I****t Monden free porn video

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Proaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata, lipindu-se toata de trupul sau, intr-o imbratisare prelunga, plina de afectiune, dar si cochetarie feminina. I-a simtit linia picioarelor, sanii apasati pe pieptul sau, abdomenul suplu, a avut un moment de deruta constientiznd ca fata prelungeste imbratisarea, dar s-a autoconvins ca gestul Cosminei este pornit din lipsa mangaierilor paterne. Orice copila, vitregita de alintarea tatalui, crescuta departe de acesta, ramane cu o neimplinire in trup, si cu un dor nelamurit in simturi. Dar cat de mandru a fost la petrecerea data cu ocazia mutarii fetei si ginerelui in apartamentul sau, cand Cosmina i se dresa pe numele mic, “Liviule, scapa-mi o tigara” , si “Liviule” in sus, “Liviule” in jos, fata lui il facea sa se simta mai mult un amic de-al ei, decat parinte, si asta il tulbura, mai ales ca ea, zvelta, cu formele trupului armonioase, provocatoare in gesturi si priviri, frivola in vestimentatie, nu facea diferenta intre el si ceilalti barbati, care o sorbeau din privire. Se comporta la fel de ademenitor cu toti. A intrebat-o doar un singur lucru: - Sotul tau nu este gelos? Observ ca sta foarte calm cand tu faci victime printre masculi. Cosmina i-a tras, strengareste, cu ochiul, zicandu-i cu o nuanta de perversiune in voce: - Suntem moderni, Liviule, nu facem loc geloziei in patul conjugal. Apoi a ras, parsiva, si-a apropiat capul de al lui, si-a lipit gura de a sa si, brusc, la mus**t de una din buze, dupa care l-a privit, fix in ochii, intrebandu-l: - Nu-i asa ca noi doi semanam foarte mult? Doar, aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. In timp ce rostea cuvintele acestea, avea pupilele incarcate de erotism, de febra, de tainice chemari. Barbatul s-a simtit strabatut de fiori, si avu pornirea s-o prinda pe Cosmina in brate si sa o sarute cu patima. S-a abtinut greu, iar mai tarziu, urmarind-o cum danseaza lasciv, aruncand ochiade indecente atat burlacilor cat si casatoritilor, invitati la petrecere cu nevestele lor, si-a spus ca, intradevar Cosmina i-a mostenit pornirile sexuale. Oare aflase de escapadele sale in locul acela deocheat, Club Voyeur? Un loc unde, sub masca unei asociatii culturale care, chipurile, studia monogamia si poliandria, se desfasurau, numai pentru membrii clubului, veritabile orgii. Care dadeau prilejul ca sotiile voyeuriste sa se uite cum sotii lor isi reguleaza amantele, iar barbatii voyeuri isi aduceau superbele neveste ca sa fie futute, in fata lor, de alti barbati. A fost atras de ideea sexului in grup, dar mai ales l-a tentat sa aiba sotiile altora sub privirile sotilor. Ajungea la niste orgasme formidabile in momentul in care, aflat deasupra unei tipe bine facute, privit de sotul ei care se masturba, acesta incepea sa strige, “Da-ti drumul la sperma in nevsta mea, acum, ca ma termin si eu”. Simtind zvarcolirile trupului de femeie sub el, isi dadea drumul in ea, uitandu-se cum sotul ei, masturbandu-se frenetic, se stropeste cu propria lui sperma pe burta, strigand cu extaz: “Ce-mi place, ce excitant este sa-mi vad nevasta fututa de altul” Oare aflase Cosmina de escapadele sale? Sau, poate, doar avea si ea asemenea porniri perverse? Avea sa se lamureasca repede. Intr-una din seri, dupa ce a iesit din baie, cu halatul luat peste trupul gol, a sesizat ca usa de la dormitorul proaspetilor casatoriti, gazduiti de el, era intredeschisa. Vocea fetei lui se auzea foarte clar: - Te excita, iubitule, cand sunt imbracta in mini fusta? Si alti barbati se uita la coapsele mele dezgolite si la sanii mei provocatori, obraznici sub bluza fara sutien, nu-i asa ca te inebuneste ideea ca alti barbati ma doresc, si au simturile starnite cand imi privesc dezgolirile. A auzit geamatul ginerelui sau, “Ahhh, Cosmina, nu mai pot, esti atat de excitanta, atat de perversa, ma inebunesti” A simtit, sub halat, cum i se intareste pula si a ramas sa asculte. Glasul fetei lui s-a auzit din nou, parsiv, insinuant: “Te-ar excita sa sti ca am un amant, ca ma fut si cu altul, nu numai cu tine?” Cel din camera a gemut din nou, iar fata a continuat: “Ti-ar place sa ma lingi, dupa ce vin de la futut, si in timp ce ma lingi, sa te masturbezi, iar eu sa-ti povestesc cum m-am futut cu altul?”. Dinspre camera s-a auzit un strigat inabusit, apoi vocea rapusa de excitatie a ginerelui sau: “Ahhh, iubit-o, ce mult mi-ar place, fa-o, du-te, fute-te cu altul si apoi povesteste-mi” A mai auzit vocea fetei lui, chemandu-si sotul sa o linga, sa se masturbeze si sa-si imagineze cum va fi ea fututa de altul. A plecat catre camera lui, excitat, zicandu-si ca nu are dreptul sa-si judece copila, doar semana cu el, iar mai tarziu zvarcolindu-se in pat, fara sa poata alunga excitatia, si-a imaginat-o in bratele altor barbati, simtind ca imaginile acelea il starnesc, trezindu-i dorinta de a-si avea fiica.
In seara aceea, imbaiat, prospat ras, se pregatea sa plece la Club, dupa excitarea acumulata in ultimele trei saptamani de cand se mutase fiica lui la el, simtea nevoia acuta a unei descarcari plina de pervesiuni, care sa i-o mai scoata din cap pe Cosmina. Ajuns acolo, nu sa invartit mult prin incaperile scaldate in lumini multicolore. Pe la mesele joase, cu fotolii comode, special gandite pentru destrabalari, unele cupluri isi incepusera, deja, cautarile de parteneri, sau partenere, dupa preferintele si tipurile de perversiuni ale fiecarora. Se uita si el dupa o pereche, de care sa-i convina, si care, prin gesturile femeii, sa-l cheme la masa lor. Cand sa se hotarasca, a zarit-o pe Cosmina. Imbracata intr-o rochie cu nasturi, despicata pana la incheietura picioarelor, fara nimic pe dedesupt, dansa cu doi tipi ce o pipaiau in timpul dansului. L-a vazut si ea. s-a despins de langa parteneri, apropiindu-se de el. I-a zambit parsiv, si, oprindu-se in fata sa, l-a intrebat, tragandu-i frivola cu ochiul: - Am aflat ca vi si tu la acest Club. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza prezenta mea, e si placerea sotului meu, sa o pun cu alti barbati, si dupa aceea sa-i povestesc totul. Avea o voce ciudata, parca plina de sensuri ascunse, iar privirea, iscoditoare, era, in acelasi timp, ademenitoare, provocatoare. I-a privit, prin despicatura rochiei deschiata la primii trei nasturi, sanii goi, rotunzi, tari , a inghitit in sec simtind cum i se intareste madularul sub pantaloni si i-a raspuns ca ea isi face viata dupa cum si-o doreste, el nu are cum sa se amestece intre ea si preferintele sexule ale sotul ei. – E in regula, Liviutule, s-a mai alintat Cosmina, apoi l-a indemnat sa-si vada de ale lui, subliniind – O sa fiu si eu pe aici, sunt cu doi care vor sa ma futa, unul in fata sotiei, al doilea in fata logodnicei, ele, amandoua, sunt la o masa in apropiere. Poti sa privesti si tu, daca vrei. Fata lui s-a reintors la cei doi tipi, iar el s-a auzit strigat de la o alta masa, erau sotii Codreanu pe care nu-i remarcase. S-a dus la masa lor, excitat si tulburat de intalnirea cu fiica sa. Nevasta barbatului l-a luat in primire inca de cand s-a asezat pe fotoliu. Zicandu-i ca i-a fost dor de pula sa, l-a sarutat, l-a desfacut la slit si i-a scos-o din pantaloni, indemandanu-si sotul sa o priveasca ce face in fata lui si sa se mastrurbeze. Cu pula frecata de tanara doamana Codreanu, a cautat-o din priviri, pe Cosmina. Aceasta, la nici patru metri distanta, era pipaita si sarutata de cei doi barbati cu care dansase. Fata a sesizat ca este privita de tatal ei, i-a tras din ochi si a coborat cu privirea catre scula sa frecata de femeie. Si-a lins, cu voluptate, buzele si s-a intors cu tot trupul catre el. Barbatii au descheiat-o complet la rochie, dezgolindu-i tot trupul . Aflati in spatele ei, au inceput sa-i pipaie sanii, soldurile, picioarele. Se uita la Cosmina cuprins de o excitatie totala. Codreanca, venita pe fotoliul sau, si-a ridicat un picior, i-a potrivit-o la gaura, si s-a lasat in madularul sau viguros. In acel moment, in fata sa, unul din barbati a ridicat un picior fiicei sale, sprijinind-o de pieptul lui, iar al doilea, din lateral, i-a bagat-o. Si in timp ce, privita de sot, Codreanca intra si iesea din pula sa, fata lui era fututa in fata sa. S-a lasat in voia placerii, privind cum Cosmina este facuta posta, se uita cum intra, cand scula unuia in pizda ei, cand pula celuilalt. Cei doi o futeau, alternativ. Codreanca se terminase, si, in genunchi, incepuse sa-i suga pula, zicand sotului ei ca o sa vada sperma lui Liviu in gura ei. In timp ce savura placerea, se uita la Cosmina. Fata lui se asezase si ea in genunchi, tot cu fata catre el, iar prin lateral, cei doi si-o frecau repede cu varfurile in apropierea gurii ei. Cosmina isi lingea buzele, era cu gura intredeschisa catre pulele celor doi barbati si privea fix in ochii tatalui ei. Cand jeturile de sperma au tasnit catre gura fiicei sale, s-a terminat si el in gura Codrencei. Iar strigatele sotului ei, “Ahhhh, ce imi place, nevasta mea are gura plina cu sperma altui barbat”, nu l-au mai intaratat ca de obicei. Privea la sperma care se prelingea din gura fiicei sale, si, desi terminat, pula lui nu dadea semne ca se va inmuia. Dimpotriva, era, parca mai viguroasa ca oricand. Si-a indesat-o in pantalani si s-a indreptat catre unul din cele sase baruri ale Clubului. Simtea nevoia sa bea ceva tare. In minte avea, fierbinte, imagini ale fiicei sale facuta posta, cu sperma prelingandu-i-se din gura. A comandat dar nu a apucat sa bea. Ajunse si Cosmina langa el. Cu rochia complet desfacuta, cu sanii, picioarele si sexul dezgolit. S-a asezat langa el, pe taburetele inalt, si l-a intrebat, cu aceasi voce ciudata: - Te-a excitat sa vezi cum am fost fututa in fata ta?. Vad ca si acum o ai tare in pantaloni. A privit catre buzele fiicei sale. Ea isi scosese varful limbii si-l trecea parsiva, printre buze, intinzand urmele de sperma ramase in gura ei. L-a mai intrebat: - Te tenteaza sa ma saruti? A simtit un zvacnet excitant in pula, dar a dat din cap ca nu, iar fiica sa, l-a intrebat, din nou, punand perversiune in voce? – De ce, crezi ca, asa, cu gust de sperma in gura, ar fi un sarut incetuos din partea ta? Si-a apropiat capul de al sau, soptind languros: - Hai, fii pervers, iti dau voie si sa ma futi, daca vrei. I-a pus mana, pe deasupra panatlonilor, pe pula tare si i-a strans-o. Nu a mai rezistat. Si-a lipit gura de gura ei si i-a bagat, flamand, limba printre buze. Cosmina i-a raspuns, parsiva, la sarut, in timp ce il descheia la slit. I-a scos-o si l-a tras catre ea. Avea picioarele desfacute. Si-a simtit varful pulii frecat de pizda fiicei sale. Era fierbinte si lunecoasa. Si-a incolacit bratele dupa mijlocul ei, si in picioare, cu ea razimata de taburetele inalt, a penetrat-o, incept, voluptos, simtind cum intra, centimentru dupa centimetru in pizda fiicei sale. A bagat-o toata, iar ea, si-a incolacit picioarele dupa mijlocul sau, si, gemand de placere, rostea, privindu-l fix in ochii: - E nemaipomenit, asa te vreau, sa-ti futi fata, asa, fute-ti fata, fute-ti fata, termina-te in pizda fiicei tale. A dat drumul la sperma, strans incolacit de picioarele Cosminei. Apoi au ramas, cateva clipe, lipiti unul de altul, rasufland agitat. Satisfacuti, amandoi. Apoi au plecat catre iesire. Cosmina si-a inchis nasturii de la rochie, s-au aranjat, un pic, amandoi si au iesit. La parcare, a avut cea mai mare surpriza a vietii lui. Dintr-o alta masina, zarindu-i, a iesit, tot Cosmina. In aceiasi rochie cu nasturi, aceiasi fata, mimica, gesturi, identica cu cea de langa el. – Surpriza, a auzit, dinspre noua venita vocea cunoscuta a fiicei sale, ai avut placerea sa-mi cunosti sosia. Noi doua ne-am intalnit, acum trei ani si cum intre noi natura nu a pus alta diferenta decat vre-o 700 de grame, la greutate, si o nunata la voce, in rest nimic, una si aceiasi, ne tinem de sotii. Asta a fost ceva deosebit, cred ca ti-a placut. L-au lasat sa se dezmeticeasca. Abia atunci si-a dat sema de ce avea Comina o voce ciudata, era alta voce decat a fiicei sale. Fetele au ras, au barfit putin si s-au despartit, Cosmina, cea reala, ramand cu tatal sau. Au plecat cu masina inspre casa. Si-a intrebat, jenat, fiica, de ce a facut acest lucru, iar ea, privindu-l excitata, i-a raspuns: Am vrut sa vad care dintre noi doi este mai pervers. Eu nu am ajuns la gradul acesta de perversiune, incat sa ma fut cu propriul meu tata, desi (a facut o pauza, la privit fix in ochii, continund cu parsivenie) desi imi doresc acest lucru si, cine stie, poate, intr-o zi, am sa ajung si eu, la fel de perversa ca tine.

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As I said in the first instalment the story is absolutely true. Because of various circumstances I didn’t have breakfast with Chris and Rebecca for a few days but the next time I called in as usual Chris was again missing. “Chris had to go interstate for a few days” Rebecca informed me but he said it was OK if we still had breakfast together. Would you like Bananas and cream again?” “Oh, I think I’d enjoy that” was my smirking reply “Have you been marinating the banana again?” “Of...

1 year ago
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Wanting What I Cant Have Chapter 3

“Anna, breakfast is ready!” I woke up from hearing Lisa’s annoying voice. “Yeah, coming,” I said while stretching. I didn’t think she heard me, but I didn’t care. I got out of bed and went in the bathroom. I took off my bra and panties and got in the shower. I turned the taps on and the cold water started running on my whole body, making me feel relaxed. oOo Nick oOo    “Why don’t you go and wake her up, babe?” Lisa asked. “Yeah, sure,” I said as I stood up from the couch. I walked up the...

3 years ago
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Grannies at the GLORY HOLE

HI, this is Felicia and as you guys know from my profile...I'm a SLUT for CUM! Most, if not all, the old girls I hang with are just like me and we just plain LOVE being whores and sluts and we will pull our panties down anywhere at anytime. The story you are about to read is absolutely TRUE and it was (and still is) the most fun you can ever have if you like hot wet CUM!We were all sitting around one day at a friends house and we were discussing how nice it would be to have a few cocks around...

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Placed under quarantine

This is purely fantasyMy wife was away on a business trip to Spain. She had been put up in a hotel for a week by her company. It was then when the world was made aware of a virus. Within a few days it had become a pandemic and everyone was told that international travel was now banned. My wife and I kept in contact via skype. She was concerned, but within a few days the hotel, which was in lockdown had tested all the residents and staff and all were clear of the virus. The guests were no longer...

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Jakes Story Chapter 3

It was over dinner that I told her I wanted a little bit of everything and she was very happy about it and she said that was what she wanted as well. It'd be fun to play without me or play with me but she was most turned on by me watching. She didn't like the idea of humiliating me or criticizing me but she was happy to add BDSM elements into our play and continue to talk dirty to the guy for me to hear. It took a couple weeks for this to happen, almost a month really as safety is an issue. She...

Wife Lovers
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Kellys First Gangbang

by Kelly Bundy "Wow," Bud said, still slightly out of breath. "That was great, Kel. You are such a hot little piece of pussy." We had been doing it doggy-style when he exploded all over my insides. With a grunt he rolled off of me, trailing a long sticky string of cum from the end of his dick into my cunt. Ever since I helped him pop his cherry two years ago, we would have sex when I was in the mood for something right then and there, but didn't want to bother going out or calling some...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 21 Heading South

October 30, 1981 (continued) I did a major double-take upon hearing that name; my mind was in a swirl. Inez Trujillo. Did she really say that? Yes, she did. Maybe she was a different Inez Trujillo? What was the chance of that? How many Inez Trujillos were there in this part of the world? Not many, I'd wager. And then something else dawned on me. Where had I heard that voice, the one with the slight trace of an accent? Why, it had belonged to the Inez in the other life, the broken down,...

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A New App for My iPadChapter 7

Margaret, Hex and I sat on the floor around the low table sipping on a replicated wine that was actually quite good. Margaret and I were still recovering from Uki-uki-sunni's remarks and were feeling overwhelmed by the scope of the task ahead of us. I'd thought - no, I'd hoped somehow there would already be a plan in place. The assumption was that we'd serve as some kind of communications go-betweens but that mostly we'd be held up as shining examples of the wonders of advanced...

1 year ago
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Rise of Roxy Ch 03

Rebecca Scott called her mom Sophie two nights later. ‘I’m coming home tomorrow to meet this Wonder Woman of yours who is taking you to Italy. Her interview was screened on our TV an hour ago.’ Sophie said, ‘What 24-hours after the event?’ ‘It doesn’t matter mom, programs like that don’t date like news does. The continuity announcer said she believed it was likely the program would be sold overseas, in Europe where Jacki Meadows is a really big name. Your girl is really beautiful with a...

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RegrowthChapter 4

Six weeks passed with me becoming more familiar with how the shop ran. I was given more and more responsibility in my job assignments. I was becoming the best mechanic of our bunch, but I tried to fit in with the rest of the guys. They appreciated my attitude and were actually starting to ask my opinion on jobs that were giving them problems when Jay was not available. It looked like I was headed for Jay's position as shop leader when he finally retired. The new mechanic that Bill hired was...

4 years ago
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George and Martha Part 1

Martha was running late. It hadn't been a great day. At 36 years old, Martha was successful and attractive, but her life had taken some turns lately that had left her wondering what she had done to anger the cosmos in such a way as to constantly be throwing more problems onto her shoulders every single day. She had an extremely successful construction business that she had helped her father build, but now, with her father passing away and her husband filing for divorce last year, it...

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The Worlds First Futa 02 Futas Wild Day 2 Futas First Nurse

Chapter Two: Futa's First Nurse By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life...

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Weed and panty

I am just a stupid little white cock boy and he is making sure I understand i belong in cute panty sucking his bbc most day now , right after school after last Friday and my first night learning little boy like me , are better playing the girl around real big cock and learn to please I was thinking we would smoke weed and i could sleep at his place after the school big party at the clubbut what happen is now getting control of my life, too afraid pf being caught i just obey him and wish no one...

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Dear Perrey Reeves 1

Dear Perrey Reeves 1,"Ay Nigga, What it do, what's Hattnin Pudgee . You "Nigga How much you need?" Is what you said to a nigga while hanging out the window of the 2009 Pearl white Mercedes-Benz Jeep Boxster, I "Ay, scoot yo ass over and try to earn this 'Jack In The Box'Sourdough Jack Munchie Meal, by Gofer-Duck-Mobbie Slobb- gobblin' on this Long black fat horse monster Dick nigga!" You Scootch over to the passenger side, fast like a Nascar and say "Well Nigga, get in, Conner , Get in daddy...

3 years ago
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My First Job

I went to Uni after leaving Ladies College in the September of 2001, I was just seventeen and I began to enjoy the jeans and T-shirt society after the stringent school uniform of the very expensive college. By Christmas I had met my first boyfriend Jonny, a leather jacket and everything black kind of guy, a little on the dangerous side and very moody but we got it together although his cock was much less than I had expected from such a macho type. He was five years older than me and very sure...

2 years ago
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TrapperChapter 2

It had snowed several times, once for two days. The trading post was built into the side of a ridge. Since we were close we decide to go during the day. As we came closer I saw a large vehicle with a long trailer a little ways from a medium sized flier. I pulled up beside Sarah who had stopped in front of the door. Julie stopped beside me and grinned as she turned to look at the large vehicle with the trailer, "a snow home, nice." Sarah snorted as she climbed off her runner, "maybe." I...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jackie Hoff BJ And Gaping Anal Hookup

Nerdy brunette Jackie Hoff likes to offer up her asshole for strangers! The freaky young thing wears comically tight shorts with her thong riding up high. She completes her lewd look with stripper heels and a top that shows off her big boobs. Upon her arrival at Bryan Gozzling’s place, director/notoriously dominant stud gropes her body as Jackie smiles sweetly. She soon drops to her knees for a sloppy blowjob. The bespectacled cutie drools as Bryan fucks her face, nasty spit seeping over...

1 year ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 7 Matchmaking

Seth didn't want to leave Martha in Phoenix without transportation. The day after the bull incident Seth sent BB to Phoenix with their only fully enclosed vehicle. It was an old Ford Bronco 4X4 they used for small jobs around the ranch, and for shopping runs into Prescott. They could easily get along without it for a few weeks and Seth felt like he was leaving Martha stranded and dependent on others that were not quite family for transportation. A friend of BB's was planning on driving to...

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 32

Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...

4 years ago
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Back to WorkPart 4

The next day Jenny got home and rushed to her room where she stripped and jumped on her bed eagerly waiting for Steven to get there for their daily fuck. She was even hornier than usual. When the phone rang she grabbed it and it was Steven. He had gotten in a little trouble at school and would be really late. When Jen hung the phone up she swore. But she was still horny and she lay back and idly began to play with herself, thinking about fucking Steven, and Jack and Stan and Sammy and her...

3 years ago
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Ghosts of the PastChapter 3

Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set. He had called his and Tom's boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night's developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they'd gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some...

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Christmas Party

A female friend of mine, Laura, who started working with me earlier in the year and who I've known for years has recently been making humor of my love for tights. Phrases like 'He loves a good ladder' and 'get in any tights situations?' are regularly used. Noone else seems to have picked up on it, although when one of our other colleagues occasionally wears them she'll message me asking if I'm thinking about their legs and what I'd do to them. As you can imagine, this inflicts damage on the...

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University Life First Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE Kainene sighed to herself yet again. She had been staring at the same page for half an hour but could not understand a word that was written. She tried to focus but knew that it was hopeless. Who knew Criminal Law could be so boring? Boring, a voice slyly replied. It’s not boring, you just can’t get Rufus, who’s taken by the way, out of your scatty head. Kainene groaned inwardly at that. Now she knew she was definitely going crazy. When the stupid voice inside her head was...

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Lady in Red Ch 25

It didn’t take very long on Monday morning for Steve and Gwen to realize their lives had changed dramatically. Classmates Gwen had known since first grade asked for her autograph. Girls flirted shamelessly with Steve. Jordan had been a celebrity when she first attended Sparta, but her stock had risen even higher. Ms. Walker summoned Gwen, Jordan, and Steve to her desk when they entered the homeroom. ‘Correct me if I’m wrong. The fact that CBC aired your benefit concert last night meant that...

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Let me tell you of a time, not so long ago from now actually but this isn’t of a time that history will teach you nor would you read about it in books. No, this is a time of swordfights and dragons, of dark magic and fairies, Orcs, Giants and Heroes of love and betrayal, of knights, tricksters and Lords oh and of course dust. But I’m getting ahead of myself aren’t I? I suppose I better tell you who I am and what I do. I would be surprised to know if you hadn’t already guessed that I’m the...

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BBC Part one

BBC - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten I was about ten when I first saw Gabriel. He and his Mom moved in across the street. My Mom, also a single parent, grabbed me by the hand after their movers had left and said we should meet our new neighbors, and welcome them. When we knocked on the door, I wasn't ready for what was behind it. His face was cherubic. That's the only way to describe it. He looked exactly like a Renaissance painting, by an old master. He looked like an...

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Unexpected threesome

sex. After exchanging a few emails, she admitted that she had a live in boyfriend but he didn't give her enough sex. She said he worked evenings and we could get together almost any night. We finally set it up and I stopped by their house on my way home from work. She answered the door in an old worn-out t-shirt. I came in and she closed and locked the door behind me. I turned around to see her pulling the shirt off. She was naked underneath. She apologized for the shirt but said she...

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Honey Mr Policeman

'Come and get afternoon tea?’ Lisa slung the tea-towel prop she had chosen, at the last minute, over her shoulder. She stood in her stiletto’s, legs apart, with her leather gun holster strapped to her hip. He didn’t look up from his laptop. ‘Uh huh’ There was a pause. ‘Wait... You cooked?’ At last his eyes left the screen and swept over her, taking in the full scene. Her coal-black hair fell in waves past her shoulders, her green eyes glittered with lust and she pressed her lush lips together,...

Oral Sex
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 38

Whatever contest there may have been, with success or girls or whatever, between Joe and Eddie, Eddie pulled ahead in terms of success, or maybe it’s better to say, continued pulling ahead. Even the ten years of no hits had accompanied ten years of Joe not writing bestselling novels. MIRE’s latest album had ended up topping the charts, an unexpected sleeper hit pulling it there. And the live videos became a phenomenon. When broadcast, the marathon full length video brought in an unprecedented...

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Chapter II I had been in Florida for 11 months when I brought my girls down; they were out of school for the summer and were going to spend it with me. I rented a nice apartment about a block from Mom’s house. Sara was still living with Mom and I decided that it would be best for the girls and me to have our own space. Stephie, my oldest was now 14 and Marie was 12. It had been close to a year since I had seen either of them and I was excited as I drove to the airport to pick them up. I...

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The Tinder Experience 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, I’m back with another erotic sex story. My name is Vicky (name changed) and this story is of a Tinder Experience I had earlier this year. I am from Chandigarh itself. If you people like the story, please drop a response to . I would love to have a feedback. Also, girls and ladies who want to have hot cozy chats or some secret fun are welcome too. Satisfaction and secrecy guaranteed. Now, get those hands ready because the story is about to start. The girl’s name is Shreya Roy (changed...

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Scratching Mrs Higgins Itch

Mary Higgins was a widow with no children and scant supply of relatives. She never was one to put much store in foolishness or the frivolous romantic notions of most females her age. She had much appreciated the fact that her deceased spouse, Roscoe Higgins was of the same persuasion and that he seldom used hidden meaning in his conversation. She remembered with fondness his clear as a bell observation, such as, "Let's to bed, Mary, it is time to pound your fanny!" He was a "potatoes and...

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Bloody Wednesdays

Well the big day had finally arrived. Almost three months had passed since my sky-diving adventure and 'Those who know' had decided it was time for me to go home. They tried to give the impression that I was well down the path to recovery but I knew that my medical insurance was about all done and it would be hard to get anything from the outfit that had put me in hospital in the first place. I had received one visit from that bastard instructor but he left in a hurry when I managed to throw...

2 years ago
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A Perfectly Acceptable Story

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to visit SOL often. So, it was only recently that I was presented with the over/under thirteen option. As many people are wont to do, I didn't bother learning any of the background reasoning that went into the decision that perturbed me. Instead, as a writer who has a number of stories on the shunned side of the new pedo ghetto line, I gave into outrage fueled by what I, in my ignorance, perceived to be censorship and punched out the following vile...

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Josh and Lois

My name is Josh, six foot four and weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. I am a big guy and did not have trouble getting girls even though I was not as handsome as most and the really pretty ones usually went for the more handsome, financially secure guys. This was never a problem as I was screwing regularly with the girls telling their girlfriends about my huge cock and most of them wanted to try it at least once. I am blessed with a ten inch fat cock measuring nine inches in girth......

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My Wifes Students

While not always quite as dedicated as my wife, I also enjoy fitness and take healthy living pretty seriously and am also a pretty attractive guy, if I do say so myself. I work for a company fairly close to my wife's school. We had developed a partnership a year or so ago where a couple of my wife's students each semester would prepare and present a "wellness" topic to the staff at my office. This gave them the opportunity to gain experience that could be useful in their future...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 7

I went to Suki as fast as I could and grabbed her by her arms and almost shouted, but before I did I quietly said, “Tell me what is going on. Did you talk to Chris?” Suki nodded, looked around and whispered, “We’re getting too much attention. Let’s continue this conversation at home.” I nervously laughed and accidentally said, “I thought you enjoyed the attention. Especially from the guys. Didn’t you have like 20 or 50 boyfriends last year alone?” She looked hurt then laughed as she said,...

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Sekhar8217s Sex Adventure 8211 Part 2 First Anal

Hi, I am Sekhar. I am back with the next episode of the story of my first anal sex. Thank you All for your amazing response. I was surprised by some of the responses of some ladies. I wasn’t expecting that kind of appreciation. Coming on to the story. As I have already mentioned how I fucked Shreya’s pussy. Now it was time for her lovely ass. If you guys have not read my previous story. Please read it and rate the stories about the Shreya. The next day we decided to miss college and decided to...

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