Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 27
- 2 years ago
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February 1st, 2007, Wednesday – February 2nd, 2007, Thursday
Helen Newton
Knowing the story hadn’t prepared her for seeing the three of them tell the story, faces blank and voices flat.
Helen had scant experience with PTSD, but she was willing to bet anything that would be part of the diagnosis for Jason, Donna, and Abby.
She’d run back to the guest lodge, going all out, trying to pound those expressions and voices out of her mind.
“This ... this is what I meant...” Pika said, pulling up beside her, “about not ... outrunning your ... security...”
“Sorry ... I wasn’t thinking...”
“Think ... next time...”
“I’ll be taking the golf cart down for cocktails and supper...” she replied. “Think you can keep up?”
“Yes... ‘cause I’ll be driving...”
After her shower, she put on jeans and a tank top and met Pika out front.
“So, what do you think of Hau’oli Mala?” he asked as they rolled toward the mansion.
“Incredible, beautiful, expansive...” Helen replied. “I do not even want to contemplate how much the house cost, let along the property itself. I might be comfortable thinking on the cost of the guest lodge ... but probably not.”
He chuckled.
“I don’t bother,” Pika said. “If I’m feeling overwhelmed, I go for a walk, deep into the heart of the estate, far from roads or trails. Oh, I might occasionally hear aircraft, but most of the time it’s just me and Moloka’i. Then I can be thankful our House purchased this land and are preserving it.
“More than that,” he said, “they’ve leaned on the local government to keep over half of the island from being zoned for commercial development. No sprawling hotel resorts anywhere near us.”
“Plum Blossom’s spending a lot of money to keep this place their own island paradise.”
“Yes we are ... part of why I’m here. I hear there’s going to be a new addition to the mansion ... apparently Madam Gao has decreed a new wing diagonally off the commons.”
“Your sister and brother-in-law.”
“She’s going to construct another whole wing for them?”
“Yeah ... construction will begin within the month. A crew will come out to begin prepping the site one day next week.”
“Do they know?”
“I don’t think so. I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”
“I’ll keep it to myself then,” Helen said as they pulled up to the mansion. “Although once construction starts...”
“I imagine Madam Gao will have spoken with them about it before then.”
He couldn’t stop smiling.
After supper, he and Susan were retiring to one of the smaller bedrooms. They would have their coffee on the balcony, smoke if they chose to, and then...
Jason had been assured he would not get away with “dominating her by orgasm” this time around.
He didn’t find the idea threatening at all.
The way she’d worded it... ‘dominating her by orgasm’ ... it made him wonder.
Jason worried that bringing it up might somehow sour the proceedings ... but decided to talk to her about it anyway.
“This is just my opinion,” she said as they sat in the dark and looked at the night sky. “It seems to me, the way you love oral sex and how resistant you are to moving on from it, as you demonstrated during our first date ... you’re controlling your lover.
“Not that I objected,” she quickly continued. “I wanted you to move on simply so I could give as well as receive ... but if you’re driving a woman’s orgasms so relentlessly, only changing position and activity to another way of getting her off...”
“Hmmm ... you’re right. That does feel like domination.”
“And like I said, I’m not objecting, I’m observing. I had a wonderful time.”
She paused, sipping her coffee.
“Something’s been happening with me since we got here,” Susan said, her voice low. “I’ve played with dominance and submission with various lovers, never seriously ... it was ... playing.
“Since we arrived ... Otter has thoroughly topped me, though it’s not constant. With you I felt this ... urge to just relax and let you pleasure me since that’s what you wanted.
“And then I was talking with Jackie and Lisa about you when you’re in a submissive state, and how you so badly want to service someone with no thought to your own climaxes...”
“I said I wouldn’t want to be the object of that craving ... they told me if you needed me to be, I would be no matter what I thought on the issue ... even if they had to deliver me bound and gagged.”
“How do you feel about that?”
Susan chuckled.
“No fair using therapist language against me ... but it’s a good question.
“At the time, I found it strangely exciting ... not full blown drop-on-the-floor-and-scream-somebody-fuck-me exciting but ... the idea of being bound and gagged while you tried your best to please me from a submissive headspace – yeah, it made me tingly.”
In the dark his hand found hers.
“Since then I’ve masturbated to the idea three times and imagined it was you a couple of times while Otter was between my thighs.”
He squeezed her hand gently.
“I just wasn’t aware I had a real submissive side to my personality. I know my husband isn’t comfortable at all even playing a dominant, and that’s okay. But I thought ... I thought of perhaps exploring that side of me with you and your wives dominating me.”
Jason moved her hand to where his erection was poking out of the leg of his shorts before putting his hand up under her skirt to caress her pussy.
“So,” she said, her voice a little shaky, “that idea excites us both...”
“Yeah,” he replied, his voice no more firm than hers.
She stood and in the darkness, Jason wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing, only figuring it out when her dress landed in his lap and she sat back down.
He gave a little shrug, then placed her dress on the table beside him before standing up and undressing.
Jason sat down and her hand was stroking his cock before he finished putting his hand back between her legs.
“Not that we should do that tonight,” Susan continued. “We have other plans for tonight. But at some point...”
Patricia was asleep, sleeping Hikari spooning with her, and Karen was awake. She wasn’t happy about it.
Carefully sliding out of bed, she pulled on her workout clothes before heading to what pitifully passed for a gym at Chorale South.
“If we’re gonna stay here I gotta get some decent equipment...”
As she passed by Eddie’s makeshift hospital room, the light was on and she heard someone talking.
She stuck her head in to see Eddie listening to Merry reading the paper to him.
“What are you doing up, Neanderthal?”
“Can’t sleep,” Eddie replied, motioning Merry to silence. “You?”
“Same ... was on my way to work out some.”
“Eh, come sit for a bit.”
She pulled up a chair to his bedside.
“You started itching inside those casts yet?”
“A little ... nothing unbearable so far...”
“Seems like forever since you, me, and Harry have been home together,” Karen mused.
“I would make some smart-ass comment about this place being home when we got houses in town ... but it is and they ain’t. Gawddamn tired o’ doing things outta fear, though.”
“Well, that might be changing ... but I get what you’re saying. Kinda feels like we been running ever since the fire,” Karen said. “So ... something I haven’t talked with you about yet ... how are we going to deal with Wolfgang Anson? Nobody gets to beat the shit out of you but me...”
Eddie laughed, and almost immediately groaned and winced.
“Don’t make me laugh, Dyke ... it hurts.”
“Okay, no more jokes ... how?”
“Yeah, no ‘nuke him’ talk...”
“Quick assured kill?”
“Yeah ... unless you want to put him in a room in the bunker and go medieval...”
“Barrett M107.50 sniper rifle ... and no joke, I’d still want a ‘plan B’.”
“Know anyone who’s got one?”
“Several people here and there ... but they’re either not the people I’d trust not to talk about it or they’re the kind of people who wouldn’t take the job in the first place.”
“Might a lot of bullets of lesser caliber do the job?”
“Eddie ... bud ... you’ve got to snap out of this. He’s not the Terminator. He’s just a very big, very tough, very fast, very well-trained guy.”
“It ain’t getting my ass beat, you know that. I been beat before – there’s always a bigger, meaner sumbitch. But Dyke, I always hurt ‘em. May not have given as good as I got – hell, you were there for some of the fights I didn’t manage that – but I always hurt ‘em.
“This guy ... I didn’t. Not at all.”
“I can see how that would spook you...”
“Yeah ... and part of it’s the whole ... Karen, he could have killed me and I couldn’t have stopped him. My ego wrote a check my ass couldn’t cash and in those seconds he could have killed me.”
She saw his point ... anyone could die at any time, but you didn’t think about that, you kept on going about your life. But to realize your life was in the hands of someone who wanted to hurt you, and could, and you couldn’t do a damn thing to stop them...
“How comfortable are you, really, about your crew bugging this guy, surveilling him?”
“If I could tell ‘em not to take the job and they’d listen and not take it, I would. But you know all about not giving orders you know won’t be obeyed. Tamara and me, with Kendry’s help, are gonna put together a timeline of the fight, and I’m gonna talk to my morons and give them the second-by-second rundown of it, trying to impress upon ‘em that if they even think they’ve been spotted, they need to run and keep running. Don’t engage with this guy or his goons, just run.”
“Think it’ll work?”
“Yeah ... Bevy will get it, he’ll make sure Perry gets it, the two of them can convince Janet. I don’t know that I’ll need to go to all that effort, but I will just to be sure.”
“Second by second ... lemme see that timeline once you’re done with it.”
“Yeah ... now, get your heavily muscled ass outta here and go work out.”
“May be heavily muscled but I know you’d still beg to lick it, Neanderthal.”
“Not in a million years, Dykeasaurus.”
She was doing her squats holding a kettlebell when she thought, don’t make this Wolfgang Anson prick your Mount Everest. You get hurt and a lot of people will be pissed. You get dead and your friends are going to do something stupid.
Continuing her reps, she quieted her mind, focusing on the workout.
Once through, in the shower, she didn’t notice her resolve had shifted to nobody’s unbeatable, I just need to figure out how.
With no attendants, the two of them were forced to do their own clean-up ... which suited Jason just fine. He was washing Susan lovingly and thoroughly. They’d both done their best to get very sweaty and sticky.
“You’re incredible,” he said, soaping her legs.
“Thank you ... us old broads know a thing or two.”
“Yeah ... I think that’s part of the attraction for me. Even with Abby and Donna teaching me ... there’s still so much to learn.”
She pulled him up and into her arms, kissing him deeply, which he was happy to respond to. When Susan put her arms on his shoulders and gently moved him away, she said, “Don’t sell yourself or your teachers short. Of course you have a lot to learn. So do I, so does everybody. That you know that, and are open to learning more, makes you a very good lover.”
“Thank you,” Jason replied, smiling. “Now, I believe I have more washing to do.”
He sank down to his knees and said, “Now sit on the bench and give me your left foot...”
They were snuggled close to one another in the darkness, lying side by side and touching one another.
“You mind if I ask you a ... a possibly disturbing question?” she asked.
“How much of your attraction to me do you think is due to your mother fixation?”
Jason thought for a moment.
“I don’t think I can split it out ... like, 50 % you’re hot and 50% I fantasize about you as my mother while role-playing.
“First off ... face it, Susan, you’re fucking hot. All of us want you and not all of us have mother fixations. I think my mother issues are simply riding along...”
“On the coat tails?”
“Yeah. As a guy, I think you’re hot. That you can also star in some of my particular fantasies ... bonus.
“Let me ask you ... how do you feel about starring in some of those fantasies?”
He enjoyed the feeling of her stroking his cock as he slid his fingers through her wet slit.
Finally she said, “I’ve enjoyed sexual role-playing before ... but never with someone who has come so close to the reality of their fantasies.
“I think it would be fun for me and I hope fun for you as well.”
And that answer made his cock swell, something Susan couldn’t help but notice.
Jason heard her take a breath and let it out as a long sigh.
“It’s okay, baby, for you to feel this way,” she said. “Mama needs you, too. I need you so much.”
She hadn’t realized she had a dominant streak either.
“Calm down, baby ... you lay back and let Mama do all the work.”
Jason’s hips twitched as he tried to thrust up into her as she sat astride him.
Susan grabbed his hair, pulling his head away from her breast. He was making disappointed grunts when she slapped his face – not hard, but not a love tap either.
“Mama said to hold still, sweet boy. You either obey Mama or you’ll obey Mama with a sore and swollen ass...”
Susan had no idea where the words were coming from and the thought of spanking him both repulsed her and excited her, apparently in equal measure.
Jason grabbed her sides and pulled himself up. Wrapping his lips around her nipple, he sucked it into his mouth, gently biting her.
And he still tried to fuck her, his hips thrusting as hard as they could, given her weight on his hips.
Grabbing his hair again, she pulled him away and got off of him.
“Son, get me the paddle, you know which one I mean.”
He was up and moving in an instant, and Susan barely had time to wonder at her actions before he returned with a long, broad leather-wrapped paddle.
Jason handed her the paddle and then got down on his hands and knees over her leg, putting himself in an ideal position for her to spank him.
“Answer a question, baby,” she said, swinging the paddle, getting a feel for its weight.
“Yes, Mama?”
“Why are you misbehaving tonight?”
Jason cried out before stammering, “I-I-I just ... I just n-need you ... so bad...”
“And that excuses you disobeying me?”
“N-n-n-no, Mama!”
“Are you enjoying making me spank you?”
“No-no ... no, Mama ... but I d-d-deserve spanking...”
“Why, why do you deserve this spanking?”
“Because I shouldn’t ... I shouldn’t want you ... need you ... like I do...”
Susan felt him tense in anticipation and put the paddle down.
“Come here, baby. Sit in Mama’s lap...”
Jason curled up in her lap as she held him in her arms.
“Baby ... to hell with whatever and whoever says your wants, your needs are wrong. You need me, sweetie ... I need you too, in all the same ways. You want me and I want you in all the same ways. What happens between us is nobody’s business. You understand me?”
“Yes, Mama...”
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January 19th, 2007, Thursday Andrew “What?” “If security had felt you were at risk, they would have moved you and Teuila to the guest lodge’s safe room,” Margo replied. “And you’re just telling me this now...” Andrew said, resisting the urge to pace. “Yes, Master Kiraly,” Kelly said. “We thought we’d have you two over for dinner again, and let you know what had happened. We were ... occupied ... immediately afterward.” “Do I want to know with what?” “That’s a very good question,...
January 22nd, 2007, Sunday Carol There were things she wanted to tell her family about their protector – things far more worrisome than Nick’s mob involvement had been. They accepted Minerva’s ghost, but Lanier ... that was orders of magnitude more hard to swallow. Besides, she didn’t know anything, just suspected a lot. So, she said nothing. And worried, despite all of Nick’s assurances she had no reason to. “What, sir, I’m sorry?” “I asked why this Lanier person called us,” Harry...
January 24th, 2007, Tuesday Jason “Ya know, if I’d drank last night, I’d be hung-over as hell right now,” he said, settling in at the table. “Instead of just still being a little stoned,” Abby said. “Yeah, maybe a wee bit. Where’s everyone else?” “I’m not sure, sir. ‘Llita, where’s everybody?“ Their curvaceous chef popped her head around the corner and replied, “At the beach, I believe, Milady. They all helped the staff with cleaning the common area before breakfast, ate, and then...
January 18th, 2007, Wednesday continued Kelly Although Kelly wasn’t sure she deserved it, Master Kiraly seemed to be more at ease with her – less overt anger and hatred - than he’d begun the interview with. “All right,” Master Kiraly said. “You’ve won the lottery, a big payout. What’s the very first thing you do?” “Pay off student loans, reimburse Mom and Dad for school. But that’s only first because those are the only real financial debts I have. More importantly ... well, Carol’s turned...
January 20th, 2007, Friday and into January 21st, 2007, Saturday Tamara When word reached her of the burning cross in the field on the far side of the road, she ran to find Papa Earl. He was standing in the Nelson children’s bedroom, looking out toward the cross through the window. “Papa?” At first, he didn’t answer, and Tamara gave him a few moments. “Yes?” he finally replied. “I can’t know what you’re feeling, but I don’t think you should be feeling it alone. And since Mama Kissie’s...
February 3rd, 2007, Friday Margo “While I understand her reasoning ... it galls me we don’t know where they’re going,” she said. “Part of me knows they’re safer if we don’t, but still...” “Yeah, me too,” Harry said. “Talking with Beebee ... as soon as the place she’s having built for them at Canglang is finished, she’ll bring them there until things straighten out.” “Well,” Kelly said, “a private estate in Marin County ... pretty safe bet no one’s crazy enough to attack it like they did...
February 5th, 2007, Sunday Tatiana There were days she swore she was a thousand years old. Today it was only a couple of hundred. Lying in bed, Chiron at her side, she listened to the faint sounds of Bedisa working in the kitchen. “I don’t want to get up, old man,” Tattie said. “While normally I might encourage your sloth, Mistress,” Chiron replied, “it would be setting a bad example for the children.” “Yes it would,” she replied. “I’m okay with that.” “Mistress ... they need you. They...
January 21st, 2007, Saturday Eddie “I don’t think this is a good idea, boss,” Kendry said, wrapping Eddie’s hands. “Neither do I, Edward,” Tamara said. “Of course you don’t, sweetheart,” Eddie replied, leaning over to kiss his wife’s cheek. “To tell you the truth, I don’t think so either. It’s just that the alternative to facing him here might get other people hurt.” “But you believe you’ll win?” Tamara asked. Eddie turned to look her in the eyes. “No. I think the muthafucka’s gonna...
January 21st, 2007, Saturday Dommi “So, were you planning on pulling me away for the night, or did Kendry make a deal with you?” Sebastien smiled, and Dommi understood once again just how strong his personal charisma could be. “Planned. Honey, Kendry couldn’t have offered me anything, including the throne of Dallas, to stop me from trying to drag you off for mad kinky adventures.” “And if I’d said ‘no’?” “I would have been disappointed ... and had to make do with the two other guys and...
January 30th, 2007, Monday – January 31st, 2007, Tuesday Jason They returned to the suite to find Baby Sister nursing at Mother’s breast, while their step-sister Yan, and sisters Lizzy and Abby enjoyed a daisy chain of oral sex. Once Yan noticed their return, she broke the chain and came to welcome them. “We didn’t mean to stop your fun,” Jason said, kissing his step-sister and tasting Lizzy on her lips. “Oh, it was just a very pleasant way to occupy ourselves while you dawdled bringing...
February 4th, 2007, Saturday – February 5th, 2007, Sunday Carol “Do you want to argue with her?” “Yes,” Dommi replied. “Then be my guest,” Carol said, as the two old friends walked around the mostly empty club. “Maybe you should talk with her, my little cherubic diplomat...” Dommi said. “No. If you want an argument with the senior Domme in our House, you’re going to be the one to make it happen. I’ll moderate, but you’re going to stick your butt in that buzzsaw, not me.” “The House...
January 27th, 2007, Friday – January 28th, 2007, Saturday Donna “But Sister,” Lizzy wailed, “I need to fuck ... can’t it wait?” “No, dear ... don’t worry, Brother will take care of you ... after.” “Lizzy, go on,” Jason said. “Sister Donna’s told you it’s time for you to be punished. Don’t make your sister wait or she might just leave you strapped to the bench.” Donna watched her sister Lizzy get to her feet and run to the spanking bench, getting into position. “I’ll be good, Sister,”...
January 19th, 2007, Thursday Abby “So, you really don’t mind...” “Honey, I not only don’t mind, I think it’s a marvelous idea,” Donna said. “You should pursue an education as far as you wish.” “I feel the same,” Yan said. “What universities are you considering?” “It is very early in the game to think of higher education,” Abby replied, smiling. “I will require a lot of tutoring to even get a GED.” “And you’ll get all the tutoring you need,” Jason mumbled, still very much out of...
January 28th, 2007, Saturday Yan “A call for you, Mistress.” Yan accepted the encrypted sat phone. “Yes? This is Gao Yan...” “Hello, granddaughter, how are you?” “Very happy, Grandmother.” “Wonderful,” Madam Gao replied and Yan could hear the joy in her grandmother’s voice. “I am so pleased you found a good match. So as to children...” “Grandmother, it’s a little early in things, even for you. We’re not even married yet.” “Yes, and about that...” “No, we haven’t discussed it. I...
January 31st, 2007, Tuesday Helen Newton Her sister’s call had surprised her ... mostly because Helen hadn’t expected her brother-in-law to get too much exercise on the honeymoon outside the bedroom. His commitment boded well for his training. The rest of the ‘surprise factor’ had been Donna wanting to start his training during their honeymoon. Of course, Helen realized they had good reason to want training to start this soon. She had phoned Hau’oli Mala and given them her arrival time,...
January 20th, 2007, Friday Nick Philouma “I want the two of you out of here. I want you somewhere safe. And somewhere the Feds can’t find you.” “Three of us,” Gianetta Philouma reminded him. “The three of you, then,” Nick said, briefly smiling. “No,” his lover Randy said. “I agree,” Gianetta said. “No. We’re not leaving.” “Have either of you considered I command big burly men who will carry you if necessary?” “Bring them on,” Randy said. “Between Gia and I, well ... she’ll hurt them...
January 23nd, 2007, Monday Emily De Jesus, Federal Prosecutor in Charge of the Western District “Listen, Miz De Haysoos,” Mike Vaughn, Homeland Security Director of the Western District said, “two goddamn terrorist attacks in the capitol of Texas in a two month span is ridiculous. You have a goddamn problem and your law enforcement ain’t doing shit about ‘em so far!” “First, get your fists off my desk, Mr. Vaughn. Second, you spit when you speak so back up. Third, consider breath mints....
January 27th, 2007, Friday Harry “Who’s on my bladder?” he muttered. “Oops, that would be me,” Kelly said. “Bathroom trip?” “Yes, my love.” Harry watched her roll out of bed and run her hands through her natural. “Goddamn you’re beautiful...” “Thank you, Sir. You’re very handsome, Sir.” “Even if I believed that,” he said, taking her arm and rising, “it’s nothing compared to the three of you.” “As you say, Sir. I shan’t argue.” “Good ... I’d hate to paddle that ass this early in the...
January 24th, 2007, Tuesday – January 25th, 2007, Wednesday Kendry She watched Eddie sleep. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to go. Home – and Dominique’s had been home longer than the house Eddie had bought, or Chorale South – was supposed to be safe. But it wasn’t like anything had gone the way it was supposed to in a very long time. She’d found love and a family, but not like Kendry had ever imagined it would be. Every time Tamara was kind to Kendry, much less encouraged her...
February 1st, 2007, Wednesday Yan “Good idea...” Yan said around a mouthful of ice cream and strawberry syrup. “Hard to go wrong with ice cream,” Jason said. Yan watched him go somewhere else as he fell into a thousand mile stare. She was patient, enjoying her ice cream, letting him be wherever he’d gone to. When he blinked and smiled and refused to meet her gaze, she said, “So, where were you?” “Uh ... well ... whenever Mom ... was inappropriate ... she’d apologize over sundaes. And...
January 25th, 2007, Wednesday Gianetta ‘Jan’ Philouma nee Bruno “Carlos, where’s my sister-in-law?” she asked. “I believe she is ... uh... ‘patrolling the perimeter’, Senora.” “Please send someone to ... never mind. I’m sure...” “Hey, Jan,” Paula Philouma said as she walked in. “Heard you were looking for me.” Jan slowly rubbed her eyes, wishing she’d been able to sleep. “You’re sure he’s not dead?” Paula flowed into the chair next to her sister-in-law. “Positive, honey. If he was...
January 31st, 2007, Tuesday – February 1st, 2007, Wednesday Susan She watched the two of them tenderly and cautiously exploring each other. Jason was young enough – and honest enough – to admit he doesn’t know everything. Susan mentally thanked Abby and Donna again for nurturing that attitude. Moving closer, which earned a smile from Jason, she could hear them talk. “So, is this your clit or...” “It’s my clit, yes. Just a rather big one as clits go, far too small to be anything...
Even with the worries over the pain in Harry's lower back, the young women were feeling a sense of relief, an easing of the worry and fear they'd been living under since the attack. They were finally convinced that given time to heal, Harry was going to be okay. The men that had hurt him had been dealt with and no one had any doubt that Benjamin Sapperstein was living on borrowed time. Nicki'd gone to take a nap, so Carol and Kelly had wasted no time getting naked and falling into each...
Jen was seventeen years old, with long light brown hair falling to the small of her back. Her Asian background showed in her sexy body, her breasts considerably big for her small, lithe form. She was a lot like her mother, and her older sister, Sandra, who was also similar looking. At the moment, Jen was walking along the sidewalk, totally content with herself. After receiving a 4.0 GPA, she felt pretty good. Pausing to look at her house, she decided to walk to the park. Opting for the long...
"My Beloved Harry, My Precious Carol, It's 3 AM and I have to go. Please believe me when I say this is the hardest goodbye I've ever skipped out on. If I stayed to say it face-to-face, I'm not sure I could go. Know in your hearts I will see you again. Know in your hearts I will come home to you. My love is with you always, entwined with your souls, Margo" Carol awoke to the smell of coffee. Straightening her collar she walked into the kitchen to find Harry at the table. He stared...
Saturday 10/14/06 10:00 AM "Rise and shine, Master, Mistress, subbies galore!" rasped Dayna. "In two hours Dommi will be here to discuss scheduling." "She can fuckin' join us in bed," Carol said from under the covers. "So will Nancy Velacourt," Dayna continued. "She can definitely join us in bed," Harry said in a muffled voice. "Nope, she likes little oriental girls, you don't qualify," Dayna said. "Dammit." Harry's head came out from under the covers, and he grabbed a...
Patrick and Snake fight. Who will win? Love is worth fighting for, but will it give Patrick the edge? * Patrick slid on his bottom over the front of the car and into the front door as quietly as he could, Jerry followed. They crept stealthily down the hallway and towards the room that the voices were coming from. There seemed to be lot of shouting, loud deep voices kicking off, and the two men pushed the door that stood ajar to the room more open and slipped inside. The scene that was in...
On the way home the main thing that could be heard was the CD players in both of the trucks doing what they were supposed to be doing. Challa’s truck pulled off ahead of me and I heard Randy Travis talking about “I’m Going Love You Forever and Forever, Amen”. While the CD player in my truck was working The Dramatics CD, “The Dramatic Jackpot”. I was listening to “Me, Myself, & I”. I was truly lost in my own thoughts about how folks would take to these birds becoming part of our tribe....
Introduction: Some dirty sex fun I had recently. The Adventures of Ann: This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes The names in my story are not real to protect the innocent as well as the guilty parties involved. Hello, my name is Ann and I would love to share some of my adventures with everyone. I am a very happily married 56-year-old woman. It took me three marriages before I truly found happiness as well as pleasure. I will be sharing with you just what I had to endure and face until I...
This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes The names in my story are not real to protect the innocent as well as the guilty parties involved. Hello, my name is Ann and I would love to share some of my adventures with everyone. I am a very happily married 56-year-old woman. It took me three marriages before I truly found happiness as well as pleasure. I will be sharing with you just what I had to endure and face until I found my happiness. I have been married to my current husband Jack...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Rachel felt very woozy as she looked down at the now nearly empty...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Jerry walked leisurely down the road from where he had parked his car...
Dr. Margo Wohler-Sapperstein. What a joke, Margo thought to herself. All her life she had been driven by the will of her parents, driven to achieve, to excel, to succeed, to exceed. Even now, even after their deaths, she felt their cold hands on her life, steering her future from beyond the grave. They hadn't lived to see her move away from the family practice she loved into cosmetic surgery. But they'd planned it. They hadn't lived to see her marry Benjamin in what could only be...
January 1, 2007 Dayna She’d wanted to call the Grimes as soon as they were on their way back to the city, and then she’d looked at the time. Two-something Pacific Standard was after 4 in Chicago. Dayna had resolved to call them first thing when she woke up. She’d considered setting a wake-up call, but after the night they’d had... It felt to her like a walk of shame as they crossed the lobby. They’d left in their finery, and were coming back in ... well, Beebee hadn’t stinted on the...
All the characters have their part to play in this romantic crime thriller. Will Patrick escape from Snake and will Rachel go with him? As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone — life is just not like that. * Rachel stared up at the man standing over her, the empty wine bottle in his hand. He was like her worst nightmare come true. Dark black eyes stared down at her with a mad kind of enjoyment, a cruel parody of a smile on his face did nothing to...
"What?! These three are matched in the three way battle?!" "Did I hear wrong? Right from the second round they are going to create such a ferocious fight?!" "But selection of participants is random. The judges won't cheat. This just must be these three's bad luck..." Remark after remark of disbelief resounded after Talhera summoned Silvia, Zax and Woren to the first fighting stage. "Zax", Don turned to him solemnly. "Don't be complacent like in the first round. Although Silvia...
Time is moving towards the escape, but now there are complications. Will Patrick and Rachel be reunited, or will Snake manage to continue to make their life hell. I hope you are enjoying this multi part 2 to Rattling Snakes Cage and the many colourful characters whos paths cross in this romantic crime thriller. * The noise in the D wing shower room was overpowering, with the roar of twenty or so showers thundering water onto old white tiles, and the deep cadence of naked prisoners talking...
This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, and some male on male violence, plus a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * The passenger door suddenly opened on the car as Rachel sat at...
"Harry - Captain Thrust ... whoever the hell you are, don't you dare get in my way!" Tattie, the Duchess Turov, spat as she hauled the struggling Third Mate Bum into the house. "Wouldn't think of it, Duchess me darlin'," Thrust chortled. "Just try to leave me crewman in one piece when ye're through." "Oh, no worries there, Captain," she replied. "I won't do anything permanent." Her eyes snapped back to where Bum was scrambling along on all fours behind Turov's long-legged...
Love means gambling your freedom against the need to rescue the one you love. Patrick goes to liberate Rachel from Snake, whilst Tony, John and their friends storm down to the lab to set free the redheaded girl from the basement. Will they succeed? * Davy banged his fist on the wall that was between the inside of the van and the driver’s cab where Danny sat driving it slowly in the heavy traffic. He glanced behind him at Jerry and Patrick who sat balanced on the overturned motorbikes staring...
Late on Saturday afternoon Dave shifted into his job as one of the bartenders for the Circle. Just as he was ready for a first customer, Emma came racing up to the bar. She was alone and only wearing a monokini, unlike a few hours earlier when her parents and younger sister had visited and she was dressed conservatively. She extended her body over the bar and kissed Dave. “Thank you for being so nice to my parents and sister.” “Of course. They’re nice people. I take it they don’t know a...