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Lee Williams – 48 year old retired deputy sheriff, now a private Investigator in Fightin’ Creek, Idaho

Sherry Wilson – Lee’s client, age 46, librarian at the Kellogg County Library

Frank Wilson – Sherry Wilson’s philandering husband, age 53, an attorney

Lori Lee – Frank Wilson’s attractive blonde secretary, age 28

Cassandra Donovan – Sharon Donovan’s stepmother, age 39, neighbor, AKA: Connie Thompson, Cassie, Cass

Sharon Donovan – Cassandra Donovan’s stepdaughter, age 18, neighbor

Robert Rowden – Stateline Motel manager, AKA: Robert the Rodent

Lynne Davenport – Lee Williams’ attorney, age 29,

Justice Nancy Carpenter, age 43, Federal District Court Judge, District of Idaho

Sheriff Stony Holmes, Sheriff of Kellogg County, Idaho


The librarians at the Kellogg County Library are used to seeing me come in at least twice a week. I know most of the full-time librarians by name. They’ve become accustomed to my rather unusual requests for all sorts of information. In fact, some of them may enjoy speculating among themselves about the reason behind some of the requests. Small-town, north Idaho gossip.

My name is Lee Williams. I’m a private investigator. In this day and age, a PI is required to be an information manager and researcher. He (or she, there are many women PIs) needs to be more proficient with a laptop computer than with a gun. Thus, I spend a great deal of time at the library and online digging up information. I was a deputy sheriff and detective with the Kellogg County Sheriff’s Office for over twenty years. That gave me the local knowledge and contacts to make the transition to private investigator after being injured on duty and medically retired in 1999. I was fortunate to have been involved in the technical side of investigations for the sheriff’s office. As a result of numerous federal training grants, I attended a wide variety of obscenely expensive and exotic technical surveillance and countersurveillance courses sponsored by several government agencies. One agency even tried to persuade me to come to work as a technical agent after retirement. But, I am a ‘local’ through and through. Don’t get me wrong. I was more than happy to take the feds’ money (okay, the taxpayers’ money) and attend their training courses, but I knew only too well that going to work for them would stifle any and all creative thinking. Besides, they wanted me to move to northern Virginia and work far too close to what J. Edgar ‘Do you like my dress?’ Hoover liked to call the ‘Seat of Government.’ Consequently, I elected to retire comfortably in Fightin’ Creek, Idaho, and earn a modest living conducting private investigations.

Fightin’ Creek is in economically depressed northern Idaho. Methamphetamine production and residential burglaries have replaced logging and silver mining as the principal industries here. It is still a small town occupied primarily by home-growns. If you weren’t raised here, then you’ve retired here from California. Many if not most of the under-25 crowd that has grown up here is still firmly anchored in the 1950’s. Just like their parents. The kids’ idea of success is graduating before being thrown out of high school and then getting a job at just above minimum wage for the next forty years. Far too many of the men aspire to little more than buying a pickup with a snow blade on the front in the winter and a boat trailer on the back during the summer. Many of the women are desperate to get married and pregnant, preferably but not necessarily in that order. Nearly all of them are one-pack-a-day cigarette smokers, a diversion made readily available by the low price of nearly untaxed cigarettes sold on the Indian reservation. Welcome to Fightin’ Creek, Idaho, where the local time is still fifty years ago.

[Monday, August 12]

I was at the library digging up some financial information about a local company when Sherry Wilson, one of the librarians, approached me. She seemed to be a bit upset, certainly not her usual self.

‘Lee, could I have one of your business cards, please?’

It was an odd request, particularly because she asked so seriously.

‘Sure. What’s up?’

‘I’d like call and make an appointment to come talk with you about a personal matter. I think I need to hire you.’

It was clear from her tone of voice that she didn’t want to go into any detail at work. I dug a card out and gave it to her.

‘How soon would you like to meet?’

‘Within the next day or two if you can. It’s really important.’

‘Sherry, you don’t have to call and make an appointment. Would you like to stop by after you get off work today?’

‘If that would be convenient for you, I’d really appreciate it. I’m off at three this afternoon. Would half-past three be all right?’

‘That would be fine. I’ll have a cup of coffee waiting for you.’

Sherry and I are both coffee drinkers. We run into each other at the Fightin’ Creek Starbucks quite often where she buys a grande beverage with a name only a chemical engineer could understand.

She forced a tight smile. ‘By the way, how much do you charge?’

‘Your visit this afternoon will be free. Once you get to the office, we’ll discuss your matter. If we both decide that I can help, then we can talk about a retainer and my rates.’

She seemed relieved and thanked me profusely.

Sherry Wilson is an interesting lady. She’s about 46, brown hair cut a little too short for her height, 5′-08′. I’d guess she weighs about 135 pounds, but the way she dresses, it’s hard to see her shape to tell for sure. Her modest loose attire is comfortable and businesslike but certainly not fashionable. It projects the prim and proper librarian image well. She wears brown tortoise-shell glasses and very little makeup, so her already elongated and somewhat angular face seems rather severe. She has a smallish mouth with narrow lips that give her face an almost pinched appearance accentuated by the small lines surrounding her lips and eyes. Someone meeting her for the first time would describe her demeanor as professionally detached, not warm but not cold. She may seem a little standoffish at first. With a master’s degree in library science from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., she’s well educated. Obviously she had not been born and raised in Fightin’ Creek.

Sherry is actually very nice, but it’s sad to say that many men would not give her a second glance. Well, that’s not quite true. One did, about twenty years ago. She’s married to Frank Wilson, one of the most expensive attorneys in the county. He has hired me occasionally to do some investigative work. Frank pays on time, but he’s a real jerk. One gets the sense that he spends more in a week on himself than he does in a year on Sherry. He has political aspirations to be a state senator in the short term, but that is just a stepping-stone to his real objective, a federal judgeship.

Frank Wilson was born and raised in Fightin’ Creek. How he managed to graduate from high school and get a degree from the University of Idaho in Moscow has puzzled many people. Even more mystifying is that he managed to graduate from the U of I law school and pass the Idaho bar exam. He married Sherry while he was in law school and she was a librarian at the university. My personal opinion is that Frank got a better deal than she did when they married.

Promptly at 3:30, Sherry walked into my office. My secretary escorted her in and then left, closing the door behind her.

‘Hi, Sherry. Please, sit down. Would you like that coffee I promised? It’s mine, not Starbucks.’

‘No, thank you.’ She was all business and got right to the point.

‘I am pretty sure Frank is cheating on me. I would like for you to find out if he is. And if he is, then with whom.’ Her tone of voice was surprisingly calm. She did not seem emotionally distraught.

‘What makes you think that?’

‘There have been times when I call his office get his voicemail. Usually his secretary answers the phone, but frequently it seems that both she and Frank are gone at the same time. It may just be coincidence, but my intuition tells me something is going on.’

‘So you assume he’s having an affair with his secretary? It seems to me that so far you really don’t have much to go on. And Fightin’ Creek is still a small town. It would be pretty hard for someone as prominent as Frank to carry on without someone noticing and probably gossiping. How long have you suspected that this has been going on?’

‘About six months this time.’

Again, no emotion. She was almost casual about it. Most PIs would have to drag that kind of statement out of many women. Sherry said it very matter-of-factly and without any prodding.

‘You said ‘this time.’ Have there been other times when you’ve suspected infidelity?’

‘Suspected?’ she spat it out. ‘I walked in on him with a woman attorney about five years ago. Right on the desk in his office. Frank and I had it out then. He promised that he would never stray again. I don’t think I really believed him, but I didn’t want to leave him, either. It isn’t that I love him any more, I don’t. I haven’t for a long time.’ She became a little more hesitant, almost sad. She spoke very softly. ‘He hasn’t even touched me for a couple of years now.’

Since private investigators are not marriage counselors and since we also have to pay the rent, I decided to help Sherry by investigating rather than counseling.

‘All right. If I uncover anything, how much information do you want from me? Do you just want me to confirm or refute your suspicions, or do you want names, dates, times and places? And if I do confirm what you suspect, what do you intend to do?’

She looked me straight in the eye and then spoke with an eerie coldness. I actually felt a shiver, the kind you feel when you sense that someone is waiting to commit murder in a dark alley.

‘If he’s having an affair with someone again, I’ll own him for the rest of his life.’

There was absolutely no doubt she meant exactly what she said. Cold.

She went on, ‘I want every detail you can come up with, no matter how ugly or salacious it may seem. Frank’s a very good attorney, and I’ll have an uphill battle in divorce court even with irrefutable evidence. Frank graduated from the U of I law school, and as you probably know, most of the local lawyers and judges did, too. It’s the quintessential old-boy network.’

She was right about that. I had some personal concerns as well. Regardless of the outcome, if the results of my investigation against a local attorney became public record, I could kiss good-bye any more work from the local lawyers. But when Sherry looked at me, those brown eyes stirred something. My first attraction for a woman comes through messages from her eyes, not the shape or age of her body, and believe me, I was getting a very strong sexual message from Sherry. I shook it off. It was probably just my unreasonably long and totally unintended excursion into celibacy that was sending conflicting biological signals.

But, back to business.

‘To get the kind of evidence you will need means doing surveillance. Surveillances are very expensive because they consume so much time, and I have to tell you, more often than not their results are inconclusive. I will probably have to follow Frank for a couple weeks, maybe longer. To take your case, I would need a two thousand dollar retainer. I charge eighty dollars an hour for surveillance, credited against the retainer. I will give you an item-by-item surveillance report with dates and times along with photos. You can call me daily on my cell phone for updates.’

She didn’t hesitate. She took out her checkbook and wrote out the retainer. We completed and signed a representational agreement, then had my secretary witness it.

‘Sherry, there are some things you can do to help the surveillance be more productive. I take it from what you are saying that Frank comes home at night and seldom goes out alone.’

She nodded and said, ‘That’s right. And he’s also home on weekends. If he’s messing around, it’s probably during the workday.’

‘All right. Then what I’ll do is pick him up when he leaves for work every day and put him to bed a night. Once he’s in for the night, you can call me on my cell phone. That’ll stop the clock and save you some money. But if he goes out, or if his habits change, please call me right away so I can get back on him. Also, does he have a planner? A Daytimer or Dayrunner? Something he keeps with him to record his appointments and billable hours?’

‘Sure. He carries a black leather Daytimer with him all the time.’

‘Can you get a look at it? In fact, is there any way you can photocopy the pages for preceding months and up through today?’

‘Hmmm. I’m not sure about getting the current pages, but I know he stores previous months in a binder in a file cabinet at home. I should be able to make copies of those pages fairly easily during the day while he’s at work.’

‘Fine. That’s a good start. Once you have the copies, look them over and see if anything appears unusual to you. Then call me and we’ll arrange to meet so you can give the pages and your observations to me. Can you describe the car he drives?’

‘He has two. One is a light blue Mercedes sedan. The license number is ‘LAW 1’. The other car is a red BMW. Its license is ‘LAW 2′.’

Well, that makes it easy. Mercedes and Beemers stick out like sore thumbs in Fightin’ Creek. I’d be able to follow Frank even if I needed a white cane and seeing eye dog.

‘Do you know what kind of car his secretary drives?’

‘I’m not sure. I think I’ve seen her in a white Subaru. I’m just not sure, though.’

Well, forget about following the secretary. North Idaho is the white Subaru capital of the world. They breed them up in Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint.

‘No matter. I have enough to get started unless you can think of anything else.’

‘No, not right now. When will you start watching him?’

‘If he’s at work now, I can pick him up this afternoon. Let’s see. It’s four o’clock now, so I should be able to be in place by 4:30. Now, here’s a business card with my cell phone number on it. I keep the phone with me all the time and by my bedside at night, so call any time you need to pass along any information.’

She looked at the card with a puzzled expression. ‘This isn’t your business card. This is a card from Henderson’s Hardware.’

‘The telephone number on that card is mine. I don’t give retained clients my detective agency business card. You never know who might find it and start wondering why you have it. In fact, you should destroy the business card I gave you at the library. Incidentally, the email address on the Henderson card is also mine. I am the only person who reads that email. Even my secretary doesn’t know about it, so if you want to email something to me, use that.’

Sherry looked and me and smiled for the first time during their visit.

‘You know,’ she said, ‘If I were cheating on my husband, I would not want you on my tail.’

She recognized the double entendre before I did, then blushed and stammered, ‘That didn’t come out the way I intended it. What I meant was…’

I dismissed her comment with a light laugh, though for a moment, I wondered if (and maybe subconsciously hoped) it had been a Freudian slip. ‘No need to explain. I know what you meant. And thank you for the compliment. Sherry, I’m very serious about calling me at anytime you need to pass along information or to find out where your case stands. I’d prefer not to call you at work. Do you feel comfortable having me call you at home when I know Frank’s not there?’

She thought for a while. ‘You know, calling me at home probably is not a good idea. If Frank beca
me suspicious, I wouldn’t put it past him to tap our phone line. You knew he had some gadgets to do that, didn’t you?’

Oh, I certainly did. In fact, I was the one who found them in the ceiling above his office during one of the debugging sweeps I had done for Wilson. Of course, since Frank was a former client, it would have been unethical to divulge that to her.

‘What kind of gadgets?’ I asked with my best angelic innocence.

‘I don’t know. He never showed them to me. He just said he had found them in his office one day. When I asked why he didn’t turn them over to the police, he said it would cause too much trouble.’

She was right about that. The equipment, very expensive equipment, I had found was from a company in Florida that sells only to law enforcement and the government. I had told Frank that. At that point, we both concluded that some law enforcement agency was bugging Frank or his office. That’s when it seemed prudent for me to distance himself from Frank Wilson. Contrary to popular fiction, real-world private investigators do not like to become involved in criminal investigations, especially when their client is an attorney not highly regarded by local law enforcement and may, in fact, be the subject of a criminal investigation.

‘Do you have a pager?’ I asked Sherry.

‘Yes, Frank got it for me several years ago. I don’t know why, though. He hardly ever pages me. Actually, the head librarian pages me more.’

I took the pager from her and copied the number.

‘Fine. If I need to have you call me, I’ll page you with a string of nines. If it is urgent, it’ll include a 9-1-1 page.’

She took her pager back, then looked at me. The coldness in her eyes was gone.

‘You know,’ she said, ‘This is almost like being a spy. I think I’m actually going to enjoy this. I’ll call you as soon as I have his Daytimer information.’

With that comment, she stood up to leave. Before she left, she extended her hand. Always businesslike. But this time her grip was softer and warmer, and she held it a little longer than a business handshake. Again, eye contact. Then she turned and left.

At 4:40 p.m. I pulled my Ford F-150 pickup (trailer hitch, no snow blade) into a parking spot in the shopping center lot across from the Law Offices of Wilson & Associates, LLC. Frank’s Mercedes was in the parking lot. I parked where Wilson would be unlikely to see me and then sat back with a cup of coffee and my 35 millimeter camera. At 5:03 p.m. he came out, alone, got in his car and pulled out of the parking lot. I stayed at least two cars behind him, but even in heavy traffic, following the Mercedes was a snap. At 5:42 p.m. he pulled into his garage at home and closed the door behind him. About twenty minutes later, my cell phone rang. It was Sherry saying Frank was in for the night. She also said that he usually left for work at 8:00 a.m.

[Tuesday, August 13]

Tuesday morning the diligent if bleary-eyed investigator was back in the vicinity of the Wilson’s house promptly at 6:00 a.m. Sure enough, at 8:06 a.m. the garage door went up and out came the Mercedes. It was easy to recognize Frank at the wheel. He drove through one of the closet-sized espresso stands that seem to have popped up all over Fightin’ Creek, then he went to his office. Once again, I parked so I could watch Wilson’s car and the door to his office without being seen. At 9:30 a.m. Sherry called on the cell phone. She was noticeably excited.

‘Frank got home last night and said he felt like he was coming down with a summer cold. He had a couple drinks, then took a dose of Nyquil, then went to bed. Between the bourbon and the Nyquil, he was out like a light. Anyway, I took his last twelve months of Daytimer sheets down to Kinko’s and copied them. He was so wiped out that I figured it was safe to take his Daytimer with this month and the next two months and copied them.’ She was talking quite fast. I started to say something, but she kept on talking.

‘I stayed up almost all night going over his Daytimer, and there are some interesting things missing. His appointments and work record all look normal, however some of the work records show no billable hours.’

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Settling for something different

I’m a straight 35 year old white male. I have been happily married for almost 10 years now. My wife and I have a great sex life and she is always down for trying new kinky things I come up with in bed. One day she took a trip to visit her family that live out of state and she was going to be gone for 2 weeks. I had mixed feelings about her being gone for that long. On one hand, I wouldn’t have to hear her giving me a hard time about not getting something done but I would miss her.Once she left,...

1 year ago
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Long and maybe a bit different

“Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you… “Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you think it is a good idea to read filthy books and abuse yourself with your mothers underwear? This was the hot summer of the...

First Time
2 years ago
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How is this Night Different

How is this night different from all other nights? ***** It happens every Passover: Ben Glazer breaks the 10th Commandment: thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife. Passover is the Jewish festival celebrating God’s deliverance of the ancient Hebrews from bondage in Egypt. The wife in question is Mindy Setrin-Greenwald who is married to Sam Greenwald, Ben’s third cousin several times removed. Ben, thirty-seven and never married, has had his lustful eyes on Mindy since she was a high school...

4 years ago
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Something Different

“Let’s do something different,” he said. “Different like what?” I asked. “You know, in bed.” I turned to him and he had that glint in his eye. “What did you have in mind?” I asked. The last time we tried something different a bunch of teenagers caught us in flagrante having sex in the park near our house. It was highly embarrassing to say the least especially since we both are respected college professors. Naturally, I was leery this time. “Well, nothing too crazy,” he started. ...

3 years ago
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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man’s ability to generate red bl**d cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the bl**d of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

2 years ago
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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man's ability to generate red blood cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the blood of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

2 years ago
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A blow job with a difference

Katie had been struggling to make ends meet. She had signed up to be a fireman but as a cadet, she was only on a pittance. Now, she was looking for all the part-time work that she could find. It was while she was having breakfast one morning, still in her robe and her hair in a towel, when she saw the ad in her local paper. It read: ‘Wanted: female model for art class. Top rates paid.’ ‘That looks interesting,’ she thought, as she nibbled her toast. There was a number at the bottom; it was a...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Same and Different

Some things never change. Like the way Mom and Dad went at each other, for the example generating this story. You would think, end of the work week, Friday night would be worn out for the folks. This became true, only to the extent that they wore one another out. Every weekend of my growing up went like that. Every morning of the weekend, Mom would be up, making breakfast, humming and singing snippets of pop songs from her youth. Dad would always be really hungry. We'd all do our stuff until...

2 years ago
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Nothing Different

The machined road stretched into the distance until disappearing at the bend. Jake's perspective reduced the post and wire fences on either verge, to a vanishing point, reflective of the last ten months of his life. It was as if he had vanished, faded from notice. Army life had taken his individuality from him until he became nothing more than a bit part in a greater machine. The hay fields were just turning brown. June was flitting away. What green was left, would soon be uniform yellow...

1 year ago
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Imagine If Christmas Was Different

Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...

1 year ago
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I wondered how life might have been different

I guess I have always known I'm attracted to men.  At school, my friend Ronnie used to try to put his hand down my trousers on the school bus.  At the time I fought him off, but as I've aged I think back and wonder why.  As was usual for people in the sixties and seventies I grew into heterosexual relationships, got married and had children.  None of which I regret; I love my family dearly but I have often wondered how it might have been different.As I got near to being fifty that curiosity...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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A Little Different

CHAPTER 1 Peeling apples, Jess Jason, looking down the driveway, called, ‘Mom Billie’s coming up the driveway now and she’d got someone with her… a guy.’ ‘What guy?’ Nancy asked, coming into the kitchen. Her younger daughter didn’t know and so didn’t answer. ‘I asked you a question.’ Not answering, Jess smiled and continued peeling while looking down at the couple and wondered if they were together for sex. ‘God you’re insolent,’ snapped her mother and Jess said, ‘You are so bossy.’ ‘Go...

3 years ago
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The Little Girl Whow Thinks Differently

Introduction: Based on true events Let me tell you a story. A story about the little girl, who thinks so much differently from everyone else. She sat alone shivering, her clothes gone and forbidden. She looked about the unfamiliar place, unable to gather any comfort from its distant atmosphere. She looked down at her feet. the unforgiving material pressed into her flesh, causing her toes to tingle and eventually go cold and numb. How dare she think of removing the wreched shoes that bit into...

2 years ago
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Ds Done Differently

I had met her online. She was a fan of my writing. My name is David, and I write erotic stories for Lush Stories. I am also a D/s Master and live the Life with my submissive. So my BDSM stories are written with first-hand knowledge of what I'm talking about.I got an email from Hannah and she told me she had just finished reading my story, "Welcome Home, Master". She told me she loved how I had made the relationship between the Master and submissive in the story so warm and loving, and yet so...

3 years ago
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A Beauty Treatment With A Difference

Hi SusieI really had to write to you to tell you about the most amazing sexual experience I had yesterday, so mind-blowingly wonderful that I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. My pussy is still tingling nearly 24 hours later, and just thinking about it I gives me a mini orgasm. In fact, when I was at work today I could hardly concentrate, and as soon as I got through the door this evening, I rushed upstairs, ripped off my clothes and masturbated for the next two hours with this...

4 years ago
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Ana searching for something different

Ana searching for something different A week after having been fucked wildly by his brand new black lover Jerome, Ana told me she was absolutely horny and my hard rock white dick could not be enough for her to calm down.She then told me we could try something new and different in an adult book store that some of her friends had mentioned as an interesting experience…. She finally convinced me to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video section. There were a couple of...

2 years ago
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Another bus wank with a difference

I am a girl who is a sucker for a hard cock, perhaps I am wired slightly different from most women, but like my male counterparts, I see sex in every situation, the weirder, the more appealing it is, and the more excited I become, I invite men to grope and feel me, reveling in their hands exploring my scantily clad body, letting them almost **** me in public, and having quiet and powerful orgasms, standing or sitting, on packed commuter buses and trains.Today was different though, I turned the...

3 years ago
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When The Girl Of My Dreams Turned Out To Be Different

It was during my college days. I am Neeraj. I am a pretty attractive guy. 5ft 9 in tall. Athletic. Broad on shoulder and chest. My body is pretty tight as i work out often. I have a bit of abs as well. I haven’t ever had to struggle much for girls. I had lost virginity to a high school senior when I was in class 12. Since then I had fucked many chicks. In college too I had many girls swooning around me. There was this girl in another branch. Arushi. She was stunning in a very unique way....

2 years ago
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Wiz TV Something Different

WIZ TV -- Something Different by Regal (based on WIZ TV, created by Eddie Glover) "And.... we're clear. Commercials are rolling. Three minutes." "Okay," replied Randolph as he relaxed and looked over his notes. Randolph Blake was one of the wizards recruited by Kevin Munson when the WIZ network was first started. Much of the time he worked behind the scenes, but he did have the right looks and manner to appear in front of the camera when needed. "Two...

2 years ago
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And now something completely different

I checked in at the reception desk, handed over my charge card, signed the form and took my room key card. As I rode the elevator to my room I thought to myself that I was getting tired of all this constant traveling. I had three clients to see tomorrow and catch another plane to Memphis at six in the evening. I had to find something else. This job's constant traveling had cost me my marriage and now I had trouble even dating with my erratic schedule. One phone call from an upset client and old...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Beauty Treatment with a difference

Hi SusieI really had to write to you to tell you about the most amazing sexual experience I had yesterday, so mind-blowingly wonderful that I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. My pussy is still tingling nearly twenty-four hours later, and just thinking about it gives me a mini orgasm. In fact, when I was at work today I could hardly concentrate, and as soon as I got through the door this evening, I rushed upstairs, ripped off my clothes and masturbated for the next two hours with this...

2 years ago
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Some What Different

William (Bill) Evans was nearly ten years old when he began to realize that he was different from other youngsters. He was in the fourth grade in grammar school and was making excellent grades. His teachers were thinking of letting him skip the fifth grade. Bill found that he could read others thoughts sometimes. Bill was cautious at first, he knew that if his gift was discovered by others he would become a novelty, considered weird, and even perhaps an instrument used by his government. Bill...

3 years ago
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She Had Always Been Different

She had always been different, and for most of her life she had been larger than everyone else. As a result, she had only had sexual relations three times in her long life. The first time was when she was quite young. It was only the second year after her body was able to produce a child. At that point she was not overly large or different enough to be unattractive to her cousins. She accepted the advances of a large suitor, who she knew was wrong for her, but her body had a need that she...

4 years ago
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Alans SisterChapter 9 And Now For Something Completely Different

My stomach took a sharp dive. straight down. I did the only thing I could thing of. "Oh, hi Paul. I'd like you to meet Lori," I indicated the brunette kneeling on the floor, "and Kim.", who was actually Lori, and whose ass my dick was currently stuck in, "I'm, um, just showing the ladies our fine dorm facilities. They, uh, really like it here. They like it SO MUCH that I'd like a little privacy, that I may more fully appreciate the depth of their gratitude for them the aesthetic...

1 year ago
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Age made no difference

I guess I was pretty old when it happened. I was 18 when it happened. My parents set me off to college and I was all alone. I worked at a little corner store near the college I went to. The owner of the store was Peter and he was an old man who made remarks like. "Hey Jen sweat ass." and then slap my ass. The first year went bye like any other. I made new friends. Then things started to change. My sexual drive increased. My best friend Jamie stole my boy friend of 6 months. He said I was to...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Little Girl Who Thinks Differently

She sat alone shivering, her clothes gone and forbidden. She looked about the unfamiliar place, unable to gather any comfort from it's distant atmosphere. She looked down at her feet. the unforgiving material pressed into her flesh, causing her toes to tingle and eventually go cold and numb. How dare she think of removing the wreched shoes that bit into her tender feet. She would not remove them. Could not remove them. Her body screamed at her to rip them away, but her mind forbid her. She...

3 years ago
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Pilates with a difference

Her heart began racing as soon as she heard his knock at the door. This was a gamble, but she had confidence in her observations."Come in," she replied. He'd been coming to her for a few weeks now, twice a week, to work on core strength. At first she thought she was just giving kinky meaning to otherwise normal things, but over time it had become very clear. The cane stripes, red and raised, poking out the bottom of his shorts as he exercised. The way his posture and performance improved when...

2 years ago
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Pilates with a difference

Her heart began racing as soon as she heard his knock at the door. This was a gamble, but she had confidence in her observations."Come in," she replied. He'd been coming to her for a few weeks now, twice a week, to work on core strength. At first she thought she was just giving kinky meaning to otherwise normal things, but over time it had become very clear. The cane stripes, red and raised, poking out the bottom of his shorts as he exercised. The way his posture and performance improved when...

4 years ago
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A threesome with a difference

This was back in the early 90s i had a advert going in a contact mag , i'd put in this advert that i was a Bi dom male seeking suitable subs for mutual pleasure, i was overwhelmed with sub guys contacting me , more so late at night with the phone in one hand and you know what in the other, anyway got home one day to find a message left by this woman who wanted to chat first and discuss some possibilities ,so i duly rang the number given at the required time ,spoke to a woman with a cultured...

3 years ago
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Something Different

This story is a work of fiction based on actual events. For your own safety, it is not recommended that you try this at home. Activities such as those described herein could lead to injury and or disfigurement. Not that my warning will actually stop anyone, but I feel better having written it.[/i]Sometimes I get sexually bored.I'm married. I love my wife. I love having sex with my wife. I love eating her pussy, licking her tits, eating her ass, fucking her pussy and especially those special...

4 years ago
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whats the difference

This a complete work of fiction but who knows, it could happen someday. To set the scene, I start going to evening classes and make a new friend called Jack. A couple weeks later, I invite him round mine to watch the football.So there we are watching the match and what a boring match it is, we both agree to watch a movie or something instead and that is when I ask Jack, "Do you wanna try some games on my Vive?"Intrigued by this he responds, "yeah, that sounds cool, I've never tried VR, what...

2 years ago
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Point of Difference

“Blast, who could that be?” I had just settled down on the couch to watch the match of the day and the doorbell rang. I had my bowl of chips and man dip and a drink all set out. Chrissie was wasn’t going to back from a business trip till the early hours of the morning so I was in shorts and dressing gown hoping for a quiet night in. I opened the door and was surprised to see a rather pretty girl in school uniform. I must say she fitted it very well indeed. The skirt was short and tight and her...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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When I look back this evening was very different

When I look back, this evening was very different indeed. It wasn’t a strange night, friends round for a very relaxed meal, a couple of drinks, a small amount of herbal medicine and some great conversation and laughter.Tod and Steff had been friends for years, well 10 years at the least. We did quite a lot of things together. Our k**s played together, and to some extent we shared our fears and dreams. We all felt very comfortable in each other’s presence and to all intense and purposes “We...

3 years ago
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Seeing A Man Differently

Hi guys! My name is Sapna and this is my story in ISS. A little something about me, I am currently 25 yrs. old and working in Mumbai. I am from a nuclear family from Himachal. I am 5’ 8” tall and have an athletic built. Now about the story, so the incident happened when I was in 12th grade. Mr Kapoor was father of my then bff, Soniya. He was about 40 yrs. old then and I was about 18. He was a gym trainer, so he was in quite a great shape and he was bestowed with a tall, fair and hot body. I and...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Away with a Difference

A Weekend Away With a Difference - by: Sonia_en_femme Number 1 of a series of individual stories. My wife and I have a good sex life and enjoy playing a variety of sex games. One of our favourite games is to each write on cards fantasies or dares and then to each pick a card and carry out whatever the card instructs. It was one of these games that lead to one of the best evenings of my life. We had gone away for a long weekend to a friends cottage on the east coast. It was...

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