College Photo Assignment free porn video

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As part of my art degree course I had to complete a portfolio of photographs which followed a theme. I had spent so long thinking about it that I was running out of time. The other day I came across some pictures by Frank Wallis on the Net. They were of nude and semi-nude women taken on the streets of New York. Most if not all were in public places. It was after seeing them that I decided that I wanted to try something similar. Unfortunately none of the models from college were interested. It was the end of the spring term by then so I went home for Easter.

Over the break I told my elder sister Amy about my problem. She liked Wallis's photos as much as I did and told me she would ask her friends if they were interested. She went out on a girl's night out that night so I was hopeful that she would talk some one into posing. I waited up 'till one for her to get home.

Amy came in and slumped down beside me on the couch.

'Sorry Paul. I asked all my friends and even a few of their friends but no one was even a little bit interested. Sorry, I did try honest.'

I was shattered by the news her friends had been just about my last hope of finding a model.

'I wonder if mom would lend me the money to hire some one?' I was thinking out loud but in my heart I knew an agency model wouldn't look right.

'I'm sure something will turn up.' Amy said as she went off to bed.

I sat alone on the couch and decided I would just have to find a different subject for my assignment. I was eating breakfast with mom the next morning when Amy came down, straight away she asked if I'd thought of advertising for a model in the paper. Mom asked why I needed a model and Amy came right out and told her and about Wallis and his pictures. I could have died, as we never mention anything like that at home.

To my surprise our mother was more than casually interested in what I was up to. She asked Amy to show her the pictures she had downloaded from the net. When she came back she asked me all sorts of questions about where I was going to take the pictures and what poses I would use. She more or less insisted that I show her my results. Which surprised me a lot as I had always considered her somewhat of a prude where sex and stuff like that was concerned.

Anyway they both agreed that it might be worth advertising in the local paper. Something like, 'Amateur photographer seeks amateur model.' While we were discussing that, mom asked if I had considered using an older woman, which I hadn't. She had a wide circle of friends and could ask around. I had nothing to loose so I asked her to try. She also rang in the add which went in that evenings paper.

I waited in that evening convinced that some one would call. But after three days I had to admit that no one would. Amy took me out for a drink that night. We walked to the pub and by ten we were both 'fairly merry.' We were winding our way slowly home when we had to sit on a bench to rest. I started moaning about how I couldn't get a model. Mom had struck out by then as well. I told her I couldn't think of another subject and I would surly fail my course. Amy in her drunken state sympathized with me and told me if she had the nerve she would help me out. It took several minutes for this to filter through to my sozzled brain but when it did the answer was clear as crystal. I told her that if she remembered in most of Wallis's shots the model's head was covered with her dress or she had her face turned away from the camera.

Amy listened to me explain this and started giggling to herself.

'You want to photograph me?'

'Why not. You've got a great little figure. Your tits could be bigger but you can't have everything.' She punched my arm in mock shock at what I said but didn't say anything at first.

'Do you mean that?'


'That I look good enough to be a model?'

'Amy.' I said in a slurred way. 'You are easily as attractive as any model I've painted at college. Honest.'

We continued on our way home. Neither of us saying much. Once we were home I went straight to bed. Amy stopped by my door on the way to hers,

'Does it really mean that much to you, the photo's I mean?'

'Yeah.' I grunted 'I just can't think of anything else I fancy doing.'

'In the pictures you want, you won't see the models face?'

'No, the beauty of it is that it could be anyone in the picture. Why?'

She was coy for a moment before she said came further into my room.

'Well…if you really want some one to pose…I could do it for you, if you're sure I look good enough. And if no one will ever know it's me.'

'Are you sure you want to, you know pose. I mean you are my sister and all that. What if mom and dad found out?'

'They must never know. You can tell them it is some one who phoned from the paper. Besides you'd do the same for me wouldn't you?'

I would I suppose and I told her so.

'That's settled then. You decide where and when and we'll see how we get on.'

Abruptly she got up and said goodnight. Leaving me wide-awake. I had been so busy looking for a model, now I had one I realised I hadn't thought of where to actually take the pictures. I fell asleep working on the problem and before I knew it, it was morning. Amy and dad had all ready left; mom did me some breakfast and sat at the table with me as I ate it.

'Any look on the model front?'

'Well a woman called yesterday while you were out. I'm meeting her today.'

'That sounds great, I hope she turns out all right.' Mom sounded a little subdued but I didn't really think much of it.

'Have you still got those pictures Amy showed me, from that bloke on the net?'

'Yes, why?' I asked beginning to get curious.

'Oh nothing, I just wanted to have another look at them, that's all.'

She tried to sound relaxed but I could see that she was up to something.

When I had finished eating, she took my plate away and after she had washed it she again asked me to show her the photos. She followed me to Amy's room and watched as I brought them up with Paint Shop Pro. Mom asked me to enlarge a couple of them and even commented on how nice they were. She was looking at one of my favorites, 'New York Railway' it's called, when she said,

'She could be anyone couldn't it.'

The next one she commented on was called 'Canal Street' A woman is bent over at the waist leaning into a car. Her bum and bare legs are on show.

'I could do that.' A simple statement but it sent a sock-wave through me as if I had been shot

'Cobbles' came up next, the model is walking away from the camera and is pulling her dress over her head.

'I could do that as well.' I wasn't so shocked this time but still couldn't speak.

The final one she looked at was called 'Manhattan'.

'If she had a hat on, that could be anyone as well.' I finally found my voice after this comment.

'Mom are you saying you'd pose for shots like these?' I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with my mother.

'Paul, I know you think I'm a bit of a prude, but before I met your dad I was a bit wild. One thing I always wanted to be was a model. I used to dream of sitting for hours while some one painted me. If this woman doesn't pan out what do you say? If you want to get your pictures that bad I don't mine posing for them, after all no one will ever suspect it's me in the pictures will they?'

She had a point there no one would ever think for even a second that mom would do anything like that. But how could I take pictures of my mom showing her bum and pubes to me?

'It's a great idea mom…but I don't think I could, you know photograph you nude.'

'Who said anything about nude? Anyway I've seen the paintings you've done at college, you've done loads of nudes.'

'I know…but they weren't you were they.'

'I don't see why that should matter. I mean one body is much like another isn't it?'

'I know.' I said, knowing I was running out of arguments. 'I don't know if I can, with you.'

'Do you mean you don't want to even try?'

'I want to don't get me wrong I just don't think it's right.'

'Let me worry about that. Are you game then?'

I had run out of excuses and to tell you the truth the thought of seeing my mom nude was hitting a spot I had never even thought of before. Whether it was looking at the pictures on the computer or my mother speaking like she was about posing for me, but I had a hardon that was making it's presence known to me. I agreed to photograph her but told her I would see how the woman worked out today. She reluctantly agreed and went downstairs to do something or other. I went to the bathroom and shot a stream of sperm into the sink. Four strokes was all it took!

Amy rang at dinnertime and told me she had found the perfect place for a photo. She wouldn't tell me where it was but later when she got home she told me to get my camera ready and she'd take me there. She asked me what I wanted her to wear and asked her to show me what she had. In her room she pulled out several summer dresses, any of which would do. I selected a loose short one and left her to put it on. I was shacking already and we hadn't even started. A few minutes later she came into my room wearing the dress. Her small tits moved under the thin material of the dress, which reached to her mid thigh.

Before we went down stairs she put a coat on. We told mom Amy was driving me to meet the woman and left before she could ask any awkward questions. Amy drove us to the centre of town, parked her car and said it was only a hundred yards or so. We got out and walked towards the bank where she worked as a teller.

'Here we are' she said. She handed me her coat and stood in front of the main door of the bank. Her hands were on her hips in a Peter Pan stance.

'Well get your camera ready, I'll change my mind in a minute.'

I pulled my camera out, adjusted it for the light and looked at her through the lens. I saw a twenty-year-old woman who looked stunning.

'Ok.' I said, 'I'm ready'

I saw her through the viewfinder look all around us before she took hold of the bottom of her dress. My finger touched the shutter button as she started to raise it up. First her thighs came into view and then of all things her knickers. I had expected her to be nude under the dress but didn't say anything. The dress was quickly raised to cover her face when it had I took about five pictures of her exposed tits. As soon as I had taken the pictures she dropped the dress and we legged it back to the car. She drove away from the centre and didn't speak untill we were half way home.

'Well did you get the shot you wanted?'

'Yeah.... I only saw you though the viewfinder but you looked just fine to me. Do you fancy another?'

'I don't know; Ok, you suggest something.'

'What about some bum shots?'

'If you say so, where?'

'Pull in over there. We past an alley just now that will do.'

She pulled over and we walked back to the alley.

'Amy?' I asked her. 'For the bum shot could you take your knickers off. I mean I'll only see your bum.'

She thought about it but said she had thongs on and they wouldn't show much. The shot wouldn't look right with them on but I didn't say anything. I photographed her as she lifted her dress while walking away from me. As she had said they were hardly noticeable but I knew it wouldn't look right but what could I do? We headed for home after that. I had a small darkroom set up under the stairs where I developed the film and left it to dry. Amy had to go out and when we were alone mom asked me how I had got on with the woman. I told her I had taken some photos but wasn't too hopeful.

I told her I had developed the film and was going to enlarge some shots in half an hour or so. Mom more or less insisted she watch me doing the blow-ups. What could I say so I agreed to let her watch me. As I got the chemicals ready she hovered around in the hallway. I couldn't put it off any longer so we started on the photos. I knew there was none of Amy's face but would mom recognize her dress and body? In the end she didn't and like me was disappointed that Amy had kept her knickers on in both locations. None of the pictures were what I was after. Mom knew it as well.

'They aren't what you wanted are they dear.'

'No. She had to be nude in all the right places, you know…'

'I know what you mean. So are you going to give me a try now?'

I was running out of options, besides, ever since she had offered, I had thought of little else but photographing her. I still couldn't help but be apprehensive about it.

'Ok mom if you're sure you want to.'

'You bet, how about in the morning we have a go. I know just the place, it'll be quiet enough first thing.'

We left the pictures to dry and went to the kitchen.

'What will I tell Amy when she sees the photos?' I asked.

'Easy, just say another woman rang about the advert.'

I was drinking a glass of coke as she said this and I nearly choked. I gave up trying to talk her out of it and started to look forward to the morning. So much so that I had to jerk off again when I had a shower. Amy got back later and had a look at the photos she seemed happy enough with them and I didn't have the heart to tell her they weren't what I was after. She just said she should have worn flashier knickers, but not none at all.

The next day finally arrived. As soon as Amy and dad were out the door mom winked at me and said she was off to get changed. I all ready had my camera stuff ready so I sat at the breakfast table and finished my coffee. Mom came down five minutes later in a really nice summer dress. Her tits were only a little bigger than Amy's but they moved freely as she walked into the room.

'Mom you look great, how come you've never worn that dress before?'

'Simple, I only got it yesterday. And look.'

As I looked she turned and flashed her bum at me, sans any knickers! I only saw her arse for a second but it was long enough to know it looked perfect for the job in hand. I was speechless once more at what she had done. But moments later I said quietly to her,

'It's on thing flashing your bum in here, but will you do it outside for me as well?'

'Don't you worry about that I'll pose anyway you want me too, and I mean any way. Ok I'm ready when you are.'

I picked up my bag and said I was all packed. She picked up her keys, slipped a coat on and we headed for the door. I didn't ask where we were headed but before long I guessed. There is a ruined abbey near where we live; we often walk there on summer's days. Like she said it was always quiet especially on weekday mornings. Ours was the only car in the small carpark and we walked into the ruin confident we would have the place to our selves. I watched my mom walking in front of me and found it hard to remember that all my life she had been such a prude. In a few moments time she was going to expose all of her body for me to photograph. She came to a stop in the complete doorway for which the abbey is famous.

The setting was perfect; plenty of light and the smooth lines of a naked woman always look good against rough stone. I pulled out my camera and set up a tripod. I knew I would need it as my hands were shacking terribly. Mom was standing looking at me in exactly the same way as Amy had done last night. Just like Peter Pan.

'Ok I'm ready, are you sure about this mom, I mean if you….' My voice trailed off at this point as I watched her lift up the hem of her dress to firstly reveal her smooth thighs then her neatly trimmed pubs came into view. The dress carried on raising and mom kept smiling. I was unable to move as I saw her flat stomach just ahead of her tits. At this point she covered her face with the dress. I just looked at her open mouthed.

'Paul,' she said 'Are you going to stare at me all morning or take my picture?'

'God mom, I'm sorry, it's just you're so beautiful. Hold still while I take a few pictures.'

I took some where I was and also some from closer. I told her she could loose the dress and once more her smiling face came into view. I asked her to stand nearer the doorframe and asked her to lift her dress once more. She did as I asked and this time I asked her to stand with her feet slightly apart. I wanted there to be a gap at the top of her legs. That little detail made all the difference and when I had got her arms into just the right position by lifting them for her I was completely happy with the pose.

Being so close to my naked mother had the inevitable effect but I managed to over ride it by concentrating hard on what I was doing. Once I started to think of her as 'just' another model it became easier but not that much. We tried a few walking shots and a few more posed ones. We had been there at least an hour when as mom lowered her dress from in front of her face she saw an old man out walking his dog looking at her with his mouth wide open. Mom just said good morning and carried on with him watching! The poor man had the surprise of his life as she flashed her pubs at me.

We left the ruin after that both of us were eager to see what the pictures would be like. I developed the films and we sat in the kitchen waiting for them to dry. Mom was still buzzing from what she had done and I suppose I was as well. She still only had the dress on and was completely at ease wearing it and nothing else. Whenever she leaned forward the dress drooped enough for me to see all of her tits. Although I had seen them at there best for most of the morning seeing them like that still grabbed my attention. Everytime.

When the film was dry we squeezed into the dark room. It is cozy in there and our bodies often touched. As I had to reach across in front of her quite often I regularly felt her tits rub against my arm. She often placed her hand on my lower back as she leaned over me to watch me and I in turn put my hands on her hips as I looked over her shoulder. Our touching started to become more frequent as the session went on. Where my hand on her back had started around the middle of her back it was soon very near the top of her arse. She in turn was started to make very crude remarks about the pictures. Words like tits boobs ming and pussy were coming out of her mouth.

While we were both watching a print in the developer start to appear I noticed her absentmindedly scratch the top of her thigh. As I watched, her hand moved higher up her leg untill she was actually touching her pussy. I only watched out of the corner of my eye but what she was doing held me spell bound. In the end it was her saying she thought the print was ready that snapped me out of it. I transferred the print to the stop bath and then into the fixer. Mom continued to play with her pubes with her fingertips.

It was too much for me I had had a hardon since shortly after we had gone in there and seeing her casually playing with herself made me forget she was my mother and I stood close behind her. I had my hands on her hips for a second before sliding them onto her tummy. She continued to play with her pubes although now I think she was working on her clit. Her breathing had become heavier and I moved my hands up to her tits they felt just terrific through the thin dress. As I squeezed them in my hands her whole body shuddered in a violent orgasm. When it subsided she seemed to come out of her trance. She turned towards me, said she needed some air and went outside.

Alone in the darkroom I looked at the prints we had already made. Everyone was perfect admittedly they weren't set in the town like I had first hoped but they were close to what I was after. As I studied the prints there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Amy. She came in before I could say anything and saw the pictures of our mom drying. In none of them could mom's face be seen but that didn't stop me from thinking Amy might recognize her.

'Oh Paul these are just great. Who is the woman? It's in the abbey isn't it.'

'Yeah the abbey, would you believe a woman rang this morning about the advert and agreed to pose over the phone. She met me at the abbey this morning.'

'Are mine still here?'

'They're over there.' I replied.

Amy didn't say much as she looked at her images.

'They're nice pictures aren't they. I've been thinking about nothing else all day. Do you fancy another go at it? I don't know why I kept my knickers on yesterday.' she confided to me. 'I knew what you were after I just didn't have the nerve last night but I'll be all right to day. This woman is really good looking isn't she, what was she like?'

'Oh you know nice polite obliging. She posed any way I wanted her to. Even when a bloke went by walking his dog.'

I was still too turned on to concentrate so I went to the bathroom to do the necessary. I realised I hadn't eaten since breakfast when I came back down stairs. Mom was once more dressed in her normal clothes but wouldn't look at me. I asked her what was wrong. But all she would say was that she was busy. She had come down to earth with a bump I think. There wasn't much I could say so I ate a sandwich and went to see if Amy wanted to 'work'. I knocked on her door and went in when she answered.

Amy was looking through her wardrobe.

'What do you want me to wear?'

I pointed at a thin dress and she pulled it out. I was lying on her bed watching her. She undid and removed her blouse and then her skirt. Then while looking at me she removed her bra and slipped the dress over her shoulders. While holding my gaze she reached under the dress and slipped her tights and knickers off.

'I'm ready.'

'Show me your pubs.' I asked her.

Our eyes were locked together as she raised the dress for me. When it was clear of her pussy I lowered mine to see them. They were as neatly trimmed as moms are. Amy didn't let go of the dress and even raised it some more. She raised it untill her tits were also on show.

'Amy, maybe we should get going before you change your mind. You look red-hot you know, come on.'

I bounced off the bed and went to get my camera bag. Amy met me at the bottom of the stairs and we left without mom seeing us leave. We went into the town again and once more she posed at the door of the bank this time though the shot was just right; pussy and tits together framed by the grand doors of the ancient bank. Next we went on to imitate as many of Wallis's poses as we could remember even thinking up a few of our own. It wasn't too late when we got back so I developed the film and together we studied the negatives. Amy had to meet her boy friend so she couldn't stay to watch me enlarge some of the best looking ones.

Mom joined me when I had been working for an hour or so. She was still quiet when she came in but after a while she began to offer advice about how the photos could be framed. In the end I got five pictures which I was really happy with. Mom picked out her favorite; it was one of just Amy's naked legs from the rear. She was bending away from the camera.

'Paul,' she said as she looked at it. 'About this afternoon. I don't know what came over me.'

'I do; you relaxed and enjoyed your self. Where's the harm in that?'

'Is that how you see it?'

'Of course it is. And I'm sorry I touched you like I did.'

'Oh that doesn't matter, like you said I was enjoying myself too much to worry.'

'Whatever it's just between us. Like the pictures it's our little secret.'

This seemed to relax her once more and she was almost as she was before she touched herself. We came out of the darkroom together and joined dad in the lounge. He asked me how I was getting along with my pictures and I fetched him the five best ones. Two were of mom and three of Amy. Mom watched him closely to see if he recognized her body but apparently he didn't. He asked who the models were and where I had found them but nothing else.

When Amy got home I showed her the photos and she was as pleased as I was with the results. It was while we were looking at them that I asked her if she fancied doing some proper studio work. She could still hide her face, either by turning away or whatever. She didn't know but at least she didn't come right out and say no way.

When I went up to my room later I took some of the photos with me. I spread them over my bed and studied them all closely. Seeing my mom and sister like they were made me hard once more and I couldn't keep from jerking myself off. I really needed to find myself a girl.

The next morning I once more ate my breakfast with just mom. She asked me if I had enough photos for my project and I told her I had just about. The minimum would be five pictures but there were six or seven, which I could use. After I had finished eating I took my coffee to Amy's room to look at Wallis's photos. There was still two which I hadn't done which I had hoped to try. That was the 'New York Station' one and 'Welcome to Manhattan'. The Manhattan one could easily be done next to a welcome to our town sign. Mom came in as I was looking at it and looked at it with me.

'That's a nice one. You didn't get one like that did you?'

'Not yet…do you fancy having a go this morning. We could use the sign that's just down the road.'

'I know the one you mean. It gets busy there some times doesn't it?'

'Some times, but if we waited for the right moment it would be worth the wait.'

I thought she might have lost her nerve for a moment but she suddenly said,

'Ok, I know just the dress, I'll just slip it on.'

With that she went to her room to change. I stayed where I was studying the images. She came back a couple of minutes latter wearing a dress almost exactly like the one in the photo. As I looked at her mom assumed the pose she would use. That is she lifted the dress to show me her pussy. I looked from her to the screen and asked her to adjust her stance just a little, to make it more 'slutty'. When it was right she looked exactly like Sheila, the model in the photo. All mom needed was a small hat to cover her face and we were there. I walked around her as she stayed in the pose trying to think of any way it could be improved. I slipped the straps off her shoulders. Then lowered the top of the dress a little. I stepped back to look at the result. More cleavage was needed so I lowered the dress untill it was just above her nipples.

Once more I stepped back to look at her. By now the situation had got to me. Having mom pose like this and happily let me arrange her clothes and stance was electric. I walked around her again her bum as well as her pussy was on show. I stood in front of her while she still had her head lowered. I slipped the dress off her tits. Her nipples were so hard as I looked at them. The dress was tight enough so that it stayed where I left it and I once more stepped back to study the effect. Mom looked so slutty I couldn't believe it was her. In the end I covered her tits and resorted to the original stance.

We walked to the sign, which was only a couple of hundred yards away. Mom wore a coat over her dress and in the end we only had to wait four or five minutes before we got the shot. Once we had it we headed for home where I processed the film and a little later we enlarged it. Mom was really pleased with it, as I was. It was easily the best so far. Mom still had on the same dress and as we looked at the print I stood behind her looking over her shoulder. I had my hands on her hips as I had done yesterday. Mom tensed a little, but soon relaxed. I kissed her neck lightly and thanked her for what she had done.

'You don't have to thank me, I loved ever second of it.'

'Every second? Even when I held your tits yesterday?'

'Even that.'

I whispered into her ear that she was beautiful as I moved my hands closer to her tits and held her tummy just below them. Mom slipped her hand under her dress to touch her self. My hands moved onto her soft tits as she started to play with her self. As I fondled her, her breathing got faster and she pushed her bum hard onto my dick. Only thirty seconds later mom shuddered as she orgasmed. This time though, instead of leaving, she turned to face me and hugged me tightly. She must have noticed my hardon although she didn't mention it. She did flatten it against me with her stomach though. I spent the rest of the morning either in the darkroom or the bathroom! By lunchtime I had eight photos which I was more than happy with.

I was getting something to eat at around one when mom came in and asked how I had got on. I told her I had enough pictures for my portfolio.

'Oh.' She said in a kind of disappointed way.

'What's up.'

'Well…I've been to the shops this morning.'


'I just thought you might have wanted to get that last photo, you know the railway station one.'

'What did you buy?' I asked curiously.

'Wait here and I'll show you.'

I hoped I knew what she had brought and sure enough three minutes later she came in wearing a black velvet jacket with a loose, thigh length skirt on top of black hold-up stockings. When she was in the kitchen she did a slow twirl before turning her back on me and assuming the pose of 'New York Railway.' That is she lifted the skirt up to reveal her bum. She stood in exactly the same way as in Wallis's photo, I just had to take her photo like that so ten minutes later we walked onto the platform of the nearest station. The platform was deserted when we got there. It took me a moment to get my camera ready and after checking no one was looking mom lifted the skirt and walked away from me. She did this four times to make sure we got a result and we rushed home to check the results in the dark room. Any one of the shots would have done so it was easy to pick one to add to my portfolio.

Amy couldn't believe how good the photos were when she saw them later that afternoon. She told me how much she was looking forward to doing the 'welcome' one. I told her that we still could, after all I had nothing to loose. So, while we still had plenty of light but after the traffic had died down a bit we walked down to the sign and for the second time that day I photographed a semi-nude woman beside a welcome to our town sign. The resulting picture was every bit as good as moms and now I had to choose between the two.

The next morning when I came down for breakfast, I found Mom and Amy looking at pictures of them selves. I knew that something was wrong but wasn't quick enough to spot what it was. I never found out who had confessed first but they both knew that it was the both of them in the photos. I was worried for a moment, untill they both started laughing like young k**s. Luckily they both thought it was hilarious the way they had both volunteered to be my models. In a way it made things a lot easier, there was now no need to lie like we had been doing to each other. As we chatted about things Amy mentioned what I had asked her two nights ago. Far from being shocked mom thought it was a great idea.

'In fact…' she started to say but fell silent.

'You wouldn't mind posing your self.' I ventured.

'You know me quiet well don't you.'

'I do now that's for sure. What do you say, we could use the spare bedroom. If we moved the bed out there would be plenty of room.'

'I'm not so sure.' mom said.

'Oh go on mom, we could pose together.' Chipped in Amy.

That is an idea that had not even begun to form in my mind, but as soon as she voiced it I could see that it would be fantastic. I went up to the room to check it out. Like I had thought, if we moved the bed onto the landing there would be more than enough room to work. As I was looking around the room I heard mom and Amy climbing the stairs. They both came into the room and agreed that it would be just right.

'What you mean you'll give it a go mom.'

'No, but I'll watch you and Amy if that's all right with you both.'

'Well I don't mind, how about you Amy?'

'Oh I don't mind, let's get this bed out of the way and then we can get started.' She said.

So we all three maneuvered the bed out of the room along with a small chest of draws. When they were out of the way we had plenty of room. I went to get my camera and a couple of flashguns. Amy who had been still in her nightie and dressing gown was sitting on a chair waiting for me. Mom was hovering around tidying things. When I had set up my tripod and things I looked at Amy who stood up and with out any fuss removed her dressing gown and then with equal speed, her nightie. Being completely naked in front of mother and me obviously didn't bother her any more.

When I started to study the light I found that there was more than enough streaming through the large window to work with. Strong side lighting always looks good on nudes. I took some standard shots of her looking coyly away from me before trying some that concentrated on her body lines alone. These were focused on just a breast or maybe a tight shot of her pubs. In a few we poured massaging oil onto her. I had seen this effect some where and as for them it worked perfectly for me as well.

As I clicked away mom watched us both continually. After we had been there for a couple of hours she made us some coffee and we had a break. It was warm in the room so Amy stayed naked as we relaxed and chatted.

'What do you think mom? A natural model in the making.'

'Yes she's lovely isn't she.' She said as she ran her hands lovingly through Amy's hair.

'Don't you fancy having a go mom?' she asked her.

'Paul doesn't want to photograph me when he's got you.'

'Mom.' I said. 'Your body is every bit as good looking as Amy's. So what do you say do you fancy posing for a few shots?'

I knew she wanted to have a go I could tell the way she was watching Amy, but I didn't expect her to casually remove her clothes while we watched her. Mom stripped off everything and then sat back on her stool to finish her coffee. I put mine aside and took some photos of her as she sat drinking. Even in such an unbecoming position she looked great. After that we went over similar ground as with Amy.

It was a small jump from there to having them both together. Separate they were great but together they were just unbelievable. Any inhibitions they might have once had evaporated as they touched each other in more and more erotic ways. Soon they were completely oblivious to my presence as they slipped in to a world of their own. I had more than enough photos to keep me busy for hours so I left them to it.

It was over an hour later that I heard a tap on my door. I opened it a few minutes later to find my mom there in a dressing gown. She came in eager to look at the prints I had made. She was wet from a shower but still buzzing from what had happened. I had enlarged some of Amy, some of her and some of the two of them. Mom loved every one and asked me,

'Have you got any film left?'

'Yeah I think I've got one roll left have you thought of some more poses?'

'That's right, come up stairs and you'll see.'

She let her self out with a smile on her face. I was only a minute or so behind her getting to the room. Amy was there as well also wearing a dressing gown.

'Right I'm ready.' I said.

'No you're not.' Amy and mom both said together.

I looked at them both and they both looked at me with smiles all over their faces.

'It's your turn now.' Amy said. 'We want to photograph you in the buff. So get um off darling.'

I looked from one to the other before and could see they meant what they said. So I handed my camera to mom and started stripping off my stuff. Luckily I didn't have a boner at the time. I removed my shirt jeans and socks, straightened my boxers and said I was ready. They both looked at me with the same look on their faces.



I slipped them off and simple said 'Right how do you want me?'

Mom had the camera to her eye and took a photo of me as I looked at her. 'Just walk around, you know the drill.'

So I posed like I had seen male models do and it seemed to please them both.

'Amy.' She said as she looked at me through the camera. ' Stand beside him, you know nude.'

Amy lost her gown and did as mom asked. Click.

'Now Paul stand behind her and hold her arms' click.

'Kiss her neck.' Click.

'Amy stand behind him and feel his chest.' Click.

'Now put one hand on his dick and one at the side of his face.' Click.

'Paul you stand behind and hold her tits.' Click.

This went on for a further ten shots, untill Amy said it was her turn to photograph the two of us. So mom slipped her gown off and handed the camera to an equally naked Amy.

'Now mom you stand behind Paul and wrap your arms around him and kiss his neck.' Click.

'Now swoop around, Paul cross your arms under moms tits.' Click.

'Cover her pubes with one hand and her tits with the other arm. Mom, hold his head with both your hands and look up at his face. Paul look straight at me.' Click.

'Swoop around again. Mom cover his dick with your hands, Paul put your hands on her hips and try to kiss her hair.' Click.

'Now both turn side ways to me. Stand a little apart and lean your heads together. Look into each other's eyes. Hold each other's hands, higher.' Click.

'Hold it there. Paul put your hands under moms boobs. Touch them but don't lift them. Mom put your hands under his. Look into each other's eyes.' Click.

That was the last frame of film I had in the house. But mom and I still gazed into each other's eyes. As we slowly stood up Amy told us she was out of film and that she had to go to the loo. We both heard her leave and when she had, mom once more touched my now hard dick. As she slowly stroked it I first touched her tits and then slid a hand into her pussy. I soon found her soaking wet clit and as I gently massaged it we both moaned in pleasure. She came first and as her whole body shook I came too, shooting sperm onto her tummy. It was easily the most powerful orgasm I had ever had and when it had finished I felt my legs give way and I sank to the floor.

Mom managed to get to a stool before her legs gave way and we both sat looking at each other as we got our breath back. Amy came back about then and instantly saw first my shattered state and then the sperm that was slowly trickling down mom's tummy. She went out again and returned a moment later with some tissues. She carefully cleaned up my cum, kissed moms lips and then knelt at my side before kissing my lips as well. What an afternoon.

I developed the film later in the evening and made a contact print of the session. That and the prints from the rest of the days shooting are kept safely locked away. We all three have a key and all three regularly look at the photos. As yet we haven't had a repeat session but I hope that one day we will. Two days later I was back at the university handing my portfolio into my art tutor. As she went through it with me she couldn't hide her reaction to the pictures. I was so pleased that she liked them that I almost forgot that the identity of the models was supposed to be secret.

'So you managed to find your self some models then Paul.'

'Yeah I advertised in the local paper.'

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The FreshmanChapter 23 A Photo Shoot in Huntington Hall

A very eerie silence settled over the university once all the students had departed for the holidays. A couple of coffee shops in the student center remained open to serve the handful of students living off campus not traveling, but the dorm area was totally deserted. Even most of the RA's had left. A couple of her co-workers were coming back right after New Year's, but Cecilia was the only RA who would spend the entire Christmas break in the dorm. The dorm's manager decided to make her...

1 year ago
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Seduced during make believe photo shoot

“I have an idea. Let’s go into the bedroom and while we are having sex I will shoot some pictures of us while we are doing it.” “Are you crazy or what?” “No. Let’s go do it. Come on. It’ll be erotic.” “That seems weird to me.” “No, it’ll be cool. We’ve never done anything like that before. ” “Yeah…. But, it’s weird. Nobody is going to see these photos, are they?” “No. No. They are just for us.” So, we went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. Karen, who would later become my wife years later,...

Wife Lovers
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Crystal ClearChapter 2 The Playboy Photo Shoot and Collateral Fun

If you looked for a sexy, feminine, human dynamo with spectacular artistic talent, Brite Reber would flawlessly fill the bill. She lived outside St. Cloud, Minnesota, and for the past five years had done business on her own terms. She commanded top-dollar for her photo sessions, and last I knew you had to book her at least two years in advance even if you were the queen of England, the President, or the newest movie star. "Jimmmm," she crooned into the telephone, responding to my name...

2 years ago
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Photo shoot goes so wrong or does it

Photo Session Not my story but to hot not to share Tony Photo Session.I wanted to do something nice for my husband for our first anniversary, and I decided that a professional set of photos of the two of us would be really nice to have. So I looked around and made some calls and found a studio that really caught my interest. It was a one man shop, the owner had been a professional photographer for 30 years, he did all his own developing in-house, he specialized in romantic couple photos, and...

3 years ago
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A naughty photo

The house was silent except for the TV in the background. The k**s wereat camp for the next two weeks and Robert was away on a business trip. For a change I had nothing to do after a long day of work. I kicked off my heels, hopped into bed and picked up the house phone to call my best friend Jody, to catch up. "Hey girl, what's going on? Everything going okay with you, I haven'theard from you in awhile." "Yes, everything is good. I'm doing fine, just getting ready for datenight with hubby." "Oh...

4 years ago
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What a Photo Reveals

The girls were lounging in the common room, their bare legs glistening along the armrests. “Tyler?” “Oh god he’s so cute.” “Not worth it though. I chased him for a year. He likes to brag about how he once kissed three different girls the same day.” Carol giggled. “I was one of them...” Kelly was only half listening. These kinds of conversations tuned her out. Not that she didn’t like guys. She quite did, in ways that the other girls probably didn’t even suspect— “Kelly! We’re talking to...

1 year ago
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Vogue Photo Shoot with Miley Cyrus

I just found this very sexy Miley Cyrus Story at the internetCopyright goes to "I Love Miley." I hope you guys like it!Allow me to begin telling this story by giving you a background about myself. I'm a 32 year old British photographer, residing in Los Angeles, California. I've done numerous photo shoots for Vogue, Victoria's Secret and Guess, along with some other high end fashion magazines. I've photographed a legion of celebrities, ranging from the likes of David Beckham to Angelina Jolie....

1 year ago
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Up Skirt Photo Machine

Up Skirt Photo Machine I could not believe the success of my “Up Skirt Photo Machine.” I rolled it up next to the entrance to the shopping mall and stood back. At first the girls seemed leery of it. They read my sign and giggled. Then all of a sudden there were ten girls lined up to use it. My sign read, “Please stand on the marks, look at this sign, and then press the button with your thumb. Thank you for your cooperation.” They lined up like cattle to the slaughter. They...

3 years ago
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One Hour Photo

Astrid Wagner checked her small to-do list as she walked out of the Central Avenue Bank. The thirty-nine year old redhead had been running errands all morning and only two items remained. The last was to pick up groceries and would be done on her way home. That just left dropping off two rolls of film to be developed. Checking her coupon wallet, she found the discount certificate she remembered getting in the mail earlier in the month. Despite the substantial insurance settlement following her...

2 years ago
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The Photo Shoot Part 2

The Photo Shoot All rights reserved. Contents copyright 2018 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingChapter 2It was only a couple of days to Nicola’s photo shoot, and I think I was more nervous than her when Wednesday finally came round. Not nervous of the shoot itself, more about seeing Eddie and Leanne again. I was worried that I would give something away somehow - that Nicola would somehow read me and figure out that something had happened. Or what if one of the people at the studio let...

3 years ago
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A Photographer8217s Unpredictable Job 8211 Part 2 Nude Photoshoot

All arrangements for a photo shoot was there. Sapna came there behind me and rushed to lockers at the side of the wall. She opened one and pulled out a t-shirt. She removed her lehenga there and I could see her back naked as she saw me in the bathroom a few minutes ago. And she wore that t-shirt and a panty. That was a long t-shirt and cover her till knees. Now she came to me and said –“Listen we have to do a photo shoot in a few minutes. My assistant is on leave so I told Ibrahim (Boss-who...

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