Karen's Sailing Adventure free porn video

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Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boat
again and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she has
done before, and loved.

As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it would
be a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat and
captain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for an
afternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for a
couple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a beer
and enjoy the sunshine. He said he would bring along one of his
friends as an extra crew member so we could either sail or just enjoy
the time aboard the boat as we wished. It was all booked for the
following week.

Karen was delighted when I told her and was really looking forward to
it. She asked about the boat and crew and where we would go. I told
her what I knew. On the day we bought some beer and food. Karen wore
a bikini with t-shirt and shorts over the top plus some deck shoes.
She looked great. She has short, dark hair, a beautiful smile and a
curvy figure.

We arrived at the boat in the early afternoon and was greeted by the
captain. He was in his 30s, athletic and tanned. He seemed relaxed
and happy to see us. He said his friend would be along shortly and
then we could get going. We stowed our things on the boat and then we
were given the guided tour. It was a modern sailing yacht about 40
feet long with a smooth, wooden deck and a few padded sitting/lying
areas up front. As we talked the captain smiled and joked and said it
should be a good day for sailing. Karen was enjoying being back on a
boat and laughed and chatted with the captain. They were getting on
well, talking about sailing in other parts of the world. The
captain's friend arrived. He as a little younger, but also tanned and
athletic. It was time to go.

Out at sea the wind was gentle, but steady, and we made reasonable
progress. We had opened some of the beers and Karen was at the helm
with the captain. She was relaxed and happy. It was a hot day and
she peeled-off her t-shirt. The captain and his friend both gave her
admiring glances and captain said it was great to have such a
knowledgeable and beautiful member of the crew onboard. Karen
laughed. She asked if they minded if she removed the shorts, too. Not
unsurprisingly, they said they would be fine with this. Karen joked
that given that she was wearing only her bikini now that the others on
the boat should also strip-down to shorts only. We were all happy to
comply with this. Both the captain and his friend were well toned and
Karen commented that she was the lucky one with a boat out at sea and
three good-looking guys.

A little later we found a sheltered bay and dropped anchor. I went
over to her and suggested we go and sit up at the bow of the boat.
Sitting there we talked about the day so far and then started kissing.
I slowly ran my hands along her body feeling the smooth warmth of her
skin. I suggested I should rub some sun tan lotion into her so she
didn't burn. She lay on her front and I applied the cream rubbing her
shoulders and along her arms. I could feel her relaxing as I did this
and she closed her eyes as I massaged her. After a while, the
captain's friend wandered past saying something about going to check
that the anchor was holding OK. As he came back, he cheekily asked if
we needed any help with the sun tan lotion. Karen lay there with her
eyes closed and did not respond back. I thought that this could be
interesting and I nodded to him. I squirted some of the sun cream
down Karen's back, stopping just short of her bikini bottoms. I
motioned to him and the friend came and knelt beside Karen and gently
started to rub the cream in. Karen still didn't move as I undid the
bikini strap on her top to make it easier for the captain's friend to
rub up and down the full length of her back. At the same time, I
applied some sun tan lotion to her legs and started to rub this in,
working up from her ankles to the back of her knees and up to her
thighs. As I did so, Karen slightly opened her legs and let me rub
the cream up between her thighs. By this stage, the captain's friend
was down to the small of Karen's back and was letting his fingers just
push beneath the top of her bikini bottoms as he continued to rub.

I thought to myself I would see how far she would let us go with this.
We had talked about this sort of scenario before, during sex, and
Karen had always said it is something she would do under the right
circumstances. I took hold of the tops of her bikini bottoms and
started to pull them down. Instead of resisting, Karen just raised
herself slightly to make it easier for me to peel them down over her
bottom and down her legs, leaving her lying there naked with me on one
side and the captain's friend on the other. She let out a relaxed
sigh. I applied a little sun cream to each buttock and the top of
each thigh. I motioned to the captain's friend that he might want to
rub it in. As he started to do this, I leant over and whispered in
Karen's ear to ask if she was enjoying herself. She turned her head
towards me, slightly opened her eyes and gave me a little smile and
nod. She then gave a little gasp and I saw that the captain's friend
had let his fingers slip right to the top of Karen's thighs and was
now moving his fingers along the lips of her pussy. He went back and
forward a few times before dipping a finger into her pussy. Karen
squirmed a little, and opened her legs more to make it easier for him.
He slipped another finger inside and gently pushed in and out. As he
moved his hand away, his fingers were glistening with a mixture of sun
tan lotion and her juices.

I thought that I would see how far Karen would take this. She has
always been adventurous and has her darker side, too. I whispered to
her that given how naughty she was being that a punishment was in
order. She looked at me and I quickly said that the traditional
punishment should be 10 lashes. The captain's friend, going along
with this, said that it was true and that she should really be tied to
the mast first! I laughed and agreed that we should do this properly.
We helped Karen up. She looked so beautiful standing there naked in
the warm afternoon sun light. We walked her over to the mast. I told
to face the mast and put her hands above her head. She nodded and
complied. I used the end of the sheet from the jib and tied her hands
together. I asked the captain's friend to reach-up and tie it to a
cleat on the mast. He pulled on the sheet and tied it off, having the
effect of adding tension and lifting Karen's arms further so she had
to partly stand on tip-toe. Her body stretched against the mast and
her hands bound was a really sexy sight. I asked her if she was ready
for her punishment. She nodded. I said she would have to say it out
loud. She panted 'Yes'.

By now, the captain had come over to join us now. I am not sure
whether he had seen this on his boat before, but he was not going to
miss-out on this experience. I asked if he had a whip or cat o' nine
tails on board. He did not, but he did find a spare piece of rope. I
asked Karen again if she was ready. This time she replied 'Yes'

I folded the rope a couple of times so it had a little more weight and
flicked it across Karen's back. She flinched. I asked her if she
wanted the next one harder. She paused then nodded. This time I
aimed a little lower and the rope hit across her bottom. She flinched
again and a red mark appeared where the rope had hit. I said to her
that I was going to let the captain do the next one. I asked her to
say yes to show that she was going to comply, and she did. I gave the
rope to the captain. He grinned and flicked the rope at Karen's back.
A red mark appeared. I said, 'Again!', and he flicked the rope once
more. I then said to Karen that the captain's friend would now have a
go and asked her to agree. She said, 'Yes'. I gave him the rope and
he gave Karen three quick hits on her thighs, bottom and back. She
wriggled around now as the number of marks on her back was growing. I
said that she had three left and that we were going to do one each and
that she would have to thank us each time. The captain went first and
flicked the rope across her bottom. Karen flinched as the rope hit.
I reminded her she needed to say 'thank you', which she did. I took
the rope, but before using it, I went up to Karen and turned her
around. She was now facing us, naked and exposed. I flicked the rope
across her breasts. Not too hard, but enough so she jumped a little.
'Thank you' she said. I went over to her and gently kissed and licked
along where the rope had hit and then kissed her long and deep on the
mouth. I then gave the rope to the captain's friend and pointed to
the Karen's pussy lips. I reached down and touched her wet pussy
lips. Perhaps you would like it just there, I asked her. She nodded
again and the captain's friend flicked the rope and it just kissed
onto her pussy lips. She squirmed again. 'Thank you', she said.
I said to her that I thought the captain and his friend had done well.
I loosened the sheet tying her hands and untied her. I led her over
to the cushioned area of the bow again. I then said to her that as
they had done so well with the rope that she should thank them
properly. Karen nodded her agreement, unsure of what that would mean.
I asked the captain and his friend to stand in front of Karen and I
said to Karen that she should ask each of them what they would like as
a thank you gift and that, if I was happy with the request, that they
would have their gift. Karen first asked the captain. He grinned,
looked at me and her, and then said that he would like her to suck him
off. She looked at me. I said that was fine, but that she would have
to kneel down in front of him and that I was going to tie her hands
behind her back. I asked her to agree. She hesitated for a moment
and I thought she might be about to stop at this stage but, finally,
she looked into my eyes and said 'Yes'.

She knelt down and I tied her hands behind her with the length of
rope. I kissed her deeply and she responded. The captain removed his
shorts. He approached Karen. His cock was long and straight and now
fully erect. I told her to open her mouth wide. She did do and the
captain let the tip of his cock enter her mouth. She moved her head
forward slightly and took it a little further in. She held it there
then she moved her head back before getting into a slow rhythm. She
looked so sexy. She had her eyes closed and her lips wrapped around a
cock. This was the first time I had seen her with anyone else. I
felt a slight mix of jealousy, but I was also feeling so turned-on.
She had, so far, done everything that I had asked her to do.
I said to the captain to hold the back of her head and push in deeper.
He quickly did this and pushed himself further into Karen's mouth
moving her head on and out his cock. Each time it came out it
glistened with her saliva. I said to Karen that I was going to tell
the captain to come in her mouth and that she should say that this was
OK. She looked up at me nodded her consent. The captain was
speeding-up now. Pushing in and out hard. A couple of times he
stopped and then pushed it all the way into Karen's mouth until she
was nearly choking before pulling out slowly. Not once did Karen
complain. She was wonderful. Finally, with a few quick strokes the
captain grunted and came. He pumped into Karen's mouth and a little
of his cum escaped at the side. He held her there for a few moments
and then released the back of her head before withdrawing.

I whispered in her ear 'Are you OK?' and she nodded, looked at me and
smiled. I helped her to her feet and asked the captain's friend to
stand in front of her. I said that she should ask him what he would
like. She looked at him then at me and then down to the deck. 'What
would you like as a thank you gift?' she asked. He looked at me and
then at Karen and said that he wanted to fuck her. I waited to see
how Karen would react. She looked at me. I waited a moment, letting
her hang-on for the answer. I said that I was going to let him do
this. I said that she would first sit on top of him and then she would
be taken from behind while bent over one of the lockers on the deck.
I also said the he would be allowed to come inside her. I asked her
to agree. She looked at me again. I nodded at her encouragingly.
She then said 'Yes'. I rubbed along her pussy lips with my fingers
and pushed a couple inside. She was very wet now and ready to be

I told the captain's friend to lie on the floor. He took-off his
shorts and lay down. His cock was a little longer and thicker than
the captain's and it was obvious that he was up for this! I helped
Karen kneel down, straddling him, with her glistening pussy hovering
just over his hard erection. He reached down and pushed her back
slightly while he guided his cock into her. She slipped easily down
on top of him. His cock going deep inside her. She sat still for a
moment and gave a little, happy sigh. She then start to move slowly
back and forth. I went over and knelt behind her and let my hands
wander over her breasts as she moved. She put her head back on my
shoulder and turned her head to kiss me. She still tasted of the
captain's cum, but I didn't mind as I was so turned-on. I kissed her
deeply as I felt the motion of her body rocking back and forth. The
captain's friend put his hands on her waist and helped her move up and
down on top of him. I watched as, each time, his cock appeared as she
went up, wet from her juices, before she pushed down and fully
engulfed it again. She was panting now and clearly enjoying the hard
cock inside and being watched while doing it. I then stood up again
and suggested that the captain's friend should turn her round and bend
her over. Again, I helped Karen stand up and move over to one of the
lockers on the deck. I positioned her over it with her bottom in the
air. The captain's friend knelt behind her and positioned his cock
between her pussy lips. He entered her slowly. At the same time, I
knelt in front of Karen, held onto her hair and pushed my hard cock
into her soft mouth. I could feel the push of the captain's friend
thrusting into her and she was expertly timing these thrusts with
taking me in and out of her mouth. She was panting more now and
gasping for breath slightly with her mouth full of my cock and the
thrusting from behind. She was close to coming. The captain's friend
increased his strokes and then said he about to come. I told him not
to hold back and I pushed Karen back a little. He hit hard with his
last few thrusts, grunted and came deep inside her. She looked up at
me and smiled. As he pulled out I lifted her up and kissed her. When
I then stepped back I could see her juices and the captain's friend's
cum dribbling down the inside of her leg.

I said to the captain and his friend that they could make themselves
scare for a while. Karen and I then lay down. I told her how much I
loved her and asked he if she had enjoyed that. She smiled at me and
nodded. I then moved on top of her and entered her, slowly taking her
while she looked up at me and wrapped her legs around me. She was
very wet now and I enjoyed the sensation. We both came hard.

Later that night, once off the boat, we discussed the experience.
From her reaction to this, and mine, I think we may be doing this
again soon!

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Sailing Adventure 4

Enflamed with lust after her husband offered her pussy to the captain, Marsha tells the crew, “I know the captain wants my pussy, since this is his boat, he gets the first turn.”Marsha slides over to Kurt. "Captain do you like my pussy? Did the crew tell you I have a nice little bush? I know you felt it this afternoon. Play with my tits like you did before."Kurt starts fondling her breasts again. She is very vocal and starts talking dirty. She leans up against Kurt and spreads her legs for the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Sailing Sweethearts

My neighbor’s two daughters have gone from giggling girls to young women during the time I’ve lived here. We’ve always been friendly since I even babysat for them when they were younger. They’re always welcome to use my swimming pool and I’ve enjoyed watching their young bodies develop, especially with the swimsuits which kept getting briefer and briefer as they matured. I’d gone half with a friend on a 35-foot sailboat in a big lake about an hour away. It had been years since I’d been able to...

2 years ago
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Sailing Chapter Three

Sailing Chapter ThreeThe next morning I awoke to find Linda and Janice no longer in bed and the covers were no longer on the bed as I lay there naked in the middle of the bed. The sounds of the boat resting in harbor as the sunlight streamed through the portholes helped bring me fully awake as well as the erection between my legs. I rolled off the bed and walked out into the galley not to find them and I went topside through the cockpit and found Linda sitting spread eagle on the cushions with...

3 years ago
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My sexy wife on a sailing boat

On Friday early afternoon I got home from my office and could not find Anita anywhere. Our house was empty…It was strange, since she had not texted me or called me to say where she would be. I went into the kitchen and found a handwritten note on the fridge. It said she was camping with some friends; I was welcome to come up but I could not stay the night there with them…I thought about it. If I go, I would be watching my wife being fucked, but if I stay at home, I would be alone; so I decided...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 27

Steve Oh my, I have to pee very badly. I was able to slip from the pile of bodies to stand in front of the throne for about an hour. Not really, but for a couple of minutes, at least. I was about to shake it off when long arms surrounded me to take my hands away and took hold of me. A recognizable voice said, "I'll do that. As soon as I do the same, let's use the shower real quick. This morning is going to be busy with people leaving." Long, tall Kathy sat on the pot while I turned on...

1 year ago
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Summer SailingChapter 4

DAY THREE “Drink the tea first, then we’ll face the music” was Cheryl’s solution. So, not such a worrier I think. There was a splash. I wanted to look out of the port hole, wondered what to cover myself with, shrugged – she’d seen everything already - and got out of bed naked and looked. Fred was swimming past the side of the boat. A further splash signalled that another had gone in. Cheryl came to look too, she wrapped the duvet round her, but as she went to get her clothes, I...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 2

Chuck Sheena woke me about one forty-five with a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Time to get up so you can relieve Dewey at two." I smiled and said, "I'll be right up. Would you put some coffee on before you go to bed?" "Already put it on, Chuck. Are you going to take anyone up with you? Dewey said all of the night people should have someone up there with them. It will make the watch easier to have some company." Lisa turned and said, "I'm getting up with Chuck. I'll keep him...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 23

Chuck I woke being hugged between Julie and Brandy. The two were really hanging on, but I needed to offload pretty soon. Sliding from the grasp of the two women, I saw that Lisa was sleeping with her head on Gina's cushions. I was going to go back to bed after using the head, but saw it was five fifty already and we were going to shove off early this morning. Instead of going back to bed, I hopped back to the head, showered, shaved, and quickly dressed to go see if anyone else was up. The...

2 years ago
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Sailing Weekend

It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows as the outline of her body showed through her dress so that it...

2 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex Part 3 Erotic Sex in the

It's Monday and we have a wee lie in after the previous days travel and sexual exertions. Eventually rising at 10, we shower and have a light breakfast before climbing up the hill to the old village which clings precariously on the edge of a steep wooded hillside. It's a twenty minute haul but well worth the effort. The views from the small taverna's veranda are spectacular taking in the many beautiful islands dotted around the crystal clear sea and the mountainous mainland.Drinking fresh...

3 years ago
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The Sailing Weekend

worked from home and only visited the office once or twice a week. It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows...

3 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 7

I spent the next forty minutes getting all the connections made in the North cabin, and went back to my cabin to clean up. I put on a clean shirt and shorts and headed down to the marina. When I got to the Princess, I found Audrey on the boat, tidying things up. "Welcome aboard Captain!" she said. "I think we're all ready to go.""Great!" I said. "Just let me check the engine, and we can cast off.""I think Judith already did that." Audrey said. She went to the door of the cabin and yelled down,...

1 year ago
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Sailing We Will Go

Copyright© 1995-2003 "There was a young sailor from Brighton Who remarked to his girl, 'You're a tight one.' She replied, 'Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one.'" -author unknown The slight westerly breeze promised a wonderful start to a week of sailing. The six-year-old sloops sails caught the wind only moments after leaving the breakwater. The forty-eight-foot ship creaked as the wind pressed it to starboard and the few...

3 years ago
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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 3 A Sailing We Will Go

The group moved to a more comfortable sitting room. While they were there the Emperor questioned Milo about where he came from. A mapmaker was summoned and charts were made up of the area of the island world where Milo was from. The meeting went late into the night. At the end it was decided that Milo would guide Tamarilla and her friends on a journey to the Island World. The Emperor supplied a sailing ship for the journey. It had the usual shallow hull of the ships plying the inland sea,...

3 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 6

As I approached the door of Uncle Ed's cabin, I noticed that all the shades were drawn and the interior was dimly lit. I knocked on the door and Audrey answered it and let me in. I was stunned at the sight. Audrey was dressed in a tiny little French maid's costume, no doubt something she'd found in the bottom drawer of the dresser. She was stunningly beautiful. She had put her hair up and had applied makeup that transformed her already pretty face into drop-dead gorgeous.The costume fit her...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 14

Chuck When Sue and Don relieved me at midnight, I went down to the office to check the rings I was going to hand out later that night. I separated eight of the rings, along with the special one I had made up for Lisa. The only difference between the special one and the others was that it had two brilliant blue diamonds on each side of the big diamond while the other rings had two bright red rubies on each side of a big diamond. The bands were wide, much wider than what a normal engagement or...

2 years ago
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Sailing Lesson

"Now, what would you do if you were in mid Channel and one of your crew is taken ill, he's in a lot of pain, can't move, has difficulty breathing and his face is very red?" She asks "I'd send out a 'Mayday' on the VHF," I promptly reply, looking smug. "Your electrics are down and it won't work," she replies Ah, now that's a bit of a bugger... let's see. "Well, um... I'd ask one of the other crew if they were a doctor?" I hazard. "Don't be facetious, on a boat this size...

3 years ago
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Sailing in Uncharted Waters

My wife and I have a small sailboat we keep on a the Great Lakes. It’s old but in really nice condition, and capable of cruising for days non-stop, which we do from time to time with a crew of friends, but usually we just daysail around our home area. That’s what we were up to on a nice hot day last summer. Under blues skies with small puffy white clouds, we had a nice breeze and had worked our way upwind, tacking back and forth, and were now about 7 or 8 miles offshore. Other boats could be...

4 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex

We board my 50 foot yacht, 'Adios', at lunchtime after a long early morning flight to Levkas. It's quite hot, 32 degrees, and instead of staying put we decide to sail down to Spartakhori, one of my favourite spots. After shopping at the mini-market and a quick snack at a teverna on the quay we return to the boat, cast off the lines and motor southwards down the Levkas Canal to the Ionian Sea.There are just the two of us, Suzy, my new girlfriend, and me. This is Suzy's first sail, she's a little...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 15

Steve I rolled over and almost rolled off the bed. My movement, while catching myself at the last minute, woke Sue who looked at me funny. She smiled at me and asked, "What are you doing up? You were on duty until two this morning! Sleep a little more." I looked at the clock and said, "It's already six and we should be near port by now. I want to be up when we enter that lagoon at the yacht club. Chuck probably won't have a problem but I should probably be there to help tie up. Let's...

2 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 9

DAY EIGHT Halfway and yet not half way. Joanne was still untried. But now I wasn’t sure if she would want to. Was she not interested in men? We radioed Joshua Handcook and crew and said we would head back to see what’s what. He said he’d follow. So we left the lovely little harbour and this time put up sail instead of engine. It meant having to tack down towards the sand spit and then tack away. I wondered how close we could go. I was ordered by a bevy of mutinous crew not to let us get too...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 3 Sailing

I had never been on a long ocean voyage before. I’d travelled a couple times on ships when we had gone to visit the southern properties, but the open ocean was a whole different experience I’d not had. So far, I’d never been seasick. I think my merman genes had a lot to do with that. I had also discovered there was something new I could do with my magic. My fourth discipline was Physics. I could shape liquids and move air. I had a plan to make the voyage more pleasant. In one of the...

3 years ago
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Serious Mistake Going Sailing

Matthew was the only one on my chat list that actually lived in the same town as I did. We chatted a while before we decided to meet. I was attracted to his powerful large body and somewhat forceful nature online. However, there were things about him that bothered me; like how private he was about his life and especially what he did for a living. He would just simply change the subject and tell me he didn’t want talk about it right now because he had a bad day. While chatting & drinking...

1 year ago
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Sailing With Mom

My name is Kyle and I'm 20 years old. I've recently taken up sailing. When I told my mother about it, she was very interested in my new hobby. "I think we should go sailing, just the two of us. It'll be great!" she told me over the phone. "But, Mom, you're nine months pregnant. Are you sure your stomach can handle the open waters?" I asked. She hadn't had a child since giving birth to my twin sister and me when she was only 16. After talking to my father, they agreed to have another...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 9 Sailing the Incestuous Seas

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna Excitement swelled through me. I adjusted my new tulwar that hung off the belt I wore over my robe. It was local garb, a deep shade of blue. It felt...

2 years ago
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Sailing Holiday

This happened a few years ago and is completely trueWe were on a sailing holiday and had chartered a 36 foot yacht in Croatia. I don’t like wearing clothes and sailing in a warm climate is great for naturist.Our normal plan is to sail to a lunchtime swim spot and move on to a more sheltered anchorage for the night, planning our lunch departure to arrive in daylight. Normally there is time for another swim then get showered, Gin and Tonic evening meal out or on board depending on where we are....

4 years ago
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Sailing away

Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, close to any of the thousand Greek islands, a white silhouette breaks the waves. My old sailing boat, not too big, not too small. The sails fully extended and the wind is gentle but constant. I'm at the steering wheel and you are mixing us some drinks. I look at the horizon while you take off your dress and try to get some sun. Your white skin is too sensitive you ask me to apply some cream on your back. I put the boat automatic pilot on and proceed to grab...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Smooth Sailing

Jess’s flesh tingled. The breeze caught the back of her knees as a reminder of how much bare flesh she was choosing to expose today. She flexed her warm toes in her suede boots, enjoying the feel of Kane’s bold, hot cock inching it’s way further towards the warmth between her legs. Around them, at the public event, people were watching the beautiful sailing boats competing on the water. In the half an hour or so since the first spectators had arrived. a small crowd was now gathered. Jess and...

1 year ago
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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

2 years ago
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Cindy has a sailing lesson

For Cindy397Cindy had organised a sailing lesson for a few days, I was assigned to the job, as there was going to be only 2 people on board I was given the smallest yacht to take.When I met Cindy at the boat, I was glad to see a very attractive lady, smartly dressed for the occasion, but I kept my thoughts to myself and tried to remain professional. I introduced myself as Tom, went through the itinerary, and we were soon on our way.After several hours we arrived at our overnight stop, a very...

1 year ago
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Smooth Sailing

Jess's flesh tingled. The breeze caught the back of her knees as a reminder of how much bare flesh she was choosing to expose today. She flexed her warm toes in her suede boots, enjoying the feel of Kane's bold, hot cock inching it's way further towards the warmth between her legs. Around them, at the public event, people were watching the beautiful sailing boats competing on the water. In the half an hour or so since the first spectators had arrived. a small crowd was now gathered. Jess and...


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