All Grown Up #6 -- The Spirit Of Giving Head free porn video

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Kelly came home from college, eager for her to continue her secret affair with her brother-in-law, Dan, but instead caught one of her aunts cheating with a different uncle. Needing to confide in someone outside the family, she rekindled her high school friendship with Charlotte, a gorgeous, voluptuous blonde. They watched one of the videos Kelly had of Jenny and Danny, and were overcome with sudden passion. Naked in bed, they explored a new hunger, and later Kelly, still overcome with lust, and Dan returned to the bungalow he’d rented for the Christmas vacation, eager for more from him.

Kelly and Danny drowsed cuddled together on the cottage’s couch, spent from three hours of sexual play. Her pussy was a little sore, and he was pretty much spent for the moment. No calls had come in from work during their interlude, but she suddenly heard his personal cell buzz, then a few bars of a reggae song came from the tiny speaker.

She jolted upright, and hissed to Dan, “Jenny’s ringtone!” Her older sister never called during the daytime, unless there was an emergency.

He grabbed for it, dropped it once to the rug, and scooped it up, thumbing it to life. Kelly didn’t need to be told to be quiet. “Hey, babe! No, we’re out shopping. Kelly’s gift cards. Yeah. She hasn’t found anything just yet, but has a couple of ideas. Uh-huh.”

She went over to the bathroom and wetted a towel, cleaning her face and then her shaved privates, using the lavender body wash that came with the little rental, and finally moved to her breasts. A swig of mouthwash took care of the scent and taste of cum. Smelling much less like sex now, she padded barefoot back to the couch, and stood, listening.

“No, baby, nothing like that! Look, we’ll be there in half an hour. Love you, too.” He hit the kill switch on the phone, and swore feelingly.

“What’s wrong, Danny?”

“Jenny wants to meet us at the diner right away. She sounded upset, really pissed.”

Kelly quickly reviewed everything she had done all day. The long hours with Charlotte rose first in her mind, and had been wonderful, but the rest was a blur. She reviewed everything in a near panic. She had left nothing in Jenny and Dan’s bedroom, hadn’t even been in there in days. Shit! Had Jenny found the miniature cameras she’d hidden? Or, worse, the videos? Kelly felt her calm beginning to fray, trying to remember if she had closed her laptop after she and Charlotte had watched an old video of Jenny and Dan fucking. She was sure she had, but her certainty diminished with each passing moment.

She was out the door and into the garage as Danny tucked his shirt in. He waited for her to get her clothes off the seat and into them before he opened the garage door. First, he checked the door into the garage, and, satisfied it was secure, fired up the Dart, backed out and headed back to town.

They pulled in at the diner seven minutes ahead of schedule, parking at the end of the lot in the darkening afternoon. Kelly smoothed her sex hair down, and Dan did the same, and she silently reminding herself to bring a brush next time. Checking her face in the mirror, she put on a little rouge and a touch of color on her lips, then took a deep breath, got out of the car, and for good measure popped a peppermint into her mouth. The cool, piercing taste eased her mood, and killed the last hint of cum on her breath. Dan followed also, looking puzzled but not apprehensive as they headed for the door to the restaurant.

Jenny had already gotten a booth, and sat on one side, all the way to the window, her lips pressed into a thin line, eyes tracking both of them. Kelly sat by her sister, and Dan sat across the table from them. “Everything okay, Jenny?”

“No.” Flat and without any inflection, with hard edges and an unforgiving ring to the syllable. Kelly’s heart fluttered, and Dan licked his lips, then decided not to speak. Jenny waved the waitress away without looking at her.

“I came home early, and pulled the laundry out of the wash. Yours, Dan. They’re drying now, should be done when we get home.” She turned to her younger sister, who fought not to shrink from her gaze.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kelly thought. She knows something, found a drop of cum somewhere, but we were so careful, I was just borrowing him, and it was okay just to borrow him. She fought back tears. Jenny hated her now, she felt with the certainty of the headsman’s axe from one of the French novels she had read over the summer. Bottom lip quivering, she said, “What?”

Jenny fixed her stern glare on her sister alone. “When I went upstairs, I was going to clean your sheets and pick up a bit. Just to help out since I was home early.” She took a sip of water, then turned her glower to Dan. “Do you know what I found?”

“No idea.” He almost said “babe” but realized endearing words wouldn’t mollify Jenny, and might just make her anger flare.

“A bra and panties significantly larger than Kelly’s.” Her eyes bored into his, furious. “The bed was a mess, bedspread on the floor. The sheets were moist in the middle, and smelled like someone was having sex on it all afternoon.” Turning to Dan, she accused, “Were you fucking that little blonde friend of Kelly’s? The big-titted girl who slept over last night?” Her eyes shifted with a hard stare to Kelly. “And where were you when this was going on?”

Kelly’s tears started now. “No, Jenny, that’s not what happened.”

Dan put his hands up. “I didn’t touch her friend. Didn’t even consider it. Absolutely no sex with her, either.” That at least was true.

Jenny’s eyes now drilled into Kelly’s. “Tell me the truth.”

Her tears were flowing now, and she answered slowly, quietly. “Okay.” A deep sniffle to keep herself from breaking down entirely. “It wasn’t Dan.” She steadied herself with a deep breath, not wanting to tattle on herself, or Charlotte, which was somehow worse, a betrayal of trust. At the same time, she couldn’t throw Dan under the bus, even if they had just spent the afternoon making love.

Her voice was thick with unshed tears. “Charlotte and I got to talking last night, then the subject turned to boys, what they like. What we like. We…we decided to watch some porn, y’know, for research.” Jenny stayed silent, letting her sister proceed. “So much of it looked fun, then we watched two women in bed. They were naked and young, obviously having a lot of fun, and we got curious. It wasn’t planned, it just happened.”

“Dan? What did you know about this? Is it true?”

He shook his head, still telling the truth. “I didn’t hear anything, and I didn’t see anything. I was in my office most of the day, and Charlotte left I think around noon. Kelly and I went out for lunch a little later, and then she wanted to shop. I swear, Jenny, I didn’t see them in bed at all.” At least most of it was true, Kelly thought.


“Dan was never in my room today, or last night, and Charlotte did leave around lunchtime. I don’t even think Dan came back upstairs. We went out for lunch and went shopping for something to buy with my gift cards.” Another lie’s framework with a foundation of truth. Kelly felt wretched, but at least Jenny hadn’t discovered what she and Danny had been doing.

Jenny’s eyes softened. “Kelly, is that the truth? It was you and Charlotte?”

She nodded, not trusting herself to say anything more. She was miserable now, relieved after she was so certain she and Dan had been caught, but still having to reveal a secret she wanted kept hidden at all costs, though not at the cost of her sister’s marriage.

Surprising everyone at the table, Jenny smiled, putting her arms around Kelly and hugging her close. “Sis, I really do understand. I’m so sorry I thought Dan was…cheating.” Dan looked nothing but relieved, and Kelly felt a brief flash of anger that all this had fallen onto her shoulders. “I love you, Kelly, and I understand being curious about other girls.” Jenny steeled herself. “Are you seeing her again?”

“Um, she was coming over again tonight, maybe. I think just to talk, but…” She felt her voice trail off.

Jenny closed her eyes, steeling herself for something. “I’m going to tell you something. You and Dan.” Her dark eyes flitted over to her husband. The waitress returned, and Jenny accepted the menus this time, putting them in the center of the table, and the other woman withdrew, sensing the family needed a little more time before ordering. Jenny motioned for both to lean closer.

“Danny, you remember my roommate Celeste?” Dan blinked, then nodded. He remembered her much more clearly than Jenny would have been happy to hear. She had been a glorious redhead, lean and athletic, very sexy, able to wake the dead the way she dressed. The sultry sway of her hips and come-fuck-me attitude weren’t all show, to hear how a couple of his friends described her sexual gymnastics and appetites.

Softly now, mostly to Kelly, “Celeste and I were…curious, too.” She let the words hang there over the menus, sitting in the air between them. Dan’s brow furrowed, considering the possibilities, and Kelly’s eyes widened at the revelation, and the implications for her own sexuality. My sister, she realized, also had sex with another woman. An odd thrill, centered at the center of her womanhood, went out to her spine, and the tingle traveled up to her now erect nipples.

All she could say was, “You and she…” Unbidden and unavoidable, she found herself imagining Jenny rolling around on a mattress or on the floor with some faceless friend from college, the two of them kissing and fondling, hands running over each other’s bodies, fingers penetrating…

She shook her head once, the motion driving away the images. “Jen, you…”

“I slept with my roommate, my female roommate. Shocked?”

Dan spoke up. “Honestly, I had no idea.”

Jenny glanced over at him, a hint of joyful lust replacing the frankness of her admission. “No idea at all, Danny? Not even when you came by to surprise me? Celeste opened the door naked, and said I was still in the shower?”

He smiled fondly at the memory. “Yes.”

Jenny leaned in closer, a wistful, confidential smile brightening her face. “She had just gotten out of the shower with me, after we were making out on the bed. I washed her hair, then washed the rest of her body, top to bottom. I soaped her all over, and rinsed her off, and she was supposed to do me next, then you knocked. That was the first night you and I were…intimate.” The word was as innocent as she could find, but her eyes and mouth gave it a deliciously lustful spin, and she laughed when Dan’s eyes widened in comprehension.

“So you were…”

“Horny as hell. Wanted an orgasm, badly. And you gave me one,” she cooed.

“So, after that…”

Jenny’s eyes were far away in the depths of joyful reverie. “I slept with her a few times after that, even while we were dating. Does that shock you?” Dan shook his head slowly, in wonder rather than disbelief, and Jenny forged onward. “Celeste even wanted me to invite you to bed with us, but I didn’t want to share. Truthfully I was in love with you, and still am, and I was a little scared she could steal you from me.”

Kelly watched and listened, painfully aware of how awkward this was, and surprised they were being so open in front of her. Her face burned with embarrassment, and guilty desire. She grabbed a menu and opened it to hide her face, not really seeing any of the selections. The last thing she wanted to hear was Jenny’s bold admissions to her husband, the brother-in-law she herself had been with just an hour earlier.

“So, you were never tempted to share me? Didn’t want Celeste to borrow me?” Kelly’s eyes shut, ashamed to hear the word she had used so often to describe her own affair with him.

Jenny laughed quietly. “I came this close to letting you in on our horny little secret, and almost as close to letting her in our bed.”


“So glad I didn’t, aren’t you?”

Kelly heard the playful smirks over the menu, and knew they would spend all night together, probably the minute they got home, satisfying each other, and she knew they would be loud.

“Maybe… I think I could have been with you both, a couple of times, and you and I would still be married. And I wouldn’t have this sudden curiosity about redheaded roommates.”

Kelly heard her sister thrust a menu into Dan’s hands. “Time to order, you…” Her voice was still happy and loving, and Kelly was doubly certain about the loud sex they would be having this evening.

They ordered and ate. Kelly was famished, and devoured a whole cheeseburger, over the protests of her stomach, and she sent fries and a piece of carrot cake down to keep it company.

When they left the restaurant, Kelly turned to Jenny. “Can I…ride home with you? Sister time? I have a couple of things to talk about. With you.” The older sister nodded, and Kelly took her place in the passenger seat.

Dan got into his car, and they watched from the front seat as he drove off. Jenny turned on the car for the heat, but didn’t budge from their parking spot. “So, what’s on your mind?” The last vestiges of light were disappearing from the sky, shrouding the parking lot in secrecy.

“Was it really that good? With Celeste?”

“It was fun, and felt good. You know, she’s somewhere in Oregon, married and trying to get pregnant.”

“Did you… What did you do with her? Um…in bed?”

Jenny turned to Kelly, willing but not too eager to answer. “Why do you ask?”

“Look, I like boys. A couple of them last semester. Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, and I know to be careful. I really do like boys. Men,” she amended. Jenny’s silent, questioning look caught her. “What did you actually do? Kiss naked, be in the shower together, snuggle at night?”

“All of that, several times.”

“Look, I just… Fuck.” Jenny’s eyes narrowed briefly at Kelly’s curse, then relaxed as she realized how hard it was for her younger sister to talk about this. “Jenny, did you ever…do more than kiss each other and make out?”

“Like what?”

The words tumbled out, and Kelly wished she had been able to use a different phrasing, but there it was. “Did you ever lick her pussy?”

Gales of laughter erupted from Jenny’s mouth, and Kelly was instantly relieved. “Yes, a couple of times. Took half a pitcher of margaritas before I was willing to try it. Celeste always liked doing it, though, and I don’t think she ever needed alcohol to get interested. She probably got me to thirty orgasms while we shared that apartment. When I moved in with Dan, she knew it was serious, so we mostly stopped.”


“A couple of times I visited her, just to catch up.”

“And…did you catch up?”

Jenny nodded guiltily. “You cannot tell Dan this. Deal?” Kelly nodded in assent.

“Okay. So, yes. Two nights before my wedding, in fact. I was so nervous, just needed Celeste to tell me everything was going to be all right. We started chatting over a glass of wine, then it turned into a full bottle, and I wound up spending the rest of the afternoon. She was always seductive and convincing, and very good with her tongue. We enjoyed a long bath before I left. She’s very skillful, very hot, and so loving.” Jenny’s smile went from dreamy to wistful, and she exhaled slowly while remembering that night, and others.

Kelly thought about what she had said, and her mind zeroed in on one particular bit. “You said ‘she’s’, as in ‘she is’. Is she near Portland?”

More guilt now, Kelly was happy to see, but for her own sake. It made it more alright that she had been fucking Danny earlier. Jenny nodded. “Actually in the city of Portland. Her husband is out of state, and they’re separated. Celeste had me over, and we had some wine again. I’d been two weeks without sex, and I knew she would talk me into bed. Hell, I wanted her to, and I think she knew it. And into the hammock in her backyard, naked under the stars. I felt so free and relaxed, and the orgasms…” The dreamy look was back again, and she heaved a sigh.

“Wait, sis. What about Dan? Does he know you slept with Celeste while you were out there in August?” She felt angry at her sister for deceiving the man they both loved, and at the same time comforted that Dan wasn’t entirely in the wrong for fucking her all through August, and this afternoon.

“That’s the part you can’t tell him. Celeste and I have seen each other every year but the first since Dan and I got married. Every year she’s…persuasive, and we wind up in bed, or the hot tub. She really has a strong libido, wonderfully strong. She can make me feel so appreciated when I’m alone, and it’s very reassuring to know someone else wants me that way.”

“Doesn’t Dan?” Not Danny, not Danny. “I mean, the two of you…I hear you sometimes from my room, and you sound pretty damn happy.”

“Oh, Dan does it incredibly for me. I hope you find someone who is such an amazing lover as Dan is. But… It’s hard to explain. I love him so much, you have to know that, Kel. It’s just…sometimes I need a little Celeste.”

Eager to know, even in the face of these admissions, Kelly blurted out, “Do you make her come? Did you lick her pussy this time?”

“Yes to both,” she confessed, and Kelly thought she saw her cheeks color in the light from the streetlamps shining on the nearly empty lot. “Being away from him for most of the month, I had to do something about how I felt, what I needed. She is a great kisser, and sometimes I just need that and her touch. Her tongue.”

What about the phone sex you had while I sucked Danny’s cock, or while we fucked on the couch, sis? She didn’t ask that, of course, but felt slightly less dirty now for her affair with him. Instead, she said, “Sis, you have to tell Dan.” Not Danny, not Danny. “He’s a great husband to you, you’re happy with him, around him, aren’t you? It’s not fair for you to keep it from him.” The last sentence shocked her, as she remembered what the two of them were concealing already.

“Kelly, it’s complicated.” It was a cop-out, and Kelly wouldn’t let her get away with it.

“Tell him. Besides, it looks like the thought of that would get him…hot for you. You saw how he reacted to your stories. Just let him know, maybe bring him with you the next time you visit her.” Jenny shot her a glance, then seemed to consider it.

“You won’t tell him, right?”

“Not my secret to tell, Jen. You should.”

“I’ll take that under advisement, counselor.” She chuckled. “I’m glad I told you both. It’s been a hard thing for me, keeping that from him. And you deserve to know, since you and Charlotte are so close.”

Kelly pulled her phone from her jacket pocket, and noticed Charlotte had texted her during dinner, probably in the middle of Jenny’s long sexual confession. “Speaking of… Let me call Shar.” She dialed the number, since she hadn’t had time to give Charlotte her own quick button, or her own ringtone or caller ID.

“Charlotte? It’s Kelly.” She was careful, in case her mom was eavesdropping. That woman could be a real pain to her daughters, she thought.

“Mom’s being a royal bitch again. She still thinks I was,” then she yelled away from the phone, “fucking some guy in the back of a car!” Kelly winced not so much at the volume, but at Charlotte’s obvious hurt.

“I can talk to her, tell her you were over at my house. No penises involved…”

“She won’t fucking believe you. Probably think you procured him for me, or joined in.”

“You okay, Shar?”

“Yeah, mostly. Can I still come over tonight?” Jenny couldn’t help but overhear both sides of the conversation, and nodded when Kelly looked to her for an answer.

“Yeah, Shar. Come on over. We’ve already eaten dinner, though. You want to stay a couple of days? Just get some time away?” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jenny’s approving nod.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a little while. Slut,” she whispered fondly.

“Harlot,” she said before remembering her sister was right there beside her.

They hung up, and she saw her sister’s bemused glance. “Pet names already? What did she call you?”

“Um, slut…”

Jenny blinked in mild astonishment. “Okay.”

They left the parking lot and drove home, mostly out of things to say. Just as they were about to turn into the driveway, Kelly asked her, “Do you love Celeste, Jenny?”

The older sister looked thoughtful. “I would have to say yes. Not as much as Danny, but I have to admit I love having her in my life.”

“Tell him, if you want to. He should know. From you, sis.”

“I’ll think about it, Kel.”

Charlotte’s yellow Bug was already in the driveway, and Kelly hopped out next to it, before Jenny put the BMW in the garage. Kelly saw Charlotte in the driver’s seat, and hopped into the other seat, and impulsively hugged her before seeing the blonde had been crying. She stroked her hair, and held her more tightly when she heard the tears start again.

“I fucking hate her.” Then her soft weeping turned into harsh, wracking sobs. Kelly held her, absently noting that the garage door was sliding shut, and Jenny was probably already inside the house. Eager to give them some privacy, and to comfort Charlotte, she texted they were going to grab a bite, because the other girl hadn’t eaten yet. She didn’t know that for sure, but knew she would at least need some coffee. Too bad we can’t go to a bar, she thought.

The confirming text came swiftly, two letters, OK. “Shar, let’s go find someplace to get you fed. You haven’t eaten yet, have you?” She felt the other woman’s head shaking against her shoulder. “You need some food. I’ll buy.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to, Shar.”

They drove back to town, stopping at a Denny’s. Kelly was glad they didn’t go to the diner she had just eaten dinner at; it wouldn’t do at all to have cried the first time, and bring someone else back who was obviously also crying.

Kelly asked for a booth away from everyone. The hostess sympathized, seeing Charlotte’s tear-streaked face, and seated them around a corner, several seats away from the next occupied booth. Once the coffee came, Kelly finally spoke. “It was bad?”

The words, when they came, were low and furious. “So bad. So f-fucking bad. She just lost it when I told her I was going to visit you again. She practically accused me of fucking her latest boyfriend, and some other guy last night, and said she knew you were in on it. She said I looked happy, so she knew I’d been fucking him again. Worst part is I’ve never f-f-fucking touched him.” Tears slid down her cheeks, and Kelly took a napkin and dried them for her, then took her chin and lifted it so she was looking at her.

“Hey,” gently. “Wasn’t she the one you caught fucking two guys at once? Serial boyfriends syndrome much?”

Despite herself, Charlotte smiled. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry you and I weren’t better friends in high school, Kel. Could have used someone in my corner, y’know?”

“I’d kiss you right now if I thought it wouldn’t freak out the hostess.”

“I’d so kiss you back, Kel.” She smiled as the waitress came over to fill their cups and take their orders.

Charlotte had a southwest style salad, with salsa and corn and some chicken strips. Kelly just got a refill on her decaf, then ordered a small strawberry shortcake. They were careful not to hold hands, just in case, but Kelly realized how much she wanted the other woman, naked and in her bed. She wanted to comfort and hold her, and more. Her breathing deepened, and she put the thought out of her head for the moment. She didn’t want Charlotte to think that all they were revolved around sex, though last night it had.

Afterwards, they drove back to the old mansion, Charlotte uncharacteristically subdued. They went into the darkened house, and straight upstairs. As they passed Dan and Jenny’s room, they both halted in mid-step, hearing both their passionate cries, and Jenny’s soft but distinct moan, “Oh, fuck me baby, fuck my cunt, Danny!” The two younger women took each other’s hands and headed to Kelly’s room.

Charlotte spoke first, after Kelly shut the door a little more loudly than usual. “We should have made more noise coming in, Kel.”

She grinned slyly. “Wouldn’t make a difference at this point, but they’ll probably quiet down in a few minutes.”

“So, you hear that every night?”

“Hear and watch. You know that.”

“I do. Sounds so hot. Watching that video got me so hot. You know that.”

“Hey, Shar, it’s okay if you just want to rest. I want you, but I’ll understand if you just want to be with me, be someplace safe for the night.”

Charlotte laughed, a loud bark before she covered her mouth, stifling it back to a giggle. “Kelly, I’m here because I want you, all of you. Right now, you are my someplace safe. I need a friendly shoulder tonight, and I don’t want anything but my cheek on it.”

They undressed quickly and slipped into bed, bedroom door firmly locked. While holding Charlotte, Kelly decided to confess. “Shar, gotta let you know something.”

“You like how I kiss?”

“That, too. Look, Jenny found my room a mess, and the sheets really wet. From us.” She paused. “She thought Dan was upstairs in my room, fucking you.”

“Seriously? I mean, she really thought you were here in the house, and I just stayed in bed with her husband? Out of the blue?” She dissolved into quiet snickers. “Fuck! Paranoid much? Like your tight, juicy little twat wouldn’t be enough…”

“No, Shar, she really believed it. She was pissed! I had to tell her something, so I told her some of the truth.”

Shar stiffened, and went completely still. “The truth?”

“Yeah, your visit last night, and our…experimenting.” She rushed ahead, even as Charlotte leaned away from her into the wall by the bed. “No, no, no. She’s cool with it, Shar. When she heard you upset over the phone, she had no problem with you coming over.”

“But if she knows what we did, why did she let me come over?”

“She told us she had a friend in college, a roommate. A girlfriend she had a…relationship with. She still sneaks off to see her sometimes. Dan doesn’t know yet, but I told her she needs to tell him.”

“Your sister’s bi?” Charlotte had stopped pulling away, and snuggled back in to Kelly, holding her around the waist again.

Kelly giggled now. “Hey, all three of us prefer boys. She said there are just times when she needs a woman’s touch. Just like we do right now. Neither of us are ever going to give up the feel of a cock inside us, or in our mouths. Guys are a real turn-on, right? Well, you’re a real turn-on for me, and I want to be here for you.”

Charlotte kissed her on the lips, and they opened their mouths in a languid, almost lazy, kiss that stretched on for long minutes. “Thank you, Kelly. So much.” It was dark in the room, and Kelly felt her tears on her chest, and followed them with some of her own.

“I think I love you.”

“Only think? I’m head over with you, Kel.”



They fell asleep holding each other.

The morning light was full by the time they woke up, twisted in the sheets. Jenny had already left for work, she was sure. Leaving her sleeping guest in bed, Kelly slipped out from under the covers, peered out the window, then came back to bed. “Hey, Shar, I don’t think anyone’s upstairs.”

The blonde stretched and opened her eyes a little. “That sounds exciting.” She sat up, and kissed Kelly slowly, opening her mouth, accepting her tongue between her lips, as her tongue was now playing in Kelly’s mouth. The kisses proceeded from tender to torrid in moments, and they collapsed back onto the sheets, almost wrestling. “If you’d worn a nighty, it would be on the floor right now.”

“And I’d be tearing yours off at the same time.” They lost themselves in their passion, and Kelly reached down between the other’s legs, seeking her slit. The blonde thatch was already moist, and she slid two fingers into the warm, wet spot, crooking her fingers, seeking her G spot. She didn’t know whether it really existed, but wanted to find it for her lover if it did.

Charlotte moaned and turned on her back, spreading her legs apart, and ran her hand over Kelly’s hand while it penetrated her. “Oh, Kelly, keep doing that…”

Kelly loved the feel of hot pussy juices all over her fingers, sliding out to coat her whole hand, and pumped her fingers faster. Charlotte moaned in time to her thrusting fingers, before she grabbed Kelly around her shoulders and pulling her into a fierce open-mouthed kiss, and Kelly eagerly swallowed the other’s moans. Her fingers kept plunging in and out of her, speeding up as their kisses grew more frantic.

Charlotte shivered and arched her back. “Ah…ah…ah. Fuck, I’m…” She didn’t finish the word, and threw her head back, hollering her orgasm out, shaking with her eyes fluttering. Kelly kept going, finger-fucking the blonde, feeling her now sopping wet bush. She was almost as ready to cum herself, and sucked on Shar’s right nipple, then blew cool air on it before sucking it again.

“Oh Kelly, don’t stop, baby. Keep fucking my cunt with your beautiful fingers, keep…Aaahhh!” She shuddered with another climax, and clamped her mouth shut to hold back. Moving her hips in time to Kelly’s fingering, she started a low moan, and this time grabbed the hand fucking her, beginning to hump it furiously. “Fuck me Kelly, fuck me, fuck me…” Another screaming orgasm punctuated her speech, and she was now shaking all over, quivering and tingling, near to tears with the potency of the delightful sensation between her legs, at her pubes, and all the way inside her.

Kelly pulled her fingers out, and slid down the bed before placing her face in Charlotte’s golden thatch and starting to lick at the moist hole hiding within it. Moving her tongue to her lover’s clitoris, she used two fingers to spread the lips and hood, and traced around the swollen nub with the tip of her tongue, a technique she u*********sly copied from Dan. She kept delicately licking, pausing to suck it between her lips several times, then returned to licking her.

Now, she opened her mouth, and stiffened her tongue, sticking it inside Shar’s gates, slowly fucking her with her tongue. Her pussy was aching with another imminent orgasm, barely able to keep her senses against the onslaught her pussy was undergoing.

Kelly reached down between her legs, raised her hips so she could reach, and started fingering herself in time to the thrusts of her tongue. She came so hard she couldn’t keep licking or sucking, and pitched forward into Charlotte’s groin before turning to the side, and sliding back up to her lover’s side, nestling into her shoulder, breathless and exhausted. Charlotte greeted her with kisses and cupping her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

“Kelly, thank you. Really glad you didn’t get too tired.” She closed her eyes. “Let me recover, and I’m going to do the same for you.”

“You were so loud when you came. I thought Dan might charge up the stairs to see what was wrong.”

“Doesn’t he already know? He was at the table when you told Jenny, right?”

“Um, yeah. Okay, maybe he would have run up the stairs to join us.”

“Hmmm. Would you have let him in?”

“I don’t know, Shar. Kind of want you all to myself right now.” She stretched and kissed her again, and sighed with satisfaction. “I think he’d like having both of us sucking his cock, taking turns working on him. Ooh, or one us on his cock and the other one sitting on his face.”

“I love how you think, my beautiful slut.”

“You inspire me, my gorgeous blonde harlot.”

Quietly, Charlotte said in Kelly’s ear. “Had an idea.”

“Tell me.”

“You want to see what they did last night? Jenny and the love of your life? We both heard them when we came up, and I’m dying to see what they did that made her moan so loud.”

“Alright, but later. We need some food. After we shower.”

Charlotte watched under the stream of warm water, fascinated, while Kelly shaved the faint stubble from her pussy and soaped it off a second time. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

“I’ve only nicked myself a couple of times. It feels so great against my panties, if I’m wearing any.”

“You really like seducing me, don’t you…”

“No, I love seducing you.”

“Maybe I should shave my pussy, too, let you tongue my hairless cunt. I bet it would feel absolutely fantastic!”

All rinsed off, Kelly leaned into Charlotte and kissed her. “Please don’t, Shar. You are already so sexy, and your blonde bush drives me wild.”

“Okay, for now.” She reached around Kelly with both arms, and turned the water off. “But now I know how much you like it, so no promises. I think I’d really like you kissing and licking my naked box.”

They stepped out of the shower and toweled each other off, stopping to make out between the front and back of each of them. Their teeth were already brushed, and the minty aftertaste in their mouths added a little spark to their kisses. They didn’t bother putting the towels around themselves, and strode naked down the hall to Kelly’s room, holding hands and disappearing inside to dress for breakfast.

Dan was busy, and just waved to them when Kelly told him they were up. It was just after ten-thirty, and she caught him blushing as he realized what they had probably been doing. Wanting to tease and taunt him again, Kelly stepped into his study, Charlotte just outside the office in the grand entry. “So, we didn’t keep you up, did we?”


“Good. We heard you and Jenny when we came up the stairs. She sounded like she was having fun. Something about ‘fucking her cunt’ as I remember.”

Dan’s blush deepened a bit, and he turned to face her, eager to lob another verbal grenade back at her. “Must have been about eleven. Any earlier and you would have heard her telling me to eat her pussy.”

Charlotte coughed, managing to look embarrassed and aroused at the same time. Kelly riposted with, “So you didn’t hear us last night?”

“Maybe a little late last night, but not over our moans of passion.”

Playfully, “Liar! We were very quiet. Last night. Not this morning, though. Did you hear Shar’s orgasm? I had my fingers inside her, and she humped my hand and screamed when she came. We were sure you heard it.”

He grinned. “Maybe I just wanted to give you two some privacy.”

“Maybe you didn’t want Jenny to see you listening at the door and jacking off.”

“She’d already left.”

“Ha!,” she shouted playfully. “So you did hear us!” Turning on her heel, she padded towards the kitchen on stockinged feet. “You know we’ll need some sustenance. Eating pussy and humping fingers is hard work!” She winked over her shoulder at him, and led Charlotte into the kitchen.

They grabbed a box of cereal and some milk, and settled down at the table, Charlotte making a point to sit where Kelly had told her Dan’s first cunnilingus with her had been. She ran her tongue along the edge with a lustful grin. “I can almost imagine you squirting here!”

“It’s better to have the ‘hole’ experience, Shar.”

They had a bowl each, and had poured their second bowls when Charlotte looked over at Kelly. “How did you seduce him again? I mean, you’re fucking hot, and I couldn’t believe how daring you were with him this morning. If I weren’t here, would you have fucked him again?”

“After breakfast, but yes. I’ll take all the stimulation I can get.”

Smiling with her eyes, “I would love to see that sometime, I think. So how did you seduce him, really?”

Kelly spoke in a low voice, “I had a plan. First, I left my door open partway, and played with myself, watching a video of him jacking off. He called my name when he came, too. He stood there, watching me play with myself. It was so exciting knowing he was there watching me, and I came so fucking hard. He stepped away right away after, so that didn’t work, exactly. Primed the pump, though.

“The next day, I sunbathed and swam in the nude. Sunshine all over my body gets me so hot… When he looked out the kitchen window, I climbed out of the pool, buck naked, and toweled myself off, facing away from him, pretending to see him only after I put my sun dress on. There’s just something a girl’s ass does for men…”

“For women, too.” Charlotte winked, eager to hear more.

“Hey, you’re not going to try my moves out on Danny? I’d have to stop sleeping with you.”

“No, just interested. Besides, he’s not *my* brother-in-law, he’s yours.”

“Just making sure. Anyway, I told him how attracted I was to him, and how I’d heard him call my name on that video I was watching. I had him recorded jacking off, and he’d cum so hard. He didn’t believe me, so I brought him upstairs and showed him the video.”

“Wow… Nude sunbathing should have been enough for any man.”

Kelly smiled pertly, as if taking a biscuit at a formal tea party. “Thank you. Then I told him I’d actually watched him.”

“On the video.”

“Noooo… My parents had the whole place redone a few years ago, and I convinced a couple of the contractor’s assistants to put in secret passages on the second and third floors. One goes through the wall between my closet and theirs.”

“Holy shit! So, you…”

“Crept through the passage, and spied on him through the hinges in the door. I stripped down to watch, and forced myself not to cum.”

“You sucked his cock then?”

“No, I did that a couple of days later. I wanted to jump on him right then, though, and fuck him silly. Nothing like watching the man of your dreams jacking off and moaning your name when he cums. I wanted him right then.”

“You waited.” Not a question.

She smiled. “Yeah. I wanted to ease him into it.”

Charlotte’s laugh was a little louder than she intended. “Into that gorgeous shaved spot?”

Kelly didn’t feel like she should be blushing, but did a little bit anyway. “Into the idea of fucking me. Then I led him through the secret passage between our rooms, took off my sundress, dropped to my knees and convinced him with a blowjob.”

“Damn…” Admiration was plain on Charlotte’s face. “Almost makes me think you took me up to your room to seduce me.”

“Not at all. Besides, you went down on me first.”



Charlotte looked out into the backyard and pool, the latter of which was covered. Snow still clung to the shadows where the wall met the patio. “It’s too bad it’s so cold outside. Would just love to sun ourselves,” she said longingly.

“You didn’t bring a swimsuit anyway.”

“Don’t need one with you, and I don’t wear one when I tan.”

“I’d noticed. Can’t wait to have you over during spring break.”

They put their bowls in the sink, and put away the cereal and the last of the milk. Heading up to the third floor together, they stripped the bed entirely, of sheets, mattress pad and pillowcases. They put on another set from the linen closet, and brought the dirty linens, still redolent of their passionate scent, and piled them into the washer.

Curled up together on the couch, they read for a couple of hours in the living room. Kelly noted that the Christmas tree was starting to droop ever so slightly, and knew it would come down just after New Year’s. It made her slightly depressed, knowing that in just about a week she would be headed back to school, leaving Charlotte and her Danny behind.

Just after the lunch hour, Kelly was surprised to see Jenny come into the house, looking furious and storming into Danny’s home office. She slammed the sliding door shut, and started speaking quite loudly, not quite shouting. In a couple of minutes, she opened the door and headed for the stairs. She had a couple of angry tears on her face, and nodded a curt hello to her little sister and her friend, a bit softer than moments before.

Kelly saw Charlotte was as uncomfortable as she was, and then Dan headed upstairs right after Jenny, not quite chasing Jenny, but still working to catch up. He didn’t look upset or angry, just deeply concerned, and caught up to his wife at the door of their bedroom two flights up.

Charlotte looked at Kelly, and whispered, “I don’t think they’re having a nooner…”

“Definitely not, Shar.”

For about twenty minutes, Jenny’s voice carried all the way down from the third floor, seriously pissed about something, but her words were still muffled, so the effect was similar to a thunderstorm while hiding under the covers. Through it all, Dan’s voice was a soft, or softer, more conciliatory tone, even less coherent, but evidently calming her down, though it took a while.

Jenny came down the stairs a little later, and Dan carried her suitcase, heading straight to the front of the house, and Kelly heard him open the back of the BMW and shut it moments later. A trip. Kelly went first to her sister, and was much calmer now. “I’m so sorry, Kelly. The office is sending me back off to Portland. Quarter and Year End bullshit. Would have been nice to spend the whole Christmas vacation with my sister.”

“And your husband…”

Jenny reached over the back of the couch and hugged her. “I know, but he’ll be here when I get back, and I probably won’t see you until Spring Break.”

Kelly hugged back. “How long this time, Sis?”

“At least through the twelfth.”

“Ugh.” Doing some quick math, she figured the day. “Two weeks?” She whistled silently. “Jen, that really…”

“…Sucks. I know. Would have loved to have a couple days’ notice, at least, before bailing on the both of you.” She gave Kelly a peck on the cheek.

“Hey, maybe you can catch up with Cel… Old friends, right?” She remembered Jenny hadn’t yet told Dan, and Shar wasn’t supposed to know about Celeste.

Jenny looked startled, then smiled. “Yeah, maybe before I leave I’ll visit her again. Don’t tell Dan about it, I think he’ll want me back right away.”

The older sister left a couple of minutes later, Dan driving her off to Woodrum Field, at least an hour out and an hour back. It would be at least three o’clock before he returned, and that assumed he dropped Jen at the curb, which would never happen. Charlotte’s phone hadn’t so much as beeped since she arrived last night, and it remained silent.

Charlotte smiled. “Alone in the house at last…” She enveloped Kelly in a warm hug, and kissed her very tenderly. “Slut.”

“Harlot.” They kissed for a while, feeling the warmth of each other’s bodies, wanting to shed all their clothes right there on the couch.

“Let’s go to the table, Kelly. I would love to eat your pussy right where Dan did. Maybe we could leave a puddle for him to clean up. With his tongue, while we watch.” The idea turned her on intensely, and she started sliding her hands under Kelly’s sweater.

Her response was a mischievous little smirk. “I have a very wicked idea, Shar.”

When she heard it, Charlotte’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah, let’s do that…”

Dan pulled into the driveway at nearly six. Jenny’s goodbye had been long and passionate, and a little tearful, and when he had finally made it onto the road home, a multiple crash on I-11 had livened up the rush hour traffic. He noticed the house was mostly dark, only the staircase lights and a single light in the living room. Charlotte’s VW was still in front, and he pulled into the garage, closing it behind him. Going in through the kitchen, he saw that the only lights downstairs were on the stove and one reading lamp in the living room.

He went to the fridge and opened it up. In front of the milk and remaining Christmas leftovers was a note. It hung from a pink ribbon, taped to the top of the fridge, impossible to miss, and was written in neat script on the back of a piece of neon-striped gift wrapping. Looking over the fridge door for a moment, he tugged at it and heard the tape pull away.

Three words. “My room, baby.”

All thoughts of food temporarily banished, Dan put his coat in the closet, and headed up to the third floor. At Kelly’s door was another note, same gift wrap, hanging from an identical colored ribbon. “Go inside and sit at my laptop.” All the while, he heard no other noises in the whole house, except for a faint creaking of the wind outside.

The door was unlocked, and he stepped in. As in the living room, there was a lone lamp on at Kelly’s desk, and her laptop was open. A third note, the same as the others, said simply, “Password is ‘LicketySplit69’.” He entered the phrase, and her desktop came up. In the center was a heart icon, and the legend “Watch Me.” u*********sly, he wiped the sudden sweat from his hands on his slacks, and activated it.

The icon made a swooshing sound, and a video window covered the screen. It showed a room with a sleigh bed, empty for the moment. He heard the door open, and glanced at her bedroom door before realizing it was audio for the clip he was watching.

Moments later, the door closed, and Kelly and Charlotte walked into view. They waved at the camera together, then started making out standing before the bed, in profile to the camera. Trailing words streamed across the middle of the screen in a standard font, bright pink: “Watch us unwrap our Christmas presents!” After a minute or so, Charlotte pulled Kelly’s top over her head and, resuming kissing, removed her bra also, which fell to the floor. They kept kissing while Kelly kicked her shoes off, and balanced on her toes to pull each sock off.

Barefoot and topless, she took a step back, and let Charlotte unbuckle her belt, and undo her blue jeans. Kelly stepped up into Charlotte’s arms, and he heard her moan as the blonde caressed his sister-in-law’s breasts as they kissed for a long time, while Charlotte helped Kelly’s jeans creep down her hips, down her thighs, past her knees before sliding the rest of the way down to the floor.

Now Charlotte put her hands on Kelly’s crotch through her panties, rubbing and squeezing the sensitive center of the Y, trailing her middle finger through the thin fabric over her clit, rubbing now in a circular motion over it. Kelly moaned now as Charlotte knelt, still fully clothed, and pulled the top of the panties down a couple of inches to expose her pussy. Her tongue began to work the spot just over the waistband, and Kelly’s hands were braced on her shoulders as she moaned with each tongue stroke.

Dan was getting excited now, his erection starting to tighten against his zipper. “Oh, fuck, Kelly,” he mouthed, only slightly breathing, not wanting to interrupt a single moment of the events in front of him.

Finally Shar stood up, and hooked her thumbs over Kelly’s waistband. She slid Kelly’s panties slowly, excruciatingly, down her legs, until she could step out of them. Naked now, it was Kelly’s turn.

She turned Charlotte towards the camera, and stood behind her. She nuzzled her neck, and traced her tongue on the left side, down again, and did this slowly around the back to Charlotte’s right, before stopping. Charlotte shivered and a short pant escaped her lips. Kelly slipped her hands under the sweater, and slid it off of her, tossing it to the floor. Then, she worked her hands over her back, and Dan saw the blonde’s bra loosened, catch by catch, before it was undone, and Kelly slipped it from her shoulders and let it fall onto the sweater.

Still behind her, Kelly reached around and fondled her breasts, while kissing up and down her back. Charlotte’s mouth opened, and her moans rose into the room, hanging in the air waiting for the next step. Kelly continued cupping and caressing her tits for several minutes, and Dan realized he was holding his breath, waiting for the next part of the seduction unfolding before his eyes. His cock was now fully awakened, eager to escape its prison, but Dan didn’t move, not wanting to miss a thing.

Kelly reached around the other woman’s waist, and undid her pants, sliding them with her panties to the floor, which Charlotte stepped out of, still wearing red and green plaid Christmas stockings. She did a slow turn in front of the camera, showing off her otherwise completely naked body to the camera, and Dan. When she was done, they both blew a kiss to the camera, and turned in profile once again, making out in front of the camera. The gentle sounds of their kisses and soft moans carried clearly to the hidden mic.

After a shorter time, they went to the sleigh bed, and it dawned on Dan that this was the same bed in the spare room one floor down. His eyes darted to the door again, but he still heard nothing at all except the wind, and the video.

When he looked back, Kelly was on her back, legs spread wide, and Charlotte was on her knees now, her face on Kelly’s shaved twat, beginning to lick her labia and suck on her clit. Kelly moaned, a low, sexy sound, and started to work her hips under her friend’s busy mouth.

Another crawl through the middle of the screen, pink letters again. “If you’re horny and you know it, jack your cock.” Then a second line. “Towel on my bed, babe.”

“Oh, fuck.” His words were louder now, and he fumbled at his pants before pulling them down to his knees. He had just made love to Jenny last night, and Kelly the afternoon before, but he felt like it had been a month, as stiff as he was. He touched his rigid cock, and started to run his fingertips up and down the shaft, feeling each stroke intensely. His eyes never left the screen.

Charlotte was eagerly licking Kelly’s twat, moving her head forward and back with increasing speed, while Kelly started massaging her own tits in time to the other woman’s tongue. He heard her moan reach a crescendo, and thought he heard a soft, wet splash as she came. Charlotte hefted the other’s legs up, knees almost touching the ears, and he watched her drive her tongue inside the sopping wet slit. Kelly’s moan turned to an erotic scream, and this time the sound of her ejaculation was clear, dripping down onto the mattress of the sleigh bed.

Charlotte lowered her lover’s knees and hips, and turned around, placing her pussy over Kelly’s mouth even as she kept working her tongue and lips and mouth over her pussy. In a glorious sixty-nine now, he sat transfixed as Kelly threaded her arms under Charlotte’s legs, and clasped her hands over her ass. She started licking back, and this time it was the blonde who moaned loudly.

Dan didn’t know at what point he started humping his own fist, but when he noticed he was fully into it, ready for his release. Charlotte raised her head up, almost aiming her eyes at the ceiling, and she, too, screamed. Kelly’s moans were somewhat muted through the blonde bush she was still licking, he saw her grip tighten, holding on to defy her climax, or at least keep licking Charlotte’s hot cunt a little longer.

Charlotte buried her face in the other woman’s bare pussy, and licked frantically while her own climax rose again. Both women, fiercely eating each other’s boxes, began moaning. It looked like a race with each one redoubling her efforts.

Dan wished he had one or both sucking his cock, or that he was inside either of them while this was happening. He felt the first spurt beginning, just as both women moaned in complete release. His strangled yell echoed theirs, and his semen boiled forth, long ropy strands up the length of his shirt, the first one, wet and sticky, splashing against his chin and throat.

He groaned and, still panting, continued to watch. Both of them stood up now, and kissed again, tasting and sharing their juices, before waving at the camera and walking out of the guest room below. The screen went dark, with a message in the same pink lettering. “Come join us…” He mopped up his cum with the towel, and saw that he had covered his shirt, and streaks of sticky semen were cooling on his skin elsewhere. It took him a few minutes to stand, then he zipped up his pants and headed down to the guest room. Pushing open the door, he was disappointed to find it empty, except the musky odor of sex floating in the air.

Hell of a time to play hide and seek, Kelly. He wanted her desperately, the more so since it was readily apparent she intended to share Charlotte with him. Almost but not quite running back to the third floor, he went to his bedroom, but it was locked. Another note, but not quite legible in the gloom, was taped to the door. He pulled the sticky tape off, stepped back to the landing and held it up to the light.

“Right room, wrong entrance.” The secret passage! Despite the obstacles she was placing, or maybe because of them, Dan felt his heart race in anticipation of the great fucking he was going to have all night. He dashed to Kelly’s room again, leaving the door open, and went to her closet, opening it.

Kelly had thoughtfully left the hidden panel at the back open for him, and he saw another note. “You’ll fit inside better if you’re naked.” Fuck… His dick was already recovering, and he stripped everything off before dropping to all fours, and making his way through the passage. He had been through it once, and Kelly many times before she revealed it to him, and the twenty feet passed very quickly.

The panel on the other end was open, too, letting in a little bit of light. He climbed out and stood up, pausing for a few seconds to work out the small kinks in his back and neck, then opened the closet door into the master bath. The nightlight was already on, the air steamy and hot, and he crept through the shadows to the door.

He listened and heard nothing. Taking a deep breath, he parted the double doors slightly, and peered through them at the big four-poster bed. One lamp was on, on his side of the bed, casting pale yellow light throughout most of the room. On it lay both women, his sister-in-law and her friend, curled up and dozing together. He opened the doors the rest of the way, and stepped into the room.

He approached the bed, and Kelly stirred, opened her eyes and smiled. “Hey, Danny. You saw the video, right?”

He nodded. “Fucking hot, Kel.”

She inclined her head in appreciation. “Thank you, my Danny! We planned this out before we knew you were going to be so late. I saw the traffic jam online, and it gave me time to polish the video and do post-production. You liked it, right?”

“Great production values, baby.”

“Thank you, again.” She leaned over to kiss Shar, who murmured something indistinct before she opened her eyes too. “He’s home, Shar…” A broad, sleepy smile split the blonde’s face, too.

Charlotte spoke first, taking in his naked body in the dim light. “Hey, Dan! Hope you don’t mind, but we just had to shower, and tried yours. It’s bigger than Kelly’s at the end of the hall.”

“I’ve never been in there since we moved in. So glad you like mine, though.”

Kelly jumped in again. “Danny, we had a thought. When Jen mentioned a threesome with her friend Celeste, you looked a lot more interested than you told her you were. Was I right?”

Gazing at the two naked beauties in front of him, he lost his voice for a moment. Kelly’s body was already familiar to him, and his eyes roamed briefly over her, revisiting briefly the joyful interludes they had enjoyed so far, but it was Charlotte who caught his eye.

The voluptuous blonde at his lover’s side was a new vision of loveliness. Charlotte’s face was partly concealed by the shadow Kelly cast, literally and figuratively, but he noticed for the first time how her slightly pouty lips and the rest of her face were framed by her blonde locks. Her breasts were firm and round with gorgeous nipples he knew he wanted to taste, and her body was delightful, not as trim as either of the sisters, but incredibly gorgeous. No wonder Kelly wanted her in the sack. His heart skipped a beat when he caught a glimpse of the golden thatch of hair between her legs. Perfect, he thought with a twinge of guilt, then managed to stammer, “Um, yeah, you’re right.”

“Shar spied on her mom in a couple of threesomes, and liked what she saw.” Charlotte grinned, and nodded in agreement. “ I’m very curious about it too, Danny. So, opportunity!” She rapped her knuckles twice on the nightstand.

“So, you up for it, my Danny? Two hot babes for you? One hot guy for us?” She reached between his legs and felt the soft head of his cock, then down the nearly stiff pole to his balls, which she stroked gently, lovingly.

He climbed in bed, hugging Kelly before kissing her long and deeply. Charlotte sat up and hugged her from the other side. Dan kissed her too, and said, “Sounds perfect, my beautiful girls.”

Same as All Grown Up #6 -- The Spirit of Giving Head Videos

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A Spirit For The Ladies

I know you’re tired sitting there at your computer desk. Right now, nobody else is around. Take a break, why don’t you, and lay your head back. Close your eyes. Relaxing, isn’t it? What’s that….it feels like someone lightly kissing your forehead? Go ahead and open your eyes……there’s nobody there.Close your eyes again. Suddenly you feel warm breath on your cheek, then what feels like those same soft lips. It’s OK to check… your eyes…there’s nobody there. Maybe it is a spirit? Close your...

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Spirit QuestChapter 16 Epilogue

With my passing, I felt myself elevating above my body, and was able to look down on the scene below me. Each of my wives was kneeling around me, one hand touching me. I felt their prayers buoy me as they prayed to the Deity or Deities they believed in for my spirit to make the journey safely to wherever they believed spirits went. When Audoflede finished her prayer, she walked to the window and closed a black curtain I hadn’t known was there. Barely a minute later, bells in the tower of the...

3 years ago
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Team Spirit

Team Spirit By Ms. Jenny Ann Preface by author: The following story was authored by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. A comment was made to stop with my photos, so this story will not have any; however, in order to get the random thoughts to come together in some sort of way, I had to get inspired. I began by slowly transforming myself, stopping along the way to read a few stories. It worked and I now know what I want to add to this story. I did take a picture;...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Crying Spirit A Twilight Zone Story

A lonely man makes an incredible find in a small antique shop. How could he know that within the confines of the ancient cabinet was a portal into another time? Come with us as he enters... THE TWILIGHT ZONE. The Crying Spirit: A Twilight Zone Story By Anon Allsop "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."--Rod...

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Tammys Spirit

Tammy's Spirit We stood at the window, and the woman with us pushed a button on the wall. The curtain pulled back, and on the Gurney, on the other side of the window, lay Tammy. She looked just like she was asleep, but I knew she was dead. My friend Phil, almost collapsed from the pain of seeing his wife. A little over an hour ago, I had received a panicky call from Phil. The local police had called, and told him that his wife had been involved in a bad traffic accident, and they...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Kalluri Kathaliyai Kathal Seithu Oothen

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil en kathaliyai eppadi kalluriyil vaithe sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Ragul, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, aanal innum entha pennaiyum oru murai kuda matter seiya mudiyaamal thavithu varugiren, yaraiyaavathu kathal seiya vendum endru yosithu irunthen. Appozhuthu thaan en kathaliyai naan paarthen, aval peyar meena en vayathu thaan agugirathu. Aanal aval kalluri mundram varudam padithu vanthu irunthaal, naan...

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The Spirit of Justice

The Spirit of Justice By Heather St. Claire Terry Martin was drunk. That wasn't much of a surprise; he was drunk just about every night, and most days as well. As a college senior and the child of privilege, he could do just about anything he pleased. He flung an empty Jack Daniels bottle out the window of his Porsche and slammed his foot down on the accelerator. Martin was due to graduate in three months, and he knew he hadn't earned the Bachelor's Degree he was going to...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 02

It was time. The sun had fallen below the treetops. To facilitate the appearance of the Vision, the Medicine Man insisted, ‘You must obey the creed. Enter your Quest as you entered the world.’ Tom left the protection of the cave — completely sober and completely nude. A hundred yards farther up the game trail, in the middle of a pine thicket Tom found a clearing perfect for the vision ground. Slow and silent, he began the prescribed ritual — circle the area, commune with the Great Spirit...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 35

Earth time: 4:44:46 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 (EST) Earth time: 5:44:46 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) Aina time: 5:33:34 PM day 253 of 1436 "Time mark!" called the technician on the intercom. "Path minus five minutes." "Acknowledged," said Mark calmly at the bottom of the Blue Spirit well. Mark looked at his mother and smiled, and then glanced up. More than ten meters above the floor was the roof of their hexagonal tunnel. Directly in front of them was...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 55

Honolulu daylight savings time: 7:18 AM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 West Virginia time: 12:18 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 3:29 PM day 173 of 1451 Mayoni grunted softly, lifting her legs up higher so that her knees were almost touching her breasts, providing Keona deeper access into her. Mayoni was lying on her right side, and she lifted her left arm up without thinking. So in tune with Mayoni's desires that he wasn't even conscious of doing it, Keona left...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 49

Aina time: 2:40 AM, day 286 of 1449 Earth time: 2:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, July 19, 2043 Jennifer opened her eyes, feeling very groggy. She realized several people were in her hospital room with her, and she shivered as she realized some of them were male. She forced herself fully awake, and looked around. There was only Dr. Ker with her now. "Dr. Mayoni will be here in just a second," Ker said quietly, and then she looked at some monitors. Jennifer looked at her arm band. She...

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Spirit Ch 05

Jul 4, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Five Trouble In New Mexico Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

2 years ago
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Victoria Is A Free Spirit

 "Are you ready to meet her? I swear, you'll love her," she assured me, lying down with me."Really, Molly? I'll love her? Is she going to be a threat to you?""Yes, yes, and no smart-ass," she giggled, pecking my cheek. "She is just my twin sister, but we're fraternal twins. We don't have superpowers or read each other's minds; only identical twins get those. I can't think of a better woman for you to be with, than me."I nodded and looked away for a second. "So, just to be clear...

1 year ago
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Spirit Of Adonis

Adonis growled harshly, though his agony stemmed from something other than pain. He moaned and groaned; his limbs moved heavily with a dead weight. The Greek attire he wore was tattered, torn, and hung from an equally torn body. There was no more blood. Actually, there was no pain either, and it felt very odd. He had yet to acclimate himself, being suspended in the Middle World and the world below it. The Middle World still coursed through his veins, the Under World, through his soul. It was...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

3 years ago
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Spirit of James

Thanks to Jim for editing! I first met James at a Christmas party my parents were throwing. He was the contractor they had hired to put together the new house they were building as an anniversary gift to each other. It would be a lot bigger than the two-storied, three-bedroom house I'd grown up in, which meant that there would be plenty of room for either me or my sister if we needed it, which wasn't something I was about to complain about, considering that at twenty-four, I was about to run...

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The Spirit of Christmas

© 2003 He hated Christmas. Correction, he just hated holidays in general but he hated Christmas above all others. People walking around with a determined, bright smiles pasted on their faces and the mindless storm of shopping always seemed to rub him the wrong way. Chris grunted as a passerby flew by him with several paper sacks weighting her arms. He ignored her and the mumbled apology as he continued trudging ahead in the mash potato snow to his apartment. Flurries of delicate shaved...

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The Spirit of Lust

Do you believe in the supernatural? Well, your belief is irrelevant, because the Spirit of Lust exists. Some say there’s only one, other believe there are many. Regardless, those who have delved in studies of this supernatural entity all agree on what it does. The Spirit of Lust takes advantage of the emotionally weak. It possesses a person and uses their fears, regrets and anger to fuel their lust, leading them to a life of debauchery. There have been many whose lives have been ruined by this...

Mind Control
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Spirit Ch 02

Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Two A Special Night Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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Team Spirit

Four eighteen-year-old studs, the Middleton College Sophomore debating team, were gathered in Room 212 waiting for the teacher. They were surprised by who arrived, surprised by the new teacher, slender, hard-bodied, barely older than them, with the voice and face of an angel. "Hello boys. I'm Ellen James, your new team advisor." "Hi, Miss James. My name is Luis, the team captain. This anglo on my right is Scott; that dude there is Carl, and Jeff is the fool coming out of the bathroom."...

4 years ago
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Palli Maanaviyai Savukathopil Oothen

Naan enathu kalluri vidumuraiku en paati veetirku sendru irunthen, athu oru gramam angu niraiya kaatu paguthigal niraiya irukum. Niriya kanni pengalum irupaargal naan patinathil irunthu selvathaal ennai niraiya pengal sight adipaargal. Naan patinathil kalluri pengalai niraiya muali sex seithu oothu irukiren aanal ithu varai gramathu pengalai oothathu kidaiyaathu. Naan paati veetirku vanthu niraiya varudangal aagugirathu ippozhuthu thaan 4 varudangaluku pinbu varugiren. Ennaku ippozhuthu 20...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Spirit Ch 09

Sep 7, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Nine A Fresh Assignment Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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Hallie Kassie

Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...

College Sex
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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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The Spirit of Fertility ch2

The sharp sound of her alarm clock filled the room. As she turned over to turn it off, she couldn’t believe that morning had come so fast. She laid still and stared up at the ceiling, dreading having to go to work today. That dread was soon replaced by memories of last night. Maybe she dreamt the whole thing, she thought. She sat up and pushed a hand down between her legs to check herself. To her comfort, everything felt normal. When she finally turned to get out of bed she noticed the morning...

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Hallie the Slut I Had a Dream

Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

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Calliopes New Life

Following the party and her introduction to the family, Padraic and Calliope settled into their own routine. They discussed the rules and in an effort to keep his baby happy Padraic compromised on a few smaller issues and Callie learned to be cared for after so many years of having to look after herself.The biggest concession came the day after the party, when they had gone to sign the contract with the amendments they had made to it. Callie had sat up on his lap and turned to him seriously,...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Spirit Lover

It's four a.m. the feel of your soft caress down my back awakens me. I turn over to say I love you and kiss you and no one is beside me. I close my eyes wondering if I was dreaming when I felt your touch. I feel you presence as you arms pull me closer and our lips touch. The intensity of your kiss make my body tremble clear to my soul. I hear our hearts beat in unison as your spirit intertwines my soul. I feel your touch as it sets me afire and you utter, "Kandy, I love you!" I touch...

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Team Spirit The Second Half

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 FOREWORD Several years ago I read a story written by Janice the Dreamer titled "Team Spirit". It was wonderful, inventive, and involving, with compelling characters. There was no hero or heroine, just damaged people seeking justice ? as defined by them. This story stuck with me and I found myself asking the classic question, what happened next? I kept creating my own sequel to the original story in my mind. Finally, I was able to contact...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 01

‘Hey, Chief, what’s your hurry?’ Lisa blocked the front door with spread arms and bedroom eyes, naked. Tom grinned. His resolve to leave diminished while another part of him expanded. ‘I have to get an early start, if I’m going to make the hike in two days.’ Suddenly, torn by indecision, he thumbed her nipples, weighed her proposition in the palm of each hand, and added, ‘You said Jack was coming home this morning. I don’t want to make more trouble for you.’ ‘His flight doesn’t arrive until...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 07

The cop folded his notebook, left a business card on the desk, and headed for the door. ‘Ms. Roundtree, don’t drag Tom into something he doesn’t deserve. Call me, when you want to talk.’ He stood in the doorway, turned back and pointed at his Coke bottle on the desk. ‘I forgot my soda.’ Before Tom could react, Hannah jumped up, grabbed the bottle, and handed it to the officer. She didn’t know if Tom had a criminal record, but she wouldn’t risk it. The man was right. Tom deserved better. ...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 42

1:17 PM, biking up a driveway at Cider Junction (4 hours, 11 minutes to path closing) Mark turned the final corner on the long driveway and his old house was visible two hundred meters ahead. A few minutes later his team checked in with Tal, Kahoku, and Anuhea, and learned they were the first team back. Mark was more than a little worried, there was a decent safety margin built into the schedule, but it just seemed ominous that both other away teams were not back with only ten minutes to go....

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 11

Clearing up the sex slavery in the whore houses along the USA/Mexico border was a bigger task than Fire Bringer had realized when he started the job. It took about a year to rescue the women and girls and to track down and eliminate all of the criminals involved. When he finished, he had 22 women and 13 girls that their families didn't want and had no place to go. It's amazing how stupid and cruel people can be, even to members of their own family. Oh, well, Fire Bringer realized that it...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 4

After having a very late dinner with some of her students, Lois wandered about the village in the cool of the night. She still wasn't quite used to how many people would take the time to smile and wave a greeting at her as she passed, even people she'd never met. "Gosh," she thought. "It sure is pleasant to be accepted like this. So friendly, relaxing, no crime, nobody locks their doors... Wait, what am I thinking? None of the doors here even have locks!" It was beginning of the third...

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The Spirit of PolandChapter 18

A Goddess spoke to them. Well, a disembodied female voice which seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. It might not be a Goddess. It could be ... well, a God who just sounded female. Felek realized he obviously wasn't thinking clearly. His grip on Ruta tightened, arms wrapping around her waist as she leaned back against him. All eyes in the tower room were on the wooden statue. Felek sensed they, too, were too shocked to speak. Well, someone had to say something. He cleared his...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Spirit Ch 08

Aug 30, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Eight Prime Suspect Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

2 years ago
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Spirit Ch 07

Jul 21, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Seven Waking Up Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended...

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