Amazing Hospital Stay free porn video

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Stefan, a nurse, had the pleasure of nursing Ella back to health for the last week and a half. He got into the field like most health care professionals because he enjoyed helping others and making them smile again after going through tough medical times.

He loved chatting up the male patients about booze, sports, and working out, and flirted with the females, made jokes, and was generally a blast of fun.

Occasionally, some of the patients would be young and/or hot and Ella happened to be one of them. Over the years, he had to resist going too far with his flirting and crossing the sexual line but Ella was an early 20's soccer player with reddish brown hair, a light tan, and the most amazing ass he'd seen. He thought the word "mooning" came from her because her ass looked as such. It was round and begging to be groped, tasted, played with, and fucked.

Ella had been ill the past week with pneumonia and wasn't very talkative for obvious reasons. He was in and out of her room with her meals, snacks, and medicines. He took her blood pressure, blood tests, and other tests.

It was only in the last couple of days that she was becoming chattier and even a little flirty. With her getting better, it wouldn't be long before she was going to be leaving and if he wanted a chance at some ass play with her, he had to make a move soon.

It was around 7am this morning and he knocked before entering her all-white room. He had a tray of oatmeal, which resembled soup with little fruit pieces in it, an apple, and some orange juice. Also with him was her first dosage of 3 times a day pills.

Ella was lying in bed under the white, flowery sheets with her head at an incline while watching the Today Show. Her light brown eyes were still half-hidden beneath her eyelids.

"Good morning, Ella. Breakfast is served!" Stefan said as he sat her meal and cup of pills on the rotating table connected to her bed. "Did I wake you?"

"Yaaawwwnnn," Ella yawned with her arms stretched skyward. "No, not at all. I'm glad to see you. How are you?"

Stefan moved the table in front of her. "I should be asking you that."

Ella sat up, grabbed the spoon, and slurped her oatmeal. "I'm better. Not sure how long that's going last eating this stuff. Can someone pick up some IHOP for me or I'd even take Denny's."

"I'm sure that's not in the hospital's budget."

"Oh, well. I tried. I tell you one thing. The better I feel, the more certain feelings come back to life."

Stefan folded his arms. "What kind of feelings?"

"Well, um, urges."

He lifted a brow. "Like what?"

"Like down below."

"Oh, those. I think I get it."

"Oh, my!" Ella said as she stopped mid-slurp. "I can't believe I'm talking about that with you."

Stefan chuckled. "Well, you've told me about your older brothers and sisters, how you ran track in high school, how you aspire to play soccer for the U.S. women's team, and how you're a Psychology major in college. Why not know about your 'urges', too?"

"I guess I have told you quite a bit."

"I know this may be pushing it a bit but," Stefan said as he leaned close to her, "you're beautiful and you have a nice ass."

Ella froze with the cup of OJ in her hand. Stefan's nerves were going berserk and his stomach was churning. On top of that, this cock was solid and she could have seen it pressing against his scrubs. He just put the fate of his career in her hands but he couldn't help it. That ass made him do it! He felt dumb but it was done and he had to live with the consequences.

Ella unthawed, cleared her throat, and ran her fingers through her hair. "You think so?"

"I do and I had to tell you. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"Uh, I didn't expect you to feel that way."

She grabbed her apple from the tray and he cleared the table. "I'll get this out of your way."

Stefan noticed she didn't say much else. He thought he screwed up and just left. It was on his mind for the next few hours and it was ripping at his gut!

It was around 11pm and his boss hadn't called him into his office yet and he hadn't been escorted off the premises. Both good signs but he didn't know how Ella was going to feel about the shot he had to give her.

It was some antibiotics but she had to take the shot in her ass. Prior to this day, he happened to be on break, lunch, or gone when she needed the shot and someone else did it but now he was there. He reveled at the thought of finally seeing that thick, toned ass but only if she was okay with it after what he told her earlier.

He knocked on the birch wood door and eased inside with the capped syringe and some alcohol pads on a small metal tray.

Ella was breathing in short breaths and moaning softly with her eyes shut. The sheets were moving in a distinct rhythm where her crotch was. Stefan figured she was playing with her pussy and was so deeply into it that she didn't hear him enter.

Stefan couldn't help but watch for a moment. She was gasping and shoved the sheets down a bit. Her gown was up around her tits and he could see her tanned tummy. He was rock hard and his arousal was so intense his hips shook involuntarily.

He thought it would be awkward to interrupt her but she needed her shot.

He closed the door, knocked harder this time, and said, "It's Stefan! Time for your medicine!"

He heard her fidgeting in the sheets and her muffled voice through the door responded, "Come in!"

This time when he went in, she was just lying there pretending to watch TV with the remote on the rotating table before her.

"Hey Ella," he said as he pulled the green curtains around her bed. "It's your favorite time!"

Ella pulled her knees into her chest, trembled, and focused on that thing on his tray and it wasn't the alcohol pads. "Oh, no. Is it shot time?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I never get used to those no matter how many shots I get."

"I'll make it quick and it won't be as bad as you think. By the way, I understand that the female nurses gave you shots before. You can keep it that way if you so desire."

Stefan waited in anticipation hoping she would say that it didn't matter.

Ella said, "No, it's fine. You can give it to me."

Stefan smiled on the inside and was waiting for this moment—to see that naked ass!

Ella outstretched her arm on the table and made a fist. She must have been a little confused.

Stefan said, "Um, this shot has to go in your backside."

Ella shifted her eyes left and right, right and left. "Oh, okay."

She shuffled off the bed and turned to face it. She lifted her gown and Stefan watched as her white panties became visible. They made a "V" shape and her ass couldn't be contained by them. He was going crazy thinking about getting his mitts on it. He rubbed his cock through his scrubs with her back to him. It was difficult for him not to!

Further up her gown went until most of her back was exposed. As expected, she had some definition to her back muscles and a line down the center where her spine was. She was braless. Her tanned skin looked smooth and beautiful and he wanted to kiss all over it.

With a hand, she held her gown up by her tits and with the other, she pushed her panties down. The top of her panties stopped about halfway down her ass and her crack peeked out. They may have been low enough to give her the shot but he tugged them a down further until most of her ass was in view. Her legs were becoming dough and she placed her free hand on the bed.

Stefan snapped on his gloves and tore open the package holding an alcohol pad while admiring her ass. He was trying to see what her asshole looked like. It was dark inside her cheeks and he couldn't see much but he imagined himself licking it and feasting on it. He wanted so much to know what it tasted like. How he would feel with his cock in it.

He could see her pussy lips, which were swollen and had some juices that leaked out. Stefan was losing it so he went ahead and rubbed the alcohol pad over the top of her ass.

"How are you doing?" Stefan asked.

"Just fine and dandy!"

"Good because here it comes!" he said as he uncapped the syringe as her butt clinched.

He gave her the shot and he kept staring at her butt until the syringe emptied.

She glanced over her shoulder. "Is it over?"

"All done. See, it wasn't that bad."

Ella pulled up her panties and let her gown drop. "It may have been better because you were here."

"I'll take that as a compliment, thanks."

"It was meant to be. Are you sure you weren't a model in a previous life?"

"I'm sure. About what I said earlier, that was unprofessional of me."

Ella sat on the bed and held his hand while gazing up at him. "Don't worry about it. Maybe more guys should express how they feel. It's not like you're being creepy or anything. Sometimes, they might find out the woman was into them, too."

Stefan wondered if she tossed a hint at him. "Yeah. I guess I should get your lunch."

Ella didn't flinch. She held her eyes on him and he sensed the electricity firing off in the room. She broke from the moment just long enough to glance at the wall clock next to the mounted TV.

"Can you bring it around 1? I'm not hungry right now."

Stefan nodded. "I can do that."

Ella let him go and crawled into the sheets.

While he was pulling the curtains back to leave, she said, "I wouldn't mind if you came back without any food or medicine, too. I mean if you had time. Maybe we could play a bit and you could see more of that ass you like so much?"

Stefan tugged on his collar to let the steam out. "Oh, um, right."

As he was walking out, he was in disbelief. Things like this just didn't happen to him. He thought maybe the medicine was making her horny or delirious. Either way, he wanted to take her up on her offer.

When 1pm came, he arrived at her door with another tray. This time, he had some baked chicken, egg noodles, string beans, some iced water, and a chocolate Hershey's bar.

He knocked on the door but she didn't respond. He listened closely but there was no activity in the room. The TV was also off.

He went inside. Ella must have told someone to close the window's curtains. The room was dark with some sunlight framing the window.

She was lying on her stomach with her head turned aside and was napping. The only noise in the room was her breathing. Though the sheets were covering her, Stefan could see where it was raised up where her ass was.

He sat her tray down as quietly as he could and stared at her. A naughty thought crossed his mind. What if he played with her while she was napping? She did say he could see her ass but he wasn't sure to what extent she meant. He could tell she was into him but would that be right?

Stefan sighed, pulled the curtains, and sat on the bed opposite the side her head was facing. His heart was pumping hard and his body was crumbling. He reached for the sheets but he stopped.

He recalled that she said she wanted to play and that gave him the courage to keep going. He unfolded the sheet from her body and laid it below her knees.

He tried to look under her gown but he'd have to lift it to see more. All he could see now were her golden brown legs running beneath it.

He pinched the bottom of the gown and lifted as much as he could but the front was pinned underneath her body. Still, he was able to see most of her panties.

He caressed her between her legs. She was giving off much heat and her panties were soft and a little wet. He glided up to her ass. Her ass felt mostly firm but jiggled a little to his touch.

Stefan took the top of her undies in his fingertips and pulled them down as much as he could. He played with his cock with one hand while rubbing her butt with the other. Her bare bottom felt even better without his gloves or her panties in the way.

Ella wiggled around. He wasn't sure if it was because of his fondling or a natural reaction in her sleep.

Stefan eased over her and laid kisses over her lower back, over her left cheek, and then her right. He licked a cheek and dragged it into her crack. Ella shifted around again and she softly moaned. Her eyes were still closed and he thought maybe she was moaning in reaction to something in her dreams.

He spread her cheeks and licked them on both sides of her asshole before running his tongue around the rim of it. Her asshole was a natural light brown color though she was mostly clean.

Stefan sniffed deeply. She gave off a faint, pungent smell but it turned him on even more that someone so beautiful could be so dirty. He gave her hole a long, slow lick across it, and licked back in the other direction. It had a bitter but delicious taste.

He lapped at it a few more times while kneading a cheek in his palm.

He let his tongue travel through the length of her ass to her pussy. Its juices reminded him of the sweetness of a pineapple. He parted its lips and ran his tongue around within her flesh.

Back through her ass he went and he stopped again on that asshole he couldn't get enough of and gave it a few long strokes of his licker.

He sighed. He couldn't get off nor could he get into the ass play as much as he wanted. He was being pulled in another direction by his job. Certainly someone was needing him. Not only that, he hoped Ella wouldn't mind what he did. The pressure was becoming too much and he got a soft-on.

He pulled her panties back up, lowered her gown, and covered her with the sheets.

He opened the curtains and left.

A couple of hours later, while sitting at the nurses' station down the hall from Ella's room, one of Stefan's coworkers had a message for him.

Stefan was going through some files when he was told that Ella requested his presence. His b**st, which was still half-awakened, sprang to attention.

He hopped out of his chair and scurried past the other patients and staff to Ella's room.

He bypassed the customary knock and dashed to her bedside. She rolled on her side to face him with her arm bent beneath her ear.

Stefan said, "I heard you wanted to see me so I got here as fast as I could. What's the matter?"

Ella brushed her hand over his cock. "I know what you were doing to me while I was sleeping. I was mad but because you stopped. You left me hanging."

"Wha, what? I was hoping I wasn't out of line. Your ass tastes so good and I wanted to play with it some more but had to get back to work."

Ella sat up. "Do you have time now?"

"I'm sure I could spare a few minutes." Stefan pulled the curtains around the bed. He tugged on her hip and rolled her onto her stomach. "Get up on your knees, Ella."

She complied and was now on all 4's with her gown covering part of her panties. Stefan shoved her gown to her middle back and ripped her panties to her knees.

With her resting on her elbows, her ass was sticking up and her asshole was puckering at him like it was waiting to be kissed.

He separated her cheeks and kissed her puckered hole before licking it all over hungrily and he pushed his tongue inside. It was still bitter, maybe more so, but was no less appetizing.

He stiffened his tongue and fucked her asshole with it. Ella was quivering hard and clutching the bed.

His licker traced around her wrinkled hole and back in with a few flicks against the inside. He went back to swirling his tongue over it in a heated franticness.

Stefan pushed a finger in her anus, wet with his saliva, and it squeezed it. Her flesh moving to his fingering had her squealing.

He reached into his pants and took out his cock. It was thick and stiffened to where it was aching for some action.

He added a finger to her butthole while he was stroking his manhood.

Ella was grunting. "Grr. Mmmmm, that feels wonderful..."

Her soft, bedroom voice was almost as much a turn on as playing with her sweet ass. He wanted to hear her moan while fucking her with his cock.

Stefan fingered her slowly as far as they would go, pulled them back until the tips were almost out, and slowly, he pushed them back in.

He noticed her half-eaten Hershey bar and swept it from the table. His digits went back to stroking the insides of her ass while he held the bar in his other hand until it melted enough that he could smear it through her crack and onto her asshole.

Stefan was salivating at tasting her ass mixed with the chocolate and he dove right in.

"Mmm, you are so damn delicious," he said between breaths and licks.

The bitter/sweet mixture was indeed tasty.

Ella reached back to spread her cheeks. "Oh, yeah, lick my ass good..."

And he did, getting his tongue into her hole again. He curled it and cleaned the gooey chocolate from around it, too, but left some on purpose.

"I'm going to fuck your ass, Ella," he whispered.

"Um hum."

He slid off the bed, pulled her to the edge until her feet were touching the floor, and pushed on her back. He was so riled up just by looking at her from behind.

Her panties were at her knees and he left them there to restrain her somewhat.

Stefan lowered his boxers and pants to his knees. He positioned his swelled head at her forbidden chute and guided it in until it opened for him. The gooeyness of the candy provided some lube albeit a little sticky. Ella was already hollering out.

He moved his hips ahead further until her asshole was trying to swallow his cock. The tightness gripping it was intense and when he began fucking her, the snug fit was driving powerful feelings through his dick and thighs.

He groped her cheeks and filling her most naughty place caused him to grow harder. His cock massaging her hole had Ella shifting and squirming.

Stefan could feel his tip get a little wet—a few drips leaked from his head. Both of their breaths were in sync while he pumped into her. She was clinching onto his b**st and she patted the sheets.

He pounded her ass with such intensity that he was reaching the edge.

"I love fucking your dirty little ass!" he said.

"Yyyeeaahh, I'm about to cuuummm!"

Stefan's balls were slapping against her as he went harder, deeper, and faster to where he hollered and burst his cum inside. He wound down his fucking but stayed in while Ella rubbed her clit until she came, too. She quaked and laid her head down.

He pulled away to let his cum trickle out of her ass.

As he went semi-limp, Ella spun around. "I have to taste your cock."

She held it and licked it clean of chocolate and cum. She pressed her tongue into the tip of his head and he moaned while tugging at her reddish brown tresses.

He threw himself onto the bed next to her. It wasn't enough room for them to lie side-by-side so she laid upon him. Their bodies were hot and sticky but neither cared.

Her gown was still above her tits and her erect nipples rubbing on his chest were nice.

He put her arm around her. "I loved that. Too bad you're going home tomorrow."

"I am? That's good but sucks in a way."

"At least you don't have to worry about eating crappy hospital food anymore."

"Had I known you felt the way about me you did, I would just eat this," Ella said as she grabbed his cock again.

Stefan sadly slid her hand away. "Don't do that or I'll have to fuck you again."


"Anyways, your primary care physician, Dr. Shaw, will be calling in some prescriptions for you when you leave."

"Speaking of her, I heard Dr. Shaw fucked one of her patients in her office. Can you believe that?"

Stefan disconnected from her, stood at the bed's side, and dressed himself properly. "I'm sure it's a rumor but I guess you never know."

Ella snuggled under the sheets. "She's so pretty that it could have happened. Anyhow, I'll see you later?"

"For sure..."

Stefan left and couldn't quit thinking about the last fifteen minutes.

The next day, Ella was dressed in a dark blue shirt and jeans with a bag holding her personal effects.
She slowed her pace when she neared the nurses' station. Stefan spotted her and took the elevator with her to the lobby.

They walked through the automatic sliding doors to the outside. Stefan thought it was nice to see the sun and blue sky from the outside for once! One the other hand, Ella was leaving and that wasn't so great.

She turned, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him. "Thanks for making my stay better than I could dream of."

"Um hum. You were my favorite patient for sure," she said as he hugged her.

He had to sneak in one more rough grope of her ass that was displayed perfectly by her jeans.

"Mmm, too bad I have to go. My roommate, Alyssa, is here."

"Um, you should give me your number so we can see each other again."

"You already have it," Ella said as she patted his hips. "Bye!"

She climbed into Alyssa's car and drove off. She waved at him and that was the last he saw of her.

Stefan went back into the lobby and wondered what she meant by "you already have it."

He could have looked it up in the patient records but would be risky without a legit reason to do so.

He pondered what to do when he approached the lobby drink machine. He reached into his pocket for some change but heard rustling in addition to the jingling.

Out of his pocket, he pulled a folded piece of crumpled scrap paper. He unfolded it and there were Ella's digits scribbled over it. He was already getting hard. Her ass was certain to be his again!

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When we were eight hours from Tau Ceti, Anu had everyone suit up in their Gore-Tex suits. He arranged our approach to Bangalore so we were shielded by Tau Ceti 4. We came up on Bangalore so we were on the opposite side of the moon from the hospital. Anu skillfully parked the Endeavor in synchronous orbit shielded by the moon. Day 1 Bangalore: Sushi, James, Marsha, and I launched the F-16s. As soon as we came out of the moon shadow, our bodies switched to wired WE mode. We were under WE...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 25 Katie Visits the Hospital

Katherine Jackson, the sexy married wife, was worried that her neighbor suffered a medical episode a few weeks ago because of her. What if she had caused his condition? What if he told the medical staff about what he and Norman had done to her? Maybe his condition was caused by the accident? Would he back out of their deal and sue her? The sexy mother and wife desperately tried to clear her head as she tried to find employment but she was ashamed about what she had done to save her...

2 years ago
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Sex inside Hospital

I am going to narrate an incident, which happened in the hospital when my mama was hospitalized. As the charge of special room was very high, we preferred to take a semi special room there is a partition in between the room and also curtains but the door is same. So that relative of the patient staying in night can stay in the other part of the room. If you put on the curtains you can stay privately. Uncle was admitted for having some problem with his k**ney and has to operate it. He was around...

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The Hospital Room

The man had the odd feeling of being in two places at the same time. He was aware of the hospital room but he had the sensation of another place around him as well. The sound of grieving voices was telling him to go to the light and someone was speaking in a language he knew from his youth. The voice was telling him it was alright for him to go. ‘What light?’ ‘I don’t want to go anywhere.’ He thought to himself. But, it was hard for him to remember how long he had been in the hospital room....

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Sex in the Hospital With Nancy

Recently, I visited a friend in the hospital. As I walked through the hallways, I was overcome by the fond memories I had experienced while training there many years earlier. This is the story of Nancy, my preceptor. Your ratings and comments are greatly appreciated. I was training at a local hospital to become a medical technologist in the late 1980’s. I had decided to enter he medical field because: one; I needed a job that paid better than my current one, and two; I actually enjoyed the...

1 year ago
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A Hot Virgin Attendant At The Hospital

Hello all, myself Niranjan with my second story. Thanks for the good feedback on my previous story of . About myself, I’m Niranjan (aka Niru) from Bangalore, 22 years old, with a 5’11 tall stature. I have an ok build but athletic, quite good looking and cute. Let’s start off. One fine morning my eyes started to hurt whenever I used to blink. It was red and swollen a little. So my mom insisted me to go to the nearby hospital for a check-up. I got ready wore my sunglasses (so that no one gets...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Hot Nurse In The Hospital

Hi ISS readers. This is Gaurav  with a story from my diary. It was the year 2011 and I had joined a new company in Vapi, Gujarat. I used to come to Mumbai to my home every Saturday-Sunday. In September 2011, one of my uncles felt sick. We used to go to visit him at the hospital in Kalyan. After a few days, he started recovering. Me and uncle’s son used to stay in the hospital at night to look after him. It was my 3rd day at the hospital. It was kind of boring to stay in the hospital where all...

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Thirty Days In Hospital

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is total fiction. The characters do not exist nor are they meant to portray anyone who does or ever did. The story is ADULT in nature. That means its porn boys and girls and therefore not meant to be read by persons under the age of at least 18 years. In fact, 20 would be better. If you don’t fall into this category, GO AWAY! NOW! Go read Dick, Jane and Sally and leave the adult stories to ADULTS! One more thing, if you don’t like descriptions...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Good Hospital Care Is Hard to Find

The door barged open and before I could react, like a drill sergeant, she barked out, “Visiting hours are over… time to leave.” I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights as I stood pressed against the safety rail of Maggie’s hospital bed pants puddled around my ankles and a very thick and swollen penis pushed through the rail opening so that Maggie could get her mouth to it. Six days earlier Maggie had entered the hospital for back surgery. Though the...

1 year ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 11 50 Million to Serve

After I saw the Endeavor launch, I went and scrubbed for surgery. I chose Dr Crosby as my assistant and Dr. James as my anesthesiologist. Marsha had Dr. Gertz as her assistant and Dr. Smith as her anesthesiologist. We started on our first two patients. We performed surgery on six patients today. We switched our doctors around to give them all the most experience. After the surgeries I had the doctors all meet with me for a debriefing. I was pleased for many reasons. The doctors were all very...

1 year ago
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One Slip A Hard FallChapter 2 At the Hospital

Donna: In the grim black and white ruins of Donna's world, there remained a window of hope. One magic portal back to the land of colors and living creatures, but blocking the door like a lineman on a pro football team was Darlene's husband Bill. Rational thought had died for Donna when she got Darlene's clipped voice mail in her hotel room. "Steve's had a massive heart-attack, they don't think he'll make it, DON'T come to the hospital, but you might want to start getting the legal...

2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 34 Hospital Visit

I called Cicely to pass on what I had found out about Master PC's influence over the Dragons and the progress being made to counter the issue. Afterwards, I decided to pay a visit to Russ in the hospital. Knowing that the speed Dragon had attacked only because he wasn't in control of himself, I felt even more responsible for his condition. Meg, however, pointed out a problem. "Steven is at the hospital watching over him. He's not going to let you get near him Lord Setton." "Then...

3 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 8 Exam at the hospital

Introduction: The following chapter of this story is not intended to be erotic. If you have not read the previous chapters to this story you will likely not understand this chapter at all so please read the others first. I wrote this chapter as a necessary part of this story. The story will continue with further chapters and those will again be erotic but with the subject matter of this chapter it was not fitting. Thanks for your understanding. I didnt sleep very much that night. No sooner then...

2 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks

Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won't name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...

4 years ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 8 The Hospital Stay

My new body was healing rapidly. One of the first things I noticed was that the horniness of adolescence was even worse than I remembered. Maybe it was the virility my powers gave me or maybe it was just the presence of the lovely Sarah, I don't know. But as I healed, I was almost painfully aroused quite a bit of the time. Surprisingly enough, there is no shortage of attractive women working in hospitals. Between doctors, nurses, aids, technicians and administrators I found a number of...

2 years ago
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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my ‘appointment’ last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage – the result of not having had sex for over a week – started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend’s office was situated...

2 years ago
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Hospital surprise

Recently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...

2 years ago
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Hospital surprise

Recently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...

1 year ago
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My wife and the black hospital janitor

Wife Does The Black Hospital JanitorI Was married to Kathy for many years and never found out about her 'dark side?. To me, she was just another prudish wife, doing all the normal things. Church, helping people, just a nice wife. Our sex life wasn't always the best. Now I know why. Been divorced a few years now and I found out about her black lovers one day when I went over to her place to help her out with some needed fixes at her house. Happened to run into one of her black overs as he was...

2 years ago
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Fucked By Dr Sunil In Hospital 8211 Part 5

Hi guys, thanks a lot for feed back . Please comment again if you like my this part which I am pretty sure. Dirty nasty comments are always welcome.Story ke taraf atee hai .Mere or sunil ke affair ko 6 months se zeyada ho chukka tha mere life abb pahle se bht badal chuki thee abb mai aik bht he modern or bold women thee mere dressing mera attitude sub kuch sunil ke waja se bht hot or bold ho chukka tha an of course mere or sunil ka sex unlimited had tak barh chukka tha abb jub tak hum 1dafa sex...

3 years ago
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MBBS Doctor Fucked In Hospital

Pichle hafte mere cousin ka accident ho gyea tha.Uske parents usko hospital le gye vo kafi serious tha mujhe uncle ki call ayi vo mujhe bole aap hospital me aa jao.Uska dhyan rkhne ke lea maine sham ki train li aur pahunch gyea. Accident bahut major tha he was in emergency dr. Boli operation krvana padega knee tut gyea tha mera uncle roo rha tha har taraf matam shea hua tha relative or friends aa rhe tha sabhi patients ke.Ma patient ke ps baitha hua tha mujhe bahut tensn ho rhi thi ma upset...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed Sex With Hospital Staff Nurse

Hi I am new to this iss and a regular reader of it and now let me tell you about my own sex experience with you people. I am Kumar 30 male from Hosur Tamil Nadu with a normal figure with little fat and i work as a duty doctor in a hospital and going to narrate how enjoyed a nurse in my hospital. She was a new staff (Veni) to our hospital and she was in her teen age just entered as a fresher. Veni had a slim body with a good curvy structure and nice boobs and a perfect ass both correct in size...

1 year ago
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Sex In Hospital

Hi to all ISS readers and I’m Sachin from Mumbai name changed due to security. I am of 21 and story is of my friend Snehal she is also 21 and I’m a regular readers of ISS and big fan of it. Yeh meri pehli story hai kisi galati ke liye mafi chahata hu. Main abhi seedha story pe ata hu yeh kuch lagabagh 8-9 mahine pahle ki bat jab mai Mumbai me study kar raha tha main roz jab bhi bored hota ta tha aisehi ek din Maine dekha ki muze ek ladki ki friend request hai to maine turant receive kar li....

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Momma momma what am i doing in the hospital Part 3

Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year old boy Beth 17-year-old big sister Miley 5 -year-old little sister Authors note: I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 2 to make it an easier read. Hope you enjoy my story! Hugs Princess I look over at Miley smiling at me in her baby car seat, but I don't want to get in trouble, especially before we get home. I...

4 years ago
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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my "appointment" last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage - the result of not having had sex for over a week - started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend's office was situated...

4 years ago
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Rannabhabhi In Hospital Part I

This episode happened during my college days. One of my friends was not well and had been admitted in a small nursing home. We friends had gone to the hospital to see he directly from college, when we went there his drips was going on and he had fever, his mom was sitting besides him. While we were sitting there and talking his mom told that his father and elder brother are both out-of-town hence she will be staying back at the hospital for the night. I felt bad for aunty so I volunteered for...

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Hospital Volunteer during COVID

We are all suffering in some way from the Pandemic and being on lockdown is never fun. I have been isolated with my family and while I love them, the experience has been less than ideal. Beyond the general getting on each other’s nerves, being together so much has really cut into my sex life. Even just with my husband and not expanding out with friends it has been difficult to find the privacy, in a full house, to get a really good fuck in. My husband has continued to work outside the home and...

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Doctor mom fucked by hospital workers

Hi this is Raju and am 22 years old.My dad is a buisnessman and he is 49 old and my mom is doctor,gynaecologist and fertility special and she is a famous doctor in our place.My mom name is Velamma she is 38 years old.She is a tupical South Indian women.She is so fair like milk white.Her long hair which extends upto her ass and her blue eyes and pink lips are so sexy to watch.Her huge round breasts are like ripen watermelons and her sexy waist and fatty ass cheeks giggles when she walks...

3 years ago
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Fallen Earth Caught in the Hospital

“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 5 At the Hospital

The drive to the hospital was uneventful and easy enough. Tim’s mother, Juanita, parked the family SUV in a General’s parking spot, right outside the front entrance to the emergency room. Tim’s father, Raymond, who was standing just inside the ER doors, knew from the frantic sound of his wife’s voice on the phone that she would not obey the parking rules and would take the first available space she found. Raymond quickly reached the SUV before Juanita could turn off the engine. He stuck his...

2 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 8 The Team is Ready

Sunday: Sushi woke us all. It was 0900. Oh it felt so good to sleep in. Sally and Waush Shaua were given permission to hunt. Sushi and I rode to my folk's home. Mom took one look at me and started to cry. She asked, "How long do we have?" "Mom we have a lifetime. We leave for Bangalore on Friday. It's my plan to be back in September. Besides we are cats, and you know we have nine lives." She boxed my ears for that. Sushi stole the show and asked, "Do you want to listen to your...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 4 Learning Hospital Day 1

Author’s Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do work hard to ensure I keep most things close to the real world. To keep things from being boring, I like adding out-of-the-box twists here and there. This chapter and those who follow contain activities I know wouldn’t ever happen in the real world. My story is a work of fiction. I ask that you keep this in mind as you enjoy my attempts to add erotic spice to my stories. And now back to the previously scheduled story “Good,” the man...

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NonFiction Quite True Hospital Erotic M

Hospital Erotic Menstrual Encounter(MF, rom, romantic, erotic menstrual play, hospital setting){the following is a memoir of a completely true eroticencounter that happened to me several years ago, astold in an email to a close female friend who shares mymenstrual sex interests}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi Suzy,I really enjoyed chatting with you last night, hopeyou enjoyed chatting with me as well. It's so nice tohave a "biological female" friend (i.e., a nice lady who isone in RL and isn't a guy...

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Losing virginity at hospital

Now coming to the story, My brother was in an accident, he had multiple broken bones and he had to be hospitalized for two months. Now someone from the family stayed at the hospital incase he needed something, i used to stay every night. We werent allowed to stay with the patient but I would sleep in the waiting room. Now it was mostly just me there, no one actually was in the waiting room in the night. I used to sleep on a couch there. Now outside the waiting room there was a desk where a...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 9 Hospital Candy Striping

She answered so fast that it took a second before I said, “I don’t need help, but Emily is sounding like she is going to barf all over the place any second now.” I hope they make it time. They made it in time to make sure she didn’t suffocate in her vomit, but that did nothing to stop me from almost puking myself as I heard her from just a few feet away. Man, she is throwing up a lot. How can she have that much in her stomach? Emily had finally stopped the dry heaves and then told the...

1 year ago
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HOSPITALITY By Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Police corruption in post-colonial Kenya is a fact of life.  Transparency International, a watchdog organization, ranks Kenya as the 11th most corrupt nation in the world. The average city dweller in Kenya pays 16 bribes per month.  In 2007 an English family was enslaved by a corrupt and depraved Police Inspector.  PART 1: Kate & HarryThey were always shaking someone down and making them pay.  They operated out of the Langata...

2 years ago
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Doctor mom fucked by hospital workers

Her hospital have more than 20 doctors and she is only gynaecologist there in.The owner of hospital was Mr.Sharma he is also a doctor and general physician.He is 65 years old and he is a womaniser and he fucks his own staffs and even patients.He is a flirt and he always flirt with mom whenever he sees her and he badly wants to bang mom fo sure.But she never minds him.As mom is a strict one and her nurses are always thrown away from job and she does it mercilessly and there...

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Hornee Hospital

B. J. Hornee Memorial Hospital by TW with help from MM It was a slow weekend evening at Hornee. With only three patients on the orthopedic wing, the staff had been cut down to just one RN and one CNA. Annette, a shapely 32 year old RN with dark hair and a lovely Mediterranean complexion, twelve years experience, knocked before opening the door of room 2714 then...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 8 Exam at the hospital

When I came out of the bathroom Elizabeth asked me how I was doing and I told her I was doing okay. She asked how my ribs were feeling and I told her they still hurt. She invited me to go downstairs to sit out on their back porch and have some lemonade and get my mind off of things and I thought that to be a good idea. She got the lemonade and her dog was outside playing and it was nice to watch him chase a ball as she threw it and it helped me get my mind off of things. I built up my...

4 years ago
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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

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