Photographs Ch. 12 free porn video

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Christie settled into no routine at all. She still swam at 5:30 every morning. Because it was the only time she had any peace, she added moonlight swims, but she never danced. She kept up with her practice simply out of habit, going through the motions. She didn’t always go into the office if she had no appointments. The plants received water and food when she passed through a room, not on any schedule. Evenings and weekends went by in naps or fits of housekeeping or simply sitting and listening to music and doing nothing much at all. Whole days passed by where she didn’t eat a single meal, and the food in the refrigerator spoiled without Danny there to eat it all. Later, looking back at that summer, she could remember nothing but waiting. The time passed in an empty blur.

She had no idea where her son was. It tormented her, day and night, the only thing she really felt for those three months. In September, desperate for any news, she called Stanford University using a pretext to gain information, and learned he was attending classes. Her relief was so great, she wept.


‘You’re eating again,’ Ralph pointed out at lunch one day in September.

Christie kept chewing and nodded.

‘I finally know where Danny is,’ she said. She glanced around. After two years she still sometimes caught herself searching for Steve at her lunches with Ralph.

‘Did he call you?’

She shook her head, put down her fork. ‘No.’

Ralph reached out his hand across the table. He’d been doing that lately, ever since the day she confided that Danny had gone and not kept in contact with her. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze before returning to her lunch. That contact helped a little. The truth was, she thought nothing could relieve the constant ache of Danny’s absence. She never wanted to lose him, or be without him in the first place. Her goal had been to protect his future, give him a better chance in life. Now she didn’t know what to do with her own. She didn’t know when she would start making plans that didn’t include Danny.

Another problem that Christie experienced was the lack of people to talk to. Her shattering grief wasn’t normal for a mother and son fight, and the family already wanted answers. She couldn’t confide in her friends about a breakup with a lover, they would want to know who, particularly since she hadn’t acted like she’d had one in the first place. Forced to keep everything inside, Christie ended up brooding or having short little bursts of activity to take her mind off her pain.

‘Keep eating,’ Ralph said. ‘You’re getting too thin. So, where’s Danny?’

‘At Stanford, attending classes. That’s all I know.’

‘I could take a trip up there, if you like. Find out where he’s living and how he’s doing.’

‘No, Ralph, but thank you. I don’t want to spy on him the way Steve spied on us.’

Ralph nodded. ‘Of course, but if you change your mind, or you really need to get a hold of him, let me know.’

She smiled, grateful. ‘I will. Thank you. Do you think you can find out how he paid his tuition for me? If he took out loans, which I assume he must have, I want to pay them.’

‘I’ll try.’

He watched her eat fitfully after that, but she still managed to finish most of her meal and drink an entire glass of orange juice.

‘Christie,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘What you might need is a distraction.’

She waited, suspecting what was coming. ‘What kind?’

‘Getting out and doing things. When was the last time you left the house aside from work?’

May 14, she thought, the day Danny left. ‘I don’t know,’ she lied.

‘There’s a little theater around the corner from where I live. They’re having an Audrey Hepburn festival this weekend. ‘Roman Holiday’ and ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ and old movies like that. Want to come with me?’

She couldn’t go back with Danny, she could only go forward without him. She still believed this firmly, although this conviction had worn thin around the edges. Christie recognized how thoroughly stuck she had become, and she needed to find ways to live without him and still survive. Thriving was beginning to look out of the question, but she could try.

Ralph watched her. His cheeks colored slightly when she didn’t answer right away. He must sense her hesitancy.

‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘That sounds lovely.’


Ralph fell asleep during the middle of their date. Christie nudged him when ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ ended. ‘Ralph.’ Nudge. ‘Ralph!’

‘Wha’?’ He jerked awake.

‘You fell asleep during the movie.’

Ralph rubbed his hand over his face, blushed, and glanced at her. ‘Sorry.’

‘Do you even like Audrey Hepburn movies?’

‘Ummm… I’ve never actually seen one.’ He smiled. ‘But I heard that chicks like them.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘I do, but I like action movies a lot, too. Next time, let’s discuss it.’ She stood and held out her hand to help him up.

‘There’ll be a next time after I fell asleep?’ he asked. He took her hand but brought it to his lips and kissed it.

‘Oh…’ she sighed. ‘There will be now.’

They exited the theater and stood outside on the sidewalk. ‘Where to now?’ Christie asked. ‘Since we aren’t seeing the second movie.’

‘My place?’ he asked hopefully. He took her hand and drew her towards him. ‘I can think of some fun things to do. I have a good bottle of chardonnay.’


He frowned. ‘I thought all chicks liked the white stuff.’

‘The very fact that you use the word ‘chicks’ to my face tells me you don’t know much about chicks.’

He frowned. ‘You think I’m a jerk.’

‘I think you’re being adorable.’

‘Damn, and here I was going for manly. My place?’ he said.


Ralph stood just inside the door to his tidy little apartment and looked at her, his expression intense. He slowly raised one hand to touch her face lightly, a brush of fingertips.


‘You’re here,’ he whispered.


‘You’re finally here.’

‘Oh, Ralph,’ she said softly.

The hand slid to her nape and pulled her toward him. His lips claimed hers without hesitation, demanding, years of pent up passion exploding into a kiss that momentarily made her forget who she was.

‘Wine?’ she said, breaking the kiss.

He pressed his lips together, looking down. ‘Sorry.’

She followed him into the corner set aside for the kitchen, but had to back out again.

‘It only fits one,’ Ralph said. He opened his refrigerator. ‘I have the white. No Cabernet.’

‘Water would be better, anyway.’

He motioned toward the sofa. ‘Sit, please.’

A minute later Ralph was sitting beside her, a comfortable distance between them. She sipped her water and waited.

‘You’re never going to sleep with me, are you?’

‘I wouldn’t say never, but tonight is unlikely.’

‘Do you even know what you want?’

She had to think about that for a minute. ‘Not really. For so long I didn’t dare dream of anything that my thinking in those terms is kind of rusty.’

‘I know what you want.’

She smiled a little. ‘You do? What do you think I want?’

‘I think you want your son back. I think you want to spend the rest of your life with him.’

‘That’s crazy. I mean…’ she lifted her glass to distract him. It shook the tiniest bit. ‘I would like us to be on good terms again, but I want him to have his own life.’

‘Maybe that’s why you broke up?’

‘Broke up?’ She turned her body slightly, edging away from him. ‘We had a fight. Parents and children do that.’

‘But the parents don’t grieve for four months as if somebody died.’

‘I didn’t know where he was, or even if he was alive, until ten days ago!’

‘Or maybe your reaction was a little extreme because you’ve been sleeping with him for a long time.’

She squared her shoulders and went on the offensive. ‘What? How can you say something like that?’

He leaned back on the sofa and laid one arm across the back. ‘I watch people, Christie. It’s my job. And I still work the occasional divorce case. One thing I can see is the nature of people’s relationships. Who’s been married happily for a long time, who’s cheating, and which couples are sleeping together. You and Danny, you don’t have the power dynamic of mother and son. You act as equals. You consult each other before making important decisions. You do freaking everything together. You’ve been very careful, I can tell, but you act like an old married couple who’ve been happy for a long time. Until last spring. Something changed then. And then he was gone.’

‘So I grieve over his absence and you decide I must have been sleeping with him?’

‘I’ve suspected ever since Steve died.’

She looked away, focusing on the blank TV screen. ‘You suspect I’ve been sleeping with my son, yet you still ask me out tonight?’ she said in disbelief, turning back toward him. ‘You must be very open-minded.’

He smiled. ‘Not as open-minded as you, I think.’

‘I have never slept with my son,’ she said firmly, but her cheeks gave her away with a tell-tale blush.

‘Liar.’ He sat up straight. ‘This is what I want to know: if I start something with you, will you up and abandon me if he comes back to you? Is it really over?’

‘You waited until after kissing me before asking that?’

‘I wasn’t certain until now.’

‘I can’t do this.’ Christie got up. What little of her heart left unbroken, shattered. She had given up her lover. Now she had to give up her friend, because she knew that if Danny walked in her door today she would go down on her knees and beg him to forgive her.

‘I’m not giving up, Christie. I want you enough to forgive something like this.’

Suddenly she was furious. ‘I should let myself go. Get fat. Stop doing my hair and wearing makeup. Because I am sick and tired of the lengths men will go to possess me.’

He got up and walked over to where she stood. He gently held her shoulders.

‘You really have no idea, don’t you?’

‘What?’ she said hotly.

‘There are lots of pretty women in LA. You are special because of who you are inside. Smart and strong and caring. You can be ruthless but you’ll sacrifice everything for those you love. Your eyes show so much intelligence and still are so warm. Men might go to crazy lengths to be with someone like you, but I don’t want to possess you. I want us to belong to each other.’

She stared at his face, the earnest expression there, and let him pull her closer. ‘Give me some time, Ralph. Please. I can’t belong to you right now, because I still belong to… someone else.’


Halloween had just passed, one of his mother’s favorite times. Every year she dressed up, even if only to pass out candy, and the house would be elaborately decorated. Laughing skulls with glowing eyes in dark corners, and bats that dangled in your hair when you walked in the door. They would have planned an outing to someplace no one knew them, using their costumes to further shield them from discovery. His mother would have worn something sexy — maybe the Vampirella costume he liked so much that was cut to her navel.

For the three days prior to the holiday, Danny had to turn off his cell phone to keep himself from calling her, but he couldn’t stop himself from checking it every half hour ‘just in case he had an important message.’ He couldn’t even deceive himself that he wasn’t hoping she’d call. It was also mid-term exam time, so by the time that Friday came around, Danny was drained and edgy. He lay sprawled on their crappy old sofa, drinking a beer and wondering if it was time to graduate to whiskey, when Pedro came out to the living room, .

‘You need to get laid, Brother Daniel,’ Pedro said, looking down at him over the back of the sofa.

‘Why do you keep calling me that?’

‘Because you live like a monk. Let’s go to the bars and find some girls.’

‘Do you ever fucking stop?’

‘What? Picking up girls or giving you a hard time?’

‘Either. You’re like a fucking animal. Do you ever even sleep with the same girl twice?’

Pedro waved his hands in the air. ‘Oh no. That leads to bad things, like wedding rings.’

Danny raised his bottle to his lips and then said, ‘You’ll marry. Some sweet girl that your aunt introduces you to. She’ll be pretty for fifteen minutes and then grow fat and then–‘ Pedro slapped the back of his head. ‘OW!’

‘Don’t talk like that. I might have to go lay down.’

‘You’re only upset because you know it’s true.’

‘It is true except the fat part. I’m more worried about the number of kids she’ll want to pop out. So I sleep with them once. Okay?’

‘It only takes once. Just ask my mother,’ he muttered.


‘Nothing.’ Perhaps it was the week he’d had, or the beer he’d already drunk, but despite knowing it was a bad idea to be around other people that night, he found himself saying, ‘Look, maybe I’ll go with you tonight. Can you wait for me to shower?’ Pedro was a good guy, who seemed to care about Danny’s happiness. If it made him feel like he was taking good care of Danny to try to get him out in circulation, he supposed he might as will allow it. He was rewarded with Pedro’s happy grin.

‘Sure thing, hombre. Use some of that stinky stuff you shower with. The girls seem to love it. Just don’t put on any of that ‘eau de wounded lover’ you go around with. I’ll never get any girls.’

‘What the fuck are you talking about?’

‘You should see yourself. You get to the bar and you’re all broody and show no interest in the women, so they all flock to you. It would only be worse if you were gay.’ He paused. ‘Hey, man, you’re not gay, are you? That bitch who dumped you wasn’t really a guy?’

‘Fuck you.’ Danny turned the now empty beer bottle around so he was holding it by the neck. ‘Mr. Budweiser,’ he said to the bottle, ‘would you like to be introduced to Mr. Pedro’s face?’

Pedro laughed and backed off. ‘Hurry. I want to get an early start tonight.’


For some reason that Danny would have challenged even God to explain, Pedro liked country bars. In Sunnyvale, California, a country bar meant a mix of office workers and kids from San Jose State trying to look the part in unscuffed boots and artfully torn jeans. The decor was usually what you’d expect — wood dance floor, scattering of tables with stackable chairs, booths around the perimeter, and a huge bar — and the the music could have put them anywhere in the USA. Danny hated it, but for some reason he often let Pedro drag him to the bars on a Friday or Saturday night if they both weren’t working. Why drink whiskey in peace and quiet for $.75 a glass when you could spend $5 amid chaos and country twang?

Danny never wanted to be an asshole, so he tried to stay mostly sober until either Pedro picked up a girl and wanted to go someplace quieter, or Pedro gave up and wanted to go home. The latter was much more difficult, seeing as Pedro was unlikely to give up until he either passed out or the bars closed.

So Danny was still sober enough to see trouble coming when Pedro walked up with a short, curvy blond on his arm, with another young woman trailing behind them. He had been saving their seats at the booth for this eventuality, even while hoping against it. Pedro had already rustled up a spare for Danny. Lucky him. The ‘spare’ was average height and average looking, trim, with long light brown hair. In the dim light, he couldn’t tell what color her eyes were and he didn’t really care to find out. She was the type of young woman who looked good if she made an effort, but would never turn many heads. Danny suppressed a sigh and made room for her to sit beside him.

Pedro made introductions. ‘Carla,’ he said, pointing to t
he blond. Her hair was poofy and her western shirt was a glaring turquoise satin that he had to admit did good things for her skin. The spare was Jennifer.

‘Danny MacAwley,’ Danny said.

‘Irish or Scottish,’ Carla asked. She looked like a dumb blond, but Danny suddenly sensed a spark hidden under that bubble of hair.

‘I’m Irish,’ he said.

‘Real Irish?’ Jennifer asked. ‘I didn’t think there were many black people in Ireland.’

Danny glared across the table at Pedro, who smirked. That was the thing about country bars. It was likely that the only people of color aside from Pedro and him were the staff in the kitchen. Carla looked embarrassed and he had the sudden realization that Jennifer simply didn’t want to be left alone, so she’d followed her friend. Danny relaxed. There would be no expectations to live up to if the girl wasn’t interested in picking him up.

‘My grandparents are from Ireland,’ he explained. ‘My father was Jamaican. I was born here.’

‘Well,’ Carla said, ‘Irish and Jamaican is a happy combination, I think.’

Pedro grunted. He leaned over the table and whispered, ‘Wounded.’

‘Shut up,’ Danny whispered back. He was liking Carla more every minute. ‘That’s what my mom always says,’ he said to her.

The girls, it turned out, were seniors at San Jose State, Carla studying psychology, and Jennifer in electrical engineering. After a few minute’s conversation, where Carla and Danny did most of the talking, it seemed that Jennifer wasn’t as stupid as she first appeared, but simply completely uninterested in impressing him. He relaxed further. He also decided that it wasn’t Jennifer’s fault that her friend dragged her over here.

‘What do electrical engineers do when they get out of college?’ he asked.

‘Submit job applications and say novenas,’ Jennifer said.

Pedro snorted. ‘Sort of like what this med student here is gonna do.’ The ‘if he doesn’t stop drinking’ was implied.

‘The electronics industry isn’t what it used to be,’ Danny said, trying to sound interested. ‘All the jobs have gone overseas.’

‘Yes, but I’m more interested in alternative power.’

‘Are there jobs there?’

‘There aren’t jobs anywhere.’

They continued to talk more and more to just each other, each backing into their corner of the booth, while Carla and Pedro talked less and less and moved closer together. It surprised no one when Pedro suggested they go back to their apartment. Jennifer squirmed, gave Carla some sort of obvious but undecipherable non-verbal cue by running her hands through her hair, and then said, ‘We should take separate cars.’

‘I have to be at the hospital at eight tomorrow,’ Danny reminded Pedro. ‘I was hoping to duck out early.’ He had no intention of sleeping with Jennifer, and wanted to make that clear. Even if Christie didn’t eclipse every woman he ever met, he simply wasn’t interested in her.

‘Relax, Daniel,’ Pedro said, leaving out the ‘Brother’ but implying it. ‘You’ll get your beauty sleep.’

Irritated, Danny said little else before they left. To make matters worse, Carla and Pedro went in Carla’s car, while Jennifer rode with Danny.

‘Nice car,’ Jennifer said, when he opened the door of his beamer for her.

‘Don’t get excited. It’s old. I just take good care of it.’ To make matters worse, the car wouldn’t start immediately, leaving him now both irritated and embarrassed.

They both seemed uninterested in making small talk once they left the bar. Back at the apartment, Danny went straight for the refrigerator for another beer, offering Jennifer one, which she declined. In the living room, he said a silent thanks to Pedro and his neat-freak habits. His bedroom was another matter. Good thing she would never see it. There were two decrepit recliners and the sofa to choose from. Each chose a chair rather than share the proximity of the sofa.

Carla and Pedro took their time, and suddenly the two of them had nothing to say to each other. Jennifer stood and walked over to his chair, holding out her hand. ‘We might as well,’ she said.


‘We might as well go to your bedroom,’ she said, still holding out her hand.

‘Why?’ Danny asked stupidly.

‘To have sex, silly. Carla and Pedro are going to be here any minute, and having been through this before, I know it’s going to get very loud in about a half hour. We might as well be making our own sex noises rather than sitting out here awkwardly trying to pretend we’re not hearing theirs.’

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08 TogetherChapter 92

Flashback – Jack – Later in the morning We finished the great breakfast prepared by John and I began the drudgery of filing some more fucking paperwork. Colonel Maggie suddenly remembered, “Jack, we forgot to find you a new aide.” I teased, “Yeah, I was wondering if you were going to remember that, but I figured with your advanced age...” Colonel Maggie glared at me and interrupted, “ ... Jack, you might be on my good side for showing me what John can really do if he gets good food...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Sexy Chashma

Hello friends, I am Lovebird. I am from Punjab. And doing my B-tech. Any girl in Punjab who wanted sex can contact me on my email id : Privacy is guaranteed. Now i come on my story. I am bit imaginative in writings. This you will see while reading my story. This story is based on the very popular TV serial “Tarak mehta ka ooltah chashma”. Coming to the story ( now in Hindi): Aap sbne tarak mehta ka ooltah chasma to dekha hi hoga. I m a big fan of it. To hota yuu hai k tarak mehta aur jetha...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun with Friends Mom

I was down from university for the summer, and like most students, I needed money. From all the experience I had picked up doing our garden at home for my mum, I had managed to get various gardening jobs from friends to keep me busy through the break. The main plus to the job was it was good money, and being a twenty-year-old athletic guy, it helped me stay active in the summer heat. One 'client' shall I say, was a friend of my mum, who lived across the road from where I grew up. We moved house...

3 years ago
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Pundaiyil Vadium Kanjai Kudithen

Vankam enathu peyar Ramya vayathu 26, naan pudhuvaiyil vasikireen. Enathu veetil pasangalai anumathika matargal athanaal naan veetai vitu engum sella anumathiyilai. Enathu pundaiyil kaam padangal prthu viral pootu kondu irunthen aanal sunni kedaikatha endru eenguven. Enathu veetil appa amma matrum naan annaivarum ore apparmentil vasithu kndu irunthom. Appozhuthu ennathu pakathu roomil oru kudumbam puthithaga vanthathu naan athil ethavathu paiyan irupaana enadru avalodu kthu kondu irunthen aanal...

3 years ago
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A Life Uncommon

© 2002 I met my girlfriend Katie in college. We shared a class together. I remember seeing her the first day. She looked like some sort of angel with her long fine blonde-white hair and green eyes. I had to try very hard not to openly stare. I quickly convinced myself that it was silly to stare or even think about her. After all, a girl like that was out of my league. But apparently my fellow male classmates didn't suffer from such thoughts. Some guy or other was always trying to hit on...

2 years ago
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Luck of the Irish

‘What the fuck just happened?’ The thought echoes through me like a shockwave, making my skin tingle as if lightning had just struck a nearby tree. The memories of this night have me feeling raw and exposed.I can sense her taste on my lips, and the subtle remains of her fragrance is lingering on my shirt. If not for these sensations, and the warm burn of her touch on my skin, I wouldn't believe any of it ever happened. Yet, I know it did.This is a new and exciting feeling. I want to remember it...

3 years ago
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sex on the lawn chapter 1

Sex on the lawnChapter 1A number of years ago I lived in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car...

2 years ago
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A Change of Lifestyle Part One

A change of lifestyle Part One By John Howarth ©copyright 2001 John Howarth My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Part one It's the end of June and our family is packing for the annual vacation. I often chose not to join them, but this year was different, we were going to Florida...

4 years ago
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Stella Maris SM tests 4 Intimate Inspction 1

Stella Maris comes back to brilliant sexy shape, as soon as she wakes up by the hot Spanish sunshine.Stella Maris comes back to organize all in her hot house, while we shower & shop for lots of white wine.Stella Maris serves us a lovely lunch in the shadowy part of the terrace. We enjoy her fishes with wines.Stella Maris serves me with a silence & all attention during the closure with strong coffee & some liquor.See all eyes & ears wide open in attention. I present proudly my...

1 year ago
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Mick ruins my girl part 1

I was at a cousins birthday party with my girlfriend who i've been with for a couple of years.I'm quite an introvert so a party isn't really my idea of fun, in fact its quite the opposite.Me and my gf spent most of the time sitting at the bar, sometimes chatting to family members who I had not seen in quite some time.It was getting towards the end of the party when I felt a huge hand slam onto my shoulder from behind, I turned and saw Mick, a c***dhood friend who I used to play with when I was...

3 years ago
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Hedonasia Ep 4

The waves beat furiously against the cliffs on that stormy night muted by the sound of rolling thunder. The wind was strong and there wasn't a soul in sight for miles. Except one. She had walked all the way from her village, almost in a daze, like she was being pulled towards the sea. Her fiery red hair fluttered in the stormy winds and obscured her vision, but she pushed on without a care. She hadn't even any shoes on, nor anything to save her from the stinging rain. Her feet dug against...

3 years ago
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Mom and MeChapter 7

Linda said, "Are you sure the doors are locked?" Danny laughed. "Look who's being uptight now." "No," Linda said, curling her smooth and shapely legs under her body. "It's just that if somebody walks in and catches us all sitting around bare assed like this, they'll think we've all freaked out-- and maybe we have. If daddy comes home, or Nikki, or wow! -- if my husband drives up--" "we thought of the possibilities," Betty said. "The doors are locked and we more or less have...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Gets a Good Surprise

Elissa had been dating Thomas for about six weeks now, but they’d never had sex. But that all changed when she went to his house one afternoon. Elissa had dark chocolate hair and smooth olive skin, with orange-green eyes. Thomas was sort of the opposite – tan skin and dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. She giggled and threw her head back. Thomas leaned in and kissed her. He was expecting her to pull away with a shocked look, but she kissed him back. Gently French kissing, she pulled off...

4 years ago
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AtlantaChapter 2 Annie Meets the Cloningers

Annie met Mal at seven sharp and he quickly left the front of the hotel behind them. He drove to the same warehouse parking lot that they had parked in the night before. "Why here, Mal? I thought we were going to party." But Annie knew full well why they had returned to this particular parking lot. Mal had turned to face her and she'd seen the look in his eyes. "You're going to the party. I'm not invited. Sorry, I'm sorrier than you can imagine." "In that case, I don't think I...

1 year ago
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Washing Day Procrastination Part 5 Finale

PART 5 You’d have to agree that cookies are bloody fantastic. So many different shapes, flavours and textures and full of sweet, sweet sugar ,o) . Now if you found the one perfect, best tasting, mouthmelting, senfukensational, ultimate cookie in the world, it would be fair to assume that your appetite would be satiated and you would be happy dipping that one ultimate cookie in your coffee forever, to the exclusion of all others, right? Not so, my friend. Variety is the spice of life, and I –...

1 year ago
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A Day in the Life

I arrived home from school to hear my mother humming away on her sewing machine, in her shop downstairs. She was a professional seamstress for a number of men's clothiers in the area. She also made women's formal wear as well as alterations on all clothing. My dad was an over the road trucker and would be gone three to five days a week delivering widgets to and from Detroit to surrounding out of state factories. Katie (my mom) was thirty four years young, stood five feet eight inches tall....

2 years ago
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Get Used To It 2

GET USED TO IT 2 "Oh, damn! I can't believe she's doing this to me." "Grandma, I ain't going to that party dressed like this much less with that fag Bobby." "What? You can't be serious! Dance with him! Kiss him! Have you lost your mind! I'm a guy even if I look....look like a silly girl." "No, I don't want to get caught masquerading as a girl! No! I don't even want to go to this stupid party. No I....I can't believe I'm letting you put this silly dress on me. Oh, come on....

4 years ago
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The trials of Vanessa

Day 1: The BeginningThe handcuffs are cutting into Vanessa’s wrists behind her back; her slim but muscled body is hunched forward on the hard bench. Her shoulders ache as she blows her fringe from her face with a pouted bottom lip?..?Fuck these South American Customs officials?and fuck that Craig for stuffing that shit in my bag? she thinks to herself??And FUCK this heat? as a droplet of sweat forms on her erect nipple, ready to drop on her taut thigh, where the downy blond hairs are matted...

3 years ago
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With a little help from my mom 2

With a little help from my mom 2 Getting home from the astrology convent, I had to handle all the impressions the witch party had made to me. I had been dressing up as a girl in a full dress with makeup and nail polish. But I didn't have a clue whether this was my real me or just a role I played. The terrified joy of dressing female made me quiet and thoughtful. Mom observed this and tried to make me share what I was thinking of. We were sitting opposite to each other at the...

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Charlies Flowering

Warning: This story contains depictions of intersexuality and menstrual periods that may not be completely faithful to reality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie's flowering. Charlie Merton was a typical 11 year old boy. He was in sixth grade in elementary school, and he was about to finish it. He was nervous, like most boys on his last year on elementary. He was about to stop watching the friends he had made. His school was small, so...

3 years ago
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Home Visit Part 1

A Home VisitThe first night...I was surprised when my mobile pinged telling me I had a text message, no one sent me messages I didn’t like them, if you had something to tell me just call, it wasn’t hard was it?I was even more surprised when I looked and saw it was from Jessica my step-daughter, she never ever called me let alone sent me text messages, I only knew what she was up to from my wife, she was the one she kept in contact with, after all she was her Daughter and she was the one...

2 years ago
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UnendingChapter 5

The skin on my stump was thin where it had been stretched over the end of the arm to close the wound left by amputation. I could deal with a bit of pressure, but sharp blows would make the skin split easily. I was certain that was what happened, it had happened before in the gym, but the detective had been an asshole and I was more than happy to milk it a bit. Ms. Duff, in her capacity as my lawyer, had the hospital take photographs of the injury and they gave her copies as well as a copy of...

1 year ago
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Love Birdspoem

In the dawn of the morning I watched the skiesAnd beheld the warm Sun and watched it rise,The fiery hues and sapphire dyesWere pure amazement to my young tender eyes.And as the dawn grew, I did so too,And I stretched out my wings, as all young ones do,up into the satiny cloud tops I flew, Searching for something, so fresh and new.I followed no path and wandered so longAnd had no direction til’ I heard your songA melody so pure, true and strong I knew my in heart it could never be wrongWe flew...

2 years ago
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The Waking Dream

London, Spring 1816  He clearly remembered when he first became aware of a hint of unease; a sense of otherworldly darkness. Before then in his life, of course, he had moments of disquiet in terms of worry and fretting, but they were normal daylight concerns. He remembered as if from a great distance his medical training in the cool grey light of Edinburgh, his careful studies on sleepwalking and the huge effort in gaining his qualifications. These now seemed almost childlike matters as if that...

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Hello guys! This is a real story about me getting fucked in front of my best friend! BTW, my best friend is a lesbian!The other night me and Chrissy were sitting around my apartment online chatting on Yahoo with my cam on. she would go to girl groups and chat and I had logged onto squirt. we we're both feeling kinda horny....Imagine that! Then a pop-up window from a local cross dressing friend who I'd met one other time came up......."I want to see you tonight!"I started to say I couldn't but...

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A D in Calculus

First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Isaac, I’m 19, college student in the Dominican Republic, a country in the island of the Hispaniola, that is shared with Haiti, among the bigger Antilles in the Caribbean(if anyone doesn’t know). So let’s start with the story. It all happened on one of the worst days ever, a Friday to top it all. I just received my grades for a class, D in Calculus, so I was really angry since the teacher told me that that there was nothing he could do to help...

4 years ago
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Fuck My Face Daddy

He was hard.The sofa he'd been guided to was comfortable, deep-seated, allowing him to recline and stretch his legs fully. The robe he had been given fell open on it's own, exposing his meaty erection. Around the room other men were similarly dressed and arranged, some standing, some seated. Hard cocks exposed, waiting. They were all waiting.The room was lit like a disco floor and a hard, undulating beat emanating from hidden stereo speakers. A deep bass pulse throbbed around the room. The...

1 year ago
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My First Sexual Experience In Malaysia

In the year 2000, me and gal, a distant cousin with 34c size breast perky nipples, slender body. Used to visit her often…One of the weekends, she told her family that she was attending a team building session in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and we hooked up overnight in a beach hotel. We had a good time at the beach. I decided to take a step forward and started teasing her body here and there during times at the beach. She kept on smiling. My hands used to “Accidentally” touch her at the breast...

2 years ago
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Meeting Samantha

I'll be home a few minutes late, go ahead and start without me. ;-)" You smile as you read my text, and are not entirely surprised at my supposed "late arrival." But it gives you a chance to set things up just as you had planned...As I take my time getting home, I take some time to reflect. We have a pretty special night ahead of us, one that we worked hard to achieve. It all started when we posted a 30 minute video of me draining your massive milk-filled tits. So few lactation porn videos...

1 year ago
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A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective by Holly Hill Eric Jeffreys and his wife Dianne were awakened by the sound of the neighbor's lawn mower. They had slept far too soundly. By the amount of light that was streaming into the room, the hour was very late, even by L.A. standards. "My, you must have been tired," Dianne said, giving Eric a playful pinch. "I was. Your sister has been working me to death." "Chris is probably up by now. She hadn't mentioned the fact that you have been working...

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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part six

I laid their looking up at the ceiling for what felt like hours. I had not been able to sleep after what had happened last night. I was still reliving fucking my best friends father in front of her and her brother while they fucked in front of us. It all seemed like some kind of dream. Never though in my wildest dreams would I have been able to dream any of this up. I rolled over to my side thinking that would help me fall asleep but I had no luck. It did not help that Carrie was taking up...

3 years ago
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Thigh Pillow

(From Dr. Hapmord’s files) Patient: Dennis Tominsky Age: 27 Age at time of story: 19 Time: Sometime in May. The end of Freshman Year of college. I woke up on the floor of some dude’s house with a screaming headache and one ear smothered against someone’s skin. In the dimness of the room I opened my eyes and saw the polyester rug staring back at me. I tilted my head slightly and stared ahead at her landing strip bush practically shoved in to face. One flap of her vagina was sticking out from the...

College Sex
1 year ago
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18 with a dcup

Ever since Amber could remember her tits were always bigger than anyone else in her class, and even in 8th grade she was a solid C-cup, while now as a junior she filled her bras out to a very full 36D. All this big tit flesh ran in the family, as both of her older sisters were D's and her mom and two aunts were double D's! It's not as if they were big over weight cows either, the Wilson girls while not thin were nowhere near hefty, nice and healthy is how her dad referred to her mom, and that...

Group Sex
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Mixed MessagesChapter 19

I had finally decided to clue Clete, Toby, and Connie in on the whole reason behind the drastic change in lifestyle within our family and around our house by the time Dad finally joined us. He came out to sit with us by the pool, where we were all sitting naked. Before he could sit down, Connie and Adele had gotten up and double-teamed him to get his polo shirt, shorts, and boxers off, leaving him naked as well, except for his sandals. He blushed a little, and then smiled finally and sat down...

2 years ago
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My Coworker Brian

When my husband left for his first tour, I was working for a credit union. The tellers pretty much were split between the teller line and the drive-thru. I don’t know what really kept the two sides separate, but that’s the way it was. Anyway, out in the drive-thru it was me, Traci, Alicia and Brian. Things were normal for the first month or so until one day Traci, Brian and I were in the drive-thru and we were playing a modified form of truth or dare. Well, there wasn’t much in the dare column...

1 year ago
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Flirting 101

It was a typical day in college. Well at least thats what I thought... I hate these required courses in college, they are so pointless. But the girl I met that day was far from pointless.I sat down at my desk, towards the back of the lecture hall. This amazing looking girl, walked in a few minutes late, and sat right next to me because that was the only empty seat left. In my head I kind of thanked myself for sitting there. I just wished that I had worn something more attractive than jeans and...

First Time

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