I****t Monden free porn video

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Proaspat ras, s-a privit in oglinda. Implinise 38 de ani fara ca anii sa lase urme: ochii verzi, parul negru, cu tunsoare moderna, se simtea la fel de tanar ca in adolescenta. Divortul de Corina ramasese in urma, de ce sa pastrezi amintirile urate? Prezentul era atat de placut. Cosmina crescuse. In primul an de facultate, se casatorise, o partida buna, si si-a manifestat dorinta sa locuiasca impreuna cu el. – Am stat o gramada de ani cu mama, ti-a venit randul sa ma suporti si tu, i-a zis fata, lipindu-se toata de trupul sau, intr-o imbratisare prelunga, plina de afectiune, dar si cochetarie feminina. I-a simtit linia picioarelor, sanii apasati pe pieptul sau, abdomenul suplu, a avut un moment de deruta constientiznd ca fata prelungeste imbratisarea, dar s-a autoconvins ca gestul Cosminei este pornit din lipsa mangaierilor paterne. Orice copila, vitregita de alintarea tatalui, crescuta departe de acesta, ramane cu o neimplinire in trup, si cu un dor nelamurit in simturi. Dar cat de mandru a fost la petrecerea data cu ocazia mutarii fetei si ginerelui in apartamentul sau, cand Cosmina i se dresa pe numele mic, “Liviule, scapa-mi o tigara” , si “Liviule” in sus, “Liviule” in jos, fata lui il facea sa se simta mai mult un amic de-al ei, decat parinte, si asta il tulbura, mai ales ca ea, zvelta, cu formele trupului armonioase, provocatoare in gesturi si priviri, frivola in vestimentatie, nu facea diferenta intre el si ceilalti barbati, care o sorbeau din privire. Se comporta la fel de ademenitor cu toti. A intrebat-o doar un singur lucru: - Sotul tau nu este gelos? Observ ca sta foarte calm cand tu faci victime printre masculi. Cosmina i-a tras, strengareste, cu ochiul, zicandu-i cu o nuanta de perversiune in voce: - Suntem moderni, Liviule, nu facem loc geloziei in patul conjugal. Apoi a ras, parsiva, si-a apropiat capul de al lui, si-a lipit gura de a sa si, brusc, la mus**t de una din buze, dupa care l-a privit, fix in ochii, intrebandu-l: - Nu-i asa ca noi doi semanam foarte mult? Doar, aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. In timp ce rostea cuvintele acestea, avea pupilele incarcate de erotism, de febra, de tainice chemari. Barbatul s-a simtit strabatut de fiori, si avu pornirea s-o prinda pe Cosmina in brate si sa o sarute cu patima. S-a abtinut greu, iar mai tarziu, urmarind-o cum danseaza lasciv, aruncand ochiade indecente atat burlacilor cat si casatoritilor, invitati la petrecere cu nevestele lor, si-a spus ca, intradevar Cosmina i-a mostenit pornirile sexuale. Oare aflase de escapadele sale in locul acela deocheat, Club Voyeur? Un loc unde, sub masca unei asociatii culturale care, chipurile, studia monogamia si poliandria, se desfasurau, numai pentru membrii clubului, veritabile orgii. Care dadeau prilejul ca sotiile voyeuriste sa se uite cum sotii lor isi reguleaza amantele, iar barbatii voyeuri isi aduceau superbele neveste ca sa fie futute, in fata lor, de alti barbati. A fost atras de ideea sexului in grup, dar mai ales l-a tentat sa aiba sotiile altora sub privirile sotilor. Ajungea la niste orgasme formidabile in momentul in care, aflat deasupra unei tipe bine facute, privit de sotul ei care se masturba, acesta incepea sa strige, “Da-ti drumul la sperma in nevsta mea, acum, ca ma termin si eu”. Simtind zvarcolirile trupului de femeie sub el, isi dadea drumul in ea, uitandu-se cum sotul ei, masturbandu-se frenetic, se stropeste cu propria lui sperma pe burta, strigand cu extaz: “Ce-mi place, ce excitant este sa-mi vad nevasta fututa de altul” Oare aflase Cosmina de escapadele sale? Sau, poate, doar avea si ea asemenea porniri perverse? Avea sa se lamureasca repede. Intr-una din seri, dupa ce a iesit din baie, cu halatul luat peste trupul gol, a sesizat ca usa de la dormitorul proaspetilor casatoriti, gazduiti de el, era intredeschisa. Vocea fetei lui se auzea foarte clar: - Te excita, iubitule, cand sunt imbracta in mini fusta? Si alti barbati se uita la coapsele mele dezgolite si la sanii mei provocatori, obraznici sub bluza fara sutien, nu-i asa ca te inebuneste ideea ca alti barbati ma doresc, si au simturile starnite cand imi privesc dezgolirile. A auzit geamatul ginerelui sau, “Ahhh, Cosmina, nu mai pot, esti atat de excitanta, atat de perversa, ma inebunesti” A simtit, sub halat, cum i se intareste pula si a ramas sa asculte. Glasul fetei lui s-a auzit din nou, parsiv, insinuant: “Te-ar excita sa sti ca am un amant, ca ma fut si cu altul, nu numai cu tine?” Cel din camera a gemut din nou, iar fata a continuat: “Ti-ar place sa ma lingi, dupa ce vin de la futut, si in timp ce ma lingi, sa te masturbezi, iar eu sa-ti povestesc cum m-am futut cu altul?”. Dinspre camera s-a auzit un strigat inabusit, apoi vocea rapusa de excitatie a ginerelui sau: “Ahhh, iubit-o, ce mult mi-ar place, fa-o, du-te, fute-te cu altul si apoi povesteste-mi” A mai auzit vocea fetei lui, chemandu-si sotul sa o linga, sa se masturbeze si sa-si imagineze cum va fi ea fututa de altul. A plecat catre camera lui, excitat, zicandu-si ca nu are dreptul sa-si judece copila, doar semana cu el, iar mai tarziu zvarcolindu-se in pat, fara sa poata alunga excitatia, si-a imaginat-o in bratele altor barbati, simtind ca imaginile acelea il starnesc, trezindu-i dorinta de a-si avea fiica.
In seara aceea, imbaiat, prospat ras, se pregatea sa plece la Club, dupa excitarea acumulata in ultimele trei saptamani de cand se mutase fiica lui la el, simtea nevoia acuta a unei descarcari plina de pervesiuni, care sa i-o mai scoata din cap pe Cosmina. Ajuns acolo, nu sa invartit mult prin incaperile scaldate in lumini multicolore. Pe la mesele joase, cu fotolii comode, special gandite pentru destrabalari, unele cupluri isi incepusera, deja, cautarile de parteneri, sau partenere, dupa preferintele si tipurile de perversiuni ale fiecarora. Se uita si el dupa o pereche, de care sa-i convina, si care, prin gesturile femeii, sa-l cheme la masa lor. Cand sa se hotarasca, a zarit-o pe Cosmina. Imbracata intr-o rochie cu nasturi, despicata pana la incheietura picioarelor, fara nimic pe dedesupt, dansa cu doi tipi ce o pipaiau in timpul dansului. L-a vazut si ea. s-a despins de langa parteneri, apropiindu-se de el. I-a zambit parsiv, si, oprindu-se in fata sa, l-a intrebat, tragandu-i frivola cu ochiul: - Am aflat ca vi si tu la acest Club. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza prezenta mea, e si placerea sotului meu, sa o pun cu alti barbati, si dupa aceea sa-i povestesc totul. Avea o voce ciudata, parca plina de sensuri ascunse, iar privirea, iscoditoare, era, in acelasi timp, ademenitoare, provocatoare. I-a privit, prin despicatura rochiei deschiata la primii trei nasturi, sanii goi, rotunzi, tari , a inghitit in sec simtind cum i se intareste madularul sub pantaloni si i-a raspuns ca ea isi face viata dupa cum si-o doreste, el nu are cum sa se amestece intre ea si preferintele sexule ale sotul ei. – E in regula, Liviutule, s-a mai alintat Cosmina, apoi l-a indemnat sa-si vada de ale lui, subliniind – O sa fiu si eu pe aici, sunt cu doi care vor sa ma futa, unul in fata sotiei, al doilea in fata logodnicei, ele, amandoua, sunt la o masa in apropiere. Poti sa privesti si tu, daca vrei. Fata lui s-a reintors la cei doi tipi, iar el s-a auzit strigat de la o alta masa, erau sotii Codreanu pe care nu-i remarcase. S-a dus la masa lor, excitat si tulburat de intalnirea cu fiica sa. Nevasta barbatului l-a luat in primire inca de cand s-a asezat pe fotoliu. Zicandu-i ca i-a fost dor de pula sa, l-a sarutat, l-a desfacut la slit si i-a scos-o din pantaloni, indemandanu-si sotul sa o priveasca ce face in fata lui si sa se mastrurbeze. Cu pula frecata de tanara doamana Codreanu, a cautat-o din priviri, pe Cosmina. Aceasta, la nici patru metri distanta, era pipaita si sarutata de cei doi barbati cu care dansase. Fata a sesizat ca este privita de tatal ei, i-a tras din ochi si a coborat cu privirea catre scula sa frecata de femeie. Si-a lins, cu voluptate, buzele si s-a intors cu tot trupul catre el. Barbatii au descheiat-o complet la rochie, dezgolindu-i tot trupul . Aflati in spatele ei, au inceput sa-i pipaie sanii, soldurile, picioarele. Se uita la Cosmina cuprins de o excitatie totala. Codreanca, venita pe fotoliul sau, si-a ridicat un picior, i-a potrivit-o la gaura, si s-a lasat in madularul sau viguros. In acel moment, in fata sa, unul din barbati a ridicat un picior fiicei sale, sprijinind-o de pieptul lui, iar al doilea, din lateral, i-a bagat-o. Si in timp ce, privita de sot, Codreanca intra si iesea din pula sa, fata lui era fututa in fata sa. S-a lasat in voia placerii, privind cum Cosmina este facuta posta, se uita cum intra, cand scula unuia in pizda ei, cand pula celuilalt. Cei doi o futeau, alternativ. Codreanca se terminase, si, in genunchi, incepuse sa-i suga pula, zicand sotului ei ca o sa vada sperma lui Liviu in gura ei. In timp ce savura placerea, se uita la Cosmina. Fata lui se asezase si ea in genunchi, tot cu fata catre el, iar prin lateral, cei doi si-o frecau repede cu varfurile in apropierea gurii ei. Cosmina isi lingea buzele, era cu gura intredeschisa catre pulele celor doi barbati si privea fix in ochii tatalui ei. Cand jeturile de sperma au tasnit catre gura fiicei sale, s-a terminat si el in gura Codrencei. Iar strigatele sotului ei, “Ahhhh, ce imi place, nevasta mea are gura plina cu sperma altui barbat”, nu l-au mai intaratat ca de obicei. Privea la sperma care se prelingea din gura fiicei sale, si, desi terminat, pula lui nu dadea semne ca se va inmuia. Dimpotriva, era, parca mai viguroasa ca oricand. Si-a indesat-o in pantalani si s-a indreptat catre unul din cele sase baruri ale Clubului. Simtea nevoia sa bea ceva tare. In minte avea, fierbinte, imagini ale fiicei sale facuta posta, cu sperma prelingandu-i-se din gura. A comandat dar nu a apucat sa bea. Ajunse si Cosmina langa el. Cu rochia complet desfacuta, cu sanii, picioarele si sexul dezgolit. S-a asezat langa el, pe taburetele inalt, si l-a intrebat, cu aceasi voce ciudata: - Te-a excitat sa vezi cum am fost fututa in fata ta?. Vad ca si acum o ai tare in pantaloni. A privit catre buzele fiicei sale. Ea isi scosese varful limbii si-l trecea parsiva, printre buze, intinzand urmele de sperma ramase in gura ei. L-a mai intrebat: - Te tenteaza sa ma saruti? A simtit un zvacnet excitant in pula, dar a dat din cap ca nu, iar fiica sa, l-a intrebat, din nou, punand perversiune in voce? – De ce, crezi ca, asa, cu gust de sperma in gura, ar fi un sarut incetuos din partea ta? Si-a apropiat capul de al sau, soptind languros: - Hai, fii pervers, iti dau voie si sa ma futi, daca vrei. I-a pus mana, pe deasupra panatlonilor, pe pula tare si i-a strans-o. Nu a mai rezistat. Si-a lipit gura de gura ei si i-a bagat, flamand, limba printre buze. Cosmina i-a raspuns, parsiva, la sarut, in timp ce il descheia la slit. I-a scos-o si l-a tras catre ea. Avea picioarele desfacute. Si-a simtit varful pulii frecat de pizda fiicei sale. Era fierbinte si lunecoasa. Si-a incolacit bratele dupa mijlocul ei, si in picioare, cu ea razimata de taburetele inalt, a penetrat-o, incept, voluptos, simtind cum intra, centimentru dupa centimetru in pizda fiicei sale. A bagat-o toata, iar ea, si-a incolacit picioarele dupa mijlocul sau, si, gemand de placere, rostea, privindu-l fix in ochii: - E nemaipomenit, asa te vreau, sa-ti futi fata, asa, fute-ti fata, fute-ti fata, termina-te in pizda fiicei tale. A dat drumul la sperma, strans incolacit de picioarele Cosminei. Apoi au ramas, cateva clipe, lipiti unul de altul, rasufland agitat. Satisfacuti, amandoi. Apoi au plecat catre iesire. Cosmina si-a inchis nasturii de la rochie, s-au aranjat, un pic, amandoi si au iesit. La parcare, a avut cea mai mare surpriza a vietii lui. Dintr-o alta masina, zarindu-i, a iesit, tot Cosmina. In aceiasi rochie cu nasturi, aceiasi fata, mimica, gesturi, identica cu cea de langa el. – Surpriza, a auzit, dinspre noua venita vocea cunoscuta a fiicei sale, ai avut placerea sa-mi cunosti sosia. Noi doua ne-am intalnit, acum trei ani si cum intre noi natura nu a pus alta diferenta decat vre-o 700 de grame, la greutate, si o nunata la voce, in rest nimic, una si aceiasi, ne tinem de sotii. Asta a fost ceva deosebit, cred ca ti-a placut. L-au lasat sa se dezmeticeasca. Abia atunci si-a dat sema de ce avea Comina o voce ciudata, era alta voce decat a fiicei sale. Fetele au ras, au barfit putin si s-au despartit, Cosmina, cea reala, ramand cu tatal sau. Au plecat cu masina inspre casa. Si-a intrebat, jenat, fiica, de ce a facut acest lucru, iar ea, privindu-l excitata, i-a raspuns: Am vrut sa vad care dintre noi doi este mai pervers. Eu nu am ajuns la gradul acesta de perversiune, incat sa ma fut cu propriul meu tata, desi (a facut o pauza, la privit fix in ochii, continund cu parsivenie) desi imi doresc acest lucru si, cine stie, poate, intr-o zi, am sa ajung si eu, la fel de perversa ca tine.

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Runaway TrainChapter 81

My night with Ben, Lucas, Dom, Brian, Evan and the kids was pretty entertaining. We got a series of texts from our wives and/or girlfriends throughout the evening. I took the kids over to see Liz’s horses and we made s’mores over a smaller fire Ben had built. Mostly, we just goofed around and got to know each other. Lucas and I were the only two that knew about Brandon and Melissa’s impending split but we only exchanged sad smiles. Lucas and Brandon were friends and they hosted one of...

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FREEDOM Class Warfare

FREEDOM: Class Warfare Part One The Beginning of the End By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.?There is no such thing as a free society unless consenting adults have the right to manage their own lives, even towards actions widely agreed upon to have long-term, negative consequences.  The...

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Stripped at the Christmas party and after at work

As the party was going on I also noticed their group was laughing now and then and saw them even pointing my direction now and again. Nicole from my current office asked me what I thought was going on and so funny. I decided to go over and find out. I broke the ice by just saying hello to Christine, as it turns out she is dating one of the guys that works for the company. She said I am so glad you remember me and then said look at what we have on the iPad. Well, it was a truth or dare pics...

2 years ago
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When He Plays Piano in the Dark

When you love an artist, sometimes you feel as if you are loving alone. The love they have for their art wells up inside of them, expands and nothing else can remain. That is what makes them what they are, extraordinary, with gifts that only God can hand out. Then there are times when the love they have for you becomes focused. It is overwhelmingly beautiful and beyond the imagination. When an artist loves, he loves so deeply and profoundly. They can touch you or just look at you in such a way...

Love Stories
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 1 How It Started

Hello, friends, this is Arun Mohapatra from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, writing my relative’s story and my first story here at ISS. So let me introduce to the characters of my story. I am portraying the character of my relative. Here it takes off. I am Utkal Keshari Panda, aged 25 from Bhubaneswar. This all happened recently. My height, 5 ft, 6 inches with cock size, 6.5 inches and girth, 2.5 inches. I belong to a middle-class family. Our house consists of two people my dad and me. My dad’s name is...

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My Weekend As Denise

My Weekend As Denise - A Magic Depot Story By Cabinessence Author's note: I did go to college in the Hudson Valley area, but not to any of the schools mentioned. It all started as just another Friday afternoon in purgatory. I was waiting patiently for my girlfriend to call me so I could find out what our plans were for this weekend. Then it would be off to the campus ATM machine to get out the money to pay for it. I really loved Kathy and couldn't bear to be without her ....

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The Engineers TaleChapter 5

The horses were not happy with the dogs, and the dogs were not happy with the slow pace of the horses. Gradually though, things settled down and they made steady progress. It was mid morning when they found the blasted oak, and despite Tony's reservations, they soon found the farm. Tony was about to go in to the farm house, well, hovel really, when he thought what effect a strange man suddenly bursting into her home may have. Martha saw his hesitation and asked "What's wrong?" "Well...

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Moms Terrible Secret

Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom Cindy saw that the door to my bedroom wasn't all the way closed, so the knock-before-entering rule did not apply. She opened the door and said, "Mom, I... MOM! I jumped to place my back to the wall and yanked-up the bathing suit I was stripping out of, crying, "Cindy! GET OUT!" Ignoring the order, my curious sixteen-year-old marched in, saying, "Mom, what was that?" With the suit clutched in place but not tied, I said, "That was none of your...

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Jake licked her pussy over and over again but she just wasn't into it. He asked her if it felt good and she said "um-hmm" rolling her eyes with exhaustion from pretending. Jake slowly crawled up her body kissing and licking her which she thought didn't actually feel all that bad if only he could put that much passion in everything he did while the fucked. Shannon Knew her face probably showed that she wasn't enjoying it so she put on the best sexual face she could muster up. Jake...

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A Bad Loan

***Editor's Note: I hope you enjoy this submission. Feel free to add any chapters you desire, or feel like the story should head. If you would rather have me write a chapter for you, feel free to send me a message with any ideas, plot twists, and so on, and I'll do my best to make it happen! .... Comments, Likes and Bookmarks are always inspiring! ...Once again ... ENJOY! *** Brenda was cleaning up around the house, keeping herself busy as her new husband, Mitch sat in front of the television,...

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Neighborhood Hospitality

Introduction: Hot wife introduces a twist into their stale relationship. Neighborly Hospitality Unannounced visitors were not very common, especially in the middle of the day, so when the knock came at the door for Lisa Ingles, she was caught a little off guard. Little did she know that she was about to be introduced to a world of experiences that would shift her reality and alter her life completely. Little did she know that she was about to become an entirely new woman. She opened the door...

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Ammu8217s Family Sex Story 8211 Part 2

I am continuing my story. In this, you can see how we moved to the next level by becoming a nudist family. As you have read in my earlier story, our daddy became bolder day by day and started flashing his dick more. One day Rekha and I were sitting in the hall, and mom was cooking in the kitchen. We can see the kitchen from the hall. Daddy became bolder. He went to the kitchen, lifted Mom’s saree, and petticoat up. I started rubbing his penis on mom ass. He was playing with mom boobs at the...

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c 2

The next week the women of the family stayed away from any sexual relations with Jake. He was building his strength and except for a hand-job from his physical ther****t Lena he had no sensual action at all. It seemed as if the women came to their moral senses and realized what they were doing was wrong now that he had recovered. It was almost two weeks from the time he woke from the c*** before something sexual happened again with a family member. Jake was eating breakfast when Annie walked in...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 4 Nikki

Anybody hasnt read the previous parts, then please click on the links provided with the story. After ravishing shanti and choti for months. I got selected for a seat in a pvt college in Karnataka. I didn’t really get any maid action in those years. But when I came back. Shanti and choti were gone. We had moved to new house and the maid was also new. Her name was Nikki. She was super sexy….. She resembled Rani mukherjee in looks and had really nice tits and a juicy wobbly buttock. I didn’t...

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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 6

Merlin teacher udan nadantha kama anubavathin thodarchiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul sendru enjoy panalam, Merlin teacher nude show kanbithu en poolai neenda neram vaaiyai poolil irunthu edukamal vizhungi oombi vinthai urinthu kudithu aval kathalai enaku kanbithaal. Pinbu thaan naan unarnthen en nanban soliyathu poi endru, Merlin ennai kathal seigiraal enbathai naan unarnthen. Pinbu Merlin ennai nangu kiss seithu en udan nirvaanamaaga ennai kati pidithu paduthu...

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Satans BrideChapter 17

A week later, Darius and Mioki lay together in his bed, their naked bodies resting after an especially vigorous round of copulating. "How did you know?" asked Mioki. "Know... ?" "Know that Cathy could be seduced and enslaved so easily. She follows me around now like a puppy, just waiting to do favors for me." "Cathy is no different from most women. Few could resist you Mioki. You are a captivating and irresistible woman." "Very flattering, but how did you know her surrender...

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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 2

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * I loved being across Logan Thorndike’s lap. I loved the feel of his hands on me, and the slaps, again and again, on the surface of my cheeks. I...

4 years ago
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you can learn a lot from a tutor

It was my third year of university, in the field of immunology, and i was sitting in my tutorial. It was my only class for the friday, so i was relatively awake.the course itself wasnt overly difficult, it was merely a lot to remember. I was sitting in my tutorial, looking at my fellow classmates, nothing over the top, just average people, more guys than anything. there was however a rather cute asian girl sitting to my left. with long flowing black hair, framing a slightly tanned face. her...

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Mick and KeriChapter 20 Mick and Keri Do Laundry

It was Wednesday and Sarah had a doctor’s appointment. Since Wednesday was laundry day, Keri told her that she would do the laundry. Things at work were slow this week and so Keri took the day off. The house had a laundry chute system with chutes going from the master bathroom and the four guest bedrooms down to the bottom floor’s laundry room. In the laundry room the chute emptied into a larger bin that allowed for the sorting of the laundry into whites and colors and underwear and bedding...

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SyntheticChapter 29

His good eye flashed between the the nude girl on the floor and the boy standing above her. "What did you do?" Zack's surprise had vanished. He tilted his head to the side and regarded his friend mildly. "C'mon. You aren't really that dumb, Sauce." "I told you not to touch her," Sawyer growled. "You swore to me-" "Did you think I was going to let you have her all for yourself?" "I would never-" "I know!" interrupted Zack. "You never take initiative, you don't even...

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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 1

I am 28 now and well built due to regular gymming and running my own business since last six year’s. My family was forcing me to get married from quit a long time but I always deny them for marriage because I loved a girl and she ditched me few years back. So then onwards I left with no interest in love and marriage . But some how my parents succeeded to get me married and even I had not met the girl before marriage because of anger. Then after getting married I got some business related work...

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Cousin Kristin

Part 1 Somebody bumped my arm and half of my wine spilled from the cheap plastic cup out onto the linoleum floor. "Sorry," someone I didn't recognize said. "Not a problem," I responded. I wondered who the old coot was. I would have been devastated, spilling wine, except that this was no great loss. It was Ohio wine, one step down from Boones Farm, which tastes like Welch's Grape Juice with alcohol added. The only thing to be said is that it was better than the beer. I noticed that a...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 23

I couldn't help laughing. "You want to let me in on the joke?" "Us." It was the kind of night that seemed to define Washington. Define the northwest. The air was clear after the afternoon rain. The Moon was out in force enviously trying to outshine her older brother, the sun. The stars shone brightly, cheering her on, yet twinkling at her forlorn attempt. The air was cool, still filled with the moisture of the rain. Tami and I were taking our ritual walk, hand in hand, enjoying the...

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Omegle Denmark Lesbian

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: hiYou: hi f36 looking to chat with another woman?Stranger: hi f 22Stranger: hereYou: hello thereYou: where are you? I'm in New YorkStranger: but not lesbianStranger: its okYou: yeah sure that's fine! Im not a lesbian either, I'm bisexual actuallyStranger: can we exchange pictureYou: Ive been with men and women but I'm involved with a man for 2 years now :)You: picture? why?Stranger: just sure u r women or menYou: oh sureYou: what's...

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Husband Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

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Diary of an Interstellar Whore

Yana of Wavaq, Age Fourteen Planet Wavaq[1] Year 9700, Earth Calendar My world is pretty bleak for females. We were conquered by the Prapt[2], the interstellar pimps. Why the slimiest, ugliest, invertebrate creatures in the known universe have a monopoly on prostitution, especially owning or controlling a majority of the most beautiful bipedal, mammalian females, is one of the mysteries of the universe. Wavaq females have long been considered the loveliest mammalians in the universe, even...

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It was the middle of summer break. I was babysitting Scout. Our parents had gone out of town together again, and Forrest was at another friends house this time. So for the week, it was just me and Scout. I didn't mind. I was getting paid, and I had someone to play with. I live in the middle of nowhere, and non of my friends live near me, and I am 15, so I cant drive. Scout was nine, and was about a foot shorter than my 5'6”. I guess she was good looking, not that I would notice. Aw,...

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A new experience for Julie

Julie was fed up. It was the same every evening, left on her own while her husband went down the pub. She'd opened the bottle of wine and sat in front of the television, crap on as usual. Eight o'clock already she thought, well sod this, I'm going out. Julie was feeling a bit tipsy after drinking half a bottle, but what the heck. She went upstairs to the bedroom and stripped off her clothes, she was proud of her body, her firm breasts stood out against her slim and tanned body, and...

Group Sex
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Ladies Day continues

The next day, the sun creeps in through the curtains of the guest suite at the stables, awaking what appear to be two lovely blonde girls from their slumbers. The girls are Alice and Sarah, lazily stretching in the two queen sized beds in the luxury suite that the brothers showed them to last night. Before they went to bed last night, they removed all their make up with plentiful supplies of cold cream, but in the pink nighties and still with their long blonde hair, prominent boobs,...

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Trucker Daddy Jim Part Two

I got a call from Jim the day after our liaison at the layby, it quiet surprised me as I thought it would be a one off due to him being married. I've had multiples of married men in the past that say they'll phone you and never do, doesn't really bother me I quiet understand that their horny and looking for a quick release and when that's over they've got wives to return home to, occasionally one will contact me, it's fine by me I get as much out of it as they do, so everyone's happy.Anyway...

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Night Flight

The flight back to Albuquerque from Oakland was only half full that night. We filed into the cabin and went through the usual routines of cramming more luggage than was technically permitted into the overhead compartments and under the seats. With so few people, however, there was plenty of space for everyone as well as all their belongings.I moved towards the back of the plane, away from most everyone else, and took a seat in the last aisle, by the window. I like to watch the nightlights of...

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Kates Request

Kate’s Desire I grew up next to Kate, but I never entertained any romantic notions for her. She was seven years younger than I and I didn’t want to wait for her to grow up. If anyone had ever accused me of doing that, I’d have laughed in his or her face, but Kate always thought she wanted me until she met Elizabeth. When I noticed Kate for the first time, I was twenty-five and she was eighteen. We were doing inventory at Johnson’s market and I’d been working late. When I turned off the main...

1 year ago
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Fucked Friends HOT BUSTY Wife in Dark

Yes Guys Even I am same as u all are I used to read sex stories on different websites and used to download porn videos from tube.asexstories.com and masturbate. I would like to share my real and superb incidence that happened with me. Let me introduce myself, My name is Ankur Sexena From Bangalore, India age 25 years and 6 ft height and a 9 inch cock. Me and my friend Jagmeet had many things in common like same height, almost similar voice and thinking. Jagmeet loved a girl named Pratima from...

First Time
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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 2

"Wow! That was the hardest I've ever been spanked." My ass was really burning and I wasn't looking forward to tucking it back into my dress, but I knew I had to at least try to get back to the party before my big sister left with her new hubby."Sorry about that, but it seemed like what you wanted. My hands are a little sore, too.""You did great, Brett. Best fuck I've had in two weeks. Hey, I don't mean to rush you, but we should both get down there to say goodbye to the happy couple.""Oh, good...

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Aasha The Ultimate Sex Teacher

Hii to all. Am from Hyderabad (Dilsukhnagar) this is a real story. Before entering into the action let me explain how I and Asha met. It’s a big story but let me brief it. She was my senior in school and she use to stay near by my home.we know each other very well. I use to stare her she looks very beautiful and chubby. Coming to the story after my schooling I met her very rarely. It was in my engineering, as I was interested in her i enquired others n came to know that she goes for jog every...

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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

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