Campaign Of Poltergeist's MaraudersChapter 6 free porn video

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Travel and nothing for work

Well we didn’t find any contracts available for us on Detroit so we had to look for one with a bit of travelling involved. The closest one was on Alloway which was 22 days away so there was good and bad parts to it. Bad was that it took time and time was money which we didn’t have too much spare but the good parts was that we could complete the repairs we needed to do.

Anyway we set off and no sooner had we started travelling out to the Jump ship but I got called down to a storage room where Hammer appears to have set up a still in an unused corner. Now I know that everyone has to have something to make the time go by and for relaxing after work but I expect to know about it so I can monitor things.

So I ordered it to be moved to the kitchen so quality could be ensured and nothing underhanded would happen. The crew was very happy to be able to have a drink with their meal but it didn’t work out too well. Some people got into the drinking a little bit too much and started to turn up for their shift hungover or late and their quality of work dropped.

One morning shift the still had mysteriously vanished and Yang and Darius had enigmatic smiles when people complained but I put my foot down and told everyone that it was too much of a good thing and they had to make do with their normal drinks instead. Morale was up but we lost too much time in downtime from hangovers.

Mission 18
Planet: Alloway
Mission: Insurrection Interception (assassination)

Poltergeist – Centurion
Hammer – Blackjack
Dekker – Shadow Hawk
Medusa – Vindicator

I took the maximum amount of money for this mission because we were running low on operating funds and needed a good boost of funds. We will get a minor bit of salvage but it’s the money we need this time.

We were dropped into the Jungle close by the target’s last known location. As we started moving forward we detected three unknown signals and they looked like mechs. We kept moving up and got set into firing positions inside a forest looking down a valley.

I settled into my position and got target locks on a Panther and a Commando. The Panther was more dangerous so it was my target and a salvo savaged it and did good damage. Hammer, Dekker and Medusa all added to the damage of the Panther and it was starting to smoke and rattle from all the damage it suffered but it was still standing. Battlemechs really are tough cookies.

The Panther took a shot at Medusa but the pilot was rattled and all shots missed. The Commando and a Javelin fired at Medusa as well and did some damage to his Vindicator. Quite a bit of armour was removed but that’s what it was there for. Medusa fired on the Panther dealing more damage and then an unknown mech fired a missile strike at him and damaged his mech.

Hammer, Dekker and I aimed at the Commando and did quite a bit of damage and it had it’s left arm and torso blown off and tumbling through the air. The pilot felt that one. The Commando damaged Medusa again and Medusa fired back and killed the Commando by destroying it’s engine.

The Panther and Javelin fired on Medusa again and did serious damage. The Vindicator is not looking good at the moment with smoke rolling off it and sparks from damaged wiring exposed by the rents in the armour plates.

I fired on the Javelin to try and take it’s attention away from Medusa and as I did that, the unknown mech fired again and blew the Vindicator’s left leg off sending it crashing to the ground stunning Medusa. Hammer fired on and damaged the Javelin while Dekker damaged the Panther. But they focused on Medusa and fired on him doing severe damage as he was immobile on the ground stunned.

I fired on the Panther dealing more damage but it was still combat effective. The unknown mech turned out to be an Enforcer armed with an AC/10 and a large laser. A nasty customer and it fired on Hammer dealing damage. Hammer focused on the Panther and blew off it’s left arm and disabled it’s left torso as well. Dekker got a good lock on the Enforcer and damaged it.

Medusa stood his mech up and I could see that he couldn’t keep up in the battle with the damage to his mech so I yelled at him to eject. With a flash of explosive bolts blowing away the top of the head and then a plume of smoke, the rockets on his pilot seat fired and took him out of combat and to safety. The mech can be repaired and at least we won’t lose someone to enemy fire again.

The Panther and Javelin were ganging up on Hammer and trying to knock him out with their combined fire but I got a good lock and was able to kill the Panther with a couple precision shots to it’s centre torso. Dekker kept up the damage to the Enforcer while Hammer tried to kick the Javelin into next week but he missed. He blamed the rocky ground but I think he was just rattled from the incoming fire.

I moved into the rear arc of the Enforcer and opened up into it’s back with all my weapons dealing good damage and including some critical internal damage. The Enforcer pilot, our main target, decided that they had to get out of here and started to run away. Smart of them but it won’t be enough.

Hammer split fired on the Javelin and Enforcer dealing damage to both but the Javelin took the worst of it and lost it’s left torso and arm. Dekker got a lock on the Enforcer and ripped it’s left arm and torso off in a series of explosions. The Javelin pilot was not happy and they ran up and headbutt my mech dealing some minor damage.

I focused on the Enforcer and sent my weapons slashing into it’s back and they stabbed into the engine shielding and destroying the engine. The mech dropped to the ground and wouldn’t be getting up again. Hammer took notice of how effective that is and attacked the Javelin’s rear and did good damage to it. Dekker added his fire too and ripped it’s right leg off sending it crashing t the ground.

The Javelin pilot just would not give up and wanted to take one of us with them so they stood up and kicked my mech. Minor damage but I was sick on them so I punched them back and my left arm went right through their right torso and ripped it and the arm right off. The damage feedback was so bad that the pilot was incapacitated and knocked out.

Success. It turned out that the Enforcer pilot was from the Magistracy of Canopus and was trying to raise an insurrection against the planetary government. Well they won’t be doing that now. With the success of the mission as well as taking out all guards, we got a 45% bonus to the monetary reward and that was great work by Darius to negotiate for that.

Add in a good bit of salvage of a piece each of the following mechs: Panther, Commando, Javelin. We now have enough pieces to rebuild a Panther. Yang will be happy. But then again, with having to repair the Vindicator which will take about 9 days, we have to keep Yang in a good mood. He has to replace a jump jet and a med-laser as well as the cockpit assemble and all the missing armour.

Medusa was banged up a bit from the damage as well as ejecting so he will spend about 20 days in the med-bays recovering.

Travelling and Fun.

The new contract we picked up was a simple battle against some Capellan battlemechs causing trouble on Cluff’s Stand. It’s a 22 day trip so we will have a lot of time to finish repairs and train. This should be a simple battle and not too much for us.

Just after we left orbit we had an encounter with some pirate fighters who came in and told us that we either pay them or we start losing atmosphere. We started running to combat positions and I ordered the dropship to be readied for a sortie to get rid of the pirates but it will take a bit of time.

We kept trying to talk the pirates around to leaving but they weren’t going for it and left a couple of craters in our armour from warning shots. I ordered the dropship to release and attack them from the backside of the Argo. It wasn’t a real fight as the fighters were so fast that we couldn’t get good locks but after a couple final shots they decided we weren’t worth the risk and they left. I don’t know where they are based but I sent a message to the planetary government anyway.

The damage was minor but our techs were a bit rattled and they were forced to spend time repairing the Argo as well as repairing our mechs. What a waste of time.

But we had a different problem pop up with the Argo. Every 2.4 hours, we would feel a vibration throughout the Argo. It doesn’t last long but it is disconcerting all the same. Dr Murad is investigating and she believes she knows what is causing the problem and it’s not a fault. The designers missed a problem with the rotating habitat modules when they are folded back for travelling.

Dr Murad has spent a lot of time tracking down the vibration and unfortunately is can’t be fixed and we will just have to live with it. It’s annoying but she is watching for stress and damage and nothing is showing. Hopefully the Star League engineers built the Argo to deal with it.

Finally we arrived in orbit around Cluff’s Stand.

Mission 19
Planet: Cluff’s Stand

Mission: Last Mech Standing

Poltergeist – Centurion
Hammer – Blackjack
Dekker – Shadow Hawk
Medusa – Vindicator

Now this should be a straight battle and we have been dropped into the desert at night. It’s cool but we will still have to watch our heat. As we moved towards the reported position of the enemy lance, we got four mechs showing on our scanners.

An enemy Javelin and Panther came around a small rocky outcropping and opened fire on my Centurion doing some damage. I returned fire on the Panther and a stray shot clipped the Javelin for bonus damage. Hammer, Dekker and Medusa followed suit and poured damage into the Panther, rattling the pilot who tried to hit Hammer and missed with everything.

The Javelin fired on me and damaged my mech some more. Four medium lasers is nothing to laugh about. An enemy Commando came into view and fired on Medusa doing some damage. I fired back at the Javelin and got a lucky head hit, rattling the pilot and possibly injuring them.

Hammer set his mech and aiming carefully, he opened up on the Panther and almost ripped it into pieces. He damaged both side torsos and added to the previous damage and disabled them and sending both arms flying. With one salvo the Panther was almost totally disarmed. Well it was disarmed but it still has it’s SRM4 launcher. I’m sorry for the pun.

Dekker split fire on the Panther and Commando and doing damage to both. Medusa followed up by splitting his fire at the Javelin and missing and then coring out the Panther and removing it from combat. A second Javelin popped up and damaged Medusa.

The Commando fired on my Centurion and I decided to run up to the second Javelin JVN-10F and try to punch it to death. I removed it’s right arm but that didn’t do much. The first Javelin fired on me in revenge. Hammer started picking on the Commando while Dekker split fire on the first Javelin and commando and damaging them.

Medusa stumbled in his mech and then the two Javelins and the Commando opened fire on him as they saw he was unstable. I locked onto the Commando and ripped it’s left torso and arm off. Hammer saw it was unstable so hit it with a full salvo and ripped it’s right leg, arm and torso off in a flash of flame and sending it crashing to the ground with so much damage to it’s gyro that it would never fight again without serious repairs.

Dekker ran to the second Javelin and punched it so hard that he ripped through it’s right torso and removed it right arm. The Javelin pilot felt that one. Medusa split fire on the Javelins and damaged the first one but killed the second with engine damage. The remaining Javelin fired on Hammer but missed.

With a single enemy mech remaining, we all locked on and fired at it. Hammer, Dekker and myself and did damage and we saw it’s right torso disabled and left arm sent flying. But Medusa got the kill when he sent his salvo into it’s gyro and shattering it.

Success and we called in the dropship and salvage teams to clean up. Medusa will have to spend 17 days in the med-bays because his mech took a shot to the head and some damage got through to him.

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Hi friends, hope you are having a wonderful time with your mate. This is Vishwak from Bangalore, aged about 29 and married recently. I’m having great fun with my wife, nowadays since got married recently. Experiencing crazy sex with my wife in different positions. But still want to explore a few crazy moments with my wife and if luck permits, with other mates too. :) Let me jump into the sex story. This happened in the year 2014. I have a good and thick friend, named anil. We two become friends...

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"Don't, stoppit!! lemme go!!" Faye demanded angrily, but he just kept on walking untill he got to his horse carriage. "Your not going to get away with this!" she yelled as he threw her in carelessly. " Well i already have..." he laughed in a low hollow laugh. Faye sighed, he wasn't going to change his mind. As the huge castle gre smaller and smaller into the distance, Faye tried to think of an escape plan, but a few minutes later she just gave up. So she tried rattling on the bars,...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 78B

Once the girls left, Alicia did her final check-in with Kendra, then went to her room and dropped into a dead sleep. She felt really strange: Exhausted mentally but buzzing with physical energy. It was a combination that she was sure wouldn't let her sleep, but she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow. "So everything went well?" asked Jenna. She usually didn't speak with clients, but this little fantasy the girls had asked for was pretty unusual. She wanted to make sure they'd...

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Three times a lady

Introduction: Sex with wife, sister in law and a girlfriend. Three times a lady He wakes up by the sound of giggling and the cracking of a staircase. He opens his eyes, but he does not see anything. His eyes are covered by something and the edges are well taped. He suspects that it is such an eye mask that you get during night flights. There is an itch in his elbow that starts to irritate him, but because his hands are tied to the bed, he cannot do anything else than waiting for someone to...

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Nicoles Dilemma

Devon Forrester checked his watch once again. It read 2:30 A.M; he looked around the darkened street in front of the run down row of empty houses. Here on the outskirts of Dallas in an area of condemned houses that were scheduled to be torn down and new apartment houses built Devon was waiting for a transaction of illegal guns to start. Devon was a Texas Ranger and had been tipped off that the buy was going down in the early morning hours of this Wednesday. Now he was on stakeout about two...

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Tales Of The WomanBodied Guy

You may have heard of stories about guys getting a head swap treatment to a female before. But they were not real. Also, most of the time, the author tend to change reality and call it a day. Now, it seem like you are about to live this kind of story. It can’t be, it’s fiction. You can’t just have your male head transplanted to a female body without some issues in the way. But this is what you gotten however. You don’t have any issues piloting this body oddly enough. How you got in that...

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonic Occidia looked into the shimmering pool of blood and grinned as she purveyed her appearance. For a demon, it was not often that she spent time in her own skin, and for the last few days she had begun to feel that she no longer owned a body other than that of the Bulgarian foot soldier’s. The battle had raged long and hard, and she had enjoyed every minute of it. Now however, she had other...

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Through The Back Door A Former CumDump Visits

(Anal, BDSM)Amanda spent her late thirties as my local cum-dump, a position she’d been almost designed to for. She had long curly dirty blonde hair for pulling hard on while being fucked from behind; a big curvy arse that could take a pounding; a preference for anal; and an inability to get pregnant. She was also the most submissive woman I’d ever met and loved every minute of being used hard.I met her through work as my marriage was falling apart so when I split from my wife I moved right near...

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The Boys Get Lucky

THE BOYS GET LUCKY Scott and Bruce had been in the van for the better part of two months, always on the road, on the hunt. They were finicky, though, and cautious, and most nights they slept unsatisfied. They tried bars all across the country, trendy upscale bars and whitetrash bars alike, dance clubs, they even tried high schools. But the situation was never right. Either there were no attractive girls (no two attractive girls, for they didn't like the idea of sharing), or...

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Arranged meet

Well, what can I say. Apart from wow !!!It started off with an email from a couple on another adult site.Now usually, and unfortunately, a majority of messages from 'couples' turns out to be single men, pretending to be a couple (or maybe they just wish they are in a relationship. lol)This message however, started in a different way than usual. They usually start with “Will you fuck my wife” or something like that. Not this one though, which is maybe why I followed it through.This message...

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A Fresh StartChapter 71 The Buckman Group

Was this something I even wanted to do? Right now, I was worth just shy of $50 million. By 1982 standards that qualified as ‘Fuck You!’ money. If I worked at it, I could see myself at $500 million, which was ‘Fuck the World!’ money. With a team behind me, we could add another 0 to the number. When you get to $5 billion, it’s ‘Fuck the Universe!’ money! Yet to get that kind of money, and not spend my every waking hour thinking about it, I needed a team. No man, not even one with knowledge of...

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The Difference Between Seventeen and ThirtySeven

 I got married at twenty and divorced at twenty-seven. It was a childless, loveless marriage. Why we got married I can’t even say, not now. I can only call it a mistake. I’d say a tragic mistake, but no one was permanently injured, so it was just a routine mistake.The reason it lasted as long as it did was that at that time I was just starting out and barely making ends meet. I was the proverbial turnip, and she’d gotten nothing out of me. And she had no means of income, no education, no...

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day at the pool

Introduction: this is my first time writing, so be nice Last period on Thursdays in Mr. Sanders class was never fun. This social studies teacher just ranted on and on about pilgrims and Indians and who knows what else. No one ever paid much attention. This particularly Thursday afternoon was miserable. As Mr. Sanders droned on and on, I glanced around the class room to see how what everyone else was doing. Susan, obviously being a teachers pet, was sitting alert and listening at the front of...

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Janices Week Away Chapter 3

As she walked into the party, she looked around and realized that she didn’t know a soul there. There was a hosted bar, and she went up and ordered a margarita. She moved away from the bar and saw a group of people enjoying their drinks and meeting one another so she joined them. She introduced herself and met six other people attending the conference. A few had arrived a little earlier than Janice and looked like they had gotten a head start on the free drinks. One of the ladies said that she...

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Love of a Lifetime Ch 01

The curtains on the window of our one-bedroom apartment were left a skewed. The sun poured in and blanketed us with warmth. Our naked bodies were entangled along with sheets and blankets. Everything about this moment was perfect. I trailed light kisses up her back, taking extra caution on the nape of her neck, my favorite place of all. I snuggled closer and breathed in her scent, something so indescribable, but so intoxicating. It was the smell of soft lavender and her shampoo. It was the smell...

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Orchid in a Radish Garden

Amy Everett was a very pretty, 14 year old high school freshman. She was on the thin side, tallish, at five-eight, long blond hair, peaches and cream complexion, and pert, tomato sized breasts. Yes, every young boy’s wet dream was Amy Everett. For all this, she was quite shy because of a stutter which made her very self-conscious. Amy’s father had been abusive to her mother, so her mother and Amy, an only child, left their middle class suburban home and found an apartment on the wrong side of...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 8 Strangers in the Fucking Night

“Are you sure it’s gonna be okay?” asked Alison. She was sitting in the back of a black London taxi, sandwiched between her parents.“Yes, honeypot,” replied her mother, “Professor Cuntslicker has sorted it all out. The black boy has left the country – isn’t that right, Bill? – and he knows not to come back. His sister now knows that it wasn’t your fault, and is really sorry for hurting you. She wants to make it up to you – isn’t that good?”Alison wasn’t so sure. It sounded good in theory. But...

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DG Studio

That’s how I normally start off as I hand out my business cards. I love what I do for a living, and I really am Kelly, my parents naming me Kelly Michelle at birth some 27 years ago, and I really do own my own photography business – DG Photography. The DG stands for Discreet Glamour, and I make sure the ‘long’ wording of the ‘discreet’ part is prominently shown on all my advertisements because it forms the entire base of my business and why I do what I do. I also always include a picture...

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Zoya Helps Husbands8217s Friend 8211 Part II

Rehaan: “Honey you don’t sound too good is everything alright.” Zoya: “Yes,yessss!!!, Everything is fine, don’t worry, (she covered the mouth piece again).I’ll get back to you later. AAAAHHHHH ………HHHAAAHHHH!!! Subhash had gleefully located her clitoris and the moan gave him a perverse thrill. Rehaan : “OK then honey see you later bye” Zoya : “Bye” …………. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHH . . . . .MMMMMAAAAAA”She just managed to cut off the phone as Subhash pressed her throbbing clit hard with his tongue and...

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Long Ago Christmas Party Sex

Leslie was a waitress where I worked, she always seemed a bit shy, but was always more bold and flirty when she drank, luckily for me it was somewhat frequent. I had known her in passing before we started working together, and once when she was a hostess, I saw her dressed up and in black pantyhose. It was difficult to gauge how she felt about me, but we were casual friends, and talked at the bar after work on occasion. Little did I know that my first sexual encounter with her was with her in...

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Me and My ZapperChapter 10

"Pregnant!" Rebecca cried, causing the teenage barmaid to flinch. "As in proper pregnant." Eva nodded and withdrew a pregnancy test from her bag that clearly showed a blue line where I would have hoped to see nothing. I wiped a tear from her eye, causing her to flinch again. "I thought I should tell you." She bit her lip as she fidgeted. "My parents and me..." She shrugged as she stared into the knot in the wood on the table and looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. " ... they said...

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Black coworkers

This is a true story. Yes, I know that one should practice safe sex and I'll never do anything like this crazy again, but it was a spur of the moment thing and alcohol clouded my judgment. What can I say?I am 27 years of age and I was married at 18. I'd never been with another man, until several months ago.I am often teased about my red hair and a slight sprinkling of freckles and my 38-D tits.At my place of employment we work different shifts. There are a lot of blacks working the swing shift,...

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nude holiday

what fun im having at the second day on the local nudist beach was fantastic.i got there early and walked into the dunes.there are lots of places to lay down and sunbath.i spread out my towel and stripped.the excitement of being naked outside has always turned me on so it was suprising my cock sprung to attention soon as it felt the air around it.i put my clothes in my rucksack and stood looking i peered around i noticed now and again ,heads popping up from different parts...

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Gym Boy

I love going to the gym and looking at guys bodies and dreaming of what they could do. Never hit on anyone (yet) but this is one of my dreams. I was late finishing at the gym and walking into the showers and what a suprise.I was shocked when I walked in and saw Steve on his knees in front of Butch. Steve was 6'6", athletically thin with blond hair and green eyes, he was probably in his mid-20's and I thought he was in grad school. Butch was 6'6" as well and was huge with muscles rippling...

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Cocksucking The True Beginning

This my true story of how I discovered that I am a cock sucker at an early age. It was a very hot experience that created a hunger in me that has remained with me since. I am good looking, well hung, married, lead an otherwise normal straight lifestyle, love women, love sex with women, but have a basic need to suck men's cocks whenever I get the chance, which is almost daily and usually at glory holes, in theatres or in rest rooms. I have been sucking men's cocks for nearly 40 years now. This...

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