Snatch-22 free porn video

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sleeping in on Saturday mornings always feels nice—a little bit decadent, a little bit necessary after a long week. Today was no exception. After a nice hot shower, I dressed, had breakfast, and was just beginning to contemplate plans for the day when I heard Nicki walk into the kitchen behind me.

Calling over my shoulder, I asked, "Well, what should we do today? We've got a late start, but I don't want to waste away the whole day."

"I've got our day all spelled out. You... are going to clean the house."

There was an air of finality to the way she said it. It wasn't a suggestion; it was an order. I spun around, prepared to object and offer a counter-proposal, but was stopped in my tracks before I could speak up. Nicki was wearing my favorite sundress: a short, floral-patterned dress that was slightly transparent in the right light. She usually wore a silk slip under it—first, because with the deep V-neck it was needed to maintain some degree of decency, and second, it was so thin that it was all too easy to read through it.

This morning, however, she was completely bare underneath. There wasn't much shape to the dress, just a loose, angled-cut that flowed and moved as she did. The cut of the neckline dropped so low that it completely exposed the inner sides of her breasts, top-to-bottom. Her nipples were crinkled and hard, lightly poking the fabric that loosely covered her breasts. With the morning light streaming in through the window, I could perfectly make out the rest of her full breasts, delicate waist, full hips, and the tiny gap between her thighs. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I also thought I could just make out the outline of her pubic hair and the lips of her pussy.

Clearly, this was not house-cleaning attire. My throat cracked a bit as I said, "Oh... it doesn't look like you're dressed for cleaning around the house?"

"Nope. And neither are you. Up... up!" She motioned for me to stand up. "I need you out of those clothes. You are going to clean the house for me today... Naked."

She definitely had my full attention now, in more ways than one. I opened my mouth to object, to comment, to ask for an explanation; but none came out. There was something in her tone that was different—something I'd never heard before—a note that said she was in charge and in no mood to be questioned.

So, after a brief, pregnant pause, I began stripping off my fresh clothes. She motioned to the table with her eyes. Understanding her meaning, I folded them neatly and stacked them on the chair where I'd been sitting. My cock was twitching slightly, swollen and probably three-quarters hard. I couldn't take my eyes off my sexy wife, ordering me around in a way I'd never known would excite me so much.

"You can get started in here, but after you make me some breakfast. I'll start with a mimosa and have some bacon and eggs, no toast." I didn't need to be told twice, so it was off to the wine chiller to grab some champagne. Deciding that today was off to a good start, I picked some of the special occasion bubbly that was probably way too nice to waste on mimosas, but what the hell.

As I rummaged around in the fridge for eggs, bacon, and orange juice, she stopped me short. "Oh no... not that bottled crap. Fresh squeezed." It bothered her to no end that we usually drank bottled juices when the northern California weather afforded us three citrus trees in the back yard. I dutifully trotted out to the yard, naked and partially erect, to see what fruit we had on the trees. Our Valencia oranges weren't ready yet, but the blood oranges were probably just about perfect. Once she had a perfect pink blood orange mimosa in hand, I got to work on breakfast and began doing a deep cleaning of stove, counters, dishes, etc. A quick nod to the floor and I was soon on hands and knees, cock dangling between my legs, scrubbing the floor like a twisted, gender-bent Cinderella.

"The kitchen is all done." I stood naked in front of her and her freshly topped off flute and waited for my instructions. She leaned forward giving me a wicked view of her breasts and casually began running her manicured nails across my balls as she glanced around the room. Satisfied with her brief inspection, she began leisurely stroking my cock with her other hand until I was beginning to leak and wonder whether my knees would hold me when I came. My breathing became more rapid and her hand sped up to keep pace as she looked up at me getting closer to my orgasm. When I was just about to the point of no return she withdrew both hands, leaving me panting, disappointed, and desperate for release.

"I think we'll move upstairs next." I now saw how the day was going to pass: she intended to keep me busy with housework and always one step away from my reward until the house was completely clean. I decided it was worth it and might suddenly be my preferred way of doing housework from here on out.

I vacuumed the hallway, moved into the guest bedroom, and made sure it was dusted and spotless—remembering to keep Nicki's mimosa from running dry as she supervised from the doorway. Her inspection was more thorough this time, moving about the room to check surfaces for any trace of dust. Again I received my reward after passing muster. She pressed herself into my back, the thin fabric doing little to separate her nearly naked body from my own. She tickled my ass with a fingernail as she pumped my cock. I moaned openly, knowing that as heavenly as her hands felt, there would be no release at the end of it.

As predicted, after taking me right to the edge, she moved away and ushered me into the master bathroom. I hurried through the room, the urgency of my cock making me speedier with each task. When finished I reported to her and requested my inspection. Her eyes remained impassive as she scanned the room and simply told me to move into the bedroom and stand by the bench at the foot of the bed. I heard a drawer open and close in the vanity as I stood next to the bench.

I couldn't see what was in her hand as she motioned me onto my hands and knees on the bench. My cock was rising in anticipation of another handjob, perhaps with some lotion she fetched from the vanity. Instead, I heard a rush of air and felt a fiery jolt of pain rush through my ass. I looked back to catch a glimpse of a wooden hairbrush arcing through the air to make a second contact with my ass. She ignored my shrieks of pain. "Face forward. That's ten swats for missing the dust around the base of the toilet."

I held back tears as she alternated between my cheeks, the pain increasing with each stroke as my ass took on a cherry-red glow. Suddenly there was a pause.

"How many was that?"


"Starting over then." Apparently I'd guessed wrong, so rather than take a chance, I counted them out loud as she turned my ass into a searing source of heat.

"One... two. THREE! Four. Five. SIX!" And so on.

When she was finished, she moved back over to her plush reading chair in the corner and sat down. I jumped down and rushed to the backyard for more blood oranges to refresh her now empty glass. Seeing that she'd now polished off almost half the bottle of champagne, I also returned upstairs with a tray of water, fruit, and crackers and placed them on the side table.

Once I had touched up my error in the bathroom, I moved back to our bedroom and launched back into my duties. I wasn't terribly surprised when she requested the red, silk sheets as I changed the linens on our bed. Once I was done, I took a second pass through the whole room; careful this time to make sure nothing was overlooked. Nicki sat in the plump reading chair in the corner smirking silently at my own pre-inspection, keeping a watchful eye and providing delightful eye candy throughout the process.

When I finally stood before her, she said nothing, but lifted her loose dress up around her waist and brought one leg up to rest next to her ass. Her pussy was finally revealed to me in all its glory and I gasped as I saw that she had been freshly waxed and was bare, save for a small, decorative tuft above her pussy. She used two fingers to tease apart her lips, showing off her shiny hole, wet with her juices. A brief nod and I was on my knees kissing across her thighs, almost dizzy with desire and the inundation of her scent. I stopped to kiss her foot, marveling at the sexiness of her perfectly painted toes.

I loved her barefoot in sundresses and had often encouraged her—to no avail—to go out completely bare underneath them. Never in my imagination had I ever entertained this particular dress as an option for those discussions. She'd often entertain me on walks, though, by slipping off her sandals and dancing lightly through the grass, skirts twirling up around her waist to show off the more conservative, but still sexy panties she'd wear on those occasions. After sucking her toes, she used the leg still between us to gently push me away and present her other foot for similar treatment. I cradled her delicate foot in my hands to hold its weight and kissed her all over—sucking her toes, tonguing the sensitive arch of her foot, and rubbing her soft skin against the side of my face.

She let her knees fall open again and it was clear that my attention was needed on her glistening sex. I worked slowly up her leg from ankle to ass and finally rewarded us both with a long, slow lick from the base of her pussy to the top of her clit. I buried my mouth in her sex and stabbed at her hole with my tongue, letting her moans guide me. As I reached her clit, I felt her soft foot reach out between my legs and begin gently rubbing the head of my cock. I moaned into her button, causing her to gasp and press my head harder into her. I could feel her beginning the run up to a large orgasm, but as I tried to redouble my efforts on her hard button she pushed me away at the last moment, breaking contact with my cock as well.

I rested my head against her thigh as we both caught our breath. "Not yet. You still have work to do." I groaned in disappointment and got back to work.

The rest of the house went more or less the same way, with the inspection becoming more critical in each room, resulting in a few more spankings. I was openly sobbing by the last one. My ass felt like it was on fire and the pain no longer stopped when the spankings did. In between, I was able to ignore the dull ache in my ass as she edged me and vice versa several more times, denying us both the release of an orgasm. She delivered one particularly severe spanking when the pre-cum now leaking heavily from my cock and aching balls streaked the picture window in our living room as I cleaned the upper panes. At least two passing women on the sidewalk were treated to a view of my naked form as I cleaned it thoroughly—twice, then three times—after that episode.

When the final room was finished, there was no punishment or reward. Instead, she instructed me to wait kneeling on the floor in the living room as she disappeared upstairs. After about fifteen minutes, I was summoned back up to the guest bedroom. She met me outside the closed door and covered my eyes with a blindfold, blanking out everything before maneuvering me into the room and onto the bed. I smelled a combination of her perfume and her pussy as she crawled over me fastening leather bands around my wrists and ankles. My cock was back at attention as I felt the soft fabric of her dress brush across my cock while she busied herself with my restraints, leaving me to wonder whether I'd be punished for smearing pre-cum on it in the process.

Satisfied with my predicament, she moved off the bed and removed my blindfold. Silently she slipped her dress up over her head, treating me to a view of her naked form and one of my favorite treats—her breasts upturned and pert as her arms pulled the dress up over her head. She took a seat nude at the guest dressing table and began to do her makeup in the mirror. Even though it was still mid-afternoon, she applied dark, smoky tones appropriate for a romantic, late night affair. I took the opportunity to study her intensely as she transformed from the airy, free spirit who had tortured me all day into a sensual starlet who might—I hoped—finally make love to me and share release.

Satisfied with her makeup and perfectly styled long, jet-black hair, she spun around to face me. From the dressing table she produced a pair of nude stockings with a seam running up the back. Extending one leg and then the other, she ran the stockings sensuously up each leg and smoothed them by running her hands the entire length. A delicate, black garter belt with tiny embroidered red roses then was fastened around her trim waist and she bent forward to attach the clips treating me to a fantastic view of her hairless pussy peaking from between the globes of her ass. A similarly adorned sheer lace bra soon cradled and lifted her amazing breasts providing a view of her hard, purple nipples through the sheerest parts of the lace. Last to join the ensemble was a sheer black thong that had a single larger embroidered rose directly over the tiny tuft of hair adorning her pussy.

Nicki stood up and slipped on her favorite pair of shoes: a pointy pair of 4" black Louboutins with a dangerously spiky heel. She shimmied into a stretchy, long, black pencil skirt that came just below her knee which, when combined with the heels, gave the illusion that her legs went on forever. Finally, to complete the outfit she fastened only barely enough buttons on a crème-colored, silk top to cover the majority of her bra.

I couldn't believe how sexy my wife looked in this amazing outfit as she did a few slow twirls to check herself out from very angle in the mirror. She took a quick glance at the clock and whispered, "Perfect." I couldn't agree more, although it quickly became apparent that she was referring to the time. She reached into a small box on the dressing table and retrieved a ball on a strap that she proceeded to fasten around my face, effectively gagging me, and then sat back on the bench at the dressing table. Slowly and deliberately, she crossed her legs, revealing a deep slit up one side of the skirt that now showed off a fabulous amount of thigh and even the tops of her stockings. I still had no idea what she had planned, but I was putty in her hands.

"So? What shall we do now? Hmm? I can tell by the wide eyes and bouncing cock that you approve of my new outfit. A special purchase for a special evening, don't you think?"

"You've been quite the house husband all day, cooperating beautifully with my instructions, bearing my cock-teasing, and even taking your punishment without a single complaint. I'm actually quite impressed. I didn't think you'd go along quite so easily, but I'm pleased you did."

"I'm sure you're wondering what else I have up my sleeve, and you're right to be curious. I'm sure you remember our previous attempts to have you eat a creampie from my pussy."

She paused for effect and I couldn't help but swallow hard, heart suddenly pounding nervously. Several months earlier, I had confessed to her that I wanted to try eating her used pussy after we made love and, after some initial reluctance, she agreed to it. On several occasions we had exchanged hot talk about the idea during foreplay, getting us both worked into a frenzy, but every time I lost the nerve immediately after I came. I chickened out, made excuses, and generally made a fool of myself each time. She seemed increasingly frustrated with my inability to carry through and so we finally gave up the idea. I had thought it forgotten. Apparently not. Now she'd been working me up all day, edging me repeatedly until my level of desire was so off the charts I thought I'd agree to anything. I tested my bonds and realized that I could barely move and was clearly in no position to stop her if she decided to go through with it tonight.

"Well, one way or another, we are going to fulfill your fantasy tonight. There'll be no weaseling out of what you've promised me this time. Your arms are quite secure and I should have no problem overpowering you to finish the deed, regardless of how reluctant you become. But I've decided to make this more interesting for the both of us. I'm raising the stakes."

"You have two choices. The first option is this: I will do a sexy strip tease for you, reversing the process you just watched. I'll rub my body all over yours to drive you back into a total frenzy of lust. I'll suck your cock until you're ready to burst and then lay back and bring myself almost to orgasm with my fingers. I'll make you suck my juices off my fingers before slipping your aching cock into my pussy and riding you hard until you fill me with load after load of cum. When I'm satisfied that you're completely drained I'll raise up and kneel over your head letting you get a good look at my freshly-fucked pussy before lowering it to your face. I'll hold your head, and even pinch your nose if I have to, in order to get you to open wide and take your cum back from my pussy. You've been on edge all day so you're going to dump a gallon of cum into my warm, soft insides. And then I'm going to make you lick and suck it all back out until I'm completely clean and satisfied. I may want to come several times. After all, I've been edging myself, too."

My brain was in overload and despite how awesome that sounded, I couldn't help being incredibly nervous at the prospect of being forced to eat my cum out of her pussy after such a colossal orgasm.

"I get that whatever your deepest desire may be before you cum, that immediately following you sober up to the reality of the situation. I'm like that, too, which is why I haven't let myself cum all day either. It would have been so easy to let you take me over the edge several times today, but then I would have lost my nerve, too."

"Option two. In about twenty minutes, the grad school intern from my office is going to stop by to deliver some 'important' paperwork that I 'must' have finished tomorrow. He's about 25, incredibly handsome, and from the ladies' gossip around the water cooler, packing quite a punch if you get my drift. I will invite him in, seduce him, and fuck him on the red, silk sheets of our marital bed. I'll make an excuse why he needs to leave immediately after filling me full of his hot cum and then I'll hurry back in here. Your orgasm will still have been denied, your arousal still at its peak, and you'll still be eager to please me. I'll crawl up onto the bed, sweaty and used, careful not to spill his cum from my messy pussy, and I'll plop down on your face. I'll feed you his young seed while you soothe my tender pussy with your gentle tongue. Once you've serviced me to my liking, I'll untie you and you may have your way with me—any way you like—until you've reclaimed me and soiled me yet again with your cum. Then, your fantasy fulfilled, I'll never ask you to eat your cum again."

I couldn't believe my ears. My pulse was now pounding so loud in my ears I thought I might be losing my hearing. I felt flush all over and a little bit sick. My wife had presented me with the ultimate catch-22—no matter what, I was going to put my money where my mouth was and end up with a face full of cum. Either I was going to have it done unwillingly at a time when I least wanted it or my perfect wife was going to briefly belong to another man for the first time since we'd been married.

"If you choose option one, I'll thank Daniel profusely for dropping the files by and explain that I am meeting you for a date. He'll get to ogle my sexy outfit for a moment or two and then I'll be back up here to make a fresh creampie with you. The choice is yours. When the doorbell rings, you need to have made up your mind. Either way, you're going to have a massive orgasm. Either way, I'm going to really enjoy myself. Either way, you're going to eat some cum tonight. The choice is yours. I've always been faithful to you and I always will be. I won't have sex with another man unless you permit it. You have fifteen minutes."
Her speech finished, she sat down on the edge of the bed and began to slowly toy with my cock, not enough to bring me off by any means, but just enough to bring me back to full erection. Her slow handjob was making it incredibly difficult to focus on my decision. I was swimming... drunk... vacillating back and forth wildly.

The minutes raced by and I knew that I needed to have my answer ready. She was not going to let me stall one bit once that doorbell rang.

Ding dong...

Nicki reached over and unfastened the gag, allowing me to swallow a few times to clear my dry throat before looking at me expectantly.


I couldn't believe it. I could hear the words coming out of my mouth and I still couldn't believe that this was happening. It didn't seem entirely real, but there I was, looking up at my beautiful wife as I heard my voice crack: "Do it. Take him to bed."

She smiled calmly, lovingly, almost reassuringly, before leaning in and giving me a passionate kiss that took my breath away.

She whispered in my ear, "I love you... I'm going to make this worth your while. I promise you won't regret this." Then backing off the bed, she yelled toward the window, "Be right there!"

She reached back into the box on the dressing table and pulled out what I initially thought was a radio, but then realized it was a baby monitor. Oh, god... She was going to make (let???) me listen to their lovemaking. She plugged it in, tested the volume, and set it next to my ear on the bed. Next she pulled my laptop from beneath the bed, made a few quick adjustments and then set it off to my side where I could see the screen. With that, she stood, straightened her skirt, checked herself one last time in the mirror, blew me a kiss, and was gone to change our marriage forever. I finally took a look at the laptop screen and saw that she'd opened the messaging application and filled the screen, perhaps so she could give me updates.

I didn't have too much time to think as I soon heard her voice coming through the baby monitor, greeting Daniel at the door. She must have slipped the transmitter into her purse, there certainly wasn't any way she could conceal it with what she was wearing. They exchanged pleasantries, invited him in, and offered him a glass of wine, explaining that she needed a favor from him. He seemed a bit surprised, but pleasant, clearly eager to please her. He complimented her on her outfit, asking if she was heading out for the evening.

Cryptically, she replied, "Actually, that depends on you. A few weeks back I came home early from work and was surprised to see my husband's car at home mid-day. I came into the house just in time to hear what was obviously a woman having a loud orgasm... Sorry, I can see I've shocked you. Please hear me out... So, this woman was screaming near continuously as I made my way up the stairs, knowing exactly what I was going to find. As I reached the door to our bedroom, I heard my husband grunting and turned just in time to see his balls contracting, pumping his cum—my cum!!!—into this tiny redhead, and then roll off her to one side, sated and sweaty."

I could only imagine the look on his face as she delivered her monologue, clearly having practiced this scene extensively for the seduction.

"She saw me before he did and, without an ounce of shame, let her legs fall open to show me his cum leaking from her shaved snatch onto my bed, making eye contact with a wry smile. The little bitch is a fucking lingerie model. A fucking lingerie model! As he slowly came to the realization that there was someone else in the room with them, I watched his cock slowly deflate, covered in a mixture of their cream. He made lots of excuses, but ultimately it came down to this: he had a shot with a lingerie model that his company hired for an otherwise unrelated advertising shoot and he was weak. He couldn't pass up the chance to bed a semi-famous model. Undoubtedly, she is beautiful, and I recognized her immediately once I got over the shock. What she wanted from him I still don't know and I don't care. He swore it was a one-time thing and that it had never happened before, nor would it happen again."

She paused to let everything she'd said sink in and I wondered how long she'd been working on this whole scheme, especially this Oscar-worthy performance.

"I've been trying to decide whether to forgive him. That's where you come in. I've decided that the only way is an eye for an eye—a fuck for a fuck. Daniel, I've seen the way that you sneak glances at my legs or my chest sometimes in meetings. I'm pretty sure you fancy me, don't you?" She giggled awkwardly; leading me to imagine how his face must look as it slowly sank in what she was asking of him.

"Daniel, will you take me to bed? This can only be a one-time thing. I understand why Steve was tempted—I'm tempted by you. I love my husband and this is the only way we're going to put this behind us. Please take me upstairs and fuck me. Steve knows nothing about this. He's on a plane back home right now that lands in about an hour. Fuck me and leave me used up and sweaty, just how I found him when I caught him with that girl. I need him to feel what it is like to find the love of your life covered in someone else's cum."

I never actually heard him say yes, but clearly he must have given her some sign as I soon heard the sounds of passionate kissing. This was really happening. My heart sank at what I'd sent my wife out to do, but strangely my cock was still semi-hard.

Her story apparently had the same effect on him as I heard her say, "Oh my! Let's get upstairs and get this out where I can have a look at that thing." With that she squealed a girlish cry of delight before asking him to also grab her handbag so she could touch up her makeup in the bedroom. I heard his steps as he apparently carried her up the stairs and over the threshold to our marital bed.

She positioned her handbag somewhere close to the bed and told him to take a seat in the same chair where I'd ate her pussy only a few hours ago. Quiet music began to drift through the speaker, followed by a sigh of approval, as I realized she must have now been performing the sensual strip tease that I'd refused by choosing option two. He wolf-whistled and applauded, encouraging her to take it off as I imagined every article of clothing coming off in reverse order from the show she'd put on for me while dressing.

Finally, she must have completed the show, ending the tease with the inevitable reveal of her most private treasures—something no man had seen beyond me since before our wedding.

"Nicki, you're amazing. You've got to be the sexiest woman alive." My stomach leapt into my throat as I heard another man praise my naked wife.

"Now it is my turn for a treat. Let's get you out of all these clothes. First, I'm going to unbutton that shirt to feast my eyes on that sexy chest. Oooh, nice.... Mmmm, I love how broad your chest is and it feels so nice in my hands. Your nipples are so hard. Now, now... no touching yet! Let me unwrap my present first and then you can explore yours, alright?"

I heard the action rather than the narration as a slapping leather sound announced that she'd removed his belt and cast it aside.

"Button fly, I see. How sexy. One button, two. Mmmm, nice boxer briefs. Oh god, you're hard. I love how hot it feels in my hand. Let's get these down, too. Now, before we go any further, let me grab my phone. Not only do I want to savor this memory for later, I have something else sinister in mind."

I heard rustling around as she rummaged through her purse. I heard a throat clearing of gentle objection, followed by a laugh, and finally followed by the shutter noise of the camera in her phone. A second later, the screen of the laptop jumped as a picture message arrived—a very fit, 25 year old man was sitting in my chair with his shirt spread wide, exposing a wide, hairy, incredibly well-defined chest. His pants and underwear were around his ankles revealing a fairly large, hard cock jutting up on his firm abs. A moment later, another picture followed—a selfie in our full-length mirror of her nearly naked body, fully extended as she stood tippy-toed in her 4" heels, hips cocked to one side, completely exposed except for the garter belt and stockings.

"I thought we'd text him the play-by-play so that when his flight lands, he will have no question what is waiting for him when he gets home. You'll be long gone by the time he arrives, but I want him to have his stomach churn as he scrolls through every message in his phone while hurrying home."

He laughed and then gasped. The silence drove me wild until I could just make out soft sucking noises coming through the speaker. The laptop screen lurched and was suddenly filled with a picture of my beautiful bride, kneeling between a pair of muscular legs, looking directly into the camera, eyes glinting excitedly, lips stretched wide with a big, fat cock in her mouth. Before I could even process the image in front of me, the screen jumped again with a new photo. This time it was of Nicki, fist filled in a firm grasp around the base of his cock, mouth open wide, tongue extended, and clearly licking the underside of the glistening cock head in front of her. His cock wasn't that long, but it looked like it was as thick as a beer bottle and nearly as dark, save for the purple head resting on her tongue.

There were no more photos for a while, nor narration to keep me informed, so I assumed that he was enjoying a long, leisurely blowjob. Finally, the sounds changed and I realized that she was finishing the earlier task of stripping him.

"Come to bed with me, lover. I want to feel your hands and lips all over me."

I was soon treated to a photo, nicely composed, of my pale wife's skin contrasting deeply against the red sheets of our bed. Her hair was fanned out beautifully across the pillow, breasts full and accentuated by arms at her sides squeezing them up and out for the camera. The straps on the garter belt were pulled away and stretched taught in the air as her knees were raised and spread. Her long legs still encased in the silk of her stockings ending in those shiny, sexy-as-hell shoes. Her pussy was spread wide and you could easily make out her wetness, not just coating her lips, but adding a sheen to her inner thighs, as well.

I heard the sounds of more kissing before a low moan and her narration resumed. "That's it, suck my nipples. Your breath feels so hot on my tits. Oh god, yes, squeeze them like that. Pinch the tips. Yes. Keep sucking, that feels wonderful."

And so it went for a while before she let out a sharp little shriek and exclaimed, "Oh, you naughty boy! No, no—don't you dare stop that! I feel like I'm in high school again."

The next picture arrived. The angle was a little weird and crooked, but I could clearly make out her tits standing proud, squeezed together by his hands, engulfing that fat cock in the cradle of her cleavage. I was in agony, but my erection had barely waned. My stomach had collected a pool of pre-cum that was cooling and reminding me of my own guilty arousal as this other man prepared to fuck my wife.

I heard Dan softly grunting as I imagined her red lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him like her life depended upon it. "I'm gonna cum. Oh god, yes..."

Nicki plopped him from her mouth and gasped, "Do it, cum all over me. Paint my tits. Cover me in it!"

I could hear him jacking his cock, hard and fast. It didn't take much longer before he let out a long, low groan and I heard Nicki squealing, "That's it. Cover me in cum. Yes! Yes!" It only took another moment for the next picture to arrive. There she was, my wife, resting up on her elbows with cum everywhere. It was on her chin, her breasts, dribbled across her tight stomach, and it even looked like he'd managed to squeeze out the last few drops into her pubic hair. The look on her face was pure satisfaction. Even though she had yet to cum herself, she looked triumphant, happy, eager. I wanted to look away; I wanted to close my eyes and pretend this wasn't happening, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so amazingly sexy covered in this man's cum. I'd never given her a facial—never jacked off onto her body—but I knew immediately that I would soon.

Long, drawn out moans interrupted my thoughts, drifted through the speaker, accentuated by the wet slurping noises of a mouth savoring a pussy. I knew the sound well—it had filled my ears many times that day. Picture... A close-up from her point of view looking down at a man's hand, thumb on her clit, two fingers in her pussy. Slightly out of focus behind that was a man's face, sucking—maybe biting—her thigh. Her moans became more urgent, faster, probably in time with the motion of his fingers and tongue.

Finally, she interrupted him. "Stop. I want to cum on your cock. Roll over. I need to be on top to work that monster inside me." Rustling of sheets. More laughter. "God, I wish he could be here to hear me cum for the first time on another man's cock. Make me scream, lover."

All was silent for several seconds, then low moans, then I heard the unmistakable sounds of the beginning of my wife's orgasm. "Yes... yes... Oh my god, it is tearing me apart. Slow, let me control it. Oh... Ohhhhhhh!" She wailed over and over for what seemed like forever.

"Hold still, let me adjust to you. I can't believe I got that all the way in. It feels like I'm fucking a Coke can."

I'd almost forgot about the laptop until the screen jumped, only this time there was a slightly blurred picture of Nicki on her knees, straddling him, cock ready at the entrance, her fingers on her clit. Right across her, however, a shaded triangle obscured her best parts. A video. The fucking prick had taken a video to immortalize her first extra-marital orgasm. She'd been so worked up that with her own fingers working her clit, just forcing the thickness of his cock into her entrance had been enough. She'd cum all over another man's cock, and all he'd had to do was lie still and drink in the sights.

He was really getting into this now; several pictures arrived in rapid succession showing her steadying herself with her hands as his cock disappeared inside her. A close up with her at the top, where you could just see the head at her entrance. Another completely buried. A last one showing his shining member, covered in my wife's juices.

More rustling noises announced that they were switching positions. Their groans had become more intense. He was done screwing around. Picture: Nicki flat on her back as he entered her from above. The sounds of bodies slapping against each other filled my ears—the wet crush of thighs colliding. "Oh god, that's it. Rub my clit. Yes. Don't stop. Keep fucking me. I'm going to cum again."

Another scream echoed through the monitor, loud enough that I could hear it through the closed door as well.

The laptop jumped as a text message arrived: "He's fuckingg me soo hard I can barelly type." Immediately following was another picture. This time Nicki was at the camera. All I could see were her legs in the air, spanning his chest, ankles resting on his shoulders, with his head arched back in pleasure. The shot was slightly blurry suggesting just how hard he was hammering into her.

His voice cracked through the monitor, breathlessly, "Babe, I'm going to cum. I'm almost there."

"Let me do my clit. I can make it. I'm going to cum with you. Just a little bit more. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... I'm there. I'm cumming. Cum with me. Fill me up. DO IT!" Her screams and his blended together in a harmony of pleasure that made my cock lurch and a tear run down my face. All I could hear for a while were the sounds of labored breathing as they both came back down from their high.

"Holy shit. Your pussy is like a vice when you cum. I've never felt anything like that."

"And I've never felt so split open in my life. You don't go deep, but damn do you make up for that in width! Please, grab that pillow for me... Yup, slip it under my ass. I don't want to lose any of that cum when you pull out. Ready?" One of them let out a slow whistle from the sensation of loss as they finally disengaged.

"Bring that cock up here for me. I want to lick our cum off it before you go."

"Oh my god. Gentle, it is really sensitive after I cum. Yes. Clean my cock. You're amazing, just amazing."

Picture. Would it be the last one? A close up view of my smiling wife sucking a slimy, soft cock, covered in a mixture of cum. I could tell she was looking through the camera right into my eyes, telling me that I only had a few minutes before I'd be sharing the other half of that messy dessert.

"How could I not? This tastes so good. Your cum. My cum. Mixed and frothy from that pounding you just gave me. I may not walk right for a week! You were wonderful. Thank you. Now go. He'll be home soon."

I heard him dressing, excusing himself, and then finally the slam of the front door. The speaker crackled; she had turned it off on her side. I knew what was coming next. My heart started pounding. My palms were moist.

The door opened and Nicki stood in the doorway. One hand held her purse swinging at her side. The other was snaked between her spread legs, fingers pinching together her outer lips. She saw where my eyes were focused. "I didn't want to spill a drop." She smiled a sinister smile.

She was the cat who got the cream.

She was also a complete mess. Her hair was sweaty and matted to her face, tousled and knotted. She was covered in a layer of sweat and dried cum. I hadn't noticed how warm it was, but she was flushed red all over and glistening, like she had just finished a run. The high school remark from earlier finally sunk in; her neck and breasts were covered in love bites, as were the tops of her thighs where the stockings left her exposed to his hungry mouth. The tops of her stockings were smeared with juice, probably mostly hers, as I knew where she was keeping his cream—warm and fresh for me. Her heels were gone, but even so, her feet seemed unsteady as she teetered in the doorway.

"And now to finally fulfill your fantasy..."

She scooted over to the bedside, dropping her handbag, rummaging around on the night stand, discarding the monitor and the laptop to the floor. She leaned over, giving me a soulful kiss that tasted like cock. She hopped rather ungracefully onto the bed, still keeping her lips firmly pinched together and swung her legs over me. I was terrified, but still I had never been so aroused in my life.

As she straddled me and finally moved her hand from her pussy I had an epiphany. I had completely miscalculated. All of my fantasies were wrong—dead wrong—fooled by the deceptive twist that porn provides. I had no idea how many times I had jacked off to pictures of creampied pussies, imagining and savoring what that first lick might be like. But my fantasy was an illusion: picture-perfect pussies, smooth, bare, dry, clean, with a little pool of thick, white cum just gathering at the entrance. It would be so sweet to take that first tentative lick, realize how you loved it, and then lap happily to extract the cream.

What I saw above me was nothing like that image. Oh, Nicki's pussy was always beautiful, but the lie that I'd believed was apparent. Some guy must jack off and then slip his cock just inside her entrance to deliver his cum without disturbing her pink treasure. The pussy above me, however—my wife's pussy—was red and swollen from the incessant pounding of a ridiculously fat cock. Her lips were parted and a deep, angry red. Everything was coated in slimy goo from her matted tuft at the top of her pussy all the way to her glistening ass. Thick strands of girl cum clung to her entrance. And there... There, at her entrance, were the thick drops of his cum, just beginning to ooze out. I'd seen her pussy after sex. I'd seen what coated my cock after our lovemaking. Why had I never made the connection?
What overpowered me, however, was the smell. She smelled like sex, certainly, but there was more. The delicate aroma of her perfume was gone, replaced by the smell of sweaty, hard fucking. Her cunt—there's no other way to describe it in this state—smelled used. There was the odor of cock. Plus sweat. Locker room. She smelled like she'd come from the gym. There was a hint of her normal musk, which always drove me mad with desire, but it was deeper, pungent, a****listic.

She broke me from my reverie by snapping another picture, looking down her body to show me contemplating my fate. She snaked her hands down and took another one of the mess I was about to devour.

And all she said was, "Eat me." Softly. Gently. Lovingly.

I thought that I'd be horrified—turned off by the mess and the smell—but I couldn't believe how aroused I'd become. My cock was so hard it hurt. I was afraid that if she so much as scratched it with a nail, I'd go off like a rocket. I wanted this. I wanted her. I craned my neck, trying to get to her. She just smiled and lowered it to my face.

I took a deep breath and extended my tongue to meet her. The first taste was all her—familiar—funkier than I'd ever had her, of course, but unmistakably her pussy. I was getting hotter. I cleaned around her hole, stretching back toward her puckered ass, cleaning up her juices. I twisted to the side to lick her thighs, enjoying the smell and texture more with every passing moment.

She must have thought I was stalling, because she grasped my head firmly and turned me back to her cunt. "Eat me. Eat my used pussy." This time she was forceful; this was no soft whisper. "Suck his cum from my cheating cunt!"

Without much choice, I finally dove in. I ran my tongue inside her slit gathering up a thick wad of what was clearly his cum, not hers. She moaned and pushed down onto my face harder. The taste wasn't as bad as I'd expected. There was an acidic flavor to it, salty of course, and a tiny bit sweet. It was almost like a slightly salty, thick beer. Making it a little easier for me, was that it was mixed with the flavor of Nicki's pussy—one of my favorite flavors on earth! The texture was a little harder to handle. It was stringy and thick; it coated my tongue and my teeth and was a little difficult to swallow.

After the first few long licks from bottom to top, I concentrated on her clit for a few moments. She was moaning and rocking back and forth on my face. I was covered in a slick film of her juices. They were running down my chin and the sides of my face. She was gasping and calling out commands left and right.

"Suck my clit!" "Bite my lips. Bite them!" "Clean my whore pussy!" "Clean my sloppy cunt!" In our entire time together, I'd never heard her be so vocal. I'd never heard her use the c-word... ever. Now, it was coming out of her mouth about every fifth word in a non-stop flow of obscenities.

I was beginning to think that this wasn't so bad when she started to ride the wave toward her orgasm. I could tell from her breathing and her trembling that she was getting close. I was working her clit as fast as I could, but she suddenly shifted and pushed my face lower. Her fingers took over on her clit and began strumming as fast as she could go. Her lips flushed an even darker shade of red as she got closer and closer. Her thighs were clamped over my ears, but I could hear her getting louder and louder.

"Suck my cunt! Fuck me with your tongue and suck my fucking cunt!" I did as I was told and almost the instant that I shoved my tongue deep into her hole, she let out a high-pitched scream and her pussy began to spasm around my tongue. I couldn't hold it in, so I resorted to sucking her hole as she road out her orgasm. If I thought I had already gotten all of his cum, I was about to find out how wrong I was. Her spasming pussy started to pump load after load of his thick cum from deep inside her, flooding my mouth. It caught me off guard and I started to gag.

"Swallow his cum, baby! Eat your creampie. Eat it!" I heard her laughing from above me as I struggled to keep up with the volume of cum in my mouth. It was all I could do to get a breath and swallow before she pushed down onto me again. Now it was all over her; her slit was swampy with his spunk. It was in my mouth, it was in my nose, it was all over her lips and clit.

It could have been one long orgasm. It could have been two or three that ran one into the next. I couldn't tell and it really, truly didn't matter. All that mattered was that my wife was having the biggest cum of her life. I was dizzy from lack of oxygen, but I do remember feeling intense pride. Accomplishment! I was rocking her world even more than his Coke can cock had. I started to black out. This was it. I was suffocating, but I remember thinking, "What a way to go!"

I could feel my heart still racing. My vision returned. I felt like I'd just dove to the deepest part of the pool and breached the surface gasping for breath. Nicki was slumped forward, leaning on the headboard of the guest bed. She, too, was out of breath and even sobbing slightly. I craned my neck and began planting soft kisses all over her thighs and the soft juncture of her thigh and her vulva. I paid close attention, licking away every trace of their fucking, even nudging her back so I could suck his cum from her matted landing strip. She sighed contentedly. I looked up to see her smiling down at me with tears in her eyes as she cleaned the last remaining mess from her fingers.

"I love you, sweetie. That was amazing. My whole body is tingling. I've never had an orgasm anything like that ever before. Thank you."

"I love you, too. I don't even know what to say right now, but I'm glad you enjoyed that."

She scooted back until she was stretched out on top of me, nuzzling her lips into my neck. I suddenly realized how sore my body had become, strapped to the bed like this for over an hour. She shifted weight and position until I stopped wincing and my cock was nestled against her pussy.

Wiggling a bit to tease my aching cock, she whispered into my ear, "I know what our bargain was, but I have to say that that was so fucking incredible that I'm tempted to just impale myself on your cock, fuck you til you fill me again, and sit on your face for round 2."

I was so turned on at that moment that I almost told her to go for it, but I knew from experience that I would be singing a different song when creampie #2 started filling my mouth. I was a little panicked. I was still in a very vulnerable position! I must have let out a little yelp of panic because she giggled, sat up, and started to remove the restraints on my wrists and ankles. I didn't really move; only stretch my aching muscles for a few moments.

Finally, she leaned back down to me and gave me a long, slow kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. My cock was twitching and dancing up against her still wet entrance. When I u*********sly started to thrust against her, she pulled back, looked deep into my eyes, and cooed, "Reclaim me, baby. Make me yours again." After a brief pause she winked and whispered, "I hear it's the best part."

With a strength that surprised even me, I grabbed her and flipped us both over. I dragged her ass to the edge of the bed. I tested my legs to be sure they'd hold me. Satisfied that I could stand under my own power, I lifted Nicki's stocking feet to my shoulders and slipped my cock inside her for the first time that day. Even though I'd been on edge all day, I didn't feel close to cumming. I felt a sort of strange high—my cock was tingling, my ears were ringing, my body was on fire. I thrust into Nicki's warm pussy in long slow strokes, enjoying the sensations.

"I thought you were going to FUCK me?" Nicki taunted me with a glint in her eye. Ever cognizant of the fact that mine was the second cock she'd had today, I started to pick up the pace. Each long stroke got harder and harder, pounding her in a rhythm that was echoing throughout the room as our thighs slapped together at the end of each thrust. I squeezed her legs together to increase the pressure for both of us. I was putting my back into it—each stroke enough to cause her to yell out. It sounded like equal parts pleasure and pain. The clever, taunting look was gone now, replaced by a look of surprised lust at how rough I was taking her. I dug my fingers into her hips to pull her toward me on every in-stroke. I was grabbing her so tight that I knew she'd have more bruises to add to the lovely collection of hickeys decorating her tits, her stomach, and her inner thighs. I was harder and deeper than I had ever been.

I was rage fucking her—pure and simple—and it was wonderful. I felt so powerful, so in control. She was yelling out with each stroke. No words. Just wonderful yelps of pleasure and the occasional wince of pain. Suddenly her mouth opened wide, but no sound came out. Her eyes were wide in complete surprise. She gasped, tried to talk, and started to cum. Her whole body was shaking. Her legs were vibrating against me almost like she was having a seizure. I sucked her toes, but didn't let up the pounding I was giving her pussy. She cried out again as I bit her instep hard.

As I was sinking my teeth into her silk-covered foot I felt her pussy begin to squeeze and pulsate. My cock felt like it was being gripped by a vice, almost as if her pussy was trying to grab it to hold it still and stop the violent fucking. I could barely keep the deep thrusts going with the power of her internal muscles, but it didn't matter anyway. Her peak and the hungry sucking of her cunt triggered my orgasm.

And it was glorious.

I don't know that I'd ever experienced one that lasted so long or was so intense. I couldn't keep count of the number of jets of cum that I pumped into her. I could feel it splashing out onto my balls as I kept drilling her, warm at first, but instantly cooling. Nicki told me later that I let out a growl that didn't even sound human that just went on and on. Each spurt slowed me down, until I was just pressed against her, using her legs to hold myself up.

My cock was so hyper-sensitive that I couldn't even move. Even shifting my weight was enough to make me jolt with discomfort, but it passed after a minute or so. What didn't fade, however, was my erection. For a dude in my forties, I was delightfully surprised, as that just doesn't happen like it does when you're twenty.

Not wanting the power trip to end, I pulled out and dragged Nicki at an angle to the edge of the bed. "Clean my cock." Simple. Direct. A command.

Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around my cum-covered cock, sucking and licking it clean in her mouth. When she was done, I switched back to her sloppy pussy, thrusting it in a few times very gently until it was again covered in the frothy mixture of our cum. I marveled at the incredible volume of cum I'd managed to produce. It was unreal—only possible because she'd edged me so many times today and then left me in a state of confused arousal during her tryst with Dan.

Back to her mouth. She eagerly cleaned me, saying nothing.

Pussy again, running my cock all around her to gather up my spunk. Mouth. Back and forth until her pussy was reasonably clean and she had eaten it all. The filthy nature of the act had me going again and I knew that I wasn't far from another orgasm. I swung my leg up over her and straddled her breasts, dangling my cock in her face. A few adjustments with a pillow and she had the right angle to suck me again. As I got closer, I started gently fucking her mouth while she stayed passive, her eyes boring into mine. We'd never done anything like this. That's probably why it felt so fucking awesome.

Finally, I could take no more. I pulled out and shifted my hips back to give me some room. Taking my cock in my fist, I began intensely jerking off. She knew what I wanted without me asking. I knew she'd seen this in porn before. She opened her mouth and waited, never taking her eyes off me. With a final yell of victory, I finally let go. The first shot went up and off the side of her cheek; the next directly onto her chin. I painted her face with streaks of my cum before resting the head on her lips. She slowly lapped at the underside of the head as my remaining cum just oozed out into her mouth, lacking the energy for anything resembling a spurt. Grabbing the camera, I proceeded to take a few pictures of my amazing wife. I don't think she'd ever looked more beautiful to me. When I finally pulled away, she opened her mouth, smiling wide to show the camera the cum she'd collected in her mouth, and swallowed it all proudly.

For my part, I was too exhausted to even speak. I gave her a tongue kiss of gratitude and promptly collapsed next to her on the bed. We both quickly fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

It was hunger that woke us an hour or so later. Despite the cum we'd both swallowed, we were ravenously hungry. I placed an order for pizza and tried to drag her into the bathroom to clean up.

"Not yet, I'm still enjoying the feeling of being so dirty. I must smell like a whorehouse with all this cum on me."

"Well, yes... But I can't deny that I'm enjoying it, too." There was a long pause before I said, "Lingerie model, huh?"

She laughed and said, "Well, I wanted to convince him to fuck me, but I also wanted it to be clear that you are a monster in the sack. I think he'll be discrete, but if he does talk, I want us BOTH to get a reputation. I suppose that now I have to figure out a way to set that up, don't I?"

It was not the best time for the inevitable talk about the line that had been crossed, inviting Daniel into our bedroom, our marriage. Inviting him into my wife. We did it anyway. There were no tears, no accusations. I trusted her when she said that she would never have gone through with it without my permission. I still couldn't explain why I'd chosen Option Two, but I confessed that I was glad I had.

"So, what did you think? Was it everything that you'd imagined in your fantasy?"

I told her about the epiphany I'd had as her messy pussy had been revealed to me. She chuckled, clearly not as surprised as I had been. But, all in all, yes. It had been an intense day of wildly fluctuating emotions, intense desire, and raw sex. My fantasy was now fulfilled. I was a little surprised to admit that it had been even better than what I'd dreamt up in my imagination. I wasn't sure I was in a hurry to repeat it, but I'd now eaten my first creampie.

And I loved it.

We were startled out of our soul-searching by the sound of the doorbell for a second time today.

"Shit! I need to throw on some clothes to get the pizza. I'll be right back."

Nicki grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving. She looked into my eyes with concern and pleading. "I promise to go back to being a proper wife tomorrow, but please. Please. Can I get the pizza like this? I want to suck his cock in front of you. Please?"

"I guess so. I missed out on the chance to watch you sucking cock earlier and who knows when I'll get my next chance to watch my wife suck a stranger's cock!"

Nicki gestured to the nightstand. "Sooner than you think, honey... Wait til we watch the video tomorrow. I filmed the whole thing." I was left studying my GoPro on the nightstand as she bounded out of the room, eager to get her mouth around her third cock of the day.

I laughed—doubting that we'd crossed this line for the last time—shaking my head and followed her down to the foyer.

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It had been over a year since the first time I 'strayed', and I had fucked more than a dozen different men with my husband watching and taking turns with me, when he suggested we try adding another man to the group just for fun..making it a 'foursome'! I tried to act surprised that he would make such a nasty suggestion...thinking that his wife would just be a 'fuckslut' for other men to get off on, but I secretly felt incredibly aroused inside! I insisted that I would never try it, but...

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“Here she comes boys,” he shouts, waggling his eyebrows at me as I walk through the classroom door. My eyes focus on him, and am amused to see that he is practically drooling as he watched me saunter the ten feet to where he stood with his jock friends. “Jared Casey, you are so full of shit.” His grin widened, “I knew you were hot for me, babe. Come on, Adia, let’s ditch this class and find a quiet room to do a little studying up on our Biology?” “The key word there being, ‘little?’”...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Taking DeliveriesChapter 3

Kiran, realizing that they had limited time before the next briefing and a meal in the cafeteria, decided to educate himself regarding his harem -- and make no mistake, that's how he thought of them... "So," he asked, settling into a chair with the four of them kneeling before him, "Which of you is still a maiden?" At least one of them failed to understand. "Master?" Kellie asked obsequiously. Kiran sneered. "I would not expect YOU to understand. I asked who among you retains her...

3 years ago
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An Evening of Firsts0

"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them.  "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask.  "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly.  "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...

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Encounter With Destiny Organization Series 5

ENCOUNTER WITH DESTINY - PART 9 By slave ruthie "Good morning, my pretty little slave." Although he was smiling as he looked down on her, she was aware of a slightwarning in his voice. He had emphasized the word 'pretty' to remind her itwas HIM who set her value, not her. "Umm, g-good morning, my uhh kindmaster!" He frowned. "I am going to assume my kindness has nothing to do withdescribing my own property as 'pretty', slave, and that last night's lessondoes not need repeating. Hmmm?" He waited...

1 year ago
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Honkytonk HeroChapter 16

After church on the Sunday following the visit to their new place, Connie and Tommy started cleaning the house. Ruth wasn’t there, because she had to work at the library. They had not been at it more than thirty minutes, before the Frickes, Crawfords and Salazars showed up with cleaning equipment to help. Having such good friends plastered a smile on Tommy’s face a mile wide. With four couples working, the house was spic and span in only a few hours. Tommy enjoyed razzing the other men at...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 07

Oct 6, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventers #7 Introducing the Blond. Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on October 2009 The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 665

This Little Ditty Is Compliments of Earl J I got me one of those Andrex puppies, biggest waste of time & money ... EVER!!!! I’ve got scratches all over my thighs, a septic bite wound in one testicle and my shreddies are covered in skidmarks. I’m going back to using paper next week! This One Is Compliment of John A. This is an actual account as relayed to paramedics at a chili cook-off in New Mexico... New Mexico Chili Cook-off If you can read this whole story without laughing,...

3 years ago
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The Computer

Introduction: This is a story about a man who finds a magic computer that can fulfill his every wish. He takes things too far and gets burned in end. Something drew me to it. Something more than a hobbyists love for electronics. I had pulled into the thrift store without thought on my way home from work. Coming off the night shift, the store had just opened. I got off work late and knew there was no way I could catch my wife to say goodbye before she left for school. I quickly passed the...

4 years ago
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Who could ask for a better Wife

One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn’t say anything.Barbara introduced him and asked me to join them so I quickly took off my clothes and slid into the bubbling hot water with them. Once in there I noticed that my wife’s friend Bruce was sporting a tremendous erection. I tried not to look but never having much time in gyms I’d never really...

4 years ago
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What Are Drabbles or Doves Desire

What Are Drabbles or Dove's Desire By Anne-Mal Dove, mistress that all could see, Did one day decree: TG stories are far too long Something always seems to go wrong. Make them short as you can write 100 words or less, would be a delight. Drabbles they are called, she said. Something you make up in your head. Altered Fates or SRU. Make sure they all read true. For this is a writing exercise, Which while not giving a prize. Can bring great joy to one and all! All you...

1 year ago
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My new job A weekend at Lauras Part 1

Benny got into his office on Friday the usual time and found like normal his gorgeous secretary who he was fucking in his office in her shortest black skirt, blousse and heels. She turned as he came in and smiled innocently. "I've left your mail on your desk sir" she purred and walked out knowing that he looked at her tight ass. Benny walked over to his desk and found that there was no mail but a note. It said 'Meet me in the alley next to the office block at 10:45, we have a 'meeting''. Benny...

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PterisChapter 16 Springing the First Trap

A few days before their expected meeting with Hastert, they separated into their two groups. Pēteris and Maggie were in the common room of yet another inn but dressed in clothes taken from former attackers. It had taken a boiling to get rid of the vermin, but with Pēteris’ continued beard growth and Maggie dressed as a young man, they bore little resemblance to that when Hastert first appeared. Shortly before the midday meal, Stumpy appeared and looked around. When he didn’t find the object...

2 years ago
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Liz James meet fuck

Fiction: Pic's in the galleries to go with the storyHi guys, back again to share another story of Liz's one night when she was horny and needed to fuck properly. This time she meets a guy called James for the first time, they had only spoken online for a day or 2 and never met. As proof that I was in the flat at the time this took place here is the first still of me making sure the camera view is setup to capture her being used properly: So they enter the living room and take a seat to chat...

1 year ago
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An Interesting Work Relationship1

----- "Hannah, can I see you in my office?" Katherine calls from her office. Her secretary, Hannah, walks into her office to meet the powerful blonde. Katherine gives her a sultry smile. "Have you done what I asked, Hannah?" The brunette secretary gives her a smile and bites her lip, closing the door behind her. Knowing exactly what was going to happen in the next few minutes. "What would that be, boss?" Hannah asks, feigning confusion. Katherine narrows her eyes...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 357

Helpful hints about tools from dorsetmike A beginners guide to the common tools found in the workshop DRILL PRESS : A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, denting the freshly-painted project which you had carefully set in the corner where nothing could get to it. WIRE WHEEL : Cleans paint off bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of...

3 years ago
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A Question of FateChapter 2

Awilda’s journey began first: a week after graduation she traveled to South Carolina to begin her twelve weeks of boot camp. As their slogan suggests, you don’t join the Marines, you become one, and for recruits from east of the Mississippi, Parris Island was where her first internal battles would begin. Boot camp was broken into three phases. Phase one was the transition from a civilian to a recruit and began at the Recruit Receiving station. There she received her first military haircut and...

3 years ago
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Swms 4 the Fourth Edition Revised and Rewritten

“How beautiful; You two stayed together all that time.” - Heather Swartz- Sex with My Sister Joshua and Andrea set down the boxes just inside the door of their apartment. They had just moved finished moving in officially. It had only been six months since their parents had died, and now that they had executed the wills they had gotten the house on the market and sold it. Andrea was only five foot two. She was a skinny little thing with a nice body. She wore a tank top that showed off her flat...

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The Ultimate Seductresses 8211 Part V

Hi friend s and fans i know you guys missed me a lot so here i am now back again with the next part of this series, but friends if you have not read the previous parts then i would like to recommend that you read previous parts first and then start this one so friends here is the complete list with links …..Friends please don’t forget to mail me your comments on ……. Vandna ka nanga nach Http://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/vandna-ka-nanga-nach/ Seduced by wife’s...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

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Enjoying my hot wife

I'm posting a few of my favorite memories I've had with Andrea my wife. After discovering she had cheated on me I chose to become her cuckold instead of ending our marriage. I had always secretly had thoughts of her fucking other men so when she actually did it things worked out fantastic. The very first time she had sex with another guy after me finding out was on a Thursday afternoon. I was at work when Andrea called to tell me she was going to be late getting home. I asked her why but all...

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The Punishment4

I’ve just moved into my new apartment, frantically trying to find where I’ve put my favourite sweater when my phone vibrates. I peer down at my phone and see his name in the message bubble on the screen. My heart skips a small beat. I’ve been hoping for him to contact me for what feels like forever. I miss him more than he could understand, even though I was the one that ended our intense affair. He’s mad at me for it, I know he is. “Hey you…“ It reads. “Hey you…” I reply. “You...

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Wildfire Part 4

Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...

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Who Cares What I Wear Ch 01

Who Cares What I Wear? © 2010 All Rights Reserved ‘Come on, Em. You should come to the party. Everyone’s going to be there, and they miss you.’ Emily Pearson closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the phone. ‘I don’t know, Sharon. I’m really not in a party mood.’ ‘Em, I know you miss him. I know it’s been hard. But you can’t hide forever.’ ‘I’m not, I just…I just don’t know if I feel like it.’ ‘Okay, you’ve given me no choice.’ Sharon adopted a no-nonsense tone and Emily had to smile....

4 years ago
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Were you playing with your pussyNo Sir0

'Would he even know if I made myself cum?' I asked myself probably a thousand times before I said fuck it and went into my bedroom. My pink vibrator was in the top drawer of my nightstand and I snatched it up before heading back into the living room. My stomach was in knots because I just had a feeling I shouldn't be disobeying his orders but I was so fucking needy. I turned the volume up on my phone and set it down on the arm of the couch before I laid onto the couch. Dr****g on leg over the...

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Corset Fitting

30 minutes after Lia should have been at Evie's house, Evie called her. "Where are you?" she asked, exasperated, as she eyed the rapidly-moving morning interstate traffic outside her apartment window. "We aren't going to get there to see the opening ceremonies!" Evie had just recently seen an ad on TV for this Renaissance Festival at the local fairgrounds that sounded like a lot of fun, so she and Lia had made plans to go. A groan answered. "Evie... I met this man last night and..." her friend...

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If I Was A Worm

“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Lee rolled over in bed to find himself nose to nose with Tania, his girlfriend of almost a year. Tania looked back at him without a hint of guile in her expression. Lee sighed and closed his eyes. He had been expecting this question. Dreading it, even. By all accounts, the only “right” way to answer was basically to lie. “What?” He said, buying time. Tania averted her eyes in feigned nonchalance. “I dunno, I just feel like if I was born as a worm, you...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 17

I was holding my breath as I looked back and forth between Lisa and the screen. Brock pressed the mouse button and time seemed to slow down; the screen changed to showing the 'Active Temp Deltas' box was empty, and for the longest instant Lisa, now tensed with her eyes squeezed shut, was unchanged. Then, at the speed of a camera shutter flick, she was changed. I had been half-expecting my old friends the glow worms to appear, but there was no glow, no wavy lines, and no shimmers of air....

2 years ago
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A New Point of View

This is my first story, tell me what you think! ----- Sarah was on the prowl. She and her boyfriend had just ended things rather badly, so she had rushed over to her favorite bar. She could always find someone to fuck in the place. Tonight though, she wasn’t having much luck. The place was practically empty and the only people there were two men in their late 40s and a group of wasted girls. Sarah, in desperation, tried to hit things off with the bartender, but he simply shook his head and...

Straight Sex
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Masturbating for Flatmate

I sat alone in my room at university. I stared blankly at a Word document which so far only had an elaborately written title and rather little content. I couldn’t focus; there was something boring away at me. I had unfinished business and I knew nothing could be achieved until I had scratched my itch.Earlier that evening my flatmate had rudely interrupted an intimate moment I’d been having with myself. I was so focused on how wet I had made myself. My juices were making my lips slick and finger...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Adria Rae Burning Passion

Wearing a bra and sheer thong, Adria Rae waits for Damon Dice to get home. He drops his bag and makes a beeline for his hot lover the moment he lays eyes on her. Adria isn’t shy about letting Damon know exactly what he wants as she runs her fingertips up and down her tight little body until her boyfriend is lured in with a kiss. After taking the time to play her palms all over Damon’s body, Adria urges him down onto the couch. Pulling his stiffie free, she leans forward and laps at...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 54

Tuesday morning was comfortable considering that two delicious girls were snuggled to me. I hope that Jules was being sincere about this because it will be tough to shut it off once begun. Both of these women wanted to be with me when they could, and my wives had given them permission. The clock gave a local time of six AM, so I figured we should get up and go to the hotel gym to get revved up. Both girls easily woke up and went to put workout clothes on. I was ready to go to the hotel gym...

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What just happened0

there was what looked like a jail cell-style toilet, a drain in the center and sorta weirdly a king-sized four poster bed – quite feminine in its appearance: frilly and fluffy pink pillows and quilt The last thing I remembered was smoking from a pipe with Danell and Donnell McPhillips ,twin brothers I knew from school. And drinking a coke they had told me had a little rum in it. We had become friendly in a kind of a weird way. They were juniors and varsity football players -all...

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dads best friend

My Dad's Best FriendAfter I had graduated high school, I used to make extra money byhouse-sitting for my Dad's best friend when he and his wife were out oftown. Don was his name. He was an incredibly sexy man. Don was about 6'3"with huge broad shoulders, a tiny waist and huge hands. He was a long haultrucker and would be out of town for- a-couple-of- weeks at a time -but-when he was in town he and his wife would get out of town and I would endup house sitting feeding the dog and cats.Don was a...

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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 15

Tommy smiled broadly. He couldn't be happier; now he could show his mother how much he truly loved her. Now he could give back some of what she had given him all these years. The comfort, the closeness, and the feelings of worth and worthiness he had enjoyed from her, he could now return."Now please Tommy, let's quit talking about fucking and give me what I need, namely that big young hard cock. I want you to fill me with your hot cum… yeah like that, baby… oh fuck, I love your cock so much!...

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Letting Them In Ch1 The Merger

 Alexi rifled through her tote to check that she had brought her business cards and the portfolio containing the details of the merger between Redcon Inc and Ritter Global.  Satisfied that she hadn't forgotten anything, she grabbed a mint from the container she kept in her car's cupholder and popped it into her mouth while checking to see that her dress shirt was buttoned up all the way to the very top.  It had been five years since her divorce from her ex-husband, and Alexi had absolutely...

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Fap Fodder Meet Jerome

"Sam, I'd like you to meet Jerome. "Jerome, this is Sam. We've known each other like forever." Jerome looked the two young men over as he shook Sam's hand. Sam and Sean were cut from the same cloth. Mid 20s, thin, in gym shape, neatly put together. Typical young urban gay men. Sean had latched onto Jerome at the gym, where he seemed to be fixated on Jerome's thick muscles and angular frame. Jerome found Sean's attention amusing, and did not discourage him. Soon Sean was timing...

4 years ago
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Fucking sis

I had been taking my older sister Joyce to work all week, and her teasing ways as I drove kept me horny constantly. She has been teasing me, and fueling my masturbation fantasies for many years, knowingly. Thursday on the way home our 35 minute ride turned into an hour and a half due to an accident. Since we were sitting still, I got to steal more dances at her lovely legs peeking from under the mid-thigh dress she wore. At one point while she looked out her window saying something, she caught...

2 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 26

THE CARNATIC, setting sail from Hong Kong at half-past six on the 7th of November, directed her course at full steam towards Japan. She carried a large cargo and a well-filled cabin of passengers. Two state-rooms in the rear were, however, unoccupied-those which had been engaged by Phileas Fogg. The next day a passenger with a half-stupefied eye, staggering gait, and disordered hair, was seen to emerge from the second cabin, and to totter to a seat on deck. It was Passepartout; and what had...

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