Lesbian Land's End (Part 7) free porn video

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They both stayed on the floor, naked and in silence for a good half an hour. The first one to move was Kea. She got up and went to get a shower. Dena let herself go a bit more, while she had thoughts, “I can’t believe how this sweet thing transforms herself in such a sex bomb! Just like Landra; they’re certainly made for each other...” Kea came out wrapped in a towel and gathered her s**ttered clothes, “Oh, shit ...my cute white panties all torn up!” Dena looked up to Kea, “Those are the consequences of losing control, captain...” Kea put on half a smile, “Oh, come on, don’t call me captain...” Dena was amused with Kea’s blushing, “You’re so sweet when you blush... so, you’re not the captain anymore?” Kea went to the closet to get a pair of panties, “Well, you’re usually the bossy one, Dena, and I like you that way. But today, I wanted to see how it felt to have you doing what I said and...it was amazing! Come on, get up and get dressed, it’s an order!” Dena jumped up “aye, aye, captain” Kea laughed, gave her a little slap on the butt and pushed her to the shower.

While Dena was in the shower, Kea got dressed and tidied up the room. She was eager to know what Landra, Terio and Iria had agreed about Dena’s plan. “I wonder when she’s going to call...” she thought. Dena was coming out of the shower when they heard the phone ringing down at the reception desk, “Landra?” they both said at the same time. Dena got dressed in a second when they heard Tano calling from downstairs... it was Landra.

Kea ran down the stairs, Dena walked. Tano passed the phone to Kea.

-“Hi, Kea... how are you doing?”
-“Great! So, what’s up?”
-“OK, I talked to Terio and Iria explaining Dena’s proposal and they think it’s a great idea. The doctors just visited Terio again and confirmed that he will be discharged first thing tomorrow morning. So, the thing is that Iria says she will stay with Terio during the night and then go with him back to Land’s End in the ambulance. This way, Dena doesn’t have to come all the way here and go back with Terio. I’ll wait here and Kea can take the morning bus and be here at 8:30; I’ll meet her at the station. What do you think?”
Dena turned on the speaker
Dena: “So, you’re gonna make Kea get up at dawn...”
Landra: “Oh come on, Dena, I’m sure she won’t mind...”
Dena: “I was only k**ding... of course she won’t mind. She’s anxious to leave...”
Kea: “That’s right, Landra, I just can’t wait to meet you in Crownsbridge, ‘the main town’ as you all say.”
Dena: “OK, so at what time are Terio and Iria supposed to get here?”
Landra: “Well, we’ve appointed the ambulance at 8:00. They should be there between ten-thirty and eleven...”
Dena: “Good, I’ll be here waiting for them.”
Landra: “”OK then, I’ll meet you tomorrow at the station, Kea. I’m so excited! And you, Dena, take good care of Terio... and of yourself.”
Dena: “Don’t worry... and you two have the greatest time of your life! Bye, Landra.”
Kea: “Yes, bye Landra. See you tomorrow at Crownsbridge!”
Landra: “Have a nice trip! Bye!”

Tano was discretely sitting at a table in the dining hall, waiting for the conversation to end. When the girls hung up, he approached them “So, Kea, you are going to know Crownsbridge. You’re going to love it.” He already knew about the plan, since his wife Iria had explained it to him earlier that afternoon. “I’ll have you a good breakfast prepared at a quarter-past six, if you wish, Kea...” Kea smiled, “Oh, thank you Tano, of course” Dena interrupted, “And for me as well, uncle Tano, I’m coming to see Kea off at the bus stop.” Kea smiled again, “Oh, it’s not necessary, Dena. You don’t have to get up so early...” Dena insisted, “But I want to. No replies...” Kea gave her a hug, “Aye, aye, captain...” Dena put a fake frown on her face, k**ding “Oh, cut that out, Kea.”

It was 7:00 p.m. and some people were starting to come in for supper. Kea and Dena agreed that they should get something to eat too, so they sat at a table and ordered a delicious beef stew and strawberries for dessert. While they dined, Dena told Kea about the different and interesting things that could be done at Crownsbridge, but she was sure that Landra was probably preparing a great schedule for them. Then, she got a bit serious, “Listen, Kea, I want to talk some things over with you...” Kea was surprised, “Wow, Dena wants to talk things over!” Dena ate a strawberry and continued, “Well, it’s just that I don’t want any misunderstandings between you, me and Landra...” Kea also got serious, “Look, Dena, I think I understand your concern, but you shouldn’t be worried... I have already gone crazy with you four times in three days, losing my shame and sharing my wildest self because you turn on my naughtiest instincts. I feel free with you, with no conditions. And the only time we had real contact was sharing you with Landra ‘as our guest’ remember?” Dena was paying close attention, “Right, I see you understand the situation. I just wanted to know that you were not going to think...” Kea interrupted, “...I’m not thinking, Dena. I like you, I think you are awesome and I’ve already started to consider you a special friend. But Landra is the one who is pushing my whole feelings to her. And I know that she is your ‘buddy’, your best friend... or is it that what you feel for her is more than you admit?” Dena hesitated for a second, “What can be greater than true friendship? And now, I’m having one of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had because it’s not only Landra; now it’s ‘Landra and Kea’. I feel and see you both as one. And that’s why I sincerely wanted to help you to be together and enjoy yourselves. I want you to be my loving friends as one.” Kea smiled, “And you’ll be our loving captain, Dena.” They tenderly squeezed their hands. No more words were necessary.

When they finished supper, they arranged to meet tomorrow for breakfast. Dena went back to her house and Kea went to her room to get everything packed. By 9:00 p.m. Kea had finished preparing her two bags. She was excited and exhausted, so she turned the radio on the jazz station, set the alarm clock to 5:45 a.m. and got into bed. By the time she set her head on the pillow, she had fallen asleep. Dena parked her motorcycle in front of her front door and, before going into the house to get some sleep, she rolled a cigarette and smoked it watching how the shining of the lighthouse lit the sky in the distance.

Kea woke up five minutes before the alarm clock sounded. She had slept deeply, with a sense of joy in her mind. She popped up to the shower. First, nice hot water. Second, a good jet of cold water to energize her body. Third, a vigorous drying up with the towel. Then, she put on the clothes that she had set on the chair last night, chosen to be comfortable for the trip. Tatá! She was ready!

Dana woke up to the sound of the alarm clock and took her time getting up. When she came to her senses, it was already six o’clock. “Fuck, I gotta get going!” She didn’t have time for a shower so she quickly put on the same clothes she wore yesterday. Then she grabbed her helmet and set off to the inn.

When Dena got there, Kea was already at the reception desk, standing radiant like a freshly bloomed flower with her two bags neatly placed beside her, with a huge smile on her face, “Well here I am, ready to go!” On the contrary, Dena felt she was looking awful; she hadn’t slept well and she didn’t have time for a shower, “You look beautiful, Kea! What about breakfast? I need a good cup of strong coffee.” Kea stepped forward and hugged Dena, “OK, so let’s get it!” They sat and Tano came in, “Good morning girls! So, what is it going to be?” Kea ordered orange juice, black coffee and toasted croissants with butter. Dena just black coffee. Kea was a bit surprised, “You’re only having coffee?” Dena mumbled, “My stomach can’t take solids at this hour…” When they finished breakfast it was 10 to 7, time to go to the bus stop. Tano wished Kea a good trip and they set off. The bus arrived sharp, three passengers came off. Kea and Dena hugged tight. “Remember, Kea, you both have the time of your lives. Go.” Kea smiled, took her bags and got on. The bus disappeared beyond a curve.

Dena went back to the inn to help her uncle Tano with the preparations of the room Terio was going to use. The inn only had eight rooms. One of them was Landra’s and the other seven were for guests. Tano and Iria lived in a small annex behind the inn. At the moment, the only guest was Kea, so there were six free rooms. Tano and Dena agreed that the best room for Terio would be number 4, the largest, quietest and best lightened of them all. Dena started to clean up the room, opening the windows and airing the sheets and closet. While she worked, she had thoughts concerning herself. She was glad to be responsible for having given Kea and Landra the opportunity to share some days together out of Land’s End; after all, she was feeling them as one and they made such a lovely pairing. The only thing that was worrying her was what was going to happen when Kea finished her holidays and left back home. She leaned on the windowsill, rolling a cigarette while she looked at the horizon beyond the sea line.

Kea took a seat at the front of the bus, next to the window. An hour and a half ride was waiting beyond. It had never been easy for her to sleep on buses, trains or planes, so she just glanced out watching the landscape pass by. Being able to be alone with Landra a couple of days at the main town had aroused in her a great excitement and she was completely determined to live it intensely. Once they passed the first few kilometers of sharp curves, the road reached a high level, parallel to the cliffs that fell down to the ocean. A sudden grey thought passed through Kea’s mind: what was going to happen when she finished her holidays and left back home? The sight was impressive with the first lights of the day; two cargo ships were crossing the horizon.

Landra was at the hospital with Iria, her godmother. After finishing all the paperwork for Terio’s discharge, the ambulance was ready to take him and Iria back to Land’s End. Landra wished them a good trip and said goodbye. They set off and Landra went back to the apartment to wait for the time to go meet Kea at the bus station. She decided to wait there for the time to go to meet Kea at the bus station. She had everything prepared in the apartment to receive Kea and had already made up several plans to share with her during their stay at Crownsbridge. Her excitement was overwhelming and just couldn’t wait for the moment to meet her guest. Landra went out to the balcony. The bay was beginning to shine with the first daylight and the town was starting to wake up. Suddenly, she took a deep breath of the fresh morning ocean air and had a sad thought: what was going to happen when Kea finished her holidays and left back home? The passenger boat that crossed the bay several times a day blew its siren announcing its first departure.

The bus arrived on time; it was 8:30 when it drove into the station. Kea gazed out the window, looking for Landra and there she was, standing at the platform waving her hands with her great smile. Kea waved back with excitement, admiring Landra’s fresh beauty; she was wearing a nice white dress with red flower prints. When the bus came to a full stop, Kea took her bags, jumped off to the platform and went directly to Landra´s arms embracing her tightly. They both remained hugged for a few seconds and when they loosened up, Landra picked up Kea’s bags, “Well, madam, welcome to Crownsbridge! I shall be your host, please follow me...” Kea followed Landra and they walked out the bus station gate.

The morning was splendid and the town was completely in action. “OK, Kea, I think we could go to the apartment first and leave your bags. Maybe you want to freshen up after the long trip. Was it tiresome?” Kea didn’t keep her eyes off Landra’s, “No, actually I enjoyed myself admiring the landscape. By the way, I think I saw Terio’s ambulance going the other way to Land’s End...”Landra looked back, “Oh sure, you most likely crossed it at some point; they must be reaching home by now...” Kea suddenly stopped walking and faced Landra as if she had an urgent need to tell her something important, “Before anything, I have to tell you something...”
Landra looked at Kea’s nervous face with concern, “What’s the matter, Kea, is something wrong?” Kea started to stammer, “Well... while you were gone... well... uh... Dena and I... well... we... did some things...” Landra was a bit puzzled, “Some things? What do mean?” Kea was getting more restless and kept stammering, “What I mean is that... well...” Landra interrupted, “...you made out?” Kea blushed, not knowing very well how to explain herself, “well, not exactly...” Landra felt sorry for Kea looking at how she was getting so confused, “Please calm down, Kea. Look, I think I know what you are trying to tell me. I know Dena very well and I know she is hot and daring and I can guess that she might have driven you to...” Now it was Kea who interrupted, “She makes me horny, Landra, and I lost control of myself three times...” Kea went on explaining everything that had happened: the first time at Dena’s living room while she was posing and talking about Landra, the second time in Dena’s room watching Landra’s photos and video, the third time with the masturbation session in Kea’s room... Landra had been listening with attention and noticed that Kea was now a bit relieved after letting out all this information. She remained silent for a second and then looked at Kea with a smile, “All right, Kea, now that you have been so honest telling me all this, I just want to ask you one question: has this in any way changed what you feel for me?” Kea’s answer confused Landra at first, “Yes Landra, it has...” Landra gasped. “It has strengthened and deepened my feelings for you, Landra. And my desire of being with you is overwhelming my senses...” Landra put down the bags, grabbed Kea’s face towards hers and kissed her deep in the mouth, careless about the people passing by on the street. “Well then, as far as I’m concerned, this issue is closed, Kea. I desperately want you...” Kea looked back with sparkles in her eyes, “...and I can’t wait, Landra.” Kea picked up the bags again, “Hurry, Kea, let’s go. The apartment is just a block away...” And they both ran off.

Landra quickly opened the entrance hall door, they both ran into the elevator and Landra pressed the 6th floor button. Once the door was closed, the two girls began to eat each other’s mouths licking, biting and sucking their lips and tongues with unleashed passion. Their breathing got more intense and their hands tightly held their faces while their tongues sensually licked the threads of saliva that came down their chins. The elevator stopped and Landra opened the door with her butt dragging Kea out towards the apartment door. She blindly took out the keys from her pocket, without letting loose Kea’s mouth, opened the door and they both stumbled in, slamming the door behind them. Landra let the bags on the floor and immediately threw herself on Kea’s body like a tigress on its prey. The two girls let themselves fall down and started rolling about with their legs and arms tangled up in a frenetic attempt to feel each other’s bodies. Kea pulled off her top, her jeans and her panties going completely naked and stood up showing herself off, “Here is your body, Landra!” Landra took off her dress and pulled down her panties, exposing her sweating skin and her perfect bloomed flower, “...and here is your body, Kea!” Kea covered Landra, trying to make every spot of her skin contact with Landra’s while they both mutually kissed and licked their ears, neck, eyes, nose, chin and cheeks. Their hands went directly to their butts squeezing and pushing them hard so that their pelvises could get as close to each other as possible. While their mouths merged with passion, their legs twined in such a way that their thighs touched each other’s slippery pussy. They began to hump in a deep and compassed wave motion, holding each other’s back with one hand and their ass with the other. Their intense arousal was reaching its limit and their anxiousness was out of control. Kea grabbed Landra’s body to make them both sit upright and muttered while she kept kissing, "Landra, ...I ...can't ...wait anymore! Let’s come together, please!” Landra muttered back with a sensual whisper, “...yes ...please ...keep your ...eyes on mine” Their bodies shaped up a masterpiece of beauty: sitting one in front of the other, knees bent and spread open, their foreheads and noses touching, their eyes fixed on each other, their mouths sealed with passion... They led one hand to their partner’s drenching pussy, smoothly fitting two fingers in their treasured spots and lead the other hand to finger their own clits. And the four hands began to mould Landra and Kea’s way to mutual frenzy. Their agitation yielded a perfectly synchronized symphony of diddling, stroking, shaking, breathing and kissing, more and more intense; their eyes immovably fixed. They had to slightly unseal their mouths when the quivers of ecstasy began to invade their bodies. They gasped and quivered watching each other come in their lewd, sparkling eyes. They kept quivering while they watched their whole universe releasing a surge of fireworks in their eyes and an expansion of chills down their spines. They came as one. They shook as one. They gasped as one. They relieved as one. They stopped and became silent as one. After a few seconds of stillness, they removed their sticky hands soaked with cum and took them to their mouths, taking turns in lusciously licking them clean. Then they melted in a loving embrace, cuddling down on the carpet, pampering each other with sweet bits of kisses. “Welcome to Crownsbridge, Kea...” Kea hummed with delight, “Welcome to Paradise, Landra.”

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Sam pulled the robe tighter around her body as she padded barefoot to the kitchen. Her long-term friend and lover, Kate, was still fast asleep in the queen-sized bed that occupied the one bedroom in their rented cottage.This was their first visit to this part of the country and they looked forward to strolling in the lanes, lunches in the local pub, and long, hot sex sessions. Both in their early forties and both previously married, they had realised their true nature lay in a love of the...

3 years ago
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Lesbian magic part five

Kate was sitting behind an old oak desk that had a carving of trees and animals on it. She thought the desk was beautiful and must have cost a fortune to make with all the detail that was put into it. The deer that was on it looked lifelike and the trees seemed to move a little. She thought it was the trick of the light and her mind was seeing things but she never realizes that it wasn’t. If she only paid more attention to the desk for a moment longer would’ve seen the deer move too and that...

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Lesbian Sex

Her 32D breasts bounced up and down in front of my face. Her brown eyes stared at me as she moved herself down onto my body, down across my breasts, my stomach, my mound, and finally she made it to my vagina, where she set her lips onto my clit… I woke up from my dream immediately. I had never dreamed of lesbian sex before and it started to make me curious. I moved my hand towards my vagina, it was soaked with my pussy juices. My nipples were rock hard as well. My dream had actually turned me...

1 year ago
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Lesbian TV A fantasy vision of the future

2012 went down in history as the year the world changed. The fall of the Euro leading to a break-up of the European Union was just the catalyst which led to a sea change in British culture. The coalition, which was already teetering on the brink of collapse in Britain, finally bit the dust in September leading to a snap general election. Suddenly the euphoria caused by the Olympics and the diamond jubilee seemed a long way away. When former porn star Helen Eszterhazy, better known as Peachy...

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Femdom story Wendell and how he got that way by

These stories are favourites of mine and would like to share. Wendell would never forget the time he met Diana. Just eighteen years old, but street-wise and self-assured as a Mafia kingpin, she was sitting at a small table by the dressing room, leaning back in her chair with her legs kicked open wide. She was laughing with another dancer about something and smoking a cigarette. He’d always remember her white knee-high leather boots and white boy-cut panties and white lace bra; how tight her...

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Lesbian LoveDoctors Wife Collars Me

I’m Marsha I work as a Nurse for Dr. John Everett, an Ophthalmologist who does a lot of Lasik eye surgery, which is a very lucrative business. The Doctor’s wife Ruth is also a Doctor, and we have been lovers for six months now. Last weekend was a very special weekend for Ruth and me. The “Doc” was at a golf outing all weekend and we spent two days going to social events, shopping and making love. I’m a thirty-seven-year-old divorcee with two k**s. I’m not a complete lesbian by any standards,...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 8 Futa Enjoys the Reverends Wife and Daughter

Chapter Eight: Futa Enjoys the Reverend's Wife and Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I smiled at the trembling Christabella Tuft. The reverend's daughter stood shell-shock at the debauchery she found in her living room. I stood naked. Her mother, Elouise, had her tongue licking up the last of the pussy juices from my cumming pussy. My futa-dick thrust over her head, the tip buried in the mouth of Mrs. Quick, my MILF...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Weekend Chapter Two

“Do you think she will show?” Kate asked as she rolled over in the Queen Sized bed to face her long-term lover.Sam remained on her back, but looked towards Kate. They had been together for eighteen months, but had been friends for years, even before both had realised that the men they were married to was not what either of them wanted. Their divorces had both been relatively painless and they had moved into an apartment together as soon as they had become final.“Fucking hope so! A young virgin...

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Lesbian Mind Control IncestChapter 2 Nubile Daughterrsquos Cherry

Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only fourteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, seventeen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her cunt. Janet, my youngest, blinked her brown eyes, adjusting her glasses on her cute nose. “What?” she blinked. “Take...

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Wendell and How He Got That Way part 2 by ButtFl

Wendell was in the middle of a major disconnect with the outside world. In his mind, he made himself invisible, so that no one was there besides him and the dancers. He didn’t hear the crowd screaming for the girls to hurt him. There was no crowd. The only sound he heard was the blood rushing in his head. The only things he saw were the g-strings and legs of whoever was dancing in front of him. The laughing, abusive men were just background players in a movie: a movie starring Wendell as...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Magic Part One

Kate and her four friends were coming back from a trip when their car broke down. They were in the middle of nowhere and their cell phones couldn’t pick up any signals to get any help. They were a little scared and decided to walk until one of their phones got a signal. It was getting a little dark but they saw a light from a distant house and none of them remembered one being there before.Kate checked her phone seeing that there was still no signal and decided that they should knock on the...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 11 Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Eleven: Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “That really, really is not an appropriate outfit to wear in public,” said Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's wife, as I sauntered into her apartment. “This?” I asked, plucking at the black miniskirt I wore. “Just something casual for my study date with Georgia.” “Study date?” The married MILF folded her arms beneath her breasts. She had on a pink...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss Kusum

I am lata,35 years lesbian.i am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian experience that happened between me and my boss on a tour.you can also...

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Lesbian partner took me by surprise Lesbian Stories

I recently moved to New York from Kentucky. They geographical chance as well as cultural was immense. Adjusting to the new place and culture were not the only challenges though. I am Verona, and I am lesbian. It was not the best experience to come out of the closet in my teenage years in Kentucky. Coming from a very conservative neighborhood and family, I was always looked down upon by everyone. So much so, I even started dating guys to calm down the gossips instead of trying to find a lesbian...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Girlfriends on a Snowy Night

It is always cold in Traverse City, Michigan, but tonight Alma was warm, Gretchen her lesbian lover for several months now had eaten her pussy with her four inch tongue followed by a good fucking with Gretchen’ s dildo. Alma was left totally satiated. She held her lover close, their bodies melding into one under the down comforter. Then Alma felt Gretchen’s hands on the top of her head as Gretchen guided Alma down to her pussy. Now it was Alma’s turn to bask in the scent of her lover’s pussy,...

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Lesbian Day at the Beach

“Let’s take a holiday this weekend and go to the beach!” Monica declared. Candice, the little vamp that she was, jumped into Monica’s arms with her feet wrapped around her waist in glee. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” the diminutive girl exclaimed, and locked the woman in an intimate embrace. Their tongues intertwined as Monica grasp the suspended girl’s ass holding her close to her. In Darwin, Australia, lesbians were not totally uncommon, and it wasn’t easy to find one’s soul mate with just the...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

Straight Sex
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Lesbian Magic Part Three

Rose was led to another room, and then downstairs by a beautiful black woman with bronzed skin. Her black hair fell to her shoulders and was a little wavy at the bottom. She was tall and had a strong but kind face.Her eyes were dark brown and hinted at the fact that there was something misleading about her face. The girl was good when she wanted to be and would never hurt anyone but she liked corrupting young girls. She had a talent for spotting a girl's hidden desires and twisting them around...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Pussy

Lesbian Pussy (proofread by Red) Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I'm a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I'min my early thirties. I have a nice body--at least that is what I'm told. Ithink I could stand to loose a pound or two. The power-lifting I did when Iwas younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea--I'm in fairly good shape and very busy. One day while I was trying to get some rest one of my friends came over.Her name is Victoria....

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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 7 The Bachelorette Party the Le Chateau Club

Susanne was petrified of what Maggie and Bree had planned for her bachelorette party. But she also felt that as long as she was with other friends she would be fine. She had to be impervious to Bree's charms. Susanne insisted on the full agenda of the evening's activities. Maggie gave her sister the plan that was very tame on paper ... yet each stop was all part of an elaborate plan. The first stop was supper at the upper class Rizzo's, which set up the plan to have Susanne get all...

4 years ago
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

1 year ago
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss

I am posting an another sex story. this time is a Lesbian story , so i hope you will enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With My Mature Boss

Hi to Everyone . Another sex story i will post.This time is a lesbian story i hope you would enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Leanings

"We were so--" Abbie paused, searching for the word that would best embody her thought--"naïve." Behind her, the sea, blue-green to the far horizon, rolled in, white-capped and foaming, to break upon the golden sands of the deserted shore.Rocks, seemingly stacked, one upon the next, formed jagged, jumbled pillars, against a cloudless sky of radiant blue.A low rail guarded the platform that overlooked the forested mountainside and the meadow, bright with wildflowers, far below.A trail,...

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Lesbian Ecstasy

Hi readers, JJ is back after a break with a lovely lesbian tale. We had been through the hostel, teacher student friends etc etc with the lesbian action. This submission below is of a narrative in nature where I as a outsider or a candid viewer will go deep into what happens while two lesbian lovers close the door behind. All fun and actions are given in a third person expression. This something new to me and have tried my best to give you a arousal of 2008.In another way the readers can also...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Pussy

Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I’m a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I’m in my early thirties. I have a nice body, at least that is what I’m told. I think I could stand to lose a pound or two. The power lifting I did when I was younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea. I’m in fairly good shape and very busy. One day, while I was trying to get some rest, one of my friends came over. Her name is Victoria. I’ve known her for about three...

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Lesbian Love And My Finest Hour

I now held my tongue inside her as now she gently pushed back on my tongue as we fucked. Her ass was fucking me in the most dirty way. Nothing in the world has ever lured me into this type of sexual activity as this lesbian ass that was fucking my mature and loving tongue. Now was the time I remove her shorts and underpants completely. Now was the time I tongue fuck a cunt, or more precisely - time for a cunt to fuck my tongue… Lesbian Love And My Finest Hour! I don’t always have any such...

4 years ago
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lesbian slumber party

The girls:Tina, 23 years old (34B-24-35), 5'4" tall. A very pretty brunette with a slim, tight body from years of doing yoga. She has firm and perky tits and a completely shaved pussy with a piercing in her clit. She enjoys being in charge and takes great pleasure in fucking her girlfriend Lisa in both her holes with one of her big strap-ons.Lisa, 21 years old (35B-25-35), 5'3" tall. This hot blonde is the typical sex kitten type. Her body toned from the gym and her skin tanned with no tan...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend 2

The next day, Wendy went into one of the empty study lounges in the dorm to read up in her psychology textbook. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Dan’s huge cock, and almost unconsciously slid her hand down inside her sweatpants and started to absentmindedly frig herself. When Jim came into the lounge (for what exact reason Wendy never did find out) she didn’t stop, but kept right on rubbing her pussy. “Here, Wen,” Jim said to her as he sat down on the couch...

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Lesbian sister and her girlfriend

My sister, Jane is a 18 year old with a sexy figure. I bet any man would want to fuck her, well her own brother(me) wanted to fuck her but she was a lesbian. She even had a girlfriend, Em, she was 19. Had a nice ass. Definitely fuckable. Now coming to the part where i fucked them. Now i didnt knew at the time my sister was a lesbian. She never disclosed it because my family was religious. Now i would often see Em come over for a sleepover. Me and Jane used to live together. At first it didnt...

1 year ago
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Wendi the Winch Wench

NOTE: See the story “Lusty Lori” for more background on some of the characters. This can stand alone but is a sequel to the above. There was an itinerant sailor wench, the kind that goes from boat to boat as crew as their way of life, who had been sent my way. Wendi was a tall lean blonde in her late twenties. Small tits, big smile, and talented crotch. She was good at sailing and screwing so stayed with me for six months over the winter. She took good care of the boat and my cock so I took...

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