School Dayz - Part 1 free porn video

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This is a fantasy story featuring Sally, an 18 year old schoolgirl who is a very willing student but who has a lot to learn about men.

All comments welcome or for story ideas or to interact with the author please email me at [email protected]

Sally’s School Dayz – Part 1

The house was quiet as Sally stood alone in front of the mirror in her bedroom. Just turned 18 but still a virgin, she looked at herself, dressed in the uniform short grey skirt, white socks and black shoes, all ready to start her final 6th year. Glancing up to her chest she knew that she would need to buy a new bra soon, the white lacy one she was wearing was barely holding her breasts which seemed to be developing a life of their own and the soft pale flesh was now overflowing the cups. Looking dissatisfied Sally tried to adjust it for better cover and quite unexpectedly there was a ripping sound as one of the shoulder straps snapped.

“Oh balls!” She scowled at herself in the mirror. “Now what am I going to do!” It was more a statement than a question since she was alone in her parents’ house. She frowned and unbuttoned her tight white blouse and looked at herself again. Glancing quickly at her watch she suddenly realised that her bus to school would be due to leave soon and she had to do something.

Without thinking she pulled off the blouse, unclipped the broken bra and her large developing breasts bounced free, the flesh wobbling as it did. Without noticing she quickly pulled her blouse back around herself and buttoned it around the now naked plump breasts. That would have to do for today! She thought to herself as she placed her school tie loosely around her collar leaving it open down to the neckline where her blouse was open showing just a glimpse of her pale cleavage. Grabbing her school bag and blazer she walked quickly out of the door pulling it closed behind her.

The sun was breaking through the skies as she walked from the bus stop to the school with her friends before hearing the bell and going into her registration class. Debbie, her girl-friend leaned over to whisper as the elderly overweight teacher sitting at the desk at the front of the class called out the names to check attendance.
“You not got a bra on?” Debbie hissed in Sally’s ear.
Without turning she simply shook her head.
“I can see that!” Debbie continued, “I……… can see your nipples!” She quickly glanced around the room. “And so can all the boys in the class!”
Sally giggled and her cheeks flushed slightly as you glanced shyly around the room noticing all the teen boys eyes were now locked on her over developed chest. They quickly averted their eyes as she looked over to them. The bell rang once again and everyone gathered their things for the first lesson.

“Sally!” The teacher’s voice called out as she was leaving the classroom.
She turned to look at him as he readjusted his glasses on his nose and looked over the top of them squinting at her.
“Yes, Sir?” She smiled brightly.
“Stay behind a moment will you…………. Please!” He ordered!
Obediently Sally returned to her seat and waited for the classroom to empty.

Mr Smith, the teacher, in his forties and dressed in a scruffy tweed jacket and grey trousers, with a stomach that hung over his belt, closed the door behind the last c***d and stood before Sally’s desk looking down at her. Leaning back he perched his fat bottom on the desk in front of hers and leaned back on his hands before peering once again over the top of his glasses at the girl in front of him. He smiled!
“Sally………………..!” He started slightly hesitantly, “Do you think that is a suitable way to dress to come to school?”
“What Sir?” She queried innocently.
“Ummm………………well……………….. Braless young lady!” His tone changed suddenly as his eyes squinted at her and his lips curled down in a frown.
Sally looked innocently up at Mr Smith, cautiously noting that his eyes were now flicking between her eyes and the deep cleavage that the tight blouse had created.

Sally suddenly realised, with some amount of shock and bemusement, that her teacher was looking at her breasts! A smirk crossed her face and she pouted innocently but mischievously as she leaned slightly forwards, exposing more of her creamy fleshy cleavage.
“I am sorry Sir!” She smiled demurely up at him flashing her emerald green eyes in his direction and ensuring that she gave him maximum viewing of her fleshy breasts. “But I only have one bra that fitted and it is, umm, now too small for me!” Sally now looked directly at the teacher and his eyes were now glued to the pupil’s young developing fleshy chest mounds. Still smiling innocently she reached up and ran her painted finger nails over another button.
“If my blouse is too tight, Sir……………………. then I can loosen it!” She grinned, her eyes sparkling, and seconds later the button was undone and her breasts pushed further out of the blouse.
“NO!.................. No, Sally! Um……….. no, not here……………… not now!” Mr Smith’s cheeks were starting to flush as he spoke and he stood to turn back to his own desk. “Please don’t come to school like that again, please!”

Sally grinned as his back faced her. “Okay Sir!” She rebuttoned your blouse and stood to leave. “Is that all? Or is there anything else you need me for, Sir?” As she spoke she leaned down to lift up her bag facing in the direction of the teacher who was now sitting back behind his desk and gave him a direct view of her hanging breasts held tightly in her school blouse.
He glanced up and then quickly back down again at his work.
“No, Sally, that is all for now, thank you!” His voice was slightly strained as he spoke. “Wait! Yes, wait a second, umm Sally!”

She paused in the classroom door and glanced back at him. Without looking up he continued to speak. “You have homework to pick up from me. Please collect it at the end of the day!”
“Yes Sir!” Sally acknowledged and exited the class closing the door behind her.

Immediately that the classroom was empty Mr Smith’s hand closed over his throbbing cock through his trousers, which was now rock hard and hidden by his desk. He quickly checked that his door was shut properly and opened a drawer. A copy of ‘Big Tits International’ came into view and he quickly flicked through the big tit magazine’s sticky pages until he stopped at a page featuring a blonde haired young girl in a school uniform with massive breasts. Ignoring the name on the page he smiled.
“Hello Sally!” He whispered as he looked down at the model and moved his hand up and down quickly on the lump before his cock suddenly exploded with cum shooting deep into his Y fronts.

But the moment of classroom madness was interrupted by a young girl opening the door.
“Yes, yes!” He looked over feeling his cheeks reddening as he tried to recover his composure. “Yes, oh Charlotte, yes! Come in and tell the others to come in too!” He commanded and his next class came into the room and took their seats.
“Page 43, of the Human Anatomy text book!” Mr Smith said loudly. “Complete the problem and I will be back in a few moments!” He paused as he stood. “And keep the noise down while I am away!” He left the classroom holding a folder in front of the damp sticky patch on his trousers.


Lunchtime was due but first was a PE lesson and Sally quickly changed into her green PE top, short skirt and training shoes before following the other girls out onto the netball court. The school bell for early lunch sounded as she took to the court and started to play the game under the supervision of Jenny, a young blonde trainee teacher. Jenny appearance in the classrooms had definitely seemed to have raised the pulses of all the teen boys on her arrival into the school. She blew her whistle and the action started.

“Sally!” She called out and Sally ran obediently over to the Teacher. “You need a support bra on! Do you have one with you?” Sally looked at the blue eyed, blonde with the tanned skin and perfectly shaped legs.
“No Miss!” She frowned back. “Don’t have one Miss! And my bra broke this morning Miss!”
“Okay,” Jenny smiled. “You go in goal then and that will be less running and less discomfort for you!”
“K Miss! Thanks Miss!” Sally grinned before taking up her new position.

Some pupils came out into the playground that was adjacent to the pitch and some of the boys loitered glancing occasionally at the 15 and 16 year old girls in their short skirts and bouncing titties! One boy in particular sat alone and glanced up occasionally to catch a glimpse of his ‘favourite’ girl although she never seemed to look at him. And today his mind was buzzing as he noted that she wasn’t wearing a bra. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an aggressive voice behind him.

“What the fuck you looking at?” Dazza sneered. “Dem is white bitches! And not for fucking Asians!” His hand swiped down in a hard thud against Parkash’s head and the boys eyes watered as he felt the painful smack. He moved and started to run into the school.
“Tha’s it Parkash, fuck off and stick to your own kind! Easy to tell, cos they smell like shit!” Dazza laughed at his last remark and his laughter was accompanied by that of Wingnut and Dento who were with him.
Wingnut suddenly spoke. “But…………hang on…………. look at the fucking tits on that!”
“Which one? Fuck! Who is that?” Dazza squinted in the sunlight to see Sally as she moved around the court.
“I fink she’s called Sally……………… or somefink like that Daz!” Dento piped up. “In Smiff’s class. Me and Plug are in Maffs wiv er.” He looked back at Sally. “Never really noticed her before!”
Dazza turned to his new found fountain-of-school-pupil-knowledge.
“Well, prick, you’ve noticed her now and so ave I!” He grinned. “And I wanna notice more of er!” He turned quickly to Wingnut. “You get er to meet me, right?”
“Sure Daz!” Wingnut smiled. “Leave it to me!”

Jenny blew her whistle and shouted ‘well done girls!’ before Sally and the other players moved back into the school to get changed.

Parkash wiped the tears from his wet cheeks and looked up as his favourite girl walked past him in the corridor on her way to get changed. She didn’t see or notice him, but he could stop looking at her. He saw her gorgeous legs rising right up to her short skirt, he saw the way her bum wiggled as she walked and he saw her breasts and the way they danced in her top as the fleshy mounds bounced around!


“Oy…………. Sally!” Came the voice from the darkened corner as Sally walked down the corridor. She stopped and looked at the tall ugly 16 year old.
“Oh, hi Glenn.” She smiled before going to move on as she made her way to Mr Smith’s class to pick up her homework.
“Wait…………………Sally!” Wingnut looked at her noticing that chest was barely held in by the tight blouse. “Dazza……………Darren!” He quickly corrected himself, “he wants to meet wiv you and thinks he might have something that you will wanna see!” He grinned.
Sally glanced at her watch. “I have to pick up homework in half an hour.” She replied. “Where is he now, this Darren?”
“In the boys’ bogs!” Wingnut quickly replied. “We have time if you skip art now and you can be back in time for Smiffy!”
“And what has he got that is so important?” Sally queried innocently.
Wingnut was losing patience now and grabbed her arm roughly frog-marching her down the corridor before bursting into the boys’ toilet.
“God it stinks in here!” Sally scowled as the smell of urine went up her nose.

Darren was waiting and smiling as she came into view. “Nice one Wingnut!” He grinned. “Just what the doctor ordered. Now fuck off and leave us alone!”
A dejected looking Wingnut left the room and Sally looked at Dazza, the school’s most feared student. With his teenage spots, lanky limbs and greasy black hair he wasn’t really her type but in all honesty, she didn’t really know what her type was as she had had very few relationships with boys. She was intrigued to know what was so important that he needed to show her.
“Hey Darren!” She smiled pleasantly.
“It’s Dazza, not Darren, only my fucking Ma calls me that!”
“Oh sorry!” You felt anger rising in your body. “I’ll just go then shall I? Dazza?”
“ Stay where you is, Sally!” He grinned licking his parched lips lightly. You stood still and noticed a little hair growth above his top lip in a vain attempt for him to look more mature.

Sally now suddenly felt uneasy in his company and looked back to check her escape route in case she needed it. Dazza had a reputation as being a bad boy in every way and so Sally were unsure of her own safety in his presence, especially being alone with him in the boys’ toilets.
“So…………….?” She said.
“So………..Sally!” He grinned.
“So what do you want to show me Dazza?”
“I don’t want to show you nuffink bitch!” He snarled suddenly and she felt the hair rise on the back of her neck. “But I want see somefink that you have!”
“What………………. What do you wanna see?” She enquired innocently.
Dazza started to walk towards her until he was only a few feet from her, his eyes were flicking between her face and her breasts.
“Your tits of course!” He spat the words out and Sally felt his saliva hit her face as he spoke viciously towards her.
“You’re just a bully!” You said as you felt both angry and intimidated at the same time but attempted to put up a brave front. You saw his lips curl in anger and started to tremble.

As she thought of what he might do next she came to realise that others had seen her tits, at least through the blouse. In fact everyone had been staring at them all day in school which, in a slightly odd and perverse way, she had quite enjoyed, having the attention of the lecherous schoolboys and some Teachers. Although she didn’t want to encourage him, the more she thought about it, her nipples suddenly started to harden all on their own, as she looked back at the spotty teenager.
“Well?” He grinned through yellow teeth noticing the difference through the thin white blouse. “You gonna show me them or am I going to kick your fucking face in?” He grinned cocking his head slightly to one side. “Your choice Sally!”

The hairs rose on the back of her neck again and she looked back at him. Finally accepting defeat she reached up pulled off her tie. The school bully watched intently as her fingers flicked the buttons of her white blouse open and the cleavage of her big fleshy breasts came into view until the blouse was fully opened down the front but still cover them partially.
“Show me!” He demanded.
Sally finally pulled the blouse wide open to give him a full view of her young fat fleshy mounds and hardening pink nipples.
“Holy fucking hell!” He murmured as he gazed at her amazing chest and she felt the cool breeze in the room around her heavy breasts.

“You like them?” She asked innocently.
“Fuck………………………………………. Oh fuck, yes………………yes!!” Dazza exclaimed and she felt his hands suddenly reaching out and grabbing them, squeezing the nipples hard. Sally’s initial reaction to the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure as her throbbing nipples sent tingling electronic pulses all over her body and her young pussy started to tingle. She couldn’t help herself and let out a low moan as Dazza’s face lowered before his mouth sucked a nipple in between his lips.

He looked up at his new conquest with a grin. “Fuck…………..bitch! You like it don’t you?” He smiled. “Fucking whore!” He eased back and started to undo his trousers before letting them drop to his ankles. “Well you gonna like this then!” He smiled as he fished into his tatty off-white Y fronts and produced a thick hard cock. Pulling back the foreskin he smiled at Sally. “Ever seen one this big?” He grinned as he wanked it slowly up and down.
“No…………………………….no, I haven’t!” She replied honestly but her eyes were transfixed by the length and bulbous head of the teenager’s cock.

“Can I touch it?” She asked innocently grinning with slight embarrassment.
“Touch it? Fucking touch it?” He snarled back at her. “You is going to touch it! And you is going to lick and suck it too!” He was smiling now and she watched as his cock was throbbing even harder as he gazed intently at her chest.
“And if you are Dazza’s good little girl then you might even get to fuck it too?” He looked directly at her now. “You ever fucked?”
Sally’s cheeks immediately reddened and she looked down at the floor without answering.
“Oh goody!” He smiled. “Then I can fuck your tits and get your fucking cherry too then?” He looked back and kicked open a cubicle before going and sitting down on the toilet seat and looking back up at you. “Come in here!” He ordered, “And get on your fucking knees then, bitch!”

Sally smiled and obeyed the school bullies instructions!

Dazza’s shaft felt hot in her hand as she wrapped her fingers around it squeezing it as she did so with both hands, feeling the softness of the skin but the fullness of the girth. She giggled as she watched clear sticky liquid appear in the slit and run down the shaft and over her fingers tickling her skin as it did. Dazza groaned as he gazed down at her.
“Yeah tha’s it!” His eyes were almost closed now and his breathing had increased.
“Is that Piss?” Sally enquired innocently and he laughed out loud.
“Don’t be such a dumb fuck!” He snarled. “Tha’s called pre-cum!”
“Oh!” Sally replied softly.
“Taste it!” Dazza’s eyes were open again looking down at her expectantly.
She looked…………… slightly reluctantly back at him.
“I said fucking taste it!” He repeated.
She lifted one hand from his throbbing shaft and raised it to her mouth. Extending her tongue out, she ran it over the liquid on her fingers tasting the salty sweetness of the pre-cum.
“Nice?” Dazza asked.
She licked again at her fingers and smiled up at him in reply.
“Lick the head!” He now ordered.
Tentatively she leant forward and extending her tongue as she softly licked the cock head and immediately more pre-cum appeared oozing out of the shaft and onto her tongue. She licked it in as her tongue became more daring and she ran it around the bulbous head of the teenage cock. Dazza moaned again and she felt his fingers run through her blonde hair as he tried to push her face down further onto his cock.
“Suck it bitch! Yes, suck it now!” He moaned.
Instinctively Sally opened her mouth and allowed the thick head of the cock to slide in between her lips. She started to gag slightly and pulled it back out before repeating the motion, much to the enjoyment of the school bully. Thoughts were streaming through her mind as she pushed the cock deeper into her mouth whilst wanking it up and down with her hands at the base of the thick shaft.

He might have been the hardest boy in school but now he was the softest, totally under her control and pleading for her to do what he wanted. Well he was also still the hardest, but in a very different way. Sally would have giggled at that thought had she not had a mouthful of man meat. But then, suddenly, he let out a loud groaning noise. Almost instinctively Sally pulled the cock from her mouth literally seconds before she watched in amazement as the head exploded with stream after stream of hot white sticky cum hitting her mouth and chin and running down onto her chest.
“Yeah, tha’s it bitch!” Dazza groaned. “Fuck I needed that!”
Sally grabbed some toilet paper and wiped herself up before standing and doing up her blouse.

She turned to walk out of the toilet and Dazza shouted. “Tha’s you and me now Sally, we is an item okay?”
She turned and smiled at the school bully.
“I’ll call you when I want you again and you are the girl now. No one will fuck wiv ya now you is mine!”


The final bell rang to mark the end of the school day as Sally was walking down the corridor and students and pupils were coming the opposite way. Reaching her form class she noticed that the door was shut.
She knocked.
No reply.
But she thought she heard sounds coming from inside the classroom.
She knocked again.
“What…………………. who is it?” She heard Mr Smith’s slightly strained voice.
She tried the handle but the door was locked. “It’s me Mr Smith. Sally! You told me to come back this afternoon?” You called.
There was a moment of silence and then Sally heard, ‘Ssssssssshhhhhhh!’ then Mr Smith’s voice again.
“Sally, ummmmmmmmmm, sorry…………………it’s not ready!” He paused. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time and I’ll give you it then!”
“Oh, okay!” Sally replied and turned to leave the school.

Jenny, the student teacher, was holding her gorgeous tanned legs up in the air as she lay back on Mr Smith’s desk and he pumped his fat cock furiously into her blonde haired pussy lips as his hands mauled her naked pert breasts. She moaned gently while biting down on her bottom lip.
“That was close!” He grinned breathlessly as he continued to fuck the young student teacher.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” She agreed with a smile on her lips. “What did you want her for?”
“Same as you of course!” He replied with a crude grin!
Jenny suddenly stopped her movement and looked at him, wide eyed. “What? A pupil? You want a pupil?”
Mr Smith didn’t reply. He just came! Shooting load after load into the rubber condom that adorned his fat cock before he withdrew satisfied with his actions. Ripping the condom off himself he discarded it into the waste paper bin.

“Are you serious?” Jenny continued and Smith looked back at her. “Why?” “Why do you think?” He challenged and then changed his tone. “Listen Jenny and listen carefully, do you want me to give you an ‘A’ for your third year of teaching practice?” He looked at her in a serious manner.
“Yes, of course!” She replied as she started to dress again in her short skirt and PE top. “That’s what this is all about!”
“Then let’s just keep this and anything else I say to ourselves shall we?” He smiled!
Jenny looked at him. “You’re just a pervy old bastard aren’t you?” She stated not waiting for a reply but getting one anyway.
“Of course I am!” He grinned. “Now run along………….little girl, and I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Suddenly Jenny’s face broke into a broad grin and she leaned down and kissed Mr Smith on the cheek. “See you tomorrow then, Sir!”


Sally’s Uncle positioned himself in his usual place. This particular spyhole was further along the attic directly above the bathroom and shower cubicle. He settled himself down on the soft blanket and focused his eyes on the hole. The bathroom was empty but seconds later the door opened and his niece, Sally, entered wearing a gown. He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his flaccid cock as he watched her remove the gown and hang it on the door. Reaching up she turned the tap and the shower started to flow. Uncle’s Tom’s cock twitched as he watched her step in under the warm water watching is flow down over her gorgeous young body as she squirted some shower gel into her hands before running her soapy palms down over her incredible curves.

Of course Uncle Tom didn’t realise that Sally’s thoughts were still full of sexual excitement from the events of the day with Darren as he watched from above, growing ever more excited with his rock hard cock now in his hand. Sally soaped her breasts copiously before pinching the nipples excitedly and then slid a hand down between her thighs. Uncle Tom almost came there and then as he watched his niece masturbate herself with soapy hand, not quite bringing herself off………….. but almost! In her thoughts Sally wanted to save herself for later that night and the possible expectation of finally losing her virginity.

Uncle Tom stifled his loud moan as he finally shot his load all over the blanket in the attic.

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I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

2 years ago
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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


3 years ago
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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

1 year ago
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Schoolyard Confrontation

Schoolyard Confrontation One spring day, a small group of girls cornered a person of indeterminate gender ... "It's time you stopped acting like a tomboy! We're taking you shopping for some girl clothes, right now!" "Who says I want to go? And who says you get to decide how I dress or act?" "We like you, we just want you to come out of your shell, and and be the pretty girl you can be." "If you liked me, you'd leave it to me to decide what I look like." "But everyone has...

1 year ago
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Schoolgirls Punishment Ch 02

The Awakening. Sandy ran to the toilets just hoping her best friend Trudy was waiting there for her. ‘Sandy!’ Trudy looked shocked when she saw the state of Sandy ‘My God what has he done to you’? ‘Six of the best,’ ‘What! Where?’ Sandy moved to Trudy who was by the sinks, she turned her back on Trudy, and slowly raised her skirt. There was a silence when Trudy witnessed the state of Sandy’s beaten bottom. ‘Jesus Sandy,’ Sandy turned and looked at her bottom in the mirror. It was...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirls Punishment

Sandy was having a bad day, could it get worse? Simple answer? Yes! Much worse, much, much worse. Sandy was in the top form in her final year, A level study was going OK, and all things being equal University next year should be on the cards. On the other hand, her love life was just the opposite. Sandy had convinced herself she had not reached the age yet where sex came into the equation. However, anyone who looked at her superb 36/22/34 figure may well argue with that. She was built for sex...

2 years ago
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Homeschooling With Jillian Part One

Summer break had just arrived, and no one was more thankful than Damon Miles. His freshman year at Stanford University was a rough one, and he barely had survived final exams with his sanity intact. He looked forward to a long, relaxing summer at his parent's home in Las Vegas. While studying for his finals, he allowed himself to daydream about long, lazy afternoons chilling poolside in his backyard. As it turns out, his daydreams became reality, and then a whole lot more than he...

3 years ago
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Afterschool pleasure

Afterschool pleasure[/b] At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said. In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of...

2 years ago
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Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles. She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up...

2 years ago
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boardingschool for loving boys chapter 4

And how the lines are between sentences “I don’t give a crap about it”. It’s a story, we don’t get paid for doing this so climb back under your rock and wait for the other stories to be posted. For others that like my stories then enjoy it. Subject: boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 4 gay young friends Copyright: 2011. Do not copy or change this story without First contacting the author. That's me. This story contains sexual content between boys and young teens, must...

4 years ago
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Schoolbus Relations teaser

We all remember high school, the adrenaline jungle littered with short skirts, tank tops, hip huggers, and those gift's from God that we simply call low-cut tees. At the time, and to this very day, I was fascinated with breasts, and the low-cut shirts were my guardian angel, ensuring that I would indeed survive high school. I would spend entire class periods staring down girls shirts. Occasionally I would be caught and called a perv, but there were those times when the girl would kinda smile...

2 years ago
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afterschool activites

This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...

1 year ago
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Afterschool Special

Isabelle, a sweet, young, innocent virgin who had recently turned 18 lived in a small suburban town of Melbourne, Australia. Everyone knew Isabelle as ‘that’ girl. What did ‘that’ girl mean? Well, ‘that’ girl was the town’s ‘sweetheart’. None for being an angel. Isabelle was proud of being the sweet, innocent girl she was known for. She loved helping others, achieving her goals and she played a great roll in her community, but little did anyone know that Isabelle had a completely different side...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Rendevous

I’m sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous. ‘Misses, am I in trouble?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Yes, you’ve been a bad boy,’ I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he’s sitting. ‘Jason, how old are you?’ I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler. ‘I’ve just turned eighteen misses,’ he answers. ‘Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?’ I ask. ‘No…,’ he says. ‘I want to...

2 years ago
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(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Schoolgirl Reunion

The three young women giggled like the schoolgirls they once were in the front room of Corrine's small house. This was the first time she had seen Judy and Phillipa since they had left St Mary's private school for girls almost three years ago. The giggles and reminiscences were all associated with their time there when they were three inseparable friends who played together and were punished together at the small boarding school. "Remember old Mr. Magee?" Corrine initiated. "Fetch my slipper...

2 years ago
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Schooldaze mdash Part 3

Schooldaze — Part 3For the next eight weeks I sucked Henry's cock as our desires andschedules permitted. Sometimes I would just throw on some panties, aslip, and some makeup and gulp his tool. Other times I would get thedildo out and we'd have a 'complete' session. For practice, I alwaystried to stay 'in voice,' regardless of how long a session lasted.A 'complete' session usually consisted of me getting dressed up all theway--skirt, blouse, heels, etc. Then we'd fool around on the bed for...

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Schooldaze mdash Part 2

Schooldaze — Part 2It was the first day of college orientation, and I wandered around the dorms more than just a little confused looking for my room when I heard a familiar voice shout, "Hey, Martin!"It was Henry. It was because of Henry that I'd gotten into this school - a school well-known for it's technology programs but better known for its football program. Well, Henry and Ms. Callahan; they had both written extremely persuasive letters of recommendation to the school's admissions...

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Schooldaze mdash Part 1

Schooldaze — Part 1I changed into my schoolgirl outfit in the boys' locker room at school. There was nobody in the building, so I knew I'd have plenty of free time to indulge myself. It was my senior year and I had been doing this for some time. I knew as soon as I went off to college my freedom to do this would drastically change.As I pulled my wig on and prepared to roam the halls, I looked forward to hearing the *clicking* of my heels on the clean tile floors. Suddenly I heard the door...

3 years ago
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Homeschooling Shana

It was the summer after Toya’s freshman year of college, and it was only the third time she had come home since we had dropped her off last August. It was great to finally be home for more than a few days, she thought. She was attending a big university several hours away, and the only times she’d been able to visit us was for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now, though, she had the entire summer back home in Florida to work on her tan, relax, and spend time with her family. She had really missed...

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Schoolgurl rides with stranger

SCHOOLGURL RIDES WITH STRANGERI replied to a CL ad...heres the beefLooking to get serviced today. I'm up for a simple blow and go. Or more kinky stuff. I'm interested in CD jerking me off with their panties, **** fantasy's. Making you submit to my cravings. roleplaying. I'm more of an aggressori am a closet crossdresser with similar desires. i enjoy....anonymous blowjobs to strangers....verbal abuseroleplay....especially forced to wear lingerie and act like a female cocksucker ...having a...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Hours 01 Intro to characters

It is the eleventh grade and most of my classmates are around 17 years old. Of course it is still one year before they turned 18, the legal age when they could start doing whatever they want. But in this High School in Albany, NY, nobody cares for the rules; sometimes not even the adults that do know what happens care. Hell, they were our age once before. The thing is, while most of the other guys are able to do what they want under the noses of their oblivious parents or behind the backs of...

1 year ago
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Homeschooled by loyalsock

Becky and Ben's parents stood off to the side, proudly watching as Ben knelt down on one knee. A flutter went through Becky's chest. They'd only met a little over a month ago, but she'd known this was coming. It was the way things were done in their church, and her parents had homeschooled her and kept her mostly shut away from the rest of the world. Sure, they'd let her keep up her classes even after she'd gotten her equivalent of a high school diploma, but they'd expected her to get a job...

3 years ago
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Schoolfriends initiate me into getting shared

I Love Being Felt Up In PublicHow School Friends Initiated Me in Getting 'Shared'....... Myboobs were too big for my age ...They always attracted attention from others --It was so right from my school days.....I enjoyed guys and gals, staring at them....Loved when someone crushed them in crowd......Or touched them deliberately........When touched, I wanted the guy or gal to press them nicely to send shivers of pleasure in my whole body, and that happened most of the times........... ...

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Afterschool Special True Story

Before I start this, I just want you people to know that I really hesitated about sharing this story. The reason being that this site has so many followers you never know who is on here and if they read your stories. The information in this story is true and it could cost me my job if anyone figured it out. That is when I decided to use fake names to protect my ass and the innocent. One day when I was laid up in the hotel with my man fucking his brains out, we decided to play a truth game. It...

3 years ago
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Schooldaze ? by: Stacey Wilson I changed into my schoolgirl outfit in the boys' locker room at school. There was nobody in the building, so I knew I'd have plenty of free time to indulge myself. As I pulled my wig on and prepared to roam the halls, I looked forward to hearing the *clicking* of my heels on the clean tile floors. Suddenly I heard the door open! I all but froze in terror. There's not supposed to be anybody here! I checked every room! I stood there speechless as the...

4 years ago
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SluttySchoolgirl Pickup

Emily was on the bus travelling home from school,the bus quite busy, she noticed an old man sit next to her on the bus, she thought nothing of it, although he smelt a bit unclean. The old guy can't help looking down at Emily's shapley legs going all the way up to her short School skirt. Living near the end of the bus-rout, passenger gradually got off, leaving Emily and the old guy still sat next to each other. Emily being Emily, the vibrations of the bus start to get her feelng horny and...

3 years ago
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Schooldaze II

Schooldaze 2 It was the first day of college orientation, and I wandered around the dorms more than just a little confused looking for my room when I heard a familiar voice shout, "Hey, Martin!" It was Henry. It was because of Henry that I'd gotten into this school - a school well-known for it's technology programs but better known for its football program. Well, Henry and Ms. Callahan; they had both written extremely persuasive letters of recommendation to the school's...

2 years ago
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Schooldaze III

Schooldaze 3 For the next eight weeks I sucked Henry's cock as our desires and schedules permitted. Sometimes I would just throw on some panties, a slip, and some makeup and gulp his tool. Other times I would get the dildo out and we'd have a 'complete' session. For practice, I always tried to stay 'in voice,' regardless of how long a session lasted. A 'complete' session usually consisted of me getting dressed up all the way--skirt, blouse, heels, etc. Then we'd fool around on the...

3 years ago
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afterschoolreal story

try to make this short and sweet. i met this girl in college she always use to tease me and bully me how? just doing annyoing shit like taking my gym clothes etc. i didnt know she really liked me til later when i seen her at a walmart. she was working the game section. well when i found out she liked me i picked her up from her break. kissing each others face off i wanted to bring her back to my crib so she was with it. did i mention she said she dont suck dick damn was she lying she gave me...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Fun

The following is fiction, it is long, and it is good.For the most part I was an average 16 year old tenth grader in the spring of 1982. I played sports, did ok in school, hung out with friends, and thought a lot about girls. I had no idea when I got off the school bus that Friday afternoon that my world was about to change. This was the age before computers, the internet, and cell phones and I just planned on watching some TV when I got home. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling my...

1 year ago
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Homeschooled Synopsis: When his mother pulls Mickey out of high school and enrolls him in a home schoolers group, he develops close bonds with, and identifies with the other seven members of the group - except that most of them are girls and that leads to Mickey being feminized and then ultimately to regressing to an infant. 8th Grade - The year I was in eighth grade in middle school was the worst year of my life. That was the year that my father died. In four months he went from...

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Afterschool special

So, in my country students go to school in the morning one week and in the afternoon another week. This week is afternoon week so I decided to have some fun for my 18th birthday.Last class today was gym so we all went there to do some exercises. It was boys vs. girls volleyball. Two other girls and me didn't play (I came up with a menstruation excuse) so we were sitting. When I saw both girls leaving to the changing room and/or toilet at least once I did so, too. Most of the time I have some...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Rendevous

I'm sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous."Misses, am I in trouble?" he asks, looking up at me."Yes, you've been a bad boy," I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he's sitting. "Jason, how old are you?" I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler."I've just turned eighteen misses," he answers."Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?" I ask."No...," he says."I want to teach...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Aschool girl part 2

A School Girl part 2 Next Saturday Maria, her mom and her elder sister were at my house for dinner. I went to their house to pick them as they didn’t have driver that day. We reached home at seven o’clock in the evening so we had some time before dinner to chat. I could see my mom and Fauzia annie looked so much interested in Maria’s elder sister, as they were teasing her and making her laugh by exchanging naughty words, especially talking bout lesbian things between her and her mom. She was...


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