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Passion In James County IX
By D.C. Roi
Chapter seventeen
Mitch finished his day’s work and, with some trepidation, headed for the Singleton house. He hadn’t seen Melissa since they wound up in bed a few nights earlier, and was concerned. She was crying when he left that night, and since she’d avoided him since, he wanted to make sure she was all right.
What Mitch didn’t know was that Melissa, torn by conflicting feelings of wanting to make love with him more and guilt over the fact that she had allowed herself to do that already, was trying to avoid further temptation by keeping away from him.
He went up on the back porch and knocked on the door. Melissa answered his knock wearing a plain white twill shirt and khaki slacks. The slacks, while not tight, fit her full body well and displayed her fine bottom wonderfully. The shirt hung loose over her full, firm breasts, and was innocently quite provocative.
‘Hi, Mitch,’ Melissa said. She smiled tentatively.
‘Ah…I…I…was, ah, wondering, are you, you know, OK?’ Mitch said. He thought his voice sounded funny and felt his face getting hot. He wasn’t exactly sure how you asked a married woman if she was upset because you took advantage of her in a weak moment and made love to her.
Melissa believed she’d finally sorted out her feelings since that night with Mitch. She knew what they did was wrong, but wasn’t sorry it had happened. She had needed what Mitch gave her desperately. But it couldn’t ever happen again. What happened was over and done with and couldn’t be undone, she’d convinced herself. She had to get on with her life and not let the past affect her.
‘You look like you’re warm, Mitch,’ she said. ‘Would you like a soda, or some iced tea?’
‘Ah…sure,’ Mitch said. He was surprised how cool she was acting. He’d expected her to be upset. He followed Melissa to the kitchen. She got two cans of soda out of the refrigerator and handed him one.
‘Here,’ she said.
Mitch, not exactly sure what to do, took the soda and sipped it.
Melissa leaned against the kitchen counter as she drank her soda, unaware that doing so thrust her large breasts out against her blouse. ‘That plan you came up for duties around here seems to be working, doesn’t it?’ Melissa said. As long as she kept their conversation on business, nothing would happen.
‘Ah…um…well, you know, I guess it is,’ Mitch said, trying not to stare at her chest. ‘I…I did it as much to make things easier for me as for anything, you know?’ He was confused. Powerful feelings were stirring inside him, feelings he didn’t want to feel for Melissa. He believed he was starting to fall for Kristin and the fact that being with Melissa was arousing him made him feel guilty.
‘Well, whatever your reason was, it’s been a positive change,’ Melissa said. She straightened up and walked back to the dining room.
Mitch followed her. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked.
‘I’m trying to make a dress,’ Melissa said. ‘I haven’t done any sewing in years, but I saw this pattern and thought I’d try it.’ Sewing was also another way she could keep her mind off him.
‘My mother used to make a lot of her own clothes,’ Mitch said. ‘And some for us kids, too.’
‘It does save money,’ Melissa agreed. She liked having him around. It was nice to have someone to talk to who seemed interested in what she was doing, a friend she could talk with. She and Mitch talked as she continued working on the dress.
Mitch tried to get his thoughts straightened out as they talked. ‘Should I apologize for what I did the other night?’ he mused as he watched Melissa work. He was worried that if he didn’t get their relationship straightened out, it might affect his job. He liked working on the farm and didn’t want to get fired. ‘How do I do this?’ he asked himself. ‘What can I say that won’t upset her?’
Mitch continued trying to figure out a way to extend an apology and grew more and more anxious as he did. His heart was pounding and his chest felt tight. He’d never been in a more distressing predicament.
Melissa sewed the dress together, unaware of the turmoil Mitch was experiencing. She had no idea how upset he was under the cool facade he was presenting to her. She finished the hem, cut the threads, and leaned back in her chair. ‘There,’ she said. ‘It’s finished.’
‘It looks nice,’ Mitch ventured.
‘It will if it came out right,’ Melissa said. ‘Shall we see?’ She stood up. ‘Why don’t I put it on? You can tell me how you think it looks.’
‘All right,’ Mitch replied. He wasn’t sure how she could be so cool. Had she gotten over what happened between them already? For some reason, that possibility bothered him, too. He was really a mess. He wanted to apologize, to remain friends with her, but he was upset because it looked like she wasn’t affected by what they’d done. What kind of fix had he gotten himself into, anyhow?
Melissa went into the bathroom, took off of her slacks and blouse, and slipped the dress on. She looked at herself in the mirror, and straightened her hair a little. ‘What we did the other night was so incredible!’ she found herself thinking as she looked at her reflection. ‘I…I wonder if Mitch still…?’ The sudden thought startled her. She didn’t dare let anything like that happen again. She had to keep herself under control. Shaking the thought off, she walked back out to the dining room, where Mitch sat waiting.
The dress, a coatdress, was a pretty teal green color. It buttoned down the front, had a shirt-like collar, flap pockets on the chest, long sleeves with button cuffs, and was cinched around her waist by a belt made of the same material the dress was made of.
Mitch’s eyes widened when Melissa walked into the room. He thought the dress looked fantastic on her! He swallowed hard.
‘Does it look all right?’ Melissa asked. For the first time she was aware that Mitch looked uncomfortable.
‘Ah…yeah…it…ah…it really looks nice!’ Mitch replied hoarsely. ‘You…you…it looks beautiful!’
Melissa felt herself blushing and realized warmth was spreading through her. It had been a long time since she’d had an admiring comment from a male. If only her husband would be as attentive. ‘What’s the matter with me?’ she thought. ‘I can’t let myself keep thinking like this! If I do, I’m going to add to the troubles I’ve already gotten myself into.’ ‘Ah…thank you, Mitch, I, uh, I…you’ll have to excuse me for a second,’ Melissa stammered. She suddenly felt very ill at ease. She turned, went back to the bathroom, closed the door, and leaned against it. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ she wondered. ‘I’m sick, really sick. Mitch is being nice to me, and all I can do is have awful thoughts! I have to get myself under control!’
A voice inside her head joined the conversation. ‘What’s the matter with those thoughts? Come to think about it, what’s wrong with what you did the other night? Both of you wanted it, didn’t you?’ Melissa shuddered. ‘Look, you know he’s hot for you!’
‘No!’ Melissa said out loud. ‘No. I…’
‘You want him again, and you know it!’ her inner voice insisted. ‘Remember what a good lover he was? You could have more of that, all you need to do is go out there and let it happen!’ ‘No!’ Melissa said. ‘I can’t!’
Sitting in the dining room, Mitch heard Melissa’s voice and couldn’t figure out what was going on. It sounded as if she were talking with someone. Concerned, got up and walked to the bathroom door. ‘Melissa, are you OK?’ he asked.
‘Ah…yes, Mitch, I’m fine,’ Melissa replied. She was still leaning against the door, trying to get herself under control. She wasn’t quite sure how she’d let her emotions get away from her again. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
‘Why don’t you just tell Mitch you want to go to bed with him again?’ her annoying, lecherous inner voice asked.
Melissa forced herself to w
alk to the sink. She rinsed her face off with cold water, then she opened the door, and walked out into the hallway.
‘If you want, I could make you something to eat,’ Mitch said. ‘I mean, you’ve been busy, and I like to cook and…’
‘That’s all right, Mitch, really,’ Melissa said, why was she shaking? ‘I’ve taken up enough of your time.’
‘It’s…it’s OK,’ Mitch stammered. ‘I…it’s not a bother. Not at all.’
Melissa walked by him, to the kitchen, got some cooking utensils out of the cupboard, and began making dinner for herself. When Mitch began peeling potatoes, she didn’t protest. After all, bad thoughts or not, it was nice having him around. They stood next to each other at the sink, working on the meal, each painfully aware of the other’s nearness.
Melissa turned, planning to go to the refrigerator to get some things to make a salad. She took one step, her foot caught on rug in front of the sink, and she lost her balance and started to fall.
The next thing she knew, Mitch’s strong arms were around her, holding her. She looked up into his face.
‘Ah…I’m sorry, Melissa,’ he croaked, ‘I…uh…I was afraid you…you were going to, you know, fall.’ Fire flared in his loins and he felt himself growing hard as he held Melissa in his arms once again.
‘It’s…it’s OK, Mitch,’ Melissa said. She got her feet under her and stepped back out of his arms. Her heart was pounding and her chest was heaving. Being in his arms felt so good!
‘Look,’ Mitch said, gulping, ‘I…ah…maybe…maybe, ah, I better get going.’ He stepped around Melissa and started for the door.
‘You know he has the hots for you!’ Melissa’s inner voice said. ‘And you want him! You’re a damn fool if you let him walk out of here!’ She shook her head. Why couldn’t she control herself? When Mitch opened the door and started to exit, Melissa acted. ‘Mitch?’ she said.
Mitch stopped and turned, his hand still on the doorknob. ‘Ah…what, Melissa?’
‘You don’t have to leave, Mitch,’ she said softly. ‘I wish you wouldn’t. Please stay and have dinner with me.’
Mitch was delighted by Melissa’s request. He walked back into the house and stood in the kitchen, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other, not sure what to do or say.
Melissa, having kept Mitch from leaving, wasn’t sure what to do next. ‘You look upset, Mitch,’ she said, ‘are you all right?’
‘Uh…well…’ Mitch felt his face getting hot. ‘I…I, ah, I wanted to talk to you, to apologize for the other night.’
‘The other night?’ Melissa said, and smiled. ‘Believe me, Mitch, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for!’
‘I…I don’t?’ Mitch replied. He looked at her, surprised.
‘Of course not,’ Melissa laughed. ‘Oh, Mitch!’ Seeing how upset he looked touched her, so she walked across the kitchen and put her arms around him.
Mitch was stunned to find himself in Melissa’s arms. Almost automatically, he slipped his arms around her and felt himself begin to tremble. He wasn’t sure what was going on or what Melissa wanted. Should he let her feel the erection growing larger every second in his jeans? What her reaction be if he did?
He needn’t have worried. Melissa did feel the cock swelling against her and was as confused by her reaction as Mitch was. Fires of need blazed inside her and she felt her body begin to quake. God forgive her, she wanted to make love with him again! She was turned on, and the mass of hard flesh pressing against her told her that Mitch was, too. Why didn’t he do something? Couldn’t he see that she would be unable to stop him if he did?
Melissa leaned back in Mitch’s strong arms and looked up at him. His face was bright red and he seemed to be having difficulty breathing. ‘Mitch,’ Melissa whispered, her heart pounding, ‘Mitch, would you please kiss me?’
Mitch immediately plastered his mouth against hers. Wild feelings coursed through him when their lips joined. He felt as if he’d been sucked into a tornado.
Melissa experienced exultation when Mitch’s lips pressed against hers and his arms tightened around her waist. Trembling, she moaned joyfully into his mouth. Her tongue lashed his and his tongue returned the caress. When the kiss ended, she took Mitch’s hand and tugged him toward the stairs.
Mitch went along, clutching Melissa’s soft hand as she led him up the stairs to her bedroom. He knew he shouldn’t be letting this happen, but he couldn’t stop himself.
Melissa’s emotions were in chaos. She was once again turned on and alone with Mitch. Lustful feelings were sweeping through her like a hurricane, all she could do was react to them. When they got to the bedroom, she dropped Mitch’s hand, turned to face him, then she began to unbutton the buttons down the front of the dress she’d just finished making. She felt terribly wanton.
Mitch, stupefied, watched Melissa open her dress. He hadn’t planned on this happening when he came up to the house today!
Melissa finished opening her dress. She shrugged her shoulders and it slid down her shoulders and dropped on the floor. Then she reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, very aware that Mitch’s eyes were glued to her. She tossed the bra on a chair next to the bed, then she bent and pushed down her panties. She’d done it! She’d stripped naked in front of Mitch, who continued to stare at her with a wide, feverish gaze.
‘Do…do you want to make love to me again, Mitch?’ Melissa whispered.
Mitch nodded. ‘Yeah…I…I sure do!’ he croaked in reply.
‘Then do it! Make love to me, Mitch!’ Melissa whispered, moving closer to him. ‘I need you so badly!’ She walked to where he stood, knelt, unzipped his pants, reached inside them, and brought out his rigid cock. She heard him groan and felt him shaking when she began licking and sucking his swollen lance.
Mitch felt like he was going to explode! Melissa was sucking his cock! This was the last thing he expected her to do! If she kept it up, he was going to…
‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! Melissa!!!’ he cried when powerful spasms began in his loins. ‘Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! I…I…I…I can’t stop!!! I…I…I…I can’t stop!!! Oh, God!!!!’ He began erupting powerfully.
The sudden gush of hot fluids from Mitch’s cock caught Melissa by surprise. She hadn’t realized how turned on he was and wasn’t prepared for his abrupt coming. At first, she took her mouth from his spurting cock then, as she felt his hot juices splattering onto her face and breasts, she took the throbbing, jerking wand back into her mouth and swallowed as much of the precious fluid spewing from it as she could. This was something she’d never done before, and it was wonderful! She continued to suck Mitch’s cock avidly, enjoying every sensational explosion of his spend.
Not long afterward, they were lying on Melissa’s bed. Mitch reached out and touched one of Melissa’s full breasts gently. It felt so warm, so silky! He slid his fingers over the swollen orb and heard her moan softly.
‘Yessssss!!!’ Melissa murmured. ‘Touch my breasts, Mitch! Play with them like you did the other night! Kiss them!’ Exultation swept over her like a tidal wave. Her body arched as Mitch’s hand slid over the straining, nerve-packed peak of one breast. She could feel him massaging the juices he’d shot onto her into her skin and shuddered with delight.
Mitch continued to explore Melissa’s lush torso and she responded ardently, begging him to touch her more. His explorations quickly roused Melissa to a fever pitch of desire. As a result of what he was doing to her, Mitch’s cock once again grew hard.
‘Oh, Mitch!’ Melissa cooed, breathlessly, ‘You’re making me feel so good! I love the way you touch me! Ohhhhhhh!!!!’ It felt as if he was touching her everywhere all at once, setting her nerves on edge, thrilling her, making her tingle with excitement from head to foot. She couldn’t believe what a wonderful lover he was. ‘Don’t stop!!
Ohhhhhh!!! You’re so gentle!! Don’t ever stop!!!’
Mitch spent a considerable time fondling and stroking Melissa’s breasts. He was mesmerized by her nipples. They were so hard, so big, and felt so good against his hands. He bent his head and sucked one rigid, straining, finger-sized button of flesh between his lips. He could taste the remnants of his eruption on her, and found that exciting, too. His cock twitched and got even harder.
Melissa moaned ecstatically and her hands pressed against his head. ‘Gahhhhhhh!!!! Oh, God, Mitch!!! Oh, God!!! Yesssssss!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Yesssss!!! Yessss!!! Kiss them!!! Oh, yessssss!!!! Kiss my breasts!!!! Suck my nipples!!!!’ she wailed as elation filled her. The wild sensations evoked by his lips and roaming hands began drawing her inexorably into a whirlpool of bliss.
Mitch was surprised when, suddenly, he felt Melissa stiffen. Then she gasped and began to moan, her body thrashing, her hands clutching his head in desperation.
‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh, God!!!’ she cried. ‘Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! I’m coming!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!! Don’t stop!!! Don’t stop!!! I’m commmmmminnnnnnngggggggggg!!!!!’ Release swept over the luscious woman.
Mitch was astounded when Melissa started coming while was sucking her breasts! He’d done it again! Excited, he continued sucking and stroking her magnificent, quivering spheres and she continued to moan and writhe.
Melissa began to think she’d never stop coming! Mitch’s lips were so insistent, the sensations they incited so intense, she couldn’t stop coming! And she didn’t want to! Finally, however, her body did begin to calm. She felt herself sliding from bliss to gentle joy.
That didn’t stop Mitch. Even after Melissa calmed, his caresses persisted. And, in spite of having just come wonderfully, Melissa felt herself once more begin to ascend to lofty planes of joy. Mitch shifted position on the bed and, as he did, his erect cock slapped against Melissa’s leg. She shuddered. He was hard again! She urged him on top of her. ‘Make love to me, Mitch!’ she urged, ‘I want you in me!’
Mitch moved his body over Melissa’s, shaking with anticipation. As he did, he felt Melissa slide her hand between them and grasp his engorged shaft.
‘Raise your hips,’ she whispered. When he complied, Melissa swept the flared head of his cock between her juice-soaked, pulsing vaginal lips for a few seconds, then she held it centered on her quavering entrance. ‘Now, Mitch! Take me!’ she urged.
Mitch lowered his hips and felt his cock sliding into her. ‘Ohhhhhh, Godddddd!!!!!’ he groaned as he sank into her.
‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Melissa groaned in response when she felt Mitch’s hard cock probe into her. It felt so wonderful! She needed this! Why had she been avoiding it?
Mitch felt as if he was on fire. Every inch of him was aflame and, as he sank into Melissa, he almost fainted from the wild, intense sensations he experienced. Unable to remain still, he began driving into her, his hips pounding against her, his cock stabbing deep into her. He was going to come again! He couldn’t stop! It felt too good!
Melissa, like Mitch, was responding far more quickly than she expected. The exhilaration she felt and the fervor with which he was fucking her were her too much! She couldn’t check her headlong rush toward release. She wanted to come! She needed to come! She…she was… ‘Mitch!!! Oh, God!!! Mitch!!! I’m coming!!! Oh, Mitch!!! I’m commmmmmminnnnnnnggggggg!!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Gahhhhhhhhh!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!! Yessssssssssss!!! Oh, yesssssssssssss!!!!’ she screamed, clutching at him.
‘Unnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Mitch groaned as his semen spewed into Melissa’s quivering, sucking tunnel. He stiffened, pressing his hips against her bucking, straining body, as they rode out their joy. When his intense contractions ceased, he lowered himself onto her, and kissed her. He felt her arms wrap around his neck, and her tongue dueled with his.
‘Wonderful! Wonderful!! Oh, God, Mitch!! That was so wonderful!!!’ Melissa babbled. ‘Mitch!!! Oh, Mitch!!!’ If this was what it took for her to be satisfied, then this is what she was going to do!
Notes: Head-rooms: “Max-Headroom,” a television show originating from 20th Century Earth in which an artificial intelligence construct is tapped from a Network 53 cameraman. Mega-plex: A large, multi-level agricultural complex. Crops and livestock are raised beneath domes to minimize the effects of weather, temperature, and insects on output. 47 Ursae Majoris UM-2/Avalon Avalon was terrestrial. The planet wallowed in a thick blanket of Nitrogen and Oxygen that covered the surface and...
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LesbianI was so excited a friend of mine was throwing a a bash of a party after midterms. He told me I could crash in the spare bedroom so no need for worrying about getting home drunk. This was going to be my first college party. have been invited before but schoolwork always got in my way. These parties of his always had the hottest girls there and I was determined to get laid this weekend. Unfortunately, I still was a virgin. All the stories about these parties made it sound like nobody ever...
Asia Lee is one naughty nympho of a stepsister that makes him offer up his huge cock or else tell their mother on him for coming home late. This is apparently standard procedure for these stepsiblings so they have an excuse to continue their illicit interracial affair. The exotic tattooed stepsister just loves anything taboo, sucking on her brother’s big dick for example or fucking him until a creampie as they do in this premium Penthouse family porn video. Watch the raunchy Asian in...
xmoviesforyouScott was up before Brooke the next morning because at two in the morning, she was empty and in need of another fill up. A half hour later, she was sleeping like a baby with an enigmatic smile on her beautiful face. He, on the other hand, tossed and turned all night knowing the decision that faced him in the morning. After he put the coffee on, he downloaded the photos he had taken of her to his hard drive then wrote the following e-mail to Ray: Ray: I'm attaching fourteen photos that I...
June 28, 1992, Chicago, Illinois I had no idea what to say in response to Noel’s offer of an apology. I had no information as to what was said by who to whom, or what specifically he was apologizing for. Perhaps it had been a mistake to tell Keri not to let me know about any calls from Lisa Glass and tell Jeri not to talk to me about it before Monday. The best I could do would be to simply acknowledge him and see what he had to say. “I’m listening. Go on.” “It appears that the person who...
NATALIE (Sunday 12/4) I woke up when the light first started coming in the window. I felt good! Wonderful dream -- or was it a dream? After all, I'd invited Bob to molest me, and my pussy was really wet. I got up and did my pee and poo. Despite what I'd told Bob about no shower, I washed my spare hole really well. I figured (and hoped) it would get lots of attention today along with other parts. Bob came gliding in sporting an enormous boner. He kept trying to tell me he had to pee, but...
My sister Melanie is the same way, although she is a bit than I am but anyone could tell straight away we are sisters. Some people even confuse us with been twins even though she is thirteen. We have the same hazel brown eyes, the same long dark brown hair and the same distinctive facial features, as well as similar personalities. My boobs are quite a bit bigger than Mel’s but I love her tiny little tittles. We actually bought matching leotards one year to make people believe that we were...
Since my last series was fantasy, and I couldn't decide on a new theme yet, I decided to just write a few of my own true experiences. About two years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and adverstised on a casual sex web site for couples looking for a bi male. One of the first I met was a couple from out of town here on business. They weren't really a couple, but a gay guy and his straight girlfriend who liked to watch each other play. They proposed meeting at their hotel pool and all...
It had been a disaster. Just like everything else about us. We spent the whole holiday glaring at each other. Why not? It wasn't as though we married because we wanted to. One time, just one time I got lucky... and mom got wind of it. She threatened suicide unless we got hitched. She was crazy enough to go through with it. Of course it was the end of me and Mom. But what I have now is falling apart. True, Mary is still great in bed... but I don't get that close that often any more. And...
‘‘What kind of emergency?’’ I asked. ‘‘The President was found in the study unconscious and unresponsive, they are trying to revive him. It doesn’t look good,” the agent said. He was interrupted by another agent, ‘‘Washington wants to know if there is a judge close by if we need one?’’ the second agent asked. ‘‘Yes, former Maryland Supreme Court Judge Tony Slaughter. He is retired but still on the docket rotation for special cases,’’ I said. I gave them the judges unlisted phone number,...
Saturday was two nights before Halloween. Our friends, Lisa and Jason, who had us over a few months earlier for their house warming party, were throwing a costume party for a small group. Sheri hated Halloween, but I always enjoyed it. Even though, she did enjoy planning our costume ideas. We decided on going as Tony and Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. Sheri looked incredibly hot in the skimpy costume.As we drove to the party, Sheri told me that her friend Ana would be there. The last time we...
Wife LoversFSJ was a major crossroads for drugs. Unlike what was on TV, the reality was, most drugs coming into or going out of North America went through Alaska. Why smuggle things through an extremely heavily guarded southern boarder when you can go through a relatively unguarded north. Not only that, there are millions of uninhabited islands where secret bases can be established. There was Canadian pot and hash heading off continent. At the time, Canada was a world powerhouse in the pot and hash...
I am here with my bhabi feature. First of all I would like to tell you about my Bhabi. She is much highly educated. As in our home is purely Punjabi we all speak Punjabi and she speaks Hindi with everybody but to me she speaks English. She is 24 and has weight about 50 kgs. And have a perfect figure 37,28,35. She is from Pune. Now a days I used to call her Pune ki randi and she accept to what I say to her. It all started that she is married to my brother 6 months ago and she had good and...
A Nice Guy, Whoops, a Nice French Woman By Kathy Smith Peter E. Stein is a biomedical engineer in a biotech company near Boston (in Natick, MA). He was a CEO and the Chief Scientist. He has a Sc.D. from M.I.T. and has a MBA from Sloan School. He has medium height, 6'2" and has blue eyes and light brunette hair. He has one different drummer vice; he has long hair (about the length of his belly button). He normal wears it a ponytail. He is very, very skinny (weights 125...
Dedicated to all the ladies, married, mature, metaphysical. Your very essence is the source of the river. I caught your eye at the bookstore. Or perhaps you caught mine first, though you’d never admit. I was reading, having a coffee, always available but not really looking. You were in your tight jeans, white blouse, understated but elegant. I noticed your wedding band. Your rings, your clothing, classy. I became self-conscious, my face, my look, my body. I flexed almost involuntarily, and...
Oh Fuck! When I was in high school an older friend of mine invited me to a fraternity party. At sixteen years old and with the chance to drink and maybe get some pussy, I was all for it. I didn’t have to lie to my mother about where I was going because she told me that she was going out and not to wait up for her. Mom was a really hot mother at thirty-eight years old. She was definitely one of those MILF. She was about five eight, a hundred and twenty pounds, and she had a great...
My wife and I were divorcing, but still sharing a bed. After a long day's work, I hit the bar with friends to unwind. No sooner did I get my first drink, then the waitress comes over and hands me a folded note from a woman at the bar. All it says is, "Feel like freakin?" The woman was large and in charge, with a cute face and tits for days. My buddies were curious to see what I would do, so I made them jealous and took her back to my place. We started kissing and grinding on the bed, and she...
Chapter 5 Rod plainly didn't believe me, but my challenge was too weird not to call what had to be a bluff. Would a young teen who had just been molested by his mother act as if he had been the villain? Well, maybe, but that would be getting ahead of my story. Rodney probably figured he could secure me at Wendy's for a couple hours while he confronted mom. My brother preened briefly at Wendy's front door. He knocked, and after several seconds delay, Wendy's father appeared. The...
written for hcosam-redasI woke laying on my back on a cold table my legs were in stirrups and bound spread open my hands were tied above my head I was completely naked and felt something hard being shoved inside me. As I looked i saw the guy i had come to know a fredrick pounding away at my ass like a a****l as i noticed a beautiful woman walking round me with a camera and several people watching me get ass ****d basically. I closed my eyes and wondered how i got myself into this as a painful...
They say that youth is wasted on the young. As you get older that saying becomes more and more accurate. When I look back to my late teens and early 20s, I regret not having more sex. I was a very shy young man and had no sexual experience other than one awkward fumble in a car to lose my virginity. I had no confidence with women. Then at 24 years old I fell in love with a beautiful 18 year old called Jen. It was only then that I discovered the true beauty of a naked female body and the joys of...
"Gary." my mother's voice drifted up the stairs. "Coming mum." I yelled back after groaning to myself. Putting down my latest copy of Playboy and stuffing my erect tool back into my trousers, I got off the bed and headed for the bedroom door wondering what mum wanted now. A few minutes later I found out what it was. "Gary," mum said as I entered the kitchen "your father and I have to go away for a week, Sandra will take care of you while we are away and I want no arguments from...
WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 4 Before I put in anything, I want to say that im surprised at the negativity against my captor, I don?t see her as any different than any other one my character has been taken by in other stories ive written. If the negativity continues, this will be the last chapter on this story that I?ll write. Here goes. My heart was pounding as I was driven home from the club. Sitting in the back, I traced my fingernails over my leather miniskirt and toned...
"Rhonda," I squeaked as I turned to look at her. "You can't say things like that. I can't..." She stomped her feet into her boots and stormed out the back door. Shit! I couldn't have Rhonda saying things like that. I left the bread in the bowl and grabbed my boots. She was already in Gypsy's stall when I got to the barn. I didn't bother with either Princess or Jingo. I went into the same stall and put my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened. "Rhonda. Honey. You can't say things...
"Almost finished, Zack," Judith asked, while the eighteen year old stock boy hefted a roll of roofing paper onto the shelf!?!" "Just about," he answered, "I've still have some paint to restock, but other than that I'm pretty much through!!!" "Good," she replied, "when you're all done, stop in my office for a minute, will you please!?!" "Sure thing, Miss J," he replied, "I'll be there in ten minutes!!!" Zack had been working after school at the hardware store for about two years now, and while...
EroticEnd of Part 1 We fell asleep together, her laying her head on my chest, her hair falling randomly on my body. I had my left hand wrapped around her, gently holding one of her breasts in my hand. I never slept so peacefully, or woke up more refreshed. She kissed me. “Baby, we just made love, but now I want you to fuck me. I want you to make me feel amazing, I want to be totally yours, completely under your control.” So I did. Avery presented her naked body to me again. Again, very much like...
After I had broken up with my girlfriend, I was left to wander the world of women. I had met a cute woman who was in my work group at school. We immediately started getting along. We had a similar sense of humor and similar relationship pasts. Both of which allowed us to make a powerful connection. Soon enough we were hanging out outside of class; I took her fishing, she helped me pick out my dog. We were inseparable. We did hit one snag though: neither of us wanted a new relationship. We were...
Glossary Fartumult: completely unsettled Shtuss: Nonsense or silliness [rhymes with puss] By 10:00 Abby had finished the quick walk-through of David's tiny apartment. She approved of the cleanliness and tidiness of the rooms, but was appalled at its general condition. She was amazed that he could live under those conditions and taken aback that she was responsible for him having to. The flat seemed tinier still with his office taking up so much of the living room. The new rules of their...
"Thanks. That was fun last night." Fun? To Shay it was just paying the price for a ride. She'd hitchhiked her way from the one stoplight town in North Carolina she'd called home to New York fuckin' City itself. Sure she'd had to suck a few cocks along the way, like ol' Pete back there, but when you've been sucking your Daddy's cock since you were out of training bras, what was a couple more? It was when Daddy started taking more notice of her developing body and his caresses became...
The girl frequently worked late and was often the last to leave this block of offices. The only other car in the lot besides his and hers had pulled out ten minutes ago. There was movement at the door of the office block. She fumbled briefly finding the key to lock the door behind her then dropped the key ring in her big purse. She was short, maybe a fraction of an inch over five feet tall. She had honey blond hair, worn straight down her back about half way to her tight round ass. He...
Andrew’s Story Our little head-to-head confrontation with the government, fleeting and ethereal as it was, has finally opened my eyes. Emmy almost brought down the entire US government and she didn’t even try hard. I asked her to zap the A.G. and zap him she did. In the meantime she was still trying to hit the tennis ball closer to the net, training the puppies to be guard dogs, doing essentially graduate work in six different languages, taking her naps, annoying everyone who came in...
Introduction: this is part three of my hitting the showers story. let me know what you would like to see in the next one. Enjoy ,) so where do we go from here. ross asked shaun. They had just arrived at his house after the conversation they just had from the bathroom. are you saying that your gay? I dont know what Im saying, Im freaking out over here. shaun said. well do you or do you not like boys. I dont know, i have a girlfriend I should have these. Should I? The only person that can answer...
Bound To Grace Carmenica Diaz The Beginning Henry groaned as Virginia skilfully stroked his rigid cock, bringing himto the edge of orgasm yet again. As his body began to stiffen and tremble,just when he thought Virginia was going to let him finally come this time,she removed her hands. 'Poor baby,' Virginia whispered and smiled. Groaning in frustration, Henry turned his head as tears pricked his eyes. It's too much, I can't stand it! Lashed down and naked, Henry had been in that position...
Hi all ISS readers, I’m back with one more true story that happened to me recently. I have already written a story named “Hectic day of work turned beautiful in bus”. I’m yet to write the second part of it. But this one is another incident. To tell you briefly about me, I’m a south Indian guy. 29 years old. Tall, black and not so good looking. I’m working in one of the MNC Company as sales manager. I used to visit stores and dealers on a regular basis in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu....
Towards a Surrender By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Towards a...
My name is Sophie and I am 30 years old. I guess my friends and colleagues would describe me as a ‘nice’ and possibly ‘mousy’. I own and manage a small clothing shop selling clothes to middle-aged, middle class women. My hair is brown and worn short, I have freckles and wear glasses. I’m 5’ 6” with a slim, almost boyish figure. My boobs are small and my pubic hair dark and quite thick. I have good legs and I think I hold myself. I look much younger than I am and sometimes get asked for ID when...