"Η συνάντη&am free porn video

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Αυτην την φορά η συνάντηση με το μωρό μου θα ήταν ακόμη πιο συναρπαστική γιατι θα κοιμόμασταν και αγκαλίτσα όλο το βράδυ! Ηταν Παρασκευή μεσημέρι όταν μπήκα στο δωμάτιο. Ο παίδαρός μου με περίμενε έτοιμος με το γκαβλί του σκληρό σαν πέτρα. Μόνο που τον αντίκρισα αρχισα να στάζω ολόκληρη... δεν αντεχα ούτε να ξεντυθώ. Έπεσα πάνω του και τον έπαιρνα τσιμπουκάρα ενω ταυτοχρονα προσπαθούσα να βγάλω τα ρούχα μου. Αυτή η γεύση του, αυτά τα ζουμιά του με τρελαίνουν, με γεμίζουν γκαβλα. Χωρις δεύτερη σκέψη ανέβηκα πάνω του και άρχισα να ξεσκίζω εναλλάξ τις τρυπούλες μου. Έχυνα συνεχόμενες φορές και συνέχιζα να ξεσκίζομαι....Ξάπλωσα και πήρα την γκαβλάρα του στον στόμα μου ενω το μωρό μου έπαιζε με το πιπινάκι μου. Εβαζε και έβγαζε μέσα την χερούκλα του και έχανα τον κόσμο μου... κατουριόμουνα απο την γαύλα! Και όσο με έβλεπε να γκαβλώνω άλλο τόσο παθαζιόταν!! Στήθηκα στα τέσσερα, στην αγαπημένη μου στάση και τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου. Ήθελα να μου την σκίσει και.... δεν μου χάλασε το χατήρι. Μπήκε μέσα μου και με έπαιρνε ασταμάτητα μπρος πίσω, μια αργά, μια γρήγορα και όλο αυτό ..... μαστιγώνοντάς με ταυτόχρόνα. Άκουγα την ζώνη να σφυρίζει πάνω στα κωλομέρια μου και την ίδια στιγμη ένιωθα την πουτσάρα του να μου σκίζει την κωλάρα. "Τι είσαι;" με ρωτούσε.. "Το πουτανάκι σου" του έλεγα " Μονο το δικό σου πουτανάκι" ... και έχυνα ..έχυνα. Αυτην την φορά το μωρό μου πήρε και καινούργια παιχνιδάκια. Μου έβαλε την σφήνα στο πιπινάκι μου και αυτός μπήκε στην κωλάρα μου. Έχασα το φως μου!! Εκει όμως που απογειώθηκα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε τον δονητη με τις καμπύλες. Δεν υπάρχει αυτη η γκάβλα.Ένιωθα ότι θα λιποθυμήσω. Έκανα παρτούζα με τους δονητές και το γκαβλί του και ειχα φύγει.. μέχρι στο στόμα είχα δονητη και τον ρουφούσα. Μαζί του γίνομαι η μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα, η μεγαλύτερη ξεκωλιάρα, αλλα μου αρέσει!! "Σκίσε με μωρό μου!" του φώναζα και αυτος με μαστιγωνε δυνατά και με ξέσκιζε. Ένιωθα την πλάτη μου να ζεματάει, τα κωλομέρια μου είχαν κοκκινίσει και έσταζα ολόκληρη καυτά ζουμιά γεμάτα γκάβλα για τον παίδαρό μου. Κάποια στιγμή πήγα να του ξεφύγω .. έπεσε απο πάνω μου, μπήκε μέσα μου βαθιά και με ξέσκιζε με λύσσα! " Που θα πας πουτανάρα μου;" μου έλεγε. Έχυνα ασταμάτητα, δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πότε τελείωνε ο ένας οργασμός και ερχόταν ο επόμενος. 'Ηταν η σειρά μου να τον περιποιηθώ.. Ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι και άρχισα να γλείφω την γκαβλάρα του. Μια τον ρουφούσα όλο μέσα στο στόμα μου, μια τον έγλειφα γύρω γύρω με την γλώσσα μου, έβαζα την γλώσσα μου στην τρυπούλα πάνω στο βελούδινο κεφαλάκι του και έβλεπα την απόλαυση στο πρόσωπο του αντρούκλα μου. Ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του αλλα το πιο ωραιο .... έβαζα την γλωσσίτσα μου μέσα στην τρυπούλα του και την άνοιγα με τα δάχτυλά μου και έβαζα την γλώσσα μου πιο βαθιά και έσταζα τα σαλάκια μου και γλιστρούσε η γλώσσα μου όλο και πιο βαθιά!!! Πόσο γκαβλώνω όταν του το κάνω αυτό! Πόσο θα θελα να μπω ολόκληρη μέσα του να νιώσω την ζεστασιά που βγαίνει απο την γκαβλα του.Πήγαμε στο μπάνιο, πήρα τον δονητή και έπαιξα με την τρυπούλα του! Δεν υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση στον κόσμο απο το να βλέπεις τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις να απογειώνεται απο ευχαρίστηση, να τον νιώθεις να συσπάται στην αγκαλιά σου, να στάζουν τα ζουμιά της γκάβλας του στα χέρια σου!! Ο "ταύρος" μου όμως δεν κρατιόταν. Με έστησε πάλι στο κρεβάτι και συνέχισε να με ξεσκίζει.Έβαζε τον δονητη στην μουνάρα μου και ταυτόχρονα έμπαινε και αυτός και ξεσκιζόμουνα με δύο πουτσάρες μέσα μου η πουτανάρα. Με ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι, άνοιξα τις μπουτάρες μου και άρχισε να βάζει τις μελιτζάνες μέσα μου!!! Τι ώραια που γλιστρούσαν και γλουπ!! έμπαιναν μέσα μου. "Πηγάδι σου την έκανα την μουνάρα!!" μου έλεγε και εγω κατουριόμουν ασταμάτητα απο την γκάβλα. Μετά απο 4 ώρες τρελού ξεσκίσματος με ξεδίψασε με το σπέρμα του!! Είχε τρεις συνεχόμενους οργασμούς, με έλουσε με σπέρμα, γέμισε το στόμα μου, το πρόσωπο μου...
Μετά απο μια παύση κάποιων ωρών ξανασυναντηθήκαμε.Αν και ήταν περασμένες 12 δεν μπορούσαμε να ελέγξουμε και πάλι το πάθος μας!! Για μια ώρα με μαστίγωνε και με ξέσκιζε και δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πως μπορούσα και έχυνα ακόμη. Χορτασμένη απο έρωτα κοιμήθηκα στην αγκαλιά του. Άλλη απόλαυση και αυτη!! Όταν είναι μετρημένες οι φορές που μπορείς να το ζήσεις αυτό, μοιάζει με όνειρο!! Να ξυπνάς την νύχτα και να βρίσκεις δίπλα σου τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις, να ακούς την αναπνοή του και τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του και να είναι σαν να βρίσκεσαι σε ένα σύννεφο και να ταξιδεύεις. Οταν πήγε 7.30 το πρωι ένιωσα το σώμα μου πάλι γεμάτο χυμούς που έπρεπε να αδειάσω!! Το μωρό μου ακόμη κοιμόταν όταν έσκυψα και άρχισα να γλειφω το γκαβλί του. Τι συναρπαστικό που είναι να το νιώθεις απο εκει που είναι κοιμισμένο να τεντώνεται και να σκληραίνει μέσα στο στόμα και να μεγαλώνει,να μεγαλώνει.... Είχε τέτοια στύση που πλέον δεν χωρούσε μέσα στο στόμα μου!! Το θεριό ξύπνησε! Αν και το πιπινάκι μου ήταν πολύ ταλαιπωρημένο, το έμπειρο μωρό μου βρήκε τον τρόπο και μπήκε μέσα μου χωρίς να νιώσω τον παραμικρό πόνο. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι δεν έχουν ζήσει πολλές γυναίκες τέτοιο ξέσκισμα!! Χούφτωνε τις βυζάρες μου, μου ρουφούσε τις ρώγες, με έσκιζε μπρος πίσω με τους δονητές και με το γκαβλί του, με μαστίγωνε και μετρούσε τους οργασμούς μου, μέχρι που έχασε για άλλη μια φορά το μέτρημα!!! " Τι σε κάνω πουτανάρα μου;" με ρωτούσε "Με ξεσκίιιιζεις" του απαντούσα και ενω ένιωθα οτι δεν άντεχα άλλο την ίδια στιγμή του φώναζα " Ποιό γρήγορα... τελειώνωωωω!!" και ταυτόχρονα άκουγα την ζώνη να πέφτει πάνω μου ΦΦΦΣΣΣΣ ΠΑΤ. Δεν υπήρχε πέτσετα, δεν υπήρχε σεντόνι που να μην το έχω μουσκέψει απο την γαυλα μου. Πέρασαν άλλες 4 ώρες που με ξέσκιζε και ακόμη τον ήθελα. Αυτός ο άντρας με έχει τρελάνει, είναι το πάθος μου, η λατρεία μου, θα μπορούσα να κάνω έρωτα μαζί του καθημερινά και ασταμάτητα και το επόμενο λεπτό να τον θέλω με το ίδιο πάθος. Είχε για άλλη μια φορά έναν τριπλό οργασμό! Δεν πίστευα ποτέ ότι ακόμη και το σπέρμα του θα ήταν τόσο νόστιμο!!! Μετά απο 9 ώρες τρελου ξεμουνιάσματος και ξεκωλιάσματος, ντυνόμουνα και μέσα μου δεν ήθελα να τον αποχωριστώ, ήθελα κι άλλο!! Αυτός ο άντρας είναι ο ΘΕΟΣ μου που κατέβηκε στην γη για να με κάνει να νιώσω ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ!!
Σε ευχαριστώ ΘΕΕ ΜΟΥ... για άλλη μια φορά ήσουν μοναδικός και συναρπαστικός!

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Gran Meets Me Halfway

It might have been a scenario I conjured up on my way to the bathroom for my first hand crank of the day but would certainly have made a quick retreat had I known my mother's mother was topless the other side of the open airing cupboard door. Had often pulled off looking at a picture of her I removed from Grandpa's collection I had found in the loft but, 'wow' this was for real.The door closed. "Oh!' exclaimed Gran standing there holding a bra in one hand and the door handle in the other....

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first strap on submission

A girl I knew a few years ago was bi and she told me that one of her main fantasies was to try a strap on on a man. I wasn't into it, she eventually talked me into it. I said yes if it was her AND her on off girlfriend who is hot.. Ihad never even had a 3 some before or done anything remotely this dirty, I had had my ass fingered a few times and didn't mind it so hoped it would be worth the pain / humiliation. It was shocking and I was nervous as hell, but exciting. I was terrified that I...

4 years ago
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Yesterday was an average Thursday. Work was not too busy and I finished up a major project under budget. Traffic was a bit lighter than usual which got home a little early - and that always puts me in a good mood. I parked the car in the driveway and caught a whiff of someone's dinner being prepared. Salmon ... clams ... garlic ... My stomach grumbled pleadingly as the heady aromas filled my head. I was choosing whether to cook or get take-out as I walked to the door, but as the aromas...

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Encounter in the subway

This story takes place in Paris last april, when the weather was unusually hot. I don’t know if you noticed, but in such situations (I mean when the first warm days come up), many people exchange smiles, look and even light touches. And I am not talking only about men And it is even more obviously in the subway due to proximity… I was going to work and while waiting for the next metro, me eyes crosses a girl’s one. She’s cute, black and about 30. She wears a nice blue dress, quite short but...

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A married guys guide to making your wife an anal whore part 4

Sandy's latest video went out last night and it was amazing to make. We fucked the night before last, nothing too kinky, just good old fashioned love making. It was nice for a change. Afterwards instead of showing she put the blue thong she was wearing on and went back to bed. When I was up getting showered for work yesterday morning she came in stripped naked and joined me in the shower. After playing with my cock until I almost cummed on two seperate occasions, she got out and...

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On the back of a public bus

I read a really hot true story the other day on a girls blog, the orignal can be found here http://hunnyhive.com/view/profile-blog/id/205 and this is what she looks like to give you an idea for the story ;) The gist of it goes like this..."Heres one of my best times on a bus for you... one time I was wearing a pair of crotchless tights and got on the bus (the bus journey goes out through the country a bit to my village, so I get a good 10-20mins without a stop to play about :P), there was a...

2 years ago
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The Call Of The Wild

I arrived at a large bay of a glacial fed lake. I followed the shoreline for about seven miles then hiked up a steep bank to a small clearing. I was looking forward to a hot meal. The evening sun sprayed everything in a red and deep yellow. A small river flowed near the edge of the clearing. The clear fast water fell into a narrow chasm nearly two hundred feet down. The sound of the water crashing below and the remote location was what made this my favorite getaway location. With plenty of...

First Time
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Sab Masala Hai

Hi Females, wo lamhe main bataane ja raha hoon jo mere saath hua. Meri bua ki ladki Sunita (changed name) mere ghar aayee hui thi and usne mujhse kaha ki use park ghoomna hai. Ghat waalon ne mujhe kaha ki Sunita ko shaam ko le jao aur park ghuma do. Maine ghar me kah diya ki humlog dinner bhi bahar se kar lenge. Shaam 7 baje main apni bike par Sunita ko lekar park gaya. Us wakt wo skirt aur jeans pahni hui thi. Jab bhi main bike ki break maarta to woh mujhse sat jaati aur mujhe sihran ho jaati....

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Buttplugged Nina 3 alternative versions

Having got her new butt-plug Nina wanted to show it off! What better way than on a webcam on a well known adult site! The title of her show was 'humiliate this fat sub with her new toy The large black plug slid into her loose arsehole easily as she got on all fours and wagged her pale white fat arse at the webcam. The first message popped up on screen saying "spread your nasty fat arse wide" Nina being the obedient slut she is happily obliged spreading herself exposing the large plug...

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Its a story which happend between me and my aunt. the story was writtend from her end.My story happened about a year before. My name is Vani . I am 36 now & even now, I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say most men find my pretty face attractive, but my large breasts (38d), bit fatty stomach, and especially my firm bottom and muscular thighs get the most attention, althoughI have to admit I've never really dressed to show them off. I'm...

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A Kittens TailChapter 6

I let out a contented sigh as I leaned back from the table and sipped my coffee. “As far as Christmas dinners go, that was the best one I’ve had in many years. I need to thank everyone for joining us, and especially the ladies for all their hard work on the lovely meal. It’s been too many years since I actually felt like the host at a holiday dinner.” “Now that dinner is finished, however, I think it’s time to adjourn to the living room. We held off on opening presents so Corbin could join...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Ariella Ferrera VR 22849

She’s gotta make cookies for someone! Now that Ariella Ferrera’s son is away at school, she hasn’t had anyone to take care of around the house. That’s where you come in! You stuck around town, and for good reason — your friend’s mom Ariella has a pair of massive jugs that she’s ready to bust loose in your face now that you’re a young, virile man! She doesn’t even care that her son calls her while she’s about to suck your cock; Ariella’s just as dirty as the chicks your age! She can blow you and...

2 years ago
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Can Matt Return HomeChapter 2

Matt dressed casually for his visit with Jason and Melinda. Blue Jeans and knit shirt. He wasn't really looking forward to seeing Jason or Melinda but since Jason was such an asshole he was going to make him sorry this time. He found the house easily enough. It was a big two story sit on three acres in an exclusive subdivision a couple of miles out of town. He had driven one of the leased trucks, just to keep the perception that he was only a working stiff. Matt rang the doorbell and saw a...

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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now. I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now. “Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence. I had told her that I wanted to tell her...

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No Sympathy for Lilly Black

Saturday the 23rd, September 2012 ~I seek revenge on the sons of Adam. As reported to us by the sole survivor of last night’s massacre. These were the chilling, deranged words allegedly spoken by the Equinox Killer, the blogosphere has simply dubbed as, Lilly Black. This is Red Alert News at Eleven with Dennis Thomson. Good evening ladies and Gentlemen I’m Dennis Thomson. ‘Lilly Black’ left a wake of gore yesterday in the sleepy town of… ~ Friday the 20th, September 2013 Jude grabbed a tray...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 255 The Aquatic Center Rock Paper Scissors

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The socializing I've described above was predominantly group stuff, which was necessarily how most of it had to be done, but I made sure I spent some time talking with every girl individually. I enjoy that more than group interactions. I often took Carol with me, both to avoid her feeling left out, and so she could get to know these girls. She'd likely be interacting with them quite a lot next school year, as a consequence of her being Julia's lesbian...

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For Beth

Beth is happily married to Allan. They often fantasize about various sex scenarios and sometimes they act out these fantasies. What follows is one of those fantasies. The plan is for Beth to enter a club alone. Allan will be at the bar, watching. Allan chooses to take a stool next to and Adonis, just the type that Beth often fantasizes about. Beth takes a seat alone at a small table in the corner. She orders a virgin Pina Colada. She can later pretend to loosen up as if under the influence of...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 21

Friday - Day 21 I woke up as Becky straddled me. I could feel her warm pussy on my stomach as her skirt rode up, and I also felt a mouth working on my cock. "I hope you don't mind sir, but I had Chrissy give your morning blowjob today so that I could talk to you," Becky said, and she kissed me very gently on my lips. "I wanted to thank you for giving me this life, sir. I wanted you to know that I have been happy since you decided to let me try and be your slave. Do you realize that this...

2 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 8

"So how many ships?" I asked the Base commander. "Three big battle stars," he said. "The Enterprise, Valley Forge and the Yorktown and the Brits are sending along the Ark Royal for fighter support." "And what else?" I asked. "Lots of Battle Cruisers and support ships," he said off hand. "How many fighting ships all told?" I asked. "15," he said. "15," is that all," I sighed. "Shit they've got that many in their outpost defence base." I had been making forays into...

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It was a good party. My friends, Ann's friends, mutual friends, and a couple of girls nobody knew, but they brought three bottles of Jack, so nobody complained. They took off soon enough, with a couple of guys, and left the bottles behind. And there was my celebrated cast iron chili, and nobody ever complained about that. All meat, no beans. As we started around four, everyone was gone by midnight. It was me and Ann, of course, and Romy, her best friend, just the three of us. I switched the...

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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

1 year ago
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The parlor room

[Written in 2007]Please please don't flag. Yes I wrote it. Yes, it's taboo. Get over it!Time period: early 1800s, antebellum south"Stella, come back ova heah! You gonna help clean these dishes or else Mastah is gonna be angry!" Stella rolled her eyes as she moved back into the washer room to help Aunt Jessie with the dishes. Her rich caramel skin dived underneath the water, with her fingers grabbing china and washcloth to scrub the food off."Aww, Aunt Jessie, can't I get some time ta jest look...

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Mother8217s sex slave

This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatible mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. I am 30 and my mother is 50 now. My mother, Bharathi Devi is a sex goddess – kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kamasundari, Kameswari, Kamini. She was a school teacher...

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GloryHole Violet Myers 10142019

Violet can’t pass up a sale. The local video store is having a blowout sale, 2 video for the price of one! Perfect opportunity for Violet to add some porn to her collection. When she goes to check out at the front counter, the clerk tells her that they are having a VIP special as well. It only requires viewing a “short video presentation” and you get 2 big prizes. What the hell, she doesn’t have anything else to do…she’ll watch the presentation. Funny thing...

2 years ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 19

At half past six Terry rang the Robinsons. Stephen answered the telephone. “Good evening, Stephen, Terry Wilson, sorry to ring just as you’ve come in but I’m afraid I was hit by our friend Gareth this afternoon.” “Were you just! Tell me all.” Terry did so. “I’ve written a statement. What would you like me to do with it, give it to you or hand it in to the police station?” “Let me have a look at it first. Could you bring it round now?” “Yes of course. Grace will be with me as I’m not...

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Finding HomeChapter 35

We wake early and get ready for the day. The last of our things are packed ready to go, and we’ve a very filling breakfast. After breakfast we have a number of visitors wishing us a safe journey: Taiki and Sachi Nagumi, Tomoya Nagumi, Shoji Kybo, Takeo Tanaka, Kazuki Sasaki, Daiki Kondō, and his father. We exchange small gifts with them all, as they were expected, and we’re off to the airport in time to arrive at eleven in the morning. We’re very early because I wish to have a good look at...

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The Facility Intro to Ben

The main character is a boy named Ben. He was given up to Gaia Conception when he was just a baby. Gaia Conception raises these boys to the age of 16, and then they become Patrons. Women pay Gaia Conception for the use of their Patrons. Patrons have sex with these women to impregnate them. It is less expensive than in vitro, and the women have their pick of traits of their Patron that they may want their children to have such as eye color, hair color, height, musculature, intelligence, and...

2 years ago
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Mike and MeganSaturday

I woke up sick as a dog around 7am this morning and was in the middle puking when I noticed Mike standing at the door with a concerned look on his face. "You alright?" He asked. "I dunno," I replied. "When it happened yesterday I thought it was just the wine, now I'm not sure. Maybe it's the food, I normally eat like a rabbit... you know salads and fruit, never anything really greasy. Yesterday I actually ate rabbit, and this whole week I've been eating different. My stomach is just...

3 years ago
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Montania The Chronicles of Steve

Steve shivered as an ice cold breeze hit his figure. The clouds began to surround him as he made his way over the mountain tops. With his sword in hand, he trekked on through the snow. Growing up, he had always wanted to explore the world that was known as Montania, and now at sixteen he was finally fulfilling his dreams. The breeze began to grow stronger as he moved on with a sway in his stride. The sky began to darken, indicating night was about to fall. Steve needed shelter, and quick. ...

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Sucking Mexican Cock in a Pickup Truck

My wife Linda and I moved to the Denver area from Philadelphia for my job ten years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. That was a great move for us professionally, and I have prospered with my company. The problem is that both of us were born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs and had lived there our entire lives until the move, and we lost our support group of friends and family.My name is Tim, and Linda and I always had a close relationship and a very active and...


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