Campaign Of Poltergeist's MaraudersChapter 8 free porn video

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Call to battle for Lady Arano.

Lord Madeira came to my office with a message from Lady Arano. She has a mission for us on the planet Panzyr. She is currently in a battle on the planet Panzyr against the Directorate forces and there are more Directorate forces incoming.

She would like us to make an attack on the Directorate dropship control centre to prevent incoming reinforcements being landed. This control centre is important because there is a debris field around the planet and incoming drop ships need as much help to navigate the orbital debris field without serious damage.

Our pilot, Sumire, thinks she will be able to bring us in through the field from the information we know about it. I hope that she is able to or this will not be a good mission. If we can’t get down in one piece and prevent these reinforcements getting through, Lady Arano’s forces will be in dire trouble.

It’s going to take us 24 days to get there and we will not have much time before the reinforcement drop ships arrive. We are cutting it fine but we will have to do this for the Arano Restoration and Lady Arano and all the people that are following her.

While we were travelling to Panzyr, I got called in to settle a problem with various mechwarriors playing corridor Bocce. They are playing it in the hallways outside the barracks and Darius decided to shut it down for safety reasons. The possibility of damaging the hallway walls is just too high.

I decided to host one more final match for morale reasons. Unfortunately Nekomata injured Sulphur with a miss-tossed ball and Sulphur will have to spend 18 days in the med bay. It was a good match though and the crew were happy about it.

The journey will take us three jumps between systems. The jumps themselves are instantaneous but the travel time from planetary orbit to the jump points at the north or south of the systems takes time and so does charging the jump-ship’s jump batteries.

Mission 25
Planet: Panzyr
Mission: Liberation: Panzyr

Medusa – Atlas
Sonic – Blackjack
Nekomata – Vindicator
Sulphur – Centurion

Once we hit orbit around Panzyr, we contacted Lady Arano and found out that we cut it a little bit fine. The Directorate forces are inbound and we don’t have much time to get in, take control of the defences and then disable all defending forces and then the control centre. Once that is done, the Directorate forces on their drop ships will not be able to get through the debris field and will have to surrender or retreat.

Our battle plan is to be dropped off near the turret control centre, capture that and allow some special forces to gain control of the spaceport’s turret defences. They will be helpful in dealing with any defenders who we will encounter.

We won’t have much time from when we attack until the drop ships arrive and start through the field, so we will have to hurry and destroy the control centre.

We were dropped in close to the defence centre and Medusa moved up as close as possible to see what he could see on the scanners. He detected 2 x SRM carriers, 1 x Striker and 1 x Bulldog along with a further unknown vehicle.

Sonic unleashed on a SRM carrier and destroyed it as they are the deadliest targets. Sulphur destroyed a second carrier with her salvo. Nekomata only damaged a Striker that was in range. A second Striker moved up and damaged Sulphur and was joined by a second Bulldog which added more damage to the Centurion. The first Bulldog damaged Nekomata’s Vindicator. Medusa opened up and destroyed the first Bulldog and damaged the second.

Sonic destroyed the Striker and Nekomata destroyed the last Bulldog and we could bring in the techs and special forces to clear the turret control centre and bring the turrets online for our side. So far the mission is going good but that won’t last long because we need to get to the control centre and destroy it fast.

As the techs reported the turrets under our control and powering up, we heard a directorate communications on the clear comm channel: “All units open fire on the turrets before the enemy units get into range.” Not good.

The techs were able to tie the turret scanners into our systems and we could see the spaceport in more detail. I saw a Jenner and Panther move into position to fire on some of the turrets and damage them.

Sonic moved up to the road down into the spaceport proper and spotted an enemy Centurion. She fired on it trying to hit it’s cockpit but only did damage to the torsos. An enemy Trebuchet opened fire on a couple of turrets and destroyed them both. Not good. We need their help. Nekomata fired on the Centurion and damaged it but it is still combat capable. A Hunchback moved into view and destroyed a turret with it’s AC20.

Sulphur moved up but couldn’t get a target lock on anyone. The enemy Centurion destroyed another turret and that means half of them are now scrap. Medusa moved up and fired his LRM20 missiles at the Centurion in indirect fire mode doing some damage.

The Directorate commander sent another message: “All mechwarriors concentrate fire on these mercenary mechs. Ignore the turrets.” Well we got their attention and now we will have to fight.

But we won’t fire alone as the remaining turrets started picking targets and dealing damage. I just wish we still had all of them as they were firing into the rear arcs of the enemy mechs and we need as much help as possible.

Sulphur moved into range of the enemy Jenner and damaged it with a salvo. Nekomata thought that was a good idea and added her fire as well. Sonic was in range and was able to rip the Jenner’s left arm off in an fiery explosion. Medusa fired on the damaged Jenner and destroyed it’s left torso.

Sonic also spotted the six mechs of the enemy force and I knew we were in trouble and had a serious fight. The enemy were fielding: Jenner, Panther, Centurion, Trebuchet, Hunchback and Dragon. A hell of a lot of metal on the battlefield.

The remaining turrets were able to deal even more damage to some of the enemy mechs but nothing crippling.

The lance was ordered to form a firing line so as to bring as much fire on the enemy mechs as they came towards them. It wasn’t optimal but we had to reach the control centre of the far side of the spaceport and we didn’t have much time. We had to break through and get to it.

Sulphur locked on the Centurion and damaged it while Nekomata damaged the Panther which was in range. Sonic added more damage to the Centurion and blew off it’s left arm. Medusa got into range of the Hunchback and started to chip away at it because it’s AC20 is the biggest danger on the field.

Again the surviving turrets fired into the enemy and added to the damage but they are still coming.

The Panther and Jenner pilots decided that Sulphur was their target of choice and sent some serious damage into her mech. Sulphur was not happy and sent a salvo into the Panther and got a lucky hit to it’s head. But the pilot is still alive and fighting. Nekomata damaged the Panther but in return the Trebuchet sent a couple LRM15 missiles flights into her mech. Sonic added more damage to the Panther and then the Hunchback opened up and sent a AC20 shot into Nekomata’s Vindicator causing serious damage. The damage from the dragon was just insult on top of the damage suffered. Medusa opened up on the Panther and ripped the left arm off. Pity the PPC is in the right arm.

Again the turrets opened fire and damaged some enemy mechs. That damage should start adding up but we don’t have time to just sit tight and wait for them to kill the enemy. We have to get to the control centre.

The Panther kept pumping damage into Nekomata and her mech is not looking good. Sulphur targeted the Hunchback as it’s AC/20 is the most dangerous weapon on the field. The Jenner pilot added to Nekomata’s woes with more damage causing Nekomata to jump away and fire into the Hunchback which was getting too close. The Hunchback pilot was not happy and moved into cover of one of the landing pads. Sonic damaged the Centurion and ripped into it’s left torso and destroying that section. The enemy Centurion damaged Sulphur while the Trebuchet and Dragon pilots all added more severe damage to Nekomata’s mech. Medusa split fire and damaged the Trebuchet and Dragon.

The turrets opened fire and this time the damage on the Centurion was enough to send it crashing to the ground.

The Panther and Jenner pilots damaged Nekomata’s mech enough to knock her down. Sonic got a bit of revenge on the Panther and destroyed the left torso. The Hunchback opened up on Sulphur and did severe damage to her mech. Sulphur fired back but barely did any damage in return. The Trebuchet fired on Nekomata and did critical and lethal damage to her engine and destroying her mech. I hope she got out but the chances are not good. The Dragon fired on Medusa’s Atlas but did minor damage. Medusa split fire and killed the Panther while doing damage to the Jenner and Hunchback.

The turrets again did more damage but not enough to kill any of the enemy mechs.

The Jenner pilot got brave in damaging Medusa and Sonic showed what she could do by killing the Hunchback. The Trebuchet fired on Sonic’s mech but only damaged it. Sulphur damaged the Jenner as the Dragon fired on Medusa. Medusa split his fire between the Jenner which lost it’s right arm and the Dragon which lost it’s left torso and the attached arm.

Again the turrets were able to kill a mech, the Jenner, which was severely damaged.

The Trebuchet pilot is dangerous because their next salvo hit Sulphur’s mech and blew their engine out releasing a fusion explosion. They didn’t survive that one. Sonic got a good lock on the Trebuchet and got some much needed revenge by damaging the mech with well placed shots. A few stray missiles hit the Dragon. That must have rocked the Dragon pilot because they missed when firing on Sonic. Medusa fired on the Dragon and destroyed it’s right arm and also put some damage into the Trebuchet.

This time the turrets only added more damage and no kills.

Sonic fired on the Trebuchet for more damage and then had to deal with the Dragon pilot running up and punching her mech. Medusa was able to get a good lock on the rear of the Dragon and destroyed it’s right torso and then added more damage to the Trebuchet.

The turrets had some very good luck by damaging and knocking down the Dragon and it’s pilot suffered lethal damage in the fall. So another mech out of the battle. They also ripped the right arm of the Trebuchet off.

Sonic got a lock on the Trebuchet and ripped through the left torso and sending the arm flying in an explosion. The Trebuchet fired on Medusa but only scratched the paint. Medusa fired back and ripped through the right torso.

And again the turrets paid for themselves by killing the Trebuchet which is the last enemy mech in combat.

Sonic was the pilot of the fastest moving mech so had to rush towards the control centre. She jumped up on a defensive wall to get a line of sight on the control building and open fire on it. With a cloud of dust and fire it collapsed to the ground and shutting down the orbital control system leaving the incoming Directorate drop ships without any guidance through the debris field. And without that control, they are unable to land and add their troops to the battle.

This was another hard fought battle where we won the battle but lost so much. Nekomata and Sulphur were both killed in the battle and nothing will bring them back even if we can rebuild and repair their mechs.

Battle damage will have the Blackjack out for 1 day, the Vindicator out for 6 days and rebuilding the Centurion will take 17 days.

The salvage teams were able to grab a bunch of weapons and various equipment from the wrecks but they also salvaged the complete Dragon which we can field after replacing the damaged cockpit. We also found parts of the Trebuchet, Centurion and Panther we could use. Yang says he can rebuild another Panther now.

Darius went looking for another pilot and found Reggie ‘Vonkobra’ Von Kaas to join our company. He can’t replace Nekomata or Sulphur but will be a welcome addition to our team.

After the battle was ended with the surrender of the Directorate forces they found a cache of Griffin parts that we can purchase to rebuild a Griffin mech. Good to know but not quite yet as they are expensive.

Back on the Argo, Dr. Murad announced that she had found a Star League era data archive in the Argo’s secondary computer core and we should look at trying to open this up as it may contain valuable data. Darius will try to find out any information on how to open it while we travel.

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This is a true storyA couple of years ago, when I was still living a home, I was just learning how fun it was to dress up. I was only 15 at the time. I had bought a dress from a charity shop super cheap, some girl’s underwear from a super market, and had “borrowed” my older sisters wig (she had a lot of wigs). One day when I thought the house was empty, I got naked, then put on the underwear (I stuffed my bra with socks), the dress and the wig. I had just put everything on and was checking...

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Her First Night

It was around 11 in the night, I went in to the room adorning the new clothes meant for the occasion. Vasanthi (my wife) was already inside. She is 22, in her new silk sari, with an average height and weight, sizes of 32-22 -30, little chubby cheeks, like a sexy doll. Though we know each other from our childhood (not a love marriage), Vasanthi was shy and kept mum. “Hi vasanthi, are you comfortable”? I sat by her side on the cot, kept her palm on my thighs, while garlanding her with my hands....

2 years ago
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THE WHORE NEXT DOOR; Let me start with a little bit about me. I am 5'9" and athletic i considered myself to be an average looking guy but i always turned the girls heads. My parents wer very open about sex, in fact we talked about it all the time. I enjoyed masturbating to the porn magazines and films my parents would buy me, i also enjoyed the occasional fuck from the girls at school. One week after my 16 birthday we had a new family moving in to the house next door. I was upset about...

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quick fuck

I run my wet tongue between along your shaft from tip back down before running my full tongue back up again. I feel your cock stiffen slightly and I moan deeply as I take you into my mouth, sucking gently as I swirl my tongue around it. Your cock grows more rigid in my hand. I begin to stroke your now fully hard cock, shallow and maddeningly slow, looking up into your eyes as my tongue runs up your whole length, your large cock head resting on my lower lip as I lap at your slit, tasting the...

3 years ago
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CivilityChapter 13

Prostitution, it has been said, is a victimless crime. I disagreed even before I met Janet Conrad but I disagree more fervently now. Most women — and their male contemporaries — don't enter prostitution of their own free will. I doubt there are many little girls who think "I want to fuck slimy douchebags for money when I grow up." Most prostitutes are there because they no marketability beyond their orifices. Their young home lives sometimes precluded a formal education — and the...

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Fucked Flight Attendant Super Hard

This is a real story from 3 yrs ago. In those days I used to work in a IT firm. I used to start my work in afternoon and got off around midnight. It was mid of December and was pretty cold in Chandigarh. It was foggy too. I used to live with my dad’s friend in his house. But I had a separate entrance, as my working hours were not normal. So long story short, it was Friday evening when at work I got a message on my gay app from a stranger. After exchanging few conversations, he asked me if I...

Gay Male
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The Bar

My First Story (never write a story before)tell me what u think It all started about a month ago when I decided to take my 2 weeks vacation from work. The time was 11:35 pm and I was driving around trying to find a good bar to relax and drink because I was bored as hell. Come across this place about 7 blocks from my house. It looks nice enough so I went in. There was a bartender looks to be in his mid 30's and about 9 people in here 4 guys and 5 women. I sat near the bartender and ask for...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 4 Like Rape Being The Light Beer Of Bad Shit That Can Happen To You

"Wake him up!" "What are you doing?" "Hurry! Jewel and Ashley have been gone for a half-hour!" "Stop that!" "Miguel ... Miguel!" "I said cut that shit out, bitch!" "Fuck you, asshole!" Bianca's voice sounded angry. Scared! Bianca was scared? The blonde went toe to toe with werewolves! Granted, with a shotgun in hand, but the werewolf had teeth and didn't go down from one well-placed bullet so same difference. "Stop it!" "Stop kicking her!" Joey! Someone shook me....

3 years ago
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Fucked my friends wife

This is a true story about a friend whose married, by the name sunil. Am a college student age 21 residing in chennai.we used to drink together many times after work and he used to go home drunk. One day he was much too high after a party and i took him to his home. His wife opened the door and all the effect of the alcohol i had drunk was gone in a second the moment i saw her. She was like an angel. Very smooth skin, big boobs, long hair and sexy smile. Since amit was fully out, i was holding...

1 year ago
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Great Mom Pt 10

This story is completely fictional. It was Monday morning and my kids would be home from their fathers’ house soon. I knew my son’s, Ryan and Hunter would be horny and want to fuck me but since their sister would be with them I knew they couldn’t; it would drive them wild. I was sitting in my little home office when the kids’ car pulled into the driveway. My son’s rushed in through the front door, they called out for me so I responded, “I’m in here boy’s.” Hunter and Ryan came into my office; I...

3 years ago
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Lesbian sex in bathroom

1st time choot ka pani or college bathroom main lesbian sex ka maza dosto mara name madhu hai mumbai ki rehna wali hoain sunny ki couzin hoain. Age mare 23 saal hai, figure 36c 24 38 hayin, figure sa ap sisters pachan saktee hayin ka mai aik sex ka automic bum hoain. Mai ap dostoon ko bataon gi maina 1st time choot ka pani kasa nikala. Mai us waqt 18 saal ki thee, college mai mara pehla saal tha. Maree aik new dost bani name rakhee tha or dikna average girl thee. Mujha is waqt tak sirf apna...

2 years ago
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Foot fetish

Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 3 Snow Storm Ends

Waking up with my cock between Carmen's ass cheeks is heaven for sure! But as soon as she started moving around my bladder signaled piss now..still bleary eyed and not tuned into time, place and day, I staggered into the bathroom and just as I released my stream into the toilet I heard the door opening and Carmen jumping out of bed! I heard her say "Cheryl how did you get a key and what time is it??" I could hear Cheryl laugh and tell her " I know the desk clerk and she knew you guys.."...

3 years ago
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Columbian drug Lords Revenge part1

The big man was theatrically preening himself taking in the crowded press gallery his flamboyant reputation making him a surreal celebrity choice in this troubled country. Cesar Mendez had learnt to be patient. His arrest and prolonged trial had taken over two years and to the frustration of the outside world seemed as far from conclusion as when it started. The last few weeks however had started to unnerve even this amazingly rich and influential drug lord. The pot bellied Columbian...

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Larry Had a Little Lamb

Larry was 30 years old, divorced, and fortunately didn't have to worry about paying alimony or child support because his marriage had only lasted a couple of weeks. His wife had discovered that Larry was unable to maintain an erection long enough to make love to her, so she promptly dumped him and went on to live her life elsewhere. Larry really wasn't heartbroken about this because he knew the reason he couldn't make love with his wife. He didn't need her. He had his sheep to care...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 191 Clan

I finally hung up the phone with Rhonda's words echoing in my ears. "Now you understand what it means. It isn't a choice. It changes us forever. We can never be innocent again. We're different from other people, Brian. None of them truly understand what it means to do whatever is necessary. I'm still doing what is necessary. God bless you, Brian. I love you." I set the bread to rise and went to the horses. They were a little surprised to see me so early but they were happy to have hay...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Betty Foxxx BBC DP And Gaping

Looking scrumptious in fishnets and heels, busty Euro MILF Betty Foxxx teases. After a sexy, booty-shaking intro, Betty joins Black studs Prince Yahshua and Pressure for a nasty double penetration reaming! The men worship Betty’s plump ass and luscious knockers, and she kneels for a messy, sloppy blowjob. Betty graduates to pussy poking and intense anal pounding. Prince’s big black cock pummels Betty’s gash as she sucks Pressure’s prick, leading to tumultuous DP...

4 years ago
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38 Years Land Lord Aunty Aur Noukrani Ne Sath Sex Kiya

Mera nam hain sizler boy, age 21, from kolkata,ea ghatna tab ki thi jab main tab graduation kar raha tha, main roz gym karta tha, isi liye mera body dekhne layek tha, main chad me ek chotasa room me reheta tha, aunty ne meri bohut khayal karthi thi, Ab me main kahani pe ata hoon, mere room me me akela hi rehe ta tha, auntu ki ek ledki 12 sal ki our ek ledka 9 sal ki thi, uncle abroad me reheta tha, every 2 years he come to india for 3 months, dono bacche mera sath bahut ghul mil gaye the, unka...

2 years ago
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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 18

Getting on to the bike, I decided to stop over at Mayuri ben’s place and give her an update. It was nearing 3:30 pm and I wanted to catch her alone at her house, before her daughter Amisha returned from school. Reaching her place, I parked the bike and rang the bell. After a minute, she called out from inside “Who is it?” in a rather irritated tone. “It’s me, Jignesh ... Mayuri aunty.” I replied. There was a bustle behind the door, and she opened it in a few seconds. “Oh Jignesh beta ......

1 year ago
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Reunion Romance

It had been ten years since Brett had seen Austin in person. They had been lovers in high school but lost touch after they chose different colleges upon graduation. This weekend was to be the climax of their six-month flirtation over the telephone and computer. The occasion was the all school reunion in the tiny town where they grew up. The idea for an all school reunion had initially been Brett’s. She had heard of other towns doing that where the schools were really small and didn’t have very...

3 years ago
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Help Ive turned into a woman

Help I've turned into a woman This is a work of pure fantasy fiction. It is the first time I've written anything and what started with the germ of an idea for a short sex story quickly grew and evolved into a voyage of discovery. As I started to write the ideas kept coming to me and the story just kept growing. It became a question of what do I leave out? I have tried to imagine how a male would adapt to his new woman's body. What he would have to do to get life back on track as he...

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A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...

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The Day Jennifer Was Born

The day jennifer was born It all started when I broke up with my girlfriend. I was at the bar with my friend mike whom I have known for the past 15 years. After about our 5th beer, mike asked me hey could I do him a favor. Well I have never turned mike down for anything so I said sure. So we left the bar and headed to his lab at the university. We got inside and asked me to sit down in the chair. He went off into another part of the lab to get something. About 5 minutes later he...

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AIChapter 32

"Richard, I'm not going to even try to swear you to secrecy about this," I began. "I expect you'll figure out your own reasons for keeping quiet. Your confirmation is out there"—I nodded to the door—"and disabled, the receiver in your car isn't hearing anything, and I think your credibility is likely a little, well, strained right now after this last episode." He shot me a sour look. "Yeah," he grumbled. "You set the whole thing up, set me up, didn't you?" "And for that I'm...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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