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odalisque's Graduation


Master brought me to San Francisco on a one-week test. This is to be slave'sfinal exam and, hopefully, graduation celebration. i have been in trainingwith Master for more than six months. The training has included grooming, posture,conduct, attitude, obedience and lots of nakedness. i am almost always collaredand cuffed. slave is naked in Master's home, usually in His car and sometimesin other places. When i disappoint Master i am punished, sometimes severely.i have learned not to disappoint Master. i am disciplined for training purposes,and sometimes just for Master's enjoyment.

During these past months, i have learned to accept slave's submissive natureand to cherish slave's relationship with Master. i love being His slave andi want very much to perform well and please Him this week. It has been manydays since i have been punished for disappointing Master, but i have a feelingthat Master is preparing some very difficult tests for His slave during thecoming week. It's easy to be submissive and obedient (and naked) in the comfortand privacy of Master's home, it may be quite another thing, entirely, to bea slave on display in public, in the light of day.

W/we arrived in the late afternoon, Friday, and checked into a h otel rightdowntown, near Union Square . It is a very fancy hotel where television & moviestars and politicians & foreign leaders stay. Master said He chose it becausea place like that knows how to mind their own business.

When i ride with Master, i am expected to be naked or, at least, with slave'sbare ass on the seat. Since i was not naked today, this meant that the hemof slave's mini-dress was pulled up to somewhere close to slave's waist.

Master hates to see women tugging at their dresses (?If you have to keep tuggingat your short dress, wear a longer one.?) so i am not allowed to adjust slave'sclothing without Master's permission. Master turned into the garage of thehotel and stopped in front of a wall of windows dividing the valet parkinggarage/reception area from the massive lobby. As soon as He stopped, a doormanwas at the car to open the passenger-side door. i swiveled and stood and heardMaster say ?Adjust your dress, odalisque?. The doorman had, of course, seenthe dress up around slave's waist, but none of the dozens of people in thelobby had, as i was still hidden by the door of Master's car.

i guess it didn't really matter much since the mini-dress Master chose forme to wear is very sheer. The floral pattern confuses the eye a little, butit was not too difficult to see slave's bald pubic mound and erect nipplesand rouged areola through the thin material. i was immediately reminded ofthis when W/we entered the lobby and a woman nudged her companion and literallypointed at me. i guess it might have been the collar and cuffs thatcaught her attention.

At the check-in desk, an attractive young woman took Master's informationand credit card, but her attention was divided between slave's collar and cuffs,slave's covered, but not hidden, breasts and her job. When she completed herduties, she looked at me and said, ?You look quite beautiful through that dressMiss.?

i think she picked her words carefully, just to let me know that she couldvery clearly see through slave's dress. i stood at the check-in desk with aface that was, i am sure, fire-engine red.

?Thank the lady for the compliment, odalisque?. Master said, after a momentof slave's silence. i'm sure slave's blush increased a number of degrees; ifelt like a little girl being told to thank the lady for a sucker she had givenme.

?Thank you Mistress. You are very kind.? It seemed odd calling this 20-somethingyoung woman ?Mistress?. She was probably a year or so one side or the otherof slave's age, but that is what Master expects of His slave.

In the elevator the bellman made no attempt to look anywhere but at slave'sexposed body and ?leather jewelry?. Master's room was on the tenth floor, soi rode ten floors with this, not-so-young, man blatantly staring at slave'sbody from top to bottom and back.

The elevator did not stop until the 10 th floor, but, when it did, there weretwo men waiting to take the car back down. When the doors opened, the bellmanand Master waited for me to exit first. When i stepped out of the elevator,i saw slave's reflection in the large mirror on the opposite wall. i couldhardly have been more on display if i had been, truly, naked. The bellman movedaround me so that he could lead us to Master's room. i heard one of the mensay, ?Shit, Rick is going to be really sorry he wasn't ready in time to joinus and see that.? i could feel the flush again, but i loved the obvious admiration(or was it lust?) in his voice as W/we walked away. It occurred to me thati might spend this entire week blushing in one degree or another.

The bellman opened the door to the room and held it open for Master and slaveto enter. He put the two suitcases on the stands and began to describe theamenities of the room. It was a wonderful room, and did have lots of nice features,but i think he was milking the situation a bit. He was telling us about theconvenience bar, VCR, computer connection, big screen TV, whirlpool bath etc.Even when he opened the curtains to a breathtaking view of San Francisco Bay, and much more, the bellman's eyes hardly left slave's body. i think slave'sleather jewelry gave the bellman permission, in his mind, to stare at slave'sbody without reproach. i looked at Master and He smiled. Master tipped him,and instructed me to show him to the door.

When the bellman left, Master told me I could keep slave's dress on. Mastersaid he was going to take a shower, and then W/we would have dinner in theroom tonight. When Master returned He was wearing His robe. He removed freshslacks and a shirt from the suitcase and put them on.

He sat in one of the easy chairs and i brought Him the room-service menu.Master directed me to order the steak for Him and a Caesar salad for me, witha bottle of California sparkling wine. i did, and upon hanging up, i kneltat Master's feet as i have been trained to do. slave has been trained to kneelat Master's left, facing Him, with slave's butt resting on slave's heels, kneesspread at least shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind slave's neck,elbows out in line with slave's shoulders.

Master instructed me to put His gorgeous cock in slave's mouth. i love suckingMaster's wonderful cock, so i quickly knelt between His knees, unzipped Hisslacks and drew His semi-hard organ into slave's mouth. The time passed swiftlyand then there was a knock on the door, ?Room service.?

Master instructed me to open the door. i replaced His wonderful cock in Histrousers, zipped His fly, and walked across the room. i opened the door andinvited the young Hispanic man into Master's room. He smiled and thanked me.He didn't seem that surprised to be able to see slave's body quite clearlythrough slave's dress, but neither did he look away. i wondered if the bellmanhad spread the word.

The young man made the square cart into a round table, removed the lids fromthe food and placed the sparkling-wine bucket in the stand beside the table.He asked if Master wished him to open the wine. Of course, Master did. Whenhe poured the wine, Master signed the bill, tipped him and instructed me toshow him to the door.

When the waiter had gone, Master instructed me to get naked.

Master finished dinner and instructed slave to empty the suitcases. As i wasdoing so, He picked the tube dress from slave's hands before i could put itaway. When i finished, Master instructed me to put the tube dress on, with3-inch high mules.

This dress is knit in something like a tube and stretches to slave's shapelike a second skin. Unlike most of slave's clothes, it is not see-through.The catch is that it is just long enough to cover between slave's nipples andsex, but scarcely an inch longer. Master had it specially altered. If the dresscomfortably covers all of slave's sex, than the top of slave's areola are justvisible above the dress. If slave's areola are well covered, slave's sex lipstry to peek out below the hem. Needless to say, due to Master's tenet regardingadjusting clothing, i walk very carefully wearing the tube dress. Sitting isanother matter. Master requires that i always sit bare-assed, so i simply pullthe hem up a few inches and slave's ass is bare on the chair.

When slave had slipped on the tube dress, Master adjusted it so that the topwas barely above slave's nipples with a hint of red crescent of areola justvisible above, and the hem was safely below the lips of slave's sex.

Master led slave to the elevator and to the lobby below. You would have thoughtthat no one in the hotel had seen a micro-mini dress before. i am sure everyhead in the lobby turned and stared. The lobby is quite large and there arechairs and tables and a small bar. There must have been twenty or thirty peoplesitting at tables, standing at the check-in, or on their way to or from theirrooms. i am sure not one person missed an opportunity to stare at me in themicro-mini dress. i suspect that i will need to get used to that kind of attention.Master often refers to me as His display slave. i think this week a lot ofme will be on display, a lot of the time.

At the other end of the hotel lobby area is a lovely bar with live music anda tiny dance floor. The hostess smiled as Master and slave approached. Therewere a dozen or so steps up to the lounge and, of course, the dress rode upa bit as i walked up the carpeted stairs. ?Wow, you do have to be careful wearing that dress,don't you?? the hostess said with a big smile.

?A little bit, yes, Mistress.? i said and returned her smile. Again it feltstrange to call a woman slave's own age ?Mistress?.

The lounge is rather dark so i know people could see that the dress is veryshort, but i don't think they could really see what may have been showing.The hostess led us to a cocktail table directly in front of the three musicians.Master held the chair for me. As i sat, i pulled the hem of the dress up sothat slave's bare ass was sitting on the chair.

Master does not allow slave to cross her legs or even close them, so slave'sbare sex was exposed, under the table, to the band,. The band was on the floor,not a stage, so, i assumed they could see slave's bare sex under the table.How well they could see, i didn't know.

The piano player was the first to notice me and lost no time in hipping thedrummer and bass player. All three smiled and nodded to me. i smiled back andflushed, i am sure, from head to toe.

The waitress came to the table and didn't seem to be aware that slave's legswere bare all the way to slave's sex and bare butt. She was very consciousof the 3-inch wide leather collar around slave's neck and the 2-inch cuffsaround slave's wrists.

Master ordered two glasses of Merlot and a cheese plate.

The trio was quite good, playing swing jazz like Goodman, Gershwin and Dorsey;just the sort of music Master and slave love. When the waitress returned, sheplaced the wine and cheese on the small table and then dropped a napkin onthe floor next to me. When she bent to pick it up, it was obvious that shewas looking at slave's legs and slave's plucked-smooth sex. i tried not tomake eye contact as she stood up.

When the band took a break, the piano player/leader came over to the tablewith a big smile and said, ?You are a very beautiful, and sexy, distraction,Ma'am.?

i responded before being told to this time, ?Thank you very much, Sir.? ashe walked away.

We lingered over our wine through another set by the band, and then Mastersaid it was time to go. i hoped Master would tell me it was okay to adjustslave's dress as i stood, but He did not. Instead, he pulled slave's chairout and, after a slight hesitation, i rose to slave's feet. The hem of slave'sdress was inches above the lips of slave's sex.

The woman at the table next to O/ours nudged her companion and, in a voicenothing like a whisper, said, ?Oh my God, look at that slut.? Her companionlooked, and a very large smile came across his face. i am sure even slave'spubic area was blushing now.

i have never, in twenty-six years, been called a slut but, i thought, whatkind of woman would walk through a cocktail lounge with her pussy exposed toanyone who was looking? A slut; or a sex slave, maybe they are one and thesame. Maybe i should get used to being called a slut.

After what seemed like hours, but was, in fact, just seconds, Master saidi could adjust slave's dress. i did so as quickly, discreetly, yet as carefully,as i could. Even though some people had clearly seen slave's sex, i didn'twant to pull too hard and expose slave's nipples to a bunch more people.

?You two have a wonderful evening.? The hostess said as W/we passed.

Master took slave out to the street and W/we walked through the city for thirtyminutes or so. It was just a little bit cool, so slave's nipples were a littlemore erect than usual. i received many stares along the way. i didn't hearthe word slut again, but it was obvious that some people disapproved of slave'sdress (or maybe it was the collar and cuffs). Of course, i also saw some verybig smiles, on men's, and some women's, faces.

i did hear a comment about slave's collar. A woman said to her male companionwhen they were a few steps in front of us, ?Look at that collar.? and as theypassed, ?No man could ever do that to me!? i loved that , becauseit suggested how singular i am; how few women would do for Master, what slavedoes. i just hope that i am strong enough to do all that Master mayask of me during this week.

When W/we returned to the hotel lobby, i saw one of the desk clerks sort of ?pssssst? anotherand nod her head in O/our direction. They both watched U/us all the way tothe elevator. Master pushed the ?up? button and the doors immediately opened.

When the doors closed, Master took me in His arms, kissed me very long andhard, and told me that i had done quite well this evening. i was very pleasedand proud, but more than a little apprehensive as to what tomorrow would bring.Whatever it might bring, i knew that i would do slave's best to make Masterhappy, and proud of His slave.

Before the elevator doors opened on the tenth floor, Master pushed the topof slave's dress down over slave's breasts and hips to the floor. i steppedout of it, picked it up and handed it to Master, as i have been taught. i walked,naked, at Master's side, back to His room. Fortunately, no one else was inthe hall.

Back in Master's room, i oiled Master's cock for the required 30 minutes,and then wrote in slave's journal. i tried to remember all the things thatwere said to, and about me, but slave's emotions were so high, many would notcome back to me. i will try to work on that. Master wants me to keep a thorough,detailed journal. Sometimes it is a bit difficult to concentrate when one isall-but naked before dozens of strangers.

After finishing writing in slave's journal, i was allowed to suck Master'slong, hard cock and cum as much as i could. i fell asleep, emotionally exhausted,with His wonderful cock in slave's mouth.

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hi friends, mera naam Ravi hain, main delhi mein apne dad, mom aur sister ke saath rehta hu. Mere dad Government employee hain aur meri mom house wife hain. Meri sister ranjana 22 saal ki hain aur uska complexion fair hain, usne apne figure ko bahut maintain kiya hain, i think uska figure 36 25 37 hoga, woh graduation kar rahi hain. woh bahut shy hain aur ladko se kabhi bhi baat nahi karti hain. aaj se 1-2 saal pehle jab koi ladka meri sister ko dekhta tha ya fir uske baare mein baatein karta...

3 years ago
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The Suicide Show

It was a good two-mile walk to work, but when Mindy arrived at the SteelCo flange factory 7:00 Wednesday morning, there was a huge crowd milling about outside the main entrance gate. Forcing her way through the crowd, she came to the cause. A notice was stapled to the wall that the factory had closed down. Shit! Just what she needed! She recognized some of the guy's faces, but she didn't really know many of them. Sometimes the guys would come on to her, and she would always blow them off....

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The morning I lost my virginity

It happened on a sunday morning way back in 1987.I had been going out for 3 months prior, With my first truelove Amanda. It wasn't Amanda who gave me my first delvation into the "Lucious tunnel of lust"...It was her Mom!!.. Linda.Lets have some descriptions of the parties involved, Before I get into the nittygritty and jiucy details. 1* Amanda.Was 16, Maccas checkout chick, Brunnette, 5foot 6 tall, Looong legs, 10B breasts (I should know cause I bought her some sweet lace lingere for her 16th...

2 years ago
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Where it all started

I guess it all got started when I was a teenager and joined a swim team with Brian, who was my best friend and whose parents also happened to be my parents closest friends. We had to swim in skimpy little speedos which didn't conceal much from the imagination and hugged your every curve very tight when they got wet. One day after practice Brian and I were alone in the locker room when he looked at me in my suit and told me how sexy I looked. I was suprised by the comment, but even more...

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Supernatural Seduction

You walk into the bedroom, and she's already there waiting for you, giving you that sexy look. You just saw her downstairs, but there's no mistaking that sexy purple mist of her blinking into bed. You never thought it could be possible for a person to travel in an instant like that...until you met Alexis, that is. For some reason, she can just...do things, things you thought were impossible. You know many would freak out upon seeing the things she can do without any thought, but not you. It's...

3 years ago
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A Girl Called LenChapter 7 Am I falling in Love

Back in Exeter my work had piled up, and for the next few months I had hardly any chance to get to London except on the odd occasion that Len was there, let alone get to Berlin where she was performing now. It was strange, as I missed her. As a friend it was always good to see her, but now I felt that something was missing from my life, it felt so natural when we were together, as if the two of us made an item bigger than the sum of the parts. Happiness is your girl phoning you from Berlin,...

4 years ago
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Caught by All Part 1

Caught by All Part 1 By Kathi B. Johnson Joseph awoke early on this sunny Saturday. His mother was out of town on business until the following Tuesday, so he had the house all to himself. This was the final weekend before he started his sophomore year of high school. He planned on spending an entire weekend dressed in his feminine best. He was a cross-dresser. Slowly rising from his bed, he quickly went to take a shower. After washing and shaving his body completely, he exited...

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Biggest Surprise of the Night

…Fear set in when I saw our neighbors’ kitchen light turn on. They were a very nice, conservative couple in their late sixties, Ellen and George. I immediately grabbed my nightgown to cover myself, but my naughty husband grabbed it back with a smirk on his face. I sighed out loud in frustration as he tossed it to the far end of the room. He could act like such a horny teenager sometimes! Seriously, what would they think if they see my smirking husband holding my nightgown, and me naked, cream...

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Step Daughter Figured It Out For Me

Later, I see that my mother is also ginormous. She is not overly over weight, but her bras on the line just caught the wind and exploded in a giant sail. And then, my sister was also so big that she had to have a reduction just to be able to walk normal. So, I shouldn’t be surprised that I also have huge breasts, but I am a male. My breasts were always big growing up, so big that a doctor checked my genetics, and checked for a disease called gynecomastia. Which I didn’t have, just had a big...

3 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 6 Batman and Jennifer

Jennifer was out in the carpark again walking back towards her car. She felt disappointed that she was leaving the grounds of BSC and would have to put her clothes back on. Her first foray into public nudity had been just so wonderful. Her body had never before felt so alive and free and she didn’t want that feeling to end. The very unique art lesson she had just experienced had also put Jennifer in very high spirits. Going back to normal life and wearing clothes for another week before the...

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Miss Katie Slut fucked in the classroom

Head of a secondary school for boys, 11-18 years old. At work I am a probably seen as a little severe with the boys, a disciplinarian you might say. I know that power figures, such as teachers, feature strongly in the masturbatory fantasies of boys as they grow into young men. I sense that many of you reading this know exactly what I mean. I bet there are a few teachers you still recall maybe knock one out in a fantasy. So I am going to let you into a little secret. When I have to take a class...

2 years ago
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Married man across the street

I’d lived on the same street for almost 4 years. My first and only home since moving out at 19. Just opposite the road was the Hardman family. Husband, Wife and 2 teenage k**s. The husband John, soon welcomed me to the neighbourhood on the first day. He’d wake for work at 6:20am everyday where I’d see him get dressed through the large bedroom window and wow what a treat that was. He had short dark hair, a distinctive nose, great eyes and a smile to die for. He was definitely a large guy getting...

4 years ago
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Fucking Lustful Servant8217s Daughter

Hey friends and I am a huge fan of ISS, and by reading the stories I decided I should share mine too. My name is Ankit and I am 19 years old and I have a good body and I am currently living in Kolkata This a true story of how I fucked my neighbours servants daughter, her name was Reema name changed she was 21 when I met her and she was very pretty and hot girl, her boobs were not all that big but they were good enough and firm. Now coming to the story, I live in a colony and she is present in...

4 years ago
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Rubber Maid

Rubber Maid By jessicablank -- The Seduction -- Mz. Dominica was sitting at an outdoor table at one of Her favorite cafes, sipping a glass of Chablis and engaging in one of Her favorite pastimes -- people watching. It was the transition from late afternoon to early evening and the weather was warm and pleasant, with just a hint of a breeze. She wasn't sure if She was on the prowl, or simply enjoying some quiet time, looking for ideas and inspiration. Men and women walked past...

2 years ago
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SweetSinner Silvia Saige Mommy With Benefits

Silvia Saige reluctantly tags along as Van Wylde checks out apartments he wants to move into with his girlfriend. Silvia, who acts as a kind of step-mother to Van after his father moved out, tries to explain the logic in Van staying at home for college to save money and be cared for by his two mothers. When Van persists in his desire to leave the nest, Silvia points out that his girlfriend isn’t even fucking him properly, as she overhears them having awkward sex in the living room....

5 years ago
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Lap Dance

Francis waltzed into my room where I was lying on my bed reading a Cussler novel. “Hey, what the hell is a lap dance?” I was focused on the book so I asked “A what?” “A lap dance. Mel asked me last night to give him a lap dance but I don’t know what he was talking about so I said no way. What is it?” My mind started running, first off I was going to have to body slam Mel for asking my 17 year old sister to do something like that, second, my sister was still naive enough not to know, third,...

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Breaking of a Sexual Sadists New Slave

Annabelle's Introduction The following tale centers around a sixteen year old girl by the name of Annabelle Flint. An unusual name, but she was far from that being a very respectful teen, that saw only the brighter sides to life despite her many woes to the contrary. For her the first thirteen years of her life had felt like a dream, that sadly came crashing back down to reality when her parents who had been secretly fighting for many years finally divorced. The thirteen year old Annabelle...

1 year ago
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Hot Dallas Day Night

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! (Gwynne has met Jake, whom she met on the internet, at his hotel when he visited Dallas on business.) Gwynne went into the bathroom and started the shower. "I don't know about you, but I am starving". I stood up and asked what she wanted to eat. She grinned and looked down at my half hard cock. "Tell you what, I'll eat some of this and then we can order room service, unless you would rather me get dresssed and go...

2 years ago
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Husband watches as wife engages in sex with multiple partners over the course of the evening

A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party at her friend’s home. It was an informal affair, just drinks and snacks. There were about 9 or 10 couples there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It was a holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a bit. The host had made arrangements so those who lived beyond walking distance could sleep over. This made the drinking a little heavier than normal. My wife was a little tipsy. I could tell because she was flirting...

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All in a Days Work

Erin and John had worked together for just a couple of months and had become good friends, they always smiled at each other and had a lot of things to talk about. But when that day happened, nothing would ever be the same. Erin had just arrived to work and had noticed that John was not there yet, getting worried she called him on his cell. He had told her that he would be there in a little while and not to worry. But of course she did, since she was the only one in the office, and in a bad...

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Kelly Kapowski Getting Oogled at the Cheerleader C

Kelly knew from preceding years that the Annual Bayside High School Cheerleader Carwash was a great place to flaunt her cute little titties, and the Carwash of'91 was sadly to be her last one, because then she would be off to college and everything would be different forever. Having all those horny guys getting visibly agitated and aroused from seeing her teeny-bopper nipple erections poking shamelessly through her wet, see-through tank-top was something that she knew she'd miss. She wasn't a...

3 years ago
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Eve in the mens toilet Part 1

I warn people: DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU LIKE VILE FILTH. I would never have thought to write anything like this, indeed having written it, I feel so embarrassed at having come up with anything so revoltingly disgusting. However, a number of people have suggested this theme which, I should imagine, is for a very small niche of men who enjoy the idea of treating women so appallingly. I hope that those who will be sickened by the theme, stop reading when they see the way the story is heading,...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 7 Like a Record Baby Right Round Round Round

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 9, 2009) Chapter 7 - Like a Record, Baby Right Round Round Round Tuesday morning presented the conundrum I didn't want to face. Leaving my hair down made it pretty obvious that I had gotten a girl's haircut. But putting it...

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Slippery When Wet

Scott and I had decided to take the boat out for a couple of days, and enjoy the peace and solitude offered by the local waterways and its myriad of beaches. It was only at the last minute that my girlfriend Sarah decided she could join us, successfully getting time off work by swapping her shift with another workmate. It was not a large boat but had comfortable overnight accommodation and a well laid out galley and dinette. Sarah and I quite often use the boat, fishing and swimming and...

3 years ago
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Lesley part 15

Lesley had slept for the best part of 14 hours, and still felt like shit. It was Monday morning and she had to face the fact that she could not stay away from work any longer. Rob had dropped her at 2 pm Sunday afternoon outside her front door, when she was sure there was no one home. She had spent the morning at Robs sleeping and apologising. She had finally got away from the stag party when Rob picked her up before eight that morning. She was a mess. Her clothes were ruined, one shoe was...

3 years ago
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Young And Foolish Part One

Part One True Confessions of a Lonely Boy I was about 10years old when this happened. I used to go to the Saturday matinee at our local pictures. I would normally sit in the second or third row because there was no one else there. One time a grown up sat next to me. I knew nothing about anything other than peeping at my sister when she dressed in those days. But that's another story. After the first film finished the man asked me if I wanted...

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The LA ConnectionChapter 4

The rest of our trip down the peninsula was rather mundane and boring since we could not find anything to feed our need for an adrenalin rush. Nevertheless, through intense concentration, we were able to maintain our cover and hold to the illusion of being simple tourists. It was with some glee that we finally turned around and headed home. Dammit, I doubt that either one of us could face a real vacation. The simple fact is that we are addicted to action. I couldn't help wondering if this...

2 years ago
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sleeping part 1

An incident happened the other night, quite byaccident, that awakened something in me I didn't know Ihad. Last Thursday night a friend of mine, Larry, cameover to talk, drink a beer, and watch TV. He works atthe same place I do, and since we had a three day week-end, we were in no hurry to end the night. My wife,Sandy, had to work the next day, and since she was not anight person she went to bed about 10:30. She is alsoone of the soundest sleepers I know. I have actuallyshaken her pretty...

4 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hoodie

The afternoon summer sun felt hot as I reached for my drink. Relaxing in a chaise lounge, wearing only my sunglasses and swim trunks, I had just gotten out of the water and toweled off after a much deserved swim to cool off. Most of Saturday morning into the afternoon was spent mowing the lawn, working on the dock, cleaning the boat, etc. It was nice to finally be able to take a break and relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day.I had our summer lake home all to myself as my wife Lorene and...

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