Picked by a Pepper
- 4 years ago
- 22
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‘I have connections. Believe me. DO WHAT I SAY.’
‘Shut your pie holes, you two,’ growled the driver.
All of Salt’s systems shut down for the first 24 hours in jail. She couldn’t understand why her mother didn’t come get her. She didn’t eat or drink. If she could have helped it she wouldn’t have breathed or peed, either. She just sat on the cement floor, ignoring the cold, leaning back against the wall with her head between her legs, sobbing. Then, the second day, she was given a cellmate.
Her new roommate was a foxy looking older woman, not that Salt noticed. The new roomer put up with Salt’s sobbing for a while, but finally she figured, enough is enough. ‘For Christ’s sake, put a sock in it, kid. You want them to see you grovel.’
Salt looked up. Truly, she hadn’t been aware she had company. ‘Who who who are you?’ she sobbed.
‘Call me Gracie.’
Salt went back to crying, but she tried to be quiet. ‘First time, eh?’ Gracie asked. When Salt didn’t respond, she asked, ‘What cha do?’
‘I’m not supposed to talk.’ Salt looked up at Gracie for the first time. She was mahogany colored with platinum blond hair, but her hair was ratted and her nylons had long runs in them. Her figure was good, but she clearly had some miles on her.
Gracie met her eyes, ‘Well, you got some good advice. I wouldn’t trust any old whore I shared a cell with either.’
‘Whore? Is that what you’re in for? Oh, I’m sorry. You wouldn’t be smart to talk to me, either, would you?’ Salt was started to get control of herself.
‘Well, I think I can be pretty sure you aren’t a stoolie. Besides, there’s no disputing what I am. I got priors and they know me well. It’s a fact, if you’re in the game, you’re going to see a cell from time to time, and pay your dues.’
‘I didn’t know that. How can you stand it?’
‘Shit, honey, by the time you get where I am, you ain’t got no choice. Look at me, honey. If you ever think whoring is a way to get rich, let me be a lesson.’
‘You mean you can’t get rich whoring? I thought it paid good. Why, a guy offered to pay me $150 just for a quick fuck. Ha, I don’t know if he was really serious. Anyway, my boyfriend said there’s no way I’d fuck him for only a hundred bucks.’
‘Don’t get me wrong, chile, there’s good money to be made, but you got to be smarter than ol’ Gracie.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘There was a time when I’d turn just one or two tricks a night—for $1500 each. That’s when I was young and beautiful, like you. But I didn’t save the money when I had it, and now all I’m worth is $100 a trick and my pimp gets most of that.’
‘You pay a pimp?’
‘Ain’t like I got a choice. Gal got to have protection in the game. Stan up, chile, let me look at you.
Salt stood up and tried to show herself to good advantage, something that was hard to do, under the circumstances.
‘Ah, ha. Body like that, you could get major money, chile. But you needs a manager who won’t take no vantage a you. Let you keep you share you earnin’s. Don’t let nobody mark you up with no knife.’
Salt and Gracie spent the next few days talking about what Gracie called the ‘game.’ Then, finally, they were both shackled and taken to court. It was not a pleasant education to sit in the courtroom and see the long line of prostitutes pleading out. Most of them were able to pay their fines and leave, but the ones without money were given sentences of 90 days to a year, depending on their priors.
The longer this went on, the worse Salt felt. She didn’t have any money, no friends. Well, maybe Gracie was a friend but she didn’t really trust her, and it was sure Gracie couldn’t help her. She despaired. Suddenly the door opened and Pepper walked in, accompanied by an older gent and a young woman, dressed in a pin stripe suit. Pepper and the older gent sat in the gallery while the woman, who turned out to be a lawyer, walked forward to whisper in the bailiff’s ear. Then she took a seat next to Salt. ‘I’m Shiela. I’ve been hired to represent you. This should be over quickly. Don’t worry.’
‘But, but . . . ‘ Sheila didn’t give Salt the chance to respond.
‘Shhsssh,’ she said, and Salt shut up. If Pepper was in on this, then she would have faith.
The bailiff walked up to the Judge and whispered in his ear. The Judge addressed Sheila, ‘Miss Jones, you have a petition?’
‘Your honor, the police have made a terrible mistake. Miss Salt Smith was arrested for home invasion. Today, the home owner returned from abroad where he’d been out of reach in a remote location and was horrified to discovered the police had arrested his niece for invading his home, but she had his permission.’
The owner of the home turned out to be the man who accompanied Pepper into the courtroom. He came forward and was sworn, after which he confirmed what Sheila had said.
‘Case dismissed!’ The sweetest words ever spoken.
Out on the street, Salt felt the free air and sun and bubbled over with joy. ‘How in the world did you manage that, Pepper?’
‘I know a guy who knows a guy.’
‘And he arranged this for free?’
‘Not quite for free.’
‘What do you mean? You don’t have money, do you?’
‘Not money. I thought you’d be happy to meet with my friend and tell him how grateful you are.’
‘How grateful I am? Does that mean what I think it means?’
‘You’re thinking you’re going to have to fuck him? Don’t worry. This guy is so old he can hardly pee. Still, he loves women and likes to have them around him. Treat him right and you’ll find him a warm and fun guy to be around.
‘Look, Salt, if you’d had to fuck him to get free, you’d have done it, wouldn’t you?’
Salt nodded. ‘Sure I would. I just don’t know if I could satisfy him—you know—act like I liked him.’
‘God, I hope that won’t be a problem.’
It wasn’t. Salt’s knees were knocking together when she was ushered into see the man, even with Pepper’s support she was nervous as a lamb in the slaughterhouse. But Benjamin—that was his name—immediately put her to ease with his good manners and charm. There was no hint that he thought she was obligated to him, or owed him favors. To the contrary, he treated her like a princess, asked her what she’d like to drink, offering her candy or caviar and so full of curiosity about her and her life and desires that he quickly peeled away her apprehension and had her eagerly sharing ideas and laughing at his wicked wit.
Gee, Salt thought, he’s really nice. I think I could like him a lot. She wondered what he’d do if she—well, there’s no point wondering, she thought—she stood up and crossed the short distance that separated her seat from his, and sat on the arm of his chair. She ran her fingers through his hair. ‘You’re a nice guy, Benji,’ she said. ‘I’m so grateful for what you’ve done for me. I hope it didn’t cost a lot.’
‘Not at all, not at all.’
‘What did it cost, do you mind telling me?’
‘What did it finally cost, Pepper?’
‘Ten big ones.’
‘Big ones? What does that mean?’ Salt asked.
‘Oh, Benji. How could you? For me? That’s so sweet. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do for you?’ She stroked his cheek with her hot little fingers and sneaked a peak at his lap, where she was disappointed to see little stirring. The quick ducking of her head didn’t escape Benjamin.
‘Nothing doing down there, lass. I’m afraid that mouse has finished roaring. Not that he didn’t have his day.
‘That’s so sad. Are you sure?’
Benjamin looked over at Pepper and pointed at the door with his chin. Pepper stood up, steepled his fingers and made a bow, then quickly left the room.
‘I hope that means what I think it does,’ whispered Salt.
‘Are you sure you won’t be grossed out?
‘Truthfully? I am not sure. But . . . Can I tell you a little secret?’
‘I’ve been thinking that, someday you know, I might want to sell my pretty little ass, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for the work. No offense, old man, but I can’t think of a better way to explore the possibilities.’
Benjamin looked truly offended and his whole mien changed. Salt trembled with the fear that she had made a huge mistake. But moments later, Benjamin began to chuckle, which chuckle quickly turned into a laugh and before long, Benjamin as immobilized with laughter.
‘Girl, you’ve got some nerve. That was some stinger, but I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm.’
‘Oh, no, Benji, I was just acknowledging what you’ve been saying all along. You’re no beauty. But you’re a sweety cakes, nonetheless. But let’s get comfortable, can we?’
Benjamin laughed and laughed, ‘Sweety cakes? Har har har . . .
‘My equipment ain’t up to what you want, young lady, but I still love the sight of hot bodies. Even now, I love to run my fingers over the smooth skin of a ripe female. If you really wanted to please an old man, you might allow me to watch you as you bathe off that awful jail grime. And I hate to say so, beautiful as you are, but your make-up could use some help, too.’
Salt was about to step into the tub when Benjamin lightly grabbed her arm. Let me have a whiff of heaven before you wash all the scent away.’
‘I must stink of jail. Are you sure?’
His nose answered for him as it homed in on her sex. She did smell strong: pissy and sour, but so sexy. When Ben inhaled it was like a gale wind in reverse and Salt thrilled to feel his body trembling with fervor.
The jetted bath was a deluxe model and Benjamin laced it liberally with bubble bath, all the better to allow his eyes to play hide and seek with her nubile female parts.
When she was clean, he held a bath towel for her and watched with greedy eyes as she dried off. Then he gave her a terry cloth robe and they returned to the couch in his office.
Salt was feeling warm from the bath, and even warmer in gratitude. ‘Let’s get comfortable, shall we?’ Salt ran her fingers into Ben’s shirt and found his tits and pinched them. It startled him but it was a pleasant surprise. His pleasure was obvious and Salt took it as permission to start unbuttoning his shirt, which she soon removed, along with his old fashioned t-shirt.
‘You’d never know to see me now, but I used to be a strong man. The strongest man in this town, as many other guys learned to there ruin,’ he bragged.
‘Strongest, or fiercest?’
‘It’s the same thing, sugar.’
Ben’s old, arthritic fingers found the sash of her robe and tried to untie it. Salt didn’t help matters by the way she thrust her breasts against him, but soon her robe hung open, revealing two small but exquisitely formed breasts. Ben took a deep breath and pulled her to him, face between her breasts as he breathed deeply of her scent.
‘You must have been some guy,’ Salt purred as she stroked has flabbly old pips. ‘I bet you’d like to see my cunt, wouldn’t you?’
‘Not just see it. I want to taste it. I bet your sex smells as sweet as perfume.’
‘I don’t know about that. I haven’t had any complaints.’
‘I bet not.’
Salt let the robe drop off her shoulders. She was afraid Ben was going to collapse as he painfully lowered himself to his knees but he made it successfully and pushed his nose into her groin and took a deep and audible breath, sucking her aroma into his greedy nose. His old hands clenched around her fanny cheeks and pulled her hard against his face. Salt spread her legs to allow him to access with hungry fingers and nose.
‘You haven’t forgotten how to excite a woman, old man.’
‘I love the way you lie. Don’t stop. I really love it.’
‘No lie. Ah, Benji, I don’t know if you like to eat pussy, but if you do, I think I’d enjoy it.’
‘Let’s move over to the couch, then, shall we?’
‘It doesn’t seem fair that I’m all naked before you and you’re still wearing your pants.’
‘Ah, you don’t want to see this old snake. It’s not like it can stand up and please a gal like you.’
‘Hey, no disrespect, but don’t tell me what I like, okay?’
‘No disrespect, eh? Okay for you.’ Ben had already knelt down to savor Salt’s pussy, but now he struggled to stand so he could drop his drawers.
Salt helped him up and then her quick little fingers discovered that Ben hadn’t been over dramatizing the sad state of his cock. It was a pathetic looking, flaccid little worm, resting limp against two wizened testes. It looked like a gooey duck neck, left too long on the cleaning table, dead grey and lifeless.
Ben managed to settle down to his knees again and Salt was able to shut everything from her mind except the wonderful feeling of his tongue working away in her pussy. His cock might be pathetic, but his pussy eating technique is fine, she thought.
‘What’s so sad about this,’ Ben said, ‘is that my cock is definitely enjoying this. It just can’t stand up any more. But look, at least it’s trying.’
Salt looked. His cock was still hanging down on top of his balls, but it was bigger. It no longer looked like a deflated balloon, more like a sausage, hanging between his legs. She started to stroke it with her hot little fingers and Ben gave a huge sigh. ‘Oh, that feels wonderful. Don’t stop.’ It might not be hard, but it nevertheless started to ooze precum as Salt’s fingers continued their good work and soon she couldn’t help taking the end of his cock into her mouth and sucking the cream off the tip.
‘Does that feel good?’ She didn’t need to ask, his hips were making his pleasure quite apparent.
Cock in mouth, she started to encircle his balls in her fingers, petting them softly and scratching them with her nails as she laved around his cock-head with her tongue. Then, without knowing why, her fingers followed the lump of his cock to where it grew out of his ass and began to play with the tender tissue of his anus. Years of indulgence gave his ass the appearance of a pussy, a slit rather than a ring of muscle. Her proding made his hips to start to thrust his cock toward her as if it though it could fuck her mouth.
Emboldened, Salt’s fingers returned to her mouth for moisture and used it to begin to work a finger into Ben’s asshole, remembering how much she loved it when Pepper did this to her. Ben was shocked, but his cock felt like it was coming to life, so he couldn’t complain. Salt’s finger, running on instinct, returned to her mouth for more lubrication and then pushed all the way into his ass and a funny thing happened. His cock suddenly filled with blood and became hard as a rock.
‘Well, look what we have here,’ said Salt. ‘I bet you could fuck me now.’
‘We better hurry. This can’t last,’ said Ben. But it did, last, and while it wasn’t the best fuck ever for Salt, it certainly was for Ben—at least the best he could remember. And while it took Salt a while to realize it, she now owned the most powerful man in the city—a grateful man.
In a funny sort of way, his very gratefulness redeemed the experience for Salt. He was so avid for her once his cock stood up, that she couldn’t help but vibrate in resonance with his energy. Considering how difficult it had been to excite his wizened old cock, he ejaculated relatively easily after only ten or fifteen minutes of in and out. But what minutes they were.
Salt had felt the kind of thralldom a hot pussy can exert on the male psyche, but Ben gave enchantment a new meaning as each thrust and parry elicited moans of pleasure and trembling of limbs. More amazing, Ben’s level of excitement, which seemed extreme at the outset, increased and his poor thin cock grew apace so that when she felt him gather for the little death at the end, she felt his cock swell inside her. It seemed determined to burst her limits. But, of course, no such thing happened, just a flood of relief as the dam burst and his cum flowed in a torrent
into her procreative canal.
He was heavy on her once his body lost the animation of passion. Salt was kept from wiggling out from under only by feelings of compassion. She sensed how dear these final moments of decompression were to him. Finally she began to stroke his face, causing him to become aware of her as more than a vessel beneath him.
‘I don’t have to ask how it was for you, do I, lover?’ she asked with a grin as she began to wiggle out from under.
‘You took some chance, girl. What do you think would have happened if my heart gave out? I doubt my vassals would have taken kindly to you.’
‘Oh, come on, Ben. I mean, I know you’re the biggest tiger in the jungle, but do you really think they’d blame me for something that was clearly the greatest gift a dying man could have?’
‘Honey, you may have some remote understanding of the heart, but you have a lot to learn about politics.’
‘Politics? That’s what you call it.’
‘It will do.’
Somehow, Salt knew better than to pursue the question of how Benjamin’s enterprises should be classified.
Suddenly Benjamin struggled to his feet. ‘There are two bad things about lazy old prostates. You have given me a temporary respite from one of them. But now I got to piss and it ain’t going to be a pleasure.’ He staggered out of the room. Salt hated to get into her jail-dirty clothing, but she had no alternative.
After an eternity she heard the toilet flush and Benjamin returned. By now, Salt was fully clothed. ‘I got to go.’
‘You do? Of course you do. Look honey, I could make you my slave, which I dearly would love to do. Don’t worry, there’s no way I’m going to reward that way, but is it too much to hope you might come back?’
‘No, of course not.’
Benjamin expected Salt to begin bargaining with him for some kind of ‘deal,’ but all she did was ask how she was going to get home.
‘We need to talk about your future, but not now. I badly need to rest. You make serious demands on an old man.’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t return.’ Salt winked at him to let him know she was joking. ‘What do you think?’
‘You little minx. You know what I think. I’ll have Pepper get in touch with you. But wait a minute. Don’t go yet.’ Benjamin picked up the phone and whispered in the mouthpiece. Then he said, audibly, ‘and send Pepper in.’
Pepper was walking on glass when he slowly entered the room, looking around, as if he were entering a room filled with danger. ‘Hey, relax, Pepper. I wanted a chance to tell you that everything you said about this young lady was absolutely correct. Paying off the judge was worth every penny and I’m here to tell you the debt is cancelled.’
Pepper looked shocked. He’d hoped that Salt would be able to tease the old man into some sort of a second childhood crush, but Benjamin’s reaction far exceeded his wildest expectation. ‘She’s cool, eh?’
‘Way cool, dude.’
Pepper laughed. ‘Dude!’
Someone knocked on the door. ‘Enter,’ Benjamin said. A head poked in the door, followed a moment later by the rest of a really small man, dressed in a three piece suit (with a checked vest) and natty as can be. He carried an oblong package over to Benjamin, seemingly unaffected by the sight of his boss’s naked, sagging old body.
‘This is the best we got, Boss,’ he said and opened the box so only Ben could see what was inside.
‘I guess it will have to do, then. Come here, Salt.’
Salt looked at him with questioning eyes. ‘Come on. Come on. See if you like this? It’s cold outside.’ Ben held up a white sable coat and draped it over her shoulders.
‘It’s lovely,’ she said. ‘Oh, it feels marvelous.’ She buried her face in the fur marveling at its silky smoothness. ‘But I can’t wear this. What would people think?’
‘The right people will think it isn’t good enough. Don’t worry about the rest of them.’
‘But . . . but . . .’
‘It’s not like you have to wear it to school, Salt,’ said Pepper.
‘That’s right, Dear,’ said the little man. ‘Take the fur safe with you and hide it in the back of your closet. Nobody has to know but us.’
‘Is the car ready?’ asked Benjamin.
‘It’s waiting outside.’
‘Okay, from now on, you’re Pepper’s driver and his first responsibility is taking care of Salt. I don’t want anything happening to her.’
‘Come here, Pepper,’ she suddenly commanded, sensing that he was about to cut loose. Pepper pulled out and rapidly came to where his cock could join the dance in and around Salts slippery lips. She grasped three pair of balls together gently and pulled on them, and, like magic, semen started to spew from three cocks simultaneously, covering Salt’s breasts and dripping down into her navel and pubic hair. Salt ducked down into the water to rinse off. ‘She sure loves cock,’ Freddie sighed...
One night Salt lay in bed thinking about the past week. Her mother had actually broke down in tears, surprising Salt, who expected her to scream. Her mother’s pitiful existence had pretty much burned out any scintilla of emotion she had, so this display pierced Salt’s heart. But how much could she care about a mother who she might see twice a week? Rumors were rife in school. Rumors about Salt and jail, but nobody really knew what happened. Salt was back in school, after all, so how could the...
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Chapter I: Salt and Pepper They were both trailer trash and walked from the trailer park to school together. She was salt: A little slip of a thing with hair so blond you could see her scalp right through it. Her short body was light and delicate. It was hard to believe she was only eighteen. He was pepper. Wiry black hair arranged in cornrows flashed in the light and his beard stubble glared through the pale translucent skin on his face and it look dark. He was short, slight and powerful. He...
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When I was f******n years old, my neighbor hired me to cut her lawn. Mrs. Breckenridge was a slightly plump 55 year old, divorced now ten years but still employed at his construction company. Her home sat on an acre lot at the end of Oak Tree Lane in a farm and ranch subdivision on the outskirts of town. For years she had selected a teenage boy from the neighborhood to cut her lawn. For five dollars pay, the poor bastard slaved like a dog in midsummer heat, but there were other intangible...
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Gay MaleSalt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real Friends. That evening as Ronnie's mother was making dinner, she had also been in deep thought about what Ronnie had told her. She was sitting at the kitchen table when her husband walked in from work, saw the look on her face, and had asked, "Maryann. Is something wrong?" "Ronnie told me something today," Maryann replied. "Is anything wrong?" "No. But, it's...
Hi readers Amar Nam Som Chatterjee, age 22,bari kolkatai.ami era geo onek golpo diachi porecho kina jani na.aj Saturday,collage chuti abar tai vablam new mane 18 din age ghota chodachudir golpo ta dia di. Ami sei sobe ekta golpo diachilam akhane sathe amar mail address o diachilam.onek friendra contact korechilo tader modhay ekjon special chilo nam holo ritu dutt,bari salt lake,Kolkata, porto 19 e.or nia age kichu bole ni tarpor ok kivabe chudechilam seta bolbo.ok na? To or mail id ta chilo...
Salt Peter, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Hate Myself ‘King’ George was told, by his advisors, that it was prudent to fund a study regarding teen pregnancy. He came to the conclusion that he would lend support exclusively to ‘abstinence only’ approaches to the problem. The people were ecstatic. That’s too strong a word. They were pleased. King George decreed that not having sex at all was the very best approach to avoiding teen pregnancy. He went one further and forbade self abuse as...
Authors note: The first two chapters of this story do not contain any crossdressing, transformation, etc. They introduce our characters, and set the base of the story. And, yes, this is one of my sweet and sentimental stories. Salt & Pepper. Sugar & Spice by Teddie S. Chapter 1 A new school Jason and his family had just moved into town, and he had missed the first three days of his junior...
Authors note: The first two parts of this story do not contain any crossdressing, transformation, etc. They introduce our characters, and set the base of the story. And, yes this is one of my sweet and sentimental stories. Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 2 France Just like Ronnie had said, just before school started in the fall, she and her mom left for France. It was a very...
Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 3 Something New? "I can't believe this," Jason said in disgust. "Honey. They lose luggage all the time. They'll find it." "I hope so." "What was in that bag?" "All my underwear, a couple pairs of shorts, my swim trunks, and my sandals." "We'll go shopping later. Stop worrying." He left word with the airline where they would be staying, and they found a cab. The...
Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 4 Another step. The following two weeks, were a typical school and study routine for the couple. His parents and sister were due back on Sunday, so on the Friday before, they went grocery shopping. After they had put the groceries away, Ronnie said, "Honey, I got you something." "What?" "Here," she said, as she handed him a pink plastic bottle. "What's this?" "I...
Salt and Pepper, and Sugar and Spice Chapter 5 A lot more. Jason had said, "What if I wanted to take this part of me further?" A little worried, Ronnie asked, "Ah... Like what?" "Well, some of the things that you've said, and we've done. Have gotten me thinking." "Oh?" "Yea." "Like what? Already." With a very serious look on his face, Jason said, "Oh. Like maybe... I'd like to try living as a...
Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 6 Amy and Linda. With a big grin, Amy said, "No longer wishful thinking. Linda asked me to marry her. And, I said yes." "What! When were you going to tell me? Where's your ring? When?" Ronnie said. "Easy love. You're almost as excited as I was when you told me that you and Jason were getting married." Ronnie grabbed Amy, and hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek....
Salt and Pepper, and Sugar and Spice. Chapter 7 Jaimie Jaimie sat there for a while in thought, and in a trembling voice finally said, "I think, after today, Jaimie is going back in the closet." You could see the hurt come across Ronnie's face. Amy noticed, and since she was sitting next to her, she took Ronnie's hand, and held it. Sara and Mark just looked at each other. Linda just looked at Jason, and shook her...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris On Monday, Jason walked into the apartment, and said to Ronnie, "Well, how long do you want to spend in France?" "Why?" "Well, I have all summer. They didn't understand, and figured that the job wasn't that important to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. With their attitude, I figure I wouldn't have been happy there any way." Ronnie wrapped her arms...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 9 Back in the U.S.A. A week later Ronnie and Jason were back home in the States, and were meeting Amy and Linda for lunch at one of their favorite places. They talked about the trip to France, especially the trip to Paris, and the reaction Ronnie's mother had to meeting Jaimie. And, as they were leaving the restaurant, Ronnie said to Linda, "Can we stop at your shop?" "Sure....
Authors note: The translations from French to English may not be accurate. Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 10 A step back? Amy had said, "Did you see who else is here?" "No. Who?" Jaimie asked. "Sara and Vicki for two." "Great. Who else?" "Your mom and sisters." "Mom and Mary are here. Where?" "I said sisters." Jaimie's eyes got very big, she looked at Ronnie, and...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 11 Back in France. Ronnie had said, "Honey, what would you say if I told Ariane about Jaimie?" And, Jason had said, "You didn't! Did you?" "Not really. But, we were talking the other day. And, the conversation drifted to people with an alternate life style. And, ..." "And, what?" "Ariane told me that one of our friends from school, Marie, was a lesbian. We talked about...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 12 Not with me you don't. There had been a soft knock on the door to Ronnie and Jason's flat. Ronnie was home alone, as she didn't have a class, and wasn't working that day. She walked to the door, and opened it. Ariane was standing there looking a little down. Ronnie said, "Ariane. What's wrong?" "Henri and I had a fight," Ariane said. "Love, no. Come on in, and tell...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 13 Jaimie? Jaimie? Jaimie!? Ronnie had just had one of the worst experiences in her young life, with what Ariane had done. And, in the past two weeks things had gotten back to normal, with school and work. Jason had been wonderful through the whole thing. Her mom was not happy with what Ronnie had done to solve the problem, but had not mentioned much after the incident. One...
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“Gordon, are you sure you don’t want Molly or one of your children here with you?” Dr. Bartle had been my physician for 15 years. From his gentle tone and hesitant manner, I knew that this wasn’t a persistent flu or something similar. I’d been losing weight, had steady abdominal pain and off and on nausea for more than a month. The kids were out of the house and doing well in their careers and Molly was out of town helping her mother deal with the estate of her recently deceased...
I was a senior in high school at the time. Even twenty seven years later, I can remember everything about that Friday night. Well, everything except the movie. It was June, 1988 and I had just asked my long term crush out on a date. I couldn’t believe it when she accepted my offer to go to the cinema that Friday. Becky Waters was the most popular girl in school and I was pretty much not her type, she usually went for big, buff jocks but remarkably she said ‘yes’ to me. From that very moment, I...
HumorFor most of the summer, I had been having a sexual relationship with Gina – the 20 year old college student and next door neighbor. We kept it very secret so her parents or my non-sexual wife would not find out about it. I was giving her $500 every time we fucked so she could pay off a car loan – but after it was paid off, she wanted to continue with the same terms because she liked the money AND she really liked the orgasms I’ve giving her when I went down on her. And for me, the money didn’t...
I awoke early the next morning finding that both my mates were still sound asleep. As deftly as possible, I slid upward out from under the sleeping fur. They had worked very arduous last night slaving over me and I did not wish to disturb them. I quietly exited the hut and stood in the cold morning air stretching out my limbs. A faint light illuminated the eastern skies where the sun would eventually rise. Finches and meadowlarks announced the impending dawn, while small rodents rustled...
Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...
Casey and his mother had eagerly anticipated the event for months, perhaps years, subconsciously - The Annual Autumn Mother/Son - Son/Mother Dance, held by their secluded little town's high school. During the Spring school recess, the town's elders assembled and issued its list of this year's "Selected", the high school seniors and their mothers, who were to eligible to participate in the dance. And while the thought of being one of The Selected surprised him, he never really had any...
"Initiating recording, You may proceed Doctor Hangglock." A soft feminine voice intoned as a blue holographic table flicked to life before an being lounging on a seat his wide dick entirely held in a mutli-fingered, clamp like hand, almost missing the announcement as he was engrossed with a holographic simcast. "Oh shit!" The being shouted quickly muttered hitting buttons on his headset. "OH YEAH DADDY! SHOVE THAT TOUNGE UP MY SKLELK! How do you feel about me putting my tail up that third ass...
This class was important because of who sat two seats forward and to the right of me. I think you can probably venture a very accurate guess as to who that might be. When I walked into the classroom Mrs. Beals snapped her eyes to me briefly with a look of disdain and then continued her lecture. She didn't care that I was late, she just hated anything that drew attention from her when she was speaking. I edged through the room and took my seat; I had only then realized that I left my...
Well I'm married now, I have three little ones, and I've long since retired any notion of these desires to seek the company of the licentious and wild sort of girl. I love my wife and the family we have birthed, but regardless, my mind often wanders backwards into the unforgotten territories of my youth; the important memories, the painful memories - the good shit. This particular instance of which I'm about to tell of was one of those painful sort. This event in my life seeded...
Part 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...
ReluctancePart 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...
Reluctance"I have to find a way to break up with Paul," Will Truman told his friend, Jack McFarlane, over breakfast. "He's just not right for me. He's much to possessive for one thing." "My, I don't believe you and Grace," Jack responded. "You both have such bad taste." "I know..." Will started to agree with his flighty friend then paused when he caught the inferred insult. "He's so needy, and desperate. And he's always telling me how gorgeous I am." "Oh, yeah," Jack agreed...
Over the next two days, Grace got to enjoy Pepper's company in the apartment. He was playful and lovable as he greeted her at the door everyday. On this particularly hard day at work, she decided to relax with a good novel she had picked up. So, as soon as she got home, she headed straight to her bedroom and stripped off her clothes. All she kept on were her panties as she threw on her short kimono robe. Then she went into the livingroom, crashed in her favorite chair and opened the trashy...
Grace was flabbergasted at the absurd position she found herself in. Now don't take it wrong, she loved the fucking the huge dog gave her. But now, here she was on her hands and knees with the dog's cock still tied in her pussy but they were facing away from each other. "Thank god Will isn't here," she said aloud. And just as those words escaped her lips, she heard the front door lock being jiggled. "Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god!" Her eyes bulged as she panicked. "Its Will! What's he...
Meg stood behind the counter, in an empty Starbucks, making a latte. She liked working at Starbucks. When on shift, she achieved a relaxing zen-like state in the steady rhythm of making various incarnations of espresso. Being a barista was the ideal job for her in college. Right now she was finding it hard to focus on her work. She had a big exam coming up and she was worried that she wasn't going to do well. The shop rumbled as if a semi truck had passed by outside as if to emphasize that...
It had been a while since I was a center at one of Mark's parties. Due to work and well life I wasn't able to until recently. I got a phone call from Christie as I did just about once a week. She's always checking up on me and making sure I'm doing well. She's definitely a dear friend. Anyways, when she called me this time she asked if I were available for a party this coming Saturday. I checked my calendar and sure enough for the first time in ages, I didn't have to work. It had gotten to the...
He gives me an address for a block of apartments about 15 minutes' walk from my house. "I'll put some porn on in the background."It's a Friday night in November, about 11.45pm. It's cold outside, but I've had a couple of drinks. I take a coat and, leaving my wallet on the side of my bedroom table, my keys. Can't be too careful. There's an amazing amount of adrenaline rushing through me as I make my way through these familiar streets. I look at strangers as I'm on my way past. I'm mildly...
Irea smelled them approaching before she even heard the sound of their feet on the floorboards. Over the prevailing smells of ale, food, and sex that permeated the Lion's Pride Inn the scent of salty sea air wafted from the entrance as the worgen stepped in. The humanoid wolf-men stood easily at seven feet tall even with their hunched postures, their loose-fitting clothes hanging over muscular bodies covered in a layer of thick black fur. The smell of the sea had sunk into their fur, their...
A clatter smashed the quiet. Samantha exchanged a glance with her best friend and followed her to the kitchen. “Five!” Imani’s husband yelled. With his sneakers propped on the counter behind him, his rolling pin flattened the dough on the island countertop with each makeshift push up. Flour caked his muscled forearms. “Andre!” “What, baby?” He dropped to his feet, tossing an arm around Imani and rustling her wild curls. “See, this is called time management. Working out and baking....
Exploring The sun has just crested the volcano, its rays now warming the sand and sparkling in the water. We walk hand-in-hand, chatting a bit, trying to express the beauty of this isolated black sand beach with occasional expressions of 'wow' or 'this is so perfect, ' but failing to sound any more coherent than teenagers. I feel happy, we are finally together after months on the phone: we don't have to try to fit this into words, we can be quiet and share in the stark beauty of the...
“Hi Geri; that’s my brother’s name, but I see by your name tag you spell it differently. This is my wife to be, Meghan, my son to be Robby; and this is our home tutor for Robby, Maren; and this is our friend Allisyn, from our neighborhood back home.” “Good to meet all of you, and we’re delighted you’re here. We have organized activities, and sports, going on all the time, if you’d like to check the boards at any time you’re here. We have trail rides each day, or you can go as a group; we...
It started out as my boyfriend’s idea of course, but I must admit it sounded pretty good to me. Jason said he always wanted to see me sucking his cock and fucking me at the same time, but since he could not be in two places at once, he needed help. That is where his friend Jim came in. Now I liked Jim Ok, he was pretty good looking, and nice besides, but I did not want Jason’s friends thinking I was a slut either, so we came up with the disguise idea. Jim and Jason often went out on...
for the semester was finally in and the opportunity to finally blow off some steam had arrived. The music was loud. Everyone on the dance floor jumping up and down, rubbing each other. Sweet drops rolling down her back. She had thought about wearing a bra, but the opportunity to let her small breasts free was too tempting. She took another huge chug from her beer, maybe was a little bit drunk, and some of the golden yellow liquid spilled over her shirt. She did not care. She was...
Courtney was this amazingly beautiful brunette girl in my class that I just could not take my eyes off of. She was fairly average aswell, she had a couple of friends, both guys and girls, would hang out at the mall and party occasionally but what set her apart from the rest, for me atleast, were her feet. Most of the time she wore tomy’s or sneakers so that I wouldn’t be able to get a look at them and would have to weirdly gaze at her ankles. Other times though, when it got a little warm in the...
Four Months Ago: Kelly Drosin, M.D. Kelly was enthralled that she had finally completed her residency-training program and was now a full-fledged physician able to practice medicine on her own. No more of that idiot "Chief" resident assigning her "scut work" day in and day out. No sir, now she could practice medicine as she saw fit. And no hospitals either, Kelly wanted her own private practice and wanted to do it right here in Tacoma, Washington. Well, there was that little matter of the...
Mary Jane stood in the middle of the sound stage dressed in some ones idea of what a woman would wear on an African safari. Khaki shirt and shorts with way too many pockets and a pith helmet. Thick socks and hiking boots completed the outfit. Several men, similarly attired, were lying on the floor with fake blood smeared on them. A mousy little man who had been introduced to her as the director made a motion and the AD (assistant director) shouted, ‘Places everyone.’ There was some stirring...
My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...
Cheating WifesChapter Three: Need A Hand With That!Two days and nights had passed. And twice now I had jerked off in front of her, although the first by accident. The third night of her staying over, she informed me she had got me a movie to watch again tonight.I was a little excited inside, but also due to what I thought was a slight twinkle in her eyes as she told me, along with her soft smile. It felt like she was telling me, ‘I got a movie so I can watch you jerk off again tonight’, but being coy about...
First TimeWe started living together when we were not yet married. I was working nights at a computer processing center as a computer operator. My name is Jim. My girlfriend is Amy. We had met earlier in college and had formed a couple. Our sex life was good for me, but Amy always seemed to have problems cumming. She had been abused by a boyfriend in high school when she first started dating at 16 and she had never seemed to overcome the fears she had of going all out in the sex department. Since I was...
ToysTo Jacob, the thought of the Double-M without Ann and Susan was unthinkable. They were as much a part of this place as he was. Getting used to Juliette's absence was going to be tough enough. But he knew she and Jim would be coming to him in a few weeks, if not in a few days. He doubted they would wait very long before they actually wed, either. He stared at Marnie for a long time. In his heart, he knew she was right — as she usually is, Jacob cursed. Ann and Susan deserved as much...
"What are you doing?" William asked. From behind her cluttered desk, Victoria looked up at William. She answered, "I'm browsing the information highway." "Are you looking for anything in particular?" "Honey, the trick in this business is getting a feel for where information likes to hide. I spend a lot of time looking in the nooks and crannies of bizarre little archives scattered here and there. It is a never ending quest," Victoria answered. She glanced at the screen hoping that...
I was 22 years old at the time, and I had been crossdressing for a few years. For some reason I could never control my desire to put on women's clothes and prance around my apartment looking all sexy and slutty. Normally I can never decide what specifically to wear as I like to change it up all the time, from wearing latex lingerie to sexy roleplay outfits and beyond. I am 5'9 with a slim build, shaved body and long brown hair and eyes, with a 5 inch clitty cock. I had never had sex with a man...
CrossdressingWell, I guess I should tell you guys about my fiancee, let's call her Shela. Now, Shela's a very sexy woman, long black hair, blue eyes, she's slim and works out, nice legs, a big pair of D cups, and a nice ass that I wish she'd let me fuck. And when you get her wet, she will not stop till you cum. I've had her suck me off in the shower, fucked her in front of a hotel window that was open, I even fingered her in a hotel pool and she always made me cum one way or another, and fuck does she love...
The situation was surreal. Here we were, hurrying off to inaugurate a sexual relationship, yet we were sitting as far apart as the size of the cab would permit, staring angrily out of opposite windows without a word to each other. I was furious with Fran for having forced me to give way when all I wanted was for her own good, and I could see she was equally upset at my reluctance to give her what she wanted. But she was still eager; when we got to the flat she fumbled with the keys in her...