My First CD free porn video

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It all started in 1999....cue flashback noise and fade out sequence....

I was just a teenager and lived in a small little redneck town, not far from Boise. I was fairly normal I suppose, I played on the football team, rode dirt bikes, hunted and fished. I was a bit on the nerdy side, I suppose, I did well in school, was always writing poetry and playing the occasional game of D&D with my buddies. We were semi poor, though not on the verge of starvation or anything as dramatic as that. But we did live in a trailer house, I wore hand-me-downs and most of our possessions were used, though it really never made much of a difference to me. I had from a very young age been intensely interested in girls, long before my friends I often dreamed of kissing and dating the girls at my school. Ahead of my time I suppose. I often read my mothers harlequin and cheesy romance novels, attempting to learn and emulate the men in them. I was determined to grow up to be the perfect lover, strong yet sweet, hard yet tender, well learned and physically sculpted. Unfortunately, I had very little practice...well non to be honest. I was fifteen years old and hadn't so much as even kissed a girl. Don't get me wrong, girls found me fascinating and cute but I always came on to strong when they showed interest. So more often than not I found myself locked in the bathroom reading erotic novellas and masturbating fiercely to alleviate my frustration. Until that fateful night in October that is...dun dun dunnn!

It was a few days before Halloween and I was lounging on the back porch with one of my best friends. His name was Austin. Austin and I had always been tight, both sharing a penchant for geek culture, we would always be roleplaying and talking about medieval armor and ancient Viking weapons, or other such nonsense. I was quite a bit more athletic than Auzzie, he never played sports and was always buried in a book during P.E. He was rail skinny, and his skin although unblemished by puberty was pale. He had very fine features and often rumours abounded that he was "gay" although I knew that wasn't the case. We had often talked about girls and the clumsy dirty things we wanted to do to them, but I digress.

We were sitting on the back porch that day smoking some weed Auzzie had stolen from his brothers sock drawer out of a pop-can pipe and we had hit that reckless giggling-uncontrollably-and-saying-really-dumb-shit stage, when the subject of Halloween had come up. We were griping about being too old to trick or treat and get tons of free candy like 'back-in-the-day' when Auzzie mentioned that his parents were having a costume party. Of course this was going to be an adult affair with copious amounts of booze and smoking, but nonetheless Auzzie was encourage to invite his 'little friends' to come and dress up. Well since I really was the only person who qualified as a friend to Auzzie he asked if I would go.
"What the hell am I going to go as?" was my first question of course. Since as I mentioned before, my family was kinda poor and had not planned on getting me a costume that year. Auzzie replied that it didn't matter it's not like there was gonna be anyone our age there to judge anyhow. So I agreed that I could find 'something' and with that Auzzie got up and went home for supper. That night I cleared the event with my parents and asked if I could stay the night, to which my parents immediately agreed and then I began rummaging through the closets, shed and basement for something to piece together a costume. That night the phone rang and my mother called me to the living room, on the phone was Auzzie. He asked what costume I had decided on and of course I had come up with some medieval fantasy type garb I could pass off as a swordsman, he approved greatly and suggested maybe that night we could go out to the woods behind his house and do some roleplaying after all the adults had crashed. I immediately agreed that would be "badass" and hung up the phone.

Finally after what seemed like weeks, but inreality was only a couple of days Halloween had arrived and I donned my costume made up of my fathers welding leathers, chainsaw chaps and a purple cape and headband, complete with a ninja sword I had gotten from the State Fair the year previous and headed over to Auzzie's house. When I arrived I was blown away by how many adults were already trashed miling around Auzzies kitchen and living room, it was only 7:30 and most were already talking obnoxiously loud and teetering dangerously as they slopped liquor into their throats and down the front of their tacky adult costumes. I began squeezing my way through drunken adults towards auzzies room. As I came up to his room his mother was just leaving and as she turned around she smiled at me and told me how great my costume looked. I thanked her and returned the compliment. She was dressed as a german barmaid complete with girdle, stockings, high heels and even a blonde wig with pigtails, she was slender and pale like her son so her pushed up breasts from the girdle required quite a lot of extra padding but overall she looked great, she patted me on the head as she teetered her way precariously down the hall back to the party.

I opened the door to Auzzies room with my standard greeting of "Sup muthafukkaaaa!" in a sing song voice, only to find Auzzie dressed in normal clothing sitting semi dejectedly on the foot of his bed.
"Hey man, where's your costume?" I asked scanning his bedroom. He informed me he couldn't really find one and was just going to go without for the night. Feeling a little awkward being in costume alone I pulled mine off and sat down with him in just my jeans and tshirt. Blowing out a huge sigh, I then asked what he wanted to do instead. He grinned and pulled out half a burnt joint from beneath his mattress and a bottle of mint schnaaps with half the alcohol left in it, to which I crowed "Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhh!". We decided to hold off on smoking and drinking until the adults wound down and were far enough trashed they wouldn't notice. We killed time by looking through Auzzies porno mag collection. After leafin through a few I stumbled across an issue of Penthouse Forums. I had never read anything that vividly erotic before and it had quite a strong effect on me, I found myself shifting my position several times to hide my growing erection from Auzzie, after about twenty minutes of quiet reading Auzzie finally took notice and asked what I was looking at. I begrudgingly handed the book over and Auzzie began perusing it intensely, murmuring his approval. When suddenly his demeanor completely changed, I couldn't quite put my finger on what exactly I noticed but his body language just....changed. I noticed that he had tilted the book away from me so I could not glance over at the page. I tried to subtly shift over to see it but he quickly countered by flopping over on his back.
"Find a good story did you? Lol." I asked my voice laced with curiosity.

"Huh? Oh yeah it's just this..ahem..weird one, it's just weird. Ahem." He replied placing the book flat on his chest.

"Weird? Like what do you mean weird?" I tried to reach out and take the book away. He immediately slapped it shut and threw it down on the bed.

"I gotta take a piss." He said abruptly and got up and left the room for the bathroom down the hall.

What the hell? I slid down the bed and scooped up the book off the covers, wondering why he had been acting so weird. I grinned as I noticed that the book had landed so the page he was reading had folded over on itself. I unfolded it and began skimming through the story, it seemed to be about a girl getting fucked in her apartment and so I was just about to shrug the whole thing off when suddenly I realized the main character wasn't a girl at all! He was a guy in girls clothing! I quickly flipped to the beginning and read the whole story. It was fascinating, a guy spends a whole afternoon getting himself shaved and wearing make-up and dressing up as a girl and as he is whacking off on the couch some repairman shows up and starts fucking the hell out of him. I wanted to stop reading as I knew this qualified as "gay porn" but I couldn't help but get more and more turned on as I read, so much so that I didn't hear Auzzie enter the room again.

"Whatcha reading?" His voice snapped me out of my lustful reverie and I fumbled the book and dropped it where it landed perfectly face down in front of me. Auzzie scooped it up and glanced down ay the page, he quickly looked up at me and shut the book.

"Weird, right?" He said dismissingly.

"Ye..ahem..yeah." My voice cracking as I also took on an air of disinterest. I glanced down and noticed my erection had grown to the point where it was painfully pressing against my jeans. I tossed a pillow over my lap and asked Auzzie what the adults were doing. He replied that they had all gone home and his parents were sleeping and then he reached down and pulled out the bottle of schnapps. I hooted and we began taking pulls of the bottle and passing it back and forth until we were good and tipsy. Auzzie excused himself again and tiptoed out into the living room to check on his parents. When he returned he had a bulging plastic bag with him. He said we should go out back and roleplay and I agreed, donning my costume and brandishing my cheap sword and the remainder of the bottle I followed him out the back door and down the path to the patch of scraggly pine trees behind the house. As we walked I noticed Auzzie had brought the bag with us and I asked if he had brought more beer, gesturing to the bundle. He shook his head.

"A bunch of the adults left their costumes I just grabbed a few things for my outfit." The answer seemed reasonable but I couldn't help but notice his voice quivered a little bit as he said it. Once we got well within the tree line we stopped and Auzzie began looking through the bag. I went to a nearby tree and took a piss, my head spun a little from the schnapps and I felt a warmth spreading through me as I shook and zipped up. When I turned around I noticed Auzzie had a funny look on his face.

"Um well shit, all I really got was girl costumes." His words had a false ring to it as if he had already knew that.
"So," I shrugged, "guess you are running a girl character. Who cares we are drunk! Let's do this!" I was a bit surprised as Auzzie didn't argue and immediately grabbed several different pieces of clothes and walked around a group of bushes to change. While I waited I walked around swinging my sword at some low hanging limbs, trying to get into character. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw that Auzzie was still out of sight. Sighing I walked over to the bag he had brought and began rummaging through the contents, to my surprise they were ALL girl outfits. I laughed and shook my head, what an idiot I thought.
"Okay I'm ready!" I turned as I heard his voice and my jaw dropped as I saw him emerge from the bushes. He was wearing a tight black gothic looking lace belly shirt with long sleeves. He had also donned a pair of black thigh high stockings and a short leather mini-dress with his mothers high heeled boots. I stepped closer and noticed he had also put on black lipstick.
"What do you think?" he asked, the tremor in his voice again. He gave an impromptu twirl, I couldn't help but notice a flash of pink beneath the dress. My heart skipped a beat as I realized he was wearing panties beneath the skirt.

"Um, Jason? You're just kind of staring." Auzzies voice was stronger now and silkier somehow. "I feel a little weird honestly, does this look this stupid?."

"Oh! Yeah..uhh.'s good." I swallowed hard, trying to control my breathing. I felt so strange, maybe it was just liquor talking but for the first time ever I felt a warm ball of lust boiling up inside me, for a guy! Was I gay? I tried to shake it off as we began our game but it stayed with me. Auzzie was playing a female assassin and I was the rugged knight who fought at her side, we ran through the woods fighting off invisible foes and screaming our battlecries into the night. After about an hour of this we ended up in a clearing deep in the woods exhausted and drunk off the last of the schnapps. I collapsed onto a pile of leaves and Auzzie sank down next to me. He pulled out the joint and lit it. As we passed it back and forth, we began to sink into a warm comfortable silence. Auzzie lifted his leg up and adjusted his boot but when he brought it back down he casually d****d his leg across mine. I pretended not to notice but my heart began beating rapidly at the subtle contact. After the joint was finished we sat there staring at the stars, I noticed that Auzzie was ever so slightly rubbing his shapely stocking covered leg up and down my jeans. I turned towards him about to say something smart and was shocked when he quickly pushed forward and pressed his soft black lips against mine, I jumped back in surprise and stared at him wide eyed.
"Auzzie, what the fuck!?" I blurted out.
"What do you mean noble knight, and who is Auzzie?" He practically purred his reply and as he did he rolled onto his side and adopted a very sensual pose, one leg tucked up and his hands resting on his hips.
"Auzzie this is...." I hesitated and as I did Auzzie quickly pushed a finger against my lips.
"We are roleplaying Jason it's fine, just stay in character." With that he giggled and kicked off his boots. I thought about what he said, it made sense, if we just stayed in character then it wouldn't really be gay, would it? We are just like, acting right? My cock strained against the denim of my jeans. Fuck it.
I rolled onto my side and my hands shaking reached out and encircled Auzzies waist, pulling him close. He threw his leg over me and pulled our hips together tightly, I lowered my head and pressed my lips against his. We kissed, softly at first and then harder almost desperately, his soft lips parted and his tongue darted into my mouth. I let my hands trail down his side until they rested on his shapely young ass, I cupped his cheek and squeezed and Auzzie moaned softly. I rubbed my hand down his smooth thighs and let my other hand continue squeezing and gripping his ass. He pushed me onto my back and straddled me, I could not believe how amazing it felt as he began grinding against the lump in my jeans. He began moaning like a girl as he moved back and forth, his hands slipping up and down sensually across his body. He bent down close to my ear and whispered: "I want you to fuck me Knight, fuck me please."

A huge rush of adrenaline shot through me at his words, I growled and threw him off me into the pile of leaves. Frantically I ripped off my cape and chaps. Auzzie rolled on to his stomach and pulled off his panties. I positioned myself behind him my jeans pulled down to my kness and paused, unsure of how to continue. Sensing my hesitancy Auzzie arched his back, lifting his leather wrapped ass higher, reaching back he gripped his soft cheeks and spread them wide, revealing his tiny pink hole. I reached down and positioned my thick throbbing cock against it and began to push. I didn't make much progress, his hole was so tight. I finally managed to push the very tip of my head in and Auzzie screamed in pain. I froze in place pulling back and asked if he was allright.
"Ugh. Yeah. Shit. Don't you watch porn, you cant just push it in, you have to get it wet. You have to lick my pussy." With that he shimmied his ass back and forth a little invitingly. Lick his ass? I stopped, not sure if I could do that. Roleplaying is fine but licking ass? But god did I scratch that, I needed to fuck Auzzie. I bent down close to his little pink cherry and stuck out my tongue, inching slowly forward. Auzzie suddenly thrust backwards against it and gasped in ecstasy. I was surprised by the taste, slightly sweet and not at all what I expected. I gave a few more exploratory licks, Auzzie was moaning and I could see his legs quivering with excitement. Finally I grasped his hips firmly and buried my tongue in his little asshole. He yelled out in pleasure and pushed back against me as I began working my fat tongue in and out of his boipussy, I could feel it relaxing and so I began to work my tongue deeper and deeper. By this time Auzzie was moaning and squirming against me, he had reached between his legs and was stroking my rock hard cock. I pulled back my head and began to get into position again and to my surprise Auzzie quickly spun around so he was facing me, before I could say anything he grabbed my shaft and shoved his mouth down on it. I nearly came right there! He began slowly bobbing up and down on the head and slurping noisily. I felt a few grazes from his teeth and adjusted myself a little further back to give him better access. As he pushed down further, I felt this growing need to be buried inside him, reaching down I grabbed his head between my hands and with a sudden thrust, forced more of my dick into his mouth, he tried to pull back and I heard him gag but I was too strong for him and I couldn't control myself anymore. I pulled back enough for him to get a gulp of air and then I shoved forward again, slamming my cock against the back of his throat, I pulled back and slammed it forward again, and again and again, poor Auzzie gagged and choked as I began mercilessly fucking his mouth, although he didn't pull away again instead he began pushing forward to meet each stroke. I finally pulled all the way out, and stared at him lustily. He just sat there on his knees, lipstick smeared, face covered in saliva and precum trying to catch his breath. I don't know what had come over me but I felt this powerful dominant feeling inside me. It was like I was more manly and stronger than I had ever felt before. My chest heaved as I stared down at Auzzie, my little submissive toy. I pushed him down onto his back, he stared at me intently and I stared back, we had both felt the change immediately, I knew he would do whatever I wanted, whatever I desired and he knew that I was his alpha and all he cared about was giving himself completely to me. I lifted his legs into the air and positioned my cock at his pink little opening. With steady pressure I inched my dick forward, feeling his tight hole still slimy from my tongue slowly give around the sides of my shaft. He grunted in pain and squirmed as I kept relentlessly pushing forward. I pushed and pushed until I was fully buried inside him. I looked down and saw his eyes wide and his mouth twisted in a visage of half agony half pleasure. I pulled back slowly until just the tip was inside of him, I could feel his aching pussy clenching and spasming at the invasion of his virgin hole. This time I shoved forward at full speed, he screamed in agony, a high pitched shriek that sent a tremor of lust down my spine, but his legs tightened around me and urged me on. At that point I lost all reserve and began thrusting furiously, listening to Auzzies cries as they became more and more feminine. I began grunting in unison with each thrust, sawing away at his little asshole vicously. Slamming into his tight smooth body, I bent down and bit down firmly on his neck. He was no longer screaming in pain, he was moaning and grinding against me like a whore. I fucked him for nearly twenty minutes like that until suddenly I felt warm liquid splashing against my stomach and I glanced down to see Auzzies little cock spewing cum, the sight of my best friend, dressed up like a little girl cumming as I pounded his ass was too much for me and with a load roar I slammed my fat cock as far inside him as I could and began shooting thick hot spurts of cum deep inside his belly. I had never felt an orgasm that intense in my life and I kept my cock deep inside him as the last drops of my cum were released and I went limp, I bent down and kissed him deeply my tongue swirling against his.

We must have passed out because I awoke as the first signs of dawn were filtering through the trees, I rolled off of Auzzie and scrambled to my feet.
"Auzzie we got to go!" He shot up from the leaves and we hastily gathered up our things and ran back to his house, tip toeing into his bedroom so as not wake his parents. We peeled off our soiled clothes and got into bed just as we heard movement from the front of the house. Auzzie hastily wiped the lipstick off on his blanket as his mothers footsteps approached the bedroom door. There was a knock and then his mother opened the door and stuck her head inside.
"Are you boys hungry? I think we are going to go grab some breakfast at the diner." She asked.
"Uh no mom, actually we already had cereal earlier." Auzzie replied.
"Oh all right, well we will be back in an hour or so. Be good." And with that she shut the door and walked back down the hall towards the kitchen.
Auzzie waited till he heard his parents car pull out of the driveway and then turned towards me. With a grin he reached down and grabbed my cock beneath the blankets.
"You know, I think I might be hungry after all." He said as he slipped down beneath the covers and encircled my cock in his mouth.

I knew right then and there, boys....made the best girls.

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Claire invited me over to dinner. It was a little unexpected; we'd spoken a few times at work, had lunch together, but I hadn't read too much into it. I spruced myself up, bought a bottle of wine and headed over.She answered the door, stunning in a mid-thigh length flowery summer dress. It was low cut and I could see the bulging curve of her medium sized breasts. The way they swayed suggested no bra. I felt a warn stirring in my trousers. I smiled and handed over the bottle and we exchanged...

3 years ago
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Anjana From Kerala

Hi, I am Raju, I have been ISS fan for long time & have read almost all erotic letters in it, I am a young slim cute Indian youth, I’m 26yrs old, I live in Bahrain, I work here in an private est. Here’s my experience to all Desi fans. I share my flat with a young couple, the Hus works for the ship yard (ASRY) and the wife Anjana is a homemaker. She is 2 yrs elder to me, she is a malayali from Kerala, beautiful, with a sexy body shape, her looks are seductive and boobs very nice to see them...

2 years ago
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Fx Porn! It seems that these simple porno websites are all I can run into lately, and honestly it's not like I mind since it's quite easy to get around these pages. It only takes a few clicks to see everything the page has to offer. I mean, you will soon enough take a look at, and you will notice that the homepage is pretty much the only important page, but after a while, you will find out that the page has a few big flaws. Well, "a few" is overdoing it, there are two important...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The Pillow Room Chapter Three

VI bit my lip nervously, unsure of what to do. Ruby must have seen my hesitation. She smiled encouragingly and patted the pillow strewn ground between her spread legs, then crooked her finger, looking expectantly at me. I felt compelled to follow her simple command, scooting towards her, kneeling before her, my bottom resting on my heels, wringing my hands in my lap. She chuckled softly, puckering her lips."Good girl. Now, kiss me."I didn’t hesitate, leaning forward, pressing my lips against...

3 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo The Favor Part II

Summer of 93’ The Favor Part III pulled into my driveway and my neighbor Dave was standing by my mailbox. I parked the F-150 in the garage and went out to see him. Dave said, “Pete, did Curtis give you these?”It was a bottle of Diazepam, I answered, “Yes I have them locked in my desk drawer in my office.”“Good, but I don’t think Lorraine will have any problems staying with you three, Lorraine’s in good hands,” Dave said as he patted my shoulder.I said, “Dave I appreciate your offer to help me...

4 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 20

I had another date with Elaine Thursday night after my last day of school before Spring Break. It was a warmish spring night so I drove us down to the beach after we ate. I parked my truck off to the side of the closed beach approach and we walked hand in hand down along the edge of the surf. "Ellen and I had a long talk last night," Elaine said. "About what?" I asked. "About us growing up and growing apart." "How did that go? How does Ellen feel about it? Most importantly to me,...

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School Love Ch 02

Brenda woke up the next morning with a desperate thought. “Why did I do that?” her mind screamed at her as she got out of the bed, “I didn’t even bring a freaking toothbrush.” Her mind was focused on what happened, her unprecedented screw-up. “Wait until marriage,” Brenda’s mother had hammered into Brenda’s head, “Boy’s won’t respect you if you just hand it out like a slut.” Brenda had believed her mother and didn’t want to disappoint her memory, but last night had been so magical and...

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Runaway TrainChapter 47

“I can’t fucking believe this,” Liz said, looking at me intently. I only nodded and put down the remote control for the DVD player. We’d gone through the junior high yearbooks and elementary school class photos until we got to the bottom of the box. That was where I moved the DVD of Liz Larimer’s first live performance that my mother had located in a box in our attic. “Is this what Jill asked you about the other day?” Liz inquired. I nodded again. “Fuck,” Liz said, shaking her head....

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Cyber lover part 4

Later that morning, after sleeping entwined in each other’s arms and legs, they got packed up, though she didn’t have much to organise. She realised that she hadn’t thought this scenario through fully. In her haste to put her plan into action she hadn’t thought beyond meeting Gary at the airport! She wondered how she was going to brazenly walk through the hotel foyer out to her car with practically nothing on under her coat. Gary knew that this predicament was preying on her mind and he...

2 years ago
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A Different Blanket

Zara Tinsell locked the door and pulled the blanket round her naked body. It’s roughness excited her pampered skin and made her nipples tingle as she nestled into the voluminous folds, rubbing her firm body against the coarse material and smelling the strange but familiar odours so much part of her life. It’s earthy scents mixed with the heady aromas surrounding her as she sat quietly studying her mute but restless companion, filled her mind with the enjoyment she now expected when locked away...

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The Dance

The Dance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a warm fall day when I stepped outside. The slight breeze lifted my skirt a little, but I walked along not showing any fear because I wasn't afraid. The first time I did this I had spent a long time getting ready, and I worked up enough daring to do it, then came the moment of truth which had finally arrived and I left the house dressed as a girl for the first time. That was when I was afraid. At the door I paid my...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 1 of 10

Story: #15 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 20 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 1 - Jessica's Capture We start here in the bedroom of Jessica A young girl who just recently turned 18 years old, being a newly registered alternative meat girl Jessica knew that one of three things would happen to her, either her number...

4 years ago
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Slut mom bangs her sons coach

It was hot summer day in july and I was going over Mikey,s house. He was one of my players and I thought I would help him out with his football game. He was relitivley new so I figuerd I could give him a few pointers. I knocked on the door and when Jane opened it I thought my eyes were going to fall outa my head. There she stood, the beautiful 5'4'' latina goddess of my fanatsies. She was about 135lbs which was no problem with me as I liked my women more shapely than most girls. Her...

3 years ago
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Sebbys Way with Me Chapter Two

That night all that went through my mind was "I'll be seeing a lot more of you, you can count on that.", I mean what does that even mean. My mind was reeling trying to decode what Sebby wanted with me, well that was pretty clear he wanted his way with me. But why me, and why with blackmail? Does he really think that he can win me over with a stupid naked picture? The more I thought about it the more my answer was yes feeling defeated I stripped my clothes and got into bed. My house was...

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Masters Pet Katies Gift pt 2

        As she started up the back porch steps, her characteristic trepidation reasserted itself. All night before bed and every moment since she had awoke, Katie had felt happy and excited. Her mind had spun round and round, wondering what else she was going to learn. She had felt an unfamiliar confidence in her ability to meet the challenge. Suddenly, she was nervous.        Confidence was wiped out by nagging doubt. What if they didn't really enjoy yesterday as much as I thought? What if...

3 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 2 Feeding

The next day, Claire walked into the containment room pushing a cart full of some sort of equipment. "Good morning to you," she said cheerfully. "You'll pardon me if I don't get up," Gruthsorik grumbled from the bunk. "No, that's fine, in fact it would be helpful if you laid still for this," Claire said. She pushed the cart up to the cell wall opposite the bunk, unfolded some of the devices, and aimed them at him. Gruthsorik turned his head to the side to watch. "Dare I ask...

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ShamedSluts Alex Blake Office Hoe Shamed

Paul wants to expose his former girlfriend and current low-key office mega-slut Alex Blake to everyone. All undercover stud Bruno has to do is fix her car and take her to lunch and she’s soon revealing her whore exploits and deep throating his cock. He hammers her tight wet pussy extremely hard and sexually dominates her like the nasty dumb slut she is then blasts a huge load of cum on her glasses and face. She’s basks in being treated like a bitch until he cruelly reveals that she’s on Shamed...

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A Warm Summer Day July 28 1982

It was hot summer day. I was so tired of summer. I could hardly stay inside. So I came out of the room to my cool balcony. There is a mango tree which gives cool shade on the balcony through out the year. I stood there and enjoyed the cool breeze flowing from the lake in front. Suddenly, my eyes were caught at my neighbor's window. There stays the heroine of my dreams Tiffany, a married doctor, her husband is a total fiasco and works as a lawyer, and has no ambitions it seems. In between he had...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter VI The One In Which Sansa And Joffrey Take A Ride

Sansa Stark was having absolutely the best day of her life. While she was terribly saddened when her scheduled lemoncake brunch with Queen Cersei Lannister was cancelled after the arrival of the King's Guard to escort the King and her Father to King's Landing ahead of the long retinue train, her stomach was set aflutter as the Queen suggested to Prince Joffrey - Sansa's betrothed - to entertain her for the afternoon instead. At his charming assenting smile to the young girl, despite the...

1 year ago
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How did it all happened

Maybe I shouldn't have worn the mini tee with the shorts, but it was hot outside and Tony wanted his car washed. So why now give him a show. I didn't realize how wet it could get washing a car. I was horny, young and carefree. I thought I looked good, I had 42DD and huge butt to accompany them. I wasn't exactly skinny, but I wasn't fat. Tony was sexy and a med student with hobby in music. Yo baby! Tony called out to me and I turned and smiled. Trying out for a wet t-shirt concert he asked, I...

Erotic Fiction
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Battles Bar and Grill 2 SallyMyn 3

Caryn was surprised when Reets came home from work and slammed the door. Well, before the new owner bought the bar where Reets worked it was a regular occurrence, but since Myn bought it, Reets has been coming home actually happier and more energized than when she left. While the responsibility was greater, so were the rewards, including positive feedback and financial. Hearing her slam the door was a surprise. "Hey, love?" "Hi Caryn, you didn't need to stay up." "I know, but you also...

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SexToy Story

Joe's rigid rod rammed deep into Wendy's waiting slit with nary a sound. Her head was leaned back, her mouth frozen in a round-lipped ring of passion. Joe looked down at her, his eyes glazed and fixed forward. Andrew stroked the two of them gently, an almost paternal care in his eyes. He leaned down to Wendy's bottom, lifted her up gently... ... opened her valve, and inflated her just a little more. Wendy's breasts grew just a hair bigger, and her head tilted back further. "There,...

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My wife in the Mens road side restroom

Husband’s account: My wife and I were on the road for a few hours when we made a stop at a rest stop on the side of the highway. She wore a green top, jean mini skirt, and matching green thong and bra with heels and tan stockings. I have to say she looked quite sexy and inviting. Unfortunately only the men’s room at the rest stop was operational. I used the bathroom first as my wife contemplated whether to use the men’s room or go to the wood line behind the stop. I came out and told her the...

Group Sex
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Home alone and Horny and Busted

As seen, I am a petite 5’5′ weighing 105-110lbs when soaking wet. My perky 36 b cup breasts with their oversized dark areolas tend to captivate eyes of on lookers as I never a full cup bra. Each nipple sports a thin diamond stud pierced through it just below the tip. My legs are tight and my ass cheeks even tighter as I take great pride in not looking anywhere near my age, which is slightly above 40. I am often seen in tank tops and short skirts or shorts. Hell if you have the body for it why...

5 years ago
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A not so regular night at the club

Tonight was not going to be any old Friday night at the club. Me and my best friend Amber were going make sure we got the best fucking of our life tonight. Amber came over my house wearing the most sexiest outfit ever. She was wearing an ultra mini skirt with a white thong on. Amber has a big ass so you could see her thong as she bent over. She had on a pink halter top that stopped right above her belly button (which was pierced of course). She wasn’t wearing a bra so her big 34D tits were...

4 years ago
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My Brothers Porn Addiction 3 A Weak But Sexy Moment

"Hey, Bonica," she said, walking by with him."Hey, Trica, hey, Joe," I added, peeking at them as they stopped. "So, I've noticed you two have been together a lot lately.""Yes, good call on giving me her number, thank you, sis," he added, coming to me and hugging me.I hugged him back as she kept her eyes on us. Luckily, she couldn't see my crotch or his for that matter. We both shook a bit, but it seemed she didn't pick up on anything weird.After that minute, he peeked back at her without...

2 years ago
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I fucked my Hmong childhood crush

After all these years of being a bachelor I decided to settle down with my wife. However, back in July of 2013, her and I broke up for reason that my ex came back into my life. (but that's for another story) Yeah, the same bitch that made me say "Fuck Bitches." Any whores, during that time I got a facebook message from a c***dhood friend. I knew this girl because we use to go to school together. She knew that back in the day I had a thing for her but she didn't know how to react. Anyways, me...

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My Hot Little SisterinLaw Epilogue

Since writing my first story about my “hot little sister in law,” I decided to write the second chapter to our illicit affair.Although Sandra and I have been married for many years and although our marriage is rock solid and strong, her younger sister, Tandra has unexpectantly inserted herself into my life in a bold way. Tandra has always had designs on hooking up with me, and after her divorce, she didn’t hold back.So, when Sandra and I had a dry spell, where neither of us were meeting each...

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Lonely Housewife Gets Amazing Surprise

Living with my husband in the army was always so boring, but one day I found that it did have its benefits too. I am a young women and I don’t find it fair most the time that my husband is always away. My name is Danielle, I am 21 years old and I have a husband that was listed in the army and I only see him for a week every six months. Me being only 21, have sexual needs and desires.. I have many toys, and it seems my collection just keeps on growing. But anyway, I always thought it couldn’t...

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2 Auntyo Ki Chudane Ki Chahat

Hi dosto me rohit, asha karta hu apko meri pahli kahani mere (callboy banne ki shuruaat) pasand aayi hogi, landwalo ne apna lund hilaya hoga aur chutwalio ne apni chut me danda dal dia hoga aur chudai ke liye betab ho gai hogi ese khub maje liye hoge. Muje 8 ladko ke e-mails mile, un sabko meri kahani pasand aayi uske liye sukriya. Aunties & girls bhi chahe to muje e-mails kar sakte ho, me apko free me bhi service de sakta hu. Is barbhi me meri real kahani apke samne pesh kar raha hu. Ye kahani...

4 years ago
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Mrs Jessups House part three

This story happens after the night that Mrs. Jessup showed me and my girlfriend what love-making was all about. I had been peeking in on her for months since I became a seventeen year old junior in high school. Finally Carol had had enough and she introduced me to pussy licking, cock sucking, and fucking her pussy. I loved her hairy triangle of pussy with its tangle of brown curls. She was a short Frenchwoman and loved sex. And I don’t think she ever got enough from Mr. Jessup. My parents were...

3 years ago
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The Professional

We were sat in the bar of his favourite 5* hotel in Manchester enjoying a bottle of wine and sex chat. He was sat a few tables away, dressed in a very smart suit looking like the pure professional. I noticed him glancing our way as I rested my hand on her arm as the conversation got filthier. Dawn was absolutely stunning, a natural beauty. Tall, busty, blonde and confident. He could see she had hard nipples under her white blouse, and her shapely smooth long legs were fully on show. He knew...

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A Come BackChapter 10 Special Brownies

I took a quick shower, not wanting to smell like pool water. Deciding it was hot enough I took out the halter dress I'd just bought. A bright blue, with white and yellow daisies at the hem made it a perfect summertime cook out dress. I was about to put on the strapless bra, when I thought, what the hell, and went bra less. I dried and brushed my hair till it was fluffy and full of bounce. Lightly added mascara and eyeliner, and I was all but set. I crawled on the floor under the bed to pull...

3 years ago
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Hooking up with an old crush who is currently preg

I had just arrived home from college on spring break the previous day and I was already bored; so bored that I was at the mall looking for any kind of action. I hadn't been able to track down any friends who had spring break the same week as I did and had actually spent Friday night at home with my parents. I had no intention of spending Saturday night the same way even if it meant trolling the mall that afternoon, looking for anyone I knew. Fortunately, things turned out even better than I...

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An Experience in the Woods

I was just a boy. I had turned 18 just the week before but I was small, thin and looked all of 16 due to my smooth hairless body.I had heard stories of truckers and "Homos" using the secluded wooded area off the interstate to meet for sex...I had always wanted to see if it was true.Well that one summer night I had done enough thinking about it and ventured out to the woods. I parked my car a fair distance away. I was afraid someone would recognize my car. It was pretty dark and I could see...

4 years ago
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Jack Be Quick Ch 01

It’s interesting to look back at some of the Mother Goose Rhymes we learned as kids. Like ‘Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick.’ That sounds like an interesting game, but if Jack isn’t nimble and quick, he’s about to get his balls burned. What an incentive! The twenty-first century equivalent of candle jumping is international intrigue, with shadowy participants who play for keeps. Excel or die – the ultimate incentive. But games are made to be played by young people,...

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