on the screen.We decided that we should move forward quickly since Kathy was horny and ready to play. She came up with the idea of playing whore with me watching. I needed details...
"The Hero" "Alright everyone, try to relax the strippers will be here any minute," Brandon told his friends as they waited in the Hotel Suite. Most of these guys were friends from college. Some of them grew up together. Tonight was the night before their friend Marco was to be married. Brandon took a hit from a joint that Rick just rolled and passed it to Dale. "Now everyone remember this is Marco's day so make sure he takes his pick before anyone else." Marco shot a smile to...
Ava just turned 18, and she's starting her senior year of high school. She has been home all summer just reading books and messing around on her phone. We keep to ourselves as much as we can in a 3 bedroom house, but end up spending quite a bit of time together. She is about 5'4" and has an athletic body, thanks to years of gymnastics. Growing up, we weren't very close because of the age difference. Even though she's 18, I still look at her as my baby sister. She is a smart girl and does...
Maid to Order - Chapter Six By Michele Nylons Michele and Bill talked late in the night stopping whenever their lust for each other overtook their need to converse. Arrangements were made, compromises reached and finally a mutually beneficial arrangement was entered into. "Ok Bill let's call it a night and tomorrow we give our plan a try," Michele said yawning as she stood. Her maid's uniform was quite dishevelled, her makeup smooched and her stockings laddered from their...
Hi sabhi lund walo aur chut walio ko mere naam a pranam. Mera naam karan h or mein H.P ka rehne wala hu. Meri age 21 saal h aur mein philhaal delhi mein pdta hun. Mein ek smart and handsome ldka hu. Jiski wajah se meri school time m bhut si gfs thi. Mere lund ka size 7. 5” lmba and 3” mota h. Ab mein jyada bor na krte hue story ki aur chlta hun.. Ye chudai story meri aur meri school ki teacher ki h. Jo mujhe english pdati thi. Ye story tb ki h jb mein 11 th mein pdta tha. Meri eng teacher ka...
I don’t know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was “why are you here”; at least I wouldn’t have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didn’t need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I don’t even know him, I did need to know. I had been drooling over this guy in the distance since starting at this...
After the girls left I decided to make another batch of juice to have with my breakfast as I was certainly pleased with the effect it had on me and after clearing out the guest room and putting a wash on I sat down to some nice bacon and eggs washed down with a pint of my homemade concoction and with nothing else planned I sat down in my tatty old shorts happy to have a restful day and catch up with some TV.I was surprised at how quick the juice took effect and it wasn’t long before I was sat...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston mera naam raunit hai jai sa k aap jaante hi hai mai kitna chudasu hu abb tak maine 16 aunty , 4 behne , 1 mausi , aur 8 gf, aur 11 anjaan ladki aunty ko chod chuka hu to aap samajh hi sakte hai k main kitna bada chudakkar hu . Aapko logo ka email milta rehta hai jisse mujhe bohot prerna mlti hai ab aap logo ko jyada bor na karte hue sidhe kahani pe aata hu . Vaise to mujhe bahut sareef mana jaata hai colony me lekin sex ke samay mere andar ek janvar jag...
Imogen – Chapter One I needed her the moment I met her. Dark brunette hair, framing her lovely face. Her deep, large eyes and inquisitive eyebrows gave her an innocent presence. Her luscious, pouty lips were enough to send me over the edge. A cliché I know, but it’s the truth. She walked tall - even though she, herself was not - swaying her hips gently, almost not at all. Her shoulders sloped gracefully into her back, and her bum: round and supple. Her skin looked smooth and sun-kissed in...
Straight SexElsa Jena and Lucie Cline are doing their homework together, but their minds are on something a lot more fun. Lucie can’t keep her eyes off of Elsa’s spinner body, and Elsa is very aware of the attention. Reaching over to run her fingers across Lucie’s back, Elsa lets her girlfriend know that the interest is definitely returned and that perhaps they should take a study break. Soon Lucie has peeled off her bra so that Elsa can give a back massage while gradually working her way...
xmoviesforyouI left the Stables shaking my head in disgust. That would explain why the trainers had so little stamina, if they were only doing it once a day and trying to hurry so they wouldn’t raise my uncles ire. Maybe I should arrange for a couple of my pets to go over and give lessons. A few of them would jump at the chance to teach the trainers to be better lovers. I would have to think about that for a couple days and see if the changes to the breeding schedules have any effect first. At least it...
Das erste Mal------- Meine erste Story in einem Rutsch geschrieben und direkt gepostet, hoffe sie gef?llt euch.W?rde mich ?ber jegliche Kritik freuen Der MM Fan ------- Das erste Mal Ich kannte ihn schon l?nger, wir studierten fast 3 Jahre den gleichen Studiengang. Ich war jedoch ein Jahr ?lter als er und so hatten wir in der Uni relativ wenig miteinander zu tun. Ausserdem steckte ich seit Jahren in einer Beziehung, die mir zwar nicht mehr viel Bedeutete, aber ich hatte im Moment zu viel Stress um auc...
The Visitor Monica's Diary: Thursday, July 6 I must have given Timothy an exam over every subject for which I had a standardized test. After church last night, I stayed up past midnight scoring them all. According to everyone with whom I've spoken, he is supposed to be going into the 10th grade this fall, but I don't know. He scored worse than half of all homeschoolers tested in each of his core subjects. In terms of actual grade level, his reading, writing, and computational skills...