What Happened? free porn video

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It was in 1964 or 65 (I was 10 or 11) on vacation we always took 3 or 4 weeks in summer for them. Dad would close his office have another professional friend on call for clients. It was just dad with us k**s, heading to places unknown, actually it seemed our vacations were dictated by dad’s appetite. Seafood was a coastal visit, steak or pork was south or west to cattle and livestock ranches or farms. You get the picture how are vacations got planned! Also you will find no mention of mom, she had left us some years ago. I don’t remember where on vacation we were, do not remember whether we were headed away from home or headed back. I know the traffic was bad! Dad was complaining about the other drivers loudly! Finally I felt the car slowing, going off the exit ramp. I started looking out the car windows seeing the neon signs of motels, restaurants, gas stations, and bill board advertising. Generally at the motels, we k**s would get our swim trunks on to go play in the pools. Dad would sit in the room for a while, watch the news, read a paper calming down from driving. Then we would get dressed go find a place to eat. My brothers, and my sister saw a movie on TV that caught their attention. So alone I got ready for a swim and left with a towel for the pool. The noise from the nearby interstate droned away in the back ground, the smell of the chlorine wafted in the air. I remember the layout of the place, the pool was in back of the office, which was a house with the wings of the motel built on either side. The back of the house had a tall fence around the whole pool which you could only get to by walking past the house office.

Families with other c***dren left the pool randomly or someone would walk through the gate and call other k**s back, leaving me eventually alone and bored. So being alone eventually I got out of the pool starting back to our room. Going past the back of the house, a man called to me out of a back door, asked if I wanted to see some fun pictures? Not sure who the guy was maybe father or grandfather of the motel owners? I asked, pictures of what, he said oh pictures of some really fun, exciting things. He held open the door I followed him through it, I remember it was the equipment room for the pool smelling strong of chlorine, with a drone of the pumps. Off that room a small office with a desk, couple of chairs, and small couch. He opened a desk drawer got out a box of pictures, and a Polaroid. The pictures showing k**s changing into or out of swim suits in different states of dress or undress, some in this same room. He pulled out a bunch saying these are special pictures, a big secret! Please do not tell you saw them or that you were here! He had a stack of pictures with a big red rubber band on them. He started laying them on the desk, I saw boys about my age dressed in girl’s things mostly panties, knee high or higher socks or stockings, some fully dressed in complete outfits. The pictures again some here in this room, others in a wooded area with lots of trees. I remember I had a boner going, asking why they were dressed in girl’s clothes. Oh, young boys do that sort of thing all the time, it is really fun, then asked would you like to try? He held up some stockings and opened a drawer full of other silky lacy things. As I looked, he dropped the stockings over my shoulder, pulling them back across sending chills through me. He helped me off with my suit, put a lacy white belt around me that had straps to hold up the stockings he pulled up my legs. Then he picked out a pair of lacy white panties asking me to step in them. He took some pictures of me touched and tickled me making me squirm some. Here is where it gets sketchy all of the sudden my father and others come into the room, people are yelling, someone grabs me pulls the blanket off the back of the couch wrapping it around me, dad carried me out of the office, outside past the motel office into our room. He leaves me there with my brothers and sister, storming out of the door with a blood red face!

My dad comes back with some policemen, I was still wrapped in the blanket, crying. Dad and the one of the policemen take me in a police car to a doctor’s office where he has me lay on the table, the doctor pushes and pulls on me, rolls me over then back several times. He chokes me with a tongue depressor, rolls me back over puts something in my butt rubs it around which burns terrible making me cry again, then saying that I am OK. They have some shorts, t-shirt, and shoes of mine telling me to dress. While waiting my dad and the policemen are in the room, dad saying something about, wanting to kill that guy, the policeman nodding his head yes. I was so glad to leave the doctors office. We get back to the motel our bags are packed and we go to another bigger hotel in the city close to the police station. We go into the police station a lot over the next 4 or 5 days talking to other policemen, I remember my dad lost his temper a lot, we stayed there about a week, then came home.

Jump forward 4 or 5 years making me around 15, 16 or so, I have my first girlfriend. It was spring and we were doing our annual house cleaning, the brothers, sister on their bedrooms, a couple of my friends and I had cleaned out the basement area two weekends ago, where the us k**s and friends hung out, to avoid being around the adults. The furniture and things moved out in the first bay in the garage so a painter could repaint the basement. Now the bedrooms, old clothes, and rest of the house. I went to see if dad needed anything else? Dad was cleaning out his home office. He had the file cabinet open, stacks piled here and there, with a box of files and brown envelopes set on the floor by the door marked destroy. He told me to take it to the burn barrel in the back yard put it in the pile of things to burn. I took it outside to the backyard setting it down with other things to burn later that night. As I set the box down I saw a fat envelope with, “Vacation” written on it thinking it was something that got into box by mistake, I pulled it out opened it there inside were wadded up stockings, a white lacy belt, and a pair of white panties, 20 or so pictures, a file of court documents, and a sentencing page of the court case. My heart stopped as I looked at the pictures, it was me younger, dressed in the stockings & panties, some where I was holding a man’s cock, some where I was on the man’s lap, and a few where I had the man’s cock in my mouth. All the pictures taken from his vantage point showing the lower part of him and all of me, my heart thrumming in my chest as all those memories came flooding back, I had sort of thought it was a dream that it had never happened! I took the stuff out of the envelope putting other papers into it so it still looked stuffed. I hid the papers and pictures in the garage to look at later. After dinner my next oldest brother a bully to me and my friends, and a friend who had come over to see what I was doing tonight, went out with us to burn the stuff that was stacked in the backyard. We tossed things in the fire watching it flare up and die down so we could put more in. We sat on the swing watching the things burn tossing other things in till the last of it flared to non-existence then burned down where there was no danger of catching anything else on fire. Then my older brother said see you two twerps, left to go into the house. The friend and I stayed in the garage where the furniture still was. Same friend who had watched me get my first BJ from my girlfriend. (See, “My First Real Sexual Experience”) He made mention of gotten anything else from Jenny? I said she had been by a couple of times that I had finally gotten her pants off, fingering her pussy, but she was dead set against us fucking. But I had gotten another BJ from her while I licked her pussy. Really, what did it taste like, I said it was really wet but sort of had a salty sweaty taste to it. He went back to how he had been so turned on by watching her give me a BJ that he had almost pulled out his dick and jacked off. Why didn’t you just open you pants and jack off? He and I had jacked off in front of each other at times looking at Playboys. I don’t know he replied I was just afraid I guess. I saw the lump in his pants, and felt mine too, but left it alone, I had other things on my mind. Later after my friend went home I went up into the garage attic which has two rooms over the garage area where the k**s in our family sort of had fortress of solitude area away from the adults, which no adults came up there just stood below and yelled to us to come down. It had the 2 rooms mostly storage shelves, electric lights an old air conditioner installed in one wall if it got to hot. No water no bathroom so if you needed that into the house you would go. There were two beds that got used for sleep overs if you wanted to stay up late and not get yelled at by the dad for being to loud. An old TV would get a fair B&W picture on 3 or 4 of the local stations.

There I sat with these pictures of me dressed in the stockings and panties with this guy, I didn’t know. Although his face sort of flooded into my mind’s eye, I saw him smiling at me, saying that feels good little girl, doesn’t that feel good? There were pictures of the motel bringing back more memories. I came out of the trance of thought putting down the pictures. I was rock hard, why? I read the case file found he had been convicted of k**napping, ****, and sex with a minor c***d. My head throbbed with my heart beat, and unbelievably why was I so turned on? I picked up the stockings, panties, and the lacy belt my heart raced, my breathing burned my throat it came so fast. I found the medical report, most all of it was a long explanation of an exam performed by the Dr., findings, bleeding of the anal canal due to penetration by ****, blood tests negative of diseases, no lasting physical damage. I looked at the pictures of me dressed in the stockings and panties again, then back to the file and the sentencing page where the man age of 68 known as a repeat offender he was sentenced to 10 years in a State Penitentiary. As I sat, bits and pieces of my memories came back looking at the pictures. I put the stuff away and went in the house to watch some TV and headed to bed a bit later with all this running through my head. I began to remember more how exciting the man made it sound to my younger self, I remembered that it had sounded so fun. He had said this is how grownups act you want to be a grown up right? I answered “YES” in my thoughts as I fell asleep.

It had been several weeks since I had found the file and hiding it, my dad thinking it had been destroyed. I did eventually burn the file papers keeping the pictures, stockings, belt and panties, for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of them. I had brought it into the house hiding the stuff in my room with a few Playboys pilfered from the box in dad’s closet. At the back of my closet was a place in the wall that could be lifted up then out. It was a plumbing maintenance access, but back under the floor was a perfect place to hide my little stash of erotica. The schedules after school were, my next oldest brother at swim team training, the oldest brother taking some time off before college had a job with an electrician friend of ours, the oldest my sister was taking classes at the community college then off to the YMCA to swim. My grades not good enough for sports so I walked home from school just a couple of blocks. I spent most of my afternoons alone or with a few neighborhood friends. My dad stayed downtown in his office until dinner around 6:30 to 7 about when everyone else was wandering home. Dad had hired a lady (Mrs. House keeper) to do light cleaning and cook our evening meals during the week, but we were on our own on weekends. None of my friends were around at 4ish when I got home. Knowing I was going to be alone for several hours, I went to my room opened cover in my closet pulled out the things I had hidden there. I looked at the Playboys, the models with stockings kept catching my eye. I thought about the stockings, panties, and belt, with the pictures. Already turned on so much a thought hit me to strip and put the stockings and panties on. Who would know? Our house keeper was in the kitchen, everyone else gone for several hours yet, why not? I went, getting a towel knowing I was going to dress in those things and jack off then take a shower and clean up after. So I stripped, pulling up the stockings all I can say is the feeling was so ELECTRIC put on the belt a bit tight but it stretched it was elastic, then connected the straps to the stockings pulling on the panties last.

There I was on my bed lying face down dressed in those things, my stocking covered legs rubbing on each other it felt so good, so erotic, my hard on throbbed buried in the bed. I was propped up on my elbows looking at playboys. I was so turned on, lost in my mind of all sorts of fantasies. My heart pounding in my chest from the excitement I felt, when it stopped abruptly when I heard, “WHAT THE FUCK?” I turned around there was my 2 year older brother standing in the door, his practice called off due his coach was sick. Talk about sick, my stomach flipped, my heart pounding so hard I swear he could hear it, I broke down and cried so hard asking him not to tell. He was the brother that you hear about, The Master Torturer, Terrorist, and Extortionist, all rolled into one! I had bruises all over my body at times from his punches. He was smiling what do you have, to bargain with? What do you want I said through teary eyes? Then he asked where I got the stuff, I told him actually and unwittingly giving him more ammo to blackmail me with. I showed him the pictures. He looked at them saying he remember that, that dad had been insanely mad, Told everyone to just let it rest, let it be over and forgotten, we all just sort of left it alone to the point of almost forgetting it. He looked back at me asking if I remembered anything of it. I said some is coming back, some things about the pictures mostly, and the guys face was haunting me, I remember feeling his cock both in my hands and in my ass. I remember the guy taking these pictures the flash going off in my face, the things he said getting me to think I wanted the pictures taken, that it was all my idea!

He sat there looking at me then got up and told me not to leave or get dressed or anything leaving the room. He came back naked except wrapped in his towel from the swim team, in front his cock stood proud almost pushing the towel open in front. He looked at me saying rub it, I was on the verge of tears again when he said you want me not to tell, you took dad’s files, your hiding this stuff, wearing it, with stolen Playboys from his collection! I whimpering and teary eyes reached out and started rubbing his cock. He was standing by the side of the bed almost growling has I pushed and pulled on his cock through the towel. He eventually got tired of standing and laid down on the bed dropping the towel on the floor as he got on the bed. He laid on the bed his cock an inch, inch and a half longer than my penis standing up hard and reddish purple. Maybe 7 or more inches tall. He told me to wrap my hand around it and stroke it, he wrapped his hand around mine to show me what he wanted, then let go of my hand. I stroked his cock, as he closed his eyes moaning, Feels so good!

After a while he said he wanted me to lick and suck it, I said NO! He got off the bed and said fine picking up the towel looking at me, then I will tell everyone at dinner tonight what I found you doing, I told him that I would tell what you are trying to make me do, he said prove it! I said it will be your word against mine. Then he said something that struck like a bolt of lightning! Yeah how will you explain how I knew about the stockings and pictures you have, that dad told you to burn. I started crying again begging him not to tell. He walked up to the edge of the bed sticking his cock out towards my face, I opened my mouth let him put his cock in, sliding back and forth. It wasn’t as bad as I thought I figured it would taste of pee but it didn’t really have any taste at all, and the smell of his cologne sort of eased everything I was feeling. He pulled me off his cock, laid back down on the bed then pulled my head back towards his cock, sinking my mouth back over it pulling my head down until I choked. He moaned and bucked his hips on occasion sinking his cock deeper into my mouth making me choke and gag more.

He asked me about the other stuff I had found besides what I had here? I told him about the Drs. Report and the penetration of a penis in my butt, he jumped out of bed running into the bathroom retrieving a jar of petroleum jelly coming back telling me to roll over. I did, as he pulled off the panties rubbing my butt softly sort of tickling it. It felt really good then he had a finger of jelly running it up my butt crack sort of circling my asshole. Which also felt good, then he sort of pushed a bit his finger dipping into me, I recoiled from his finger pushing into me, I thrust into the bed his finger followed dipping in a bit deeper. I jumped again and he said to stop moving, I said it hurts a bit he said to stop moving that it wouldn’t hurt if I let him use more jelly. I held my breath and he dipped more out and rubbed it around my asshole pushing his finger in a bit deeper each time. Eventually he had put his finger in all the way backed out then slowly pushed in two fingers by dipping more and more jelly into and on to my butt. His fingers stopped hurting me, actually it generated a really awesome feeling after I got over the feeling I had to poop. Then I told him it is really starting to feel good, I am feeling all tingly and my cock was is so hard it almost hurts!

After a while of fingering me he got over me like he was going to do pushups, slowly he lowered himself down on me, I felt his cock sliding around and across my butt. I knew what was coming, knowing now there was nothing I could say or do to stop it. He was holding and guiding his cock towards my ass, I felt the tip of his cock pop inside my asshole, it hurt and felt good at the same time. He pulled back a little and pushed forward some more, I felt more tingle, the room seemed to be getting warmer, I felt hot my heart raced! He pulled back, I raised up trying to follow his cock not letting him leave me. He pushed back down burying himself deeper in me. I was beginning to pant. He leaned his head down towards my ear and whispered you like this don’t you little pussy? I said it feels really good I thought wouldn’t like it but it feels really good! He pulled back and pushed even deeper into me eventually I felt his whole body lying on my back. Then he was just raising his hips and thrusting them back down on me each time he raised them I was afraid his cock was going to come out, I didn’t want that to happen I wanted him to stay there and continue doing what he was doing to me It dawned on me he was fucking me, I was a pussy now after all the times he called me that, I was his pussy now!. I was starting to think I liked my brother more now than I ever had! I thought I might have a bit of an inside channel to control him and make him stop picking on me if I let him fuck me?

We had been fucking for about 20 or 30 minutes sometimes fast and then not at all then slowly ever so slowly. Me I liked it when he was fast and a bit hard it felt good like he was touching something in me! He started breathing heavy, his body became jerky, he held his breath and slammed down onto me his arms around me pulling me as tight to him as he could. He pulled back and thrust a couple of short hard thrusts to me letting out a long deep growling groan. He pulled back again a time or two as I felt sweat dripping down on my back. I felt a rush, all warm, hot even, my stomach felt like I was riding a roller coaster that thrilled weightless feeling, the colors in the room became very intense, I was very tingly myself as he pulled his cock out of my butt and getting off of me. I turned over moving to the side of the bed sitting up, still red faced and all hot, he told me to look, I turned to where he pointed where I had laid just a second before. There was a big wet spot on the bed where I had left a puddle of my cum. He had given me an orgasm as he had fucked me leaving his cum in me. I was still very warm and very confused, he said to take a shower and clean up and remember “Don’t tell anyone!”

I showered washing my body thinking over what had happened the last couple of hours. The strange feelings with a whole new set of urges towards my brother who had just blackmailed me into fucking me. I dressed brushed my teeth to go downstairs watch some TV and wait for dinner. I had a strange feeling as I walked even though I washed the petroleum jelly out of the crack of my ass it felt as my cheeks were still slipping on each other. It actually felt good sort of silky, I thought back on my brother’s cock sliding in and out of me how warm it had felt, how hot I got and how I had an orgasm from being fucked. I was sitting in a lounge chair with my feet up on a huge foot stool with the TV on, but not watching anything. My cock was just as hard as it could be, me wishing we were doing it again. My brother came down walked into where I was watching TV walked over and threatened me about telling anyone! I looked at him and was a little teary eyed telling him I wouldn’t, that and told him how I had been sitting there with a hard on wishing we were doing it again right now. He got a strange look on his face, smiled saying I am sure I can help you out with that.

I sat at dinner pretty quiet not having much to say about anything. Dad finally asked why so quiet, which startled me back out of my day dreaming how and where I could be alone with my brother. I said no reason really, just thinking about school and Jenny my girlfriend. Dad laughed a bit and said sure it’s always a woman the k** is in love. I thought yeah I am but between the BJ I had received from Jenny a couple of weekends ago and what had just happened with my brother and I, it was my brother’s cock sliding in my butt that I was in love with. I stole a sideways glance at my brother, blushing brightly. I am sure dad thinking because I was embarrassed over being called out on being in love. Sitting there still blushing as my ass cheeks and asshole seemed to slide back and forth on the dining room chair. I swear I could feel my brother’s cock in me right at that moment. The worse thought, was I wanted his cock in me! Is there something wrong with me is this right to feel this way wanting a cock in me. No I still like Jenny, but I like my brother fucking me too, it is just two brothers being close is all.

I got up from the table cleared my dishes away from the table rinsed them, leaving them in the sink. I ran upstairs to my room got my clothes from school a few other things took them to the laundry in the basement. I went outside climbed up in the garage sitting on the couch just staring out into space. I heard the back door shut, a noise in the garage a creak on the steps so steep no one can sneak up, who was coming. I stood up went to the stairs, it was my brother. He asked why I had come out here, I told him all I could think about was how good it felt earlier and how horny I had been all evening and that I was afraid if I stayed inside that someone would pick up on my hard on! He sort of laughed saying that I was the best fuck he had ever had so far! He stared at me for a moment or three, then asked what should we do about you being so horny? I stood up looking at him for a moment, walked over to one of the beds pulled off my shirt then dropped my jeans revealing the panties and stockings underneath! He smiled even bigger as he reached out smacked my ass, reached up pinched one of my nipples hard, making me suck a hard breath! He then unbutton his jeans making me blush as I saw his hard cock in his underwear, then I smiled myself. He started to pull up his pants, I asked why he was dressing, where was he going? He said going to sneak in the house and get the petroleum jelly! I snapped wait, he turned looking at me I reached under the pillows pulled out the jar tossing it to him. He looked at me saying I am going to have so much fun with my new slut of a girlfriend as he pushed me over on the bed. I turned around on the bed facing my brother’s cock reaching out pulling him towards my mouth sliding him in as far as I could. He was holding my head fucking my mouth, my thought, Yeah I am his slut of a girlfriend!

To my dismay we got to play around that summer a bit here and there, but he was looking at colleges picking one several states away. The times we did find he was different towards me almost tender in his actions to me. After he started college, when he came home he would come with a male friend from school, at times different girls that he had picked up at college, some of them truly SLUTS in the first degree. One I even got to fuck several times, while he was out with his local friends from here at home. She was in the down stairs guest room, I heard a thump and her mutter OUCH and a fuck that hurt. I looked into the room her suitcase had fallen off the bed hit her leg then slid down landing on her foot falling open. There was all sorts of lingerie with all sorts of fashion stockings in the case too. I asked if she was okay bent over to pick up the case putting it back on the bed. I said beautiful stuff! She looked at me asking you like it? I said sure looks awesome bet it looks better filled out with body in it. She picked up some items asking would you like to see it on, I was like sure! She smiled tossing at me and said go ahead put it on. I thought what the heck we were the only two here all she could do was grab it away and say GET OUT! I took off my shirt, dropped my pants underwear starting to put it on. She was now blushing, when I asked am I the only one getting dressed, she stripped off picking up another outfit stripped putting it on. There we both were dressed like sluts, I don’t know who made the first move but I learned that day that stockings rubbing on stockings was the fastest way to start a fire.

But when it came to the girls he brought home, I was never really nice to any of them, Jealous I suppose? He got jobs in summers when home and was always at odds with our schedules, later in his college career, he got internships and never really did come home much anymore in the summer. Then he married now with a grown family with c***dren of his c***dren, still several states away. But I always smile thinking of some of the times we had, I wonder if he thinks about his little slut of a girlfriend little brother?

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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

2 years ago
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Whats a Mother to DO

Introduction: story of a mother with manyquestions to life and child rearing A WORD OF CAUTION TO ONE AND ALL: This and any other story submitted and published by perv4lilgrrls may, shall and will contain conversation, situations and instances which may seem offensive to none, some and/or all persons who dare endeavor to peruse said story(s). If you fall into any of the above categories, please be aware that constructive criticism is more than welcome. Those who just wish to complain, moan,...

3 years ago
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What Should Have Happened

Author's Note: Apologies that I've been away for so long. Hopefully with the end of the quarantine on the horizon, I'll be able to get back to writing "my sissy stories" on a regular basis. In the meantime, here's a quick piece of fiction about what I wish would have happened to me during the lockdown. FYI--the first meeting really happened. The rest is what I wish would have happened over these past few months. I hope you enjoy the fantasy, especially if you're a Master who wants to...

1 year ago
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Whats Her Price

Introduction: A website actually worked I would like to say I had a sob story, but like most people I am over dramatic about my own life. I grew up in a good home, until my parents divorced when I was in 6th grade. While my parents were both supportive and loving, I lived with my mother and missed out on a lot of Man time with my dad, so I never learned the unlimited self confidence a lot of guys have. I have seen many guys who were ugly, broke and balding still have no trouble going up to any...

2 years ago
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Whats done under the son

"Ohhh mr. Jonas!" Rayana, his new intern moaned in a voice that would make any man melt. "Please fuck me daddy!" Mr. Jonas thought that maybe for a moment he mightve been way over his head. He also kinda felt bad about the fact that he was cheating on his wife, a wonderful women who worked so hard to make their marriage work. But Rayana was so sexy she stood at 5'5 and she had ebony brown skin she had DD tits and had a round back side with nice thick legs with a clean shaved pussy....

2 years ago
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what really happened

so as many of you know me and hubby have been exploring some of our fantasies with a close friend , which has now ended due to some trust issues , a lot of you have asked what happened so here it is .we agreed to meet at grahams house on a Saturday lunchtime due to lack of privacy from our respective c***dren , i was asked to wear a dress by graham so i dressed up in new dress and heels , as we arrived at grahams house the sun was shining and a lot of his neighbors seemed to be out working in...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp fun

Last night, (Saturday) with me showing MrsC the stories I had put on here she changed, I thought I was in trouble for putting our fun into words but she liked it, we do not know where Tony is we didn't get his number (like fools) we the best friend fro the first one is still on the scene in a way, only because of the power of the internet we found him again, well MrsC started to ask questions about him when I said I had spoken to him, questions like how is he?, where is he now? Is he married"...

3 years ago
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Whatsapp Sexting With The Arabic Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, readers, I am JACK (name changed) am a very big fan of Indian Sex Stories we can read awesome stories here but I don’t think no one posted sexting ever well. I am a social freak and I regularly do sexting with random people. I am posting this conversation because Emma (girl name in the sex story) likes it. So, I am gonna share my sexting with you all. Please ignore spelling mistakes and grammar thing because it’s what’s...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp To What A Fuck

Hello everyone this is Samar from Punjab currently living in Chandigarh. I am a regular reader of ISS from many past years. Finally time to post my own story after reading thousands of stories from ISS please forgive my mistakes. I am a good looking (maybeJ) 5’11” and have athletic body 6”+ dick can satisfy a woman. I have many encounters prior to this with my girlfriends but the girl in this story was my best sex partner till date. Her name is Sonal (name changed). Her stats are 34-27-36. The...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 42 Stranger Things Have Happened

July, 1983, Milford, Ohio I walked out the door of the house to my car, leaned against it, and put my head on my arms. I took several deep breaths trying to regain my composure. I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like five minutes or so and then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. “Not now, Bethany. I’m still trying to control my emotions,” I said without looking up. “Steve, it’s Connie. What’s going on?” “Sorry. I figured it was Bethany,” I said. “She’s inside with Joyce. They went into my...

2 years ago
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What Happened

You know how it seems some people are luckier than others? You see them win the lottery or get the best job in the world. I have a friend who is like that. Tom's confident, popular with the girls and good at sports. His parents are well off. He even drives a car. Yes, he is eighteen and in high-school. Yet for some reason, I'm his best friend and he is mine. Now don't get me wrong. My parents are great just not rich. I'm not bad in sports and have had a couple of nice girl friends. But the...

1 year ago
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The Apartment Where It Happened

The Apartment Where It Happened. (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc. are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 do not read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy this story. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me. Chapter 1: Who Am I When does one know they are a sissy? I'm not talking gay. I'm talking submissive...

1 year ago
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What Happened

What Happened? by Daphne Xu A tribute to reality-shift tg stories and their authors whenever and wherever written I spotted my friend and ran over to her. "Hey, I missed you yesterday!" "I was suspended -- sent home from school yesterday morning." "So I take it you've been grounded for a couple weeks?" "Not at all. Mom took me to this nice girls water park. We had lots of...

3 years ago
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It Just Happened

It just happened Janet L. Stickney [email protected] All my life I had liked to dress up as a girl, gathering courage and experience as time went by, but when I was in college, in my own apartment, everything I had dreamed about became possible. Like all new students, it took some time to get settled in, but as soon as it was possible, maybe a month after school started, I got all dressed up, and went out. As a girl, I don't think I'm pretty, I'm merely passably average, and as...

2 years ago
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And Then This Happened

`tringgg!!!.. It was Monday morning again. I hate mondays. Not that saturday and sunday or even friday night was awesome. I had stayed home and binge watched some sitcoms over the weekend. Work was hectic. I hated to come back to reality. I liked the stories of people on these tv shows. I wanted to be like them. Living life king size but here I am struggling to make enough money to pay all the bills with my non-progressive job. I had to think 10 times before burning the money in some pubs to...

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It just sort of happened

On a cold morning as i woke up, i did not want to get out of my warm bed but i had no choice i had to use the bathroom & to shower. As i was getting wet with the warm water in the shower, my daughter, Andrea called out, "i have to use the potty so i am coming in mom, i won't flush since your showering." Before i got a word out i heard the seat being sat on & my daughter started to pee. I called out, "just be sure you remember NOT to flush, " I didn't finish when i heard her flushing...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 23 Mission 1 What the hell happened

The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...

3 years ago
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Irsquom still in awe of what happened

I’m still in awe of what happened..... My wife and I joined this site a couple of years ago. The reason we joined was because of curiosity see one day while I was at work my wife text me. The text said "Hey baby I'm in town this weekend I want to swing by and give you this big black dick" I read it and send a text to my wife hey what's this I received another text and it was a picture of a big black cock. I was sending her a text when my phone rang it was my wife. I answered and said what was...

1 year ago
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I Cannot Believe This Happened

This is a true a story and I still can not believe it happened to me. I had just finished high school two weeks ago and was all ready to go to college. I was excited to get to college and get some college pussy. I am just a regular guy, that is what makes this story so wierd. I have had girlfriends, I have sex many times. I am not super good looking nor am I butt ugly. My mom and I have had a normal relationship also. Nothing sexual, no peaking at her in the shower. My mom and dad seem to...

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What Happened

What Happened by Samantha White Well here I am at the Church waiting to get married, no problem there then you say, congratulations, I wish you all the best. I would say thank you, but there is one small problem, my name was Tom, and I was a man, now I'm called Mandy a proper woman in every way and now who is marrying someone, because I've been programmed to with constant feminising programs, by my wife or should I say ex wife Jane. It all started about two years ago, I have...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 67 A Funny Thing Happened

Monday morning. Tim could feel something in the air was ‘off’ as soon as he walked into the locker room. It was deathly quiet. Tim expected the spirits of his fellow football players to be high after the last weekend of Roosevelt football success. The JV and Freshman teams easily won their games against MacArthur, and the elation of the varsity win was still riding high if the number of requests for interviews in his email were to serve as a barometer. Tim quickly learned, though, that the...

1 year ago
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Prequel to Something interesting happened

People have asked and yes, sis and I have history. So here goes.We grew up in a very strict home. Mom was sweet and loving. Dad was ............. tough. Neither of us were allowed to date until we turned 18. No boy/girl parties, no proms, no pretty much anything. I could play sports. That was about it for me. Sis didn't even have that.Being that strict really doesn't work. People find other ways ........Folks that grew up in similar situations know what I mean.Sis married the first guy she...

2 years ago
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Still cant believe this happened

Something happened three weeks ago at a family get together. More specifically, my wife's family get together. They were celebrating one of my wife's nieces birthdays.Now it's not that I don't like my wife's family or anything, because most of them are actually pretty cool. The reason I wasn't looking forward to getting together with them was because this time we had to pick up and drop off my mother in law and her crabby asshole husband. My father in law had pasted away two years prior to...

1 year ago
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Still cant believe this happened

Something happened three weeks ago at a family get together. More specifically, my wife's family get together. They were celebrating one of my wife's nieces birthdays.Now it's not that I don't like my wife's family or anything, because most of them are actually pretty cool. The reason I wasn't looking forward to getting together with them was because this time we had to pick up and drop off my mother in law and her crabby asshole husband. My father in law had pasted away two years prior to...

3 years ago
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Is This Where It Happened

This is a true story that happened when I was still in college, in the early seventies. This was the post Woodstock period where love was free, sex was safer and more carefree. The biggest worries with sex besides pregnancy was the two "Cs", clap and crabs. I never had the clap, but crabs is a story for another time. I was 20 years old and was considered to be very sexy for the times with my hippie look with my long light brown hair with a sprinkle of a few white hairs, light brown hazel eyes,...

Straight Sex
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Hot for Teacher True Story what really happened

Author's Note: This is the true story of what happened between me and a teacher of mine when I was 18. I plan to follow this story up with a story about what I wished happened instead, a fantasy version.---------She was the biggest woman I'd ever seen. In stature and in character. 6'3" on a good day without heels, and completely in control of any situation. A bossy bitch, but just nice enough that you felt compelled to argue and to fight back. A drop-dead gorgeous redhead with skin pale as milk...

2 years ago
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Youll Never Guess What Happened

Dear Penthouse, unlike most of your letters claiming they never thought they would ever have a reason to write, I had an experience with an ending so odd, I just had to share it. I am a sophomore at a large Midwestern University, working my way through it as a full-time pizza delivery driver. I’ve had several encounters have written about, but this one happened after work. I deliver for a huge national chain which only offers carry-out and delivery. I’m very good at my job and so I have a...

1 year ago
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Senior Year Part IIChapter 21 Cindy Happened

Friday January 6 “I can barely walk this morning. My insides are throbbing, and they ache. It feels like I’ve given birth to a twelve-pound bowling ball. Doing it with David is a mix of ‘hell, yes, it was worth it,’ and pleasurable pain. He hit the spot that made me shiver. My ass has his handprint on it, and it looked so hot I took a selfie of it in the bathroom mirror. I now know why Brook talks about him doing her until her toes can’t even wiggle. The boy is a beast in bed,” Lexi was...

3 years ago
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What Really Happened

“Andrew Pearson, you’re under arrest.” Those were the first words I understood since I had been knocked to the floor. My arms were yanked painfully behind my back and handcuffed so tight that I thought my hands were being cut off. I had gone to answer the front door, but as soon as I opened it, I was bowled over by at least four uniformed officers barging into my house. I was roughly dragged to my feet as three more people in civilian suits walked into my house. “Mr. Pearson, this is a...

2 years ago
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A Funny Thing Happened

Prologue ‘Hey Sim, are you doing anything Monday night?’ ‘Hey Gin, Monday, the 14th?’ A pause. ‘No, nothing special. Why?’ ‘Couple of the girls and I are having a little impromptu gathering in the green room. Be nice if you stopped by.’ A short pause, then: ‘Jason’s cool with it.’ Jason was the Company Manager, and if he wasn’t cool with it just yet, he soon would be. ‘Alright, that sounds like fun. Shall I bring anything…or? ‘Nah. Don’t worry about it. Just bring yourself.’ Sim gave a...

1 year ago
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It Just Happened

It Just Happened!Jim and Lucy have three grown daughters; all of them beautiful, and all of them married to older men. Each daughter had initially married someone their own age, only to replace them after a couple years with someone closer to their Dad's age. There may be a hidden message in that fact, but who knows. It can be truthfully said that never during the time the girls lived at home with their Dad, did he ever entertain the thoughts of fucking any one of them. He was their father and...

2 years ago
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I still dont know what happened

I did cheat on my boyfriend and I honestly still don't know how I could do it or what I should do now. For now I can't tell him or anybody else, I know I just can't.  I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and before that we were talking for about a year. I met him in high school and I truly love him with all of my heart. I want to be with him and love him and share everything with him but right now I don't know what to do. I can't tell him because I know him and I know this would break his...

2 years ago
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It happened

We had a very open relationship, not to the point where we slept with other people. I mean it was open in the way we talked about our desires and wants. My wife and I had been together for over 20 years and we still loved to fuck. Hardest periods of our marriage had been when my wife was pregnant and we were told not to have sex due to her difficult pregnancy. This happened at both of them. But we got two beautiful k**s so it had been ok not to fuck my wife. My statement about us not sleeping...

1 year ago
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Cant Remember What Happened

Sally's brain activated before her body. A switch came on inside her head, a rusty and disused one, like forcing an old circuit breaker back up. Must open eyes, she thought, but can't, they're too heavy. She felt her face pressed into the surface as if it had been in that one spot for years. She could feel the dents in her skin, the old pool of dribble at the corner of her mouth. Where was she, she tried to remember. Boom boom, throbbing in her head. Aah, came the quiet moan from her throat,...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 62 What Happened

I was standing by the "Hotdog-on-a-Stick" in the food court, when someone yelled fight. Everyone rushed the door but they were just crowding around trying to see; no one was going outside. Knowing Jimmy was outside I forced my way to the front to see if he was okay. I saw him punching a boy and I was starting to push the door open when the guard grabbed my arm. "Whoa there, young lady, you don't need to get any closer." I whirled and screamed, "That's my brother!" I could see the...

1 year ago
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What Just Happened

"I am buying Jack a Condo as soon as I can." I chirped as I entered the house. I am Bob, just plain Bob, an average guy with an average life but a momentous problem. My wife Lynn, the high and mighty Mistress Lynn of my house, was a controlling bitch who showed her true colors three months after we got married and since then, in the ensuing three years, my life has gone from bad to worse. Jack has just made my life much easier. Lynn looked up and said, "What?" "I'm going to buy Jack a...

3 years ago
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How David Happened

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is NOT an erotic story. *** Catriona Hamsun blinks and screws her eyes tight. Chrissake. It’s morning, maybe even afternoon, and the sun is shining through a broken pane of glass up there in the roof – right into her eyes, a Gestapo desk-lamp. She should feel good about this. Isn’t sunlight supposed to cheer you up? Catriona is fairly sure she read about this in some magazine, somewhere. Something to do with vitamins, wasn’t it? Whatever. At this moment in time there is...

2 years ago
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The Summer Dress What Really Happened

The Summer Dress - What really happened Chapter 1 Synopsis: When I was about ten, I remember playing with one of the neighbours kids Joanne in her upstairs bedroom. Her mother came into the room and asked her what she wanted to do with a summery type dress she took out of the wardrobe. Joanne said to bin it and I asked her why she wanted to when it was a nice dress. She said if I liked it, then I could have, to try it on. I told her not to be silly, but then wanted to try it on but...

1 year ago
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What Happened

What Happened?It was gone midnight when you came in. I expected you to be late but of course, I waited up in bed for you."Well?" I asked eagerly as you came into the bedroom, looking every bit as seductive as when he picked you up a few hours earlier. You just slipped off your black leather boots and let your wrap-over dress fall open, before easing it off your shoulders and onto the floor.There was no attempt to remove your sheer black tights or lacy black body that you'd bought especially...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Whats love without stupidity

Introduction: Young couple who fall in love and fall back out what will happen? The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. Kevin kicked back the reclining chair, raising the footrest, and...

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Whats wrong with it

Lew- I took this from a Blog I was advised to read. I contacted the lady through the anonymity of email who gave permission to reproduce here but did not want to meet or be identified in any way - understandably - just so long as the names were changed. She wrote it in 2015 and it was “her therapy” to assuage any guilt about it but assured me she and her family are all happy satisfied individuals without any ‘hangups’ - here’s her story. My name is Marie and I’ve been very happily married to...

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It just happened

He has strict rules in his house and they follow them. He did not want the temptations that naked or scantily clad young females can cause. Now don’t get the wrong impression; he isn’t a tyrant or a dictator, out to smother their feminine charms or personalities. As young children they were always allowed to roam around the house in their pajamas, but the pajamas couldn’t be provocative. They were allowed to wear cotton pajamas tops that were either long sleeve or short sleeve; and cotton...

4 years ago
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Whats A Master The End

Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. It was my downfall. And again, like Icarus, it was my own fault. I made a bad decision, and I came spinning down from the heights of passion to the depths of despair. My story was going so well. Ursula cared deeply for me, her Roger, and I adored her with my complete soul. Who would have thought it would end this way? Cynthia and Carl had broken up. Who was to blame for that? I hadn’t a clue, really. Perhaps nobody was. Perhaps it was just life...

2 years ago
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Whats Her Price The Bedroom

Introduction: My evening with Chloe continues I followed behind Chloe as she lead me to her bedroom, my feet shuffling since my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. She didnt turn on the light in the bedroom, but the ​light from the living room was sufficient to give the bedroom a nice ambiance. Chloe had switched on her ​sleep sounding machine, and the room was filled with the sounds of a thunderstorm on a beach. Chloe grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to her and wrapped my...

2 years ago
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whats wrong with rubber lingerie

Came home from the club last night, great evening, I don't drink anyway so no bad heads and knew what I was doing.Went and had a shower and was in bed by about 1130pm. Being Saturday the next day, no work so could have a little lay in. I woke at about 9am and sun was shining, clock is running oddly, says its Sunday 3rd, I went to bed on Saturday 2nd, Odd.Got out of bed and glimpsed myself in the mirror and nearly passed out. I like to wear a little fem gear, usually just tights (pantyhose) or...

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Whats up Doc Part 2

They commanded her to undress and get up on the steel operating table.Much to their chargin she spat at them and told them to fuck off.As he grabbed the scalpel.Jason felt his cock spring to life.He sliced her wickedly,from just below her left shoulder blade down onto her boob.The slash was about 2 inches and deep.She started bleeding profusely.In slow motion she looked down at her breast and the growing crimson patch.When she looked back up at them the change the cut had wreaked on her was...

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