GreeniesChapter 24A free porn video

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Eden Theater — behind the WestHem line, 16 kilometers east of the Jutfield Gap
September 14, 2146, 1612 hours

Five hundred and eleven Martian tanks had entered the valley from the Sierra Madres to the north or from the Overlook Mountains to the south to make the surprise attack on the WestHem artillery guns. The mission had cost them sixteen tanks in the brief, but violent exchange with the battalion of tanks guarding the guns. The rest, having completed their primary mission, were now heading west at the best possible speed, their intent to go after their secondary target: The WestHem supply trains, which were sitting back towards the gap in case resupply of the main force became necessary.

Inside one of the tanks toward the middle of the formation, Zen Valentine sat in the commander's chair, looking at the telemetry on one screen and the Intelligence briefing on the other.

"Targets are eleven klicks away, stationary, spread out over one and a half klicks of ground," he told Belinda and Xenia. "The supply column consists of sixteen trains with fifteen cars per train. Each train is towed by six modified tanks. Do not waste time or energy engaging the towing tanks. They are pulling engines only and they have no defensive or offensive capabilities. Xenia, you'll know them when you see them because they will be stationed at the front of each train and they have no cannons."

"Got it," Xenia said, looking at an identification photo of a towing tank on her own screen.

"The column is protected by twenty-four mobile SALs," Zen went on. "They are currently deployed in a circle around the formation. Don't worry about them either. They're bad news for the Mosquitoes but they can't hurt us."

"Right," Xenia agreed. She already knew this, of course — it was basic armor school training — but it was good to go over such things for clarity before going into battle.

"Now, onto what we do have to worry about," Zen said. "There is a battalion of main battle tanks and a battalion of infantry guarding the column from ground attack. The tanks are grouped into squads and platoons and deployed throughout the perimeter of the column. The infantry is mounted in APCs and they are grouped in the middle of the column. Intelligence says the infantry units are equipped with portable anti-air and portable anti-tank lasers.

"Our platoon is assigned to armor suppression on the northeast side of the column. When we engage, our primary targets will be the tanks, the APCs, and any dismounted infantry troops. Xenia, remember to stick to your zone. There are a thousand WestHem tanks fifteen to twenty minutes behind us so if we're going to do any damage to that column, everyone has to stick to their assignment. Got it?"

"Got it," she said.

"If you manage to clear all the tanks in your zone you can start hitting the supply cars themselves. Ammunition carriers are the primary target followed by hydrogen carriers and then oxygen carriers. Remember, it will take at least two and maybe as many as four shots in exactly the same place to penetrate the armor on those cars. Take your shot and then put your second shot right on the hot spot you just created and then, once you're recharged, do it again."

"Fuckin' aye," Xenia said, feeling her heart hammering in anticipation. "Do you think we'll be able to knock out all the guard tanks as quick as we did back at the guns?"

"Hopefully," Zen said. "And we're getting a little help in that too. Command says that four flights of Mosquitoes are inbound to hit the tanks before we get there. Hopefully they'll do us some good."

"Four flights?" Belinda asked. "That's only eight planes."

"That's all they can spare," Zen said. "The rest of them are pounding on the APCs moving in on the line."

"Oh well," Xenia said. "It leaves more targets for me then, doesn't it?"

"Fuckin' aye," Zen said.

Brian and Matt were one of the planes inbound to deal with the armor. They had been in the plane now for the past twelve hours, landing only to refuel every few hours and then going right back up again. Both men were very tired and very sore, particularly Matt, who still sported an open wound on his gluteus maximus that screamed with pain every time they pulled a turn higher than two Gs — which was to say every turn they made during their firing runs. He could feel wet blood squishing around in the saturated bandage every time he shifted position, could feel rivulets of it running down onto the back of his leg, collecting in the wrinkles where the ill-fitting biosuit he'd stolen from Xavier Goodhit didn't quite provide the proper pressurization.

"How's the ass, kid?" Brian asked as they screamed through one of the valleys. "You holding up?"

"I forgot all about it until you mentioned it," Matt told him.

"You sure?"

"Hey, boss," Matt said, "how many times I gotta tell you? It's just some skin off my ass."

Brian nodded, although he believed Matt's words about as much as he believed the big three military briefings. "You just let me know if it gets too bad. The last fuckin' think in the solar system I need is to have my sis pass out from pain."

"You know it, boss," Matt promised. "You're turning right to two-eight-three in five, four, three, two, one."

"They cut to the right above a shallow series of hilltops between to mountains, pulling 2.8 Gs according to the meter on their screens. Matt bit his lip against the pain, feeling a fresh glut of blood come pouring out of his body. When they leveled out he took a few deep breaths as the pain slowly faded out. He looked down at his telemetry screen again, trying to memorize the locations of all the tanks in the enemy formation so he wouldn't have to search too hard on the firing run. The WestHems had twenty-four mobile surface-to-air lasers protecting that supply column and twenty-four SALs in such a concentrated area meant they were cutting their exposure time down to three seconds to reduce the risk of being felled by a lucky shot.

"Look at all those tanks we put down there," Brian said after taking a brief glance down at his own telemetry screen.

"Hell yeah," Matt said enthusiastically. "More than five hundred of them. They destroyed those mobile guns in ten minutes, man! Ten fuckin minutes to do what we couldn't do after tryin' all night and all day! How the hell did they get that many tanks in the rear?"

"They had to have moved them in over the mountains," Brian opined.

"Is that possible?" Matt asked. "We fly over them mountains all the time. I never saw nothin' down there it looked like you could drive a tank over."

"Let alone five hundred of them," Brian said. "I don't know. I can't think of any other way they could've done it short of driving all the way around the mountains and coming in from behind the LZ itself. That would be a trip of more than four hundred klicks. They would've had to refuel at least twice and probably three times."

"And how would they have gotten by the LZ?" Matt asked. "There's still almost a regiment of tanks guarding that and they have visual from the Sierra Madres to the Overlooks. No way five hundred tanks just strolled by without being seen."

"Well... however they did it, they did it and they killed the shit out of that mobile arty."

"Ready to change your bad opinion of General Jackson now?" Matt asked.

"I don't know," Brian said. "I'll admit that the massive flanking maneuver was a stroke of genius, but don't forget there's a trade-off."

"What trade-off?"

"They neutralized the arty so the ground pounders won't have to get pulverized into oblivion anymore. That's good. And now they're going after the supply column to keep the WestHems from resupplying. That's good too — if it's successful. But don't forget, while those five hundred tanks are out here, the main line is now missing more than a third of it's tank support to help fight off the main thrust. If they push through the main line because we don't have enough tanks to fight them off... well, they'll occupy Eden in a few hours. If that happens this whole brilliant maneuver was for nothing, wasn't it?"

"Well... yeah, I guess you have kind of a point there."

"I sure as shit wouldn't want to be one of those poor slobs in the trenches," Brian said. "When those WestHem marines start moving on them a lot of them are going to get a lot worse than just some skin off their asses."

They flew on, making another course change and then another, their wing following their motions blindly, acting on faith in Brian's skills and Matt's navigation. Soon they reached the IP.

"Thirty seconds to target," Matt said. "I'm picking up multiple search radars and active IR from the column. Nothing strong enough to get a hit off us. Mostly leaky signals coming around the peak."

"Static," Brian said, screwing up his concentration to the max. "Your lasers?"

"Charged and ready," Matt said. "I'm gonna try to hit two tanks per pass but three seconds ain't much time when they're scattered among the supply train."

"Do the best you can," Brian said. "That's all you can do. You got my vectors?"

"When you clear the last hill cut hard right to two-seven-seven. When the carrot moves cut right again to zero-zero-three and pull up to three-four-seven meters AGL."

"Got it," Brian said. "And here we go."

They shot out over the valley and cut hard to the right. Matt felt the sting in his ass again, felt more blood gush out, but he hardly noticed, so intent was he on the mass of targets that suddenly appeared on his screen. He saw towing tanks and SALs and dozens upon dozens of tanker cars and boxcars. But the targets were more than six kilometers away and the plane was moving fast. Matt wasn't able to spot and turn his targeting recticle on an actual main battle tank until they were already turning back toward the mountains and safety. He pushed the firing button for cannon number one and saw the distinctive double flash of a direct hit. A second later, before he could even begin to target a second MBT, they were back in the hills, all the targets gone from his screen. This was one more tank then their wing managed to hit.

"Damn," Matt mumbled. "Only one hit."

"You'll do better next time," Brian said. "It's a bitch of a mission. You got our return course up?"

"Left to two-nine-eight in three, two, one," Matt said.

They circled around again, coming in from further to the west this time and targeting the rear of the formation. Once again Matt was only able to hit one tank but this time the wing managed to hit two. As they disappeared back into the hills there came an eruption of flashes from the SALs as they opened up, trying desperately to make one of those coveted lucky shots. The two planes disappeared without incident. They then came in from the east again two minutes later. This time Matt managed to hit two tanks and the wing hit one.

"Now we're sucking some clit!" Brian said as he dove into the safety of the hills once again.

In all the eight planes made five runs apiece. None of them were hit by the SALs although Brian and Matt's wing had one of the lasers pass within two meters of them (they would never know this, however, and so therefore would never be bothered by how close to death or capture they'd come). In all they managed to kill a grand total of twenty-seven of the fifty-eight tanks of the protection battalion before they were recalled.

"Why are they pulling us back?" Brian asked. "We're on a fuckin' roll here."

"Our tanks are moving in," Matt replied. "They'll be in engagement range in less than thirty seconds."

"All right then," Brian said. "Wish them luck. Get us a course back to the main line so we can take out a few more APCs before we have to go in for fuel."

"You'll have it in one minute, boss," Matt told him.

Four hundred and ninety-five Martian main battle tanks waded into the supply column, forming a semi-circle around it, and began to fire their lasers. The lead tanks in each sector, including the one crewed by Zen, Belinda, and Xenia, were tasked with anti-armor duties. The rest went after the tanker cars and the ammunition carriers.

"Target, tank!" Zen called out to Xenia as two tanks in their line suddenly exploded. "One o'clock. Get the fucker, X!"

She got him, blowing a hole in it and sending the turret flying with a single shot. She panned back and forth, searching for more tanks and found one peeking out between two of the supply cars. It's lasers flashed and two more Martian tanks exploded. Xenia fired on it, killing it.

The first of the ammunition carriers went up a few seconds later. There was a brilliant flash and the entire car was ripped to shreds, the concussion enough to overturn the two adjacent cars in its line, the shrapnel ripping into one with enough force to cause it to explode as well. This overturned two of the hydrogen carriers. Soon, other ammo cars began to explode too.

"They're reporting that three shots will take out an ammo carrier," Zen said. "They have to be exactly in the same place though, not just overlapping a little."

"I got another tank," Xenia said, panning that way, waiting impatiently for her laser to recharge. "It just came into my zone. It's not firing at the moment."

"Probably recharging," Belinda said as she brought them in a little closer.

Xenia's charge light came on. She fired at the tank and watched it explode. "Target down," she said. "You see anything else in the zone, Zen?"

"No more MBTs in our zone," he reported. "It sounds like we already got most of them across the board. Start hitting the hydrogen carriers."

"Fuckin' aye," she said, putting her targeting recticle on one of the cylindrical cars. When the charge light came on she fired, hitting it dead center and causing a bright flash to flare. As the flare faded there was a solid heat signature left behind. She kept her recticle directly on it until the other cannon was charged. She fired. The flash came again and the heat signature grew brighter. She waited impatiently until the first charge light came on again. She fired. Once again there was a bright flash but no penetration of the tank.

"Damn, that is some tough-ass armor plating they got there," she said.

Her other cannon reported charged and she fired for the fourth time. This time she achieved a burn-through of the armor. The results weren't all that dramatic. The side of the tanker buckled open and a cloud of vapor suddenly rushed out at high speed, engulfing the car for a few seconds before rising into the air and dissipating. Though hydrogen was one of the most flammable gases in existence there was not enough oxygen in the Martian atmosphere for it to burn even when a high intensity laser seared into it. But drama wasn't what they were going for here. The gas was all gone for that tanker, floating in the Martian atmosphere now, useless to the WestHem marines who relied on it to fuel their military machines.

Ammunition cars began to explode with more regularity now, scattering the cars around them, occasionally causing secondary explosions, a few times causing chain reaction explosions of four or five cars at a time. Within five minutes the entire column was in tatters, with overturned cars and debris lying everywhere. A giant but brief fireball erupted at one point when the dissipating hydrogen from one tanker mixed with the dissipating oxygen from another tanker and was penetrated by one of the lasers, thus fulfilling the three requirements of combustion — fuel, oxidizer, and ignition source.

"That was some shit," Xenia said, blinking her eyes to clear the afterimages the flash had caused. The concussion from the blast had been strong enough to rock their tank.

"That ain't propaganda," Zen agreed.

While Xenia went to work on her next target a platoon of dismounted marines suddenly appeared from the carnage, anti-tank lasers in their hands. "Zen!" Xenia said, alarmed as they began to set up their shots.

"Keep firing," Zen said. "I've got 'em." He grabbed the controls for the 4mm machine gun and put his recticle on the center of the platoon. He opened up, spraying bullets across them, killing many, and causing the others to go diving for cover back in the carnage. Other tanks took up the cause as well, sending their own machine gun fire after them. A few sent eighty-millimeter shells in their direction, proximity bursting them and blowing the exposed marines to pieces. The threat from the dismounts was neutralized before they could get off a single shot.

"All units," a voice said in Zen's ear. "Lead elements of the WestHem tank forces are now less than eight klicks out. Disengage and begin moving to the pre-planned egress point."

"We're pulling out," Zen said as Xenia ruptured an oxygen tanker. "Cease firing, X. B, get us the fuck out of here. Course should be on your screen now."

The Martian tanks turned away from the supply column and began to run at high speed away from the carnage they'd caused. Half headed northwest, the other half southwest, their plan to disappear the same way they'd come: into the mountains.

It was a good plan but it hadn't taken several things into account. They hadn't counted on an entire regiment of WestHem tanks to be less than ten minutes behind them and they hadn't counted on the fact that the survivors from the supply column would radio command and let them know the direction of travel of their tormentors as they'd left. Thus the WestHem tanks in pursuit of them divided into two, half chasing after the northern section, the other half after the southern. The last thing not taken into account was how long it would take to get more than two hundred tanks through a small opening between the hills and into the pass beyond it. A bottleneck quickly developed on both egress points, with lines of tanks waiting impatiently for those in front to clear the pass. And that was how the lead elements of the WestHem tanks found their enemy when they came into range.

"We're under fire!" Zen announced as tanks began to explode all around them. "Xenia, get the cannons turned around and start returning it!"

She did as she was told, turning and looking out on a landscape that was now dotted with main battle tanks, their lasers flashing. She immediately began to shoot back, exploding two of them within ten seconds. Her heart hammered in fear as she waited for her cannons to recharge.

The other tanks massed near the pass turned their cannons on the WestHems as well. There were plenty of targets and as the tanks continued to work their way into the mountains an epic slaughter developed on both sides as tanks exploded left and right, as flashes of lasers winked from every direction.

"We're forming up in lines," Zen told Belinda. "A lot of us are overlapping fire or blocking each other's shots. Get us moved twenty meters right."

"Moving," Belinda said, hitting the accelerator and moving the T-bar, lining their tank up against the others near them. Two of them exploded suddenly and she almost panicked. "Zen, when do we get out of here?"

"When command calls our squad and tells us to move," Zen said. "Until then, we hold and try to keep them off of us."

It went on for the better part of ten minutes. The WestHem tanks stopped their advance and spread out to give themselves better firing positions. The Martian tanks did the same and the intensity of the battle picked up, with tanks on both sides blowing into oblivion with horrifying regularity.

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Introduction: It was Myras turn now…. Part#2 Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled her head by grasping the back of her neck. Other large hands grabbed her wrists like vice grips and she was whisked up off the ground when her ankles were...

3 years ago
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Thick Isabellas Community Chest

It was accidental. It was almost coincidental. But she came.“I know she isn’t really your type, but we got another one,” Lexi said.“What does she look like? Two, what is my type?” Jordan said.“Let’s just say I notice a pattern.”Lexi showed a picture of her. She was Latina, slender, very pretty, with curves in the right places. Her name was Isabella.“Hmm. She’s pretty. But one thing though...” Jordan said.“She doesn’t fit, does she? See, you do have a type. Just for that, I’m calling her to say...

2 years ago
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Not my Husbands Cock Blacken

My names Julie and I'm a 5'4 blonde with 34 D breasts and a peach shaped butt that ive never gotten complaints for. When Jim decided to invite his college friend Tucker over i thought nothing of it. For detail Jim is a 5'11 white guy with short brown hair and a slim chest. Tucker was a black 6'2 guy who spent most of his college time in the gym or sororities. They spent most of the night in Jims man cave in the basement drinking and watching tv until around 2:00 am when i heard the tv shut off...

4 years ago
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Seein What I Could See Pt 6

Another chapter in the saga of a High-school aged young man and his exploits with with his voluptous middle-aged "Auntie A." These occurances start out as real, but blend into fantasy... Friday's yard work about done on a summer mid-day when a toot of the horn signaled the arrival of my Aunt "A" from town. I opened the garage door for her and waited at the trunk for her to open it so I could carry in the groceries. I was treated to a show as she stepped out of her car...her...

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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 20

They met as arranged but Tina was accompanied my Merle and Tania. Merle flung her arms round Christopher. "Bend down, you giraffe," she ordered. "You need kissing." He did as he was told and her hands went to his head to hold him still while she delivered a really smacking kiss. "Well done!" Another kiss. "You are the best thing that could ever have happened to her." Another kiss. "I'm so happy for you both." Final kiss. Then it was Tania's turn. She was rather more...

1 year ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 37

"We both knew we couldn't take care of you alone. We talked about it while waiting for you and couldn't decide how to bring it up. Now that you have told us out loud that we'd have help, it released all the pent up worry and emotion. I have NEVER come like that before. It was so hot!" Suzie just shook her head in agreement and hugged me tighter. She looked down at my rigid cock and realized I hadn't come yet. She slid down and took me into her mouth. I watched as she licked off her own...

3 years ago
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Beth 4Chapter 6

After the girls' shopping trip we stopped at the duplex where Beth and Gail disappeared into our bedroom with the bag from Vickie's. Since we had plenty of time we decided to eat at a local Italian restaurant. Good food, just not as good as the Pizza Palace. With food taken care of, we drove to one of the campus parking ramps and walked to the auditorium. My brother promised to wait in front of the auditorium after the concert. Since he was almost hopping up and down with excitement I...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Gianna Gem Kiara Cole A Red White And Blue Blowjob

Gianna Gem and Kiara Cole are super excited to celebrate the Fourth of July, but before all the guests get to the barbeque, they decide to have a little fun with some painting. Unfortunately, they cover themselves in paint, and have to wash their t-shirts, leaving their cute tits exposed. Kiaras stepbrother stumbles upon the girls playing with each others bodies, and the only way he will keep it a secret is if they play with his big frankfurter. The girls put his cock in their mouths and...

3 years ago
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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 1 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park by PRIM Chapter 1: Nice boys and naughty boys "Mother, I can't wear this to go to church. It's too sissy. Take it off me at once." "Don't speak to your mother like that, my boy," said Thelma, holding onto the collar of his coatee in spite of her son's efforts at wriggling. "Wait until I have brought out your blouse collar and arranged it nicely around your shoulders." The boy waited with thin patience. The collar was very...

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The Most Intimate PartChapter 3

In her arms I awoke, enveloped in her warmth and dusky woman-smell, my head cradled on her soft breasts. It was as if I were emerging from a dream, though perhaps I was still in the dream. She nuzzled my neck, nibbled at my earlobe, then squealed like a little girl. "Arise, arise my sweet, sweet prince." And arising I was, indeed I was arising. Caressing her round hips, letting my hand slip down to the naked undulating curves of her lower heat-emitting cheeks, and yes, indeed I was arising,...

2 years ago
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The Ah KungChapter 5

Roger hung up the phone and it started ringing as he began to walk away from the phone. He looked at the Caller ID but he didn't recognize the number. He had thought it might be Bart trying to find out where he was staying. Roger picked up the phone, "Hello?" The lawyer's shaky voice spoke, "Mr. Boring, this is Irvin Thalman. I'm down in the lobby and I was wondering if it's OK to come up. I know I'm a little early but..." "Come on up," Roger said, cutting him off. Roger...

1 year ago
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Daring with Amelia

Craig knew Amelia fairly well, she was at his school and had been his neighbor for around two years. Craig was normally good at controlling his hormones, but Amelia broke him. She was a 17 year old brunette with the perfect body, the kind where you just stare in disbelief, disbelief in that there was something so perfect in the world. He always stared up and down as long as he could, before being noticed, awing at her perfect ankles, her perfect legs, her perfect ass, her perfect breasts,...

3 years ago
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BBC Robert stays in touch

In my first story I explained how I met Robert at the age of 13 and how he stayed in touch with me.My first sexual experience was being gangbanged by a group of older black men. Robert, who picked me up and invited me to his condo also was kind enough to drive me home early the next morning. He wanted to know where I lived so he could stay in touch. On the weekends my parents were out of town for work, he'd continue to pick me up and take me to his condo. He owed some money to a bookie so he...

2 years ago
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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

1 year ago
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FilthyFamily August Taylor Violet Rain August Taylor Massages Her StepDaughters Pussy

After a good workout, what August Taylor and her step-daughter, Violet Rain, need is great massage. Luckily for them, August’s husband is the best at giving massages. So after August and her step daughter hit the showers, they return ready for their ever so craved massage. Her husband eventually gets a little naughty and starts massaging other parts. This makes Violet crave her turn even more. Once it becomes her turn, August and her husband go to town massaging Violet. They make sure they get...

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First time going out for a while

I haven't been dressing much lately. I haven't been doing anything fun really. I've had a lot going on, and just haven't had the time. Friday night when I got home from work, I just plopped down on my couch as usual. I don't know what made me horny, I hadn't been out in weeks, hadn't fucked in months, hell I hadn't even jacked off for a week, but for whatever reason I was rock hard and couldn't think about anything other than getting off. If that’s going to happen, I am going to have...

1 year ago
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Used poppers slut

I was nervous on the drive in. Should I do it? I could just bail out now. Still feeling the same way as I pulled up, jittery, breathing shallow, legs all wobbly as I crunched up the driveway towards the white house with the big windows, in the middle of nowhere, just fields upon fields. My shaking hand went up to the doorbell and I'm still thinking of pulling out. I rang it. He stood there naked and the first thing I noticed was his cock. It was massive, hanging between his legs and held in...

2 years ago
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Rescue MissionChapter 3

Bert Murray looked at the copy of the message he'd been handed as he entered the room and frowned, "Does anyone have any idea what this base has been doing?" He'd only had a moment to peruse the contents and that was the first thing he'd thought of. Around him people seemed to be dazed as they stood around the Captain's ready room waiting for the meeting to begin. He wasn't particularly surprised when no one responded immediately to his question. There were so many things going on...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess11e19 Phoebe Diamond 47 from Manchester

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a row of white fronted buildings – all shopfronts – all jewellery shops ... We’re in Manchester’s heavily Jewish, jewellery district ... We move along past one, then another, then another, all in a line ... Before slowing to halt outside one of them – named “Diamond’s” – where we end up looking at the back of a blonde-haired figure wearing jeans so tight that we know she’s a hot woman before she even turned around, and hold the lead of a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Diana Grace Anal Newbie Eats Ass Cum

Raven-haired hottie Diana Grace wants to expand her tight butthole and her anal horizons! She shows off her toned figure. Diana fingers her inexperienced, hungry sphincter and tastes her flavor. She sucks Mark Wood’s big cock, giving him a worshipful blowjob. Diana bends over, and Mark fucks her cunt doggie-style as she masturbates her clit to orgasm. Diana loves the sensation of Mark’s thick boner taking her eager asshole. Her sphincter gapes! Mark gives her a tasty rim job....

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A Cats FancyChapter 17

A little later, the siblings have lunch, totally skipping breakfast. They have been at it for several hours after climbing out of the shower. Sylvie is wearing only a shirt, in case their parents were to show up suddenly and unexpectantly. While Brock is finishing up his sandwich, his sister is placing her plate in the sink. She spies bottle of chocolate syrup. Pussy tingling she gets an idea. Sylvie scoops up the bottle and spins around. “Do you want some chocolate syrup?” she asks, smiling...

3 years ago
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Forced To Be A Girl

Forced to be a Girl by Chrsitine My predicament began 6 months ago. It was at this time that my girlfriend Susan found out from her girlfriend Jan that I was fooling around on her. Susan hit the roof. Her first reaction was to leave me. I begged her not to telling her I loved her very much and that I would do anything to keep her from leaving. Susan just stomped out of the house saying that she would never be able to forgive me for this indiscretion and that she...

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My second time with a man

I found myself very horny for a man's penis one Friday and decided that I was going to fulfill my desire. I got online and began to chat with an older black man who wanted to play. I told him that I was in the mood to give a blowjob to a Daddy and maybe more. He wanted to feed his dick to a younger bi and was into the idea of hooking up with me. He invited me over to his place and told me that I could blow him and he would shoot his load in my mouth. I walked into his unlocked front door and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Lessons with Stepmom Ch 1 Awakening

By the time I was in college he finally settled down. He never got past chasing women many years younger than him, like he was stuck thinking he was still in his twenties, so my step mom was only three years older than me but, surprisingly, a pretty straight-laced girl. This was quite a departure from the barflies, strippers, and callgirls he had been taking to bed. I knew about her because she was a senior at my high school when I was a freshman. She wasn't ragingly popular, but i remember...

2 years ago
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Wife milks me in my own mouth A true story

Behind the curtainThe computer was on and my secret folder was open. She had found the videos I kept so preciously in my special folder - CEI. I knew exactly what those letters stood for. So did all those women, those voices I kept hidden in there, and the couple stories I had written over the years. But my wife didn’t know what CEI meant, she didn’t know what I wrote. Until now. My secret was out. Fuck.What did she think? How did she feel? Was she mad? Disgusted? Were we ok? Of course we were...

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A maybe punishment

It's been too silent since this morning. There's a movie playing, his keyboard clicking, the birds, phone notifications, ringtones, calls, lot of talking but it's been silent in my head. All day long. I'd screwed up, got a punishment, and I screwed that up. Not intentionally, but I did anyway. And now it's all silent. Blank. Dark. I'm by his feet, kneeling on a pillow. Naked, blindfolded, collared, and in rest position. And it bothers me that it's rest. I should be doing something. There must...

3 years ago
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I had missed you since you went away after high school, my sweet babygirl. Now that you have moved back home, I found myself wanting you like never before. I am glad now that your mom divorced me, for now I have you here to myself. You were finally alone. You double checked to make certain I was gone and when you were sure, you rushed to your room. You were tired after shopping and bored and now you mase yourself comfortable. You closed your eyes and imagined the football players in their...

4 years ago
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Taking You

It had all started with playful flirting. I am your husband's friend and had come to see him. One thing led to another and here we were stark naked. You squirm, feeling the enormous head of my cock at your slit. Even though you realize that your pussy is fairly wet with your own juices, you know it would not be a comfortable fit. My engorged penis is too thick for your little pussy. You had given me a wonderful blow job, though reluctantly and Your sucking on my cock had aroused me beyond...

Wife Lovers
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The Closet Hideaway

Chuck had been working for his Uncle Gino in the family’s private investigation and security business for the past three years since dropping out of college. He had been sent by Uncle Gino to install some video and electronic surveillance equipment in an apartment. Hiding and setting up surveillance devices is what Chuck did best and he loved what he did.He had been slightly nervous as he encountered the doorman at the entrance of the apartment building but a quick nod by the doorman assured...

1 year ago
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Friendship threesome and pregnancy

THIS IS TRUE STORYNOTE: Since English is my second language please forgive any style or grammar mistakes.NAMES ARE MODEFIEDI know Sami since college days, he is my close friend and my wing man. When he married his girlfriend (Nadia) I thought he made the best choice, she is beautiful, smart, friendly and looked so in love with him.After graduation he got a job with a government sponsored company and I opened my own business which is constructions contracts, but we still maintained the...

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Mr Millers 4th of July Party

Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first. Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party By Deputy Duffy Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas,...

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ExposureI know her fears, the irrational terrors that lie deep within her third heart. Today I will exploit them to the full to test her will, to see if the steel is hardened enough so she can survive her ultimate test. She only knows that she is to meet me and to expect a night to pass before she returns to the real world. Today is a game day.I have told her to meet me on the bridge over the motorway at 8:30 in the evening. I will collect her at 9:00. She does not know that I will be...

1 year ago
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Elsa Jean

Elsa Jean Reddit, aka r/ElsaJean! Are you a fan of the beautiful Elsa Jean? Even if you are not, as long as you enjoy watching pretty blonde girls get down and dirty, you will love what r/ElsaJean/ subreddit is all about. She is a pretty petite girl who is always eager to pleasure horny men, and honestly, she is a rather known pornstar, so I am not sure how the fuck you could not actually know about her.Anyway, you are free to browse through as much as you want. r/ElsaJean/ subreddit is filled...

Reddit NSFW List
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Introduction: Obsessing over my co-worker “We had some great sex yesterday” said Antoinette.Antoinette, or Toni as she preferred to be known was my work colleague. We worked in the bakery department of a supermarket. I was always in first, about half an hour before she was as it was my job to start up the ovens and other equipment. She was my ideal woman, slightly shorter than me, long (dyed) blond hair, green eyes, a very pretty face and a stunning body. She even managed to make the jackets...

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