Pornstar Ch. 10 free porn video

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Lill and I and Mrs Price did the editing for the sex scenes up at Mrs Price’s house, and like the first time we went up there it was a bit of a shock. I mean you expect teachers to be reasonably conventional people (even though of course really we knew Mrs Price wasn’t) and also teachers don’t make much money so I expected her to have a small house and like a husband and kids and stuff (except she’d occasionally referred to ‘my partner’ so I had sussed that she wasn’t living with her husband). So it’s a bit out of town and Mrs Price gives us a lift out so we won’t get lost that first time, and we go up into the woods and there’s this gate and we go in and there’s this neat gravel parking place and we get out and look around and – no house – and Mrs Price laughs and leads us down these steps like we’re going underground and there’s this door and we go in through this like super-modern kitchen and come out in this living room which is like vast.

It’s all white walls and wood floor and wood roof with like no ceiling and the south wall’s all glass like with no frames or anything and I realise the house is like cantilevered out of the slope of a hill. It’s amazingly uncluttered – just one leather couch and two leather chairs and a sheepskin rug in front of a big fireplace, and then like space.

Over the fireplace was the largest photographic print I’ve ever seen. It was a larger than life-size picture of an infeasibly cool slender languid imperious Nordic blond woman lying on her left side on a grey rock in a very blue sea. She’s propped up on her left elbow and her head is erect, looking straight into the camera with bored but untroubled arrogance. Her right leg is propped up to show the hips of an extremely dark and glossy black guy with his thick cock plunged to the root into her cunt. The quality of the print was so good that you seemed to be able to see distinctly every strand of her hair.

Lillith and I stared at it dumb-struck for a long moment.

‘Nice, isn’t it?’ said Mrs Price. ‘My partner particularly likes that one. Come on through to the office.’

We went through another door and came into an architect’s office, also spartan and Scandinavian in style, with linen blinds drawn over the big south windows. A woman uncoiled from a stool at a drafting table across the room and came over to us languidly. She was more than life-size, infeasibly cool and slender and imperious. She wore a sheer silk blouse, tight leather jeans, and – I’m fairly certain – nothing else at all. She looked only slightly older and no less challenging than in the photograph.

‘Hi, Sharon, darling’ she drawled, stooping from her six foot two inch height to kiss Mrs Price. ‘these are your students?’

‘Lillith, Kyle, this is my partner Bretta. Bretta, this is Kyle, who’s done most of the direction of our movie, and this is Lillith who’s been responsible for a lot of the script and most of the costume design.’

I should have been at least a little bit prepared. I should have noticed the careful lack of prepositions in what Mrs Price had been saying. After all, I’d played a very similar trick on my own father. The idea that Mrs Price might be gay just had not occurred to me.

Bretta looked down on us. ‘Welcome to our house,’ she drawled. ‘Sharon has told me a lot about you.’ And then suddenly, unexpectedly, she grinned. ‘Did you like my portrait?’

‘Very much,’ I said, striving for equilibrium. ‘Like, when I saw it and didn’t know it was you I thought it was awesomely cool to hang it over the fireplace like that. Now I know it is you I’m like breath taken. That is just so, like, stylish.’

‘I’m glad you like it. Come, I’ll show you the computer I’ve set up for you.’

As we worked there on and off over the next two weeks, Bretta was like this prowling, pantherous presence in the background. She moved quietly. When on the phone (which during the afternoon was quite often) she’d stalk about, listening and drawling. When working, either at her drafting table or at her computer, she was silent, and fairly often you’d look up and notice she wasn’t there. And then, of course, she’d stalk up behind us, coolly observing us as we struggled with the pacing and cutting of this scene or that. Sometimes she would make comments and suggestions in her arrogant drawl. Her suggestions were analytical and incisive (and led us to be more daring in a whole lot of places), but it was always as if she knew how to create an image to turn other people on, not as though she was herself in any way moved or aroused.

I found her very scary.

We worked on our private movie over several sessions and got together a cut we liked. It wasn’t really at all based on the ‘official’ cut, although, of course, we used material shot in the ‘official’ filming sessions. It had a different mood, while the ‘official’ movie was a rattling adventure romp with a few Gothic and eerie elements (and quite short), the whole of our cut (which was much longer) became increasingly Gothic and otherworldly and the sex scenes (although yes, they were explicit) melded into this dreamy other-wordly atmosphere in a way which made me feel we had achieved something considerably more than a conventional porn film.

Meantime, of course, term, and school life, were rolling through their climactic rituals: exams, and dances, and results, and prizegivings, and stuff. Our personal lives went on, too. Nancy and I became more settled as an item. Our group became tighter, more welded together, although towards the very end of term Lill was starting to get it together with a new boyfriend and so we saw slightly less of her. But for the group the real wrap-up point was the screening of our private cut.


When we got up to Mrs Price’s she gave us each a glass of wine and invited us through the back and there was like this hot tub thing on a deck high above the forest floor. I mean, like, I’d read about them but I’d never actually seen one. Bretta was just testing the temperature when we came out onto the porch where the hot tub was. She said hi, and Mrs Price introduced her to Nancy and Mandy (whom she hadn’t met), and then she said she’d go into town and let us get on, which was like nice because it said she was cool with us and what we were doing but also she was giving us privacy to do it.

So there was the hot tub. Mandy, of course, just peeled off and was in like a fish. So was Mrs Price. Nancy and Lill and I were a bit slower, but Mandy was mocking us and soon we were all in. It was like tight with all five of us – not uncomfortable, but you couldn’t not touch anyone and whenever you moved you touched someone else and it was like very sensuous and I was getting embarrassed because of course I was like rock hard and everyone else was having this like relaxed sort of banter and I wasn’t joining in and Mrs Price said, like teasing, what’s Kyle uptight about and there’s this hand on my dick and it isn’t Nancy it’s Mandy and she says like he’s sex starved, poor thing, he’s like desperate, that Nancy isn’t treating him properly, and they all laugh, and then Mandy says to Nancy can I get a turn with him, and Lill says hey, wait your turn, I haven’t had even one proper shot yet, and Sharon says she should get first go ’cause she was eldest, and Nancy’s saying to Mandy fight you for him and we were all laughing and it was fun and also it was real because although it was a tease I knew that they all really meant it and that I could have any of them or all of them and I said like guys, you’re like all brilliant and I love all of you and I’ll always remember this. And that was true, every bit of it.

And it was warm and the sun was out and there was like this amazing view out over woodland towards the town and the wine was good and also strong and I was in a hot tub with four beautiful women who liked me and who were cool to have sex with me and I just stopped being uptight. Then after a while the water wasn’t so warm and Sharon said, OK, who wan
ts to see this movie, and we all got out and Sharon gave us these big towels and Lill bent down to pick up her panties and Sharon said let’s not bother with clothes, so we all went into the big sitting room all sort of wrapped in towels. The curtains were closed and it was sort of dim. I sat down on the sofa. Sharon was getting more wine. Mandy started a play fight with Nancy and of course it wasn’t very long before they were both naked and Nancy had Mandy pinned down and she was like wriggling and squeaking and saying no, no, don’t spank me, and Nancy said to me did I want to administer the punishment and I said yeah and Nancy swung her across my knees and she was just so small and sweet smelling and soft skinned and I just stroked her and I wanted so much to fuck her and I knew she wanted me to and everyone was watching us to see if I would and I knew that like if I asked Nancy she would say it was OK but I wouldn’t really know whether it was and I gave Mandy a little slap deliberately so my fingertip caught her clit and said ok, let’s watch this movie. And Nancy came and sat on one side of me and Lill sat on the other and Mandy wriggled into sitting on the floor between my legs and Sharon gave everyone another glass of wine and came and sat on the floor between Lill’s legs and mine.

‘OK,’ she said, ‘I’ve deliberately got you all relaxed and sexed up and a bit drunk, and the reason I’ve done that is because we’re here to watch a porn film, and it’s not going to be any good if you’re all uptight and on your best behaviour. So watch it, and if you want to touch yourself, just do it, and if you want to touch someone else, touch someone else. OK? Enjoy!’

She pressed a button on the remote and the screen came on to the close shot on the diversion sign, and the titles began to roll. We watched mostly in silence. It may be that it was our film and it may be that we were drunk but it seemed very powerful. When it came to the torture chamber scene I just put a hand on Mandy’s head and stroked her – and then sort of looked at Nancy and Nancy smiled and took my other hand and put it in her own crotch. At last the tape ran through to the last shot of the dawn sun streaming into Nancy’s face as she orgasmed, and after a long moment of silence Sharon sighed and got up and opened the curtains and in the sudden brightness she came and sat cross legged facing us.

‘OK, guys, what do you think?’

There was a confused chorus of different things from different people, which could be mostly summed up as wow.

‘Yeah, OK, I agree. But come on. Kyle, why did you do it and has it done what you wanted, and what do you think should happen to it now?’

As I replied everyone turned round to look at me – like you’d expect – and I was really aware of Mandy’s mouth just inches from my balls, and her nose just inches from the sticky precum that was dribbling down my cock. I tried to concentrate.

‘OK, I got into this because I wanted to support my friends. That’s all, really. And then when we started really thinking about it I wanted to see if I could make a good movie – not a porn movie, just a good movie – and whether I could make the shots I could see in my head come to life. I think we’ve done that. I kind of lost one of the friends I did it for along the way, but I got more and better ones… I’m really glad we did it. It’s brilliant and I’m really proud of it. I don’t want it to be destroyed, but I don’t feel any need to let anyone else see it. I’d like Sharon to keep it, and maybe sometime when we’re older we’ll all get together and watch it again, but like just us. I’d kind of like to keep just one still of each of you, just like as a memento, if that’s OK.’

‘OK,’ said Sharon, ‘Lill?’

Lill blushed. After everything we’d done together, Lill blushed. ‘I just wanted to get it together with Kyle… and I wanted to have sex just to find out what it was like. I thought that by writing this porn script and making him read it I’d make him realise I was a sexual being, and that he’d maybe fancy me. I didn’t expect it to go any further and I didn’t want it to go any further. And none of what I wanted happened and I’m still technically a virgin despite being a teenage porn-star and I think apart from the Paul stuff I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. And like Kyle I’ve got more friends and better friends and I think we’ve made a brilliant movie and I don’t want it destroyed but I’m not sure I want anyone else to see it.’


‘Well, I’d already been thinking about it before Kyle asked me. I wanted to get at my father. I wanted to shock him. I wanted to sneak the movie in amongst the porn movies he keeps in his den and force him to see I wasn’t asexual or pure or chaste or modest and I wasn’t something he could control. And then Kyle did ask me and like he intrigued me because he wasn’t anything like how I expected someone who was into porn would be – like sort of just completely the opposite. And I think I decided there and then that I was going to have sex with him. And I did have sex him and that’s, like, totally the best thing and like I’m in love with him but I also think his movie is really really good. I kind of do want people to see it because it’s so good and I’m so proud of what we’ve done but not like grubby sweaty men wanking over us – that would just be horrible – but maybe like an arthouse thing. And I don’t need to get at my father any more so I’ve kind of got everything I wanted, too.’


‘I was sore at Paul. And I knew about his dick, which no-one else did, so I knew that something wild had to happen and I wanted to see how it blew. And actually, now, I’m like ashamed of what I did to Paul, but apart from that it’s been mostly good and I really enjoyed doing it and I learned things about myself I didn’t expect. Like some of those are very painful and I’m also really struggling with some of them but I’m not sorry about any of it. About the film it’s really good and I’d like other people to be able to see it but definitely not until after Maman and Papa are dead. Like, they must never even know it exists. If it was just sex I’d be cooler about it but I don’t want them to see me being hurt.’

‘Mrs Price,’ I said, deliberately formal, watching cunt juice glisten on her inner thighs, ‘what about you?’

‘A lot of things. Sometimes this self satisfied little town with it’s self satisfied little repressed people makes me feel a bit wild, and that script was so good – you’ve got to give Paul his due, I agree he was a shit and got what he deserved but it’s a good script. And then I was interested in Kyle because there seemed to be so much going on under the surface – like this really intelligent and sensitive observer of everything that was going on but at the same time really wary and just determinedly not involved. And it seemed to me’ – she said, looking me straight in the eyes – ‘that here was someone who could turn into someone really great and creative or into something really strange and psychopathic and I wasn’t sure which it would be. And I wondered what would happen if I put a tyre iron under your shell and levered hard… I’m really satisfied with what we’ve done. I’m really proud of all of you – particularly no-one. I’m really surprised at you, Nancy, I didn’t think you had the moral fibre to do half of what you’ve done. I’m really pleased with you, Lill, although I was fairly confident that you would deliver creatively. Mandy, you were a total revelation. I don’t know how you pack so much guts into such a small body – and I have to say, if I was going to keep just one of you for dessert when I was feeling particularly horny and self indulgent it would be you. As for the movie, I think Kyle should go to film school and if showing this movie could help him get in I would vote we show it. But otherwise I think we should keep it as a private thing. It is the single most erotic work of art I’ve ever seen in any medium, and I think you’re all just brilliant.’


There was a contented silence. Nancy brok
e it, stroking Mandy’s head gently.

‘What’s the issues, Mandy?’

Mandy moved out from between my legs and over towards Sharon. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it round herself. She looked at Nancy. She looked, like, somehow defiant.

‘OK, the issues are like these. I got off on the torture thing, like, really got off on it. And I realised I got off it not just ’cause of what it was but also because of who it was and who I was. So, like, I’m bisexual and I’m a sado-masochist. And I’m in love with my niece and I want her to screw me and I also want her to hurt me and I’m also in love with my niece’s boyfriend and I want him to fuck me up my cunt and I want him to fuck me up my ass and I want him to fuck me down my throat and just everything and if at all possible I want both of you to screw me at the same time. And if you can think of a perverse thing to want that isn’t in there then you better tell me ’cause after flagellation and incest and buggery and group sex and all I can’t think of any more. But if you do think of any more and it’s more extreme then I want that too. And I don’t want to bust you up or hurt you or anything so I know I can’t have any of what I want but I want it so much it hurts and I need you to acknowledge that I want it…’

Nancy squeezed my hand, got up – all naked – and went and just like yanked Mandy’s towel off. Then she pulled her to her feet and hugged her. She looked at me hard over Mandy’s head and I knew this was another of those really important moments when whatever I did something big was going to change. I went over and hugged them both. Nancy turned Mandy round so she was facing me, and I could feel the heat of my erection pressing into her abdomen. I stroked her head, looking over it at Nancy with questions in my eyes. Sharon came and joined us on one side, and Lill came at the other, and Nancy said to Sharon ‘help me’ and they were lifting Mandy up and her legs went round my waist like scissors and her arms round my neck and I felt Nancy’s hand guiding my cock as Sharon and Lill gently eased Mandy down onto it and I felt her ballerina-muscled tightness squeezing and rippling over me. I put one arm round Sharon’s shoulders and one arm round Lill’s and found Nancy’s hands with each of them. Then I reached in, and, evading Mandy’s mouth, kissed Nancy properly, like with tongues and stuff, and then Sharon was kissing Mandy so I kissed Lill the same way and Mandy tried to twist right round and kiss Nancy which sort of mostly worked and then I kissed Sharon and Nancy was kissing Lill and then I started kissing Mandy and there were tears running down her cheeks and into our mouths and the others started surging her up and down on me and I knew everyone knew I hadn’t got a rubber on and I knew nobody cared and I knew there was no way I could pull out and pretty soon I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer and Mandy broke the kiss and started to gasp and her face was all flushed and soft and gorgeous and I could feel her cunt start to ripple and spasm and she leant back against Nancy and Nancy kissed her and Lill leant down and bit Mandy’s breast and as I felt my semen start its irretrievable rush up into her womb I wondered what would happen next, next minute and next hour and next evening and next week and next year and beyond.

And Mrs Price winked at me.

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Schools Nearly Over

One warm evening in the late spring before our final exams, the first we’d be taking since turning eighteen, when I was round at my half-Japanese girlfriend Lucy's after school, she was about to pull my trousers down to give me a blowjob when her mum walked in. Lucy managed to pretend to be doing something else, so we weren't caught, but we decided that it was too risky to fuck whilst her parent were home, so we decided to go for a walk. The sun had gone down, but there was still some light,...

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Husband and friend set up wives

After the incident where Vinod had to stay back at my place and got a chance to lick and feel sleeping Priya, He now felt that he owed me a favor, So now we were constantly discussing on how to fuck each others wives. One day I had a call from Vinod he said that he was going on tour to kodaikanal with Meena and his kid was off at Meena’s parents for the vacation, and would I like to join. I told him to come over to a restaurant for tea with me and we would discuss it on Thursday. On Thursday...

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Helping the Homeless

My beautiful, sexy, 38D-25-36, twenty-one-year-oldwife and I are devout exhibitionists. We love to fuckanywhere, but especially in public, and preferably inbroad daylight. We've screwed inside all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parkinglots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels, in parks,and even on a school's playground. Anyway, the best was when we went downtown at noontime, to an alley behind some businesses. There wereareaways between the buildings that kept you...

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Fun At Theater 8211 Part I

Hi guys! I’m Samuel Jacob and have been a frequent reader of the ISS for last 10 years, now I’m here to share one of my stories. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I’m working for a construction company in Bangalore after finishing my engineering. This happened during the final semester of my college. I’m a decent looking guy with a little tummy and 6″ shaft. The heroin of the story is Anu. The best thing about her is her boobs. She has a 38c – 32 – 36. Every man would love you suck...

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Lovestory 2K

There are love stories of all kinds: cross-culture, cross-border, cross-religion and so on. This is a double-cross-dress love story. Read it and see if you like it. Hema and Giri met accidentally. Hema is tall for an average woman, with short hair and not much to show off for a cleavage. In spite of her looks she is more feminine and desirable than her more endowed roommates. She lived in a two-room house with two other girls on a share-everything basis. All three of them are working...

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The Slutty Girls Next Door

The Brikiin siblings have decided to go to the Palms Casino in Las Vegas. Ashley is the oldest - a twenty year old, six foot tall, thin lesbian. She has ear length light brown hair, size B breasts, and a completely bad attitude. Morgan is Ashley's younger brother, at nineteen. He is five feet, nine inches tall, with black hair and usually black clothes, somewhat "emo" one could say.

1 year ago
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The Exhibit Part 4 Hot Flashes

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. The problem is, fewer and fewer new slaves...

4 years ago
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Race Day Quickie

After dropping his passengers off at what he referred to as the ‘Paparazzi Entrance’ Eric drove the stretch limo around to the designated parking area to await the time to pick them back up. His passengers were not really famous but were rich and well known in the horse racing circuit. Parking the car, Eric settled down to wait, which he knew would be at least three hours, sometimes a bit longer. He would get a text when they were ready. Looking out the front windshield he saw a woman, or more...

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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 7

It must’ve been a dream. That was the only explanation. Shit as unbelievable as this only ever happened in dreams. Little more than 24 hours ago, Paul had been on track to finally score with the girl he’d been in love with since month one of junior high. Despite all the game-planning and self-consciousness, it was essentially a simple state of affairs. But in the intervening day, everything had changed. The truly weird part about all of this was that right now, things were even simpler....

2 years ago
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Driving Daisy CrazyChapter 4

Strange, Daisy thinks, that no sooner does he climax than Randy Buck is out of her and into the pool, swimming laps as though they had not just made love, ignoring her completely. Maybe, she thinks, he knows. Still, she has gotten him off. And herself as well, even though she does not "love" him, does not, in the rutting, bitch-in-heat sense, desire him. Wealthy, older man, young, beautiful girl with nothing, the theme was there, is here. Traditional, acceptable, a trifle trite,...

1 year ago
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Youth Group Outing

When I was a sophomore in high school, my church youth group went to a Lutheran conference in a major city three hours away from our small town. To save money, we were packed four to a room with two king-sized beds and one floor monitor for each sex. I was in the same room with Jim, Arthur and Paul. We had grown up together and went to the same school as well as the same church, so we knew each other pretty well. What Paul and Arthur didn’t know was that Jim and I had been sucking and...

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Tina came in from shopping and immediately heard her father call for her. He was not a happy camper. She set her bags down in the hallway and went to meet him in the living room. "The credit card company just called. Do you want to tell me what you spent $2,000 on this afternoon? Tina broke down and started crying."Oh daddy, Bryan broke up with me. The prom is next weekend, and he just told me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore! He won't even go to the prom with me, and now I'll be the...

2 years ago
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Loose CannonsChapter 14

Feeling like she was on the verge of being a millionaire, Maggie walked into the house with a check for over ten thousand dollars in her purse. The first payment from the website company had arrived and she was feeling ten feet tall. She had even gone out to show it to one of her boyfriends. She happened to glance over at Guy reclining on the couch. She hadn’t expected to find him at home. He was supposed to be at work. Puzzled, she looked at him again. He didn’t normally use the couch. It...

4 years ago
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My First Time Getting Caught

When I was a teen growing up I always had a fetish and it scared me cause I never knew if it meant I was gay or not. When I was at friends,school,camps where ever I loved to sneak into there moms or sisters dressers and I would dress myself up. I was about Five and a half feet tall growing up 120 with an average body. I would try on Thongs,Booty shorts,Jeans,spandex Pants,skirts,tank tops,dresses,high heels. It was a thrill it made me feel great. I liked how i looked and the clothes felt I had...

4 years ago
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Oh no what have I done

Oh no what have I doneI have worked for ten years in my current job and I have fucked almost every female that works here during that ten year span. A few I have fucked just a time or two but the others many many times. The other thing I really like to do is to go deer hunting which I have done since I was twelve and I don’t plan on stopping either one any time soon that is until Maria.My name is Andy I got married to a Latino woman four years ago her name is Maria. She had two girls Paula...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Insert Here! Several hours passed, as the light turned to dusk outside and the curtains hid our sexual encounters from the world. That night, both Amanda and Julia informed me that it was be okay for me to sleep in the same bed as them, if I wanted to. Like a kid in a candy shop, how could I resist such a sweet invitation. As I undressed in the bedroom, the two girls watching me as they perched their small petite and beautiful soft cheeks upon the edge of the bed. Stripping...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 41

"There's nothing wrong with the stuff I have already." Marcus explained, again, pressed up against the brown, stone wall of the shopfronts, a hundred yards or so from the large shopping centre. Streams of people bustled past on their way in and out of the underground, and he closed his eyes and bounced his head gently off the wall behind him, seeking solace in the reassuring grittiness of the surface. "Honey, it's just a shirt, that's all." Shawna told him, easing back against the...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Joseline Kelly 22797

Fucking covefefe! Josefine Kelly shows up to the supposed pool party her friend is having and finds there’s nothing going on – her friend isn’t even there! Instead, she finds her friend’s brother Lucas, alone, telling her that the party spot got moved because their parents are coming home early from their vacation. That really busts Joseline’s hump, that is until she realizes Lucas is the cock in shining armor ready to swoop in and save her burning pussy! Fuck the pool party…it’s time for a...

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An English Dalliance

© 2004 by Lowered Eyes All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the author. This work is written as adult entertainment and is not intended tobe accessed by anyone under the age of 18. All persons and events portrayedare fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely co-incidental.

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Im Watching You

It’s been a long week. Deadlines piled up on me, I lost control of old man time around Tuesday, I’m tired, worn out, tense. I pull into the driveway, shutting off the purring motor and sit in silence for a moment, nothing but the slow tick of the engine as it cools off disturbing the air. The house is dark, and my mood slips more. I need you right now. Need to have your presence around me, your scent in the air. Sighing softly, I grab my briefcase, laptop and files and step out into the early...

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Chrisalis Chapter 3

Chapter 3 With a sharp glint of daylight forcing its way through a tiny unguarded space in my window blinds, striking me directly in the face, my eyes reluctantly fluttered open. I swear, the Texas sun has it out for me. A short while later, upon finishing up in the bathroom, the time had come to decide how to make the best of my extremely limited wardrobe as I would no doubt meet some of our new neighbors today. More importantly, I'd be introduced as Christina for the first time...

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Dur Ki Cousin Sister Ko Bhari Diopahar Me Pata Ke Choda

Hello all dear readers, mera naam Bittu hai, aur meri age 23 years hai. Mai dikhne me thoda bohot handsome hu, ISS ka bohot purana reader hu lgbhag 4 salo se Aur maine ISS ki lagbhag sabhi kahaniya padhi hai.Par aaj tk kbhi story submit krne ka mauka nahi mila, Ye incident mere sath 2 din pehle ghata. Me Amravati (Maharashtra) me rehta hu aur by profession I am a Medical Rep. this is a real story happened to me that’s why I am writing this. Waise mai apni gf k sath boht kuch kr chukka tha bus...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 21

"Na, ein Wochenende mit deiner liebsten Freundin. Wei?t du was, ich komme morgen Vormittag zu dir und wir verbringen ein sch?nes Wochenende." Moni sieht Jeanie mit gro?en Augen erstaunt an, selbst Siggi bemerkt diesen seltsamen Blick. "Und was ist mit Siggi?" "Och... er wartet auf mich und hat Sonntag sowieso ein Spiel, du bist im Augenblick wichtiger, selbst er sagt es. Uns drei verbindet doch eine richtige Freundschaft, und du Moni, brauchst im Moment unsere Hilfe genau so, wie d...

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AnalMom Canela Skin Cheater Gets It From Behind

Curvy latina Canela Skin is sneaking into her house late at night when her son catches her and confronts her about cheating on his dad. The next day he plants a hidden camera above her bed so he can catch her cheating and lo and behold, in no time there’s a tattooed hunk named Juan Lucho having his way with her! Canela’s son busts in and confronts them, but Juan just ignores him and instead decides to try Canela’s asshole next. He can’t bear to watch how much Canela is liking it so he leaves...

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A Day At The Beach Turns Out Into A Love Making Session

This is a story from Amchi Mumbai. It happened during our College days. We (me and my gf-Dee) were classmates in our BMS course. Our relation was steady for 2 years. It was a warm Sunday morning. Dee and I as planned were to meet up on Vikroli station (a suburb in Central Mumbai). I stayed in Mulund, the train ride from Mulund to Vikroli is less than 15 minutes. We met on our regular spot. Dee was looking pretty today in her new Black top we bought from the Mall last evening. The Plan was to...

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The Castle

Darkness fell heavily over the mountain forest as storm clouds roiled in the sky. Tall pines swayed in the growing wind and raindrops began to spatter the rocky terrain. At the edge of the forest, a forbidding structure stood, all stone and ironwork. It looked like no one had entered in centuries but one window showed a flickering light, the silhouette of a woman prominent against the glow. He was late. She peered out into the gloom, searching for any sign of him. She began pacing the stone...

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Virgin Sex story of my big boobed girlfriend and me

Hi friends, I’m Karthik. I’m from Visakhapatnam. This is the story between my girlfriend and me. Her name is Nithya. This is my first story. Please let me know whether you like it or not. This happened when we were doing graduation back in 2016. I’m writing all the love-making stories that happened in our lives in 5 years. We fell in love during our 2nd year of graduation, and from then we started doing kinky things. We were one of the best pairs in our college and regarded as an innocent...

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Stopping by Woods

It was late in the afternoon, and I was driving back home from Northern VT. I was taking the back roads, partly because it was really the only reasonable way to go, and partly because I enjoyed it. I'd been drinking a lot of water to stay awake, and I really had to pee. The road I was driving on followed a large brook, and I pulled over in a spot that afforded cover from the view of the road to pee, next to a widening of the brook. There was a small pulloff behind some trees - it looked an...

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Notice Me

It all began 15 years ago but I remember it as clearly as if it hadhappened yesterday. I was with my best friend at the time Diane, we were celebratingour 30th birthday together. Nothing big, nothing fancy, we'd both left ourk**s and husbands at home and gone off on a spa-weekend together. Dianeand I had been best friends since college, I've never had anything butfriendly warm feelings for her, perhaps too friendly but I've never desiredher in a more intimate, sexual way, to this day I still...

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PureTaboo Spencer Bradley When Your Past Comes Knocking

Kayla (Spencer Bradley) gets a knock on her door, and it’s revealed to be her sibling, Adam (Billy Boston). She’s overjoyed that he came to visit, as they haven’t seen each other in a while. Adam doesn’t seem as relaxed as Kayla, however, as he reveals that he’s just stopping by to say goodbye. He appears anxious as he explains that he lost his job and things aren’t going well for him, so he’s decided to live off the grid for a while and get a fresh...

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08 TogetherChapter 125

Two weeks later – Jens, Ben, Mira and Ira – At the cabin I have been diligently studying both my Russian with Ben (he’s such and excellent teacher) and Muay Thai with Destiny. They have both been brutal with me. I finish my latest Muay Thai training session with Destiny and she announces, “Jennifer, the time has arrived for you to challenge Mira and Ira.” I jump up and down in excitement and ask, “Destiny are you sure?” Destiny smiles at me and says, “Yes Jennifer, your progress has been...

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The Rival

Chapter 1 *Present Day* The senior prom is a night that most girls and boys never forget. For 14 students at Winnisimmet High School, it will be the last time they are truly together before graduation. For their parents, it's the last right of passage for their children as they show the world that they are no longer their little babies but are now fully grown adults and ready for the world. For the Finn Family ladies, it was the night they had dreamed about since they started 9th...

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Mrs Brooking mature slut II

My second visit to Mrs Brooking the mature slut was to install the loft insulation. I knocked on the door and wasn’t quite sure what type of reception I would get after face fucking her and spunking all over her on my last visit. To my relief she seemed pleased to see me and asked me to enter. Mrs Brooking looked gorgeous in a white blouse, flowery flowing skirt, black nylons and fairly high heels. Her make up was gorgeous too including her hair, she had clearly made an effort this morning. Mrs...

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EvilAngel Lana Violet Anal Hero

In lacy lingerie, sexy Asian Lana Violet rubs her round ass. Heavily hung Mick Blue pulls the bejeweled butt plug from her sphincter’s clutch and gives her a tasty rim job. He slides his cock into her pussy and slams away doggie-style as she pants in orgasm. Mick covers her cheeky rear in oil, and Lana slobbers on his prick. He crams a huge toy into her colon, opening her tight backdoor for his boner. Mick’s dong fills her bunghole and pumps intensely. See hot anal gaping, a nasty...

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Feeling my mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is josh, im a straight A's student. Im a senior at saint nicholas high. Im your average teenager, i come from a loving family, i live with both parents, i have everything i could ever want.... well almost everything. When I was younger i walked in on my mother (jenny) changing in her bedroom. I'll never forget the site, she was standing in front of her bed in her tight white jeans, her blue sweater over her head, her white bra holding her big...


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