From Best Friends To Lovers free porn video

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James and his best friend, Lakyrra, were on their way to a kegger. They'd grown up together, wound up at the same college - Varden University - and now they were both going to their first college party together. The two 18-year-olds knew one thing for certain—there would be enough alcohol there to fill an Olympic-sized pool.

James frowned and turned his SUV left at the intersection.

"So…I'll take that as a 'no,'" Lakyrra smirked. Soon she was smiling at him. They were hopelessly lost and yet instead of getting pissed off about it, she was just smiling at him.

James started grinning like an idiot.

"What?" The girl's eyebrows went up.

"Nothing, it's just…"

"Yes…?" Lakyrra's eyes narrowed. "Don't make me tickle it out of you."

"I just love how you don't let stuff upset you. You just go with it. You're my adaptable little sidekick," he teased.

"I am not little!"

James chuckled at this. Compared to his 6'2 figure, she certainly wasn't big. Lakyrra was slender, maybe 5'2, with compact yet generous bubble-shaped breasts and a well-toned body. The girl's silky hair was rough but shiny as it swept down to the middle of her back. Her skin was the lightest shade of mahogany and accented her vivid, fudge-brown eyes. When those eyes were begging for him to do something, James found it very hard to say no.

"Hey, stop tickling me," he laughed. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry for calling you little, just stop! Hey, I’m driving here. You want me to run into someone?"

Lakyrra made a gesture at the country road surrounded by nothing but cornfields, hills, and forests. Not a soul to be seen or heard. "Hit someone. You're kidding, right?" She shook her head. "Why did our parents have to send us to a college that is literally in the middle of nowhere?"

Before he could really think about it, James reached out his hand and took Lakyrra's in a firm grasp, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Because the scholarships made it free. Duh. Besides, it's not as bad as all that."

"Oh? Isn't it?"

James looked Lakyrra up and down. For all she liked to pout, Lakyrra was versatile and courageous in her own way. In fact, that's what he loved about her. Like right now. They were lost in the middle of nowhere, and she was just rolling with the punches. That was just who Lakyrra was. No matter where they went, whatever happened, it was just the two of them against the world—had been ever since they were in 3rd grade together. In that one respect, not much had changed…except there was one thing which had…and in the biggest way.

"Hello? You there? Stop spacing out on me," Lakyrra said. She snapped her fingers near James' face.

"Sorry, just thinking."

The truth was, ever since last year James had started to feel something for Lakyrra…and it was a hell of a lot more than just the affection between close childhood friends. He hadn't yet found that opening to ask her the question that was burning inside of him. He thought she was starting to feel the same way though. Lately they'd been flirting a lot more. Maybe 'flirting' wasn't the right term, but James didn't know what to call it. What did you call it when your 'friend' came over to your dorm room late at night and the two of you got into a wrestling match in your underwear, then almost ended up kissing each other before said friend awkwardly said she had to go?

The sound of a siren interrupted James' thoughts. He and Lakyrra glanced back to see a police cruiser, of all things, riding their bumper.

"Was I speeding? Oh crap."

"Calm down, James. It'll be fine. We weren't doing anything wrong," Lakyrra reassured.

Three minutes later, James had pulled over to the side of the country road. A police officer got out and walked up to James' window. He looked at the two teenagers for a long while before gesturing at the two.

"Sir, Ma'am, I'm going to need you two to exit the vehicle and come with me."

"What? Officer, what's the problem? I haven't done anything," James protested.

"I'm Officer Drummond and this is Officer Hernandez." Lakyrra and James glanced back, startled to see a second officer had snuck up on the other side of the vehicle.

"Look what I found," Hernandez said. He lifted up a small baggie with a white substance and an open bottle of vodka. "In plain sight in the backseat of the vehicle. Looks like we'll have to book these two and throw them in lock-up. What a shame."

"Those aren't mine!" James cried. "What the hell's going on here?"

Officer Drummond leaned against the open window. His eyes were shielded with sunglasses, so James and Lakyrra couldn't see them. It added to the chilling effect of his next words.

"Listen, boy. You and your girl are going to do exactly what we say…unless you want us to take you back to town for booking. You feel like getting arrested today?"

"N-no," James sputtered. "Of course not. You can't do this, though. This is wrong! We haven't done anything! You just can't…you can't do this!"

"Clearly we can," Hernandez chimed in, leaning at the open window on the other side of the vehicle. His eyes veered toward Lakyrra. He was clearly undressing her in his mind, the way he leered at her. It sent a chill down James' spine as outrage surged in his chest.

"Look, this is illegal, what you're doing. You won't get away with it!" he warned.

Drummond just tapped his fingers on the window. "You let us worry about that, boy. Right now we have two respectable men of the law and two young teenage lawbreakers. Who do you think anyone's going to believe? Hmm?"

Lakyrra and James exchanged a look of panic. Lakyrra leaned forward so she could look directly at Drummond.

"Wh-what do you want us to do?"

"First, hand us your licenses. Then get out of the car." Lakyrra and James reluctantly obeyed. They kept exchanging looks. James took Lakyrra's hand and squeezed it to try to comfort her. Oh god…His heart was pounding now. What were these two psychos going to do next?

Hernandez and Drummond led the couple to the back of the SUV.

"Lakyrra Jordan and James Krayle. Both 18. Ah, college students, right? You wouldn't be heading to an underage drinking party near here, would you?"

James and Lakyrra pretended like they had no idea what he was talking about. Officer Drummond chuckled.

"You two make an awful pair of liars, you know that?" He glanced at his partner, Hernandez. Hernandez was a tough-looking guy with a beard, and built like a bear. "What do you think, partner? Do these two deserve punishing?"

Hernandez nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. Let's get down to business."

Drummond pulled his weapon and pointed it at the two teens.

"You're coming with us."

James and Lakyrra looked like they wanted to bolt, but then they looked at the gun in the man's hand. Although they were pretty sure the officer was bluffing, they couldn't be sure…and that's what made them decide to obey. Officer Drummond blindfolded them and led them through a wooded area to a small cabin hidden by a thick line of trees. To the two teens, the forced march seemed to take forever, and by the time they got there both were disoriented. Drummond unlocked the front door and took off their blindfolds. The cabin was basically one big room with an open concept kitchen, a rickety bed in the center. Drummond gestured toward the bed. No one came here often…the place smelled of neglect.

"Have a seat." Drummond gestured toward the bed with his handgun. Lakyrra and James sat down.

"Look, we're sorry we lied," Lakyrra said. "We were heading to the kegger, okay, we admit it! Now please will you just let us go?"

Drummond was about 50, with hard, slate-gray eyes and a stoic face. He knelt near the couple on the bed and gave them a frank, smoldering look.

"Look, sweetie, I'll make things very plain and simple to you and your boyfriend.

"He's not my boyfriend," Lakyrra protested.

"Well none of that matters now," the sadistic officer said. "You and your 'boyfriend' here are going to give us a good show, and if you don't…well, then you'll find out that there are worse things we can do to you. Understood?"

Lakyrra's and James' eyes both widened in fear.

"Now, take off your clothes first." Drummond stood up and made an impatient gesture with his gun.

Lakyrra looked at James, and he looked at her.

"You can't…please!" James protested. The officer pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Any more backtalk from either of you, I'll cuff you two right here and take you to the station. We'll have you booked for drug possession for starters. We can go down a nice, long list. I think we can add 'resisting arrest,' right partner?"

Hernandez nodded as he took up a chair near the bed and stretched out his legs. "Oh yeah."

Seeing that there was no way out, Lakyrra and James finally gave up. Lakyrra took off her tank top and jeans, and folded them up in a little pile. She moved slowly, as if by stalling for time somehow the officers might change their minds or someone might come save them. Meanwhile James took off his T-shirt and shoes, shorts, then his socks and boxers. Lakyrra took off her bra and slipped her panties down her legs before folding them neatly on top of her discarded clothes. She was sitting Indian-style on the bed, one hand covering her pussy, the other hand trying to cover her breasts.

"Please don't do this," she begged.

"Shut up, bitch." Now Drummond's lust was readily apparent, and with it he'd become more savage. He looked the naked teenager up and down, enjoying the view. His cock was bulging in his pants—that much Lakyrra could definitely see.

"Take your hands away so we can see your tits and pussy. Do it." He had taken out a little three-tailed nylon whip. It was clearly a sex toy that the twisted officer apparently kept on the premises. The tendrils were beaded—enough to make the whip sting and cause pain, but not leave any lasting marks. With a sudden jerk of the wrist, he slammed the whip's tendrils along Lakyrra's back. The girl yelped.

"You heard me, bitch." She removed her hands. She felt so degraded. She was blushing as both officers greedily took in her naked body, her lush, firm breasts and pussy enshrouded with just the faintest trace of pubic hair, like peach fuzz.

"Sit at the edge of the bed and open your legs wider, slut. We want to SEE your pussy." Lakyrra did as she was told. A deep blush colored her cheeks as she tried not to think about what she was doing—or what James, poor James, was now seeing. If she could have died from sheer humiliation, she would have.

That's when things took an unexpected turn…

James knew where this was headed. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. He also knew that if he was going to be forced to do things to this girl he thought he was starting to love as more than just a friend…then he wanted the two of them to have at least some control over the awful experience.

Without warning, James moved off the bed and knelt between Lakyrra's legs. He looked up at her briefly. His eyes said it all. 'We have to do this. Let me at least make it good for you. Let me at least give you pleasure.'

Lakyrra's eyes widened. "James…" she half-protested, but her protests died mid-sentence as he leaned between her legs. His tongue flicked across her clitoris, and then he was gently tonguing her sex, exploring her silken folds with the patience of a true boyfriend who just loved and wanted to care for his girl.

The two officers exchanged a pair of startled glances. Hernandez chuckled.

"Looks like we have a real go-getter here."

Drummond nodded. "Yes. Now isn't this special? Looks like these two might not need as much prodding as we thought." At first there was just the sound of James' gentle suckling and licking at Lakyrra's pussy…until a few moments later Drummond's three-tailed whip slapped hard across Lakyrra's breasts.


"Please don't hurt her!" James begged as he withdrew his tongue briefly from the girl's cunt.

"I was just getting your little slut's attention. Now thrust out those breasts while your boyfriend eats out your pussy," Drummond ordered. Lakyrra did just that, feeling so degraded as she thrust her supple cones outward, the nipples beaded up with arousal as James' tongue re-inserted itself between her cunt lips, stroking and caressing her in a way that felt so, so wrong.

Officer Drummond leaned over, fondling the girl's breasts. Lakyrra shut her eyes. She focused all of her thoughts only on what was happening between her legs, on James' loving, tender strokes and caresses. She refused to think about the creep who was touching her breasts.

"Ohhh, I don't think she likes that," Hernandez said with amusement. "She doesn't like you feeling up her tits while her boyfriend tries to give her pleasure."

"Is that so?" Drummond growled. He slapped the girl across the face—not hard enough to leave a mark, just enough to startle her and bring her attention fully on him.

"Is that true, little cunt? Do you hate the thought of me touching your hot young tits?" He pinched each of the girl's nipples, wresting a whimper from Lakyrra's mouth. Then he cupped her chin and forced her gaze to meet his own. "Answer me, slut."

"Please…stop touching me!" she protested. "This is sick."

"Give me a good lover's kiss and I'll stop," Drummond promised. He leaned forward and Lakyrra let the vile man kiss her. She didn't kiss him back, she just let him maul her lips and mouth with his nasty tongue. When he drew back to sit down, she felt a burst of relief. It was fleeting though. Now, as Drummond unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants, his huge, elongated shaft erupted into view.

He sat on a chair beside his partner and continued to watch the 'show.'

"Keep going at it, lovebirds. We'll give you a little direction now and then, especially if we think you're being too lazy or slow. Give us a show to remember…or you'll regret it. We can make things much worse for you."

Hernandez nodded, chiming in with his partner. "Oh yeah. MUCH worse."

Trying to ignore the two monstrous men behind him, James just focused on Lakyrra's needs. On her soft, sensual body. On giving her the pleasure and care she deserved, despite this nightmare that, for the time being, had entrapped them both. His hands stroked the girl's inner thighs. He trailed kisses along those inner thighs and then resumed licking out her sex. Her soft little breaths and sighs told him that she was grateful for each and every touch, despite the sick bastards who were watching their every move. Slowly, tentatively at first, Lakyrra's hands shifted into James' hair. She massaged his scalp as his tongue slid deeper into her sex, laving out her slowly gathering wetness. He could taste her on his tongue now—the unmistakable, delicious flavor of cunt cream on his palate. Her pungent scent of arousal scrambled his senses in the best way possible.

To hell with the two officers. Right now James and Lakyrra were creating their own little world of sensations together…and, despite the humiliation involved, they were determined to show each other a new depth of emotion that neither had fully been willing to acknowledge before. Love.

"I think they're getting a little too lost in their own little world," Hernandez grunted.

Drummond nodded. "Yep, this hot little slut's enjoying herself too much. Let's make her earn her reward." So saying, Drummond took the three-tailed whip and slammed it across Lakyrra's chest.

"AAYY!" Lakyrra groaned.

"Hands to your sides, tits thrust forward, bitch. You started slouching again. We can't have that."

The slender teenager did as her captor told her. She thrust out her supple cones, groaning as the next lash of the whip came down with a resounding SMACK on her sensitive young breasts. Even after she'd done as the cruel man asked, he continued to whip her chest, a constant cadence of smacks that filled the cabin.

"UHHH!!!" Lakyrra wailed. "Please, I'm doing what you asked!"

James interrupted his cunt-slurping worship just long enough to protest on his best friend's behalf. "Please stop hurting her!"

But Drummond's response was just another flick of his wrist as—SMACK—the tendrils of the whip slapped hard across the teenage girl's tits yet again.

"You haven't even felt hurt yet, bitch. And YOU, boy…keep working on that pussy. If you really love your girl, you'll be able to make her CUM even with my whip slapping her sexy tits. So less talking and more cunt-munching would be a good idea."

Drummond continued to whip Lakyrra's breasts. Meanwhile, James had to secretly admit— a small part of him was thankful for one thing. By forcing Lakyrra to sit upright and thrust her chest out, the sadistic cops were also making her thrust her pubic mound forward, giving his tongue even better access to her intoxicating pussy. James took full advantage of it, his tongue working furiously to bring the girl more and more pleasure. Finally, at long last, she was nearing a breathless climax despite the whip's torments.

James could taste so much of her pungent cream now. It was flowing out of her slit, into his mouth. He loved her taste. He loved the way her body was responding to his care, even if he hated, hated every second of being under the thumb of these two cruel men. His tongue lapped at the girl's inner labia before twirling and diving into her wetness. He sucked hard on her clit, nipping at it with his teeth, and then capturing that little nerve bundle and sucking even more fervently. The young man slid his hands underneath Lakyrra's thighs, his fingers sliding around and upward to cup her sexy ass as the moment finally came. Lakyrra's naked body shuddered on the bed.

"Oh god. James. Oooohhh!" She ground her crotch into his face as her cunt convulsed around his tongue. Fluids streamed into his mouth as he greedily lapped up the delicious nectar of his best friend. Her spasms continued in a long, degrading torrent of sexual bliss punctuated by her low, plaintive cry of ecstasy and the sound of the whip landing on her fragile young breasts with one deafening slap after another.

Drummond finally relented on the whipping. But he rushed forward as Lakyrra's chest was still heaving from her orgasm. He looped the whip's central strand around the girl's neck and yanked her head back as he stared into her eyes.

"Did you enjoy that, little cunt? Having your boyfriend lick your pussy to climax? Answer me, bitch!"

With a look of dazed, sated pleasure and humiliation vying for dominance on the girl's face, Lakyrra admitted the truth.

"I…yes, Sir. I…I liked it." Her gaze slipped to James, and that's when she saw it. Her best friend's cock. It was stiff and hard for her. It was tall, with so much blood coursing through his engorged shaft as it sprang up between his legs. Hernandez sauntered over, noticing the same thing.

"Ooh, now what have we here? It looks like your boyfriend has quite the erection. Sucking on your pussy definitely put him in the mood. Why don't you return the favor?"

Lakyrra's eyes lingered on James' hard cock. A tiny part of her warmed at the thought of taking it in her mouth, but a bigger part of her was so outraged and disgusted by what these men were making them do. She squirmed and struggled.

"Let us go, you bastards." But that only made Drummond tighten the whip's hold around her neck, choking her as he growled.

"You do what we say or I'll snap your neck. You hear me, little cunt?" Gasping and coughing as Drummond released her, Lakyrra found herself being thrust to the floor. By now both Hernandez and Drummond had their pants off, their stiff cocks swinging freely as they moved. While Hernandez forced James to take Lakyrra's place on the bed, Lakyrra knelt between her best friend's legs. She stared at the stiff, young cock of the boy who cared so much for her. There was a glistening, pearled drop of pre-cum at the tip of his cock. With a shudder, the girl leaned forward and swept it up with her tongue.

"I'm sorry, James," she whispered.

"It's okay, Lakyrra. None of this is your fault," he sighed. His hands gathered up her hair away from her face as she went down on him, her mouth smothering his shaft. She sucked him tentatively at first, then more and more deeply. Her jaw rippled as she began to really take him in deep, her moist mouth tight and wet and warm around his straining penis. The feel of her hot mouth on him almost undid the boy prematurely. He groaned, straining to hold back his orgasm as the cum churned within his testicles. She gurgled, going down him almost balls-deep, her nose brushing against his pubic muff.

"Uhhh!" he groaned.

"That's enough, whore! We don't need him coming too soon," Drummond barked. He grasped Lakyrra by the nape and pulled her mouth off of the boy's dick. She coughed, pre-cum dangling from her lips and chin. She went to wipe her mouth, but Drummond's hand caught her wrist.

"No, little cunt. You just let that cum glisten on your face. It makes you look sexy. Now say 'Yes Master.' Let me hear your cooperation."

Lakyrra couldn't believe these twisted freaks. She just hoped that she and James would somehow survive this. The girl looked up sullenly at her captor, all too aware of the gooey pre-cum oozing down her chin.

"Yes Master," she said.

"Good." Drummond stood up, pulling the beautiful, slender teenage girl upright and pointing at James' now saliva-coated shaft.

"Now for the best part. You get to fuck your boyfriend's hard-on." Lakyrra stared at James' manhood, tall and erect as ever after the attentions of her mouth. She shook her head.

"No! Please! I'm not…I'm not on birth control."

"Too bad, little cunt. We don't care," Hernandez growled as he came up beside her. One hand cupped her shapely ass while his other hand fondled her left breast with deceptive tenderness.

Lakyrra groaned, pleading with her captors. "Please, I don't want to get pregnant. You can't do this to us." The girl's cute face looked so forlorn as Drummond gently stroked her cheek. The gesture felt so odd from the cruel man, but what he did next sent a strange sense of relief flooding the girl's chest.

"Maybe we can be merciful." His gaze flicked to Hernandez. "Maybe we can let her try out our new toy." Hernandez grunted with approval as Drummond retrieved something from a drawer and handed it to Lakyrra. At first the girl didn’t know what she was looking at. It was a ring of metal that resembled a handcuff. She looked at him with confusion.

"It's a cock-ring, bitch. You snap it in place underneath his balls. It'll keep his cock nice and hard and—more importantly for your purposes—it might keep him from gushing in your pussy." Officer Drummond gave her a thin smile. "So…no more excuses, young slut…birth control or not. Get busy. Let's see you put that around your boyfriend's balls and shaft."

Not believing that this was actually happening, the lithe bi-racial girl knelt near her best friend's cock. She snapped the magnetic cock-ring in place so that James' swelling testicles and fully engorged manhood took on a deeper shade of reddish-purple with all the blood trapped inside his male organ. With a start, she felt the whip slam against her backside.

"Good job, slut. Now hurry up and mount that cock. We want to see a fuck-show. Make it good or we might decide to give your boyfriend a tutorial on how to fuck properly. Either you fuck his cock or you fuck OURS." Seeing the two leering men with their raging hard-ons bobbing close by, that was all it took to give Lakyrra the motivation she needed. The lithe naked girl quickly straddled James' body as she pushed him onto his back.

"I'm so sorry, James."

"Don't be," he murmured. "I love you, Lakyrra." There. He'd said it. Her heart skipped a beat as his words hit her, devastating because they were so genuine. She tried to ignore the flutters of her heart that began as the care in his eyes leapt out at her. The sexy girl just moaned as her cunt lips brushed along the tip of his shaft, and then she was sinking down on him, impaling her wetness with one long, easy stroke. She sighed, gripping his cock with her cunt like a soft, dripping-wet glove. Her sexy ass bounced up and down as she pumped her pussy up and down the shaft of the boy she loved. Yes, she was willing to admit that to herself. She loved him too, damn it. This, of all times, seemed like the worst moment to have such an epiphany. To realize you loved someone in this nightmarish situation seemed like a cruel joke. Yet it was true.

"That's a good bitch," Drummond coaxed. "Now tell your boyfriend how much you like fucking his cock. Let's hear some dirty sex-talk. That turns us on, right partner?"

Hernandez nodded. He sauntered up, his hands massaging the girl's shoulders from behind as she humped James' cock. With deceptive tenderness he leaned over and kissed the top of the girl's head.

"Yes, little cunt, I love watching your ass wiggle as you grind on his lap and fuck yourself. Keep doing what you're doing, and let's hear that sex-talk my partner's talking about."

With Hernandez' awful words in her ear, Lakyrra obeyed. She moaned, splaying her fingers wide on James' chest. Her cunt lips made a tight seal around James' girth as her sex pumped back and forth, back and forth, with such hard, bone-jarring plunges. Each time her pussy would come more than two-thirds of the way off of her best friend's shaft, only to come plunging back downward until her cunt lips were smacking against James' crotch with only his balls and the silver outline of the cock-ring visible.

"Uuuuhhh! James, I love your cock inside me," she crooned, and the worst part of it all was that even though these cruel men were making her say it, it was the absolute truth. She looked down at him, her cunt lips slurping up his cock as she impaled her sex again and again and again with the zeal of a true lover. James' awe-filled face told her that he was enraptured every second her pussy hugged his shaft. For James, each heartbeat that her cunt claimed his cock, hugging him tightly in her wet folds, was like a drug he never wanted to stop taking. He gave a strangled cry, his balls churning, striving for release as his cock desperately wanted to come inside the girl he cared about.

"Uuuuuuuhhh!" James groaned as if he was dying. He still couldn't come. That cruel cock-ring squeezed his balls and cut off his blood-flow.

"I love you, James. Fuck me. It's okay, baby. Fuck my pussy," she sighed. "This pussy belongs to you, James. My heart belongs to you. Uhh!" She sighed, her breasts aching with the same arousal that was pooling between her thighs. A fiery burn shot through her pussy as she reached down with one hand, rubbing her clitoris as the friction of James' shaft drove her to the edge…and then beyond.

"James! I'm…oh god…I'm coming!" she wanted him to hear the love and lust in her voice—reserved only for him—as she gushed violently on his straining dick. Her breasts shook, her body trembling all over as the orgasm crushed her like a man's foot might crush a soda can. By the time the orgasm finished having its way with her, turning her mind and body into pleasure-dazed slush, she was hardly aware of much of anything besides the delicious warmth of James' stiff cock still inside of her.

And that's when things took a horrible turn.

"Did we say you could CUM, little whore? No, we did not. Time for punishment," Drummond shouted. He reached down, unsnapping the cock-ring and tossing it aside. Then he grasped the girl by the nape of the neck as he thrust the point of his gun up against her left breast.

"You keep fucking that cock until he comes inside of you. Do it, bitch, unless you want me to pull this trigger."

"No. Please! I don’t want to get pregnant," Lakyrra moaned. But she stared at his intimidating gun, felt the cold press of metal up against her left breast, and she moved her hips faster. Her shapely ass bounded up and down as her cunt slid up and down that shaft with desperate, horribly coerced zeal. Still, a tiny part of Lakyrra was just singing with pleasure. Her slit was dripping with arousal and the tiniest part of Lakyrra had to admit one thing: If she wanted any man to come inside her pussy and possibly get her pregnant, it was her best friend from childhood…the best friend whom she now realized had awakened so much more inside of her. So many complicated emotions, but one above all others—love.

"Lakyrra! I'm so sorry! AAAHHH!!" James groaned as if his soul might be leaking out when the moment of eruption came. His cock twitched and spurted madly inside her sex. She felt his spunk warm up her insides, spurt after spurt of seed filling up her young pussy as she wondered whether one of those swimmers might reach its goal and get her pregnant. But the naked captive had little time to dwell on the possibility. As soon as James was done groaning underneath her, Drummond was pulling her by the hair, dragging her off the bed.

"All right, you sexy whore. Now kneel! Open that mouth wide and keep your eyes open! Do it!"

Lakyrra obeyed. It was too late before she realized what was happening. Both Drummond and Hernandez were pumping their long, stiff cocks right in her face. Now, as if planned, the two men began to come almost simultaneously.

"AHHH!! Take my load, little slut. All over your cute face," Hernandez bellowed. The corrupt cop's cock twitched in a frenzy as thick strands of cum shot along the girl's forehead, in her hair, more landing between her eyes and oozing down her nose…and then even more spurts of cum shooting across her lips, which she'd clamped shut just in time.

"My turn, bitch. UGH!" Drummond's fingers curled around his cock, pumping furiously as he gushed. She squeezed her eyes shut with disgust, but she could feel the warm cum wherever it landed on her skin almost as if it were branding her. Huge flecks of cum shot onto the lower part of the girl's face and then further down, peppering her shoulders and breasts. One final huge spurt hit right between her supple cones, sliding down in a gooey line that finally ended at her belly button.

James stared aghast at the girl he loved. Her whole face was glistening with cum. The lower half of her face was completely coated with creamy muck that oozed down her jawbone and chin, while large globs of cum glistened on her breasts and belly. She was a complete mess.

"You bastards," James shouted. He stared at them with hate, but his outrage cooled into fear when he saw the way Hernandez was staring at his best friend even as he spoke to Drummond.

"Good work, partner. I took a steamy little video of you with your gun pressed to the little cunt's chest as she humped her boyfriend's cock," Hernandez boasted, waving his phone in the air. "But that bitch had the audacity to close her mouth when we told her to keep it open. I'm not too pleased about that." He looked at Drummond, who stroked his chin thoughtfully as if he'd just had the perfect idea.

"Please, don't punish me," Lakyrra begged. "I did it…I did it on instinct. I didn't mean to disobey you," she lied. Drummond strode back into the kitchen and took something out of the bottom right drawer underneath the sink. He came over and offered it to the girl.

"Please may I wash this cum off of me, Master?" she said to Drummond. The stoic-looking cop emphasized what he had in his hand, and it made both teenagers go completely still. It was a giant pink dildo with a rubbery coating covered with dozens of tiny bumps—ribbing designed to create maximum stimulation for a girl's pussy.

"Not so fast, sweetie. I refuse to disappoint my partner here. You're getting punished," Drummond growled. "You'll put this up your cunt and pump it in there hard and fast until you gush all over it. Oh, and I'll be taking video of every precious second of it." He handed the trembling girl the shaft and switched it to 'On.' That's when she realized it wasn't just a dildo. It was a humongous vibrator.

"Please don't make me," she gasped.

Drummond waved his gun at James now, who was still in shock.

"You can help your girlfriend get in the mood, slugger. Come up behind her and cup her cute tits. You can whisper encouragement in her ear as she strokes and fucks herself with the vibe. And by the way, I’m not asking."

James glared knives at the men holding them captive, but he decided to do as the corrupt officer told him. The young man ran a hand over his sandy-colored hair with a shudder and got to his feet. Then he approached Lakyrra from behind and reached around, gently cupping her breasts. He hated how he could feel the sticky cum of their captors on the palms of his hands as they slid around her perfect mounds. He kissed the back of Lakyrra's neck.

"It's all right, baby. Stay with me. We'll get through this," he murmured. Lakyrra tried to be brave. James' warmth and presence did help, despite how degrading this felt. She slowly penetrated her sex with the vibe, feeling the throbbing vibrations deep in her snatch when she finally impaled herself fully on it. Biting her lip to stifle her moan, she used the fingers of her other hand to start playing with her clit. She furiously rubbed at her aching, hyper-sensitive clitoris with the one hand even as she thrust the vibrator between her cunt lips with a steady rhythm. James could feel her nipples harden up with arousal beneath his hands. It disturbed him, the way her hardened nipples sent a fresh wave of blood pumping through his cock.

'No. This is so wrong,' he thought bitterly.

What followed turned into this oddly alluring yet obscene sight—the beautiful, sexy, naked young woman with her face covered in cum, moaning for the delight of her two captors as she fingered herself and fucked herself with the enormous pink shaft. Lakyrra couldn't believe this was happening. Only one thing kept her grounded. One person.


His tender kisses along her neck, his breath against her skin, they kept her from completely dying of shame.

"Don't think of those bastards," he whispered. "Remember, no matter what happens, I love you. These pathetic dregs of humanity don't even matter, baby. Nothing they say or make us do says anything about who we are…just about the demons inside of THEM." He kept murmuring soothing words as he kissed her neck, and the two cops let him. Perhaps it was because they were enjoying Lakyrra's display so much that they simply didn't care.

Now, finally, the aroused teen felt her cunt cream coating the entire vibrator. She thrust it up again, deep inside her sex. Her fingers rubbed and stroked her tiny clit until…oh god! Her head flew back as her eyes rolled up, and she came…hard…cunt muscles clenching up around that pink dick as if it were a real man's cock.

"Turn and give your boyfriend a sloppy kiss," Drummond growled.

Lakyrra turned, her face still gorgeous even covered in the glistening cum of two other men. James didn't even hesitate. He cared about her and he didn't want to give these two depraved men any excuse to hurt her. He leaned forward, kissing her with all the love he had for her, not caring about anything except the taste of her. Their mingled saliva finally cleansed the nasty taint of their captors' seed, and then they kept on kissing until Lakyrra rode out the rest of her orgasm. The vibrator fell from her trembling fingers as the girl sighed. Sure enough, the length of the entire pink vibrator was soaked with the girl's fluids.

Drummond grabbed the girl's arm and yanked her to her feet.

"That's enough lovey-dovey crap. Congratulations, slut. You did a good job soaking our big toy with your juices. I think you've earned a reward."

"R-reward?" Lakyrra said, still in a daze. James stood up behind her.

"We've done everything you asked," he said. "Please stop this. Let us go."

Drummond smiled, a curve of the lips that gave no warmth and certainly no comfort.

"Shut up. Now here's what's going to happen. First, sweetie, you gather up as much of that cum as you can with your fingers. I want to see you licking our jism off of your fingertips until you can't get any more of it. THEN and only THEN, I'll let you and your boyfriend take a shower together and clean yourselves up. Got it? Say 'Yes Master, this slave bitch understands.'"

With a groan, her cheeks blushing anew with humiliation, Lakyrra sighed. "Yes Master, this slave bitch understands." She took a swath of cum from her forehead and licked it off of her fingers. She proceeded to 'groom' herself like this until only cum-encrusted residue remained over most of her face and upper body. As for the mingled cum in her hair, there wasn't much to be done for it. It would take a thorough shower and rinsing to get the nasty muck out of her once silky-soft tresses.

"Please may we shower now, Master?" Lakyrra felt a pinprick of hope when Drummond nodded as he pulled up his pants and buckled his belt.

"A few stipulations first though."

They sat Lakyrra and James on the edge of the bed, side by side, both teens still naked, while the slender girl tried not to think about the sticky cum seeping from her pussy. She knew none of this was James' fault, but what if he'd gotten her pregnant? She tried to refocus her mind on Drummond as he seemed to make his intentions clear.

"If you promise to say nothing to a single soul, we'll let you get cleaned up and take you back to your car. Do we have a deal?"

James and Lakyrra exchanged hopeful looks. Their fingers entwined as they held hands to comfort each other. Both teens nodded.

"Ok, ok! We understand. Please, we won't say anything, we promise," James begged and Lakyrra shook her head up and down, tears leaking at the corners of her eyes.

Seemingly satisfied, his hands folded across his chest, Drummond jerked his chin in the direction of the bathroom.

"Get in there and shower. Take your time and clean yourselves up thoroughly. We'll inspect you to make sure there's no evidence left on you before we take you back to your car. Got it?"

"Yes Sir, we understand," Lakyrra said.


A few minutes later, James and Lakyrra were in the shower together. Lakyrra stood still, shell-shocked and hardly able to move. She was just processing what had happened to them. Meanwhile James tenderly used the soap to cleanse her body, even her sex. She just stood there mumbling to herself, her eyes growing more and more distant as he used the washcloth to wipe away the leftover cum in her most intimate place.

"Hey baby, look at me. Lakyrra." The girl's eyes returned to the present. She choked back a sob and hugged him tight.

"I love you James." Her tears mingled with the spray from the shower, lost in the watery torrent.

"I love you too, Lakyrra. We'll get through this, baby. Stay with me. Don’t check out on me. Not yet. Not until we get to safety."

"Safety?" Lakyrra wondered. "Who knows what they'll do next? They'll probably take us out into the woods and just shoot us!" The naked girl was trembling now, her willowy figure ready to break apart like a fragile sculpture. The young man hugged her back, kissing the top of her head as she sobbed and burrowed her head against his chest.

"SSHHH…I won't let that happen, baby."

Now to Lakyrra, given everything that had already happened, given that he was just as helpless as she was in the current situation, James' promise seemed to be just a string of empty words…except for one thing. There was a passion in his voice that was stronger than before. It was as if, despite the trauma of what they'd just experienced together, he was straining to be stronger—strong enough for the both of them. She pulled back and looked into his eyes. She saw a strange kind of courage in them, burning like some unquenchable flame.

"Today was the day I realized how much I really love you, Lakyrra, that our souls—whatever you want to call it—might as well be bound together. Those monsters can hurt us, but they can't break us. I…won't let them." Lakyrra saw the boy she'd known since childhood struggling inside himself, diving deep to find courage that maybe he'd never known he was capable of.

Finally the two teens stepped out of the shower and dried off with the towels on the nearby rack. They opened the bathroom door and walked out into the main room of the cabin. There, stunned, they saw a scene which didn't seem like it could be remotely real. Someone had taped the walls, furniture, and floors over with plastic sheeting. Officer Drummond and Officer Hernandez stood side by side, and Drummond was holding his gun.

"What…what's going on?"

"Sorry, little girl. You and your boyfriend, well, we never intended to let you live. We just thought we'd give you lovebirds one last shower together while we prepared the room…easier to clean up the bodies this way."

He raised the gun and fired.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the bullet would have ripped through Lakyrra's chest. It didn't. The gun misfired.

There were a few precious moments of confusion on the part of Drummond. In that time James lunged for Hernandez' gun. The cop might have been better trained, but James had the strength of youth and an insane surge of adrenaline erupting through his veins. His hand latched onto Hernandez' wrist, whipping the gun sideways as the gun went off. Drummond crumpled to the floor, clutching his chest as a dark stain blossomed through his uniform.

Lakyrra's own fight-or-flight instincts leapt into action—and she chose to fight. The young woman lunged forward just in time. Hernandez knocked James back with an elbow to the face, wrenching back control of the gun. But the young woman was already on him like a hellcat, leaping onto his back and clamping hard around his neck and torso. Her thrashing weight sent the two of them toppling backward onto the couch. As the corrupt cop and his captive went down in a tangle of limbs accompanied by shouts and shrieks, James recovered and surged to his feet. The gun went off again as Hernandez aimed the weapon at James. Lakyrra's flailing nudged Hernandez' aim wide of the mark, and then James was on him, wailing on the sadistic man with a flurry of fists. It was only after Hernandez' body went completely limp, with the smacks of James' blows and James' heavy breathing the only sounds left in the room, that Lakyrra finally moved to stop him.

"James. James! It's all right." It wasn't, not really, but they were alive…and that would have to be enough. The two teenagers, naked and bloody, hugged each other tightly. Then they kissed, long and deep, their tongues swirling together as Lakyrra sighed. Primal instinct still raced inside the boy and girl as they broke apart from their impassioned kiss, sanity and reality slowly reasserting themselves, their foreheads pressed together as the teens tried to catch their breaths.

"We have to get help," Lakyrra sighed.

"I know." James wiped a tear from Lakyrra's face. "We're going to be all right, baby." His voice hitched, tears in his own eyes. "You were incredible, girl. I've never seen you so fierce."

She was smiling and crying at the same time. She just wrapped her arms around him and clasped him more tightly than ever.

"You were kind of a badass yourself," she whispered, rubbing his back and relishing in his scent, his warmth, which made her start to forget the nightmare that would take months, if not years to heal.



Somewhere near the Varden University campus two years later…

As Lakyrra sashayed into the apartment's bedroom wearing a bathrobe, Lakyrra gave James her most seductive look.

"You're sure your roommate's not getting back from his game until tomorrow?" she whispered.

"I'm sure," James said, his eyes smoldering. He sprang up, his cock hard underneath his boxers, but something in Lakyrra's look stopped him. Today was the two-year anniversary of that awful day. The one they'd never fully forget. Lakyrra put a delicate finger to his face, gently tracing the outline of his lips.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, baby."

"Do you think things happen for a reason? Did what happened to us two years ago…I don't know, maybe this sounds stupid…are you glad that it happened, in a way…?"

He stroked her cheek. Drummond was dead and Hernandez would never, ever leave prison, so they'd found a sort of closure, but he wouldn't use 'glad' to describe it. Still... "Glad it happened? You mean because it made us realize how much we really meant to each other?" She nodded.

"I don't know," he admitted. "I do know one thing," he murmured, kissing her softly on the lips. "That night I realized I could be much more than just myself. I became a better person that night because of you, Lakyrra. And yes, we have the scars from that night. Those will never go away, not completely…but we have something more important. Each other. And I…I wouldn't trade that for anything. If I had to go back to relive that day in order for us to still be together right here, right now…I would."

Lakyrra's brown eyes glistened with emotion. "That's why I love you, James. You say the right thing when I need to hear it. You give me strength when I need it." Now she gave him a winsome smile, trying to turn the serious moment toward the more amorous direction they'd originally intended. "You are SO getting lucky tonight," she purred.

And now the gorgeous girl shrugged out of her bathrobe to reveal that she was wearing nothing at all underneath. James wanted to suck on those pert nipples and caress those perfectly shaped breasts. His mouth dove for one, tugging her nipple into his mouth as he lowered his boxers.

"Ohhh god," Lakyrra sighed as he suckled on the other nipple just as fervently, his hand dipping to her sex to teasingly stroke her clit.

"I can't wait to fuck this pussy," he growled.

"First things first," she purred back at him. Now Lakyrra knelt down and grasped the base of her fiancé's cock. Her mouth smothered that shaft, slurping loudly as she pumped her mouth up and down, up and down. James groaned quietly, his hands playing with her hair. Soon he had one hand bunched tightly in her tresses, holding them away from her face as she gurgled on his shaft, squeezing her lips fervently around his dick until she was taking him almost balls-deep. She looked up at him briefly as her tongue cradled the underside of his manhood. Her cute face bobbed back and forth until drool and pre-cum seeped down her chin, making a beautiful, glistening mess.

"Oh god. Baby, you keep that up and I'll blow. Ease up, ease up." She stood up, still grasping the base of his cock as she threw him a wicked grin. More pre-cum glistened on her lips.

"Getting you to 'blow' is kind of the whole point," she smirked. He shut her up with a violent kiss, pushing her back onto the bed. Before she could even protest, he was lapping at her delicious quim. His tongue slipped between her folds, stroking her intimate place with a love that had endless energy. He nibbled on her clit, wresting a low moan from her lips, and then he teased her nerve bundle some more, until she was quaking underneath him.

"Please, James. I need your cock inside me," she whimpered.

With a feral growl, the young man slid between her legs. His shaft slid into her core as seamlessly as puzzle pieces fitting together. He felt her cunt clench up greedily around his pumping manhood. He grunted, cupping her face and kissing her with unstoppable hunger as he began to fuck her with a brutal pounding. The loud smacks of their bodies joining together again and again could probably be heard one apartment over…but they didn't care.

"Uh! Uh! UH!! Fuck, your pussy feels amazing."

"So does your cock," she panted, her breasts shaking with the force of his plunges. "Now shut up and fuck me. Fuck my brains out." She groaned as the kiss of the man she loved obliterated her next thought, all of it swallowed up by one sensation after the next, until he reached down, stroking her clit each time he pulled his shaft half-way out of her damp heat. Minutes later he wrested the climax from her willing body. She would have screamed out and awoken half the residents on the floor if James hadn't clamped a hand over her mouth.

"UHHHH!!" Lakyrra moaned, her breasts trembling as her body convulsed around his shaft, pulling him over the edge right along with her. James groaned as his cock spurted deep inside her, filling her with his warm, loving seed.


I hope you enjoyed the story. Remember, be willing to indulge your fantasies a little, even the darker ones. This is just a fantasy, nothing more and nothing less.

*Quick disclaimer: I do not approve of any of the illegal acts depicted in this story.

*Quick confession: In case readers are curious, this story is loosely based on a true story about a corrupt cop forcing couples to have sex.



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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

3 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers

Introduction: Wife swapping tale . . . Each year we take a sailing trip with our friends Michael and Kathy. Weve been friends since our college days. Bonnie talked about trying to seduce them. She new that Michael was a real horn dog, Kathy says he fucks her every day. And she says that Kathy thinks I am attractive. Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now youre lining up people youd like to fuck!...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 15 Best Friends Become Lovers

Mark Sheila went with me to the west coast on Wednesday. We worked on the plane all the way across the country, mostly on tentative plans to break apart our chemical companies and then do various recombinations into multiple corporate units. I wanted to sell off the commodity or heavy molecule parts of the business, and thought I might have a buyer with the Italians I’d talked with in Milan. I wanted to keep the higher margin specialty chemicals in my own portfolio of businesses. I also...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Soul Mates Lovers

I’d turned eighteen the day before our high-school prom. My friend, the girl I’d loved as one of my best friends for the few years we’d known each other, had turned eighteen the previous September.  I had a long-term boyfriend of three-and a-bit years by this point, she had one of two years. We were all friends and we’d grown up together. She was beautiful, red hair down to her bra strap, thin tapering waist, full hips and a delicious, round handful of a behind that just begged to be slapped....

4 years ago
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Best Friends Are The Best Lovers

NOTE: All characters in story are over the age of sixteen. No minors are featured in this story. Have a good read “I still can’t believe Justin broke up with Danielle. I thought they would have lasted a while longer.” Amber said. I glanced up at my best friend, who was laying next to me on my bed, looking quite shocked at the news we had received from a friend moments earlier. Justin was Amber’s long-term crush. He was an attractive guy; Tall, about 6’4. Played football for our school. Golden...

3 years ago
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A Kink in Time Part 3 Friends and Lovers

A Kink in Time, Part 3- Friends and Lovers As I approached our room on the 13th floor, I gave up any pretense of hiding my erection, letting my little skirt tent out as I opened the door to our suite. Judi, Selima and Adele were waiting for me. Judi looked at my cock peeking out under my skirt and said, "Well, I see you didn't waste any time." I was too worked up to be embarrassed. "I just need to know what the hell is going on." "Sit down and I'll explain," Selima...

2 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers

“Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now you’re lining up people you’d like to fuck!” I thought about how when we visit Michael & Kathy, we always end up in their hot tub naked. Michael waits until just after dinner and says “Let’s get naked and jump in the tub!” He likes to sit next to Bonnie and check out her tits and bare pussy. He never fails to say “Kathy, I think you should shave yours...

4 years ago
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First time friends become first time lovers

Let me first start off by telling you about the 2 main characters (I have changed their names for privacy issues) Tom is your average 21 year old male, 5'11, brown eyes, dark brown hair and a bulky build who lives alone and works for a local factory. Debbie is 18 short at 5'4 long brown hair that goes to her midback, and 34c breasts shown off by revealing tight clothing, her ass is literally shaped like a hear and is firm and tight. ------------the story -------------------- Tom an Debbie had...

First Time
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She'd been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else's man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were slightly...

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

4 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Friends and Lovers Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him. Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred. I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view. When we started in college we lived...

4 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Friends and LoversCharlese Le’PushJuly 2010Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him.Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred.I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view.When we started in college we lived in the...

2 years ago
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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

2 years ago
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From Best Friends to Lovers

"I have never even thought about kissing a girl! Are you kidding? Have you?" Kylie asked her friend. "I've done a lot more than kiss a girl, Kylie." Jessie said and waited for her best friend's response. "You're joking! I know you're not serious. There's no way. When?" Kylie was shocked. "When I was in college. It was a lot of fun, actually. Don't look at me like I'm an alien or something! I'm still the same old me!" "I just don't understand. Why? I can't imagine you ......

4 years ago
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Best Friends Are The Best Lovers

NOTE: All characters in story are over the age of sixteen. No minors are featured in this story. Have a good read “I still can’t believe Justin broke up with Danielle. I thought they would have lasted a while longer.” Amber said. I glanced up at my best friend, who was laying next to me on my bed, looking quite shocked at the news we had received from a friend moments earlier. Justin was Amber’s long-term crush. He was an attractive guy, Tall, about 6’4. Played football for our school. Golden...

2 years ago
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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

4 years ago
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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

Gay Male
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Friends to Lovers

Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

2 years ago
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Reality Lovers

RealityLovers! What is the most useful application of virtual reality technology that we have available to us today? If you answered porn, you would probably be right. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any better use of virtual reality. Sure, maybe it could be used to help train cops or firefighters before they have to go out into the field and put themselves in highly dangerous, life-threatening circumstances. But I don’t know, porn still seems to be the best way to use it...

VR Porn Sites
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Friends And Lovers

We had been friends for a long time and the friendship extended to being lovers on occasions, and that night was one of those times. It was a few months since the last time we caught up face-to-face.We shared a glass of wine and relaxed on an over-stuffed couch, sitting close, talking, laughing and sharing stories of our daily lives. She looked up and found me looking at her intently. That spark of interest fired a stroke of warmth in the pit of her stomach and a tingle of awareness.I reached...

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FRIENDS OR LOVERS? by Rumple Foreskin Amy Marshall sat alone and miserable on the bank of the Mississippi River. A giant oil tanker heading upstream went unnoticed. She was too busy trying not to cry. The tall redhead felt angry and weepy, and incredibly stupid for not knowing why. Leaning back against a big, driftwood log, she closed her eyes and tried to come up with an answer. What has gotten into you, girl? One minute you’re feeling great, joking with the other guests—though why anyone,...

3 years ago
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Weekend Lovers

Introduction: This is my second attempt Friday, 5:00 P.M. Mandy walked over to the back door of her neighbors house. She looked around the backyard and surrounding bushes, making sure that no one had seen her enter through the side gate. A devious smirk played over her lips as she entered the doorway, her whole body tingling in anticipation of what was to come. The Dietrich family had lived next to Mandys family for the past two years and they had gotten on rather well from the start....

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My Bestfriend

So here I bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XV 2 Sex is for friends Love is for Lovers

"Hi," Eric said the next morning as I got out of my car at school. "Hi," I echoed. "Your mom miss you so much she didn't let you come to school yesterday?" "No, nothing like that," he said looking at me with that 'I want a hug' look. I gave him the hug, finding myself needing it just about as much as he had. I could also sense something different about Eric's grief for James. The pressure inside Eric's heart had been relieved considerably, and I realized what Eric had done all...

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How I Made My Bestie8217s Pakistani Friend To My Bestie

Hi, hope everyone enjoying your day in ISS. I was a big fan of ISS, after I moved to Dubai I missed this site. I would like to share my first story here for you guys. This story is about how it’s turned my bestie’s bestie to my bestie. Share your valuable comments to my email: Call me spykie, 26 year old. After my graduation I moved to Dubai. It was really boring days. After few months my bestie neha came to Dubai. She was my classmate and good friend. She is very sexy with good assets. As she...

4 years ago
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Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers

Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers Neil Young was right. Welfare mothers do make better lovers. Divorcee! So there I was doing my laundry when a young mother entered. She was pushing a shopping cart full of dirty clothes and her baby was in it too. Just then the music that was playing, started to play Neil Young’s song. Well that young mother let go of that shopping cart, lifted her arms up over her head and started gyrating her hips to the music…and then she started singing along...

2 years ago
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My Wife and her new Black Lovers

Posted with author's permissionMy Wife and her new Black Loversbywunderboi©My special thanks to a 'follower' Annette for sharing her most welcome personal family stories and for her enthusiastic and generous permission to publish.++++++++Azzo greeted Monica in the Kingston/Manley airport with a tentative hug at first, but then warmed to the role of being 'her Black husband' very quickly in case any onlookers were observing. He was thrilled to feel her arms go around his neck and her big firm...

5 years ago
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From Strangers to Lovers

I had finished my summer job and was now ready to move to FL to start a temporary job at an automobile repair shop. I was mostly working just to survive and did not have any real goals but just wanted to have money and enjoy life. I was renting a small room at the back of my boss garage and as the weeks pass by I was starting to get bored and wanted to get another job. I was rewarded for my hard work with an increase. It seems that Mr. Vick liked my work approach and so he gave me an...

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From Strangers to Lovers

Introduction: Tom is a wealthy business man Hi, my name is Ben and I am 31 years of age. I am a hard working person within the Advertising sector. I exercise regularly and try to be as fit as I can be. I would like to take you on a ride down memory lane to when I was just 17 years old. I had finished my summer job and was now ready to move to FL to start a temporary job at an automobile repair shop. I was mostly working just to survive and did not have any real goals but just wanted to have...

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