Friends: A Dry Spell free porn video

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Ross hadn't had sex for months. Sure, he had gone without sex before. In fact, many times Ross had unwilling considered himself a sexual camel. But usually his dry spells were only for a few weeks at a time, and this one was slowly becoming a full-fledged, horn-dog, sex drought.

Now there he was. Sitting and watching Baywatch at Joey's place. Halfway though the opening credits, a hard-on filled his pants, as he watched the sexy lifeguards running. So many luscious and various breasts bouncing. Big ones; small ones; medium ones. All bouncing... bouncing.

Ross used every trick in the book to hide his pants-tent from his friend. It would be just too embarrassing if Joey noticed "it". The program went on. More running. More perfect views of those sexy bodies. Those tits. Those legs. Those asses.

He debated sneaking into the bathroom and relieving his sexual tension.

"No... not with Joey here," he thought to himself. "That's... that's just too... gross! Damn, I've got to get my mind off all this."

He stood to go, quickly turning away from his friend. "Hey man, I'm gonna... head out. Tell me how it ends, huh?''

"Dude, you know how it ends," Joey replied, his eyes barely leaving the screen. "They disable the bomb, and then they run on the beach some more. That's the beauty of this show!"

"Right. Well, I'll see ya later."

He left the apartment, and hesitated in the hallway. "Maybe I can just hang out with Chandler and Monica for a while," he thought. He looked down at his crotch, and decided that his boner might not be noticeable. And it would go away soon enough, if he could just get his mind on other things.

Ross opened the opposite door, and poked his head in. The living room and kitchen were empty.

"Chandler? Mon?" he called, though none too loudly. He didn't want to disturb them, if they were "otherwise occupied," after all, SOMEONE in the world must still be having sex.

There was no reply to his quiet call. "They must be gone," he assessed. Ross slowly entered the apartment, wondering if it would be wrong to "use" their bathroom.

As he walked that way, he heard a soft moan coming from the direction of the bedroom. It obviously was his sister. Ross turned to leave, but found himself frozen by her second moan.

"Oh damn... she sounds so erotic," the thought whimpered. His eyes rolled, as he found himself even more aroused than before. "It... it couldn't hurt to just... listen... for a while."

He knew he shouldn't do it, but still, he tiptoed to the bedroom door, listening intently for Monica's steamy vocalizations. Ross stood there and slowly unzipped his pants, afraid that even the zipper would be heard by the amorous couple inside. The door was slightly ajar, and he leaned his ear in, as he rubbed the renewed firmness of his cock.

Monica groaned deeply. "OOHHHHHNNNN..." Her breathing began to take on a subtle panting. "Ohh... mmm... mmm..."

"Omigod," Ross mouthed the words. He couldn't believe how hot this was. With his libido overriding his better judgment, Ross slowly pushed the door open a bit more, and peeked inside.

Instead of Chandler and Monica, Ross saw only his little sister laying on top of the bed. She was reclining back into the pillows. Her knees were up and spread, feet flat on the mattress. With her bathrobe undone and d****d to her sides, Ross saw that she was wearing lacy white bra. Monica's eyes were closed and she gently bit her lower lip as her right hand moved inside her panties. Her left hand showed the extent of her arousal, as it tightly clutched the top blanket.

Ross' hand moved faster on his shaft. He was so fixed on the vision before him, that he failed to notice the door continuing its slow swing. It bumped against the wall, making just enough noise to rouse Monica from her lustful world. Her eyes shot open when she realized she was no longer alone.

"ROSS!" she screamed. She quickly jumped off the bed and wrapped herself in the robe. "What the HELL are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Mon, I'm so sorry," he apologized, stepping toward her with palms out in an attempt to calm her. He was completely unaware that he was still exposed.

"Where you WATCHING me?" she asked the obvious question. Anger flared in her blue eyes as she stared at him.

"No... no... I was... just... concerned that, uh... that the noise... coming from this room... this, THIS room... uh... was..." As Ross stammered for the nonexistent answer that wouldn't make him look like a pervert, Monica glanced down and saw his stiff, jutting manhood.

"Okay, Ross. You're still... OUT," she reminded him, as she averted her eyes, somewhat embarrassed.

Ross quickly zipped up, taking care not to catch himself in the metal teeth.

"It's just... It's been... It's that... I'm in a bit of a... dry spell. Well, actually, Mon... I, I haven't had sex in over four months. And I heard you, um... in here... and... and you were just so... I just... I just couldn't help it."

"Yeah, well... you can just 'help yourself' when you get back to your apartment."

"But Mon, couldn't I just... couldn't I just.. watch?... you?" He asked with a nervous giggle.

"What? NO!"

"Well, um," he cleared his throat and managed a nonchalant look. "W-, why not?"

"Because! Because... it's too... too personal. I wouldn't feel comfortable with you... 'pleasuring yourself"..." she found she was even embarrassed to say those words, "while you watch me... pleasure MYself."

"Well, do you do it for Chandler, don't you? I mean, not that he ever... um, ever... told me... anything."

Monica made a mental note to rip Chandler a new one when he got home. But right then, she only wanted to end the awkward situation. "Yes, but that's different," she said with an attempt at finality.


"I don't know," she whined, in frustration, then looked at the floor as she played with the end of the robe's sash. "Because... because I'm engaged to him... and... and you're my brother! It would be... EEWW! Can't you just go home and... do... 'stuff' there."

"Well, I could... but Mon, you know the whole time I'll be thinking about you laying there..."

"DON'T!" She held up her index finger, as she looked wide-eyed at him. "Don't say it."

"Mon, it's... it's not like we'd be having sex or anything..."

Monica stared at him with a quite troubled look, as she pondered. After all, he'd already seen her. He'd already heard her. And she knew he was right - even if he left, he would be thinking about her "display".

"All right," she whined in concession. "But not in here. That'd make it even weirder than it's going to be. Let's go out in the living room."

As she followed Ross through the doorway, she found herself thinking about that sight, the moment she opened her eyes. She always did like watching a guy masturbate. Seeing his hand slide up and down his shaft. Watching his balls move as he jacked himself off. Hearing his grunts as he got closer to ejaculation.

Monica snapped out of her erotic thoughts when she noticed Ross standing in the middle of the room, waiting for her direction.

"Um, you better lock the door... and then just... sit on the coffee table. I'll be, I'll be right back," she said as she walked over to the bathroom.

"Is Chandler..." he began to ask.

"He's working really late tonight," she called out. "That's why I was... you know. I didn't really... want to wait for him."

Ross sat there, somewhat nervously, waiting for her to return. When she walked back in, she was holding each palm upward, her fingers slightly cupped, holding something. She stood beside him, summoning the will to treat this like a normal thing.

"Okay... um..." she hesitated on the words, "you should, um... pull your... pants down."

Her eyes went to the large bulge in Ross' underwear as he opened his pants. His erect penis popped into full view and he eased his pants and boxers down to his ankles. Monica leaned over and spread hand lotion all over his shaft. She tried not to look at him, but his stare was unavoidable.

"So you don't... you know... chaff... or anything." She glanced at him only briefly, then her gaze locked on her hands as they worked him over.

"Uh hum... thanks," he mumbled, dumbfounded, as his sister smeared the thick liquid all over his cock. He too was staring at her handiwork. Small feminine fingers and hands gliding all over his hard pole. Monica coated it well, and couldn't help but notice how it twitched under her touch. She resisted the urge to tighten her grip and truly stroke him. Somehow she knew that he wouldn't stop her if she did that.

"That's um... that, that should do it," she said softly, as she stood up and wiped her hands on the front of her pink robe. She tried to force her mind away from the hard cock that she was just handling. "So how do we..."

Ross answered her question as her voice trailed off.

"Well, sit on the couch. And maybe... kind of... lay back, uh, into the corner."

Monica nervously looked around the room, as she scooted back, resting against a pillow.

"Now maybe, maybe open your robe," he directed, uncertain of the boundaries to his requests.

Monica paused as her fingers slipped into the loosely tied belt. She silently told herself, "Okay, he already saw me."

Then, she pulled and it unweaved. She opened the garment, still unable to make eye contact. However, they both noticed how her hard nipples peaked the material of her bra. Monica knew where she needed to take this, and although her mind said it was wrong, her body clearly approved.

Head down, her hands slowly traveled to her face. As she gently held her cheeks, she brought her forearms in, pressing together her bosom and accentuating her cleavage. In the periphery of her vision, she saw Ross take hold of his cock, and begin moving his fist up and down.

She closed her eyes and brought her chin up. Taking a deep breath, she moved her hands down her neck and chest to her breasts. She tried thinking every erotic thought she could, to try and get herself in the mood. Monica cupped and fondled her breasts, feeling the texture of the lace and the soft swell of the flesh inside.

Ross stared at her hands. He watched as they followed the sexy curvature of her breasts. The hard oval of each nipple slightly discolored the white lace that failed to hide it fully, as it rested in the crook between her thumb and forefinger.

As Monica caressed her upper body, Ross' eyes followed up the long locks of black hair that cascaded down her chest. He gazed upon her stunning beauty, amazed that his little sister could be so seductive and so desirable. Right then, she was the truest definition of a cocktease. He admired the erotic look that lit up her face. Slowly he stroked his well-greased dick, easily pretending that it was a woman's wetness coating him.

Monica felt her arousal beginning to grow. She almost forgot that she was the object of her brother's lust. Her fingertips traveled downward. Her abdomen flinched as her fingers brushed across.

Up to this time, she had kept her feet on the floor, and her legs together; supposing that it would somehow give her a little modesty. But now, modesty was the last thing in her mind.

In one fluid motion, her hand traveled along her thigh as her leg slowly raised up onto the couch. Her little foot pressed into the couch cushions, as her hands glided back up the insides of her thighs. Ross heard an exhaled, almost whispered, moan coming from her parted lips.

Ross stared between her legs. The narrow straps of her white panties came over her hips, The waistband went down in a gentle V, to a low point just inches above where he envisioned her pubic hair began. An opaque front panel hid everything, and made him long to see what was within.

Her hands slowly rubbed her thighs, running laps from her knees to the edge of her panties. Then her right hand paused at the fabric. It purposefully moved inward and settled over her covered mound. In exact synchronism, one hand made its long oval path along the inside of her left thigh, while the other rubbed up and down the short distance from sofa cushion to the thin waistband. As she did this, her middle finger gradually pressed deeper into the crease beneath the cloth.

Ross slowed his jacking, not wanting to cum too quickly and end this erotic scene. He watched his sister's hands travel her lower body. Her stomach fluttered as her breath began to stutter.

"Go inside," he said softly.

Monica's eyes opened. Her motions momentarily stopped. Ross' hand was cupping his balls, as the other slowly stroked the shaft. Its head was pointing straight up at the ceiling. She caught herself imagining him spurt, and wondering how high it would shoot. She gently shook her head to make the thought go away. She was letting her brother masturbate to her, but she knew it was dangerous to reciprocate the desire.

"Can you... can you put your hand inside?" he reiterated. "Like... like before?" She simply nodded and closed her eyes again.

Monica slipped her hand in the waistband. Slowly it went deeper. She focused on the varying sensations. The softness of her satin panties on the back of her hand. Her palm being rubbed with the gentle coarseness of her pussy hair. Damp soft flesh submitting to her fingertips.

Ross watched luster of the fabric changing as Monica's knuckles moved and bulged the cloth. He glanced up at her bra, then her face. His sister's eyes were closed and her mouth hung slightly open in pleasure. Her fingers were eliciting a soft whimper from her lips.

"What a beautiful mouth!" The thought stilled his actions. Perfectly formed. Just the right size and shape. He saw her tongue laying inside. He wondered what that tongue and mouth could do with...

Just then, his dreaming was startled when Monica moaned deeply, shifting her hips.

He looked down and saw that the shape of her middle finger beneath the fabric had temporarily disappeared. It gradually came back into view with her hand's long slow motions. Monica fingerbanged herself like this, rubbing her clit with each stroke.

Abruptly, his sexy sister arched her body, pressing her shoulders into the couch. Her ass lifted off the cushion, and her finger went all the way in, to the last knuckle. She settled back down onto the couch, causing it to come slightly out. But that didn't matter to her. It was deep enough. Ross watched as her hand squirmed around in her panties.

"OH!," she moaned softly, "oh yeah... mm!... mm!"

Ross began working his dick up and down again. The slick feeling was beginning to go away as the lotion was rubbed into his skin. He watched as the outline of his sister's hand once again showed her long strokes to both her cunt and clit.

Somewhat oblivious to her brother's renewed jacking, Monica's left hand slowly glided over her leg and up her stomach. It rested at her breast and undulated as she groped herself. Her fingers slipped behind the fabric, and she pulled the cup down, finally exposing some of her hidden flesh to Ross. Indeed, her nipple was beautiful, dark, and hard. She gently pinched it, and squeezed the soft mound that bore it.

"Ooo..." she purred, then she whispered to her imaginary lover, "yes... oh yes."

Ross hated to break her focus, but his own lust was too much to contain.

"Can I see?" he asked, quietly.

Monica opened her eyes. After a brief moment, she realized what he was asking. "I, I guess so," she replied hesitantly.

Her hand eased out of her panties, and her fingers hooked the fabric at the left side of the crotch. She pulled the white satin out of the way, showing her brother just how wet she had become. The smooth skin around her lips glistened with an erotic sheen. A well-groomed strip of jet-black hair started just above her clit and went up, to end somewhere still hidden by her panties.

"I mean, um, take them off," he clarified. From the start, Monica pretty much knew that this would happen at some point.

She settled both feet on the ground and lifted her butt off the sofa. Her panties slid down her thighs. When they reached her knees, she leaned forward, pushed them down her calves and took her feet, first one, then the other, out of them.

Ross didn't even have to say another word. Monica knew the full intent of his request.

She lifted her foot back up onto the couch and slouched down as she sat. Monica was fully spread in front of Ross, showing him a part of her body that most men would never see. Her pink clit protruded out from between cute little pussy lips. As her wrist rested on an upraised left knee, her other hand slid up her right thigh and brushed slowly across her swollen pussy lips.

As much as she tried to detach herself from the situation, she found herself staring at Ross' cock. His hand was moving the skin up and down. She gently bit the side of her lower lip and allowed her fingers to trace small circles on her clit.

"Uh... uh..." she whimpered. A little shiver shot from her clit, all the way up her back.

"Do it, Mon," he said, half demanding and half begging. She knew exactly what he meant.

Her hand went lower and her middle finger began to slip between her pussy lips. The first knuckle disappeared. Then slowly, the second knuckle. Finally, the rest of her hand cupped herself and she began masturbating in full view of her brother. But this time, she didn't close her eyes. She didn't want to live in her own world. This time, she wanted to see Ross jacking off as he watched her.

"Is this what you wanted?" she asked, without even trying for the seductive tone that oozed out.

"Exactly," he replied, his gaze flitting back and forth between her pussy and her face.

They masturbated for each other, for what seemed like hours. Neither one wanted to cum first. It seemed that neither one wanted this dirty game to end.

Ross would jack himself hard, until his ejaculation began to rise. Then he would quickly back off, fondling his balls as he felt the surge subside. His hand would grip his shaft again, starting slowly, and working himself back into the cycle. Over and over as he watched Monica.

For her part, his raven-haired sister found ways to attend to her own body's needs. She slowly frigged her pussy, as she watched Ross stroke. She watched and was enthralled by the way he teased himself into nearly cumming several times.

Gradually, her fingertips went to her clitoris. As the slow circles grew in speed and pressure, her free hand went to her face, cupping her cheek. Her pinky finger slipped barely into the side of her open lips, teasing her mouth's need more than fulfilling it.

Suddenly, her head flew back with a shriek. "OH!" Her fingers stopped their fast, hard rubbing and that hand clamped over her mound. Monica's head dropped forward with a moan as she licked her lips, savoring her almost-orgasm. Then her hands came up to massage and grope her breasts before slipping back down to give double attention to her pussy and clit. Her slow rubbing began again.

Ross was spellbound by his sister's actions, yet he wondered if she would do other things for him.

"Um... Let me, uh, watch you from behind," he voiced his next desire.

"Okay," she agreed softly with panting breath. She was far too aroused by this point to say no. And truthfully, she was kind of enjoying acting like a slut.

Monica stood up and removed her pink terrycloth robe. She d****d it over the couch and turned around. Then she rested one knee on the couch and leaned forward, balancing herself on the back of the furniture. Her left hand took over where her right had left off.

"Damn, she's got a nice ass," Ross mused. He watched the silhouette of her hand moving in the crook of her thighs.

"Lean forward more," Ross instructed. He wanted a clear view of his sister's pussy and fingers as she played with herself.

Monica first ran both hands through her long black hair, hooking it over her ears. Then she moved down the couch a bit to give herself more room. Bending over, she laid her forearm down the length of the back cushion.

"Mon, can you, um, spread your legs some more?" he asked, still with a sheepish tone.

She grabbed onto the arm of the couch for support. Her left foot slid sideways on the floor, and she lifted her knee, moving it into the center of the cushion. "Like this?" she asked.

"Oh god, yes," Ross groaned, amazed he was seeing his little sister in such a nasty pose. Her smooth pussy was framed by her ass and thighs, bringing to mind a Penthouse pictorial from two months back. "Just like that."

Without a further word, Monica's hand slipped back between her legs. Four fingers slid up and down the full length of her cunt, rubbing her outer lips. Ross stared at her manicured fingernails, focusing on the light pink, almost peach, nail polish. Then the sparkle of a large white diamond caught his eye. He couldn't NOT look at it.

His little sister was wearing her engagement ring. His beautiful little sister... his beautiful sexy little sister was wearing her engagement ring. His sexy, desirable, hot little sister was wearing her engagement ring as she put her body on display and masturbated for her big brother.

"Omigod, this is so hot!" he murmured. He watched as her middle finger bent and the tip glided inside. The digit snaked in and out as her other fingers continued rubbing up and down her shaven skin.

Monica was moaning deeply now, as she settled back into her fantasy world. But this time, she was dreaming of the man sitting behind her. And she was doing nothing to stop the dirty thoughts. Her brother was the man she wanted to please right then.

Ross' eyes ran the length of her slim, sexy legs. He imagined what they would look like, if she was wearing stockings and stilettos at that moment. He licked his lips as he stared at her little ass, the flesh taut from her position. No girlfriend... and no wife... had ever done this for him before. But here was his younger sister acting like a pornstar, just to help him get off. He still couldn't believe this was happening. "Damn, is this all a dream?" his mind questioned.

As if to find out, he reached across the couple of feet that separated them and gently caressed Monica's ass. She flinched slightly, awoken out of her fantasy. But she offered no protest. His hand moved down her leg, feeling her soft skin, as her own hand continued servicing her pussy.

Monica relished the light touches on her bottom and legs. She didn't know if she should tell him to keep doing it, but she certainly didn't want him to stop.

Ross watched Monica penetrated herself with a second finger. Her ring finger. The two digits worked in and out of her pussy. Her head dropped down to the padded couch-back and she gave a low guttural groan. Ross let go of his dick and used both hands to explore Monica's body. Caressing her legs... ass... back. Reveling in what his sister was doing, and what she was allowing him to do.

He reached between Monica's thighs, cupping his sister's hand in his own. He felt it writhe in his palm as her masturbation went on. At this, he took hold of his hard cock and stroked it in time with his i****tuous partner. Monica felt when his hand left her ass and she quickly stole a glance through her legs to watch his actions. She could see nothing but hand, cock, and balls. She watched for a moment as her brother jacked off.

"Ross," she whispered.

He answered softly, "What?" as he continued enjoying her.

"Come around front. I want to... um..." She hesitated.

"You want to what, Mon?" he gently prodded her.

"I want to... to..." Monica was afraid to admit her desires.

"What?" he prodded, quietly but firmly. "Say it, Monica."

"I want to watch you rub yourself... that's all," she lied. Her brother quickly decided that if she was willing to help him like this, he certainly could do what she asked.

Still holding Monica's hand and crotch, Ross pulled his feet out of his pants and stood. He leaned in and "accidentally" rubbed the shaft of his dick on her butt cheek, though he did it far too many times to pass for "accidental." She turned her head and, out of the corner of her eye, caught him in his cheap thrill. Noticing her knowing smile, he realized he'd been busted. "Sorry," he said guiltily as he let go of her and walked around the couch.

Strands of long hair had fallen haphazardly across her forehead and face. He lovingly brushed them away as she looked up at him with longing. Then her eyes fixed on his cock, waiting for her brother to start.

Ross reached down and grabbed onto his member. He slowly stroked it, eye-level with Monica and pointing straight at her. He imagined it shooting right then, firing his white jizz all over her beautiful face. Ross dared to hope that his sister might let him do that; that she might have had that in mind when she asked him to masturbate for her.

Monica watched the skin flex and stretch under his handling. Her own hand continued its work, causing her to make little peeps of pleasure. She licked her lips, quite absentmindedly, as she watched Ross jacking off in front of her.

Then, saying nothing, Monica reached out and took hold of Ross' cock, pushing his hand out of the way. He stood there, arms at his side, as his hot little sister began to stroke him.

She felt its firmness in her hand and the softness of his skin. She kept a somewhat loose grip, preferring at first to simply caress, rather than jack him.

Monica glanced up at him. "You don't, um... mind... do you?" she asked, quietly.

He cleared his throat and replied, in that low desperate voice that attempted to hide his desire. "Whatever...uh, you want."

Her grip tightened around her brother's dick. The skin began to move up and down, under her hand's control.

Monica spoke to Ross, though the way she stared at the motions in her hand, it almost seemed as if she was addressing his cock.

"Does that... feel good?"

Monica had given handjobs to many men before. Of course, there was Chandler, and her earlier boyfriends; and even a stranger in a bar once when she'd had too much to drink. She had learned what guys generally liked. But for some reason, Monica felt almost... virginal... and she wanted to make sure that she really was pleasing Ross.

"Uh hum," he responded, in a bit of a daze.

Monica started to stroke him faster and harder. She watched his balls move forward and back with as she masturbated him. It felt good to have a cock in her hand. It always had. But for over a year, the only cock had been just Chandler's. She hadn't realized how her hand had been craving something new. All this felt unbelievably erotic, that the cock in her hand wasn't Chandler's; and yet, it was strangely soothing, that it was her big brother's.

By this time, she had stopped fingering herself; her attention solely focused on jacking off Ross. Her free hand made its way up from her pussy and cupped his balls. She gently squeezed them as she stroked the hard shaft. He felt the dampness on her fingers as she rubbed him.

"Oh, Monica," her brother moaned.

"Come closer," she directed, softly. Ross was nearly pulled by his dick toward her. Monica's hand left his balls and snaked back between her own legs. Her finger dove in, as she resumed her responsibility of pleasuring them both.

She now was stroking him at a more leisurely pace. Her soft moans told him that she was matching those movements on her own body. Ross saw that his cock was so very close his sister's face. Never had he imagined that he would ever see her gorgeous face and his dick in the same view. He wondered if they had already gone way too far in this.

"Uh, Mon," he said.

She ignored him. In Monica's mind, the line wasn't being crossed. Rather, it was being pushed a just little farther away with every passing moment.

Monica's hand stopped. For a split-second, Ross feared that she realized just exactly what they were doing, and had decided to end it.

Instead, her eyes closed. The tip of her tongue slipped out barely past her lips, and she took a long, slow lick up the side of his shaft. This was followed immediately by a series of wet, tongue-kisses.

"M-Monica," he stammered.

"Shh, let me do this for you," she mumbled, as she continued bathing her brother's cock with her tongue.

"Omigod," he whined.

Monica gently chastised him between licks, her eyes still shut the entire time. "Look... you're the one... who... wanted... me... to help you."

"Yeah, but-"

"Shut up, Ross," she interrupted him, letting him know that she was going to blow him, whether he liked it or not. And like it, he did.

He refused to admit it out loud, but his sister's tongue felt so good, running all over his cock and balls. Then she went over the top, and he watched half his dick disappear. He fought the urge to grab her head and push all the way to the back of her mouth. If she was going to do this, it was best to let her do what she wanted.

Monica's head bobbed up and down his cock. Her own finger restarted its motion in and out of herself. Soon, Ross heard a series of loud, sloppy moans coming from his sister, as she strove to maintain both his blowjob and her masturbation.

She tried to focus on licking and sucking the cock that was in her mouth. Yet her own desire to cum kept invading her thoughts.

Normally at this point with Chandler, she would have flipped on her back and told him to fuck her. But she knew that wasn't an option with Ross. Still, she would allow herself to do pretty much anything else for him. She would even let him cum in her mouth, if he wanted that.

"After all, none of these other things are REALLY sex, right?" her mind questioned.

She just couldn't let him in her, she decided. As much as she wanted a good hard fucking right then, she just couldn't do that with her brother. What they were doing... what SHE was doing was border-line. But to screw her brother... that would be just WRONG.

So the only thing she could do was keep masturbating. Indeed, she was certain that she could make herself cum, as she'd done so many times before.

Ross was nearly in a trance, watching Monica's blow-job and listening to her erotic sounds. He had no idea her voice could be so provocative. He almost wanted to congratulate Chandler on his excellent choice of a wife. But clearly, Ross knew that this evening would have to stay between him and his surprisingly willing sister.

Monica's eyes opened as she felt a hand gently take her chin, and the cock was pulled from her mouth.

"What? What is it?" she asked. Her hand paused as she sat up slightly. "Am I doing it wro-"

"No, no," he reassured her with a smile. "Believe me. You're doing it right. Oh god, you're doing it right... I, I just had an idea. Something else I'd... I'd like to do."

To answer her questioning look, Ross walked around the couch and picked up Monica's bathrobe. He d****d it over the wide arm of the big chair, and took her by the hand to lead her over. He sat Monica down, to straddle the arm. Ross looked up and down her open, inviting legs. The bare balls of her feet rested on the rug in front of her, giving a perfect curve to her flexed calves. His mostly naked sister watched him, still uncertain of his plan.

Ross stripped off his shirt, and moved toward Monica. He put his hands around her waist and squatted slightly to line up his dick between her thighs.

"Wait! No, Ross. We can't," she protested, placing a small hand on his chest.

He paused, then gave a gentle laugh. "Oh, um, no Mon, I wasn't trying to, like, have sex with you. I just... um, wanted you to, you know... rub... on my... y'know... with your..." She knew.

"Oh," she said, somewhat relieved. "I guess, I guess that would be okay. Um... I guess I could do... that."

Even though they were having almost every form of foreplay known to man, it never struck them that they were laughably uncomfortable talking about it.

Monica put both hands on his chest, scooted back, and raised up slightly off the broad chair arm. Ross slipped his long hard cock underneath her, feeling her wetness as his member skimmed against her pussy. His knee pushed into the chair seat and he lowered his weight down onto the very end of arm. Monica settled in, her lace bra grazing his torso. One nipple still exposed and barely touching him.

They sat there, closer than they'd ever been before. Closer than any brother and sister ought to be.

She began rocking her body, rubbing herself along the length of his shaft. His pubic hair tickled her clit each time her hips pivoted forward. Little twinges of pleasure signaled in her frame.

"Like this?" she asked softly, her gaze riveted on his neck.

"Oh, Monica, like that," he assured her, still grasping her tiny waist. Soft wet pussy lips kissed his penis. A hard fleshy rod throbbed against her cunt.

Ross stared at his little sister. She seemed almost unaware that her fingertips were playing in the hair on his chest; gently caressing his muscles. Her rocking continued, and those soft short moans began emanating from her again.

He rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes. His baby sister was doing things for him that he'd never done with anyone else. His hands came up and he wrapped her in his arms. Such an intimate, yet carnal embrace.

He pulled his head away, and her face came up. They looked into each other's souls. Ross leaned in, and Monica's eyes slowly closed as his lips barely brushed against her own. But before they could kiss, she jerked away, her body stopping.

"No, Ross. I can't kiss you. I can't... like this..."

Ross chuckled softly. "You can, you can do all that other stuff... but kissing is out?"

"Ross, please. I'll do this for you, but I just- I, I can't..."

"No, that's okay, Mon. Just, whatever you're okay with," he said tenderly.

Monica thought for a moment. "Maybe I should... turn around," she offered.

As if dismounting a horse, she swung her leg over the chair arm, but Monica quickly was back in the saddle, facing out the open window.

She said softly, "Oh god, I hope no one's watching us."

"Just don't think about it," he replied, sliding his dick back under her. His abdomen pressed against her ass.

"Yeah, I guess if anyone's looking, they've already had an eyeful," she conceded. Then she looked over her shoulder. "But we really need to finish this soon. This is the last thing Chandler needs to walk in on." They shared a little laugh, imagining how much he would freak out. "So do you think this will make you... you know."

"Uh huh, I think it will."

" 'K," she acknowledged. Monica turned back and placed both hands close together on the arm of the chair. Her hips resumed their short, slow rocking motion. She felt her clit rubbing on the firm ridge of his head. "Omigod," she muttered with a soft moan.

Ross ran his hands along her back, caressing her soft skin. He came to her bra. Monica felt his fingers dip into the elastic... a gentle pulling of the cups against her breasts... and then a release of the pressure supporting her chest. It didn't matter that she was already nearly naked, nor that she was using her body right then to try to make Ross cum. No, it was just that simple action, that one thought; her brother was undressing her. THAT was the most erotic thing to enter her mind all evening.

He slipped the straps off her shoulders and slid them down her slim arms. She looked down at her bra, hanging around her wrists and dr****g over her hands.

This was so dirty. This was so erotic. This was so much what she wanted.

Ross brought his hands up and cupped his sister's breasts; something he'd wanted to do ever since he watched her doing it herself, a short while ago. They fit perfectly in his hands and he began caressing them. Tracing their hard areolas and the peaks of her erect nipples. Monica felt her brother giving soft squeezes to her breasts, and gentle pinches to her nipples. Her mind shifted between the sensations in her lower and upper body.

Monica's fingers dug into the padded chair arm. The sturdy furniture was holding up quite well, despite its unexpected use. Her left foot rested on the floor. Her other knee pressed into the cushion, with her foot hanging off the chair. She felt Ross' leg rubbing against her ankle as her body moved. His stomach against her back. His hands on her breasts.

"Damn, Ross would be such a good lover," she allowed her mind to admit.

Her hips continued their work, moving back and forth. Ross reveled in the sensation as Monica's pussy lips rubbed up and down his shaft. The robe beneath where their genitals met had turned a deeper shade of pink, as Monica's body responded to her activity. Soon, she was practically drenching his dick with her arousal.

"Ohhh Monica, that's it," he groaned.

"Can you... can you cum?" she asked, panting, as her labor of love went on. Monica herself wanted to cum and she knew she could cum. Hell, if this was going to get Ross off, there was no reason she shouldn't get herself off, too.

"Oh, totally," he replied, with his hands roaming her body. "Just don't stop... oh, don't stop, Mon."

There was no way, by that time, that she would stop. Her body moved with a workout more satisfying and more enticing than anything she'd done at the gym. She focused on the hard dick underneath her. The occasional flinches of that cock. The warmth and pressure against and just inside her pussy lips. The feeling of the head now grinding against her clit.

"Uhhh," she moaned, closing her eyes. "Oh god... oh... oh..."

Her long hair had fallen across her face, though she neither noticed nor cared. A chill shot down her back as she felt fingertips brush the left side of her neck, pulling her locks over her shoulder. The gentle caresses on her cheek and neck raised goosebumps. Her brother's soft touches were in stark contrast to her own rapid, impassioned motions.

"Oh yeah... mmm... like that... just like that," he encouraged his sister as he kissed along her neck.

"Uhn... uhn... uhn... mm... oh god... oh god... mm..." she uttered, her crescendo approaching. His hot exhale on her neck and shoulder gave an added aspect of eroticism for her to focus on.

Monica felt Ross' body begin to tense. His stomach undulated against her back as he took deep rapid breaths.

"Keep going... keep going..." he said through clenched teeth.

She ground herself against him, moving her hips as rapidly as she could. Monica wanted her own orgasm, and hastened to bring it on. She directed her thoughts to the wonderful titillation of her clit polishing his head; the way his ridge slipped back forward and back across her sensitive flesh.

"Almost there...." he grunted.

"Ross, please, not yet... please... let me cum too," came her breathless pleading.

But groping his sister's body, feeling her cock-dance, and hearing her beg to cum; all were more than he could resist. Ross groaned as he fired between her legs.

"NOOOOOooooo," she cried out, momentarily feeling deprived of her climax.

Concentrating only on the sensations in his body, Ross threaded his arms under hers, and pulled her back against himself. His fingers wrapped up and over and pressed into her shoulders, holding her in place. Monica felt his cock throb with ejaculation.

Her hands clamped onto his hips behind her as she attempted to keep rubbing herself against his shaft and head. Her breasts swayed on her chest, bouncing between his forearms. Her lower body's actions persisted frantically. She looked down and saw streams of cum still landing on her robe and hitting the insides her thighs as Ross' months of pent-up passion exploded.

As the rush abated, Ross began sliding back and forth, feeling his sister's soft wet pussy on the top of his dick, and her textured wet terry-cloth robe below. Eyes closed, he kissed the back of her head, lovingly. He let go of her shoulders, then one arm dropped down and across to grab her tit. The other hand brushed her hair away from her neck. Ross passionately kissed and licked along the side of Monica's neck as he kept her trapped in his embrace, fondling her breast.

"Oh, Monica," he moaned, oblivious to his sister's lurid plight. She was still trying to rub herself to orgasm on him. But with Ross' languid sliding and Monica's frenzied pace, they couldn't fall into sync. She hovered so close, yet her zenith was enticingly out of reach.

"Make me cum, dammit," she whined in frustration, her hips acting with a mind of their own.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, Mon," he said quickly with realization. "What, what do you want me to do?"

"Just make me cum," his sister replied, panting. "I'm... I'm so tired... but, but I need it, Ross...

His hip motion stopped and his free hand slipped down between Monica's legs. Ross' fingers found her clit, just as his dick slid backward beneath her to give access to her flesh. His fingertips moved in tiny circles, with her clitoris tucked between them. He kissed her earlobe. She felt his breath blowing across it as he spoke.

"Will this work... for you?" he intoned with still-heavy breathing.

Her eyes were closed as she focused on the feeling of being masturbated. Both her clit and her breast receiving their own specialized attention. Massaging fingers. Talented hands.

"Maybe... yes... I... I don't know..."

"Just let it come, Monica," he whispered. "Let it come."

His voice was somehow erotic and comforting at the same time. Her lips parted and she moaned softly as she melted in Ross' embrace. She wanted so much to let him bring her.

i****tuous rubbing was soon joined by Ross' renewed kissing along her neck. The whirlwind of action of a few minutes before was replaced by an equally enticing, yet far more romantic scene. She turned her head to him, silently beckoning his lips to her own. Her prohibition of kissing was quickly forgotten as the siblings devoured each other's mouths.

She wrapped her hand around his head, holding him near her shoulder. Monica's covered moans grew louder. She broke their kiss just long enough to say, "Press harder."

Ross followed her direction, and Monica simultaneously pushed her crotch down against his hand. As she did so, she felt the head of his cock begin to part her lips. The strong teasing of her clit was overshadowed by the simple, firm pressure at her entrance.

"Omigod," she thought, "he's almost in me. No!... no, we can't."

But her hips seemed to disagree. They imperceptibly slid forward and back, rubbing his head as far in as the dark-haired beauty dared to go. She ended their impassioned kissing and turned back, away from him.

"Monica, can you-"

"I don't know, I don't know," her whining answer interrupted him. "Ross, I, I need you to make me cum."

With new vigor, his finger worked back and forth, firmly on her clit.

"No, Ross," she whispered.

"What should I-"

"Please don't make me say it," she blurted out, shaking her head.

Then the realization of her meaning hit him. For the first time, he noticed that his dick was still hard; that his cockhead was just barely inside her. Ross' hand stopped moving and he simply held her.

"Mon, I... I need to know you... um... want..." His words trailed off.

The clock on the wall ticked loudly as she struggled with the admission.

"Say it," he whispered in her ear, sending an inviting chill down her spine. She almost felt as if she had no choice but to follow his direction.

"Go-, go in me. I need to cum. And, and I know that'll do it."

Ross gave her a kiss on the cheek, that was brotherly, yet in this circumstance, strangely erotic. He released her breast and her body was gently but firmly pushed forward. She lifted her ass slightly off the chair, to let him go all the way in. Her hands rested on the back and arm of the furniture. She stared at the floor behind it. Her mind forced away the gravity of what they were doing, and what they were about to do.

Monica felt his hands run along her back. They slipped around her waist, and came to rest on her hips.

Her head came up and her hair flew back, and she groaned deeply as she was gradually filled with her brother's cock.

"Do it, Ross," Monica begged, quietly. "Make me cum. Please... please," she fought to say the word, "fuck me 'til I cum."

Ross slowly began screwing his sister. After everything she had done for him that evening, he was more than willing to fulfill this lurid duty.

As soon as she experienced the first sensation of penetration, Monica became quite desirous to let him fuck her. The feeling of that hard dick repeatedly filling her was taking her higher, little by little.

"Oh yeah... oh yeah," she gasped between exhales, "... do it slow."

In... and out... in... and out... he granted her request. As he did her, Ross played with Monica's long black hair, that flowed over her shoulders and down her back. So soft, so sensual, so sexy.

"Oh yes... yes..." she whimpered, eyes tightly shut.

"Oh god, Monica, this feels so good," he groaned.

"I know... I... please... keep doing it..."

"Uh huh," he agreed simply, as he stared down at his dick sliding in and out of his sister. Her hot, wet, velvety pussy gripping him tightly. It was the most erotic, dirty, glorious sensation he'd ever had.

He touched her; every part of her that he could reach without stopping their fuck. Caressing her soft shoulders and arms. Cupping her hanging breasts. Gripping her firm ass. Rubbing her trim legs and toned ass.

Soon, Monica found herself pushing back onto him, in perfect time. Her orgasm growing, fed by his hard flesh.

"Harder... harder..." she directed, "I like it hard..."

Ross complied and a sensual feminine grunt popped out of her with each thrust. "Uhn... uhn... uhn... oh... yeah... yeah... hard... hard!..."

She felt her breasts swaying beneath her as her body was rocked by her brother's loving force. His hands wrapped around her hips, holding onto her for leverage, as he pounded his thighs against her. His dick buried all the way in her each time, ramming against the upper wall of her cunt. His loose balls slapped against her tingling clit.

"OH! OH! YEAH! FUCK! ME!" she screamed. "OH! ROSS! ROSS!! HOLD ME! HOLD ME!"

Monica stood up slightly and was enveloped into his arms. He squeezed her tit and sucked on her ear and kept on fucking her body. If only he could have seen the look of utter sexual abandon that graced her face, Ross probably would have shot again on the spot.

She aimlessly reached back, trying to find his body. Wanting to touch him. All she could find was his hips and then his head. Her fingers gripped his hair for a brief second. But then she contented herself with grabbing his forearms, as they enfolded her.

"Uhhhhhhh... UUUUHHHHH..." Each moan grew in volume and pitch. Her climax began to swell upward from her pussy. Her fingers clutched his arm, in a white-knuckle grip. "UUUHHHHH!!... OH YEAH!," she screamed as the full strength overpowered her. "AAAAHHHHH!!!"

Ross held her upright as he thrust forcefully up into her. Monica convulsed with her orgasm. Each thrust sent a spasm through her frame. Her petite body was racked with lusty fury, and she was able do nothing but let it to happen to her.

Monica's face matched the impassioned intonation of her voice. "YEAH... OH YEAH... OH!... OH!... YEAAAHHH!!!... UUHNN... UUHNN... Uuhnn... uuhnn... mmm... mmm... ohhhh... mmmmmm..." Her moans took on a sexy mellow whimper as she came down.

Her exhausted body collapsed in her brother's arms. Time seemed to stop as they stood there like that. Ross holding her. Tenderly kissing her neck. His hard cock still up inside her. Both panting for air. Soon, Monica brushed her tousled hair from her face as she swallowed and cleared her parched throat. Her lips, dry from her erotic screams, were soon moistened by her able tongue.

She moved, causing Ross to release her naked body. Monica leaned forward and pulled off him.

Silently, they looked around the room, both catching their breath and wondering what they should do next. Neither sibling felt embarrassed or guilty, yet both questioned whether they ought to.

Monica picked up her robe from the arm of the chair, and upon noticing the very damp fabric, decided against putting it on. She demurely tried to hide her breasts with her forearm, as she glanced around for any other garment.

Ross looked at her and smiled at the cute absurdity of her modest gesture.

"C'mere," he said as he took Monica's elbow and pulled her to him. She found herself once more in his embrace and instinctively nuzzled his neck. Her nipples pressed into his chest. She felt his cock against her stomach. Monica looked up at him with soft eyes, taking in his smile, which she genuinely returned.

Ross kissed his beautiful sister. Their mouths embraced over and over. The emotion they shared in those kisses was one that they knew could never be described to anyone else. Equal mixture of sibling love and sensual love. Their lips slowly parted.

"Thank you," he said simply, as he stared into her dazzling eyes.

She put her head on his bare chest and caressed his back, as she replied, "Any time, big brother... any time."

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Wetting the Dry Spell

Golden urine dripped down her thighs and she trembled. Half in shock, half embarrassed, but completely turned on… much to her surprise. She felt her clit was so erect that that she couldn’t stop the flow. And her lower abdomen felt a pulse when she heard Mitchell wake up and make his way toward her.He turned on the light, and looked across the room. “Erica? What are you doing?” he asked groggily, glaring in the light, his nearly brown eyes that were more maroon or lavender in certain lights,...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Dry Spell

I hadn't had sex in two weeks. Not since the parlor reopened. Not since I had Maxwell in my apartment. Now my massages were short and reasonable. I was working with two other girls and one man, a gay man, and with a manager. A manager. That hadn't been in the contract or, at least, I didn't think it was.His name was Steven Tabb and he was the go-between for me and the man who had franchised my business. He kept the schedule, set the prices, made sure I didn't go over or under my time. Now my...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 5 A Dry Spell

We are not scheduled to meet the next girl until tomorrow, but Jake has her cell number and' texts her, telling her we are looking forward to meeting her. Before we even get back to the house Jake gets a text saying the girl has decided not to meet us. That is both good and bad. It blows a hole in the schedule and it means that it will be easier to select Nic2 as the girl. Jake texts the last girl on the list and asks if she would like to move up her time with us to start tomorrow. This is a...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 86 Dry Spell

Oh shit. I know that look. My parents want to talk about yet another thing I did to screw something up. “Please have a seat David,” dad ordered. Dum dum da dum dum de dum dum dum da dum. I sat there sweating it for a few minutes before for mom said, “By now I am sure you have a pretty good idea why we told you to stay well away from Lane. Some detectives came to my office today to question me about what happened last night. He did try to get me to say I knew you were having sex with any...

2 years ago
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A Welcome to Cuckoldry

“Cuckoldry can be great fun. Get involved in grooming her for her dates. Trimming her pubic hair, for example, can be a very strong submissive experience when you know that in a few hours another man will be enjoying the scenery. Help her choose clothes. Better still, go shopping with her for some sexy clothes that she can wear on dates. Get her an anklet that she can wear on her right ankle to signal that she is a hot wife. Bathe her and then rub her down with perfumed oils before her dates.”...

2 years ago
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Delila Spell

      Part 1        They say seeing is believing, that everything in the universe can be explained with a logical background. They say that people in their nature will lean towards fiction and the paranormal because under all the na say excuses it promises the idea of making something out of nothing. I was one of those people who said that, that when people weren’t presented with a clear-cut answer to life’s big questions, they leaped...

4 years ago
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Father Daniels Spell

I was young and nubile and also, this was the important part, longed for and loved orgasms and climaxes and all kinds of things like that which were a kind of ‘forbidden fruit.’ After all, I was not that old but my body was fully developed. Nice breasts, a slender waist and a pussy that wouldn’t stop wanting attention…not to mention anal…another joy. I was all systems “go” and systems were ready to go with any suggestion, or no suggestion at all. Then there was this young priest, Father...

2 years ago
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Under His Spell

Introduction: A horny housewife finds herself unable to resist the advances of her daughters new boyfriend. Under His Spell by Pan When I felt the hand of my daughters boyfriend on my ass, I didnt say anything. How would you have reacted? Wed been asking Georgia to invite her boyfriend around for weeks nowwe didnt know anything about him, except that the two of them seemed to be getting along. My husband and I had literally no idea what to expectand yet, Ash still managed to surprise us. He...

2 years ago
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Under His Spell

I hated him. I always had. But now more than ever. I hated the way he made me feel. But he was just so bloody gorgeous. And every time he looked at me with his whirlpool green eyes, my legs just turned to jelly. Just one glance from him would make my stomach do multiple flips, and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. He knew exactly how much control he had over me, he knew exactly how manipulate me and get exactly what he wanted. And he loved it. Every last, lustful second of it. I’d known...

3 years ago
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The Kidnapping spell

Being a being of unlimited power was so.. so boring. Thanks to the rules of the universe, there was unfortunately not much you do to keep yourself entertained. You had a fun time watching being's but they only could keep your attention for a short time. You would something times make a small little alternate universe but that could only be done for a limited time. Then when you were truly bored and out of ideas. You would take over the body of a being they would still be in control not knowing...

1 year ago
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Under His Spell

Introduction:A horny housewife finds herself unable to resist the advances of her daughter’s new boyfriend.Under His Spellby PanWhen I felt the hand of my daughter’s boyfriend on my ass, I didn’t say anything.How would you have reacted? We’d been asking Georgia to invite her boyfriend around for weeks now—we didn’t know anything about him, except that the two of them seemed to be getting along. My husband and I had literally no idea what to expect—and yet, Ash still managed to surprise us.He...

3 years ago
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As a young man I fell under the spell of a mature lady who enjoyed having me call at her cottage to satisfy her desires.She was in her early forties with a well rounded figure beautiful dark eyes a smiling mouth and thick dark hair which she always had up in a big teased style .On this occasion I had a call from her to say she wanted me to call at 10 am on the Sunday and to be prepared to spend the night.She opened her front door dressed in a thick white dressing gown with her hair up in the...

4 years ago
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Under His Spell

I hated him. I always had. But now more than ever. I hated the way he made me feel. But he was just so bloody gorgeous. And every time he looked at me with his whirlpool green eyes, my legs just turned to jelly. Just one glance from him would make my stomach do multiple flips, and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. He knew exactly how much control he had over me; he knew exactly how manipulate me and get exactly what he wanted. And he loved it. Every last, lustful second of it. I’d known...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bikini Beach A Quiet Spell

I am writing this story as a means of sending my best wishes to ElrodW for a quick and healthy recovery, and also as a means of thanking him for the excellent story universe that he created and has let us all play in. (However, strict traditionalists on the lists should note that no transformation is featured in this story.) Bikini Beach: A Quiet Spell Copyrighted 2000 By Radioactive Loner Anya looked out the window at the parking lot surrounding Bikini Beach. She was... a...

2 years ago
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The Linking Spell

The Linking Spell By Anon Allsop The sun was parked high in the sky as I wiped the sweat from my forehead, it would have been extremely hot if it hadn't been for the light breeze I was feeling as I powered through the thick grass. I had been mowing Mrs. Anderson's lawn for most of the summer; it was easy work and didn't pay bad as lawns go. I could never figure out why Mrs. Anderson's' grown son Josh, never cut it just to save her the money... oh well, it kept me well...

3 years ago
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Son fucks mom under Tantri8217s spell

This is a story set in rural kerala known for its black magic .this story is set is the beautiful back waters of allepy district. Sukumaran nair, his wife ammu and son ramesh live is a huge taravad house. airs daughter is a business executive still unmarried and living in kochi. Over last 1 year his business has taken a nose dive with huge loses; ammu developed sickness that did not cure with any medicines and now their son’s wedding got cancelled after all arrangements were made So nair...

1 year ago
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The Witchs Spell

Caroline was working her shift at "Ultimate Pleasures", the sex shop in her town. It was morning so it was slow. She sat there reading a magazine to pass the time. Suddenly she hears the door bell ring. She sits up from her lounged position. She sees a middle aged woman with mess black hair and a black dress walk in. "Hello." Caroline said greeting the customer. The woman never looked her way. She just looked around the store and head towards the back. "Rude Bitch" Caroline though to...

3 years ago
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PriestCast a Spell

I was young and nubile and also, this was the important part, longed for and loved orgasms and climaxes and all kinds of things like that which were a kind of ‘forbidden fruit.’ After all, I was not that old but my body was fully developed. Nice breasts, a slender waist and a pussy that wouldn’t stop wanting attention…not to mention anal…another joy. I was all systems “go” and systems were ready to go with any suggestion, or no suggestion at all. Then there was this young priest, Father...

2 years ago
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Insatiable Chapter 01 Under Her Spell

Time. The inexorable march forward. A precious commodity to most, though they rarely acted like it. A triviality to the Chosen, though they arguably spent more of their waking hours living in the moment. A paradox? Or just a cruel joke? Did having time in abundance cheapen its value? That's how it worked for everything else. Scarcity determines value. If that were true, it would mean... No, time was different. No matter how much people imagined they had, they craved more. It was the one...

3 years ago
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Insatiable Chapter 1 Under Her Spell

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Time. The inexorable march forward. A precious commodity to most, though they rarely acted like it. A triviality to the Chosen, though they arguably spent more of their waking hours living in the moment. A paradox? Or just a cruel joke? Did having time in abundance cheapen its value? That's how it worked for everything else. Scarcity determines value. If that were true, it would mean... No, time was different. No matter how much people imagined...

1 year ago
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Under his spell

As long as Patrick could remember he had the power, well at least as far back as eight years old anyway. For about eighteen years now, with no real rhyme or reason, Patrick has somehow acquired the power to put people into deep hypnotic trances, and even more extraordinary, he could have them do his bidding, and wake up totally unaware of any of the activities they may have taken part in! Even at a very young age, he instinctively knew not to let on the secret of his new found powers, it was...

Men Erotic Dreams
1 year ago
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Magic love spell

Note : This story is completely fictional! would any one like a story where a man fall in love and uses magic to turn his loved one into a sex slave. The spill would be this. Put three candles in the highest place you have at home, inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light the candles. Ask for three wishes to the angels ST. RAFAEL, ST. MICHAEL, and ST. GABRIEL. Ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one impossible wish. Publish this spell on the third day after you...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fourteen

It was Saturday morning three weeks after the New Year ball. I had already taken our two kids to their regular sporting activities – in this case soccer training for both of them - while my lovely, unfaithful wife Alice was still sleeping the sleep of the not-very-innocent. The day was beautiful; cold and bright. I had just changed into my running kit for a half hour’s chilly trip down the local canal towpath and was looking for my muddy ‘outdoor’ training shoes when I became aware of a...

2 years ago
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An analysis on the nature of cuckoldry

According to shakespeare, being a cuckold is the greatest shame - but what would a man of bland tastes know? Its the summation of mankind's whimsical nature: an expansion of the spirit to harmonize with disillusionment and reality which allows us to ponder on the stoic moments living. Only a cuckold could cherish the philosophy of such selflessness. A cuckold is submissive to unyielding forces, a man who knows the futility of his being. The drive that allows the cuckold to linger on powerless...

4 years ago
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Miss Spelled

Miss-Spelled, by GENEVA It was humid April afternoon in the early 1860's, and I was brushing down to the horses, when the sheriff poked his head in the stable door. "Jim, can you come into my office for a minute when you are done?" I washed my hands, dried them on a rag and pushed my way in the door. Sam was sitting at his desk, peering at a letter. "Yeah, Sam, you wanted to see me. What about ?" "I got this letter here from Bob Simms. He's the lawman in...

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Authors Note: I originally planned this to be a stand alone story but as I finished it, I feel like I could take it further. I would love to hear suggestions from any readers as to how I should do this as well as the usual constructive criticism. Love Sophie x Miss-Spelled "We ready to go then Richie?" I asked. "Sure am Phil, let's go," Richie replied. The two of us were on our to our friend Craig's 25th birthday party, a fancy dress one to be precise. Neither of...

3 years ago
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DryadI often left it all behind and headed for the mountain. It’s a place I like to go when I’ve had enough of my daily dose of troubles. So off I went alone. The mountain is steep, not like rock climbing, just a robust ascent. The skies are gray. I travelled a wooded trail. I had hiked all day and planned on camping over night. The hour was growing near when day is neither light nor dark. As I stepped over a fallen branch, I wonder just when that moment crosses over. There must be that...

2 years ago
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My more realistic vision of cuckoldry Part one

This is just a fantasy and did not happen. Feedback very welcome There comes a point in your life when you look back at your mistakes and look to the future and what you want to make you happy. After a failed marriage and many failed relationships. I was doing just that, looking seriously at how I could make my future happier. For a few years I had been interested in cuckoldry, after reading about it as a lifestyle in the old Forum magazines. To be quite honest I was never convinced...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fifteen

It was Thursday night, one week later. The Grandparents were babysitting our two kids while my sweet, unfaithful wife and I went for what we had described to them as ‘a bit of light supper with some friends that might go on a bit late’. The truth was that it was nothing of the kind. Food was definitely a secondary consideration; the entire evening had been arranged by the She-Devil Carmen in order to allow me and our new friend Hilary to have an intimate sexual encounter in their house. For the...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Legs Eleven

“You’re sure she didn’t say who else would be there?” my lovely, unfaithful wife Alice asked as we drove across town towards the house where our friends Carmen and Steve lived. “All she said was that she was arranging ‘a gathering’ as she called it and that it wouldn’t be complete without us,” I replied, “I know it’s infuriating but she’s as much your friend as mine. You could have asked her!” We drove on in silence for a few minutes before Alice continued. “She wouldn’t tell me anything about...


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