Sabah free porn video

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The wind and snow mixed with rain lashed the windows of the stately house on the hill in the country-side. Through the clamor of the snowstorm, Sabah heard a car's engine begin to sputter and miss. Few women could have caught the sound over the storm rattling the windows, but her hearing was more acute than any ordinary woman's. All her senses were - as were her urges. And those senses informed her that as the desperate driver turned off the road into her driveway as his motor died, leaving it to roll to a stop near her entrance gate. She pursed her brow to ensure he didn't miss seeing it.

She was not expecting company on such a night. She had dressed for the evening alone. But also for a tete a tete. Always be prepared, she chuckled. Her house was set well back the road, and the wet snow was accumulating quickly. Out here, forty miles from the city there were no near neighbors. There was no help for it; the driver of the stricken vehicle would have to seek refuge at her door. He was going to be frozen by the ten minute walk to her door. Or she? No. Sabah knew the driver was male, a young male. A handsome and virile young male, she smiled her nostrils wide with excitement. Somehow, whenever her hunger reached this level, a prey appeared. Her nerves tingled in expectation, and all her appetites stirred. It would take him a few more minutes to make his way here. More than enough time to prepare.

She opened the satin robe, black as her hair, exposing the shorter night gown of the same material. She appraised her appearance in the mirror in the hall, noting with approval how the gown and robe set off her fair, almost pale skin. Her eyes were dark, mysterious, an effect many women tried to imitate with make-up. She needed none. Her ensemble clung to her slender yet voluptuous figure. Her bosom was twin snowy mounds with a deeply shadowed valley between. This would do very well. Experience gave her confidence in her powers.

She was ready by the entrance when the doorbell rang. She let it ring a second time -- she wanted him to feel like a supplicant -- then opened the door. She studied the young man standing there while her appearance had its desired effect on him. He was well made, better than she had hoped. His face was ruggedly strong rather than handsome. No little intelligence and even more strength of character looked out of his blue eyes. His hair was wetly plastered to his head; she could not judge the color. In spite of being miserably cold, he radiated vigor and vitality. She suppressed an urge to lick her lips. She could not have chosen better. His stunned reaction indicated a healthy masculine heterosexuality. Very good. This would make her task easier ... and more pleasant. She allowed him to stare for a few seconds longer.

"Yes?" she said finally. He came to himself with a start. He seemed embarrassed by his speechlessness, as if it was the fault of his rudeness rather than her calculated effort. She eyed him with amusement.

"My car broke down." He gestured towards the gate of her drive, although human eyes probably could not see it through the storm. "I wanted to use your 'phone to call the auto club?"

"They warn single women alone never to let a strange man into her house," she replied in a teasing tone. "And the traveler-in-distress is the most transparent ploy..." She should know; she had used it often enough in the past herself. Her accent reflected her long cosmopolitan life. Of course she did not show the least sign of apprehension.

"Yes, Ma'am," the distressed traveler answered, taking her at her word. "This whole situation is right out of a B-movie script. Could you call them for me, then? Here is my membership card with my member number. Tell them I'll wait for them in my car. It's a gray..."

"Oh, do come in!" she interrupted a trifle impatiently. His misplaced gallantry would spoil her plans. "I think I'm in no danger from YOU. You'll have to take your chances with me, however. No auto club could reach here, anyway. We're likely to be snowbound for days," she chuckled. "Now, get in her before you catch your death standing there in the snow!" She stepped aside and opened the door fully.

He did not hesitate, but entered quickly, visibly glad to get out of the cold and wind. He was in the entrance hall, with the gleaming white tiled kitchen off the right, and the living room/parlor straight ahead. The darkened hall to the left led to her boudoir. Why on Earth had THAT word popped into his mind? The living room was furnished in white: deep carpets, plush overstuffed furniture. A fire burned in the white brick fireplace and mixed with the smell of oak was incense of a most peculiar sort. Music was playing softly in the background; although the volume was low, he could feel the bass line from the powerful speakers.

"Heavens! Don't just stand there dripping on my carpet, my young friend" she smiled. "Go into the kitchen and get out of those wet things. I'll bring you something to put on." She went down the hall to the linen closet. From her vantage point in the dark, she watched his eyes try to follow her. He went into the kitchen, took off his coat and draped it over a chair. He removed his shoes, then hesitated. She returned to the foyer and tossed him a large, fluffy towel through the kitchen door. She laughed. "Go on! Get undressed! I won't peek," she lied. "Dry off!"

He blushed (how charming, she thought), but disrobed as she instructed and dried himself. She busied herself preparing the living room for the next stage, surreptitiously looking in on him as he finished and wrapped the towel around his body. She felt a spasm of desire. She had been far too long without a male essence and she had to exercise control to proceed methodically. When he had tucked the ends in to secure the bath sheet in place, she returned as if by coincidence with a white terry cloth kimono. "Here," she said not unsympathetically, handing him the robe. "Put this on. I'll make you some tea and join you in the living room."

He donned the robe and went into the other room. While he was in the kitchen, she had turned down the lights, and changed the music to something soft and dreamy, vaguely oriental, very quiet but with a slow pulsing base. "Sit down and make yourself comfortable," Sabah called to him from the kitchen. "I've turned up the heat, to help take the chill out of you."

She watched until he sank into the plush upholstery and soft cushions of the over-stuffed couch with a sigh. The warmth of the fire, the sensuous feel of the velvety pile and the music would coax him into the mood she wanted. She saw him hesitate, then put his head back, giving in to the music's invitation to let go. She smiled to herself and put the kettle on. Soothing and mildly sedative herbs were ready in an infusion bag. She let the relaxing and erotic suggestions she had implanted in the living room music take effect while the kettle boiled and the brew steeped. When it had reached the right strength and temperature, she poured a cup for him, and returned to the living room.

His eyes were closed as she expected. She sat by his side, curling one leg up under her so she was facing him, regarding him for a few moments. Her nostrils flared. He would do; he would more than do. Belatedly sensing her presence, he blinked, and raised his head to look at her. She handed him the faintly steaming mug with a smile. "Comfy? Might as well make the best of it Looks like you're stuck here with me for several days, so you might as well feel at home. Here, drink this."

Her fingers lightly brushed his own as she handed him the mug. He sipped the sweet fragrant liquid, somewhere between warm and hot, to encourage him to drink. It was delicious. He sipped again. As she watched, she could almost see its soothing effect speed through him, relieving the chill and stiffness of the drenching he had received, as it gently relaxed his muscles, stirred his passions, and beguiled his defenses. He glanced at her over the rim of the cup. Her robe was open and flowed behind her. The gown was slit to the hip, and she had seated herself in a position calculated to open it and subtly display her smooth, shapely legs. The neckline of her gown was disconcertingly low, and contrasted strikingly with her milk white bosom. He realized he was staring, and jerked his eyes up to her face. She saw his confusion, and smiled again.

"It is all right," she spoke in a tone of quiet amusement. "Finish your tea. I want you to feel comfortable here."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," he stammered, then sipped more of the herbal brew to cover his embarrassment.

"It really is all right," she assured him. "It is hard not to look at me, isn't it? Don't worry, if looking at me helps you relax and feel comfortable, be my guest."

He blushed furiously. How sweet, she thought, to find a man who can blush these days. Plainly to cover his confusion, he raised one eyebrow quizzically. She laughed musically and placed her right hand on his thigh.

"Would I dress like this if I didn't enjoy having men look at me? I LIKE the reaction. Especially of a nice YOUNG man." She smiled and leaned her face in her left hand, resting that elbow on the back of the couch. She gazed steadily into his eyes as she continued speaking. "And you do enjoy looking at my breasts, don't you?" She did not remove her hand from his lap, but let it drift lightly up towards his crotch.

"Er ... yes, yes I ... I do," he admitted nervously.

"Of course you do," she repeated with mock coyness. "I can tell," she went on, trailing her fingers across his groin. "I believe looking at my cleavage could even be getting you a little bit turned on. Don't be embarrassed. It happens frequently when I show young men my breasts." She paused to gauge his reaction; she didn't want to frighten him ... too much. The tea was doing its work, keeping his skittishness in check.

"I'm flattered when a man cannot keep his eyes off my bosom. I like it even better when he tries to peek up my gown as you are doing." His eyes dropped to her lap in response to the implicit suggestion. "Trying to see if I have on panties?" she teased. She didn't, of course, and his eyes were riveted to the narrow gap at the top of the slit in her gown by the hint of a confirming glimpse. She reached out and took the now empty cup from his unfeeling fingers. "Tell me your name," she said, abruptly changing the subject.

"Ah ... my name? Oh, Rod," he stammered, blinking and dragging his eyes back up to meet her own. "My name is Rod..."

"Rod," she interrupted. "That's a nice name, a strong, masculine name. You like being here with me, don't you, Rod? Not waiting for an answer, she put the cup down on the coffee table, and slipped her hand inside the robe he was wearing, grazing her fingertips down his bare thigh. "Are you feeling relaxed and comfortable, Rod?"

"Oh, sure," he replied hastily, clearly trying not to show just how un-comfortable he really was. He tried to return her steady look, but her gaze was too intense, and the pull of her low neckline was so strong, that his eyes kept drifting back into the shadowed cleft between her creamy breasts.

This was too good! This delectable male morsel was struggling, not to defend himself from seduction by a dangerous woman, but to be a gentleman. Such innocence! Such naivete! Such a hunk! She could feel her pussy grow moist in anticipation of the feeding.

"I don't think you are telling me the truth, Rod," she smiled. "It's all right. Like most men, you are a little bit afraid of me. I am a mysterious, sexy woman and I am wearing clothes that make it impossible not to look at me. I think this negligee with its low neckline intimidates you. You are feeling a little aroused. Perhaps you are worried that I might seduce you, try to take advantage of you. After all, the lights are dim, the room is warm and cozy. I have you all alone with no one to see what I am doing to you. I could caress you and you might become hopelessly aroused." Her palm rested warmly against the inside of his thigh, while her fingers moved dreamily in little circles, barely touching his skin. "Are you afraid that I might make you have sex with me against your will?"

"Yes... ," he answered abstractedly, his eyes and mind elsewhere, as she had arranged.

"Well, you are right to be concerned. It would be easy, so easy to manipulate your mind to take advantage of you." Just as I have been doing, she thought. "But you do not need to worry, Rod. Relax. I never make love to a man against his will. No man comes to my bed until I have made him very, very willing. If we make love tonight, I will make sure you really want it first. So you can put those fears out of your mind."

"All right." he murmured compliantly, knowing somehow that he should not.

"Let me help you forget your fears. You can relax. You can trust me." She slid her hand up to his waist and unfastened the robe. She smiled a twisted little smile, almost a smirk, and dropped her hand to his lap. She began a slow gentle stroking of his crotch. "We will just talk. You can tell me anything, and listen carefully to everything I say."

"Uh, ma'am ... Oh!. You shouldn't ... Please don't do that!"

"No?" She didn't pause even for an instant as she replied. "Do you not like a woman's soft warm hand on your sex?"

"Aahh ... yes. But it is getting me aroused!"

"That's just the point. Your prick is already getting nicely big and hard!"


"Do not fight it, Rod. It's to help us become friends. I want you to be completely open and at ease with me. Open to me. I want you aroused. Getting a man aroused makes him docile and obedient. Does not my playing with your penis make you feel like doing anything I tell you?"

"Oh, yeess, Ma'am," Rod sighed.

"That's right. Good. Very good. Now close your eyes and tell me everything about yourself," she commanded.

"Yes, Ma'am," Rod murmured as he drifted slowly down through the dreamy mood her hand on his cock induced and to the threshold of trance she had prepared him for. His eyelids drifted shut. She spoke to him softly, her lips next to his ear. She knew he was hearing her voice as if from a long way off. She asked him about his name, where he lived, his friends, his family, his job ... He answered automatically, without thinking. Eventually, using the information she gleaned, she began turning the questions around, twisting his answers into contradictions, confusing him, rendering the things he had told her meaningless. The facts of his life grew fuzzy and unimportant to him.

Making him forget the pretty little blonde fiancee was a little harder, but so satisfying. Interesting material in that relationship. Blondie apparently was sexually repressed and Rod was too nice to show how badly she frustrated him. The silly filly not only often refused him intercourse; she wouldn't even let Rod go down on her, despite his pleas, probably because she didn't want to have to return the favor. It had been weeks since she had let him have missionary sex. Very useful.

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Throne of Mastery

A magical throne is the artifact that imbues you with your power. You have a domain which you naturally rule, one that changes to suit your personality and desires over time. You command the obedience and loyalty of all those who reside within your domain. You may choose their role in life. Those outside your domain will respect your right to rule it and those within it. You have the power to teleport those you to defeat to your domain. Your domain's borders grow in a variety of ways.

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Cabin Fever

Amber grinned as she waited for the right moment; the little sleaze was so focused on watching Katherine's ass that he didn't even notice her hiding just to the left of the door hidden behind it when it opened. This scrawny little weasel really had the balls to show up and he had a full hockey bag in his right hand, no doubt full of toys to make good on his promise. Katherine had wanted to ignore his message at first block him but Amber convinced her this way was more fitting, more fun...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Silvia Saige Stepson Seductions

Silvia made the power move of marrying a wealthy, older man for his money. Now that her husband is on his death bed, the only thing standing between her and her money is her husband’s son. She will do anything to get what is hers, which includes seducing her son with promises to swallow his thick, creamy load everyday like his own personal sex slave–just like she was for his father. Zac is not man enough to resist her perfect tits nor her warm, soft mouth as she opens wide to...

2 years ago
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Lasting Impressions How It All Started

Lasting Impressions: How It All Started The new white paint on the outside of the laboratory did it little good. The water damaged roof, broken gutters, and busted window still gave the place a "drug production" look. "Finally, the city will quit hounding us over the graffiti," Eagan said. Catherine just rolled her eyes. The bars over the few windows the lab did have and the steel door on the front was not esthetically pleasing by anyone's standards. The grass in front...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Ana Foxxx Takes A Royal Pounding

Self-proclaimed “chocolate” sensation Ana Foxxx takes a royal pounding by well-hung stud Will Pounder himself in this hot interracial premium porn video. Watch and listen to the ebony Penthouse starlet moan with pleasure while facesitting and getting her pussy licked. And you’ll definitely want to check out her beautiful curvy ass while she’s fucked doggy style and riding schlong in cowgirl. The cock-stiffening scene culminates in the sultry black babe’s delicious...

4 years ago
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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

1 year ago
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Model FantasyChapter 5

You tell me how much you want to masterbate with me and watch me cum so I lie back naked on the bed while you do the same. We take up opposite sides of the bed propping ourselves up with pillows. Using some lube I begin stroking my member as I watch you playing with your pussy. You slip your fingers inside curling your fingers watching me as I stroke a little faster. Your fingers begin to blur inside you bringing yourself to an orgasm and I quickly follow suite coming with you. Cleaning my...

3 years ago
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It started in the steam room

At forty-five my life had settled into a middle-aged routine that I suppose most men have fallen into by that age. I’d been married almost twenty years, my kids were in their mid-teens, I had a good if not exciting job, we lived in a leafy suburb with good schools, we had solid friends and family nearby. But if I was content, I was not really happy, not in the relaxed, carefree way you have when you’re in your twenties. Maybe it’s unrealistic to expect more at my age, but it was nevertheless a...

4 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 17

"Well, I see that Andy guy is gone," said David, coming into the house. "I told you that you didn't have anything to worry about. Besides, him being here was all about Sandy, and had nothing to do with you and the boys." Bonnie didn't agree, but kept it to herself. 'Don't push him, ' she thought. 'Just give him some space to adjust, like Liz and Shelly said.' David called the boys upstairs asking, "Did you guys see anyone on a motorcycle today?" "No, sir," answered Tommy,...

2 years ago
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Dealing With PreEjaculation

Dealing With Pre-EjaculationI won’t clutter this piece trying to explain why a couple that has been married for thirty years find themselves seldom having relations. When we did have sex, I would initiate it. By then, I was so horny and excited that I’d ejaculate after only a couple minutes of intercourse. Of course my wife, not having achieved orgasm, understandably became frustrated.I have managed a solution for my pre-ejaculation while also providing my wife with the orgasms she deserves. It...

1 year ago
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Karas Cuckold Bitch

I reached beneath the hem of my wife's skirt and touched her smooth hairless pussy. She had a fresh Brazilian wax and my fingers quickly found her swollen labia. I broke the seal of her pussy and a flood of liquid goodness quickly covered my hand."Can you feel it baby?" Kara moaned as I sank two fingers deep inside her soaking wet cunt. "Can you feel his cum inside me?""Yes," I hissed as I pumped my fingers into her cum filled pussy. I was naked and my achingly hard cock bounced violently as I...

3 years ago
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Seduction Noble a Tale of a Nympho Noble

Introduction D ead center of the Black Forest, Wilhelm sits in the shade of an ancient pine. He gazes out in awe of such beauty. The wind blows through in the form of a gentle breeze, the sky is the most vivid shade of blue, scattered with seemingly wafer thin clouds. The small mountains covered in lush green grass and thick patches of pine and birch trees, a mass of green. It can only be described as bucolic bliss. He’s dressed in a black cloak which flaps in the wind, his long blonde...

2 years ago
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The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than eight-inches and very thick and he was a huge bonus turn on for you. You owe me baby.” When Julie finally returned we fucked like rabbits as soon as I watched her...

3 years ago
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The Garden Party

Today is Sunday and I’m so excited because Master finally invited me to his friends’ garden party.   Once a month Master and his friends get together for a garden party and Master always went alone except for today.   Quickly I get ready.   While in the shower I start wondering why Master is taking me this time.   Is it a special day?   I thought the parties were for Master’s only.   What does my Master have up his sleeves?   I pushed those thoughts out my head and started...

3 years ago
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My new babysitter part 3

I even discovered that our maid Simone was part of the debauchery going on at our mansion. One afternoon while I was bored, I was feeling horny. However, my mom had gone out to lunch with friends so I couldn’t turn to her. I saw no other opportunity than getting my old collection of porn magazines out from under my bed and wank over these like I used to. I discarded my clothes, lay on my back on my bed and started jacking off while looking at some of my favourite pictures. I was just getting...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Armani Black 18230 28230 38230 Pump Chump

Timing is everything. When Diego Perez’s bae breaks up with him because he pops too fast, he goes to his fine-as-fuck stepmother Armani Black for some maternal advice. Unbelievably, she tells him to pull his pecker out & jerk it right there. Armani exposes her juicy tits to motivate him & it doesn’t take long until Diego busts. Being a caring stepmother, Armani takes Diego into her bedroom for some training. Armani starts deepthroating Diego to desensitize his dick. Say that...

4 years ago
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The Academy Part 4 The Breaking Point

As we walked back into the hall I felt giddy and confused and happy and peaceful. I couldn't couldn't stop myself from giggling and Chloe looked at me with a worried look on her face. In the back of my mind I cursed the Academy for making me Into this, but at the forefront of my mind I was thinking about all the clothes I could wear and the ways I could make myself prettier. I had to remind myself that if I got out of this, I'd have to give into the urges sooner. A couple of girl things...

3 years ago
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My Hot Dorm Mate Part 3

Well no problem with morning wood today! Just picturing Mark possibly peeking at Lisa’s cute ass, and his certain frustration if he did, got me going again. Yeah, I was gonna have to wake Lisa up for more – NOW! I started to gently kiss the nape of her neck and she stirred, rolling towards me, starting a deep kiss. Then she jumped up a little, panicked, realizing she was late for class and still had to run back to her dorm. She finished her deep kiss, but pushed me up a bit and...

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 24

When I got done with talking to my Dad, about borrowing the plane, I went right up to my room and called Emily. This was the second, and the most difficult part of the plan I'd been hatching in my mind. I doubted I'd be able to pull this off, but I wanted to try it, because it might help with something else that I wanted to have happen. What I was really hoping for was that Emily would realize that my calling her with this had constituted that much improved offer that she'd warned me I...

2 years ago
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Sexual dreams come true

“I had that dream again last night,” Ed told his best friend Joey. “The one with that girl?” questioned Joey, “What was her name again? Terri? Toni?” “Tina. Her name was Tina. I just can’t get her out of my mind. It’s weird, Joe, she seems so…real. Maybe I’m just going nuts.” This was the eleventh time in the past month that Ed had had this dream. It was always the same. Somehow this girl had become entwined...

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The Next Chapter of My Life Part 2

CHAPTER 10 What to do, that is the question I keep asking myself. Jill had excused herself to go to the "ladies room". I continued to sit and ponder the situation. You know, it's not like I'm married or anything. Jen and I don't have a commitment of any kind. I don't know what Mary's reaction would be if she found out. Both of them will probably be mad as Hell when Lisa shows up this week anyway. Questions, questions and more questions. I poured myself another Weller and was...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 32

On Wednesday we were sitting in the Quad eating lunch, and saw Keith with Michelle sitting in his lap. Holly looked then looked away, and Peggy snorted. “Keith’s been bringing her to rehearsal, and Rad does not like her very much. He said that Keith is not practicing enough, and his playing was slipping. We almost had to drag him over because he kept going into the corner to make out with Michelle.” Holly just shook her head at that. “Whenever I went he was always so serious about his music,...

2 years ago
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Naomi and me

Naomi and I had known each other all of our lives, and dating each other just came naturally. We were a steady item from 6th grade on through high school, and by our senior year we were an intimate, steady couple. Our families knew each other, and they were supportive of us being together. Everyone figured that we would eventually marry, and it was great that our families were so close as well. We often spent holidays and vacations together, and there was never anything weird about Naomi and I...

3 years ago
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Parking Lot Surprise

This is based on a true story. It wasn’t a great day. I was taking a local business to Small Claims Court over a few hundred dollars that I felt they owed me. I was pretty sure I’d win, but I had to personally serve a summons on the owner of the business that day, and it was just a few minutes before closing. The business was located in one of those conglomerations of buildings that begins as a single business or strip mall, but ends up being a maze of parking lots and s**ttered buildings of...

4 years ago
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Bear Bound

I recently moved into an apartment that was wheelchair accessible. Which being a double amputee of both legs below the knee worked out well.I had been having trouble with my tv and internet access and called the provider to see if they could send someone over to help.A knock on my door the following day revealed the companies helper, a nice size Bear of a man.He was maybe 6ft in height, 200+ pounds with a slight belly and the first thing I noticed he was hairy.I felt my heart skip a few beats...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 86 Dry Spell

Oh shit. I know that look. My parents want to talk about yet another thing I did to screw something up. “Please have a seat David,” dad ordered. Dum dum da dum dum de dum dum dum da dum. I sat there sweating it for a few minutes before for mom said, “By now I am sure you have a pretty good idea why we told you to stay well away from Lane. Some detectives came to my office today to question me about what happened last night. He did try to get me to say I knew you were having sex with any...

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The rest of the story

This morning I was hard at work and decided to take a little break. Since I work from home my schedule is really flexible. I was checking my messages and noticed a link from a friend of mine. So I watched the video thinking I would get right back to work...wrong! The video got me so hot and horny I could not even think about getting back to work. If you missed my previous post check out "My work day is done." You can watch the video for yourself and see what you think.So the video left me with...

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My sis is irresistible0

Let me introduce myself, my name is Tyler and I am 18. I live with my mother (Nancy) and my sister (Stephanie) and we live in Washington. My sister and I have both gone to public school our entire lives. All through high school my sister and I have been a grade apart and that has made a few things a little hard on me when it comes to her. You see, she is very popular and every guy in school wants to be seen with her. She is 18 years old is 5"4" and weighs about 110 pounds sopping wet. But...

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