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Lill and I and Mrs Price did the editing for the sex scenes up at Mrs Price’s house, and like the first time we went up there it was a bit of a shock. I mean you expect teachers to be reasonably conventional people (even though of course really we knew Mrs Price wasn’t) and also teachers don’t make much money so I expected her to have a small house and like a husband and kids and stuff (except she’d occasionally referred to ‘my partner’ so I had sussed that she wasn’t living with her husband). So it’s a bit out of town and Mrs Price gives us a lift out so we won’t get lost that first time, and we go up into the woods and there’s this gate and we go in and there’s this neat gravel parking place and we get out and look around and – no house – and Mrs Price laughs and leads us down these steps like we’re going underground and there’s this door and we go in through this like super-modern kitchen and come out in this living room which is like vast.
It’s all white walls and wood floor and wood roof with like no ceiling and the south wall’s all glass like with no frames or anything and I realise the house is like cantilevered out of the slope of a hill. It’s amazingly uncluttered – just one leather couch and two leather chairs and a sheepskin rug in front of a big fireplace, and then like space.
Over the fireplace was the largest photographic print I’ve ever seen. It was a larger than life-size picture of an infeasibly cool slender languid imperious Nordic blond woman lying on her left side on a grey rock in a very blue sea. She’s propped up on her left elbow and her head is erect, looking straight into the camera with bored but untroubled arrogance. Her right leg is propped up to show the hips of an extremely dark and glossy black guy with his thick cock plunged to the root into her cunt. The quality of the print was so good that you seemed to be able to see distinctly every strand of her hair.
Lillith and I stared at it dumb-struck for a long moment.
‘Nice, isn’t it?’ said Mrs Price. ‘My partner particularly likes that one. Come on through to the office.’
We went through another door and came into an architect’s office, also spartan and Scandinavian in style, with linen blinds drawn over the big south windows. A woman uncoiled from a stool at a drafting table across the room and came over to us languidly. She was more than life-size, infeasibly cool and slender and imperious. She wore a sheer silk blouse, tight leather jeans, and – I’m fairly certain – nothing else at all. She looked only slightly older and no less challenging than in the photograph.
‘Hi, Sharon, darling’ she drawled, stooping from her six foot two inch height to kiss Mrs Price. ‘these are your students?’
‘Lillith, Kyle, this is my partner Bretta. Bretta, this is Kyle, who’s done most of the direction of our movie, and this is Lillith who’s been responsible for a lot of the script and most of the costume design.’
I should have been at least a little bit prepared. I should have noticed the careful lack of prepositions in what Mrs Price had been saying. After all, I’d played a very similar trick on my own father. The idea that Mrs Price might be gay just had not occurred to me.
Bretta looked down on us. ‘Welcome to our house,’ she drawled. ‘Sharon has told me a lot about you.’ And then suddenly, unexpectedly, she grinned. ‘Did you like my portrait?’
‘Very much,’ I said, striving for equilibrium. ‘Like, when I saw it and didn’t know it was you I thought it was awesomely cool to hang it over the fireplace like that. Now I know it is you I’m like breath taken. That is just so, like, stylish.’
‘I’m glad you like it. Come, I’ll show you the computer I’ve set up for you.’
As we worked there on and off over the next two weeks, Bretta was like this prowling, pantherous presence in the background. She moved quietly. When on the phone (which during the afternoon was quite often) she’d stalk about, listening and drawling. When working, either at her drafting table or at her computer, she was silent, and fairly often you’d look up and notice she wasn’t there. And then, of course, she’d stalk up behind us, coolly observing us as we struggled with the pacing and cutting of this scene or that. Sometimes she would make comments and suggestions in her arrogant drawl. Her suggestions were analytical and incisive (and led us to be more daring in a whole lot of places), but it was always as if she knew how to create an image to turn other people on, not as though she was herself in any way moved or aroused.
I found her very scary.
We worked on our private movie over several sessions and got together a cut we liked. It wasn’t really at all based on the ‘official’ cut, although, of course, we used material shot in the ‘official’ filming sessions. It had a different mood, while the ‘official’ movie was a rattling adventure romp with a few Gothic and eerie elements (and quite short), the whole of our cut (which was much longer) became increasingly Gothic and otherworldly and the sex scenes (although yes, they were explicit) melded into this dreamy other-wordly atmosphere in a way which made me feel we had achieved something considerably more than a conventional porn film.
Meantime, of course, term, and school life, were rolling through their climactic rituals: exams, and dances, and results, and prizegivings, and stuff. Our personal lives went on, too. Nancy and I became more settled as an item. Our group became tighter, more welded together, although towards the very end of term Lill was starting to get it together with a new boyfriend and so we saw slightly less of her. But for the group the real wrap-up point was the screening of our private cut.
When we got up to Mrs Price’s she gave us each a glass of wine and invited us through the back and there was like this hot tub thing on a deck high above the forest floor. I mean, like, I’d read about them but I’d never actually seen one. Bretta was just testing the temperature when we came out onto the porch where the hot tub was. She said hi, and Mrs Price introduced her to Nancy and Mandy (whom she hadn’t met), and then she said she’d go into town and let us get on, which was like nice because it said she was cool with us and what we were doing but also she was giving us privacy to do it.
So there was the hot tub. Mandy, of course, just peeled off and was in like a fish. So was Mrs Price. Nancy and Lill and I were a bit slower, but Mandy was mocking us and soon we were all in. It was like tight with all five of us – not uncomfortable, but you couldn’t not touch anyone and whenever you moved you touched someone else and it was like very sensuous and I was getting embarrassed because of course I was like rock hard and everyone else was having this like relaxed sort of banter and I wasn’t joining in and Mrs Price said, like teasing, what’s Kyle uptight about and there’s this hand on my dick and it isn’t Nancy it’s Mandy and she says like he’s sex starved, poor thing, he’s like desperate, that Nancy isn’t treating him properly, and they all laugh, and then Mandy says to Nancy can I get a turn with him, and Lill says hey, wait your turn, I haven’t had even one proper shot yet, and Sharon says she should get first go ’cause she was eldest, and Nancy’s saying to Mandy fight you for him and we were all laughing and it was fun and also it was real because although it was a tease I knew that they all really meant it and that I could have any of them or all of them and I said like guys, you’re like all brilliant and I love all of you and I’ll always remember this. And that was true, every bit of it.
And it was warm and the sun was out and there was like this amazing view out over woodland towards the town and the wine was good and also strong and I was in a hot tub with four beautiful women who liked me and who were cool to have sex with me and I just stopped being uptight. Then after a while the water wasn’t so warm and Sharon said, OK, who wan
ts to see this movie, and we all got out and Sharon gave us these big towels and Lill bent down to pick up her panties and Sharon said let’s not bother with clothes, so we all went into the big sitting room all sort of wrapped in towels. The curtains were closed and it was sort of dim. I sat down on the sofa. Sharon was getting more wine. Mandy started a play fight with Nancy and of course it wasn’t very long before they were both naked and Nancy had Mandy pinned down and she was like wriggling and squeaking and saying no, no, don’t spank me, and Nancy said to me did I want to administer the punishment and I said yeah and Nancy swung her across my knees and she was just so small and sweet smelling and soft skinned and I just stroked her and I wanted so much to fuck her and I knew she wanted me to and everyone was watching us to see if I would and I knew that like if I asked Nancy she would say it was OK but I wouldn’t really know whether it was and I gave Mandy a little slap deliberately so my fingertip caught her clit and said ok, let’s watch this movie. And Nancy came and sat on one side of me and Lill sat on the other and Mandy wriggled into sitting on the floor between my legs and Sharon gave everyone another glass of wine and came and sat on the floor between Lill’s legs and mine.
‘OK,’ she said, ‘I’ve deliberately got you all relaxed and sexed up and a bit drunk, and the reason I’ve done that is because we’re here to watch a porn film, and it’s not going to be any good if you’re all uptight and on your best behaviour. So watch it, and if you want to touch yourself, just do it, and if you want to touch someone else, touch someone else. OK? Enjoy!’
She pressed a button on the remote and the screen came on to the close shot on the diversion sign, and the titles began to roll. We watched mostly in silence. It may be that it was our film and it may be that we were drunk but it seemed very powerful. When it came to the torture chamber scene I just put a hand on Mandy’s head and stroked her – and then sort of looked at Nancy and Nancy smiled and took my other hand and put it in her own crotch. At last the tape ran through to the last shot of the dawn sun streaming into Nancy’s face as she orgasmed, and after a long moment of silence Sharon sighed and got up and opened the curtains and in the sudden brightness she came and sat cross legged facing us.
‘OK, guys, what do you think?’
There was a confused chorus of different things from different people, which could be mostly summed up as wow.
‘Yeah, OK, I agree. But come on. Kyle, why did you do it and has it done what you wanted, and what do you think should happen to it now?’
As I replied everyone turned round to look at me – like you’d expect – and I was really aware of Mandy’s mouth just inches from my balls, and her nose just inches from the sticky precum that was dribbling down my cock. I tried to concentrate.
‘OK, I got into this because I wanted to support my friends. That’s all, really. And then when we started really thinking about it I wanted to see if I could make a good movie – not a porn movie, just a good movie – and whether I could make the shots I could see in my head come to life. I think we’ve done that. I kind of lost one of the friends I did it for along the way, but I got more and better ones… I’m really glad we did it. It’s brilliant and I’m really proud of it. I don’t want it to be destroyed, but I don’t feel any need to let anyone else see it. I’d like Sharon to keep it, and maybe sometime when we’re older we’ll all get together and watch it again, but like just us. I’d kind of like to keep just one still of each of you, just like as a memento, if that’s OK.’
‘OK,’ said Sharon, ‘Lill?’
Lill blushed. After everything we’d done together, Lill blushed. ‘I just wanted to get it together with Kyle… and I wanted to have sex just to find out what it was like. I thought that by writing this porn script and making him read it I’d make him realise I was a sexual being, and that he’d maybe fancy me. I didn’t expect it to go any further and I didn’t want it to go any further. And none of what I wanted happened and I’m still technically a virgin despite being a teenage porn-star and I think apart from the Paul stuff I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. And like Kyle I’ve got more friends and better friends and I think we’ve made a brilliant movie and I don’t want it destroyed but I’m not sure I want anyone else to see it.’
‘Well, I’d already been thinking about it before Kyle asked me. I wanted to get at my father. I wanted to shock him. I wanted to sneak the movie in amongst the porn movies he keeps in his den and force him to see I wasn’t asexual or pure or chaste or modest and I wasn’t something he could control. And then Kyle did ask me and like he intrigued me because he wasn’t anything like how I expected someone who was into porn would be – like sort of just completely the opposite. And I think I decided there and then that I was going to have sex with him. And I did have sex him and that’s, like, totally the best thing and like I’m in love with him but I also think his movie is really really good. I kind of do want people to see it because it’s so good and I’m so proud of what we’ve done but not like grubby sweaty men wanking over us – that would just be horrible – but maybe like an arthouse thing. And I don’t need to get at my father any more so I’ve kind of got everything I wanted, too.’
‘I was sore at Paul. And I knew about his dick, which no-one else did, so I knew that something wild had to happen and I wanted to see how it blew. And actually, now, I’m like ashamed of what I did to Paul, but apart from that it’s been mostly good and I really enjoyed doing it and I learned things about myself I didn’t expect. Like some of those are very painful and I’m also really struggling with some of them but I’m not sorry about any of it. About the film it’s really good and I’d like other people to be able to see it but definitely not until after Maman and Papa are dead. Like, they must never even know it exists. If it was just sex I’d be cooler about it but I don’t want them to see me being hurt.’
‘Mrs Price,’ I said, deliberately formal, watching cunt juice glisten on her inner thighs, ‘what about you?’
‘A lot of things. Sometimes this self satisfied little town with it’s self satisfied little repressed people makes me feel a bit wild, and that script was so good – you’ve got to give Paul his due, I agree he was a shit and got what he deserved but it’s a good script. And then I was interested in Kyle because there seemed to be so much going on under the surface – like this really intelligent and sensitive observer of everything that was going on but at the same time really wary and just determinedly not involved. And it seemed to me’ – she said, looking me straight in the eyes – ‘that here was someone who could turn into someone really great and creative or into something really strange and psychopathic and I wasn’t sure which it would be. And I wondered what would happen if I put a tyre iron under your shell and levered hard… I’m really satisfied with what we’ve done. I’m really proud of all of you – particularly no-one. I’m really surprised at you, Nancy, I didn’t think you had the moral fibre to do half of what you’ve done. I’m really pleased with you, Lill, although I was fairly confident that you would deliver creatively. Mandy, you were a total revelation. I don’t know how you pack so much guts into such a small body – and I have to say, if I was going to keep just one of you for dessert when I was feeling particularly horny and self indulgent it would be you. As for the movie, I think Kyle should go to film school and if showing this movie could help him get in I would vote we show it. But otherwise I think we should keep it as a private thing. It is the single most erotic work of art I’ve ever seen in any medium, and I think you’re all just brilliant.’
There was a contented silence. Nancy brok
e it, stroking Mandy’s head gently.
‘What’s the issues, Mandy?’
Mandy moved out from between my legs and over towards Sharon. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it round herself. She looked at Nancy. She looked, like, somehow defiant.
‘OK, the issues are like these. I got off on the torture thing, like, really got off on it. And I realised I got off it not just ’cause of what it was but also because of who it was and who I was. So, like, I’m bisexual and I’m a sado-masochist. And I’m in love with my niece and I want her to screw me and I also want her to hurt me and I’m also in love with my niece’s boyfriend and I want him to fuck me up my cunt and I want him to fuck me up my ass and I want him to fuck me down my throat and just everything and if at all possible I want both of you to screw me at the same time. And if you can think of a perverse thing to want that isn’t in there then you better tell me ’cause after flagellation and incest and buggery and group sex and all I can’t think of any more. But if you do think of any more and it’s more extreme then I want that too. And I don’t want to bust you up or hurt you or anything so I know I can’t have any of what I want but I want it so much it hurts and I need you to acknowledge that I want it…’
Nancy squeezed my hand, got up – all naked – and went and just like yanked Mandy’s towel off. Then she pulled her to her feet and hugged her. She looked at me hard over Mandy’s head and I knew this was another of those really important moments when whatever I did something big was going to change. I went over and hugged them both. Nancy turned Mandy round so she was facing me, and I could feel the heat of my erection pressing into her abdomen. I stroked her head, looking over it at Nancy with questions in my eyes. Sharon came and joined us on one side, and Lill came at the other, and Nancy said to Sharon ‘help me’ and they were lifting Mandy up and her legs went round my waist like scissors and her arms round my neck and I felt Nancy’s hand guiding my cock as Sharon and Lill gently eased Mandy down onto it and I felt her ballerina-muscled tightness squeezing and rippling over me. I put one arm round Sharon’s shoulders and one arm round Lill’s and found Nancy’s hands with each of them. Then I reached in, and, evading Mandy’s mouth, kissed Nancy properly, like with tongues and stuff, and then Sharon was kissing Mandy so I kissed Lill the same way and Mandy tried to twist right round and kiss Nancy which sort of mostly worked and then I kissed Sharon and Nancy was kissing Lill and then I started kissing Mandy and there were tears running down her cheeks and into our mouths and the others started surging her up and down on me and I knew everyone knew I hadn’t got a rubber on and I knew nobody cared and I knew there was no way I could pull out and pretty soon I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer and Mandy broke the kiss and started to gasp and her face was all flushed and soft and gorgeous and I could feel her cunt start to ripple and spasm and she leant back against Nancy and Nancy kissed her and Lill leant down and bit Mandy’s breast and as I felt my semen start its irretrievable rush up into her womb I wondered what would happen next, next minute and next hour and next evening and next week and next year and beyond.
And Mrs Price winked at me.
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I pick up the pink, soft-flesh dildo that was in my mouth and shove it in my drenched pussy in and out, one dildo in each hand alternating. Ramming each into me until my walls started to shake and convulse. The black one spreads me deep as the waves of pleasure over come me again. I bite my lip hard and keep the wave sweeping my body as a surfer keeps a wave alive on a mighty run. It’s coming up to my 45 birthday and I want to do something for me. Just me. The kids are grown, living their lives...
MasturbationHello friend, i am raj and back with another story. Thanx for appreciating my earlier story sex with chat girl& and & intern ko jam k choda .;. The story which i am going to narrate is with our old time maid servant. Her name is Sanjukta alias Sanju. She is having not that attractive figure or face but fair in complexion. I had no bad feelings for her till the day when she stayed one night in our house when she had a fight with her drunken yard husband. She along with her three kids slept in my...
I had come to the pub after work one day just to unwind and decompress after a tough day. My boss was riding me about getting a project in on time, and my co-workers were not being much help. I was sitting at the bar nursing a Jack and Coke when she came in. She was a beautiful, leggy brunette creature with hazel eyes, a smile so soft and warm it would melt your heart, and a tight little 34DD-23-34 body that was made for fun! At 5’5′, her 6′ stiletto ‘fuck me’ shoes put her just under my own...
We were returning from the restaurant to my place at 3 pm , after a sumptuous gastronomic delight, with surya in the pillion, clinging tightly to me and Sunil following us. Suddenly, Sunil after discussing with surya about the call from his boss for attending to an urgent official work, decided to go to his room by auto (more to avoide the bike ride in the hot sun & to work on his office laptop)and return to my place after completing the assignment at the earliest, while surya accompanied me on...
Gay MaleMy still black eye gave me "braggin' rights," when we went to churchthe following Sunday after the big fish adventure. It was fading by then but still very noticeable. Of course, in a close-knit county like ours everyone already knew at least one version of the truth. Those who had witnessed the incident had to tell everybody else who wasn't there about our altercations with the two Bradleys, father and son. As always, something got added or changed or omitted with each retelling. Truth...
* Hey everyone, this is a long WIP, and i'm willing to let people contribute, feel free to add or write a chapter, and if the quality is good, it will stay.* The Ulichny's had always been good clients. Their three kids were well behaved, quiet and always seemed to be ready for bed. Babysitting for them was always fun because it usually meant plenty of free time to just relax, and get paid for it. Chantal was a good looking woman, at best. She wasn't skinny, but wasn't big either. Around your...
GayIt was midnight, as Tanya lay under her covers. The wind howled outside her window. She yawned lightly, rolling onto her back. Unknown to her, a dark figure watched her through the window. In fact, he had been watching her for several months now. He loved the way her auburn, spiky, pixie cut hair framed her heart-shaped face. And he loved the way her tops always hugged her luscious breasts. If she wore a skirt, her long, sinewy legs were displayed. Her honey-toned skin was often...
This is the story about the man who means the world to me and how we lived life. My name is Kara and at the start of this I was 16 years old with dark red hair worn past my shoulders and my body was petite at 5'5" and 101 pounds my breasts were quite small but my skin was perfect if I do say so myself. So this starts off near my house on my way home my friend Christy ran up to me she was your typical cheerleader type with blonde hair blue eyes and perky breasts. "Hey Christy what's up...
I went clubbing last week with my girlfriends that I work with and they recommended a hip hop club in a seedy part of town. I was alittle scared but we went anyway and well, and we were really having some fun there!!! I decided to dress like a real lil slut this night, a black minidress, lacey thigh highs and garters and black fuck-me pumps. deleted
[note: I have taken great liberties with the publication dates of a quite famous television series that went into reruns--MASH and the release dates of two acclaimed movies--Zulu and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. What can I tell you? Fiction is a constrained set of lies by definition.] Early April, 1987. Tuesday. Why did I ignore all my other possible choices and go directly to the University of Illinois? During my selection process they came in second. After calling the...
Shopping Spree Refund – The Payback Several weeks after he had hired Brooke, Will heard nothing but rave reviews from her immediate supervisor. At first he thought it might be because she was putting out but since her supervisor was a female and a little on the hefty side, he dismissed that possibility. But then he started hearing rumors from people in several departments that she was doing well. She was hired as the receptionist in the main lobby but had been promoted and was now secretary...
Quickie SexOnce again, it was Summer, no more studies. Casey, being young and popular with the guys at school had alot of parties ahead of her. She had a slim, curvy waist and long dark hair that came to her shoulders. Her best feature was her boobs, she was a full 36D and always made sure they were well recognised everywhere she went. Casey was getting ready for "some guy's" - which took alot of persuading her dad. He knew and could see why she got so much attention which made him even more objective to...
LesbianLiuzhou Intermediate People's Court pronounced its verdict, the two were guilty of intentional homicide, the defendant Lu Yuqiao (female) was sentenced to death. He Zhikun also received the death sentence and was carried out a week later. Lu yuqiao would try to appeal her death sentence. A few weeks later Yuqiao’s mouth closed over my penis and the sensation made it go erect immediately. Opening my eyes I make direct eye contact with this beautiful you woman whose sucking my dick. She only...
I had a lot to consider, wish wise and otherwise. I'd thought carefully over years of reading about what I would do with wishes. Some were banal, such as wishing for riches, invincibility, and such. The typical kinds that most people would throw out without thinking. I suppose that included me, to some extent. I had our eyes done. I thought about things that I have enjoyed doing and how I could use wishes to make them better. We both had some health issues, so I decided that my next wish...
There i was back in the mid 80s in my early 30s single, horny, bisexual, having already played with a submissive couple & in doing so they introduced me to their friends & it multiplied from there on, the main reason i had so much sex on offer was that i insisted of playing safe , whereas most guys my age only wanted bareback , all this at a time when the aids syndrome raised it's ugly head, one thing i made absolutely clear with anyone i played with was that i took complete control of...
Hi mara nma bunty ha maa 22 sal ka hu ,mara gar ma 2 bada bhai ha un dono ki sadhi ho chuki ha or mari 2 bhabhi ha ,ak badhi bhabhi ka nam vidhi ha who 25 sal ki ha chothi wali ka nam shalani ha who 23 sal ki ha us ki sadhi abhi 2mahina phala hi hui ha .or dono hi mujsa mazak karthi rathi ha ka .ak bar mara dost na ak blue cd do tho ma apna computar pa cd dakh raha tha tha tho picha sa vidhi bhabhi aa gaye or unhona mujko dakh lea tho ma un ko dakh ka movi band kar de .tho who mara pass aaye or...
Professor Hana Klein's thesis class had the strangest, most frightening reputation for all the girls who took it. And it was a requirement for the Women's Studies program at Seattle's Miranda college. Rumors circulated that students from the class frequently dropped out, went crazy, or just plain disappeared. And Professor Klein, a tall statuesque woman in her late-40's with long blonde hair and the demeanor of a friendly dominatrix was proud that her course challenged so many of them. The...
BDSMI don't know why seeing a policeman at the door was such a shock; my conscience isn't THAT guilty. "Uh, Pat," I called, "police officer to see you!" Pat poked her head out of the kitchen, where we'd all been working on the fruit salad. "Oh, come on in, Sondra," she called, "we'll be out in a minute." The person in the blue uniform smiled at me, and as she moved into the room, I noticed some features I had overlooked at first glance. Officer Sondra Hernandez, badge number 1469, was...
(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...
Chapter 3: Prolocutum Interruptus Tina’s mother, Angela Torpedowicz ran into the house in a panic. She had lost her cell phone. She had looked everywhere in her office, her car, her purse, and just about anywhere else she could think of. The only place it might still be was at home. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief when she ran into the kitchen and saw it sitting on the kitchen counter. As she picked it up she experienced another short wave of panic. The 45 year old MILF had planned to...
My wife had been hinting that she wanted to be gang banged again, her fetish was to be blindfolded in a hotel room then have people come in and use her, one after the other or a group at one time, as I took photos and filmed everything, so I put an add on Craigslist it didn’t take long before the first response came in, I started to weed out the flakes, jerks and other bums, until I had found about 17 guys all shapes and sizes, the one last mail arrived, it said ‘’ still looking? 26, 6 foot 1...
Stan Satanowski stepped out of the state of the art spray tanning booth in his basement. It was a computer-controlled, fully-automatic model and should have cost much more than he could possibly afford, but he had gotten it basically for free.Free is a relative term. In this case, it meant that when he accepted a contract to clean up and remodel a space in a local strip mall, he agreed to store any and all equipment currently in the store for a period of two years.The previous tenant ran a...
HorrorIt’s Christmastime and Lulu Chu has realized something terrible: She forgot to get her roommate, Damon Dice, a gift! After thinking on it for a while, Lulu realizes she has a built in present. She can give Damon the gift of a romp between the sheets. Decking herself out in sexy Santa lingerie, Lulu joins Damon in his bedroom on Christmas morning. She crawls into bed with her roommie and strokes his morning wood while letting him know that he can have anything he wants. Damon tries to...
xmoviesforyouThe events with Jukar turned the microscope on me; there were demands by Rowenna’s Office that I go to Loegria for an examination that stopped just short of a vivisection. However, Morgana stepped in to prevent that, citing that the mission to Kedyrn on Tír na nÓg was of vital importance to the Council and that I was an integral part of that mission. Naturally enough this meant that some members of Healing Magic moved into the cave to examine us both, along with Seer Simone and two of her...
She met me at her front door, a tall long legged blonde with a well shaped figure. She wore the shortest mini that allowed her pink panties to peek out of her nicely rounded bum as she led me into her massage room. All this left me speechless. I could barely greet her so took a deep breath instead. Once I’d regained composure I timidly smiled as I certainly did not want to be part of a sleazy massage parlor. However an air of professionalism was evident. A proper massage table, a variety of...
MatureThis is my first attempt at a story of this kind, so constructive criticism is not only welcomed but solicited. I know the TG in this is more incidental rather than the main part of the story, but I am thinking of doing a couple of more personalised tales within this setting, and I wanted to get some feedback before I make a decision and decide which way to take this idea. Please do let me know what you think, either by e-mail or by leaving a comment. Any constructive feedback is...
“Alright. Thanks for helping me. I’m gonna miss you” you say with a grin on your face as you hug your Mum. “You better call every day...” she says as she begins gripping you hard and shedding some tears. “Alright mum. He’s old enough to live by himself” says your brother with a grin causing her to release you from the longest hug ever. He then extends his hand and you make contact using your hand before pulling eachother into a manly hug. “I’ve moved out already so there’s not much I can say”...
TeenBack in 1990 wife Sarah and I occasionally frequented one of our local North London pubs especially as daughter Christina had a part time job tending bar there. One of our favourite nights was Wednesday Quiz Nights and along with son Rick our team consisted of Big Jim Reid, a local green grocer who sadly lost his wife to breast cancer a few years previously. We,d come close to winning a few times mainly due to my knowledge of oldies music and American sports which the compilers used for...
Fried steak. Every time he woke up, his senses were overwhelmed with the smell of fried steak. "Lights on." The sudden yet expected blinding light made him groan and roll over. He missed the old fluorescent light bulbs, the low hum and significantly dimmer light compared to the new LED lights in his room. But the station commander wanted everything to be modernized, so his old lights were taken down and incinerated, the new standard for garbage disposal on the decade old space station. "One cup...
You make your way to the new game parlor you've been hearing so much about. It just opened up across town, and the claims it makes are rather intriguing. The ad said it was a "full-sim" maze-running game, meaning it overrode all of your senses to make the experience perfectly real... but safe. It even had an 'adult' section. This is what you had in mind... Entering the game parlor and stepping into the capsule, you read the rules. They seemed simple enough. Objective: Get to the exit without...
FetishI had worked at Laramie and Hastings Law Offices for a little over two years when I discovered the dark side of myself. Being a two-girl office as it is, my desk faces my office mate Norma, our desks pushed front to front to take up as small a space as possible. Since Mr. Laramie and his partner Norman Hastings are quite active in their civil law practice, Norma and I are very often left alone in the office while they are in court. Aged thirty-two and divorced for some four years, Norma is a...
It didn’t occur to me, and, I don’t think, to Anne, the risk we were taking just by being here.We were parked in front of a house that was settled in one of the richer neighborhoods that surrounded downtown Toronto. It was a late night and, usually, Anne and I would be at home, sleeping.“We’ve already come all this way,” she said, but then she sucked in her lower lip, and I knew that she was nervous. I also knew that there was nothing I could say to dissuade her from entering the house. No one...
Wife LoversAfter what had happened at the party, I know everyone wondered what happened to me. I lost the love of my life. The only man that has ever meant anything to me. I hadn't talked to him for a couple of weeks now. I couldn't do it. The embarrassment of him finding out my past from someone else almost killed me. I wanted to die. One day his secretary, Janet, came to see me. I loved her; she was so warm and nice to me. She said she needed to talk to me. Jerrod, my boyfriend, wanted answers,...