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I had known Larry Thompson for years, we had grown up together as kids. Larry and I had even lost our virginity together on the same night to the Jackson twins, though we'd been in separate rooms at the time. We had played football together, though Larry was a starting tight end, where I usually sat the bench. Though I was fast, I was also the smallest member of the team. My role then was returning kickoffs and punt returns, something I was very good at even though I didn't play much of the game.

What I appreciated however was that Larry appreciated that, perhaps more than anyone. And we remained the best of friends even long after we had graduated high school. We had both gone into the service too, Larry into the Army, and I into the Navy, so it was several years before we saw one another again, but when we did, it was just like old times.

Larry married soon after getting out, also pretty much picking up where he'd left off. He married one of his high school sweethearts, to which I was his best man of course. And then a year later, he was mine when I married a woman I had met when I was stationed in San Diego.

And though Larry worked at an auto repair shop, whereas I worked for a local newspaper, we managed to get together as often as we could, including nearly every Sunday morning where we played basketball with a group of guys Larry worked with at the shop.

Like I said, Larry was my best friend and I thought I knew him inside and out. I was soon to find out that I didn't know him nearly as well as I thought I did. And that took a little getting used to after having known him for all these years.

I had gotten to know several of the guys Larry worked with fairly well though I only saw them once a week when we played ball. One of the guys father was a janitor at a local high school, though not the same one Larry and I had gone to. He had given Brian a set of keys in order to let ourselves in and use the gym. And as long as we cleaned up after ourselves, and left everything the way it was before we got there, he allowed us to play a little ball on the court. We'd been doing so for several months now, something I looked forward to, and something my wife Chris encouraged me to keep doing. Another reason why I loved her so much, she supported my friendship with Larry and the guys, not to mention becoming rather fast friends herself with Larry's wife Suzie.

"Hey Larry, you playing poker with us on Friday?"

We had just finished playing ball and were dressing after showering. Most of the other guys had just left, though Larry and I usually hung around for a bit, sometimes grabbing a cup of coffee together afterwards. Mike was a new guy that had just joined us, he'd only been working at the shop where Larry did for a little over a month. He was likeable enough I suppose, but there was something about him that I found a little off. Not that he was stranger than anyone else mind you, hell, every one of us was a little strange in our own ways. But there was something about Mike I could never quite put my finger on. And when he addressed Larry in the locker room about the poker game, something I knew nothing about, I thought that pretty strange too. Especially when I saw the look on Larry's face that looked less than pleased about Mike's bringing it up.

"I dunno, maybe," he responded sounding somewhat irritated about it when he did, receiving a shrug of the shoulders from Mike as well as a confused look.

"What's up with that guy anyway?" I asked after he had left, purposely and completely evading the reference to the poker game. Larry knew how much I enjoyed playing poker. But if this was a private game just between the guys he worked with, then I somewhat understood his being uncomfortable by having it brought up since I obviously wasn't invited.

"Well for one, he's Stan's son-in-law, which explains why after he got laid off where he worked, that Stan invited him to come work for him ... with us," Larry explained. "And since one of the other guys took another job out of state, Stan hired him on."

"Holy shit! You're kidding me, you mean to tell me he's married to Jaylin?"

I had known Stan for years. Everyone did. He'd started up the auto-parts/repair shop in the small town we all lived in years and years ago. Back then, he worked mainly out of his own home, his own garage. Eventually making enough of a go of it to lease a new building and grow the business. Now he had two additional stores in other small towns just like our own. As for Jaylin, I had once had a crush on her myself. She had been the head cheerleader at school, dated all the jocks or so it seemed, and eventually went off to some beauty college nearer the big city. I never saw her again, though I did hear she had eventually gotten married. Obviously Mike was the guy she had gotten married too.

"Man, that surprises me," I added. "He doesn't seem the type..."

Larry cut me off with one of his less than friendly looks, another oddity as I didn't get those from him very often. "Yeah well, he's the bosses son-in-law, and obviously one of the guys now, so that's that," he said standing in preparation of leaving.

"Want to stop for a cup?" I asked not really wanting us to part on hard feelings, though for the life of me, I couldn't understand what I might have said or done to see Larry's change in demeanor the way that it had.

"Nah, I really need to get home, promised to spend a little more time with Suzie today, which reminds me, she mentioned something about the two of you coming over for dinner tonight anyway."

Once again, I wasn't aware of the invite, but that was to be expected too, no doubt Suzie had just mentioned it in passing, and by now had called my wife setting it all up. By the time I arrived home myself, she'd no doubt inform me that we were going over there for dinner.

"Well alright then, I'm guessing we'll probably see you tonight."

"Probably so," Larry said finally smiling again, and then giving me a quick brief "guy hug", just as we always did whenever we'd said good-bye to one another. Something else we'd been doing even when it probably wasn't a cool thing to do as kids. But he had continued to do so, even in high school, especially if I had managed to score a touchdown during one of the games.

Sure enough, shortly after arriving home, Chris informed me we were going over there for dinner. I smiled at that, it meant two things, no doubt a great meal with good friends, but it also meant Larry and I would get to watch the afternoon football game together on TV.

We'd enjoyed the game as well as the meal, and now sat together at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee along with the dessert Chris had made and brought along with us.

"By the way, Pete called, he said they're switching locations for the poker game next Friday, it's going to be at his place now instead of Brian's."

Once again I saw a brief look of surprised irritation cross Larry's face, which then turned to one of near panic as Chris spoke up completely unaware of the change which I saw in him as he sat there. But in addition to that, I also saw the same look on Suzie's face when my wife spoke.

"Poker? Damn, Steve's been dying to find a group of guys to play poker with, why haven't you invited him?"

Like I said, I loved Chris, but sometimes she had a way of speaking her mind before thinking about the reasons why she might not have. Though in her defense, at the time, it seemed like a totally innocent question.

"Ah well, um ... it's not really my place to invite him," Larry stammered, his face suddenly growing beet red. He was obviously uncomfortable for whatever reason, though it was his wife who suddenly came to his defense, and rightly so as she'd been the one to bring it up in the first place.

"Larry just started playing a few weeks ago himself," she informed us. "The guys he works with have been doing so for a long time. The only reason Larry got invited was because one of the other guys quit coming when he took another job elsewhere, which is also why Mikey came to work for Stan."

"Mikey?" I thought to myself. That was a strange way for Suzie to address him, though she continued on without elaborating about the way she had spoken his name.

"So not that Steve wouldn't be welcome I'm sure, it's just that Larry just got invited to start playing himself." Suzie then turned towards her husband, though I saw a curious look pass briefly between them. "Maybe you could bring it up to the guys that if ever you're short someone, that Steve here might be able to come and play as a substitute," she offered, only then turning towards Chris and I, smiling as she said that.

"Yeah, I'll bring it up," Larry said simply, and then dropped it as quickly as that, which we all did.

Not too surprisingly, we had called it an early night after that, Larry stating something about needing to go to the shop earlier than usual as there was a lot of work waiting for him. On the drive home, Chris and I both mentioned and discussed how odd the last part of the evening had gone.

"Who's Mikey anyway?" she had asked me. And I then explained to her just who "Mike" was, though we had both found it odd having heard Suzie address him in that way. I then told her about the weird little conversation earlier that morning in the locker room after the game, and how I had thought there was something peculiarly odd about him, and even more so as he happened to be the one who had eventually married Jaylin.

Chris sat silently after that for a time mulling things over in her head. I knew she was, because she tended to chew on her fingernails whenever she did that, and I knew better than to interrupt her whenever she did.

"Suzie and I are having lunch on Wednesday, I'll see if I can find out more about this Mikey guy," she stated. "And why someone would be married to a girl like Jaylin according to the way you described her to me and told me who she was."

Which I had done, even going so far as to admit to her that I too at one time had had a crush on her during high school, but that she had never even given me a second thought, though she had in fact hooked up with Larry briefly. Just long enough according to Larry for the two of them to actually end up in bed together, though it ended shortly after that.

"Well, there's something weird going on there, has to be," I told my wife. "I've known Larry all my life, and I know when there's something going on that he's keeping from me, though I can't for the life of me figure out what it might be, or why he is. Just be careful when you talk to Suzie. I know the two of you have become pretty good friends and all, but I also saw the same look pass between them, so she's in on whatever it is, unless I'm completely mistaken here."

I arrived home Wednesday night, anxious to learn how lunch had gone. Chris was waiting for me when I came in with a smile on her face.


"Well, I'm not sure I learned a whole lot, but I did learn a couple of things," she told me. "For starters, Larry and Suzie have been spending quite a bit of time with them it seems. They've sort of been doing dinners at one another's places for a while now. And according to Suzie, she did mention that because of that, she can see why Jaylin is attracted to him, and she also called him Mike, not Mikey, not even once while we were there."

"That's it?"

"Pretty much," Chris said seeing the look of disappointment on my face. "Sorry baby, but it was like pulling teeth just to get that much out of her without my sounding overly suspicious about it. I got the impression that she and Larry were trying not to hurt our feelings by actually spending more time with the two of them than they have been with us."

Which made sense in a way, though I thought I knew Larry better than that. If he and Suzie had made knew friends with someone, he wouldn't have hesitated in the past in telling me that, and even more likely, because we were friends, by including us as well if that were at all possible. I then explained that to Chris.

"Maybe that's why," she said guessing. "Maybe because this Jaylin, whoever she really is, never did like you for whatever reason, and still doesn't. But if what you say is true about her and Larry, who knows ... maybe she's still carrying a bit of the hots for him, so having him as a friend, she can safely flirt with him a little if that's something she enjoys doing."

Chris's reasoning was as good as any other perhaps, but it still didn't explain the way I'd seen Larry react, nor the way he had purposely tried to keep whatever was going on between them a secret. Something else Larry had never done with me was keep secrets, unless it was between he and I.

"Oh well, guess there isn't much more we can do about it," I said giving into the notion. "They're certainly free to see and have other friends without us, but it's just not like him to do that is all. Maybe he'll say something about it to me in time. I guess all I can do is wait and see if he does and take it from there."

Friday came and went. I knew that Larry was off playing poker with his co-workers, something that normally wouldn't have bugged me before even had I known it. But this time it did. I was anxious then to see how he was around me on Sunday. We had gotten together, played ball with the guys like always, and had a typically good time. Larry seemed pretty much like his old self, and even Mike seemed friendlier towards me during and after the game. The big surprise came when he mentioned something about a barbeque at their place in a few weeks, and that Chris and I were invited. I was surprised at the invitation, and accepted it. But I was even more surprised by the look on Larry's face after I had. After Mike had left I once again suggested we go out for coffee, and was pleased when Larry agreed that we should. As we stepped outside to head towards our cars however, he stopped me.

"Man, we need to talk," he said seriously.

"Ok ... here? Or over coffee?" I again questioned.

Larry turned and started heading over towards his truck without answering. I followed as it seemed to me that's what he wanted me to do. When he climbed in, I did the same sitting in the passenger seat next to him. He seemed nervous and more than a little uncomfortable.

"You wanna tell me what the hell's going on?"

He swallowed and fidgeted. Something a guy Larry's size just didn't do, not unless he was truly nervous about something, which obviously, he was.

"Man, this is weird," he began.

"You can say that again," I stated interrupting him.

He shot me one of his patented looks, informing me as he did so that I was to remain quiet and let him speak, which I did.

"We don't really play poker on Fridays," he started again. "I mean ... we do, but we don't."

Now I did interrupt him again, even after receiving the look. I couldn't help myself. "Ah Larry? You wanna run that one by me again? You're not making any sense!"

I had never seen him this nervous before, even scared in a way, and that just wasn't Larry. Not a guy that had even been given a tryout with the Pros, though he hadn't made it. Larry was the kind of guy you wanted walking with you down a dark alley. He finally let out a sigh collecting himself, and I knew then he had found the courage to tell me whatever it was he was going to say.

"Jaylin," he began again, which I wasn't all too surprised to hear, I figured whatever it was, she for sure was part of it, though I was still curious to see how Mike, Mikey, fit in to all of this. "You know her ... at least a little bit, and you know how wild she was back in high school. Hell man, even I fucked her!"

"Yeah, I know," I tried teasing him. "Lucky bastard!"

"Well, as wild as she was back then, she's even wilder now," he went on, grabbing my attention. "Like Suzie told you, I got invited to start playing poker with the guys, but not before I was informed as to what actually went on when the guys got together to play. It's not just poker Steve, not by a long shot!"

I was obviously intrigued and settled back in my seat. At least now I didn't think the world was coming to an end, though I had no idea at the moment how things would turn upside down and inside out from the way I had known them.

"Man, I don't want to lose you as a friend," he then said suddenly switching directions on me.

"You won't!" I assured him, though I was now becoming nervous as well as a bit irritated with him the longer this went on with him not getting to the point, or telling me the full story here.

"Yeah well, we'll see about that," he almost spat. "But I might as well start at the beginning."

As he finally spelled it out, I sat in stunned silence, listening to him, disbelief on the one hand, and total shock on the other. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, or what he then told me, which had included some interesting tid-bits about Suzie, another unexpected surprise.

The poker games had indeed started out to be just that, poker games. Long before Larry had ever gotten involved, or even started working for Stan at the shop, the weekly poker night had become for the guys a part of the job, almost a brotherhood or ritual of sorts. One particular night however, the stakes had gotten a little out of hand, as had the free flowing booze. Added to that, Stan's wife Michelle had sat in as one of the guys hadn't shown. No one thought anything more about it, everyone liked Michelle, and like Stan, she spent a great deal of her day working at the shop as well, handling the customers, and maintaining the books. And Michelle was a looker too, Stan was a very lucky man the way everyone saw it. She had nice tits that she enjoyed showing off even at work, and Stan seemed to enjoy the attention she received because of it. But that night, as the stakes went up, and with everyone feeling a bit more tipsy from all the booze they'd consumed, added to the fact that Michelle had been obviously flirting with all the guys half the night, it had come down to a "winner takes all" last hand.

According to what Larry then told me, which he had eventually heard and learned about, one of the guys who was playing was well ahead on chips. Several others had even bought in again, though promising I.O.U's in doing so. Though Stan himself had already gone out, Michelle was still in the game, though far behind the leader in chips. It was then that Stan, with Michelle's approval, bet her as part of the last hand.

"What do you mean? Bet her?" I asked.

"Just what I said," Larry told me. "She bet herself, telling Brian who was the chip leader, that if he won, he could do anything he wanted to with her, or have her do to him."

"You're kidding me? And Stan was ok with that?"

"Hell, the way I heard it, he was hoping she'd loose just so he could see her do it!"


"Yeah, no shit! Anyway, as it turns out, she won. And that chaffed everyone big time. Not only did she wipe everyone out, but that also meant they didn't get to see her do anything either. That's when Stan actually talked her into playing yet another hand, with even crazier stakes."

"Sounds crazy enough as it is," I told him, but I wanted to hear all of it, especially while Larry was in the mood to do it.

"So she does, but she tells everyone that in addition to equal shares of her and the money, anyone who stays in to play, in case they lose, she expects something special in return from each of them."

"Which was?"

"Pud pudding."

"Excuse me? What the hell's pud pudding?"

"I'll tell you in a second, but first I'll tell you what happened. So after she tells them the stakes, and what that is ... they're not too excited about it, squeamish even and all that, which you'll see why in a minute. But then she says that any one of the four of them who are still in the game, all it takes is one of the four of them to beat her, and they all get an equal share of the money, as well as an equal share of her too. So then ... after they think about it, they agree."

"So what the hell's pud pudding?" I ask again.

"Apparently, she's got a thing for cum, I mean she really does. Loves drinking it down and all that, and Stan's like excited beyond believe to see it, enthusiastic enough that he tells the guys if they do it ... go along with it, he'll even give each and every one of them a raise if they do."

"Fuck me! So then what?"

"So they agree, realizing if they lose this time, that they have to jerk themselves off into this bowl that sitting there, but not only that ... they can't do themselves, but have to do each other while she watches. After which, she gets to drink it all down."

"Holy fucking shit!"

"Yeah, for sure. So that's why they're a bit squeamish about it. A bunch of straight-laced guys that have to jerk one another off for her, even though she's the one going to be drinking their combined spunk. Yet on the other hand, if even one of them wins, not only do they get an equal share of the money, but then they get to have their way with her, with Stan's blessing!"

"They lost didn't they?"

"Yep ... they did. Hence the pud pudding."

"Ok, so now I understand all that, but what's any of that got to do with you and playing poker now, but not playing poker?"

Once again Larry looked nervous and uncomfortable. "Anyway, so the following week no one wants to play because everyone has outstanding I.O.U's as it is. But then Stan tells them that he'll forgive all the debt, and that they won't be playing for money next time if they agree to it, and Michelle of course is once again part of the deal. Only this time, each hand carries some sort of sexual favor to it, and from what I heard and learned, she had some pretty wild fantasies, which became part of the bet. But as the guys then did win several hands themselves, and no longer owed any money, and finally got to do Stan's wife whichever way they wanted to, it became a weekly event after that ... and still is.

"Oh my God!" I then said looking at him. "So how..."

"Yeah, I got sucked into it too, but so did Suzie."

"Suzie? How the hell did that happen?"

"Suzie and Jaylin had once been lovers."

You could have heard a pin drop.

Eventually the poker games got wilder and crazier. And as they did, so did everything, and everyone else. When Jaylin and Mike moved back to town, Jaylin was very much like, and had always been like, her mother. When the two of them were then included, it not only added additional spice to the game, but with their being both mother and daughter involved and now included, everyone seemed to begin accepting anything and everything that could possibly happen.

"Jaylin and Suzie had even gone out to lunch together shortly after her return, and she had confided in Suzie about their Friday night poker games, and how wild and crazy fun it all was, and that she would love messing around, and fooling around with her again, provided of course that I was ok with it," Larry continued. "So admittedly Steve, and maybe this will be hard for you to hear and accept, but the thought of seeing Suzie and Jaylin together really got to me, it aroused me like nothing else could. And as much as that may shock you, even disgust you to hear me saying it, I was all for it, and agreed to go, sit in on one of the games in the hopes of seeing something just like that."

"Fuck man," I breathed, understanding it sort of, but at the same time surprised to be hearing it. Even Chris and I had shared fantasies, some of which I would dare say were pretty out there as well. But so far, all we'd done is talk about them, fantasize about stuff, but had never gone so far as to actually do anything beyond that.

"So that particular night, it's Stan and Michelle, me and Suzie, and Mike and Jaylin, and two of the other guys from work, Brian and Pete. Fuck Steve, I honestly don't know what I was thinking, and maybe I wasn't, or at least I wasn't thinking with the right head or something. But the very first hand I win, and after I do, I'm told that I can have anyone ... anyone at all, any two people at all, do anything I want them to do to me, or to one another. That's the bet, those are the rules. Needless to say, I'm all about seeing Suzie and Jaylin licking one another's cunts."

"Yeah well, I can see that," I told him understandably, but still more than a bit surprised by all this nonetheless.

"Yeah, and it was fucking hot too Steve! And it got hotter and wilder and crazier after that too, for all of us. Stan wins the next hand, and though he wasn't into doing anything incestual with Jaylin, which was certainly cool with me, he did want to see something else, something else that sort of blew me away, especially as I had known him, worked for him for all these years, and all this time now."

"Which was?"

"He wanted Mike and Suzie to suck him off ... together."

I didn't know what to say, the image of that suddenly planted firmly inside my head. "Stan? Stan wanted his own son in law to do that ... and, and ... your wife?"

"That was ... the bet, yes. Like I said Steve, up until then I maybe didn't realize the stakes we were really playing for. I mean I'd already come to accept, and was ok with it, that Suzie would be doing other stuff with the guys there, and certainly the girls. We'd already talked about it beforehand, so I was ok with it, like I said. And it was exciting to think about, consider, and since neither one of us had any qualms about it, we went. Especially since I knew that it was the only way according to Jaylin, that she and Suzie might actually end up fooling around together. She wasn't willing to do it otherwise, outside of that. But there again, even that had a lot to do with Stan and Michelle."

"Obviously, Mike is what ... bi-sexual then at least yes?"

"Yes, not gay exactly no, he does enjoy being with women too, but ... he also enjoys being with men almost as much. Something Jaylin knew about from the very beginning, and which was something she had always wanted to see herself. Especially as she likewise considered herself more bi-sexual that either totally straight, or lesbian for sure, as she enjoyed being with both sexes just as much as her husband did. So it was the perfect solution for the two of them."

"Well, that makes a lot more sense now," I said thinking about it. "He certainly doesn't act gay, not like a few men I have known who certainly are gay, but I knew there was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on, now I know."

"Yeah, now you know ... about Mike, Mikey as Suzie and Jaylin call him in private, not to mention Stan and Michelle. But what you don't know, is the rest of the story."

"Like I said, we played several more hands and things got wilder and crazier as the night went on. It was like each time someone came up with something they wanted someone else to do or see, then someone else came up with either a variation of that, or something even more kinky, more decadent the next hand. Of course by now, we're all naked too ... everyone is."

"No surprise there either," I admitted.

"So it's starting to get well on into the evening, and we decide to play two last hands, no holds barred as Michelle put it, no limits on what, or whom or the number of people involved. Winners choice to decide what happens etc etc etc."

"High fucking stakes," I said trying to imagine it.

"Yeah, it was, and here's where it gets hard for me Steve, and where I hope you try and understand, and not get too freaked out when I tell you the rest of it, but ... here it is. Stan wins the next hand, he then informs everyone that he wants the guys to have an equal amount of time fucking the three women. After each hand, there was a ten minute time limit, so we figured out what that would be, and then with the girls all lined up together, we fucked them doggy-style until it was time to play the last hand."

"Interesting, but that doesn't freak me out any," I informed Larry. "In fact, I find that pretty damn exciting, just imagining what it must have looked like. So where's the freaky part?"

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Puddle of Leaves

Dennis slid open the glass door of his quiet home and stepped into the heavily wooded backyard. It was a crisp fall Saturday as Dennis surveyed the many layers of fallen leaves that covered his yard. The chilly air cooled his lungs as he took a deep breath, examining the work in front of him. He had been putting off raking for weeks now, but as all the trees were almost bare, he had talked himself into getting it done this weekend.Dennis trudged across his lawn through the leaves to the shed....

4 years ago
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Puddle of Trouble II

As our trip to Starbucks continued I couldn't help but get nervous. I mean sure the clothes I was wearing were different than my usual clothes. But how bad could it be who was really going to eye me up that closely. As Ashley and I were walking and talking I felt a ponytail band in the pocket of her hoodie and threw my hair in a pony tail. Ashley kind of grinned when she saw me do it. So I gave her a playful punch in the arm and we walked into Starbucks. No sooner did I walk in the...

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I Helped My Husband

I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...

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White DelightsChapter 23 TteTte

Susan had a long-standing date to go to the birthday party of a girl she had had as a friend at school, and to stay the night. That evening, Maktum was detailed to drive her to her friend's house and then to return to the stables to collect Diana and the Emir. As they were leaving the stables, the Emir said, "Why don't you let me buy you dinner tonight?" Diana readily agreed, because there were several things she wanted to ask him without Susan overhearing, mostly about himself. Asked...

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My Stepmother Ch 2

  We held each other, my Stepmother and I, knowing what we had just done but not wanting to let go. Finally Lin got off of me and my big cock slowly came out of her tight pussy. She kissed me one more time then gathered up her clothes and headed for her and my Dad's bedroom without saying a word. I grabbed my shirt and shorts and headed up to my room. I took a shower and still could not believe what had just happened. I had just fucked my Stepmother. Granted she was a smoking hot 27, but she...

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BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 4

Threading their way anonymously through the crowded sidewalks of Mong Kok, the three ducked between the stalls of the ladies market, then circled the block, checking their back trail before ducking into the MTR entrance. Sun and Jun bought Xue a ticket and shepherded the young girl into the queue that was forming in front of one of the glass doors for the Tsuen Wan line in the direction for Central. It was late afternoon and the train was packed, but no one looked twice at the three young...

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the women from the bus

She's sexy, tall, curvy, and elegant.her legs go on for miles they look soft and tone. i take public transportation to get to my college and she always rides the bus. she has long dirty blonde hair. she was so sexy. she would always wear dress. ALWAYS. to be honest i'm not sure if she even owns a pair of jeans. i would always watch her walk on and off the bus. i eventually got a lil risky and taking pics and videos trying to get an upskirt pic. oh boy did i ever get one she was wearing a green...

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two old men

" let me see your cock " he said. his eyes darted side to side,looking to see if we were being watched.for this was a dangerous thing to be doing in broad daylight in a small public park. especially this park. in a small town, it is a well known hook up spot for sexual activities. known by young and old, men and women, and the local and state and park police too. even today, a bitingly cold wind blowing off the river didn't stop people from parking in the bright sunlight. i pulled...

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Beautiful StrangerChapter 2

A cool breeze stirred the underbrush growing around massive trees on the forest floor. Huddled in the lower limbs of one of those trees, beneath an inconspicuous bundle of branches, imperceptible to even the most discerning eye, two young women lay together sleeping. As they had done the previous four nights, Jaide lay on her side in the crook of the branches while Anna cuddled up behind and draped an arm across her slim waist. The youngest of the pair, with her silvery hair, had grown to...

3 years ago
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Chrissy the Masseuse Chapter 4

Chrissy the Masseuse Chapter4 by Dreamycrossdresser The vibrator butt plug inside of me was relentless.I couldn't scream since my lips had been glued together earlier when i thought it was only lipstick being applied. I was in a dress,heels, padded bra,g-string long- haired brunette wig and I couldn't move off of the vibrator or away from my resourceful,capable kidnappers... they had a very well thought out plan to render me...

2 years ago
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The Chaperons Part I

The Chaperons – Part I   “Please mom, please, the coach said if we didn’t get one more chaperon that we wouldn’t be able to go. Can you do it; please it would really make the guys on the team like me. I would be kind of a hero.” Her son pleaded with Jennifer Porter. He was on the high school football team and because of their success of recent years, they had been scheduled by a top team on the other side of the state, which meant a long ten hour ride on the team bus and two over nights…one...

Group Sex
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Raging Storm

Carly couldn’t believe what she had just done, chest burning as she stopped next to the dumpster in the dead end alley, clutching the magazine in her hands.  If this didn’t work, if he didn’t take this they way she wanted, she could get into a lot of trouble.  But she couldn’t think of anything else.  She tried everything else. “What do you think you’re doing Carly?!” Carly froze and spun towards the voice, her body flushing with heat, not out of fear but pure desire. Standing about...

Quickie Sex
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Sunkist Love 2

I sat up immediately, told him to get the hell out of here and looked at my Summer love. How beautiful she looked in my bed. I leaned down and kissed you sweet lips, they tasted of bananas from her amazing lip gloss. I kissed down her jaw to her neck down to her breasts down to her tight toned stomach to her thighs and started kissing her sweet snatch watching her groan and twitch at the pleasure of my tongue on her warm dripping slit. She tangled her Fingers in my hair as i flicked my tongue...

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My CoWorkers Wife Part 1

My co-workers Wife.It all started when a guy I worked with at the time said that his Mrs. needed to meet someone to hang out with. He was recently married and his bride had just moved here from 500 miles away and knew no one in the area. So I told him that they should come over to the house this weekend. The job that we worked at always had us on the road and we were lucky to be home 2 weekends a month. But anyway, they came over that weekend and our wives made friends quickly. They didn’t go...

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Maria and Me

Thursday night is my dart league night. I got home about 10pm with a pretty good buzz and went straight to bed. My wife had gone out with the girls and about an hour later they were all at our place. I heard all of them in the living room having an extraordinary good time. The next morning I heard my wife struggle out of bed and get ready for work. I had the day off and my intent was to just relax and doing as little as possible. I smelled the coffee that my wife made so I got up, threw on my...

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Collateral Damage Book I The VengeanceChapter 6

Wednesday morning was more or less the same. The only exception was that the number of victims became more accurate. The rumor was that the rescued women were a mother and daughter, and both of them were pregnant. When that news came out, our town just died for a moment. The reporters would have liked to have questioned some people, but suddenly, there was nobody available. Nobody wanted to answer any kind of questions. So, the only source of information the media had was the feds. They...

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Surfing The Gender Waves

Surfing The Gender Waves Chapter One - Introduction Please forgive this rather rambling story as I'm a now, senior citizen and I did lead a rather rambling life surfing the gender waves. Yet, my life might be a tad interesting. My name is (was) Billy James Ryan. At almost ten years old (when this story really began), back then, I was a bit of a hellion hanging out with the wrong crowd of a peer group. My parents had divorced. My dad ran away with his secretary to find himself...

2 years ago
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My Slut Vivien 2

 What a beautiful picture indeed. There bound to her bed was my Mistress, who for today, was my submissive slut. She was dressed only in a garter belt and black seamed stockings, and decorated in plastic pink and blue clothes pins — one on each nipple, and eight decorating her pussy."Oh, don't You look so lovely my Slut Vivien. I just love how You pull against your bonds, and squirm like the slut you are. Tell me!""Oh master A, I'm Your pain slut! Please! I beg you, make me cum!"I crawled next...

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A Second Chance Chapter 61

THURSDAY, June 23, 2016 Acting Inspector Steve Winslow was at his desk before 8, working through a thick stack of paperwork dropped there by the chief when he left last night. Steve started with the shift schedule for the coming week, which he knew the chief especially disliked doing. As Steve slotted officers into shifts, he thought about the union meeting last night, his last. He had been the president of the local, but his move into management meant that this had to end. Velma and...

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Indian bhabhi gets drilled by a young guy

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can . Savita was wet and naked, sandwiched between Alex and Ashok. Last night’s threesome had made her tired. Savita turned towards Alex. She wanted him inside her again. Making sure she doesn’t wake up Ashok, she slithered between sleeping Alex’s legs. She kissed his limp cock and licked his balls. She took his cock inside her mouth and sucked it a few times to make it rock hard. Alex woke up staring at Savita, sucking his...

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MILF Slut Sequel Two

After hearing Phyllis' Party Boat story, Sandy decided it was time to reconnect with Jacques. The video that Jacques had sent reminded her of his massive cock and she once again yearned to have him inside her. She wrote a short personal e-mail to his private address and asked how things were with him and the college. He wrote back a day later and said he was still teaching at the college but was no longer a dean. Wendy, his wife, was reduced to part time in the AV department but her health...

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Oh Jack

"So, do you want to make a handout of the main points of the movie, or make a list of questions for the class to answer?" my partner Allison asked."Well, he said we should involve the class a little more. We'd better go the question route." My friend Allison and I had been assigned a presentation for our history class, and were meeting in the computer lab at school to work on it. We weren't getting anywhere. One guy was listening to his iPod and the volume was so loud WE could hear the lyrics....

2 years ago
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My Lesbian Love Adventure

Elizabeth and Allie had been dating for about six months now, the love they felt for each other was beyond more than just lust. It was easy to tell between their conversations, flirting in the chat rooms, commenting on each other’s pictures, and their poetry back and forth to each other, that this was always going to be more than just an online affair. Elizabeth was 21 years old, and was a very small, brunette. She has black hair, and green eyes, that you can spot from across the road....

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PterisChapter 14 The Bait Is Taken

Rescuing the Damsel Katja Analyst went much as planned, better than expected, but it took a while. Pēteris and Maggie traveled in the vicinity of the trio, usually sweeping the more violent and aggressive ambushers from the road well ahead of them. He let his beard grow against future need of a disguise. Truthfully, he was happy to be free of shaving with a primitive razor and often-cold water, even when the razor was wielded in Maggie’s skilled hands. They took care not to be associated...

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Family Affairs Ch 28

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-eight Dianna walked around in a daze most of the day, going from class to class, going through the motions, but really out of touch. Matt commented on how out of it she seemed it at lunchtime. ‘You OK, Dianna?’ he asked. ‘You seem, I don’t know, kinda far away.’ ‘It…it’s just this has been a pretty confusing week for me,’ Dianna told him. Was it ever! ‘Hey, look, if there’s anything I can do to help,’ Matt said, ‘just let me...

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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 6

The first day at the show was really happening. Pratyush, Manisha, Amelia, Anisha, Samir, Samarth, Alina, Irfan, and Olivia were all happy. Suraj still has his eyes on Amira, who has now disliked Suraj after catching him with Amelia. Saira now wants someone decent in bed while Mindira is looking for someone who could tear her pussy. Day two, everyone has woken up. Suraj is already outside doing some exercises. Pratyush also joins him in a while. Olivia and Irfan make sure to complete their...

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A Series of TabooChapter 10 The Coach

“Mom, he already cut me from the team. Don’t make this any worse.” “You need to learn not to be like your dad. Fight for what you want. And by the way, your mom here has been known to change a man’s mind a time or two.” Tim looked at his mom dress. It was tight with lots of cleavage. Against his dad’s wishes, she wore it once to one of his dad’s office Christmas parties. It was a battle royal when they got home. Seems more than a couple of dad’s co-workers got the wrong idea of what Mom was...

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Meri Pahli Threesome

Hello dosto, mai sanjana fir se hazir hoon aur ek sachhi ghatna ke sath. Ek baat pahle hi saaf kar dena chati hoon ki jo dost (ladke) meri story padke mere se sex karne ki request ki hai to unko bata dena chati hoon ki mai kisi aur ke sath sex nehi karungi. Aur meri ladki dost, jo meri story padke unke mail id liye to sayad apse unka mulakt ke sath sab kuch ho gayi hogi aur meri jaisi hi satisfaction mili hogi. Pichli bar meri story bengali me thi. Bahot sare non-bengali dost ( khas karke...

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Beach of Black Sand

[Note: this story involves the same characters as the series ‘Coyoacan Mi Amor.’ I wanted to make it part of that cycle but it can be read on its own. Enjoy!] —— ‘You’re in for a real treat,’ said Bernardo as he steered the Jeep Cherokee over the rutted road. Scrub brush lined the lanes, every few miles they stopped as a cow ambled across. ‘My kidneys are bruised from all the bumping. It’d better be great whenever we get where you’re taking us, Bernardo,’ said Dan Lissner, senior writer for...

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Auto Erotica Ch 02

After careful review, this chapter contains no sex, but it does, however, explain the characters and sets up the plot for the remaining chapters which should all have explicit sex in them. You can still skip this chapter if you prefer and pick up the basic plot. Author’s note, this story is fiction and you will find several things altered. The gang known as the Latin Counts originated in Chicago’s Back Of The Yards neighborhood but for fictional purposes does not currently exist in Chicago. ...

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Beginnings of a Voyeur

I was 13 years old when I noticed the 2 older girls who had moved in across the street from my parents house growing up. At that age, I was just hitting puberty, my hormones raging and jacking my dick was becoming a favorite past time. I was a shy k** growing up, still am to some degree. I was an awkward teen at that time and had yet to have a real girlfriend. I was fascinated with the normal type porn of the era, my friends dad had a extensive magazine collection that he shared, and of course...

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ShawnChapter 16

For the next three days we followed the same routine with nothing happening. The forth day was different, when we came across the two young men that had raped Lusa before. This time, they had two other friends with them as I took Lusa's hand in mine and purposely walked close by. Chike and Mablevi were the two guilty males, however my abilities told me that the other two had done much the same on various other occasions. It was almost a game to them and it didn't matter who got hurt as...

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The Willow Switch Part 3a of 3

I woke early and alone in Cozumel and knew there were two more nights where that would happen again. It had been after 3 AM when I finally found the bed, so I didn’t expect the Painful Welt and Willow for at least a couple of hours. I was convinced that they did something much different when they found his bed.I had breakfast, checked email and the news on my phone, and downed several cups of coffee before I finally settled the argument with my conscience, which had been trying to convince me...

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Merlins Magic Cue Stick

Legend has it that Sir Lancelot was one of King Arthur's round table members. He was the most trusted of King Arthur's knights and played a part in many of Arthur's victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur's wife, Lady Guinevere. Lancelot's life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. He was presented as the most formidable knight at King Arthur's court. His adulterous relationship with...

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Judy from Golds Gym

Judy from Gold's Gym (Part 1) Hi all, My name is Jake. I am 25 years old, and have never had any interest in women that are "Grannies". They just never turned me on. I actually engrossed myself in my work in materials management for a manufacturing company, and never really had time for a long term relationship. However, I met Judy while working out at my local Gold'sGym, and she changed my thoughts on older women. This story is about the relationship I had with her while I worked that...

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The Anniversary GiftChapter 4

The girls were still laughing about Bridget's damp foot when Jill spied Boutique Parisienne. "I buy a lot of my clothes here, especially underwear," Jill volunteered. "Let's see if anything's on sale. You might even find something special for your anniversary." Bridget was immediately impressed when they went inside. The interior was upscale and warm, while the clothes were divine. "Why didn't you bring me here before?" Bridget whispered. I could buy everything!" While Jill and...

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Brian Where Are You an Alone and Afraid StoryChapter 3

One of the first families or friends of the vanished that we met were the parents of Laura White. Laura had vanished from her apartment. Her parents, Joe and Rhonda White, had called when she missed church. They had a key but had to get help because the chain on her door was still in place. She was simply gone. Missus White said, "Laura was a good girl. She taught math and coached volleyball at a local high school. She didn't date much but had many friends. No one knows where she could...

2 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 18

My next mail to qamar: This is how i entered the porn industry. I went to the United States, had a job as a cleaner at a pre school and was later dropped out. I was crying on a bench, when I was talked to by a man named Thomas, who was at his forties and was tall and handsome. He said he can offer me a job, where I can earn much more in much less times, but under two regulations. I had to take certain physical hardships and give up my very religious life, that he observed with my head cover and...

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First let me tell you a little about myself.At 40 I ended up divorced with little left for myself. I picked myself up and worked as many hours a day as I could. I had a full time job in London with a very good salary and also started to work self employed buying, renovating and selling houses. Over the first year I did well ending up keeping one of the houses and renting it out. This pattern continued over the following 10 years ending up with me owning a nice portfolio of houses for rent and...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 7

I slowly woke up, and realized that the bed was moving, and my cock felt very good. I opened my eyes as I realized that it was surrounded by a pussy. And as I expected, it was Linda’s pussy. She was astride my hips and moving up and down, my cock already deep inside of her. “Good morning lover” she whispered as she kept moving up and down. I whispered good morning back, and moved my hands to rest on her hips. She was doing that little shimmy thing with her hips that always drove me wild,...

4 years ago
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Billy and I

I remember once after practice, Billy and I were the last in the shower. I was faced away from him when he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. He had done this before. If I tried to pull away he squeezed harder. It hurt, but it felt good, if you know what I mean. I told him it hurt and to stop, and he said “You pay for the pizza after practice?” I said, “Hell no!”He squeezed harder yet. “Owww!, you’re hurting me” Truth be told it felt good, even though it hurt like...

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Shit Happens On Halloween The Angry Fart

Chapter 1: The Bite Our story begins: Its 11:30 AM: Mystic Falls High School, Virginia. It’s half way through the US History class period. Caroline has been talking in class to Elena while Mr. Saltzman is teaching class. Both girls are pretty and popular, but they do have a tendency to talk out of turn in class. Their teacher, Mr. Saltzman had called them down for their bad girl behavior on numerous occasions, but it was Caroline who had trouble seeming to learn to cease this...

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The wind and snow mixed with rain lashed the windows of the stately house on the hill in the country-side. Through the clamor of the snowstorm, Sabah heard a car's engine begin to sputter and miss. Few women could have caught the sound over the storm rattling the windows, but her hearing was more acute than any ordinary woman's. All her senses were - as were her urges. And those senses informed her that as the desperate driver turned off the road into her driveway as his motor died, leaving...

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SomedayChapter 3

Finally, laughing delightfully, she said, "Alright! I give up!" "Good," Doug breathed a low whisper and covered her mouth with his. It tasted faintly sweet, like the strawberry margaritas she'd consumed. Her response was immediate. Her arms went around his neck and her kiss went harder with passion. She spread her legs wide for him and planted her feet in the still-warm sand. It was a simple move to slide deeply inside her. Doug pulled back and stared down at her face, luminous in the...

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Heaven In The Hot Tub

It had been a long and stressful Monday, filled with meetings and high-maintenance clients. For these meetings, I made sure to dress a certain way to both impress and distract them. Today I was wearing a fitted white blouse, tucked into a form-fitting, charcoal pencil skirt and my shoulder-length silver hair was in a neat chignon. With my glasses on and 4-inch dark purple heels added to my 5’4” frame, I was certainly doing my best to work the sexy manager image whilst making the most of my...

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The Collector Chapter Three

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Shopgirl Mary Pilson found that for a woman her age, living on her own was not easy. What little money she had saved she used to rent a dingy one- room coldwater flat. She managed to find a job as a shopgirl for minimum wages and long hours. She started at seven in the morning and finished at six in the evening. Mary had just enough time to catch a bus home, eat a small meal and change into her evening clothes before she went to...

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Cuckolds are meant to serve couples.Knowing a woman should be pleased by a real man is the sexiest truth you've faced and accepted. The funniest part is that you are grateful for being used by us. By me. While I get serviced and pleased by a real man. You'll never get to fuck me. Instead you will get to fund dates, purchase used condoms, and be of domestic service to us both. How pathetically grateful you will be to receive photos of us having a great time or to smell and taste the vile latex...

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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 3 Surrender

Claire had been hoping that the turmoil in her mind would settle down now that it was over with, but instead she felt conflicted as ever. She tried to put it out of her head anyway, but she knew that sooner or later he would be hungry again and she would have to do something about it. Plus, she still didn't have any facts on his normal "feeding" behavior beyond the poorly detailed testimony of a traumatized college girl. What she needed was direct observation. She didn't want to demean...

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