Consequences Pt. 01 free porn video

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Jen sat next to Mike one leg under her. "You're okay?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"I think so," Mike said.

"Just think so?" she asked. She snuggled into his arm. She grimaced self-reproachfully. "I feel so stupid."

"The game's dangerous," he said.

"I know, but ... I should've made Tom wear a condom."

"The game's dangerous," Mike repeated. "That's part of the excitement, right?"

"So ... if I'm really pregnant?" she tentatively asked.

Mike knew abortion or putting the baby up for adoption were out of the question for his wife. Either would tear her apart. He'd signed up for this when he encouraged her to play the game. They'd played with fire and now he had to deal with the consequences.

"We've talked about starting a family," he said.

Jen's eyes grew hopeful. "So you're okay with ... with everything?"

Mike knew she meant "with the baby maybe being Tom's." He pulled her close. "Yes, with everything," he promised.

"I don't deserve you, you know?" she said leaning into his arms.

He hugged her. "Tom's out of the picture, right?" he asked.

"That's completely over," she assured him, hugging him tighter. She noticed he was hard. She rubbed him.

"Sorry, my head's all over the place about this," he said sheepishly, his cheeks going red.

"Don't be embarrassed, I get it," she said softly, rubbing his hard-on. She knew he had wild fantasies. They both did. She took him out, lowered her head and went down on him.

The next day Jen hesitantly entered her church.

"Jennifer!" Father Nathaniel said with a big smile. They hugged hello. "I haven't seen you and Michael for some time."

"I'm sorry Father," Jen apologized, embarrassed. "We've been kinda busy. Um ... can I talk to you?"

"Of course," Father Nathaniel said inviting her into his office. "How can I help you Jennifer?" he asked, concerned. After over 30 years of being a minister, he could tell when something serious was up with one of his flock.

Jen didn't know how to begin, so she got right to the point. "Um, well, I was just wondering how the Church feels about abortion," she stammered.

Father Nathaniel took her hands. "c***d, are you pregnant?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said. Then she admitted "I might be."

"Then why on Earth are you considering abortion?" he asked. "The last time we spoke, you and Michael talked about starting a family."

"It's just ..." Jen started. She looked away, shamefaced.

Father Nathaniel read her face. He'd been around the block many times with his flock, and instantly knew what was going on. "I see," he said, his tone judgmental. "Well Jennifer, the Church's position hasn't changed. Every life is sacred, a baby's most of all. So abortion's a sin."

"Okay," Jen said, her cheeks red with shame. She wanted to crawl into a hole and die. She moved to get up.

Father Nathaniel squeezed her hands, holding her in the chair. "And how are you and Michael?" he asked.

"We're okay, I think," she said.

"He knows?" Father Nathaniel asked. "You've told him everything?"

"Yes," Jen assured him.

"That's good," Father Nathaniel said nodding. "Honesty is good. Confession is good." He gave her a warm encouraging smile. "I'll tell you something Jennifer. We're human. We all sin. But God and his son Jesus Christ will forgive our sins, if we confess them with a pure heart."

The next week, Mike went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. At home, Jen hesitantly went into the bathroom. A few moments later she came out, tears rolling down her cheeks. Mike looked at the slim white stick. There were two blue lines in the small display. She was pregnant.

Jen wept and Mike pulled her into his arms. "Shhhh, it's okay," he said kissing her.

"I'm sorry Mike!" she sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay, it's okay," he said hugging her into his chest. Even as he comforted her, his head spun, thoughts bouncing wildly though his head. She was pregnant. They were going to have a baby. The baby probably wasn't his. She'd let another man impregnate her!

His head and heart were in turmoil, doubts abounded. Fathering another man's c***d. Could he really do it? Could he love and nurture another man's baby?

But he loved Jen. They'd played the game. She'd done only what he wanted her to do. He couldn't toss her out now. If he did, what kind of man would he be? He loved her, adored her even. Could he live without her?

She sensed his turmoil. "You still love me right?" she asked hugging him tighter. She felt his hard-on. She knew his fantasies, knew he was conflicted. She wanted him inside her. She didn't care why he was aroused, she needed the connection with him.

She pulled him down on her, kissing him, tonguing him, pulling his hands down to her long legs. He pulled up her skirt and yanked off her panties. She opened her legs. She reached between them and hurriedly unbuckled his pants. She took his shaft and guided him to her pussy lips, and it felt so good when he pushed in, not sexual pleasure so much, more like love, his confirmation that he still loved her.

He fucked her frantically and came after just moments. She didn't cum -- she hadn't gotten close really -- but she didn't care, she just wanted to feel him inside her, feel the connection.

Later they snuggled in bed on their sides, looking at each other. "You're really okay with this?" she asked. "If you want, I can ... I mean ... there's abortion ..."

Mike put a finger to her lips. "You don't believe in that. I don't either."

"You're sure?" she asked softly.

"Yeah ..." he said. "I mean ... I'm still getting used to the idea ... but I guess I knew this might happen."

"Yeah ..." she agreed, her eyes downcast.

She felt his hard cock pressing against her. "Already?" she said with a giggle. He went red embarrassed. "It's okay, I get it," she assured him, knowing his fantasies.

"You must think I'm so perverted," he said

"No I don't," she said. "Your fantasies kinda turn me on," she admitted with a smile. She thought back to the crazy fantasies she'd had lately involving him.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," she said. She didn't want to get into it. "It's kinda hard to explain." She snuggled into him. "Hold me okay?" she asked, and he held her. Later they made love again.

The next day Allie stepped into Jen's office. "Well?" she asked, closing the door. She knew the answer by the look on her face. "God Jen," she said, hugging her friend.

"Mike's okay with it?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jen said. "So far at least."

"Have you thought about abortion? Or adoption?"

"I've thought about it," Jen said. "It could be Mike's you know."

"You really think so?" Allie asked skeptically. "You and Mike never use condoms, right? And it's not like this is the first time you spazzed on the pill. But you never got pregnant with Mike before. Anyway, haven't you mostly been doing it with Tom?"

"That's over," Jen insisted.

"I'm just saying ..." Allie said.

"I don't know," Jen said looking down, disheartened. "You can't tell anyone I'm pregnant, especially Scott. I don't want Tom finding out."

"He'll find out eventually," Allie said.

"I just don't want to deal with him now."

"I get it," Allie said. She saw concern cross her best friend's face. "What's wrong?"

Looking worried, Jen said "I hope Mike doesn't change his mind. About being okay with everything."

The next week after work Jen went to the gym. In the locker room she changed into a sports bra, cami top and black leggings. The cami's 2 thin straps did little to hide the bra straps, and ended just below her belly button.

As she walked out of the locker room, she paused in front of a full length mirror. She looked at her flat stomach and tight ass, adjusting to look at her profile. She wondered what pregnancy would do to her body.

She did her regular yoga class, and then went to the mats to work on her abs and butt. She did lunges for her ass, and walkout planks and pushups for her abs. 45 minutes later her cami and bra were wet with sweat.

The mats were next to the weights, and she'd acquired more than a few admirers. "Looking good Jen," Blake said. Blake was with some of his buddies, and they were all looking her up and down.

"Thanks," Jen said toweling the perspiration from her forehead.

"Want me to spot you on some weights?" Blake asked approaching her. Sometimes they worked out together. His eyes darted down to her chest, where the wet cami and bra molded around her small shapely breasts.

"Thanks but I'm heading home after this," Jen said.

"I'm done too, how about a drink?" Blake asked. "A group of us are going out."

"I better get home, maybe next time," Jen said.

Back in the locker room, Jen gathered her things. "Hi Jen," she heard behind her.

Jen turned and saw it was Denise. "Hi Denise," she said with a smile. They were casual gym friends. "Hot date tonight with your hubby?" Jen asked seeing Denise doing her hair and makeup.

"No, Tyler's off with his buddies this weekend," she said sourly. She added with a humorless laugh, "Golf, cigars and strip clubs, you know, every boy's dream weekend."

"Um, yeah, boys will be boys," Jen agreed politely, sensing the tension between Denise and her husband and feeling awkward.

Denise looked Jen up and down. "God I wish I had your body," she said, admiring Jen's tight slim figure.

Jen glanced at Denise, dressed in just her bra and panties. Her figure wasn't bad for a thirty-something mom. Her tummy sagged over her panties a little. Her ass was a little flabby. Her legs weren't bad but cellulite was forming at the back of her thighs.

"I'm practically flat chested," Jen said laughing at herself.

"Okay, I've got you there," Denise chuckled with a friendly smile. She arched her back, making her big natural breasts look even bigger. "You should have seen me 10 years ago. I had the best body!" She smiled at the memory, proudly adding "Tyler couldn't keep his hands off me."

Then her face became melancholy. She slumped slightly. Even wearing the bra it was obvious her big breasts were beginning to sag. "Don't get old Jen, men like tight bodies like yours," she lamented. She wiggled into her dress and stepped into high heels. "Can you zip me?"

"Come on Denise, you're a knockout," Jen said encouragingly, zipping up her friend.

Denise smiled appreciatively at Jen. "I'll tell Tyler that," she laughed, but her eyes were sad.

As she left the gym, Jen saw Denise flirting and laughing with Blake and his friends. She was paying most of her attention to a tall blonde guy -- was his name Alex? Alex was paying a lot of attention to Denise too, looking her up and down, especially at her big chest.

Denise had picked her dress well. It made her look curvy and hid all her flaws. Alex was eating her up with his eyes, and she was laughing and flirting outrageously with him.

Jen suspected Denise would end up in Alex's bed tonight. She felt sorry for Alex and her husband Tyler. Their marriage was in trouble. They were drifting apart, cheating on each other.

Then she inwardly laughed at herself. Was her marriage any better? Mike knew about her affairs and even encouraged her, but here she was pregnant with (probably) another man's baby.

Later at home, Mike said "I've got to go to London again, for Sapphire."

Jen narrowed her eyes. "Going out with Jasmine Kelly again?" she teased. She said it with a smile, but her eyes were definitely not smiling.

"You know those newspaper pictures were BS, right?" he said. "Just society gossip nonsense."

"Whatever," Jen said dismissively. She'd eventually talk to Mike about this "society gossip nonsense," but now wasn't the time.

Later after dinner they sat on the sofa. Jen was still in her workout clothes. Sometimes she showered and changed after working out, but Mike liked it when she lounged around in her skimpy workout top and leggings.

The TV was on in the background, but they weren't really watching it. Jen was reading a book and Mike surfing the net on his iPad.

Jen wasn't really reading her book. Instead she was thinking about her earlier conversation with Denise. Abruptly, she put her book down and straddled Mike's lap. He laughed when she took the iPad from him and tossed it to the side.

"Do you think I'm sexy?" she asked him.

"You know I do," he said reaching up to cup her small perfect breasts.

She pushed his hands away, and he laughed. "What about when I'm big and fat with the baby, will you still think I'm sexy then?" she asked.

"You'll be even sexier," Mike said. He reached up again, and this time she didn't stop him as he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples.

She crossed her arms and pulled off the cami and sports bra. Thinking of Denise, she pulled his hands back to her now naked breasts and said "What about later? My breasts might not be as pretty after breast feeding."

"You'll always be perfect to me," Mike said, his eyes going from her breasts to her flat stomach. His hands followed his eyes, his fingertips caressing her firm stomach.

"I'm gonna get big you know," she said. "My whole body's going to change."

"I know," he said, his voice hoarse with excitement.

She thought again of Denise, squeezing her mature sagging body into the tight form shaping dress. "Mike, you know, right now I probably look as good as I'm ever gonna look," she said. "I'm not always going to look this good. Girls' bodies change. What's gonna happen when guys stop looking at me? Will you still think I'm sexy?"

"That'll never happen," Mike insisted, moving to kiss her.

"Mike stop, it will," she said pulling away from him. "Everyone gets old. Men get more charming, but women just get old."

"Why are you worried about this, you're only 26," Mike said confused.

"Because I'm pregnant," she said, feeling insecure. "And ... and the baby might be Tom's. I know you're okay with that. I know it kinda turns you on too. But what happens when I'm not hot anymore? Are you still gonna be okay with everything?"

"You'll always be hot," Mike said, pulling her off his lap and onto the sofa. He got on top of her and they made out.

Panting, he whispered hotly into her ear, "You never told me about how Tom came inside you."

"Mike ... no," she said. He wasn't getting this at all. He wasn't seeing her concerns and anxieties.

"Come on, baby, tell me," he insisted.

She decided to roll with it. They could talk serious later. "Okay, but ... let me on top," she said.

They switched so Mike lay on his back and she straddled his waist. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her nails over his chest. If she was going to do this, she was going to do this good!

"It was the last time we did it," she recounted. "A couple days before I broke up with him."

"Yeah?" he prompted excitedly.

"We were in his bed. He got me hot."

"You wanted his cock?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Yeah," she admitted.

"Okay," Mike said prompting her to go on.

"I couldn't remember the last time I took the pill," she said. "I told him to use a condom, but he didn't have any."

"Did you?" Mike asked.

"In my purse. It was downstairs ..."

"So what happened?" Mike prompted excitedly.

"We kept going," Jen said. "He promised to pull out."

"Why didn't you get the condom?"

"I don't know ... he promised to pull out ... it was dumb."

"That's okay," Mike said, pulling her down and kissing her. As they made out, Jen snaked her hands between their bodies. She unbuckled his belt and pants, then reached her soft hand into his boxers.

"Wait," he groaned, pushing her hand away. "I'll cum if you touch me." He rolled her onto her back and pulled the black tights off her long shapely legs. She was naked now except for white ankle socks. He left them on her, she looked so cute and sexy wearing them.

She shuddered as he ran a finger between her pussy lips. "What happened next?" he asked.

"He fucked me," she said.

"Did you know it was your risky time of the month?" he asked pushing a finger into her.

"Yeah I guess," Jen admitted with a grunt. Her face was a mix of excitement and shame. "But ... he promised to pull out."

"That's okay," Mike said kissing her. Still fingering her, he said "He came inside you?"

"Yeah," Jen confessed. She quickly added "When I realized what he'd done I tried to clean up, in the shower."

"He cums a lot though, right?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said looking down, shamefaced.

"It's okay," Mike said kissing her again. Then he moved down until his head was at her pussy. He ran his fingertips over her flat tummy. "It's Tom baby, isn't it?"

"I'm sure it's yours," she assured him. She closed her eyes and moaned as he went down on her. He was so good at this. He had her writhing and clutching the sheets, and soon her back arched and her toes curled in a powerful orgasm.

He moved up her body and kissed her. She panted into his mouth, recovering from her orgasm. When she calmed down, he took his cock and guided it into her. He groaned at the pleasure of his cock inside her (still) tight pussy, so smooth and soft, like a tight velvet glove.

He began moving inside her. "It's Tom's baby, isn't it?" he said looking into her eyes.

"It's yours," she insisted. "Remember? We had sex the night before."

Mike leaned down and kissed her, his thrusts getting more urgent. "I didn't cum that night," he told her. "I was upset. I couldn't stay hard."

"You didn't cum?" she asked her eyes going wide. Often he came fast and got soft, she'd assumed that's what had happened. "Oh god Mike," she said horrified, realizing the truth.

"It's okay," he said, fucking her harder. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and groped her tits as his fucking became more frantic. "Oh god!" he groaned, his back arching, and then his body spasmed as he had a thunderous orgasm.

Afterwards tears formed in Jen's eyes and she sobbed into Mike's chest. Mike held her tight. With his lust sated, he felt empty and lost.

They fell asleep that way. The next day Mike woke up early and packed for his trip to London. Jen joined him in the shower. They both felt melancholy. She got on her knees and went down on him.

Mike stared out the window on the flight to London. She'd let another man impregnate her. The ultimate act of cuckoldry. He loved her ... he'd encouraged their game ... but could he really father another man's c***d?

He went back and forth on this. Sometimes he thought he could do it. The baby would be white. It's not like anyone would know. Tom might say something, but most wouldn't believe him.

But then he wondered if he could really do it. Nothing turned him on like Jen with other men. The risk of pregnancy was a big part of it. In fact, thinking about his wife REALLY pregnant with another man's baby was making him dizzy with excitement. But this was a lifetime commitment, not a weekend hookup. It was an innocent baby after all. It wasn't a game.

Mike's meetings went well the next day. Potential investors traveled from all over Europe, Russia, Hong Kong and China to hear his presentation on the new, global version of Sapphire. In just a few hours Mike earned his firm over $100 million dollars in additional annual commissions. His take of that would be 10% -- every year! It was too much money to imagine.

His iPhone rang in the taxi back to the hotel. He was only mildly surprised to see it was Darren. He hadn't seen Darren since that time at the pickup bar, but they'd emailed a few times about business.

"Hey mate, I heard on the g****vine you were in London," Darren said cheerily in his English accent. "How about dinner? It's the least I can do after all the money my clients have made off Sapphire."

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2 years ago
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The Birthday Gift

Adam saw God heading his way and he gave a little shudder. He knew what was coming. "I didn't get a gift for my birthday," God said. Adam sighed. "You're hard to buy for. You have everything. I mean, you're God, right? What could I give you?" "Give me what you gave me last year," God said. "Just all your love." "That's hard to do. I need a little for myself. It's getting hard to give you all my love." "Holding some back, are you? Well, that's the only gift I want." "You...

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Screaming His Name

Barb finally got the boys to bed and was waiting for Joe to be available. She couldn’t stop thinking about how good the last time she was in his arms. The feel of his skin against her hot sensual body. She sat infront of her computer with only his sweatshirt on for comfort. She needed him and hoped he was in the mood to comply. Barb was so restless she decided to get up and get herself a glass of wine. She padded into the kitchen and went to the fridge enjoying the feel of her nipples...

3 years ago
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AimlessChapter 10 Owner

That night, I led Sammy into Master’s bedroom. Our bedroom, now. Funny, I never thought of it as mine, nor did I even want to, but now that Sammy was here, I could think of it as ours. Master was asleep, and I guess he was exhausted as the babysitter said her good-byes to him. I saw her walk out with close to forty thousand dollars, so she better have been good. I showed Sammy my closet and how to get our blanket. I noticed my uniforms were all replaced with ones made from silk in two sizes,...

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My first time ever

When I was a young boy I used to get on the CB radio and chat to lots of ppl, one night I started talking to Kate she was a mature married woman of 38 with two k**s and was lonely at night as hubby worked the night shift. After a few weeks the chat became very sexual and flirty, she told me how her hubby had cheated on her and she didn't love him anymore and how shed like to meet me and have her way with me knowing full well I was a virgin and less that half her age.We agreed to meet one night...

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The Amish Woman

A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for her editing of this story. I'll begin by saying this happened to me over thirty years ago. I was an Insurance agent and transferred to the Central Ohio area. I was young and gung ho to do my best. Unfortunately, I guess I neglected my family too much. My wife Susan and I would argue constantly about me not being home. I was on the road three and four nights a week. Looking back at it all now, I can see she was right. At the time, I just wanted to be the...

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PetiteHDPorn Lilly Ford Roller Girl

Horny coed Lilly Form puts on her short shorts and a shirt that easily pulls down to show off her puffy nipple tits and goes out to roller skate. When she gets back in, she flashes her small boobs and raises her ass to show how her shorts barely cover her bald fuck hole for Brad Sterling’s pleasure. Soon she has climbed onto the ottoman to show how she shakes her ass and caresses her meaty snatch before peeling off all but her socks and skates. Crawling over to Brad, Lilly opens wide and...

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Heavenly Sex With Mommy

Hi to all and this is is Preethi from Bangalore narrating an real horny incident which changed my life completely. My dad died when I was 10. So my mom went to work for our living as she could not care me well, I was sent to a hostel type school which is very far from my house. I usually come once in 5 or 6 months only to my house to spend few days with my mother. My mother Viji is so affectionate towards me and very free and open to me. We are from a very conservative family and so my mom...

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This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. OVER-EXPOSURE By Lana B. Ken read the book as he rested comfortably in bed with his head propped up against the padded headboard. He'd already read this particular book several times but he returned to it every now and then to browse some of his favorite passages. It was, after all, no ordinary book. Ken had written it himself. He closed it and gazed at the title: "Confidential Scandal." And right below the...

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Story Puzzle Pleasing a Pimp

Story Puzzle: Pleasing a Pimp By Anne-Mal Magical Mindy, a fairy godmother in training, was invisibly flying though the city when she noticed a group of five pimps talking at the street corner. They were deep in conversation about the best type of woman one could have to make money. Outraged, Mindy listened as the men described their perfect woman. 1) Arthur said, "I like brunettes, yeah a lesbian brunette, you know they won't get involved with the customers." 2) Danny...

3 years ago
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Third Discreet Meeting With Lynne

“Come in, sweetheart,” said Lynne. I stepped inside, and she closed and locked the door. She immediately hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss. “You’re my fuck toy today,” she said, then held my hand and walked me through her living room and back into the den. “Get naked,” she ordered. I obeyed and stripped off my clothes in seconds flat. “Sit on the Futon, I’ll be back,” she said then turned around and left the den while I sat down on the Futon. I waited, still nervous. Lynne...

2 years ago
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Prom Night

Prom Night By Cal Y. Pygia "You look lovely," Drake told his date as they walked hand in hand to his Mustang, parked at the curb in front of her house. Sharon was wearing a frilly lavender prom dress made of silk and satin, lavender heels and a string of pearls she'd borrowed from her mother. The dress was tight around her ample bosom, and it was tight across the front and rear as well, hugging her curves. She'd pinned the white carnation corsage that Drake had given her to...

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Chicago Part 1 when I lived there

My first trip was to BH1 (which is now closed) because it was the closest to my home and the least expensive to enter. I only had the vision of what I read or saw in movies so I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was kind of strange from the outside, just a small sign and when entering this large old building I had to go downstairs. I paid my entry fee and received a room key and a smallish well used, but clean, towel, the door buzzed and I entered. It had dim lighting so it took...

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GangbangCreampie Daisie Belle G316

The moment Daisie has been waiting for is finally here!! She’s on the pedestal being straddled by the FIVE COCKSMEN with two dicks in her mouth and a tongue on her pussy ready to go. You can tell she’s ready to get FUCKED and FILLED to the brim with creampies in her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. Daisie was not lying when she said she is always wet. As soon as the first cock enters her sweet pussy she starts creaming everywhere, she calls it her “sweet frosting.” The action starts heating up as every...

3 years ago
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The All or Nothing Game

THE ALL OR NOTHING GAME Eva converged with Fate at a crucial point. She got a terrific offer, and now she was on her way to her life’s adventure! She was to join the world tour of Julian Woolfe!! One man’s loss is another man’s gain as they say. Eva Sanderson knew that, but the harsh reality of it was nonetheless hard to accept. And as always, in moments of crisis, she went back home to Granny to talk it over with her and get her advice. Back home was in South Dakota, somewhere on the...

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The Young and The WildChapter 2

The wave of glowing desire swirling erotically up through Dianne's excited young body was not something spontaneous, she knew, nor was the young boy totally responsible for being the factor releasing it. The simmering lust which was driving her mindlessly on was as inbred in her female make-up as the naked youth's innocent lewdness beneath her... only the intensity of the lecherous flames licking hotly over her flesh was a strange new delight she had never before experienced. God, she was...

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Our Story Part 1

I waited at the airport for the attendant to announce we could board the plane. I had a long flight ahead of me, all the way to Italy. After what felt like forever in the waiting area I was finally able to find my seat on the plane. I was unknowingly bumped up to first class for this trip. I usually ride coach so this was a bit different for me. People really took their time to get dressed, wealthy Italian men wearing three piece suits, their trophy wives in sleek designer dresses. This blew my...

Straight Sex
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Santas Magic North Pole pt1

     I'm writing to tell you all about how wonderful my new job has been. It comes but once a year, but is so joyful and full of cheer. I've been working as a Santa Clause for the malls for about two years now. It's definitely been an interesting job.  The job itself is easy, lots of sitting, talking to the parents, just being jolly and pleasant. The perks are getting to see all the hot moms and ladies in the mall. This Santa has wanted those hot milfs on my lap screaming in orgasm how...

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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 5

I sent flowers to Leah's apartment and to her office at the university, romantic long-stem red roses to her home and a mixed arrangement for her office. Then I made reservations at Bobby's, a Mancuso Restaurant in Scottsdale that offered jazz, cuisine, and wine. The wine was for me. While living in San Diego, I'd acquired a taste for fine wines while dining, and the wine cellar in my home would make a sommelier envious. The jazz was for Leah; she'd mentioned she enjoyed light jazz....

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Such good friends Chapter 2Jen

Chapter two—Jen Jen was having second thoughts. She had made out with boys a few times, but her enjoyment would always stop when her date started grabbing at her boobs. She didn’t think it was possible for her to enjoy a full sex life. She also doubted that the three of them could maintain their friendship while sharing a lover. She did not want to lose their friendship and jealousy could rear its ugly head at any time. They did promise each other however, and breaking a promise would be...

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A Dream comes True ch 10

I know this chapter has been a long time in coming, but I've been on a nice overseas holiday and time ran out in getting it put up before I left. Also this chapter had got a little long, so have decided to cut it in two. Ch 11 the continuation of Ch 10 should be up maybe next week. Julian. A Dream comes True Ch10 By Julian Irwin. The soft music didn't seem to work very well. I kept walking up with thoughts of my pending visit to the Doctor playing on my mind. Wonder what he or...

3 years ago
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Home Is Where You Get A Good Fuck

Hi guys. I am here to share a few experiences of mine which happened in the recent past. I have been a single mom since my husband’s death which happened a few years back. At the same time, I have been sex starved for years which made me do all such dirty things which I am going to share with you guys now. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Brundavani and I am a 38 years old single mother living in Hyderabad. I live a happy, healthy and wealthy life but the only thing that I could not...

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En Passant In Passing

The church bell tolls again. I have nothing better to do than to count, so I do. One… two… three. It’s summer and the sun is still high in the sky when I look out of the window. In the piazza across the river, the old men have gathered again around the giant chess board etched into the ground. They are bickering over a knight that rises to half their height, its equine countenance turned away from them in indifference verging on disdain. I am reminded of you. ‘Why is mating the end of the...

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Even from the kitchen he could hear her come in, despite the noise of the storm. Or maybe because of it. As she opened the front door the rumble of thunder and the pounding of the rain became so much louder that it was obvious two rooms away. Both dogs immediately abandoned their vigil for falling morsels and raced to meet her. He stepped out into the dining room, sandwich in hand, just as she forced the door closed against a fresh gust of wind, and greeted her through a mouthful of ham and...

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Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 3

Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 3: To Make Wishes Come Untrue! By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Love Slave?!!" John's horror-filled dad cried. "John!! What Have You Done?!!" "He made Jeanni Lamphear his Love slave??!!" John's wide-eyed twelve-year-old sister said. She started laughing at the fifteen year old. "My brother!! With a love slave!!" "Polly!! This is serious!!" her dad told her, his face headed for purple. "With that buncha perverts he has...

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Billys Hot MomChapter 3

Donna hugged her son about his hips tightly, her palms clutching at his naked ass. The feel of his cock and balls pressing against her was delicious. With his pants and shorts at his knees, still wearing his T-shirt, Billy looked more desirable than if he had been totally naked. "Say something dirty to me," Donna whispered, looking up at him. "I love it when someone talks dirty to me, baby." "How dirty, Mother?" Billy asked, grinning wickedly. "As dirty as you want," she replied,...

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I Love You Mistress

I was at work when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I saw the single letter 'M.' Mistress! I didn't let it ring a second time. From the other end, I heard the smoky, sensual voice say "Come," and I nearly did right there. She hung up, not needing to say anything more. I knew where to go. I left work early, got in my car and drove. It had been nearly three weeks since I last heard from her and I ached to see her again.Some may think it strange to be so obsessed with this woman who I knew...

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Dirty Kelly 1

She didn’t want to do this. She really didn’t. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn’t her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got. It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn’t dressed for winter. The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far...

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Veronica And Eric

You know what I hate? I hate allthese stories you see guys writing into the porn magazines, claiming to have a huge dick, and talking about how great it is and how much pussy it gets them. I have to call bullshit on that. See, I have a huge dick, and I can tell you for a fact that 99 out of 100 times, it’s more of a hindrance than it is a help. I can’t remember the number of times I was getting hot and heavy with a girl, just to unzip and pull it out, and have her take a look and say “there’s...

Straight Sex
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Addicted to Cum

When I was twelve, my divorced mom, older sister and I moved in with a man who would become my stepfather and his fifteen year old son. The house only had 3 bedrooms so I had to share my "stepbrother's" double bed. We had some previous sexual encounters, basically every time we were alone. It started with him talking about hard dicks and cum and quickly led to him showing me how he could jerkoff. I was captivated the first time he shot a load. I couldn't wait to see him do it again. I could get...

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Mumbai With Naveen 8211 Part IV

I had just taken my second serving; I was feeling really hungry after having a really tiring day along with the last night session. Naveen walked up to me and literally dragged me from the mess all the way to the room. I didn’t get a thing why he pulled me realizing that his roommate is in the room. We were standing outside the door and it seemed that Naveen was having some difficulty in putting the keys on the door lock. The moment we entered Naveen didn’t waste any time and pulled me in while...

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Its a living

My dad left my mom shortly after I was born. He was just not ready for a wife and a c***d. My mom learned the hard way to use her body to support us. She was lucky to have a great body and nice big tits. I remember men coming to the house many times a day or night and mom would take them to her bedroom. She would be in there with them for about and hour then when they left she would shower and another man would come visit. I learned when I was a young teen she was a whore. She must have been...

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FlintkoteChapter 40

“Do you object to a drive?” Max asked. “What do you have in mind?” Miss Boleyn asked. “Best burger on the Lake.” “Wendy burger at the Antler,” said Elizabeth. “Don’t mind at all.” “It’s a dive,” Max said. “Max ... I’m from here. I know the Antler. Really good home-brewed rootbeer.” She grinned. “And Canadian cut fries.” “Watered and salted vinegar,” he wasn’t drooling ... but it was close. “Now I’m going, by myself if I have to ... you coming?” “Let me rinse this sunblock off and get...

2 years ago
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Humiliated and punished for flashing Part1

Humiliated and punished for flashing – Part 1I was walking along a street early one morning when I saw a crowd of about ten young schoolgirls waiting at a bus stop. The sight of their school uniforms, their short skirts revealing their firm young thighs really turned me on and y cock hardened I my shorts as I approached them They were young, aged from 12 to 16, my 12 inch clean shaven cock twitched at the sight. Just before the bus stop was an alley. I went to the end of it and stripped out of...

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Me And My Cute Chachi

Hi all iss users i am a great fan of this site and this site arouses me a lot.This is my first story please dont mind for any misleads or mistakes.This is zeeshan from bangalore 21 years of age thin but fair many of them tell me that i look cute…………And stuff now comping to my chachi she is a very hot chick she is of 37 years of age she is dam fair and she has a figure of 34-24-34 she has long black hair and very cute in looks and boobs are 36 d……And coming to the story we are a joint family and...

4 years ago
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New Jock TalesFreshman yearChptr 7HomecommingPt 1

It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And homecoming was gonna be rough—cause we had to play the Tigers once again. After a win over them on opening day, and busting up their three year winning streak, they would be out for revenge. Mindy Atkins caught me in the hall-way and...

2 years ago
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White Boys Can Fuck Chapter 2

The next morning I woke to unfamiliar surroundings and it took me a moment or two to get my bearings again. Afterward, I went to my bathroom and took a shower–it was glorious!I didn't have to worry about the water pressure dropping, or the temp changing when someone flushed the toilets. I didn't have to avoid the cockroaches trying to get a drink, or rush because Mom needed to use the bathroom too.All too soon, I had to get out of the shower and I got dressed and ready for the day. It was...

College Sex

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