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Lill and I and Mrs Price did the editing for the sex scenes up at Mrs Price’s house, and like the first time we went up there it was a bit of a shock. I mean you expect teachers to be reasonably conventional people (even though of course really we knew Mrs Price wasn’t) and also teachers don’t make much money so I expected her to have a small house and like a husband and kids and stuff (except she’d occasionally referred to ‘my partner’ so I had sussed that she wasn’t living with her husband). So it’s a bit out of town and Mrs Price gives us a lift out so we won’t get lost that first time, and we go up into the woods and there’s this gate and we go in and there’s this neat gravel parking place and we get out and look around and – no house – and Mrs Price laughs and leads us down these steps like we’re going underground and there’s this door and we go in through this like super-modern kitchen and come out in this living room which is like vast.
It’s all white walls and wood floor and wood roof with like no ceiling and the south wall’s all glass like with no frames or anything and I realise the house is like cantilevered out of the slope of a hill. It’s amazingly uncluttered – just one leather couch and two leather chairs and a sheepskin rug in front of a big fireplace, and then like space.
Over the fireplace was the largest photographic print I’ve ever seen. It was a larger than life-size picture of an infeasibly cool slender languid imperious Nordic blond woman lying on her left side on a grey rock in a very blue sea. She’s propped up on her left elbow and her head is erect, looking straight into the camera with bored but untroubled arrogance. Her right leg is propped up to show the hips of an extremely dark and glossy black guy with his thick cock plunged to the root into her cunt. The quality of the print was so good that you seemed to be able to see distinctly every strand of her hair.
Lillith and I stared at it dumb-struck for a long moment.
‘Nice, isn’t it?’ said Mrs Price. ‘My partner particularly likes that one. Come on through to the office.’
We went through another door and came into an architect’s office, also spartan and Scandinavian in style, with linen blinds drawn over the big south windows. A woman uncoiled from a stool at a drafting table across the room and came over to us languidly. She was more than life-size, infeasibly cool and slender and imperious. She wore a sheer silk blouse, tight leather jeans, and – I’m fairly certain – nothing else at all. She looked only slightly older and no less challenging than in the photograph.
‘Hi, Sharon, darling’ she drawled, stooping from her six foot two inch height to kiss Mrs Price. ‘these are your students?’
‘Lillith, Kyle, this is my partner Bretta. Bretta, this is Kyle, who’s done most of the direction of our movie, and this is Lillith who’s been responsible for a lot of the script and most of the costume design.’
I should have been at least a little bit prepared. I should have noticed the careful lack of prepositions in what Mrs Price had been saying. After all, I’d played a very similar trick on my own father. The idea that Mrs Price might be gay just had not occurred to me.
Bretta looked down on us. ‘Welcome to our house,’ she drawled. ‘Sharon has told me a lot about you.’ And then suddenly, unexpectedly, she grinned. ‘Did you like my portrait?’
‘Very much,’ I said, striving for equilibrium. ‘Like, when I saw it and didn’t know it was you I thought it was awesomely cool to hang it over the fireplace like that. Now I know it is you I’m like breath taken. That is just so, like, stylish.’
‘I’m glad you like it. Come, I’ll show you the computer I’ve set up for you.’
As we worked there on and off over the next two weeks, Bretta was like this prowling, pantherous presence in the background. She moved quietly. When on the phone (which during the afternoon was quite often) she’d stalk about, listening and drawling. When working, either at her drafting table or at her computer, she was silent, and fairly often you’d look up and notice she wasn’t there. And then, of course, she’d stalk up behind us, coolly observing us as we struggled with the pacing and cutting of this scene or that. Sometimes she would make comments and suggestions in her arrogant drawl. Her suggestions were analytical and incisive (and led us to be more daring in a whole lot of places), but it was always as if she knew how to create an image to turn other people on, not as though she was herself in any way moved or aroused.
I found her very scary.
We worked on our private movie over several sessions and got together a cut we liked. It wasn’t really at all based on the ‘official’ cut, although, of course, we used material shot in the ‘official’ filming sessions. It had a different mood, while the ‘official’ movie was a rattling adventure romp with a few Gothic and eerie elements (and quite short), the whole of our cut (which was much longer) became increasingly Gothic and otherworldly and the sex scenes (although yes, they were explicit) melded into this dreamy other-wordly atmosphere in a way which made me feel we had achieved something considerably more than a conventional porn film.
Meantime, of course, term, and school life, were rolling through their climactic rituals: exams, and dances, and results, and prizegivings, and stuff. Our personal lives went on, too. Nancy and I became more settled as an item. Our group became tighter, more welded together, although towards the very end of term Lill was starting to get it together with a new boyfriend and so we saw slightly less of her. But for the group the real wrap-up point was the screening of our private cut.
When we got up to Mrs Price’s she gave us each a glass of wine and invited us through the back and there was like this hot tub thing on a deck high above the forest floor. I mean, like, I’d read about them but I’d never actually seen one. Bretta was just testing the temperature when we came out onto the porch where the hot tub was. She said hi, and Mrs Price introduced her to Nancy and Mandy (whom she hadn’t met), and then she said she’d go into town and let us get on, which was like nice because it said she was cool with us and what we were doing but also she was giving us privacy to do it.
So there was the hot tub. Mandy, of course, just peeled off and was in like a fish. So was Mrs Price. Nancy and Lill and I were a bit slower, but Mandy was mocking us and soon we were all in. It was like tight with all five of us – not uncomfortable, but you couldn’t not touch anyone and whenever you moved you touched someone else and it was like very sensuous and I was getting embarrassed because of course I was like rock hard and everyone else was having this like relaxed sort of banter and I wasn’t joining in and Mrs Price said, like teasing, what’s Kyle uptight about and there’s this hand on my dick and it isn’t Nancy it’s Mandy and she says like he’s sex starved, poor thing, he’s like desperate, that Nancy isn’t treating him properly, and they all laugh, and then Mandy says to Nancy can I get a turn with him, and Lill says hey, wait your turn, I haven’t had even one proper shot yet, and Sharon says she should get first go ’cause she was eldest, and Nancy’s saying to Mandy fight you for him and we were all laughing and it was fun and also it was real because although it was a tease I knew that they all really meant it and that I could have any of them or all of them and I said like guys, you’re like all brilliant and I love all of you and I’ll always remember this. And that was true, every bit of it.
And it was warm and the sun was out and there was like this amazing view out over woodland towards the town and the wine was good and also strong and I was in a hot tub with four beautiful women who liked me and who were cool to have sex with me and I just stopped being uptight. Then after a while the water wasn’t so warm and Sharon said, OK, who wan
ts to see this movie, and we all got out and Sharon gave us these big towels and Lill bent down to pick up her panties and Sharon said let’s not bother with clothes, so we all went into the big sitting room all sort of wrapped in towels. The curtains were closed and it was sort of dim. I sat down on the sofa. Sharon was getting more wine. Mandy started a play fight with Nancy and of course it wasn’t very long before they were both naked and Nancy had Mandy pinned down and she was like wriggling and squeaking and saying no, no, don’t spank me, and Nancy said to me did I want to administer the punishment and I said yeah and Nancy swung her across my knees and she was just so small and sweet smelling and soft skinned and I just stroked her and I wanted so much to fuck her and I knew she wanted me to and everyone was watching us to see if I would and I knew that like if I asked Nancy she would say it was OK but I wouldn’t really know whether it was and I gave Mandy a little slap deliberately so my fingertip caught her clit and said ok, let’s watch this movie. And Nancy came and sat on one side of me and Lill sat on the other and Mandy wriggled into sitting on the floor between my legs and Sharon gave everyone another glass of wine and came and sat on the floor between Lill’s legs and mine.
‘OK,’ she said, ‘I’ve deliberately got you all relaxed and sexed up and a bit drunk, and the reason I’ve done that is because we’re here to watch a porn film, and it’s not going to be any good if you’re all uptight and on your best behaviour. So watch it, and if you want to touch yourself, just do it, and if you want to touch someone else, touch someone else. OK? Enjoy!’
She pressed a button on the remote and the screen came on to the close shot on the diversion sign, and the titles began to roll. We watched mostly in silence. It may be that it was our film and it may be that we were drunk but it seemed very powerful. When it came to the torture chamber scene I just put a hand on Mandy’s head and stroked her – and then sort of looked at Nancy and Nancy smiled and took my other hand and put it in her own crotch. At last the tape ran through to the last shot of the dawn sun streaming into Nancy’s face as she orgasmed, and after a long moment of silence Sharon sighed and got up and opened the curtains and in the sudden brightness she came and sat cross legged facing us.
‘OK, guys, what do you think?’
There was a confused chorus of different things from different people, which could be mostly summed up as wow.
‘Yeah, OK, I agree. But come on. Kyle, why did you do it and has it done what you wanted, and what do you think should happen to it now?’
As I replied everyone turned round to look at me – like you’d expect – and I was really aware of Mandy’s mouth just inches from my balls, and her nose just inches from the sticky precum that was dribbling down my cock. I tried to concentrate.
‘OK, I got into this because I wanted to support my friends. That’s all, really. And then when we started really thinking about it I wanted to see if I could make a good movie – not a porn movie, just a good movie – and whether I could make the shots I could see in my head come to life. I think we’ve done that. I kind of lost one of the friends I did it for along the way, but I got more and better ones… I’m really glad we did it. It’s brilliant and I’m really proud of it. I don’t want it to be destroyed, but I don’t feel any need to let anyone else see it. I’d like Sharon to keep it, and maybe sometime when we’re older we’ll all get together and watch it again, but like just us. I’d kind of like to keep just one still of each of you, just like as a memento, if that’s OK.’
‘OK,’ said Sharon, ‘Lill?’
Lill blushed. After everything we’d done together, Lill blushed. ‘I just wanted to get it together with Kyle… and I wanted to have sex just to find out what it was like. I thought that by writing this porn script and making him read it I’d make him realise I was a sexual being, and that he’d maybe fancy me. I didn’t expect it to go any further and I didn’t want it to go any further. And none of what I wanted happened and I’m still technically a virgin despite being a teenage porn-star and I think apart from the Paul stuff I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. And like Kyle I’ve got more friends and better friends and I think we’ve made a brilliant movie and I don’t want it destroyed but I’m not sure I want anyone else to see it.’
‘Well, I’d already been thinking about it before Kyle asked me. I wanted to get at my father. I wanted to shock him. I wanted to sneak the movie in amongst the porn movies he keeps in his den and force him to see I wasn’t asexual or pure or chaste or modest and I wasn’t something he could control. And then Kyle did ask me and like he intrigued me because he wasn’t anything like how I expected someone who was into porn would be – like sort of just completely the opposite. And I think I decided there and then that I was going to have sex with him. And I did have sex him and that’s, like, totally the best thing and like I’m in love with him but I also think his movie is really really good. I kind of do want people to see it because it’s so good and I’m so proud of what we’ve done but not like grubby sweaty men wanking over us – that would just be horrible – but maybe like an arthouse thing. And I don’t need to get at my father any more so I’ve kind of got everything I wanted, too.’
‘I was sore at Paul. And I knew about his dick, which no-one else did, so I knew that something wild had to happen and I wanted to see how it blew. And actually, now, I’m like ashamed of what I did to Paul, but apart from that it’s been mostly good and I really enjoyed doing it and I learned things about myself I didn’t expect. Like some of those are very painful and I’m also really struggling with some of them but I’m not sorry about any of it. About the film it’s really good and I’d like other people to be able to see it but definitely not until after Maman and Papa are dead. Like, they must never even know it exists. If it was just sex I’d be cooler about it but I don’t want them to see me being hurt.’
‘Mrs Price,’ I said, deliberately formal, watching cunt juice glisten on her inner thighs, ‘what about you?’
‘A lot of things. Sometimes this self satisfied little town with it’s self satisfied little repressed people makes me feel a bit wild, and that script was so good – you’ve got to give Paul his due, I agree he was a shit and got what he deserved but it’s a good script. And then I was interested in Kyle because there seemed to be so much going on under the surface – like this really intelligent and sensitive observer of everything that was going on but at the same time really wary and just determinedly not involved. And it seemed to me’ – she said, looking me straight in the eyes – ‘that here was someone who could turn into someone really great and creative or into something really strange and psychopathic and I wasn’t sure which it would be. And I wondered what would happen if I put a tyre iron under your shell and levered hard… I’m really satisfied with what we’ve done. I’m really proud of all of you – particularly no-one. I’m really surprised at you, Nancy, I didn’t think you had the moral fibre to do half of what you’ve done. I’m really pleased with you, Lill, although I was fairly confident that you would deliver creatively. Mandy, you were a total revelation. I don’t know how you pack so much guts into such a small body – and I have to say, if I was going to keep just one of you for dessert when I was feeling particularly horny and self indulgent it would be you. As for the movie, I think Kyle should go to film school and if showing this movie could help him get in I would vote we show it. But otherwise I think we should keep it as a private thing. It is the single most erotic work of art I’ve ever seen in any medium, and I think you’re all just brilliant.’
There was a contented silence. Nancy brok
e it, stroking Mandy’s head gently.
‘What’s the issues, Mandy?’
Mandy moved out from between my legs and over towards Sharon. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it round herself. She looked at Nancy. She looked, like, somehow defiant.
‘OK, the issues are like these. I got off on the torture thing, like, really got off on it. And I realised I got off it not just ’cause of what it was but also because of who it was and who I was. So, like, I’m bisexual and I’m a sado-masochist. And I’m in love with my niece and I want her to screw me and I also want her to hurt me and I’m also in love with my niece’s boyfriend and I want him to fuck me up my cunt and I want him to fuck me up my ass and I want him to fuck me down my throat and just everything and if at all possible I want both of you to screw me at the same time. And if you can think of a perverse thing to want that isn’t in there then you better tell me ’cause after flagellation and incest and buggery and group sex and all I can’t think of any more. But if you do think of any more and it’s more extreme then I want that too. And I don’t want to bust you up or hurt you or anything so I know I can’t have any of what I want but I want it so much it hurts and I need you to acknowledge that I want it…’
Nancy squeezed my hand, got up – all naked – and went and just like yanked Mandy’s towel off. Then she pulled her to her feet and hugged her. She looked at me hard over Mandy’s head and I knew this was another of those really important moments when whatever I did something big was going to change. I went over and hugged them both. Nancy turned Mandy round so she was facing me, and I could feel the heat of my erection pressing into her abdomen. I stroked her head, looking over it at Nancy with questions in my eyes. Sharon came and joined us on one side, and Lill came at the other, and Nancy said to Sharon ‘help me’ and they were lifting Mandy up and her legs went round my waist like scissors and her arms round my neck and I felt Nancy’s hand guiding my cock as Sharon and Lill gently eased Mandy down onto it and I felt her ballerina-muscled tightness squeezing and rippling over me. I put one arm round Sharon’s shoulders and one arm round Lill’s and found Nancy’s hands with each of them. Then I reached in, and, evading Mandy’s mouth, kissed Nancy properly, like with tongues and stuff, and then Sharon was kissing Mandy so I kissed Lill the same way and Mandy tried to twist right round and kiss Nancy which sort of mostly worked and then I kissed Sharon and Nancy was kissing Lill and then I started kissing Mandy and there were tears running down her cheeks and into our mouths and the others started surging her up and down on me and I knew everyone knew I hadn’t got a rubber on and I knew nobody cared and I knew there was no way I could pull out and pretty soon I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer and Mandy broke the kiss and started to gasp and her face was all flushed and soft and gorgeous and I could feel her cunt start to ripple and spasm and she leant back against Nancy and Nancy kissed her and Lill leant down and bit Mandy’s breast and as I felt my semen start its irretrievable rush up into her womb I wondered what would happen next, next minute and next hour and next evening and next week and next year and beyond.
And Mrs Price winked at me.
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I wasn’t sure how I came to be the way I am and it took a long time to accept it but now I embrace it and have now added an extra string. It took me a while but I have mastered the art of hypnotism. I have also learnt that one cannot be made to do something that one has not thought about doing subconsciously. I have now lived 25 years alone and invisible to the world. Once the panic subsided, which took a long time I was able to see the up side. There are lots of advantages to not being seen....
A story by Starrynight. Sorry for taking so long and thanks for all my readers. As always comments are appreciated and there is more to come. Enjoy. "Go slow." Presley whimpered as Jack pressed the tip of his erection to her puckered asshole. They were on Presley's bed, she on all fours with Jack on his knees behind her. He spread her juicy cheeks with both hands and held his breathe as he slowly pushed his well lubricated cock into his older sister's butt. "Oh fuck!" Presley moaned...
Introduction: This story is not mine I do not want any credit for it. It was a story from another site that i thought was worth sharing. All Credits for the story goes to Alaska Wild. I will put this up in chapters. Chapter 1 : Introduction Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it. I cant say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby...
It was while I was dating my Native American fiancée, Jill. We have had a number of dates with heavy petting, feeling her pussy and my dick at various places like cars, at the theater, in the park, etc. This particular evening we were at her parent's singlewide mobile home. We visited a while, and shared a few slices of cake and ice cream. Her parents went to bed early to give us some time together. Now this home has an open kitchen/living room plan, with the couch set so one could see...
I have been to a few straight adult cinemas in my time just to get a quick release really, and yeah they are not too bad there wern't many guys in there when i had been there but it still got the job done. I had walked past this one gay adult store a few times and had occasionally got some dvd's from there and had seen that they have an upstairs level that had rooms and tv's, and i had said to myself i will go up there next time i am nereby but always seemed not too have the time. So on...
CHAPTER TWO: THE GATEIt took a long, bumpy, regional, prop plane ride, a long bus journey, and two legs of boat segments before I arrived on the docks of a tiny village very deep in the jungle. The villagers were clearly a mixed group of regional tribes in wide-ranging dress … or undress. In my full habit garments, I received many stares of curiosity. Struggling with communication, they looked at me and simply pointed me through the village and out the far side. In short order, I found myself...
Meeting MasterI have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. Ihad sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I haddated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. Iworked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots ofmoney, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy withme. I worked the evening shift, it had...
First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature women with big floppy tits wearing open crotch girdles and no underwear …oh yes, and they should have a lovely hairy cunt. So when a friend, who owned a fashion and shoe shop for shall we say, mature women, found out that I was semi retired she asked if I could help her for two days a week, who was I to...
Candy From A Baby Nancy Porter rang the doorbell and waited. She had driven up the long drive after pointing her identity card at the entrance gate camera. The gate had soundlessly opened without a word from the attached speaker. She knew Chauncey had to have pushed the button. Who else could it be? Th house was empty, she knew, so she felt mildly irritated not to be greeted. The Agency had instructed her to park in the rear and use the service entry, according apparently to...
“Moom!” whined Alaina, her face going scarlet. The blush extended down her neck to the top of her chest. Wow. She’s totally different from this morning. Just have to stay cool. Will stood up. “Hi, Mrs. Bishop, nice to see you again.” “Doctor Bishop. Now that it’s lighter out I can get a better look at you,” said the taller Bishop. She stepped forward, her short, reddish hair bobbing gently, and scrutinized him from just out of reach. She smells like lilacs. Her brows raised, and her...
I was fascinated with these two girls and what they were doing. Rather, what the second one was doing to the first. I had watched flicks about dominating mistresses, but this was real life and I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene on the other side of the window.The first girl was standing with her legs spread and her hands on the back of her head so that the second girl could touch or pinch or do whatever to any part of her body. The second girl had just finished spanking the first, then...
VoyeurBuck and Gloria set up camp and then Buck made coffee and as they sipped listening to the river running over rocks into Skipper’s Pool he said, ‘Would you like to have sex now?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then get your condoms.’ ‘I haven’t any with me. I assumed if you were anxious for sex you would have tooled up.’ ‘No.’ ‘So you think it’s a woman’s responsibility?’ He chuckled and said he regarded it as a joint responsibility. They sat in silence for a few moments until Gloria sighed and said, ‘Providing...
Tony Nash had been born in Berlin to a German mother, and a British father. His father had been a diplomat in the British Embassy in Berlin for some years, and Tony had therefore spent most of his early life in Berlin. His family had moved back to England in 1928, to the family farm in Wiltshire which was run by his Aunt (his fathers sister) in conjunction with her own farm, which adjoined theirs. He had finished his schooling, and then gone on to Oxford. He subsequently decided on a career...
Susan ist eine atraktive junge Frau. Sie hat gerade ihre Ausbildung zur Arzthelferin begonnen. Sie würde gerne wissen, wie es bei den Kerls so geht und vor allem, wie es mit den Kerls geht immer wenn sie den letzten Satz denkt, fühlt sie ein Klribbeln zwischen ihren Oberschenkeln Da kommt es ihr sehr recht, dass sie im Dameklo ihrer Disko ein Gespräch belauscht. Zwei weibliche Stimmen betreten das Örtchen, sie merken nicht, dass eine Kabine besetzt ist und sie sind im Gespräch. "Und wo ist das...
Most of my friends just love to bitch about their Moms, but I've never understood that. My Mom has always encouraged me to be myself and it use to bother me but now I accept myself for what I am and I love it: I'm a slut. This all started a few years ago just after I started high school. It wasn't as bad as it could have been but I was pretty lonely. Most of my friends were in other schools and I'd never been very good at school. See in middle school I'd been in a special class with...
This past weekend my friend and I went to New York for the night. On our way home we stopped at a rest stop to stretch and use the bathroom. While i was in there i got really horny from the thought of being at a sort of shady older rest stop where there was the possibility of having a glory hole in the bath room. I was in the stall and immediately got rock hard at the thought of being sucked off by a random person and was stroking my hard cock wishing it was a random strangers mouth instead. ...
Since that day all my afternoons of solitude were spent enjoying the pleasure of wearing my mother's lingerie. As soon as I was left alone at home, I would lock the front door and go straight into Mom's bedroom. I would get undressed, open the drawers, choose a lingerie set and put it on slowly, enjoying the delicate touch of each garment as I slipped it in. After getting dressed I usually walked a little through the house practicing my feminine walking technique. The end always came...
I was nauseous. I went up to my room, stripped of my swim trunks and hopped into the shower. I definitely made sure the water was cold. Staring at my partially erect cock, I began to soap up. Pieces of my dream played in my head as I washed. Trying to let the cold water force the stiffness out of my cock, I thought of my grandma's false teeth. It wasn't working.I heard my dad yelling up the stairs for me to move double time. There was no way I was going down there with even a half-chub. I began...
Author’s note:The following episode picks up the story six months after the wedding, Laura is now the mother of a one month old daughter.Mary and Dan have moved to Spain, leaving her husband Tom living alone in the house.David is now employed full time as Jed’s driver, he having been banned from driving for two years following his conviction for drink driving. David is living in a flat over the garage at Jed’s house.One tragic note is to report the death of Jean and Henry Lovell, killed in a...
Pleas be kind I am not a writer and just had to tell this to someone.First off my husband Shane and I had been married for about five years. We had great Sex life and just enjoyed being with each other. In the past two years Shane had started talking about new things while in the bedroom and buying me toys mainly Dildos. He would act like the dildo was someone else and ask me if I liked being fucked by someone else. This went on for some time before he asked me if I would really do it. I...
The time period is 1886 and you are the owner of a saloon in a small western town. After a long day on the trail, I come into the saloon to get out of the rain and to get a drink. From behind the bar you notice me walk thru the swinging door, water dripping from the brim of my hat and off my long overcoat. I sit down at a table in the corner, away from the small crowd inside. You notice that I keep my eyes concealed underneath the tipped brow of my cowboy hat. My suspicious nature quiz's...
A movie I've never seen and a night I'll never forget.The night I lost my virginity was wonderful and definitely memorable, but it certainly wasn't all rose petals and fireworks. It wasn't the culmination of a whirlwind romance or the fruits of a well-laid plan of seduction. It wasn't really anticipated at all. Like most people's first time, it was an alcohol-fuelled, spur of the moment decision taken by two people who had suddenly found themselves attracted to each other.It happened towards...
He eventually found a nice small town to settle in. There was no animal control to worry about, an old man that lived alone kind of adopted him. The man wouldn’t try to leash up Hobbs, all he seemed to want was just to pet the old dog and leave him a nice big dish of dog food or some delicious leftovers from the man’s meals. Hobbs was starting to think he had a good thing going. He can wander around without any worry, a nice old man that would feed him and give him good scratches behind the...
When I opened the door and let my Rohit come in I knew something was different.He kicked the door shut and straightaway swept me in his arms and carried me to the sofa in the living room. There he kep me and mounted me straightaway.I giggled and tried to push hiom away but he would have none of it. “I want you right now my sexy slut,”He said and raised my housegown to knees revealing my smooth milky white thighs and their fleshy undersides.I sighed as his hand travleed up to my inner thigh and...
This is for Sir. From You to Me“MMMMMMMM, you taste so good,” I whisper as I release your softening cock from my lips. I shower kisses up your torso and chest, coming to rest just below your chin. I smile as I draw lazy circles, with my finger, around a nipple. You sigh and run a hand up and down my shoulder to the curve of my ass. “I like that,” I whisper. You laugh and concentrate on the curve of my ass, massaging circles with your fingertips. Your touch is gentle and soft at first, but soon...
Oral SexThis is the third story in a series of stories regarding my relationship with my superior while serving in the military. Hopefully you have been following and enjoying the tales of my exploits with staff sergeant Tyler/a.k.a. "daddy". In case there is any questions in any of your minds, yes, the names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.My last story got a few questions that I will answer here.All of this happened way back in the early 1980's, back in the bad old...
The drive to Newark Liberty International Airport is a straight shot down 24 to I-78. There are other roads that are quicker at certain times of the day, but it was getting late and the simplest route would do. As soon as we got on 24 I adjusted my rear view mirror so I could see Alexandra's face and asked, "So why was practice really cancelled? And don't give me the story you sold to Ilsa either. She said you turned redder than Sean after a day at the shore." She glanced down and...
By Likegoodwinecopyrighted February 2012 Here comme the second installment of 3. There is almost no sex to speak of in this one. Enjoy! Thanks to Scalia for his patient editing. Your votes and constructive comments are appreciated, as they will help me grow. Chapter 4 I concluded I had been bumping into Martha by total ‘coincidence’ too many days in a row. My training told me that it might look suspicious. So, I decided to cut back a few days before meeting her again by ‘chance’. As my...
I received a comment on my story Learning a Lesson . . . the commenter thought that the story appeared to be written by a guy. This intrigued me because I have never been accused of anything like that before and it made me think .. . what was it that made the person think that? I wasn’t sure but it inspired me to think about the story from another perspective. What if the main character was male instead of female? Would it still seem like it was written by a guy? I don’t know. But I...
SpankingIt was almost ten days before I heard from Harold Sinden. That implied that either there was nothing to be known about John Johnson, or conversely, a lot more than met the eye. "Well, Rick, you certainly find interesting ways to challenge us. It took a bit of searching, but I think we've got a handle on your man. I'm sending you a photo of someone and you can let me know if this is the man you have been asking about." "Send away," I said, watching my little screen for something to...
As I knelt, naked, next to the table scattered with the remains of the evening’s refreshment and picked through it for something to still the gnawing hunger in my stomach, it occurred to me that these people had no more regard for me than the lowliest slave who only ate after her betters and then only what they’d deemed not suitable for themselves. I’d seen myself in the small bathroom mirror, smudges of drying semen under my lower lip, my breasts reddened from being slapped and squeezed, my...