That Afternoon free porn video

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My girlfriend, Ann, and I had spent the morning making love and we were now lying on my bed. I was beginning to get hungry. We hadn’t eaten any breakfast today. I looked at the clock and it was almost 11AM. No wonder I was getting hungry. I asked Ann, “Would you like me to cook you some lunch?” She replied, “What’s on the menu?”

This simple question seemed to stump me because I couldn’t remember what I had in the house to eat. Then it came to me and I replied, “Well, I have some chicken breasts I grilled Thursday evening. I could make us grilled chicken panini, with coleslaw and fruit.” She responded, “That sounds delicious.”

I kissed her on the shoulder and got out of bed. I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts from my dresser, pulled them on and walked to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of my favorite sports drink from the refrigerator, opened it, and took a big gulp. After putting the top on the bottle and placing it on the counter, I returned to the refrigerator to find the ingredients for lunch. Just as I pulled the last items out of the refrigerator Ann walked into the kitchen. She had put on the bra and panties she had been wearing the night before. She looked simply stunning. I stopped what I was doing, and looked her up and down and she walked toward me. When she got to me, she wrapped her arms around my waist. I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and said,” You look simply amazing.” She moaned softly and responded, “Thank you dear, can I help you with lunch?”

I said, “Thank you for offering but I can handle it. Why don’t you take a seat at the bar and wait for me to finish up?” Without saying a word, she turned and started to walk toward the bar area. She wasn’t more than a step away when I reached over and gave her a playful swat on the bottom. She jumped a little and giggled, but didn’t even turn to look at me. She continued to walk away from me exaggerating her hip movement and all I could do was simply watch her ass. It was a sight to see. When she turned the corner and I couldn’t see her ass anymore, I returned to my sports drink for another drink. I heard her ask, “May I have one of those?”

I responded, “Certainly” and walked to the refrigerator and grabbed another bottle of sports drink. I opened the bottle as I walked across the kitchen. When I got to the bar, I sat the bottle in front of her and jokingly said, “I’ll put that on your tab.” As I started to walk away, she said, “Come here, I have a tip for the bar keeper.” She moved the bottle from in front of her and leaned over the counter and gave me a long passionate kiss. After a couple moments, she sat back down and said, “There is more where that came from when you are done with lunch.”

I quickly returned to our lunch, completing the meal in no time. We chatted about any number of things while I finished up, none of which was of any importance. I placed a plate of food in front of her and in front of the bar stool next to her. Having finished my sports drink before I finished making lunch, I made a stop at the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water before joining her at the bar. Looking at the plate of food in front of her, she said “This looks amazing”. She then looked up at me and said, “Thank You” and leaned over and gave me a kiss.

As we ate lunch we made more small talk, again nothing of any importance. When we were done eating, she said” That was even better than it looked. You are an amazing cook”. I must admit I do know how to cook, but I’m not that good of a cook, but I could only respond with “Thank You”.

I turned to her and asked, “Do we need to go get your vehicle from your office?” Seemingly pre-occupied, she didn’t answer for a moment, then responded, “Oh, yeah, we probably should do that this afternoon, but it doesn’t need to be now.” I replied, “Ok, so what should we do right now?” She turned toward me, took both my answer in hers and said, “Can we talk about something?” She said it in a serious way that had me a bit concerned, but I said,” Baby, we can talk about anything you want to talk about.” With that she got up and led me into the living room and to the couch. She looked at me and sat down. I sat beside her.

I looked at her somewhat confused, waiting for her to say something. She sat there, obviously thinking of how to say what she wanted to say. Finally she said, “Sweetheart, the last two days have been amazing. You are the only guy to make love to me in my life. Oh I’ve been with other guys, but they have all been ‘slam, bam, thank you ma’am’ kind of guys. You obviously want to provide you partner with as much satisfaction as possible.” At this point, she was looking at the floor, not me. I took her face in my hands and raised her head so she was looking at me. I then spoke softly to her and said,” Darlin’, the one thing that gives me the most pleasure is knowing that I have given you as much pleasure as I possibly can. If there is anything you want to try or do, please don’t hesitate to ask. There may be things I am not interested in doing, but if we don’t at least have the discussion, we will never know.” I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled and mouthed the words, “Thank you”. I then took my hands away for her face.

She took a moment to compose her thoughts but this time when she talked she was much more confident. She said, “I don’t know why this is, but I think the idea of a guy stroking his cock thinking about me is a huge compliment and turn on. I don’t feel I could tell any other guy this or ask them to do this, but would you possibly masturbate over me, for me?”

I got a wry smile on my face and leaned toward her and whispered in her ear, “Let me tell you a little secret. I have come home from every date we have had and stroked my cock hard, sometimes multiple times, thinking of only you.“ She blushed and giggled. I continued, “I would love masturbate over you, for you. Why don’t you just get comfortable here and I’ll be right back.”

I quickly walked to the bathroom, dropped my shorts to the floor and grabbed baby oil and a towel. I returned to the living room to see that she had definitely made herself comfortable. She had removed the bra and panties she had been wearing and was lying naked on the couch, her head propped against the arm rest with a throw pillow. Her hand was already at her crotch, stroking her pussy lips. As I approached the couch, I grabbed the ottoman and pulled it up next to the couch. I then moved her outside leg so it was resting on the ottoman. Kneeling on the couch, I picked up her other leg and raised it and laid it on the back of the couch. Moving so I was kneeling between her legs facing her, I asked, “Will this view be ok?” She didn’t respond verbally, but nodded her head slowly while biting her bottom lip. I could tell that the anticipation was getting her excited all ready because it appeared she was fingering herself. I didn’t know for sure, because my eyes never left her face. However, she was moaning regularly now and I could tell that she was bucking her hips rapidly. She continued to bite her bottom lip, and closed her eyes and rolled her head back. I knew she was close and wanted her to cum before I started because it was her show. I whispered to her, “Cum for me baby.” With that she squealed and I felt warm juices hit my thigh. I didn’t know she was a squirter but that thought turned me on even more. I gave her a few moments to allow the climax to subside.

When she finally opened her eyes, I was staring at her. I said, “Wow that was amazing. Are you ready for your show now?” Again she didn’t respond verbally, just nodded her head yes. Her hand hadn’t left her pussy and she was slowly stroking circles around it. I opened the bottle of baby oil and drizzled some directly on my cock. Quickly, I closed the bottle and set it aside. My eyes met hers, but no words were said. As if she knew, she nodded for me to continue. I started by rubbing the oil all over myself to make sure it was evenly distributed. Then I grabbed the base of my cock and allowed by fingers to cup my balls. After fondling my balls for a few moments, I slid my hand down my cock until I was holding the head in my hand. Then I began slowly stroking the full length of my cock. I stared at her face and didn’t look anywhere else, but it appeared that she was again fingering herself, following my pace. I increased my pace and she followed. She was wide-eyed staring at my cock, occasionally looking up at me and smiling. She was bucking her hips against her hand again and moaning regularly. I was stroking my cock and was so excited it felt like it was going to explode. Finally, I couldn’t take anymore and almost grunted as my first shot of cum came out of my cock. It landed on her chin. She squealed again and again I felt warm juices hit my thigh. This continued, me shooting loads of cum on her, her squirting juices, for a couple moments and then we were done. I nearly collapsed on top of her, but I was able to steady myself and lean over toward her. I had never tasted my own cum, but decided to lick it off her chin. As I did she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me toward her. We kissed for several minutes as we both recovered from our excitement.

When we were both recovered, I asked her, “Is that what you were looking for?” She responded, “Absolutely, that is the hottest thing any guy has EVER done for me. Thank you.” I leaned in and kissed her and said, “My pleasure” and we both chuckled a moment. Then I said, “I didn’t know you were a squirter.” She blushed a moment and whispered in my ear, “Neither did I. That was my first time.” Somewhat shocked, I said, “Really??” She responded, “Yes, but I hope it isn’t my last, that felt sooo good.” With that I kissed her again and we lay there together until we were both completely recovered.

After we had rested a while, I said, “Why don’t we go get your vehicle before we forget about it?” She smiled and laughed and said, “You are always the practical one. OK, we shouldn’t leave it there too long.” We got up and she grabbed her bra and panties that she had taken off. We walked to the bedroom. Her clothes from yesterday, the only stuff she had here, was lying in the middle of the bedroom floor where we had left it. As we walked into the bedroom, she looked at it and said, “Hmm, that isn’t going to look good. I wonder what I am going to wear.” I looked at her and kind of shrugged. I then offered, “Well, I suppose I could try to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for you to wear. I’m sure it will be too big, but it is the best I can offer.” She looked at me and smiled and said, “You are such a sweetheart. I don’t know what it will look like but I am guessing it will look better than that option so let’s see what you have.” I went to my dresser and rummaged through the draws trying to find the smallest things I had. I found a pair of grey shorts, not the smallest I had but they had a great draw string in them, and a purple college t-shirt. I turned to see that she had already put on her bra and panties and was waiting for me to give her what I found. I tossed the close across the room to her and said, “It’s the best option I’ve got” and returned to the drawers to find something for myself. I quickly put on the first thing I found and turned to see her, already dressed, checking herself out in the mirror. She saw me watching and said, “It wouldn’t be my first choice, but it will do.” I walked across the room and stood behind her. I said, “Darlin’, you are a beautiful woman and look absolutely stunning in anything you wear.” With that I gave her a playful swat on the bottom and said, let’s hit the road.

We started the 20 minute drive to her office and the first few minutes we were silent, just holding hands. Then we came to a stoplight and had a wait. While sitting at the stop, I decided to break the silence. I said to her, “Baby, earlier this afternoon I couldn’t help notice that you are very skilled at masturbating.” She looked at me, blushing and very embarrassed. I continued saying, ”It is nothing to be embarrassed about. I find the thought of women masturbating probably as hot as you find the idea of men masturbating. I do have one question I would like to ask.” She looked at me, still embarrassed as if unsure if she wanted to hear the questions. I simply asked her, “Baby, do you usually use your fingers or do you have a toy?” She looked at me almost unsure how to answer. Finally she responded quietly, “I mostly use my fingers. I have tried a few other objects including a banana once, but have always anything I used an awkward size or shape and didn’t get the same pleasure.” I asked, “Have you ever thought about buying a toy?” She thought for a minute before responding, and then said, “I’ve thought about it a few times but have always been too embarrassed to go in one of those stores. Have you even been in one?” I responded, “Yea a few times.” She became a more interested in the conversation and asked, “Did you buy anything.” I said, “Well, nothing to exciting, a couple movies, that’s about it.” She simply said, “Oh” and seemed to be thinking about saying something for the next couple of minutes as we drove to her office but didn’t say anything.

I pulled up behind her vehicle and she leaned over and gave me a kiss and said, “Thank you. I’ll meet you back at your place; I’ll be two minutes behind you.” I responded, “Take your time. There’s no rush.” She hoped out of my truck and as she did a tall, slender, athletic looking young woman walked around the corner of the building. She was only wearing a sports bra and a tight pair of shorts. As I drove back to my place, all I could think about was whether my discussion on the way to her work had disturbed her.

When I got home, I pulled my vehicle into the garage and closed the garage door. I opened the second garage door so Ann could pull her vehicle in when she got there. It was getting warm so I pulled my t-shirt off as I walked into the house and proceeded directly to the bedroom to grab a lighter pair of shorts. Then I grabbed a drink from the refrigerator and proceeded to the living room to watch the race. I plopped on the couch and turned the TV on.

About 15 minutes after I had made it home, I heard Ann pull into the garage and the garage door close. She walked into the house and I heard her say, ”I’m here sweetie.” A couple minutes later she joined me in the living room. She had taken the shorts I had loaned her off, but was still wearing my t-shirt. She sat down on the couch next to me and snuggled up to me, laying her head on my shoulder. She said, “Thank you for loaning me your clothes. The shorts are way too big, but I could get used to wearing your t-shirts, especially as night shirts.” I simply responded, “Anytime”. Then I said, “If I may ask, who was the young lady back at the office?” She replied, “Oh that is Jennifer. She is our new hire. She is just out of college and played volleyball at the university last year. Why?” I said, “No real reason. I just thought I had met all your co-workers and didn’t remember meeting her.” She said, “Oh I’m sure you will get that chance, probably someday soon.”

We sat and watched the race quietly for about a half hour. Finally during a commercial she turned and looked at me and said, “Sweetheart?” I responded, “Yes”. She continued say, “About those movies you said you bought.” I didn’t say anything but raised my eye brows. She continued, “Do you still have them?” I said, “Yes, they are in the bedroom closet.” She asked, “Could we possible watch them now?” I said, “Sure, do you want me to bring them out here or would you rather watch them in the bedroom?” She didn’t respond verbally, but took my hand and stood up. Taking that to mean the bedroom, I stood and followed her down the hall. As I put the first DVD in the player, she got comfortable on the bed. When the DVD was ready to play I joined her on the bed and hit play on the remote.

I looked at her and asked, “You ready?” She simply bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. I pressed play and the movie started. As soon as the first erotic scene started, I could tell she was excited. She began caressing her breasts and her crotch. Very soon she took off the bra and panties she had on and continue to caress her body as the movie continue. I was excited too, as much from watching her as the movie itself. Soon after she stripped naked, I joined her. My cock was already rock hard, standing erect. I couldn’t resist and I reached over and gently caressed her pussy. She was already warm and wet. She moaned softly, but quickly grabbed my hand and stopped it. She kissed the back of my hand and just held it.

Soon after this, a scene came on the movie where a couple was having sex. The woman was on all fours, her face on a pillow and ass in the air. The guy was between her legs. He started by licking her pussy. Then he teased her anus. Finally, he put his cock in her pussy, grabbed her hips, and fucked her hard. As the scene ended, Ann grabbed the remote and hit pause. She looked at me and sheepishly asked, “Have you ever done that with a woman?” I responded, “No”. She then asked, again somewhat sheepishly, “Would you like to?” I said, “Sure, sometime, that would be nice.” She blushed and asked, “Well, how about now?” I said, “Really?” Without a word, she looked at me and shook her head yes. I moved out of the way and she quickly assumed the position.

I wasn’t sure exactly where to start. I decided to start by caressing her pussy. I put my hand between her legs and started to rub it. Immediately, she let out what was kind of a combination sigh and moan. It became clear that she was really excited and too much attention here would cause her to orgasm soon. I quickly moved on. Taking my wet fingers I traced a line from her pussy to her anus. When my fingers reached their destination, she immediately squealed and jumped away from my hand. However, quickly she pressed her hips back into my hand allowing my fingers to return. I gently rubbed circles around her anus for a few moments and it was obvious this was having a huge impact on her. Her moans became more frequent and louder. Wanting to try something else before she had an orgasm, I stopped. I took both hands and grabbed an ass cheek in each and softly messaged them for a few moments. I wanted to give her a chance to come back from the edge. As her moans subsided, I decided it was time to start again. I leaned in and placed a kiss on each ass cheek and quickly moved to tongue her anus. Again with the first touch, she squealed and jumped away, but quickly returned, pressing her hips back to me. I continued to lick and her moans again became more frequent and louder. I sensed that she was about there and was going to stop one more time when she said, “Baby, I need to cum. I want you in me. I NEED you in me.” Taking that cue, I quickly got close to her and slid my cock into her hot, wet pussy. I grabbed her hips and began to thrust deep into her. After what couldn’t have been more than three thrusts, I felt her pussy clamp down hard against my cock. She screamed, “ OOOOHHHH YYYYEEEEAAAHH” and I felt her juices flowing around my cock. It was too much for me. I began shooting load after load of cum deep in her pussy with every thrust. When I was done, I stopped my thrust, but left my cock in her as I could feel she was not yet finished. I leaned over on top of her, kissed her back. I whispered to her, “That was AMAZING”.

We rolled over onto our sides and laid there. As I waited for her to recover, I could only think about how grateful I was that I learned that she was willing to experiment and wondered what else could be next.

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Chapter One “Now can we go to the mall” was the first question as soon as I got in the car, rapidly followed by “Are we gonna stop for lunch?” and by “Did you like our show and blow!?” which provoked gales of laughter out of the two of them. “Slow down,” I replied “I don’t know where you girls come up with this stuff, but yes, I loved your show and blow. Who wouldn’t like getting a blow-job from one of you!? And I’m guessing that you two have had sex together before, ‘cause that was so...

3 years ago
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Making A Baby On Sunday Afternoon

Of all the times for Mo to call I was thinking, being at the time deeply involved withy Gregg. But it was Sunday afternoon and she probably thought, being a nice day, I was out in the garden or something. I loved gardening but loved what hubby and I were doing much more. How was she to know Gregg (my husband) fancied a quickie- but it was turning out to be much more than that, Gregg’s excuse (as if he needed one) was to make a baby, that is what we both wanted but it was hard going getting...

1 year ago
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Early Sunday Afternoon

It was Sunday afternoon, and I was ready. The apartment was neat and tidy again, and my laundry was clean, damp, and bagged by the front door. When Steve left last night, I wasn't thinking clearly enough to ask him what he would be wearing today, so I had no clear idea what I should wear. Indecision - I hate that. I settled for my burgundy cord pants, a sleeveless plaid ruffle top, and brown penny loafers.Now, all that I needed was for Steve to call. Mmmm. Steve. I was looking forward to...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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A bit sore after a wild afternoon

My cunt felt a bit sore, but I had been totally satisfied a while before.I came out of the bathroom and looked how messed up the bed sheets were. It looked like somebody had fought a wild battle there. I pulled down the towel and started to get dressed. I needed to get back home to my beloved hubby. Victor would be worried about my absence.My Black Master was there lying on the bed, staring at my naked body as he stroked his hard dark cock. It was shining in the shadows, still coated with my...

3 years ago
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Learning Afternoon

Learning AfternoonBy: Londebaaz ChohanThomson had just discovered masturbation as a great relief for all sorts of tension and for the needed magazines with pictures to induce fire to the thought of jerking off, he decided to go to the bookstore. This was his first visit to this store but he had heard that they carried a great selection and in huge quantity as well. For the ease of every one the store was well known for not asking any ID at the entrance or for purchases. Thomson appreciated it...

1 year ago
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A Spring Afternoon

Obviously, I shouldn’t have watched. It goes withoutsaying. Any decent person would have gone about their businessand not stared, slack-jawed for well over an hour. Evenif I can’t actually name anyone I know who would actuallyhave walked away, I still know I shouldn’t have watched.It was spring. I was home early, windows open, reading abook in my room upstairs when I heard my neighbor’s wifechatting outside with another woman. Claire is a lovelylady about thirty. Blonde, if not naturally thenin...

3 years ago
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A Backdoor Afternoon

Well, here I sit in a large college lecture hall that holds perhaps 400 students. This hour there are but about 75 s**ttered about in the semi-circle elevated rows. A TA drones on and on in review for next week's test. I know the material well and am only here to observe an older female student that is somewhat attractive. I usually wait to sit in the row she chooses and plop down about a dozen seat away. The curved rows let me see when she moves to the edge of her seat and her skirt stays,...

1 year ago
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A sexy afternoon

A sexy afternoonA some might know I am a trained masseur. It is a pleasure to pamper my client with my variety of strokes, and to see them gradually relax on the table under the caring guidance of my hands and arms. A few of my clients have fallen asleep during the treatment, and I see this as one of the best compliments that I can get.On the other hand (literally), I am a sucker for the feminine body with its curves and the softness of its skin. I do get turned on by the feel of her body as it...

3 years ago
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Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Lazy Sunday AfternoonBy SchneiderVerseAfterDarkLos Angeles…The soft ring of Sam’s PearPhone on her nightstand reverberated throughout the bedroom on the lazy Sunday afternoon for the two occupants that shared the room.Cat barely registered the faint sound across the room due to the increasing pleasure flooding her brain as her blonde roommate kneeled between her spread legs and delicately kissed and licked her inner thighs and outer lips while the redhead lazily reclined on her bed, partially...

4 years ago
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Jessicas nasty afternoon

Well the next afternoon I was back at the Thompson house to "Feed the cat" again. Yeah, right! I was there to spy on freshly scrubbed Jessica who I'd seen fucking her boyfriend yesterday! I quietly snuck into the house and the kitty saw me right away. She rubbed my leg and got her reward of canned cat food and then I made my way towards the back of the house. I saw Jessica's boyfriend's motorcycle outside so I figured she would be out by the pool and too busy to notice me. I was right. ...

3 years ago
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Love in Late Afternoon

As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I'm...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Hot As Hell Afternoon

Hi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...

4 years ago
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Yesterday afternoon

Had a day at the races yesterday. Sitting opposite me in the sunshine was a woman, I guess early 50s, quite attractive, well made up. She wore a shortish skirt that I hoped I would be able to see up but she kept her legs tightly closed. I kept looking at her and I think that she soon realised I was looking at her skirt. We smiled at each other and I looked dowen at her skirt and nodded. She then realised what I meant and slwly parted her legs but not wide enough to see her panties.I mouthed the...

4 years ago
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Breast Punishment Afternoon

Today is Sunday and he came back on Friday night, he watched my videos but I hadn't followed his instructions well enough, i had not been hard enough on myself. This is an account of my Saturday afternoon.12 noon on the dot - he walked up to me, lifted my shirt and bra over my head (without undoing it), squashing my tits against my rib cage and lifting them so high until my bra came off.  There I stood in my jeans and no top and he looked at me and handed me 16 rubber bands, telling me to put...

1 year ago
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Dog Day Afternoon

Authors: xelliebabexThe Australian summer lingered long into March and with a final burst had turned the sun's full power into creating a hazy, humid heat wave that wilted every living thing in that part of the world. Kira was dripping with sweat, and her shirt clung to her as if she had just entered a wet T-shirt competition. She groaned setting the last of the boxes onto the floor in the kitchen. She could see movement through the window that looked out over the back yard, and she moved...

3 years ago
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A Hot Afternoon

She said her name was Annalise. We met at the Greyhound/Amtrak station on Canal Street. She was a true native of New Orleans. To be accurate, they were called coon asses. She was dropping quarters in a cigarette vending machine when she tapped me on the shoulder. “Hey, Mister, do you have change for a dollar?”I looked up from the newspaper that I had found on the bench. Her smile was hypnotic, her tee-shirt, damp from sweating in the ninety-eight degree weather. It was obvious that she wore no...

Straight Sex
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BecChapter 32 Late Saturday Afternoon

Dad opened the front door for us and made a big show of peering around – looking for the two mystery boys we were supposed to have with us. When he saw no sign of them, he told me to go into the living room and sit down for a talk. It wasn’t really a request and it was clear that the talk he had in mind wasn’t necessarily going to be pleasant. Liz came with me – she didn’t have much choice because I had a firm grip on her hand – and we sat together on the couch. I was a bit unsure about what...

1 year ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 14 Saturday Afternoon

Tracey arrived just before the kids were to head out next door – she’d ridden over to us on her bicycle, so Brad stored the bike in the garage (making sure to avoid scratching Joan’s car) and brought Tracey through to introduce us. Tracey was an attractive 15 year old girl, her breasts were nicely developing. She’d brought a bag with her swimming gear and before much more conversation could take place, Brad had whisked Tracey off next door for a swim and to meet up with Meg and Shelly. Joan...

2 years ago
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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 25 Sunday Afternoon

Lance Jenkins arrived at about twenty minutes after two. Tara opened the door and looked him up and down. He was dressed nicely in a good pair of jeans and a button up shirt. “You must be Lance,” said Tara. “Come in. Bec is expecting you.” Tara led him into the living room where I was sitting with Angie. I stood up and went to Lance. “Hi!” I said and went up on my toes so that I could kiss his cheek. “Come and sit down.” I gestured at the couch where I’d been sitting. While Lance was...

2 years ago
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That Afternoon

That afternoon I couldn’t wait for school to end. The last class was RE which always bored me to death. I sat through the forty-five minutes fantasizing about my favourite cousin and seeing her undress. In my imagination, it started as a game of ‘Show me yours and I’ll show you mine but somehow it developed into us being caught by the cleaning lady. Instead of yelling at us and throwing me out of the house, she told us both to get naked and lay down on the bed. I imagined this forty year old...

First Time
3 years ago
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Ty In The Afternoon

I had refurbished the small backyard of my Florida Gulf coast home to be a small tropical retreat with extensive plantings that also provided complete privacy. The beach was only a mile away but having a quick escape out the back door was great. I had a screened patio with an outdoor kitchen and grill, plus a hot tub and a very comfy lounge for sunbathing.Over the month since completion, it became my routine to change into something tiny (or less), grab a cold drink and just chill, catching the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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A Fun Afternoon

My wife died a year ago, ad I’ve been halfway looking for someone to be with to combat the loneliness, but hadn’t found anyone that I wanted to have a lasting relationship with. I jut spent all morning chatting online with two women that were too anxious to get their hooks in me. Yes, I was chatting with both at the same time, and they knew I was chatting with another woman as well. Since I don’t have any relationship at all tight now, I don’t think it’s wrong to check out more than one at a...

1 year ago
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Mary or sex in the afternoon

With the episode of the threesome with Carol and Andy fresh in my mind, I rang the bell at Carol's flat. 'Hi Carol', I said into the mic, 'It's David' 'Come on up.' She replied and hearing the buzzer sound I pushed the door open and walked into the lobby. She lived in a two story block, three flats to each floor with the doors on the second floor being on a open gallery reached by a concrete staircase bordered by iron railings. As I looked up Carol's door was open and she was...

1 year ago
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A Hot Afternoon

Women might really like this one. :) Vanion_3000. Enjoy. If any one has any ideas or suggestions of where the story line should go after reading it, feel free to let me know. The hotter, hornier, and wilder suggestions the better. I kept this one strictly erotic and reasonably straight forward because of the girl, but I wouldn't mind changing any further chapters to something sizzling hot and dirty. ...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Afternoon

Would you like to have me to tease you? That’s the question which I posed to Mary one rainy Saturday afternoon when we found ourselves at loose ends staring at the rain drops as they ran down the windows in our living room. From past experience, Mary was familiar with my ideas about teasing. In particular, she knew that I require her complicity. That is, she knew that my pleasure comes, in large part, from the knowledge that she has agreed to temporarily relinquish control over her own body...

4 years ago
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A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It had been a very long hectic week and Sunday finally rolled around. We had nothing really to do at long last and were ready for a leisurely afternoon. It was cold outside and looked like it could snow at any moment. We decided to go get a movie and just curl up together on the couch to watch it. We went to the store and rented a DVD we both thought we would enjoy and headed home. When we got home we changed into those wonderfully comfortable clothes we all like to wear around the house. I...

2 years ago
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Divine Afternoon

Just as we agreed, I arrive at the main entrance to your hotel. You are there in a pastel pink sundress with a floppy straw sun hat with a matching pink ribbon. An angel. You immediately recognize my van from the description and wave. You did not need to. I could have found you in any crowd. The Bell captain opens the door. You smile at him. He helps you step up. I am sure he just wanted to touch your perfection before you rode out of his view. We smile and make small talk. Your show went...

3 years ago
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An Eventful Afternoon

It was a cool summer’s afternoon and Hannah was walking back towards her house with her friend, Tom. Hannah was a bright girl, with a good body, boasting some 32DD perky boobs, which she loved to flaunt through the use of low cut tops. She had brown hair, shoulder length and bright green eyes, as well as an athletic frame and a very nice ass. The pair walked towards Hannah’s house as they intended to help each other study for an upcoming exam, engaging in meaningless conversation about college...

3 years ago
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A Hot Tropical Afternoon

A Hot Tropical Afternoon The warm sun and gentle breezes make for a great afternoon on the beach. Laying back, taking in the sites, listening to Latin music in the background everything is cool. I have noticed the couple before and thought that they were a pretty hot looking couple and both in great shape. Somewhat drifting off or daydreaming I hear a “Hi, how are you doing?’ I look up to see the girl from the couple I had noticed before. “Oh hi I’m great, thanks! How are you doing?’ I reply...

2 years ago
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Sticky Afternoon

Sticky Afternoon by Rajah Dodger (c) 1994, 2009      It was a sticky afternoon, and Karl was tired of waiting for the bus, tired of looking for work, just plain tired.  He tapped his fingers impatiently against his briefcase as he slouched against the building in the July heat.  He grumbled to himself from time to time about the short-sightedness of personnel managers who seemed to want fresh young (read: cheap) applicants instead of someone who knew the business and could be productive in only...

3 years ago
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A saturday afternoon

This is the story of an afternoon at my friend's house. It was Saturday, he was only until Sunday evening and I went to him early in the afternoon. He lived near me, in five minutes of walking I was already excited. I walked into his house, he was already naked, the cock hidden in the thick fur, his big hairy balls, I was ready. I undressed my little cock was hard, he made me go to his mother's room. From the drawer she took panties, bras and black stockings. Then from the closet he took a...

2 years ago
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One fun afternoon

Every so often I get in the mood to read some of the sex stories on this site, posted by others. It always seems to make my mind drift off to some of the experiences my wife and I have enjoyed over the years. We are both bisexual and for a while we belonged to a swingers club. Obviously that made for some really fun and interesting times. Being completely uninhibited, we've always had the attitude of just letting go and enjoy. As I was reading some of the stories others have posted in this...

2 years ago
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Wendy Hot Afternoon

Wendy Hot Afternoonthank you Brian 6588 for helping me with this story.It was a hot Thursday afternoon. I was stuck in traffic on my way home. I knew of some country back roads that I could take. It would be longer but the scenery would be better and not bumper to bumper traffic.The next turnpike I got off the freeway and in 10 minutes I was out on a country gravel road with my top down on my convertible. I could feel the stress leaving my body as the wind and sun relaxed my body.A bit about...

1 year ago
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Hot Afternoon

Dustin's cell phone rang early one blazingly hot August morning, waking him up with a jolt. "Hello?" came Dustin's raspy and groggy voice."Hey Dustin! It's Tyler. I was just thinking. Ain't nothing happening and was wondering what's up with you?”Tyler was one of his best buds and lived a couple of streets over. “Just beating this damn heat. I was going to spend the afternoon out at the pool. Listen, if you got nothing going on, maybe you wanna come over.”“Yeah, that'd be great. You sure your...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Work Slut Afternoon

The work slut had enjoyed our encounter and although initially embarrassed about letting me fuck her up the arse in the heat of the moment soon realised there was no need to be embarrassed at all. It was now clear to me she was an absolute slut but nobody but the two of us knew that and neither of us regretted what we'd done. Things progressed over the following weeks and we began spending lunches parked in secluded locations in her car. Some days she simply suck me off, other days we'd do the...

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