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odalisque's Graduation


Master brought me to San Francisco on a one-week test. This is to be slave'sfinal exam and, hopefully, graduation celebration. i have been in trainingwith Master for more than six months. The training has included grooming, posture,conduct, attitude, obedience and lots of nakedness. i am almost always collaredand cuffed. slave is naked in Master's home, usually in His car and sometimesin other places. When i disappoint Master i am punished, sometimes severely.i have learned not to disappoint Master. i am disciplined for training purposes,and sometimes just for Master's enjoyment.

During these past months, i have learned to accept slave's submissive natureand to cherish slave's relationship with Master. i love being His slave andi want very much to perform well and please Him this week. It has been manydays since i have been punished for disappointing Master, but i have a feelingthat Master is preparing some very difficult tests for His slave during thecoming week. It's easy to be submissive and obedient (and naked) in the comfortand privacy of Master's home, it may be quite another thing, entirely, to bea slave on display in public, in the light of day.

W/we arrived in the late afternoon, Friday, and checked into a h otel rightdowntown, near Union Square . It is a very fancy hotel where television & moviestars and politicians & foreign leaders stay. Master said He chose it becausea place like that knows how to mind their own business.

When i ride with Master, i am expected to be naked or, at least, with slave'sbare ass on the seat. Since i was not naked today, this meant that the hemof slave's mini-dress was pulled up to somewhere close to slave's waist.

Master hates to see women tugging at their dresses (?If you have to keep tuggingat your short dress, wear a longer one.?) so i am not allowed to adjust slave'sclothing without Master's permission. Master turned into the garage of thehotel and stopped in front of a wall of windows dividing the valet parkinggarage/reception area from the massive lobby. As soon as He stopped, a doormanwas at the car to open the passenger-side door. i swiveled and stood and heardMaster say ?Adjust your dress, odalisque?. The doorman had, of course, seenthe dress up around slave's waist, but none of the dozens of people in thelobby had, as i was still hidden by the door of Master's car.

i guess it didn't really matter much since the mini-dress Master chose forme to wear is very sheer. The floral pattern confuses the eye a little, butit was not too difficult to see slave's bald pubic mound and erect nipplesand rouged areola through the thin material. i was immediately reminded ofthis when W/we entered the lobby and a woman nudged her companion and literallypointed at me. i guess it might have been the collar and cuffs thatcaught her attention.

At the check-in desk, an attractive young woman took Master's informationand credit card, but her attention was divided between slave's collar and cuffs,slave's covered, but not hidden, breasts and her job. When she completed herduties, she looked at me and said, ?You look quite beautiful through that dressMiss.?

i think she picked her words carefully, just to let me know that she couldvery clearly see through slave's dress. i stood at the check-in desk with aface that was, i am sure, fire-engine red.

?Thank the lady for the compliment, odalisque?. Master said, after a momentof slave's silence. i'm sure slave's blush increased a number of degrees; ifelt like a little girl being told to thank the lady for a sucker she had givenme.

?Thank you Mistress. You are very kind.? It seemed odd calling this 20-somethingyoung woman ?Mistress?. She was probably a year or so one side or the otherof slave's age, but that is what Master expects of His slave.

In the elevator the bellman made no attempt to look anywhere but at slave'sexposed body and ?leather jewelry?. Master's room was on the tenth floor, soi rode ten floors with this, not-so-young, man blatantly staring at slave'sbody from top to bottom and back.

The elevator did not stop until the 10 th floor, but, when it did, there weretwo men waiting to take the car back down. When the doors opened, the bellmanand Master waited for me to exit first. When i stepped out of the elevator,i saw slave's reflection in the large mirror on the opposite wall. i couldhardly have been more on display if i had been, truly, naked. The bellman movedaround me so that he could lead us to Master's room. i heard one of the mensay, ?Shit, Rick is going to be really sorry he wasn't ready in time to joinus and see that.? i could feel the flush again, but i loved the obvious admiration(or was it lust?) in his voice as W/we walked away. It occurred to me thati might spend this entire week blushing in one degree or another.

The bellman opened the door to the room and held it open for Master and slaveto enter. He put the two suitcases on the stands and began to describe theamenities of the room. It was a wonderful room, and did have lots of nice features,but i think he was milking the situation a bit. He was telling us about theconvenience bar, VCR, computer connection, big screen TV, whirlpool bath etc.Even when he opened the curtains to a breathtaking view of San Francisco Bay, and much more, the bellman's eyes hardly left slave's body. i think slave'sleather jewelry gave the bellman permission, in his mind, to stare at slave'sbody without reproach. i looked at Master and He smiled. Master tipped him,and instructed me to show him to the door.

When the bellman left, Master told me I could keep slave's dress on. Mastersaid he was going to take a shower, and then W/we would have dinner in theroom tonight. When Master returned He was wearing His robe. He removed freshslacks and a shirt from the suitcase and put them on.

He sat in one of the easy chairs and i brought Him the room-service menu.Master directed me to order the steak for Him and a Caesar salad for me, witha bottle of California sparkling wine. i did, and upon hanging up, i kneltat Master's feet as i have been trained to do. slave has been trained to kneelat Master's left, facing Him, with slave's butt resting on slave's heels, kneesspread at least shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind slave's neck,elbows out in line with slave's shoulders.

Master instructed me to put His gorgeous cock in slave's mouth. i love suckingMaster's wonderful cock, so i quickly knelt between His knees, unzipped Hisslacks and drew His semi-hard organ into slave's mouth. The time passed swiftlyand then there was a knock on the door, ?Room service.?

Master instructed me to open the door. i replaced His wonderful cock in Histrousers, zipped His fly, and walked across the room. i opened the door andinvited the young Hispanic man into Master's room. He smiled and thanked me.He didn't seem that surprised to be able to see slave's body quite clearlythrough slave's dress, but neither did he look away. i wondered if the bellmanhad spread the word.

The young man made the square cart into a round table, removed the lids fromthe food and placed the sparkling-wine bucket in the stand beside the table.He asked if Master wished him to open the wine. Of course, Master did. Whenhe poured the wine, Master signed the bill, tipped him and instructed me toshow him to the door.

When the waiter had gone, Master instructed me to get naked.

Master finished dinner and instructed slave to empty the suitcases. As i wasdoing so, He picked the tube dress from slave's hands before i could put itaway. When i finished, Master instructed me to put the tube dress on, with3-inch high mules.

This dress is knit in something like a tube and stretches to slave's shapelike a second skin. Unlike most of slave's clothes, it is not see-through.The catch is that it is just long enough to cover between slave's nipples andsex, but scarcely an inch longer. Master had it specially altered. If the dresscomfortably covers all of slave's sex, than the top of slave's areola are justvisible above the dress. If slave's areola are well covered, slave's sex lipstry to peek out below the hem. Needless to say, due to Master's tenet regardingadjusting clothing, i walk very carefully wearing the tube dress. Sitting isanother matter. Master requires that i always sit bare-assed, so i simply pullthe hem up a few inches and slave's ass is bare on the chair.

When slave had slipped on the tube dress, Master adjusted it so that the topwas barely above slave's nipples with a hint of red crescent of areola justvisible above, and the hem was safely below the lips of slave's sex.

Master led slave to the elevator and to the lobby below. You would have thoughtthat no one in the hotel had seen a micro-mini dress before. i am sure everyhead in the lobby turned and stared. The lobby is quite large and there arechairs and tables and a small bar. There must have been twenty or thirty peoplesitting at tables, standing at the check-in, or on their way to or from theirrooms. i am sure not one person missed an opportunity to stare at me in themicro-mini dress. i suspect that i will need to get used to that kind of attention.Master often refers to me as His display slave. i think this week a lot ofme will be on display, a lot of the time.

At the other end of the hotel lobby area is a lovely bar with live music anda tiny dance floor. The hostess smiled as Master and slave approached. Therewere a dozen or so steps up to the lounge and, of course, the dress rode upa bit as i walked up the carpeted stairs. ?Wow, you do have to be careful wearing that dress,don't you?? the hostess said with a big smile.

?A little bit, yes, Mistress.? i said and returned her smile. Again it feltstrange to call a woman slave's own age ?Mistress?.

The lounge is rather dark so i know people could see that the dress is veryshort, but i don't think they could really see what may have been showing.The hostess led us to a cocktail table directly in front of the three musicians.Master held the chair for me. As i sat, i pulled the hem of the dress up sothat slave's bare ass was sitting on the chair.

Master does not allow slave to cross her legs or even close them, so slave'sbare sex was exposed, under the table, to the band,. The band was on the floor,not a stage, so, i assumed they could see slave's bare sex under the table.How well they could see, i didn't know.

The piano player was the first to notice me and lost no time in hipping thedrummer and bass player. All three smiled and nodded to me. i smiled back andflushed, i am sure, from head to toe.

The waitress came to the table and didn't seem to be aware that slave's legswere bare all the way to slave's sex and bare butt. She was very consciousof the 3-inch wide leather collar around slave's neck and the 2-inch cuffsaround slave's wrists.

Master ordered two glasses of Merlot and a cheese plate.

The trio was quite good, playing swing jazz like Goodman, Gershwin and Dorsey;just the sort of music Master and slave love. When the waitress returned, sheplaced the wine and cheese on the small table and then dropped a napkin onthe floor next to me. When she bent to pick it up, it was obvious that shewas looking at slave's legs and slave's plucked-smooth sex. i tried not tomake eye contact as she stood up.

When the band took a break, the piano player/leader came over to the tablewith a big smile and said, ?You are a very beautiful, and sexy, distraction,Ma'am.?

i responded before being told to this time, ?Thank you very much, Sir.? ashe walked away.

We lingered over our wine through another set by the band, and then Mastersaid it was time to go. i hoped Master would tell me it was okay to adjustslave's dress as i stood, but He did not. Instead, he pulled slave's chairout and, after a slight hesitation, i rose to slave's feet. The hem of slave'sdress was inches above the lips of slave's sex.

The woman at the table next to O/ours nudged her companion and, in a voicenothing like a whisper, said, ?Oh my God, look at that slut.? Her companionlooked, and a very large smile came across his face. i am sure even slave'spubic area was blushing now.

i have never, in twenty-six years, been called a slut but, i thought, whatkind of woman would walk through a cocktail lounge with her pussy exposed toanyone who was looking? A slut; or a sex slave, maybe they are one and thesame. Maybe i should get used to being called a slut.

After what seemed like hours, but was, in fact, just seconds, Master saidi could adjust slave's dress. i did so as quickly, discreetly, yet as carefully,as i could. Even though some people had clearly seen slave's sex, i didn'twant to pull too hard and expose slave's nipples to a bunch more people.

?You two have a wonderful evening.? The hostess said as W/we passed.

Master took slave out to the street and W/we walked through the city for thirtyminutes or so. It was just a little bit cool, so slave's nipples were a littlemore erect than usual. i received many stares along the way. i didn't hearthe word slut again, but it was obvious that some people disapproved of slave'sdress (or maybe it was the collar and cuffs). Of course, i also saw some verybig smiles, on men's, and some women's, faces.

i did hear a comment about slave's collar. A woman said to her male companionwhen they were a few steps in front of us, ?Look at that collar.? and as theypassed, ?No man could ever do that to me!? i loved that , becauseit suggested how singular i am; how few women would do for Master, what slavedoes. i just hope that i am strong enough to do all that Master mayask of me during this week.

When W/we returned to the hotel lobby, i saw one of the desk clerks sort of ?pssssst? anotherand nod her head in O/our direction. They both watched U/us all the way tothe elevator. Master pushed the ?up? button and the doors immediately opened.

When the doors closed, Master took me in His arms, kissed me very long andhard, and told me that i had done quite well this evening. i was very pleasedand proud, but more than a little apprehensive as to what tomorrow would bring.Whatever it might bring, i knew that i would do slave's best to make Masterhappy, and proud of His slave.

Before the elevator doors opened on the tenth floor, Master pushed the topof slave's dress down over slave's breasts and hips to the floor. i steppedout of it, picked it up and handed it to Master, as i have been taught. i walked,naked, at Master's side, back to His room. Fortunately, no one else was inthe hall.

Back in Master's room, i oiled Master's cock for the required 30 minutes,and then wrote in slave's journal. i tried to remember all the things thatwere said to, and about me, but slave's emotions were so high, many would notcome back to me. i will try to work on that. Master wants me to keep a thorough,detailed journal. Sometimes it is a bit difficult to concentrate when one isall-but naked before dozens of strangers.

After finishing writing in slave's journal, i was allowed to suck Master'slong, hard cock and cum as much as i could. i fell asleep, emotionally exhausted,with His wonderful cock in slave's mouth.

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I was nineteen years old and still lived at home with my parents. Because I had gone on to technical college when I finished my sixth year at grammar school, I had got myself a Saturday job to earn a bit of pocket money. It was when I left the shop that I worked in to start my lunch break that I bumped into a pretty and vaguely familiar girl who appeared to be around the same age as me. We stopped and said hello, both of us a bit shy. I introduced myself as Robin. She told me that her name was...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

3 years ago
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The Trail

Copyright© 042702 The trail crunches under foot as it leads on up through the Gorge. The air is cool, crisp and smells of an early Autumn day. The sky is that clear blue one sees on that rare day when the sun will be out all day, but never gets hot. My feet seem to barely touch the ground as I attack the path. The day is young and I am filled with energy. The forest is filled with the sounds of silence, the only sounds I hear are my breathing and the steady cadence of my footfalls. The autumn...

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Lust in La Jolla Ch 03

Chapter 3 Jenny on the Jet A long and bumpy flight for Jake turns out well. Sunday August 31 Jake stowed his carry-on in the overhead bin, and settled heavily into his seat 31B. Although it was still too warm, it was nothing like the sauna-like conditions of the jetway, which mirrored the sweltering August heat wave that continued to baste NYC. He was on the aisle in the very last row before the lavatories with just a single seat next to him. He never been on a plane configured like this...

4 years ago
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Intimate Sex at Lunch with My Bosss Beautiful Wife

Hello Friends. I’m Damodaran. I’m 26 years old. I’m here to share my 2nd real-life sexual encounter with my boss’s busty wife, Lakshmi. I shared my first encounter with her through my story titled As I described in my previous story, Lakshmi is 38 years old. She has a lemony fair complexion. She looks beautiful with a regular body type, 36D bust, fleshy thighs and a little broad cylindrical arms. She is a mother of 2 kids. We ended up in bed again in 2 days. I slept with her on 18 November...

3 years ago
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The Shower0

"How did you know I was home?" I ask. You laugh and say, "I was lying on the bed reading when I heard your car pull up. I had been fantasizing all morning about showering with you, so I thought I'd make my fantasies come true. The water's nice and warm, so are you going to join me or not?" you ask as you open the curtain and peek out. You see me standing there naked and you smile. "Well, I guess you are," you say with a look of contentment. I step into the shower and you...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 5 The Children of the Owl and the Pussycat

(Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to all of us that are slightly different. Or, as Mr. Lear so eloquently put it, are "partly little beasts and partly little fowl.") The Children of the Owl and the Pussycat Our mother was the Pussycat, our father was the Owl; and so we're partly little beasts and partly little fowl. The brothers of our family have feathers and they hoot. While all the sisters dress in fur and have long tails to boot. We all believe that little mice, for food are...

2 years ago
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A Morris Mans Tale Part 3

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Five Deception We leave the bar, and go down the steps, turning left towards the exit for the toilets, downhill to the toilets and I tell her once she has changed, to go out the door at the end and find us in the marquee, Jenny goes into the ladies with her...

1 year ago
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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 3 Onancock July 1st 2011

"I'm not going on any stupid bike ride and that's final." We were only a block away from home and mom had already started. "I know, I know," I agreed, keeping my eyes on the road. "So why'd you bring both bikes?" she demanded. Both moms and my bikes were riding on the rack hanging on the back of the car. "I showed you last night. It's beautiful down there. The nude bike ride is just for a couple of hours. Then you and I can explore. We'll have three days." We talked and...

3 years ago
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Mels pussey

With a title like that I could not more under described what is about to be written here. Mel is 32-year-old modern married mum she has one child a boy and she is not a stunner, but she does have a body and a presence that gives one the feeling that she could be a sexy women in the right circumstances. By the way, her husband has about as much love and sex appeal in him a disused petrol pump. So it was no surprise to find out that she had found love elsewhere or so she thought, sad to...

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A New Friend

One day during college a class that my roommate and I had got out early. It was somewhat cold out so we figured we would just head back to the dorm and chill for a bit till the dinner rush came at around 6 at the food court.Our dorm had a big couch in it with 2 TV’s. One TV was for playing videogames and the other was for actually watching TV. My roommate Troy always liked hooking his laptop up to the non videogame TV and displayed funny youtube videos, goofy 4chan pics, and just anything...

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A Holiday at the Inn

A word of caution to the readers who love the hard core stuff. This may not be the best read for you. I tend to have a little more setup and character development than some people want. Enjoy, 1txwriter A Holiday at the Inn Jake returns to the small county inn to see a new guest checking in with the inn keeper. The guest’s attention is on the hostess as they discuss details. While Jake quietly hangs his coat up he sees a young lady standing across the room by the stairs. She has...

1 year ago
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Dont touch yourself

Don’t touch yourself I don’t know my parents, my aunt always says that they committed suicide because I was a charge too heavy for them, so they crashed their car in order to not having to deal with me. The fact is that I can’t remember them, so I’m not sure. So my auntie Helena, took care of me, she had two boys, twins, and younger than me, and for the first second, she made sure that everybody at home knew their position. She was the head, of course, then, were the boys, boys can be...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant Daughter 4

Introduction: Purely Fiction Heres the latest installment, some of you more avid readers may notice some continuity errors but with the new site regulations and, to be completely honest, my new personal preferences, everything is nice and legal and clean. Feel free to comment or message me if you have any questions. Enjoy My dad was giving it all to me. All 10 inches of his cock. Keep squeezing me like that baby. Come on Steph milk daddys cock. His breath was ragged, sweat dripping off his...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 09

Sunlight streaming into his eyes brought Peter around. Into the pain flooded the thought, ‘My head aches. Why are the drapes open? The light is too strong.’ The thoughts seemed to smash pound behind his eyes like a blacksmith’s hammer forging a horseshoe as he staggered under the shower. He knew his hangover was causing pain. With the hot needles of spray stabbing his skin, he retraced the events of the previous night. ‘Can’t I get anything right? I’ve insulted the one girl who attracted me,...

2 years ago
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Behen Ko Chut Ko Phadi

Hi dostoon mera naam ashu hai mai raichur ka rahenewala hoon mai aaj jo aap logoon ko batane jar rahaha hoon o ek sacchi kahani ha pahele mai apne bareme bataoon meri umar 27 saal hai mere ghar me hum log 6 log hai meri ma papa aur mera chote 2 bhai aur ek bahen hai usaka naam firdous banu hai uski umar abhi 23 saal hai o mujhe se 4 saal choti hai.Ye ghatna undino ki hai jab mai apni b.Com ke pahele saal me tha Mere tab meri umar 20 saal ki thi mere papa ek government employee hai aur ma ghar...

3 years ago
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The Day After

The Day After By Bill Hart It was the day after Halloween once again. I thanked my lucky stars that I remained unscathed and had somehow managed to live through another of those dreaded celebrations of Samhain. After finally arriving home from an exceptionally long and tedious day at work, I'd locked all my doors and turned out every light. I wanted nothing to disturb my retreat from the revelers of the day. And I certainly wanted no annoying disturbances from any wayward...

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Rick and I part 2 contd

i want to thank all the comments I've received so far. i really appreciate them. the more comments the more i write. please understand that these stories are 100% true. they are not fiction. they are written for your enjoyment as well as mine. i re-read them and enjoy jerking on my dick as i remember every last detail as described here. if you have not read the story previous to this please do so that you can follow along.as i ended my last post Rick and i were just coming out of the shower. he...

1 year ago
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For Twenty Years

Stephen’s life was this moment. If Alison wasn’t aware of the secret, his eyes tasting every inch of her should have been as effective as a tell-all book. Stephen had been reading her since they first met. For twenty years it’s been his curse, his dream, and now alone together in her bedroom, he took turns between sizing her up and thanking God that Alison became his reality. ‘That’s a little hard to believe, if not frightening.’ Alison took a step back as she spoke. It’s not every day a...

2 years ago
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The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me was sign enough that you decision was set.It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Jaun liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and You know it doesn't. When I was a young girl, the man of my dreams was tall, ambitious...

2 years ago
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The GirlsChapter 3

I looked at them in pure confusion. "How's that" I asked in total disbelief. And then I added, "How would that work?" They had caught me completely off guard with that one. "Well, it really is up to you. I mean it could be as simple as you just donating the sperm and one of us can be artificially inseminated. I mean, if that would be all you would be comfortable with." Annette blurted out. Then Lois spoke up, saying, "Or we could do it the old fashioned way, if there is a chance...

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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

1 year ago
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The Holiday Couple

A while back I was working in a coastal town renowned as a holiday destination. It was off season with not many holidaymakers around. After about three weeks of a 6 week assignment, I was as bored as one can only get when living out of a suitcase in a hotel.Not being much of a drinker, I alleviated the boredom by entertaining myself at the pool table some nights. The room was next to the bar, but separated by a massive double door.This particular night as I was setting myself some challenging...

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The ArrangementChapter 3 Snorkeling and Surprises

The next morning I was up early, blessedly not hungover. After a quick room service breakfast, I packed some essentials and headed off the ship, onto the beautiful island of St. Thomas. Signage for the cruise line excursions was pretty easy to find, and I joined a line of people waiting for “St. John’s Beach and Snorkel.” Once everyone was present and accounted for, we boarded a small ferry boat for the short ride over to the sister island of St. John. The boat’s captain narrated the sites...

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Didnt mean to go so far

I’ll start by telling you about how my husband and I, married for over 12 years, had begun to spice up our sex life in a few – well, unusual ways… It started with him suggesting that I be a bit more flirtatious at work, and then tell him about it. Now I have pretty big tits and I think I’m hot for a 47 year old woman! All the guys like me at work, and I’ve had more than my share of passes me at me, but now my hubby was encouraging me to return the favor! I had never been unfaithful to my...

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I need to get FUCKED Gay

I made myself a stiff double scotch and scrounged around the fridge for something to eat. I actually found enough to make a salad which was a welcome relief from all the crap I had eaten in the office that week. I poured another scotch and got out of my clothes, ready to hit the hot tub, when I passed my computer. Although I had taken out a great many frustrations at the gym, there was one that suddenly bitch-slapped me for attention. I needed to get fucked!I logged in to my account at manhunt...

3 years ago
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Cheap deal all the way

It was just a cheap weekend break to another city for a change of scenery. Anna and Dave had arrived early in the day and had managed to pick somewhere for dinner on their walk through the city. It would be late enough as it was the second sitting. Anna had chosen a new outfit a nice blue sleeveless top with a plunging neckline, it was tight fitting accentuating her curves. Anna also wore some fitted trousers which covered some blue platform heels she had also taken a like to. The waiters were...

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