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I’d been writing about it for some time, ever since a woman who I connected with started whispering in my ear just how erotic a thing it was for her, even just to imagine.

I’m sure I’d thought of it somewhat, even imagined it before her, but her heated response to the very idea of me with another guy (with her there to watch every lewd savage moment, of course), kind of gave me tacit permission to open that door full on for myself as a real possibility, at least in my mind. The outside judgment had vanished. Now I just had to decide if I really wanted it for myself.

It wouldn’t be long before I realized that I really did want at least a tryout with it, especially with her ongoing aroused encouragement. And I always knew that, if I’m ever going to give something like that a go, I’m not one to hold back. Then if it works for me, I’ll do lots more. If not, I move on.

But these stirrings began with her a while ago, and somewhat recently she’d returned to her husband who she had been separated from when we’d played. We had actively looked for a male playmate when we were still at it, but we never found the right guy, or the right chemistry with an alignment of desires.. There were a couple of almosts, but nothing really right. Nothing memorable. Not yet.

Fast forward to this…

A two-week temporary roomie, who was connected to me through a mutual friend, a girl I had dated briefly some years back. He lived on the other coast, but was in town working for a two month run. His gig was now over, but he had some interviews to do in town for new work, and no place to stay. The old gig booked him out of his digs the day after he was released from the job.

Once Terese connected us, he offered me a nice sum up front to stay in my back bedroom for the 14 days he needed before heading back east. I was happy to have the extra cash, as well as the company, and he seemed pretty low-key, smart, respectful, clean and successful. What was not to like?

We didn’t spend much time around each other in the first week, both being busy and on different schedules, But we did have some late night chats over beers, and morning musings over coffee. I got to know him a little and he me. And I’m sure somewhere in the back of my mind, I must have whispered to myself more than once, “I wonder if…” - but dismissed it, because it had only ever really happened a little for me while with Lisa, and I hadn’t thought how to shoot for it alone. I do remember thinking to myself in those moments that he was good looking all over and seemed to have a sexual energy that didn’t stop.

Was it an accident that I let slip the fact that I wrote eloquent porn in one of our late night gabs? It might have just been the subject. Sex always comes up eventually with guys. He said he wanted to read some of my writings, because the stuff he’d read recently wasn’t doing it for him. I figured, hell, he’s gone in a week or so, let him read. He had what I sensed was an open mind, so I gave him my blog page address. And continued to quietly wonder.

I walked into the apartment late the next night, and heard some distinct noises down the hall. I halted in my entryway, closed the door quietly, and listened. It was the telltale sound of a male a****l nearing an orgasm, grumbling half-intelligible obscenities, grunting, panting with a subtly rising tonality in his vocal gymnastics. And I swear that my hand went right to my own eagerly rising cock from the very raw ummph of his orgasm’s eruption. Jesus, it stirred me up to hear that, in ways that surprised me.

It was late. I didn’t know him. I wasn’t going there. But part of me at least acknowledged to myself that I wanted to go there. I wanted to walk in and smirk at him and say “You couldn’t have waited for me?” He probably would have laughed along with me, then offered to swallow my cock so that I could catch up cum-wise. I know that now. If I’d known that then….

Next morning over coffee, he muttered from under his ruffled mane, “Fucking nice writing you do.”

I knew he was no pushover in the intellect department and I thanked him appropriately for his fine compliment.

“Are you into all that, or is it more fantasy?” he asked. Then he waited a tick before adding, “I do a little writing of a different kind. I know some is real, some is not. Some desire is only for fantasy, some for real.”

It was a pleasure talking with someone who understood. No lengthy explanations necessary.

I spilled the beans that I was comfortable spilling, even about some of my bi play desires, and alluded to the misfires that I experienced with my former muse on the subject.

He didn’t say much. He seemed lost in the fog of the morning and in the dark brew before him. “Well, I have to say, it made me cum big time last night, and I so fucking needed that. I lived like a saint on that last project. I just had no time for play.”

I wanted to say more than “Happy to oblige.” I wanted to tell him how intensely erotic his explosion sounded to me. How it made me masturbate with my pillow as a gag. I ended up smiling through my own fog and saying, “Glad I could be of service.” But even that sounded like a come-on, and I never meant it to be.

As we waded through the surprisingly porn-peppered, waking conversation, he asked me more directly about my experiences with guys. After all, I’d opened that door already.

I told him in more detail about Lisa getting me started, and our time searching for the right guy to share with her. And how a couple of them were interesting, but not so much into what we really wanted to do or even try. “It hasn’t really worked in reality…yet” - I let that hover in the morning air, for us both, really -”but with the right guy, I think it might.”

“Yeah”, he chimed in, “I’ve had that problem. I like the idea. Even had a couple of decent experiences with guys. But I guess I’m too fucking picky for my own good”

Suddenly, I laughed and he followed. We were semi-mirrors of each other in more ways than I ever expected.

I just said quietly, but firmly, “We deserve so much better than decent.”

The conversation trailed off as he said, “Yes…. one of these days…” and I nodded, then repeated his words nearly verbatim.

It hung there in the warming air, though neither of us acknowledged more than the conversation itself.


Over the next few days, we barely saw each other, and he was nearing his departure day. I texted him to let him know that if he needed to stay longer, he was welcome without any more remuneration. He answered that he’d love to but his airline ticket would be too expensive to change again. Then he suggested we hang out that night if I wasn’t working.

We caught a bite at a nice sidewalk cafe, shared stories and people watched. We picked out girls we’d like to meet and take home as they sauntered by. He mentioned that he didn’t look for guys so much in that way, but then he pointed to a young good looking male who he thought he might maybe want, “If the guy’s not an asshole.”

I said, “Let’s find a nice couple and k**nap them both. We could share. Have a little of each flavor.”

It was all done with that sarcastic low-keyed humor that men banter with in public, but there was something underneath it all that neither of us would mention, barely even to ourselves. To me though, it rang in my ears with every passing comment.

Back at my place, it was getting late. We talked about his last full day’s schedule, and about his trip to the airport the following morning. He headed off to clean up and get some rest.

But at one point, before he closed his door, he yelled out again, half-jokingly, “I’m going to read some more of your bi porn and whack myself off to sleep. Try not to listen!”

“I don’t know, you sound pretty good!”, I retorted, not letting on that I actually did hear him.

There was a bit of a long silent pause. I yelled again for fun, “Did you cum yet? Was it good for you?”

I heard from the back room, “Shut up, I’m reading smut and I’m hard.”

My body was quietly trembling. I could feel my mind actually considering just going back there, walking in on him and grabbing his cock for… well, a little but of everything - swallowing, riding and then some. But I had no idea if it would be welcome, or what kind of weird mess it could make. God knows, he looked good enough to dive into, but that’s not everything.

I could hear the soft beginnings of his panting, the kind from someone stroking himself upward into his pleasure dome. The house was completely still except for his gently mounting sexual noises and mutterings. I found myself holding my breath just to listen to every nuance. I had my own cock in my hand and was beginning to masturbate along with him, thinking, ‘he’s just down the hall…’.

I was about to say something to him, to finally test the waters, even just to peek in and watch him cum to my story - I had no fucking idea what - when a text came through on my phone. I was grateful for the break in the sexual tension.

But it was him. Texting from the back room.

“I’m texting so I don’t embarrass myself with you. This fucking story is so hot, this shit you write is so real… and, well… if you wanna help, or join me… you know where I am. Worst case, I’m gone in a day and a half.

My mind raced. This was one of those moments you think will never come. I texted back one word: “Serious?”

His response came. “I’d love to try. See if it’s better than before. If it’s weird, we can stop. But… you might be the right one..”

My cock was rigid, thumping and drooling and I’d barely even noticed.

In the nerves of the moment, I was stupidly trying to decide whether to text him back first or just walk in and start something.

One more text came in with this photo - of him stretched out on the back bed, his bared nipple and torso and his very alluring ass. Fuck. one look and I knew then that I wanted him. I wanted to be buried deep in that tempting round ass; that lush ass that was right now being offered freely.

I texted back: “What, no cock?”

“I have one, but I’m not a cock shot whore. Cum and get it, If you want.”

I almost started to laugh. We were just a hallway apart, flirting over our phones and both stroking very hungry hard meat, waiting for perhaps the right signals to ignite.

I wrote back: “On my way. Don’t move.”

I walked in to see him in the photo pose. It was just fucking perfect. I’d thought to even bring some lube on the way, which I dropped on the floor when I sat next to his half naked body. I knew what I wanted. It was him. All of him. ’This one’, I thought to myself, ‘might just be the right one. The right one to see how much I really want this in my sexual arsenal.’

“Fucking nice ass you have”, I said sincerely. “Lemme see the rest.”
He turned just enough. His cock was perfect. Nice thickness, nice length. A perfect meal for any opening.

“So….” he hummed, “Wanna… try some…things?”

“I wanna”, and I punctuated the answer with a warm hand wrap about his shaft. The silk and steel feel of him in my palm sent a shock wave of wanton fire through my veins, and spun my brain into just the right fever mode for this new breach of sexual custom.

I wasn’t quite sure where to start, because it was like a gourmet meal awaiting me, looking all too delicious. Where to begin? Then I had an idea, and gently said, “I’d hate to interrupt your reading, so… just go back to it. I’ll ‘help’ as you so brilliantly suggested.


There was something so intensely intimate about what we began to do. He went back to reading one of my longer, dirtier MMF bi sex stories, and in the mix, we half consciously began stripping and pawing one another.

I slipped behind him once we were both naked, and slowly stroked his gorgeous cock as he read my story, silently at first. But now and then, he would re-read a heated passage to me aloud, and I’d ramp up the cock play to hear his voice falter and wobble, while I nipped and kissed his naked shoulders. With every stroke and every taste of his skin, I wanted him more. My body couldn’t seem to get close enough to his.

He would ask me to read some sections to him, so he could close his eyes and drink in the sensation and the wicked words. In between the spoken text, I’d remind him, now and then, not to cum yet. By the end of the story, my hand was drenched in his pre-cum and his ass crack and lower back was soaked in mine. I was stroking his cock and pinching his nipples and biting his neck, as he was rocking back into my swollen thickness.

We both slowed to breathe a little, and I said in an unintended hoarse whisper, “Did that… help?”

“Uh huh”

“Gonna read more?”

“I can’t focus”


We had hardly looked at one another, but that was imminent. We were primed. The savage b**st would not be quelled for long. But we were new to this and to each other. so we stumbled our way further though the luscious darkness

Before I turned him to face me, I whispered again, as I slid my slippery dick up and down his perfect ass. “If I had my druthers, I’d really like to fuck your ass as deep as I can go. It feels soooo fucking good. And I mean to leave a gallon of cum in there too.“

He made an unintelligible sound which I thought was a heated “fuck yes” reaction.

I asked, “That work for you?”

“Yeah, uhhh, so works for me… yes yes yes. Do it.”

I tried to be polite to my willing naked guest. Why, I don’t know? “What do you want to do?”

He kept rocking on my length and arching back into me. We could have done that for an hour or two, I thought to myself.

“I’ve always wanted to have a really good man-to-man 69″, he managed to mutter.

Mmmmm, “I love the sound of that”, I said, “We should do that first.”

Without another word spoken, we shimmied about to face each other, and there came that moment of truth. Shame-tinged, but determined eyes meeting, sparkling in the lights through the window. Our nakedness complete to the other, bodies and wanting souls. I placed his hand on my cock, and we were suddenly, silently falling into erotic mirror games.

Now our eyes wouldn’t look away and rather quickly there was no shame left in them. There was a simple, mutual decision. It hadn’t been fully made in truth until our eyes locked in this deeper nakedness.

He became almost a shy little boy as he asked if I liked to kiss. I said that I hadn’t kissed but one other man, but I wanted to kiss him. We both leaned in and our bodies scooted closer, our cocks meeting, our hands braiding to join in on the up-and-down motions as one.

Lips to lips, turned swiftly to a battle of the tongues, sucking, lapping, nipping, and now the furnace was stoked and heading toward roaring. I found myself suddenly shoving him onto his back on the bed, pushing his knees toward his chest so my cock could meet his at full length. Again, our hands clasped both shafts together, as we began an outer body fuck, our tongues tangling when they could reach one another,

When I pulled back a bit, our eyes met again, but this time, with that look of “Fuck, we are doing this and I’m not stopping”. The reflections were speckled with mutual fire and our bodies responded with a ramping-up of perpetual motion.

Then it was like a dare. The dirty talk came out of real questions.

“When you imagine your 69, are we both cumming in each others’ throats and faces?”

“Mmmm, fuck yes” he moaned.

“Yeah, I want to feel you erupt like you did the other night when I heard you cum. So. Fucking. Hot. I want to know how it feels when you blast your cum into my face and down into my body.”

He blushed, and made more aroused and arousing grunts, then he began to fuck my cock back hard.

“Tell me what else you want”, I demanded, since I had the top spot for the moment.

“When you fuck me” he said plainly, “Make it hard and all the fucking way in.”

“That’s the plan”

I leaned down and bit his nipple. Then he asked me if he could do the same to my ass.

All I said with a mouthful of his lower lip was “You better.”

That was it. I swiveled my hips about, dangled my dick over his face, and took his in my hand, wrapping my lips about his slick cockhead.

I had one more thought before I devoured him cock and soul, “Try and see how long you can hold out. There’s always much more cum that way.”

I could feel him shake his head yes with half of my shaft already across his tongue. And off we went, into a cock-sucking tug-of-war.

I’d never felt anything so feral and wrong. hot and arousing, dirty and brilliant in one rocking fuck dance. I knew I was in the throes of making another man shoot a warm gooey load of his sexual seed down my throat and into my gullet, something I had never done except maybe in wet dreams. And I was going to tease every last drop out of him that I could. The more I played and teased and taunted him to the edge and back, the more I wanted this. Badly. I could hear the phrase ‘cum whore’ bouncing about in my consciousness.

We switched positions now and then as we tussled. It was a throat-fucking wrestling match and his ass rocked back and forth in a way that I almost wanted to stop what we were doing, pin him down and ramrod his hole until we both roared to the fucking heavens.

I couldn’t believe how much of him I had taken in my throat at certain points and still tried for more. I had fingers in his ass that were wetted with some my saliva and his precum. I was fucking his ass’ gripping hole with three fingers, knuckles deep, humming low in my throat for added vibration, and shaking my head in a rhythm to add to the raw fuck-and-suck dance we were doing.

We were actually sucking each other side-by-side when I felt him growl in a telling way, with my cockhead nuzzling his gag reflex. I knew I was about to get cum-blasted down my open throat for the first time this way. I clawed his ass and pulled him in deeper to let him know to let go and just fucking explode into me.

I growled back with the sheer bliss of this cumwash I’d help to create, tilted my head to capture as much as I could without gagging, and when his first volleys happened, the lusciously lewd feel of his cum spraying across my tongue and rushing into the back of my mouth and parts adjacent tripped my own triggers as well.

Suddenly there were two men, gurgling and gulping and panting and moaning and fucking furiously, their faces full of rocking, spurting man-meat, both fighting to savor every ounce of sticky sex they could muster from this the double-dip tango they were fiercely engaged in together.

It had been better than I’d ever dreamed it could be. All I could think in the wild swirl of the moment was, how can I keep him here for a month or two?

As we alighted from our filthy flight, we kept stroking one another, careful not to over-sensitize our sticky, twitching tools. I swiveled back to face him again, and we instinctively tangled side by side, legs interlocked, mouths dripping with cum, which swiftly became the prize of our ensuing kisses, when we could stop panting long enough to do so.

“Fucking hell”, I finally managed, “Good, ummmm, suggestion”

“Yeah” was all he managed before we kissed in a really hot and dirty fashion.

I quietly said, “That was really…. fucking good. Great. The best. I mean. it makes me… You make me… want more. Just sayin’”.

“Me too”, he said quickly, “Lots more, if you’re up for it.”

“Lots sounds good, yeah”

There was a long pause, during which we busied ourselves with seeing who could lick up the most cum from the other. And I don’t think we had stopped playing with each others’ dicks as of yet. It was definitely a sign of wanting more.

He smiled, kind of wickedly and said “You weren’t really planning to sleep tonight, were you?”

I smiled back to match him, “You weren’t planning to really go home on Sunday, were you?”

The conversation swiftly returned to dirtier places.

“When I fuck that hot ass of yours… and I will very shortly”, I promised, “I want you to be reading one of my stories. I’m not going to let you cum until you finish the story aloud. I want to hear what your voice does when I tease your pleading dick, while I drive mine deep into your spine as you read depraved things to me.”

We were both getting hard again.

He finally answered, “I’ll think of something to match that when i take yours…”, he trailed off.

I challenged him by simply saying, “You better…”

This night, I now hoped, might never end.

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Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex and mind control. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the fifth installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this story may not be to you liking. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you enjoy my words. ~CD ***** Over the next few weeks Vala discovered...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 375

Bob Jackson, Mr. Nobles, and John Jenkins were sitting at the fancy meeting table when the general and I walked in. The general was carrying my portable office; that was one thing he was good for. “Good morning Ambassador,” they all said. “It’s still BJ to my friends,” I replied. After the introductions I asked the general to wait out side while I had the meeting with them. “I guess that you have seen the news it is a six week stint; the question is where do we go from here? There are...

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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 9 Loving Friends

Saturday Evening It might have been hours that Janelle stood there, watching her dreaming lover, but time means nothing to the dead. Too soon, she felt a pull and she let her spirit move in the direction of the pull. She found herself in Sue's body, in Cal's bed, where Sue and Cal were still snuggled together, and Sue was thinking. 'I can't believe this all happened because I was jealous of Janelle.' The thoughts were scrambled for a while as Sue almost started to cry at the mix of her...

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Claire Ryan

It was a beautiful summers day in sunny Rome. Claire, a 21 year old receptionist from England was strolling down the stony paths with her boyfriend of 2 years Ryan, a 25 year old bricklayer also from England.They had always been rather happy in their relationship but neither knew that they were both hungry for something else... FROM someone else. They had planned the trip together, both telling each other that it would be very romantic to get away to the Italian capital. They promised each...

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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 5 The Birthday Party

They say it's your birthday It's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you —The Beatles, "Birthday" (used without permission) The rest of June seemed to last forever. With few exceptions, each day was a repeat of the last. The gang stopped by once or twice each week, but only on their way to other places. Sometimes they were going fishing, sometimes to the mall, but usually they were going to...

2 years ago
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Jenni Kati and Julie

Introduction: My Daughter sets me up on a date, doesnt quite work out in the end Jenni and Kati were ecstatic, Jenni had a sister, and Kati had a family. Oh the thoughts in my head where, what was going to happen now? It could only get better, like the first night Kati had been adopted. Instead of one horny, hot, sexy teenager in the house there was now two of them, I couldnt help but think about Jenni and Kati both being my cock whores as well. I had a lot of work to do, so I told Jenni I...

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The Book of Desires

Legend tells of an ancient book known as the Desiderium that grants the reader the ability to cast spells to aid their sexual conquests. It's true owner is unknown and the book itself has been deemed a myth by modern scholars, but something has begun to stir beneath the town of Lagneia Bay. The town's citizens love to boast about its low crime rates and relative peace, but the truth behind the Lagneia Bay's tranquility is a sinister secret that if revealed could threaten the very peace it...

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First LoveChapter 4

Matt finally made it home around 7 PM. His mother was frantic. All he wanted was to just take a bath and crawl into bed. As soon as she saw him, his face swollen and covered with blood and dirt, his shirt ripped and equally dirty, she just gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She took him in her arms, crying, "What happened? Who did this to you?" Matt refused to tell her, finally just refusing to answer her questions at all. He burst into tears though when his mom mentioned Jen's...

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Sali Ka Group Sex Part 2

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at HERE IS PART 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‘Please jiju no more’ I pleaded but he paid no heed to my plea. I tried to struggle but felt too weak and groggy. Slowly we went up the stairs to my room. ‘I can manage now...

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Sharing my girlfriend with my roommate when my mi

Be warned this is a long story!Hopefully u read my previous stories and know of my situation, if u haven't here's a quick summary:I'm a sub and wanted to experience being dominated by a woman.Me and my girlfriend Sue started experimenting in bed which led to my female roommate to join and become my mistress, a while after I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my other roommate Sam, and rather than confronting them I decided to share her with Sam and watch.This story starts when my mistress...

1 year ago
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Risk Your Heart

All rights reserved. No part of this novella may be reproduced without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations with credit to M.J. Roberts. Copyright © M.J. Roberts 2015. ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER 18 YEARS OLD. This story won first place in Literotica’s 2015 Summer Lovin’ contest. If you like it, please make sure to give it the number of stars you think it deserves, to keep it on top of the top lists. Thanks! Dear Readers, With every story I write, I try to...

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Secret Pleasures

I was always horny, sex just once a day was never going to be enough, not for me anyways. I looked over at Eric, I wanted him, I knew I would always want him. I smiled at him while my fingers explored his chest, tweaking his nipples and squeezing his pecs. He turned toward me reaching for my breasts and cupping the soft tanned flesh in his hand, his thumb moving over my nipple playing with the turgid flesh. I trembled and moved closer needing the full contact of his skin against mine. His...

Straight Sex
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The ArrangementChapter 14 Junior Year Decisions

I felt pretty good for a few weeks after that encounter, confident that I’d made the right decision with Hannah. I thought about Riley often, of course. But short of racing to Amherst and pledging my love for her, and begging her to leave Tom, there wasn’t much I could do. The race-to-Amherst thing seemed like something that would work in the movies, not in real life. I wanted Riley and I to have a future together, but I didn’t want to be a creepy stalker that scared her away for good. So,...

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Private Korolina Beiman Kennia Lex Naughty Students

School is in session and it’s time to meet the naughtiest students in class! That’s right, today www.private.com introduces you to the delicious twinks, Korolina Beiman and Kennia Lex, who have come to Private Specials, Cock-Craving Lesbians for an extra special surprise exam! So watch these naughty college girls in action as they get the party started with a taste of each other’s pussies before their lucky teacher, Toni-bill, joins in for a stunning threesome full of all the double blowjob and...

3 years ago
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Destiny Ch 02

Once we both calmed down and cuddled next to each other, I drifted off to sleep dreaming about what the whole weekend had in store for us. I have no idea how long I slept cuddled next to him but I awoke horny and needing to have him again. He was still sleeping – his cock just laying there resting – for now! I remembered how much he loved being woken up with my mouth. It had been a long time since I had that pleasure and I was sure ready for it now. I moved downward being very careful not to...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 47 Roll up

"Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!" Ryoko called across the field. "You boys hungry? I got the cure! Plain, mild or spicy? It's great I'll insure! Step up quick, Jump up real fast! I got the beef but it sure won't last! Pork so juicy you'll yell for more! The pigs in heaven and the taste'll take you there for shore! Noodles so tasty slippery and hot! Come one, come all my Ramen will hit the spot! Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!" Ayeka found herself smiling, Ryoko seemed to be in her element. It...

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The Winsome Widow Part 2

Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...

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The sound of the door closing woke Mrs. Duffy. It was almost summer, and the nights were getting warmer. She looked at the clock next to her, twelve-thirty. Early, she thought. She kicked off the bedspread,stuck her feet out, and listened to the night sounds. She heard Julie Ann, her daughter, talking with Jerry, her boyfriend. She heard him. The television in the living room went on, to hide the noise of their love making. Mrs. Duffy heard them stop talking, and over the blurred sound of...

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Curing Evan

100% fiction! I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my eighteen-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would three help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home soon. Before we left, Evan apparently had...

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Taking Out the Trash

Taking Out the Trash By Rosie Sarah took a big gulp from the pint her mother had placed before her. For a minute, she felt that the feel of the beer flowing down her throat had cooled her anger but after a while, it fueled it to even higher levels. She was determined, more than ever before, to go through with the plan she had devised for her husband, when he came back. "If he comes back, you mean," her mother interjected. "When he comes back," Sarah repeated with an eerie calmness...

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Shadow of a Child Soldier

The project started with the system duke and the new system rear admiral. The enrollment for people into the marines was always low. They decided to raise their own soldiers, train them from a very young age and bring them into the service. It was never sanctioned by the fleet sky marshal or the emperor. Quietly volunteers from across the fleet donated eggs and sperm and the first batch of children were born. There were several thousand in the first hatching as they called it. It was two years...

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6:45 am, everyday, I set out to run. I have been running about 4 miles, everyday, through my neighborhood, to and around the park and back. For three months now, I have run the same route, the same time, everyday of the week. My name is Kirk, I am 25 years old, in great shape and, in all modesty, a hell of a good looking stud. I am 6 foot 1, wavy brown hair, chiseled facial features and abs tighter than a straight man's ass in a gay bar. I noticed her about 3 weeks ago. She was running her loop...

Quickie Sex
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The Essence Within Ch 02

‘Computer, what’s the alarm for?’ Jonathon asks. ‘A ship is following us on the port side and powering weapons.’ replies the computer. ‘SHIT! Power the shields and weapons.’ Jonathon yells. Too late one shot makes it through before the shields are fully up. It hits the left side engine causing the ship to lurch and instantly slow down. Looking at the status panel, he notices engine efficiency is down to 50%, shields 25%, and weapons are offline. He looks at another monitor to see the class,...

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1 Sex with Gabrielle First time

Introduction: English isnt my first language so please dont judge. The following story takes place during my high school years. So I was dating this cute 18 years old girl named Gabrielle for about 6 months. She was a 52, 100 pounds girl with B cup breasts and a nice soft ass. Our relationship was going great, except, we didnt have sex yet, (when I was young it was a big deal lol) which made my friends laugh at me sometimes, but its cool, Im not the kind of dude that gets mad for nothing. We...

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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 5

“Okay, I need to make one thing clear—there is no way that we can guarantee to have completely cleaned all wild hogs from inside the fence. What I can guarantee is that we will kill all wild hogs that we can find, but, rest assured, it is unlikely that we will find them all. Now, this is what I propose to do. “We will make a quick scan of the complex in our truck to try to spot any obvious hogs or places where they may be hiding. Of course, we will shoot any that we can find. The problem is...

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And Then She Kissed Me

© Copyright 2004 Getting a phone call at three in the morning isn't something I would recommend if you're looking for a way to wake up that's gentle on the nerves. The ringing jarred me awake and I waited a moment, expecting Angie to pick up before my sleep-addled brain remembered that she was with her mother. "Hello?" My voice was thick and raspy, and I hoped to God the caller had a good reason for getting me up at such an early hour. "Mr. Daniels?" "Yes... who is...

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CuckoldSessions Cali Carter 03032019

Cali Carter and her Hubby are freaks! They didn’t start out that way, though. After four or five years being married, they decided to spice things up a bit, so to speak. Since Cali is a natural exhibitionist and Hubby is a voyeur, they knew what was next: Cali banging other men as Hubby watched his very own “live porno movie”! Enter Isiah Maxwell. He’s been to the Carters home more than once, and from the instant Cali met him, she wanted to suck Isiah’s BBC. But...

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Beach pickup

Another fantasy storyLike everyone else, I like the beach - warm sun, cool breeze, refreshing water, bare flesh on view. Sometimes the quantity and quality are not there, but occasionally something just makes you think - fucking hell - that is superb.Well, there are places to see this jaw-dropping example of perfect flesh - covered only by a few bits of cotton, and my particular story is in Brazil - Rio. Even during cloudy days, flesh of all sorts is on view - but the freshest is late...

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A Spiders Web Ch 03 Lost Scene

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

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Caught by a neighbour

I’ve secretly been crossdressing from a young age. In my late teens, around 17, I became more adventurous. maybe because I was enjoying it more. At that age I was very slender, had long dark hair as well has having a naturally smooth and hairless body. My brother and sister were both at uni and my parents would work a lot of the time meaning I was left home alone quite a lot. I would ‘borrow’ my sister’s clothes and had actually found in the loft a bag of things she didn’t wear any more. As you...

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The Cut

Blankly staring out the kitchen window, Renee was oblivious to the fact she had now minced the onion into minuscule fragments and only remembered she was even using the knife once it sliced through the tip of her finger, stopping only because of the nail. She snapped immediately back into reality and dropped the knife, blood already making eerie patterns on the onion pulp. Derek had heard her drop the knife and then the rush of water. ‘You okay?’ ‘Just wasn’t paying attention.’ She was...

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Damned Lil Sister

My little sister Chloe is a pain the everlasting butt. She's only fourteen and I'm seventeen and she always seems to find the quickest path between stupidity and my hot buttons. Civilized people lock the door when they're in the bathroom but about a month ago, I went to take a bath and when I opened the door, there was Chloe, naked as a plucked goose and with all her paraphernalia hanging out. "God damned, Chloe. If I wanted to see all that, I'd buy a God damned ticket," I said as I...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 24

JAN 1941 TOBRUK IN NORTH AFRICA FALLS TO THE BRITISH “Tobruk was the only deep water port in Eastern Libya and as a consequence it had been heavily fortified by its former Italian garrison. The capture of Tobruk was essential for an advance on Alexandria and Suez. In April 1941, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel made its capture the main objective of his first offensive in North Africa. British forces ibn Libya’s eastern coastal region of Cyrenaica were caught completely by surprise and...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 20 The Procyon Conspiracy

Chapter Introduction Professor Angela Dawney, the noted academic psychologist and expert in research on the effects of stress, fulfils an invitation to work with some new colleagues, to improve their data collection methods for a new medicine, but is she a queen in the game or merely a pawn? The Set Up: Weed Eradication Protocol Catherine Hopwood is at work in her office in the State of Iowa Narcotics Enforcement Bureau when she receives a call from an old friend. Scott Anderson had been...

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The Day I Caught Jenny

Hi my name is Gareth I am forty three years old I am six foot one inch tall with brown hair and grey eyes I am an average looking guy who’s quite slender. I work as a security guard at a shopping centre in Birmingham. It’s 45C today so a hot sticky day.Today is like any other day until I get a call from a clothes retailer in the centre who’ve called me about a female customer whom they alleged were trying to steal some clothes. I arrive at the store I ask the staff what happened they tell me...

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The IceBreaker Ch 03

Kaitlyn skimmed a hand over the steaming bath water before relaxing her head against the edge, expelling a deep sigh. It had been an amazing, mind-blowing three days since she’d last worked. All spent with Alex, mostly in his bed. They hadn’t been together the entire time, even now he was at a midday practice at the Saddledome, which was why she was indulging in her second middle-of-the-day-bath in seven days. Has it only been that long? she wondered, her eyes sliding shut. Her time with Alex...

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