Be Sarah Chapter 3 free porn video

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Chapter 3 Cara woke up Saturday morning feeling so safe, loved and refreshed. This was the third night she shared her bed with Sarah and it was one of the three best night of sleep she ever had. The other two were the two other times she laid her head down next to her girlfriend. Cara smiled as she watched the woman of her dreams visiting dreamland. Cara could not believe how quickly Sarah has taken up permanent residency in her heart. Her feeling for Sarah were beyond, just the heart wanting what the heart wants, they were the heart needing what the heart needs. Cara knew she had to find the strength to be with Sarah until they were both on that porch watching the sunset. The lady who's love for Sarah, was as deep a Shakespearean sonnet, was just content to stay watching her sleeping beauty. This timeless moment was one which should last forever, but sadly it will not. It was time to start the day; Cara knew the fact that she can revisit this moment, time and time again, helped build up her resolve to always be at Sarah's side. It was time to leave the peace of being Cara, and become Princess Charming, and wake Sarah up with a kiss. That kiss stirred up in Cara's heart along with what it and her desired. They desired to be with Sarah, to biblically know her. Receiving pleasure from giving Sarah pleasure, and getting pleasure from Sarah, giving her pleasure, was one reason Cara wanted to be with her lover. Another reason was to be as one with Sarah even for a moment. The biggest reason Cara wanted to be with Sarah, was to be closer to her. Cara pulled away from the kiss; she was barely able to fight off her carnal urges. Even with wanting, needing and having the desire to be strong enough to stay with Sarah, Cara had doubts that she could. Cara did not want to make Sarah feel closer to her if she could not make it to the porch. That would bring more pain to Sarah for Cara's sin of being too weak to do what was best for her. Cara looked down and saw Sarah's love, faith and devotion to her. Those feeling Cara's girlfriend had given the lady, who doubted her determination and strength, to temporarily squash thinking she would submit to her weakness. Cara was going to make it to the porch and watch that sunset with Sarah. She wanted to show Sarah she would always be at her girlfriend's side and gave her lover another kiss. The second kiss was longer. The two lovers' who were about to become one, their lips slightly separated. Each of their heartbeats started to elevate and then beat in rhythm. Their arms embraced the others and their legs intertwined. The heat between the two lovers also rose. Along with the heat, Sarah felt a growing between her legs. That growing between her legs, reminded her of the curse fate gave her. That Sarah was not born who she really was. Being reminded of who she really was, pulled Sarah away from momentarily becoming one with Cara. Cara stops her advancement into the union of those two, when she felt Sarah become hesitant. The loving lady knew something was wrong. They sat up in bed and Cara held Sarah. With love and devotion in her voice, Cara said, "Sarah we will take this slow." Sarah was embarrassed on why she stopped doing what they both wanted. Her love for the Cara made Sarah able to tell the other Giggle Twin what the obstacle was, preventing them from momentary being as one. Sarah was able to share the feeling of self-consciousness and awkwardness which came from her body not matching who she was. "It is not that I want to take it slow. It was just my body reminded me, that I am not a real woman." Cara knew what Sarah was talking about, having felt it poking her, right before their speeding towards their destination, slowed down. "Sarah, you are a real woman. That thing down there does not make you a man. Think of it as an attached strapon." Cara words rang true to the Lady whose body did not match who she was. She leaned back in to kiss Cara and her lover leaned in also. As they started back on their journey of becoming two hearts which beat as one, Cara whispered into Sarah's ear. "Now, let's see if we can get that strapon ready to use again." ************** Linda, and the rest of the sales team, were packing up they baked goods to get ready to go the prime location, the corner of Beaver and Main. This intersection was at the main artery used by people walking to the game. The foot traffic meant, even without their reputation for great sweets, sales will be great. The president of the Sorority was also happy that at least one man volunteered to help. That's one less frat brother Linda had to pester to do the right thing. BNB did have a list for her of brothers who were going to help, but those people were always nowhere to be found. Cindy, one of the sisters who was in the kitchen last night doing the baking, asked why was it all the good men, like James, were gay? Linda, Rita and Dee all gasped at the sexist question. They all saw the question sexist, for Cindy just assumed that James was gay for he enjoyed being in the kitchen. Dee, also knew the man who liked to bake, was not gay, for the look he gave his girlfriend when she came in. There was no one in the world who could fake the look of romantic love that James gave Cara. All three of them said, "He is not gay!" Cindy countered, "Oh come on, remember how effeminate he was last night? It is fine. I just wish there were at least one straight man like him. One, who is not taken, and looks like Ryan Reynolds." Dee said, "He was not." Dee was correct. Even with James being Sarah last night, she did come off a bit camp. Sarah's actions were natural and too low key for anything to find them out of the ordinary. Dee and the others who disagreed with Cindy's assessment, knew their sister's point of view was exactly why more men their age did not like to do anything which can cast aspersions on their masculinity. Linda joined the conversation. "You are thinking that a man being a little soft spoken, respectful and helping in the kitchen, as him being effeminate is exactly why you cannot meet a man who acted like James." Rita added in. "Plus, who cares how the man looks if he is great." Cindy replied, "Ok, I might have jumped to conclusions. I just find something odd about him." ********** The kitchen Mike walked into was immaculate. That was how he pictured every kitchen should be, when not in use. To the man, who was living in his first real home, a picture perfect kitchen was a sign of a picture perfect family life. That was how it was in the sitcoms he watched. Even with knowing that sitcoms were not a reflection of the real world, that illusion which they sold seeped in his subconscious. Mike sat at one of the stools at the island in the kitchen. It did not matter to Mike that they were more for aesthetics; he saw that so many times while watching his only true childhood friend. Sitting there felt like home. As Mike was opening his morning soda, he was envisioning a scene later tonight. How Ronnie would be in this kitchen, making a great meal to share with some new friends. The smell of rosemary in the air, being the aromatic trailer of the main course, and Mike in here, peeling the potatoes. He loved being Ronnie's prep cook. Being Ronnie's little helper, allowed Mike to have a part of a childhood which he was denied. *********** Peanut was what everyone called him before he got into the frat and yet his frat nickname was still Peanut. If asked to say brother Peanut's real name, all the frat brothers would be not have an answer. They believed his given name were in their records. All their records showed was, P for his first name, E for his middle initial and Nutt for his last name. There was a great change that his name was not really P.E. Nutt because the U in Nutt had two dots above a upward curve to make it look like a happy face. Part of their special connection was giving a nickname to show membership. Brother Peanut was having none of that. The elders in the frat were going to have him partake, for he asked people at parties, if they partake, to invite them to join him for a joint. Most of the time, when they would address him as Partake, Peanut would be truly oblivious to the fact that they were talking to him. Each and every time they called him Partake, or Brother Partake, the man who was Peanut would say, "Dude, I am Peanut." The brothers would have stopped the neophyte if he did not laugh afterwards, and just kept on doing what he was doing. Brother Peanut was wearing Birkenstock sandals, baggy Grateful Dead pants, an oversized black shirt and a blue and yellow striped crochet hat as he came dancing into the kitchen. Even with having to wake up early, to help the girls get their baked good somewhere, he did not know or care where, the music he can only hear had a funky beat. The funky beat came from him loving the scones they made. The man who was helping to set up, was also going to be their first customer. With a big grin on his face, Peanut said, "Ladies, I am here to help." After declaring his intentions the man who danced to the sounds only he could hear open up his arms. Rita said, "It was last week you were scheduled to help." Peanut was a little disappointed in himself. If he remembered it was last week, he would have been there. There was a break in the music, so Peanut's smile went away as he said, "Cool, I am out of here." Linda, on the other hand, was not going to chase away any a willing helper. "Peanut, Rita is wrong, it is this week." Linda's words were like someone putting another quarter in Peanut's mental jukebox. The music returned and so did his smile. "Cool, I will stay. Just tell me what you want me to do." Linda told him to wait in until more people showed up. As they waited, a couple of the brothers came in and out of the kitchen to grab drinks and food for the community fridges. When asked to help, each one made some excuse as stale as a three day old doughnut. Then, The Gord showed up, and Linda almost did not waste her breath asking him. The President of Eta Omicron was happy when he asked her what she wanted him to do. She told him to wait with Peanut. Then Sarah showed up. Only The Gord knew she was Sarah, the rest of the people in the kitchen believed she was James. As Linda directed Sarah to go with the guys, she said, "Quit juggling the scones peanut. They are for people to buy." If Peanut was a superhero, his superpowers would be to make people utter sentences which they swore would never cross their lips. Peanut replied they are bought and paid for and pointed to the five dollar bill by the box of scones. Linda shaking her head in disbelieved in what she just said, "Ok, we owe you your change." His grin got bigger "Nah, I had great service, so I told the person who sold them to me, to keep the change." Linda asked which one of the ladies sold Peanut the scone. They knew better than to just leave the money on the table. It goes into the box. Peanut said, "I sold them to me." Linda just dropped the subject. She knew that Peanut was being honest about finding the service he gave himself was worth a 2 dollar tip. She also knew that if he could not find what he wanted quickly enough, he would had mentioned to her about her help needing to know where the goods were. Linda decided that three men were good enough to help with the heavy lifting, so was about to tell the bake sale crew, time to start loading, when The Villain walked into the kitchen. He was still hurting from feeling like a fool yesterday. The Villain saw a great target to take his frustration out on, Sarah. She never made it to being with Peanut and The Gord. Instead Sarah started to chat with her friend Dee instead. "Hey there Sarah, I see that not only would you like to dress like a woman, but you preferred to hang out with them." Everyone in the room knew that the man, who was trying to take someone down to feel better about himself, just outed James as the man who women's studies project was to dress like a woman for a weekend. Cindy felt vindicated when she heard what the Villain said. The Gord felt bad, for he was the one who told The Villain about it. Peanut thought it was cool. "Dude is that true?" Villain said, "Yes." "Yo dude, I was not asking you, I was asking Sarah. I mean the other dude, sorry, I do not know your name. Anyway, that is awesome what you did that. You were strong enough in who you are to try to understand something you are not. That takes real strength and courage. You are more of a man than the dude over here who was throwing shade on you for doing something he is not strong enough to do. And if you wanted to be a woman, cool, you taking a step towards that make you so much stronger than the hater over there." With such a strong explanation coming from an uninvested party, Cindy's feeling of vindicated quickly went away. The Gord felt better, for Peanut sent some powerful positive vibes towards his friend. The Villian was not happy and said, "While Sarah is only here to wear a pink shirt." That comeback was lame but it did open up Sarah little dream of wearing one of those pink skirts in public a reality. Again Peanut talked up. "Hey, I want one of those Pink shirts to wear also. They are sweet." Linda said, "They are only for people who are selling to the public." Peanut, while going towards the pile of extra shirts said, "Then I will be working also." He quickly and with the accordion of a dog trying to get from under a cover, put one on. The Gord wanted to show he had unity with Sarah, and also wanted to help the ladies more, so he also volunteered to stay at the stand. Peanut threw those two shirts. As they were packing up to go, The Gord apologized to Sarah. She told Ryan not to worry about the actions of others. The man who knew his big mouth was the cause of someone unknowing outing the truth about Sarah, was going to worry. He was going to be there so he made sure that the Villain does not do it again. *************** The bake sale was a smashing success and The Gord and Peanut had a great time helping. Sarah was basking being in the company of the girls. She felt just like one of them. It came from them just treating her like they would anyone else who acted like Sarah was acting. Only Cindy had any inkling that James might not be a man, but more and more she was chalking it up of her being jealous of not finding a man like him. Another reason Sarah felt the warmth and light of what life should be about, was her time with Cara. Hours later, she was still glowing from those two sharing pleasure. How incredible it felt to be at one with the woman who hearts beats as one with hers, was what made it so easy for Sarah to ignore The Villain earlier. The darkness he tried to spread by putting Sarah down, was quickly engulfed by the light she was radiating. ******** Lilith was in the apartment writing correspondences to friends and organizations. The lady who was staying in contact with others was also looking forward to Sarah coming back from the bake sale. She had yet another surprise for her friend, and this time she hoped Sarah would enjoy it. Lilith bought Sarah a pair of breast forms. She was hoping that the C cups she went with were the right call. She knew that when Sarah was first planning her project, she wanted B cups but Lilith had supplied her with C cups for the weekend. That was a nasty trick done by her but once the two came to an understanding, Sarah told Lilith she felt right having that size breasts. Lilith took a little break from her writing to veg out by watching some TV. She started to think how much she was looking forward to Monday. The lady who disagreed with Garfield, was never in that lame school of thought of people hating Monday, but now she had something more to look forward to on that day. Monday was the day she had dinner with Ben Bradshaw. It might just be the second dinner they will have together, but the lady knew she wanted it to become a tradition. If Ben kept on acting how he did, and made Lilith feel how she felt around him, she would want it to become a daily tradition. Daydreaming about how to be upfront with Ben without coming on too strong, Lilith heard the door open. Seeing Sarah walked in put a huge smile on her face for two reasons. One, she was finally going to do something positive to help Sarah be who she really one. The other, was how Lilith's friend was wearing the pink Eta Omicron shirt. Sarah was so proud to have it on. That pink shirt gave Sarah a deep feeling of satisfaction because she felt like she belongs while wearing it. She might not have been an official member of the sorority and the other girls might not have known she wasn't really a woman, but she had a feeling of sisterhood with them. She also knew it was mutual. "Sarah, I am happy to see you. I got something for you. If they are the wrong size, you can return it for the right size. I will be right back." "Great." Lilith was relieved that Sarah did not show any sign of reservation hearing about the gift. Lilith went in and got her friend the welcome- to-womanhood present she got her. This gift was not to make amends for her actions towards Sarah. Lilith getting the gift was the results of her making amends. Lilith presented Sarah with a gift bag. The lady who was getting the gift, opened the bag and saw the two very familiar boxes. She knew right away what they were. "Lilith you should not have." "No, the other surprises I should not have, this one, I should. You are a woman and need to be able to show it physically when you want to. I got C cups for how you mention you liked having them after the project was over. You have the body to carry them off without getting unwanted attention." Sarah blushed when Lilith brought up her liking the C cups. She found it a little immature that she felt so sexy with them, than if her breasts that were just B cups. She also knew that C cups made her feel more confident than B cups. At the same time, Sarah knew that anything bigger would not have the same effect on her. "I love them, Thank you Lilith. I do not know how I can ever really show you how grateful I am." Sarah was tearing up when she hugged Lilith and Lilith could not help but also tearing up. This little gift made those two connection become stronger. Lilith also knew that her friend having her own breasts, will make her more secure in being who she was. "You can by just becoming the strong woman you have inside you. Now, what are you going to wear tonight?" Sarah's limited wardrobe made the answer come out quickly, pink tie collar satin blouse, and blue midi skirt." That was the outfit Sarah had on the first time she was out in public. Lilith knew that the outfit would look good on Sarah, but felt, maybe something from her own closet, Sarah might like to wear. "I think you will look great it that, but if you want to try out something from my closet, feel free to do so." Sarah eyes lit up hearing that. She already knew what she would like to wear. "Oh, do you still have that black batwing dress?" Lilith laughed at how quick Sarah knew what she wanted. "Yes I do, and it will look great on you. How it flows and the sleeves being a little playful also fits your personality. Come on to my room and we will get it. Feel free to look through my closet anytime to borrow some clothes." ************ BNB was not BNB while watching the game with his little brother Sean O'Reilly. He was not the President of the Alpha Sigma Sigma; he was Ben, a big brother. He was a role model and a good one. One of the reasons Ben was such a good role model, was he always questioned if he was doing enough and the right thing. That day, he knew he was not doing enough, there was not enough banter going on between those two. Yeah, he brought a pizza from Luna's and was quickly answered any question that Sean had in depth, but he knew he was not all the way there. Lilith was on his mind. Sean did not notice, or care, that Ben was not talkative. It was just great to spend time with such him. Two years ago, when he was eleven, Ben taught him how to throw a spiral. Last year, Ben gave him advice on asking out Britney Bass. That advice got Sean his slow dance and kiss. Beth O'Reilly knew something was on Ben's mind. The loving mother also knew that just being there was such a great influence on her son. She also knew that if Ben did not interact more with them, he would feel bad. So wanting to clear his mind from what was preoccupying it, Beth asked their guest what he was thinking about. She wanted to listen to whatever he was thinking about, for it was a chance to pay him back. Ben was so good to her and for her son. He really came out of his shell since Ben became his big brother. Beth asked Ben what he was thinking about and he said nothing. She knew that it was not nothing and said, "Girl problems?" Ben shook his head no. Sean knew his big brother good enough to know that head shake meant his mom was right, but Ben did not want to talk about it. The wise boy said to his big brother, "It is girl problems." Ben was not going to lie to his little brother. He wanted the bond between those two to be as real as if they were blood brothers. "Yes. I met this great lady and do not know how to ask her out." Sean did not like that his big brother was having an issue, but liked that he knew the solution. The best part of the solution was they were words of wisdom passed down to him by Ben. "Simple you just asked her out." Ben said, "It is not that simple." "Yes it is. You gave me the same advice about wanting to dance with Britney. I asked her and she said yes." Ben laughed, for he knew the rest of this conversation. He had it last year with Sean, so it was not worth bringing up any of the objections. "You are right. I will ask her out the next time I see her. How did you ever get so wise?" Sean laughing said, "I listen to my big brother." Ben was now totally at the O'Reilly's and asked Sean if he thought if Saquon Barkley would win the Heisman? *********** Sarah, Lexie,The Gord, Lilith, and Audrey were waiting for Cara to finish getting ready so they could go to over to Ronnie's to meet her boys. The Gord was trying to figure out a way to invite Lilith to join him and Lexie in going to his frat house after the diner was party was over. He already cleared it with his better half. Lexie was more than happy when she heard the reason why, BNB wanted to see Lilith. The Gord finally said 'skip it' in trying to not state the reason why. He knew that BNB asked him not to, but it would not seem right to invite everyone. The Gord knew that Sarah could not go with how she was dressed. "Hey Lilith, after the party is over, come over to the frat with Lexie and me. BNB really wants to see you tonight. You are all invited." Lexie wanted to make sure that Sarah did not feel excluded. "Sarah, we understand that you will really not feel like going. The only reason The Gord made this invite was to help BNB be able to see Lilith. He really likes her. If you do go, anyone who causes trouble for you, will have to deal with my man." The Gord said, "That is without saying and I think they will have to deal with Peanut also." Sarah was a huge romantic at heart, so she totally understood why the Gord made the invite which she could not take. She was actually getting stronger in being who she was. It came from the support of her friends and also the support of strangers. It meant so much to Sarah that Peanut put The Villain in his place. "Oh Lexie, it is great that love might be blossoming between those two. Also, it is sweet that The Gord will put those people in their place, but they will have to deal with me first." Cara came out in black dress slacks and a nice pink dress blouse with ruffles around the neckline. The look was still very feminine but more mature than what she usually went with. The look reflected how Cara's personality was changing. She appeared to be more assured of herself. Cara heard the invite and the Gord assuring Sarah he had her back. "My sweetheart, they will only have to deal with you, if there is anything left of them after dealing with me!" Lilith said, "I would love to see him. I have something to ask him." Lilith was going to ask that man out on a date. Her thinking of him earlier today, made her determined to get to know him better. Lilth wanted something to be, so damn dating traditions; she was going to be proactive in making it happen. If Ben was not mature enough to deal with a woman who went after what she wanted, then it would be good to find out before her feeling for him grew. ************ Dillon, Robby, Bobby, and Ricky were taking turns playing each other in Street Fighter. They have already put the table extension in and had it set. The dinnerware was like the chairs and did not match. The seating was close together, so everyone could be cram in at the table. These were college kids, so it did not matter to them. Tonight's atmosphere did not depend on the dining area looking like it was a set from Martha Stewart's television show. It depended on good food being served and good times being shared by two groups of people getting to know each other. Mike was in the kitchen helping Ronnie as the doorbell rang. He yelled he got it, as he went to the door. He opened the door with a big smile on his face to as he welcomed his guests. The host saw two familiar faces. The first face, killed the smile on Mike's face, while the second one, brought it back to life. The first face belonged to The Gord. Mike knew that the person who presence got he did not like, did not recognize the greeter. Mike did not expect The Gord to either. This was even with him spending most of the term last fall, pledging to Alpha Sigma Sigma, Mike knew he was not getting in. They never used his real name and referred to him as Patsy. First, to the brothers and then to his fellow pledges, Mike was not seen as a person. The man who never had a chance to join the frat, knew after a couple of weeks, his role. Mike almost quit when he figure it out, then he thought better. There was no way Mike was going to give the people who set him up to fail, the satisfaction of him quitting. Staying, also gave him pleasure to see a couple of pledges the brothers took a liking to drop out. It gave him more pleasure when the brothers went to great lengths to get those quitter back in,and had handle them with kid gloves. Seeing that action made Mike know all the talk about how strong the brothers were was just that, talk. Mike also wanted to hear them say to his face, that he was not Alpha material. That part was true; he was not as mean and cruel as those brothers were towards him. He had a speech ready to give them on the night of frat fall formal. Oh, he was going to put them in their place! That night came and when the Gord came up with the lame excuse of not having enough spots open, Mike knew then, giving his speech was not worth it. That man lied right to his face. The night Alpha Sigma Sigma gave the invites to the potential brothers last year's President of the frat, Berserker, made it clear if all the pledges made it to the end, then they will all be brothers. Mike was disappointed in not being able to give his speech and his response of not getting in was "whatever!" The Gord took the dejection in Mike's voice as him being upset about not getting what was never really offered to him. The dejection came from Mike knowing he wasted his time in trying to make those people feel bad about how they treated someone who came to them for comradely. Mike believed they will never learn, or at least he would not be the one who taught them that lesson. The feeling of dread of having to spend time with that shallow person went away when he saw Audrey. She was in a couple of his classes. Mike was always impressed by how articulate she was with her answers. Plus, she was in competition with the other pre-med students. She did not care what their grades were; she was only worried about doing her best. Mike was going to enjoy her company. Audrey did recognize Mike. "Hey Mike. It is Mike right? I am happy to see you." The Gord thought, "Mike, I do not know any Mikes? That dude must just like someone I know." Audrey had a cake holder in her hands and Mike offer to take it. She politely decline for she wanted to go to the kitchen, to make the whipped icing for it. Then, Mike offered to take the bottles of wine out of Sarah and Lexie hands. He thanked them for bringing them and motion the rest of the guests to go to the living room. As Sarah and her friends made it to the living room, Mike took Audrey to the kitchen. Ronnie greeted her friend with a hug. Audrey had to make a comment on Ronnie's outfit. It was a black bodycon midi skirt with a loose fitting light purple blouse. Even with it being a female outfit, Ronnie was still able to pull off an androgynous look with it. Ronnie directed Audrey to the fridge for the whipping cream to make for the cake. Audrey shook her head when she saw there was only regular cream. As she said she needed whipping cream, Robby, Bobby, Ricky and Dillon came into the kitchen to get their guests drinks. Dillon hugged Audrey and introduced her to the rest of Ronnie's boys. Ronnie asked Mike to go into her purse and grab some money to run to Uni-Mart to get some whipping cream. Mike was more than happy to be help, did so and gave Ronnie a kiss on his cheek, as he left. Ronnie saw the look that Audrey gave when Mike did not offer to just pay for the cream. The person who was making a great meal to share was also going to share why he told Mike to so. Dillon and Ronnie's boy left the kitchen and as Ronnie was putting the tray of seasoned potatoes in the oven to roast said. "Audrey, that is sweet of Mike running to the store for me. He is such a great person. You know that he is an orphan, and yet when I said we were having rack of lamb, he went out and got everything for this meal. Mike did so for he wanted to show me how much all of us getting along meant to him. That man scrapes by with his money and did not think twice about making sure we have this great meal. He is pre-med also. Do you and he have any classes together?" Audrey knew that Ronnie caught the quick look of disapproval. The lady also knew she should have not been so quick to pass judgment on something as small as one friend telling the other friend they would pay. Audrey also knew to drop the subject, for Ronnie was smart enough to know that she got her explanation across. *********** Meanwhile, in the living room, there was a lot of chattering and laughing going on. That was a great sign to the ladies in kitchen. the two groups were getting along. Ronnie's boys did not go out of their way to treat Sarah different. They treated her just like any other woman, and that made her feel special. The biggest laugh came from when Lexie told her new friends she had the lead in Grease. In unison they started to sing "Tell me more Tell me more Tell me more" Robby solo, "Can you get us good seat?" "Tell me more. Tell me more Tell me more" Ricky solo, "Don't worry we will pay, we don't expect you to treat!" They were laughing when Mike came back from the store. Bobby calls out to his roommate to come back in the living room after he drops off whatever he got for Ronnie. Mike's quick answer of no, made Bobby know something was up with his friend. Mike loved to interact with new people. Bobby excuse himself by stating he wanted to go in the kitchen to check how supper was coming along. ********** After the meal was over Robby, and Bobby started to clear the plates, as Ricky and Mike went into the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes. Audrey was enjoying chatting with who she found out was the only other person in her pre-med class who did not have a God complex, so she offered to help with the dishes. Ricky then started to help clear the table. It was not only not being too full of themselves which Mike and Audrey had in common. They were both wanted to work with children as doctors. Audrey wanted to be pediatrician while Mike's goal was to become pediatric surgeon. Giving back to the community was important to both of them. Lastly, family was paramount to the two people sharing kitchen duty. Audrey, for she came from a big loving family, and Mike, for he yearned to be part of a big loving family. It was much more important to them to maintain a well balance family life than get the promotion when they became doctors. The after dinner socializing was going great. There was a lot of mingling going on and to the untrained eye, there was nothing waiting to surface from underneath. Bobby could tell the wolverine in the burrow was Mike dislikes of The Gord. Mike was mature enough to keep his distance from The Gord, and Bobby was smart enough to help him by keeping The Gord engaged in conversation. If Bobby or any other Ronnie's boys, other than Mike, knew why the disliking, that wolverine would have already sprung from it burrow before it did. The Gord really enjoyed talking with Bobby; they were both avid skiers, so he invited him to Alpha house after the get together. Bobby in a serious tone, which changed the tone of the conversation, asked, "You are a member of Alpha Sigma Sigma?" The Gord was used to people who did not know the Greek system, not having a high opinion of it. Not getting defensive he said, "Yeah, trust me most of the guys in the frat are cool. You will like them." Bobby said, "Get out of my house right now and don't come back!" The Gord did not want to make a scene, but replied quickly. "Calm down dude. I know some people in frats can be dicks, but just give us a chance." Bobby was in no mood to give a person a chance who did not give his friend a chance. "You mean a chance like you gave Mike." The Gord looked over at Mike and was still confused. He never treated last year's patsy as a human, so he never connected a name to a face. "Dude, Mike and I have not had the chance to talk yet so why would you even bring him up." Mike finally made it over to the heated discussion. He saw that The Gord's association with Alpha Sigma Sigma was known to Bobby. "Bobby, calm down dude. It is not worth it; just forget he is in Alpha Sigma Sigma." The Gord was even more confused for even Mike talking a lot, mostly saying yes and no sir, The Gord never really listening to him. Mikey was the Patsy, so it was not important for The Gord to get to know him. In fact, getting to know him would have been harmful to The Gord. He would have known that he was also a person with feelings. "How did you know that I am a member of that frat?" Mike, not wanting to rehash his experience from last year, "It is not important dude. It is just best if you leave now." The Gord had to get a smart remark in. "I will leave, I don't have time to be around boys like you anyways." Bobby hated the fact that The Gord did not even recognize the man they put down. "Asshole! Mike was one of your pledges last year. Well, not really, he was The Patsy. So go fuck yourself and leave this boy's house!" The Gord could not admit that his past actions came back to haunt him. "No, we gave The Patsy a chance. There were too many pledges that semester." The Gord hated hearing those words coming out of his mouth. He believed them until they hit his ears. He hated that he did not use Mike's real name. Not using Mike real name was a way for the Gord to distant himself from the fact his actions hurt a real person. The Gord at least stop telling another lie. He was about to say that the reason The Patsy did not make the frat was he was not Alpha material. Just hearing those words in his mind, made the man sick about being who he was last year. Mike was ready to correct him but instead he dismissed The Gord by saying, "whatever!" Then The Gord knew that night last year Mike was not hurt about getting in, Mike was beyond wanting to be a member and did not care. Mike knew the outcome was as definite as water was wet, yet he stayed. Even with being as inquisitive about why Mike stayed until the end as much Gollum was about what was in Bilbo Baggins' pocket, The Gord did not ask the question. "I should be leaving." Ronnie was finally able to get a word in. "No, you should not. You are my guest in my house. Mike is fine with you here, if not, he would had said something a long time ago. Bobby is defensive of all of my boys and wanted to show Mike, no one gets away with treating Mike how he thought the frat treated Mike. The Gord, you gave your side of the story and you did not know the dirty tricks which some of your brothers played. Now, Bobby, apologize to our guest." Bobby sounded like a little boy who was scolded by his mother when he said, "Yes, Ronnie." The Gord stopped Bobby by saying, "No Bobby don't. I did know that Mike would never get into the frat. I am even the one who made the lie about not enough opening when he did not drop out." The Gord then turned to Mike, "I am sorry, but there was no ill will. The Patsy played a significant role. He was used to help create unity between our pledges and so they could have someone that was lower than them. The Patsy was never supposed to stick it out like you did. Mike, you helped that pledge class become one. So, there was some good which came out of what we should not have done. You come to the party also, we will welcome you in the frat as a brother. BNB will see it. He was against it and banned us from having one this year." Mike had true apathy towards The Gord. At the same time, being indifferent towards the person, does not mean Mike wanted to get to know him. Their past made it so Mike just did not want to deal with the man in front of him. Also, the apology being more about making The Gord feel good, instead of acknowledging he did wrong, made Mike want to keep his distance. Mike said, "There is no need to say sorry, you are not. That is fine. Thank you for the invite but I rather not go." Mike was right about The Gord not truly being sorry. His feeling of remorse was not about soothing Mike. His feeling of remorse was about trying to explain his actions and lower the guilt he felt. The Gord knew Mike was right and stopped Lexie when she started to try to defend him by say, "Honey. he is right." Bobby then said, "The Gord, I am sorry. I should have handled it differently. I get a little emotional and over the top when I think my friend has been hurt by someone. Stay." Mike joined in, "Yeah stay. Everyone was getting along fine. It is out in the open and I don't care. This is important to Ronnie and Dillion. We might never be close friends but that does not mean we can't be at the same social function." The Gord did stay. but retreated to hanging out with Lexie. Their chat was deep and The Gord explained to Lexie why Mike was right. The worst part to The Gord was he did not even recognize a person he tormented last year. That, until tonight, he did not even think about how his actions affected someone else. He was taking another step away from being The Gord to becoming Ryan Gordon. Ryan was not the only one who matured from having him having to be face to face with Mike; Lexie did also. She almost fell back in defending her man's actions. She did quickly try to justify his actions by using the boys will be boys defense. Then, she got mad at Mike for just stating the truth. At least she saw the error of her way. Lastly, they both learned that friends of a couple did not have to get along. It was time for everyone to leave the diner party. Ronnie and Dillon were going to hit Chumley's, the local gay bar, and invited Sarah and Cara to join them. Sarah stated she was tired from having a long day. She was tired, but could tell by the look on Cara's face, her girlfriend wanted to get home. Cara felt the guilt coming back, and just wanted to feel the embrace from her Sarah. That embrace helped fight back the guilt. How Sarah's touch and love felt as right rain. It was also as needed as rain, for Cara acceptance of who she loved to grow and blossom. Feeling that good, in the embrace of someone else, cannot be a sin. Before Robby, Bobby, and Ricky went to go hit The Rathskeller, Bobby went up to The Gord and told him to join the Facebook Ski Club he was a member of. Lexie and the Gord went to go to the frat. They both decided just to spend time in his room instead of socializing at the party. They were not in the mood to see people who would remind them how Mike was treated. They were like a left tackle, off guard, when Lilith caught up to them. They saw the look of disgust on her face when she learns about what happened. It was true, Lilith found how they treated Mike, as disgusting as guys sending pics of their bowel movements to each other, but she had to talk with Ben. The topic of conversation had changed. She wanted that boy, who was pretending to be a man, to know not to come by her office on Monday. She wanted that boy who hero was Peter Pan, to know she was disappointed in him Mike asked Audrey what she was going to do, and she said, head home if nothing else came up. Mike did not know that was a hint for him to ask her to stay, but he did anyways. She asked him what was on the agenda, and Mike gave her what she thought was the perfect answer. "Just us spending time together." *********** Ben was as high as Peanut was after he partaken. The man did not join Peanut in toking a fat one, Ben was looking forward to seeing Lilith. That lady was like Mary Taylor Moore; she had spunk, and unlike Lou Grant, Ben liked spunk. Ben was talking with Fonger and Matt and a huge grin on his face as he saw that spitfire come into the room. Lilith scanned the room like the Terminator looking for her target. A beep went off in her head when her target, Ben, was in sight she went right in. Before Ben could say how happy she could make it to the party, Lilith said. "You, we are not doing dinner on Monday!" "Fine, then how about we have dinner tomorrow." "You are asking me out on a date?" "Yes." "No, I came here to tell you that I do not want to see you again. What you did to Mike makes me sick that I even thought you were special." As soon as he heard the name, Mike, he knew that Lilith found out about The Patsy. Ben thought the concept of excluding and using someone like his brotherhood did to that good guy; that was one of the reasons he ran for President, he was going to get rid of The Patsy. It was gotten rid of by new bylaws past by The Greek Life Council banning any singling out of any pledge. Ben made sure that those bylaws would not be repeal by any future council. Ben would never forget Mike Cornette. He actually thanked Mike by name when he gave his little acceptance speech. None of his brothers even recognized the name and that fact stole the smile off of Ben's face. The man who hated how his brothers treated Mike, could not forget if he wanted to. Mike, also was a volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters. He had to look at the person who he had wronged at meeting. Ben would find himself daydreaming at those meeting that Mike was his brother at Alpha house. The reason Ben would never forget Mike was the rejected pledge was the type of person Ben wanted to surround himself with. He lost the chance of gaining a good friend. "That was wrong what we did to Mike Cornette, and I made sure it will never happen again." "You let it happen to him and people before him." Fonger spoke up, "I feel better that we don't have The Patsy again. Mike would have been a great member. Way better than Hoghead." Lilith said, "Yeah, but you still stayed and you also did nothing." Fonger was hurt by those words. They were not true, but that was not the reason he was hurt. The pain came from him knowing that even his doing something it was not enough. "I did and I got punished for doing so. I just kept my mouth shut and tried to stay away from Mike, so I did not have to do anything to him." Lilith quickly said, "or for him. I don't even know why I am talking about this. I am out of here." "Hold on Lilly. Hear me out. Yes, it was wrong what happened to Mike. I fought hard to have the brothers to make him a member. Last year's leadership doing nothing was the reason I ran for President. That made me sick about how they talked about acceptance, unity and brotherhood and just rejected a person for no good reason. I wanted to change this house to a place where Mike would be a member. A place where more people like Mike would want to be a member, a place where Mike would be proud to be a member. I saw a problem with something which was important to me, and I stayed to change it. If you really do not like the old mentality of frats, then, you should like that I stayed. I can, and am, making more of a difference as President." The Fonger and Matt left those two alone when Ben said hold on. Those two knew they were not meant to be part of the conversation. One good thing which came out of Lilith being on the warpath about James' project was she learned to listen to others before jumping to conclusions. Ok, at least she learns not to have those conclusions set in stone. "OK, I see your point of view. I should not have come flying in here like I did." Ben said, "No, you should have. That is what I like about you. I am cautious by nature. I like taking my time doing things with taking minimal risk. That can lead to inaction. We both agree with what the problem was, just not how to handle it. We can make each other better at coming to a solution. Come on, let me get you a beer and we can talk about our date tomorrow." "You can get me a beer, only if I go get the next round for us. The date will not be tomorrow, I already have plans; how about next Friday night?" "Next Friday will work out great." Ben asked Lilith where The Gord and Lexie were and she told him about The Gord being confronted about his treatment of Mike. The leader of the frat went in BNB mode and called one of the brothers over. He told him to get The Gord out of his room and down here. The Gord showed up and BNB said, "Hey, I heard you ran into Mike Cornette tonight." "Yeah, that is why I am not in the mood to party. If you don't mind, I am just going to head back up to my room. I thought it was something important you wanted to talk about." "Dude, if I call you down here, then it is important. I understand you are not in the mood to party. If you want to be President, you will never really party here again. You will always be leading by example, not getting too drunk. This is so you can keep an eye on the strangers at the party. You will have to make sure everyone is feeling welcome. Then, get the brothers who are not pulling their weight, to make drunken promises to help with our philanthropic work. Then, days later, the fun part of making some of the brothers stay true to their words. Now you can either go back upstairs and to mope about something you are not proud of from your past, or you can come down here and make sure this becomes a place where what we all should be ashamed of, never happens between these walls again." "That wouldn't do Mike any good and I want to make it up to him." "Don't worry about that, Mike moved on. You need to worry about if what I said would do you good, and it will. Now make this a place which Mike would be proud to be a member of." The Gord agreed with BNB. Instead of feeling bad about mistakes made The Gord was going to make sure they were not made again. BNB went back to being Ben and escorted Lilith out to the porch. He wanted at least a little while at this party where he did not have to keep his eyes on the strangers. ************* Sally Bunker was doing her Sunday morning shopping at Giant Eagle. She timed her shopping so she missed the rush of senior citizens who went as soon as they woke up and the congregation of the church goers who went after church. She would err on the side of being at th' Iggle at the end of the rush, for they were more polite than then holy shoppers. As she was enjoying not having to navigate that many other shoppers, Sally's cell phone pinged. It was a facebook notification of a friend request with a message attached. She smiled when she saw what person, from her past, sent the request. "I must not have talk to him in over 15 years now" she thought while accepting the request. Even with her feeling towards him now the same as any sane person on elevator music, none, she was going to respond yes the message's questions. It piqued her curiosity to see what her cousin James Young wanted to talk about when he comes home next weekend.

Same as Be Sarah Chapter 3 Videos

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Sarah Chalke has her first lesbian experience with a guest star on the set of Scrubs

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part one

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Bethany only just managed to hide the dildo as the door opened, "fuck....don't you ever knock?" She asked pushing the pink plastic cock further under her pillow."I called you twice and watch your language girl," her mother snapped back,"Your friends on the phone for you, your still in your nightdress know it's gone nine, where's your mobile? You haven't lost another one have you?""No! I left it at Nikki's​ last night,"Hoping her mother wouldn't notice her panties were missing she...

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Sarah and Nicole go Shopping part two

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Sarah Lisa and Greg Grow Older

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Sarah Part Seven

Sarah and I walked into the hotel ballroom to a crowd ofpeople, all dressed up, mingling, eating and drinking; the event was definitely well attended.We walked around the perimeter of the room, and then Sarah went off to look for the lady she was interested in and any clothing designers she could find.I made my way to the bar. The bartender did not take cash, and I had to buy a ticket for a drink. Each drink ticket was $10.00 or five tickets for $45.00.I knew that I would likely have two...

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Sarah and Kimberly

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Sarah and Kimberly

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Sarah Lisa and Greg Buy a House

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Sarah Meets Gregs Parents

Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...

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Sarah Followed Me

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Sarah Gets Even

Sarah Gets Even By Ellen I can't help it if I suffer from wandering eye disease. There is a woman walking down the street in a real short skirt, or tight jeans, I can't help but look. I see an hour glass figure or a pair of very nice breasts and my appreciation usually became obvious. Especially to my girlfriend, Sarah hated that I always looked at other women. Worst of all, I would do stupid things like point out other women with her in the car with me, or if we were...

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Sarah A New Horizon Ch 03

Sarah woke late the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. She quickly stepped into a pair of her sexy new knickers and pulled a silk dressing gown over her shoulders before running down the stairs. Looking through the security glass in the door Sarah could see a young man in overalls at the door, feeling very daring Sarah opened the door without closing her dressing gown at the front so that her large breasts were only partially covered by the thin fabric. As soon as she opened the door...

3 years ago
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Sarah Spanks Her Lazy Husband

Kevin was still in bed when Sarah breezed into the bedroom. She looked down at her husband of 6 months who stirred, looked up through half opened eyes and asked “what’s up Sarah? Why the racket?” Sarah stood by the bed and said “Kevin, its 11 O’clock. You should be up anyway.” “But it’s the weekend” he sighed. He could see his wife looked stressed. She always did when it came to getting him to do anything around the house. He was generally a lazy person. He knew it. It made his wife very tense...

2 years ago
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Sarah and Nicole go Shopping part one

This and the following part two are extracts from my novel "Sarah's Garden." They aren't really explicit erotica but rather an amusing account of two newly out lesbian girls let loose by their girlfriends for a day's shopping in town and a spot of girl watching with some rather startling results. Just a bit of fun really for your amusement. **********************“Well all I can say is that it’s going to be an interesting encounter with your mum tomorrow Nicky!”...

2 years ago
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Sarah A New Horizon Ch 02

Sarah happily put all her bags into the car and decided to go for something to eat, there was a nice little cafe in the main street, which served some good food. The cafe was quite crowded but Sarah managed to get a booth near the back just as its current occupants were leaving. She sat there for several minutes happily contemplating her morning’s fun before her order was taken by a pretty young waitress, the distraction was enough to set her off on an erotic daydream including the girl. ...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Nineteen

It was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...

1 year ago
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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part three Redux

Hi guys I was kinda drunk when I wrote the original part three made a number of errors, I think the biggest one by far was in reversing the tone. Having Sarah let Adam take the reins and having Sarah become a little submissive wasn't what I was going for so I decided to retry. Thanks for the feedback and again I'm still new to all this so voting is great and comments are better. Sarah waited in the kitchen thinking over the night before she had lived out her ultimate fantasy pegging Adam....

4 years ago
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Sarah Trains Me

My name is Mike Jensen. It was a Wednesday evening and I had stayed at work a couple of hours after my employees had knocked off for the day. A dinner and reception that I was attending were occurring this evening and I didn’t want to go home before the event.It was close to the office and the thirty-minute drive each way home didn’t make sense. I sat in my office by myself and wished I had not agreed to attend, but since my company had been one of the major contributors to the youth...

2 years ago
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Sarah and miss Summers

Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Eight

We walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Ten

Having finished a New Year’s Eve candlelight dinner and a bottle of wine, I had retreated to the living room, and Sarah stayed seated at the Kitchen table. Each of us wrote down on small squares of colored paper what we wanted to do to the other, or have done to us. In the living room, the environment had already been set up by Sarah. A blanket was spread out on the floor, two large pillows were on the blanket and candles were placed everywhere. Sarah came into the living room carrying another...

1 year ago
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Sarah Part Eight

We walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Sarah left me 3

Introduction: My wife gets in touch with me again This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 & 2 The next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. Hello Phil, I hope that you are well? Hi...

3 years ago
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A few minutes later Sarah reappeared wearing a dressing gown and heels, looking very pleased with herself. She turned her back and without saying a word dropped the gown to the floor with her legs apart. Her arse looked absolutely sensational with a black silk strap across each arse cheek and another around her waist. “Like that? This is for your pleasure, and my pleasure,” she smiled as she turned to face us, with a good size dildo strapped across her groin. “I love the feel of it and I...

3 years ago
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A few minutes later Sarah reappeared wearing a dressing gown and heels, looking very pleased with herself. She turned her back and without saying a word dropped the gown to the floor with her legs apart. Her ass looked absolutely sensational with a black silk strap across each ass cheek and another around her waist. “Like that? This is for your pleasure, and my pleasure,” she smiled as she turned to face us, with a good size dildo strapped across her groin. “I love the feel of it and I...

3 years ago
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Sarah Redux Part Four

I think we both woke about the same time on Saturday morning. The red mark on Sarah’s jaw line had turned black and blue, and was now more of a bruise than just a mark from the night before. Just by being there on the bed with Sarah cuddled close, I had a hardon. “Want to go for a drive today?” she asked, as she held my cock in her hand and slowly began to stroke it. “What are you thinking?” Sarah slowly slid her hand up and down my shaft, making sure to run her hand over the sensitive head....

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Sarah Part Nine

Sarah and I had just experienced a very intimate moment, at least in my mind. I had never cum in her before, and it seemed very important to her to have me cum in her and not on her, and that I watch my cum dribble from her pussy. She rolled off me to the side and we continued to kiss; little kisses, not passionate wet ones. When she got out of bed to use the bathroom, I spread a blanket over the wet sheets, and then another blanket to cover us. Sarah returned to tell me that it was snowing;...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Chapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...

1 year ago
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Sarah left me 3

The next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. “Hello Phil, I hope that you are well?” “Hi Sarah. Very well thank you. What can I do for you?” “I would like to talk with...

1 year ago
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Sarah Goes To Paris Reposted

A friend seemed to need a break. When Sarah opened up her messages there was one from Ellen: Clear your weekend. “Why” Sarah replied. “You’ll see” was the cryptic reply. A day later a Fedex envelope arrived; in it were round-trip tickets to Paris, a hotel reservation and a taxi voucher to get her there from the airport. Sarah’s mouth fell open with surprise, but having never been to Paris and nothing on for the weekend, she packed.The next morning, her taxi lurched to a sudden stop. "Voila!"...

3 years ago
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“My libido is sky high, I have decided what my next challenge is,” Sarah told me as we watched some lesbian videos that night. “Lick me to orgasm while I tell you about it. Some of those older women having lesbian sex who we have watched fucking hung men are an absolute turn on for me. Lots of them appear to more comfortable with women than men. And I love watching them seducing younger women. “Lay on your back so I can sit on your face and watch the lesbian clip with that older, glamorous,...

4 years ago
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Sarah and Greg Get Married

"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked. "I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her. Sarah paused for a moment as she...

2 years ago
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Sarah Part Eleven

We sat on the leather chair in the living room a while; me still recovering from a long and intense orgasm; Sarah nestled in my lap, cum still on her face and tits. As I recovered, I played softly with Sarah’s nipples, lightly pinching and pulling on them. I like to run my fingers lightly around her nipples when they are hard, and then roll her nipple between my fingers and thumb. Sarah likes it and I like hearing the little moans of pleasure she makes when I do it. As I continued to recover, I...

1 year ago
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Sarah Porters Schooldays

Chapter 1. In which Sarah arrives at Harkwood AcademyThe large stone edifice of Harkwood rose up through the trees at the end of the gravel drive, looking like something from the opening scene of a Merchant Ivory film. It was Sarah Porter's first look at her new school. The taxi took almost five minutes to traverse the winding gravel road from the front gate and the closer she came to her destination, the more apprehensive Sarah became.She was excited to be sure, but a new school was always...

2 years ago
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“You know how much I enjoy a much younger man licking me to orgasm before I blow him. And I do enjoy you masturbating while you watch and enjoy. And I especially enjoy watching some of those men blowing your large, thick cock. “And to be fair to you we often share another woman. We have never had a really young girl though. Perhaps nineteen or twenty years old? “Does the thought of us sharing a young girl, perhaps nineteen or twenty years old appeal to you baby? “It has huge appeal for me....

2 years ago
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“You know how much I enjoy a much younger man licking me to orgasm before I blow him. And I do enjoy you masturbating while you watch and enjoy. And I especially enjoy watching some of those men blowing your large, thick cock. “And to be fair to you we often share another woman. We have never had a really young girl though. Perhaps nineteen or twenty years old? “Does the thought of us sharing a young girl, perhaps nineteen or twenty years old appeal to you baby? “It has huge appeal for me....

2 years ago
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Sarah and I Part 4 final

I awoke the next morning, naked and to an empty bed, for some reason I went straight into panic mode and sat up, searching for Sarah. I couldn't see her but I heard her voice from outside the room. From what I could tell she was on the phone to someone, I sat up a little further and tried to make out what she was saying..."Oh my god, he is fantastic ... yeah I know right ... 8 ... uh huh ... long time (she giggles) ... totally ... you should definitely try him mom ..."My jaw hit the floor; did...

2 years ago
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Sarah Smile

Sarah Smile By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy "Sarah? Ms. Morrison?" "Please, call me David." "Oh yes...of course...pardon me. I'm sorry Sa-umm-David, but you're just not right for the part." "But I just finished the audition, how can you say that?" David asked the casting director, biting his lower lip. Stop pouting, he said to himself. "Believe me honey, you were wonderful in your audition, but we feel you're just not right for the role. I'm sorry, but you look far too...

1 year ago
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Sarah the hypnotic fuck toy Ch01

The man was gasping and grunting with the exertion of cock-slapping the pretty teen actress with his grotesquely engorged cock and, feeling that his orgasm was not too far away, aimed his tool at Sarah’s open mouth, filling it with his swollen dick. Sarah, the hypnotic fuck toy Ch.01 Sarah had returned to her hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did...


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