Last Wishes Of A Loving Wife free porn video

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A widower finds surprises on his late wife's computer.

John lifted the cell phone laying on the computer desk and looked at it. He had already programmed the number in and his finger hovered over the "send" button. With a defeated sigh he laid the phone back down. Again.

How many times had he done this, he wondered. At least six times, just in this session of sitting in front of the computer, scanning over his late wife's computer files. So much to learn. So much he hadn't known about her.

Were all women like this? In spite of 23 years of marriage to Deborah, it was pretty obvious that she had possessed hidden depths he hadn't even suspected about her. Certainly not the least of which was she had been having an online affair with another woman.

How much simple little decisions change our lives, he thought. That morning, three months ago, when Deborah had stuck her head out of the front door and announced they were out of milk and did he want to run to the store or should she? He was busy cutting the lawn and had only raised an eyebrow at her question. Two minutes later she had pulled out of the garage. She had blown him a kiss and he had waved back.

He finished the front yard and had gone into the house for some water when the police car arrived. As it happened, the officer was an old friend of his and for one moment John had thought he was just stopping by for a visit. But the look on Bob's face said everything. Without a word being spoken, John knew something awful had happened.

The worst thing about the accident was that he couldn't even hate the other driver. A one in a million freak hose failure had deprived the driver of the 18 wheeler of his brakes. Employing his skills, the man had almost managed to pull off a miracle. But the wheel jumped out of his hands as he tried to ride up and over the curb to take his runaway truck into an open field. It veered back to the left and smashed into Deborah's car.

The driver came to the funeral home but had been unable to make himself go in. Finally his wife entered, hesitantly introduced herself and told John about her husband. John knew that he wasn't the best of men. But he had somehow found it in him to go outside and hold the other man in his arms as they both broke down.

Days and weeks blurred. The c***dren had come by to try to help their father but they had their own lives to lead. Although they kept up the calls and the visits he was alone now. Slowly he had tried to get on with life. He had managed to pack a few things away. Hungrily he had seized on anything of hers she had written; letters, greeting cards she had given him, a notebook she had jotted in off and on about different things that caught her fancy.

One afternoon he booted up the computer to pay bills. He started to automatically log on with his user name and then paused. He had never really considered looking on through her files on the computer. "Her side" she had called it. He had always respected that. But there might be something there he wanted to know. She had been the one who had really used the computer to surf the net. He liked looking for items for his book collection and had a sneaky fondness for fan fiction, but she chatted online, shopped and had called him all the time to look at something interesting or funny she had found. He would like to see funny things now, laughter was at a premium lately.

He found she had dozens of files. And the number chat friends, wow. He looked through reams of saved conversations with people all over the world. He smiled as he read some of them. Even in electronic print, her warmth and wit came through as clear as it had in person. He began making notes on a piece of paper. Somehow he would have to find a way to let these friends know she wouldn't be back.

Finishing the file he had been browsing through, he clicked the next one. Instead of opening, a window popped up. "Please enter password".

Well, that was strange. He looked at the file folder's title. It innocuously read "Safety Issues". What could possibly need to be safeguarded in that?

Off and on for the next week he tried various combinations. He knew the odds were he'd never find it. Then he remembered Deborah's day planner. She had once told him she had the worst time recalling passwords, so she hid them in plain sight in the address section. He found the planner in a box he had stored different papers in and flipped through it.

There it was, under the letter "S". It read "Safety Issues - See Mimie on 7/12". Mimie wasn't a person, but rather the name of their dog. July the 12th was when they had brought her home.

John went to computer and brought up the file folder. When prompted he entered "Mimie7/12". "Incorrect Password, Please Re-enter", came up. Hmmmm. He tried "Mimie712". The folder opened and he was confronted by a number of sub-folders.

He ran his eyes over the titles. They all seemed innocuous. Among others, there were two folders labeled "Stories". No, one was "Other's Stories". He clicked that one and browsed through the titles of the files. They were listed by what appeared to be title and author. He was more the bookworm than she had been but he didn't recognize any of them.

"Joyride by Lucky-E-Eleven". "Gangster's Ball by Colleen Thomas"."Heather's Baptism by Matriarch"."Drifting by Katherine-T"."sisters In Army Green by Ann Douglas"."After School by Dotrice." Who were all these people? He had never heard of them.

Mentally he shrugged and opened the first story. He finished it and opened the next story, then another and another. He read all the way through the entire list, his astonishment growing with every paragraph. The astonishment was matched by his shock and his disbelief. Just what the hell was going on.

He closed the folder. He hesitated over the next folder, the one that read only "Stories". If the other included stories written by others, he supposed that this one contained stories that Deborah herself had written. What would she have written about? Would they all be like the ones he had just read? Would they all be stories of women longing for, loving and being loved by other women?

He pushed back the chair and lit a cigarette with hands that trembled slightly. As he drew the acrid smoke into his lungs, a vagrant thought wandered through his mind. Deborah would kick him if she knew that he had started smoking again. But the routine helped calm him. He started back the day of the funeral. He decided he would come back to Deborah's stories. He selected another file titled "Import/Export".

This one shocked him. It was pictures. Pictures of women kissing, women touching, women engaged in sex with each other. John's finger stabbed the On/Off button on the monitor.

"My God," he thought. Had Deborah been a closet lesbian? If so, how long had it been going on? He wracked his brains.

Like many guys, the idea of two women together was in itself erotic, he admitted it. He knew that most porn films included at least one Female/Female scene and it wasn't to appeal to the women who might be watching. There was something insidiously seductive about two women making love. Like most guys though, he strongly suspected, the idea that your wife was one of the women involved, was not so very appealing.

He turned the monitor back on, swiftly closed the folders and shut down the computer. He had enough shocks for one day. He went to bed but didn't sleep, tossing and turning most of the night as images filled his mind. He finally gave up around 5 in the morning and got up. He made coffee and sat out on the front porch, watching the sun come up.

After a while he gave a huge sigh and went back into the house. He booted the computer up. He didn't know if this was some masochistic urge or what, but he needed to follow this trail to the end. He had lost sight somewhere of the woman he hade been married to for so long and he needed to find her.

He read her stories next. He found that not all of them were Lesbian tales, although a fair number were. He noted that the earlier ones of that genre usually involved a married woman, but the later ones didn't. He found that he enjoyed several of her more romantic type stories about men and women together and surprised himself by laughing aloud at a comic piece of hers.

He also noticed something else. When Deborah had written those earlier stories about married women having affairs with other women, she never made the husband out to be the cause of the whole thing. There was even one where the affair was discovered and the woman accepted full responsibility for it. Wow.

Now he was uncomfortable though. He shut down and took time to think. He wrestled with his thoughts over the next few days, at work and at home.

Had she had an affair with another woman? Was that where that story had come from? Was she nerving herself up to tell him, or to have plausible reasoning ready if he should have caught her?

John cast his mind back. Well, sure, there would have been opportunities. Deborah went out with the girls sometimes. She had lots of friends, of both sexes. He had never thought anything of even the mixed get-togethers she sometimes went to after work. He had joined some of those and she had always been delighted to see him. Hadn't see?

Now he wondered. He tried to think back and see any signs that she might have been closer to one of her friends than he could have suspected. How about Teresa, the divorced woman in her early fifties? Or Christy, the slightly heavy-set tall brunette? She had never been married. Or Rebecca, the heavily bosomed single mom who wore her clothes just a bit too tight and too short? Maybe it was Janey, the petite, young, bubbly blonde.

He suddenly cursed aloud and scolded himself. He didn't know anything yet and was reaching for conclusions out of thin air. After all, he had never worried about her cheating on him with other men. Why should he assume that she would with another woman, attracted to them or not? Maybe when he read the last folder, the one that was marked "Correspondence", he would know more.

That night he couldn't sleep, again. He tossed back the covers and stared at the ceiling. Had he become some stumbling block for Deborah, someone standing in the way of her wants and needs? All that he had found so far pointed to this attraction being of fairly recent origin, perhaps two years at the most. Had things changed between them? He couldn't think of any signs or signals. They still had a hearty sex life. Only days before the accident she had surprised him in the shower. He couldn't recall her insisting on different positions, or closing her eyes when she kissed him. They still snuggled on the couch on Sunday afternoons, a time that had been "theirs" all the way back to before they had even married.

The next day after work, he hesitated when he sat down at the computer. After a mental struggle, he decided to postpone any more reading until Friday when he could pursue it all night long and into the next day if needed.

The remaining days almost drove him crazy. His dreams at night were of Deborah locked in passion with a faceless woman. He saw himself coming into their bedroom and finding them together. He screamed at them and they didn't stop. At some point, she raised her head and looked through him as though he wasn't even there.

Finally it was Friday. He carried a glass dark with whiskey and two packs of cigarettes to the computer desk. He took a deep breath and went to reading.

He was surprised at the amount of correspondence Deborah had carried on. She was always the organized one of the tow of them he had to admit. She had friends all over the US, heck, the world. Not all were women, he noted with surprise. Some were men, who seemed to be other amateur writers who swapped story ideas, criticism and praise with her. Most of those were married and Deborah seemed to be on a personal basis with their wives too. Those emails all read like he suspected they were, happy notes between good friends.

The women though. My god. She knew women everywhere. In the Northeast, the West Coast, the rest of the South. The Midwest, the Plains States, the Southwest. Other countries and even continents. England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. All were her friends. Some seemed to be more. Deborah had saved chats as well as emails and come of those were frankly erotic. He almost blushed at the cyber sex between her and those close friends.

It wasn't just that though. He found a close friend of hers in Canada, about the same age and general background as her own. He grinned when he read how Deborah described to her friend about catching him in the shower and her friend's tale back of surprising her own husband on their back deck. Never did a word creep in that either one didn't love their husband deeply or ever considered meeting in real life with each other, or anyone in fact, to carry out the fantasies they swapped.

Deborah was open and above board with everyone. She made it clear to all her correspondents that she was married, she was happy and her sole purpose online was to release her pent up feelings. She wasn't interested in phone-sex or in meeting anyone under any circumstances. Her friends included bisexuals, lesbians and straight women. They numbered butches and the more feminine women. Some were married, some were divorced, some were single. The only criteria John could find that his wife had applied was that they had to be interesting and intelligent.

John had copied the files and tried to sort them by who Deborah talked to the most. That was easy, he found out. Far and away, the most common name was Judith.

Judith was a middle-aged lesbian woman in the Midwest. She and Deborah met in a Lesbian chat room and become friends. How, John wasn't sure. Deborah had not kept the early emails or chat conversations, only those dating from the period when the two of them had become close friends.

It was Judith that Deborah told about her experiences with other women, beginning with a friend in college and continuing nearly up to the time when she met John. He blinked. They had agreed when they became serious together that whatever happened before they met was irrelevant but now it seemed to loom very large indeed.

From what he could gather, Deborah's attraction to other women had faded to the point where she herself thought those feelings were extinct. Then about three years ago she had found herself noticing other women again, paying attention to their movements, watching them. For a while she had confided these feelings to a journal. Her discovery of the chat rooms had allowed her to share those feelings with other women. With Judith in particular.

He did stiffen once when Judith teased Deborah, asking if she had ever fantasized about making love to someone else when she was with John. The "Yes" response scared him but he read on. The confession that the night they had come home from seeing "Braveheart" that she had pretended he was Mel Gibson in a kilt when he came out of the shower with a towel around his waist was reassuring.

There was no doubt that the two women had grown very close. The greetings had become more personal and the signatures more and more affectionate. The saved chats were extremely erotic and often Deborah told Judith how special she was. What almost sent John over the brink though, was when Deborah told Judith that "you are the first woman that I've ever really loved". Now he had a name to go with his nightmare.

Loved. How could she say that? She was his WIFE, damnit, she was supposed to love only him. Well, at least in that fashion. After all, she had loved their c***dren, and her parents, and other relatives, and people at the church, and others she knew. But this was different. This was the love that only two people could share. Wasn't it?

It wasn't that he didn't believe two women could truly love each other. He had a lesbian cousin who had been with her partner for over a decade without either of them even looking at any one else. But how could Deborah's love for Judith not somehow have compromised, lessened the love she felt for him?

Was it somehow a failing of his? What did he not provide that made her reach out to Judith? He knew he wasn't some ideal husband. He had lazy spells sometime. He had been known to be a bit cheap. He knew he could, well, pout was the best word, when he didn't get his own way on occasion. But nobody was perfect and he ached at the thought he didn't meet all her needs.

u*********sly he had at some point risen and began pacing back and forth. Out the door, down the hallway and back to the desk. He had always done that when he was trying to sort things out. She had teased him that it was the only way he could think. She had mentioned that also to her friends, to Judith.

He really couldn't even hate Judith. The woman seemed warm and intelligent and, well, sexy. While she had admitted she would have loved to be with Deborah in real life, she had once commented that if Deborah had contacted her and announced that she was flying up to see her that she, Judith, would immediately "contact your husband and tell him you've lost your mind".

Suddenly he sat down and pulled up the correspondence file again. He ran a search for his own name. The number of entries astonished him. He searched through them one by one. Never did he find one that disparaged him or made him feel like she wanted freedom from him. On the contrary, he found that she talked about him all the time, making it clear to all and sundry that she was a wife and mother first, and that above all she loved him. Her friends all acknowledged that. He actually laughed as he saw that over months Judith had gone from calling him "That Man" to "Your Man" and finally to just "John".

"I still love you, Deborah," he said aloud. "No matter what, no matter whom else you said 'I love you' to. I would have found a way to understand." Or would he have? It was a lot easier to think it now. He tried to picture Deborah sitting him down and telling him about her attraction to other women. Would he have accepted it, even with the assurances he found all through the letters that she was never going to take things any farther than online? Or would he have made a scene, said hurtful things, demanded she end things? It had shocked him and hurt him as it was.

He recalled the letter where she had replied to someone's question about if she would ever tell him. "No," she had written. "It would do nothing but hurt him and not for the world would I do that. I would give this up instantly if I thought he would find out about it. Real life will always come first."

Thinking of that he looked again at her outgoing mail. In the very last email she had drafted to Judith, but had never got a chance to send.

"Dear Judith,

I could wish that too. I mean that we could meet. You know its a fantasy that makes me smile deep in the night. What we have shared, the closeness, the romance. Goodness woman. You are such a special person and I'm so glad that you have become part of my life. But you know it won't ever happen, not for real. I love John far too much to risk what he and I have for any other person or pleasure.

In some ways I feel as though I have used you. Our chats, our emails, your encouragement of my writing; all have helped me to deal with the reawakening of this side of me. I'm not ashamed of who I am, but at the same time I have always intended to remain right in the closet. Whether or not John could accept my bisexuality is not important. It MIGHT hurt him. He'll never know, because I will never cross that line for real. I love you even more for accepting unconditionally from me when we first got involved that no one would ever come before John.

Love you,

"Yes!" he thought triumphantly. He snatched up the phone. Now he would call her, now he would tell her that... He put the phone down.

"Oh for God's sake, get hold of yourself, John. What are you going to do? Go 'Nanny, nanny boo boo, she loved me the best'?" He opened Deborah's hidden email inbox and looked at Judith's last email, only a couple days old.

"Dear Deborah,

God I hope everything is alright. Everyone is frantic over not hearing from you. Are you okay? I know something is wrong. Please tell me its not the c***dren. Please tell me nothing has happened to John. If you've left us for the real world forever, well, I always knew you would. But I have such a nagging feeling, a hollowness in the pit of my stomach that says something different.



John picked up the phone one more time. This time there was no hesitation and he pressed the "send" button. Whatever else had happened, both he and Judith had loved Deborah. Just because he was the only one of the pair who had in person didn't mean Judith's feelings weren't real. She deserved to find out what had happened and he wanted very much to know more about this woman who had a piece of his wife's heart.

"Hello Judith. This is Deborah's husband John. Please don't hang up! I have some terrible news and I desperately need to talk to you, for both our sakes."

(The End)

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Wishes do Come True a Birthday Wishes Beginning

Wishes do Come True, a Birthday Wishes Beginning. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 Tommy was sitting in class bored out of his mind. Slowly he started to doze off. For him tomorrow was THE BIG DAY and that was all he could concentrate on as he started to doze. Tommy had a dream of his future. In it a man and a woman were kissing, making Tommy very happy. He sensed the love between them and their happiness. "Mr. Tabler, would you...

3 years ago
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Wishes and Power

Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...

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Three Wishes

Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the...

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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

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The Loving Wife

The sounds through the open doors were turning me on again. I’d had a strong orgasm deep in my wife not long ago but the images and thoughts stirred up by her oh-so-familiar getting-laid noises had the expected effect on me. I reached down and stroked my erection with the rhythm of the sounds of a cock plunging in her pussy. My boyhood pal Sam had been visiting family here in our home town and naturally reconnected with me. We had a great dinner and put away plenty of good whiskey as we...

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Special 25th Anniversary Gift from loving wife

I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...

1 year ago
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Wishes for my Wife

Tom sat on the park bench and watched his wife queuing at the ice cream stall. They were both hitting 40 this year and he couldn't help ruminate on the nature of his relationship as they planted their feet firmly in middle age. He loved her, no doubt about that but did he desire her? Yes and no. They still had sex and whilst infrequent it was always good and sometimes even mildly adventurous straying into the odd bout of nipple clamps, spanking or tying up once a year or so. It was different to...

2 years ago
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Seven Deadly Wishes 2

Seven Deadly Wishes 2 By Morpheus A man with a hungry expression sat with his back against a building, staring at the building next to him. His clothes were old and rumpled and he had a hat on the ground beside him, which people kept dropping change into as they passed. Yet in spite of his appearance and the fact that there was nothing to even suggest at it, he was far wealthier than any of those who walked past him. "Damn," the man hissed to himself as he stared intently at the...

3 years ago
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Two Wishes

Introduction: For the man who has everything. Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didnt know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always says: So I can wish for anything I want? Almost anything, Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café, table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldnt give them. The waitress brought more coffee. They waited...

2 years ago
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Two Wishes

Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didn’t know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always said: “So I can wish for anything I want?”"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them."The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm...

Group Sex
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Two Wishes

"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them." The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm spring day, and through the window they watched couples stroll arm-in-arm while children played in Pasteur Park. Occasional tourists wandered by. "And I get two...

4 years ago
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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

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Wishes Do Not Exisit but You Always Have Choices

Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...

4 years ago
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Sensible wishes

Sensible wishes By: Set3 Cliff Brind, an accountant, had just released a Djinn from the bottle he had bought while at a garage sale on the weekend. The Djinn offered three wishes to Cliff for freeing him from his imprisonment before leaving to parts unknown. Cliff adjusted the glasses that had fallen down his nose as he thought of his wishes while the Djinn floated there in disinterest. "I suppose my first wish would be," Cliff started. "To always succeed in any profession I...

2 years ago
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That Wonderful Day With Loving Wife

That wonderful day with loving wife My name is Rajan. I am of the opinion for any man sex with a loving wife is the best compared to sex with any other women as it involves love in addition to sex. Gifted with an excellent wife after marriage for me sex is only with my wife. Here I am going to present some best experiences I and my wife had. First in this episode I am going to present one of those best occasions I and My wife had. It is interesting because it was a thrilling experience in an...

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Conjunction of Wishes

Conjunction of Wishes By Rabbi-El Dix Mike and I met our freshmen year in college. We became roommates for the next three years, and afterwards we got an apartment together. Together we had wild times and I began to think of him as the brother I never had... until the change that is. Mike and I were like night and day, opposites in every way imaginable. While I was around 5'10, Mike was 6'4. I was neat. He was messy. I liked having one girlfriend at a time. He liked having...

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A genie and three wishes

I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...

4 years ago
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Three Wishes

THREE WISHES "That dumbass..." Sandra muttered as she walked along the beach, kicking the sand with her feet. It had been two months since her divorce, and she was still bitter. After everything she had done for him... everything she had given up to be with him, and he tossed her out with the trash as soon as he was done. She should've known better than to be blinded by his wealth and good looks, but she was young... she was stupid... and now she was heartbroken. The fact she got half...

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The Three wishes A Christmas Story

The Three wishes: A Christmas Story By Princess Pantyboy Nick, Nikki 8-years-old boy Sally 5-year-old little sister Donna 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 (Author's note: I thought it would be fun for a little Christmas story. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) Tis the day not night before Christmas and all through the house, it is silent except for my me, and my...

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Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 3

Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 3: To Make Wishes Come Untrue! By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Love Slave?!!" John's horror-filled dad cried. "John!! What Have You Done?!!" "He made Jeanni Lamphear his Love slave??!!" John's wide-eyed twelve-year-old sister said. She started laughing at the fifteen year old. "My brother!! With a love slave!!" "Polly!! This is serious!!" her dad told her, his face headed for purple. "With that buncha perverts he has...

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Christmas Wishes

I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...

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Does Your Creampie wishes include Snowballs

"C'mon honey, please, please, just do it!""I...I can't, baby...I just can't!""But you promised! You said you wanted to, please do it!""That was before, I..I always want to before but after I...I just can't..."I looked down between my spread thighs, feeling foolish. I was begging my husband to eat my pussy after he'd just fucked me, something we'd both expressed interest in having happen in many a spoken fantasy, but which – again – he was chickening out of once he'd screwed me and left me full...

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I had called my group of friends over to my place. My parents wouldn’t mind. They never minded. I’m lucky that way. I can get away with nearly anything. Nearly, but not everything. My friends were all from school. James and Denise lived on the same block as I do. Brent and Robert each live about a quarter mile away, but not in the same direction. Then there’s Aaron, who lives on the other side of town, but always comes over when invited. I wanted to have a little fun. Some fun that involved...

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Janenes Wishes

"So, you say you're granting me three wishes, huh?" asked the young sales girl with a disbelieving smile. Derek had spotted the girl a few minutes ago. He had scanned her mind and saw that she was only sixteen years old. The girl was very pretty and very sure of herself. She wore her blonde hair long and possessed the loveliest blue eyes. A further scan told him that she was used to getting what she wanted... when she wanted it, and very much aware of her beauty. It was these types of girls...

1 year ago
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SRU Bottle of Wishes

Spells R Us: Bottle of Wishes By Morpheus 25 Jan 98 While walking through the mall, Dan saw a store that he thought looked kind of interesting. Spells R Us, was written clearly above the door. Must be some kind of magic supplies shop, Dan told himself as he went in. The first thing he saw was an Old Man in a somewhat worn bathrobe putting a glass bottle on a shelf. The Old Man turned around as soon as he walked in, saying, "Good afternoon Dan." Surprised, Dan asked,...

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Wishes Hindsight the Cruise

‘So,’ the Genie mused, as he sat on James’ sofa. He had a can of beer in his hand and a lazy grin on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. “You can guess the drill; you get three wishes.” “I get three wishes?” “Three,” he said with a smile, “and none of that fooling me like Robin Williams crap, I wasn’t born yesterday.” “When were you born?” “Three thousand years ago.” He winked broadly at James. “Oh.” “Yup.” “So ... I should decide my wishes?” “Yup.” “Standard...

3 years ago
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A Loving and Forgiving Wife

Donna forgives, but punishes Hank for stepping out.Donna was mad. She'd just been told by a near total stranger at a seminar she had just finished attending that her hubby, Hank, had stepped out on her with the woman's best friend, Wendy, while he had attended a convention several years ago. Donna sat on the bus on the way home and calmed her feelings and thought about what to do.Her Hank was handsome a 55 year old, he had distinguished silver streaks in his hair, he had a high sex drive and...

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Three Wishes

Three wishes. I couldn't believe it. I had been walking on the beach in the morning, on my day off from work, when my bare foot brushed up against an old-looking bottle in the sand. Before I could say, "What the hell," a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the genie of the bottle. You have three wishes at your disposal. Choose them carefully." With that, just as quickly as he appeared, he shrank back into the bottle in the sand. I was sure I had just hallucinated the...

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The Wishes

Author's note: This story can freely be posted to any free site as long as there's no fee for reading it. The Wishes (C) 2003 Nabiky S. As I walked down the beach, I thought how tempting it would be to just dive into the water and let the strong current pull me out and drown me, but I was too much of a coward for something like that. Life just sucked; I'd lost my job and my girlfriend. And as if that just hadn't been enough, mom got hit by a drunk driver and died after days of...

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Three Wishes

IF WISHES CAME TRUE... Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty.Tthere appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling...

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Cock Loving Wife

I’d been thrilled when my 19-year-old girlfriend unzipped my pants on a date, fished out my firm willy, and sucked it off. That had never happened to me before and I was in heaven. Eve even swallowed, something I hadn’t expected from what I’d heard about women. I’d only been getting my hands under her bra and squeezing her tits before that happened. We were in my car in a private place so it was not easy to do much else. When I got to figuring where else we could go, it wasn’t long before her...

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The Loving Wife

THE LOVING WIFE. James and Silvia Martin had been married for five years, both, on the surface seemed quite content with life, especially Silvia, who's work as a nurse she said, was her vocation. But James, at least, had a deep dark secret. When he was young, his mother had enjoyed dressing him up as a little girl. Although she had always claimed otherwise, she had badly wanted a baby daughter, but after James was born, her husband had left her for his secretary, forever ending...

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Delicious Wishes

It was a balmy fall evening as we walked along the beach when we stumbled across the bottle. Literally stumbled, as Maggie tripped over it and tumbled onto the sand. I dropped down on the beach next to her, and we laughed. It felt terrific since we hadn't had much to laugh about in recent months.The coronavirus had all but killed what had been a rousing, raunchy sex life. While Maggie was still submissive in the bedroom, or any other room I desired, gone were the many other men (and women) my...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 2

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #2 – Chapter 2Freddie woke up feeling utterly exhausted and sore. His mind raced back to the night before and what he and Jade had done, wondering if he was right that this was a mistake. But as he shifted in the bed, he realized that Jade was curled into him still asl*ep, but she had a faint smile on her face as she breathed softly into his chest. At some point in the night, they must have put clothes on as Freddie felt that he was wearing his boxers...

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Penny Wishes I and II

Penny Wishes I By Captain Webster Jeremiah was a sensitive child. Always had been. He cared deeply about others, and their feelings. Unfortunately there were others at his small school who did not feel the same way. One of them was Charles R. "Chuck" Rimart. He had been held back twice and was much larger than any of the other children in Jeremiah's 5th grade class. Chuck liked to throw his weight around, and he had a lot of it to throw. He had to weigh 150 pounds and stood...

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