A Husband For Mom free porn video

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Yes it’s true I went to his apartment that night with thoughts in my head that couldn’t be called ‘nice’. I wanted to get back at him for what he’d done to me months before. Do you know what it is to think about something day after day for months? Well I was going to do him one better…even if he was my son.

That night was the most…I don’t even know what word to use. My most recent lover in a long line had just left me…it would be a joke if the cliché didn’t happen to me…forty-year-old man…twenty-five-year old secretary…enough. It wasn’t as bad as when my husband left me after five years of a happy marriage. He was a soldier that went and got himself killed in a freak accident while training recruits.

My getting blind drunk that night a few months ago was no accident; neither was what my son did. Adam, my only boy…the one I waited for after two girls…my Adam. Adam who had stayed to comfort me after seeing the condition I was in…who helped me into bed. He saw the nightdress came up as I slid down on the bed…he saw between my opened legs. What he didn’t see was panties…how could he when I hadn’t put them on?

Did he think I was asleep? Probably. I did everything I could to make him think so. The only thing I heard was his soft voice say, “Ohhh…God...” My eyes were closed and I was breathing evenly when I felt him get on the bed. I stopped breathing and I was sure he could hear my heart when I thought; my son is going to have sex with me. He didn’t.

When I felt his warm breath on my thighs, I had to stop myself from squirming. When I felt his mouth on my pussy, I had to keep from moaning. When I felt his tongue on my clit, I had to keep from coming. I couldn’t.

When he started, I thought I would bite through my tongue. He licked the wetness off the folds of my pussy and then his mouth and tongue found every crease and crevasse. A few small sounds escaped my pursed lips but he paid no mind. The hardest thing I’ve ever done was not crying out the first time I came. It happened so quickly I was surprised.

The second time I came, I tried to keep my back from arching. I think he didn’t know because by then he was grinding on the bed. I could hear what I imagined was his hard cock sliding along the sheet under him…he was making noises that were partially muffled by my pussy. He was whispering “Gloria…Gloria…Gloria…” My name sounded so sweet.

He reach lightly under my nightdress only once, probably just to feel how big his mother’s breasts were. I felt a slight jolt as his hand crossed my erect nipples. The third time I came he must have been coming too because he would have realized I wasn’t asleep if he hadn’t been in the throes of his own orgasm. He left the room and I didn’t see him until the next morning.

Adam was the last of my c***dren to leave home. Jenna and Renee both married before they were twenty and Adam moved to an apartment, just a few months before the incident. He had stayed that night to support me…be with me…to comfort me. He comforted me too much. ‘Poor’ would be a good grade for what my sex life had deteriorated into. It was the best I had since…I couldn’t remember.

I had no idea how it would go in the morning…if he would say anything…if I would. No one said anything. He gave me a little kiss and told me to hang in and then he left. It seemed as if I thought about that night for a hundred days.

Every parent claims to love his or her c***dren equally. It’s okay to say it to spare the hurt but of course it bears no semblance to the truth. I was much closer to Jenna than to Renee. Between Renee and me it was mostly ‘live and let live’ and she handled everything herself; most of the time she even called me Gloria instead of mom.

With Jenna it was different; there was a strong bond. She came to me with every problem and more often she came just to be in my presence. She hugged and held and wanted to cuddle even into her teens. She never did anything overt but the way she talked about other girls and the way she hugged me made me think she was gay-or something. When she got married, I just hoped it would work out.

Jenna and I shared our feelings and she was the one I usually went to when I wanted to talk. I just wasn’t sure if my ‘problem’ wasn’t too much to share.

Adam was my youngest and that’s only part of the reason I loved him so much. I like males. I like their looks, their feel, and their smell. I was, for as long as I can remember, hyper-sexed. I am now. It never took much: the sight of a flat stomach, a smile, a kind hand, the smell of after-shave, sweat or skin. How many times a day could my body go into chaos? How many times could my brain sent electricity and chemicals coursing through my body?

Sometimes I despaired, I prayed to God to make my desire small, “Please God don’t let them see what they do to me because when they know, then I’m done, I’m lost, I’m theirs.” I lost the ability to tell whether I was using the men or they were using me; whether I was cheating on them or they were cheating on me.

I also missed being married. I enjoyed being a wife and sharing my life. I wanted to be with someone who understood that ‘us’ means more than ‘me’. I was getting depressed thinking that time had passed me by.

Adam was always my handsome boy and just the sweetest c***d. It brought me peace just to watch him sleep. When he was young he would lie in my arms for hours and I would talk to him about my life as if he could understand. He’d look up at me with those big eyes and say, “Don’t worry…I’ll take care of you mom.”

When he got older, It was me who ended up lying in his arms for hours…he never got impatient…he never got up until I did. On one occasion I told him he was very good to me and he said, “That’s because I love you.” He bent down and kissed me on the lips. His mouth was closed but it was a long kiss for a son to give his mother. Still I thought that the sexual stimulation happened only on my side of the kiss. I was annoyed at myself for my thoughts.

I always felt a certain tension or electricity when we were together. I liked the way he looked and I won’t lie; I liked the way he looked at me. Even before that night I’d had some thoughts a mother doesn’t usually find in her head about her own son; then I wasn’t sure where they were taking me.

I didn’t know how to handle that night anymore and I finally spoke to my oldest daughter telling her of my unthinkable thoughts and even hinted at my shadowy urges to carry them out with Adam. Jenna said, “Mom, why him…don’t you think he’s probably like all men…just looking for a quick screw and then the hell with you? And he’s your son…Jesus…you’re losing it…you can’t…it’s not right to do something that everyone says is wrong…just because you have desires.

I wasn’t sure if she was talking about me or talking about herself. I said, “Why not…it is love isn’t it…do you think it’s so easy to find?”

She got a little flustered and said, “well…I don’t know…you just shouldn’t.” It got a little hot and I figured there was no place for the discussion to go because we were both having trouble separating reason and emotion so I just said, I guess you’re right honey” and left it at that, even though I was anything but settled.

When I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw, I decided to start exercising to get rid of a few extra pounds and put what was left back into the shape I once had. After a few months the work I put in became evident on my body. I was so proud of myself. I wanted to show off for someone.

Adam came over one day and he was telling me about his activities and watching me as I finished the dishes. I turned to him and lifted my tee shirt up to expose my slimmer belly. “Look honey isn’t this good…God what a difference…and it’s so much firmer…come feel it.” He came to me and put his hand on my belly.

It felt nice. I hadn’t had a man touch me in months and for me that was a record. Masturbation kept me in check but it wasn’t the same. Adam said “It’s great mom, but you don’t need to do any more…you feel great. He surveyed my belly with the flat of his and then unexpectedly his hand moved up high enough to make contact with the rounded bottoms of my breasts. My blood started to simmer. I figured he would move his hand down and I didn’t say anything. I felt the springy nipple tingle as his hand kept brushing up to my breasts and he said, “You feel good mom.”

My breathing became audible and I was surprised to hear myself say, “Oh…thank you honey.” It was a strange conversation for a son to be having with his mother but as long as we talked he was fondling me. I waited a few second and said all flustered. “Oh honey …I have so many errands to run…if I don’t get started…” I got up and kissed him on the cheek and said, “I’ll talk to you soon hon.”

When I returned to the empty house after shopping, my juices started to flow. Late that night I called Adam and told him I was coming over; I didn’t ask him. He was a bit surprised and hesitant and then said, “Okay mom, sure…just give me an hour to get cleaned up. When I arrived the place was in some semblance of order and I just imagined what it looked like before I called. We sat and the discomfort he had in my presence of late surfaced. He said, “So what’s up?”

“What’s up? Does something have to be up for a mother to visit her only son?”

He snickered a small laugh and shook his head. “No of course not mom, I’m glad you came. Anyway I wanted to show you this…” He went into the bedroom and retrieved a small collage he had made. It was an abstracted nude of a woman from the back and side. The face was turned away and my heart jumped when I thought that I wanted it to be me. I wanted it to be my body that my son was fashioning with his hands. At any rate I would have found it beautiful even if it wasn’t me and he weren’t my son. He handed it to me and said, “It’s for you mom.”

“Oh Adam, it’s great…I love it…you always do such nice things.”

He said quietly, “No mom, I don’t always do the nicest things.”

I wasn’t sure what he was referring to and I became alert. “What do you mean baby? You’re always so sweet and considerate.”

“Mom I did something I’m ashamed of with…this woman…and…”

“Oh honey,” I interrupted him in my nervousness. “When you’re with someone you love…it’s all okay as long as both of you…well…”

“Mom…listen…it’s hard to admit this but…she was asleep and I…I was sexual with her and I…”

I started breathing hard and I just decided to come out with it. “Baby…you didn’t do anything wrong…you did everything right…the woman loved everything you did…she loves you and…she felt that you loved her and she felt it every time you made her come.”

“Oh my God mom, you were awake? Oh Jesus…I just saw you and I couldn’t help it…you looked so beautiful…I wanted to…it’s been bothering me ever since.”

“It’s been bothering me too baby…bothering me that I wanted more of it…more of you.” I went to my son and we embraced. I kissed my son with a lover’s kiss and he responded in kind.

When I started unbuttoning him he said haltingly, “Is…this…okay mom?”

I told him, “I don’t know Adam…I don’t know.” And then our hands began to explore.

When my bra came off he looked at the breasts he had touched and fondled them in both his hands. His mouth went from nipple to nipple and he sucked hard as if trying to again taste the sweet milk I once gave him. I could feel the heat rising to my face as I put my hand on the big bulge between his legs. What am I doing? I thought. I had no answer and I kept on doing it.

My nipples prickled from my son’s attentions and I started feeling his tugs on the rubbery tips down to my pussy. When I managed to free his cock, I was surprised to feel how thick it was in my hand. With only a few strokes it stood out like an iron pipe. It had been so long since I’d had anything like it inside me. My first urge was to mount it and just hump until I came. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want my son to think I was a total crazy slut. Then I realized, what could he think anyway when he had his mother’s tit in his mouth and she had his cock in her hand? I tried to assuage my concern by getting him to tell me I wasn’t doing a terrible thing. “Is this okay baby? Does it feel good? Do you want to be doing this with your momma?”

“Oh yes mom…yes…yes.” He kept saying yes as he reached into my panties to touch the wet pussy he had sucked on so beautifully so long before. He brought his fingers to his lips and tasted my juices telling me, “I love the way you taste mom…I couldn’t get enough of it that night…I’ve wanted to taste you again for so long.”

We took off the rest of our clothes and stood nude facing each other. I told Adam, “Close your eyes honey.” I touched him up and down feeling the different textures of hair and skin. His toned muscles were firm under the pressure of my fingers. His cock sprang when I ran my palm over the top of it. His ass made me hot to have him in me but I wanted to prolong the moment because I wanted to feel him touch me…and maybe I thought there would still be time to back out before we went too far.

I told him it was his turn and as I stood there exposed and willing, my son surveyed every inch of my skin. His hands roamed and explored. He started with his fingertips on my face and lips and then he caressed my neck. The flat of his palm went from the top of each of my breasts down across the slope to the nipple where he lingered, gently urging the tips into erection. He went down the flat of my stomach just above my pussy and I braced for the caress of his hand and fingers. Instead he reached behind and stroked my back and ass. I could hear him breathing harder as took each cheek in hand and spread me. I reflexively opened my legs for his hand but that was not what I got.

Adam’s cock had penetrated me; my son was inside me. I opened my eyes in surprise but the feeling I had between my legs told me I wouldn’t stop him. I raise one leg to his hip and more of my son’s thick cock got into more of me. I wanted it all. He put his hands on my ass and I raised my other leg and wrapped it around his waist. I’m not a small woman but he bore my hundred thirty pounds easily. I moved on his cock as we kissed and he carried me into his bedroom.

A blanket had been thrown over the bed and Adam threw it off with one hand. He got on the bed with me hanging on, still inside my pussy. When my back hit the sheets I unlocked my legs. He had an almost possessed look when he said, “Now I’m going to have you mom.”

I never considered any response except, “Yes love…do it…whatever you want…do it.” It was so good. All I remember saying for the first ten minutes as his cock found it’s way deep into me was, “Yes” and “Oh honey…oh honey.” He kissed me as he entered me time and again and he made me feel as if I was more than just a pussy for him to be in. He made me remember the difference between having sex and being made love to. His hands stroked me along my flanks and he touched my face lovingly. He asked me to open my eyes and when I did I looked into the eyes of love. He filled me with his wide cock so that I felt every inch along the slippery channel. I thought that nothing could feel as good.

I was wrong. It even felt better when he said, “I love you mom…I’ve always loved you…and wanted you.” It was the love of a son for his mother and the love of a lover for his mother and I knew that I wanted them both.

I’d never come before only from penetration but somehow at the end of his strokes he contacted my clit. It was all I needed. I almost howled when my first orgasm hit. I didn’t expect it. All of a sudden I was over the top and furiously grinding on my son’s cock. He continued giving me his length and I had to stop him because I was so sensitive and out of breath. After a few minutes of kissing him and telling him how good he made me feel, I allowed him to move the hard cock that had remained inside me.

This time I was ready and I tried to time my orgasm with Adam’s. I slowed him and speeded him until I felt myself at the brink. I couldn’t believe the control he had considering he was inside his mother’s pussy…having sex with her for the first time. He came when I urged him to. I was almost breathless when I said, “Adam, come inside me…come inside me now…I want to feel you shooting into me…come baby…come.”

As I spoke he responded. All he repeated was ‘Yes mom…yes mom” as his cum coated my insides. The volume must have been astonishing as I felt it drip after he finally pulled his cock out of me.

After lying together entwined for a while, my son’s young cock began pressing on my thigh. Not that I didn’t want to go another round, but a twinge of uncertainty hit after coming twice and the edge was off my insistent desires. I said, “Maybe we should stop for tonight honey.” Adam asked me to stay the night but when I demurred he was sweet and didn’t press me. He took me home after a few loving kisses.

The next day Adam called and wanted me to come over – I didn’t have to ask why. I told him I couldn’t but that I would call him that night anyway. I was having second thoughts and I went to see Jenna. By the time I left things were not better.

I didn’t mince words and I told her I had been to bed with Adam. Her reaction was the last one I expected. I was sitting across from her and before she said a word the biggest tears I had ever seen filled her eyes and started rolling down her face. I was stunned. My first reaction was heartbreak at seeing my daughter crying almost uncontrollably. I went to hold her and comfort her but I couldn’t understand her upset. I said, “Baby…baby…it’s okay…what I did shouldn’t bother you like that…talk to me honey.’

When she calmed a bit she said, “It’s not that mom…it’s me…it’s me…” She was holding me and I suddenly realized that her hands were seeking to touch me sexually. “Mom, I love you…why not me …why not me?” she cried. She started to kiss me and I let her but I didn’t kiss her back. I wanted nothing more than to let her make love to me for her sake, but I couldn’t do it.

I kissed her face and said, “Oh Jenna honey…I’m sorry…I can’t …I’m just not built that way.” I held her as she sobbed for a while and then we talked for a long time. She told me she had only recently come to accept her feelings for women and that I had been a taboo fantasy of her adolescence whenever she would allow it. She told me that she didn’t love her husband and felt that her whole life was a hopeless sham.

My whole body was wracked in pain for my dear Jenna and all I could do was assure her that she could still choose to live a satisfying life. I held her for an hour telling her that I loved her and would be there for her no matter what she decided to do.

When I went home I was emotionally and physically exhausted. The last thing I was ready to deal with was Adam sitting on the sofa. He had kept a key of course but I was still startled to see him. He approached and started to say something, which I cut off. “Adam” I said, “Go home now.” He left without a word and I lay on the bed in my clothes sleeping as if I were d**gged until morning.

When I woke up I was soaked in perspiration and I wondered why we go through all the things we do for love…but I knew what the answer was for me; when it’s good, there’s nothing better. The next thing that came into my mind was Adam…and the feelings he’d made me feel again. I knew I couldn’t fight it and the heat built up all morning. I knew he worked until four and I didn’t want to bother him at work but I called him anyway. When he answered I said, “Baby I’m sorry I sent you home that way last night…can you come over when you’re done…your momma needs you.”

At five he came in and I told him we had to talk. I said, “Sweetheart, I know it’s confusing…being with your mother…but what does all this mean to you? I need to know what you think is going to happen…I guess I mean what do you want to happen?”

He said, “I’m not sure what’s going to happen mom but I know that I want you and I want to be with you…not just once…I want you to come and live with me so I can wake up next to you in the morning…I just want to be with you all the time. I know it sounds stupid but I would marry you if I could and live with you as my wife. I’m sure I’ll never find anyone that makes me feel the way you do.”

I said, “Oh honey, it doesn’t sound stupid at all…it sounds lovely.” I went over to where he was sitting and kissed the mouth that had given me the words I wanted to hear. I went down on my knees and took off his shoes. I unbuckled his pants and when he lifted himself I took them off along with his briefs. I looked adoringly at his cock because it was swollen into a full erection already. I said, “Baby it makes me feel so good that you get so hard for me…that you want me that much.”

I put the knob in my mouth and tasted my son’s cock for the first time. I inhaled his scent and it made me squirm as I took more of the shaft toward my throat. His fingers wove through my hair and I could feel them tense as I began to gently rock back and forth along the length of him. His cock felt hot on my lips. As I sucked, I envisioned the cum he would release into my mouth. I wanted to watch the pleasure in his face as I sucked him to orgasm.

He moaned and started calling to me as I took him out of my mouth to lick the shaft. I started down at the firm skin of his sack and licked up until I reached the swollen knob. His cock was up so high it practically touched his belly as I licked it back. My teasing tongue was too much and he implored me, “Suck me mom…please suck me.” I returned his cock to my mouth and he exhaled a sigh as I mouthed and tongued the thick meat. I wanted to take care of him like a good wife takes care of the husband she loves.

Adam clutched at the hair in his hand as I held the big shaft and sucked on the knob. He said. “I love your thick hair; it’s such a beautiful rich color.” It’s a deep brown (with a little help) and down to my shoulders. I looked into his smiling eyes as I felt the tug across my scalp. It felt good and I wanted him to pull it even harder as I sucked him. At that moment everything about him was so beautiful to me. His strong legs and the well-muscled chest, his handsome face and the love that covered it as his mother sucked him.

I took his free hand and put it on my breast. I could feel his excitement through the pressure from his fingertips. He tensed and I took the shaft in one hand and pumped it as I sucked. Although he had stayed in me a long time when he was first in my pussy, I could tell that he was about to come. He said “Oh…oh…oh…OH…OH…” louder and louder as the force of his first release hit the back of my throat. I struggled to swallow and keep sucking. I pumped furiously and the next releases seemed as hard and full as the first. My son was coming in my mouth and I loved everything about it: the taste, the love, his pleasure, and my pleasure. It felt like a husband was taking his wife’s mouth for the first time as much as a son was taking his mother’s.

By then I was at a fever pitch and I wanted him to take all of me. I knew I had to give my son time to recover and I was surprised how little it took. I sucked his cock clean and in a matter of minutes I felt it expanding in my mouth. I kissed him and told him to have all his clothes off by the time I came back. I stripped as I walked to the bathroom where I found my aloe cream. When I returned I took my naked and stiff young son by the hand into the bedroom. I got on the bed and raised my knees as I spread my legs. I lubricated my pussy and my ass in anticipation of the wide cock’s entry. As it turned out only one hole needed to be greased.

My son looked wide-eyed as I presented myself and I said, “Come baby, give your momma…and your wife…what she needs.” He was on his knees in front of my openings when he took a finger and gently began circling and exploring my asshole.

He said, “You’re so beautiful all over.” He began inserting his finger and stopped to ask, “Can I mom?”

I said, “Of course honey.”

I thought he wanted to put his finger into me but instead he brought the head of his cock to the tight entrance. Before I knew it the wide cock had pushed through the grease and the constricting anal ring to enter my small channel. It was tight and hot and the pressure was an altogether new experience. I liked it, and I liked it that it was my son and my new husband that was fucking me in my ass. I wanted to hear the words from him and I asked him, “Is that what you want honey, to love your momma as a wife?”

“Yes momma” he said. I want to have you as a wife as much as I want to make to love to you…as much as I want to be inside you like this…in your ass.” The width of him had me stretched to my limit and I imagined that I would be sore when he was through with me, but it didn’t matter. He speared into me, he stabbed into me, he impaled me with a cock that seemed to grow with each entry. I didn’t realize how big he was until he filled my ass. There was no turning back and there was no place I wanted to go back to. As he did me, I felt he belonged there…and anywhere else in me he wanted to be. I was glad to be giving myself to my son that way; it felt so good to have him inside me.

I knew I was on the edge and that if I would just touch my clit I would come, but I waited for my son as he stroked long and hard in and out of my ass. Soon his sounds and insistent pumping told me he was about to come. During his last few entries he stayed deep in my ass and that was when I let myself go. The first spurt of my son into me was forceful. I couldn’t count the number of hard streams that followed. I was filled with his meat and with his cum. I was filled with him. I was a mother whose son had just fucked her and in the midst of wisps of shame and disbelief, I wanted more.

If there is such a thing as a whole body orgasm, I experienced it. As I came I was taken over and I heard a faint siren-like noise. It wasn’t until I decelerated a bit that I realized we were both pretty loud. The last of his slow wet stabs into my ass still felt good. Every part of my external body was relaxed yet every cell inside me was jumping with delight. The last flood of loving at my son’s hands left me in a place I had only dreamed of entering. I was wrapped in the most comfortable blanket ever made, my son’s arms.

When we finished there was a sweet raw feeling when his cum-coated cock left the confines of my small grasping hole. My feelings threatened to overflow when he held me close and dreamed, “Let’s go somewhere where nobody knows us…so we can live together and I can say to people ‘this is my wife Gloria’ or ‘have you met my wife Gloria?’ Wouldn’t that be great mom?”

The thought of him as my young husband, sharing my bed every night excited me and I said, “It sounds wonderful honey…just hearing you call me your wife sounds wonderful…I love you baby and I love that you want what I want.”

A few days later I heard from Jenna. She was calmer with everything so I thought it might be nice if we all had dinner together. I invited them to my house.

I was cleaning up at the sink when Adam came up behind me and put his hardening bulge against my ass. I laughed, “No, no, no, I have to get everything ready.” He kissed my neck and touched in all the places that set me off and said all the things that make me melt. The clouds in my head wouldn’t dissipate and I knew that my meager protest wasn’t going to work. I gave in to my son, but mostly I gave in to myself. I let him strip me to the waist and as he stimulated and suckled my breasts I could feel the moisture build between my legs.

It didn’t take Adam long to get the rest of my cloths off and I felt a bit embarrassed and aroused as I stood naked before my fully dressed son. He said, “Let me just look at you mom…you’re so beautiful.” I could feel that he looked with as much love as lust; it warmed me as I stood on the cold tile under the vent.

I was facing the window over the sink I felt his hand trace the line down my back, into my waist and across the top of my ass. I had my eyes closed when I heard his belt unbuckle and the sounds of his pants coming off. The next thing I felt was the hot meat of his cock against my ass. His hands were then at my waist as he kissed my back. His weight urged me forward and I leaned on the porcelain edge with both hands. My ass jutted back for balance. I spread my legs. I wasn’t sure where he was going to enter me and at that moment; I didn’t care.

I felt his hand directing his cock between my legs and the head was at the opening of my pussy. I was wet enough for the entry even though I could feel the fullness of his erection stuffing me as he pushed farther up into me. My son’s cock was inside me and the relief was palpable. My usually heightened sensitivity and the fact that the cock inside me belonged to my son prodded me straight up. I was astonished by how quickly the orgasm overtook me. I hardly had the time to tell Josh I was coming before my moaning made it clear.

Rubbery legged, I held on to the counter as I became aware that Adam was still methodically stroking into my pussy. His hands now held as much of my breasts as they could hold and he bit and kissed my back as he repeated, “Mom…mom…mom…” I loved the sound of it as he fucked me. Adam stayed in me long enough for me to climb to heaven again and be able to wait for the ejaculation that would send me over for the second time. I was exhausted but after the satisfaction he gave me, I could only call him my ‘bad boy’ and kiss him long and hard.

I rushed but Jenna was late anyway. When she arrived, Adam and I were waiting for about forty-five minutes. I was surprised because I assumed she’d be with her husband. Not only was she alone, but also she was dressed…well undressed would be more correct.

When she took her jacket off I was caught off-guard. Jenna is even bustier than I am and there was no doubt that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were clearly outlined by the thin material that was obviously stimulating, and the blouse was tight enough to reveal the complete shape of her breasts. Her skirt was short on the top and bottom and her makeup was dark and dramatic. Adam, who usually paid little attention to Jenna said, “Wow, what are you done up for.”

Jenna shrugged and said, “Oh, I don’t know…I thought I might go dancing after this.” I think she’d had a drink or two before coming over because she was airy and flirtatious and giggly throughout dinner.

When we got to dessert, I thought to myself that maybe my daughter was trying to seduce me. When we took the dishes to the kitchen and I turned unexpectedly, I realized I was wrong. Jenna was sliding her whole body along Adam’s back. It was close quarters but not close enough that she had to rub her tits and crotch against him. She was trying to seduce him, not me. I was upset and couldn’t sort out the rush of thoughts when I saw her whisper something to Adam. I went back to the living room and they both whispered for a few minutes until Adam said loudly, “Hey, why don’t you just take off.”

Jenna grabbed her jacket and made her way out the door. I followed her out and stopped her and said, “Honey what’s going on…where are you going?”

She was teary and took both my hands, “Mom, I’m so sorry. I…I thought Adam just wanted to screw you…and if he would go with me, well then I could show you that…well…I don’t know…I guess in my stupid head I thought you’d come to me if I could show you…but I think he loves you…the way he said it, I really think he does. I’m sorry mom…tell Adam I’m sorry too...maybe you could explain it to him.”

She left and I went in to Adam. And asked, “What happened baby?”

“Nothing mom, forget it.”

“Jenna told me…now you tell me.”

“I don’t know, she must be nuts. I swear I never did anything to bring it on but she was sticking her tits into me telling me she wanted to come over to my apartment later tonight and do…all kinds of…stuff. I told her to get lost… I wasn’t interested and she pissed me off. I would never do anything to hurt you and…” He circled his temple with his finger. “…I think she’s just gone.”

“No baby, she’s not ‘gone’. She’s just very unhappy and she feels she’s in a situation she just doesn’t know how to get out of…and she’s sorry.” I explained what was going on with Jenna’s and that she needed our understanding. After some talk Adam reluctantly agreed to let the incident go.

We had some more wine and I began to tease him, “Weren’t you the least bit interested…she’s got a great body doesn’t she?”

“Yeah” he smiled. “But this is the body I want.” He reached and gave my boobs a playful squeeze. I laughed and in a moment his hands ceased playing. They began seriously fondling my breasts and he said, “This is what I want…not Jenna’s but yours.” He touched my lips and said, “This is the mouth I want, not Jenna’s or anybody else’s.” He kissed me and continued touching my lips. He said, “This is where I want my cock to be.”

I got fired up and awkwardly got his cock out. He pushed it into my mouth. He gave me too much and I thought I would choke. He pulled back and apologized but I returned him to my mouth almost immediately. This time he slowly inched it in and as I relaxed I calmly allowed it to go deeper than I thought possible. Although I didn’t take it all, I came close. I could feel the knob down my throat and I was still able to use my tongue. I could tell it was exciting to Adam and he was breathing deeply through a small opening between his lips.

After loving my son with my mouth to the point I thought he might come, I pulled back and said, “Come to momma’s bed, I want to show you that no woman could love you as much as I do.” I remember that wonderful night for two reasons. I thought it was the best sex we ever could have and I was wrong.

In my room he said, “Let me see the pussy I love.” I pulled down my skirt and panties at the same time. He looked me up and down from my waist to my heels. He ran his hand from the top of my inner thigh down the sheer black stocking and up again. He did it with both hand and gently urged my legs apart. His mouth went to the pussy I had trimmed for him and I pulled his head against me as his tongue found the sensitive nub. I wanted it hard and he pressed me perfectly. I stopped him before I came because I wanted him inside me.

I wanted more than just his beautiful cock inside me, I wanted all of him inside. I loved him for loving me and choosing me and protecting me. When he penetrated and entered me, his cock in me made me feel it all. Sometimes you have sex and everything you do is the same but it feels a whole lot different. As soon as my son entered me, I knew it would be one of those nights.

My nerve endings were sparking; his cock felt harder, my pussy felt wetter. Each stroke felt as deep as it could go but the next one went deeper. Wherever his hands lit, I felt the shocks: across my nipples, along my thighs and on my belly. Then his finger was in my ass. I was stimulated in so many places I couldn’t keep my attention focused. I let the feelings wash over me and wrapped my arms around my son.

Each of my son’s penetrations into my pussy felt loving and right. His cock filled me from my opening to the end of my channel and I could feel me stretching to accommodate his wide cock. I felt each inch as the length of him filled me. Each loving stroke into his mother’s pussy told me how my son felt about me. Even before I came I knew I would explode. I knew that for the moment it was as perfect as it can be. I loved and was loved, that was what made it all worthwhile.

My son’s lips came to mine asking the questions of love and my mouth and tongue answered. I felt a release of fluid in my pussy and I didn’t know if it came from him or me. We both came with our mouths locked together and our sexes joined. It was one being that came, one cum made of both of our juices. We stayed in each other’s arms without a word for a long while, enjoying the spell.

The first sound we made was gentle laughter and Adam said, “So mom, are we going to do it…move…and hold hands and kiss on the street?”

I laughed and said, “Yes sweetheart but when you’re kissing me on the street don’t call me ‘mom’ or you’re gong to raise some eyebrows.” I kissed him with more than my lips and told him, “I love you Adam…momma’s going to make you happy…I just know it.”

He said, “I know you are mom…and your new husband is going to make you happy too.” I could feel his heart and I was grateful because I knew that my son loved me. I felt his cock engorging as his thickness rose against my thigh and I was grateful because I knew my son wanted me. I had more than a mother could ask for.

Same as A Husband For Mom Videos

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The Princes Momo

If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

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The Chelmsford Stalker

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The Stepford Children

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Husband To Mom

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Stepford Meat Swap

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The Chelmsford Stalker

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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The Stepford Children

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 4 Transforming His Busty Mom

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Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Comforting Mom

“Morning Dear” Mom says as I walk over and sit down at the counter. “How’d you sleep?” I’d like to tell her the truth. I’d love to say how I spent half the night stroking my cock, thinking about her and Dad sucking and fucking. “Okay, I guess.” Mom slides a plate of pancakes in front of me then, she walks over next to me and leans over and drizzles the pancakes with syrup. She is wearing her light blue silk pajamas still. A short top that shows plenty of her large cleavage, and...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

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Mr Forrester

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

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Vacation in Nice Chapter 4 Comforting mom

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Meeting at Bedford Mills

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

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In Uniform in Mom

I received an e-mail from a reader recently. He told how he and his mother had a loving, sexual relationship during his teenage years after his father had died suddenly and he and his mom had emigrated to the U.S. from Eastern Europe. Poor, scared, alone, and not fluent in English, they sought solace in each others arms during some truly troubling and difficult times. Eventually he joined the Marines and proudly served his new country. He subsequently married, had children and led a "normal"...

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Comforting Mom

100% fiction! My dad died at 54 of lung cancer from years of smoking. I was living in New Orleans, but my five sisters all lived near my mom in middle, northern Tennessee, and so after the funeral, I was the only one who went to Mom’s to spend the night. I was asleep in the guest bedroom when I was awakened by Mom crying. I went to her room to lie down behind her to comfort her. I crawled under the cover and was surprised to find out that she was nude. However, as I lay behind her, she grabbed...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

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Comforting Mom

Mom sat me down and said “Your dad’s been having an affair it’s been going on for three years” I felt shocked, I was 18 years old and looked up to my parents as role models, but now I felt depressed as if their relationship had been a sham. As mom cried I felt sorry for her “So have you been without” I asked her “Yes for two years he hasn’t touched me”.As mom went upstairs I heard her run a bath, 45 minutes later I went upstairs and I could hear her crying in her bedroom, as dad was out, again,...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

3 years ago
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Comforting My Widowed Not Mom

Comforting My Widowed “Not” MomHey fellow pervs and pervettes. For the sake of hoping to get this accepted and published I used the tiring “Not Mom” saying. For the story she will be referred to as “She Her Her’s” and my “Not Dad” will be referred to as “He Him His”A little information for the setting of the story. This happened a month after His passing. My sib...gs and I had all been present near the end and through the funeral. I decided to leave shortly after the return later to help after...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 5 Sex With Hot Step Mom

I would like to thank everyone for your great comments. Sorry for delaying the story so much. You can contact me at . It may take me some time to respond, but I’d love to hear from you. Please read the previous parts to understand the plot. Enjoy this story about sex with hot step mom. They left their room and went to sleep on that single mattress. Somewhat exhausted, they lay on the mattress. To make optimum use of the space they had, Shahid wrapped his arm around her tummy, spooning her. His...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E02 Chelsea Ferguson 34 from Chelmsford

This week, we start the show with establishing shots of the most boring suburban estate you could ever hope to see. Lots of ‘nice’ double story semi-detached homes, each with their own little square of grass and concrete driveway out front, separated from the public footpath by low brick walls. We can see a chunky, out of breath looking man walking along the street toward us, perky, elegant and mean-looking Doberman by his side ... This week’s host – the love-him-or-hate-him Cockney geezer –...

1 year ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 07

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

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Businessman is Forcibily Transformed Into a Sissy

Businessman Is Forcibly Transformed Into A Sissy By Sissycuckold It was a warm summer's day when it all began; I was a successful 34 year old, businessman man, with a large house, flash car, and a beautiful wife. As it was a Sunday I was out for any early morning walk, having just finished making love to my 27 year old wife Lorna, when suddenly a large black car screeched to a halt just before me. In a flash 4 burly men jumped out and I was unceremoniously...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 2

and shorts; his cock and balls swaying in front of him. Mary smiled, leaned forward again and nuzzled Carol's silky cunt-hair, flattening it out to the sides and exposing her sensuous pink slit to their view. Then she stuck her tongue up inside it. Carol groaned happily and bucked her hips. John was standing over them now, stroking his thick cock while he gazed dreamily down at his sister's inviting pussy. Pushing a finger back up inside Carol's dewy cunt, Mary explored its...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 3

"My parents are celebrating their anniversary this weekend, and they're planning a family party. I'd like to take tomorrow off and fly down - if it's alright with you, of course." Lucy Parsons came around the desk and stood close to him. He caught a flash of tanned thigh as her skirt flap parted. "This must be a first. A new lawyer showing consideration for the firm." "Isn't that the way it's done?" "Not usually. Young lawyers are a fairly arrogant lot, and favors...

4 years ago
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Loving Son Force Innocent Mom

Hi dear friend its your “king of sex” again with another story so friends please do reply and give comments please and thanks in advance the second part will be coming up soon For those who dont know me im vinay krish aka king of sex from chennai adayar a rich rotten kid seeking for sex adventures with mature ladies so ladies can contact me @ king of identity will be confidential. Hi friends, this is my third story ever in Indian sex stories so please bear with any mistakes only name has been...


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