1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 24a You rsquo re Only Half Way There
- 2 years ago
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Meeting Solvang Squadron
Cynthia and I returned to San Jose. We took the van.
I kept my appointment with the president of the university. We went over my speech and the graduation plans. I agreed to meet with her on Friday, June 6.
The afternoon was spent cleaning the apartment. The other members of the squadron were there doing the same to their apartments.
We were just about finished for the day when Mary/Fran brought a young lady to see me. She was Sofia Shamanic. Sofia was the leader of the Solvang Squadron.
I asked Sofia if she had any other members of her squadron with her in San Jose.
She had her partner and two other members with her.
I looked at Cynthia and asked if the Solvang people had any meal plans? If they did not would they join with the Graton Squadron for dinner at Original Joe's? I also asked if they had housing arrangements for the next semester.
Sofia had not made dinner plans yet. The squadron was planning on living in the dorms.
I had Cynthia contact Original Joe's and make reservations for eighteen at 7:00 PM. I also asked Cynthia to call our landlord and find out if he had rented our apartments.
Cynthia gave me an on net well done fearless leader!
I then showed Sofia the apartments at 50 North Ninth Street. I told her that I was finding out if they would be available for the Solvang Squadron. By the time we finished the tour Cynthia let me know that the apartments are available.
I pointed out the proximity of the apartments to the Engineering Department and other infrastructure. They actually cost about the same as the dorms. The major advantage was the ease of the squadron to get together. We actually rented seven apartments. We used the seventh apartment as a meeting room and study hall.
Cynthia gave Sofia the name and phone number of the landlord.
I suggested we all meet here at 6:15 PM, then we could go together to dinner.
Cynthia suggested that Sofia and I go to the meeting apartment and compare notes on our two squadrons.
I always do what my love asks. Sofia asked about the New Year's Eve flight of the Squadron. I explained we were going through an F-16 Ground School. The flight was sort of a graduation from that school. It was an important event for the Graton Squadron. We actually met and voted on a leader.
I learned from that experience that I could not do every task that the squadron required. Leadership required delegation. It really changed how the squadron operated. We have an operations officer, a social director, a communications officer. These form our executive committee. Now, if I have one of my bright ideas, I have three friends to give me a reality check on my actions. I do not have to carry all of the stress of running a squadron. I was going slowly crazy until I learned to delegate.
I shared our experience with Matthew Clemens. He taught us a lot about the nuts and bolts of flying. I offered to have Mat contact one of his Air Force buddies to help the Solvang Squadron as he helped the Graton Squadron. There is a lot of talent from the old military that would be glad to be able to fly again.
I was just finishing when Cynthia came in. "Sofia, he must have bored you by now so let's get your partner and go for a pleasant walk to South First Street and San Carlos Avenue." Cynthia took Sofia and her squadron on a quick tour of the San Jose State University campus. As we walked she pointed out the Student Union, the Campus Dining Commons at Eighth Street and San Salvador Street, and the Aquatics Center.
Cynthia described our morning exercise routine, the Tai Chi, the run and the swim. We all needed to get in shape for the astronaut training this summer. Even when we were on vacation we kept up the exercise. We were told by the UNASA rep we had to be in top physical shape.
We arrived at Original Joe's at 6:50 PM. Mary/Fran said she would pay for the meal. The host gave us the private room. Cynthia sat everyone so a Solvang Squadron member was between two Graton Squadron members. This allowed good conversation between the two groups. It worked.
I made a date to introduce Sofia to Dr. Johnson in Engineering tomorrow morning before we left for Graton.
Sofia makes her move
Sofia thanked us for all of the help we had given her people. She asked to talk to me privately for a few minutes. I thought nothing of it and took her to our apartment. I had no more got the door closed and Sofia jumped me. She wanted SEX NOW! I started to turn to leave. I was frozen. All of a sudden I had to mate. I had to mate NOW. My cock was hard as a broomstick and ready for action. Sofia took my hand and led me to the bedroom.
Sofia was on her back with her legs spread. She exposed her pussy fully. I heard her tell me I wanted her. I wanted to split her with my manhood. I was her man from now on. I had my cock deep in her, and I was pumping furiously. I was Sofia's fuck doll. I was like the Eveready bunny. I kept on going and going and going.
Cynthia walked in the apartment and heard the rutting going on in the bedroom. As she walked in Sofia was experiencing her sixth orgasm. She could hear me saying things like, "I love you Sofia. I want to be your mate forever." She connected with me. She screamed for Mary to help! Then she became a statue. Sofia laughed. She said, "You Graton people are mine. Just like the people of Solvang. Soon I will control the whole planet."
I have to tell this. Tom and Cynthia were under Sofia's direct control. I heard Cynthia's cry for help. Then I felt Sofia trying to invade my mind. I quickly pushed back and took control of her WE modules. I froze Sofia and Tom. I unfroze Cynthia. Thank God for that firewall Nancy designed.
I then scanned Sofia. She was in direct control of five hundred and sixty people in Solvang as well as Tom. Sofia was a natural telepath. That made it clear we had to scan all the people on earth for this skill. They could be a threat to the WE and the law and order we all enjoyed.
I talked it over with James, Marsha, Jane and Nancy. We all agreed that natural telepaths needed at least very close monitoring. We did not want to eliminate the skill as it would probably have future uses.
(Tom: that was prophetic.)
Nancy worked out a WE control program. Telepaths could only control the WE in their own bodies. The communication protocol would not allow any external control of the WE except for James, Marsha, Jane, Nancy and me.
I released Tom. He looked at Cynthia and started to cry. Cynthia ran to him and gave him a bear hug that would not end.
I went on the WEnet to the people in Solvang. I explained what happened and that corrections had been made. I explained that they might want to look at Sofia's talents as a Squadron LEADER. If they want to keep her as the Solvang Squadron leader, they had that right and authority. Sofia was not a bad person, just a little out of control. They decided to keep her as Squadron Leader for this year.
I released Sofia.
"How? How did you stop me?" Sofia asked, "I had everything under control."
"You just met Mary WE," Tom said. "She has powers and abilities we have not even begun to think about. When we first had an orgy at our house two of Cynthia's sisters were natural telepaths too. The Committee decided that they all needed an impenetrable firewall. Mary WE is the chairperson of the Committee. She is also one hundred percent WE. She is not human!
"I might as well kill myself," Sofia said. "I will be the laughing stock of Solvang. I won't be able to get a job as dog catcher.
Mary took over. "Sofia you have been misguided. You used your natural gift improperly. You are not the laughing stock of Solvang. You missed the point of the WE Law Number Ten: Rearing a child would be a special gift. All neighbors and other family members would willingly assist in rearing the child. All relations are to be based on love. How can you base your relationship on love if you are controlling everyone like puppets?"
"I really blew it." Sofia answered.
"Sofia, your past actions were unfortunate. The committee and I learned of a major hole in the WE command program. From now on, no natural telepaths will be able to exercise the control you used. You are a smart lady and a good leader."
"While you were out, I polled the people of Solvang. They want you to be leader of the Solvang Squadron. You definitely filled a niche for them. You will truly have to lead, not command. You need to learn to delegate your authority. You can check with Tom, Cynthia and Tiger as to how they run their executive committee. You do not have to copy them. You do have to learn to delegate. By the way it took Tom six months to learn to delegate. You will make mistakes. Ask your Squadron for help with those mistakes."
"Sofia, you have your home work to do. You need to arrange housing, jet training, and register for school. That sounds like an opportunity for delegation." I let Sofia go.
Wow! I am glad we had the problems of control when the WE were first created. The firewall Nancy created saved us all.
Cynthia and I spent the rest of the night just snuggling.
Thursday: May 29, 2008 Stocking for Camping
We woke, did our Tai Chi, ran our route to the Aquatics Center, swam for a hour and went to the Dining Commons for breakfast.
We met Sofia and the Solvang Squadron at the Dining Commons. Sofia introduced her executive committee. We all exchanged email addresses. Cynthia and I wished them all well for their school year ahead. Sofia had rented the apartments at 50 North Ninth St. for the Solvang Squadron.
We returned to the apartments for the last time. We finished the last minute packing and drove home to Graton. We were all happy when we got there. We put all of our stuff in storage in dad's garage. We would need it again July 7 in Mountain View.
Tiger and Squeaker had really grown. They were truly bipedal now. Tiger's mane was really pronounced. They greeted us and took me to the great room. Tiger and Squeaker had been doing their jobs. Tiger had been assembling the camping gear for us. He had sleeping pads, sleeping bags, camp stove, camp refrigerator, cooking and eating utensils, pans and plates, and a large tent. Squeaker had been shopping and had most of the food for the trip. She had NO MRE's.
By the time we had unloaded, mom called us all in for lunch. It was good to be home. Mom, dad and Jane asked us about Sofia. I told them the whole story.
Mom asked if Cynthia and I would mind shopping for her for food to feed the mob. We accepted. Cynthia and I looked forward to a ride to Sebastopol. We invited Tiger and Squeaker along in case they had any last minute items to get for camping. We met at the garage. Cynthia and Squeaker hooked up the bike trailers. Tiger held Cynthia's bike and I held my bike. We were off to Sebastopol. Squeaker asked to go to Fiesta Market. Cynthia and I took a basket and started on Mom's list. Six more adults really affected the food consumption.
We got to the meat department and we saw Tiger and Squeaker both pushing their cart to the fish monger's. They were in deep discussion about some fish purchase.
I had Cynthia get five pounds of thick sliced Canadian bacon. I got two dozen eggs. Cynthia gave the butcher mom's meat list. He asked us to come back in twenty minutes. We continued shopping. I had to go to the front of the store to get a second cart to hold the meat. I was glad we brought both trailers. We were going to get a good work out going home.
We stopped at the Sebastopol Hardware Center for gas powered lanterns, white gas, and presto logs for a camp fire.
I treated everyone to coffee at Burger King.
We got home just before dinner. I went over and checked Squeaker's scores. I should have known, Jumbo SHRIMP.
After dinner we went to the pool and swam relaxed laps. Tiger and Squeaker joined us. We headed for bed after the swim.
"I love you Thomas James Savage," Cynthia said. "We have to go to San Francisco tomorrow. Then I would like to go camping. If we don't have what we need, the Guerneville Safeway Store is only four miles away. Would you mind if we just snuggle tonight?"
I picked her up. I kissed her like I was kissing a butterfly. I carried her to our bed and gently set her in the bed. I carefully climbed in after her. We put our arms around each other and snuggled. We were asleep in five minutes.
Friday: May 30, 2008 Meet Top of the Mountain
I woke up early as usual. Tiger beat me up. It was 5:15 in the morning. I showered and cleaned up and met Tiger in the kitchen. We had a cup of coffee, and then went over the day and Cynthia's wish to go camping as soon as we got back from our business in San Francisco. I said, "Let's get our spouses and go for a run, then a swim and have breakfast. I do not want to leave before 9:00AM. I want to miss the rush hour traffic."
Squeaker and Cynthia appeared like they were scripted. We shared our plan for the day over a second cup of coffee for Tiger and me and first cup for Cynthia and Squeaker.
"While we were in San Francisco," Squeaker said, "Tiger and I will load the van and pack some sandwiches so we can eat as soon as the camp site was set up." Cynthia ran over and gave her a kiss.
We did fifteen minutes of Tai Chi. Then we ran on the bike trail to our home sites and back to the pool. We swam ten laps. I got out and started fixing breakfast. I fixed sausage links and pecan pancakes. They were Squeaker's favorites.
Mom, dad, Kit and Rick showed in time to have me make enough for them too. At breakfast we shared our plans with the rest of them. Dad winked at mom. I knew something was up but did not press for what was happening. After breakfast Rick and Dad went off to dad's lab. Mom and Kit said they would clean up the breakfast mess. We should get started for San Francisco. It was 8:55 AM.
Cynthia and I made it a short trip to San Francisco. We got the chronometers. While we were there I got a pair with leather bands for Tiger and Squeaker. We headed for home at 10:00 AM. Traffic was the usual Friday mess. We got home at 1:00 PM.
Tiger and Squeaker were there to meet us. They had the van all packed and ready to go. We loaded up and headed for Armstrong Woods. Cynthia rode shotgun Tiger and Squeaker were in the back. We were there in a half an hour. We paid our camp fee and headed for the camp ground at Bull Frog Pond.
Tiger was amazed at the tent. He and I worked on our sleeping quarters. Squeaker and Cynthia took care of the kitchen supplies and we had the camp setup and ready by 2:30 PM.
Squeaker loved our camp. It was located so it got morning sun but was shaded from noon on. She pulled out the sandwiches, chips and some soft drinks and put them on the table and called us to lunch. We could finally relax. I had Cynthia turn off all of our PDAs but we were still connected. Then I realized that other campers must have their PDAs on. Oh well, there still was the pigmy forest.
After lunch we went for a hike. We found a nice sunny spot and lay back in the grass.
We fell asleep.
We were woken by Tiger growling.
Squeaker told us on net, "Tiger spotted a wild cat with no tail. That cat was not happy with Tiger and me invading his territory. He had told Tiger to get out or die. What should we do?"
"I think that is a bobcat. They can kill deer. We need to be careful. You two have invaded his territory. A retreat seems to be the best policy. You and Tiger head for the van get in and close the doors. We will be right behind you."
We all ran and got in the van. Sure enough a few seconds later a bobcat came and sniffed at the van.
Squeaker said, "This is no good. We won't be able to enjoy our camp. I am going to try to talk to him."
With out asking she opened her door and jumped out. She was five feet from the bobcat. She presented her self in supplication and mewed quietly at the bobcat. He came over and checked her scent. She got up and ran off to the bushes. He followed.
I looked at Tiger. He was terrified. His mane was completely gone.
We stayed in the van for ten minutes.
Tiger said, "Squeaker is OK. She is talking to Top of Mountain. She is coming back. She wants all of us to be sitting at the table quietly. Top of Mountain is really scared of us. Humans have hunted him again and again."
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100% fiction! In the fall of that year my niece would be a legal woman. She would be 19. That summer I attended her high school graduation. I gave her a generous gift and wished her all the best xxx. Later that year her semester break was up. She contacted her mother and some of her friends to let them know that she would be back home. She also contacted me and said that she would set aside a day to visit. That day she came over to my house. She was immediately comfortable on my couch. I sat...
IncestBetter Fap! Machine learning is an incredible thing. From playing video games to trading stocks, A.I. is becoming better and better, and it’s only a matter of time before robots enslave humankind if you ask me. But until Skynet becomes a reality, fuck it, we got fapping to do.BetterFap.com is a website that integrates machine learning into your porno pursuits, so that you can find content that turns your dick into diamonds without any effort. The more you use Better Fap, the better it can...
Free Porn Tube SitesFebruary 24th, 2024. Darrin ended up spending every day that week including Saturday tutoring Catherine in world economics and how her actions, if she went too far, would alter its course. Cat’s reply was a brief hug and a promise to be careful. We would have to trust her. “You could always tie her up again, she seems to like that.” Clarissa standing at my side, suggested. “I’d have to untie her eventually.” “I heard that. Master, I need a new necklace. One similar to Lissa’s but nothing...
Another lazy summer, probably my last one. I knew that I wouldn't be staying local for college, so next summer I would be getting ready, packing, moving and getting acclimated to whatever my new environment was going to be. So I took full advantage of the summer. I had many of my friends over, and our pool was frequently a no-clothing zone. Suzy wasn't around too much during the day, because she had gotten a summer job where her mother worked, however she spent nearly every night, usually...
Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds By Solari Author's note: "The Lost Worlds" is the first story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...
Queen of the Underworld By Red_Elise "So what is it?" Sano asked, watching the necklace dangle before his eyes. "It's a ring, in case that fact escaped you." He inclined his head to Lina, looking at her curiously. "What is a ring doing on a necklace?" Lina's cheeks became flushed, but her embarrassment faded as she let her frustration get the better of her. "If you don't like it then give it back!" Sano looked at her with surprise before slipping the necklace over...
Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...
I was thrilled to finally be graduating and finding a job so soon, of course it was only temporary pending the results of my final examinations. I didn’t think I had anything to worry about, still you never know. Of course my employers wanted to make sure I’d passed, before making me a permanent employee. I had three weeks at home before I had to return to London to start my job, and mother took me shopping to outfit me in what she called, ‘professional clothes.’ The problem being a...
(this is in development- far from complete. will be updated as i have time. This is fiction, though some is based on/inspired by personal experiences and real people) My name is John. Life is good. I just turned 24 last week. I am a good looking kid - 5'9", fit (I go running five days a week), 140 lbs, dark scruffy hair, and piercing steely blue eyes that I got from my mother, who is beautiful in her own right. I also have a gorgeous girlfriend, Lisa a 22 year old red-headed beauty who makes...
BisexualI was thrilled to finally be graduating and finding a job so soon, of course it was only temporary pending the results of my final examinations. I didn't think I had anything to worry about, still you never know. Of course my employers wanted to make sure I'd passed, before making me a permanent employee. I had three weeks at home before I had to return to London to start my job, and mother took me shopping to outfit me in what she called, 'professional clothes.' The problem being a...
LesbianI graduated high school two days ago. It has been a party ever since. We did a 58-hour marathon party, beach trip to Seaside from our little town 45-miles away, returned and crashed real hard. My mom laughed at how tired I was when I returned. Per usual, her comment as I walked in the door, "Get any honey on your stinger stud?" made me laugh."It was a good weekend Mom," I replied, grinning ear-to-ear. "Yes, I did!" I offered proudly. "High school jocks," she replied. "You get one pregnant, you...
Marcie was still recovering from the previous night’s celebration. Her pussy was deliciously sore and aftershocks from her many orgasms—if one could call them that—continued popping up at the most inopportune times, like when her parents were taking her to eat lunch that day. She would be graduating with honors; notwithstanding, she had not found a job as yet and sat down at her computer to continue her search for employment as a musician/pianist the moment her parents left for home. To...
East Rilling: an exclusive private academy that offers an invaluable education to prepare high school graduates for college, university...and their future. David always smirked in amusement at that last bit, that little bit of vague 'wow-factor' that was supposed to justify the five figure enrolment price tag to every parent with too much money, and too little faith in their kid. In reality it was just high school's direct-to-video sequel, complete with uniforms, stuffy little classrooms...
FantasyHades paced the long dining room, trying to avoid looking at the elegantly set table for two. This flighty girl would be the end of him, and he knew it. At first he just wanted her because she was his. She had been promised to him by his brother, Zeus, when Demeter bore her. Demeter, however, had other plans. She had hidden Persephone away from him his entire life,trying to protect her. Hades’s men had scoured the earth for her, trying to find this hidden jewel. They’d brought him countless...
Located at the edge of the Terminus Systems is the planet Koralia. Its snow-covered surface is often wracked by severe storms that makes travel inadvisable. Beneath the surface of Koralia is a city built from the remains of a massive mining facility that was abandoned centuries ago. The city has no official name but is often referred to as 'The Underworld'. The Underworld is a hub of drugs, weapons, and various forms of trafficking. It is ruled by an albino Asari crimelord known as Queen Miris...
Cosmos looked across the worlds, across the timelines. Each was so full of life. Children played and laughed. Flocks of Chocobo ran across fields. She could also see the battles. Heroes of all kinds, fighting to save their worlds from threats both great and small. But they were in balance. She couldn't interfere. It was against the rules that both she and Chaos were bound by. Only when the balance was broken, could they dare to let their powers shine upon the worlds. That was just how things...
The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...
There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...
"Oh men have it easy do we?" Brian shouted at his wife as he sat at his vanity table applying his makeup. "Yeah sure," he said sarcastically. "It's great having women stare at you all the time just because of the way I dress. Or how about being wolf whistled on the street on my way to work or getting my bum pinched whenever I go out to a club." He paused catching his breath "For once I would like to have a nice night out with boys without being hit on or anything like that. Brian was...
Satyra Underworld of the Chevaan Chapter 1 Devil's Bargain Raising her head Satyra shook her head to clear it and flexed her fingersbehind the wooden stocks. For the past two days she had tried to use her magicto free herself, without success. Now she tired again, focusing all her strength,her knowledge, her will, channeling them as she pinpointed her desire to sunderthe metal bands holding her. Nothing happened. Satyra slumped back against the frame in defeat, but almost immediately shesensed...
You look up at the sight in front of you. Beyonce Knowles is on her knees sucking your dick. You don't know how she got in your room, crawled on your bed or why she is doing this, but you don't care. "Wow, I don't even know you," you say, "Why are you here?" "Relax, honey. I'm just here to BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP..." You are awoken by your alarm. It was only a dream. Except that reality is pretty good too. Heather is laying on the bed in front of you- under your sheets- sucking your dick. This...
“We’ll see,” Donna had told Todd, but her mind was spinning.Todd put his nose against hers and said again, “Tomorrow we are going to fuck. You can choose the position. You can decide if you want to do it in your bed or mine. You can choose if you want to do it in the afternoon when we are the only ones at home or at night after our parents are in bed. But tomorrow we are going to fuck.”Donna lay there underneath him breathing rapidly. The truth was that she hadn’t really thought this union...
TabooThe Saturday morning, just six days before my action, I awoke to the feeling of someone sitting on the bed next to me. I waited with closed eyes to be shaken, and then used, however they wanted me, but they remained seated, disturbing me no further.“I guess one of you finally discovered I’m not locking my door,” I said without opening my eyes.“Not really,” a female voice replied. I opened and turned a bleary eye to see Nicolette, beautiful as ever, looking down at me. How could she look that...
HardcoreThis story is a chronological progression from my last story: Identical Twins - Camping Trip. Our camping trip ended in February 1997, just prior to my twin brother and me commencing our second year at university. Before continuing, I must correct a misconception I provided in my first story, thanks to some person who passed a comment in the comments section. After being led to believe Hunter and me were identical twins, I have since found out we are only fraternal twins,...