Virgin Babe Finally Gets Fucked - Part Three free porn video

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It’s as if things were meant to be, a few days after having phone sex with Nicolas, my parents tell me they are going to out of town. My dad has a business meeting, and they've decided to make a little vacation out of it. They leave on Friday morning and won’t be back until Sunday afternoon.

Now that it’s Thursday, I've told Sadie about it and she agrees that it’s meant to be. I should invite Nicolas to stay the weekend with me. The idea excites me, but also makes me a little nervous. I've never slept with a guy over night before. I want to though, I really want to with Nicolas.

Lying in bed that night on the phone with him, he can tell something is off and asks me about it. I can’t help but get nervous once again.

“Kyra, what’s up tonight, you aren't being yourself. Talk to me, baby girl,” his voice is soft, which I know means he is tired.

“I just, well, my parents are going out of town this weekend. I know that we’ve never, um, well spent the night so a weekend is a lot, but I’d like if you come and spent it with me,” my words trail, growing softer. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.

“You really are ready for something like that, Kyra? I don’t want to push you too fast.”

“I am, I’ve been thinking of this a long time, I’m ready. It’s the perfect timing. I promise,” my words sound certain, even though I’m nervous. I think I have nerves because I’m excited, not because I’m scared.

“Okay, well you know I’d love to. I work on Sunday as you know, but Saturday I’m free. I can come over Friday night until Sunday morning. How is that?” His voice suddenly a bit more awake, I can hear the excitement in his voice.

“Do you really want to be here with me all weekend? I understand if you don’t,” my voice is small, but I don’t want to take all his time up.

“Kyra, don’t be silly. Where else would I want to be, I’m going to be with the girl I love. I’ll be there after I get out of work, go home and change. I also expect dinner to be made, candles and all.”

“Yes Sir,” I giggle, feeling relaxed.

We spend the next half hour talking, before saying goodnight. I know I’m going to be busy with cleaning up and getting ready for tomorrow night. I know if my parents ever found out that Nicolas slept over, they’d flip their lids. I don’t care though, I respect my parents but I know what I’m doing. I haven’t been rushing into this. This is what I want. I’m about to lose my virginity!

Getting to school, I tell Sadie the news. As usual she is just as excited for me, as I am. She runs down a list of things I should do, but it’s kind of obvious what needs to be done at this rate. She also tells me a bit of surprising news. She is meeting that guy she met off the internet. I, of course, now go down the list of being careful. Sadie tells me she knows what she’s doing, not to worry about her. She’ll text me, to let me know she’s okay.

The day seems to drag by, but eventually, it ends and I get home as fast as I can. That morning, my parents gave me some weekend spending money. They told me not to stay in all weekend; they even jokingly said not to have any parties. But, they didn’t say I couldn’t have a boy over. I guess I’m not breaking their rules, now, am I?

Spending two hours cleaning and making sure everything is how I want it to be, I go to clean my room. I change the bed sheets and make sure that there is nothing here I don’t want him to see. Nicolas has never been in my room before; my dad would never allow that. Now that everything is set, I go to take a shower.

With the shower pouring down over me, I let my mind wander over everything that is going to happen this weekend. I can’t help but love how I’ve been exploring myself, and how grateful I am to have a friend like Sadie. She’s helped me, more than she knows, I think. Of course, it also helps to have such a wonderful boyfriend, who hasn’t pushed me into having sex.

After my shower, I dress in something simple: I don’t want to come off as if I’m trying too hard. Nicolas is already mine, I know he cares and loves me. I don’t need to be extreme with him. However, I am making him dinner, even though I know he was joking. He’s been working all day and needs real food to eat.

Seven sharp Nicolas shows up, he embraces me, kissing me deeply. His touch is possessive and needy. I can’t help but let out a low moan, tasting his minty breath. I smile through our kiss, falling deeper for him with each passing moment.

“Mmm, I have a surprise for you,” I groan out.

“How much more can you offer me,” he whispers against my lips.

I giggle, pulling him by his hand, “you’ll see, come on.”

Heading towards the kitchen, dinner is served. I made him one of his favourites, eggplant Parmesan. I even made sure to put out candles, with a table cloth, making it look all fancy. The lights are dim, giving it a cosy romantic feeling.

“Babe, you know I was joking last night, but wow, you went all out. If I had known, I would have brought wine or something. It all looks so amazing.”

“Don’t worry, I have some. My parents keep a few bottles.”

“Haven’t you thought of everything, this is great, babe.”

We sit down, filling our plates and talking about our days. He tells me he misses school sometimes, telling me to enjoy what I have left of it. I giggle, telling him I will as he pops open the bottle of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. He tries it, telling me it’s a perfect choice for the meal. I blush, taking a small sip. I’m not much of a drinker, but wanting something to soothe the nerves. They aren’t too bad, but enough to be known.

By the time dinner is over, we’ve polished off the wine, opening another. We go into the living room, putting in After Earth. It’s one neither of us seen and has Will Smith in it, it must be good, right? Curling up into his lap, we watch whilst touching one another. It’s just simple touches, caressing one another. It feels so natural to have him here with me. The DVD is rather good, but eventually we start kissing, ignoring the film all together.

Clothing slowly starts coming off, kissing each other still, feeling the excitement growing higher. My skin feels ultra sensitive, making me whimper with need. I want him, want so much of him, all of him. His lips are exploring my neck, biting lightly at the nape, working slowly down towards my breasts. My bra is still on, but my nipples are so hard you can see them through it. I blush because of it, he caresses his palm over one of them, making the nipple even harder.

The mix of the desire for him, and the wine, take effect quickly. His eyes are on me, making sure that I want to do this, I smile at him, giving him the go ahead. He smiles at me, before slipping his hands around me to unclip my bra. My breasts fall free, my nipples harder being exposed to the air, makes me gasp. My first instinct is to cover them, but Nicolas stops me before I can. It’s like he knows what I was going to do.

I lean back against the sofa; he climbs over me, kissing my lips softy for a moment. He trails his lips down my skin again, before taking my breasts into his mouth. The warmth of his mouth is like a hot blanket. It’s like a cold winter night wanting to escape the cold air and slip into the blankets. That is what his mouth feels to me right now. I moan out, craving him, he begins to suckle on my nipple. It almost feels weird, a slight tickle that makes you breathless.

He switches back and forth with them, taking his time, bathing me in need. I’m his own personal drug and he is mine. The sounds of the credits play, and he reaches for the remote and hits mute. The wind outside dances in the leaves, mixing with the wind chimes in the back garden. My breathing is what we hear the most. The soft ticking sound of the clock in the next room plays in tune with my gasps. My legs opening for him, he sinks between them, I wrap my legs around him. I become possessive, needing him there.

My fingers dance over his bare back, caressing him lightly. His cock strains against his jeans, pressing against my panties. We roll our hips together as he continues to suck on my nipples. I watch him working my nipples, sucking on them harder. His teeth, his tongue, his mouth, everything, he uses them all to please me. My panties are soaked; feeling as though I might come with what he is doing to me so far. I hold off the best I can though.

“Baby, take me to my room,” I groan, whimpering with need. I want us to feel comfortable and in my bed.

“I thought you’d never ask, Angel face,” with grace he slips off me, and picks me up into his arms.

He cradles me, carrying me to my room. I point the way, with him pushing the door further open with his foot, he sets me on the bed. I watch him undress, watching in awe, loving how amazingly fit he is. He comes to me now, undressing what little I have left on. He peels my panties off, seeing my smooth pussy. He smiles, scanning over my body, taking in the sight of what he shall have soon.

“You look so beautiful, Angel face,” his voice is low, sexy and full of lust. It makes my pussy tighten with want for him.

“You make me feel beautiful, I love the way you look at me like that, Nicolas. I love you,” I shiver, feeling him climb on to the bed with me.

He moves between my legs, opening me to him again. This time, he looks at my bare pussy, a look of total lust and need filling his eyes. His erection, which is already so hard, becomes all the more when I let out a soft moan.

Coming down to my level, he kisses my inner thighs, working closer into me. His tongue skirts over my mound, teasing the sensitive flesh of where I’ve shaved. With slow, skilled movements, he works his tongue up and down my slit with just barely a touch. It is so erotic; it makes me writhe with need already. Finally, when his tongue does make contact with my clit, my entire body responds. It’s like a gasoline fire being set; burning passion erupts fast and hard.

Everything he is doing to me sets me afire higher, bringing me to the boiling point of no return. His tongue plays and teases with my clit, his finger probing at my entrance until he works it in, knuckle deep. I grip the blankets, arching my hips into him; he brings me closer to my orgasm. I want to come hard for him. My head thrown back, I whimper out, begging him not to stop. Not that I think he has any intentions to, but I can’t help but beg him still.

He sucks hard on my clit, pulling it into his mouth, making me cry out his name. The sounds coming from me are nothing I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing before. I can’t help but blush, writhing under this man as he pleases me. I’m spinning so fast. I almost feel like I’m on one of those merry-go-rounds at the park, spinning far too fast, trying to stay on it.

Thrusting a second finger inside me, he begins to move faster. I think he senses I’m close, curling them to hit my sweet spot, I buck up at him. I move with him as he fucks me with his mouth and fingers. He is taking total control over my body, I feel myself giving into him further. It’s then I feel the power of what I’ve been searching for so long.

My body tightens, feeling myself falling from the merry-go-round, I let go and release. I begin to come so hard, dizzying sensation pulls me further into it. My legs buckle, locking in place, feeling myself come hard for him. He doesn’t lose his pace; he brings me into such a high. I gasp, trying to breathe even in the middle of my orgasm. How can he make me come so hard? We’ve not even had sex yet.

Once I’m able to speak, he slows down, licking and tasting me. Pulling himself up to me, he kisses my lips gently. My breathing is still coming to a steady rhythm when he does, making me moan softly against his sweet lips.

“How do you feel?” He whispers against my lips, kissing me gently still.

“There are no words to even begin to explain. I’ll go with sedated,” I giggle.

“Sedated is good, that works for me,” he pulls me into his arms, holding me close.

No words need to be spoken; we’re just in each other’s arms, enjoying having this. It feels like all the times we’ve been on the phone together, but finally together. It’s perfect. I listen to his breathing, mine matching his. I caress my fingers over him, nothing else is needed. We know we have all weekend and it makes me happy he doesn’t rush it. Although, I would do more, but right now, this is what we need.

When I wake up in the morning I’m surprised to see that Nicolas isn’t in bed with me. A small part of me panics, but I soon realise I smell food cooking. The widest smile spreads across my face. I slip out of bed and grab my robe and slippers, before heading towards the kitchen to find him.

I look around the corner, sneaking a cheeky peek at him. There he is, standing in just his boxers, which form around his arse so nicely. His back, seemingly, looks longer when standing so naked, the muscular movements as he flips the French toast, the curves of his calves standing there. My eyes wander over every inch of his body, soaking in the details of him. His hair, which he wears just long enough for me to run my fingers through, is unruly, begging to be touched.

Trying to be as quiet as I can, I move towards him, slipping my arms around his middle. The touch of me doesn’t startle him, but makes him moan softly. He stands a good five inches taller than me, resting my head against his warm back.

I whisper softly to him, “Good morning, babe, you didn’t have to cook, you know? I could have done this.”

“You cooked dinner last night, which was out of this world amazing. I know how to hold my own and I want to take care of my girl. You can, however, grab the orange juice from the fridge, that’s all you’re allowed to do,” he chuckles softly.

“I can do that,” I kiss on his back, squeezing softly on his cock.

The soft groan sends warm tingles down my spine. I grab the juice and place it on the table; he serves us both a stack of French toast each. The amount he made makes me giggle, but I do eat a good, fair share of mine. I watch as he cleans through his with no problem. I offer him the rest of mine and he has no issues finishing those as well. Once breakfast is over, we decide to take a shower.

Since it’s raining out, we’ve decided to not go out. We’ll just enjoy the day inside, pretending the world doesn’t exist beyond the two of us. We head towards the shower, stripping off what little we have on, and climb in. The water is hot, filling the room with steam, making it feel all the darker than it should be for ten in the morning. Finally, for the first time this morning, Nicolas leans down, cupping my face with his hands, he kisses me softly.

Water pouring over us, I can still taste him. His lips full and soft, kissing me with passion and need. He just holds me close to him; I cling to him with need. His body is hard but gentle at the same time. My breasts against his chest, I can feel his heart beating against me. After what seems like a long time, we move to actually shower. It’s my first time showering with someone and I love it.

Throughout the rest of the morning and early afternoon, we play card and board games. It’s something simple, but it’s one of the best days I have ever had. Around six, we order in some food and watch a DVD as we eat. It’s just one of those perfect lazy days that can’t get much better than this.

With the food put away, me curled into Nicolas’s arms, he holds me close. Once more, our lips meet, kissing one another. I can taste him; I love the taste of him. He sends me into such a spell. It’s as if on cue, he knows what I want. He lifts me into his arms, and carries me to my bedroom once more. I know this is it, finally. I’m going to give myself to him.

He undresses me. His eyes wander over me, soaking me in again. I can see the lust build higher inside him, which ignites something deep inside me. I can’t wait to have him; I’ve wanted him for so long now. He removes his clothes, having me lay on the bed.

Slowly, he kisses up my legs, to my inner thighs, up my smooth belly. With each kiss, it makes me softly moan out, he trails light kisses until he’s at my lips once more. I can feel the moistness of my pussy, the ache deep inside me building. He leans into me, pressing himself against me. I can feel his hardness against my pussy, causing me to open my legs a bit wider for him. I’m offering myself to him with unspoken words.

I feel him press closer to me; he can feel the heat of my pussy radiate off of him. Our breathing is matched, our hearts beating as if they were one. I wrap my legs around him, keeping him there, with me, forever. Slowly, he begins to inch inside me, my wetness helping him along the way. I gasp out with each passing inch, he fills me wonderfully. Even without a thrust I know this will feel better than any vibrator I could find in a shop.

Every last inch of his cock inside me, I can feel him throb in me. I pulse around him, the anticipation working us higher. Leaning down, he covers my mouth with his and we kiss deeply. It’s soft, but deep. He rolls his hips inside me, making me moan out against his lips, my fingers clinging deep into his forearms. The way he rolls his hips is gentle, but overwhelming with pleasure.

“Are you okay,” he asks softly, looking down at me. His hair is hanging over his face lightly.

I can’t help but smile, “of course I am. I want more, I’m okay. It’s perfect.”

His lips meet mine once more; he slowly begins to thrust inside me. He only moves half of his cock at first, until he is certain I’m okay. When he starts moving his entire shaft inside me, he reaches down between us and plays with my clit at the same time. I let out a moan, gasping with desires. I look down, watching as his cock pulls all the way out and sinks back deep inside me again. It comes into view once more, disappearing into my depth again.

My entire body responds to his pleasures, his mouth now on my breasts, sucking on them. How he is able to give me so much pleasure from so many angles is making me want to lose my mind. I moan louder, grinding into him, I know I’m close. I’ve masturbated enough to know when my body is about to orgasm. I think he senses it too, even though he’s never had me. He doesn’t slow, even picks up the speed a little more.

It’s what I need, the dam lets go, and I begin to orgasm hard. The rippling effects it has on me, makes me cry out for him. I feel as though an oceans tidal wave is drowning me in pleasure. It’s scary, but overwhelmingly good, at the same time. How it’s possible, I don’t know. I don’t even care, I want more of it. Nicolas has no desire to stop, he continues to please me.

My walls throb around him, pulsing hard. He has slowed down a little once my orgasm had passed. Our kisses are lazy, but needy. He begins to grind himself once more inside me, rolling his hips deeply. My fingers move up into his hair, holding him close to me. I love how soft his hair feels between my fingers. It’s like silk. I feel his passion burning deep within me. Again, he begins to thrust for me, taking me deeper.

Arching my hips up towards him, he moves his hands under my arse, gripping me tight. He holds me close and begins to move a little faster. I move my head up, looking towards the ceiling, I gasp hard, wanting to come again. No words need to be spoken; the love that we hold for one another doesn’t even need to be said. It’s done so with actions.

Deeper he pushes, faster he goes, bringing us both closer to our impending orgasms. I move with him, meeting his thrusts. His breathing begins to pick up, moaning a little heavier now. It turns me on even more. It sends me into a twitching spasm. I moan out, unable to hold back. I begin to orgasm, tighten around him. He feels me squeeze him, he groans out, thrusting still. He can’t hold back any longer. He spills his seed inside me, pouring deeply into me. I keep moving my body with his, milking him as he does.

Our breathing matches again, as he looks down at me. I can feel his heart beating with mine. We are as one, forever together. We’re connected with each other like I’ve never shared with anyone else. Every memory of our time together floods my mind. It’s as a film flicking in my mind, from the day we met to each passing moment. I’m filled with love, needing more of him. Tears begin to roll down the sides of my face; he looks at me with concern.

“Baby, are you okay?” He whispers, so close I can feel his breath upon me.

“Of course I am, I’m just thinking of all the memories of us. You remember meeting me?”

“How can I forget? It was like a year ago, when I was still in school. I had just broken up with Jill. I was hurting real bad and you came up to me. You told me, ‘you’re better off; she never challenged you to be better.’ I don’t know how you knew that, but I liked you right then. I wanted to know if you could do it.”

“And do I?”

“Oh yes, without a doubt, baby girl. You challenge me every day.”

“I plan to for as long as you keep me,” I giggle lightly.

He slides off me, his cock soft now. He pulls me into his arms, holding me close. He kisses my forehead with a light sigh.

“Silly girl, I plan to keep you forever. You’re mine.”

My heart skips a beat, smiling into his chest. I kiss it lightly, “And you are mine, forever mine,” I whisper.

We spend the rest of the evening in bed. It’s still early enough, we just talk. We talk about what we want and hope for out of life. When he does eventually fall asleep, I think back at how I've slowly worked up to getting to this point. I’m glad I didn't rush it. It was all worth the wait.

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 2

She was curled up on the couch, still by the phone, when Bob walked in the front door. Exhaustion had given her sleep, though it was a twitchy, restless kind of slumber. He was riding a quieter bike, so it was the noise he made closing the door that awakened her. She blinked, cried out, and then rushed into his arms. It took him ten minutes to find out that Don and Susan weren't dead. A local driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit Don and Susan's car head on at high speed. Both were...

2 years ago
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Virgin School Girl Fucked By Dirty Driver

Hi, this is Sanjuktha. Hope you have read my previous stories. This story is about how I lost my virginity during my school days. So, I am Sanjuktha and this happened 6 years ago when I was in 12th std. My age was 18 and my figure was 32-21-20 at that time. I studied in a girls higher secondary school. I used to talk bad and dirty with my female friends. They insisted me to do masturbation. But I didn’t like to do that. One day, while we were going to our swimming class in our school, the...

2 years ago
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A threesome with a sexy Latin babe

Ana and I had decided to spend some vacation days at Miami.My sweet wife had been so horny during these days… On the fourth evening, after dinner outside in a nice restaurant, she suggested to go down to the hotel bar and pick up somebody to enjoy a good time for the rest of the night…But we finally decided to make our naughty move at a near pub.Once there, a sexy young brunette girl, Latin type, started a talk with my wife. Anita tried to speak in Spanish with her, but the girl said she only...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

3 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

1 year ago
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Cirillo My Babe As Daniele Says

My name is “Daniele” known as “Denny” , I am 25 years old studding and living in Milano, Italy, I am 6feet tall and well-built body with 175lbs , everyone in University called me “mussel man”. My parents lived in Rome , Italy—which is far from where I live. About 800 kilometers away. Living in Milano , alone in an apartment close to university. Oh I forget to tell my cock size…about 9 to 9.5 inches long and 5 to 6 inch thick , and the head is quite big…… don’t be scared…lots of girls and boys...

Gay Male
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Bat Babe

BAT BABE by Throne The nocturnal crimefighter slowly returned to consciousness. Something was covering his eyes. His arms were behind his back and bound in a single sleeve. As he became more aware, he sensed weakness throughout his body and odd shifts in his weight distribution. "Looks like someone is finally done their nap," said a familiar voice. "Laugher," said Bat Cape. "What have you done to me?" Why was the brave and bold one speaking so softly, in a higher than normal...

2 years ago
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Gorgeous American babe

My name is Sam. I have been reading stories posted in ISS website for more than 2 years stories are passionate that they light fire in you. I would like to share my sexual encounter with a gorgeous young babe. When i matured into a young adult, i used to envy married men or men who have the privilege to fuck a lady! When i’m private, i used to fantasize of fucking beautiful ladies i have seen and masturbate till i’m relived. I was wondering when i will fuck somebody! Sometimes i had been...

2 years ago
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Step sisters a babe part 2 returning the favour

Walking over to her she wrapped her arms around my legs and ass as I leant down, kissing her passionately on the lips. Her full lips felt almost as good to suck on as her pussy, and I didn’t object when she playfully pulled me down on top of her. I loved the feeling of her bare skin on mine, and she was still sweating and panting from my earlier efforts. I could feel her heart beat shudder against my pecks as we continued kissing and hugging. “Wait” I said, breaking away and sitting up...

1 year ago
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Porn Star Babe Part One

As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...

2 years ago
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The Dday Fucking Sexy Babe

Hi guys! Ashish here. I’m here to continue with my story from where i left it. I wanna thank all for your appreciating e-mails and overwhelming response which encouraged me to continue my story. If you haven’t read my previous story, then you may follow the given link: Something about me. Myself Ashish currently living in Delhi and pursuing engineering(3rd year) from Delhi...

3 years ago
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Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Virgin Maria Fucked

I have been in the business of designing for 3 years now. I design light fittings that are custom made by my company for celebrities. I’m a beautiful, sexy and attractive girl of 22 years. My name is Maria and I’m engaged to Mahesh. I travel frequently to Mumbai for my work. My boss, Sachin is a 34year old handsome guy (I’ll share some spicy sex scenes sometime later with you) and I represent him for these client meetings. I’m here to describe how I lost my virginity (before my engagement). I...

1 year ago
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Babes, aka Babes Network! It's hard to find a balance of different types of girls, good quality videos, membership bonuses, and streaming services on the same website. Sure you might hunt around and find a few, but pay out the ass for membership, deal with shitty customer service for overbilling you or both. But look now you can look no further and rejoice. While it has a pretty bland name, has everything you want in a porn website and more.Sexy Scenes, Select has...

Top Premium Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Virgin Queen Part 2

It didn't take Amelia long after stepping out of her cage to feel the effect of having sex with a Succubus. She felt drained like she hasn't slept any from the night before, and her limbs felt heavy. Amelia focused all of her attention on the cold hard cobblestone floor below her feet to keep from thinking about Mary's ass. The way it swayed from side to side as she walked made her want to do forbidden things to it.When her mind became one with that creature, it knew everything about her,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Porn Star Babe Part Two

Being a sexy girly boy about to make her debut as a porn actress with two handsome, well-hung studs was so exciting to me. And having my friend, Chrissie Licks, along to show me how it is done was especially re-assuring.Chrissie and I were naked and about to get into our sexy lingerie for the shoot when Summer Cox, another hot tranny porn star, came to help us with our hair and make-up. Summer was a beautiful, lively blonde and alot of fun to be with. She and Chrissie explained to me that...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

1 year ago
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Heavy Metal Babes

HeavyMetalBabes! Oh hell yeah, babes in tanks. No, this ain’t that weird-ass Japanese hentai game in which you date actual war tanks – this is Heavy Metal Babes, the new turn-based RPG that you can only find on Nutaku. It’s a bit of a weird combo of giant robot love and pussy addiction, but it works really well. If you’re a hot-blooded virile dude, you probably dream of having your own fighting robot. You also probably like pussy. Who doesn’t? Well, this game combines those two passions into...

Best Porn Games
3 years ago
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A Latina babe with a surprise

A Latina babe with a surpriseThat Winter we had escaped from the New York`s cold weather and had gone for a week to Miami. My sweet Ana was so horny during these days… On the fourth night, after dinner outside in a nice restaurant, she suggested to go down to the hotel bar and pick up somebody to enjoy a good time for the rest of the night… We decided finally to go out from our hotel and we ended in a nice pub just a few blocks away from there.A nice brunette girl, Latino type, started a...

2 years ago
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My Paper Babe

My body clock is out of whack and I keep odd hours, going to bed before the chickens go to roost and getting up around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. This means that I’m up and about when my newspaper is delivered around 4 o’clock. For around ten years, it has been delivered by a lady named Mary, whom I call my “Paper Babe”. Mary is just a good old country girl in her forties. If I saw the headlights of her vehicle coming toward my house, I’d go outside to meet her, get my paper, and perhaps...

4 years ago
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My First Hot Video Call Experience With A Horny Babe

Hey guys, this is Yogs. I like to introduce myself. I am from Tamil Nadu and I am preparing for exams. I am 6 feet 3 inches with a normal body (not a gym freak) with a 6-inch dick. The heroine of my story is from another state. She looks like a next-door girl with a cute voice. She has a structure of 32-28-32. My age is 22 and her age is 21. This is my first story, so forgive my mistakes, guys. This incident happened during the second lockdown. I was preparing for the exams and so, I had joined...

2 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 9

She was all business at the hospital, and even Bob couldn't tell she'd been having orgasms on the way there. They were again denied access to ICU, this time by a different nurse. "Your father will be moved to a regular room today. We're getting him ready to go now. You'll have to wait until he's in his new room to see him," she said. "Your mother is still in a coma and will remain that way for at least another day. She's doing better, though. You'll have to be satisfied with that....

2 years ago
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I fucked her friend the morning after our threesom

Waking up the next morning was a trip. We were all still nude, I was spooning with her friend, my hand right on her pussy. My girlfriend was asleep by our feet. No clue how that happened. Wanting to get up, I tried to move as slowly and gently possible before I heard a voice-“Oh finally you’re awake. Last night was AMAZING.”Her friend was awake. As we whispered about the night we’d had, I couldn’t help but slowly start to rub her pussy and grab her ass. She seemed to enjoy this, as she gave me...

3 years ago
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Steamy Encounter With Sexy Office Babe

Hi guys (and especially girls, wonderful bhabhis and sexy ladies). This is Gary (basically from Delhi, but currently working in Kolkata)…. Just loved your appreciations and comments for my last 3 stories. I am back with another wonderful experience of mine, this time with a sexy hot babe in my office.. For those who are reading for the first time, a bit about myself… I am 34 years old 5 ft 6 inches in height. I have an athletic body, as I do gymming, cycling, running and swimming regularly. In...

4 years ago
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My wife got finger fucked threesum

I talked the wife into a nude massage and searched the internet in Vegas for a guy to do it that knew how. The possible idea was if she wanted too, she could finish off the massage with a nice fuck. I wanted her to have a 6 or 7”er (I’m 5”) and let her make up her mind and I still do. The wife always wears panties but sometimes, no bra. We met the first time and he lost it after looking at her while he massaged her front and playing with her. He did her back O but we were all nude. He was...

3 years ago
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Virgin Farm part 1

Virgin Farm part 1 Authors note: this was written one night before I went to sleep, it contains no hard-core action as it is only a lead up to the next part, please feel free to point out any errors I have made as it will help me with my writing, also vote for this piece and comment for part two, hope you enjoy it =) XOXO It was my first summer out on my uncles farm, just me, my uncle and my cousin Sarah, she was fifteen, same as me, with a slim figure and breasts just the right size for her,...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

4 years ago
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Daddys beautiful babe part two

Ever since that day in the pool with my daddy a year ago, Our relationship has been getting even closer. He comes home from work and kisses me like he used to kiss mommy, sometimes for a longtime, sometimes for a short time, but every time made my heart best fast. Daddy was calling me babe, love. And sometimes, when I would rub myself against him, he would call me his little slut. Hearing him call me that made me quiver with excitement. I was so happy daddy was getting more open with me. He...

2 years ago
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Daddys beautiful babe part two

Ever since that day in the pool with my daddy a year ago, Our relationship has been getting even closer. He comes home from work and kisses me like he used to kiss mommy, sometimes for a longtime, sometimes for a short time, but every time made my heart best fast. Daddy was calling me babe, love. And sometimes, when I would rub myself against him, he would call me his little slut. Hearing him call me that made me quiver with excitement. I was so happy daddy was getting more open with me. He...

3 years ago
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Corrie babes get their brains fucked out by women

Ex Coronation Street star and her best friend who is back in Corrie enjoy their sexual freedom in the 21st century.Early 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn't put her finger on...

1 year ago
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Total Babes

A simple subreddit dedicated to the hottest girls from all over the globe, r/TotalBabes/! There ain’t no rocket science here; the subreddit offers just what I have said, loads of lovely girls. Expect to see many naughty images and some videos featuring some of the prettiest girls you will ever meet. Of course, there is a lot more to Reddit than just what r/TotalBabes/ has to offer.Whether you are interested in the content of r/TotalBabes/ or you would just like to hear me yap about

Reddit NSFW List
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Babette Collared

Babette - Collared By: Rachael Free It was a relaxing day as I sat on my front porch getting some sun. It was my day off and I didn't want any interruptions. My job is very stressful and taking time to just relax is special to me. I am a programmer and work a lot of hours. The only good thing is that I work from home. I don't have much interaction with any coworkers and do all my work over the internet. I only have one sister in my family and she lives in Hawaii so I rarely ever get...

2 years ago
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Ola Ride With A Beautiful Babe Takes Me To Heaven

Hi all readers, I am an active reader of this famous site iss. Reading many sexy stories I got inspired to share those kinky moments I had in my life, hope you all enjoy. Well, to start off you can call me rocky, (lol not my real name though). I am 23 years old working in an mnc in Bangalore. I am 5.7 ft and have a considerably big cock to satisfy any women. The heroin of this story is a Mumbai lady aged around 28 let’s call her sweety, she is not that fair and has perfect pair of boobs and ass...

1 year ago
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Cajoled That Gym Babe

Hello to all the Indian sex stories readers. I am back once again with yet another story after a long time. This story is a bit long but please bear with me as I assure you that you will definitely enjoy this story and won’t be able to resist yourself from relieving yourself after reading this story. Now for those who are new to my stories, I will first tell you about myself in short. I am Rohan from Pune. I am 20 years old guy with 6ft height. I have muscular body as I always keep myself fit...

1 year ago
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Alexa Chapter 10 Merry Christmas Babe

Alexa Chapter 10: Merry Christmas Babe Following the events of Thanksgiving, the drive to live my life as Alexa became stronger. The need to be Alexa had almost completely taken over. The only thing that was holding me back was Jenny. As often as she told me it didn't matter to her, some part of me felt like it did. I felt like if I was Alexa, I was not giving her everything she deserved as a companion. I spoke with Dr. Burke about this at every session we had. She would always...

1 year ago
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Cheating with an Asian babe

It was during my creative writing course, and I was as nervous as hell. I somehow couldn't find the time to balance between my regular studies, my girlfriend, my part-time job at a supermarket, and the course, which I had decided to take for a bit of fun before my A-levels. I still can't quite remember why I did it, but there you go. The course was a little way away from where I lived, and it meant I had to rely on the dear old trains, which could sometimes be a right nuisance. It was a bus...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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Virginity Lost To A Couple In A Threesome

Hello all, I’m Rahul aged 27 currently living in Bangalore. This story is how I lost my virginity, and to top it all off, it was in a threesome. This is not a fake story but something which might be quite unheard of. Without further ado, I shall get on with my story. I was a young 22-year-old guy, living in Mumbai at that time, who quite to the surprise of his friends was still a virgin. They were surprised because I was 6 feet tall, athletic and looked decent. I had done my fair bit of sexual...

3 years ago
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Virgin Sweety 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, Rinku once again with new story. At first I want to thank all my readers and fans to giving overwhelming response of my story “Virgin Sweety – Part I”. This story is the continuation part of that story. Hope you all will enjoy it. I have seen his suspicious behavior. So I can’t stop myself to follow him. My mother was also awaked till that time. I went to my room and change the cloths, then informed mom that I am going for evening walk. But I came out from home and took my scooty...

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